Bacteriophages in Health and Disease
Bacteriophages in Health and Disease
Bacteriophages in Health and Disease
, Botulism Immune
Globulin Intravenous (Human) (BIG-IV), for
infants less than 1 year of age. BIG-IV is a
human-derived botulism anti-toxin antibody
preparation puried from pooled plasma
from adults selected for their high titres of
neutralizing antibody against botulinum
neurotoxin types A and B following immuni-
zation with pentavalent botulinum toxoid.
Even with anti-toxin, supportive care, ofen
including weeks on a ventilator for patients
with respiratory failure, is the mainstay of
Unlike diphtheria, no anti-botulism
vaccine is generally available. Botulism
instead tends to be avoided through proper
food handling. The later can include proper
cooking, as the botulinum toxin is
permanently denatured at relatively low
temperatures (well below boiling). Killing
spores requires pressure cooking or auto-
claving at 121C (250F) for at least 3 min.
Providing conditions that prevent the spores
from growing such as an acidic or
osmotically unfavourable environment, e.g.
traditional sugared jams and jellies is also a
successful method of prevention, as is
avoiding feeding infants honey. Notwith-
standing this phage association and indeed
cause of some of this food-borne disease,
phages can alternatively be employed as
protective agents of food supplies, as
discussed by Niu et al. (Chapter 16, this
volume), although not specically against C.
Staphylococcus Infection
Gram-positive bacteria are common
components of the normal ora in humans,
especially on skin (see Loc-Carrillo et al.,
Chapter 13, this volume, for an additional
discussion of human bacterial normal ora).
Among Gram-positive pathogens possessing
phage-associated pathogenicity, perhaps the
most notorious is Staphylococcus aureus. S.
aureus has numerous pathogenicity factors, a
substantial number of which can be phage
encoded (see Christie et al., Chapter 4, this
volume, for additional discussion). Indeed,
an array of phage-encoded pathogenicity
factors can be found in this pathogen: super-
antigens, including toxic shock syndrome
(TSS) toxin; PantonValentine leukocidin
(PVL) toxin; staphylococcal enterotoxins
(associated with food poisoning and TSS)
(Novick et al., 2010) which are discussed
below. Other phage-encoded virulence
factors include staphylokinase, chemotaxis
inhibitory protein, staphylococcal comple-
ment inhibitor and factors associated with
biolm formation (Verkaik et al., 2011; see
also Christie, et al., Chapter 4, this volume).
Although not a direct consequence of
phage-encoded proteins, S. aureus strains are
becoming increasingly resistant to common
Diseases Caused by Phages 25
antibiotics, with some strains of methicillin-
resistant S. aureus (MRSA) presenting with
very limited antibiotic choices, sometimes
limited to intravenous vancomycin, as oral
vancomycin is not absorbed (but see Williams
and LeJeune, Chapter 6, this volume, for a
brief discussion of the potential role of phages
in antibiotic resistance horizontal gene
transfer, and Hendrickson, Chapter 5, this
volume, for additional discussion). The
coincidence of the acquisition of methicillin
resistance with at least partially phage-
mediated evolution of a virulent community-
acquired strain has focused much public and
medical concern on drug-resistant strains of
S. aureus, especially MRSA. The repeated use
of vancomycin has also resulted in the
appearance of increasingly vancomycin-
resistant and -intermediate-resistant strains.
Drug-sensitive strains of S. aureus still cause
disease and mortality. Penicillin-sensitive
strains, however, are rarely seen except in
recrudescence of infections that originally
occurred before the antibiotic era, such as in
World War II veterans.
S. aureus normally colonizes the skin and
nasopharynx of humans and animals and can
produce a variety of diseases, from relatively
benign skin infections such as folliculitis (hair
follicle infections) and small abscesses to life-
threatening infections such as deep abscesses,
osteomyelitis and bone infections (see Loc-
Carrillo et al., Chapter 13, this volume),
pneumonia, septicaemia, endocarditis and
heart-valve infections (Gordon and Lowy,
2008; Que and Moreillon, 2010). In addition,
several diseases are mediated by toxin
production including staphylococcal scalded-
skin syndrome (SSSS), staphylococcal TSS,
and food poisoning or intoxication.
Skin and lung infections
S. aureus is the major pathogenic cause of
cellulitis (skin infections with diuse
inammation) and of abscesses (collections of
pus). Most people are familiar with an
infected wound, hair follicle or ngernail
containing pus, typically caused by S. aureus.
Recently, the epidemic USA300 strain of S.
aureus has presented with a localized area of
inammation, ofen described as a spider
bite. It may eventually form a pustule, and
may progress to more serious infection
including septic shock.
S. aureus can also cause deep abscesses in
muscle or sof tissue, osteomyelitis or bone
infections, pneumonia, which is ofen
necrotizing, septicaemia, endocarditis and
heart-valve infections. Necrotizing fasciitis
(esh-eating bacteria) is typically caused by
Streptococcus pyogenes but can be caused by S.
aureus. This fasciitis typically presents with
severe pain in a moderate infection, pain that
is typically out of proportion to the physical
signs of infection. Emergency surgical
debridement is indicated in these cases. These
infections may occur due to infected
intravenous lines or intravenous drug abuse,
surgical site infection or infection of a
traumatic wound.
Two forms of disseminated skin in-
fections are associated with the production of
exfoliative toxins including prophage-
encoded exfoliative toxin A. The rst, impe-
tigo, is most commonly seen in children
between 2 and 5 years of age. It presents as an
area with small sores that may be eroded
(non-bullous) or uid lled (bullous, i.e.
consisting of uid-lled blisters) (Stulberg et
al., 2002). Each sore is a site of localized
staphylococcal infection. The blisters in
bullous impetigo are uid lled, painless and
caused by a localized lifing o of the outer
layers of the skin due to the eects of the
exfoliative toxins. Patients will ofen have
fever and malaise. In most cases, impetigo is
treatable with topical antibiotics, although
there is a small risk of systemic infection
developing if the bacteria are able to penetrate
to deeper tissue. Impetigo is sometimes
considered a localized form of SSSS.
SSSS, also known as Riters disease, is a
serious, sometimes life-threatening disease
that presents with widespread erythema
(redness) and large bullae covering large
portions of the skin (Bukowski et al., 2010).
Most commonly seen in children, it is the
bullae that give the appearance of scalded
skin. Like impetigo, patients with SSSS ofen
have fever and lethargy. In contrast to the
bullae seen in impetigo, SSSS bullae ofen do
not contain staphylococci. This can occur
26 S. Kuhl et al.
because SSSS is primarily mediated by toxin
production, ofen from a localized infection.
Further challenges occur as the patient
improves with antibiotic treatment, but
desquamation of the supercial layer of skin
typically occurs. Afer this, it is important to
protect the exposed skin layers from
secondary infections as well as from uid
The role of phage-encoded toxins in
Staphylococcus infections can be seen explicitly
with PVL. PVL-producing Staphylococcus
strains have been shown to be associated
with severe or invasive skin infections and
pneumonia since PVL was discovered in the
1930s (Gordon and Lowy, 2008; see Christie et
al., Chapter 4, this volume). In the current
epidemic of the community-acquired MRSA
strain USA300, expression of PVL appears to
correlate with more-rapid onset and increased
severity of symptoms, as seen within the rst
3 days of infection, although it does not
increase the virulence of this strain in animal
studies (Diep and Oto, 2008; Kobayashi et al.,
2011). Frequently, human skin infection with
USA300 appears as an area of redness or
erythema, followed by localized tissue
necrosis. This occurs without much pus,
unlike typical purulent staphylococcal
infections, which can cause PVL-containing
infections to present like spider bites.
Staphylococcal pneumonias are ofen ful-
minant with high fevers, and necrotizing
pneumonias are not uncommon. Pneumonia
typically presents with shortness of breath,
cough and fever. Necrotizing fasciitis has also
been described with this strain.
Gastrointestinal intoxication
Enterotoxins are associated with staphyl-
ococcal food poisoning that can occur upon
consumption of S. aureus-contaminated food
or drink. This food poisoning presents 26 h
afer eating with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea
and abdominal cramping. Symptoms can
also include prostration, hypotension, head-
ache and muscle cramps, and typically
resolve within 612 h. Treatment is
rehydration, orally if possible, intra venously
if severe. Foods may be con taminated during
preparation especially those that are typically
prepared by hand. Milk and cheese have
also been sources of infection. Because
Staphylococcus is salt tolerant, salted foods
such as ham or sh may be a source of
infection. Even cooked foods may remain
contaminated with staphy lococcal toxins,
some of which are heat stable, although the
bacteria are killed during cooking (CDC,
2006). Staphylococcal entero toxins A and P
are typically phage encoded and are
associated with staphylococcal food poison-
Staphylococcal enterotoxin A, a prophage-
encoded protein, is also a superantigen
(Balaban and Rasooly, 2000). This means it
binds directly to MHC class II molecules in a
non-specic manner and activates T cells,
resulting in a massive cytokine response,
causing the patient to develop systemic
inammatory response syndrome (SIRS). SIRS
can occur in response to sepsis or other
methods of cytokine activation such as burns
or massive trauma.
Toxic shock syndrome
Another staphylococcal disease that is
predominantly toxin-mediated is TSS. In TSS,
as with generalized SSSS, the infection may
remain localized, but the toxaemia causes
systemic eects, such as skin exfoliation and
SIRS. TSS is associated with S. aureus-
produced exotoxins, especially the epony-
mous toxic shock syndrome toxins. In the
1980s, TSS was associated with super-
absorbent tampons, which were inadvertently
well suited to supporting S. aureus growth
(and subsequently were removed from the
marketplace). TSS continues to occur in post-
surgical and other sporadic infections.
Wounds infected with S. aureus may not be
inamed, presumably due to the toxin
inhibiting the inux of macrophages.
The presentation of TSS is variable and is
thought to relate to the specic toxins
excreted by particular infecting strains. TSS
patients typically present with localized pain,
high fever, hypotension (low blood pressure)
and sometimes fatigue and confusion
(Stevens, 1995). TSS can quickly progress to
Diseases Caused by Phages 27
include an erythematous rash (sometimes
described as sunburn-like in appearance, but
ofen with macules, or spots), and ofen with
the involvement of other organ systems
resulting in vomiting, diarrhoea, myalgias
(muscle pain), low platelet counts, confusion,
renal insu ciency and/or hepatic inam-
mation. Treatment includes removal of the
infection focus, antibiotics, supportive care,
ofen including 1020 l of intravenous uid,
and vasopressors to counter the hypotension
due to capillary leakage.
Streptococcus Infection
Members of the genus Streptococcus are
another Gram-positive pathogen for which
phages play important roles in pathogenicity
(see Christie et al., Chapter 4, this volume). S.
pyogenes (group A Streptococcus or GAS) is the
major pathogen, but other species also have
phage-encoded virulence factors. GAS has
multiple clinical presentations, including
streptococcal pharyngitis or sore throat,
cellulitis and occasionally abscesses, necro-
tizing fasciitis, scarlet fever and TSS
(sometimes described as toxic shock-like
syndrome to dierentiate it from the
syndrome caused by S. aureus). Other
streptococcal skin and sof-tissue infections
caused include cellulitis, erysipelas (which
presents with raised demarcated bright-red
lesions), necrotizing fasciitis, and myositis or
myonecrosis. The clinical presentation
depends on the combination of infection site
and which virulence factors are produced by
the par ticular infecting strain. Additional
strepto coccal species containing toxigenic
prophages include group C and G streptococci
and Streptococcus mitis. These species typically
colonize the respiratory and gastrointestinal
tract, but can cause infections similar to those
caused by GAS, as well as endocarditis,
osteomyelitis and infections at other body
Streptococcal virulence factors include
adhesion factors, superantigens, lipase,
DNase, streptokinase and hyaluronidase
(Hynes et al., 1995; Banks et al., 2005). The
streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins (Spes) are
a family of superantigens that cause
symptoms of systemic shock, similar to the
superantigens in S. aureus. With only a few
exceptions, these are all encoded by genes
found in prophages (see Christie et al.,
Chapter 4, Table 4.2, this volume, for specic
references for each Spe). Spes are believed to
be particularly associated with streptococcal
TSS, necrotizing fasciitis and other severe
streptococcal infections (Bisno and Stevens,
Streptococcal TSS is toxin mediated, as is
staphylococcal TSS, and presents with a
strepto coccal infection associated with
sudden onset of SIRS. Streptococcus, like
Staphylococcus, can also present with
bacteraemia and/or superantigen-mediated
activation of a cytokine response. This is
related to the SIRS, which is ofen seen in
conjunction with sepsis or septicaemia.
Typically, these patients may also present
with fever, chills, hypotension and tachy-
cardia (rapid heart rate). The septic patient is
ofen delirious and confused, in part because
the brain is poorly perfused due to vascular
leakage and hypotension.
Additional phage-encoded proteins
include hyaluronidase, DNase, streptokinase
and SpeB (a potent protease), all of which are
thought to facilitate the liquefaction of pus
and spread of streptococci through tissue
planes. DNases are thought to also help resist
neutrophil extracellular trap (NET)-mediated
killing by neutrophils. SpeB in addition
cleaves IgG bound to GAS, interfering with
ingestion and killing by phagocytes.
SpeA and SpeC are known as the
scarlatinal toxins due to their association with
scarlet fever. Scarlet fever results from
infections with strains that secrete these
pyrogenic exotoxins. This disease is most
ofen associated with streptococcal pharyn-
gitis or sore throat, but can follow wound or
other infections. Scarlet fever usually aects
children between the ages of 5 and 18, but is
sometimes seen in adults. Typically, scarlet
fever presents with fever, strawberry tongue
and a ne erythematous rash that spares the
face but is worse in skin folds (known as
Pastia lines) (CDC, 2011c).
In contrast to S. aureus, S. pyogenes
remains exquisitely sensitive to penicillin, a
cell-wall synthesis inhibitor, which as a
28 S. Kuhl et al.
consequence ofen remains the drug of
choice, although once-daily cephalosporins
are sometimes used for ease of delivery with
a negligible decrease in e cacy. In cases of
severe streptococcal infection, such as
necrotizing fasciitis, the protein synthesis
inhibitor clindamycin is typically added to
inhibit the exotoxin production by the
bacteria. The failure of penicillin in cases of
high inoculum (the inoculum eect) is
thought to be due to the ineectiveness of
penicillin against stationary-phase bacteria.
Pasteurella Infection
Pasteurella are Gram-negative bacteria that
are responsible for zoonotic infections of
humans, including afer bites by pets or by
wild animals (Zurlo, 2010). Infections are
sometimes seen afer licking of the patients
skin by a pet, especially where there is a break
in the skin such as afer injury or surgery,
including afer knee or hip replacement
(Heydemann et al., 2010). Morbidity is also
seen in infected animals.
Infections most commonly present as a
severe inammatory cellulitis or diuse
inammation of the skin around the bite or
wound site, and are caused by the species
Pasteurella multocida. Some strains of P.
multocida produce P. multocida toxin, a phage-
encoded exotoxin that can rapidly cause
severe inammation and swelling at the site
of the bite, sometimes necessitating surgical
debridement (Pullinger et al., 2004). P.
multocida remains antibiotic sensitive, usually
treated by amoxicillin-clavulanate in mild
cases, or in severe cases with an intravenous
antibiotic such as a |-lactam/|-lactamase
inhibitor or a carbapenem.
Diarrhoeal diseases
Diarrhoeal diseases are the second leading
cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality
due to infectious diseases, afer pneumonia
and other lower respiratory tract diseases.
According to the World Health Organization
(WHO, 2008), there were over 2 million
deaths due to diarrhoeal diseases in 2004.
These typically present with loose, watery
and frequent stools that may be bloody or not
depending on the pathogen. In severe disease,
such as some cases of cholera, the profuse
amounts of watery diarrhoea can cause
profound and sometimes fatal dehydration.
Treatments range from oral rehydration with
uid and electrolytes to intravenous
rehydration, antibiotics and in some cases
renal dialysis due to toxin eects on the
Cholera is considered to be one of the great
plagues that has had a tremendous impact on
human history (Bray, 1996; Sherman, 2006). In
the recent cholera epidemic in Haiti, patients
became rapidly dehydrated in as litle as 2 h,
resulting in death when rehydration was not
available. Cholera stools are described as rice
water stools because the ecks of mucous,
intestinal epithelial cells and bacteria appear
similar to rice. Phages play a direct role in the
pathology of cholera, as the major cholera
toxin, CT, is encoded by a gene in CTX|, a
temperate lamentous phage that forms a
stable lysogen in Vibrio cholerae (Waldor and
Mekalanos, 1996; see also Christie et al.,
Chapter 4, this volume).
Cholera is most commonly spread by
faecal contamination of water and therefore
is best controlled by properly functioning
water treatment plants or other water
purication systems. As a consequence, the
last cholera outbreak in the USA occurred in
1910, killing 11 people in New York City. In
parts of the world with seasonal ooding,
regular outbreaks are seen when ooding
brings a connection between water supplies
and contaminated waste water. There also
appears to be a role of phages in at least some
of these outbreaks. Seasonal epidemics of
cholera in the waters of Bangladesh, for
example, appear to be controlled by lytic
bacteriophages (Faruque et al., 2005). One of
the earliest applications of phages to
populations, rather than individuals, in fact,
took place when dHrelle and others treated
cholera in India (Morison, 1932; dHrelle,
Diseases Caused by Phages 29
The mainstay of cholera treatment of
individual patients is rehydration with uid
and electrolytes, orally if possible and
intravenously if not. Antibiotics such as
tetracyclines and uoroquinolones will
shorten the duration of diarrhoea by about
50% and shorten the duration of Vibrio
shedding by about 1 day. Macrolide
antibiotics are typically used in children and
pregnant women. Outside the USA, there are
two licensed commercial oral vaccines. The
killed whole-cell B-subunit vaccine, WC-rBS
and K (Holmes and Barksdale, 1970). All of
these phages showed similar restriction
paterns, and, with the exception of phage o,
extensive DNA sequence homology to phage
| (Rappuoli et al., 1983; Buck et al., 1985).
The next member of this group was
phage (gamma) (Groman, 1955). This phage
is serologically related to |, displays similar
restriction paterns, and heteroduplex
analyses indicate that they are 99% similar
(Buck et al., 1978), yet they are heteroimmune
and is Tox
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTXs) are associ-
ated as a high-molecular-weight complex
with haemagglutinin (HA1, HA2, HA3a and
HA3b) and a non-toxic non-haemagglutinin
protein. BoNTXs are classied into seven
antigenic groups, A, B, C1, D, E, F and G (Los
et al., 2010).
Lysogenic conversion to toxin production
in Clostridium botulinum was rst shown by K.
Inoue and H. Iida (Inoue and Iida, 1970,
1971), and was conrmed by M. Eklund and
co-workers (Eklund et al., 1971, 1972). They
suggested that botulinum toxin production
following phage infection was analogous to
the C. diphtheriae system with an important
dierence botulinum toxin production was
a pseudolysogenic conversion: toxigenicity
and lysogeny were lost upon serial culti-
vation, particularly in the presence of
antiphage sera (Oguma, 1976). C. botulinum-
converting phage have been classied by the
antigenic nature of the toxin they produce
(Oguma et al., 1976; Sugiyama, 1980; Simpson,
1981). Therefore, intraspecies conversions
between antigen types is possible by infecting
cured toxigenic strains (Tox
) with the
appropriate phage (Eklund and Poysky,
1974). It was also demonstrated that
Clostridium novyi strains are capable of
producing a variety of potent, antigenically
distinguishable toxins (Eklund et al., 1976).
Again, positive correlation was observed
with specic temperate phage infections in
dierent strains of C. novyi leading to the
production of a characteristic toxin (Eklund et
al., 1974; Schallehn et al., 1980). Interspecies
conversions between C. botulinum and C.
novyi strains have been reported (Eklund et
al., 1974).
We have now the sequences of numerous
C. botulinum strains (Sebaihia et al., 2007;
Smith et al., 2007c; Skarin et al., 2011). Only in
the case of C. botulinum groups C and D is
there a demonstrable relationship between
prophages and toxigenicity. C. botulinum type
C strain Stockholm and type D strain 1873
harbour UV- and mitomycin C-inducible
serologically unrelated prophages c-st and
D-1873, respectively. Strain C-203 harbours a
prophage that is antigenically identical to
D-1873, yet carries a C-type neurotoxin
(Oguma, 1976). These viruses are unusually
large members of the family Myoviridae
(Inoue and Iida, 1968). In the lysogenic state,
these temperate phages exist as plasmid
prophages. The 185.7 kb genome of c-st has
been completely sequenced (Sakaguchi et al.,
2005), while the genome of D-1873 exists in
GenBank as eight fragments totalling 142.1 kb
(NZ_ACSJ01000012.1 NZ_ACSJ01000019.1).
These two phages show only limited DNA
sequence similarity. The 203.3 kb plasmid
p1BKT015925 (Skarin et al., 2011) also carries
the BoNTX operon and shows signicantly
more regions of sequence similarity to phage
c-st than to D-1873. In the other botulinum
groups, the BoNTX operons are not associated
with phage-like elements.
In addition to the BoNTX operons, both
of these phages encode a 25 kDa basic toxin,
Prophage-induced Changes in Cellular Cytochemistry and Virulence 35
exoenzyme C3, which possesses N-ADP-
ribosyltransferase activity. This protein is also
present in a sequence (NCBI protein accession
no. A46957) from Clostridium limosum (Just et
al., 1992), which is listed, without evidence, as
being from an unnamed phage and on
plasmid p1BKT015925 (Skarin et al., 2011).
The gene for C3 exotoxin lies almost 60 kb
downstream of the botulinum toxin gene and
is anked by two identical 1.9 kb regions
corresponding to insertion sequence (IS)
OrfAB-like transposases. Hauser and col-
leagues suggested that phage c-st contains a
large transposable element (Hauser et al.,
1993). The complete DNA sequence of c-st,
however, indicates that the intra-IS region
contains genes encoding virion structural
The pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus is
complex and involves the production of an
array of virulence factors that allow the
organism to cause infection at a variety of
sites and to cause multiple disease symptoms
(see Kuhl et al., Chapter 3, this volume).
Staphylococcal virulence factors include
secreted proteins such as cytotoxins, super-
antigens and tissue-degrading enzymes, cell
surface-bound proteins that promote
adhesion to cell surfaces, internalization and
resistance to host defences, and components
of the cell-wall peptidoglycan and poly-
saccharide capsule. With the exception of the
cell-wall components, which are also essential
housekeeping functions, these virulence
factors are accessory proteins that are
dispensable for bacterial growth. The genes
encoding such accessory factors are generally
carried on mobile genetic elements, and the
evolution of new pathogenic strains of S.
aureus has been atributed to the accumulation
of mobile genetic elements encoding
virulence factors and resistance determinants
into successful lineages (Novick, 2006;
Lindsay, 2010).
Phages play a major role in staphylococcal
virulence; they not only provide a vehicle for
generalized transduction but have also been
implicated in lysogenic conversion and serve
as helpers for the high-frequency mobilization
of a family of superantigen pathogenicity
islands (SaPIs). Sequence analysis of S. aureus
genomes reveals that temperate bacterio-
phages are widespread; virtually all
sequenced strains carry one to four
prophages. S. aureus prophages have been
shown to carry and/or interrupt virulence
genes, so both prophage establishment and
prophage loss can result in increased
expression of a virulence trait. Resident
staphylococcal prophages (and the SaPIs they
mobilize) can be induced by a variety of
environmental conditions that lead to
induction of the SOS response (Wagner and
Waldor, 2002; Goerke and Wolz, 2010).
Mobilization of temperate phages has
been proposed to play an important role in
the evolution of virulent clinical isolates, and
a growing body of evidence supports the
ongoing occurrence of complex phage
dynamics. Not only do closely related
methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates
exhibit dierent prophage complements
(Goerke et al., 2009; Nbel et al., 2010), but
horizontal phage transfer as well as intragenic
translocation of prophages to dierent
chromosomal integration sites appears to
occur at a higher frequency during host
infection by S. aureus (Goerke et al., 2006;
Goerke and Wolz, 2010). In addition, deletion
of resident prophages reduced the virulence
of S. aureus strain Newman in a mouse model
of infection (Bae et al., 2006), consistent with a
direct contribution of lysogenic conversion to
A large-scale genome analysis of
staphylococcal phages dened three dierent
phage classes, distinguished by genome size
and virion morphology (Kwan et al., 2005).
The vast majority were members of a large
family of related temperate Siphoviridae,
while the remainder were either Podoviridae
or Myoviridae. All of the known staphylococcal
transducing phages and converting phages
belong to the family Siphoviridae, and many
more examples have been provided by the
sequences of prophages in staphylococcal
genomes. Despite variations in virion
morphology, sequence analysis reveals that
these phages share a common modular
genetic organization and display a mosaic
36 G.E. Christie et al.
patern of relatedness at the genetic level
(Kwan et al., 2005; Kahankova et al., 2010).
Classication schemes for these siphophages
have been proposed based on conservation of
morphogenetic genes (Pantucek et al., 2004)
and the integrase (Lindsay and Holden, 2004;
Goerke et al., 2009). A recent multilocus PCR
strategy for classication is based on up to
seven discrete genomic modules, which
appear to reassort freely among the dierent
members of this group (see Fig. 4.1;
Holochova et al., 2010; Kahankova et al., 2010).
There is one recently described temperate
prophage that appears to dene an additional
class of staphylococcal phages (Holden et al.,
2010). It is similar in sequence to the large
RP62a prophage previously identied in
Staphylococcus epidermidis (Gill et al., 2005)
and carries putative virulence genes, but
whether it is capable of autonomous
replication is not known.
In most cases, the genes for phage-
encoded virulence factors lie at the ends of
the prophage genomes (Fig. 4.1). While this is
and packaging
Tail appendages
sau421 S sau421 RM
sek2 seg2
lukS-PV lukF-PV
lukS-PV lukF-PV
Fig. 4.1. Location and organization of staphylococcal conversion genes. Shown across the top is a
prophage map of a typical member of the S. aureus Siphoviridae, with genes in the seven different
modules dened by Kahankova et al. (2010) distinguished by different shading. Numbers in parentheses
below each module indicate how many types of each module have been dened thus far. Expanded
views of conversion genes at the left and right ends show the integrase or holin and lysin genes,
respectively, in black, with the type of module for each specied. Genes in white encode known
conversion functions, as indicated; genes in grey encode other (or unknown) functions. The seven
different types of immune evasion cluster (IEC; see text) were dened by van Wamel et al. (2006). The
lysis region in |Sea-ov contains two open reading frames, one homologous to the N-terminal end of the
ami1 type of amidase and the other homologous to the C-terminal end of ami1 (denoted ami1* and
*ami1, respectively), separated by an unrelated open reading frame.
Prophage-induced Changes in Cellular Cytochemistry and Virulence 37
suggestive of acquisition by aberrant
prophage excision, similar to the generation
of specialized transducing phages, it is also
possible that these are the locations in the
phage genome where insertion of foreign
DNA is not aected by and does not interfere
with expression of essential phage lytic
Lysogenic conversion
The earliest reports of lysogenic conversion
aecting virulence gene expression in S.
aureus were the loss of the exoproteins
|-haemolysin (Winkler et al., 1965) and lipase
(Rosendal et al., 1964) as the result of prophage
integration into the hlb and geh genes,
respectively (Coleman et al., 1986; Lee and
Iandolo, 1986). While this type of negative
conversion does not strictly t the denition
of lysogenic conversion as described for this
chapter, it is mentioned here because it has
been documented extensively in staphylococci
and it leads to direct eects on exotoxin
expression. Numerous phages have an
atachment site in hlb (Coleman et al., 1986,
1989; Zabicka et al., 1993; Sumby and Waldor,
2003; Dempsey et al., 2005; Goerke et al., 2006;
van Wamel et al., 2006; Kumagai et al., 2007;
see Table 4.1). The known hlb-converting
phages share a conserved integrase and lysis
module but are otherwise quite diverse
(Kahankova et al., 2010). The precise
contribution of the hlb gene product to
staphylococcal disease has not been clearly
established, but this protein, also known as
sphingomyelinase C, is produced in large
quantities by a number of staphylococcal
strains (Dinges et al., 2000). As many
characterized hlb-converting phages also
carry phage-encoded virulence factors, it has
been suggested that the integration of phages
into this site during infection leads to spliting
of the bacterial population into subfractions
exhibiting dierent virulence potentials.
The lipase activity encoded by the geh
gene has been reported, at least in vitro, to
aect phagocytosis of S. aureus by cells
involved in the immune response (Braconier
and Rollof, 1991; Izdebska-Szymona et al.,
1992). No known virulence factors or other
lysogenic conversion genes have yet been
identied in this group of phages.
A variety of staphylococcal virulence
factors and other functions are carried on
prophages and function as typical lysogenic
conversion genes. The roles and regulation of
these prophage-encoded genes have been
reviewed in detail recently (Los et al., 2010)
and are therefore only summarized below.
Exfoliative toxin A
Exfoliative toxins (ETs) are exoproteins
encoded by S. aureus strains that cause
blistering skin diseases, including bullous
impetigo and staphylococcal scalded skin
syndrome. These toxins are glutamate-
specic serine proteases that specically
cleave a single peptide bond between
cadherin repeats in the extracellular region of
desmoglein 1 (Dsg1) (Nishifuji et al., 2008),
leading to a loss of cellcell adhesion between
keratinocytes and subsequent epidermal
spliting. Of the three isoforms of ET
implicated in human disease (ETA, ETB and
ETD), only ETA has been shown to be carried
on a phage (Ladhani et al., 1999).
