Microwave & RF Design - A Systems Approach 2010
Microwave & RF Design - A Systems Approach 2010
Microwave & RF Design - A Systems Approach 2010
Published by SciTech Publishing, Inc. 911 Paverstone Drive, Suite B Raleigh, NC 27615 (919) 847-2434, fax (919) 847-2568 scitechpublishing.com Copyright 2010 by SciTech Publishing, Raleigh, NC. All rights reserved.
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The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Editor: Dudley R. Kay Production Manager: Robert Lawless Typesetting: Michael Steer Cover Design: Kathy Gagne Printe: Docusource This book is available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information and quotes, please contact the publisher.
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To my daughter, Fiona
Teon is a registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours. SONNET is a trademark of Sonnet Corporation. Smith is a registered trademark of Analog Instruments Company of New Providence, NJ. The Smith charts shown in this book are proprietary to Analog Instruments Company and reproduction thereof without express written permission is prohibited. Printed Smith charts are available from Analog Instruments Company, P.O. Box 950, New Providence, NJ 07974, USA. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
Microwave and RF Design: A Systems Approach is a comprehensive introduction to Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave design with a modern systems-rst approach. The book has been developed over 10 years of teaching the class to ever-increasing numbers of Masters-level students that is now averaging 90 per class. A strong emphasis on design permeates the book with extensive practical design examples focused on the main technologies encountered in RF engineering today. Design is oriented toward microstrip and planar circuit design so that lessons learned can be applied to real-world design tasks. Rationale The central philosophy behind this popular approach is that the student or practicing engineer will complete the book with a full appreciation for RF engineering and gain the practical skills to perform system-level design decisions. Now more than ever, companies need engineers with an ingrained appreciation of systems and armed with the skills to make system decisions. One of the greatest challenges facing RF and microwave engineering, however, is the increasing level of abstraction needed to create innovative microwave and RF systems. This book is organized in such a way that the reader comes to understand the impact that system-level decisions have on component and subsystem design. At the same time, the capabilities of technologies, components, and subsystems impact system design. The book is meticulously crafted to intertwine these themes. Audience The book was developed for three courses at North Carolina State University. One is a nal-year undergraduate class, another an introductory graduate class, and the third an advanced graduate class. I believe it is completely understandable for senior-level students where a microwave/RF engineering course is offered. The book is a comprehensive RF and microwave text and reference with detailed index, glossary, appendices, and cross-references throughout the text. Practicing engineers will nd the book a valuable systems primer, a refresher as needed, and a reference tool in the eld. Additionally, it can serve as a valuable, accessible resource for those outside RF circuit engineering who need to understand how they can work with RF hardware engineers.
Organization The level of sophistication of RF and microwave engineering concepts begins with a broad, easily read treatment of systems in the rst three chapters. This develops in the middle of the book with the subtleties of microwave components and immediately useful design knowledge particularly focused on microstrip design. The book nishes with in-depth treatment of network synthesis which embodies the full sophistication of microwave engineering. Detailed design examples are used throughout the book. These are often used to illustrate design decisions that do not lend themselves to formulaic solutions. The book is organized around ve modules that are largely independent but do build on each other and are best taught in sequence. The rst three chapters of the book comprise the System Module. The System Module (Chapters 13) describes system concepts and provides comprehensive knowledge of RF and microwave systems. The emphasis is on understanding how systems are crafted from many different technologies and concepts. For example, the rst chapter, Modulation, Transmitters, and Receivers, considers the system-level trade-offs driven by modulation requirements. The choice of amplier impacts the microwave requirements that must be designed. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) circuitry in Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFICs) necessarily requires that ampliers be differential, which in turn drives the design of baluns and other balanced structures. The System Module prepares the reader for subsequent material by providing the rational for design choices. It is written from a hardware perspective with connections between system-level attributes and hardware performance and requirements. The reader therefore gains valuable insight into how different technologies can be traded off in meeting system requirements. I do not believe this systems presentation is available anywhere else in such a compact form. The Transmission Line Module (Chapters 4 and 5) consists of two chapters, beginning with a chapter on transmission line theory, with microstrip lines primarily used as design examples. Design examples illustrate some of the less quantiable design decisions that must be made, such as choosing manufacturable dimensions and avoiding undesirable modes of operation. This module shows how distributed effects form the basis for a large variety of microwave and RF components that are not available at lower frequencies. The modern treatment emphasizes planar circuit design and the practical aspects of designing around unwanted effects. The text, examples, and problems introduce the often hidden design requirements of designing to mitigate parasitic effects and unwanted modes of operation. The Network Module (Chapters 68) presents the descriptions of microwave networks based on S-parameter and ABCD matrices, and the representation of reection and transmission information on polar plots called Smith charts. Microwave measurement and calibration technology is exam-
ined. A sampling of the wide variety of microwave elements based on transmission lines is presented. It is shown how many of these have lumped element equivalents and how lumped elements and transmission lines can be combined as a compromise between the high performance of transmission line structures and the compactness of lumped elements. The module concludes with an in-depth treatment of matching for maximum power transfer. Both lumped element and distributed element matching are presented. The Coupled Line and Filter Module (Chapters 9 and 10) begins by presenting descriptions of coupling of parallel lines. It is shown that coupled lines can be used to realize a variety of responses. Detailed design of a directional coupler is used to illustrate the use of coupled lines. Network equivalents of coupled lines are introduced as fundamental building blocks that will be used later in lter design and network synthesis. Filter design is presented as a mixture of art and science. This mix, and the thought processes involved, are emphasized through the design of a lter integrated throughout the chapter. This chapter integrates and applies many of the design lessons presented throughout the book. The nal module is the Active Device and Synthesis Module (Chapters 1113) which rst considers ampliers, mixers, oscillators, and switches. Detailed amplier and voltage-controlled oscillators are presented. Basic RFIC design is presented and the reason for design choices in RFICs made clear. The capstone chapter presents network synthesis through a number of detailed design examples. Network synthesis is the methodical design of microwave networks leading to design insight, novel topologies, and tailored performance. Synthesis is presented as the merger of art, with the choice of topologies with the desired fundamental characteristics, and the mathematical development of successive networks beginning with a lumped element prototype and resulting in the nal physical realization. Course Structures University courses can be taught around two or three modules, and the book can be used to teach two or three classes. A standard microwave class following the format of earlier microwave texts can be taught around Modules 2 and 3 (i.e., Chapters 48). Such a course will benet from the strong practical design avor and modern treatment of measurement technology, Smith charts, and matching networks. Transmission line propagation and design is presented in the context of microstrip technology providing an immediately useful skill. The subtleties of multimoding are also presented in the context of microstrip lines. In such a class the easily read chapters in the system module can be assigned for self-learning. The fundamental philosophy behind the book is that the broader impact of the material must be presented rst. Systems should be discussed up front and not left as an afterthought for the nal chapter of a textbook or the last class of the semester. A systems rst class can be taught beginning
with the systems module and continuing through the transmission line and network module. This class is suited to a nal-year class or, with the addition of problems from the extensive set of design-oriented problems at the end of the chapters, for an introductory graduate class. An advanced graduate class can emphasize the nal two modules of the book concentrating on ampliers, oscillators, and network synthesis. This can be supplemented with a laboratory or computer-aided microwave design tools. The book is written so that all electrical engineers can gain an appreciation of RF and microwave hardware engineering. It offers a four-prong exible approach to RF engineering. For a more traditional approach, the book provides appendices containing detailed reviews of electromagnetic theory, including waveguide theory. The body of the text can be covered without strong reliance on this electromagnetic theory, but it is there for those who desire it for teaching or reader review. The book is rich with detailed information and also serves as a technical reference. The extensive worked examples aid the experienced engineer and the new engineer growing into RF and microwave engineering. The Systems Engineer Systems are developed beginning with fuzzy requirements for components and subsystems. Just as system requirements provide impetus to develop new base technologies, the development of new technologies provides new capabilities that drive innovation and new systems. The new capabilities may arise from developments made in support of other systems. Sometimes serendipity leads to the new capabilities. Creating innovative microwave and RF systems that address market needs, or provide for new opportunities, is the most exciting challenge in RF design. The engineers who can conceptualize and architect new RF systems are in great demand. This book began as an effort to train RF systems engineers and as an RF systems resource for practicing engineers. Many RF systems engineers began their careers when systems were simple. Today, appreciating a system requires higher levels of abstraction than in the past, but it also requires detailed knowledge or the ability to access detailed knowledge and expertise. So what makes a systems engineer? There is not a simple answer, but many partial answers. We know that system engineers have great technical condence and broad appreciation for technologies. They are both broad in their knowledge of a large swath of technologies and also deep in knowledge of a few areas, sometimes called the T model. One book or course will not make a systems engineer. It is clear that there must be a diverse set of experiences. This book fullls the role of fostering both high-level abstraction of RF engineering, and also detailed design skills to realize effective RF and microwave components. My hope is that this book will provide the necessary background for the next generation of RF systems engineers by stressing system principles immediately, followed by
core component technologies. Core technologies are thereby covered within the context of the systems in which they are used. Supplementary Materials Supplementary materials presently available include PowerPoint slides and solutions to selected problems, which can be downloaded from www.scitechpub.com/steer. Instructors can also obtain a complete set of solutions by writing [email protected]. Comments and Suggestions This book will continue to evolve with the experience of instructors, their students, and other interested readers. Please send your comments, questions, and suggestions to [email protected]. Acknowledgements Writing this book has been a large task and I am indebted to the many people who helped along the way. First I want to thank the more than 1000 electrical engineering graduate students who have used drafts of this book at North Carolina State University and have provided numerous corrections and suggestions. The book is that much stronger by clarifying issues that they have raised. Professor Wael Fathelbab is a lter expert and cowrote the lter chapter and provided the design examples in the synthesis chapter. Professor Andreas Cangellaris was involved in developing the early structure of the book and provided material and concepts for the chapter on extraordinary transmission line effects. Many people have reviewed the book and provided corrections. I thank the following for their time and effort in checking the manuscript: Nuno Carvalho of Universidade de Aveiro, Professors Ed Delp and Saul Gelfand of Purdue University, Professor Lynn Carpenter of Pennsylvania State University, Professor Grant Ellis of the Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Professor Islam Eshrah of Cairo University, Professor Mohammad Essaaidi and Dr. Otman Aghzout of Abdelmalek Essaadi Univeristy, Professor Wael Fathelbab of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Professor J.G. Ma of the University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, Dr. Jayesh Nath of HarrisStratex Networks, Mr. Sony Rowland of the U.S. Navy, and Jonathan Wilkerson, Glen Garner and Justin Lowry of NC State University, . For 6 years during the writing of this book I was part of a large project entitled MARRS: Multifunctional Adaptive Radio Radar and Sensors that ran from 2001 to 2006. This work was funded by the U.S. Army Research Ofce under the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) program. A large part of this project was involved in placing RF systems engineering in an academic setting. I wish to thank Professors Peter Asbeck, Elliot Brown, Tatsuo Itoh, Linda Katehi, and Robert York, and Dr. Devereux Palmer, my fellow collaborators on the MARRS project, for deliberations on RF systems engineering.
Executives at various companies and government laboratories helped develop the strategy for teaching RF systems engineering, in particular reemphasizing the systems rst approach. In particular, I thank the technical leaders at Northrop Grumman, Harris Corporation, and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. Many people helped in producing this book. Ms. Claire Sideri assisted in editing several of the chapters. Ms. Susan Manning provided guidance on layout and developed the cover art. Mr. Robert Lawless was instrumental in seeing this book through the production process. Ms. Laura Bader went through the nal manuscript and perfected the writing and grammar. The front cover captures what this book is trying to accomplish, we are looking right into the core of a system. The X-ray image on the cover was taken by Mr. Jonathan Campbell of the Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division. The publisher, task master, and chief coordinator, Mr. Dudley Kay, helped provide focus and the nal push to nish. The book was produced using LaTeX and 95% of the graphics were drawn using xg. So thanks to the many volunteers who developed these packages. My family, Mary, Cormac, Fiona, and Killian, gracefully put up with my absence for innumerable nights and weekends, many more than I could have ever imagined. Having a professor as a husband and father is not for the mild. I truly thank them.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
1 Modulation, Transmitters, and Receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 RF Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Analog Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Amplitude Modulation, AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Phase and Frequency Modulation, PM and FM . . . 1.3.3 Two-Tone Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Digital Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Phase Shift Keying, PSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Binary Phase Shift Keying, BPSK . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.3 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, QPSK . . . . . . . . 1.4.4 Frequency Shift Keying, FSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.5 Comparison of FSK and QPSK Modulation . . . . . . 1.4.6 Implementation Margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.7 /4 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, /4-QPSK . . . 1.4.8 Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, DQPSK 1.4.9 Offset Quadrature Shift Keying, OQPSK . . . . . . . 1.4.10 Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying, GMSK . . . . . . . 1.4.11 3/8-8PSK, Rotating Eight-State Phase Shift Keying 1.4.12 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, QAM . . . . . . 1.4.13 Digital Modulation Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Interference and Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.1 Cochannel Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.2 Adjacent Channel Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.3 Noise, Distortion, and Constellation Diagrams . . . . 1.5.4 Error Vector Magnitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Early Receiver Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.1 Heterodyne Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.2 Homodyne Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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1.6.3 Superheterodyne Receiver . . . . . . . . . . Modern Transmitter Architectures . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.1 Quadrature Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.2 Frequency Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.3 Polar Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.4 Direct Conversion Modulation . . . . . . . . 1.8 Modern Receiver Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8.1 Homodyne Frequency Conversion . . . . . . 1.8.2 Heterodyne Frequency Conversion . . . . . 1.8.3 Direct Conversion Receiver . . . . . . . . . . 1.8.4 Low-IF Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8.5 Subsampling Analog-to-Digital Conversion 1.8.6 First IF-to-Baseband Conversion . . . . . . . 1.8.7 Bilateral Double-Conversion Receiver . . . . 1.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 2 Antennas and RF Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 RF Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Radiation from a Current Filament . . . . . 2.3.1 Finite Length Wire Antennas . . . . 2.4 Resonant Antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Resonant Scattering . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Traveling-Wave Antennas . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 Vivaldi Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.2 Antenna Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.3 Effective Isotropic Radiated Power 2.5.4 Effective Aperture Size . . . . . . . 2.6 The RF link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.1 Multipath and Path Loss . . . . . . 2.6.2 Fresnel Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.3 Rayleigh Fading . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.4 Radio Link Reciprocity . . . . . . . 2.6.5 Propagation Model . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Radio Link Interference . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Radio Frequency Systems . . . . . . 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Communication Over Distance 3.2.1 Telegraph . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 The Origins of Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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3.2.3 Early Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 Radio Frequency Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wireless Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conventional Wireless Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . Simplex and Duplex Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cellular Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 Cellular Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.2 Personal Communication Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.3 Processing Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.4 Symbol Error Rate and Bit Error Rate . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.5 Call Flow and Handoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.6 Cochannel Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiple Access Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spectrum Efciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cellular Phone Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generations of Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 First Generation: Analog Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.2 Second Generation: Digital Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.3 Generation 2.5: Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.4 Third Generation: High Speed Data . . . . . . . . . . . Long-Term Evolution: Beyond 3G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11.1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM 3.11.2 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access OFDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11.3 Multiple Input, Multiple Output, MIMO . . . . . . . . 3.11.4 Spectrum Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11.5 Summary of Evolved 3G and 4G . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radar Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radiometer System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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4.2.3 Magnetic Material Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Substrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission Line Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Stripline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.2 Embedded Differential Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.3 Microstrip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.4 Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.5 Coplanar Strip (CPS) and Differential Line . . . . . 4.5 Modeling of Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Transmission Line Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.1 Derivation of Transmission Line Properties . . . . . 4.6.2 Relationship to Signal Transmission in a Medium . 4.6.3 Dimensions of , , and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.4 Lossless Transmission Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.5 Coaxial Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.6 Attenuation on a Low-Loss Line . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.7 Lossy Transmission Line Dispersion . . . . . . . . . 4.6.8 Design of a Dispersionless Lossy Line . . . . . . . . 4.7 The Terminated Lossless Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.1 Total Voltage and Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.2 Power Flow and Return Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.3 Standing Waves and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 4.7.4 Input Impedance of a Lossless Line . . . . . . . . . 4.7.5 Short-Circuited Stub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.6 Open-Circuited Stub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.7 Bounce Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Special Cases of Lossless Terminated Lines . . . . . . . . . 4.8.1 Electrically Short Lossless Line . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8.2 Short Length of Short-Circuited Line . . . . . . . . 4.8.3 Short Length of Open-Circuited Line . . . . . . . . 4.8.4 Quarter-Wave Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Input Impedance of a Terminated Lossy Line . . . . . . . . 4.10 Microstrip Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10.1 Microstrip Line in the Quasi-TEM Approximation 4.10.2 Effective Dielectric Constant and Characteristic Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10.3 Microstrip Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 Microstrip Design Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11.1 High Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11.2 Low Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11.3 Comment on Formulas for Effective Permittivity . 4.12 Transmission Line Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12.1 Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12.2 Discontinuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 4.4
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4.12.3 Impedance Transformer 4.12.4 Termination . . . . . . . 4.12.5 Attenuator . . . . . . . 4.12.6 Planar Radial Stub . . . 4.13 Resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.15 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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5 Extraordinary Transmission Line Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Frequency-Dependent Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Material Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Frequency-Dependent Charge Distribution . . . . . . . 5.2.3 Current Bunching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.4 Skin Effect and Internal Conductor Inductance . . . . 5.2.5 Dielectric Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 High-Frequency Properties of Microstrip Lines . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Frequency-Dependent Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Field Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Filling Factor, q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Multimoding on Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Parallel-Plate Waveguide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.1 Multimoding and Electric and Magnetic Walls . . . . . 5.6 Microstrip Operating Frequency Limitations . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.1 Microstrip Dielectric Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.2 Higher-Order Microstrip Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.3 Transverse Microstrip Resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.4 Summary of Multimoding on Microstrip Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Power Losses and Parasitic Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 Lines on Semiconductor Substrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8.1 Modes on the MIS (MOS) Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Microwave Network Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Two-Port Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Reciprocity, Symmetry, Passivity, and Linearity 6.2.2 Parameters Based on Total Voltage and Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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6.2.3 Series Connection of Two-Port Networks . . . . . . . . 6.2.4 Parallel Connection of Two-Port Networks . . . . . . . 6.2.5 Series-Parallel Connection of Two-Port Networks . . . 6.2.6 ABCD Matrix Characterization of Two-Port Networks 6.3 Scattering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 Reection Coefcient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.2 Two-Port S Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.3 Evaluation of the Scattering Parameters of an Element 6.3.4 Scattering Transfer or T Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 The N -Port Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.1 Generalized Scattering Parameter Relations . . . . . . 6.4.2 Normalized and Generalized S Parameters . . . . . . . 6.4.3 Passivity in Terms of Scattering Parameters . . . . . . 6.4.4 Impedance Matrix Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.5 Admittance Matrix Representation . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Scattering Parameter Matrices of Common Two-Ports . . . . . 6.5.1 Transmission Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.2 Shunt Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.3 Series Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Scattering Parameter Two-Port Relationships . . . . . . . . . . 6.6.1 Cascaded Two-Port Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6.2 Change in Reference Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6.3 Conversion Between S Parameters and ABCD Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7 Signal Flow Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7.1 Signal Flow Graph Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7.2 Signal Flow Graph Representation of Scattering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7.3 Simplication and Reduction of Signal Flow Graphs . 6.7.4 Masons Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.8 Polar Representations of Scattering Parameters . . . . . . . . . 6.8.1 Polar Plot for Reection Coefcient . . . . . . . . . . . 6.8.2 Polar Plot for S Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9 Smith Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9.1 An Alternative Admittance Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9.2 Transmission Line Stubs and Smith Charts . . . . . . . 6.10 Reection Coefcient and Change of Reference Impedance . . 6.10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.2 Reference Impedance Change as a Bilinear Transform 6.10.3 Determining the Characteristic Impedance of a Line from the Smith Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.4 Reection Coefcient Locus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11 Measurement of Scattering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11.1 One-Port Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
292 294 294 296 299 300 302 303 305 305 306 308 309 309 310 311 312 313 313 314 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 325 326 327 329 330 337 337 340 340 341 344 346 346 350
6.11.2 De-Embedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11.3 Two-Port Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11.4 Transmission Line-Based Calibration Schemes 6.11.5 Through-Line Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11.6 Two-Tier Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.12 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.13 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Passive Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Lumped Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Integrated Lumped Passive Components . . 7.2.2 On-Chip Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.3 Planar Inductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.4 Transmission Line Discontinuities . . . . . . 7.3 Terminations and Attenuators . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.2 Attenuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Magnetic Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Balun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6.1 Marchand Balun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Wilkinson Combiner and Divider . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 Transmission Line Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8.1 Transmission Line Transformer as a Balun . 7.8.2 Impedance Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9 Hybrid Transformer Used as a Combiner . . . . . . 7.10 Hybrid Transformer Used as a Power Splitter . . . 7.11 Broadband Hybrid Combiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12 Branch-Line Hybrids Based on Transmission Lines 7.13 Lumped-Element Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14 Resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14.1 Transmission Line Resonators . . . . . . . . 7.14.2 Dielectric Resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.15 Circulators and Isolators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.16 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.17 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Impedance Matching . . . . . . . . 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Q Factor and Resonant Circuits 8.2.1 Denition . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 Q of Lumped Elements 8.2.3 Loaded Q Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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8.2.4 Microstrip Resonator . . . . . . . Impedance Transforming Networks . . . 8.3.1 The Ideal Transformer . . . . . . . 8.3.2 A Series Reactive Element . . . . . 8.3.3 A Parallel Reactive Element . . . . 8.4 The L Matching Network . . . . . . . . . 8.4.1 Design Equations for RS < RL . . 8.4.2 L Network Design for RS > RL . 8.5 Dealing with Complex Loads . . . . . . . 8.5.1 Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5.2 Fano-Bode Limits . . . . . . . . . 8.6 Multi-Element Matching . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.1 The Pi Network . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.2 Matching Network Q Revisited . 8.6.3 The T Network . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6.4 Broadband (Low Q) Matching . . 8.7 Impedance Matching Using Smith Charts 8.7.1 Two-Element Matching . . . . . . 8.8 Distributed Matching . . . . . . . . . . . 8.8.1 Stub Matching . . . . . . . . . . . 8.8.2 Wideband Matching . . . . . . . . 8.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.10 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3
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9.9 The Lange Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.10 Directional Coupler With Lumped Capacitors . . . . . . 9.11 Models of Parallel Coupled Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.11.1 ABCD Parameters of Parallel Coupled Lines in Inhomogeneous Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.11.2 Network Model of Parallel Coupled Lines . . . . 9.12 Differential and Common Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.13 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.14 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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494 495 496 496 498 499 501 501 505 506 508 509 510 513 514 516 517 518 520 521 527 527 529 530 532 534 534 536 537 537 539 541 542 542 544 544 546 549 550 552 552
10 Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Singly and Doubly Terminated Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2.1 Doubly Terminated Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2.2 Lowpass Filter Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 The Lowpass Filter Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4 The Maximally Flat (Butterworth) Lowpass Approximation . 10.4.1 Construction of the Transfer Function . . . . . . . . . . 10.4.2 nth-Order Reection Approximation . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 The Chebyshev Lowpass Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.1 Chebyshev Approximation and Recursion . . . . . . . 10.6 Element Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7 Butterworth and Chebyshev Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7.1 Butterworth Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7.2 Chebyshev Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8 Impedance and Admittance Inverters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8.1 Properties of an Impedance Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8.2 Replacement of a Series Inductor by a Shunt Capacitor 10.8.3 Replacement of a Series Capacitor by a Shunt Inductor 10.8.4 Ladder Prototype with Impedance Inverters . . . . . . 10.8.5 Lumped-Element Realization of an Inverter . . . . . . 10.8.6 Narrowband Realization of an Inverter Using Transmission Line Stubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9 Filter Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.1 Impedance Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.2 Frequency Transformation: Lowpass . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.3 Lowpass to Highpass Transformation . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.4 Lowpass to Bandpass Transformation . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.5 Lowpass to Bandstop Transformation . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.6 Transformed Ladder Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.10 Cascaded Line Realization of Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.11 Richards Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.11.1 Richards Transformation and Transmission Lines . . .
10.11.2 Richards Transformation and Stubs . . . . . . . . . . . 10.11.3 Richards Transformation Applied to a Lowpass Filter 10.11.4 Richards Transformation Applied to a Highpass Filter 10.11.5 Kurodas Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.12 Coupled Line Congurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.13 Inverter Network Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.14 Combline Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.14.1 Scaled Prototype with Inverters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.14.2 Third-Order Chebyshev Combline Filter . . . . . . . . 10.14.3 Realization of the Input/Output Inverters . . . . . . . 10.14.4 Interresonator Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.14.5 Input Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.14.6 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.15 Parallel Coupled Line Filters in an Inhomogeneous Medium . 10.16 Design of a Bandstop Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.17 Alternative Bandpass Filter Topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.18 Active Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.18.1 Radio Frequency Active Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.18.2 Biquadratic Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.18.3 Distributed Active Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.19 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.20 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
553 553 555 555 558 563 566 566 566 575 576 578 578 580 581 584 586 587 588 590 591 591
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11.5.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6 Amplier Gain Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6.1 Gain in Terms of Scattering Parameters . . . . . . . . . 11.6.2 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7 Linear Amplier Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7.1 Bias Circuit Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7.2 Stability Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7.3 Output Matching Network Design . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7.4 Input Matching Network Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8 Differential Amplier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8.1 Hybrids and Differential Ampliers . . . . . . . . . . . 11.9 Distributed Biasing of Differential Ampliers . . . . . . . . . . 11.9.1 Conventional Biasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.9.2 Design Based on Analogy to Coupled Resonators . . . 11.9.3 Distributed Biasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.9.4 Operating Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.9.5 Effect of Loss on Distributed Biasing . . . . . . . . . . 11.9.6 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.9.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.10 Switching Ampliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.11 Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.11.2 Source of Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.11.3 Noise Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.11.4 Noise in a Cascaded System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.11.5 Noise Figure of Two-Port Ampliers . . . . . . . . . . 11.12 Amplier Nonlinear Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.13 Dynamic Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.14 Distortion and Digitally Modulated Signals . . . . . . . . . . . 11.14.1 PAR and Probability Density Function . . . . . . . . . 11.14.2 Design Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.15 Ampliers and RFICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.16 Management of Amplier Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.16.1 Distortion in a MOSFET Enhancement-Depletion Amplier Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.16.2 Example: distortion in the ultra-linear MOS connection 11.17 Summary and Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.18 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mixers, Oscillators, and Switches . . . . . 12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.1 Junction and Schottky Diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
626 627 629 635 636 637 637 637 641 642 644 652 653 656 657 658 661 662 664 667 669 671 671 671 673 677 679 681 685 692 692 694 694 697 697 700 701 702 707 707 708 708
12.4 12.5
12.7 12.8
12.2.2 Varactor Diodes . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.3 PIN Diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.4 Other Diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.1 Mixer Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.2 Mixer Performance Parameters . . 12.3.3 Mixer Waveforms . . . . . . . . . 12.3.4 Mixers and RFICs . . . . . . . . . Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5.1 Two-Port Oscillators . . . . . . . . 12.5.2 Phase Noise in Oscillators . . . . . 12.5.3 One-Port Oscillators . . . . . . . . Design of a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator 12.6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6.2 Series Feedback Oscillators . . . . 12.6.3 Reection Coefcient Shaping . . 12.6.4 Oscillator Performance . . . . . . 12.6.5 Bandwidth and RF Output . . . . 12.6.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary and Further Reading . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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13 Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Design of Miniature Planar Marchand Baluns . . . . . . . . . 13.2.1 Derivation of a Bandpass Marchand Balun . . . . . . . 13.2.2 S-Plane Bandpass Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.3 Design Example: Class B Balun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.4 Implementation of the Class B Balun . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3 Biasing of Differential Circuits with Broadband CommonMode Suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.1 Class A Four-Port Interstage Network . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.2 Class B Interstage Matching Network . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.3 Implementation of a Class A Interstage Network . . . 13.3.4 Implementation of a Class B Interstage Network . . . 13.3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4 Tapped Marchand Baluns for Stable Matching Applications . 13.4.1 Doubly Terminated Matching Network . . . . . . . . . 13.4.2 Singly Terminated Matching Network . . . . . . . . . 13.4.3 A Balun Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4.4 Tapping the Balanced Resonators of the Balun . . . . . 13.4.5 Design Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.4.6 Balun With Prescribed Single-Ended Admittance 13.4.7 Balun With Prescribed Balanced Impedance . . . 13.4.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5 Filters With Enhanced Stopband Performances . . . . . . 13.5.1 Uniform- and Stepped-Impedance PCL Filters . . 13.5.2 Design of PCL Filters With Enhanced Stopband . 13.5.3 Example: PCL Filter With Enhanced Stopband . . 13.5.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809 A Mathematical Identities and Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1 Complex Numbers and Phasors . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Del () Vector Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.1 Operations in Cartesian, Cylindrical, and Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.2 Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3 Trigonometric Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4 Hyperbolic Functions and Complex Numbers . . A.5 Volumes and Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.6 Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.6.1 Linear Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.6.2 Bilinear Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . A.7 Circles on the Complex Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . A.8 Bilinear Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.9 Quadratic Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.10 Network Condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spherical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823 823 825 825 827 828 829 829 830 830 830 831 832 834 834
B Power Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837 C Physical Constants and Material Properties . . . . . C.1 SI Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.1.1 SI Unit Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . C.1.2 SI Prexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.1.3 Physical and Mathematical Constants . . C.1.4 Conversions and Standard Values . . . . C.2 Conductors, Dielectrics, and Magnetic Materials C.3 Greek Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Maxwells Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.1 Point Form of Maxwells Equations . D.2 Maxwells Equations in Phasor Form D.3 Integral Form of Maxwells Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839 839 840 841 841 842 842 845 847 848 853 855
D.4 Electric and Magnetic Field Laws . . . . D.4.1 Amperes Circuital Law . . . . . D.4.2 Biot-Savart Law . . . . . . . . . D.4.3 Gauss Law . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4.4 Faradays Law . . . . . . . . . . D.5 Electric and Magnetic Walls . . . . . . . D.5.1 Electric Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . D.5.2 Magnetic Wall . . . . . . . . . . D.6 Fields in Lossy Media . . . . . . . . . . D.6.1 Lossy Dielectrics . . . . . . . . . D.6.2 Lossy Conductors . . . . . . . . D.7 Application of Electromagnetic Theory
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855 856 856 857 857 858 858 860 861 861 864 866 869 870 873 873 874 876 877 878 879 882
E Waveguide Field Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.1 The Rectangular Wave Equation . . . . . . . E.2 Parallel-Plate Waveguide . . . . . . . . . . . E.2.1 TEM Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.2.2 TM Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.2.3 TE Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.3 Rectangular Waveguide . . . . . . . . . . . . E.3.1 TM Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.3.2 TE Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.3.3 Rectangular Waveguide Components
F RF and Microwave Circuit Schematic Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . 893 F.1 Element and Circuit Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893 F.2 Diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898 F.3 Bipolar Junction Transistor BJT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898 F.4 Junction Field Effect Transistor JFET . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899 F.5 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor MOSFET899 G Active Device Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.1 Level 3 MOSFET Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.1.1 Device Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.2 Materka-Kacprzak MESFET Model . . . . . . . . . G.2.1 Device Equations: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.3 Gummel-Poon: Bipolar Junction Transistor Model G.3.1 Standard Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 901 902 907 908 909 911
The front end of a Radio Frequency (RF) communication receiver combines a number of subsystems in cascade to achieve several objectives. Filters and matching networks provide frequency selectivity to eliminate interfering signals. Ampliers manage noise levels by boosting both received signals and signals to be transmitted. Mixers coupled with oscillators translate the modulated information from one frequency to another. There are only a few types of receiver and transmitter architectures. In a receiver, the central idea is to take information superimposed on an RF signal or carrier and convert it to a lower frequency form which can be directly applied to a speaker or digitized. In a cellular communication system, the low-frequency signal, often called the baseband signal, could have a bandwidth of 30 kHz to 5 MHz and the carrier frequency could be 500 MHz to 2 GHz. A transmitter takes the baseband signal and superimposes it on an RF carrier which can be more easily radiated into space and propagates easily from one antenna to another. The essential receiver and transmitter architectures are shown in Figure 1-1. In a receiver,
LO 1
(c) Figure 1-1 Unilateral RF front end: (a) a receiver with two mixing (or heterodyning) stages; (b) a receiver with one heterodyne stage; and (c) a one-stage transmitter.
mixers down-convert information superimposed on an RF carrier to a lower frequency that can be directly connected to speakers or digitized by an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). With a transmitter, the low-frequency information-bearing signal is translated to a frequency that can be more easily radiated. The most common receiver architecture is shown in Figure 1-1(a). First, an antenna collects a broad portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Antennas have relatively low frequency selectivity (they have broad bandwidth) and unwanted signal levels can be large, so additional ltering by a bandpass lter (BPF) is required to reduce the range of voltages presented to the rst amplier. Eventually this signal is digitized by an ADC, but to do this the frequency of the information-carrying part of the signal must be reduced. The stepping down of frequency is accomplished by a mixer stage. With the mixer driven by a large Local Oscillator (LO) signal, the output at the Intermediate Frequency (IF) is at the difference frequency of the RF and LO (see Figure 1-2). Thus fIF = fRF fLO (although sometimes the LO is above the RF so that fIF = fLO fRF ). LOs generally have noise close to the operating frequency so that there is a limit
fIF f f
LO (a)
Figure 1-2 Simple mixer circuit: (a) block diagram; and (b) spectrum.
on how close the RF and LO can be in frequency without oscillator noise appearing at the IF. If there is a single mixer, then the IF may still be too high. A solution is to use two stages of mixing. A BPF between the mixing (or heterodyning) stages further blocks unwanted signals. Eventually a lowpass lter (LPF) allows only the nal IF (here IF2 ) to be presented to the ADC. Once digitized, it is possible to further lter the intended signal which originally appeared as modulation at the RF. A one-stage receiver (see Figure 1-1(b)) generally requires a more capable ADC with a higher operating frequency. The elimination of a mixing stage, however, reduces cost and size. The architecture of a transmitter is similar to that of a receiver, with a key difference being the use of a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) (see Figure 1-1(c)). The major active elements in the RF front end of both the transmitter and receiver are the ampliers, mixers, and oscillators. These subsystems have much in common, using nonlinear devices to convert power at DC to power at RF. In the case of mixers, power at the LO is also converted to power at RF. The front end of a typical cellphone is shown in Figure 1-3. The components here are generally implemented in a module and use different technologies for the various elements, optimizing cost and performance. There are many variants of the architecture shown here. At one extreme, a module is used with all of the components packed in a shielded structure perhaps 1 cm on a side and 23 mm thick. Another extreme is a single-chip implementation, usually in Bipolar with Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (BiCMOS) technology, Silicon Germanium (SiGe) technology, or high performance CMOS called RF CMOS. However, it is necessary to use a gallium arsenide GaAs device to efciently achieve the hundreds of milliwatts that typically must be transmitted. Return now to the mixer-based transceiver (for transmitter and receiver) architecture shown in a multichip form in Figure 1-3. Here, a single antenna is used, and either a duplexer1 (a combined lowpass and highpass lter)
A duplexer separates transmitted and received signals and is generally implemented as a lter and is a type of diplexer. A diplexer combines two signals on different frequency bands
or a switch is used to separate the (frequency spaced) transmit and receive paths. If the system protocol requires transmit and receive at the same time, a duplexer is required to separate the transmit and receive paths. This lter tends to be large, lossy, or costly (depending on the technology used). Consequently a transistor switch is preferred if the transmit and receive signals operate in different time slots. In the receive path, a CMOS or BiCMOS chip initially amplies the low-level received signal, and so low noise is important. This amplier is thus called a Low-Noise Amplier (LNA). The amplied receive signal is then bandpass ltered and frequency down-converted by a mixer (indicated by a circle with a cross in it) to IF that can be sampled by an ADC to produce a digital signal that is further processed by Digital Signal Processing (DSP). Variants of this architecture include one that has two down-conversion stages, and another with no mixing that relies instead on direct conversion of the receive signal using a subsampling ADC. In the transmit path, the architecture is reversed, with a DAC driven by the DSP chip that produces an information-bearing signal at the IF which is then frequency up-converted by a mixer, bandpass ltered, and amplied by what is called a power amplier to generate the hundreds of milliwatts required. An alternative transmitter design is Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS), which bypasses the conversion stage. Direct conversion and DDS are difcult to implement, but are essential for the highly desired single or few chip solution. This chapter describes the operation and design strategies for the RF front-end architecture of Figure 1-3, looking at ampliers, mixers, switches, and oscillators. This architecture is used in most high-performance RF and microwave communication and radar systems. While the subsystems are
so that they can be sent over a common path. A diplexer is normally a multiport lter, but diplexing can be implemented in a digital signal processor.
preferably linear at RF, this can only be approximated, as the active devices used are intrinsically nonlinear. Performance is limited fundamentally by distortion, which is related to the characteristics of the RF signal, and this in turn is determined by the modulation scheme that impresses information on an RF carrier.
RF Signals
RF communication signals are engineered to trade off efcient use of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum with the complexity and performance of the required RF hardware. The process of converting baseband (or lowfrequency) information to RF is called modulation, of which there are two types: analog and digital modulation. In analog modulation, the RF signal has a continuous range of values; in digital modulation, the output has a number of discrete states. There are just a few modulation schemes that achieve the optimum trade-offs of spectral efciency and ease of use with hardware complexity. The major modulation schemes include the following: Analog modulation AM FM PM Digital modulation FSK PSK MSK GMSK BFSK BPSK QPSK /4-DQPSK OQPSK SOQPSK SBPSK FOQPSK 8PSK 3/8-8PSK 16PSK QAM Amplitude modulation Frequency modulation Phase modulation Frequency shift keying Phase shift keying Minimum shift keying (a form of FSK) Minimum shift keying using Gaussian ltered data Binary frequency shift keying Binary phase shift keying Quadrature PSK (QPSK is also referred to as quarternary PSK, quadraphase PSK, and quadra PSK) /4 Differential encoded QPSK Offset QPSK Shaped Offset QPSK Shaped BPSK Feher Offset QPSK 8-state phase shift keying 3 /8, 8-state phase shift keying 16-state phase shift keying Quadrature amplitude modulation
Frequency modulation, and the similar PM modulation schemes, are used in analog cellular radio. With the addition of legacy AM, the three schemes are the bases of analog radio. The other schemes are used in digital radio, including digital cellular radio. GMSK is used in the Global System for
Figure 1-4 Analog modulation showing (i) waveform and (ii) spectrum for (a) baseband signal; (b) carrier; (c) carrier modulated using amplitude modulation; (d) carrier modulated using frequency modulation; and (e) carrier modulated using phase modulation.
Mobile Communications (GSM) cellular system and is a form of FSK and produces a constant amplitude modulated signal. The FM, FSK, GMSK, and PM techniques produce constant RF envelopes, thus no information is contained in the amplitude of the signal. Therefore errors introduced into the amplitude of the system are of no signicance, so efcient saturatingmode ampliers such as Class C can be used, thus extending battery life. So there is a trade-off in the complexity of RF design, choice of modulation format, and battery life. In contrast, the MSK, /4-DQPSK, 3/8-8PSK, and QAM techniques do not result in constant RF envelopes, so information is contained in the amplitude of the RF signal. Thus more sophisticated RF processing hardware is required.
Analog Modulation
Wireless modulation formats in conventional narrowband radio are based on modifying the properties of a carrier by slowly varying the amplitude and phase of the carrier. The waveforms and spectra of common analog modulation formats are shown in Figure 1-4.
Amplitude Modulation, AM
Amplitude Modulation (AM) is the simplest analog modulation scheme to implement. Here a signal is used to slowly vary the amplitude of the carrier according to the level of the modulating signal. The modulating signal is generally referred to as the baseband signal and it contains all of the information to be transmitted or interpreted. The waveforms in Figure 1-4 are stylized, as the variation in the carrier is relatively fast. They are presented this way so that the effects of modulation can be more easily interpreted. The baseband signal (Figure 1-4(a)) is shown as having a period that is not too far away from the period of the carrier (Figure 1-4(b)). In reality, there would be hundreds or thousands of RF cycles for each cycle of the baseband signal so that the frequency of the baseband signal would have frequency components which are a tiny fraction of the frequency of the carrier. With AM (Figure 1-4(c)), the amplitude of the carrier is modulated, and this results in a broadening of the spectrum of the carrier, as shown in Figure 1-4(c)(ii). This spectrum contains the original carrier component and upper and lower sidebands designated as U and L, respectively. In AM, the two sidebands contain identical information, so all the information would be transmitted if the carrier and one of the sidebands were suppressed. With the carrier present, it is easy to receive a signal by bandpass ltering the incoming modulated signal, rectifying the result, and then lowpass ltering the rectied signal to remove harmonics of the baseband signal. An AM signal x(t) has the form x(t) = Ac [1 + my(t)] cos c t, (1.1)
where m is called the modulation index and y(t) is the baseband information-bearing signal that has frequency components which are below the carrier radian frequency c . Provided that y(t) varies slowly relative to the carrier, that is, the frequency components of y(t) are signicantly below the carrier frequency, x(t) looks like a carrier whose amplitude varies slowly. To get an idea of how slowly the amplitude varies in actual systems, consider an AM radio that broadcasts at 1 MHz (which is in the middle of the AM broadcast band). The highest frequency component of the modulating signal corresponding to voice is about 4 kHz. Thus the amplitude of the carrier takes 250 carrier cycles to go through a complete amplitude variation. At all times a cycle of the carrier appears to be periodic, but in fact it is not quite. It is common to refer to the modulated carrier as being quasi-periodic and to the apparent carrier as being the pseudo-carrier. The concept of the envelope of a modulated RF signal is introduced in Figure 1-5. Figure 1-5(a) is the carrier; the amplitude-modulated carrier is shown in Figure 1-5(b). The outline of the modulated carrier is called the envelope, and for AM this is identical to the modulating signal. Both the envelope and the modulating signal are shown in Figure 1-5(c). At the peak
Figure 1-5 AM showing the relationship between the carrier and modulation envelope: (a) carrier; (b) 100% amplitude modulated carrier; and (c) modulating or baseband signal.
of the envelope, the RF signal has maximum power (considering the power of a single RF cycle). Since we are dealing with 100% AM, m = 1 in Equation (1.1) and there is no RF power when the envelope is at its minimum. One of the characteristics of various modulation formats is the ratio of the power of the signal when the carrier is at its peak (i.e., the power in one cycle of the carrier when the envelope is at its maximum) relative to its average value (the power averaged over all time). This is called the Peak-to-Average Ratio (PAR) and is a good indicator of how sensitive a modulation format is to the effects of nonlinearity of the RF hardware. It is complex to determine the PAR for a general signal, but a good estimate can be obtained by considering that the modulating signal is a sinewave. Let y(t) (= cos m t) be a cosinusoidal modulating signal with radian frequency m . Then (for AM) x(t) = Ac [1 + m cos m t] cos c t . (1.2)
Thus if just one quasi-period of this signal is considered (i.e., one variation of the modulated signal at the carrier frequency), then the signal has a power that varies with time. Consider a voltage v(t) across a resistor of conductance G. The power of the signal must be determined by integrating over all time, which is work, and dividing by the time period yields the average power:
Pavg = lim
1 Gv 2 (t) dt . 2
A2 G cos2 (t) dt c
= lim
cos (2t) dt
1 2 A G. 2 c
In the above equation, a useful equivalence has been employed by observing that the innite integral of a cosinusoid can be simplied to just integrating over one period, T = 2/: 1 2 lim
cosn (t) dt =
1 T
T /2 T /2
cosn (t) dt ,
where n is a positive integer. In power calculations there are a number of other useful simplifying techniques based on trigonometric identities. Some of the ones that will be used are the following: cos A cos B = 1 [cos(A B) + cos(A + B)] 2 1 [1 + cos(2A)] 2 1 T /2 cos (t) dt = 0 T T /2 1 T 1 2T
T /2 T /2
cos2 A = 1 2 lim 1 T
T /2 T /2
cos t dt
= = = =
cos2 (t) dt
T /2
cos (2t) dt +
T /2 T /2
1 1 (0 + T ) = . 2T 2
More trigonometric identities are given in Appendix A.3 on Page 828. Also, when cosinusoids cos At and cos Bt, having different frequencies (A = B), are multiplied together, then
cos At cos Bt dt =
and, in general, if A = B = 0,
cos At cosn Bt dt = 0 .
Now the discussion returns to characterizing an AM signal by considering long-term average power and the short-term power of the signal. The
maximum amplitude of the pseudo-carrier at its peak amplitude is, from Equation (1.2), xp (t) = Ac [1 + m] cos c t . (1.12)
Then the power (Ppeak ) contained in the peak pseudo-carrier is obtained by integrating over one period: Ppeak = = 1 T
T /2 T /2
Gx2 (t) dt =
1 T
T /2 T /2
2 1 A2 G (1 + m) c T
T /2 T /2
cos2 (c t) dt =
The average power (Pavg ) of the modulated signal is obtained by integrating over all time, so Pavg = lim = 1 2 A2 G lim c
Gx2 (t) dt {[1 + m cos (m t)] cos (c t)} dt 1 + 2m cos (m t) + m2 cos2 (m t) cos2 (c t) dt cos2 (c t) + 2m cos (m t) cos2 (c t)
1 2 1 = A2 G lim c 2 1 = A2 G lim c 2
= A2 G c
Pavg = A2 G c
1 m2 1 1 + lim 1 dt + lim cos (2m t) dt 2 2 4 2 1 1 cos (2c t) dt + lim cos (2m t) cos (2c t) dt + lim 2 2
= A2 G 1/2 + m2 (1/4 + 0 + 0 + 0) c 1 2 = Ac G(1 + m2 /2) . 2 So the PAR of an AM signal (i.e., PARAM ) is PARAM = Ppeak = Pavg
2 1 2 2 Ac G (1 + m) 1 2 2 2 Ac G(1 + m /2)
(1 + m)2 . 1 + m2 /2
For 100% AM described by m = 1, the PAR is PAR100%AM = (1 + 1)2 4 = = 2.667 = 4.26 dB. 2 /2 1+1 1.5 (1.15)
In expressing the PAR in decibels, the formula PARdB = 10 log10 (PAR) was used, as the PAR is a power ratio. As an example, for 50% AM described by m = 0.5, the PAR is PAR50%AM = (1 + 0.5)2 2.25 = = 2 = 3 dB. 1 + 0.52 /2 1.125 (1.16)
The PAR is an important attribute of a modulation format and impacts the types of circuit designs that can be used. It is much more challenging to achieve low levels of distortion when the PAR is high. When comparing two signals it is common to assume that the powers are referenced to the same resistance. In this case the square of the voltage ratios of the signals can be used as the power ratio. It is tempting to consider if the lengthy integrations can be circumvented. Powers can be added if the signal components (the tones making up the signal) are uncorrelated. If they are correlated, then the complete integrations are required.2 Consider two uncorrelated sinusoids of (average) powers P1 and P2 , then the average power of the composite signal is Pavg = P1 + P2 . However, in determining peak power, the RF cycle where the two sinusoids align is considered, and here the voltages add to produce a sinewave with a higher amplitude. So peak power applies to just one RF pseudo-cycle. Generally the voltage amplitude of the two sinewaves
For the purposes here, two signals are uncorrelated if the integral of their product over all R + time and all offsets is zero. That is, x(t) and y(t) are uncorrelated if C = x(t)y(t + ) dt = 0 for all , otherwise they are correlated (or partly correlated). For a more complete denition see Reference [1].
would be added and then the power calculated. If the uncorrelated carriers are modulated and the modulating signals (the baseband signals) are uncorrelated, then the average power can be determined in the same way, but the peak power calculation is much more complicated. The integrations are the only calculations that can always be relied on. They can be used with all signals, including digitally-modulated signals.
The two other analog modulation schemes commonly used are Phase Modulation (PM) (Figure 1-4(e)) and Frequency Modulation (FM) (Figure 1-4(d)). The signals produced by the two schemes are identical; the difference is how the signals are generated. In PM, the phase of the carrier depends on the instantaneous level of the baseband signal. In FM, the amplitude of the baseband signal determines the frequency of the carrier. The result in both cases is that the bandwidth of the time-varying signal is spread out, as seen in Figure 1-6. A receiver must compress the spreadout information to re-create the original narrowband signal, and this can be thought of as processing gain, as the compression of correlated signals signicantly increases the tolerance to noise. As will be seen, processing gain is essential in digital radio, which uses digital modulation. The peak amplitude of the RF phasor is equal to the average amplitude and so the PAR is 1 or 0 dB. A summary of the PAR of the primary analog modulated signals is given in Figure 1-7. Frequency modulation was invented by Edwin H. Armstrong and patented in 1933. FM is virtually static free and clearly superior to AM radio. However, it was not immediately adopted largely because AM radio was established in the 1930s, and the adoption of FM would have resulted in the scrapping of a large installed infrastructure (seen as a commercial catastrophe) and so the introduction of FM was delayed by decades. The best technology does not always win immediately! Commercial interests and the interests of those heavily invested in an alternative technology have a great deal to do with the success of a technology. Carsons Rule Frequency- and phase- modulated signals have unlimited bandwidth but the information content of the sidebands drops off rapidly. The bandwidth required to reliably transmit a PM or FM signal is subjective, but the best accepted criterion is called Carsons bandwidth rule or just Carsons rule [2, 3]. It provides an estimate of the bandwidth capturing approximately 98% of the energy when a carrier is frequency or phase modulated by a continuous spectrum baseband signal. An FM signal is shown in Figure 1-6. In particular, Figures 1-6(a) and 1-6(b) show the FM function and then the spectrum that results when a single sinewave modulates the
Input Signal
f +f c m
fc+2fm f +3f c m
f -2f c m
frequency deviation
(c) Figure 1-6 Frequency modulation by a sinewave: (a) signal varying the frequency of carrier; (b) spectrum of the resulting waveform; and (c) spectrum when modulated by a continuous baseband signal.
(a) Carrier Envelope PAR = 4.3 dB Envelope (c) FM PAR = 0 dB
(b) AM (100%)
Figure 1-7 Comparison of 100% AM and FM highlighting the envelopes of both: (a) carrier; (b) AM signal with envelope; and (c) FM or PM signal with the envelope being a straight line or constant.
frequency of a carrier. As time passes, the carrier moves up and down in frequency synchronously with the level of the input baseband signal. The level (typically voltage) of the baseband signal determines the frequency deviation of the carrier from its unmodulated value. The frequency shift when the modulating signal is at its maximum amplitude is called the peak frequency deviation, f , and the maximum frequency of the modulating frequency is fm . Figure 1-6(c) shows the spectrum that results when the modulating signal, or baseband signal, is continuous. There are multiple sidebands, with the relative strength of each being dependent on a bessel function of the highest modulation frequency, fm , and the maximum frequency deviation, f . Carsons rule, derived from these considerations, is Bandwidth required = 2 (fm + f ) . Narrowband and Wideband FM The FM signal, as used in FM broadcast radio, is also called wideband FM, as the maximum frequency deviation is much greater than the highest frequency of the modulating or baseband signal, that is, f fm . A more spectrally efcient form of FM is called narrowband FM, where f fm . Narrowband FM was developed as a more bandwidth efcient form of FM, but of course digital radio has passed this now and narrowband FM is no longer an important modulation type. The trade-off is that narrowband FM, as opposed to wideband FM, requires more sophisticated demodulation and hence more complex circuits are required. It should also be noted that FM, as used in conventional FM broadcast radio, is being phased out so that spectrum can be used more efciently. (1.17)
Two-Tone Signal
A two-tone signal is a signal that is the sum of two cosinusoids. Thus y(t) = XA cos(A t) + XB cos(B t) (1.18)
is a two-tone signal. Generally the frequencies of the two tones are close, with the concept being that the two tones both t within the passband of a bandpass lter, so it would be reasonable to assume that the individual tones have frequencies that are within 1% of each other. A two-tone signal is not a form of modulation, but is commonly used to characterize the performance of RF systems. The composite signal would then look like a slowly varying pseudo-carrier, not unlike an AM signal. The tones are uncorrelated so that the average power of the composite signal, y(t), is the sum of the powers of each of the individual tones. The peak power of the composite signal is the peak pseudo-carrier, so y(t) has a peak amplitude of XA + XB . Similar concepts apply to three-tone and n-tone signals.
0 1 0
Figure 1-8 Modes of digital modulation: (a) modulating bitstream; (b) carrier; (c) carrier modulated using amplitude shift keying (ASK); (d) carrier modulated using frequency shift keying (FSK); and (e) carrier modulated using binary phase shift keying (BPSK).
What is the PAR of a two-tone signal with both tones having equal amplitude? Solution: Let XA = XB = X, the peak pseudo-carrier has amplitude 2X, and so the power of the peak RF carrier is proportional to 1 (2X)2 = 2X 2 . The average power is proportional to 2 2 2 1 (XA + XB ) = 1 (X 2 + X 2 ) = X 2 , as each one is independent of the other, and so the 2 2 powers can be added. 2X 2 PAR = = 2 = 3 dB. (1.19) X2
Digital Modulation
Digital modulation was rst employed in sending telegraph signals wirelessly in which a carrier was switched, or keyed, on and off to create pulses of the carrier signal. This modulation is now known as Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), but today this scheme is little used. Several digital modulation formats are shown in Figure 1-8. The fundamental characteristic
Figure 1-9 Characteristics of phase shift keying (PSK) modulation: (a) modulating bitstream; (b) the waveform of the carrier modulated using PSK, with the phase determined by the 1s and 0s of the modulating bitstream; and (c) the spectrum of the modulated signal.
of digital modulation is that there are discrete states, each of which denes a symbol, with a symbol representing one or more bits. In Figure 1-8, there are only two states representing one of two values for a bit (0 or 1). With multiple states, groups of bits can be represented. There are many digital modulation formats that have proved successful and many of these are considered below. In modern communication schemes it is important to be able to recover the original carrier, so it is important that the amplitude of the carrier not be small for an extended period of time as it is in the ASK scheme illustrated in Figure 1-8(c)
The waveforms and spectrum of a PSK modulated signal are shown in Figure 1-9. The incoming baseband bitstream (Figure 1-9(a)) is lowpass ltered and used to modulate the phase of a carrier (Figure 1-9(b)). The spectrum of this signal is shown in Figure 1-9(c). The PSK modulation scheme is similar to that represented in Figure 1-10, with the FSK modulator replaced by a PSK modulator which shifts the phase of the carrier rather than its frequency. There are many variants of PSK, with the most fundamental characteristics being the number of phase states (e.g., with 2n phase states, n bits of information can be transmitted) and how the phasor of the RF signal transitions from one phase state to another. Generally PSK schemes shape the spectrum of the modulated signal to t as much energy as possible within a spectral mask. This results in a modulated carrier whose amplitude varies (and thus a time-varying envelope). Such schemes require highly linear ampliers to preserve the amplitude variations of the modulated RF signal. Other schemes orchestrate the phase transitions to achieve a constant envelope modulated RF signal but have lower spectral efciency. Two approaches to achieving this are, rst, to slow the transitions down, and, second, to eliminate transitions from a phase state to one which is rotated by 180 and so avoid the RF phasor traversing the origin. The result of both approaches is that relatively simple hardware can be used, as
1 0
0 0
T/2 T
1 0
Figure 1-10
amplitude distortion is not a problem. So system design affects RF hardware complexity, and the sophistication of available and affordable hardware impacts system design. There are only a few variants that achieve optimum properties, and many of these will be considered later in this chapter. The communication limit of 1 symbol per hertz of bandwidth, the symbol rate, comes from the Nyquist signaling theorem. Nyquist determined that the number of independent pulses that could be put through a telegraph channel per unit of time is limited to twice the bandwidth of the channel. With a modulated RF carrier, this translates to a pulse of information on the I (or cosine) component, and a pulse of information on the Q (or sine) component, in a unit of time equal to 1/bandwidth. Combining the I and Q channels, the phasor can move from one value to another in a unit of time equal to 1/bandwidth. The phasor transition identies a symbol, and hence one symbol can be sent per hertz of bandwidth.
Phase shift keying demodulation requires more sophisticated signal processing than does FSK. PSK uses prescribed phase shifts to dene symbols, each of which can represent one, two, or more bits. Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), illustrated in Figure 1-8(e), has one bit per symbol and is a relatively spectrally inefcient scheme, with a maximum spectral efciency of 1 bit/second/hertz (1 bs1 Hz1 ). Although spectrally inefcient, it is ideally suited to low-power applications and single-chip implementations, perhaps with an off-chip reference resonator. The typical signal ow is from an antenna, through an RF-tuned amplier, with quadrature mixing to produce I and Q channels which are then lowpass
1 2 3
Figure 1-11 Constellation diagrams with possible transitions: (a) a binary modulation scheme; and (b) QPSK, a four-state phase modulation scheme. Each state is a symbol.
ltered. The ltered I and Q channels are then commonly integrated over the duration of a bit. In the most sensitive scheme, the I and Q channels are oversampled (by an ADC) at a multiple of the bit rate and the signal correlated with the expected zerocrossing. BPSK is commonly used in pagers and is used in Bluetooth. The operation of BPSK modulation can be described using the constellation diagram shown in Figure 1-11(a). The BPSK constellation diagram indicates that there are two states. These states can be interpreted as the values of i(t) and q(t) at the sampling points corresponding to the bit rate. The curves in Figure 111(a) indicate three transitions. The states are at the ends of the transitions. If a 1, in Figure 1-11(a), is assigned to the positive I value and 0 to a negative I value, then the bit sequence represented in Figure 1-11(a) is 1001.
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation is usually referred to as quadrature PSK, although it is also referred to as quarternary PSK and quadraphase PSK. In QPSK wireless systems, good spectral efciency is obtained by sending more than one bit of information per hertz of bandwidth. Information is encoded in four phase states. Thus referring to QPSK as quadraphase shift keying is more precise, but this is not the common usage. The higher-order modulation schemes that achieve more than two states require that the characteristics of the channel be taken into account. The dominant characteristic of the wireless channel are deep fades resulting from destructive interference of multiple reections. Fades can be viewed as deep amplitude modulation, and so it is difcult to transfer information in the amplitude of a carrier. Consequently phase modulation schemes falling in the class of M-ary Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) are most appropriate in the mobile context. In mobile environments there are
i(t) ()
a(t) ()
() s(t)
90 q(t) () () b(t)
Figure 1-12 Quadrature modulation block diagram indicating the role of pulse shaping.
just a few modulation formats that have been found acceptable. These all fall in the class of either FSK-like schemes or quadraphase shift keying (QPSK) (also called quadrature phase shift keying, as the modulation can be viewed as the superposition of two modulated quadrature carriers). The characteristic of QPSK modulation is that there are four allowable phase states per symbol period, so two bits of information are transmitted per change in the characteristic of the modulated signal. There are many other four-state PSK schemes and there are schemes that have more than four phase states. Quadrature phase shift keying modulation can be implemented using the quadrature modulator shown in Figure 1-12. The constellation diagram of QPSK is the result of plotting i(t) and q(t) on a rectangular graph (or equivalently A(t) and (t) on a polar plot) for the generalized modulation circuit of Figure 1-12. More commonly these quantities are referred to as I and Q. In Figure 1-12, the input bitstream is rst converted into two parallel bitstreams. Thus a two-bit sequence in the serial bitstream becomes one IK bit and one QK bit. The (IK , QK ) pair constitutes the Kth symbol. A modulation scheme with four allowable statesA, B, C, Dis shown in Figure 1-11(b). In the absence of wave-shaping circuits, i(t) and q(t) have very sharp transitions, and the paths shown in Figure 1-11 are almost instantaneous. This leads to large spectral spreads in the modulated waveform, s(t). So to limit the spectrum of the RF signal s(t), the shape of i(t) and q(t) is controlled; the waveform is shaped, usually by lowpass ltering. So a pulse-shaping circuit changes binary information into a more smoothly varying signal. Each transition or path in Figure 1-11 represents the transfer of a symbol or minimum piece of information. The best efciency that can be obtained in point-to-point communication is one
symbol per hertz of bandwidth. In the QPSK modulation scheme shown, there are three possible transitions from each point in the constellation in addition to the possibility of no transition. Thus each symbol contains two bits. So the maximum efciency of this type of modulation scheme is 2 bs1 Hz1 (2 bits/second/hertz of bandwidth). What is actually achieved depends on the pulse-shaping circuits and on the criteria used to establish the bandwidth of s(t). Various modulation schemes have relative merits in terms of spectral efciency, tolerance to fading (due to destructive interference), carrier recovery, spectral spreading in nonlinear circuitry, and many other issues that are the realm of communication system theorists. The waveforms corresponding to the state transitions shown in Figure 1-11(b) most immediately affect the bandwidth of s(t) and the ability to demodulate the signal. The constellation diagram is analogous to a phase diagram of the carrier signal.3 Thus signal trajectories through the origin indicate that the amplitude of the carrier is very small for many RF cycles, and this is particularly troublesome, as it is difcult to track the carrier in the presence of noise. The ability to demodulate signals is equivalent to being able to reconstruct the original constellation diagram of the modulation signal. Also, transitions through the origin indicate that there is signicant amplitude variation of the RF signal and so this has high PAR. EXAMPLE 1. 2 QPSK Modulation and Constellation
The bit sequence 110101001100 is to be transmitted using QPSK modulation. Show the transitions on a constellation diagram. Solution: The bit sequence 110101001100 must be converted to a two-bit-wide parallel stream of symbols resulting in the sequence of symbols 11 01 01 00 11 00. The symbol 11 transitions to the symbol 01 and then the symbol 01 and so on. The states (or symbols) and the transitions from one symbol to the next required to send the bitstream 110101001100 are shown in Figure 1-13. QPSK modulation results in the phasor of the carrier transitioning through the origin so that the average power is lower and the PAR is high. A more signicant problem is that the phasor will fall below the noise oor, making carrier recovery almost impossible.
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) is one of the simplest forms of digital modulation, with the frequency of the transmitted signal indicating a
This is true here, but not in all cases. The constellation diagram is a way of representing symbols rst and is not simply a phasor diagram.
SYMBOL 1 Q 11 01 0
SYMBOL 3 Q 01 11 0
SYMBOL 5 Q 01 11 0
00 10 00 10
00 10
SYMBOL 2 Q 01 11
SYMBOL 4 Q 01 11
SYMBOL 6 Q 01 11
00 10 00 10
00 10
Figure 1-13 Constellation diagram states and transitions for the bit sequence 110101001100 sent as the set of symbols 11 01 01 00 11 00 using QPSK. Note that Symbols 2 and 3 are identical, so there is no transition and this is shown as a self-loop, whereas there will be no transition in going from Symbol 2 to Symbol 3. The SYMBOL numbers indicated reference the symbol at the end of the transition (the end of the arrowhead).
symbol, usually either one or two bits. FSK is illustrated in Figure 1-8(d). The schematic of an FSK modulation system is shown in Figure 1-10. Here, a binary bitstream is lowpass ltered and used to drive an FSK modulator, one implementation of which shifts the frequency of an oscillator according to the voltage of the baseband signal. This function can be achieved using a phase-locked loop (PLL) with considerably less sophistication than PSKbased schemes, which require digital signal processing to demodulate a modulated signal. With FSK, an FM demodulator can be used to receive the signal. A characteristic feature of FSK is that the amplitude of the modulated signal is constant, so efcient saturating (and hence nonlinear) ampliers can be used without introducing much distortion of concern. Not surprisingly, FSK was the rst form of digital modulation used in mobile digital radio. Prior to digital radio, FSK was used in analog radio to transmit
0 1
11 10
Figure 1-14 Constellation diagrams of FSK modulation: (a) two-state FSK; and (b) four-state FSK.
bits. A particular form of FSK is Minimum Shift Keying (MSK), which uses a baseband lowpass lter so that the transitions from one state to another are smooth in time and limit the bandwidth of the modulated signal. In the preceding sections the constellation diagram was introduced as a phasor diagram of the (modulated) carrier. However, the equivalence is only approximate and the similarity is most distinct with FSK modulation. Strictly speaking, a phasor diagram describes a phasor that is xed in frequency. Still, if the phasor is very slowly phase modulated, then this approximation is good. That is, the frequency of the modulated carrier is considered to be xed and the phase changes over time. FSK modulation cannot be represented on a phasor diagram, as the information is in the frequency transition rather than a phase transition. However, the discrete states must be represented, and the constellation diagram is used to graphically represent them and the transitions. The departure from the phasor diagram can no longer be ignored. In reality, with FSK modulation, the frequency of the modulated carrier changes slowly if the baseband signal is lowpass ltered. For example, consider an FSK modulated signal with a bandwidth of 200 kHz and a carrier at 1 GHz. This is a 0.02% bandwidth, so the phasor changes very slowly. So going from one FSK state to another takes a very long time, about 5000 cycles. In trying to represent FSK modulation on a pseudo-phasor diagram, the frequency is approximated as being xed and the maximum real frequency shift is arbitrarily taken as being a 180 shift of the phasor. In FSK, the states are on a circle on the constellation diagram (see Figure 1-14). Note that the constellation diagram indicates that the amplitude of the phasor is constant, as FSK is a form of FM. In four-state FSK modulation (see Figure 1-14(b)), transitions between states take twice as long for states that are on opposite sides of the constellation diagram compared to states
that are only separated by 90 . Filtering of the baseband modulating signal is required to minimize the bandwidth of the modulated four-state FSK signal. This reduces spectral efciency to less than the theoretical maximum of 2 bits per hertz. In summary, there are slight inconsistencies and arbitrariness in using a phasor diagram for FSK, but FSK does have a dened constellation diagram which is closely related to a phasor diagram.
The modulation format used impacts the choice of circuitry, battery life, and the tolerance of the system to noise. Figure 1-15 contrasts two types of digital modulation: FSK used in the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) cellular system, and QPSK used in the Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System (DAMPS) cellular system. In Figure 1-15(a), fb is the bit frequency and it is seen that FSK and QPSK have different spectral shapes. Most of the energy is contained within the bandwidth dened by the bit frequency. At multiples of the bit frequency, the power density with FSK is much lower than with QPSK, resulting in less interference (Adjacent Channel Interference [ACI]) with neighboring radios in adjacent channels. This is an important metric with radios that is captured by the Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR), the ratio of the power in the adjacent channel to the power in the main channel. Another important metric is the Bit Error Rate (BER). Different modulation formats differ in their susceptibility to noise. The level of noise is captured by the ratio of the power in a bit, Eb , to the noise power, No , in the time interval of a bit. This ratio, Eb /No (often referred to as E B N O), is directly related to the Signal-toNoise Ratio (SNR). In particular, consider the plot of the BER against Eb /No shown in Figure 1-15(b). QPSK is less susceptible to noise than is FSK.
Implementation Margin
If lters and other hardware in a communication receiver are ideal, Eb /No = SNR for BPSK, and Eb /No = 1 SNR for QPSK. With practical lters 2 there is a performance degradation and a higher SNR is necessary than the theoretical Eb /No required for a particular BER. The difference is captured by the implementation margin, k, usually specied in decibels. To achieve a specic BER, SNR is greater than the theoretical Eb /No by k. The implementation margin is therefore a measure of the performance of RF hardware.
A major objective in digital modulation is to ensure that the RF trajectory from one phase state to another does not go through the origin. The transition is slow, so that if the trajectory goes through the origin, the
fc + 3 f
fc + 4 fb
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Eb /No (dB)
Figure 1-15 Comparison of FSK and QPSK: (a) power spectral density as a function of frequency deviation from the carrier; and (b) BER versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as Eb /No (or energy per bit divided by noise per bit).
Table 1-1 Implementation margins for modern communication receivers [4, page 328], [5, 6]. These implementation margins are what can be achieved by the best designs. Not all companies can achieve these. Higher values result from the choice of lower performing technologies, perhaps resulting from a compromise of performance, cost, and design effort.
amplitude of the carrier will be below the noise oor for a considerable time and it will not be possible to recover its frequency. One of the solutions developed to address this problem is the /4 quadrature phase shift keying (/4-QPSK) modulation scheme. In this scheme the constellation at each symbol is rotated /4 radians from the previous symbol, as shown in Figure 1-16.
Q /2
11 /4
3/4 01
3/4 00 /2 10 /4
10 0Q
/2 00
Figure 1-16 Constellation diagram of /4-QPSK modulation: (a) constellation diagram at one symbol; and (b) the constellation diagram at the next symbol.
The bit sequence 110101001000 is to be transmitted using /4-QPSK modulation. Show the transitions on a constellation diagram. Solution: The bit sequence 110101001000 must be converted to a two-bit-wide parallel stream of symbols, resulting in the sequence of symbols 11 01 01 00 10 00. The symbol 11 transitions to the symbol 01 and then the symbol 01 and so on. The constellation diagram of /4QPSK modulation really consists of two QPSK constellation diagrams that are shifted by /4 radians, as shown in Figure 1-16. At one symbol (or time) the constellation diagram is that shown in Figure 1-16(a) and at the next symbol it is that shown in Figure 1-16(b). The next symbol uses the constellation diagram of Figure 1-16(a) and the process repeats. The states (or symbols) and the transitions from one symbol to the next required to send the bitstream 110101001000 are shown in Figure 1-17. One of the unique characteristics of /4-QPSK modulation is that there is always a change, even if a symbol is repeated. This helps with recovering the carrier frequency, which is an important function in a demodulator. Also, the carrier phasor does not go through the origin and so the PAR is lower than if QPSK modulation were used, as this would result in transitions through the origin. If the binary bitstream itself (with sharp transitions in time) is the modulation signal, then the transition from one symbol to the next occurs instantaneously and hence the modulated signal has a broad spectrum around the carrier frequency. The transition, however, is slower if the bitstream is ltered, and so the bandwidth of the modulated signal will be less. Ideally the transmission of one symbol per hertz would be obtained. However, in /4-QPSK modulation the change from one symbol to the next has a variable distance (and so takes different times) so that the ideal spectral efciency of one symbol per hertz (or 2 bits/Hz) is not obtained. In practice, with realistic lters and allowing for the longer transitions, /4-QPSK modulation achieves 1.62 bits/Hz.
SYMBOL 1 Q 11 01 0
SYMBOL 3 Q 01 11
SYMBOL 5 Q 01 0 11
00 10 00 10
00 10
Figure 1-17 Constellation diagram states and transitions for the bit sequence 110101001000 sent as the set of symbols 11 01 01 00 10 00 using /4QPSK modulation.
Multiple transmission paths, or multipaths, result in constructive and destructive interference and can result in rapid additional phase rotations. Thus relying on the phase of a phasor at the symbol sample time to determine the symbol transmitted is prone to error. When an error results at one symbol, this error accumulates when subsequent symbols are extracted. The solution is to use encoding, and one of the simplest encoding schemes is differential phase encoding. In this scheme the information of the modulated signal is contained in changes (differences) in phase rather than in the absolute phase. The /4-DQPSK modulation scheme is a differentially encoded form of /4-QPSK. The /4-DQPSK scheme incorporates the /4-QPSK modulator and an encoding scheme, as shown in Figure 1-18(a). The scheme is dened with respect to its constellation diagram, shown in Figure 1-18(b) and repeated in Figure 1-18(c) for clarity. The D indicates differential coding,
/410 /4 00 3/4 01 3/4 11 01 3/4
00 /4 /4 10
3/4 11
Figure 1-18 A /4-DQPSK modulator consisting of (a) a differential phase encoder and a /4-QPSK modulator; (b) constellation diagram of /4-DQPSK; and (c) a second example clarifying the information is in the phase change rather than the phase state.
while the /4 denotes the rotation of the constellation by /4 radians or 45 from one interval to the next. This can be explained by considering Figure 1-18(a). A four-bit stream is divided into two quadrature nibbles of two bits each. These nibbles independently control the I and Q encoding, respectively, so that the allowable transitions rotate according to the last transition. The information or data is in the phase transitions rather than the constellation points themselves. The relationship between the symbol value and the transition is given in Table 1-2. For example, the transitions shown in Figure 1-19 for six successive time intervals describes the input bit sequence
Q 1 2 4 5 I 3 6
Figure 1-19 Constellation diagram of /4-DQPSK modulation showing six symbol intervals coding the bit sequence 000110110101.