Leukotoxins are two-component, |-barrel
pore-forming cytotoxins that assemble into
oligomeric transmembrane complexes in
polymorphonuclear leukocytes. This acti-
vates calcium channels and leads to an inux
of divalent cations and ultimately to cell lysis
(Finck-Barbancon et al., 1993; Staali et al.,
1998). In addition, sublytic concen trations of
leukotoxins activate neutrophils and mono-
cytes, leading to the release of inammatory
mediators (Knig et al., 1995). Lysogenic
conversion of S. aureus to leuko cidin pro-
duction was rst reported in 1972 (van der
Vver et al., 1972), and two of the leukotoxins,
PantonValentine leukocidin (PVL) and
lukM/F', are known to be phage encoded.
PVL, rst described in 1932 (Panton et al.,
1932), is comprised of subunits LukS-PV and
LukF-PV and targets phagocytic cells. It
shows specicity for cells of human and
38 G.E. Christie et al.
Table 4.1. Summary of S. aureus-converting phages for which the complete phage/prophage sequence
is available. The serotype (as dened by the morphogenesis module) and type of integrase and lytic
module (Kahankova et al., 2010) is shown for each phage. Phages are grouped by the conversion
functions carried (or genes interrupted).
Phage or
prophage GenBank accession no.
module Negative
ETA NC_003288 (Yamaguchi et al.,
B Sa1 ami4 eta
ETA2 NC_008798 B Sa1 ami4 eta
ETA3 NC_008799 B Sa1 ami4 eta
SLT NC_002661 (Narita et al.,
A Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
Sa2mw NC_003923 (Baba et al., 2002) A Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
2958PVL NC_011344 (Ma et al., 2008) A Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
Sa2USA NC_007793 (Diep et al., 2006) A Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
SLT-USA300 CP000730 (Highlander et al.,
A Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
tp310-1 NC_009761 F Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
PVL108 NC_008689 (Ma et al., 2006) F Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
PVL-CN125 NC_012784 F Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
PVL NC_002321 (Kaneko et al.,
F Sa2 ami2 lukS-PV,
PV83 NC_002486 (Zou et al., 2000) F Sa5 ami3 lukM, lukF-PV
Saov3 CP001996 (Guinane et al.,
F Sa5 ami3 lukM, lukF-PV
Sa3mr(252) NC_002952 (Holden et al.,
F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-A
NM3 NC_008617 (Bae et al., 2006) F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-A
13 NC_004617 (Iandolo et al.,
F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-B
tp310-3 NC_009763 F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-B
Sa3USA NC_007793 (Diep et al., 2006) F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-B
|C-USA300 CP000730 (Highlander et al.,
F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-B
SA3(JKD6159) CP002114 (Chua et al., 2010) F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-B
Sa3JH1 NC_009632 F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-B
Sa3JH9 NC_009487 F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-B
Sa3(TW20) FN433596 (Holden et al., 2010) F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-B
Mu3A NC_009782 (Neoh et al., 2008) F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-D
Mu50A NC_002758 (Kuroda et al.,
F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-D
Sa3ms(476) NC_002953 (Holden et al.,
F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-D, sek2,
Sa3mw NC_003923 (Baba et al., 2002) F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-D, sek2,
Sa3(T0131) CP002643 F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-D
Mu3A NC_009782 (Neoh et al., 2008) F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-D
Mu50A NC_002758 (Kuroda et al.,
F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-D
Prophage-induced Changes in Cellular Cytochemistry and Virulence 39
rabbit origin but not those of mouse, rat or
catle (Szmigielski et al., 1998). The lukM/
F'toxin, comprised of subunits LukM and
LukF'-PV, is associated with mastitis in
ruminants (Choorit et al., 1995) and shows a
binding specicity for bovine leukocytes
(Fromageau et al., 2010).
PVL has been associated with strains
causing both severe skin infections and
necrotizing pneumonia (Panton et al., 1932;
Lina et al., 1999; Gillet et al., 2002). The
prevalence has been increasing due to the
spread of PVL-producing community-
associated MRSA (CA-MRSA; Holmes et al.,
2005). The ve predominant CA-MRSA clonal
lineages that are associated with widespread
disease outbreaks carry PVL, and multiple
reports over the past decade or so have noted
a strong epidemiological association between
PVL and outbreaks of disease caused by CA-
MRSA (for recent reviews, see Diep and Oto,
2008; Diep et al., 2008; Kobayashi and DeLeo,
The immune evasion cluster
Co-conversion of staphylokinase (SAK) and
enterotoxin by hlb-integrating phages has
been well documented over the past two
decades (Coleman et al., 1989; Carroll et al.,
1993; Zabicka et al., 1993; Sumby and Waldor,
2003; Dempsey et al., 2005; Kumagai et al.,
2007). Two additional prophage-encoded
innate immune modulators associated with
hlb-converting phages, staphylococcal com-
plement inhibitor (SCIN) and chemotaxis
inhibitory protein of S. aureus (CHIPS), have
been described more recently (de Haas et al.,
2004; Rooakkers et al., 2005; van Wamel et al.,
2006). All of these modulators are encoded in
an 8 kb region at the 3' end of the prophage
Phage or
prophage GenBank accession no.
module Negative
N315 NC_004740 (Kuroda et al.,
F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-F
N315(ECT-R2) FR714927 F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-F
N315(ST5G) CP001844 (Nbel et al., 2010) F Sa3 ami3 hlb IEC-F
71 NC_007059 (Kwan et al., 2005) B Sa1 ami4 ear
Sa1JH1 NC_009632 B Sa1 ami4 ear
Sa1JH9 NC_009487 B Sa1 ami4 ear
SaST5K CP001844 (Nbel et al., 2010) B Sa1 ami4 ear
Av1 NC_013450 (Lowder et al.,
F Sa1 ami4 ear
L54a (Col) NC_002951 A Sa6 ami2 geh
Sa6S0385 AM990992 (Schijffelen et al.,
A Sa6 ami2 geh
tp310-2 NC_009762 A Sa6 ami2 geh
Saov1 CP001996 (Guinane et al.,
A Sa6 ami2 geh
ROSA NC_007058 (Kwan et al., 2005;
Liu et al., 2004)
B Sa6 ami2 geh
52A NC_007062 (Kwan et al., 2005) B Sa6 ami1 geh
Sa6 JH1 NC_009632 B Sa6 ami1 geh
Sa6 JH9 NC_009487 B Sa6 ami1 geh
Sa1 (TW20) FN433596 (Holden et al., 2010) B Sa6 ami1 geh
77 NC_005356 (Liu et al., 2004) F Sa6 ami2 geh
Saov2 CP001996 (Guinane et al.,
F Sa7 ami1 sea-ov
40 G.E. Christie et al.
genome, which has been named the immune
evasion cluster (IEC; van Wamel et al., 2006).
These genes are prevalent in clinical isolates
and seven dierent variants, or IEC types,
with dierent combinations of these genes
have been dened by PCR and Southern blot
analysis (van Wamel et al., 2006; see Fig. 4.1).
The IEC phages are quite diverse; the same
IEC module is found on dierent phages,
and the four IEC modules present in
sequenced phage genomes are associated
with at least seven dierent modular phage
variants, comprising ve immunity groups
(Kahankova et al., 2010).
Conversion to SAK production was
the earliest example of a phage-encoded
virulence factor in S. aureus (Winkler et al.,
1965). SAK is a potent plasminogen activator
that binds to brin-bound plasminogen,
leading to the dissolution of brin clots
(Bokarewa et al., 2006). Disruption of the brin
net that ofen forms around an infectious
focus is thought to promote invasion of the
staphylococci into deeper host tissue
(Lahteenmaki et al., 2005). SAK also neutralizes
the bactericidal eects of o-defensins,
contributing to virulence by evasion of the
host immune system (Jin et al., 2004). The gene
for SAK (sak) is generally found on hlb-
converting phages, where it is associated with
one or more additional genes of the IEC (Fig.
4.1). Several hlb
phages/lysogens have
also been described (Kondo and Fujise, 1977;
Sako and Tsuchida, 1983; Sako et al., 1983;
Goerke et al., 2006). These prophages are
integrated at other chromo somal sites. A
partial sequence for one phage conrms that
sak is located at the right end of the prophage
genome and is associated with a dierent
integrase module than the more common hlb-
converting phages carrying sak as part of the
IEC (Goerke et al., 2006, 2009).
CHIPS is a 14.1 kDa secreted protein that
helps modulate immune evasion by blocking
an early step in the inammatory response,
the chemotaxis of neutrophils and monocytes
towards the site of infection. The gene for
CHIPS (chp) lies in the opposite orientation
from the other genes in the IEC (Fig. 4.1) and
was found in over 60% of clinical S. aureus
isolates surveyed by van Wamel et al. (2006).
SCIN is another small secreted protein
that acts to interfere with an early step of the
innate immune response. The 9.3 kDa SCIN
polypeptide binds to C3 convertases on the
bacterial cell surface and blocks cleavage of
the central complement protein C3 into C3a
and C3b (Rooakkers et al., 2005), which
prevents opsonization and protects the
bacteria from phagocytosis. In addition, as
C3b is required for the formation of C5
convertases, SCIN strongly atenuates C5a-
induced neutrophil activation and chemotaxis
(Rooakkers et al., 2006). van Wamel et al.
(2006) found the gene for SCIN in 90% of the
clinical isolates they examined. This gene is
annotated in a number of prophage genomes
as brinogen binding protein. The scn gene
lies at the end of the IEC and is transcribed
divergently from chp (Fig. 4.1).
Genes for several enterotoxins are also
associated with the IEC. These belong to a
large family of related pyrogenic exotoxins
that function as superantigens, (reviewed by
Fraser and Prof, 2008). The exotoxins fall into
two groups, the enterotoxins (SEs) and toxic
shock syndrome toxins (TSSTs). Both groups
have been implicated in toxic shock (Todd et
al., 1978; McCormick et al., 2001), and the
enterotoxins also have a well-established role
in staphylococcal food poisoning (Tranter,
1990). Over 20 serologically distinct super-
antigens have been identied in S. aureus;
these are related proteins that share 1590%
amino acid identity. Enterotoxin A (SEA), the
most prevalent serotype of staphylococcal
enterotoxin in human clinical isolates
(Mathews and Novick, 2005), was shown to
be phage encoded over 25 years ago (Betley
and Mekalanos, 1985). Enterotoxin P (SEP),
which has not been extensively characterized,
shares 77% amino acid identity with SEA
(Kuroda et al., 2001). The sep gene was
reported in place of sea 21% of the time among
human clinical isolates carrying an entero-
toxin gene in the IEC (van Wamel et al., 2006;
see Fig. 4.1) and in 29% of enterotoxigenic S.
aureus food isolates (Bania et al., 2006). Unlike
the rest of the genes in the IEC, the sea (or sep)
gene is located upstream of the phage lysis
genes, which argues against initial acquisition
of this gene by aberrant prophage excision.
Two additional enterotoxin genes, seg2
and sek2, have been described in phage
Prophage-induced Changes in Cellular Cytochemistry and Virulence 41
|Sa3ms (Sumby and Waldor, 2003). These
genes lie at the right end of the prophage
genome, between the repressor and integrase
genes (Fig. 4.1).
The ear gene
The ear gene was rst identied in a
pathogenicity island present in S. aureus
strain COL (Yarwood et al., 2002) and is
widespread among clinical isolates. The
function of ear has not been demonstrated.
The ear gene lies at the right end of the
genome of prophages that carry the same
integrase and lysis modules as the ETA-
converting phages but are otherwise quite
mosaic (Kwan et al., 2005; Lowder et al., 2009;
Kahankova et al., 2010; Nbel et al., 2010).
The sau42I gene
Staphylococcal phage |42 is a serotype F hlb-
inactivating phage that encodes sak and entA
(Coleman et al., 1989). Like prophages
carrying seg2 and sek2, this phage carries
additional genes that map just upstream of
the int gene at the lef end of the prophage
genome (Fig. 4.1). These two slightly over-
lapping open reading frames, sau42RI S and
sau42I RM, encode a BcgI-like restriction
modication system (Dempsey et al., 2005)
that confers resistance to lysis by all phages of
the International Basic Set of S. aureus typing
phages (Carroll and Francis, 1985).
High-frequency mobilization of SaPIs
Phages of S. aureus are not only carriers of
virulence genes themselves but also play a
major role in the horizontal transmission of
genes for enterotoxins and other virulence
factors carried by the SaPI family of
pathogenicity islands. Twenty-two dierent
SaPIs, which utilize six dierent phage-like
chromosomal integration sites, have been
identied thus far in sequenced staphy-
lococcal genomes (Novick and Subedi, 2007;
Guinane et al., 2010; Novick et al., 2010; Viana
et al., 2010). These highly mobile elements,
members of a larger group of elements termed
phage-related chromosomal islands, are
dependent on helper phages for their
propagation and are therefore included in this
discussion of prophage-induced changes in
bacterial phenotype. The SaPI genome, which
is stably integrated into the host chromosome,
is derepressed following induction of a
resident helper prophage or afer helper
phage infection of a SaPI-containing strain.
SaPIs are widespread among S. aureus;
most strains carry at least one SaPI and many
carry two. As most S. aureus strains also carry
multiple resident prophages, there is
signicant potential for SaPI spread following
prophage induction. Not all phages can
transduce SaPIs at high frequency. Never-
theless, there are a number of reported
examples of SaPI mobilization by endogenous
prophages (Kwan et al., 2005; Ubeda et al.,
2005; Subedi et al., 2007). Horizontal trans-
mission of SaPIs also readily occurs, albeit at
a lower frequency, by generalized trans-
duction. The biology of SaPIs is described in
detail in a recent review (Novick et al., 2010,
and references therein).
Streptococci, lysogeny and toxigenic
The prophages of Streptococcus pyogenes are an
essential source of genetic variation and
virulence factors in this bacterium. The rst
evidence that a bacterial toxin (the scarlet
fever toxin) could be transferred between
strains in sterile-ltered culture media was
demonstrated by Frobisher and Brown in the
1930s, perhaps the earliest reported example
of toxigenic conversion (Frobisher, 1927,
Fourteen published S. pyogenes genomes
have revealed a large number of prophage-
encoded toxins, superantigens and strepto-
dornases (DNases) that have proposed or
conrmed roles in pathogenesis (Table 4.2).
With the exception of SmeZ (and occasionally
SpeG and SpeJ), all of the identied strepto-
coccal superantigens are elements of endo-
genous prophages or prophage remnants
(Ferreti et al., 2001).
42 G.E. Christie et al.
The ability of many of these toxins to
function as superantigens has been conrmed
(Prof et al., 1999; Beres et al., 2002; Prof and
Fraser, 2003; Prof et al., 2003a,b). Genome
analysis showed that pathogenic strains
contained multiple prophages or prophage-
like elements (ranging from two to eight per
genome). Furthermore, it is common for a
given prophage to carry more than a single
virulence gene (for example, exotoxins SpeH
and SpeI are ofen encoded by the same
In addition to toxin genes, S. pyogenes
prophages are vectors for virulence factors to
assist the bacterium in avoiding innate
immunity, particularly DNases. Neutrophils
have been shown to release chromatin DNA
and histones along with other intracellular
components that combine to form neutrophil
extracellular traps (NETs), which can trap
and kill pathogenic bacteria, minimizing
their spread (Brinkmann et al., 2004).
However, many isolates of S. pyogenes are
resistant to NET-mediated killing, employing
prophage-encoded DNases to degrade the
NETs (Buchanan et al., 2006).
SpyCI and the mutator phenotype
Another unique group of prophage-related
mobile genetic elements are commonly found
in S. pyogenes (Scot et al., 2008). These
S. pyogenes chromosomal islands (SpyCIs)
lack any discernable virulence factors but
regulate host gene expression by integrating
into the 5' end of mutL, an essential gene for
DNA mismatch repair. The inhibition of
mismatch repair has been shown to promote
homologous recombination in other bacterial
Table 4.2. Prophage and prophage-like elements in S. pyogenes strains. The serotype (M type), number
of intact prophages with their encoded virulence factors, and associated disease or site of anatomical
isolation is listed for each of the published S. pyogenes strains. Alternative gene names of virulence
factors are shown in parentheses.
Strain M type
Number of
virulence factors
accession no.
disease or
SF370 1 4 speC, speH, speI, spd1
(mf2), spd3 (mf3)
AE004092 Severe wound
MGAS5005 1 3 speA2, spd3, sdaD2 CP000017 Cerebrospinal uid
MGAS10270 2 5 speC, spd1, spd3, speK CP000260 Pharyngeal swab
MGAS315 3 6 ssa, mf4, speK, sla,
speA3, sdn
AE14074 STSS
SSI-1 3 4 speA, speG, speK, speL,
ssa, mf4.1, sda
BA000034 STSS
MGAS10750 4 4 speJ, spd1, spd3, speA2, CP000262 Pharyngitis
Manfredo 5 5 spd2 (MF4.1), spd3,
speH, speI, speC
AM295007 ARF
MGAS10394 6 8 speA, speC, spd1, speI,
speH, spd3, speK, sla,
sdn, sda, mefA
CP000003 Pharyngitis
MGAS2096 12 2 speC, spd1, srtA, sda CP000261 APSGN
MGAS9429 12 3 speC, spd1, speH, speI,
srtA, sda
CP000259 Pharyngeal swab
MGAS8232 18 5 speA1, speC, spd1, speL,
speM, spd3, sda
AE009949 ARF
MGAS6180 28 4 srtA, speC, spd1, speK,
CP000056 Invasive blood
NZ131 49 3 speH, spd3 CP000829 APSGN
STSS, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome; ARF, acute rheumatic fever; APSGN, acute post-streptococcal
Prophage-induced Changes in Cellular Cytochemistry and Virulence 43
species, so the SpyCI may promote
recombination between dierent prophage
chromosomes to create diversity. An in-
progress genome project of the Streptococcus
anginosus strain F0211 genome has uncovered
a SpyCI-related element integrated into the
identical mutL atachment site as in S.
pyogenes, so the distribution of these mutator
phage-like chromosomal islands may extend
to even more streptococcal species.
Recombination and the dissemination of
virulence genes
Comparison of the genomes of prophages
demonstrates how modular evolution has
contributed to the diversication and dis-
semination of toxin genes and DNases to
create novel prophages.
A conserved genetic module, containing
genes for DNA packaging, head and tail
proteins and tail bre proteins, is found
combined with an assortment of virulence
genes. Additionally, dierent integrase genes
that target a variety of bacterial atachments
sites (atB) are also associated with this
conserved structural module, leading to
additional diversity. A highly conserved open
reading frame has been identied, usually
positioned between the phage-encoded
virulence gene and the atachment site, which
may promote homologous recombination
and lead to phage diversication (Aziz et al.,
2005). This open reading frame, named
paratox, was found in 18 out of 24 S. pyogenes
prophages in genome strains SF370,
MGAS8232, MGAS315 and SSI-1, and was
always located adjacent to a toxin gene.
Homologues of paratox also exist in some
Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus
thermophilus phages (Aziz et al., 2005).
Other related streptococcal species
contain toxigenic prophages. Neither of the
medically important species of S. agalactiae
(group B Streptococcus) and S. pneumoniae has
been found to be a signicant carrier for
toxigenic prophages, but the group C and
group G Streptococcus species have provided
many examples. These virulence factors are all
close homologues of S. pyogenes prophage
toxins (SlaA, SpeL, SpeM, SpeH and SpeI),
strengthening the argument that these strepto-
coccal species share a genetic pool
of prophages. The group G Streptococcus
dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis GGS_124 con-
tains a prophage with a streptodornase-like
DNase (Shimomura et al., 2011). Surveys of
group C streptococcal isolates have found
evidence for other superantigens, some of
which may be prophage associated (Sachse et
al., 2002). Among the oral streptococci, a
prophage of Streptococcus mitis was identied
that encoded a platelet-binding protein
(Bensing et al., 2001). S. mitis is an important
cause of bacterial endocarditis, and the binding
of platelets by bacteria is a proposed central
mechanism in the pathogenesis of this disease.
Escherichia coli
It was not until the early 1980s that temperate
coliphages were really associated with the
toxigenic conversion of their hosts (OBrien et
al., 1984; Strockbine et al., 1986). Acquisition
of these toxigenic converting phages was the
end result in the evolution of a pathogen
(Feng et al., 1998) that was not formally
implicated in disease until a food-borne
outbreak in 1982 (Karmali et al., 1983; Riley et
al., 1983; OBrien et al., 1984). The phages
responsible for the conversion of pathogenic
E. coli serovars to the notorious pathotype,
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and the
smaller but more virulent subdivision
enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) (reviewed
in more depth by Kaper et al., 2004), are
collectively known as Shiga toxin-encoding
phages (Stx phages), although historically
they have also gone by the nomenclature
verotoxigenic phages (VT phages) and Shiga-
like toxigenic phages (SLT-phages; Allison,
All Stx phages characterized to date have
been lambdoid phages (Allison, 2007). The
only trait shared by all Stx phages is their
carriage of an stx operon (Allison, 2007). The
genes encoding Stx, an AB
holotoxin related
in structure to both cholera toxin (also phage
encoded) and ricin (OLoughlin and Robins-
Browne, 2001), are located in a small,
bicistronic operon, which is associated with
the late gene regulatory region of Stx phages
44 G.E. Christie et al.
and prophages (Fig. 4.2). However, all Stx
phages do not share the same genes encoding
Stx. In fact, the term Shiga toxin describes
two families of toxin (Allison, 2007).
Normally, the stx operon lies just
downstream of the late gene-associated anti-
terminator, Q, but there are instances reported
in the literature of non-inducible, apparently
remnant Stx prophages, where the Q gene
has been lost while the prophage has retained
the toxin operon in the expected location
(Teel et al., 2002). The location of the toxin-
Fig. 4.2. Genetic map of the late gene regulatory region of sequenced Stx phages. Genes possessing
signicant gene homology are shaded identically. The rst shaded variant of a gene is labelled
accordingly. Gene abbreviations: O, origin-specic replication initiation factor; P, replication protein; ninB
and ninG, genes comprising phages ninR region involved in both RecF and RecBCD recombination as
well as Red-mediated recombination (Tarkowski et al., 2002); ant, putative anti-repressor (Fogg et al.,
2011); roi, similar to the gene encoded on HK2022 involved in controlling lytic propagation (reduced
phage lytic propagation on integration host factor-negative cells; Clerget and Boccard, 1996); Q, anti-
terminator controlling late gene expression; stxAB, Shiga toxin operon (or its inactivated derivative,
Astx::Cat; Allison et al., 2003); hyp, hypothetical proteins with no predictable function; lys, phage lysin
(1,4-|-N- acetylmuramidase); Rz, endopeptidase; bor, gene encoding the lipoprotein Bor; cII,
transcription regulator involved in the establishment of lysogeny; cI, phage repressor involved in the
maintenance of lysogeny; cro, regulator involved in prophage induction.
Prophage-induced Changes in Cellular Cytochemistry and Virulence 45
encoding operon in the prophage is crucial to
its regulation. In most instances, Stx
production is linked to the phage regulatory
mechanism controlling the lytic cycle. E. coli
lacks a dedicated secretion system for Stx,
although limited secretion of Stx2 can occur
in EHEC strains (Shimizu et al., 2009), and
maximal release of Stx is linked to phage-
directed lysis of the cell (Wagner et al., 2001).
Although there is at least one exception,
P27 (Recktenwald and Schmidt, 2002), Stx
phages typically have a genome that is at
least 10 kb larger than the 48.5 kb genome of
phage (Table 4.3). The limited amount of
DNA, 1.2 kb, linked to the presence of the stx
operon in the phage genome does not solely
account for the genomic size variation of Stx
phages from phage. Genes such as lom and
bor are carried by phage that are not
essential to either its replication or its biology.
These two genes have been demonstrated to
aid the lysogen in colonization of the
mammalian host (Barondess and Beckwith,
1990). These genes are also associated with
many Stx phages (Fig. 4.2), but Stx phages
appear to encode other traits that also increase
their survival in their environment.
Expression of Stx provides the lysogen with
the ability to survive protozoan grazing
(Lainhart et al., 2009), which is an important
atribute in both the ruminant gut and in soil
environments, two crucial traits for organisms
that are associated with catle, cow pats and
farm environments. The data indicate that Stx
phages are not simply toxigenic converting
phages, but that, in addition to converting the
toxigenic phenotype of their host, these
phages are capable of altering the tness and
phenotypic traits of their lysogen.
More than 500 serogroups of E. coli as
well as other members of the Enterobacteriaceae
have been associated with Shiga toxin
production and human disease (Allison,
2007). Stx phages are driving this emergence.
It is interesting to note that no two identical
Stx phages have ever been described or
sequenced (Muniesa et al., 2003, 2004a,b;
Smith et al., 2007b; H.E. Allison, unpublished
data). These phages possess genomes that are
highly mosaic. Additionally, it has been
demonstrated that many members of the
Enterobacteriaceae can support Stx phage
adsorption where the appropriate short tail is
present, even where those bacterial species
may not support infection (Smith et al., 2007a);
it may be that only simple abortive infection
systems, restriction and modication systems
or other mechanisms (Chopin et al., 2005;
Hyman and Abedon, 2010; Labrie et al., 2010)
are all that has, up to this time, protected us
from the further emergence of new Shiga
toxin-encoding pathogens. However, the
serogroup range associated with Shiga toxin
production continues to expand. As the host
range for Stx phages grows, so too will the
diversity of these phages as they continue to
mix and form new phage mosaics with the
endogenous prophages and remnant
(defective) phages found in their extended
host range (Allison, 2007).
Table 4.3. Characteristics of fully sequenced Stx phages
Stx phage Genome size (kb) Toxin variant GenBank accession no.
BP-4795 57.9 Stx1 NC_004813
Min27 63.4 Stx2 NC_010237
Stx converting phage II 62.7 Stx2 NC_004914
Stx1-converting bacteriophage 59.9 Stx1 NC_004913
Stx2-converting phage I 61.8 Stx2 NC_003525
Stx2-converting phage 1717 62.1 Stx2c NC_011357
Stx2-converting phage 86 60.2 Stx2 NC_008464
VT2-Sakai 60.9 Stx2 NC_000902
24B 58.5 Stx2 HM_208303
933W 61.7 Stx2 NC_000924
P27 42.6 Stx2e NC_003356
46 G.E. Christie et al.
One further lambdoid phage-associated
product is cytolethal distending toxin (CDT),
rst identied by Johnson and Lior in 1987.
Induction of CDT-1 cells with mitomycin C
results in enhanced toxin production and the
release of CDT-1u, a member of the
Siphoviridae (Asakura et al., 2007). This phage
possesses a 47 kb genome that is normally
integrated into the prfC gene, which encodes
peptide chain-release factor RF-3. The
prophage shows similarity to the serotype-
converting Shigella phage SfV (Allison et al.,
2002). Interestingly, unlike phage SfV and Stx
phages, the toxin genes are found upstream
of the integrase gene.
Vibrio cholerae
The lamentous phage CTX| has played a
critical role in the evolution of the cholera
pathogen, V. cholerae (Waldor and Mekalanos,
1996). The genes encoding cholera toxin
(ctxAB), an AB
-subunit toxin whose activity
accounts for the profuse watery diarrhoea
that is characteristic of cholera, are carried by
CTX| (Fig. 4.3). In contrast to lamentous
coliphages such as M13 which replicate as
plasmids CTX| integrates into the V. cholerae
genome, creating a stable lysogen bearing
ctxAB (Davis and Waldor, 2003; McLeod et al.,
CTX| virion production does not result
in host cell lysis; instead, similar to other
lamentous phages, CTX| particles are
secreted through an outer-membrane pore
(secretin) (Davis et al., 2000a). Both CTX|
particles and cholera toxin exit the cell
through the same secretin (Davis et al., 2000a).
Like many other temperate phages, but
in contrast to the lamentous coliphages,
environmental conditions that lead to DNA
damage and induce the host SOS response
lead to increased production of CTX| virions.
However, there are two notable dierences in
the consequences of SOS induction of the
CTX| prophage: (i) CTX| prophage induction
does not kill the host cell; and (ii) induction
does not lead to excision of the CTX| genome
from the chromosome. Instead, prophage
DNA is used as a template to generate the
single-stranded DNA copies that are packaged
into virions via a replication mechanism that
depends on the presence of tandem prophages
(Davis and Waldor, 2000; Moyer et al., 2001).
Some of the bio technological applications of
CTX| have been reviewed recently (Rakonjac
et al., 2011).
Similar to other temperate phages, CTX|
lysogeny is maintained by a phage-encoded
repressor, RstR. LexA, the host-encoded SOS
repressor, acts along with RstR to inhibit
transcription from the promoter (P
) that
controls expression of most CTX| genes
(Quinones et al., 2005). The majority of toxin
transcripts initiate from a distinct promoter
found immediately upstream of ctxA (Davis
et al., 2002; Quinones et al., 2006).
The classical and El Tor biotypes of
toxigenic V. cholerae O1 harbour distinct forms
of CTX|. Classical CTX| lysogens do not
produce virions, whereas most El Tor isolates
Coat Assembly/secretion
Fig. 4.3. Genetic structure of the CTX prophage. The genome is divided into an RS and core region. The
black triangles indicate the direct repeats that ank the integrated CTX|. The arrows indicate the direction
of transcription of the respective open reading frames and the bent arrows represent promoters.
Prophage-induced Changes in Cellular Cytochemistry and Virulence 47
do; the arrangement of prophages in classical
strains explains why they do not produce
phage particles (Davis et al., 2000b). The
classical and El Tor CTX|s have distinct
repressors as well as polymorphisms through-
out the phage genome, including in the
cholera toxin genes. In recent years, hybrid
CTX|s have been detected (Lee et al., 2009).