TIME (a)
Figure 1-20 Details of digital modulation obtained using differential phase shift keying (/4-DQPSK): (a) modulating waveform; (b) spectrum of the modulated carrier, with M denoting the main channel; and (c) details of the spectrum of the modulated carrier focusing on the main channel.
000110110101. Its waveform and spectrum are shown in Figure 1-20. More detail of the spectrum is shown in Figure 1-21. In practice with realistic lters and allowing for the longer transitions, /4-DQPSK modulation achieves 1.62 bits/Hz, the same as /4-QPSK, but of course with greater resilience to changes in the transmission path. Sometimes a distinction is made between the transmitted symbols and the encoded symbols. The encoded symbols already have the data represented as transitions from one transmitted symbol to the next. Similar reference is made to received symbols and decoded symbols. The received symbols are the output of the /4-QPSK demodulator, while the decoded symbols are the actual data extracted by comparing one received symbol with the previous received symbol. The decoded symbol is extracted in the DSP unit. In a differential scheme, the data transmitted are determined by comparing a symbol with the previously received symbol, so the data are determined from the change in phase of the carrier rather than the actual phase of the carrier. This process of inferring the data actually sent from the received symbols is called decoding. When /4-DQPSK encoding was introduced in
Main Channel
Figure 1-21 Detailed spectrum of a /4-DQPSK signal showing the main channel and lower and upper adjacent channels.
the early 1990s the DSP available for a mobile handset had only just reached sufcient complexity. Today, encoding is used with all digital radio systems and is more sophisticated than just the differential scheme of DQPSK. There are new ways to handle carrier phase ambiguity. The sophistication of modern coding schemes is beyond the hardware-centric theme of this book.
The Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (OQPSK) modulation scheme avoids IQ transitions passing through the origin on the constellation diagram (see Figure 1-23(a)). As in all QPSK schemes, there are two bits per symbol, but now one bit is used to directly modulate the RF signal, whereas the other bit is delayed by half a symbol period, as shown in Figure 1-22. The maximum phase change for a bit transition is 90 , and as the IK and QK are delayed, a total phase change of approximately 180 is possible during one symbol. The constellation diagram is shown in Figure 1-23(a). The OQPSK modulator can be implemented using relatively simple electronics with a digital delay circuit delaying the Q bit by half a symbol period and lowpass lters shaping the I and Q bits. The OQPSK scheme is also called Staggered Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (SQPSK). Better performance can be obtained by using DSP to shape the I and Q transitions so that they change smoothly and the phasor trajectory nearly follows a circle. Consequently I and Q change together, but in such a manner that the PAR is maintained close to 0 dB. Two modulation techniques that implement this are the Shaped Offset QPSK (SOQPSK) and the Feher QPSK (FQPSK)
Figure 1-22
q(t) Q
Q 01 00
0000 0100 0101
1100 1101 1000 1001
I 11 10
00 10
0011 0010 0111 0110 1111 1110
1011 1010
Q 01 00
0 I
I 11 10
Figure 1-23 Constellation diagrams for various modulation formats: (a) OQPSK; (b) GMSK; (c) 16QAM; (d) SOQPSK (also FOQPSK); and (e) SBPSK.
schemes. The constellation diagrams for SOQPSK and FQPSK are shown in Figure 1-23(d). These are constant envelope digital modulation schemes. As with OQPSK, the Q bit is delayed by one-half of a symbol period. The I and Q baseband signals are shaped by a half-sine lter. The advantage is that saturating amplier designs can be used and battery life extended. There is a similar modulation format called Shaped Binary Phase Shift Keying (SBPSK) which, as expected, has two constellation points as shown in Figure 1-23(e). SOQPSK, FOQPSK, and SBPSK are Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) schemes, as the phase never changes abruptly. Instead, the phase changes smoothly, achieving high spectral efciency and maintaining a constant envelope. Implementation of the receiver, however, is complex. CPM schemes have a good immunity to interference. EXAMPLE 1. 4 OQPSK Modulation
Draw the constellation diagrams for the bit sequence 010010100110 using OQPSK modulation. With Q delayed by half a bit. Solution: The bit sequence is rst separated into the parallel stream 01-00-10-10-01-10. The I bit changes rst, followed by the Q bit delayed by half of the time of a bit. Five constellation diagrams are required to show the transitions. These are shown in Figure 1-24.
Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) is the modulation scheme used in the GSM cellular wireless system and is a variant of MSK with waveform shaping coming from a Gaussian lowpass lter. It is a type of FSK modulation and can be implemented with the same hardware, generally using a PLL. GMSK modulation is also used in the Digital European Cordless Telephone (DECT) standard. The spectral efciency of GMSK as implemented in the GSM system (it depends slightly on the Gaussian lter parameters) is 1.35 bits/s/Hz (1.35 bs1 Hz1 ). Unltered MSK has a constant RF envelope, and so the linear amplication requirement is reduced. Filtering is required to limit spectral spreadingin GMSK this results in amplitude variations of about 30%. However, this is still very good, so one of the fundamental advantages of this modulation scheme is that nonlinear, power-efcient amplication can be used. GMSK is essentially a digital implementation of FM with a binary change in the frequency of modulation. The switch from one modulation frequency to the other is timed to occur at zero phase. Put another way, the input bitstream is shaped to form half sinusoids for each
Q 01 a 00 01
Q 00 b I I 11 e 10 11 01
Q a 00
I c 10
11 a b c
10 d
10 Q 01 00 01 d I e 11 10 11 10 I Q 00
Figure 1-24
bit of the input stream. The phase of the modulating signal is always continuous, but at the zero crossings the half sinusoid continues as a positive or negative half sinusoid depending on the next bit in the input stream. The constellation diagram for GMSK (Figure 1-23(b)) is similar to that for QPSK, but on decoding, the information is not in the phase, but the frequency. So GMSK is an FSK scheme and can be implemented using traditional frequency modulation and demodulation methods. While QPSK schemes can transmit more data in a given channel bandwidth, GMSK (and other FSK techniques) have the advantage that implementation of the baseband and RF hardware is simpler. A GMSK transmitter can use conventional frequency modulation. On receive, an FM discriminator can be used, avoiding the more complex I and Q demodulation. In GMSK modulation, a data stream is passed through a Gaussian lter and the ltered response drives an FM modulator with the FM deviation set to one-half of the data rate. For example, an 8000 bits/s GMSK data stream is modulated onto an RF carrier with a peak deviation of 4 kHz or 2 kHz. One type of MSK and GMSK modulator is shown in Figure 1-25. Most GSM phones input the baseband signal to a PLL to implement frequency modulation. The output of the PLL is input to a power amplier. This amplier can be quite efcient, as amplitude distortion is not a concern.
cos( (t))
q(t) Q
Figure 1-25
The 3/8-8PSK modulation scheme is similar to /4-DQPSK in the sense that rotation of the constellation occurs from one time interval to the next. This time, however, the rotation of the constellation from one symbol to the next is 3/8. This modulation scheme is used in the Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) system, and provides 3 bits per symbol (ideally) compared to GMSK used in GSM which has 2 bits per symbol. GSM/EDGE provides data transmission of up to 128 kbps, faster than the 48 kbps possible with GSM. Quadrature modulation schemes with four states, such as QPSK, have two I states and two Q states that can be established by lowpass ltering the I and Q bitstreams. For higher-order modulation schemes such as 8PSK, this approach will not work. Instead, I(t) and Q(t) are established in the DSP unit and then converted using a DAC to generate the analog signals applied to the hardware modulator. Alternatively the modulated signal is created directly in the DSP and a DAC converts this to an IF and a hardware mixer up-converts this to RF. This approach is required in multimode phones supporting multiple standards.
The digital modulation schemes described so far modulate the phase or frequency of a carrier to convey binary data and the constellation points lie on a circle of constant amplitude. The effect of this is to provide some immunity to amplitude changes to the signal. However, much more information can be transmitted if the amplitude is varied as well as the phase. With sophisticated signal processing it is possible to reliably use Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). In particular, it is necessary to characterize the channel. In wired and Line-Of-Sight (LOS) systems,
Table 1-3 Spectral efciencies of various modulation formats. The maximum spectral efciencies obtained by modulation schemes alone (e.g., BPSK, BFSK, 64QAM, 256-QAM) result in broad spectra, while actual system implementations achieve less. For example, spectral efciencies achieved for actual systems are less in an effort to manage bandwidth. Modulation BPSK (ideal) BFSK (ideal) QPSK (ideal) GMSK /4-DQPSK 3/8-8PSK 64-QAM (ideal) 256-QAM (ideal) 256-QAM (satellite cable TV) bits/s/Hz 1 1 2 1.35 1.63 2.7 6 8 6.33
the channel changes slowly. However, in non-LOS wireless systems, it is necessary to incorporate a pilot code or pilot signal with the data so that the characteristics of the channel can be continually updated. A 16-state rectangular QAM constellation is shown in Figure 1-23(c). This constellation can be produced by separately amplitude modulating an I carrier and a Q carrier. Both carriers have the same frequency but are 90 out of phase. The two carriers are then combined, with the result that the xed carrier is suppressed. The most common form of QAM is square QAM, or rectangular QAM with an equal number of I and Q states. The most common forms are 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 128-QAM, and 256-QAM. The constellation points are closer together with high-order QAM and so are more susceptible to noise and other interference. Thus high-order QAM can deliver more data, but less reliably, than can lower-order QAM. The constellation in QAM can be constructed in many ways, and while rectangular QAM is the most common form, nonrectangular schemes exist; for example, having two PSK schemes at two different amplitude levels. While there are minor advantages to such schemes, square QAM is generally preferred, as it requires simpler modulation and demodulation. The rapid fading in a mobile environment has a bigger impact on amplitude than on phase. As a result, PSK schemes have fewer errors than QAM schemes in mobile use.
The spectral efciencies of various digital modulation schemes are summarized in Table 1-3. For example, in 1 kHz of bandwidth the 3/8-8PSK scheme (supported in
third-generation cellular) transmits 2700 bits. Digital transmission requires greater bandwidth than does analog modulation for transmission of the same amount of information that was originally analog (e.g., voice). However, digital modulation is essential for data, and digital modulation is also advantageous for voice. Direct digitization of an audio waveform for high-quality reproduction requires 8 bits of resolution captured at a sample rate of 8000 samples/s for a total 64 kbps (64000 bits/s). The appeal of digital modulation for audio is directly related to the reduction of bit rate accomplished by speech-coding algorithms. Acceptable speech is achieved with bit rates of 3.8 kbps and higher. (The measure of speech quality is purely subjective.) The speech coding algorithms achieve bit rate reduction by utilizing the characteristics of human hearing. There is a lot of redundancy in speech, but this is not used specically. Human hearing responds to time-varying spectral content, and the unique characteristic is that the statistics of the signal, the autocorrelation functions, and higherorder moments, can be captured at low resolution. The spectrum of the signal can be adequately reconstructed from these statistics.4 In a typical speech-coding algorithm implemented in a codec, units of 160 samples are characterized by just a few autocorrelation and related parameters. These parameters generally do not require many bits to enable fully intelligible speech to be synthesized, so that a reduction factor of 8 or even 16 in the bit rate is achieved. The spectral efciencies shown in Table 1-3 are sometimes less than the ideal. QPSK ideally conveys 2 bits per symbol, but in a communication system, lowpass ltering at baseband is required to constrain the spectrum of the RF-modulated signal. It is clear that an ideal lter cannot be realized, and this, in part, limits the achievable spectral efciency. A more signicant limitation can be understood by considering the constellation diagram of actual schemes, such as those shown in Figure 1-23. Now consider that the constellation diagrams are equivalent to phasor diagrams (which they are in rst- and second-generation radio). With the same baseband bandwidth it will take different times for the phasor to make the transition from one symbol to the next; longer transitions require more bandwidth than do shorter transitions. As a result, the spectrum efciency will be less than the ideal. So in a QPSK-like scheme, 2 bits per symbol are achievable, but in practice, a symbol requires more than the minimum of 1 Hz of bandwidth. Also, with QAM, some of the outlying constellation points at the corners of the constellation cube (high I and Q) are not used.
Moments themselves are not transmitted, however. Residuals are transmitted from which the time-varying moments and spectra can be reconstructed. Note that the rst moment of a signal is its mean, the second-order moment is the signals standard deviation, etc.
12.5 17.5
1.5 1.5.1
The minimum signal detectable in conventional wireless systems is determined by the Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) at the input. The noise is due to background noise sources, including galactic noise and thermal noise. In cellular wireless systems, the minimum signal detectable is also determined by the SIR, but now the dominant interference is due to other transmitters in the cell and adjacent cells. The noise that is produced in the signal band from other transmitters operating at the same frequency is called cochannel interference. The level of cochannel interference is dependent on cell placement and frequency reuse patterns. The degree to which cochannel interference can be controlled has a large effect on system capacity. Control of cochannel interference is largely achieved by controlling the power levels at the base station and at the mobile units. Factors affecting interference are (a) the signal power falling off quickly with distance, and (b) the transmitted power being reduced to the minimum acceptable SIR. Cochannel interference is not a nonlinear affect and is addressed using cell placement.
Adjacent channel interference is the result of several factors. Since ideal ltering cannot be achieved, there is inherent overlap of neighboring channels (Figure 1-26). For this reason, adjacent channels are assigned to different cells. The nonlinear behavior of transmitters also contributes to adjacent channel interference. Thus characterization of nonlinear phenomena is important in RF design. Adjacent channel interference occurs with both digitally-modulated and analog modulated RF signals. It turns out that conventional design approaches can be used to control and predict adjacent channel interference for analog modulated signals, but there is as
Figure 1-27 Denition of adjacent channel and main channel integration limits using a typical DAMPS spectrum as an example.
yet not a good design practice for digitally-modulated signals. The spectrum of a DAMPS signal is shown in Figure 1-27. The signal between frequencies f1 and f2 is due to the digital modulation scheme and ltering. Most of the signal outside this region is due to nonlinear effects which result in what is called spectral regrowth, a process similar to thirdand fth-order intermodulation in two-tone systems. Using the frequency limits dened in Figure 1-27, the lower channel ACPR is dened as ACPRADJ,LOWER = = Power in lower adjacent channel Power in main channel f4 f3 X(f )df , f2 X(f )df f1
Noise and nonlinear distortion affect the received constellation diagram and the ability to demodulate signals. Noise is mostly introduced from the environment, particularly from other radios, but the noise introduced by
Figure 1-28 Impact of signal impairments on the constellation diagram of QPSK: (a) amplitude distortion; (b) phase distortion; and (c) noise.
the RF hardware itself is signicant when the signal received is close to the minimum detectable signal. These distortion effects can be described in part by their effect on constellation diagrams (see Figure 1-28). An additional impact is impairment introduced in adjacent channels. It should be emphasized that the constellation diagram shows the state of the system at the sampling instant that is determined by the recovered clock. Errors in recovering the clock further distort the constellation diagram.
The Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) species the accuracy of the waveform at the sampling instances and so is directly related to the bit error rate in a digital modulation scheme. The EVM captures the combined effect of amplier nonlinearities, amplitude and phase imbalances of separate I and Q signal paths, in-band amplitude ripple (e.g., due to lters), noise, carrier suppression, image rejection, and DAC inaccuracies. The EVM is a measure of the departure of a sampled phasor from the ideal phasor located at the constellation point (see Figure 1-29(a)). Introducing an error vector, Xerror , and a reference vector, Xreference, which points to the ideal constellation point, the EVM is dened as the ratio of the magnitude of the error vector to the reference vector so that EVM = |Xerror | . |Xreference| (1.21)
Expressing the error and reference in terms of the powers Perror and Preference, respectively, enables EVM to be expressed as EVM = Perror ; Preference (1.22)
Q Q max
Ii Q i
Xmeasured Q
Ij j
Imax I
Figure 1-29 Partial constellation diagram showing quantities used in calculating EVM: (a) denition of error and reference signals; and (b) error quantities used when constellation points have different powers.
in decibels, EVM(dB) = 10 log10 or as a percentage, EVM(%) = Xerror 100% . Xreference (1.24) Perror Preference = 20 log10 |Xerror | ; |Xreference| (1.23)
If the modulation format results in constellation points having different powers, the constellation point with the highest power is used as the reference and the error at each constellation point is averaged. With reference to Figure 1-29, and with N constellation points, EVM =
1 N N i=1
(Ii2 + Q2 ) i , 2 Xmax
where |Xmax | is the magnitude of the reference vector to the most distant constellation point, and Ii and Qi are the I and Q offsets of the actual constellation point and the ideal constellation point.
A similar measure of signal quality is the Modulation Error Ratio (MER), a measure of the average signal power to the average error power. In decibels it is dened as + Q2 N I 2 + Q 2 i i . = 10 log N i=1 i2 i=1 (Ii + Q2 ) + Q2 ) i i (1.26) The advantage of the MER is that it relates directly to the SNR. Another quantity that is related to both the EVM and MER concepts is the implementation margin, k, described in Section 1.4.5 on Page 23. The implementation margin is a measure of the performance of particular hardware. The required EVM can be estimated from the hardware implementation margin: MER(dB) = 10 log EVMrequired = k . SNR PAR (1.27)
1 N 2 N i=1 Ii 1 N 2 N i=1 (Ii
All quantities above are absolute. In terms of decibels, EVMdb, required = kdB SNRdB PARdB . (1.28)
In this section, historical receivers are considered rst, in part because the terms associated with the early receivers are still used, but also because the early trade-offs inuence the architectures used today. Today receivers use DSP technology, very stable LOs, and sophisticated clock recovery schemes. This was not always so. One of the early problems was using an LO to demodulate a signal when transmitter oscillators drifted by many kilohertz. Radio at rst used AM and the carrier was sent with the informationcarrying sidebands. With this signal, a simple rectier circuit connected to a bandpass lter could be used, but the reception was poor. A crystal rectier consists of a single diode with lters. To improve performance it was necessary to lock an oscillator to the carrier and then amplify the received signal. Here some of the early schemes that addressed some of the problems are discussed. There were many more variants, but the discussion covers the essential ideas.
Heterodyne Receiver
The heterodyning principle mixes a single-tone signal, the LO, with a nite bandwidth signal to produce a lower-frequency version of the informationbearing signal. With the LO frequency set appropriately, the low-frequency signal would be in the audio range. If the information-bearing signal is an AM signal, then the low-frequency version of the signal is the original audio signal, which is the envelope of the AM signal. This type of receiver is
Figure 1-30 The Colebrooks original homodyne receiver: (a) circuit with an antenna, tunable bandpass lter, and triode amplier; and (b) triode vacuum tube.
called a tuned radio frequency (TRF) receiver, and performance is critically dependent on the stability of the LO and the selectivity of the receive lter. The TRF receiver required the user to adjust a tunable capacitor so that, with a xed inductor, a tunable bandpass lter was created. Such a lter has a limited Q5 and a bandwidth that is wider than the bandwidth of the radio channel. Even worse, a user had to adjust both the frequency of the bandpass lter and the frequency of the LO. The initial radios based on this principle were called audions, used a triode vacuum tube, and have been in use since 1906. They were an improvement on the crystal detectors, but there was a need for something better.
Homodyne Receiver
The homodyne [7], syncrodyne (for synchronous heterodyne) [8], and autodyne (for automatic heterodyne) circuits were the needed improvements on the audion and are based on the regenerative circuit invented by Edwin Armstrong in 1912 while he was an electrical engineering student at New York Citys Columbia University [9]. Armstrongs circuit fed the input signal into an amplifying circuit and a portion of this signal was coupled back into the input circuit so that the signal was amplied over and over again. This is a positive feedback amplier. A small input RF signal was amplied to such a large extent that it resulted in the amplifying circuit becoming nonlinear and consequently it rectied the amplitude modulated RF signal. Colebrook used this principle and developed the original homodyne receiver shown in Figure 1-30(a). This serves to illustrate the operation of the family of regenerative receivers. The antenna shown on the left-hand side is part of a resonant circuit that is in the feedback path of a triode oscillator. The triode vacuum tube is annotated in Figure 1-30(b). Here the grid coils
Q is the quality factor and is the ratio of the energy stored to the energy resistively lost each cycle. Good frequency selectively in a lter requires high-Q components. Tunable components have lower Qs than xed components.
(which control the ow of carriers between the bottom cathode6 and top anode) are weakly coupled to the anode circuit. When an AC signal appears at the top anode, the part within the passband of the tuned circuit is fed back to the grid and the signal reinforced. The radio signals of the day were AM and had a relatively large carrier, so the oscillator tended to lock on to the carrier. The AM sidebands were then successfully heterodyned down to the desired audio frequencies. The autodyne worked on a slightly different principle in that the oscillation frequency was tuned to a slightly different frequency from the carrier. Still, the autodyne combined the functions of an oscillator and detector in the same circuit.
Superheterodyne Receiver
The superheterodyne receiver was invented by Edwin Armstrong in 1918 [10]. The key concept was to heterodyne down in two stages and to use xed lters and use a tunable LO. The receiving antenna was connected to a bandpass lter that allowed several channels to pass. This relaxed the demands on the receive lter, but also lters with higher selectivity could be constructed if they did not need to be tuned. Today we use high-order lters that are manually or machine tuned, as manufacturing tolerances do not allow high-Q high-order lters to be manufactured unmodied. The ltered received signal is then mixed with an offset LO to produce what is called a supersonic signala signal above the audio rangeand hence the name of this architecture. The performance of the superheterodyne (or super HET) receive architecture has only recently been achieved at cellular frequencies using direct conversion architecture requiring large-scale integrated (and hence silicon) circuits. However, the superheterodyne architecture is still superior above about 6 GHz.
Modern transmitters maximize both spectral efciency and electrical efciency. Spectral efciency is achieved by suppressing the carrier on transmit and transmitting a single sideband. The classic technique for achieving this is quadrature modulation, described in the next section. Electrical efciency must be achieved with tight specications on allowable distortion and designs must achieve this with minimum manual adjustments. Electrical efciency has resulted in compound semiconductor transistors, including GaAs HBTs and pHEMTS, mostly preferred for cellular handsets. For base station and point-to-point applications Si LDMOS is the dominant technology below a few gigahertz, with high6
The cathode is heated (the heater circuit is not shown) and electrons are spontaneously emitted in a process called thermionic emission.
wc-wm wc+ wm
i(t) a(t)
wc+ wm wc FREQUENCY
90 b(t)
Figure 1-31
breakdown gallium nitride (GaN) FETs being introduced. Another trend is the development of universal amplier concepts so that the same RF front end can be used for a number of different applications. Multifunctional capability is a cost driving transmitter architectures to minimize the RF analog hardware. The discussion here focuses on narrowband communications when the modulated RF carrier can be considered as a slowly varying RF phasor.
Quadrature Modulation
Quadrature modulation describes the frequency conversion process in that the real and imaginary parts of the RF phasor are varied separately. A subsystem that implements quadrature modulation is shown in Figure 131. This is quite an ingenious circuit. The operation of this subsystem is described by what is known as the generalized quadrature modulation equation: s(t) = i(t) cos [c t + i (t)] + q(t) sin [c t + q (t)] . (1.29)
Here, i(t) and q(t) embody the particular modulation rule for amplitude, i (t) and q (t) embody the particular modulation rule for phase, and c is the carrier radian frequency. In terms of the signals identied in Figure 1-31, the quadrature modulation equation can be written as s(t) =a(t) + b(t) a(t) =i(t) cos [c t + i (t)] b(t) =q(t) sin [c t + q (t)] , (1.30) (1.31) (1.32)
where a(t) describes the output of the mixer at the top and b(t) describes the output of the mixer on the bottom. The spectrum of a(t) as shown in Figure 1-31 has two bands above and below the frequency of the carrier, c . Similarly the spectrum of b(t) has two bands above and below the frequency of the carrier. However, there is a difference. The LO (here designated as the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is shifted 90 (perhaps using an RC delay line) so that the frequency components of b(t) have a different phase relationship to the carrier than those of a(t). When a(t) and b(t) are combined, the carrier content is canceled, as is one of the sidebands. This is exactly what is desired: the carrier should not be transmitted, as it contains no information. Also, it is desirable to transmit only one sideband, as it contains all of the information in the modulating signal. This type of modulation is called suppressed carrier single-sideband (SCSS) modulation. The actual characteristics depend on the particular forms of i(t), q(t), i (t), and q (t), and these dene the modulation schemes. Only a few have the optimum properties of a well-dened spectrum with steep sidewalls so that adjacent channels can be closely packed. In the next section frequency modulation is used to demonstrate SCSS operation. In digital modulation, i(t) and q(t) are each derived from a bitstream, perhaps simply by ltering a binary waveform.
Frequency Modulation
Frequency modulation is considered here to demonstrate SCSS operation. Let i(t) and q(t) be nite bandwidth signals centered at radian frequency m with (q (t) i (t)) being 90 on average. This is shown in Figure 131, where m represents the frequency components of i(t) and q(t). With reference to Figure 1-31, and setting i (t) = 0 = q (t), i(t) = cos(m t) and q(t) = sin(m t) , s(t) = i(t) cos (c t) + q(t) sin (c t) = a(t) + b(t) , where a(t) = and b(t) = 1 {cos[(c m )t] + cos[(c + m )t]} 2 (1.34) (1.35) (1.33)
1 {cos[(c + m )t] cos[(c m )t]} . 2 So the combined frequency modulated signal at the output is s(t) = a(t) + b(t) = cos[(c + m )t] ,
and as well as the carrier and lower sideband are suppressed. The lower sideband, cos[(c m )t], is also referred to as the image. In modulators
A( t )
( t)
(b) Figure 1-32 Polar modulator architectures: (a) amplitude and phase modulated components amplied separately and combined; and (b) the amplitude used to modulate a power supply driving a saturating amplier with phase modulated input.
it is important to suppress this image and in demodulators it is important that undesired signals at the image frequency not be converted along with desired signals .
Polar Modulation
Polar modulation is a relatively new modulation scheme for impressing information on a carrier. In polar modulation, the i(t) and q(t) quadrature signals are converted to polar form as amplitude A(t) and phase (t) components. This is either done in the DSP unit or, if a modulated RF carrier is all that is provided, using an envelope detector to extract A(t) and a limiter to extract the phase information corresponding to (t). Two polar modulator architectures are shown in Figure 1-32. In the rst architecture, Figure 1-32(a), A(t) and (t) are available and A(t) is used to amplitude modulate the RF carrier, which is then amplied by a Power Amplier (PA). The phase signal, (t), is the input to a phase modulator implemented as a PLL. The output of the PLL is fed to an efcient (i.e., nonlinear) amplier
Figure 1-33
operating near saturation (also called a saturating amplier). The outputs of the two ampliers are combined to obtain the large modulated RF signal to be transmitted. In the second polar modulation architecture, Figure 1-32(b), a lowpower modulated RF signal is decomposed into its amplitude and phase modulated components. The phase component, (t), is extracted using a limiter which produces a pulse-like waveform with the same zero crossings as the modulated RF signal. Thus the phase of the RF signal is captured. This is then fed to a saturating amplier whose gain is controlled by the carrier envelope, or A(t). Specically, A(t) is extracted using an envelope detector, with a simple implementation being a rectier followed by a lowpass lter with a corner frequency equal to the bandwidth of the modulation. A(t) then drives a switching (and hence efcient) power supply that drives the saturating power amplier. Polar modulation is nding application in the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), as the 8PSK modulation used in UMTS results in low efciency if direct power amplication of a modulated carrier is used.
The transmitted signal has a controlled spectral content, being just a single channel. Issues such as image rejection and interferers are not problems. A direct conversion transmitter generates the RF signal directly without an IF stage using the architecture shown in Figure 1-33. Here, the transmit modem rst produces I and Q baseband signals from the data. This is then translated directly to RF via a quadrature modulator and then amplied by a PA. Practically, the nonlinearities of the PA must be linearized using predistortion, and quadrature modulation errors must be accounted for in a quadrature modulation corrector. The transmit modem, the predistorter, and the quadrature modulation corrector can be combined in a DSP, so considerable complexity is shifted to the DSP chip. Errors are associated with mismatches of the ADC and of the analog circuit paths of the separate I and Q paths. Noise-shaping techniques implemented in a DSP have been developed to shift noise outside the bandwidth of the generated signal.
Communication receivers most commonly use mixing of the RF signal with a xed signal called an LO to produce a lower-frequency replica of the modulated RF signal. Some receiver architectures use one stage of mixing, while others use two stages of mixing. In cellular systems, the receiver must be sensitive enough to detect signals of 1 pW or less. Some of the architectures used in modern receivers are shown in Figure 1-34. Figure 1-34(a) is the superheterodyne architecture in much the same form that it has been used for almost a century. Key features of this architecture are that there are two stages of mixing, and ltering is required to suppress spurious mixing products. Each mixing stage has its own VCO. The receiver progressively reduces the frequency of the information-bearing signal. The image rejection mixer in the dashed box achieves rejection of the image frequency to produce an IF (or baseband frequency) that can be directly sampled. It is, however, difcult to achieve the required amplitude and phase balance, especially when the image reject lter is realized on an IC. Instead, the architecture shown in Figure 1-34(b) is used. The lter between the two mixers can be quite large. For example, if the incoming signal is 1 GHz, the frequency of the signal after the rst mixer could be 100 MHz. Filters are smaller and have higher performance at higher frequencies. This is exploited in the dual-conversion receiver shown in Figure 1-34(c). This is similar to the traditional superheterodyne architecture except that the IF between the two mixers is high. In the previous example it could be 3 GHz. This architecture also enables broad radio operation with the band selected by choosing the frequencies of the two local oscillators. The Low-IF or Zero-IF receiver shown in Figure 1-34(d) uses less hardware and is common in less demanding communication applications. In high-performance systems, such as the cellular phone system, this archiecture requires more design time and generally calibration circuitry to trim the I and Q paths so that they are closely matched.
Homodyne mixing and detection is one of the earliest wireless receiver technologies and is used in AM radio. Homodyne mixing can be used for detecting modulation formats other than AM, including digitallymodulated signals, and is a particularly attractive architecture for monolithically integrated circuits. In homodyne mixing, the carrier of a modulated signal is regenerated and synchronized in phase with the incoming carrier frequency. Mixing the carrier with the RF signal results in an IF signal centered around zero frequency. The only simple way to ensure that the LO or pump is in phase is to transmit the carrier with the RF signal. AM transmission does just this, but at the cost of transmitting large carrier power, as well as the additional prospect of interference that goes along with
Q 90
Figure 1-34 Architecture of modern receivers: (a) superheterodyne receiver using the Hartley architecture for image rejection; (b) superheterodyne receiver; (c) dual-conversion receiver; low-IF or zero-IF receiver. PBF, bandpass lter; LPF, lowpass lter; ADC, analog-to-digital converter; VCO, voltagecontrolled oscillator; 90, 90 phase shifter; I, in-phase component, Q, quadrature component; fHIGH , fMED , and fLOW indicate relatively high, medium, and low frequencies in the corresponding section of the receiver.
Figure 1-35 Frequency conversion using homodyne mixing: (a) the spectrum with a large LO or pump; and (b) the baseband spectrum showing only positive frequencies.
this. Homodyne mixing can be used with digitally-modulated signals. Signal spectra that result in homodyne mixing are shown in Figure 135. In Figure 1-35(a), the RF signals are shown on the right-hand side and the baseband signals are shown on the left-hand side. It is usual to show both positive and negative frequencies at the lower frequencies so that the conversion process is more easily illustrated. The characteristic of homodyne mixing is that the pump corresponds to the carrier and is in the middle of the desired RF channel. RF signal components mix with the pump, and it appears that the entire RF spectrum is down-shifted around DC. Of course, the actual baseband spectrum (the term for the lowestfrequency signals) is only dened for positive frequencies, so the negative frequency baseband signals and the positive frequency baseband signals add to yield the baseband spectrum shown in Figure 1-35(c). With other modulation schemes, this loss of information is avoided using quadrature demodulation. An amplitude modulated signal has identical modulation sidebands, so the collapsing of positive and negative frequencies at baseband results in no loss of information. Then simple amplitude detection circuitry, such as a rectier, is used and the rectied signal is passed directly to a speaker.
In heterodyne mixing, the pump and the main RF channel are separated in frequency, as shown in Figure 1-36. In this gure the RF signals (shown as three discrete channels on the right-hand side of the spectrum) mix with the pump signal to produce signals at a lower frequency. This lower frequency is usually not the nal baseband frequency desired, and so is called the IF. The intermediate frequency of the main channel is at the difference frequency of the RF signal and the pump. The pump must be locally generated, and so is called the LO signal. There are several important renements to this. The rst of these is concerned with limiting the number of signals that can mix
(b) Figure 1-36 Frequency conversion using superheterodyne mixing: (a) the pump is offset from the main channel producing a down-converted channel at the IF; and (b) a second pump down-converts the main channel, now at the IF, to the baseband frequency.
with the pump signal. This is done using an RF preselect lter, resulting in the spectrum shown in Figure 1-37(b). The important characteristic is that the signals at frequencies below the pump have been suppressed, however, the image channel is still of concern. To see the difculties introduced by the image channel, consider the frequency conversion to baseband process described in Figure 1-38. The RF spectrum after RF preselect ltering is shown in Figure 1-38(a) and the baseband (or IF) spectrum is shown in Figure 1-38(b). Again, positive and negative frequencies are used to better illustrate the down-conversion process. Note the down-converted image and the main channel are equidistant from DC. So referring the signals to a positive-frequency-only spectrum (Figure 1-38(c)), it can be seen that the image channel interferes with the main channel. In the worst-case scenario, the IF image could be larger than that of the desired channel. Fortunately there is a circuit x that compensates for this. The block diagrams of the circuits that correct this image problem are shown in Figures 1-39(a) and 1-39(b) for both transmit and receive functions. For now, consider the quadrature receiver shown in Figure 1-39(a). Shown here is an antenna that takes in the RF signal, and the RF preselect function
Figure 1-37 Frequency conversion using heterodyne mixing showing the use of an RF preselect lter to reduce the image signal.
is performed by a BPF. This signal is initially amplied (usually), split, and applied equally to two mixers. In an ideal mixer, the two signals are multiplied together. The mixers have pump (LO) signals that are 90 out of phase (i.e., in quadrature) with each other and contain different information. The phase relationships at the outputs of the two mixers have very particular relationships with each other such that when I and Q are added the image is eliminated, as shown in Figure 1-39(e). With digitallymodulated signals, however, the I and Q waveforms are individually sampled by ADCs. Figure 1-39(c) shows the baseband spectrum at the I output of the heterodyne receiver. Figure 1-39(d) shows the baseband spectrum at the Q output of the heterodyne receiver. It also shows the negative frequency components inverted. This is a shorthand way of saying that the negative (image) frequency components are 180 out of phase with the downconverted image components of the in-phase signal. However, the downconverted main channel and neighbors are in phase in both spectra. Thus the combination of the I and Q outputs suppresses the image signals from baseband. Figure 1-39(e) illustrates the positive spectrum following the summation of the I and Q channels at the output of the heterodyne receiver. Image rejection is key to all commonly used wireless communications systems today. The quadrature transmitter shown in Figure 1-39(b) works almost
(c) Figure 1-38 Frequency conversion using heterodyne mixing showing the effect of image distortion: (a) the RF spectrum following ltering using an RF preselect lter; (b) the baseband down-converted signal showing positive and negative frequencies; and (c) the single-sided baseband spectrum following IF ltering showing the contamination of the nal signal by the image signal.
identically, but in reverse. The I and Q waveforms are each applied to mixers, with one pumped by an LO and the other by the LO shifted by 90 . The outputs of each mixer contain upper and lower sidebands on either side of the LO (or carrier) frequency. When these are combined at the summing node, one of the sidebands (called the image) is canceled and only a single carrier is presented to the BPF and then radiated by the antenna. In QPSK digitally-modulated systems, the I and Q waveforms are lowpass ltered digital bitstreams. Heterodyne systems implement signal processing such as ltering, modulation and demodulation, and image rejection at RF and IF using hardto-integrate discrete components, leading to expense and limitations on size reductions. Heterodyne architectures are regarded as approaching their limit in size, integration, and fabrication cost. The primary issue in mixer
(e) Figure 1-39 Quadrature mixing: (a) receive modulator; and (b) transmit modulator. Frequency conversion using heterodyne mixing and quadrature mixing: (c) the baseband spectrum at the I output of the heterodyne receiver; (d) the baseband spectrum at the Q output; and (e) the positive spectrum following the summation of the I and Q channels at the output of the heterodyne receiver.