Such hybrid phages ofen contain the classical
ctxB allele, which may yield a more potent
toxin, in an otherwise El Tor strain. The
existence of such hybrid phage genomes
strongly suggests that there has been (and
may still be) recombination between CTX|s,
generating new variants of toxigenic V.
That Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
carried symbiotic bacteriophages was rst
recognized by Boyd in 1950. It is noteworthy
that most salmonellae carry the genomes of
temperate phage Salmonella Typhimurium
strains usually carry four to ve prophages,
while S. enterica serovar Typhi strains Ty2
and CT18 both possess seven prophages
(Thomson et al., 2004). These prophages may
induce three phenotypic changes to the cells
that carry them serotype conversion, a
change in phage type and an impact on
virulence. The presence of ST64B, for
example, changes the phage type of Salmonella
Typhimurium from denitive (phage) type
(DT) 41 to DT 44 (Tucker and Heuzenroeder,
2004), while lysogenization by ST64T is
probably responsible for converting DT 9 to
DT 64, DT 135 to DT 16, and DT 41 to DT 29
(Mmolawa et al., 2002).
Expression of the genes associated with
lysogenic conversion can also impact on the
virulence of the host. This has been recently
reviewed (Lemire et al., 2008). For example,
Fels-1 prophage carries nanH (neuraminidase)
and sodC3 (superoxide dismutase; Figueroa-
Bossi et al., 2001; Bossi and Figueroa-Bossi,
2005), while Gifsy-1 carries a number of
potential virulence modulating genes
including gipA in what is equivalent to the
b2 region. The encoded protein is involved in
colonization of the small intestine, and its
deletion results in reduced bacterial virulence.
As phage conversion of O-antigenicity
was reviewed recently in depth (Los et al.,
2010), here we shall only touch on what is
known. Among the members of subgenus I
(S. enterica subsp. enterica), a total of 57
O-antigens can be distinguished serologically
(Grimont et al., 2007). Some of these, O1, O5,
O6, O14, O15, O20, O27 and O34, are in
certain cases known to be phage encoded.
The types of change noted in the structure of
the LPS O-side-chain polysaccharide include
O-acetylations, O-glucosylations and changes
in bonding between adjacent O-antigen
repeats. In the simplest case, this is manifest
by Salmonella phage P22, an o-linked glucosyl
residue (antigen O:1) to the 6 position
galactose moieties in the LPS O-antigenic
branched tetrameric repeat.
This phage carries a conversion module
consisting of three genes downstream of the
phage atachment site (atP). This consists of
GtrA (120 amino acids, 13.5 kDa; glucosylated
phosphate translocase or
ippase), GtrB (311 amino acids, 35.1 kDa;
bactoprenol glucosyl transferase) and GtrC
(486 amino acids, 55.4 kDa; glucosyl
transferase) (Vander Byl and Kropinski, 2000;
Pedulla et al., 2003). The sequence of GtrC
shows more diversity than that of GtrA or
GtrB, presumably as a result of dierences in
the chemical structure of the O-antigen (Fig.
In certain other phages, rather than a
glucosyl residue being added, one of the side-
chain sugars gets acetylated. This has been
observed with temperate Salmonella phage
g341c (GenBank accession no. NC_013059), E.
coli phage V10 (Perry et al., 2009) and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage D3 (see below).
In each of these cases, like the GtrC homo-
logues, the O-acetylases are high-molecular-
weight proteins with multiple transmembrane
Lysogeny and polylysogeny are common
in P. aeruginosa (Holloway et al., 1971).
Numerous early studies have shown
O-antigenic conversion followed by infection
48 G.E. Christie et al.
with a variety of phages (Liu, 1969; Castillo
and Bartell, 1974; Bergan and Midtvedt, 1975;
Lanyi and Lantos, 1976; Dimitracopoulos and
Bartell, 1979). The denitive story of serotype
conversion in this bacterium is with temperate
siphovirus D3. In 1962, Holloway and Cooper
reported that P. aeruginosa D3 lysogens lost
the ability to adsorb this phage and displayed
an antigenic shif. Kuzio and Kropinski (1983)
conrmed that the lysogens did not support
phage adsorption, and that LPS from the
convertant did not neutralize D3 or the
serologically and morphologically unrelated
phage E79. Nuclear magnetic resonance
analysis of the O-side-chain polysaccharides
from strains PAO1 and PAO1(D3) revealed
that, in a manner analogous to Salmonella
phage c15, the bonding of tetrameric
O-antigenic repeats changed from o(14) to
|(14) and the d-fucosamine (2-amino-
2,6-dideoxy-d-galactose) residues were
O-acetylated. Sequencing the genome of this
phage (Kropinski, 2000) resulted in the
discovery of the fucosamine O-acetylase, but
it was not until Newton cloned the conversion
region (Newton et al., 2001) that we fully
understood the role of each of the components
in the conversion. The conversion module
consists of the acetyltransferase, a |-LPS
polymerase and Iap (inhibitor of alpha
polymerase), which is a 31 amino acid
(3884 Da) transmembrane peptide which
inhibits the o-LPS polymerase. Interestingly,
this polypeptide is extremely di cult to
express or produce chemically due to its
inherent insolubility (J. Lam, personal
The only other phage about which some
details are known is FIZ15 (Vaca et al., 1993;
Vaca-Pacheco et al., 1999), which unfortunately
is now lost (S. Vaca, personal communication).
In the lysogenic state, this virus was found
to: (i) increase resistance to phagocytosis by
mouse peritoneal macrophages; (ii) increase
resistance to killing by normal human serum;
and (iii) increase adhesion to human buccal
epithelial cells, which are considered to be a
function of changes to the LPS.
The three common methods of genetic
exchange within bacterial species are trans-
formation, conjugation and transduction. The
last is the transfer of genetic information
between bacterial cells mediated by phage
particles. Two distinct types have been
recognized: (i) specialized transduction; and
(ii) generalized transduction (Thierauf et al.,
2009). In the former case, which is best
exemplied by coliphage , genes adjacent to
an integrated prophage (at site) can be co-
excised with the phage upon induction. The
dening characteristics of the transducing
particles are that they carry a strictly limited
number of host markers and that they contain
host DNA physically associated with phage
DNA. Lysogenic conversion could be viewed
as a unique example of specialized trans-
Generalized transduction, in which any
gene can be transduced, is best exemplied
by coliphage P1 and Salmonella phage P22.
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.4. Phylogenetic analysis of GtrB (a) and GtrC (b) homologues. The diagrams were generated
using one click analysis at (Dereeper et al., 2008).
Prophage-induced Changes in Cellular Cytochemistry and Virulence 49
Here, the transducing particles are derived
through the accidental packaging of host
DNA, rather than phage DNA. With renewed
interest in the use of bacteriophages in
therapy, biosanitation, biocontrol and bio-
preservation, the ability of the phage
preparations to transduce (especially toxin
and other virulence-factor genes) is one of the
issues that those who characterize phages for
practical uses need to consider. While most of
the transducing phages are temperate, that is,
are capable of entering into a lysogenic state
with a host bacterium, lytic phages may also
transduce (Table 4.4).
Genetic exchange via all three mechan-
isms is commonly observed. In contrast,
unlike many of the bacterial species men-
tioned above, transduction is the only
mechanism of genetic exchange observed in
S. pyogenes and is mediated by both lytic and
temperate phages. It was rst reported by
Leonard and co-workers when they identied
ve phages, two temperate and three lytic,
that were able to transduce streptomycin
resistance (Leonard et al., 1968). The highest
frequency of transduction was observed for
lytic phage A25 (1 10
units). Temperate S. pyogenes phages are also
able of mediating the transfer of antibiotic
resistance by transduction (Ubukata et al.,
1975; Hyder and Streitfeld, 1978), presumably
generalized transduction.
Transduction between streptococcal
groups has been observed and may be a
potential means for disseminating virulence
genes. Bacteriophages isolated from strepto-
coccal groups A, E and G were isolated that
could lyse streptococci from serogroups A, C,
G, H and L, and in some cases, these lytic
phages were also capable of propagation in
one or more of the other serogroups (Clon et
al., 1972; Wannamaker et al., 1973). Horizontal
transfer of genetic material in S. pyogenes has
been shown by numerous recent studies to be
important in the dissemination of genes in
natural populations (Stevens et al., 1989;
Cleary et al., 1992). The role in transduction
and bacteriophages in horizontal transfer is
assumed, yet no modern studies have directly
addressed the question. The majority of
studies into streptococcal transduction were
carried out before the advent of many of the
current techniques in molecular biology, and
so the time may have come to re-examine this
phenomenon. A beter understanding of
streptococcal transduction may prove key to
understanding the ow of genetic information
in natural populations of streptococci. This is
Table 4.4. Lytic phages that can, under controlled conditions, be demonstrated to transduce.
Host Phage Reference
Bacillus subtilis SPP1 Canosi et al. (1982); de Lencastre and Archer (1980)
Caulobacter crescentus Cr30T Bender (1981)
Citrobacter rodentium CR1 Petty et al. (2007)
Erwinia carotovora M1 Toth et al. (1997)
KP Toth et al. (1993)
Escherichia coli T1 Bendig and Drexler (1977); Drexler (1970; 1977)
T4 Roberts and Drexler (1981)
RB43 Wilson et al. (1979); Young et al. (1982)
RB49 Tianiashin et al. (2003)
Pseudomonas spp. KZ Dzhusupova et al. (1982)
PA3 Monson et al. (2011)
E79 Morgan (1979)
pf16 Rheinwald et al. (1973); Daz et al. (1976); Gorbunova et al.
Salmonella typhi ViI Cerquetti et al. (1993)
Serratia marcescens IF3 Petty et al. (2006)
Streptococcus pyogenes A25 Leonard et al. (1968)
Xanthomonas campestris XTP1 Weiss et al. (1994)
50 G.E. Christie et al.
also true for other pathogenic bacteria as our
understanding of the role of horizontal gene
transfer in pathogen development is still
quite incomplete. Future studies with
transducing phages can only add to this
A.M.K. was supported by a Discovery Grant
from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada.
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5 The Lion and the Mouse: How
Bacteriophages Create, Liberate and
Decimate Bacterial Pathogens
Heather Hendrickson
New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study, Massey University
I had my eyes opened by that microscope, to the fact that there is a world of tiny creatures that
you cant see with the naked eye. Its like looking at an African safari park but in miniature...
Richard Dawkins (Powell, 2011)
The microscopic world is comprised of free-
roaming creatures far more complex and
impressive in their everyday interactions
than what you will observe in a wildlife park.
So interdependent are these organisms that
dening which is the proverbial lion of the
jungle and which the unassuming mouse can
be a challenge. Bacterial viruses bac-
teriophages or phages prey on bacteria. On
evolutionary timescales, however, phages
also can convert bacteria from pussy cats into
the human predators we call pathogens. In a
surprising twist, it may be the inadvertent
action of viruses and the recombination they
eect, through horizontal gene transfer
(HGT), that enables the continuing existence
of bacteria. Phages, as I will discuss below,
are the accidental architects of the genetic
combinations that we observe in the bacterial
Bacteria generally utilize a simple mitotic
asexual reproductive cycle. This has profound
consequences for these organisms and their
evolution. One consequence, of interest here,
can be described as Mullers ratchet, the
tendency for an asexual organisms DNA to
irreversibly acquire increasing loads of
deleterious mutations over time (Gordo and
Campos, 2008; Allen et al., 2009). Like the
ratchet in the handymans tool box, mutation
can be thought of as only permiting change
in a single direction, that is, away from the
wild type. The absence of sexual reproduction
in bacteria means there is no opportunity to
reshu e combinations of genes that sexually
reproducing organisms have, which produce
both more or less t combinations. With
asexual organisms, by contrast, once a
mutation is present, then all future progeny
of that individual will probably inherit it, as
reversion to wild type will be much rarer
than the occurrence of the mutation itself. A
continual accumulation of deleterious
mutations over time is predicted to eventually
destroy asexual lineages and to do so at
measured rates that can be as high as 1% of
lineages afer a mere 1700 generations
(Andersson and Hughes, 1996). That bacteria
continue to exist suggests that these organ-
isms must have access to recombination of a
H. Hendrickson
62 H. Hendrickson
sort. This takes place through HGT, a
phenomenon that adds to genomes by
shu ing in new genetic material from other
bacterial lineages, both closely and distantly
related to the recipient.
In this chapter, I will illustrate the
inuence of phages in the process of HGT
and the impact that HGT has on bacterial
evolution with a special interest in the
evolution of pathogens. I will begin with a
brief word about the day-to-day struggle
between phages and bacteria before
proceeding to a description of the mechan-
isms, quantities and impact of HGT in the
microbial jungle.
Phages and Bacteria:
the Short Game
Over evolutionary timescales, phage-
mediated events promote the evolution of
bacterial species through the addition of new
DNA. The essential relationship between
these organisms is however, still properly
viewed as antagonistic. Thus phages and
bacteria are engaged day to day in a
microscopic mle, and the mechanisms by
which bacteria avoid phage infection can, at
times, be in distinguishable from mechanisms
by which pathogens avoid the immune
responses of potential hosts (Abedon, 2012).
Phages, as a consequence of these
antagonistic interactions, can have a sig-
nicant eect on the short-term evolution of
bacteria by modifying their population
dynamics. Experiments in controlled com-
petitive environments in which available
nutrients are limited have been used to
demonstrate the arrival of successive adapt-
ations on both the phage and the bacterial
sides in an evolutionary arms race (Bohannan
and Lenski, 2000a,b). In population growth
experiments where bacterial genetic diversity
would normally emerge as a result of niche
specialization and trade-os, the eect of
adding predatory phages is to decrease
within-population competition, which results
in reduced diversity (Buckling and Rainey,
2002a,b). Further studies using soil habitats,
rather than liquid cultures, have demonstrated
rapid co-evolution between bacteria and their
phages, and evidence of uctuating selection
as well as growth costs associated with
evolving phage resistance (Gomez and
Buckling 2011). Understanding the popu-
lation dynamics of co-evolution in simple
cases such as controlled soil environments
will help us to understand these processes
beter in nature.
Bacteria are engaged in a constant
struggle to avoid exploitation by phages. The
continued existence of both implies that this
eort is matched step for step by continual
counter-adaptation on both sides, and
antagonistic co-evolution. It is perhaps ironic
then that reciprocal evolution in bacteria is
mediated, in part, by phage involvement in
The Long Game: Horizontal Gene
The bacterial genomic era, starting in 1995
with the complete genome sequence of
Haemophilus inuenzae RD1, was the beginning
of fresh insight into the evo lutionary processes
undergone by bacteria (Fleischmann et al.,
1995). This and subsequent sequencing
studies revealed that separate genes in single,
continuous DNA molecules can have dierent
phylogenetic histories. HGT takes place
readily in prokaryotes and leads to organisms
with DNA molecules that are chimaeric, with
large swathes inherited across species
boundaries (Lawrence and Hendrickson,
A successful HGT event will lead to a
recipient bacterial cell with DNA that can be
anything from a variant of the genetic material
that it already had to a novel section of DNA
with genes that are completely new to the
bacterium. While occasional transfers of small
amounts of genomic content in some fraction
of extant lineages would be novel and notable,
there are recent suggestions that an average of
81% of bacterial genes might be acquired
horizontally (Zhaxybayeva et al., 2006; Dagan
et al., 2008). HGT both has and is having a
profound impact on the nature of the bacteria
that we see around us. The redistribution of
genetic material that is implied by such a
ubiquitous process gives us cause to reconsider
How Bacteriophages Create, Liberate and Decimate Bacterial Pathogens 63
notions that we otherwise rely on in
considering bacteria, including key concepts
such as species, pathogen and population.
Detection of HGT
There are three broad classes of HGT
detection methods: parametric mismatch,
syntenic disruption and phylogenetic in-
congruity. In this section, I provide an outline
of what these dierent approaches entail, as
well as some of their shortcomings.
Parametric methods posit that bacterial
genomes acquire characteristics over
evolutionary timescales that are distinctive,
much like tool marks acquired in a master
sculptors shop. Various metrics have been
proposed for distinguishing between old and
new DNA including G+C content, dinu-
cleotide content, higher-order sequences
(6mer and 8mer repeats) and the codon
adaptation index (CAI), as well as
combinations of all of these (Karlin, 1998;
Tsirigos and Rigoutsos, 2005). Two major
advantages in using parametric methods are
that they are computationally simple and that
multiple genomes for comparison are not
required for transferred genes to be identied.
Many parametric methods have been
developed, and these generally identify
overlapping but dierent sets of genes for
the same genome. This is due, in part, to
the confounding similarity in mutational
tendencies among near relatives. In short,
atypical regions are identied with the most
condence when donor and recipient
genomes are not closely related (Azad and
Lawrence, 2007; Arvey et al., 2009; Boc and
Makarenkov, 2011). Complicating these
determinations, as time passes in a new
genomic context the mutational tendencies of
the cognate replication machinery in
combination with natural selection (acting on
spontaneous mutations) will tend to eliminate
the distinctiveness of the acquired DNA, a
process termed amelioration (Lawrence and
Ochman, 1997). It should also be noted that
parametric measures, such as CAI, can be
misread. Developmental stages in bacterial
growth, such as sporulation in Bacillus subtilis,
for example, can lead to genes with an
atypical CAI and mistaken identication, as
recently introduced (Moszer et al., 1999).
The second class of HGT detection is
syntenic disruption. If closely related organ-
isms are available for genomic comparison,
then breaks in synteny, or gene order, can be
observed when genomes are aligned. These
breaks indicate that a region of DNA has been
introduced into or deleted from one of the
bacterial genomes (Delcher et al., 2003;
Darling et al., 2010). Breaks in synteny can
reveal that HGT as well as genomic
rearrangements have taken place since the
divergence of two organisms.
Phylogenetic incongruity is the third
class of HGT detection and involves
comparing phylogenetic trees. Homologues
in closely related organisms (orthologues)
accumulate mutational dierences, which
can be used as informative character traits.
These are in turn used to build phylogenetic
trees that represent hypotheses about the
relatedness of these genes and the organisms
that possess them. The 16S and 18S rRNAs
have been proposed as the standard for
phylogenetic comparison across the three
domains of life because these molecules are
present in all branches of life and are
molecularly constrained enough to be
informative relative to other potential sites
(Fox et al., 1977; Olsen et al., 1986). Even this
paragon of molecular metrics, however, has
been horizontally transferred in some cases
(Gogarten et al., 2002). Approaches to
discovering the extent to which bacteria are
chimaeric using phylogenetic trees have
evolved quickly and ofen lead to diering
estimates of the degree to which HGT is
inuencing the evolution of bacterial lineages
(Ochman, 2005).
HGT complicates determinations of a
true tree of life. Complete genome sequences
are a record of all of the genes that an
organism has, as well as a robust source of
phylogenetic information regarding each of
these genes. Homologous genes from
dierent organisms can therefore be used to
construct a tree that represents the history of
that gene, but where such a gene tree fails to
align with the inferred organismal tree then a
transfer event can be inferred (Snel et al.,
2005). How then can one nd a true
64 H. Hendrickson
organismal tree to use as the benchmark for
such comparisons? Multiple methods are
being developed to determine the phylo-
genetic tree of most of genes, using divergence
from this norm as the metric by which
transfer is judged (Gogarten et al., 2002;
Poptsova and Gogarten, 2007; Andam and
Gogarten, 2011).
Another route to determining a tree of
life is to try to identify a set of genes that are
present in as many organisms as possible
while avoiding including any transferred
genes. Snel and colleagues have made an
impressive eort in this regard and generated
a tree that includes the three domains of life
by using 31 genes from 191 completely
sequenced genomes (Ciccarelli et al., 2006).
By ignoring the contribution of gene transfer,
however, what does this tree represent? By
one account, 31 genes represent just 1% of the
genes that the average microbial genome
contains (Dagan and Martin, 2006). Another
method, utilized by Rivera and Lake (2004),
allowed transfer and genome fusion to enter
into the model of relatedness. This analysis
revealed a circular patern or relatedness at
deep branches, evidence of ancient and
abundant HGT (Rivera and Lake, 2004). For
these reasons, biologists are being encouraged
to stop seeking a bifurcating tree of life to
represent the nature of relatedness when
considering the prokaryotes (Dagan and
Martin, 2006; Dagan et al., 2008). Despite the
controversy generated by evidence of
widespread HGT, there is still strong support
for the assertion that all cellular life has arisen
from a single ancestor. This hypothesis
received support recently through direct
testing using a set of ubiquitously conserved
gene sequences, which suggested a high-level
tree of universal relatedness (Theobald, 2010).
Mechanisms of gene exchange
When HGT is identied in a recipient
genome, the donor genome is generally not
known, although there are new methods
being proposed to overcome this limitation
(Azad and Lawrence, 2011; Boc and
Makarenkov, 2011). HGT therefore is
generally detected solely as novel DNA in a
recipient genome, and this acquisition takes
place through three processes: transformation,
conjugation and transduction (Fig. 5.1).
Transformation is the process by which
bacteria take up DNA from the extracellular
environment and enact repair-like events that
inadvertently bring this linear DNA into the
circular bacterial genome. Many naturally
competent bacteria have mechanisms in place
to ensure that they import DNA from bacteria
they are closely related to (Krger and Stingl,
2011). Gene transfer occurs through trans-
formation as the occasional by-product of
bacteria feeding on DNA (Redeld, 2001).
Conjugation is the process by which plasmids,
small accessory chromosomes with their own
genes, control the transfer of DNA, usually
the plasmid, between bacteria. Conjugation
can be considered an HGT event whether or
not the plasmid DNA is subsequently re-
combined into the bulk of the recipient
In transduction, a virus infects a
bacterium and subsequently produces non-
infectious viral particles that have accidentally
packaged the DNA of the host bacterium
rather than the viruss own DNA. These
defective phage particles then can inject this
bacterial DNA into a recipient bacterium, and
Mechanisms of Gene Exchange
Fig. 5.1. The three major categories of events that
can lead to gene transfer: (i) transformation,
whereby naked DNA from the extracellular
environment can be taken up by bacterial cells; (ii)
conjugation, the transmittance from one cell to
another of a plasmid; and (iii) transduction, the
passage of DNA from one cell to another mediated
through the accidental incorporation of bacterial
DNA into a phage particle in a prior infection.
How Bacteriophages Create, Liberate and Decimate Bacterial Pathogens 65
it can then be recombined into the recipient
genome by repair-like recombination pro-
cesses. It should be noted that the process of
lysogeny or integration of a phage genome
into a bacterial chromosome can also be
considered a special instance of HGT (see
Abedon and Christie et al., Chapters 1 and 4,
this volume). Inspection of closely related
bacterial genome sequences reveals much
alignment in gene order, followed by gaps
that can be as short as 1 kb and can range up
to many hundreds of kb. Upon more detailed
analysis, many of these gaps can be atributed
to phages that have integrated in one bacterial
genome and not the other. Integrated phage
genomes can carry genetic elements that
contribute both to the pathogenicity of the
strain and to their own retention (Brssow et
al., 2004; see also Christie et al., Chapter 4, this
Constraints on HGT
If all HGT was equally likely, then we might
expect the tree of prokaryotic life to be a web
of inter-related threads; a panmictic mess.
Our notions of bacterial relatedness, however,
has structure that is present despite HGT.
Organisms that are closely related according
to 16S rRNA gene estimates also share unique
properties and lifestyles. This family-level
cohesion, despite seemingly massive oppor-
tunities for HGT, suggests that there are
natural constraints that dene or structure
this process (Gogarten et al., 2002; Andam
and Gogarten, 2011). If organisms that are
most closely related are those that are
exchanging DNA most frequently, then
vertical inheritance and HGT may both
contribute to the observed relatedness in
bacterial families, just as sexual reproduction
in higher organisms contributes directly to
the species cohesiveness (and, indeed, denes
the biological species con cept).
Barriers to transfer
Consistent with these ideas of limitations on
likelihood of HGT, newly integrated DNA
must pass through a series of chance and
selective constraints in order to be maintained
for long periods of time. These limits to
transfer are probably concurrent and,
although all are real, many are di cult to
measure and none should be considered as a
brick wall to transfer. Many natural barriers
to transfer in particular have components
that make them likely to contribute to
enforcing tendencies whereby close relatives
exchange DNA most frequently. As such, the
following is far from an exhaustive discussion
but gives a breadth of mechanisms that
constrain gene transfer.
The rst real barrier to HGT is the
transmitance of genetic material between
donor and recipient cells. This is mediated by
multiple processes, all of which will have
natural host-range limitations to one degree
or another (Fig. 5.1). Phages ofen have limited
abilities to infect (Hyman and Abedon, 2010),
plasmids are at the mercy of the success of
conjugation mechanisms between individual
cells, and transformation mechanisms can
dierentiate between closely and distantly
related DNA upon uptake. Next, incoming
genetic material will ofen be encountered in
the cytoplasm by recipient enzymes and
degraded by nucleases including restriction
endonucleases. Recipient-cell DNA has short,
specic sequences throughout the genome
that are continuously marked by methylation.
If a span of DNA enters the cytoplasm and
lacks this mark then that DNA is taken to be
foreign and is cut. Only if DNA overcomes
these barriers can a recombination repair
pathway instead mistake the DNA for native
damaged DNA and thereby integrate it into
the recipient bacterial chromosome or other
cytoplasmic replicon such as a native plasmid.
Subsequent to incorporation, new DNA
faces a number of immediate challenges that
serve to protect the integrity of the recipient
bacteriums genome. The mismatch repair
system, for example, acts to correct mutations,
including small insertions and deletions. It
does so by determining, immediately afer
replication, which is the newly synthesized
and which is the older strand of DNA (Harfe
and Jinks-Robertson, 2000). If there are
dierences between the two, then this system
directs new strand repair in order to match
the older, and therefore trusted, template.
66 H. Hendrickson
Methylation of a common 4 bp sequence is
responsible for this distinction, with methy-
lation lagging behind DNA replication such
that new strands are unmethylated for a time.
Incoming DNA that does not harbour the
native methylation signals is similarly subject
to mismatch repair anti-recombination
processing, which can contribute to genetic
isolation of even closely related bacteria
(Berndt et al., 2003).
An additional, sequence-based dis-
crimin ation mechanism has been recognized
in the clustered, regularly interspaced, short
palindromic repeats (CRISPR) module.
Estimated to be present in up to 70% of
eubacterial genomes, CRISPR is essentially
an adaptive immune system for bacterial cells
wherein the memory of previously en-
countered foreign DNA is incorporated as
small DNA spacers in the CRISPR region of
the genome (Deveau et al., 2010). These are
used to recognize and target incoming DNA
for destruction and have been shown to
interfere with lateral gene transfer (Marra ni
and Sontheimer, 2008).
Barriers to retention
In the event that a newly inserted region of
DNA has both integrated into a replicon and
passed the inspection of these various defence
mechanisms, existence in the population
depends on the tness eect of new DNA for
the host bacterium. Fitness involves many
factors. Interruptions of important genes or
regulatory regions, for example, tend to be
detrimental to tness. Likewise, newly
inserted DNA can interfere with existing
chromosomal architecture, which can impact
the ability of replicated sister chromosomes
to segregate correctly into daughter cells
(Bigot et al., 2005; Hendrickson and Lawrence,
2006; Sivanathan et al., 2009). Early evidence
of the importance of bacterial chromosome
sequence architecture was the observation
that integration of phage into the Escherichia
coli chromosome was orientation dependent.
As a long-term resident of E. coli genomes,
phage has the same replication-mediated
repeat structure as its host genome and
integration events are sensitive to matching
the host (Corre et al., 2000; Pease et al., 2005).
Constraints on HGT that are mediated
by chromosome sequence architecture may
be avoided in two primary ways. First, HGT
between closely related organisms will tend
to bring in novel DNA with compatible
sequence structure. This will be less likely to
interfere with segregation afer integration.
Secondly, transfer of entire replicating units
such as plasmids will entirely avoid this
limitation. Transfer that involves re-
combination into plasmids will also avoid the
constraints of integrating into a structured
genome. In this way, conjugation events can
create a safe haven for HGT (Hendrickson
and Lawrence 2006).
Acquisition of new functions
Newly acquired DNA in an architecturally
structured genome is more likely to decrease
rather than increase the tness of a new
recombinant. By contrast, the acquired
functions of the inherited genes have the
potential to increase the tness of the
recombinant bacterium. In order for any
tness change to be realized, the genetic
material must either include gene operator
regions that are correctly read by the
transcription factors resident in the host
cytoplasm or must have recombined down-
stream of a native operator region, ideally
without disrupting existing functions. Thus,
if the genes cannot be transcribed and
translated, then the additional DNA is
unlikely to be anything more than neutral or
may be deleterious to the tness of the
recipient organism. Weakly expressed or mis-
expressed genes can adapt over time, driving
accelerated evolution of regulatory regions in
recently acquired DNA (Lercher and Pl,
If DNA can be transcribed and translated,
then new encoded functions will determine
whether this HGT event is advantageous in
the environments in which this bacterium
and its descendants nd themselves. If newly
acquired DNA is not su ciently advan-
tageous, then the carrying individual will
probably be lost from the population.
Alternatively, the new DNA that survives in
the population despite its poor contribution
to the organisms tness can become mutated
How Bacteriophages Create, Liberate and Decimate Bacterial Pathogens 67
to the point where there is no longer any
possibility of function, forming pseudogenes
that will eventually be lost. Observations of
recently acquired genes may reect neutral or
even disadvantageous acquisitions in the
process of being purged, perhaps having
been maintained up to that point by genetic
drif. Thus, a genome sequence should be
considered to be a snapshot of a single
bacterium at some point on its evolutionary
trajectory, rather than as an organism whose
genetic repertoire necessarily represents
perfect adaptation to its environment. The
combination of gene conservation by vertical
descent, frequent HGT and subsequent
taxonomically sensitive constraints leads to
the observed cohesion between closely
related bacteria.
Levels of Horizontal Gene Transfer
Observed in Bacterial Genomes
The myriad methods available for detection
of HGT and the speed at which the eld is
advancing means that any authors
descriptions of levels of gene transfer for
extant organisms are subject to both
speculation and erce debate. Early estimates
of the xation of novel DNA into E. coli put
the rate at 16 kb per 1 million years (Lawrence
and Ochman, 1998). Today, it is generally
accepted that most bacterial genomes have
experienced recent and frequent gene transfer
and that nearly all genes can be transferred
(Ochman et al., 2000; Koonin et al., 2001;
Gogarten and Townsend, 2005; Sorek et al.,
Bacterial obligate intracellular parasites
of eukaryotic cells appear to be a telling
exception to this rule. The conditions in
which these organisms live, inside their
eukaryotic hosts, limits their exposure to the
agents of gene transfer: phages, plasmids and
extracellular DNA (Moran, 2003; Blanc et al.,
2007; Nikoh and Nakabachi, 2009). The
absence of recombination through phages or
other HGT delivery mechanisms renders
these organisms victims of Mullers ratchet
and the consequences of continual mutation
(Moran, 1996; Andersson and Kurland, 1998).
Accumulation of mutations over evolutionary
timescales eventually limits their potential to
live outside the host cells resulting in their
becoming organelles such as mitochondria
and chloroplasts (Gray and Doolitle, 1982;
Moran, 1996; Lang et al., 1997; Allen et al.,
2009). It should be noted, however, that a
recent study suggests that rare co-infection
events can support genetic exchange in some
cases between such obligately intracellular
bacteria (Kent et al., 2011).
Genes found on plasmids, in phage
genomes or that are associated with other
mobility elements are more likely to be
transferred than genes that are either
intimately involved with large numbers of
other genes or genes that are otherwise very
specic in their interactions. In addition, a
recent study suggested that the number of
functional domains a protein has may also
positively aect the likelihood of its successful
transfer (Gophna and Ofran, 2010). Initially,
the notion that some genes are more reticent
to transfer led to the classication of some
genes as mobile, while other genes are
considered to be core and therefore good
candidates for establishing phylogenetic
relationships (Ge et al., 2005). These core
genes, however, have been observed to be
distributed in non-tree-like manners, sug-
gesting that, while the idea of a set of genes
that are resistant to the action of HGT might
be appealing, this idea does not appear to be
readily demonstrated (Beauregard-Racine et
al., 2011). Lastly, it would seem that the more
we examine the scope of genes that are
present in some but not all members of a
species, the higher our estimates of the
amounts of transfer become (Dagan et al.,
2008). E. coli provides an insight into this
phenomenon, as it is an organism whose
genomic depth we have sampled to a
remarkable degree.
E. coli as an Example of Degrees of
Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria
Recent genome sequencing projects have
expanded our understanding of the speed at
which novel DNA is entering and exiting the
bacteria that we observe today. E. coli is an
important bacterial species, strains of which
68 H. Hendrickson
have been dierentiating for 2540 million
years (Ochman and Jones, 2000). These
organisms are intimately associated with
humans and include both commensals and
deadly pathogens such as the O157:H7 strain
(see Kuhl et al., Christie et al., Williams and
LeJeune, Goodridge and Steiner, and Niu et
al., Chapters 3, 4, 6, 11 and 16, this volume). A
recent 20-genome sequencing project
examining E. coli diversity revealed that the
core genome, the genes that appear in nearly
all E. coli, are approximately 98.3% identical
at the sequence level between strains and are
a set of approximately 2000 genes. Each
genome on average has ~4700 genes and the
total pool of genes shared is 10,000+ (Touchon
et al., 2009). Thus, each genome on average is
~43% core E. coli genes and ~57% other, more
mobile genes that have either recently arrived
or can easily be lost. This other 57% or 10,000+
genes collectively can be referred to as the E.
coli mobile-ome (Siefert, 2009). The obvious
prophage-associated genes in this study were
ofen found in only a single genome, which
suggests that, while ux of phage-borne
genes into genomes is high, the retention of
these genes is low, perhaps due to deleterious
eects (Touchon et al., 2009). Such high levels
of uctuating genomic content imply that
the utility of examining single strains as
representative of species of bacteria is
probably short-sighted.
Another noteworthy nding involves the
locations that new DNA has been introduced
into the genomes. Touchon et al. (2009) found
evidence of hot spots for newly acquired
DNA, with 71% of the non-core transferred
genes located in 133 locations across the 21
genomes. This suggests a natural constraint
on HGT that is overcome by inserting into
genome regions that themselves have been
acquired recently. Logically, these would be
locations that are not essential to bacterial
tness and therefore that are less likely to be
disrupted upon insertion of new DNA. A
subsequent study using 61 completely
sequenced E. coli and the closely related
Shigella genomes came to the conclusion that
over 80% of the genes in a typical genome
could be considered accessory rather than
core and that 90% of all of the genes found in
these organisms (their pan-genome) were
accessory genes. The message from these
large-scale genomic studies appears to be that
bacterial species are uid due to uxes in
gene content (Lukjancenko et al., 2010).
Horizontal Gene Transfer: New
Capabilities, Pathogenicity, and
The ultimate eect of the ow of genes into
bacterial genomes is that these genes bring
about new abilities and potentials for these
organisms. It is the sudden acquisition of
segments of genetic material that gives
bacteria access to new niches resulting, for
example, in the spread of antibiotic resistance
and the transformation of commensal bacteria
into pathogenic lifestyles. These processes
have caught our atention in recent years as
dangerous new species have arisen, with
phages ofen acting as direct mediators of
Antibiotic resistance
Many microorganisms express antibiotics
that serve to either kill or slow the growth of
local bacteria. Bacteria in turn develop
capacities to resist antibiotics. Phages mediate
these processes on both sides by mobilizing
genetic material in nature that allows both
resistance to and production of antibiotics
(Fig. 5.2; Davison, 1999). Williams and
LeJeune (Chapter 6, this volume) also briey
consider the role that phages might play
especially in the transduction of antibiotic
resistance genes.
Bacterial evolution and pathogenicity as a
Within a single lineage of bacteria, evolving
over millions of years, we can nd the entire
spectrum of host interactions: pathogens,
commensals and mutualists. This observation
alone suggests that these identities are uid
over time, as the last common ancestor of all
of these must have fallen into only one of
these categories or did it? The designation
of pathogen, commensal or mutualist ofen
How Bacteriophages Create, Liberate and Decimate Bacterial Pathogens 69
appears to be dependent on the specic host
that the bacterium is being observed with
(reviewed by Lawrence and Hendrickson,
2008). This is most likely a result of the
specic nature of the chemical signals that are
transmited between a host organism and a
Bacteriophages are constrained some-
what in the genes that they can carry. On
average, these genomes are 60 kb, with a
range from a lower limit of 3.5 kb to an upper
described limit of ~500 kb (see www.ncbi.
pt =vi rus&t axi d=10239&host =bact eri a;
Hendrix, 2009). Classically, bacteriophages
must carry a genomic content that encodes
structural proteins as well as genome
replication and cell-escape functions. In
addition, most phage genomes contain non-
essential or accessory genes, some of whose
functions are only needed in particular host
strains (Pope et al., 2011). Bacteriophages
none the less contribute in major ways to the
genomic uidity displayed by pathogens.
There are numerous cases where the causative
agent that makes a bacterium pathogenic is a
toxin that is encoded by a prophage (see
Christie et al., Chapter 4, this volume). These
toxins can then be secreted by the pathogen
into the extracellular environment to wreck
havoc on the host organism (reviewed by
Casas and Maloy, 2011). In addition to
mediating pathogenicity in this fashion,
bacteriophages at times carry alternative
O-antigens that aid bacteria in evading host
immune systems or other predation, promote
adhesion of cells to tissues and contribute to
generalized transduction of antibiotic
resistance genes in populations (Firth and
Skurray, 2006; Wagner and Waldor, 2006;
Wildschute and Lawrence, 2007).
If bacteria can inherit a suite of deadly
pathogenicity genes in a single phage
integration event but still look otherwise
harmless, then the medically important
dierence between an inoensive enteric
bacterium and a pathogen is, from a genetic
perspective, a small one indeed. For historical
reasons, much nomenclature in bacteria is
inherently uninformative in this respect. E.
coli K12 strain MG1655 is a harmless
laboratory strain that was obtained from a
patient in Palo Alto in 1922 (Blatner et al.,
1997; Anon, 2011). On the other hand,
antibiotic resistance
Naturally encoded
gene exchange
e g n a h c x E e c n a t s i s e R c i t o i b i t n A
Fig. 5.2. Phage involvement in cycling antibiotic production and resistance genes in the environment.
Antibiotics are part of the normal competitive regime of microorganisms in nature and are produced by a
wide range of organisms (grey arrows). Bacteria are therefore under pressure to evolve resistance to
these (black notched circles). The genes that encode resistance may also be found in organisms that
produce the antibiotics (black gene in genome) and are generally benecial when transferred through
phage or other processes. Phages are therefore taking part in the transmission of genetic material that
encodes for both antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in nature.
70 H. Hendrickson
beginning 60 years later, E. coli O157:H7 strain
EDL933 was a deadly pathogen, the causative
agent of haemolyticuraemic syndrome and
responsible for fatalities afer consumption of
contaminated meat in the USA (for more on E.
coli O157:H7 see Kuhl et al., Christie et al.,
Williams and LeJeune, Goodridge and Steiner,
and Niu et al., Chapters 3, 4, 6, 11 and 16, this
volume). These versions of the same species
had diverged over an estimated period of 4.5
million years and each had acquired large
segments of DNA through HGT in the
intervening time (Perna et al., 2001; Welch et
al., 2002). These early comparisons of strains
of the same species comfortingly led to the
conclusion that these additions had been
made on a 4.1 Mb backbone of core genes, or
roughly 89% of the MG1655 and 72% of the
EDL933 total genome size. As stated earlier,
however, more recent sequencing eorts put
genes shared by all E. coli at closer to 43% of
total genes in an average representative
(Touchon et al., 2009). These eorts miss much
of the nearly homologous re com bination
taking place between more closely related
strains, and inclusion of these re combination
events as well could send estimates of the
percentage of genes in the average genome
that have been recently transferred to 81%
(15% ; Dagan et al., 2008). It seems that the
more we learn about the amount of transfer
taking place, the less certain we can be about
species delineations and their relevance to
human disease.
Phages can also increase the patho-
genicity of bacterial communities without
changing the genetic make-up of these
bacteria. Bacterial biolms have become the
subject of much speculation recently, and the
nature and signicance of these microbial
conglomerations are being investigated.
Micro organisms living in these mature
pellicle structures of excreted polysaccharides
appear to be less susceptible to antibiotics
and phages. In fact, the biolm community of
a cystic brosis lung was recently found to be
the rst phage-free environment recorded
(Hiby et al., 2010, 2011; Willner et al., 2011).
At the same time, however, it is also becoming
clear that phages are a natural part of many
of these communities (Abedon, 2011). Biolm
formation has been demonstrated in multiple
pathogenic lineages to be bolstered by the
presence of extracellular DNA. As phages
lyse bacteria, they release this DNA into the
environment and this additional extracellular
DNA enhances biolm structural stability,
and in some cases the degree of phage-
mediated lysis appears to be regulated by the
bacteria (Carrolo et al., 2010; Kay et al., 2011;
Petrova et al., 2011).
The Why of Bacteriophages and
The consensus regarding the impact of HGT
on the evolution of bacteria has been
recognized only in phases. Immediately afer
completely sequenced bacterial genomes
started to be published (1996), HGT was
considered to be a novel or rare event. Within
a few years, gene transfer began to be
appreciated as an ongoing but nevertheless
restricted process, where some genes were
thought to be mobile but most were not
transferred. More recently, by contrast, there
has been increasing suggestion that the
majority of genes in many genomes have
been transferred and that cohesion within
families might be driven by a combination of
vertical descent and constraints on these
transfer frequencies. Continued sequencing
eorts and improved methodologies for
detection have carried us through these shifs
of paradigm. Today, we are still at an impasse
as to what observed transfer means for
meaningful taxonomy. This becomes a crucial
point when nomenclature meets medical
practice (Brssow et al., 2004; Gevers et al.,
2005; see also Kuhl et al. and Williams and
LeJeune, Chapters 3 and 6, this volume).
Evolutionary biologists are ofen
interested in the why of phenomena more
than the how. The short answer to why
bacteriophages carry genes that enhance
pathogenicity is that it helps them to make
more bacteriophages. In 1976, Richard
Dawkins wrote, in The Selsh Gene, that one
could consider genes as selsh replicators
coding for phenotypes whose sole goal it is to
increase their own numbers (Dawkins, 1976).
From this perspective, any gene can be seen
as contributing to an organism only in order
How Bacteriophages Create, Liberate and Decimate Bacterial Pathogens 71
to ensure that more copies of the gene are
made. As this concept has inuenced modern
biological thought, multiple lines of evidence
have contributed to the notion that many
genetic elements can be thought of in much
the same way. Selsh genetic elements have
been dened as those having characteristics
that enhance their own transmission relative
to the rest of an individuals genome, and that
are either neutral or detrimental to the
organism as a whole (Werren et al., 1988). By
this denition, bacteriophages can be thought
of as a quintessentially selsh genetic
element. These bundles of DNA wrapped in a
protein coat travel through the natural world,
inert until they happen upon a replicator to
prey on. From this view, the success of a
temperate bacteriophage is dependent on the
genes that it can imbue to a host that it
integrates into (Abedon and LeJeune, 2005). If
the bacteriophage encodes for su ciently
niche-expanding or fortifying genes, then
it can increase its copy number by
accompanying a successful host organism in
its clonal expansion during an infectious
cycle. In some cases, this will propel otherwise
harmless commensals into more pathogenic
lifestyles but the measure of success for the
phage during this outgrowth is simply the
production of more phages.
The relationship between pathogens and
bacteriophages is a complex one and the two
entities can be thought of as interdependent
in many ways. On the one hand, phages can
serve as catalysts that impel bacteria,
particularly via HGT, into a pathogenic
lifestyle. On the other hand, pathogens as
well as bacteria in general appear to be
doomed, ultimately, to mutational collapse
under the pressure of Mullers ratchet when
phages and other mediators of HGT are not
present to mediate intra-specic re-
combination. Nevertheless, although phages
apparently are benecial when viewed over
these evolutionary timescales, over short
timescales they fundamentally serve as
predators that search out and devour
bacteria, including the same pathogens that
they can play such important roles in creating.
In the tale of the lion and the mouse, the lion
threatens the mouse one day and is freed by
the mouse from a hunters trap the next.
Given the evidence of the eminently complex
co-dependencies between pathogens and
phages in the microbial world, who is the
true king of the jungle? Bacteria perhaps owe
deference to their phage predators, which
serve simultaneously as creators, sustainers
and destroyers of bacterial pathogens?
The author would like to acknowledge the
generous support of the Human Frontier of
Science Program Organization. She is also
grateful for helpful discussion with D.I.
Andersson and J.G. Lawrence, as well as
helpful access to a manuscript in press by S.
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CAB International 2012. Bacteriophages in Health and Disease
76 (eds P. Hyman and S.T. Abedon)
6 Phages and Bacterial Epidemiology
Michele L. Williams
and Jeffrey T. LeJeune
Food Animal Health Research Program, The Ohio Agricultural Research and
Development Center.
The frequent, complex and intimate inter-
actions between phages and their bacterial
hosts have inuenced the evolution of both
groups of organisms. The con sequences of
their relationship have signicantly impacted
human, animal and plant health. As discussed
in Kuhl et al., Christie et al. and Hendrickson
(Chapters 35, this volume), some organisms
have acquired genes to become more virulent.
Notwithstanding this, ever since the discovery
of phages, researchers have been atempting
to harness and exploit the biological and
genetic properties of phages to advance
science and to enhance health. The use of
phages in molecular biology studies (see
Abedon, Chapter 1, this volume) and as
agents for therapeutic (see Olszowska-
Zaremba et al., Loc-Carrillo et al., Burrowes
and Harper, and Abedon, Chapters 12, 13, 14
and 17, this volume) or diagnostic (see Cox,
Chapter 10, this volume) purposes, and for
food processing (see Niu et al., Chapter 16,
this volume) has clearly provided benets to
society. Another important way that the
association between phages and bacteria has
been exploited is in the tracking of outbreaks
and epidemiological research related to
The dierentiation of bacterial isolates at
a greater resolution than the species level, in
order to identify strains or subspecies,
provides valuable information in the investi-
gation of disease outbreaks and research on
the epidemiology and ecology of pathogens
(Moorman et al., 2010). The essential and
preferred criteria for such bacterial typing
methods have evolved litle since their advent
(Anderson and Williams, 1956; van Belkum et
al., 2007). These include inherent character-
istics of the test: (i) stability (consistency over
time); (ii) typeability (the ability of the test to
describe a unique phage type); (iii) dis-
criminatory power (the ability to dierentiate
strains, (iv) epidemiological concordance
(grouping of related isolates similarly); and
(v) reproducibility (the ability to get the same
result each time the test is run). They also
include practical aspects of use such as: (i)
ease of use; (ii) applicability across a broad
range of bacterial species (exibility); (iii)
speed or turnaround time; (iv) accessibility;
and (v) cost (van Belkum et al., 2007). In this
chapter, the methodologies and application
of phages and prophages in the tracking and
subtyping of bacterial strains is reviewed.
Phage Typing: a Foundation for
Epidemiological Investigations
In 1922, Callow reported host-range dif-
ferences among a collection of staphylococcal
phages (Callow, 1922). A few years later,
Craigie and Yen (1938) were able to develop
the rst phage-based typing method by
exploiting the receptor specicity of phages
M.L. Williams and J.T. LeJeune
Phages and Bacterial Epidemiology 77
for the Vi antigen present on the surface of
some Salmonella typhi. Briey, phage typing
requires a collection of phages lytic for at
least some of the members of the bacterial
group being typed. The principles of phage
typing reect the fundamental concepts
governing the relationship between phages
and their bacterial hosts, notably receptor
binding, restriction enzyme systems and
immunity as mediated by prophages (Hyman
and Abedon, 2010; Labrie et al., 2010). Both
obligately lytic and temperate phages may be
employed. Using the highest possible dilution
known to produce areas of lysis on lawns of
its strain type (the bacterial host used to
propagate the phage), the bacterial strain to
be typed is challenged with a panel of phages.
The type of lysis that results is recorded
(conuent, opaque, individual clear plaques,
individual opaque plaques or no lysis). It is
not expected that every phage will result in
lysis of every test strain. Instead, it is the
patern of lysis caused by the panel of phages
that denes the particular phage type (PT) of
the test strain. In eect, phage typing can be
viewed as a phenotypic assessment tool (spot
formation) that represents or is governed by
genetic elements present in the host.
The initial experiments, reported in 1938
by Craigie and Yen, became the foundation
for all subsequent phage typing schemes
including those still in use today. Many
bacteria are still commonly typed using
phages (Table 6.1). The methods and specic
phages employed are standardized for each
typing scheme. The International Federation
of Enteric Phage Typing oversees and
coordinates phage typing in 55 countries
around the globe.
Issues relevant to phage typing utility:
inherent characteristics
Despite the longstanding history and value of
phage typing in epidemiological investi-
gations, this methodology performs poorly
when evaluated for several of the afore-
mentioned desirable criteria for typing
Host susceptibility to specic phages is sub-
ject to change. Prophages, stably integrated
into the host genome, can confer immunity to
Table 6.1. Bacteria commonly typed using bacteriophages.
Bacteria Reference
Acinetobacter spp. Santos et al. (1984)
Bacillus spp. Ahmed et al. (1995)
Campylobacter spp. Frost et al. (1999)
Clostridium difcile Sell et al. (1983)
Clostridium perfringens Yan (1989)
Corynebacterium diphtheriae Andronescu et al. (1997)
Erwinia spp. Toth et al. (1999)
Escherichia coli Pearce et al. (2009)
Klebsiella spp. Sechter et al. (2000)
Listeria monocytogenes McLauchlin et al. (1996)
Mycobacterium spp. Schurch and van Soolingen (2011)
Pasteurella multocida Nielsen and Rosdahl (1990)
Proteus spp. Sekaninova et al. (1999)
Pseudomonas spp. Bergmans et al. (1997)
Salmonella spp. Kafatos et al. (2009)
Serratia spp. Hamilton and Brown (1972)
Shigella spp. Bentley et al. (1996)
Streptococcus spp. Domelier et al. (2009)
Vibrio cholera Sarkar et al. (2011)
Yersinia spp. Kawaoka et al. (1987)
78 M.L. Williams and J.T. LeJeune
superinfection. Under certain circumstances,
however, these prophages may be excised
and lost. This can result in the potential for
the phage type of a given bacterial strain to
change. Prophage excision, also known as
curing, may also occur either during the
course of an outbreak (diphtheria) or during
laboratory propagation, such as following the
initial isolation of Shiga toxin-producing
Escherichia coli (Bielaszewska et al., 2007). In
addition to the loss of prophages, bacteria
may become lysogenized by temperate
phages, again potentially changing their
phage type (Rankin and Plat, 1995). Although
it would be unusual for such an event to
happen in the laboratory afer the initial
isolation of the bacterial strain, lysogenization
occurs naturally in the environment (Revathi
et al., 2011).
In addition to phage-mediated transfer
of DNA and the loss of prophages, the gain or
loss of other mobile genetic elements, notably
plasmids, can also result in phage type
conversion (Frost et al., 1989). Loss of phage
receptors can also result in changes in phage
types. For example, the sporadic transition
from smooth to rough strains of bacteria
associated with the loss of lipopolysaccharide
can result a change in the susceptibility to
phages used in typing, resulting, for example,
in the conversion of Salmonella enterica serovar
Enteritidis PT 4 to PT 7 (Chart et al., 1989).
Typeability refers to the ability of the testing
methodology to assign a subtype to the
organism being evaluated. Because the typing
system relies on the patern of lysis for a
collection of individual phages, it is
imperative that the reference phage typing
set contains one or more phages capable of
causing lysis in the tested organism, other-
wise the organism is considered untypeable.
Depending on the bacterial genus and species
being tested, the origin of the samples and the
diversity as well as size of the typing set of
phages, phage typeability may be as low as
0% and as high as 100% (Kuramasu et al.,
1967; Valdezate et al., 2000).
Discriminatory power
Discriminatory power refers to the ability of
the typing system to distinguish between
unrelated isolates, that is, the probability that
two organisms randomly selected from a
population of genetically unrelated organisms
will produce dierent subtypes (Hunter and
Gaston, 1988). As with other typing systems,
the discriminatory power of phage typing is
dependent on the population (genus and
species) of the bacterial strain being tested
and is highly variable, but indices between 80
and 90% are typical and can be useful for
epidemiological in vestigations. For example,
the discrimina tory power of phage typing for
S. enterica serovar Enteritidis is 85% (Boxrud et
al., 2007) and for Listeria monocytogenes it
is 87% (Boerlin et al., 1995). The problem
associated with phage typing tests of low
discriminatory power is that isolates with the
same phage type could be genetically un-
related, resulting in a misclassication of
unrelated cases into an outbreak denition.
Epidemiological concordance
It is desirable that the typing method groups
all of the outbreak strains from the same
source together. Epidemiological concordance
(E) is a measure of how well the typing
method agrees with the epidemiological data
obtained from other sources. E can be
calculated by determining the fraction of
epidemiologically linked sets (ve to ten
isolates per set) of strains recovered from
outbreaks that are indistinguishable (van
Belkum et al., 2007). This atribute can be
considered the counterbalancing factor to
discriminatory power. High discriminatory
power with low epidemiological concordance
would result in a failure to cluster
epidemiologically related isolates from the
same outbreak together. The problem
associated with low epidemiological con-
cordance is that two or more isolates of
similar clonal origin that have been modied,
for example by a recent prophage in-
corporation or phage mobilization event, will
not be considered to be part of the same
outbreak when in fact they are.
Phages and Bacterial Epidemiology 79
Reproducibility is the ability of the typing
method to generate the same result when
repeated on the same isolate on dierent
occasions in dierent laboratories. It diers
from stability (the rst criterion, above) in
that it is inuenced by factors extrinsic to
the bacteria. Specically, intra- and inter-
laboratory inconsistencies, including operator
error, contribute to variations in analysis and
interpret ation, thereby resulting in poor
reproducibility. Phage typing can be highly
reproducible (0.985; Marquet-Van der Mee and
Audurier, 1995), but it requires standardized
panels of phages and should be conducted
only in a limited number of reference labora-
tories by experienced personnel. With out tight
controls on laboratory methods and reagents,
reproducibility is poor.
Issues relevant to phage typing utility:
In addition to the abovementioned per-
formance criteria, there are several practical
aspects of phage typing that are also
considered when evaluating the usefulness of
bacterial typing schemes. These include: (i)
ease of use; (ii) applicability; (iii) cost; (iv)
accessibility; and (v) speed. Phage typing
falls short in several of these areas when
compared with other typing methods. For
example, each bacterial species requires a
dierent set of test phages for typing, thereby
limiting its applicability or exibility in terms
of usefulness for multiple bacterial species.
Although the laboratory equipment required
for test performance is not highly specialized,
it does require a fair amount of technical
expertise to perform the analysis, ranking
phage typing lower on the ease-of-use scale.
The technical expertise required and the
maintenance of a wide range of phage
libraries add to the cost and restrict the
availability of phage typing to a limited
number of highly specialized reference
laboratories. The speed at which the assay
can be completed is dependent on the time
required to detect spots on bacterial lawns.
This may be quicker than some other typing
methods (e.g. pulsed-eld gel electro-
phoresis), similar to methods of phenotypic
characterization (e.g. biochemical tests) or
slower than some more modern molecular-
based methods such as PCR.
Choosing the most appropriate typing
method is dependent on the question at hand
and the resources available. Despite the
abovementioned limitations, the use of phage
typing is still considered useful in epidemi-
ological surveillance and investigations
(Kafatos et al., 2009; Baggesen et al., 2010). In
many instances, using a combination of
typing methods including traditional phage
typing can add valuable molecular insight
into the epidemiological investigation of
outbreaks (Bhowmick et al., 2009; Cho et al.,
The Next Frontier in Phage Typing
Fundamentally, phage susceptibility and
ultimately phage typing are phenotypic
representations of the genetic composition of
the bacterial host, although as yet unidentied
environmental factors governing phage sus-
ceptibility may also exist. Host-cell suscep-
tibility to specic phages is viewed primarily
as a reection of: (i) the encoding and
expression of specic phage receptors; and
(ii) pre-existing prophage lysogenization
potentially resulting in immunity (Stephan et
al., 2008). There additionally exist a substantial
number of anti-phage resistance mechanisms
that are encoded by bacteria and which, in
principle, could be correlated with the failure
of specic typing phages to recognize the
appropriate phage. These mechanisms include
the familiar restriction-modication mechan-
isms, as well as abortive infection systems.
Certainly, of greatest current interest are
clustered, regularly interspaced, short
palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas systems,
which not only can bestow anti-phage
resistance but do so in such a manner that
resistant bacteria and resisted phages display
small regions of high genetic identity (Deveau
et al., 2010; Hyman and Abedon, 2010; Labrie et
al., 2010). Thus, although phage typing is
characterized as a phenotypic subtyping
80 M.L. Williams and J.T. LeJeune
method, like other phenotypic methods it too
could mature methodologically as more
information becomes available into genotypic
methods, that is, if the genetic elements
underlying phage-resistance or phage-
sensitivity phenotypes are resolved. A number
of investigators are exploring this line of
Phages ofen use outer-membrane
proteins as receptors. Thus, characterization
of the diversity of receptors present on
bacterial hosts capable of binding a variety
of phages, including those used in phage
typing, could provide a novel phage-centric
tool to discriminate and classify bacteria.
Unfortunately, not all phage receptors are
known, and it is expected that new receptors
will be discovered. Nevertheless, this
approach has been piloted for the discrimin-
ation of S. enterica serovar Enteritidis phage
types (Preisner et al., 2010). In these studies,
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was
used to analyse the outer-membrane proteins
present in extracts of cell membranes of
various phage types of Salmonella Enteritidis.
Although the exact components in the extract
that were correlated with the phage typing
classication were not identied, their
analysis demonstrated that this rapid method
of dierentiation of phage types was highly
discriminatory. Presumably, the factors that
contribute to the strength of the association
were either the receptors for phages them-
selves or other membrane components that
were genetically linked with susceptibility of
host lysis by specic groups of phages.
Another approach that has been used to
move away from phenotypic methods is the
identication of correlates between phage
typing systems and genetics. In Salmonella
Typhimurium, Lan et al. (2007) identied ten
sequences using amplied fragment length
polymorphism, which could be used for
discriminating eight dierent phage types of
this organism. A similar approach, PCR of
phage-derived open reading frames, was
proposed by OSullivan et al. (2010) to
dierentiate methicillin-resistant Staphylo-
coccus aureus (MRSA) subtypes. More recently,
in experiments conducted using microarray-
based technology, specically diversity arrays
technology, Hackl et al. (2010) described a set
of DNA probes that could be used to
dierentiate between Salmonella enterica
serovar Enteritidis and Typhimurium strains
based on phage types. Many of the genetic
markers were subsequently sequenced and in
a number of cases demonstrated high identity
to hypothetical or putative proteins from
phages common to Salmonella (Fels-2, Gifsy-1
and ST64B).