Figure 1-40 Frequency conversion using homodyne mixing and quadrature mixing: (a) the baseband spectrum at the I output of the homodyne receiver; (b) the baseband spectrum at the Q output of the homodyne receiver; and (c) the positive spectrum following the summation of the I and Q channels at the output of the homodyne receiver.
design is limited image rejection resulting from gain and phase mismatches of the I (in-phase) and Q (quadrature) paths.
Zero-IF direct conversion receivers are similar to quadrature homodyne receivers with an LO signal placed at the center of the RF channel. The difference is that in homodyne receivers, the phase of the carrier (i.e., the phase of the LO) is precisely known, as the carrier is transmitted with the signal. In virtually all RF transmission schemes (above a few megahertz) the carrier is not transmitted. Thus in zero-IF direct conversion schemes, the LO signal has inherent phase error with the original carrier. The important characteristic is that there is only one level of mixing. The conversion process is described in Figure 1-40. A particular advantage of direct conversion is that the relatively large IF lters are eliminated. Thus the I and Q mixer outputs are necessary, as the two sides of the RF spectrum contain different
information, and there would be irreversible corruption if a scheme was not available to extract the information in each of the sidebands. The main nonideality of this design is the DC offset in the downconverted spectrum. DC offset results mostly from self-mixing, or rectication, of the LO. This DC offset can be much larger than the downconverted signal itself, and because of the nonlinearities of baseband amplication stages, either severely limits the dynamic range of the receiver or places limitations on the modulation format that can be used. One way of coping with the DC offset is to highpass lter the down-converted signal, but highpass ltering requires a large passive component (e.g., a series capacitor), at least to avoid dynamic range problems with active lters. Highpass ltering the down-converted signal necessarily throws away information in the signal spectrum, and it is only satisfactory to do this if there is very little information around DC to begin with. The primary design effort with zero-IF converters is overcoming the DC offset problem, and to a lesser extent coping with jitter of the LO. The primary LO noise of concern is close-in phase noise, which can be at appreciable levels 100 kHz from the carrier. This noise is commonly referred to as icker noise, and increases rapidly as the offset from the carrier is reduced. This is of concern in all conversion processes. However, one of the properties of heterodyne mixing is that the RF signal is considerably offset from the large phase noise region. Consequently the LO phase noise at the frequency of the RF reduces the impact on the resulting offset IF signal. For these reasons, heterodyne mixing provides higher performance than direct conversion. Also, direct conversion receivers are difcult to implement for 8-state (8PSK etc.) and higher-order modulation. In cellular wireless, the radio signals are spectrally efcient and the spectrum is fairly constant across the channel. So the near-DC signals that result from direct conversion have appreciable information content and cannot be discarded so easily without signicant distortion. The main problems of zero-IF conversion in cellular radio applications include the following: 1. Spurious LO leakage. Retransmission of the LO is possible because the LO is tuned precisely to the RF signal frequency and reverse leakage through the RF path will radiate from the antenna. Spurious LO transmission is severely regulated. The limit on this in-band LO radiation is between 50 and 80 dBm. The problem is reduced by using differential LOs and using multiple RF amplier stages to increase the reverse isolation between the mixer and the antenna. 2. Interferer leakage. A large RF interferer can leak through the RF amplier and enter the mixer through both the LO port as well as the RF port. Mixing of these components results in DC offset. 3. Distortion. Direct conversion receivers are more sensitive to undesired
signals than are heterodyne receivers. The nonlinearities of the input mixers will rectify strong spurious RF signals to produce output components around DC. This is the result of second-order nonlinearities, and this effect can be suppressed through the use of balanced RF circuits, which will have only odd-order nonlinearities. This reduces the baseband signals that can result from large RF interferers, but it is still possible to produce baseband distortions if the RF interferer is large enough to produce third harmonics in the mixer. The effect of this distortion can be largely eliminated through the use of highpass ltering at the baseband, but this is not acceptable for cellular radio signals. Heterodyne conversion is susceptible to distortions resulting from odd-order nonlinearities, but in zero-IF converters, second-order distortion is also a problem. 4. LO self-mixing. Mixing of the LO with itself will produce a DC signal in the mixer output. This DC level may be many orders of magnitude larger than the baseband signal itself, so it can desensitize or saturate the baseband amplier. DC offsets can also result from circuit mismatch problems. The DC offset that results primarily from LO self-mixing is the most signicant problem in the use of zeroIF architectures in cellular wireless. The DC offset can be reduced through the use of balanced designs, but circuit mismatch errors still result in very large DC offsets. 5. LO frequency error. A difference between the LO and the carrier will cause the RF signal to be asymmetrically converted around DC. 6. Second-order distortion. Because of second-order distortion, second harmonics of the signal can appear in the baseband. This is a problem if the RF signal is large to begin with. This problem can be circumvented by using designs that utilize differential signals. 7. I/Q mismatches. Mismatches of the I and Q paths also result in DC offsets. These offsets, however, vary negligibly with time, and analog or digital calibration techniques can be used to remove their effect. The problem of DC offset is made worse because the DC level can vary with time as the amplitude of the interferer varies, or the LO that leaks from the antenna reects off moving objects and is received as a time-varying interferer itself.
Low-IF Receiver
In a low-IF receiver, single-stage heterodyne mixing is used to down-convert the modulated RF carrier to a frequency just above DC, perhaps to a few hundred kilohertz or a few megahertz, depending on the bandwidth of the
RF channel. In doing this, the DC offset problem of a direct conversion receiver is avoided. The particular advantage of a low-IF receiver is that it can be used with higher-order modulation formats (8PSK and higher). It does, however, require a higher-performance ADC than does a direct conversion receiver.
Subsampling receivers overcome the DC offset problem typical of other direct conversion receivers. The idea is to sample the modulated RF signal using an exact subharmonic of the carrier of the RF signal to be converted. The sampling rate must be at least twice the bandwidth of the baseband signal and the track-mode bandwidth must be greater than the carrier frequency. Thus the sampling aperture is the critical parameter and must be several times smaller than the period of the carrier. Fortunately the aperture times of CMOS tracking circuits are adequate. It is critical that an RF preselect lter be used to eliminate unwanted interferers and noise outside the communication band. Aliasing of signals outside the Nyquist bandwidth onto the baseband signal is a consequence of subsampling. Adjacent channel signals are converted without aliasing, but these will lie outside the bandwidth of the baseband signal. Flicker noise on the sampling clock is multiplied by the subsampling ratio and appears as additional noise in baseband.
In a superheterodyne conversion architecture there are two heterodyne stages, with the IF of the rst stage in the range of 20 to 200 MHz. The assignment of frequencies is known as frequency planning, and this is treated as proprietary by the major radio vendors. This IF is then converted to a much lower IF, typically around 100 kHz or higher. This frequency is generally called baseband, but strictly it is not because the signal is still offset in frequency from DC. Some direct conversion architectures leave the rst heterodyne mixing stage in place and use direct conversion of the rst IF to baseband (true basebandaround DC).
The receivers considered so far are suitable for narrowband communications typical of point-to-point and consumer mobile radio. There are many situations were the range of received or transmitted RF signals covers a very wide bandwidth, such as with emergency radios, television, and military communications. Typically, however, the instantaneous bandwidth is small. If narrowband RF front end architectures are used, a switchable lter bank would be required and this would result in an impractically large radio.
0.1 MHz Channel
Figure 1-41
Tunable bandpass lters are one option being explored. One solution to covering wide bandwidths is the double-conversion transceiver architecture shown in Figure 1-41. The frequency plan of a typical radio using 0.1 MHz channels between 20 MHz and 500 MHz is shown. The key feature of this radio is that bidirectional mixers are used, such as the diode ring mixer of Figure 12-4 on Page 713. Following the RF chain from left to right, the RF is rst mixed up in frequency, bandpass ltered using a high-Q distributed lter, and then down-converted to a lower frequency that can be sampled directly by an ADC. A much higher performance passive (and hence bidirectional) lter can be realized at gigahertz frequencies than at a few tens of megahertz. On transmit, the function is similar, with the mixers and LO source reused. As a receiver, the notch lter or lowpass lter is used to block the image frequency of the rst mixer so that only the upper sideband IF is presented to the rst bandpass lter. The lowpass or notch lter may be xed, although, with the plan shown, there must be at least two states of the lters. On transmit, the lowpass or notch lters prevent the image frequency from being radiated.
This chapter presented the RF front-end architectures used from the beginnings of wireless communications up to those used in modern systems. Similar architectures are used in the front ends of radar and sensor systems. Wireless systems proliferate, and even in established domains such as cellphones, architectures are evolving to achieve greater efciency, greater multifunctionality, and lower cost primarily by monolithically integrating and digitizing as much as possible of the RF front end. Size drives the replacement of superheterodyne architecture by eliminating large intermediate lters.
considered to be narrowband FM or wideband FM? 5. Consider two uncorrelated analog signals combined together. One signal is denoted x(t) and the other y(t), where x(t) = 0.1 sin (109 t) and y(t) = 0.05 sin (1.01 109 t). What is the PAR of this combined signal? Express PAR in decibels. 6. A high-delity stereo audio signal has frequency content ranging from 50 Hz to 20 kHz. If the signal is to be modulated on an FM carrier at 100 MHz, what is the bandwidth required for the modulated RF signal? The maximum frequency deviation is 5 kHz when the modulating signal is at its peak value. 7. What is the PAR of a ten-tone signal when the amplitude of each tone is the same? 8. Consider FM signals. (a) What is the PAR of just one FM modulated signal? Express your answer in decibels. (b) What is the PAR of a signal comprised of two different FM signals with the same average power. 9. The following sequence of bits 0100110111 is to be transmitted using QPSK modulation. Take these data in pairs, that is, as 01 00 11 01 11. These pairs, one bit at a time, drive the I and Q channels. Show the transitions on a constellation diagram. 10. The following sequence of bits 0100110111 is to be transmitted using OQPSK modulation. Take these data in pairs, that is, as 01 00 11 01 11. These pairs, one bit at a time, drive the I and Q channels. Show the transitions on a constellation diagram. 11. The following sequence of bits 0100110111 is to be transmitted using /4-DQPSK modulation. Take these data in pairs, that is, as 01 00 11 01 11. These pairs, one bit at a time, drive the I and Q channels. Use ve constellation diagrams, with each diagram showing one transition or symbol.
1. An amplier has a power gain of 1200. What is the power gain in decibels? 2. Short answer questions on gain calculations: (a) An amplier with 50 input impedance and 50 load impedance has a voltage gain of 100. What is the gain in decibels? (b) An attenuator reduces the power level of a signal by 75%. What is the gain of the attenuator in decibels? (c) What is the wavelength in free space of a signal at 4.5 GHz? 3. The PAR of a signal is an important parameter in determining the efciency that can be achieved by an amplier with an allowable amount of distortion. The following questions are about determining the PAR of various signals. Note that the average power level is not necessarily the average of the minimum and maximum power levels. A full power calculation and integral should be performed. (a) Write down a formula for the average power of a signal x(t). You can consider x(t) to be a voltage across a 1 resistor. (b) What is the PAR of an FM signal at 1 GHz with a maximum modulated frequency deviation of 10 kHz? (c) What is the PAR of a two-tone signal (consisting of two sinewaves at different frequencies that are, say, 1% apart)? First, use a symbolic expression, then consider the special case when the two amplitudes are equal. Consider that the two tones are close in frequency. (d) What is the PAR of a three-tone signal (consisting of three sinewaves, say, 1% apart in frequency) when the amplitude of each sinewave is the same? (e) What is the PAR of an AM signal with 75% amplitude modulation? 4. An FM signal has a maximum frequency deviation of 20 kHz and a modulating signal between 300 Hz and 5 kHz. What is the bandwidth required to transmit the modulated RF signal when the carrier is 200 MHz? Is this
12. A 16QAM modulated signal has a a maximum RF phasor amplitude of 4 V. If the noise on the signal has an RMS value of 0.1 V, what is the EVM of the modulated signal? 13. A 16QAM modulated signal has a a maximum RF phasor amplitude of 4 V. If the noise on the signal has an RMS value of 0.1 V, what is the modulation error ratio of the modulated signal in decibels? 14. A superheterodyne receiver has, in order, an antenna, a low-noise amplier, a bandpass lter, a mixer, a second bandpass lter, a second mixer, a lowpass lter, an ADC, and a DSP which will implement quadrature demodulation. Develop the frequency plan of the receiver if the input RF signal is at 2 GHz and has a 200 kHz single-channel bandwidth. The nal signal applied to the ADC must be between DC and 400 kHz so that I/Q demodulation can be done in the DSP unit. Noise considerations mandate that the LO of the rst mixer must be more than 10 MHz away from the input RF. Also, for a bandpass lter to have minimum physical size , the center frequency of the lter should be as high as possible. It has been determined that the appro-
priate trade-off of physical size and cost is to have a 100 MHz bandpass lter between the two mixers. (Note: a 100 MHz bandpass lter has a center frequency of 100 MHz.) (a) Draw a block diagram of the receiver and annotate it with symbols for the frequencies of the LOs and the RF and IF signals. (b) What is the LO frequency fLO1 of the rst mixer? (c) What is the LO frequency fLO2 of the second mixer? (d) Specify the cutoff frequency of the lowpass lter following the second mixer. (e) Briey discuss in less than one-half page other design considerations as they relate to the frequency plan, lter size, and lter specication. 15. Short answer questions. Each part requires a short paragraph of about ve lines and a gure where appropriate to illustrate your understanding. (a) Explain the operation of a superheterodyne receiver. (b) Compare zero-IF and low-IF receivers.
The RF link is the path between the output of the transmitter and the input of the receiver (see Figure 2-1). In many communication and radar systems, this includes the cable from the transmitter to the transmit antenna, the transmit antenna itself, the propagation path, the receive antenna, and the transmission line connecting the receive antenna to the receiver. Of these, the overwhelming majority of the loss is from the propagation path. Generally not just one path is taken, as reections from the ground, buildings, and other objects lead to what is called a multipath situation where, commonly, in urban areas, 10 or 20 paths have signicant power in them and each combines at the receive antenna. The rst half of this chapter is concerned with the properties of antennas. One of the characteristics of antennas is that the energy can be focused in a particular direction, a phenomenon captured by the concept of antenna gain, which partially compensates for path loss. The second half of this chapter considers modeling the RF link and the geographical arrangement of antennas to manage the SIR while providing support for as many users as possible.
Transmitter Antenna
Antenna Receiver
Transmission Line
Transmission Line
RF Antennas
There is what seems to be an inexhaustible number of antenna structures, some of which are shown in Figure 2-2. Antennas are of two fundamental types. Resonant antennas establish a standing wave of current on one or more resonant conductor sections. Resonance occurs when the antenna section is either a quarter- or half-wavelength longwhich one depends on the coupling mechanism of the transmit cable connected to the antenna. Resonant antennas are inherently narrowband. Figures 2-2(b), 2-2(c), 2-2(f), 2-2(h), and 2-2(i) show resonant antennas. The other family of antennas, shown in Figures 2-2(a), 2-2(d), 2-2(g), 2-2(j), and 2-2(k), is traveling-wave antennas, which act as extended delay lines that gradually are out so that a traveling wave on the original transmission line transitions into free space. Traveling-wave antennas tend to be two or more wavelengths long at the lowest frequency of operation. While relatively long, they are broadband, many 3 or more octaves wide (e.g., 2 to 18 GHz for the double-ridge antenna of Figure 2-2(j)). While all electromagnetic (EM) phenomena are described by the same physics, it is easiest to describe resonant antennas as producing elds from a current distribution. With these antennas, a standing wave of current is established and the current form can be reasonably assumed and is little affected by the EM elds surrounding the antenna.
In the gure below there are two transmitters, Tx1 and Tx2 , operating at the same power level, and one receiver, Rx. Tx1 is an intentional transmitter and its signal is intended to be received at Rx. Tx2 uses the same frequency channel as Tx1 , but it transmits an interfering signal. Assume that antennas are omnidirectional and that the transmitted power density drops off as 1/d2 , where d is the distance from the transmitter. Calculate the SIR at Rx.
(h) (g)
Figure 2-2 Various antennas: (a) radio with a monopole antenna; (b) dipole antenna (with coaxial balun); (c) X-ray image of a Family Radio Service (FRS) handset showing helical antenna; (d) rectangular waveguide horn antenna; (e) reector antenna; (f) disc-cone antenna; (g) conical spiral antenna; (h) tilted patch array antenna; (i) major communication tower; (j) double-ridge horn antenna; (k) Vivaldi antenna; and (l) a microstrip patch antenna (used in the patch array of (h)).
4 km
Rx Tx 1
Solution: Let the transmitted power be PT . D1 = 2 km and D2 = 4 km. P1 is the signal. P2 is the interferer. So SIR = P1 = P2 D2 D1
4 km D2
Tx 1
P1 D1 2 km
= 4 = 6.02 dB.
The elds radiated by a resonant antenna are most conveniently calculated by considering the distribution of current on the antenna. This current distribution can generally be intuitively determined and assumed to be little affected by the radiating EM elds. The analysis begins by considering a short lament of current which is also known as a Hertzian dipole (see Figure 2-3(a)). Considering the sinusoidal steady state, the current on the lament is I(t) = I0 cos(t + ), so that I0 = I0 e is the phasor of the current on the lament. To support this current there must be charges of opposite polarity at either end of the lament, and this is where the name Hertzian dipole comes from. The length of the dipole is h, but it has no other dimensions, that is, it is considered to be innitely thin. Resonant antennas are conveniently modeled as being made up of an array of current laments with the spacing of the dipoles and their lengths being a tiny fraction of a wavelength. Wire antennas are even simpler and can be considered to be line of current laments. Ramo, Whinnery, and Van Duzer [11] calculate the spherical EM elds at the point P with the spherical coordinates (, , r) generated by the z-directed current lament centered at the origin in Figure 2-3. The total EM elds are H = I0 h kr e 4 k 1 + 2 r r sin (2.1)
z = /4
h x I(t )
I(t )
y R
x z = _ /4
Figure 2-3 A wire antenna: (a) a current lament known as a Hertzian dipole; and (b) a half-wavelength long wire. R = r sin
I0 h kr e 4 I0 h kr E = e 4 Er =
2 2 + cos r2 0 r3 0 1 + + 2 r 0 r3 r
where is the free-space characteristic impedance, 0 is the permittivity of free space, and 0 is the permeability of free space. The variable k is called the wavenumber and k = 2/ = 0 0 . Equations (2.1) (2.3) are the complete elds with the 1/r2 and 1/r3 dependence describing the near-eld components. In the far eld, the components with 1/r2 and 1/r3 dependence become negligible and the only eld components are the propagating components H and E : I0 h kr k e sin (2.4) 4 r Er = 0 (2.5) I0 h kr 0 E = e sin . (2.6) 4 r As a check, consider the elds in the plane normal to the lament, that is, with = /2 radians. Now sin = 1 and the elds are H = H E = = I0 h kr k e 4 r I0 h kr 0 e 4 r (2.7) (2.8)
0 . k
as expected. Further comments can be made about the propagating elds (Equations (2.4)(2.6)). The EM eld propagates in all directions except not directly in line with the lament. The strength of the propagating eld increases sinusoidally until they are maximum in the direction normal to the lament. So the power in the radiated eld is concentrated in particular directions and there is effectively a gain of the maximum power density compared to the situation where the power is evenly distributed over a sphere. This concept is revisited in Section 2.5.2, where this effect is captured in the concept of antenna gain. The power radiated is obtained from the Poynting vector which is the cross-product of the propagating electric and magnetic elds. The timeaverage propagating power density is PR =
2 1 k 2 I0 h2 E H = sin2 W/m2 , 2 32 2 r2
The EM wave propagated by a wire of nite length is obtained by considering the wire as being made up of many laments and the eld is then the superposition of the elds from each lament. As an example, consider Figure 2-3(b), where the wire is half a wavelength long. The current on the wire will be a standing wave with all of the current along the wire in phase so that I(t) = I0 sin(z) . (2.12) From Equations (2.4) and (2.6) and referring to Figure 2-3(b), the elds in the far eld are
/4 /4
I0 sin(kz) kr e 4
k r
sin dz
(2.13) (2.14)
I0 sin(kz) kr 0 e sin dz , 4 r
I(t )
(a) (b)
Figure 2-4 Wire antenna calculations: (a) geometry for calculating phase contributions from current laments with d = z sin , where z is the coordinate of the lament; and (b) EM eld (|H | and |H |) in the y-z plane due to a half-wavelength-long current element.
where is the angle from the lament to the point P . Solving these equations is involved and will not be done here. It can, however, be conveniently done using MATLAB. The net result is that the elds are further concentrated in the direction in the plane normal to the wire. At large r, at least several wavelengths distant from an antenna, only the eld components decreasing as 1/r are signicant. At large r, the magnitude of the eld contribution from each of the current laments is approximately the same, however, the phase contribution difference is signicant and results in shaping of the elds. The geometry to be used in calculating the far eld is shown in Figure 2-4(a). The phase contribution of each element relative to that at z = 0 is (z sin )/, where z is the coordinate of the lament. So Equations (2.13) and (2.14) become H E = I0 = I0 k 4r sin ekr
/4 /4 /4
(2.15) (2.16)
0 sin ekr 4r
Figure 2-4(b) is the result of a calculation of the above elds in the x-z plane. In the extreme for an innitely long wire with a current that oscillates
in phase along the wire (something that is actually impossible to realize), all of the propagating elds are in the = /2 plane. A summary of the implications of the above equations are, rst, that the strength of the radiated electric and magnetic elds is proportional to the current on the wire antenna, so establishing a standing wave of current is important to an efcient wire antenna. A second result is that, in the absence of obstructions to propagation, the power density of propagating EM elds is proportional to 1/r2 , where r is the distance from the antenna. A third interpretation is that the longer the antenna, the atter the radiated transmission prole; that is, the more tightly conned the radiated energy. In the case of the wire antenna, the peak radiated eld is in the plane normal to the antenna, and thus the wire antenna is generally oriented vertically so that transmission is in the plane of the earth and power is not radiated unnecessarily into the ground or into the sky. The problem, of course, is that the current along the wire antenna should have the same phase relationship. A standing wave has the property that the current along the wire is in phase as long as it is no more than a half-wavelength long; any longer and the current would change direction. An ingenious solution to this problem is the stacked dipole antenna (Figure 2-5). In this antenna, the radiating element is hollow and a coaxial cable is passed through the antenna elements and the half-wavelength sections are feed separately to create a wire antenna that is one or more wavelengths long. Most cellular antennas using wire antennas are stacked dipole antennas. Standing waves of current can be realized by structures other than wires. Microstrip patch antennas are an example, but the underlying principle is that an array of current laments generates EM components that combine through superposition to generate a propagating eld. Resonant antennas are inherently narrowband because of the reliance on the establishment of a standing wave. A relative bandwidth of 510% is typical. One solution to this is to use an antenna with many radiating elements of different lengths. The Yagi-Uda antenna is the most famous of these achieving wide bandwidth. Readers are referred to Balanis [12] and Fusco [13] for a detailed derivation of the properties of antennas. The discussion of antennas can now return to a more qualitative basis.
Resonant Antennas
On a coaxial line, voltage and current waves are guided and conned by the inner and outer conductors. If the outer conductor is suddenly removed, the current wave continues traveling on the center conductor, or wire, as shown in Figure 2-6(a). At this point it makes little sense to talk about voltage, as there is no convenient path over which to integrate the electric eld. Without the outer shield of a coaxial cable, the EM elds begin to spread out, but the current in particular is guided by the single conductor, as shown. So it is
Figure 2-5 Stacked dipole antenna: (a) schematic representation; (b) in a base station antenna camouaged as a pine tree; (c) detail showing a trisectional stacked dipole antenna; and (d) detail of a stacked dipole connection.
Figure 2-6 Currents on a wire: (a) section of an innitely long wire; and (b) a truncated section of wire.
reasonable to model the single conductor as a lossy transmission line. If the wire is innitely long, the current wave continues to travel down the line as a sinusoidal current whose amplitude decreases exponentially with distance. Such a wire antenna (as it is called) would not be an efcient antenna. The electric eld that is radiated is directly proportional to the current. In particular, if the current along the wire is divided into short segments, or what are called current laments, the electric eld phasor E at a distance r
The electric eld is in the same direction as the current lament and the magnitude of the eld is inversely proportional to distance. The total electric eld is the integral of the electric eld from all of the current laments: E= I(x) dx . r (2.18)
This is exactly the way an EM simulation tool evaluates the far eld; that is, the eld many wavelengths distant from the antenna. The far eld is usually at several wavelengths and at least several times the length of the antenna away. Closer to the antenna the elds are more complex,1 but the interest here is in the far-eld characteristic. At a distance, the current in the wire averages out as the wire antenna begins to subtend a smaller and smaller angle. Returning again to the innitely long wire of Figure 2-6(a), the effective current seen at a distance is virtually zero, as the current changes direction every half wavelength along the wire. To obtain an efcient antenna, all of the current should be pointed in the same direction at a particular time. One way of achieving this is to establish a standing wave, as shown in Figure 2-6(b), where the wire is of nite length. At the open-circuited end, the current reects with a reection coefcient of 1 so that the total current at the end of the wire is zero. The forward- and backward-traveling current waves combine to create a standing wave. Provided that the antenna is sufciently short, all of the total currentthe standing waveis pointed in the same direction. The length, though, should be as long as possible, subject to this constraint, so that the eld radiated (see Equation (2.18)) is maximum. The optimum length is a half wavelength. When the wire is longer, the contributions to the eld from the oppositely directed current segments cancel (see Figure 2-7(b)). A wire above a ground plane, as in Figure 2-8(a), is called a monopole. A coaxial cable is attached below the ground plane to the antenna. Often a series capacitor provides a low level of coupling leading to the transmissionline equivalent circuit of Figure 2-8(b). In effect, a resonant structure is established with open circuits at the two ends so that resonance occurs at /2. The wave along the antenna rapidly decays, with the effect that the wave stretches out so that the actual resonant condition occurs when the length is closer to 5/8. Sometimes a series capacitor is not used and instead the discontinuity between the cable and the wire establishes one end of the resonant structure. A matching network is used either adjacent to the
Figure 2-7 A monopole antenna showing forward- and backward-traveling currents as well as the total current: (a) a half-wavelength-long antenna; and (b) a relatively long antenna.
monopole or back at the transmitter to ensure maximum power transfer to the antenna. The monopole above is nominally one-half wavelength long. If the length of the monopole is reduced to one-quarter wavelength long, as in Figure 2-8(d), it is again resonant, and now the input impedance, Zin , is found to be 36 . Thus a 50 cable can be directly connected to the antenna and nearly all the power is transferred to the antenna and from there radiated. Another variation on the monopole is shown in Figure 2-9, where the key component is the phasing coil. The phasing coil rotates the electrical angle of the current phasor on the line so that the current in the /4 segment is in the same direction as the /2 segment. The result is that the two straight segments of the loaded monopole radiate a more tightly conned EM eld. The phasing coil itself does not effectively radiate. A monopole above a ground plane results in current ow in the ground plane. The effect is that the monopole above-ground structure is equivalent to a monopole plus an image having an image current in the same direction as the current on the monopole. This situation is shown in Figure 2-10(a). In effect, the antenna is twice as long with the current in the same direction. The eld generated is compressed into a squashed-balloon shape, focusing the radiated energy perpendicular to the monopole. In reality, there are no elds below the ground plane and there is only energy in the top half of the radiated pattern shown, so the image is not doubling the energy, but acting solely to further focus the elds. Thus the radiated energy density in one direction is higher than it would otherwise be.
/2 o/c
l /4
(d) Figure 2-8 Half-wavelength-long monopole: (a) vertically mounted showing orientation of the radiated electric eld; (b) rotated so that it can be cast into a conventional circuit form; (c) transmission linebased equivalent circuit of monopole with small coupling capacitor C; and (d) quarter-wavelength-long monopole.
Resonant Scattering
Propagation is rarely from point to point as the path is often obstructed. One type of event that interferes with transmission is scattering. The effect of scattering depends on the size of the objects causing scattering. Here the effect of the pine needles of Figure 2-11 will be considered. The pine needles (as most objects in the environment) conduct electricity, especially when wet. So when an EM eld is incident, the individual needles act as wire antennas, with the current on them maximum when the wavelength of the signal is one-half wavelength long. At this length, the needle antenna supports a standing wave and will reradiate the signal in all directions. This is scattering, and there is a considerable loss in the direction of propagation of the original elds. As well, there is loss due to a needle not being a very
Figure 2-9
Monopole above a ground plane: (a) actual structure; and (b) equivalent image structure.
Figure 2-11
good conductor, so energy is lost as heat. As was mentioned, the effect of scattering is signal dependent. A typical pine needle is 15 cm long, which is exactly /2 at 1 GHz, and so pine trees have an extraordinary impact on
L4 L1 L2 L3 G1 G2G3
Gn = W
(b) (a)
Zin ZS 1 Z1 2 3 ......................... n Zn ......................... Z Aperture
Z2 Z3
(c) Figure 2-12 Vivaldi antenna showing design procedure: (a) the antenna; (b) a stepped approximation; and (c) transmission line approximation.
cellular communications at 1 GHz. As a rough guide, 20 dB of a signal is lost when passing through a stand of pine trees. At 2 GHz, a similar impact comes from other leaves, and they do not need to look like wire antennas. Consider an oak leaf having a dimension of 7.5 cm. This is /2 at 2 GHz, the other dominant cellular frequency. So scattering results, but now the loss is season dependent, with the loss due to scattering being considerably smaller in winter (when trees such as oaks do not have leaves) than in summer. Consequently the size of a cell expands and contracts during the year.
Traveling-Wave Antennas
Traveling-wave antennas share the characteristic of broad bandwidth. These antennas begin as a transmission line structure that ares out slowly, providing a low reection transition from a transmission line or waveguide to free space. The bandwidth can be very large and is primarily dependent on how gradual the transition is. For example, the double ridge horn antenna of Figure 2-2(j) has a bandwidth of 500 MHz to 12 GHz, but is quite large, having a volume of 30 cm 30 cm 50 cm.
Vivaldi Antenna
One of the more interesting traveling-wave antennas is the Vivaldi antenna of Figure 2-12. This is a good example of both the operation and design of traveling-wave antennas. The Vivaldi antenna is an extension of a slotline
Figure 2-13 Free-space spreading loss. The energy intercepted by the red square is proportional to 1/r 2 .
in which the elds are conned in the space between two metal sheets in the same plane. The slotline spacing increases gradually in an exponential manner, much like that of a Vivaldi violin shape, over a distance of a wavelength or more. The forward-traveling wave on the antenna continues to propagate with negligible reected eld. Eventually the slot opens sufciently that the effective impedance of the slot is that of free space and the traveling wave continues to propagate in air, being guided by the conductors. The other traveling-wave antennas work similarly and all are at least a wavelength long, with the central concept being a gradual taper from the characteristic impedance of the originating transmission line to free space. As well, the nal aperture is at least one-half wavelength across so that the elds can curl on themselves and are self-supporting.
Antenna Gain
Antennas do not radiate uniformly in all directions and instead concentrate power in particular directions. So that this focusing effect can be quantied, an isotropic radiator that radiates equally in all directions is introduced as a reference. The ctitious isotropic antenna radiates uniformly in all directions, with the radiated power density at a distance r uniform over a sphere of radius r and falling off as 1/r2 . If the total radiated power is Pr , then, for the isotropic antenna, the power radiated per unit solid angle (i.e., power radiated per steradian), PD , is dPr Pr PD |ISOTROPIC = = , (2.19) d 4 since there are 4 steradians in a sphere. The symbol for steradians is sr so that PD has the units of W/sr (watts per steradian). For an isotropic antenna
dPr d
Pr . 4
One metric used with antennas is antenna efciency. Antenna efciency takes into account losses in the antenna principally due to resistive (I 2 R) losses. Antennas are of two types: resonant antennas and traveling-wave antennas. Most antennas are resonant antennas and work by creating a large current that is maximized through the generation of a standing wave at resonance. There is a lot of current, and even just a little resistance results in substantial resistive loss. There is one other form of loss and this is the power that is reected from the input of the antenna. This is usually small. It occurs when the input impedance of the antenna is not perfectly matched to the driving transmission line. The total radiated power (in all directions) is the power input to the antenna less losses. The efciency of the antenna is therefore dened as = Pr /PIN , (2.21) where PIN is the power input to the antenna. Antenna efciency is very close to one for many antennas, but can be 50% for patch antennas (the antenna in Figure 2-2(l)). Antenna gain is a quantity that can only be measured. Antenna gain incorporates the resistive losses in the antenna as well as dielectric losses. The input power to an antenna can be measured and the region of maximum power density from the antenna found. The peak radiated power density is compared to the calculated density from an ideal (lossless) isotropic antenna at the same distance with the same input power. It is impossible to measure the resistive and dielectric losses of an antenna directly and impossible to simulate it accurately. The way antenna efciency is obtained is to use theoretical calculations of the directivity of an antenna; that is, calculate theoretically the expected antenna gain assuming no losses in the antenna itself. This is compared to the measured antenna gain. The difference yields the antenna efciency. Antenna gain is not a gain in the same sense as the gain of an amplier, however, it can be used in calculations of power as though it were. Antennas concentrate the radiated power in one or more directions so that the density of the power radiated in the direction of the peak eld is higher than the power density from an isotropic antenna that radiates equally in all directions. Power radiated from a base station antenna, such as that shown in Figure 2-14, is concentrated in a region that looks like a toroid or, more closely, a balloon squashed at its north and south poles. This is exactly the antenna pattern desired because when the antenna is mounted vertically, it will not radiate much power into space and will concentrate power in a region skimming the surface of the earth. Antenna gain is a measure of the effectiveness of an antenna to concentrate power in one direction, and, to be fair, we need to consider the efciency of the antenna. So antenna gain
is a quantity that can only be measured, as it is difcult to model losses. In this measurement, the region of maximum radiated power density is found at several wavelengths from the antenna. Then, imagining an isotropic antenna, the power density on the surface of a sphere with a radius equal to the distance from the antenna is calculated, assuming that all of the power available at the input of the antenna is radiated. The ratio of the maximum power density of the actual antenna to the power density of the isotropic antenna is taken as the antenna gain. The result is that the efciency of the antenna is incorporated in antenna gain. Antenna gain is dened as Radiated power per unit solid angle Total input power to the antenna (dPr /d) = 4 PIN (dPr /d) . = (dPr /d)ISOTROPIC = 4
Thus, in free space where power spreads out by 1/d2 , the maximum power density at a distance d is GA PIN , 4d2
PD =
where 4d2 is the area of a sphere of radius d and PT is the total power radiated by the antenna. So the propagation loss, sometimes called the path loss, is 4d2 . There are two denitions of path loss and this is one. This will be revisited in Section 2.6.1 on Page 83. Antenna gain is expressed in units of decibels or more commonly as dBi to indicate that antenna gain is with respect to an isotropic antenna. The gains of common resonant and traveling-wave antennas are given in Table 2-1. Antenna loss refers to the same mechanism that gives rise to antenna efciency. So an antenna with an antenna efciency of 50% has an antenna loss of 3 dB. Generally losses are resistive loss due to I 2 R loss and mismatch loss of the antenna that occurs when the input impedance is not matched to the impedance cable connected to the antenna. There is a source of possible confusion here, as antenna loss is not directly related to antenna gain (they are not the inverses of each other). Recall that antenna gain captures the focusing power or directivity of the antenna as well as antenna loss. Therefore, when discussing these antenna matters it is important that the well-dened terms antenna gain, antenna loss, and antenna efciency are used.