Studies such as the ones described here
demonstrate the possibility of linking rapid
molecular analysis of bacterial proteins or
genome sequences with established bacterial
groups dened by phage typing. This would
allow the application of rapid analysis
methods for new strain identication with
strong epidemiological concordance to
existing groups and bypassing the limitations
of traditional phage typing described above.
See Cox (Chapter 10, this volume) for
additional consideration of phage-based
methods that may be employed to distinguish
bacterial species or strains.
Beyond Typing: Additional
Epidemiological Insights
Many bacterial genomes are pervaded by
cryptic phages and prophages. As described
above, the public health arena has exploited
this phenomenon to develop and rene tools
to dierentiate strains of bacteria to determine
which cases of illness may be atributed to a
single source during outbreak investigations.
Prophages and their respective chromosomal
insertion sites, however, may also provide
valuable insights into bacterial evolution,
ecology and the pathogenesis of disease.
Although not fully understood, lysogeny by
temperate phages may impact on the ecology
and physiology of the bacterial host (Chen et
al., 2005). Moreover, several prophages en code
cardinal virulence factors necessary for disease
(e.g. botulism toxin, diphtheria toxin, cholera
toxin and Shiga toxin) or elements for the
regulation of virulence among pathogenic
bacteria (Abedon and Lejeune, 2005; see
Christie et al., Chapter 4, this volume). Further
elucidation of the role of phage-encoded
genes, or at least identifying associations
between their presence/absence and epidemio-
Phages and Bacterial Epidemiology 81
logical niches, may help to explain the
distribution of pathogens in the environment
and their relevance to human disease
information that is critically needed to develop
enhanced prevention and control strategies to
improve human health.
One example of a phage-encoded gene
used for epidemiological investigation is the
phage anti-terminator Q gene present in
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O157. A Q allele
identical to that present in bacteriophage
933W is associated with high Shiga toxin
production and with most cases of clinical
disease in humans (LeJeune et al., 2004).
Additional typing systems have been
described that dierentiate between human
clinical isolates of E. coli O157 and the larger,
more diverse pool of genotypes present in the
catle population, a predominant reservoir
host for E. coli O157. Notably, the lineage-
specic polymorphism assay (LSPA) targeted
a number of phage-encoded genes (Zhang et
al., 2007). In contrast to LSPA, the Shiga toxin-
encoding bacteriophage insertion (SBI) sites
method screens putative phage insertion sites
to determine whether the sites are accessible
for lysogeny or whether they are occupied,
and, if occupied, with what size of genetic
insertion (Shaikh and Tarr, 2003). Collectively,
all of these phage-based methods con-
cordantly identify distribution dierences in
E. coli O157 genotypes recovered from human
clinical cases and the bovine reservoir
(Whitworth et al., 2010). These genetic tools
can be used to track subtypes of bacteria that
are over- or under-represented in dierent
environments (Besser et al., 2007). Our
understanding of factors governing lysogeny
in E. coli O157, however, is incomplete.
Stephan et al. (2009) were unable to transduce
two Shiga toxin-negative E. coli O157 strains
despite the presence of intact SBI sites. Hence,
the presence of intact SBI sites in bacterial
genomes is not a clear indication of potential
for lysogenic conversion and the emergence
of novel pathogenic strains (for more on E.
coli O157:H7, see Kuhl et al., Goodridge and
Steiner, and Niu et al., Chapters 3, 11 and 16,
this volume).
Antibiotic resistance
Another important role bacteriophages may
play in the epidemiology of human, animal
and plant health is in the emergence of
antibiotic resistance. The emergence of and
increase in resistance to antibiotics among
bacterial pathogens and commensal organ-
isms are important and growing public health
concerns (Bush et al., 2011), particularly
because antimicrobial-resistant infections are
ofen di cult to treat and result in increased
healthcare costs (McGowan, 2001; Merz et al.,
2010). Although much atention has been
placed on bacterial conjugation as a mechanism
for the emergence and dissemination of anti-
microbial resistance (AMR) genes, bacterio-
phages encoding AMR genes are widespread
in the environment (Colomer-Lluch et al.,
2011a,b), and the potential for transduction of
AMR genes has been ofen overlooked.
Examples of how phages may impact on
the epidemiology of human and animal
diseases include the emergence of the penta-
resistant S. enterica serovar Typhimurium,
denite type (DT) 104 in the 1990s. The
genes that confer resistance to ampicillin,
chloramphenicol, streptomycin/pectinomycin,
sulfonamides and tetracycline in this
organism are clustered chromosomally
(Schmieger and Schicklmaier, 1999) and are
not located on a plasmid. These genes,
however, are transducible by several phages
endemic to DT104 isolates (Schmieger and
Schicklmaier, 1999). Similarly, our laboratory
has demonstrated the transduction of genes
encoding extended spectrum |-lactamase
(cmy-2) and tetracycline (tetA and tetB)
resistance from S. enterica subsp. enterica
serovar Heidelberg to S. enterica serovar
Typhimurium (Zhang and LeJeune, 2008).
There is also growing evidence that MRSA
may have also evolved by the transduction of
the mecA gene to S. aureus from other
staphylococci. For additional discussion of
transduction and the evolution of bacterial
genomes, including the genomes of bacterial
pathogens, see Christie et al. and Hendrickson
(Chapters 4 and 5, this volume).
82 M.L. Williams and J.T. LeJeune
Summary and Outlook
Clearly bacteriophages have shaped the
landscape of infectious agents with signicant
impacts on the epidemiology and ecology of
bacterial pathogens (see Hendrickson,
Chapter 5, this volume). Prophages along
with various cryptic elements present in
microorganisms provide a trail of genetic
footprints that can be used to track the
evolution of pathogens and the short-term
epidemiology of disease. At present, despite
its limitations, classical phage typing which
operates in part by phenotypically detecting
these elements provides a valuable tool in
outbreak identication and investigation.
The discovery of the specic genotypic
elements underpinning the traditional
phenotypic methods of phage typing will
provide more robust and reliable methods to
track outbreaks. As more information is
acquired and the associations among phage
types, genotypes and diseases are beter
understood, it is expected that the use of
phage-based molecular methods will
supplement, if not replace, current phage
typing in epidemiological investigations and
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) was the
rst of approximately 35 phage-display-
developed mAbs to be approved by the US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2002,
and is indicated for a number of inammatory
conditions including rheuma toid arthritis,
psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and
Crohns disease (van de Pute et al., 2004).
Interestingly, this antibody was derived by
employing both conventional murine hybrid-
oma methods and phage-display approaches.
Initially, the heavy- and light-chain gene
segments of a hybridoma-derived murine
anti-human TNF-o neutralizing antibody
were cloned into the M13 phage-display
system (Fig. 8.6f). This was followed by the
use of guided selection (Jespers et al., 1994;
Osbourn et al., 2005) in which the heavy chain
of the mouse antibody was paired with a
repertoire of random human light chains to
display humanmouse antibody fragments
on phage. This phage-display library was
then panned on TNF-o. In parallel, the light
chain from the original murine antibody was
paired with a repertoire of random human
heavy chains, displayed on phage and then
panned against TNF-o. Finally, a set of
guided human heavy and light chains
selected from each chimaeric library were
combined together to form yet another phage
library (now completely human), which was
panned on TNF-o. In vitro a nity maturation
(Fig. 8.6e) of the best binder was then used to
generate a higher a nity, higher potency,
anti-TNF-o mAb (D2E7) that became the
therapeutic drug adalimumab.
In contrast to adalimumab, belimumab
Firey Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay
System; Applied Biosystems). Luc bio-
luminescence is brought about by ATP-
dependent, luciferase-catalysed oxidation of
a luciferin substrate (benzothiazole) resulting
in light emission (DeLuca and McElroy, 1978).
As is the case with many lux-based reporter
systems, luc relies on the exogenous appli-
cation of the luciferin substrate to a phage-
infected culture to bring about light emission.
The rst use of rey luciferase for
phage-based bacterial targeting was reported
for detection and drug susceptibility
determin ation of M. smegmatis and Myco-
bacterium tuberculosis (Jacobs et al., 1993).
Recombinant mycobacteriophages carrying
the luc gene allowed the detection of
5 10
5 10
CFU ml
of M. smegmatis within
minutes of infection and were capable of
distinguishing between antibiotic-resistant
and -susceptible M. smegmatis and M.
tuberculosis. Due to the inherently slow growth
rate of mycobacteria, however, lengthy pre-
enrichment was required to obtain su cient
bacterial concentrations for detection, result-
ing in total analysis times in excess of 9 days.
Since then, several other mycobacterio phage
constructs have been engineered to exploit
luc-based bio luminescence with the aim of
increasing assay sensitivity and reducing
analysis time (Sarkis et al., 1995; Bardarov et
al., 2003; Dusthackeer et al., 2008). While these
studies show promise for myco bacterial
detection, they are still hampered by extensive
pre-enrichment requirements, mak ing it un-
likely that these systems will be tractable for
rapid bacterial detection and identication in
a truly rapid diagnostic capacity.
Fluorescent protein-based reporter
GFP and its many derivatives are used in
numerous applications and have been
expressed in organisms ranging from bacteria
and nematodes (Chale et al., 1994), insects
(Wang and Hazelrigg, 1994), yeast (Kahana et
al., 1995) and plants (Haselo and Amos,
1995) to mammalian cell cultures (Olson et al.,
1995). Originally isolated from the bio-
luminescent hydrozoan jellysh Aequorea
victoria (Shimomura et al., 1962), a plethora of
commercial GFP-based cloning and expres-
sion tools are available from multiple
manufacturers and include enhanced green,
red, cyan, yellow and blue-shifed variants.
While dependent on the presence of oxygen
(Heim et al., 1994) and ofen hampered by low
signal-to-noise ratios because of bacterial,
tissue or other sample autouorescence,
the advantages oered by GFP-based
uorescence include that it does not require
the addition of an enzyme substrate, is
relatively resistant to photobleaching in
comparison with other uorophores and
produces a signal over a fairly wide emission
The rst use of GFP-encoding phages for
bacterial detection involved cloning GFP into
the phage genome followed by infection,
bacterial expression and epiuorescence
microscopy-based detection of E. coli
(Funatsu et al., 2002). This strategy allowed
detection of GFP-expressing bacteria within
4 h of infection but suered from reduced
sensitivity as a result of phage-mediated cell
lysis, which resulted in dispersal of the GFP-
based signal. Several studies aimed at
addressing this and improving the target host
range followed. One strategy centred on the
use of a GFP-encoding, lysozyme-decient,
broad host range coliphage T4 mutant
designed to prevent host-cell destruction
(Tanji et al., 2004). Using similar approaches,
lytic (Oda et al., 2004) and lysozyme-decient
(Awais et al., 2006) GFP-encoding PP01
mutants were independently engineered.
These iterations allowed rapid, highly specic
detection and dierentiation between
O157:H7 and K12 strains within 10 min of
infection of 24 h cultures. Interestingly, unlike
many methods that require living target cells
for phage infection, these approaches,
because they relied upon expression of a
GFPminor capsid protein fusion (an
externally GFP-tagged phage), allowed the
detection of viable but non-culturable, as well
as heat-killed (pasteurized), E. coli by way of
phage adsorption. It should be noted,
Bacteriophage-based Methods of Bacterial Detection and Identication 145
however, that viable cells gave the most
intense uorescent signal.
Recently, GFP and yellow uorescence
protein (YFP)-encoding mycobacteriophages
were reported for uorescence-based
detection and antibiotic resistance determin-
ation of M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis (Piuri
et al., 2009; Rondon et al., 2011). Using
epiuorescence microscopy and ow cyto-
metry, these techniques were capable of
detecting approximately 100 CFU of phage-
infected, GFP-expressing mycobacteria. Total
analysis time, including bacterial pre-en-
richment was similar to that observed for luc-
based mycobacterial detection, requiring
weeks to obtain su cient optical densities for
experimentation. Fluorescence was observ-
able within 4 h of phage infection, however,
which is a signicant improvement over con-
ventional, culture-based detection methods
commonly employed by clinical laboratories.
The use of phage-mediated uorescence for
antibiotic resistance determination of
established liquid cultures required 2448 h,
while the same analysis conducted on
mycobacteria derived from single colonies
required 23 weeks.
Quantum Dots
Quantum dots (QDs) are colloidal, semi-
conducting nanocrystals with electronic
characteristics, such as uorescent emission
wavelengths, that are closely related to and
can be controlled by their crystal diameter
(size tunability; Murray et al., 2000). With
respect to their applicability to imaging and
detection strategies, they exhibit superior
photostability in comparison with con-
ventional uorophores, are more reactive
across a broad spectrum of excitation wave-
lengths and uoresce at narrow, size-
dependent emission spectra. These atributes,
in combination with recent advances in
surface conjugation chemistry, make QDs
ideal candidates as probes for imaging of
biological systems and bacterial detection
(Dubertret et al., 2002; Hahn et al., 2005; Li et
al., 2007). Moreover, the tunability of QDs
over a wide emission bandwidth makes
multiplexed detection of numerous targets in
a single sample a favourable possibility.
The use of QDs in combination with
species-specic phages was rst explored
using E. coli and biotinylated coliphage T7
(Edgar et al., 2006). T7 was genetically
engineered to express a small peptide fused
to its major capsid protein, which, following
infection and production of progeny phages,
was post-translationally biotinylated by host
cell biotin ligases. Once released from host
cells, biotinylated progeny phages were then
tagged by the addition of streptavidin-
conjugated QDs. PhageQD complexes
extracted from mixed bacterial cultures were
then visualized by ow cytometry and
uorescence microscopy 1 h afer infection
with detection limits of around 10 CFU ml
A similar approach used biotinylatable phage
and QDs in combination with conventional
and image-based ow cytometry to achieve
phage-based signal quantication (Yim et al.,
Fluorescent Phage Endolysin Cell
Wall-binding Domains
Phage-encoded endolysins are peptidoglycan
hydrolases that serve as one component of
the phage lytic system (Fisheti, 2005). They
are produced in the host-cell cytoplasm
during phage infection but target the host
cell-wall peptidoglycan, resulting in weaken-
ing and rupture of the bacterial cell along
with subsequent release of phage progeny.
Structurally, endolysins are com posed of an
enzymatically active N-terminal domain and
a cell wall-binding C-terminal domain (CBD)
(Moak and Molineux, 2004). To date,
numerous endolysins have been sequenced,
puried and applied from without to destroy
bacteria and explore their use as potential
alternatives to antibiotics (Loe er et al., 2001;
Nelson et al., 2001; Schuch et al., 2002; see also
Shen et al., Chapter 15, this volume). Their
use is largely limited to detecting Gram-
positive bacteria, however, because the
Gram-negative outer membrane serves as a
protective barrier against exogenously
applied endolysins. Nevertheless, endolysins
are potentially powerful tools, not only for
146 C.R. Cox
biocontrol but also for highly specic
In one of the most recent of the new
approaches to phage-based bacterial de-
tection, phage endolysin CBDs were paired
with green, blue, cyan, yellow and red
uorescent reporter proteins, magnetic
separation and uorescence microscopy to
allow the capture and detection of Listeria
(Schmelcher et al., 2010). Using several
dierent CBDuorescent protein fusion-
coated magnetic particles for bacterial
separation, multiplexed detection of Listeria
strains in mixed cultures as well as in spiked
milk and cheese samples were successfully
carried out. Bacterial recovery rates of greater
than 90% were observed following 24 h of
enrichment and 16 h of selective plating of
the captured cells.
Despite the growing need for rapid,
inexpensive methods of bacterial detection
and identication, most current methods fall
short as user-friendly, point-of-care diag-
nostics due to their complexity, lack of
sensitivity and reliance on expensive
equipment and highly specialized facilities
and expertise, as well as their dependence
on time-consuming micro biological pre-
enrichment. By exploiting the highly species-
specic phage life cycle and accompanying
amplication, the adsorption or atachment
a nity for their bacterial hosts, their ability
to take up and transfer reporter genes and
display surface-expressed mol ecular tags,
phage-based detection methods, depending
on the application, bypass nearly all of
these pitfalls. Phage amplication-coupled
MALDI-TOF MS, for example, allows
instrumental advances in bacterial detection
via rapid, species-specic phage protein
proling. This novel signal amplication
method allows bacterial detection and
identi cation in as litle as 2 h, while lowering
the limits of detection by several orders of
magnitude over conventional spectroscopy
and phage-typing methods.
With the goal of bypassing the need for
complex instrumentation and highly trained
personnel, methods for the use of phage
amplication-coupled LFI provide a com-
bination of both rapid and sensitive bacterial
detection in an inexpensive, portable
conguration, which is ideal for point-of-care
applications. The rst of such technologies is
the recently commercialized Microphage
system, which takes advantage of
phage amplication for patient screening for
MRSA and provides a rapid, sensitive method
for point-of-care diagnostic bacterial identi-
cation in a fraction of the time required by
conventional laboratory-based techniques.
Newly rened phage immobilization
techniques continue to advance our ability
to quickly and specically isolate and
con centrate target bacteria for analysis
with existing detection instrumentation.
Fluorescence-based bacterial detection by
targeted infection and delivery of uorescent
reporter systems by recombinant phages
show great promise as multiplexed bio-
luminescent and uorescent detection tools,
and the emerging use of highly rened phage
endolysins show strong potential in high-
e ciency bacterial capture and identication.
In all these approaches, phage-based
bacterial detection methods have proven to
be equal, if not superior, to conventional
methods in every category and stand to
transform diagnostic microbiology in the
very near future.
Portions of this chapter describing work
conducted by the author were supported by
the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the
United States Department of Defense.
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CAB International 2012. Bacteriophages in Health and Disease
(eds P. Hyman and S.T. Abedon) 153
11 Phage Detection as an Indication of
Faecal Contamination
Lawrence D. Goodridge
and Travis Steiner
Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University.
The importance of water quality to public
health has been demonstrated for thousands
of years, as archaeological evidence of safe
water usage and sanitary practices have been
found from the Incas to the Romans (Rosen,
1993). Most current issues with water quality
primarily impact on developing countries
where there is a lack of adequate sanitation
and treatment facilities (Carr, 2001). For
example, it is estimated that there are approxi-
mately 4 billion global cases of diarrhoea
annually (Carr, 2001), and inadequate water
supply, sanitation and domestic hygiene
account for 2.2 million deaths annually (Prss
and Havelaar, 2001).
While inadequate water quality is a
major problem in developing countries,
incidences of water contamination still
remain a problem in many developed
countries. For example, an outbreak in 1988
in Sweden aected 11,000 people when a
chlorination failure occurred at a water-
treatment plant (Andersson, 1991), and 2300
individuals in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada,
were aected by a waterborne outbreak of
Escherichia coli O157 when ex posed to
contaminated drinking water from a well that
had most likely been contaminated by surface
runo water (Hrudey et al., 2003). Out of the
2300 aected persons in the Walkerton
outbreak, 65 people were hospitalized, with
27 of these developing haemolyticuraemic
syndrome and seven conrmed deaths. In the
USA, a major outbreak of cryptosporidiosis
in Milwaukee, WI, caused an estimated
403,000 people to become ill with 4400
hospitalizations (Corso et al., 2003). For more
on E. coli O157:H7, see Kuhl et al., Christie et
al., Williams and LeJeune, Goodridge and
Steiner, and Niu et al. (Chapters 3, 4, 6, 11 and
16, this volume).
Such outbreaks not only aect the health
of the citizens but also have a severe economic
impact within the community. It is estimated
that the 1993 cryptosporidiosis outbreak had
a nancial cost of nearly US$100 million
when taking into account medical costs and
productivity losses (Corso et al., 2003). These
examples of waterborne illnesses highlight
the need for rapid, sensitive and inexpensive
methods to assess water quality to mitigate
such costly outbreaks of waterborne disease
in developing and developed countries. The
quality of drinking water, wastewater
treatment and recreational-use waters must
constantly be assessed due to their potential
to serve as a vehicle for spreading disease. In
some instances, untreated wastewater is used
for the irrigation of crops, creating a potential
for widespread illness (Ensink et al., 2002;
Sears et al., 1984; Srikanth and Naik, 2004).
Water used in agriculture and food processing
L.D. Goodridge and T. Steiner
154 L.D. Goodridge and T. Steiner
can thus serve as a source for transmission of
pathogens, becoming important from a food-
safety standpoint (see Niu et al., Chapter 16,
this volume).
Assessing water quality as a consequence
of these various issues can be crucial from a
public health perspective. A number of
methods for such assessment exist and can be
dierentiated into chemical, physical or
biological approaches (as well as their use in
combination). The purpose of this chapter,
however, is to describe the scientic literature
surrounding the use of coliphages and phages
that infect other bacterial species as indicators
of water quality. For additional reading, there
are a number of earlier reviews of phage use
as faecal indicators of water quality (Leclerc
et al., 2000; Ashbolt et al., 2001; Gerba, 2006;
Pillai, 2006; see also Cox, Chapter 10, this
volume). We begin with an overview of the
concept of the use of indicator organisms in
general for assessment of water quality.
Assessing Water Quality Using
Indicator Organisms
Microbial water quality currently is deter-
mined by testing for the presence of indicator
organisms (Yates, 2007). The detection,
isolation and identication of waterborne
pathogens can be expensive, di cult and
labour-intensive (Scot et al., 2002). To
alleviate these issues with waterborne
pathogen testing, indicator microorganisms
(organisms used to determine the presence of
faecal pollution) and index microorganisms
(organisms used to indicate the presence
of specic groups of pathogenic micro-
organisms) are commonly used to determine
the possible presence of faecal pollution and
thereby the relative risk, as well as, in some
cases, the actual pathogenic microorganisms
found in a sample. As most of the microbial
pathogens present in water are of faecal
origin, the detection of faecal contamination
has been the main aim of testing methodo-
logies. Historically, coliforms, the thermo-
tolerant coliform group, enterococci and
Clostridium perfringens have been the bacterial
indicators used to detect faecal contamination
(Scot et al., 2002; Biton, 2005; Savichtcheva
and Okabe, 2006; Yates, 2007), based on the
rationale that these indicator organisms are
indigenous to faeces and that their presence
in the environment is therefore indicative of
faecal pollution. Testing for these micro-
organisms in particular is necessary because
testing for the numerous bacterial, viral and
parasitical pathogens that can cause water-
borne illness is generally considered to be
impractical, particularly as doing so can
require extensive laboratory knowledge,
specialized equipment and a large quantity of
time and other resources (Havelaar and
Hogeboom, 1983; Yates, 2007).
In addition to testing for the presence of
gross faecal pollution, it is also useful to
develop methodology that can evaluate the
possible presence of the pathogenic micro-
organisms themselves. Cabelli (1977) dened
the basic criteria for a good index organism of
water quality as the following: (i) the
organism should be present when the
pathogen is present and absent when the
pathogen is not present; (ii) the organism
must not proliferate in the environment; (iii)
the organism should be present in numbers
equal to or greater than the pathogens it
indicates; (iv) the organism should be as
resistant to environmental decay and water-
treatment strategies as the pathogens it
indicates; and (v) the organism should be
both easily assayed and non-pathogenic. In
addition to these criteria, the ideal indicator/
index organism would also be able to
discriminate between contamination sources
(animal or human), also known as microbial
source tracking, and would have the ability to
predict the presence of waterborne viral
pathogens (Scot et al., 2002; Long et al., 2005;
Savichtcheva and Okabe, 2006).
The US Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) establishes maximum contaminant
levels (MCL) for total coliforms in drinking
water based on the number of samples taken
per month, which corresponds to the size of
the population for which the water source
serves (EPA, 1989). If samples are positive for
total coliforms, then further analyses for faecal
coliforms or E. coli are required. The MCL for
drinking water, water that has been treated
and will be released into a distribution system,
and water that is currently in the distribution
Phage Detection as an Indication of Faecal Contamination 155
system are all set at no detectable thermo-
tolerant coliform or E. coli bacteria (EPA, 1989;
World Health Organization, 2006). The MCL
standard for recreational water is much more
liberal and utilizes E. coli and enterococci as
indicators. The MCL standards for recreational
waters are set at 126 colony forming units
(CFU) per 100 ml for E. coli and 35 CFU for
enterococci (EPA, 1986). These criteria are
based on the rationale that the absence of
faecal coliforms, E. coli and enterococci
indicate that the waters sampled are at a low
risk of harbouring pathogens originating
from faecal con tamination (EPA, 1989). Many
of these bacteria, however, are routinely
isolated from soil and water environments
that have not been impacted by faecal
pollution. For example, faecal coliforms and
E. coli have been known to survive and
propagate within pristine and tropical
environments, meaning that assessment of
their initial numbers can be exaggerated
(Hurst and Crawford, 2002). Additionally, the
microbiological relation ship between index
microorganisms and the full range of
pathogens they are intended to represent is
not clearly understood, nor are the dynamics
of microbial ecology expected to be globally
homogeneous (National Research Council,
There are other di culties in using these
bacteria as markers of faecal contamination.
The bacteria are able to grow in biolms
within drinking-water distribution systems.
In addition, they are occasionally absent in
water supplies during outbreaks of water-
borne disease. Also, while the persistence of
these bacteria in water-distribution systems is
comparable to that of some bacterial
pathogens, the relationship between bacterial
index organisms and the presence of enteric
viruses and protozoa is poor, which is
important, as viruses and protozoa account
for approximately 44% of waterborne
outbreaks in the USA where the aetiological
agent has been identied (Blackburn et al.,
2004). Finally, the methods used to detect the
indicators/index bacteria are problematic.
While there are established culture and
molecular methods for the detection of most
microbial pathogens, most of these methods
have important limitations, including the
length of time required for the test result
(15 days) and the specicity and sensitivity
of detection (Scot et al., 2002). Another issue
to consider is the fact that the bacterial
indicators described above are not suited to
tracking the source of faecal pollution when a
contamination event is discovered. Microbial
source tracking is extremely important as it
identies the source of the pollution, which
enables containment and a decrease in the
chance of waterborne disease outbreaks.
Due to the limitations of the bacterial
indicators, including problems with their
rapid detection, it is clear that there remains
an acute need to identify beter indicators of
microbial quality that would determine faecal
contamination in a rapid manner and also
determine the source of that pollution so that
corrective actions could be initiated. In an
eort to nd indicators and index organisms
that t the criteria previously described,
novel alternatives to total coliform and E. coli
as well as Enterococcus spp. have been
explored. Bacteriophages as indicators of
water quality, and as index organisms for
enteric viruses, have been proposed as a
substitute for bacteria.
Bacteriophages as Indicator and
Index Microorganisms
Bacteriophages were recognized as being
present in the intestinal tract of humans in the
early 1900s (dHrelle, 1926). The use of
phages to indicate the possible presence of
pathogenic enteric bacteria was an idea that
subsequently developed in the 1930s, and
direct correlations between the presence of
certain types of bacteriophages and the
presence of faecal contamination were
reported (Scarpino, 1978).
More recently, the tendency has been to
use phages as indexes to demonstrate the
presence of and model the survival of enteric
viruses as a group. As with bacterial
pathogens, the approach to monitoring for
enteric viruses is based on the idea that it is
beter to monitor for the presence of faecal
pollution than for specic pathogens, due to
the fact that, as with bacteria, there are still
unknown (and simply too many) enteric viral
156 L.D. Goodridge and T. Steiner
pathogens to detect individually. In addition,
enteric viruses are ofen present in low
concentrations, requiring the analysis of at
least 10 litres of water, and while diagnostic
methods have been proposed for many of the
known enteric viruses, such methodology
is labour-intensive, expensive and time-
consuming. Due to their similarities to enteric
viruses, certain phages are atractive
candidates as indexes of enteric viruses in
The similarities between phages and
enteric viruses begin with the simple fact that
phages are viruses themselves. Bacteriophage
assay conditions, however, are much simpler
and cheaper than any of the enteric virus
detection methods. For example, phages can
be identied and quantied using several
methods ranging from standard micro-
biological methods such as plating to more
complex molecular methods based on genus-
or species-specic antigenic properties and
genetic identication (Metcalf et al., 1995;
Vinje et al., 2004; Kirs and Smith, 2007). All
these methods of detection can suer the
same limitations as bacterial detection, in
some cases requiring even more laboratory
expertise. Some phages are so similar in
genetic structure that identication by
antigenic activity against their capsid protein
is the most eective method of discrimination.
These antigenic tests can be performed using
phage inactivation, lateral ow testing or latex
agglutination (Love and Sobsey, 2007; see
Cox, Chapter 10, this volume, for additional
discussion of phage-detection methodologies).
As with bacterial indexes of faecal-borne
bacterial pathogens, to be suitable sentinels of
enteric viruses, phages should occur
consistently and exclusively in human and
animal faeces and sewage, should not
multiply in the environment and should be
present in greater numbers than the enteric
viruses. Additionally, they should be at least
as long-lived as the enteric viruses present in
the environment, and their survival kinetics
throughout the water-treatment process
should be similar to that of enteric viruses
(Keswick et al., 1984; Payment and Franco,
1993; Hurst et al., 1994).
Three groups of phages have been
proposed as indicators of faecal pollution, and
candidate index microorganisms for the
enteric viruses including somatic coliphages
(Kot, 1966; Hilton and Stotzky, 1973; Kot et
al., 1974; IAWPRC, 1991), male-specic
coliphages (Havelaar and Hogeboom, 1984;
IAWPRC, 1991) and phages infecting
Bacteroides fragilis (Jofre et al., 1986; Tartera and
Jofre, 1987; IAWPRC, 1991; Armon and Kot,
1993; Grabow et al., 1995; Gantzer et al., 1998).