Table 2-1 Antenna gains of several resonant and traveling-wave antenna systems. The traveling-wave antennas have a bandwidth of 3 to 4 octaves except as indicated. Antenna Lossless isotropic antenna /2 dipole 3 diameter parabolic Patch Vivaldi Double ridge horn Waveguide horn Conical spiral Conical Loaded monopole over ground Helical monopole /4 monopole over ground 5/8 monopole over ground Type Figure Gain (dBi) 0 2 38 9 10 9 1225 9 9 8 5 2 3 Notes
Resonant Traveling Resonant Traveling Traveling Traveling Traveling Traveling Resonant Resonant Resonant Resonant
2-2(b) 2-2(e) 2-2(l) 2-2(k) 2-2(j) 2-2(d) 2-2(g) 2-2(f) 2-9 2-2(c) 2-10 2-8(a)
Rin = 73 Rin = match Rin = match Rin = match Rin = match 1 octave 2 Rin = match Rin = match Rin = 50 Rin = 35 Rin = 36 Matching required
Antenna Loss
An antenna has an antenna gain of 13 dB and an antenna efciency of 50%. (a) What is the antenna loss? From = 50%, antenna loss = 3 dB. (b) If the antenna is cooled to near absolute zero so that it is lossless, what would the antenna gain be? The antenna gain would increase by 3 dB and antenna gain incorporates both directivity and antenna losses. So the gain of the cooled antenna is 16 dB.
Antenna Calculations
In a resonant antenna, a large current is established by creating a standing wave. The current peaking that thus results establishes a strong electric eld (and hence magnetic eld) that radiates away from the antenna. A typical microstrip patch antenna loses 50% of the power input to it as resistive (I 2 R) losses and has an antenna gain of 11 dB. Consider a base station patch antenna that has a 40 W input. Also consider that the transmitted power density falls off with distance d as 1/d2 . (a) What is the input power in dBm? Pin = 40 W = 46.02 dBm
(b) What is the power transmitted in dBm? PRADIATED = 500/0 of PIN = 20 W or 43.01 dBm Alternatively, PRADIATED = 46.02 dBm 3dB = 43.02 dBm Note 1 = 3.01 dB, but this is approximated as 2 as a power ratio of 2. (c) What is the power density at 5 km? A sphere of radius 5 km has an area A = 4r2 = 3.142 108 m2 11 dB = 12.6 In the direction of peak radiated power, the power density is PD = Pin (ANTENNA GAIN) 40 12.6 W = = 1.603 W/m2 A 3.142 108 m2
1 2
just as 3 dB is approximated
(d) What is the power captured by a receive antenna (at 5 km) that has an effective antenna aperture of 6 cm2 ? The power received PRx = PD . 6 cm2 = PD 6104 m2 = (1.603 Wm2 )(6104 m2 ) = 962 pW
(e) If the background noise level captured by the antenna is 100 fW, what is the SNR in dB. Ignore interference that comes from other transmitters. SNR = (962 pW)/(100 fW) = 9 618 = 39.8 dB
A base station does not radiate power equally in all directions, as it is inefcient to do so. Instead, power is concentrated horizontally, as shown in Figure 2-14. The peak radiated power density is incorporated in another quantity called the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP): EIRP = PIN GMAX . (2.24)
This uses antenna gain to derive the power density that would come from an isotropic antenna. Many limits on the power levels of transmitters are in terms of the EIRP rather than the total radiated power. Sometimes Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) is used instead of EIRP: they refer to the same thing.
Another concept used with antennas is effective aperture size. An antenna has an effective size which is more than its actual physical size. This is because of its inuence on the elds around it. This concept is captured
Figure 2-14
by the concept of effective aperture size whereby the power captured by an antenna is the effective aperture size (or area) multiplied by the power density. That is, the effective aperture size of an antenna is the area of a circle which captures all of the power passing through it and delivers this power to the output terminals of the antenna. Antennas are reciprocal networks, and there is a direct relationship between effective aperture area (the usage preferred with receivers) and antenna gain (preferentially used with transmitters). The effective aperture area of a receive antenna, AR , is related to the receive antenna gain, GR , as follows: AR = GR 2 , 4 (2.25)
where is wavelength. Both antenna gain and effective aperture account for losses in the antenna. So if PD is the power density at the antenna, the power received is GR 2 PR = PD AR = PD . (2.26) 4 PR is the power delivered at the output connector of the receive antenna, as loss in the receive antenna is incorporated in GR and AR . The total power radiated by the transmit antenna in the direction of maximum power density is given by multiplying the power input to a transmit antenna, PT ,2 by the antenna gain of the transmit antenna, GT . This can be converted to the power density at a distance d (ignoring multipath effects), PD =
PT GT , 4d2
Note that this was Pin previously and here the subscript T is used to indicate the power input to the transmit antenna.
The effective aperture area of a high-frequency parabolic or dish antenna is very nearly equal to their physical area. Wire antennas such as monopole and dipole antennas have effective aperture sizes that greatly exceed their physical areas because of their inuence on the elds near the antenna. Multipath effects and nonidealities such as soil, being a lossy conductor, result in excess losses between the antennas. This is considered further in Section 2.6.1 on Page 83. EXAMPLE 2. 4 Point-to-Point Communication
In a point-to-point communication system, a parabolic receive antenna has an antenna gain of 60 dB. If the signal is 60 GHz and the power density at the receive antenna is 1 pW/cm2 , what is the power at the output of the antenna connected to the RF electronics? Solution: The rst step in solving this problem is determining the effective aperture area of the parabolic antenna using Equation (2.25). The frequency is 60 GHz and so the wavelength () is 5 mm. Also note that GR = 60 dB = 106 . From Equation (2.25), the effective aperture area of the antenna is AR = 106 0.0052 GR 2 = = 1.989 m2 . 4 4 (2.29)
Note that AR is the effective aperture area and is not the physical size of the antenna. It also includes loss in the antenna. The antenna affects the elds in a volume that is larger than the physical volume of the antenna. Equation (2.26) can be used to obtain the power received by the antenna. Now PD = 1 pW/cm2 = 10 nW/m2 . Thus the total power delivered to the RF electronics is PR = PD AR = 10 nW m2 1.989 m2 = 19.89 nW. (2.30)
The RF link
The RF link is between a transmit antenna, and a receive antenna and the term is used in the context of establishing loss. Sometimes the RF link includes the antenna and sometimes it does not. Whether or not the receive and transmit antenna gains need to be considered will be clear from the context. The principle source of loss is the spreading out of the elds as they propagate. This was described for the isotropic antenna on Page 75. In the absence of any other effects the power density reduces as 1/d2 , where d is
Figure 2-15 Ground reection.
Figure 2-16
distance. With Line Of Sight (LOS), the transmission loss is calculated from the antenna gain of the transmit antenna, GT , the antenna gain of the receive antenna, GR , and the free-space path loss, L. The power density at a distance d from the transmit antenna is PT GT PD = , (2.31) 4d2 where PT is the power input to the transmit antenna. The power captured by the receive antenna is calculated from the power density at the receive antenna and the effective aperture area of the antenna. The antennas of point-to-point links are high gain and are mounted high on masts, and the propagating energy avoids the ground. With handheld devices there will be reections from the ground and structures. Considering just LOS and a single ground reection, the situation is as shown in Figure 2-15. This is a special situation, as the ground changes the phase of the signal upon reection, generally by 180 . When the car, in this case, is a long way from the base station, the lengths of the two paths are almost identical and the level of the signals in the two paths are almost the same. The net result is that these two signals tend to cancel, and so instead of the power falling off by 1/d2 , it falls of by 1/d3 . In an urban area such as that shown in Figure 2-16, there are many signicant multipaths and the power falls of by 1/d4 . The multipath situations are so varied that measurements are the only reliable indicator of how power reduces with distance.
hr ht
h d
Figure 2-17 Common multipath scenarios in cellular communications: (a) ground effect; (b) transmission through a scattering such as a tree; (c) ground bounce from a hill; and (d) knife-edge diffraction.
Common multipaths encountered in cellular radio are shown in Figure 217. As a very rough guide, each diffraction and scattering event reduces the signal received by 20 dB. This is based on an average of measurements, but it is a good rough guide. The knife-edge diffraction scenario is shown in more detail in Figure 2-18. This case is fairly easy to analyze and can be used as a manual tool to estimate the effects of individual obstructions. The diffraction model is derived from the theory of half-innite screen diffraction [14]. First, calculate the parameter from the geometry of the path using = H 2 1 1 + d1 d1 . (2.32)
Next, consult the table in Figure 2-18(b) to obtain the obstruction loss in decibels. This loss should be added (using decibels) to the otherwisedetermined path loss to obtain the total path loss. Other losses such as reection cancelation still apply, but are computed independently for the path sections before and after the obstruction.
Path loss is affected by the antenna gain, atmospheric conditions, and multipath effects that increase the roll-off of signals above the free-space roll-off which is inversely proportional to the square of distance [15, 16]. The rst and last factors in the RF link are the antennas, and their impact is captured by antenna gain. Antenna gain is generally measured in an anechoic chamber, which is a room that has negligible reections, and so
d1 H
0 +5 +10 A tte n . (d B ) + 1 5 +20 +25 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
(b) Figure 2-18 Knife-edge diffraction: (a) denition of variables used in calculations; and (b) chart for determining attenuation using the parameter derived in Equation (2.32).
the fall off of power is 1/d2 , where d is the distance from the antenna. An alternative is to conduct the measurements in an open-eld site generally using a very large at metal ground plane. It is straightforward to calculate the power density at any distance using Equation (2.23). The propagation loss, or path loss, of a LOS path is inversely proportional to the increase in the area of a region on the surface sphere subtending a constant solid angle as the radius d of the sphere increases. This loss is captured in Equation (2.23). There are several formulas used for path loss. The one that comes directly from Equation (2.23) is the LOS path loss of the rst kind: 1 LPATH,LOS = 4d2 . (2.33) More commonly an equivalent form that includes wavelength is used and is derived from the equation for LOS link loss in Equation (2.28). Link loss is dened as the ratio of the power input to the transmit antenna (PT ) to the power delivered by the receive antenna (PR ). Rearranging Equation (2.28) and taking logarithms yields the total link loss, LLINK , between the power input to the transmit antenna and the power output from the receive
= 10 log PT = 10 log
= 10 log GT 10 log GR + 20 log where the path loss in decibels is LPATH,LOS = 20 log 4d .
This is the preferred form of the expression for path loss, as it can be used directly in calculating link loss using the antenna gains of the transmit and receive antennas without the exercise of calculating the effective aperture size of the receive antenna. Multipath effects result in losses that are proportional to dn so that the general path loss, including multipath effects, is (in decibels): LPATH = LPATH,LOS + excess loss = 20 log 4d + 10(n 2) log d 1m , (2.39) (2.40)
where the distance d is normalized to 1 m. In decibels, Equation (2.40) becomes LPATH = 10n log[d/(1 m)] + C , (2.41) where C is a constant that captures the effect of wavelength. Here, C = 20 log(4/) . (2.42)
Combining this with Equation (2.37) yields the link loss between the input to the transmit antenna and the output of the receive antenna: LLINK (dB) = GT GR + 10n log[d/(1 m)] + C . (2.43)
As you can imagine, a few constants, here n and C, cannot capture the full complexity of the propagation environment. Many models have been developed to capture particular environments better and incorporate mast height, experimental correction factors, and statistical limits. One of these models is the Okumura-Hata model, discussed in Section 2.6.5 on Page 91.
+43 dBm TX output - 3 dB line efficiency = +40 dBm to antenna +13 dB antenna gain = +53 dBm ERP -158 dB path attenuation = -105 dBm if intercepted by dipole antenna
+13 dB antenna g ain = - 92 dBm into line - 3 dB line efficiency = - 95 dBm to receiver
Figure 2-19
RF link example.
The RF link calculation can also include losses in cables connecting the RF electronics to the antennas. An example of such an RF link calculation is given in Figure 2-19. EXAMPLE 2. 5 Power Density
A communication system operating in a dense urban environment has a power density rolloff of 1/d3.5 between the base station transmit antenna and the mobile receive antenna. At 10 m from the transmit antenna, the power density is 0.3167 W/m2 . What is the power density at the receive antenna located at 1 km from the base station. Solution: PD (10 m) = 0.3167 W m2 and let dc = 10 m, so at d = 1 km, the power density PD (1 km) is obtained from d3.5 103.5 PD (1 km) = c = = 107 , 3.5 PD (10 m) d 10003.5 so PD (1 km) = PD (10 m) 107 = 31.7 nW/m2 . (2.44)
Link Loss
A 5.6 GHz communication system uses a transmit antenna with an antenna gain GT of 35 dB and a receive antenna with an antenna gain GR of 6 dB. If the distance between the antennas is 200 m. What is the link loss if multipath effects result in the power density reducing as 1/d3 . The link loss here is between the input to the transmit antenna and the output from the receive antenna.
Solution: The link loss is provided by Equation (2.43), LLINK (dB) = GT GR + 10n log[d/(1 m)] + C , and C comes from Equation (2.42), where = 5.36 cm. So 4 4 C = 20 log = 47.4 dB. = 20 log 0.0536 With n = 3 and d = 200 m, LLINK (dB) = 35 6 + 10 3 log(200) + 47.4 dB = 75.4 dB.
Fresnel Zones
The dominant propagation paths are shown in Figure 2-20. The refracted wave path arises because of density variations in the air producing a permittivity prole that varies with height. The reected wave from the ground can be important if the ground is too close to the propagation path. Both of these effects will be considered in this section. The density variation of air resulting primarily from temperature variation produces a variation in the index of refraction with height, as shown in Figure 2-21(a). This results in beam bending so that the dominant propagation path is the refracted wave path shown in Figure 2-20. The most convenient way of accommodating beam bending is to use a curved-earth model, as shown in Figure 2-21(b), so that subsequent calculations can use LOS considerations. As radio waves propagate they spread out, and in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation, the power density of the radio waves reduces with distance from the centerline. The spreading out is understood from Huygens principle that every point of a propagating EM wave reradiates in every direction. One of the consequences of this is that an obstruction that is not in the LOS path can still interfere with signal
n4 n3 n2 n1
y1 z1
y2 z2
y3 z3
Figure 2-21 Beam bending from density variation in air: (a) prole of refraction index in air with the density of air reducing with height; (b) incorporating beam bending by using a curved-earth model.
plane at right angles to path 2nd Fresnel Zone 1st Fresnel Zone
d +l /2 d +l d
Figure 2-22 Fresnel zones in a plane perpendicular to a direct propagation path which is a distance d long.
propagation. The appropriate clearance is determined from the Fresnel zones, which are shown in Figure 2-22. The direct LOS path between the antennas has a length d. If there is a reecting object near the LOS path, then there can be a second path between the transmit and receive antennas. The path from the rst antenna to the circle dened as the rst Fresnel zone and then to the second antenna has a path length d + /2, and so at the receive antenna this signal is 180 out of phase with the LOS signal and there will be cancelation. The radius of the nth Fresnel zone at point P is Fn = nd1 d2 , d1 + d2 (2.46)
where d1 is the distance from the rst antenna to P , d2 is the distance from the rst antenna to P , and is the wavelength of the propagating signal. Ninety percent of the energy in the wave is in the rst Fresnel zone. As an example, if d1 = d2 = 5 km, F1 = 17.66 m at 2.4 GHz. A guideline is that an obstacle should be at a distance from the LOS path that is at least 60% of the
- 50
10 -15 dB
- 60
Received Signal -80 Strength (dBm) - 90
Measured Signal
Fast fading: (a) in time as a radio and obstructions move; and (b) in distance.
rst Fresnel zone radius distance. A more conservative guideline is that it should be at least one Fresnel zone distant. Both beam bending and Fresnel zone clearance must be accounted for. In Figure 2-21, z1 , z2 , and z3 are calculated Fresnel zone clearances and y1 , y2 , and y3 are heights of obstacles adjusted to account for beam bending (i.e., straight-line path between antennas for a curved earth). In a point-to-point communication system, antenna heights are adjusted so that the beam just touches one or more Fresnel zone clearances.
Rayleigh Fading
Rayleigh fading, or fast fading, results from destructive cancelation as individual paths drift in and out of phase as the receiver and sources of multiple reections, diffractions, and refractions move. Rayleigh fading is named after the statistical model that describes it. The result is the amplitude response shown in Figure 2-23(a). These are rapid fades and so are also called fast fades. Similar fading occurs with distance, as shown in Figure 2-23(b). The fades occur over distances roughly 1 apart. 2 In a xed wireless system, Rayleigh fading is due to rapidly changing atmospheric conditions, with the refractive index of small regions varying. These fades occur over a few seconds. In a mobile wireless system, the fast fades are principally due to movement of the mobile terminal unit or moving reection and diffraction objects. Slow variations come from blockage and shadowing by large objects such as hills and buildings, as for xed wireless systems. The time interval between fades depends on the speed of the mobile radio, but can be in the millisecond range. The main strategy for overcoming the effects of the deep fades is to boost the transmit power level by 10 to 15 dB. In the frequency domain, the fades are about 1 MHz wide and almost independent of frequency for radios 2 operating from hundreds of begahertz to 100 GHz. Signals that are spread
Figure 2-24 Two receive antennas used to achieve space diversity and overcome the effects of Rayleigh fading.
over a few megahertz, such as Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) (typically 1.23 MHz) and Wideband CDMA (WCDMA) (around 5 MHz) are relatively immune to deep fades and so can operate at lower average transmit power levels than communication systems with channels narrower than a megahertz or so. Fortunately Rayleigh fades are very short, last a small percentage of the time, and slight changes to the propagation environment can circumvent their effects. One strategy for overcoming fades is to use two receive antennas as shown in Figure 2-24. Here the signals received by two antennas separated by several wavelengths will rarely fade concurrently. One useful strategy is to switch instant by instant to whichever has the best signal. In practice, the required separation for good decorrelation is found to be 10 to 20 or 4 to 7 m at 800 MHz or 1.5 to 3 m at 1900 MHz. This space diversity can be applied only on the receiving end of a link, so fading of the downlink with a mobile handset cannot be easily overcome.
In free space, radiated power density drops off with distance d as 1/d2 . However, in a terrestrial environment there are multiple paths between a transmitter and a receiver, with the dominant paths being the direct LOS path and the path involving reection off the ground. Reection from the ground partially cancels the signal in the direct path, and in a semiurban environment results in an attenuation loss of 40 dB per decade of distance (instead of the 20 dB per decade of distance roll-off in free space). Consider a transmitter that has a power density of 1 Wm2 at a distance of 1 m from the transmitter. (a) The power density falls off as 1/dn , where d is distance and n is an index. What is n? (b) At what distance from the transmit antenna will the power density reach 1 Wm2 ? (a) Power drops off by 40 dB per decade of distance. 40 dB corresponds to a factor of 10,000 (= 104 ). So, at distance d, Pd = k/dn (k is a constant).
Solution: At a decade of distance, 10d, P10d = k/(10d)n = Pd /10000, i.e., 10n = 10, 000 n = 4. Note: Pd is power density.
k 10n dn
1 k ; 10,000 dn
(a) Power drops off by 40 dB per decade of distance. 40 dB corresponds to a factor of 10,000 (= 104 ). So, at distance d, Pd = k/dn (k is a constant). At a decade of distance, 10d, P10d = k/(10d)n = Pd /10000 , k 1 i.e., 10n dn = 10,000 dk ; 10n = 10, 000 n = 4. n Note: Pd is power density. (b) At d = 1 m, Pd = 1 W m2 . At a distance x, Px = 1W m2 = x4 = 1 106
k 2 k m = 4 x4 x
and so x = 31.6 m .
The path loss between two antennas is exactly the same in both directions when the frequency of the signal in each direction is the same. This is radio link reciprocity. However, nearly all communication systems use different frequencies in the two directions, and so the links are not reciprocal. Also, in a mobile environment, the link will change with time, generally signicantly over a few milliseconds, as the source of obstructions moves. The link characteristics in point-to-point links change much more slowly, with localized pockets of high-density air, humidity, and rainfall causing the main changes. In a cellular environment, the more signicant impact is the variation in background noise level. Most of the noise is generated by other radios, and while this does not impact link loss, it does require signal power levels to be boosted to maintain the signal level relative to the level of noise and interference.
Propagation Model
Radio frequency propagation in the mobile environment can only be described statistically. One of the models is the Okumura-Hata model [17], which calculates the path loss as LPATH (dB) = 69.55+26.16 log f 13.82 log h+(44.96.55 log h)log d+c , (2.47) where f is the frequency (in MHz), d is the distance between the base station and terminal (in km), H is the effective height of the base station antenna (in m), and c is an environment correction factor (c = 0 dB in a dense urban area, c = 5 dB in an urban area, c = 10 dB in a suburban area, and c = 17 dB
7 7 6 1 5 4 7 6 1 5 4 6 1 5 4 3 3 7 2 5 4 2 5 4 6 1 3 6 1 3 7 2 3 7 2 5 4 2 5 4 6 1 3 6 1 3 7 2 2
Figure 2-25 A cellular radio system with a trisector antenna, such as in Figure 2-26, showing the area of possible interference as a shaded region.
in a rural area). More sophisticated characterization of the propagation environment uses ray-tracing models to follow individual propagation paths. The raytracing models are based on deterministic methods using terrain data path prole calculations accounting for obstruction and reection analyses. Each refraction and reection event is characterized either experimentally or through detailed EM simulations. Appropriate algorithms are applied for best compliance with radio physics. Commonly required inputs to these models include frequency, distance from the transmitter to the receiver; effective base station height, obstacle height and geometry, radius of the rst Fresnel zone, forest height/roof height, distance between buildings, arbitrary loss allowances based on land use (forest, water, etc.), and loss allowance for penetration of buildings and vehicles.
Radio systems using the same channel are geographically spaced to control interference. In a cellular system, the coverage areas are arranged in cells represented by the hexagons in Figure 2-25. The actual shape of the cells is inuenced by obstructions such as hills and buildings, but the hexagonal
Figure 2-26 Base station tri-sector antenna with separate transmit and receive in: (a) normal conguration; and (b) look down mode. antennas.
shape is used to convey geographic partitioning. In a cellular system the cells are arranged in clusters such as the 3-, 7-, and 12-cell clusters shown, and the total number of channels available is divided among the cells in a cluster with the full set of frequency channels repeated in each cluster. The size of the clusters is the major component of what is called the frequency reuse plan. So a three-cell cluster has a spacing of approximately one cell diameter to the next cell using the same frequency channels. The signal level transmitted from the original cell will interfere with the signal in its corresponding cell in adjacent clusters. The level of interference is reduced with 7-cell and then 12-cell clusters. There is also background noise coming from cosmic sources as well as articial sources, but in a cellular system, interference from other radios operating in the same system tends to dominate. The use of directional antennas at the base station increases the SIR. The interference pattern obtained using a trisector antenna (each segment of the antenna providing 120 of coverage) is shown in Figure 2-25. The trisectorial antenna can be arranged so that the transmit and receive antennas are separated (see Figure 2-26(a)), and can also be arrange to tilt the coverage toward the ground, as shown in Figure 2-26(b). It is also possible to have smaller cells (achieved possibly by relatively low-power transmissions) to provide higher levels of coverage at critical regions such as intersections of roads, as shown in Figure 2-27. These smaller cells are referred to as microcells or picocells. Antennas with higher-order sectoring are also used. Figure 2-28 is a foursection (or quadrasectional) antenna providing better coverage at a road
Figure 2-27 Nested cells using sectored antennas in combination with conventional antennas to provide a microcell boosting capacity.
Figure 2-28
intersection, which naturally lends itself to division by four. With such an antenna, more users can be supported, but more importantly there would be much lower handoff from one sector to the next. An extreme situation occurs with Wide Wireless Area Networks (WWANs) where 12 sectors or more are being used, but in this case the terminals are usually not mobile and sector-to-sector handoff is relatively low.
Figure 2-29
Cellular Interference
In a cellular system, a signal is intentionally transmitted from a base station nominally located in the center of a cell to a mobile unit in the same cell. However, nearby transmitters using the same channel cause interference. In Figure 2-29, a mobile unit is located at the edge of a cell and uses frequency channel A. Many nearby transmitters also operate using channel A and the six nearest transmitters can be considered as causing signicant interference. Consider that the mobile unit is a distance r from its cells transmitter along the line connecting two channel A base stations; that the transmitters all operate at the same power level; and that the distance between base stations operating using channel A is 3r. This three-cell cluster operates in a suburban area and the power density drops off with distance d as 1/d3 due to multipath effects. What is the SIR at the mobile unit? Express your answer as both a power ratio and in decibels. Solution: There are seven close towers transmitting signals on the same channel. Call these A1 A7 . A1 is the desired signal and A2 A7 are interferers. The distances from the transmitters to the mobile units are d1 d7 , and the powers from the transmitters received at the mobile unit are P1 P7 .
A2 3r A3 A1 r
P1 . P2 + P3 + P4 + P6 + P7
This problem requires us to determine d2 d7 . We know that d1 = r. Also, the distance from A2 to A7 is 3r. Now d3 = 3r + r = 4r, d6 = 3r r = 2r.
30 o
(0, y) d2 ( r ,0) A1 M x
o 60
( x ,0)
Consider d2 :
X = 3r sin 30 = 1.5r and Y = 3r cos 30 = 2.6r . 1/ Similarly, d7 = d5 = (1.5 1)2 + 2.62 2 = 2.648r P2/ = P1 d1 d3 3 3 = 1 3.6073 = 0.0213 = P4/P1 = 1 2.6483 = 0.0539 = P5/P1 d1 d3 3 3 = 1 43 = 0.0156 = 1 23 = 0.1250
P7/ = P1
d1 d7
P3/ = P1 P6/ = P1
SIR = (0.0213 + 0.0156 + 0.0213 + 0.0539 + 0.1250 + 0.0539)1 = 3.44 = 5.36 dB.
d1 d6
This chapter provided an overview of radio signal propagation. The aim was to provide a broad perspective of the signaling environment and the impact on signal level and SIR levels. This is part of what drives the design of communication systems. The environment impacts RF design by determining the standards to which they must be designed.
receive antenna is 3 cm2 . If the power input to the transmit antenna is 600 mW, what is the power delivered at the output of the receive antenna? 4. Consider a 28 GHz point-to-point communication system. Parabolic antennas are mounted high on a mast so that ground effects do not exist, thus power falls off as 1/d2 . The gain of the transmit antenna is 20 dB and the gain of the receive antenna is 15 dB. The distance between the antennas is 10 km. If the power output from the receive antenna is 10 pW, what is the power input to the transmit antenna? 5. In the gure below there are two transmitters, Tx1 and Tx2 , operating at the same power level, and one receiver, Rx. Tx2 is an intentional transmitter and its signal is intended to be received at Rx. Tx1 uses the same frequency channel as Tx2 , but it transmits an interfering signal. [Parallels Example 2.1 on Page 62.]
Tx1 Rx Tx2 1 km 3 km
1. The output stage of an RF front end consists of an amplier followed by a lter and then an antenna. The amplier has a gain of 27 dB, the lter has a loss of 1.9 dB, and of the power input to the antenna, 35% is lost as heat due to resistive losses. If the power input to the amplier is 30 dBm, calculate the following: [Parallels the example on Page 838.] (a) What is the power input to the amplier in watts? (b) Express the loss of the antenna in dB. (c) Express the gain of the antenna in dB. (d) What is the total gain of the RF front end (amplier + lter + antenna)? (e) What is the total power radiated by the antenna in dBm? (f) What is the total power radiated by the antenna in mW? 2. The output stage of an RF front end consists of an amplier followed by a lter and then an antenna. The amplier has a gain of 27 dB, the lter has a loss of 1.9 dB, and of the power input to the antenna, 45% is lost as heat due to resistive losses. If the power input to the amplier is 30 dBm, calculate the following: (a) What is the power input to the amplier in watts. (b) Express the loss of the antenna in decibels? (c) What is the total gain of the RF front end (amplier + lter + antenna)? (d) What is the total power radiated by the antenna in dBm? (e) What is the total power radiated by the antenna in milliwatts? 3. Consider a point-to-point communication system. Parabolic antennas are mounted high on a mast so that ground effects do not exist, thus power falls off as 1/d2 . The gain of the transmit antenna is 20 dB and the gain of the receive antenna is 15 dB. The distance between the antennas is 10 km. The effective area of the
(a) Assume that antennas are omnidirectional (they receive and transmit a signal equally from and to all directions) and, being in a semiurban area, that the transmitted power density drops off as 1/d3 , where d is the distance from the transmitter. Calculate the SIR at Rx. Express your answer in decibels. (b) Now consider a directional antenna at Rx while the transmit antennas remain omnidirectional antennas. The antenna at Rx is directed toward the transmitter Tx2 and the antenna gain is 6 dB. In the direction of Tx1 the effective antenna gain is 3 dB. Now recalculate the SIR. Express your answer in decibels.
6. On a resonant antenna, a large current is established by creating a standing wave. The current peaking that thus results establishes a strong electric eld (and hence magnetic eld) that radiates away from the antenna. A typical dipole loses 15% of the power input to it as resistive (I 2 R) losses and has an antenna gain of 10 dB measured at 50 m. Consider a base station dipole antenna that has 100 W input to it. Also consider that the transmitted power density falls off with distance d as 1/d3 . Hint, calculate the power density at 50 m. [Parallels Example 2.3 on Page 78.] (a) What is the input power in dBm? (b) What is the power transmitted in dBm? (c) What is the power density at 1 km? Express your answer as W/m2 . (d) What is the power captured by a receive antenna (at 1 km) that has an effective antenna aperture of 6 cm2 ? Express your answer in rst dBm and then watts. (e) If the background noise level captured by the antenna is 1 pW, what is the SNR in decibels? Ignore interference that comes from other transmitters. 7. Stacked dipole antennas are often found at the top of cellphone masts, particularly for large cells and operating frequencies below 1 GHz. These antennas have an efciency that is close to 90%. Consider an antenna that has 40 W of input power, an antenna gain of 10 dB, and transmits a signal at 900 MHz. (a) What is the EIRP in watts? (b) If the power density drops as 1/d3 , where d is the distance from the transmit tower, what is the power density at 1 km if the power density is 100 mW/m2 at 10 m? 8. Consider an 18 GHz point-to-point communication system. Parabolic antennas are mounted on masts and the LOS between the antennas is just above the tree line. As a result, power falls off as 1/d3 , where d is the distance between the antennas. The gain of the transmit antenna is 20 dB and the gain of the receive antenna is 15 dB. The antennas are aligned so that they are in each others
main beam. The distance between the antennas is 1 km. The transmit antenna is driven by a power amplier with an output power of 100 W. The amplier drives a coaxial cable that is connected between the amplier and the transmit antenna. The cable loses 75% of its power due to resistive losses. On the receive side, the receive antenna is directly connected to a masthead amplier with a gain of 10 dB and then a short cable with a loss of 3 dB before entering the receive base station. (a) Draw the signal path. (b) What is the loss and the gain of the transmitter coaxial cable in decibels? (c) What fraction of the power input to the receive coaxial cable is lost in the receive cable? Express your answer as a percentage. (d) Express the power of the transmit amplier in dBW and dBm. (e) What is the propagation loss in decibels? (f) Determine the total power delivered to the receive base station. Express you answer in watts. 9. Consider a point-to-point communication system. Parabolic antennas are mounted high on a mast so that ground effects are minimal. Thus power density falls of as 1/d2.3 where d is the distance from the transmitter. The gain of the transmit antenna is 15 dB and the gain of the receive antenna is 12 dB. These gains are normalized to 1 m. These antenna gains are normalized to a distance of 1 m. The distance between the antennas is 15 km. The output power or the receive antenna must be 1 pW? The RF frequency is 2 GHz; treat the receive and transmit antennas as lossless. (a) (b) (c) (d) What is the received power in dBm? What is the path loss in decibels? What is the link loss in decibels? Using the link loss, calculate the input power, PT , of the transmitter. Express the answer in dBm. (e) What is the aperture area of the receiver in square meters?
(f) Determine the radiated power density at the receiver in terms of the transmitter input power. That is, if PT is the power input to the transmit antenna, determine the power density, PD , at the receive antenna where PD = xPT . What is x in units of m2 ? (g) Using the power density calculation and the aperture area, calculate PT in watts. This should be the same as the answer you calculated in part (c). (h) What is PT in dBm? (i) What is the total power radiated by the transmit antenna in dBm? 10. Describe the following concepts and, if applicable, the reason behind their usage. (a) Rayleigh fading. (b) Wireless LAN systems are operating at 2.4 GHz and 5.6 GHz and systems are being developed at 40 GHz and 60 GHz. Contrast the performance of these schemes inside a building in terms of range and explain your answer. (c) At 60 GHz the atmosphere strongly attenuates a signal. Discuss the origin of this attenuation and indicate an advantage and a disadvantage of this property. 11. A transmitter and receiver operating at 2 GHz are at the same level, but the direct path between them is blocked by a building and the signal must diffract over the building for a communication link to be established. This is a classic knife-edge diffraction situation. The
transmit and receive antennas are separated from the building by 4 km and the building is 20 m higher than the antennas (which are at the same height). Consider that the building is very thin. It has been found that the path loss can be determined by considering loss due to free-space propagation and loss due to diffraction over the knife edge. (a) What is the additional attenuation (in decibels) due to diffraction? (b) If the operating frequency is 100 MHz, what is the attenuation (in decibels) due to diffraction? (c) If the operating frequency is 10 GHz, what is the attenuation (in decibels) due to diffraction? 12. A hill is 1 km from a transmit antenna and 2 km from a receive antenna. The receive and transmit antennas are at the same hight and the hill is 200 m above the height of the antennas. What is the additional loss caused by diffraction over the top of the hill? Treat the hill as causing knife-edge diffraction. 13. A transmit antenna and a receive antenna are separated by 10 km. (a) What is the radius of the rst Fresnel zone? (b) What is the radius of the second Fresnel zone? (c) To ensure LOS propagation, what should the clearance be from the direct line between the antennas and obstructions such as hills and vegetation?
Radio frequency systems drive the requirements of microwave and RF circuits and the capabilities of RF and microwave circuits fuel the evolution of RF systems. This relationship has become more intertwined, requiring communication engineers and circuit designers to have a broad appreciation of technology, communication principles, and circuit attributes. In this chapter we explore the development of RF systems, addressing principally the relationship of circuits and communications. Similar relationships have evolved for radar used in detection and ranging. Other radio systems are used in navigation, astronomy (radio telescopes), and heating (e.g., microwave ovens). The history of RF communications has led to the current
mode of operation, allocating a narrow slice of EM spectrum to one or a few users. This has dictated the need for stable oscillators and high-rejection lters, for example.
Communicating using EM signals has been an integral part of society since the transmission of the rst telegraph signals over wires in the early 19th century. This development derived from an understanding of magnetic induction based on the experiments of Faraday1 in 1831 [18] in which he investigated the relationship of current and magnetic eld.
While traveling by ship back to the United States from Europe in 1832, Samuel Morse learned of Faradays experiments and conceived of an EM telegraph2 . He sought out partners in Leonard Gale, a professor of science at New York University, and Alfred Vail, skilled in the mechanical arts, who constructed the telegraph models used in their experiments. In 1835 this collaboration led to an experimental version transmitting a signal over 16 km of wire. Morse was not alone in imagining an EM telegraph, and in 1837 Charles Wheatstone opened the rst commercial telegraph line between London and Camden Town, England, a distance of 2.4 km. Subsequently, in 1844, Morse designed and developed a line to connect Washington, DC, and Baltimore, Maryland. This culminated in the rst public transmission on May 24, 1844, when Morse sent a telegraph message from the Capitol in Washington to Baltimore. This event is recognized as the birth of communication over distance using wires. This rapid transition from basic research (Faradays experiment) into electromagnetism to a elded transmission system has been repeated many times in the evolution of wireless technology. The early telegraph systems used EM induction and multicell batteries that were switched in and out of circuit with the long telegraph wire to create pulses of current. We now know that these current pulses created magnetic elds that propagated along the wire together with an accompanying electric eld. In 1840 Morse applied for a U.S. patent for Improvement in the Mode of Communicating Information by Signals by the Application of Electro-Magnetism Telegraph which described lightning wires and Morse code. By 1854, 37,000 km of wire crossed the United States, and had a profound effect on the development of the country. Railroads made early extensive use of telegraph and a new industry was created. In the United States the telegraph industry was dominated
1 2
Faradays name is immortalized in the Farad, the unit of capacitance. Morse had been studying art; he taught art at New York University.