Somatic Coliphages
The somatic coliphage group includes all
phages that require the presence of a receptor-
binding protein for infection of their host E.
coli and comprise bacteriophages from the
families Myoviridae, Siphoviridae, Podoviridae
and Microviridae (Muniesa et al., 2003). These
phages recognize outer-membrane proteins
(OMPs) such as OMP C, OMP F and OMP K,
or select lipopolysaccharide and sites within
the O side chain as receptors for infection
(Linberg, 1973). Somatic coliphages have
been proposed as indicators of faecal
contamination and guidelines currently exist
for their detection and analysis via enrichment
and plating methodologies (USEPA, 2001).
The degradation of somatic coliphage
genomes has been reported to be similar to
that of enteric viruses, demonstrating that
these phages can be used as reliable indexes
of enteric virus presence when molecular
methods are used to detect them (Skraber et
al., 2004). For example, Hot et al. (2003)
studied whether the concentrations of
somatic coliphages and infectious enteric
viruses or the detection of enteric virus
genomes were associated with the detection
of human pathogenic viruses in surface
water. The researchers tested water samples
for the presence of somatic coliphages, and
any water samples that contained phages
were subsequently tested for the enteric
viruses. Of the 68 surface-water samples
positive for somatic coliphages, only two
were positive for enteric viruses when
detected by culturable methods, while 60
samples were positive for the enteric viruses
when tested using RT-PCR.
Kot et al. (1969, 1974, 1978) were among
the rst researchers to investigate whether
Phage Detection as an Indication of Faecal Contamination 157
coliphages were valid indexes of enteric viral
pollution and showed that the phages were
present in wastewater and other faecally
contaminated waters in numbers at least
equal to the enteric viruses. Somatic phages
also persist in wastewater and surface waters
for longer time periods that enteroviruses
(Kot et al., 1969, 1974, 1978) and are detectable
using routine methodologies (Grabow et al.,
1978). Somatic coliphages have been detected
in sewage-contaminated waters but were not
found in pristine waters (Toranzos et al.,
1988), and Suan and colleagues (1988)
observed somatic coliphages to be highly
correlated with faecal coliforms in tropical
Justication for the use of coliphages as
indicators in wastewater and other faecally
contaminated waters has been reviewed by
Gerba (1987), the International Association on
Water Pollution Research and Control
(IAWPRC) Study Group on Health Related
Water Microbiology (IAWPRC, 1991) and
Limsawat and Ohgaki (1997). Nevertheless,
detractors of the use of somatic coliphages as
indicators of faecal contamination cite data
showing that propagation within the
environment could occur whenever a host
bacterium is present, causing their numbers
to be over-represented, and somatic
coliphages have been reported to replicate at
temperatures as low as 15C (Seeley and
Primrose, 1980). Further research, however,
has shown that optimal conditions required
for replication of somatic coliphages in the
environment are unlikely to occur, as
considered by Muniesa and Jofre (2004).
Muniesa and Jofre and colleagues
studied environmental bacterial host strains
and found that, although environmental
somatic coliphages could be propagated on
laboratory E. coli strains WG5 and CN13,
bacterial strains isolated from the environ-
ment were not susceptible to these coliphages
(Muniesa et al., 2003; Muniesa and Jofre,
2004). These results suggested that environ-
mental replication of somatic coliphages is
not a signicant problem and therefore
would not cause over-representation of
somatic coliphages.
Other potential limitations exist that are
relevant to the use of somatic coliphages as
faecal indicators, including that they are not
specic to E. coli. For instance, there is
evidence that somatic coliphages may
multiply in other species of Enterobacteriaceae,
which are part of the total coliform group and
ofen found associated with vegetation and
biolms. Of these, the two most common
species are Klebsiella pneumoniae and
Enterobacter cloacae. It is therefore possible
that some coliphages might be produced that
are not only unrelated to faecal contamination
but, indeed, are unrelated to any health risk.
An additional issue is that there are
many non-faecal sources of coliform bacteria.
Accordingly, it is di cult to ascertain
specically whether an isolate of a somatic
coliphage arose from any one point of
contamination. Coliforms that can colonize
biolms may be present anywhere in the
water collection treatment or distribution
system. Furthermore, studies by Vaughn and
Metcalf (1975) on coliphages and enteric
viruses in sewage e uents, shellsh and
shellsh-growing waters showed that coli-
phages are not adequate index micro-
organisms of enteric viruses. This was due to
the replication of coliphages, the presence of
more than one dominant phage type in
estuarine and fresh waters making the results
of a test for any one phage type not denitive
(Vaughn and Metcalf, 1975; Seeley and
Primrose, 1980; Parry et al., 1981; Borrego et
al., 1990) and the lack of any correlation
between the densities of coliphages and
enteroviruses in raw sewage and farm pond
water (Joyce and Weiser, 1967; Saerman and
Morris, 1976; Havelaar, 1987; Nieuwstadt et
al., 1991; Wommack et al., 1996). In addition,
inconsistent occurrence of coliphages in raw
sewage samples with the simultaneous
isolation of enteroviruses has been observed,
while other studies have reported a high
number of enteroviruses isolated in many
treated e uents with no coliphages detected
(Vaughn and Metcalf, 1975).
Male-specic Coliphages
Male-specic coliphages from the families
Inoviridae and Leviviridae are dened by their
requirement for the expression of F pili on
158 L.D. Goodridge and T. Steiner
their host bacteria for successful infection
(Long and Sobsey, 2004). F pili are typically
expressed from a plasmid and are used by
bacteria for the exchange of genetic material
from one F
or male/donor bacterium to an F
or female/recipient bacterium during
conjugation (Novotny et al., 1969). The
expression of this appendage is regulated by
several factors including existence of the F
plasmid and temperature. F pili have been
shown to be expressed at the highest numbers
on the cell surface within a temperature range
of 3742C, with expression non-existent at
25C and below (Novotny and Lavin, 1971).
The specic temperature range at which the F
pili are expressed is one of the arguments for
the use of these phages as indicators, because
normal environmental temperatures do not
support the expression of pili, thereby
limiting phage propagation (Havelaar et al.,
Male-specic DNA coliphages
Male-specic coliphages are classied accord-
ing to their nucleic acid type and divided into
subgroups according to their morphology
and serological properties (Long and Sobsey,
2004). Male-specic DNA (FDNA) coliphages
from the family Inoviridae are unique in their
morphology among phages in that they do
not have a head capsid but rather are thin,
lamentous structures that contain single-
stranded DNA (Rasched and Oberer, 1986).
The lamentous structures range from
approximately 760 to 1950 nm in length and
are approximately 6 nm wide. Their use as
indicators of faecal contamination has been
widely disputed as they are not as well
characterized as the male-specic RNA
(FRNA) coliphages and do not have
morphologies or environmental stability
similar to the pathogens they are intended to
indicate. In addition, a link between FDNA
phages and their sanitary signicance has not
been shown (Scot et al., 2002; Sinton et al.,
1996). A study by Long (1998), however,
indicated that these phages were present
during times when FRNA phages were
absent, and the author proposed the use of
both FRNA and FDNA phages as possible
water-quality indicators during dierent
seasons of the year.
The predominating FDNA coliphages
have received less atention as index
organisms of enteric viruses because they are
generally less plentiful than FRNA coliphages
(Leclerc et al., 2000), they do not resemble
human enteric viruses morphologically and
their ecology is poorly understood (Leclerc et
al., 2000). FDNA phages have been assayed
utilizing plaque assays and membrane
ltration and elution methods (Sinton et al.,
1996). As FDNA and FRNA utilize the same
pili-expressing host, the standard method for
identifying FDNA phages involves using
medium that contains RNase to inactivate
FRNA coliphages (Cole et al., 2003).
Male-specic RNA coliphages
FRNA phages have received the most
atention as indicators of faecal contamination
and especially as index microorganisms. This
prominence is due to the fact that many
studies have conrmed that, for monitoring
purposes, FRNA phages are reliable
determin ants of the possible presence of
human enteric viruses, as they behave like
waterborne viruses (Havelaar et al., 1993). As
noted, FRNA phages enter the host cell by
adsorption to F pili and are a more
homogeneous group than other micro-
organisms (Seeley and Primrose, 1980). Also
as noted, F pili are only produced by E. coli
cells at temperatures above 25C, meaning
that the phages would be unable to multiply
in most environments. Therefore, detection of
these phages indicates a recent contamination
FRNA phages have also atracted interest
as useful alternatives to bacterial indexes
because their morphology and survival
characteristics closely resemble the human
enteric gastrointestinal viruses (Scot et al.,
2002), meaning that, in addition to the
usefulness of these phages as indicators of the
presence of their host bacteria (E. coli) and
therefore the presence of faecal pollution,
they could also be used as surrogate markers
for the presence of enteric viruses such as
noroviruses or rotaviruses in water. They are
Phage Detection as an Indication of Faecal Contamination 159
also similar to enteric viruses with respect to
inactivation kinetics following exposure to
environmental factors and water treatments
(Allwood et al., 2003; Grabow, 2001). FRNA
coliphage virions are approximately 26 nm in
diameter and their capsids exhibit an
icosahedral symmetry that consists of 180
copies of a dimer coat protein containing one
copy of positive-sense, single-stranded RNA
of between 3500 and 4200 nt (Bollback and
Huelsenbeck, 2001; Stewart et al., 2006).
FRNA phages are grouped into two distinct
genera that are dened by their genomic
organization. FRNA phages from the genus
Levivirus contain a gene locus encoding a
lysis protein. Phages from the genus
Allolevivirus contain a gene with a leaky stop
codon that becomes a read-through
approximately 5% of the time (Bollback and
Huelsenbeck, 2001; Stewart et al., 2006),
encoding an extended coat protein. Unlike
phages from the genus Levivirus, Allolevivirus
phages do not produce a protein dedicated to
host-cell lysis (Bollback and Huelsenbeck,
2001; Stewart et al., 2006).
Both FRNA phage genera are further
classied into four individual serogroups (I
IV) based on serological as well as genetic
and physiochemical properties (Havelaar
and Hogeboom, 1984). They can be identied
via inactivation by antiserum, RT-PCR, latex
agglutination and nucleic acid hybridization
(Furuse et al., 1978; Vinje et al., 2004; Kirs &
Smith, 2007; Love and Sobsey, 2007; Friedman
et al., 2009). Of these four groups, groups I
and IV have been associated primarily with
animal faecal sources, while groups II and III
have been demonstrated to be associated
primarily with faecal material from human
faecal sources (Havelaar et al., 1990; Fig. 11.1).
This trait makes the FRNA coliphages
atractive as indicators of faecal pollution as
well as useful for microbial source tracking
Serotyping of FRNA phages has been
suggested as a method to determine the
origin of faecal pollution (Furuse et al., 1978).
In this work, the authors produced antisera
against type phages from each of the four
groups, including MS2 (group I), JP34 (group
II), GA (group II), Q/ (group III), VK (group
III) and SP (group IV). Unknown phages
were incubated with antisera from each
group and then grown on their respective E.
coli host strain. If the phage was neutralized,
then it belonged to the same group as the
antisera and the phage failed to form plaques.
In this way, the authors were able to determine
that, of 52 phages that were serotyped, 46
belonged to group III (Furuse et al., 1978). The
serotyping method can be used in a source
tracking scheme to discover the origin of
faecal pollution. The serotyping method as
described by Furuse et al. (1978), however, is
Levivirus Allolevivirus
MS2, f2, fr
M12, R17
GA, JP34,
KU1, TH1
Q, M11, ST
TW18, VK
SP, F1, ID2
NL95, TW28
Cows, dogs,
foxes, horses,
pigs, sheep
Humans Birds, chickens,
pigs, tigers, apes
Fig. 11.1. Taxonomy of the FRNA phages. Phages in bold represent the type phage for each particular
serotype or genogroup. Adapted from Smith (2006).
160 L.D. Goodridge and T. Steiner
tedious, requires standard laboratory equip-
ment (e.g. Petri plates, incubators) and takes
at least 24 h to complete (Hsu et al., 1995).
Hsu et al. (1995) showed that highly
specic nucleic acid probes could be used to
genotype FRNA phages as an alternative to
serotyping. In this work, the authors
developed oligonucleotide probes that were
specic to each of the four serogroups and
used these probes to genotype unknown
phages. The genotyping method showed
excellent agreement with the serotyping
method (P<0.05) and the authors concluded
that genotyping FRNA coliphages appears to
be practical and reliable for typing unknown
phage isolates in eld samples. As with the
serotyping method, genotyping has been
demonstrated as a useful approach to source
track the origin of faecal pollution in water
samples. Using the genotyping method,
Schaper et al. (2002) conrmed that genotypes
II and III predominated in municipal sewage,
illustrating that these genotypes were of
human origin. Nevertheless, the genotyping
method is laborious, time-consuming and
requires extensive operator training. For
example, the genotyping method as described
by Hsu et al. (1995) includes isolating the
phage from a water sample, conducting a
plaque assay, obtaining a well-isolated plaque
and transferring it to a membrane. Next, the
membrane-bound phage are denatured,
followed by xation of the released nucleic
acid on to the membrane with UV light.
Finally, the genotype-specic probes are
added, allowed to hybridize with the phage
nucleic acid and detected colorimetrically
(Hsu et al., 1995).
Dor et al. (2000) investigated using
FRNA phage to indicate the likely presence of
enteric viruses in shellsh sold for con-
sumption. FRNA phage and E. coli levels were
determined over a 2-year period for oysters
harvested from four commercial sites chosen
to represent various degrees of sewage
pol lution. Three sites required cleaning
(depuration) of the oysters before sale. Oysters
from the fourth site could be sold directly
without further processing. Samples were
tested at the point of sale following commercial
processing and packag ing. All of the shellsh
complied with the mandatory European
Community E. coli standard (less than 230
CFU per 100 g of shellsh esh), and the levels
of contamination for more than 90% of the
shellsh were at or below the level of
sensitivity of the assay (20 E. coli CFU per
100 g), which indicated good quality based on
this criterion. In contrast, FRNA phage were
frequently detected at levels that exceeded 10
plaque-forming units (PFU) per 100 g. High
levels of FRNA phage contamination were
strongly associated with harvest area faecal
pollution and with shellsh-associated
disease outbreaks. Interestingly, FRNA phage
contamination exhibited a marked seasonal
trend that was consistent with the trend of
oyster-associated gastroenteritis in the UK.
The correlation between FRNA phage
contamination and health risk was investi-
gated further using a RT-PCR assay for
Norwalk-like virus. Norwalk-like virus
contamination of oysters was detected only at
the most polluted site and also exhibited a
seasonal trend that was consistent with the
trend of FRNA phage contamination and with
the incidence of disease. The authors
concluded that the results of this study
suggested that FRNA phages could be used as
viral index organisms for market-ready
oysters (Dor et al., 2000).
Other studies have corroborated the
nding that seasonal uctuations in FRNA
concentration mirror that of the Norwalk-like
viruses. Dor et al. (2003) collected a total of
608 shellsh samples from 49 shellsh-
harvesting areas and tested them for the
presence of E. coli and FRNA phage. The
results indicated that FRNA phage
concentration in all samples was more than
three times greater than that of E. coli
(geometric mean counts of 1800 and 538 per
100 g for FRNA phage and E. coli, respectively).
In addition, FRNA phage concentrations
were strongly inuenced by season, with a
geometric mean count of 4503 PFU per 100 g
in the winter (OctoberMarch) compared
with 910 PFU per 100 g in the summer (April
September). The elevated levels of FRNA
phages observed in the winter concur with
the known increased virus risk associated
with shellsh harvested at this time of year in
the UK. The authors suggested that data from
this study could be employed to introduce
Phage Detection as an Indication of Faecal Contamination 161
FRNA phages as an index of the virus risk
associated with shellsh (Dor et al., 2003).
The concentrations at which these
indicators exist in the environment are fairly
low at about <10
PFU ml
(Furuse et al., 1983;
Havelaar et al., 1986). To remedy this problem,
the phages can be concentrated using
charged membranes and elution. Alterna-
tively, enrich ment is possible for certain
phages using the desired host bacterium. The
later is typically required to achieve numbers
high enough for detection (Love and Sobsey,
2007). Furthermore, it has been shown that
FRNA phages are not present in the faeces of
all animals and have been reported to be
isolated in the faeces of only about 3% of the
human population (Havelaar et al., 1990).
This would suggest that the use of these
coliphages as useful indicators of faecal
contamination may be limited to water
contamination from pooled sources such as
sewage, septic tanks or agricultural runo
Assaying for male-specic coliphages
One problem encountered when assaying for
male-specic coliphages is the possibility of
also detecting somatic coliphages. This is due
to the existence of somatic receptors on the
cellular surface of some of the host strains
used to enumerate male-specic coliphages
in water samples (Havelaar and Hogeboom,
1983; Hsu et al., 1996; Rhodes and Kator,
1991). The male-specic coliphage host E. coli
is susceptible to infection by FDNA
phages, but this may not prove to be a
detriment until the sanitary signicance of
FDNA phages is beter understood (Hsu et al.,
1996; Sinton et al., 1996). One route towards
addressing these concerns is to use host
strains besides E. coli F
that contain the F
plasmid. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica
serovar Typhimurium WG49 and E. coli
C3000 have both been proposed as candidates
for detection of FRNA phages (Leclerc et al.,
2000). The use of these bacterial host strains is
accompanied by its own set of problems,
however. For example, while E. coli C3000
produces the required F pili, the bacterium is
not antibiotic resistant and is susceptible to
infection by both somatic coliphages and
male-specic DNA phages (Hsu et al., 1996).
Furthermore, while the use of Salmonella
Typhimurium WG49 solves the problem of
atack by somatic coliphages, because, as a
Salmonella species, it lacks the receptors
required for somatic coliphage infection
(Havelaar and Hogeboom, 1983), the strain is
still susceptible to atack by somatic Salmonella
phages (Stetler and Williams, 1996).
Real-time PCR is a sensitive, rapid
method for identifying the presence of nucleic
acids. FRNA bacteriophages, however, har-
bour their genetic information in the form of
single-stranded positive-sense RNA which
must rst be transcribed into cDNA before a
detectable amplicon can be produced. Despite
this hurdle, multiplex PCR assays and real-
time RT-PCR assays have been developed
that have shown specicity for each subgroup
of FRNA phages (Vinje et al., 2004; Kirs &
Smith, 2007; Friedman et al., 2009). For
example, Kirs and Smith (2007) developed a
culture-independent multiplex real-time RT-
PCR assay to eect simultaneous detection
and quantication of the four FRNA groups.
The assay detected as few as ten copies of
isolated phage RNA and was able to quantify
FRNA phages in seawater when culture-
based methods (the double agar layer assay)
failed. The authors concluded that accurate
identication of the in situ concentration of
FRNA phages using this method will facilitate
more eective remediation strategies for
impacted environments.
Friedman et al. (2009) developed a real-
time RT-PCR for FRNA phages by rst
designing genogroup-specic primer sets
based on a minimum of ve and a maximum
of ten complete phage genome sequences
from strains in each FRNA genogroup. When
a heat-release protocol that eliminated the
need for RNA purication and the real-time
RT-PCR method for genotype identication of
FRNA phages were combined, the assay could
detect multiple environmental FRNA phage
strains. Following up on this work, Friedman
et al. (2011) designed a real-time, quantitative
RT-PCR assay to beter dierentiate the four
genogroups of FRNA phages. In this work,
primers and probes were designed using
complete genomic sequences from 29 FRNA
phages to develop a set of primer/probe sets
162 L.D. Goodridge and T. Steiner
that were based on: (i) ability to amplify a
single, specic product; (ii) genogroup
specicity; (iii) lack of cross-reactivity; and
(iv) experimental reproducibility and sensi-
tivity over a range of target concentrations. A
custom RNA molecule was employed as an
internal, non-competitive control. The assay
was tested on a total of 49 FRNA phages
isolated from various warm-blooded animals,
sewage and combined sewage overow.
FRNA phages from animal wastes were
genotyped as 86% group I, 4% group III Q-like
and 9% group IV. Two sewage isolates typed
to genogroup I and combined sewage over-
ow isolates genotyped as 40% group II and
52% group III.
Goodridge and Du Preez (2010) de-
veloped and evaluated an integrated con-
centration and detection method to rapidly
assay for FRNA bacteriophages as indicators
of faecal contamination in river water.
Sampling for the study took place over a
3-week period during January 2010 in Phola
Township (immediately adjacent to a sewage
treatment plant) and Pretoria, South Africa.
Following tropical rain events, 4 l of river
water were collected from rivers at both
sampling sites and transported back to the
laboratory on ice. FRNA phages were
concentrated from the water by addition of
1.5 g of anionic exchange resin (Amberlite
IRA 900; Sigma-Aldrich) to each water
sample, followed by continuous agitation to
keep the resin in suspension. Afer 4 h of
concentration, the resin was recovered from
the water samples and virions bound to the
resin beads were detected by isolating viral
RNA directly from the beads. The later was
accomplished with real-time RT-PCR using a
SYBR Green assay and primers designed to
individually detect the four FRNA phage
genogroups. With an enrichment step, the
real-time RT-PCR assay detected FRNA
phages belonging to genogroups II and III
from the Phola Township samples, clearly
indicating the presence of human faecal
pollution. When real-time RT-PCR was
performed directly from the resin beads
(without enrichment), FRNA phages
belonging to genogroups II, III and IV (Phola
Township) and II and IV (Pretoria) indicated
the presence of animal faecal pollution in
addition to human pollution. The entire
concentration and detection assay (without
enrichment) was completed within 8 h. These
results suggest that anion exchange capture
and real-time RT-PCR can be used as a rapid
and sensitive assay for detection of FRNA
bacteriophages as indicators of human and
animal faecal pollution. Moreover, this
method would be especially useful as a rapid
presumptive assay to test compromised
water supplies following hurricanes,
monsoons and other similar weather events.
PCR methods have been criticized for
potentially detecting non-viable organisms as
well as free nucleic acids (Leclerc et al., 2000;
Gassilloud et al., 2003). Research has shown,
however, that free RNA from FRNA phage
Q| is degraded and undetectable by PCR
within 1 h following exposure to wastewater
(Limsawat and Ohgaki, 1997), which would
suggest that if FRNA bacteriophage nucleic
acid is detected, it would be from a viable
organism or an extremely recent RNA
contamination event.
B. fragilis Bacteriophages
B. fragilis has been suggested previously as an
alternative bacterial indicator to standard
indicators such as E. coli and total coliforms
(Fiksdal et al., 1985; Biton, 2005). Phages that
have specicity for B. fragilis infect one of the
most abundant bacteria in the gastrointestinal
tract and belong to the family Siphoviridae.
Phages that infect B. fragilis strain RYC2056
are not human specic, while phages that
infect host-strain B. fragilis HSP40, while
being less numerous than those infecting
strain RYC2056, are considered to be human
specic (Puig et al., 2000). Therefore, phages
that infect B. fragilis HSP40 have been
proposed as indicators of human faecal
contamination because of their specicity
along with their inability to propagate in the
environment. A study by Tartera et al. (1989)
replicated optimal environmental conditions
for the propagation of phages infecting B.
fragilis, including temperature, host-cell
concentration and anaerobic conditions but
excluding nutrients for host growth. Despite
the combination of these conditions, which
Phage Detection as an Indication of Faecal Contamination 163
themselves are unlikely to be found in the
environment, researchers did not observe
replication of Bacteroides-specic bacterio-
phages in signicant numbers in slaughter-
house wastewaters. They were also not
present in faecally polluted waters containing
faecal contamination from wildlife only. In
contrast, phages active against B. fragilis
HSP40 were detected in faeces (found in 10%
of human faecal samples but not in animal
faeces), sewage and other polluted aquatic
environments (river water, seawater, ground-
water and sediments) and were absent in
non-polluted sites (Tartera and Jofre, 1987;
Cornax et al., 1990). In addition, Gantzer et al.
(1998) demonstrated that B. fragilis phages
were found to be reliable indexes of
enterovirus contamination in the three dif-
ferent types of wastewater that were tested.
These characteristics make B. fragilis HSP40
phages good candidates for microbe source
tracking of a contamination event of human
Standard methods for identication and
quantication of phages that infect B. fragilis
include double-layer agar most-probable-
number methods (Tartera and Jofre, 1987).
Several molecular and serological methods of
detection have also been explored, including
DNA hybridization and PCR. Plating-based
methods, however, remain the standard for
water assessment (Puig et al., 2000), and
certain hurdles exist that complicate the use
of B. fragilis phages as indicators of faecal
contamination, not least of which is that this
host is an obligate anaerobe, requiring very
specic growth conditions and laboratory
skills to conduct phage assays (Leclerc et al.,
2000). In addition, studies conducted by
Gantzer et al. (2002) conrmed previously
reported data indicating that phages infecting
B. fragilis are not found homogenously within
the faeces of humans worldwide (Tartera and
Jofre, 1987; Havelaar et al., 1993; Grabow et al.,
1995). Finally, B. fragilis phages are detected
in lower concentrations than other phages in
fresh water (115 PFU per 100 ml; Araujo et
al., 1997), meaning that the use of con-
centration methods to increase the numbers
of these phages prior to detection is needed,
which may complicate downstream identi-
Bacteriophages continue to emerge as
alternative indicators of faecal contamination
and as index organisms identifying the
presence of enteric viruses. While many peer-
reviewed studies demonstrating their
usefulness as indicators of water quality
abound, a lack of standardized methods used
for analysis of the presence of phages in
various water types makes most of the data
di cult to compare. The fact that there are
many variables that aect the incidence,
survival and behaviour of phages in dierent
water environments, including the densities
of both host bacteria and phages, temperature
and pH, further complicates comparisons.
Finally, the myriad of bacterial hosts used to
recover phages during water-quality experi-
ments has led to dierent results reported
with respect to recovery e ciencies of phages
isolated from the same environ mental
samples. Neverthelss, it is clear that phages
are viable candidates as water-quality
sentinels and, as more methods are developed
and standardized for their e cient detection,
it is expected that phages will nd increased
usefulness in assessments of microbial water
quality, particularly as indexes of the presence
of enteric viruses, the methods for detection
of which are still in their infancy.
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Vaughn, J.M. and Metcalf, T.G. (1975) Coliphages
as indicators of enteric viruses in shellsh
raising estuarine waters. Water Research 9,
Vinje, J., Oudejans, S.J., Stewart, J.R., Sobsey,
M.D. and Long, S.C. (2004) Molecular detection
and genotyping of male-specic coliphages by
reverse transcription-PCR and reverse line blot
hybridization. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 70, 59966004.
Wommack, K.E., Hill, R.T., Muller, T.A. and Colwell,
R.R. (1996) Effects of sunlight on bacteriophage
viability and structure. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 62, 13361341.
World Health Organization (2006) Guidelines for
drinking-water quality. <
Yates, M.V. (2007) Classical indicators in the 21st
century far and beyond the coliform. Water
Environment Research 79, 279286.
CAB International 2012. Bacteriophages in Health and Disease
168 (eds P. Hyman and S.T. Abedon)
12 Phage Translocation, Safety and
Natasza Olszowska-Zaremba
, Jan Borysowski
, Krystyna
and Andrzej Grski
Department of Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Warsaw;
Institute of
Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Science.
A growing body of data shows that bac-
teriophages are omnipresent in the environ-
ment. For example, phages are present in
high numbers in dierent ecosystems
including water ecosystems, the rhizosphere
and soil. Moreover, phages have been
detected in some foodstus and drinks; they
also constitute a signicant component of the
natural microbiota of both humans and
animals (see Letarov, Chapter 2, this volume).
Interestingly, there are some data to suggest
that phages, like bacteria, might undergo
translocation from the gut to mesenteric
lymph nodes and then to the extranodular
A major application of bacteriophages is
the treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial
infections (phage therapy; see Loc-Carrillo et
al., Burrowes and Harper, and Abedon,
Chapters 13, 14 and 17, this volume). Several
important issues need to be taken into
consideration when discussing the safety of
phage therapy. First, only virulent phages
should be used for therapeutic purposes;
temperate phages should be excluded from
therapy (see Christie et al. and Abedon,
Chapters 4 and 17, this volume). Secondly,
the antibacterial range of phages is very
narrow, so they are not likely to disturb the
balance of the natural microora. Thirdly,
dierent components of bacterial cells may
be present in phage preparations; these com-
ponents may also be released from bacteria in
vivo following phage-induced lysis of
bacterial cells. A thorough analysis of the
literature on phage therapy, however, clearly
shows that phages are safe antibacterial
Although the natural hosts of bac-
teriophages are bacterial cells, a number of
studies have shown that phages can interact
with some populations of eukaryotic cells,
especially with immune cells. In fact, phages
can aect a wide range of functions of dif-
ferent populations of immune cells involved
in both innate and adaptive immunity,
including the production of antibodies, the
proliferation of T and B cells, phagocytosis
and the respiratory burst of phagocytic cells,
and the production of cytokines.
With the discovery of penicillin, a period of
intensive development of antibiotic therapy
began, resulting in a belief that the problem
of bacterial infections had been eliminated. A
number of factors, including overuse of
antibiotics in clinical medicine, animal
production and agriculture, however, have
resulted in the emergence and spread of
Phage Translocation, Safety and Immunomodulation 169
multidrug-resistant bacterial strains. In view
of the inadequate number of new antibiotics
(in 2003 only ve out of 400 drugs under
clinical trials in the USA were antibiotics), the
re-emergence of the pre-antibiotic era has
become a real prospect (Nelson, 2003).