Table 3-1 International Morse code. Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F G H Code .---..--...-......... -.... --... ---.. ----. ----.-... -.-. -.. . ..-. --. .... Symbol I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z .. .---..-.. --. --.--. --..-. ... ......--..-.---.. Code
by Western Union (the name coming from uniting the western and eastern telegraphs), which became one of the largest companies in the world. Just as with the telegraph, the history of wired and wireless communication has been shaped by politics, business interests, market risk, entrepreneurship, and patent ownership as much by the technology itself. The rst telegraph signals were just short bursts and slightly longer bursts of noise using what is known as Morse code in which sequences of dots, dashes, and pauses represent numbers and letters (Table 3-1).3 The speed of transmission was determined by an operators ability to key and recognize the codes. Information transfer using EM signals in the late 19th century was therefore about 5 bits per second (5 bps). Morse himself achieved 10 words per minute. It was not long before telegraph signals were sent wirelessly. By the end of the 19th century, wireless telegraph signals
Morse code uses sequences of dots, dashes, and spaces to represent 26 letters and 10 numbers. The time of a dash (or dah) is three times the length of a dot (or dit). An L is a long dash equal in length to one dot-one dash. For zero, either the code for O or for T is used. Between letters there is a small gap. For example, the Morse code for PI is .. .. . Between words there is a slightly longer pause and between sentences an even longer pause. Table 3-1 lists the International Morse code adopted in 1848. The original Morse code developed in the 1830s is now known as American Morse code or Railroad code. The Modern International Morse Code extends the International Morse code with dot-dash sequences for non-English letters and special symbols.
were being sent over considerable distances, but there were a handful of transmitters and receivers in just a few countries in the world. Much has happened since, with now more than four billion individuals4 on the planet regularly transmitting information wirelessly at bit rates of 10 thousand bits per second (kbps), and many much higher (up to 2 million bits per second (Mbps) or so), over long distances. Individuals use transmitters and receivers that can be smaller than an infants hand, contain hundreds of millions of transistors, and provide wireless connectivity in nearly any location. Many hundreds of millions of people also transmit data over Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) and Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs) at speeds exceeding 50 Mbps. The history of radio communications has been remarkable and nearly every aspect of electrical engineering has been involved. The most important factor of all, at least in the last few decades which have seen explosive growth, is that consumers are prepared to part with a large portion of their income to have untethered connectivity. This overwhelming desire for ubiquitous communication surprised even the most optimistic proponents of personal wireless communication. The growth of wireless has also led to clear productivity gains in industry. Wireless communication is now a signicant part of every countrys economy and governments are very involved in setting standards and protecting the competitiveness of their own industries.
Morse discovered that he could send pulses along a pair of wires by connecting and disconnecting a battery coupled to a coil to send pulses that were detected at a distance by a galvanometer completing the wired circuit. In the 1850s Morse began to experiment with wireless transmission, but this was still based on the principle of conduction. He used a owing river, which as we now know, is a medium rich with ions, to carry the charge. He set up a series connection of a metal plate, a battery, a Morse key, and a second metal plate. This formed the transmitter circuit. The metal plates were inserted into the water and separated by a distance considerably greater than the width of the river. On the other side of the river, metal plates were placed directly opposite the transmitter plates and this second set of plates was connected by a wire to a galvanometer in series. This formed the receive circuit, and electric pulses established by the transmitter resulted in the charge being transmitted across the river by conduction and the pulses subsequently detected by the galvanometer. This was the rst wireless transmission using electromagnetism. Morse relied entirely on conduction to achieve wireless transmission and
The number of cellular phone subscribers passed the 4 billion mark in 2008.
we now know that we need alternating electric and magnetic elds to propagate information over distance without change carriers. The next steps in the progress to radio were experiments in induction. These culminated in an experiment by Loomis described on the historical marker at Beorse Deer Mountain, Virginia, US: Forerunner of Wireless Telegraphy - From nearby Bears Den Mountain to the Catoctin Ridge, a distance of fourteen miles, Dr. Mahlon Loomis, dentist, sent the rst aerial wireless signals, 1866-73, using kites own by copper wires. Loomis received a patent in [July] 1872 [For Improvements in Telegraphing]. The transmitter kite had a Morse key at the ground end and an electric potential would have been developed between the ground and the kite itself. Closing the key resulted in current ow along the wire and this created a magnetic eld circulating around the wire. The magnetic elds spread out and induced a current in the receive kite and this was detected by a galvanometer. Loomis, in 1865, is believed to have been the rst to achieve nonconducting EM wireless communication. But this was not radio. Loomis mistakenly believed that there was a conduction layer in the upper atmosphere and that this completed his circuit. This was the effect that he was trying to exploit, but we know that the kite acquired a high potential from the surrounding clouds. When the wire to ground was closed, current owed; that is, the current in one wire was producing a large magnetic eld that induced current in the receive wire. However, there is not much electric eld produced and an EM wave is not transmitted. As such, the range of this system is very limited. Practical wireless communication requires something more than induction, it needs an EM wave at a highenough frequency that it can be efciently generated by short wires; such a frequency is known as RF. About the same time as Loomis induction experiments, in 1864, James Maxwell [19] laid the foundations of modern EM theory in his work, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism [20]. Maxwell theorized that electric and magnetic elds are different manifestations of the same phenomenon. The revolutionary conclusion is that if they are time varying then they would travel through space in a wave.5 This insight was accepted almost immediately by many people and initiated a large number of endeavors in several related elds: in induction, in the generation of an oscillating signal, and in electromagnetism in general. The period of 1875 to 1900 was a period of tremendous innovation in wireless communication. On November 22, 1875, Edison observed EM sparks. Previously sparks were considered to be an induction phenomenon, but Edison thought that he was producing a new kind of force, which he called the etheric force. He believed that this would enable communication without wires. To put this in context, the telegraph
A copy of a biography of Maxwell, written in 1882 by Lewis Cambell, can be downloaded from the Sonnet Web site: www.sonnetusa.com under products.
was invented in the 1830s and the telephone was invented in 1876. The next stage leading to radio was orchestrated by D.E. Hughes beginning in 1879. Hughes experimented with a spark gap and reasoned that in the gap there was a rapidly alternating current and not a single, unidirectional constant current as others of his time believed. The electric oscillator was born. The spark gap transmitter was augmented with a clockwork mechanism to interrupt the transmitter circuit and produce pulsed radio signals. He used a telephone as a receiver and walked around London and detected the transmitted signals over distance. Hughes noted that he had good reception at 180 feet. Hughes publicly demonstrated his radio in 1870 to the Royal Society, but the eminent scientists of the society determined that the effect was simply due to induction. This discouraged Hughes from going any further. However, Hughes has a legitimate claim to having invented radio, mobile digital radio at that, and probably was transmitting pulses on a 100 kHz or slightly higher carrier. In Hughes radio the RF carrier was produced by the spark gap oscillator and the information was coded as pulses. It was a small leap to move from the clockwork RF pulse generator to a Morse key-based pulsing system. The invention of practical radio can be attributed to many people, beginning with Heinrich Hertz, who in the period from 1885 to 1889 successfully veried the essential prediction of Maxwells equations that EM energy could propagate through the atmosphere. Hertz was much more thorough than Hughes and his results were widely accepted. In 1891 Tesla developed what we now call the Tesla coil, which is a transformer with a primary and a secondary coil, one inside the other. When one of the coils is charged, a large voltage is produced across the terminals of the other coil. Tesla pursued the application of his coils to radio and realized that the coils could be tuned so that the resulting resonance greatly amplied a radio signal. The next milestone was the establishment of the rst practical radio system by Marconi, with experiments beginning in 1894. Oscillations were produced in a spark gap which were amplied by a Tesla coil. The work culminated in the transmission of telegraph signals across the Atlantic (from Ireland to Canada) by Marconi in 1901. In 1904, crystal radio kits to detect wireless telegraph signals could be readily purchased. Spark gap transmitters could only send pulses of noise and not voice. One generator that could be amplitude modulated, the simplest way to modulate with a time-varying signal, was an alternator. At the end of the 19th century, readily available alternators produced a 60 Hz signal. Reginald Fessenden attempted to make a higher-frequency alternator and the best he achieved operated at 1 kHz. Fessenden realized that Maxwells equations indicated that radiation increased dramatically with frequency and so he needed a much higher frequency signal source. Under contract, General Electric developed a 2 kW, 100 kHz alternator designed by Ernst
1 0 1 0
Figure 3-1 Waveform and spectra of simple modulation schemes: (a) Amplitude Modulation (AM); and (b) Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) modulation. The modulating signal is called the baseband signal.
Alexanderson. With this alternator, the rst radio communication of voice occurred on December 23, 1900, in a transmission by Fessenden from an Island in the Potomac River, near Washington, DC. Then on December 24, 1906, Fessenden transmitted voice from Massachusetts to ships hundreds of miles away in the Atlantic Ocean. This milestone is regarded as the beginning of the radio era. Marconi subsequently purchased 50 and 200 kW Alexanderson alternators for his trans-atlantic transmissions. Marconi was a great integrator of ideas, with particular achievements being the design of transmitting and receiving antennas that could be tuned to a particular frequency and the development of a coherer to improve detection of a signal.
Early Radio
Early radio systems were based on modulating an oscillating carrier either using pulsing in the case of Morse codethis modulation scheme is called Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)or Amplitude Modulation (AM), in the case of voice transmission. The waveforms and spectra of these modulation schemes are shown in Figure 3-1. The information is contained in the
baseband signal, which is also called the modulating signal. The spectrum of this signal extends to DC or perhaps down to a roll-off at a low frequency. The carrier is a single sinewave and contains no information. The carrier is varied by the baseband signal to produce the modulated signal. In general, there are many cycles of the carrier relative to variations of the baseband signal so that the bandwidth of the modulated signal is relatively small compared to the bandwidth of the carrier. AM and ASK radios are narrowband communication systems (they use a small portion of the EM spectrum), so to avoid interference with other radios it is necessary to search for an open part of the spectrum to place the carrier frequency. At rst, there was little organization and a listener needed to search to nd the desired transmission. The technology of the day necessitated this anyway, as the carrier would drift around since it was then not possible to build a stable oscillator. It was not until the Titanic sinking in 1912 that regulation was imposed on the wireless industry. Investigations of the Titanic sinking concluded that most of the lives lost would have been saved if a nearby ship had been monitoring its radio channels and if the frequency of the emergency channel was xed and not subject to interference by nonemergency radios. However, a second ship, but not close enough, did respond to Titanics SOS signal.6 A result of the investigations was the Service Regulations of the 1912 London International Radiotelegraph Convention. In the United States this led to the Act to Regulate Radio Communication, passed on August 13, 1912. Similar regulations were adopted by governments around the world. These early regulations were fairly liberal and radio stations were allowed to use radio wavelengths of their own choosing, but restricted to four broad bands: a single band at 1500 kHz for amateurs; 187.5 to 500 kHz, appropriated primarily for government use; below 187.5 kHz for commercial use, mainly for long-distance communication because of the excellent ground wave effect;7 and 500 kHz to 1500 kHz, also a commercial band. Subsequent years saw more stringent assignment of narrow spectral bands and assignment of channels. The standards and regulatory environment for radio were setthere would be assigned bands for particular purposes. Very quickly strong government and commercial interests struggled for exclusive use of particular bands and thus the EM spectrum developed considerable value. Entities owned portions of the spectrum either through a license or through government allocation. It did not matter how efciently the bands were used, and now, overall, the spectrum utilization is quite low even though spectrum allocation is almost 100% up to the tens of gigahertz range.
6 7
SOS is used in an emergency as the Morse code for SOS is easily recognizable. The ground wave effect is when propagating EM signals above ground have a portion of their energy in the skin of the earth. The ground wave effect is more pronounced at lower frequencies where the propagating EM signals bend to follow the earths curvature.
RF hardware design, and the competitive positioning of RF companies, is intricately entwined with the regulatory environment. While most of the spectrum is allocated, there are several open bands where licenses are not required. The instrumentation, scientic, and medical (ISM) bands at 2.4 and 5.8 GHz are examples. Since these bands are loosely regulated, radios must cope with potentially high levels of interference. Many modulation and spectrum utilization schemes are being used with the aim of maximizing the use of spectrum and coping with interference. This is driving the evolution of RF hardware, as well as different bands in various countries, the need to support multiple standards, and the need to efciently support various data rates ranging from approximately 10 kbps (for voice) to 2 Mbps for video (albeit on a small screen). Service providers8 project increasing demand for ever higher data rates.
A radio device, be it a radar, sensor, or communicator, is comprised of several key reasonably well-dened units. By frequency we have baseband, IF, and RF partitions. In a typical device, the informationeither transmitted or received, bits or analog waveformsis fully contained in the baseband unit. In the case of digital radios, the digital information originating in the baseband DSP is converted to an analog waveform typically using a DAC. When the basic information is analog, say a voice signal in analog broadcast radios, the information is already a baseband analog waveform. This analog baseband signal can have frequency components that range from DC to hundreds of kilohertz or megahertz. However, the baseband signal can range from DC to gigahertz in the case of some radars and point-to-point links that operate at tens of gigahertz. The RF hardware interfaces the external EM environment with the rest of the phone. The information that is represented at baseband is translated to a higher-frequency signal which can more easily propagate and for which antennas can be more easily built with manageable sizes. Thus the information content is generally contained in a narrow band of frequencies centered at the RF. The information content generally occupies a relatively small slice of the EM spectrum. We use the term generally, as it is not strictly necessary that communication be conned to a narrow band: that is, narrow in percentage terms relative to the RF. The trade-offs in choice of RF are that lower-frequency EM signals require large antennas, typically one-quarter to one-half wavelength long, but propagate over long distances and tend to follow the curvature of the earth. AM broadcast radio stations operate around 1 MHz (where the wavelength, , is 300 m) using transmit antennas
Service provider is the term given to operators of a cellular phone system, for example.
that are 100 m high or more, but good reception is possible at hundreds of kilometers from the transmitter. At higher frequencies, antennas can be smaller, a much larger amount of information can be transmitted with a xed fractional bandwidth, and there is less congestion. An antenna at 2 GHz (where = 15 cm) is around 7 cm long (and smaller when folded or coiled), which is a very convenient size for a hand-held communicator. The concept of an IF is related to the almost universal architecture of transmitters in the 20th century when baseband signals were rst translated, or heterodyned, to a band around an IF before a second translation to a higher RF frequency. Initially the IF was just above the audible range and was known as the supersonic frequency (hence this conversion scheme is known as superheterodyne conversion or just superhet). The same progression applies in reverse in a receiver where information carried at RF is rst translated to IF before nally being converted to baseband. This architecture resulted in near optimum noise performance and relatively simple hardware, particularly at RF, where components are much more expensive than at lower frequencies. The above discussion is a broad description of how radios work. There are many qualications, as there are many evolving architectures and signicant rethinking of the way radios can operate. Architectures and basic properties of radios are trade-offs of the capabilities of technologies, signal processing capability, cost, market dynamics, and politics.
Wireless Standards
The worldwide demand for wireless systems has led to a plethora of standards and different types of systems. Contrary to what would be expected, evolving standards are increasing the diversity of RF systems rather than leading to the adoption of a few communication formats. In addition to the enormous pressure resulting from the expansion of communications, wireless networks, RF-based sensor systems, and radar are pushing the limits of RF and microwave design. This is partly a result of the maturity of high-volume RF systems and the opportunities provided by Very-Large Scale Integration VLSI, mixed-signal circuits, algorithmic advances, and advances in digital signal processing. New mobile phones are becoming universally ubiquitous communicators supporting multiple wireless communications standards, including WiFi, Bluetooth, and WiMax, as well as multiple cellular bands and standards. One trend is that systems are designed reecting the capabilities of RF hardware. Similarly an understanding of systems is required to understand the specications for RF hardware. This is particularly important, as the actual performance required is often not directly related to the specications developed by system designers. For example, one of the most important characteristics of digital radio systems is the Bit Error Rate (BER). The
BER is a quantity that cannot be determined until the components of a system are integrated. Thus in the design of subsystems, indirect measures such as intermodulation distortion IMD (referring to the generation of spurious signals when discrete tones9 are applied to the subsystem) are specied. The relationship between (IMD) and BER is weak. Clearly higher IMD tends to indicate a higher BER for the same technology, but the relative performance of different technologies cannot be evaluated this way. One way of addressing levels of IMD that are too high is to use additional ltering. This however can result in additional in-band distortion and increased BER. Thus the essential system design problem is developing sufcient and tractable criteria that enable subsystems to be locally designed.
Up until the mid-1970s most wireless communications were based on centralized high-power transmitters, often operating in a wide-area broadcast mode, and reception (e.g., by a television or radio unit) was expected until the signal level fell below the noise threshold or several multiples of power above it.10 Many systems still operate in this mode. These systems are particularly sensitive to interference, therefore systems transmitting at the same frequency are geographically separated so that the signals fall below the background noise threshold before there is a chance to interfere with a neighboring system operating at the same frequency. This situation is illustrated in Figure 3-2. Here there are a number of base stations (BSs), each operating at a frequency (or set of frequencies) designated by numerals referring to the frequency of operation which we will correspondingly designate as f1 , f2 , etc. The coverage by two base stations both operating at the frequency f1 are highlighted, indicating the geographical region over which the signals are above the minimum detectable signal threshold. The regions of acceptable signal reception are small, as the signals must be several factors above the noise level for reasonable reception. The frequency reuse factor of these types of systems is low, as there is a large geographical area where there is no reception at a particular frequency. The coverage area will not be circular or constant because terrain is not at, signals are blocked by and reected from buildings, and background noise levels vary during the day and from season to season as vegetation coverage changes. Allowances must be made in the allocation of broadcast areas to account for the changing coverage
9 10
A tone is a continuous wave (CW) signal or sinewave. This discussion refers to conventional analog radio and television broadcasts using amplitude and frequency modulation. The situation is different with digital radio and television broadcasts, as error correction codes enable stations to be placed much closer together.
7 6 5 4 1 1 7
Figure 3-2 Interference in a conventional radio system. The two transmitters, 1, are at the centers of the coverage circles.
level. At the same time, it is necessary, in conventional radio, for the coverage area to be large so that reception, particularly for mobile devices, is continuous over a region corresponding to metropolitan-size areas. Conventional consumer-oriented wireless systems have been available for some time with wireless telephone service.11 In large metropolitan areas the wireless telephone service could only simultaneously support 10 or so twoway conversations at a time in each of the available bands. Mobile telephone service expanded to operate at the 40 MHz, 150 MHz, and 450 MHz bands, thus tripling the number of available channels. As a consequence, in a region the size of New York City only 30 conversations could be supported. The demand was much greater than the capacity of the wireless service and was only controlled by the frustration people had in using the system and the long waiting periods in obtaining a subscription to the service. The demand was believed to be many orders of magnitude greater than could possibly be satised using the mobile telephone system architecture. It was clear that only a radically different system could satisfy demand. The solutions arrived at are responsible for the current wireless proliferation. The mobile service described above is called 0G for zero-generation radio. The broadcast concept of widely separating sites operating at the same frequency is behind conventional broadcast radio and television.
Common forms of nonbroadcast wireless communications are paging services operating in the 40 MHz, 150 MHz, 450 MHz, and 900 MHz bands, and cordless telephones in the 800900 MHz and 18001900 MHz bands.
(b) Figure 3-3 Duplex schemes: (a) time-division duplex (TDD); and (b) frequency-division duplex (FDD).
Simplex operation refers to one-way communication in which there is only one transmitter and at least one, and perhaps more, receivers. So broadcast radio and television use simplex communication. Two-way communication uses a duplex scheme. Duplex operation requires management of the way in which information passes rst from one radio to a second radio and then transmitting information in reverse. The management scheme is called duplex operation. The two predominant duplex schemes are FrequencyDivision Duplex (FDD) and Time-Division Duplex (TDD), as illustrated in Figure 3-3. In these diagrams the mobile unit is shown communicating with a base station, in which case transmission from the mobile unit to the base station is called the uplink (UL) or reverse link (RL), and communication from the base station and received by the mobile unit is called the downlink, (DL), forward link (FL), or forward path. In FDD it is necessary to use a lter to separate the uplink and downlink signals, as shown in Figure 3-4, as the two links are in use simultaneously. In TDD (Figure 3-3(a)), the uplink and downlink are separated in time and a switch connects the antenna to the transmitter, to send the uplink, and then to the receiver to receive the downlink. The sequence is then repeated. The two units in a communication link do not transmit simultaneously. This operation is called half-duplex. Generally the uplink and downlink are at different frequencies, although in walkie-talkie or Family Radio Service (FRS) systems the same narrow frequency band is used for uplink and downlink. Early radios operating using simplex or duplex operation
824-849 MHz
869-894 MHz
869-894 MHz -116 dBm Min. MOBILE TRANSMIT SIGNAL 824 - 849 MHz
824-849 MHz
869-894 MHz
are shown in Figure 3-5. In FDD the uplink and downlink are at different frequencies and the transmitter and receiver are connected permanently to the antenna. This communication scheme is called full-duplex operation,
Figure 3-5 Early radios: (a) walkie-talkie with push-to-talk (PTT) switch on top; (b) Motorola business dispatcher two-way radio operating at 33.220 MHz designed in the 1960s as a dash mount unit; (c) the Mitrek two-way radio designed by Motorola in 1977. The radio has two PC boards and was crystal controlled with a channel scanning control head. The radio was trunk mounted, with the control head, microphone, and speaker mounted under the dash board. Each unit is approximately 20 cm long.
although sometimes just the term duplex is used. FDD is implemented by the duplex lter, which is a special lter with three ports that looks like a lowpass lter for the uplink when the transmitter is connected to the antenna (the uplink is generally at a lower frequency than the downlink in rst- and second-generation radio systems) and a highpass lter for the downlink when the receiver is connected to the antenna.
Cellular Communications
Cellular communications, as the name implies, is based on the concept of cells in which a terminal unit communicates with a base station at the center of a cell. Each cell can be relatively small and a terminal unit travels smoothly from cell to cell with calls transferring using what is called a handoff process. For communication in closely spaced cells to work, interference from other radios must be managed. This is facilitated using the processing gain available with different modulation and coding schemes and the use of antenna beam-forming technology. There are a large number of cellular systems that are being used now or have been in the past. Cellular systems are examined in Section 3.9 on Page 132, but before that the underlying technology and concepts must be explored.
Cellular Concept
The cellular concept was outlined in a 1947 Bell Laboratories technical memorandum [21]. It described a system of frequency reuse with small geographical cells and this remains the key concept of cellular radio. This was elaborated on in two articles published in 1957 and 1960 [22, 23]. The rst widespread cellular radio system was called the Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) and was fully described by Bell Laboratories in a submission to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and in a patent led on December 21, 1970 [24]. Bell Labs petitioned the FCC in 1958 for a frequency band around 800 MHz for a cellular system. The FCC, believing that it was better to allocate spectrum for the public good, including radio, television, and emergency services, was reluctant to act on the petition. In 1968 pressure on the FCC became too great and an agreement was reached in principle to make frequencies available. Thus began the research and development of cellular systems in the United States. In 1961 Ericsson reorganized to address mobile radio, including cellular radio systems. Nokia, formed in 1865, did not begin developing cellular systems until the 1970s. NTT was working away as well and began developing cellular radio systems in 1967 [25]. Meanwhile, in January 1969, the Bell System launched an experimental cellular radio system employing frequency reuse for the rst time to achieve optimum use of a limited number of RF channels. The rst commercial cellular system was launched by the Bahrain Telephone Company in May 1978 using Matsushita
equipment. This was followed by the launch of AMPS by Illinois Bell and AT&T in the United States in July 1978. In 1979 the World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC), allocated the 862960 MHz band for mobile radio, leading to the FCC releasing, in 1981, 40 MHz in the 800900 MHz band for cellular land-mobile phone service. The service, as dened in the original documents, is (and this is still the best denition of cellular radio) A high capacity land mobile system in which assigned spectrum is divided into discrete channels which are assigned in groups to geographic cells covering a cellular geographic area. The discrete channels are capable of being reused within the service area. The key attributes here are High capacity. Prior to the availability of the cellular system other radio systems were used. Users were not always able to gain access to the radio network and frequently access required multiple attempts. The concept of cells. The idea is to divide a large geographic area into cells, shown as the hexagons in Figure 3-6. The actual shape of the cells is inuenced by obstructions such as hills and buildings, but the hexagonal shape is used to convey the concept of cells. The cells are arranged in clusters and the total number of channels available is divided among the cells in a cluster and the full set is repeated in each cluster. In Figure 3-6, 3-, 7- and 12-cell clusters are shown. As will be explained later, the number of cells in a cluster affects both capacity (the fewer cells the better) and interference (the more cells per cluster the better). The size of a cell can be reduced, thus increasing system capacity, in a process called cell splitting. In cell splitting, additional base stations are introduced and the base stations and mobile units operate at lower power levels to reduce the geographical coverage or cell size. Frequency reuse. Frequencies used in one cell are reused in the corresponding cell in another cluster. As the cells are relatively close, it is important to dynamically control the power radiated by each radio, as radios in one cell will produce interference in other clusters. Cells are often represented as having a hexagonal shape. The shape, however, can take nearly any form. In a at desert the coverage area of each base station would be circular, so that with a cluster of cells there would be overlapping circles of coverage. (Power levels are adjusted to minimize the overlap of these circles.) Buildings, hills, lakes, etc. affect cell size. In a city, what is called the urban canyon effect, or urban waveguide effect greatly distorts cells and creates havoc in managing cellular systems. In the urban
3 2 1 3 7 7 6 1 5 4 7 6 1 5 4 6 1 5 4 9 8 7 3 3 7 2 5 4 2 5 4 6 1 3 10 1 3 6 11 2 5 6 1 3 7 2 3 7 2 5 4 2 5 4 6 1 3 9 8 7 12 4 6 1 3 7 2 10 1 3 6 9 8 7 11 2 5 10 1 3 11 2 12 4 12 4 2 2 1 2 1 3
canyon effect good coverage extends for large distances down a street, so a cell may look like a four-armed starsh if the cell site is placed near an intersection of two streets. Achieving maximum frequency reuse is essential in achieving high capacity. In a conventional wireless system, be it broadcast or mobile telephone service, base stations are separated by sufcient distance that the signal levels fall below a noise threshold before the same frequencies are reused, as shown in Figure 3-2. There is clearly poor geographical use of the spectrum here. The geographic areas could be pushed closer to each other at the expense of introducing what is called cochannel interferencea receiver could pick up transmissions from two or more base stations operating at the same frequency. Interference in conventional systems results solely from background noise, as the concept is to eliminate cochannel interference entirely. In a cellular system, there is a radical departure in concept from this. Consider the interference in a cellular system as shown in Figure 37. The signals in corresponding cells in different clusters interfere with each other and generally the interference is much larger than that of the background noise. Generally only in rural areas and when mobile units are near the boundaries of cells will the background noise level be signicant. Interference can also be controlled by dynamically adjusting the base station and mobile transmit powers to the minimum acceptable level. Operating with interference from neighboring clusters is a key concept in cellular
10 - 100 km
radio. The interference levels that can be tolerated vary among the various cellular systems. The AMPS system, which uses frequency modulation, has a qualitative minimum SIR of 17 dB (about a factor of 50) that was determined via subjective tests with a criterion that 75% of listeners ranked the voice quality as good or excellent, the top two levels on a ve-level scale. The seven-cell clustering shown in Figure 3-7 does not achieve this required minimum SIR. Trafc engineering tells us that using smaller clusters results in greater spectrum efciency. With fewer cells per cluster, more frequency channels, or trunks, are available. Since calling patterns are statistical, increasing the number of trunks greatly increases the number of subscribers that can be supported. Thus digital systems that use error correction coding tolerate high levels of interference and can reuse frequency channels more efciently. This increases the number of trunks available and greatly increases capacity. Indeed, in the CDMA system the tolerance to interference is so high that the concept of clustering is not required and every frequency channel is available in each cell. The increased user capacity of digital radio has compelled all new radio systems to use digital modulation and adopt CDMA-like schemes. Along with greater capacity, digital systems allow for a whole range of advanced functionality, including paging, texting and
Personal Communication Services (PCS), implemented in the early 1990s, was a development in the thinking of wireless communications. PCS is an evolution of digital cellular radio with the key conceptual difference being that communication is from person to person, whereas in cellular radio communication, as originally conceived, it was from terminal-to-terminal. The idea is that when a call is placed, an individual is being contacted rather than a piece of hardware. One way this is achieved is by using a credit card-size (or smaller) smart card, a Subscriber Identication Module (SIM) card, to identify the user. The user can insert his or her smart card into any (appropriate) handset and be contacted. The particular hardware or handset a user is using does not matter. So in PCS, each person has a unique phone number. The term PCS is not commonly used now, as the concept has now been incorporated in all evolved cellular systems.
Processing Gain
Processing gain is an essential reason why the cellular concept works, as the interference coming from radios in corresponding cells in adjacent clusters can be signicant. In the discussion of FM in Section 1.3.2 on Page 12, the concept of processing gain was introduced. In FM, processing gain is obtained by spreading the information-carrying signal over a broader bandwidth. There are some inefciencies: in FM the spectrum of the spread signal tapers off and does not ll the channel with an even distribution of power (and so the edges are more susceptible to interference). If the power is uniformly distributed over the channel of bandwidth Bm , then the processing gain is GP = Bm /Bb . (3.1) where Bb is the bandwidth of the baseband signal. Demodulation collapses the correlated information in the bandwidth Bm to the smaller bandwidth Bb , but the uncorrelated noise and interference are suppressed. That is, if interference is uncorrelated to the signal, then the interference can be treated as noise. So the recovered SIR of the signal is increased by GP ; that is, with SIRb being the SIR of the recovered baseband signal and SIRm being the SIR of the received modulated signal, the two are ideally related by the processing gain: SIRb = GP SIRm . (3.2) The actual processing gain of FM is less than that indicated by Equation (3.1), as the energy is not uniformly distributed across the channel. It is not possible to precisely and analytically calculate the processing gain of an FM system (or of any modulation scheme).
Q(x) x
Figure 3-8 Guassian distribution function showing the Q function as the area of the shaded region.
The essential concept of processing gain is that by spreading a communication signal over a greater bandwidth than that of the information bearing signal, correlation of the transmitted signal can be used to discriminate between the signal and noise. With a digitally-modulated signal processing gain is, roughly, the ratio of the bit rate of what is transmitted to the bit rate of the information bearing signal.
In this section, SIR is related to the bit error rate, BER. The discussion begins with the SIR of the incoming RF signal. Through sampling of the RF signal at appropriate times discrete symbols are obtained. The digital form of SIR relates the energy of a symbol, Es , to the noise and interference energy corresponding to the symbol (generally the noise and interference in the duration of the symbol). The height of the double-sided noise spectral density is conventionally taken as No /2, so the noise power corresponding to a symbol is No . Thus [3032] Es = SIR . No (3.3)
Error in a digitally-modulated communication systems is rst manifested as a symbol error which occurs when a symbol selected in a receiver is not the symbol transmitted. The probability of a symbol error is a function of Es /No . It is not always possible to develop a closed form expression relating the two however. For a BPSK system the probability of a symbol error, the symbol error rate, is [30, page 187] Pr[symbol error] = PrBPSK = Q s 2Es No =Q 2 SIR , (3.4)
where Q(x) is known as the Q function [30] and is the integral of the tail of the Gaussian density function (see Figure 3-8). It can be expressed in terms of the error function erf(x) [30, page 63]: Q(x) = 1 1 erf 2 x 2 . (3.5)
For M -PSK [30, page 191] PrMPSK 2Q s and for M -QAM [30, page 190] 1 PrMQAM = 4 1 s M Q Q2 3Es /No M 1 3Es /No M 1 (3.7) 2Es sin No M (3.6)
1 4 1 M
where M is the number of modulation levels (e.g. for QPSK M = 4, and for 64-QAM M = 64). The per-bit SNR is obtained after noting that each symbol can represent several bits. With a uniform constellation and the same number of bits per symbol, b, the signal energy received per bit is Eb = Es /b, and M = 2b (3.9) b = log2 M, (3.8)
For high SIR and using gray mapping, the probability of a bit error, the bit error rate, is Pr[bit error] = Prb = 1 Prs . b (3.10)
Gray mapping is coding that ensures that nearest-neighbor symbols differ by at most one-bit. The high SIR requirement results in a symbol error being the erroneous selection of a nearest neighbor symbol by the receiver. The nal results are the bit-error probablity for BPSK, M-QAM and M-PSK [30, page 193]: PrBPSK = Q 2Es /No = Q 2 SIR (3.11) b 2 2 2Es /No sin PrMPSK = Q = Q 2 SIR sin (3.12) b b M b M b b 3Es /No 4 3 SIR 4 PrMQAM = 12 2 Q = 12 2 Q b b1 b 2 b 2b 1 Thus for the same SIR the probablity of bit errors drops with higher-order modulation, i.e. larger M . This is the major driving factor behind the move to higher-order modulation.
Because of coding, the actual transmitted code rate, Rc , in a digital system is higher than the information bit rate, Ri , so that the processing gain GP = Rc . Ri (3.14)
(This corresponds to the bandwidth-based denition of processing gain in Equation (3.1) if the signal is digitally-modulated with maximum efciency to fully and uniformly occupy the available bandwidth.) Now, however, more bits must be transmitted for the same transmit power. The growth in the bit error rate, see Equations (3.11)(3.13), is slower than the growth rate of GP . With optimal coding, the transmitted code rate is proportional to the bandwidth of the transmitted signal so the processing gain is Transmitted bandwidth . (3.15) Information bit rate If Eb,e is the energy of a bit of data (after despreading and error correction), then GP = Eective SIR = Eb,e Eb GP Es GP = GP = SIRRF No No b No b (3.16)
where Eb is the energy of a received bit, Es is the energy of a received symbol, and SIRRF is the SIR of the RF signal. With spreading, as used in CDMA, the number of transmitted bits is much greater than the number of data bits, typically 2 to 4 orders of magnitude greater. Forward error correcting bits further increases the number of bits transmitted. The spread and error coded signal has considerable correlation while noise is uncorrelated. So on despreading and error correction the effective SIR is greatly increased, an affect captured by the processing gain. EXAMPLE 3. 1 Processing Gain
A new communication system is being investigated for sending data to a printer. The system will use GMSK modulation and a channel with 10 MHz bandwidth and the bit rate will be 1 Mbps. The modulation format will result in a spectrum that distributes power almost uniformly over the 10 MHz bandwidth. (a) What is the processing gain? Processing gain = 10 MHz Bandwidth = = 10 = 10 dB Bit rate 1 Mbps
(b) If the received RF SIR is 6 dB. What is the effective system SIR (or Eb /No ) after the digital signal processor? Express your answer in decibels. For GMSK, b = 2 and so Eective SIR = Eb,e 1 = (RF SIR) Processing Gain No b = 3 dB + 6 dB + 10 dB = 13 dB.
Signal-to-Interference Ratio
At the output of a receiver antenna, the level of interfering signals is 1 pW, the level of background noise is 500 fW, and the level of the desired signal is 4 pW. (a) What is the SIR? Note that SIR includes the effect of the signal, interference, and noise. (b) If the processing gain is 20 dB and 16-QAM is the modulation scheme used, what is the effective system SIR, that is, what is the signal energy in a bit versus the noise energy in the duration of the bit, Eb /No ? Solution: (a) Interfering signal PI = 1 pW Noise signal PN = 500 fW Signal PS = 4 pW SIR =PS /(PI + PN ) =4 pW/(1 pW + 0.5 pW) = 4/1.5 = 2.667 = 4.26 dB (b) Processing gain, GP = 20 dB and there are 4 bits (b = 4), so Eb,e 1 = SIR GP No 4 = 6 dB + 4.26 dB + 20 dB = 18.26 dB .