One of the classes of antibacterial agents
that could be used to combat multidrug-
resistant bacteria is bacteriophages. A large
number of studies have been conducted on
the use of phages in humans, and of particular
importance are studies that were carried out
in Georgia and Poland. Bacteriophages have
several advantages over antibiotics, including
high specicity of their antibacterial activity,
a capacity to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
a lack of any signicant side eects and the
low cost of phage preparations (Grski et al.,
2009; Housby and Mann, 2009). However, it is
essential to conduct formal clinical trials to
conrm the e cacy and safety of phage
therapy before bacteriophages become
widely available as therapeutic agents (see
Burrowes and Harper, Chapter 14, this
An understudied aspect of phage biology
is their potential eects on the immune
system. It is known that infections with
pathogenic viruses a category that does not
include bacteriophages are associated with
activation of coordinated mechanisms of
immune responses (Horst et al., 2011). At rst,
non-specic immune responses are induced
following the recognition by immune cells of
pathogen-associated molecular paterns in
virions. Primary immune responses to viral
infections are mediated by macrophages,
natural killer cells, granulocytes, complement
and interferons. Viral antigens are presented
by class I and class II major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) molecules to T cells, which
results in the activation of these cells. Humoral
and cellular specic immune responses are
induced, resulting in the neutralization of
viruses by antibodies and killing of the
infected host cells by mechanisms of cellular
cytotoxicity. In the course of evolution,
however, many pathogenic viruses have
developed mechanisms to avoid elimination
by the immune system. Pathogenic viruses
can avoid recognition by the host immune
system as a result of high antigenic diversity,
such as human immunodeciency virus
(HIV), or a decrease in the expression of class
I and class II MHC molecules on the infected
cells, as occurs in infection with cyto-
megalovirus, EpsteinBarr virus and herpes
simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2
(Ploegh, 1998; Olszewska and Radkowski,
2005). Moreover, pathogenic viruses can sub-
stantially aect antiviral immune responses
by interfering with the activity of cytokines,
such as the production by adeno viruses and
EpsteinBarr virus of proteins with activity
antagonistic to cytokines, and by interfering
with the production of antibodies and
components of the complement system, as
occurs with HSV infection (Ploegh, 1998;
Olszewska and Radkowski, 2005). So far, over
50 viral genes whose products exert immuno-
modulatory activity have been identied
(Ploegh, 1998). Thus, it is not unreasonable
that phages infecting pathogenic and normal
ora bacteria would also be able to evolve
immunomodulating proteins to aid in their
retention in the body.
Prevalence of Bacteriophages and
the Safety of Phage Therapy
Prevalence of bacteriophages in the
There is a surprising abundance and
diversity of bacteriophages in the environ-
ment. It is estimated that there are between
and 10
phages ml
in water ecosystems
(Weinbauer, 2004). Bacterio phages have also
been isolated from sewage (mean con-
centration 10
), the rhizosphere and
soil (1.5 10
; Weinbauer, 2004). It was
also reported that bacteriophages are present
in yogurt (Lactobacillus phages) and sauer-
kraut, where as many as 26 dierent phages
were found (Kili et al., 1996; Lu et al., 2003).
It is known that phages are also prevalent in
the bodies of humans and animals and in
their secretions and excre ments. Phages are
particularly abundant in the intestines of
mammals in view of the presence of
abundant bacterial microora. This issue is
discussed in detail by Letarov (Chapter 2,
this volume).
170 N. Olszowska-Zaremba et al.
Safety of phage therapy general
The omnipresence of bacteriophages in the
environment implies constant exposure of
humans to phages. Thus, not surprisingly,
bacteriophages administered for therapeutic
purposes are well tolerated by patients. Side
eects of phage therapy are observed very
rarely. In a study by lopek et al. (1983), side
eects included the intolerance of phage
preparations, and allergic symptoms were
observed in only three out of 138 patients
(2.2%). Between days 3 and 5 of the treatment,
a transient liver area discomfort was noted
that could have been caused by massive
endotoxin release following phage-mediated
lysis of bacterial cells. As reported by Morello
et al. (2011), however, components of bacterial
cells released from the cells following phage-
induced lysis do not exert pro-inammatory
activity. They showed that the administration
of phages to mice infected by Pseudomonas
aeruginosa is not associated with an increase
in the production of cytokines.
Similar conclusions were drawn by
Midzybrodzki et al. (2009), who examined
the level of selected inammatory markers
C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cells
(WBCs) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(ESR) in a group of 37 patients subjected to
phage therapy. A retrospective analysis of the
results showed no signicant changes in CRP,
WBCs or ESR values between days 5 and 8 of
the treatment compared with the cor-
responding values found in the patients prior
to phage administration. Moreover, between
days 9 and 32 of the treatment, signicant
decreases in the levels of CRP and WBCs
were observed. These results suggest that
lysis of bacteria by phages does not exert any
pro-inammatory eects; in fact, they
indicate that phages could exert anti-
inammatory activity (Midzybrodzki et al.,
A strong argument for the safety of
phage therapy is the high specicity of the
antibacterial activity of phages. Phages kill
only bacteria from certain strains or
subspecies. Therefore, unlike antibiotics, they
are less likely to disturb the balance of the
bacterial microora. A lack of any deleterious
eects of phages on the microora was found
in a study by Brutin and Brssow (2005).
They reported that oral administration of T4
phage at a titre of 10
or 10
units (PFU) ml
to healthy individuals did
not result in a decrease in Escherichia coli
counts in faeces. Furthermore, no side eects
atributable to the administration of phage
preparations were observed in any subject.
An important topic relevant to the
problem of the safety of phage therapy is the
possibility of phage-mediated transfer of
detrimental genes (e.g. those encoding
virulence factors and toxins) between
bacterial cells. This problem is discussed by
Christie et al. (Chapter 4, this volume).
An additional potential source of side
eects during phage therapy can be dierent
components of bacterial cells, especially
endotoxins contaminating bacteriophage
preparations, which are released from the
bacteria in which phages are propagated.
In the early stages of the development of
phage therapy (1930s and 1940s), it was
observed that intravenous administration of
preparations containing a large amount of
endotoxin causes a number of side eects,
including an elevation of temperature,
shivers and headache (Chanishvili et al.,
2001). Eective methods have since been
developed to purify phage preparations from
dierent components of bacterial cells,
including endotoxins. However, so far, phage
lysates have been used for most treatment of
humans, as purication of phage preparations
from endotoxins is associated with a loss of
active phage particles. To minimize side
eects, such preparations are administered
orally or topically (Sulakvelidze and Kuter,
2005). Studies on using phage lysates in the
treatment of chronic bacterial infections in
humans have been conducted since 1952 at
the Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and
Experimental Therapy PAS, Wrocaw, Poland.
No signicant side eects of phage therapy
have been observed so far (Weber-Dbrowska
et al., 2000a; Grski et al., 2009; and
unpublished results).
Preparations of phages specic to Gram-
positive bacteria can also contain some
Phage Translocation, Safety and Immunomodulation 171
components of bacterial cells. There are data
in the literature, however, to show that it
is possible to obtain safe preparations of
these phages. For example, an apyrogenic
preparation of a staphylococcal phage
intended for intravenous administration was
developed in Georgia. A study performed on
900 patients, including 494 subjects who were
administered antibiotics with phages or
phages only, and 406 subjects who were
administered antibiotics only, showed that
intravenous administration of this phage
preparation did not cause any signicant side
eects (Chanishvili et al., 2001).
Phages and oxidative stress
An essential component of non-specic
immune responses associated with phago-
cytosis of microbes is the respiratory burst, in
which reactive oxygen species (ROS) are
generated. These species, including super-
oxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals
and singlet oxygen, exert bactericidal activity.
When produced in excess, however, they can
also induce oxidative stress and exert
cytotoxic activity, resulting in damage of
tissues (Gulam and Ahsan, 2006). Oxidative
stress resulting from excessive production of
ROS is implicated in the pathogenesis of
cancer, sepsis, multiple organ dysfunction
syndrome, atherosclerosis and neuro-
degenerative diseases, especially Alzheimers
disease and Parkinsons disease (Knight,
1995; Sikora, 2002; Gulam and Ahsan, 2006).
Therefore, the evaluation of the eects of
phages on ROS generation is essential.
It was shown that phages can decrease
both E. coli and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-
induced production of ROS by neutrophils
(Midzybrodzki et al., 2008). Furthermore, the
incubation of E. coli with homologous phages
resulted in a decrease in the intensity of the
respiratory burst in both neutrophils and
monocytes, which could result from the lysis
of bacteria by phages (Przerwa et al., 2006).
This result suggests that lysis of bacteria by
phages is not likely to induce oxidative stress
in cells, arguing for the safety of phage
therapy. Another study revealed that both
lysates and puried preparations of T4 phage
and staphylococcal phage A3/R induced only
a weak respiratory burst in human monocytes
and neutrophils in vitro (Borysowski et al.,
2010). T4 and A3/R phage-induced production
of ROS was so low that it probably would not
induce oxidative stress in vivo (Przerwa et al.,
2006; Midzybrodzki et al., 2008). The capacity
of phages to decrease the production of ROS
by phagocytic cells can explain the e cacy of
phages in the treatment of sepsis (Weber-
Dbrowska et al., 2003; Przerwa et al., 2006).
Our hypothesis to explain the eects of
phages on phagocytic cells is based on the
assumption that LPS is bound by phage
virions, which could prevent the binding of
LPS to its receptor that triggers the respiratory
burst (Przerwa et al., 2006).
Immune Responses to Exogenous
Inactivation of phages by mechanisms of
the innate immunity
Studies of the distribution of bacteriophages
in mammals suggest that they can penetrate
into the circulation following their admini-
stration by practically any standard route
(Dbrowska et al., 2005; Sulakvelidze and
Kuter, 2005). When there are no host bacteria
in which phages could replicate, they are
fairly rapidly removed from the blood and
the majority of internal organs. As shown by
Dubos et al. (1943), Shigella dysenteriae phages
in healthy mice are cleared from the
circulation within a few hours of their
intraperitoneal administration, while in
infected mice they are detectable in blood,
even at 18 h post-administration (Sulakvelidze
and Kuter, 2005). Phages are internalized
and eliminated by cells of the retic-
uloendothelial system of the liver and spleen.
Inchley (1969) noted that, in mice, over 99%
of T4 phage virions were phagocytosed by
Kuper cells within 30 min of their
intravenous administration. As well as
Kuper cells, spleen macrophages can also
eliminate phages, but their activity in this
regard is fourfold lower (Dbrowska et al.,
172 N. Olszowska-Zaremba et al.
2005). Consequently, phage titre in the liver
decreases rapidly, while in the spleen phages
remain at high titre for up to 57 days afer
their administration (Geier et al., 1973). It has
been suggested that phages entrapped in the
spleen can be a source of antigen necessary
for antibody generation (Geier et al., 1973).
Anti-phage antibodies
General considerations
Exogenous phages can induce not only innate
immune responses but also the production of
neutralizing antibodies. Concentration of
these antibodies depends, among other
things, on the route of phage administration
(topical and oral administration result in only
a slight increase in the generation of
antibodies) and dosage protocol (the level of
antibodies is low following a single phage
administration and when phages are
administered several times with small
intervals between doses; Sulakvelidze and
Kuter, 2005). Phage im muno genicity also
depends on phage strain. For example, T1
and T5 phages are less immunogenic than T4
phage (Adams, 1959).
Neutralizing antibodies can limit the
e cacy of phage therapy. This was shown by
Srivastava et al. (2004), who showed that the
clearance of T7 phage from the circulation
was slower in B cell-decient mice compared
with wild-type mice. Pagava et al. (2011)
reported that 14 out of 31 blood samples from
patients who were administered phages
orally contained neutralizing antibodies that
inactivated 52.597.3% of bacteriophages.
Antibodies against Staphylococcus aureus
phages were detected in 12 out of 57 patients
with staphylococcal infections (Kucharewicz-
Krukowska and lopek, 1987). During phage
therapy, these antibodies were detected in
54% of patients. Further analysis of the results
obtained in 30 patients revealed that phage
therapy was ineective in two out of ve
patients in whom anti-phage antibodies were
detected prior to therapy (Kucharewicz-
Krukowska and lopek, 1987). Interestingly,
the clinical state of the remaining three
patients improved following the treatment,
which suggests that the presence of
neutralizing antibodies does not always
result in a lower therapeutic e cacy.
Immunogenic properties of |X174 phage
The immunogenic properties of phages have
found use in the diagnosis of immune system
diseases and monitoring of humoral immune
responses. For example, |X174 phage has
been used to evaluate immune responses in
patients with primary and secondary
immunodeciencies, bone-marrow recipients
and HIV patients (Bearden et al., 2005).
Pescovitz et al. (2011) used this phage to
evaluate the eects of rituximab, a B cell-
depleting antibody, on the production of
antibodies in patients with type I diabetes. It
was found that this assay is a sensitive
indicator of antibody production that enables
the evaluation of humoral immune responses.
This study shows the utility of measuring
anti-|X174 phage antibodies both when
monitoring the e cacy of immunosuppressive
therapy and when evaluating immuno-
competence in patients.
Ochs et al. (1971) showed that this phage
can also be used in dierential diagnosis of
immunodeciencies. In healthy individuals,
intravenous administration of |X174 results
in the generation of IgM antibodies that
neutralize the phage within 34 days
(Bearden et al., 2005). It was observed that a
long presence of phages in the circulation
(1142 days) along with a lack of humoral
immune response is typical of X-linked
agammaglobulinaemia (in patients in whom
a severe immunodeciency was excluded;
Ochs et al., 1971). Phage |X174 was selected
for diagnostic use because it is a strong
antigen and does not cause any side eects in
humans. Furthermore, the evaluation of its
clearance from blood is relatively simple
(Ochs et al., 1971).
Anti-phage cellular immunity
Apart from non-specic immune responses
and humoral immunity, cellular immunity
also plays an important role in combating
viral infections. Some of the rst authors to
Phage Translocation, Safety and Immunomodulation 173
show that phages can induce cellular immune
responses were Langbeheim et al. (1978),
who examined delayed-type hypersensitivity
reactions to MS-2 phage and a synthetic
fragment of one of its capsid proteins in
guinea pigs. They found that subcutaneous
injection of phages resulted in a strong
hypersensitivity reaction in all animals.
Cellular responses to MS-2 phage were also
observed in vitro, as revealed by an intense
proliferation of lymphocytes from phage-
sensitized guinea pigs (Langbeheim et al.,
1978). On the other hand, the results of
Srivastava et al. (2004) suggest that cellular
immune responses play only a minor role in
inactivation of phages. They showed that the
clearance of T7 phage in T cell-decient mice
is similar to that found in T cell-procient
mice. Thus, the data are conicting, and
further studies are needed in this regard.
Immunomodulatory Effects of
Bacteriophage Preparations
Effects of phages on granulocytes
Non-specic immune response e cacies are
so high that they are ofen su cient to clear
microbes before the activation of specic
immune responses. The rst cells to migrate
to the site of infection are macrophages and
granulocytes, especially neutrophils. It has
been shown that, in patients subjected to
phage therapy, clearance of infection was
accompanied by a decrease in the number of
mature neutrophils and an increase in the
number of neutrophil precursors in the
peripheral blood (Weber-Dbrowska et al.,
2002). Dierentiation of neutrophils can be
mediated by both phage virions and some
components of bacterial cells present in
phage lysates. Stimulatory eects of phage
preparations on the generation of neutrophil
precursors appear to be benecial because
they result in the enhancement of non-specic
immune responses.
It was also shown that bacteriophages
can aect the migration of phagocytic cells.
Pre-incubation of human granulocytes with
T4 phage results in a slight stimulation of
migration in vitro (Kurzpa et al., 2009).
Moreover, phages were found to relieve the
inhibitory eect of LPS on granulocyte
migration (Kurzpa et al., 2009). The results of
other studies showed that phages had only a
slight eect on the migration of human
granulocytes and monocytes and had no
eect on the intracellular killing of bacteria
(unpublished results). Furthermore, T4 phage
can decrease the migration of mononuclear
cells, and to some extent of neutrophils, to a
skin graf in mice, resulting in a marked
decrease in cellular inltration of the graf at
days 7 and 8 post-transplantation (Grski et
al., 2003a).
Inuence of phages on phagocytosis
Our studies have shown that phages also can
aect phagocytosis (Przerwa et al., 2006;
Kurzpa et al., 2009). Pre-incubation of T4
phage and P. aeruginosa F8 phage with human
phagocytic cells in vitro resulted in a decrease
in the phagocytosis of E. coli cells. A similar
eect was noted when phagocytic cells were
incubated with E. coli and T4 phage at a high
titre (10
PFU ml
This eect was weaker for F8 phage.
Incubation of E. coli cells with homologous
phage (T4), but not with heterologous phage
(F8), resulted in an increase in the phago-
cytosis of bacteria by both neutrophils and
monocytes (Przerwa et al., 2006). It appears
that homologous phages can coat bacteria
(phage opsonization), thus facilitating their
phagocytosis (Grski et al., 2003a). T4 phage,
however, had no eect on the in vitro
phagocytosis of bacteria by monocytes and
neutrophils isolated from either E. coli-
infected or uninfected mice (Przerwa et al.,
Effects of phages on T cells and
platelets practical implications
Integrins comprise a family of cell-surface
receptors that, by interacting with extra-
cellular matrix proteins, are involved in
various physiological processes including
immune responses, tissue remodelling,
haemostasis and angiogenesis. Moreover,
174 N. Olszowska-Zaremba et al.
they have been implicated in the pathogenesis
of various diseases including infectious and
non-infectious diseases (Perdih and Dolenc,
2010). The interactions of integrins with
extracellular matrix proteins are mediated by
their RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) sequences. Several
pathogenic viruses, including HIV, adeno-
viruses, picornaviruses and coxsackievirus
A9, also contain this sequence for binding to
target cells (Berinstein et al., 1995; Triantalou
et al., 2001; Lafrenie et al., 2002).
In vitro experiments revealed that phages
T4 and HAP1 (a T4 mutant strain; see below)
can bind both platelets and T cells (Kniotek et
al., 2004a), possibly via integrin binding. In
the case of T4 and HAP1 phages, this is very
likely, because one of their capsid proteins,
gp24, contains the KGD (Lys-Gly-Asp)
sequence, which can be a ligand for |3-
integrins that are present on both platelets
and T cells (Grski et al., 2003a; Wierzbicki et
al., 2006; Varon and Shai, 2009). An additional
argument for |3-integrins mediating the
interactions between phages and immune
cells is the capacity of eptibatide (an
inhibitor of o
integrins) to block binding
of phages to T cells and platelets (Kniotek et
al., 2004a). We also showed that phages can
reduce the adhesion of platelets and, to a
lesser extent, of T cells, to brinogen (Kniotek
et al., 2004a).
Our studies have shown that phages
can exert immunosuppressive activity. In a
study on the role of bacteriophages in the
develop ment of transplantation tolerance,
Grski et al. (2006a) observed that bacterio-
phages can inhibit CD3-triggered activation
of T cells. Intraperitoneal administration of
puried preparations of phages T4, HAP1
and F8 at the dose 10
PFU per mouse
resulted in signicant inhibition of specic
humoral responses in vitro (Kniotek et al.,
2004b). It was also found that a puried T4
phage preparation signicantly decreased
alloantigen-driven in vitro humoral responses
(Kniotek et al., 2004b). Furthermore, intra-
peritoneal administration of T4 phage
extended allograf survival and reduced the
inammatory inltration within the graf,
suggestive of phage-mediated inhibition of
anti-transplant immune responses (Grski
et al., 2003b, 2006a). According to our
hypothesis, phages can aect graf rejection
by inhibiting the interactions between T cells,
brinogen and platelets (Kniotek et al., 2004a).
Effects of phages on the production of
The results of some studies show that phages
can aect the production of dierent
cytokines (Weber-Dbrowska et al., 2000b;
Kumari et al., 2010). One of the mechanisms
that could mediate these eects is the
inhibition of nuclear factor (NF)-kB activity.
NF-kB is a transcription factor that plays an
important role in the expression of genes
encoding cytokines, cellular surface receptors,
acute phase proteins and adhesion molecules
(Hiscot et al., 1997). We have shown that T4
phage inhibited HSV-1-induced activity of
NF-kB in mononuclear cells in vitro (Gorczyca
et al., 2007). The inuence of phages on the
activation of NF-kB may be important in view
of the potential use of phages in the regulation
of immune responses to allografs, infections
and inammation.
It was found that bacteriophages can
decrease the production of cytokines induced
by bacterial infections in animals. For
example, in a murine model of lung infection
caused by P. aeruginosa, Morello et al. (2011)
determined the concentration of pro-
inammatory cytokines in bronchoalveolar
lavage samples collected at 20 h afer
intranasal administration of bacteria. The
authors noted a signicant reduction in the
concentration of interleukin (IL)-6 and
keratinocyte chemoatractant in the bron-
choalveolar lavage samples following the
administration of a single dose of P3-CHA
phage both 4 days before and 1 day afer
bacterial inoculation. Moreover, histopatho-
logical examination revealed that damage of
pulmonary tissue was more pronounced in
untreated mice compared with phage-treated
animals. As suggested by Kumari et al. (2010),
it is likely that phages, by decreasing the
production of cytokines, limit the inam-
matory reaction, thus reducing damage of
tissues. It was also shown that treating burn
wound infections caused by Klebsiella
pneumoniae with Kpn5 phage resulted in a
Phage Translocation, Safety and Immunomodulation 175
signicant decrease in the level of both pro-
inammatory (IL-1| and tumour necrosis
factor (TNF)-o) and anti-inammatory (IL-
10) cytokines in sera and lungs of the treated
mice. It was suggested that a decrease in the
production of cytokines during phage
therapy can result from a reduction in the
number of pathogenic bacteria that are
eliminated by phages (Kumari et al., 2010).
Our observations of patients subjected to
experimental phage therapy has revealed that
phages can substantially aect the production
of IL-6 and TNF-o, two important pro-
inammatory cytokines (Weber-Dbrowska et
al., 2000b). These results suggest that a
positive outcome of phage therapy might, to
some extent, be mediated by the regulation of
TNF-o production. Interestingly, the eect of
phages on the production of TNF-o depends
on the level of this cytokine before the
administration of phage preparations. In
patients with a low or moderate serum level
of TNF-o, phages increased the production of
this cytokine, whereas in patients with a high
level of TNF-o, phages decreased its
production. In a similar (regulatory) way,
phage therapy can aect spontaneous
production of IL-6 and TNF-o by cultured
mononuclear cells, as well as the LPS-induced
production of TNF-o by mononuclear cells. A
decrease in the LPS-induced production of
TNF-o by mononuclear cells was observed in
patients in whom therapeutic eects were
partial or who did not respond to therapy.
The regulatory eects of phage therapy on
the production of cytokines can be atributed
to one (or a combination) of three factors: (i)
immunomodulatory activity of phages; (ii)
natural recovery of the patient; and (iii) a
combination of the eects of phages and
bacterial components (Weber-Dbrowska et
al., 2000b).
Bacteriophages can also aect the
production of other cytokines. Puried T4
phage preparation signicantly inhibited the
production of IL-2 and, to a lesser extent,
gamma interferon (IFN-) by phyto-
haemagglutinin-activated human leukocytes
(Przerwa et al., 2005; Kurzpa et al., 2009). On
the other hand, Kleinschmidt et al. (1970)
showed that the administration of a puried
T4 phage preparation can result in an increase
in the concentration of IFN- in the serum of
mice. Moreover, DNA from T4 phages can
induce the production of IFN in mice.
Immunomodulatory activity of
staphage lysate
It appears that the lysate of a S. aureus phage,
known as staphage lysate (SPL), could be
used for immunodeciency diagnosis, as well
as in treating staphylococcal infections. It was
reported that SPL induced proliferation in
over 95% of lymphocytes isolated from
healthy individuals (Dean et al., 1975).
Maximal lymphoproliferative responses were
observed on day 6 of culture. Furthermore,
unlike phytohaemagglutinin, SPL activates
both T and B cells (Dean et al., 1975). The
authors suggested that SPL could be used as
an adjunct to mitogens and antigens routinely
used to evaluate cellular immune responses.
In line with these data are results showing
that SPL-induced immune responses are
weaker or undetectable in cancer patients
and in those with immunodeciencies (Dean
et al., 1975).
SPL was shown to increase the
production of immunoglobulins in human
lymphocyte culture and to induce the
production of polyclonal immunoglobulins
by murine splenocytes (Sulakvelidze and
Kuter, 2005). One dose of SPL administered
to mice induced the production of IgG and, to
a lesser extent, IgA (Esber et al., 1985).
According to Esber et al. (1985), SPL can also
stimulate a specic humoral response in
mice. Thus, an additional benecial eect of
SPL in the treatment of chronic staphylococcal
infections may be the enhancement of
antibacterial immune responses. Further-
more, SPL, as a preparation stimulating both
humoral and cellular immunity, could be
particularly useful in the treatment of
infections in immunocompromised patients,
including those receiving cytostatic drugs
and individuals with immunodeciencies
(Esber et al., 1985). The immunostimulatory
eects of phage preparations are probably
mediated by both phage virions and some
components of bacterial cells present in
preparations (Sulakvelidze and Kuter, 2005).
176 N. Olszowska-Zaremba et al.
In view of the mitogenic properties of
SPL and its capacity to induce IFN production,
studies were conducted to evaluate its
potential anticancer eects (Mathur et al.,
1988). In a rat model of breast cancer, the
administration of SPL preceded by
immunization with dead S. aureus cells
resulted in a decrease in tumour diameter
(Mathur et al., 1988). A study performed on a
murine sarcoma model, however, did not
conrm the anticancer eects of SPL (Esber et
al., 1981). It was also shown that SPL reduces
the migration of murine B16 melanoma cells
in vitro. However, this eect may be mediated
by some components of staphylococcal cells
that are present in the lysate, as bacterial
lysates without any phage particles also
signicantly decreased the migration.
Further more, neither SPL nor control bacterial
preparations inhibited the proliferation of
cancer cells and did not stimulated their
migration. This is an important result in
regard to the potential therapeutic use of SPL
(Dbrowska et al., 2010).
Phage capsid elements inducing
immunomodulatory effects in mammals
Mammals represent an environment for
phages parasitizing mammalian symbiotic or
pathogenic bacteria (see Letarov, Chapter 2,
this volume). In this environment, phages are
aected by a potent pressure of mammalian
immunity that presumably drives selection
and evolutionary adaptation. Thus, immuno-
modulatory eects of bacteriophages could
result from adaptations to persistence in the
mammalian environment. In general, both
nucleic acids and phage capsid proteins may
contribute to phage eects on the immuno-
logical system. The eects can be anticipated
and unspecic, such as the general eect of
large antigenic objects introduced into a
system, or specic, such as directed inter-
actions of active elements. Although data on
specic means of interactions are poor that
is, which genes, polypeptides or proteins are
involved some possible mediators have
been proposed.
In T4 phage, two proteins were proposed
as active in interactions with mammalian
immunity: gp24 and gpHoc (Grski et al.,
2003a; Dbrowska et al., 2006). These are both
located on the phage head. Gp24 is an
essential protein that builds head corners,
while gpHoc is a dispensable external
element of the capsid (Ishii and Yanagida,
1977; Fokine et al., 2004). The full name of Hoc
protein, highly antigenic outer capsid
protein (Ishii and Yanagida, 1975), indicates
its eects on mammalian immunity. Studies
of Hoc structure furthermore have revealed
the presence of immunoglobulin-like folds in
this protein (Bateman et al., 1997; and
unpublished results). These folds characterize
cell-atachment molecules, ofen regulating
immune systems, and are quite ofen present
in phage genomes (Fraser et al., 2006).
Similarities of the phage protein to mam-
malian proteins engaged in interactions and
regulation of immunity make Hoc a probable
modulator of immune functions. Surprisingly,
in light of its originally identied highly
antigenic nature, data support the hypothesis
that Hoc protein could help the phage to
evade the immune system by causing
Hoc-mediated suppression of immunity
(Dbrowska et al., 2006).
Hoc was also shown to regulate the
adhesion properties of the T4 phage particle
(Dbrowska et al., 2004; Sathaliyawala et al.,
2010), which may contribute additionally to
phage interactions with immune cells.
Importantly, a nonsense mutant of hoc that
lacks gpHoc in its capsid (HAP1 phage (high-
a nity phage), selected for its a nity in
binding to B16 murine melanoma cells)
presented unique and unexpected properties
toward mammalian cells. Although the
mutation did not result in changes in the
mutants general morphology (as determined
by electron microscopy), it resulted in sub-
stantial changes in bacteriophage metabolism
and clearance, with clearance of HAP1 being
signicantly more rapid. The comparison of
concentrations of active wild phages to
concentrations of the Hoc
mutant in murine
blood and liver revealed a preponderance of
the wild phage, by approximately one to
three orders of magnitude (Dbrowska et al.,
2007). It is probable that the degradation of
HAP1 is more e cient than that of T4 phage,
as gpHoc (the external head protein) covers
Phage Translocation, Safety and Immunomodulation 177
other capsid elements that are more visible
and stimulatory to the degradation factors.
Hoc protein seems to be a kind of protection
for T4 phage, and this protection prevents
rapid degradation of T4 in mammalian
organisms (Dbrowska et al., 2007).
Phage clearance by reticuloendothelial
system ltration is usually proposed as the
main path of phage removal from non-
immunized mammals (Merril, 1974). Thus,
the innate immunity response to a phage can
be modied according to its virion protein
composition. Probably the very rst virion
protein whose properties inuenced elements
of innate immunity was identied by Merril
et al. (1996) in phage . A substitution of the
amino acid lysine for glutamic acid in the
major head protein E caused a long-
circulating phenotype, that is, -derived
mutants that circulated for longer in murine
blood in comparison with the wild-type
phages. The mutated phages were also more
eective in combating lethal bacterial
infections in mice (Merril et al., 1996).
Additional phage effects
T4 and HAP1 were investigated in in vivo
cancer models with regard to their ability to
interfere with cancer processes. This work
was inspired by the work of Bloch (1940), who
showed that phages can accumulate in cancer
tissue and inhibit the growth of tumours.
Next, it was demonstrated that phages bind
cancer cells in vitro and in vivo and atach to
the plasma membrane of lymphocytes
(Katoch, 1958; Katoch and Mordarski, 1958;
Wenger et al., 1978). As described above, SPL
can interfere with melanoma cell migration.
T4 phage and HAP1 phage (Hoc
) were
investigated and compared in a murine model
of intravenously injected melanoma. The
HAP1 preparation was signicantly more
active in diminution of melanoma colonies in
murine lungs (Dbrowska et al., 2004, 2007).
This eect was correlated with the elevated
adhesive potential of the Hoc
phage on
murine melanoma cells. Its adhesive potential
towards mouse melanoma cells was estimated
to be about eight times higher than that of T4.
Elevated a nity to human melanoma was
also observed. Adhesion was decreased by
typical |3-integrin inhibitors such as
eptibatide or antibodies (Dbrowska et al.,
Increased activity of phage lacking
gpHoc supports the hypothesis that other
capsid elements can interact and aect
mammalian cells, as Hoc protein is located in
the phage head. These dierences in T4 and
HAP1 inspired a hypothesis (Grski et al.,
2003a) on the potential activity of the KGD
motif (a homologue of RGD) that is present in
gp24 (head vertex protein) of T4. The motif is
well exposed at the phage head, as revealed
by the gp24 structure data (Protein Data Bank
ID: 1YUE). The head vertex protein was
postulated to interact with mammalian-
specic receptors via its KGD motif and thus
to aect cells or cancer processes through |3-
integrins. |3-Integrins are a class of adhesion
receptors that mediate cellcell and cell
extracellular matrix interactions. Thus, they
play a role in, for example, tissue integrity,
cellular migration, cell survival, adhesion
and dierentiation. Disintegrins able to bind
|3-integrins were reported to interfere with
tumour growth, progression and metastasis
(Giancoti and Ruoslahti, 1999; Adair and
Yeager, 2002). Thus, gp24 was proposed as
the protein active in phage adhesion to
mammalian cells and in cancer processes
(Dbrowska et al., 2004).
As adhesion processes as well as
metastasis are related to cell migration, T4
and HAP1 phages were also investigated
regarding their ability to interfere with
cancer-cell migration in vitro. Migration
assays were carried out on Matrigel
extracellular matrix substitution) or bro-
nectin. In both cases, phages were able to
diminish cell migration, but no dierences
between T4 and HAP1 were observed
(Dbrowska et al., 2009). HAP1 and T4 were
also shown to decrease immunoglobulin
production by human lymphocytes in vitro in
response to allogenic cells, as well as anti-
sheep red blood cells antibody production in
mice. Both phages induced comparable
eects, with no signicant dierences in their
intensity (Kniotek et al., 2004b).
Mammalian immunity can be also
inuenced by phage DNA, especially using
178 N. Olszowska-Zaremba et al.
phage DNA vaccines. This line of research is
discussed in detail by Clark et al. (Chapter 7,
this volume).
Bacteriophage Translocation
According to the hypothesis of Grski et al.
(2006b), bacteriophages or their products,
like bacteria, can undergo translocation
migration from the gut lumen to mesenteric
lymph nodes and subsequently to other
extra-intestinal organs and sites (OBoyle et
al., 1998; Wiest and Garcia-Tsao, 2005).
Translocation of a small amount of bacteria
can occur in 510% of healthy individuals
and is considered a normal physiological
phenomenon (Balzan et al., 2007). If the
function of the immune system is normal,
then bacteria are rapidly cleared from the
extra-intestinal space and are not deleterious.
Intensive penetration of bacteria from within
the gut, however, has been implicated in the
pathogenesis of many severe diseases, includ-
ing acute pancreatitis, sepsis and multiple
organ dysfunction syndrome (OBoyle et al.,
1998; Balzan et al., 2007).
Reports on the abundance of phages in
the gut microbiota raise the question of the
possibility of phages undergoing trans-
location similarly to bacteria and some
pathogenic human viruses. For example,
coxsackievirus B3 could be detected in the
hearts of mice as early as 24 h afer its
intragastric administration, which suggests a
high e ciency of translocation (Harrath et al.,
2004). Viral translocation is mediated by M
cells and dendritic cells, which bind viruses
and transport them across the epithelium to
Peyers patches (Morin and Warner, 1994;
Mossel and Ramig, 2003; Smith et al., 2003).
From Peyers patches, viruses relocate to
mesenteric lymph nodes and then to
peripheral tissues, blood and internal organs
(the spleen, liver and lungs) (Morin and
Warner, 1994; Mossel and Ramig, 2003). Thus,
if phages can undergo translocation, their
presence can be expected in the peripheral
blood of humans and animals. The presence
of phages in the blood of healthy individuals,
however, was reported in one paper only
(Parent and Wilson, 1971). This study
revealed the presence of mycobacteriophages
not only in the sera of patients with Crohns
disease but also in four out of 18 blood
samples taken from healthy individuals from
the control group (Parent and Wilson, 1971).
A larger body of data has been derived from
animals. For example, Merril et al. (1972)
detected phages in the blood of calves, sheep
and hens. Orr et al. (1975) reported the
presence of phages specic to E. coli in as
many as 90% of blood samples from calves. It
needs to be stressed, however, that in the
majority of studies performed in the 1970s,
only E. coli was used to detect the presence of
phages in the sera of animals. It is impossible,
therefore, to draw any general conclusions
regarding the real scale of the presence of
phages in the blood of animals.
Phage translocation was also demon-
strated in studies conducted to evaluate the
distribution of phages following their oral
administration to humans and animals. For
example, Keller and Engley (1958) reported
that Bacillus megaterium phages could be
detected in blood 5 min afer intragastric
administration to mice. Likewise, Bradley et
al. (1963) showed that phages can translocate
fairly rapidly across the gut wall following
oral administration to mice. The pace of
penetration of phages from the gut to the
blood suggests that it can occur by diusion
(Dbrowska et al., 2005). Duerr et al. (2004),
however, suggested that translocation of
phages across the intestinal barrier can be a
more complex process involving M cells,
dendritic cells and enterocytes. By using the
phage-display technique, it was shown that
translocation of phages requires certain
amino acid sequences in capsid proteins.
These are probable ligands for receptors
present on cells that mediate transport across
the intestinal barrier and M13 phage lacking
such sequences did not undergo translocation.
Litle is known about phage translocation
in humans. Weber-Dbrowska et al. (1987)
evaluated the distribution of phages in
patients who were administered phages
orally to treat bacterial infections. The
presence of phages was detected in 47 out of
56 blood samples taken from patients on
day 10 of treatment. A recent study by Pagava
et al. (2011) performed on 102 children with
Phage Translocation, Safety and Immunomodulation 179
bacterial infections conrmed that phages
can be absorbed from the digestive tract.
Therapeutic phages were detected in six out
of seven blood samples and in 48 out of 55
urine samples collected from patients
between days 3 and 5 of the treatment. The
translocation of orally administered phages
through the gut wall enables phage therapy
to be used also in the treatment of systemic
infections and infections of the urinary tract.
In conict with these results are those of
Brutin and Brssow (2005), who evaluated
the safety of oral administration of T4 phage
in 15 healthy volunteers. Phages were not
detected in blood samples taken from patients
either at the beginning or at the end of the
study. There are two potential reasons for the
lack of phage translocation in this study. First,
these investigators did not neutralize the
gastric juice prior to the administration of
bacteriophages, which could result in the
inactivation of virions due to a strongly acidic
pH in the digestive tract. Secondly, the titre of
phage preparations used by these authors
was about 1000 times lower than the titre
of phage lysates employed by Weber-
Dbrowska et al. (1987) for therapeutic
purposes. Moreover, it needs to be taken into
account that, in patients with chronic bacterial
infections, the gut wall can be penetrated by
microorganisms more easily than in healthy
individuals (Grski et al., 2006b).
A growing body of data shows that the
bacterial gut microora is very important for
the proper function of the human organism
(Blaser, 2011; see also Letarov, Chapter 2, this
volume). Consistent with this, it is likely that
bacteriophages present in the intestines, like
bacteria, play an important role in main-
taining the physiological balance of the host
organism. According to the hypothesis of
Grski et al. (2006b), endogenous phages can
aect the function of the immune system in
both the gut and the whole body (as a result
of their translocation). Bacteriophages
present in the gut can also limit bacterial
translocation, thus reducing the inammatory
reaction caused by the migration of bacteria
through the wall of the digestive tract (Grski
et al., 2006b). Another important function of
phages present in the gut could be inhibition
of the activity of dendritic cells, which are
essential for inducing immune responses in
the digestive tract. In this way, phages could
control inammatory reactions in the gut
(Grski and Weber-Dbrowska, 2005; Grski
et al., 2006b).
Concluding Remarks
Theoretically, side eects of phage therapy
might be caused by phage virions themselves,
some components of bacterial cells present in
phage preparations and/or the products of
phage-mediated lysis of bacteria. Both
experimental and clinical studies, however,
show that the administration of phage
preparations does not result in any serious
side eects. Moreover, in view of the high
specicity of antibacterial activity, phages are
less likely to disturb the balance of the normal
microora compared with traditional anti-
biotics. In general, then, bacteriophages
appear to be safe antibacterial agents.
The interactions between phages and the
immune system are quite complex. First,
phage antigens can induce specic humoral
and cellular immune responses. From the
point of view of phage therapy, the former
seem to be more important because the
production of neutralizing antibodies is one
of the main factors potentially reducing the
therapeutic eectiveness of phages. More-
over, a number of studies have shown that
phages can aect dierent functions of major
populations of immune cells including
phagocytosis and the respiratory burst of
phagocytic cells and the production of
cytokines. It appears that at least some of the
interactions between phages and immune
cells are mediated by capsid proteins.
An interesting question is whether
phages, being a signicant component of the
gut microbiota, can undergo translocation
across the wall of the digestive tract. Although
the translocation of bacteria is a relatively
well-documented phenomenon and one that
occurs both in normal physiological setings
and in dierent diseases, the knowledge
about the translocation of phages is scanty.
There are some data in the literature, however,
to suggest that bacteriophages, like bacteria,
could translocate across the wall of the gut. It
180 N. Olszowska-Zaremba et al.
is possible that phage translocation could
play a role in the development and/or
function of the immune system in both the
gut mucosa and the whole body.
This work was supported by funds from the
Operational Program Innovative Economy,
20072013 (Priority axis 1. Research and
Development of Modern Technologies,
Measure 1.3 Support for R&D projects for
entrepreneurs carried out by scientic
entities, Submeasure 1.3.1, Development
project no. POIG 01.03.01-02-003/08 entitled
Optimization of the production character-
ization of bacteriophage preparations for
therapeutic use) and an intramural grant
from Warsaw Medical University (1MG/
W1/09). We are grateful to R. Ashcrof for
correcting the English version of the manu-
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(eds P. Hyman and S.T. Abedon) 185
13 Phage Therapy of Wounds and
Related Purulent Infections
Catherine Loc-Carrillo
, Sijia Wu
and James Peter Beck
Department of Orthopaedics, The University of Utah.
Every convenience brings its own inconvenience. Roman proverb.
The widespread use of antibiotics for over
half a century has contributed to the
emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
The ever-increasing problem of treating
infections caused by these superbugs is
pushing the healthcare system and research
scientists to look at alternative antimicrobial
agents that can be harnessed to aid in the
ght against pathogens while leaving our
normal microbial ora untouched. It is well
established that for every prokaryotic cell in
the human body there are approximately ten
bacterial cells, although we are only able to
culture 1050% of them (Teibelbaum and
Walker, 2002; Gill et al., 2006; Morowitz et al.,
2011). Bacteria inhabit the human body as
symbionts, contributing to the structure and
function of tissues around them and playing
an important part in the balance between
health and disease by promoting the
development and function of our adaptive
immunity (Lai et al., 2009; Lee and Maz-
manian, 2010). However, once a physiological
barrier has been breached that is, the
occurrence of a wound there is an increased
risk of colonization of the deep tissues by
opportunistic pathogens, including those
with antibiotic-resistant properties, and
subsequent infection (Hermans and Tread-
well, 2010; Morowitz et al., 2011). Phage
therapy represents an important strategy by
which otherwise untreatable antibiotic-resist-
ant infections may be brought under control
or cured.
This chapter provides a general
denition of what wounds are and describes
specic wound infections that have been
investigated for their receptiveness to phage
therapy. We highlight some of the early
clinical work, from the pre-antibiotic era,
when phage therapy was rst used to prevent
and treat wound infections, as well as other
localized infections. We also provide insights
into some of the reasons for failure of these
approaches as judged by todays standards.
Finally, we discuss the strengths and
weaknesses in experimental design of various
animal models used to determine the e cacy
of bacteriophages as antimicrobials, as it is
only by following a methodical scientic
approach that the potential use of this
unconventional treatment of wound in-
fections will be accepted by 21st-century
scientists and clinicians alike. For more
on other aspects of phage therapy, see
Olszowska-Zaremba et al., Burrowes and
Harper, and Abedon, Chapters 12, 14 and 17,
this volume, as well as reviews by Abedon et
al. (2011), Maura and Debarbieux (2011) and
Kutateladze and Adamia (2010).
186 C. Loc-Carrillo et al.
Sharing our Bodies with Microbes
The surface of the skin is colonized by
microorganisms, the ecology of which is
dependent on the topographical location,
endogenous host factors and exogenous
environmental factors (Grice and Segre, 2011).
In humans, the acidic surface of the skin (~pH
5) provides favourable conditions for bacteria
such as coagulase-negative staphylococci and
corynebacteria. Certain skin locations, where
large quantities of triglyceride-containing
sebum are found, encourage the presence of
Propionibacterium acnes, while other regions
with conditions of higher temperature and
humidity support the growth of Gram-
negative bacilli and Staphylococcus aureus. Host
factors such as age and sex can also have a
great eect on the colonizing microbiota. A
disinfected skin surface will be recolonized
within hours by microorganisms that reside
in deeper undisinfected locations such as hair
follicles, glands, the oral cavity and urogenital
Although the skin is estimated to have
bacterial inhabitants, the gut holds the
vast majority of microorganisms, containing
an impressive 10
bacteria, the majority of
which are composed of just four phyla:
Actinobacteria (Gram-positive bacteria that
include the genera Corynebacterium, Myco-
bacterium and Bidobacterium), Firmicutes
(Gram-positive bacteria that include clostridia
and bacilli), Bacteroidetes (Gram-negative
bacteria including members of the genus
Bacteroides) and Proteobacteria (Gram-
negative bacteria including the genera
Escherichia, Salmonella and Helicobacter),
although at vastly dierent frequencies.
Unlike the skin, however, the gut is permeable,
allowing the e cient absorption of nutrients
while possessing innate defences that can
help prevent bacteria from also crossing the
mucosal barrier (Hopper and Gordon, 2001;
Grice and Segre, 2011).
Dening Wounds and Related
Purulent Infections
For our purposes, we dene the term wound
as any penetration of the protective in-
tegumentary organ of the body that we
commonly call the skin. This penetration
could be from external mechanical forces
such as surgery or trauma, or from infectious
breakdown of the skin from an underlying
abscess. The outcome of such penetration is
open communication between the exterior
and the underlying deep tissues of the body.
All of these tissues, under healthy, normal,
uninjured, homeostatic circumstances, are in
a sterile environment that is kept free of
bacteria by the innate and adaptive immune
systems. Swab samples taken from an incision
during elective surgery, following proper
surgical prepping and draping procedures,
thus should always be sterile.
The main types of wounds encountered
clinically include: surgical wounds, thermal
wounds (involving partial- or full-thickness
burns), chemical injuries, wounds due to
trauma and chronic wounds (such as venous,
diabetic and pressure ulcers) (Hermans and
Treadwell, 2010). During the treatment of any
type of wound or wound infection, proper
wound care is a race to obtain infection-free
closure before nosocomial infection occurs
or superinfection with antibiotic-resistant
bacteria takes over the infection process. Table
13.1 summarizes historical studies investigat-
ing the e cacy of phage therapy of wounds.
Acute wounds
Uninfected surgical wounds or incisions tend
to heal within 3 weeks. However, the rate of
wound healing depends on a healthy blood
supply and varies according to the tissues
blood supply, which is dependent on its
distance from the heart. The highly vascular
tissues of the face thus allow suture removal
within days of clean (or sterile) incision,
while sutures in the lower extremities remain
for 23 weeks until primary uncomplicated
wound healing is achieved.
Burn wounds
Partial supercial burns, also known as rst-
degree burns, tend to blister but heal without
scarring. Infections are uncommon and
healing occurs within 2 weeks (Hermans,
Table 13.1. Summary of historical studies investigating the efcacy of phage therapy of wounds.
Reference Afliation Bacteria Wound type (n) Route of administration Outcome Details
Baylor University
College of
Open wounds (4) Injected directly into wound
or subcutaneous, or both
100% success rate Resulted in decreased discharge and
eventual improvement of patient
Department of
Osteomyelitis (6)
Subcutaneous injection in
combination with local
78% successfully treated;
19% had recurrence;
3% showed no
50% had rapid and
A 2-year study: phage preparations
were provided to participating
physicians in return for clinical
outcome of patients;
149 patients had records of whether a
reaction to the inoculation was
seen: 42% showed no reaction;
47% had mild, local erythema and
soreness; 10% had a rise in
temperature and malaise; and 1%
had severe reactions
complete recovery;
50% had marked
Rice, 1930 Indiana University
School of
spp. and E. coli
Boils and
Applied locally as a wet
dressing; injected into
deep lesions; some
abscesses were injected
into the area as a 1%
agar jelly preparation
83% had excellent results;
8% had intermediate
results; 8% failure rate
Most of the failures for boils and
carbuncles were due to the isolate
being resistant to the phage strains
available for treatment
89% had excellent results;
4% had intermediate
results; 4% had no
Excellent results were obtained in
cases where the abscess had not
been opened prior to treatment
Infected wounds
91% had excellent results;
7% had good
outcomes; 2% had no
effect seen
An increase in pus production of
infected wounds was commonly
seen after the rst application for
the rst 2448 h, but wounds
rapidly healed after cleaning out
the pus
Osteomyelitis (11) 36% had excellent results;
27% had fair outcomes;
36% had no effect seen
If there was dead bone in the lesion,
the phage treatment had no value;
however, if all necrotic bone was
removed, good results were
Reference Afliation Bacteria Wound type (n) Route of administration Outcome Details
Walker, 1931 Research
Laboratories of
E.R. Squibb &
(15 animals; 40
0.5 ml subcutaneous
injection into abscess or
5 ml intravenous
100% failure Rabbits were infected experimentally;
treatment was administered either
2 min after the bacterial inoculum
or once lesions had developed;
each route of administration was
set up as a separate study
Shultz, 1932 Department of
Bacteriology &
Furunculosis (63) Subcutaneous injections;
used to irrigate wounds
70% success rate A 2-year study: appropriate phage
stocks were supplied based on
bacterial cultures isolated from
infected patients
Carbuncles (16) 88% success rate
Albee and
Department of
Surgery, New
York Medical
School, NY
Osteomyelitis Gauzes used to dress the
wounds were soaked in
phage ltrate and
Polish studies 194, 195
Innate immunity 171172
In vitro activity, endolysins
Gram-negative organisms 224
Gram-positive organisms
colony counts 225
isolated cell walls 224
phage 225226
three-dimensional superstructure 224
turbidometric analysis 224225
In vivo studies, endolysins
animal infection models 226
ClyS and CHAP
Cpl-1 226227
immune responses 228
PlyG and PlyGBS 226
S. aureus and MRSA nasal colonization 227
streptococcal infection 226
synergy 227228
Lateral ow immunoassays (LFIs)
detection, analytes 138
human bacterial pathogens 140
microbial identication methods 141
myriad, analytes 140
phage infection reaction 141
PVL 37
skin infections 39
LFIs see Lateral ow immunoassays (LFIs)
Luc-based reporter phages
bacterial luciferase genes 143
mycobacterial detection 144
phage-based bioluminescence 142143
Lysogenic conversion
Phage conversion
toxigenic conversion 4, 5, 2223, 3334, 4748,
denitions 45
description 34
lysogen 4
prophage 4
MALDI-TOF MS see Matrix-assisted laser
desorption ionization time-of-ight mass
spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
Male-specic coliphages
description 157158
DNA 158
faecal contamination, river water 162
genotype identication 161
PCR methods 162
primer/probe sets 161162
desired host bacterium 161
FRNA 158
individual serogroups 158
morphology and survival characteristics 158
origin, faecal pollution 159
seasonal uctuations in FRNA 160
serotyping 160
sewage pollution 160
taxonomy, FRNA phages 159
RT-PCR assays 161
somatic coliphages 161
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-
of-ight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
analysis and identication 137
bacterial cultures 137
biological analysis 137
CFU 138
mass spectrum 138
phage protein proling 138, 139
species-specic bacterial infection 137
Maximum contaminant levels (MCL)
drinking water 154155
recreational waters 155
total coliforms 154
278 Index
MCL see Maximum contaminant levels (MCL)
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) 185, 227
Mouse intraperitoneal model 227
MRSA see Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)
Mucosal colonization model 226
Multiple-domain, endolysins
endopeptidase and LysK 222
exonic shu ing and putative mechanism
N-acetylmuramidase and gene deletion
analysis 223
PlyC 223224
silent and non-silent 223
staphylococcal/streptococcal phage 222
streptococcal SA2 222223
Murine vaginal model 226
Negative-treatment control 263264
NMR analysis see Nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) analysis
Non-wound infections
animal models
canine otitis 209
gastrointestinal disease 208209
lung infections 207208
septicaemia 207
antibiotic resistance 203
clinical trials
applications, phage therapy 209, 210
microbiological analyses 211
phase I assessment 209
phase II 210
phase III 211
puried phage preparation 210
description 203
diarrhoeal diseases 203
in Georgia
cocktails 204
Eliava Institute of Bacteriophage Microbiology
and Virology (IBMV) 191, 204
Intestiphage 204
Pyophage preparation 205
treatment 204205
P. aeruginosa lung infections 211
pharmacokinetic properties 212
in Poland 205
rediscovery and renaissance
antibiotic resistance 206
mice and ruminants 205206
pig skin samples 206
tailor(ed) phages 211
temperate phages 211212
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis
Oral cavity and pharynx
oropharyngeal swabs 9
saliva microbiota 10
sequencing, virome metagenomes 910
Veillonella and Enterococcus faecalis bacteriophage
VLPs 9
Osteomyelitis 189190
PantonValentine leukocidin (PVL) 37
PCR see Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Peptide and protein phage-display libraries
antibody fragments 104
construction, phagemid-based antibody
fragment 104, 105
discovery approach 103
inhibition, pilus formation 106
mAbs 94, 103
Phage formulation toxicity
endotoxin, Gram-negative bacteria 264
testing 264
Phage immobilization, bacterial detection
assay sensitivity 142
ECIS 141
real-time PCR 142
Phage therapy
antibacterial activity 170
antibacterial virulence see Ex situ phage
antibacterial virulence
antibiotics 256
bacterial colonization 260261
blinding 264
dosing and enumeration 264267
ex situ, characterization
early-stage and later-stage development
protocols 259
employ and temperate 259
potential, display lysogeny 259
therapeutics 258
follow-up, unexpected results 268
formulation toxicity 264
host range and laboratory experimentation
initial development 261
isolation 258
municipal sewage systems 256
negative-treatment control 263264
PFU 170
phages and oxidative stress 171
pharmacology 257
positive phage-killing control 262263
positive results 269
protocols 262
rational debugging 257
real-world e cacy 270
safe, highly e cacious and economical 256
staphylococcal phage 171
titres, e cacy 268269
treatment vs. Pseudomonas 262
Index 279
Phage-therapy trials
combat-related injuries 200
orthopaedic devices 200
prophylactic treatment 199200
regulatory agencies 199
Phage typing (PT)
bacteria, bacteriophages 77
discriminatory power 78
environmental factors 79
epidemiological concordance 78
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy 80
host susceptibility 77
lysogenization 78
PCR 80
phage-based typing method 7677
phage-mediated transfer, DNA 78
phages lytic 77
phenotypic assessment tool 77
phenotypic methods 80
reproducibility 79
restriction enzyme systems 77
typeability 78
Phage vaccines 87, 8892, 178
Plaque assay
bacterial identication 135
Petri dish 135
species-specic phage 135, 136
Pneumococcal bacteraemia model 226
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 31, 36, 40, 79, 80,
104, 105, 110, 111, 112, 134, 141, 156, 159, 160,
161, 162, 163
Positive phage-killing control
description 262
phage experiments 263
Protein vaccines
Cytos Biotechnology 92
lamentous phage display 90, 91
genetic engineering 91
humoral immune response 90
orphan diseases 92
tissue tropism 92
lysogeny and polylysogeny 47
NMR analysis 48
O-antigenic conversion 4748
PT see Phage typing (PT)
PVL see PantonValentine leukocidin (PVL)
QDs see Quantum dots (QDs)
Quantum dots (QDs) 145
SCIN see Staphylococcal complement inhibitor
Selection strategies, phage display
antibody phagemid library 106
biotinylated antigen approach 107
cell-surface panning 108, 109
peptide/antibody 106
solid-phase panning 107
western blot/immunohistochemistry 108
Shiga-like toxigenic phages (SLT-phages) 43, 81
Shiga-toxigenic E.coli (STEC) 22, 29, 43, 78, 81, 244
Skin and lung infections
phage-encoded toxins 26
S. aureus 25
SLT-phages see Shiga-like toxigenic phages
Somatic coliphages
colonize biolms 157
degradation 156
description 156
E. coli strains WG5 and CN13 157
in sewage-contaminated waters 157
SSSS see Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome
patients, phage therapy 190, 191
systemic infection 190
Staphylococcal complement inhibitor (SCIN)
Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome (SSSS)
Riters disease 25
toxin production 25
TSS 26
Staphylococcus infection
ear gene 41
Exofoliative toxins (ETs) 37
gastrointestinal intoxication 26
genome analysis 35
high-frequency mobilization, SaPIs 41
horizontal phage transfer 35
immune evasion cluster 3941
leukotoxins 37, 39
location and organization, conversion genes.
lysogenic conversion 37
PVL 24
sau42I gene 41
S. aureus-converting phages 3739
skin and lung infections 2526
TSS 2627
STEC see Shiga-toxigenic E.coli (STEC)
Streptococcus infection
neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) 27, 42
prophage and prophage-like elements 41, 42
SpyCI and mutator phenotype 4243
stationary-phase bacteria 28
TSS 27
virulence factors 27
virulence genes 43
280 Index
Tailspike proteins 231232
Therapeutic delivery vehicles, phages as
amyloid plaques 94
applications 86
characteristics, material 86
cytotoxic agents 9394
description 92
DNA vaccines 8890
gene therapy 87, 88, 9293
immunogenic molecules 95
ligand density 95
mammalian physiology 88
phage-delivered cargo 87
phage genome 86
protein distribution 94
protein vaccines 9092
transfection 93
Time-resolved uorescence resonance energy
transfer (TR-FRET) 126
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
erythematous rash 2627
staphylococcal disease 26
treatment 27
genetic exchange 1, 5, 35, 4850, 64, 69, 81,
horizontal gene transfer 30, 41, 4850
lytic phages 49
methods, genetic exchange 48
antibacterial agents 169
bacterial gut microora 179
description 168, 178
exogenous bacteriophages see Exogenous
gut microbiota 178
immunomodulatory eects, bacteriophage
preparations see Bacteriophage
mesenteric lymph nodes 178
oral administration 178
pathogenic viruses 169
proliferation, T and B cells 168
treatment, systemic infections 179
TR-FRET see Time-resolved uorescence
resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET)
TSS see Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
Verotoxigenic phages (VT phages) 43
Vero toxin-producing E. coli (VTEC) 246
Vibrio cholerae (V. cholerae) see Disease, cholera
genetic structure, CTX prophage 28, 4647
hybrid phage genomes 47
Virus-like particles (VLPs) 3, 912, 15, 16, 89, 90,
9192, 9495
VLPs see Virus-like particles (VLPs)
VTEC see Vero toxin-producing E. coli (VTEC)
Water quality assessment
Clostridium perfringens 154
EPA and MCL 154155
faecal contamination 155
faecal pollution 154
limitations, bacterial indicators 155
Wounds and purulent infections
acute wounds 186
burn wounds 186, 189
chronic wounds 189
description 185
diabetic wounds 189
early phage therapy
bone injuries 192
Clostridium perfringens 191
pre-antibiotic era 191
prophylactic 192
sof -tissue wounds 192
staphylococcaemia see Staphylococcaemia
surgical debridement 191
topical phage applications 193
trials on civilians 193194
wound infection type and anatomical location
e cacy, phage therapy 187188
human wound studies see Human wound
microbes 186
osteomyelitis 189190
types 186
unconventional treatment 185
Yellow uorescence protein (YFP) 145
YFP see Yellow uorescence protein (YFP)