With small cells, mobile users can be expected to move frequently between cells and thus call handoff procedures for transferring calls and users from one cell to the next are necessary. The triggering events that enable call handoff are shown in Figure 3-9. The main aspect is monitoring of the signal strength, the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), both in the handset for the signal received from a base station and in the base station for the signal received from a handset. If either of these falls below a threshold, computers in the base station initiate a handoff procedure by polling nearby base stations for the RSSI they have for the user. If a suitable RSSI is found handoff proceeds. Call ow from mobile to mobile and from mobile to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) must also be orchestrated and a Mobile Switching Center (MSC) becomes the key component in orchestrating call connection. In digital radio the MSC is always aware of the location of a mobile handset, but in analog radio, increasingly large geographic areas have to be polled to nd a mobile unit. The basic call-ow architecture of cellular systems is shown in Figure 3-10.
Received Signal Strength (dB)
Figure 3-10 Call ow: (a) during initiation of a call; (b) legend; and (c) call ow for mobile to mobile call through a telephone network.
Cochannel Interference
The minimum signal detectable in conventional wireless systems is determined by the SIR at the input. The noise is due to background noise sources, including cosmic noise and thermal noise. In cellular wireless
systems the Minimum Detectable (or Discernible) Signal (MDS) is also determined by the SIR but now the dominant interference is due to other transmitters in the cell and adjacent cells. The noise that is produced in the signal band from other transmitters operating at the same frequency is called cochannel interference. The level of cochannel interference is dependent on cell placement and the frequency reuse pattern. The degree to which cochannel interference can be controlled has a large effect on system capacity. Control of cochannel interference is largely achieved by controlling the power levels at the base station and at the mobile units.
Many schemes have been developed to enable multiple users to share a frequency band. The simplest scheme requiring the least sophistication in channel management is the Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) scheme, shown in Figure 3-11(a), where the numerals indicate a particular user. In FDMA the available spectrum is divided by frequency, with each user assigned a narrow frequency band that is kept for the duration of a call. This can be conveniently implemented in analog radio. In duplex operation a frequency channel would be assigned for the uplink as well as the downlink. An example of where FDMA is used is AMPS, where 30 kHz is assigned to each channel.12 Clearly this is wasteful of spectrum, as not all of the band is used continuously. There are really only three ways to increase the spectrum efciency of this system. One is to make the channels closer, but this is difcult to do. Another is to use digital techniques, and in effect ll one physical channel with a bitstream. Different users use different segments of the bitstream. The third approach is called spread spectrum, which spreads the signal over a relatively large bandwidth using a unique spreading code whose rate is much faster than the bit rate of the information being sent. In a radio system, a base station simultaneously transmits to multiple users. The process of combining user communications is called multiplexing, often referred to as MUX or MUXing. The reverse operation of separating a signal with multiple users into their component users is called demultiplexing, and is referred to as DEMUX or DEMUXing. The hardware that implements multiplexing is called a multiplexer and demultiplexing is implemented by a demultiplexer. In the rst digital access technique, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), shown in Figure 3-11(b), the bitstream is divided among a few users using the same physical channel. In the GSM13 mobile phone system,
In the subsequent Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Service system (NAMPS), the channels were 10 kHz wide. The Total Access Communications System (TACS) was a European analog cellular telephone standard derived from the AMPS standard. GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communications and was formerly known as
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 5 46 45 43 44 42
4 3 2 1
42 47
7 14 21 28 35 42
4 1 3
2 2 2
3 4
3 1 4
3 1 2
(e) Carrier Sense Multiple Access Figure 3-11 Multiple access schemes. The numerals indicate the user number.
a physical channel is divided into eight time slots and a user is allocated to each so that eight users can be supported in each physical channel. In other TDMA schemes, a different number of time slots are used. Thus the logical channels are divided in both frequency and time. In a TDMA system, the base station transmits a continuous stream of data containing frames of time slots for multiple users. The mobile unit listens to this continuous stream, extracting and processing only the time slots assigned to it. On the reverse transmission, the mobile unit transmits to the base station in bursts only in its assigned time slots. This is yet another complication to the RF design of TDMA systems. As well as dealing with a nonconstant RF envelope, and hence the requirement for linear ampliers, the RF circuitry operates in a burst mode with additional constraints on settling time and frequency spreading.14 One of the advantages of TDMA is that multiple slots can be assigned to the same user to support high data rates and a time slot can be skipped if it is not used by a user (e.g., when the mobile user is not talking) and can be used for other revenue-generating purposes such as text messaging. Another technique that can be used in digital radio is Spread Spectrum (SS) the invention of which is attributed to Hedwig Kiesler Markey15 . Most of the development of spread spectrum was secret up until the mid-1970s. There are two types of spread-spectrum techniques: directsequence, and frequency-hoping. It is both an access technique and way to secure communications. Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA)16 is shown in Figure 3-11(c). DS-CDMA mixes the baseband signal with a broadband spreading coding signal to produce a broadband signal which is then used to modulate an RF signal. This process is illustrated in Figure 3-12. The rate of the spreading code is referred to as the chip rate rather than the bit rate, which is reserved for the rate of the information-bearing code. A unique code is used to scramble the
Groupe Sp cial Mobile. The system was deployed worldwide in 1991 and is now used by e more than 2 billion people in more than 210 countries. An interesting footnote is that the GSM group began discussions leading to the system in 1982. By the mid-1980s, there were many different versions of the GSM system implemented in many European countries. The European Union (EU) intervened and all 15 countries (the membership of the EU at the time) decided to choose a single standard with eight tested in a competition held in Paris. The system developed by Torleiv Maseng and Odd Trandem at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (without industrial backing) was chosen. The key feature of this system was its ability to handle multipath reections. These RF bursts can sometimes be heard when a GSM phone is near other electronics, such as a wired telephone. The 1940 invention is described in Secret Communications System, Secret U.S. patent 2,292,387 submitted by H. Markey and G. Antheil [33]. The patent described a frequencyhopping scheme to render radio-guided torpedoes immune from jamming using a piano roll to hop between 88 carrier frequencies. H. Markey was the actress Hedy Lamarr (born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler). Sometimes DS-CDMA is referred to as just CDMA.
14 15
data A
user3 user4
code A
user1 user4
user3 user2
Basis of spread spectrum communication: (a) direct sequence; and (b) frequency hopping.
original baseband signal, and the original signal can only be recovered using that particular code. The system can support many users, with each user assigned a unique code, hence the term code division multiple access (CDMA). Another interpretation of the DS-CDMA process is shown in Figure 3-13(a). One of the unique characteristics is that different users are using the same frequency band at the same time. CDMA is used in the CDMAOne (described in the IS-95 standard and by which it is often known), CDMA2000, and Wideband CDMA (WCDMA) systems. Another form of CDMA access is the Frequency-Hopping CDMA
scheme (FH-CDMA) shown in Figure 3-11(d). This scheme uses FrequencyHoping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) to separate users. For one particular user, a code is used to determine the hopping sequence and hops can occur faster than the data rate. The signal can only be reassembled at the receiver if the hopping code is known. FH-CDMA is useful in unregulated environments, such as an ad hoc radio network, where it is not possible to coordinate multiple users. In this case, two users can transmit information in the same frequency band at the same time but the error tolerance of digital communication can still enable the original signals to be extracted. So frequency hopping is preferred in hostile environments, where interference with other radios cannot be coordinated. FH-CDMA is commonly used in radios for emergency workers and by the military. The nal multiple access scheme to be described here is carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA), which is used in the WiFi system (IEEE 802.11). The access scheme is illustrated in Figure 3-11(e). This scheme is also used in hostile environment where various radios cannot be well coordinated. In CSMA, users transmit at different times, but without coordination. A terminal unit listens to the channel and transmits a data packet when it is free. Collisions are unavoidable and data are lost, requiring retransmission of data, but the terminals use a random delay before retransmitting data. In the case of WiFi there are several channels and if collisions are excessive another channel can be selected either as the preferred startup channel or in evolved systems under central unit control. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) is used in Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMax ) and overcomes many of the performance limitations encountered with CSMA as assignment of effective channels is used. As Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) must rst be dened to discuss OFDMA, the OFDMA access scheme will be considered in Section 3.11.2 on Page 145.
Spectrum Efciency
The concept of spectral efciency is important in contrasting different radio and modulation systems. Spectral efciency has its origins in Shannons theorem, which expresses the information-carrying capacity of a channel as [3032] C = Bc ln(1 + SNR) , (3.18) is the capacity in units of bits/second (b.s1 ); Bc is the channel where C bandwidth in hertz; and SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio. N is assumed to be Gaussian noise, so interference that can be approximated as Gaussian can be incorporated by adding the noise and interference powers, and then it is more appropriate to use the SIR. Thus Shannons capacity theorem, Equation (3.18), becomes C = Bc ln[1 + S/(N + I)] = Bc ln(1 + SIR). (3.19)
Shannons theorem is widely accepted as the upper limit on the information-carrying capacity of a channel. So the stronger the signal, or the lower the interfering signal, the greater a channels information-carrying capacity. Indeed, if there is no noise and no interference, the informationcarrying capacity is innite. Shannons capacity formula, Equation (3.19), tells us that increasing the interference level (lower SIR) has a weakened effect on the decrease in capacity than may initially be expected; that is, doubling the interference level does not halve C. This is the conceptual insight that supports the use of closely packed cells and frequency reuse, as the resulting increase in interference, and its moderated effect on capacity, is offset by having more cells and supporting more users. Shannons carrying capacity limit has not been reached, but todays radio systems are very close. Current systems operate with SNRs approximately 8 dB away from the limit [30, page 193].17 Different modulation and radio schemes come closer to the limit, and two quantities will be introduced to describe the performance of different schemes. From the capacity formula, a useful metric for the performance of modulation schemes can be dened. This is the channel efciency (or channel spectrum efciency, sometimes called channel spectral efciency), c = Rc /Bc , (3.20)
where Rc (in bits/s) is the bit rate transmitted on the channel, so c has the units of bits per second per hertz (bs1 Hz1 ). The unit bs1 Hz1 is dimensionless, as hertz has the units of s1 , but using bs1 Hz1 is a reminder of the meaning of a quantity. (Similarly decibels is dimensionless but is an important qualier.) In a cellular system, the number of cells in a cluster must also be incorporated to obtain a system metric [34]. The available channels are divided among the cells in a cluster, and a channel in one cell appears as interference to a corresponding cell in another cluster. Thus the SIR is increased and the capacity of the channel drops. System throughput increases, however, because of closely packed cells. So the system throughput is a function of the frequency reuse pattern. The appropriate system-level metric is the radio spectrum efciency, r , which incorporates the number of cells, K, in a cluster: r = Rb c Rb = . Bc K K Rc (3.21)
Here Rb is the bit rate of useful information and discounts the channel bit rate, Rc , (Rc is higher than Rb because of coding). Coding is used to
In Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) systems, the limit is apparently exceeded as the effective number of channels increases by using multiple transmit and receive antennas. More on this in Section 3.11.3 on Page 146
enable error correction, assist in identifying the start and end of a packet, and also to provide orthogonality of users in some systems that overlap users as with CDMA. The units of r are bits per second per hertz per cell (bs1 Hz1 cell1 ). The decrease in channel capacity resulting from the increased SIR associated with fewer cells in a cluster (i.e., lower K) is more than offset by the increased system throughput. So there are two denitions of spectral efciency: the channel spectrum efciency, c , which characterizes the efciency of a modulation scheme; and the radio spectrum efciency, r , which incorporates the added interference that comes from frequency reuse. Indeed, the frequency reuse interference dominates noise in a cellular system, and background noise is often ignored in evaluating performance. Commonly both measures of efciency are referred to as spectral efciency, and then only the units distinguish which is being referred to. In summary: C is a theoretical maximum channel bit rate for a given set of conditions. Rc is the actual channel bit rate for a given set of conditions. Rb is the actual channel bit rate for a given set of conditions minus overhead associated with coding, etc. One may well ask why efciency is not expressed as a ratio of actual bit rate to Shannons limit for a given set of conditions. There are several reasons: 1. The historical use of bits per hertz to characterize a modulation scheme was used long before cellular systems became popular. 2. Shannons capacity limit is so high that back in the 1950s people would have been talking about extremely low efciencies if performance was referred to the capacity limit. 3. Only additive white noise is considered, but this does not capture all types of interference, which can be multiplicative or partially correlated with the signal. Shannons limit is not really a theoretical limit, there is no proof. In the digital communications world, much has been published about how close Shannons capacity limit can be approached. In a direct LOS system, such as a point-to-point microwave link, the limit is approached within a few percent. In MIMO systems, (see Section 3.11.3 on Page 146) the limit has been exceeded, prompting a redenition of the limit when multiple transmit and receive antennas are used.
The evolution of cellular communications is described by generations of radio. The major mobile communication systems are outlined in Table 3-2. Few rst-generation (1G) systems remain, most services are now second generation, (2G) dominated by GSM, but also with widespread development of CDMA. Third generation (3G) offers a signicant increase in capacity and is optimized for broadband data access. From an RF point of view, the major distinction among the various phone systems is whether they use analog or digital modulation, how the channels are partitioned, and the type of duplex operation. Systems using analog modulation typically use FM (e.g., the AMPS system), but phase modulation is also common. The main attributes of FM and PM analog modulation schemes is that the signal amplitude is constant, only the frequency or phase varies. This means that RF transmitters can use transistor ampliers operating in high-efciency saturating modes (such as classes AB, B, C, and higher), as the introduced distortion, being mostly amplitude distortion, does not have as much impact as with other modulation formats. Newer systems, however, use some form of digital modulation, which generally combines frequency, phase, and amplitude variations as well as a modulation scheme that uses spectrum more efciently by maintaining a near-constant spectral density in the channel. In digital modulation, the output has a number of prescribed discrete states. In some systems, information is carried in amplitude variations so that circuit nonlinearities that result in amplitude distortion (the most common kind) can signicantly affect signal integrity. This presents enormous challenges for the design of efcient transistor ampliers.
3.10 3.10.1
The initial cellular radio system was analog, with the dominant system being theAMPS system, the attributes of which are given in Table 3-3. This is a relatively simple system, but appropriate for the low levels of integration of the 1970s, as most of the functionality could be realized using analog circuits. The rst-generation systems handled analog 3 kHz voice transmissions with very limited ability to transmit digital information.
The second generation of radio is characterized by digitization.Many different types of digital systems have been installed around the world. The systems can transmit data and voice at rates of 8 to 14.4 kbps. This can be contrasted to the wireline system where, once signals reach the exchange, the 3 kHz analog signals are sampled at 64 kbps to achieve an undistorted
Table 3-2 Major mobile communication systems with the year of rst widespread use. System 0G MTS AMTS IMTS Year 1946 1965 1969 Description Broadcast, no cells, few users, analog modulation Mobile Telephone Service, half-duplex, operator assist to establish call, push to talk Advanced Mobile Telephone System, Japan, full-duplex, 900 MHz Improved Mobile Telephone Service, full-duplex, up to 13 channels, 60 100 km (4060 mile) radius, direct dial using dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) keypad FDMA, analog modulation (also Autotel) Public Automated Land Mobile radiotelephone service, used digital signaling for supervisory messages, technology link between IMTS and AMPS AutoRadioPuhelin (Car Radio Phone), obsolete in 2000, used cells (30 km radius) but not hand-off, 80 channels at 150 MHz, half-duplex and later full-duplex Analog modulation, FSK for signaling, cellular, FDMA Nordic Mobile Telephone, 12.5 kHz channel, 450 MHz, 900 MHz Advanced Mobile Phone System, 30 kHz channel Total Access Communication Systems, 25 kHz channel, widely used until 1990s, similar to AMPS NTTs mobile radiotelephone service in Japan National public access wireless data network, rst public access wireless data communication services including two-way paging network services, 12.5 kHz channel, GMSK Point-to-point wireless data communications standard (like Mobitex), wireless wide area network, 25 kHz channels, maximum bandwidth 19.2 kbps (used by the original Blackberry device) Digital modulation Personal Handyphone System, originally a cordless phone, now functions as both a cordless phone and as a mobile phone elsewhere Global System for Mobile Communications (formerly Groupe Sp cial e Mobile), TDMA, GMSK, constant envelope, 200 kHz channel, maximum 13.4 kb per time slot (at 1900 MHz), 2 billion customers in 210 countries Digital AMPS (formerly NADC [North American Digital Cellular] and prior to that as U.S. Digital Cellular [USDC]), narrowband, /4DQPSK, 30 kHz channel Personal Digital Cellular, Japan, 25 kHz channel Brand name of rst CDMA system known as IS-95, spread spectrum, CDMA, 1.25 MHz channel, QPSK Circuit Switched Data, original data transmission format developed for GSM, maximum bandwidth 9.6 kbps, uses a single time slot
1990 1991
Table 3-2 continued. System 2.5G WiDEN GPRS Year 1996 2000 Description Higher data rates Wideband Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network, combines four 25 kHz channels, maximum bandwidth 100 kbps General Packet Radio System, compatible with GSM network, used GSM time slot and higher-order modulation to send 60 kb per time slot, 200 kHz channel, maximum bandwidth 171.2 kbps High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data, compatible with GSM network, maximum bandwidth 57.6 kbps based on CSD, higher quality of service than GPRS Medium bandwidth data1 Mbps CDMA, upgraded CDMAOne, double data rate, 1.25 MHz channel Enhanced data rate for GSM Evolution, compatible with GSM network, 8PSK, TDMA, maximum bandwidth 384 kbps, 200 kHz channel Spread Spectrum Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access, rst 3G service, NTTs implementation of WCDMA Universal Mobile Telephone Service, 5 MHz channel, data up to 2 Mbps Main 3G outside China Evolution to 4G (downlink high bandwidth data) (IS-856) Evolution of CDMA2000, maximum downlink bandwidth 307 kbps, maximum uplink bandwidth 153 kbps Time Division Synchronous CDMA, China, uses the same band for transmit and receive, base stations and mobiles use different time slots to communicate, 1.6 MHz channel Generic Access Network, formerly known as Unlicensed Mobile Access, provides GSM and GPRS mobile services over unlicensed spectrum technologies (e.g., Bluetooth and WiFi) High-Speed Downlink Packet Access, download speeds to 7.2 Mbit/s CDMA2000 EV-DO Revision A, downlink speeds to 3.1 Mbps, uplink speeds to 1.8 Mbps High-Speed Uplink Packet Access, upload speeds to 5.76 Mbps CDMA2000 EV-DO Revision B, Downlink speeds to 73 Mbps, uplink speeds to 27 Mbps High-Speed Packet Access, downlink speeds to 40 Mbps, upload speeds to 10 Mbps Long-term evolution (LTE); Beyond 3G Low latency (e.g., for VoIP) + MIMO + OFDM + wireless broadband (WBB, > 100 Mbps) + software dened radio
2000 2003
2004 2007
2006 2006
signal representation. The cellular systems sacrice some voice quality but use reasonably sophisticated algorithms that use the characteristics of speech to achieve greater than a factor of 4 compression.
Table 3-3 Attributes of the AMPS system. Property Number of physical channels Bandwidth per channel Cell radius Base-to-mobile frequency Mobile-to-base frequency Channel spacing Modulation Attribute 832, 2 groups of 416 channels, each group has 21 signaling channels and 395 trafc or voice channels. 30 kHz 220 km 869894 MHz (downlink) 824849 MHz (uplink) 45 MHz between transmit and receive channels. 30 kHz FM with peak frequency deviation of 12 kHz Signaling channel uses FSK Can send data at 10 kbps FDMA 100 W per channel (maximum) None 3 W maximum (33 dBm) (600 mW for hand-held) 10 steps of 4 dB attenuation each, minimum power is 4 dBm 116 dBm from a 50 W source applied at antenna terminals 6 dB measured at antenna terminals 60 dB from center of the passband 832
Access method Base station ERP Channel coding RF specications of mobile unit Transmit RF power Transmit power control Receive sensitivity Receive noise gure Receive spurious response Number of synthesizer channels
In North America the rst digital system introduced was the digital advanced mobile phone system (DAMPS) (originally known as North American Digital Cellular [NADC] and as the EIA/TIA interim standard IS-54). The system was designed to provide a transition from the then current analog system to a fully digital system by reusing existing spectrum. The idea is that system providers can allocate a few of their channels for digital radio out of the total available. As analog radio is phased out, more of the channels can be committed to digital radio. The main motivation behind this system is that it provides three to ve times the capacity of the analog system. The European-origin GSM system provides a similar increase in capacity, is compatible with Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and has largely replaced DAMPS. The GSM system was initially (early 1990s) dominant in Europe and had the advantage that it did not need to be upward compatible with uncoordinated analog phone systems. The attributes of the GSM system are shown in Tables 3-4 and 3-5. From an RF design perspective, the main differences between analog and digital standards are
Table 3-4 Attributes of the GSM system. Uplink and downlink frequencies of the various GSM implementations are given in Table 3-5. Property Number of physical channels Bandwidth per channel Channel spacing Cell radius Base-to-mobile frequency Mobile-to-base frequency Modulation Access method Attribute 125 (GSM-900, 1 channel is special so sometimes 124 is quoted) 200 kHz 200 kHz 220 km 935960 MHz (GSM-900) 890915 MHz (GSM-900) 55 MHz between transmit and receive channels.GMSK Slow frequency hopping (217 hops/s) TDMA 8 slots per frame, user has one slot, each frame is 4.615 ms and each slot is 557 s. 8 kbps, VSELP code Block and convolutional coding 270.833 kbps 16 s Up to 233 s absolute delay
1. The RF envelope. In AMPS, FSK is used which produces a constant envelope RF signal. Consequently high-efciency saturation mode ampliers (such as class C) can be used. In most digital modulation schemes, but not GSM, the modulation results in a nonconstant envelope. The information contained in the amplitude of the RF signal is just as important as the information contained in the phase or frequency of the signal. Consequently saturation mode ampliers which severely distort the amplitude characteristic must be avoided. 2. Bursty RF. In an analog system, RF power is continually being transmitted. In a digital system, transmission is intermittent and the RF signal is bursty. Therefore an RF designer must be concerned about turn-on transients and thermal stability of the power amplier.
CDMA, or more specically CDMAOne, was initially promoted as being third generation, but the denition now is that data rates of at least 2 Mbps must be supported. Thus CDMAOne is now referred to as 2.5G. A depiction of spread spectrum is shown in Figure 3-14, in which a very fast code is superimposed on a slower data sequence and the combined code is used
Table 3-5 GSM frequency bands. GSM channels have a bandwidth of 200 kHz. The base-to-mobile transmission is the downlink and the mobile-to-base station transmission is the uplink. Band GSM-900 Most of world GSM-900 extended GSM-1800 (Americas) GSM-400 GSM-400 alt. (Nordic, Eastern Europe, Russia) Uplink (MH Z ) 890915 876915 17101785 450.4457.6 478.8486 Downlink (MHz) 935960 921960 18051880 460.4467.6 488.8496 Duplex Spacing (MHz) 45 45 95 10 10
xor dataB
Figure 3-14
to modulate a carrier. The same code is used to extract the baseband signal from the received bitstream. The effect of the code is to greatly spread out the baseband signal, transforming perhaps a 12 kbps bitstream into an RF signal with a bandwidth of 1.23 MHz. The key feature of the DS-CDMA system is the use of lengthy codes to spread the spectrum of the signal that is to be transmitted. In the case of voice an 8 kbps second code (for example) is mixed with a much faster code which is unique to a particular user. Thus the 8 kbps bitstream becomes a 1.23 MHz wide analog or baseband signal. This signal is then modulated up to RF and transmitted. On the receiver side, the demodulated RF signal can only be decoded using the original code. Use of the original code to decode the signal rejects virtually all interference and noise in the received signal. Since orthogonal codes are used many radio channels can be supported on the same radio link. CDMA can support approximately 120 radio channels on the same physical channel. Another important feature is that the same 120 frequencies can be reused in adjacent cells, as the radio channels can still be extracted. Thus there is no need for clustering as in the TDMA and FDMA systems. The attributes of the cellular CDMAOne system are given
Table 3-6 Attributes of the cellular CDMAOne system. Property Bandwidth per channel Channel spacing Cell radius Base-to-mobile frequency Mobile-to-base frequency Modulation Access method Attribute 1.23 MHz 1.25 MHz (20 kHz guard band) 220 km 869894 MHz 824849 MHz 45 MHz between transmit and receive channels. OPSK CDMA 64 radio channels per physical channel Forward: 55 trafc channels, 7 paging channels 1 pilot channel 1 sync channel Reverse: 55 trafc channels, 9 access channels 1 dB power control
in Table 3-6.
Third-Generation Radio,18 (3G) includes wideband mobile multimedia networks and broadband mixed wireless systems. The mobile systems support variable data rates depending on demand and the level of mobility. At least 144 kbps is supported for full vehicular mobility and higher bit rates for pedestrian levels of mobility. Switched packet radio techniques and wideband CDMA-like systems are required to support this bandwidthon-demand environment. Here the physical channel is shared (i.e., packetswitched) rather than the user being assigned a physical channel for exclusive use (referred to as circuit-switched). The drive for 3G systems was partly fueled by the saturation of 2G systems in many places and a desire to increase revenues by supporting high-speed data. Prior to the rollout of 3G systems, the increased demand primarily resulted from an increased consumer base rather than the emergence of signicant data trafc. The increased subscriber base was addressed by 2.5G systems, which have some of the 3G concepts, but
Third-generation radio is coordinated by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). This is a collaborative agreement of standards development organizations and other related bodies for the production of a complete set of globally applicable technical specications and reports for a 3G system, see http://www.3gpp.org.
only partially implemented. However, the belief of service providers is that the data communications will signicantly outpace voice and full implementation of 3G systems is essential. Third-generation systems are about more than increased capacity. The driving concepts are the development of a global standard that supports global roaming and supports advanced features including two-way motion video and Internet browsing. Third-generation cellular radio is dened by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) [35] and is formally called International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 (IMT-2000). The basic requirements are for a system that supports data rates up to 2 Mbps in xed environments ranging down to 144 kbps in wide area mobile environments. In 1999 the ITU adopted ve radio interfaces for IMT-2000: 1. IMT-DS Direct-Sequence CDMA, more commonly known as wideband CDMA (WCDMA) 2. IMT-MC Multi-Carrier CDMA, more commonly known as CDMA2000, the successor to CDMAOne (specically international standard IS-95) 3. IMT-SC Time-Division CDMA, which includes Time Division CDMA (TD-CDMA) and Time Division Synchronous CDMA (TD-SCDMA) 4. IMT-SC Single Carrier, more commonly known as EDGE 5. IMT-FT Frequency Time, more commonly known as DECT The dominant choices for 3G are WCDMA and CDMA2000. In October 2007 the ITU Radiocommunication Assembly included WiMax-derived technology, specically Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and MIMO, in the set of IMT-2000 standards as the sixth radio interface. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) [5] unites telecommunications standards related to 3G, and establishes a migration path from 2G to 3G and eventually beyond 3G or Long-Term Evolution (LTE). The ITU family of 3G standards are collectively known as IMT-2000 standards. The term 3GPP specication covers GSM (including GPRS and EDGE), W-CDMA, and LTE specications. EDGE has intermediate data speeds between those of GSM and WCDMA. The following terms are also used to describe networks using the 3G WCDMA specication: Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS, in Europe), UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN), and Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access (FOMA, in Japan). UMTS is the 3G successor of the GSM standard with the air interface now using WCDMA. The terminology used in UMTS, listed in part in Table 3-7, is based on the terminology used in GSM, with subtle differences. UMTS was rst deployed in Japan in 2001 (by NTT DoCoMo).
Description Authentication Center Gateway GPRS Support Node Gateway MSC Home Location Register Integrated Services Digital Network Mobile Switching Center Base station Public Switched Telephone Network Radio Network Controller Serving GPRS Support Node User Equipment Universal Subscriber Identity Module Visitor Location Register
Table 3-8 Spectrum assignments for FDD 3GPP [5, Release 8].
Band 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Uplink (MHz) 19201980 18501910 17101785 17101755 824849 830840 25002570 880915 1749.91784.9 17101770
Downlink (MHz) 21102170 19301990 18051880 21102155 869894 875885 26202690 925960 1844.91879.9 21102170
UMTS is now deployed in most regions of the world, but coverage is limited to major cities. UMTS combines the WCDMA air interface with the speech codecs and application support of GSM. The term WCDMA describes the physical interface and protocols that support it, while UMTS refers to the whole network. In most countries UMTS uses 18501910 MHz and 1920 1980, for the mobile-to-base station link (the uplink), and 19301990 MHz and 21102170 MHz for the base station-to-mobile link (the downlink). However, there are a large number of frequencies designated for FDD 3GPP with multiple band variants based on existing spectrum allocations in different geographic regions (see Table 3-8). The 3G timeline is summarized in Figure 3-15. The CDMA2000 and WCDMA paths become the single LTE path beyond 3G. The CDMA2000 (the IS-2000 standard) path builds on the original CDMA system dened
Rev A
DL: 3.1 Mbps UL: 1.8 Mbps BW: 1.25 MHz
Rev B
DL: 3.173 Mbps UL: 1.827 Mbps BW: 1.2520 MHz
DL: 2.4 Mbps UL: 153 kbps BW: 1.25 MHz
Rel9 LTE
DL: 100 Mbps UL: 50 Mbps BW: 1.2520 MHz
DL: 237 kbps UL: 237 kbps BW: 200 kHz
DL: 1.87.2 Mbps DL: 7.2 Mbps UL: 384 kbps UL: 5.8 Mbps BW: 5 MHz BW: 5 MHz
Beyond 3G
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Figure 3-15 Timeline for implementation of 3G and Long-Term Evolution (LTE). DL indicates the downlink data rate; UL indicates the uplink data rate; BW indicates the channel bandwidth. Both paths support Internet Protocol (IP) and Voice over IP (VoIP) during their evolution. The two 3G paths combine into a single LTE path.
by the IS-95 standard and commonly known as CDMAOne. CDMA2000 1xEV-DO is the rst evolution of CDMA2000 that meets the ITU basic specication for 3G. Evolution-Data Optimized (EV-DO), combines CDMA and TDMA for higher data throughput. Subsequent revisions (Rev-A and Rev-B) provide higher data rates and can use more than one 1.25 MHz frequency channel. Rev-A and Rev-B are designed to operate end-to-end as an Internet Protocol (IP)-based network. It can support any application which can operate on such a network. For voice communications it uses Voice over IP (VoIP). The WCDMA and LTE evolution is dened by releases beginning with an initial release known as Release 99 (Rel-99) [36]. The releases are designed to protect the installed investment in GSM-based 2G systems while providing a migration path to 3G and beyond. With Rel-9 and the denition of LTE, the CMDA2000 and WCDMA paths become a single LTE path. The timeline indicates the earliest adoption times, but widespread adoption is expected to be many years out, with the deployment of LTE expected to be signicant after 2015. So far the 3G schemes discussed have used FDD. China is promoting a TDD form of 3GPP, TD-CDMA. TD-CDMA has its own bands. These are shown in Table 3-9 and Bands 38 and 40 are dominant.
Table 3-9 Spectrum assignments for TDD 3GPP [5, Release 8].
Band 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Uplink (MHz) 19001920 20102025 18501910 19301990 19101930 25702620 18801920 23002400
Downlink (MHz) 1900-1920 20102025 18501920 19301990 19101930 25702620 18801920 23002400
Beyond 3G is a common designation for what many call 4G, long term evolution (LTE), or NextGen19 . There are two essential concepts beyond 3G. One of these is providing data transmission at rates of 100 Mbps while mobile and 1 Gbps while stationery. The other concept is that of pervasive networks where a handset supports many access technologies (e.g., cellular, UMTS, WiFi, etc.), perhaps simultaneously, and smoothly transitions between them. For example, to support high-speed data it is more efcient to use an available WiFi network than a UMTS network. Two technological advances that enable the high data rate concept are the bases of the evolution of cellular communications and wireless networks. One advance is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), which sends multiple relatively slow bitstreams with one of the bitstreams on each of a large number of carriers. OFDM reduces the impact of fading as symbols are spread out over relatively long periods of time. The other advance is MIMO, which relies on multipath to send multiple versions of several bitstreams transmitted from several antennas. These schemes are discussed below, and with them it is possible to greatly increase spectral efciency. LTE cannot co-exist with 3G systems and separate bands have been allocated. The bands designated by the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-2007) are listed in Table 3-10.
This is a political statement, as many wireless providers do not want 4G to be hyped while 3G is not fully adopted. There is no ofcial denition of 4G. Both LTE and WiMax have been called 4G.
Table 3-10 Frequency bands allocated by the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-2007) for LTE or 4G.
Frequency band 450470 MHz 790862 MHz ITU Reg. 1 698806 MHz ITU Reg. 2,3 23002400 MHz 34003600 MHz
Figure 3-16
In OFDM, data are simultaneously sent over multiple channels or subcarriers with the special property that the subcarriers are orthogonal and precisely spaced in frequency and time. Each subcarrier is transmitted simultaneously however. Each subcarrier is modulated so each becomes a subchannel carrying its own datastream. This is shown in the spectrum of Figure 3-16, where the arrows at the top indicate sampling points for two subcarriers. The subcarriers are ideally orthogonal. This can be seen in part by noticing that the peak of one subcarrier is at the zeros of the other subcarriers. When one subcarrier is sampled, the contribution from all other carriers is zero; they are orthogonal. The spectra of the subcarriers overlap, but this does not matter. This scheme enables high-speed data transmission over possibly hostile channels of an unregulated band. OFDM is a spread spectrum technique in that data are spread over a large number of subcarriers. Thus the impact of multipath is mitigated, as each subcarrier has a relatively narrow bandwidth, or in time, a long duration. Signal strength and interference, and hence SIR, can differ for each channel and this is compensated for by having different bit rates in each subchannel, and also by adjusting the power level in each subchannel. OFDM can be implemented by using separate modulators and demodulators for each subcarrier, however, this is rarely done. It is also possible and more practical to replace the separate modulators and demodulators by a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and an Inverse FFT (IFFT), respectively, implemented in DSP. The signal comprising all of the subcarriers is then modulated onto a single RF carrier. This FFT/IFFT implementation of OFDM is
Table 3-11 Modulation formats of the OFDM WLAN system denoted by IEEE Standard 802.11a, generally known as WiFi [3739]. Data rate (Mbps) 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54 Modulation BPSK BPSK QPSK QPSK 16QAM 16QAM 16QAM 64QAM Coding rate 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 2/3 Coded bits per subcarrier 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 6 Code bits per OFDM symbol 48 48 64 96 192 192 288 288 Data bits per OFDM symbol 24 36 48 72 96 144 192 216
called Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) or OFDM/DMT. Here the subcarriers share a common carrier and the frequency outputs of the FFT of the datastream are the subcarriers. Generally each subcarrier has its own bitstream and the total bitstream is carried on perhaps 256 subcarriers. With Forward Error Correction (FEC) coding, a large fraction of the bits could be lost (because individual subcarriers collide with other signals), but the datastream can still be recovered. Unfortunately the Peak-to-Average power Ratio (PAR) of OFDM is large. An approximation of the problem is to view an OFDM signal as the composite of a large number of tones. In practice, the PAR is reduced through clipping of the signal in DSP (and hence some data are lost). However, using error correction coding, it is possible to correct and recover from these errors and recover the missing bits. In the ideal situation the subcarriers are orthogonal, but timing and frequency offsets cause the subchannels to interfere with each other. This interference can be reduced by limiting the number of subchannels and using special pulse shapes that are more robust to timing errors. OFDM is the transmission method for digital radio, digital TV (in Europe), high-speed wireless local and metropolitan area networks (WLAN and WMAN respectively; e.g., WiFi20 and WiMax 21 ), and broadband Internet over phone lines in Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). OFDM achieves close to maximum spectral efciency. The OFDM system implemented in the IEEE Standard 802.11a, one form of WiFi, uses several modulation formats with different throughputs (see Table 3-11). The difference between the number of data bits per symbol and the number of coded bits per symbol is the coding added in the DSP for error correction and to provide additional information
20 21
Specically IEEE 802.11a WLAN standard achieving 54 Mbps [3739]. Specically IEEE 802.16 WMAN standard achieving 18.36 Mbps [4042].
Table 3-12 Modulation formats of the OFDM WLAN system, denoted IEEE Standard 802.16d, with a 5 MHz bandwidth, generally known as WiMax [4042]. Data rate (Mbps) 1.89 3.95 6.00 8.06 12.18 16.30 18.36 Modulation BPSK QPSK QPSK 16QAM 16QAM 64QAM 64QAM Coding Rate 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 2/3 3/4 Coded bits per subcarrier 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 4.5 Code bits per OFDM symbol 176 368 512 752 752 1140 1136 Data bits per OFDM symbol 88 184 280 376 568 760 856
about the channel. The ratio of the number of data bits to the total number of bits (useful data bits plus forward error correction code bits) is the coding rate or code rate. The system described in IEEE Standard 802.16, generally known as WiMax, also uses OFDM. It is designed to cover a wide geographical area and hence is designated as WMAN. It is a cellular system implementing universal frequency reuse with cells that are typically a few kilometers in diameter. The downlink throughput typically averages 3 Mbps over a 5 MHz bandwidth when there is a single antenna at the receiver and with a trisector transmit antenna. In the same 5 MHz bandwidth 7 Mbps can be achieved with two receive antennas and with six-sector cells (and hence lower interference from other cells). WiMax uses several modulation formats, as shown in Table 3-12. Higher-order modulation such as 64QAM can only be achieved when interference is low. WiMax has been specied to operate in frequency bands from 2 to 66 GHz, with few bands requiring licenses. Most activity is below 6 GHz with most systems expected to operate in the 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz, or 5 GHz bands. With mesh networking capability, WiMax nodes will simultaneously operate in subscriber station and base station modes. WiMax handles multiple users efciently. In WiFi subscriber units compete to connect to an Access Point (AP), creating collisions when there are multiple users and a rapid degradation in the quality of service (QoS) In WiMax the AP assigns a time slot that a terminal unit uses indenitely. The time slot can change in length, but collisions are avoided.
OFDMA is the multi-user version of OFDM that supports simultaneous communication by multiple users and so is an access technology. In OFDM, multiple orthogonal subcarriers are used with each subcarrier carrying an
TRANSMIT A a bit stream B Mapping & b bit stream Modulation C MULTIPATH CHANNEL
c bit stream
A MIMO system showing multiple paths between each transmit antenna and each receive
independent bitstream. In OFDMA, generally one or more subcarriers is assigned to a particular user and this are orthogonal to the subcarriers used by other users. (It is possible, however, for users to share subcarriers if other schemes are used to separate users.) OFDMA assigns subcarriers to a particular user for a specic time period. OFDMA is also known as multiuser-OFDM and is used in the WiMax Wireless MAN air interface standard.
Multiple input, multiple output (MIMO, pronounced my-moe) technology uses multiple antennas to transmit and receive signals. The MIMO concept was developed in the 1990s [43, 44] and implemented in a variety of WLAN systems and evolving cellular communications standards. There are several aspects to MIMO. First, each transmit antenna sends different datastreams simultaneously on the same frequency channel as other transmit antennas. The most interesting feature is that MIMO relies on signals traveling on multiple paths between an array of transmit antennas and an array of receive antennas. In a conventional communications system the various paths result in interference and fading, but in MIMO these paths are used to carry more information. In a MIMO system, each path propagates an image of one transmitted signal (from one antenna) that differs in both amplitude and phase from the images following other paths. Each image arrives at one of the receive antennas at slightly different times and the phase differences are used to differentiate between them. Effectively there are multiple connections between each transmit antenna and each receive antenna (see Figure 3-17). For simplicity, three transmit antennas and three receive antennas are shown. MIMO, however, can work with as few as two transmit antennas and one receive antenna, but the capacity is much higher with more. The high-speed datastream is split into several slower datastreams, shown in Figure 3-17 as the a, b, and c datastreams.
The bitstreams are mapped so different versions of the datastreams are combined, modulated, and sent from each transmit antenna, with the constellation diagrams labeled A, B, and C. The signal from each transmit antenna reaches all of the receive antennas by following different paths. The output of each receive antenna is a linear combination of the multiple transmitted datastreams, with the sampled RF phasor diagrams labeled M, N, and O. (It is not really appropriate to call these constellation diagrams.) That is, each receive antenna has a different linear combination of the multiple images. In effect, the output from each receive antenna can be thought of as the solution of a linear equation, with each path corresponding to an equation. Continuing the analogy, the signal from each transmit antenna represents a variable. So the set of simultaneous equations can be solved to obtain the original bitstreams. This is accomplished by demodulation and mapping with some knowledge of the channel characteristics, yielding the original transmitted signals modied by interference. The result is that the constellation diagrams W, X, and Y are obtained. The composite channel can be characterized using test signals. Special coding called space-time (or spatiotemporal) coding embedded in the transmitted datastream also enables estimation of the communication matrix. Space-time coding encodes each transmitted datastream with information that can be used to assist in reconstructing the signals on the others. This is more robust than characterizing the channel with test signals sent at a different time. The capacity of a MIMO system with high SIR scales approximately linearly with the minimum of M and N , min(M, N ), where M is the number of transmit antennas and N is the number of receive antennas (provided that there is a rich set of paths) [45, 46]. So a system with M = N = 4 will have four times the capacity of a system with just one transmit antenna and one receive antenna. Table 3-13 presents the capacity of a MIMO system with ideal PSK modulation (i.e., without modications to control PAR) and two transmit and two receive antennas. This is compared to the capacity of a conventional (non-MIMO) system. The capacity is presented in bits per second per hertz and it is seen that signicant increases in throughput are obtained when SIR is high. MIMO is incorporated in the WiMax (IEEE 802.16d) and WiFi (IEEE 802.11n) standards, where spectral efciencies of 6.35 bs1 Hz1 have been achieved in commercial systems. In summary, MIMO systems achieve throughput and range improvements through four gains achieved simultaneously: 1. Array gain resulting from increased average received SNR obtained by coherently combining the incoming and outgoing signals. To exploit this the channel must be characterized. This increases coverage and QoS. 2. Diversity gain obtained by presenting the receiver with multiple
Table 3-13 Capacity of MIMO schemes with PSK modulation for different received SIRs compared to the maximum capacity of a conventional non-MIMO scheme. M is the number of transmit antennas, N is the number of receive antennas. Data are from He and Georghiades [47]. Modulation scheme Capacity bs1 Hz1 (bits per second per hertz) Non-MIMO MIMO with M = 2, N = 2 M = 1, N = 1 SIR SIR SIR SIR maximum 0 dB 10 dB 20 dB 30 dB 1 2 3 4 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 2 3.7 4.8 4.9 2 4 6 7.5 2 4 6 8
identical copies of a given signal. This combats fading. This also increases coverage and QoS. 3. Multiplexing gain by transmitting independent data signals from different antennas to increase throughput. This increases spectral efciency. 4. Cochannel interference reduction. This increases cellular capacity. MIMO can be combined with spreading to obtain a scheme denoted as MIMO-CDMA. MIMO-CDMA achieves greater capacity than MIMOOFDM when SIR is low, generally below 10 dB [48]. At high SIR, however, MIMO-OFDM achieves higher capacity than MIMO-CDMA.
Spectrum Utilization
Allocation of the EM spectrum is controlled by governments with a reasonable degree of coordination through the ITU. The spectrum is divided into nonoverlapping blocks of frequencies with restrictions to specic geographic areas, technical characteristics, output power levels, and applications. Generally, rigid specications are required to avoid interference with other users. The structure of frequency assignment in the EM spectrum and the control of spectrum usage is essential to radio technology development which utilizes xed frequency, narrowband circuits, and architectures. It is also much easier to develop RF hardware for xed narrowband systems. Another important factor is that spectrum assignment has enabled auctions of spectrum bands and a signicant source of revenue for governments; no government will relinquish this revenue easily. Owners of spectrum are also quite pleased with the current system, as they can be reasonably sure of being free of interference. It is important to have a predictable medium after signicant investments in
capital expenditure (CapEx) and license costs. However, a big price has been paid for the current situation. For many years there have been claims that the spectrum is crowded and that the spectrum is a limited resource, resulting in what is called spectrum crowding. This is a consequence of the assignment of specic bands for specic purposes and dedicated, except for a few ISM bands, to licensed operators.22 The latest paradigm shift in spectrum assignments has been the adoption of cellular radio technology, which, in part, addresses this problem of limited spectrum. In radio systems, the concept of avoiding interference is central to the assignment of spectrum utilization to geographic areas. This promotes the move to higher frequencies of operation, higher licensing fees (through competitive bidding), and domination of the industry often by very large enterprises. However, there are signicant changes under way. WiFi is having a tremendous impact, with signicant erosion of the price of wireless connectivity. WiFi has been quickly adopted by consumers and many stores and cities are installing open WiFi systems to attract customers. WiFi operates in two bands around 2.4 GHz and 5.6 GHz, but other than that it is fairly loose, with individual radio units determining the best conditions under which to operate. The shared spectrum movement enables different vendors to share the same spectrum and to rent spectrum as needed per use. Commercial exploitation of shared spectrum began in 2008 using cognitive radio. This is a new paradigm where a radio senses its environment and decides how to make best use of it. Many different kinds of radio units have been consideredsophisticated signal processing is enabling RF hardware to be multifunctional, operate in a number of bands, and implement a number of functions (GPS, cellular, etc.). In the case of cellular radio handsets some units have a common transmit amplier covering the 1 GHz and 2 GHz bands. Antenna systems are being built that can operate from 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz. All this leads to a radical idea for the use of the EM spectrum. The idea is to develop wideband hardware that adaptively utilizes the spectrum. One approach is to sniff out the EM environment and use spectrum that is not currently being utilized, even if it is in a licensed band. The promise is a dramatic increase in spectrum utilization. Implementing these ideas will require signicant changes to the regulatory environment. Concepts of renting spectrum are being thought through. Much more likely in the long term is the idea of transmitting signals at power levels signicantly below the noise oorso called UltraWideband Systems (UWB).
This has its roots in the Titanic shipwreck aftermath. A decision that was necessary at the time, but which had a signicant impact on the development of radio.
Vehicular Evolved 3G Mobility Pedestrian WCDMA CDMA GSM Stationary /EDGE 0.1 1
Figure 3-18 Data rate capacity of evolved 3G and beyond cellular communications. LTE is long term evolution which is also called 4G.
With the advent of MIMO it is necessary to modify Shannons capacity limit as MIMO systems can exceed the limit dened for a single channel. Shannons capacity limit for a MIMO system becomes C = Bc ln(1 + SIR H) (3.22)
where H is a MIMO capacity factor that depends on min(M, N ) [45]. There seems little doubt that 4G cellular communication technologies will be based on a combination of OFDM and MIMO (MIMO-OFDM) or a combination of MIMO and CDMA (MIMO-CDMA). There is a tremendous increase in channel carrying capacity, especially when the SIR is high. The data rate capacity of 2G systems (GSM and CDMA) is contrasted with the capacity of 3G (WCDMA) and what are called evolved 3G and 4G systems in Figure 3-18. Evolved 3G incorporates many of the features of 4G. Fourth generation (4G), including LTE, is the implementation of MIMO and OFDM or CDMA technologies with space-time coding. achieving packet-switched low-latency data transmission at mobile rates up to 100 Mbps and rates while stationary of 1 Gbps. Some 4G systems will use multiple channels, including multiple standards simultaneously. The dening characteristic of 4G will be universal pervasiveness.
Radar Systems
Radar uses EM signals to determine the range, altitude, direction, and speed of objects called targets by looking at the signals received from transmitted signals called radar waveforms. The earliest use of EM signals to detect targets was demonstrated in 1904 by Christian Hulsmeyer using a spark gap
Table 3-14 IEEE radar bands and applications. Band HF VHF UHF L S C X Frequency 330 MHz 30300 MHz 0.31 GHz 12 GHz 24 GHz 48 GHz 812 GHz Wavelength 10100 m 110 m 1 m30 cm 1530 cm 7.515 cm 3.757.5 cm 2.53.75 cm Application Over-the-horizon radar, oceanographic mapping Oceanographic mapping, atmospheric monitoring, longrange search Long-range surveillance, foliage penetration, ground penetration, atmospheric monitoring Satellite imagery, mapping, long-range surveillance, environmental monitoring Weather radar, air trafc control, surveillance, search, IFF (identify, friend or foe) Hydrologic radar, topography, re control, weather Cloud radar, air-to-air missile seeker, maritime, air turbulence, police radar, high-resolution imaging, perimeter surveillance Remote sensing, short-range re control, perimeter surveillance; pronounced kay-you Police radar, weapon guidance, remote sensing, perimeter surveillance, weapon guidance; pronounced kay-a Perimeter surveillance, remote sensing, weapon guidance Perimeter surveillance, remote sensing, weapon guidance
Ku Ka V W
generator [49]. This system was promoted as a system to avoid collisions of ships and detected the direction of targets only. Research contributed to further developments, with a signicant acceleration during World War II. Radar is now a word in its own right, but in 1941 the term RADAR was created as an acronym for radio detection and ranging. In a radar system, typically a high-gain antenna such as a parabolic antenna is used to transmit a radar signal, but always a high-gain antenna is used to receive the signal. If the same antenna is used for transmit and receive (but possibly two similar antennas at the same site) the system is called a monostatic radar (see Figure 3-19(a)). Radar with transmit and receive antennas at different sites is called bistatic radar (shown in Figure 3-19(b)). In a monostatic radar using the same antenna for transmit and receive, the space is painted with a radar signal and the received signal captured after the propagation delay from the antenna to the target and back again. A radar image can then be developed. It is only necessary, however, that the receive antenna move. In many radars the receive antenna is mechanically steered and often a regular rotation is used. With so-called synthetic aperture radars, a platform such as an aircraft moves the radar in one direction and a onedimensional mechanical or electrical scan enables a two-dimensional image to be developed.
Figure 3-19 Radar system: (a) monostatic radar with the same site used for transmission of the radar signal and receipt of the reection from the target; and (b) bistatic radar with different transmit and receive sites.
(a) CW
(c) CW/FM
(d) PSKcoded
+ _ +
Figure 3-20 Radar waveforms: (a) continuous wave; (b) pulsed wave; (c) frequency modulated continuous wave; and (d) phase-encoded (PSK-coded) waveform.
The categories of radar waveforms are shown in Figure 3-20. The continuous wave (CW) waveform shown in Figure 3-20(a) is on all or most of the time and is used to detect a reection from a target. This reected signal is much smaller than the transmitted signal and it can be difcult to separate the transmitted and received signals. A monostatic CW radar architecture is shown Figure 3-21(a), where a circulator23 is used to separate
Amplifier Mixer
Received Signal
Amplifier Mixer
Figure 3-21 Radar architectures: (a) CW radar; (b) CW Doppler radar; (c) CW Doppler radar with separate transmit and receive antennas; and (d) bistatic CW Doppler radar.
the transmitted and received signals. The received signal is converted to digital form using an ADC and the bandwidth of the ADC with the required dynamic range determines the limit on the bandwidth of the radar signal. Generally the broader the bandwidth, the better the radar system is at identifying objects. A CW signal can be used to develop an image, but is not good at determining the range of a target. For this, a pulsed radar waveform, as shown in Figure 3-20(b), is better. The repetition period, TR , is more than the round-trip time to the target, thus the time interval between the transmitted signal and the returned signal can be used to estimate range. Direction is determined by the orientation of the antenna. The CW architecture can also be used with pulsed radar. In pulsed radar, the signal received contains the desired target signal, multipath and echoes, and clutter, as shown in Figure 3-22(a). These effects also appear in the signal received in CW radar, but it is much easier to see in pulsed radar. Identifying clutter and multipath effects is a major topic in radar processing. Alternative waveforms, especially digitally modulated waveforms, aid in extracting the desired information. The frequency modulated waveform, or chirp waveform, in Figure 3-20(c) will have a reection that will also be chirped, and the difference between the frequency being transmitted and that received indicates the range of the target, provided that the target is not
Circulators are considered in Section 7.15 on Page 406. For the circulator shown, power entering Port 1 of a circulator leaves at Port 2 and power entering Port 2 is delivered to Port 3. So Ports 1 and 3 are isolated.
0 Clutter Target Return
Figure 3-22
moving. The radar architecture that can be used to extract this information is shown in Figure 3-21(b). The directional couplers24 tap off a small part of the transmit signal and use it as the LO of a mixer with the received signal as input. A similar architecture is shown in Figure 3-21(c), but now separate transmit and receive antennas are used to separate the transmitted and received signals rather than using a circulator. Better separation of the transmitted and received signals can be obtained this way. The IF that results is proportional to the range of the target. The power of the signal reected by the target and captured by the receive antenna is given by the radar equation: PR = PT GT AR F 4 2 2 , (4)2 RT RR (3.23)
where PT is the transmit power delivered to the transmit antenna, GT is the antenna gain of the transmitter, AR is the affective aperture area of the receive antenna, is the radar cross section of the target, F is the pattern propagation factor, RT is the distance from the transmitter to the target, and
Table 3-15
Doppler frequency shifts for targets moving toward a radar at speed vR . Radar frequency, fT 500 MHz 2 GHz 10 GHz 40 GHz Relative speed, vR 100 km/hr 1000 km/hr 92.6 Hz 370.4 Hz 1.852 kHz 7.407 kHz 925.9 kHz 3.704 kHz 18.519 kHz 74.074 kHz
RR is the distance from the target to the receiver. F captures the effective loss due to multipath, which was captured in communications by introducing a signal dependence of 1/dn , where n ranges from 2 to 4 depending on the environment. In free space, F = 1. If the same antenna is used for transmit and receive, and if multipath is not important (so F = 1), then Equation (3.23) becomes PT GT AR PR = , (3.24) (4)2 R4 where R = RT = RR . In Section 2.5.4 on Page 79 the antenna effective area is related to the antenna gain. From Equation (2.25), AR = GR 2 , 4 (3.25)
If a signal of frequency fT is transmitted, then the received signal will be at frequency fR = fT + fD fR = fT fD (target moving toward the radar) (target moving away from the radar), (3.27) (3.28)
where vR is the radial component of the speed of the object relative to the radar and c is the speed of light. Typical Doppler shifts are shown in Table 3-15. If the target is moving, then there will be a Doppler shift. If the target is moving toward a CW radar, then the frequency of the returned signal will be higher, as shown in Figure 3-22(b). A similar architecture to that
used with chirp radar can be used (see Figures 3-21(b) and 3-21(c)). The concept can be extended to bistatic radars, but now the LO reference must be generated. As was seen with digitally modulated signals, the frequency of the transmit carrier can be recovered for digitally modulated signals such the PSK-encoded signals shown in Figure 3-20(d). Advanced highend radars use digital modulation and CDMA-like waveforms and exploit space-time coding. Typically the radar waveforms to be transmitted are chirped, which is a technique that takes the desired transmit waveform and stretches it out in time so that it can be more efciently amplied and more power can be transmitted. At the receiver, the radar signal is compressed in time so that it corresponds to the original transmit signal prior to chirping. It should be apparent that radars and radar waveforms can be optimized for imaging or exploiting Doppler shifts to track moving targets. Imaging is suitable when there is little clutter, such as looking into the air. However, it is difcult to detect targets such as cars that are moving on the ground. So-called ground moving target indication radar (GMTI) relies on Doppler shifts to discriminate moving targets, and then the ability to image accurately is compromised. Considerable effort is devoted to developing waveforms that are difcult to detect (stealthy) and are optimized for either imaging or GMTI. Another important radar variant is synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which utilizes the movement of the radar platform, generally an aircraft, and is used in remote sensing and mapping. SAR yields static imagery and DSP produces a very narrow effective beam derived from the movement of the platform.
Radiometer System
A radiometer measures the power in EM radiation predominantly at microwave frequencies and most commonly measures noise. Radiometers are used in remote sensing and radio astronomy, especially by satellites and aircraft. Understanding the physical process that creates uncorrelated radiation enables vegetation, air and sea temperatures, ice coverage, ocean salinity, and other surface and atmospheric sources to be identied from the spectrum captured by a radiometer. Radiometers monitor discrete windows of the spectrum, particularly at frequencies corresponding to molecular resonances. A radiometer includes a mechanism for rapid calibration, quickly switching between the object being observed and another object serving as a calibrated noise source. In aircraft and on land, the calibration source is a resistor, often held at low temperatures, and switching uses what is called a Dicke switch. A satellite-based radiometer is shown in Figure 323, and instead of a Dicke switch, the calibration is obtained by switching the antenna beam between the observed region (beam A) and an empty area of space (beam B). With a Dicke switch or antenna beam switching,
Mixer Amplifier LO
Figure 3-23 Radiometer: (a) heterodyne architecture showing calibration switch; and (b) satellite radiometer that switches between two beams, one oriented at the region being monitored and the other the much colder space which serves as calibration.
Radio frequency and microwave design continues to rapidly evolve, responding to new communication, radar, and sensor architectures and exploiting opportunities made available with monolithic integration. An advanced integrated comunications system incorporates several important trends and desired attributes: 1. Direct digital synthesis (DDS): This requires the use of fast digitalto-analog and analog-to-digital converters to directly produce and sample RF signals, with minimum mixers eliminated entirely. For systems operating in the low gigahertz region, it can be expected that mixers are eliminated entirely. For millimeter wave communications, the number of mixers would be reduced to one. 2. Digitization: The concentration of functionality in the digital domain. The availability of enormous computing complexity with low DC power requirements facilitates novel approaches to low-power wireless design. Improved performance relative to the traditional analog circuit implementation can be accomplished using digital signal processing techniques. 3. Reprogrammable transceiver module: The combination of the above functions leads to a reprogrammable universal transmit/receive (T/R) module. This is a wireless solution that can adapt to changes in communication standards and frequency bands through changes in the DSP program.
4. Linearization: Digital predistortion technique based in DSP. An optimum predistortion function will be developed by macromodeling the nonlinear transmit path. 5. Adaptivity: Adaptable, switchable, and tunable RF and microwave components are becoming available. Components becoming available are tunable capacitors based on micromachining technology (MEMS), ferroelectrics, and MEMS switches. Tunable subsystem components include tunable lters, delay lines, and phase shifters. Radio frequency systems will continue their rapid pace of evolution.
1. Write your name in Morse code (see Table 3-1). 2. A new communication system is being investigated for sending data to a printer. The system will use GMSK modulation and a channel with 25 MHz bandwidth and a bit rate of 10 Mbps. The modulation format will result in a spectrum that distributes power almost uniformly over the 25 MHz bandwidth. [Parallels Example 3.1 on Page 122] (a) What is the processing gain? (b) If the received RF SIR is 6 dB, what is the effective system SIR (or Eb /No ) after DSP. Express your answer in decibels. (c) What is the system BER prior to the use of error correction coding? Use Figure 115(b) noting that GMSK is a type of FSK modulation. 3. Research at Bell Labs in the 1960s showed that the minimum acceptable SIR that was comfortable in voice communications is 17 dB. This applies to analog modulated signals, but not digitally modulated signals, where BER is important. Consider a seven-cell cluster. If the power falls off as 1/d3 , where d is distance (this corresponds to a suburban environment), determine the worst possible SIR considering only interference from other radios. The worst situation will be when a mobile handset is at the edge of its cell. To do this you need to estimate the distance from the handset to the other base stations (in neighboring clusters) that are operating at the same power levels.
Consider the cells to be hexagons. Develop a symbolic expression for the total interference signal level at the handset, assuming that all base stations are radiating at the same power level, P . You can be reasonably approximate in determining distances. For example, each distance can be expressed in terms of integer multiples of cell radii, R. Is the 17 dB SIR achieved with analog radio? 4. Short answer questions. Each part requires a short paragraph of about ve lines and a gure, where appropriate, to illustrate your understanding. (a) Cellular communications systems use two frequency bands to communicate between the base station and the mobile unit. The bands are generally separated by 50 MHz or so. Which band (higher or lower) is used for the downlink from the base station to the mobile unit and what are the reasons behind this choice? (b) Describe at least two types of interference in a cellular system from the perspective of a mobile handset. (c) The three main cellular communication bands are centered around 450 MHz, 900 MHz, and 2 GHz. Compare these three bands in terms of multipath effects, diffraction around buildings, object (such as a wall) penetration, scattering from trees and parts of trees, and the ability to follow the curvature of hills. You can use a table and indicate the relative attributes: HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW.
5. An antenna with a gain of 10 dB presents a signal with a power of 5 dBm to a low-noise amplier along with noise of 1 mW and an interfering signal of 2 mW. (a) What is the SIR? Include both noise and the interfering signal in your calculation. Express your answer in decibels. (b) The modulation format and coding scheme used have a processing gain, GP , of 7 dB. The modulation scheme has four states. What is the ratio of the energy per bit to the noise per bit, that is, what is the effective Eb /No ? 6. Describe the following concepts and, if applicable, the reason behind their usage. (a) Clusters in a cellular phone system. (b) Multipath effects in a central city area compared to multipath effects in a desert. (c) There are three major cell phone frequency bands centered at 450 MHz, 900 MHz, and 1900 MHz. Contrast operation of a cell phone system at these different frequency bands in terms of performance, number of users supported, cell size, and signal propagation. 7. The power of a received signal is 1 pW and the received noise power is 200 fW. In addition the level of the interfering signals is 100 fW. What is the signal to noise ratio? Treat interference as if it was an additional noise signal. 8. A 4 kHz bandwidth voise signal is coded as an 8 kbps data stream. Coding increases the data stream to 64 kbps. What is the processing gain that can be achieved at the receiver? 9. If a received signal as an SIR of 5 dB and the processing gain that can be achieved for the
moudlation and coding used is 15 dB, what is the Eb /N0 after processing? 10. Short answer questions on modulation and spectral efciency. (a) What is the PAR of a phase modulated signal? (b) In less than ve lines explain your understanding of spectral efciency as it relates to bits per hertz. That is, how can you have a spectral efciency of n bits/Hz where n is more than 1? [Note that sometimes this is expressed as bits/sec/Hz as well as bits/Hz.] (c) What is the spectral efciency of a QPSK modulated signal? Ignore the impact of the number of cells in a cluster. (d) A proposed modulation format has a spectral efciency of 3.5 bits/sec/Hz. Antenna sectoring and required SNR lead to a system with seven cells per cluster. You can ignore the impact of coding so you can assume that Rb = Rc . What is the spectral efciency in terms of bits/sec/Hz/cell modulated signal? 11. Short answer questions. Each part requires a short paragraph of about ve lines and a gure, where appropriate, to illustrate your understanding. (a) Explain how OFDM reduces the impact of multiple paths in a wireless communication system. (b) Explain how MIMO exploits multipath to enhance the capacity of a digital communication system.
Transmission Lines
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Substrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission Line Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modeling of Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission Line Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Terminated Lossless Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Cases of Lossless Terminated Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Impedance of a Terminated Lossy Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Microstrip Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Microstrip Design Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission Line Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 171 174 174 178 179 194 215 220 221 229 232 236 238 238
A transmission line stores electric and magnetic energy distributed in space and alternating between the two forms in time. That is, at any position along the line the energy is stored in a combination of electric and magnetic forms and, for an alternating signal at any position on the line, converted from one form to the other as time progresses. As such, a transmission line has a circuit form that combines inductors, Ls (for the magnetic energy), capacitors, Cs (for the electric energy), and resistors, Rs (modeling losses), whose values are dependent on the geometry of the line and the properties of the materials comprising the line. Thus transmission lines of various lengths and crosssections mimic circuits. Distributed structures,
Rs , Vs(t)
(a)two-wire line
V (t) s
(c) coaxial cable Figure 4-1 Several homogeneous transmission line structures: (a) two-wire line; (b) strip-above-ground plane; and (c) coaxial cable.
of which transmission lines are the most fundamental members, are what distinguishes RF, microwave, packaging, and high-speed digital design from lumped-element (R, L, and C) circuit design. In this chapter the properties of transmission lines are considered. It will be seen how they can be modeled using lumped elements and it will be seen how simple lumpedelement circuits can be realized using combinations of transmission lines, and how transmission lines can be used to achieve surprising functionality beyond that which can be achieved with lumped-element circuits. The discussion of transmission lines introduces concepts that apply to all distributed structures. The transmission lines considered here are systems of two or more closely spaced parallel conductors.1 For now, the discussion is restricted to considering just two parallel conductors, as shown in Figure 4-1(a), with the distance between the two wires being substantially smaller than the wavelengths of the signals on the line. Then the structure may be satisfactorily analyzed on the basis of voltages and currents. As the frequency increases, and therefore the wavelength becomes smaller, and the
Rectangular waveguide is a transmission line that has just one conductor. Dielectric lines can have no conductor.
crosssectional dimensions become electrically larger, it becomes necessary to set up a complete EM eld solution in order to analyze the structures. By considering only transmission lines where electrically small transverse line dimensions2 prevail, a number of useful results are obtained on a voltage and current basis. The theory thus developed is called distributed circuit theory. Metallic conductors forming a transmission line are crystals with positively charged ions locked into position in a regular lattice. Each ion comprises a nucleus of an atom which is positively charged and a complement of electrons local to each atom which almost, but not quite, balances the positive charge locally. In a metallic crystal there are free electrons shared by several ions, with the overall effect that the positive and negative charges are balanced and the free electrons can wander around the lattice. The movement of charge results in a magnetic eld, and hence magnetic energy storage. The ability of a structure to store magnetic energy is described by its inductance, L. Similarly the rearrangement of charge to produce localized net positive or negative charge on one conductor of the pair is matched by an opposing charge on the adjacent conductor. This separation of charge results in an electric eld, and thus electric energy storage, with the capacitance, C, indicating the amount of energy that can be stored. The ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic and electric forms is proportional to L/C and the rate at which the energy can be moved is proportional to 1/ LC; together these determine the characteristics of the transmission line. A lossless transmission line is generally characterized by its characteristic impedance: Z0 = L/C , (4.1)
which in the SI system has the units of inverse meters (m1 ). Another way of looking at transmission lines is that they conne and guide an EM eld between them. In fact, transmission lines are also, but less commonly, called waveguides. Many structures can successfully guide waves, and two additional ones are shown in Figures 4-1(b) and 4-1(c). The strip-aboveground transmission line shown in Figure 4-1(b) connes the EM eld mostly between the at metal strip and the metallic ground plane below it. However, some energy is distributed above and to the sides of the lines so that the EM energy is not completely conned. As long as the distance between the strip and the ground plane is less than half a wavelength of the signal on the line, the energy will follow the strip along its length and
around bends, etc. When the separation is more than one-half wavelength EM energy will radiate away from the line. The coaxial line shown in Figure 4-1(c) completely connes the eld between the inner conductor and the outer conductor. Now, if the spacing between the conductors is less than one-half wavelength the elds will, in general, be coherently guided in what is called a single mode. With some structures, such as the strip-aboveground line of Figure 4-1(b), there is an additional criterion that the width of the strip be less than /2. In low-frequency analog and digital circuits, transmission lines are often referred to as interconnects and can be viewed simply as wires, and provided that the wire has sufciently low resistance, the interconnect can be largely ignored. However, if transmission must be over a nonnegligible distance compared to a wavelength (), then the interconnect must be considered as part of the circuit. The earliest fundamental understanding of signal transmission led to telegraphy over distances. The critical theoretical step that enabled transmission over more than short distances to be achieved was the development of an understanding of signal transmission on lines using what is now called phasor analysis.3 The mathematician and engineer Oliver Heaviside [50] developed the frequency-domain-based treatment of signal propagation on transmission lines. Frequency-domain analysis (i.e., using phasors) is still the best way to develop a fundamental understanding of transmission lines, even if they are used for purely digital signals. The key determinant of whether a transmission line can be considered as an invisible connection is whether the signal anywhere along the interconnect has the same value at a particular instant. If the value of the signal (say, voltage) varies along the line (at an instant), then it may be necessary to consider transmission line effects. A typical criterion used is that if the length of the interconnect is less than 1/20 of the wavelength of the highest-frequency component of a signal, then transmission line effects can be safely ignored and the circuit can be modeled as a single RLC circuit [51]. The actual threshold used/20, /10, or /5is based on experience and the particular application. For example, an interconnect on a silicon chip clocking at 4 GHz has an appreciable frequency component at 20 GHz. Then the interconnect reaches the /10 threshold when it is 4.5 mm long. This is less than the dimensions of most chips, which can be up to 2 cm on a side. Thus it takes a nite time for the variation of a voltage at one end of an interconnect to impact the voltage at the other end. The ultimate limit
A phasor is a complex number that combines the amplitude and phase of a sinewave. With transmission line equations, the introduction of phasors eliminates time dependence from the equations and the dimensionality of the equations is reduced by one. Also, in circuit analysis, when phasors are introduced, differential equations in time become algebraic equations, which are much easier to handle. When phasors are used, no information on frequency is retained.
is determined by the speed of light, c, but this is reduced by the relative permittivity and permeability of the material in which the elds exist. The relative permittivity and permeability describe the effect of excess potential energy storage in the material in a manner that is analogous to storing mechanical energy in a spring.
A coaxial line (Figure 4-2(a)) is the quintessential transmission line, as it is one of the few transmission line structures that can be described exactly from rst principles4 when there is no loss. Here a realistic coaxial line is considered with conductors having a small amount of loss, a structure that does not have an exact solution. When a positive voltage pulse is applied to the center conductor of the coaxial line, an electric eld results that is essentially directed from the center conductor to the outer conductor. A much smaller component of the electric eld will also be directed along the line. The direction of the electric eld is the direction in which a positive charge would move if it was released into the eld. The component of the eld that is directed along the shortest path from the center conductor to the outer conductor (in what is called the transverse plane) is denoted ET , and the component directed along the line is denoted EL . (The subscripts T and L denote transverse and longitudinal components, respectively.) Thus, while EL ET , it is necessary to accelerate electrons on the conductors and so give rise to current ow, and hence the movement of the pulse along the line. Figure 4-2(b) shows the elds in the structure after the pulse has started moving along the line. This is shown in another view in Figure 4-3. The transverse voltage, VT , is given by ET integrated along a path between the inner and outer conductors: VT ET (a b). This is a good measure, provided that the transverse dimensions are sufciently small compared to a wavelength (otherwise the integral does not come out so simply, as it is path dependent). The pulse moves down the lossless line at the phase velocity, vp .5 It is determined by the physical properties of the region between the conductors. The permittivity, , describes the energy storage capability associated with the electric eld, E, and the energy storage associated with magnetic eld, H, is described by the permeability, . (Both and are properties of the
Applying Maxwells equations and assuming perfect conductors and using cylindrical symmetry and phasors reduces the dimensionality of the problem from four dimensions (the three spatial dimensions plus time) to two spatial dimensions. Maxwells equations are discussed in Appendix D. Specically, the phase velocity is the apparent velocity of a point of constant phase on a sinewave. While vp can vary with frequency, it is almost frequency independent for a lowloss coaxial line of relatively small transverse dimensions (less than /10).
z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8
Figure 4-2 A coaxial transmission line: (a) three-dimensional view; (b) the line with pulsed voltage source showing the electric elds at an instant in time as a voltage pulse travels down the line.
Figure 4-3 Fields, currents, and charges on the coaxial transmission line of Figure 4-2.
This is derived from Maxwells equations; there is no underlying theory for these equations, but they have been veried by numerous experiments.
permeability. These are physical constants and have the values: Permittivity of free space Permeability of free space 0 = 8.854 1012 Fm1 0 = 4 107 Hm1
One conclusion here is that EM energy can be stored in a vacuum (or free space). So in free space, or on an air-lled coaxial line, vp = c = 1/ 0 0 = 8 1 3 10 ms . The wavelengths, 0 = c/f , at several different frequencies are f 0 100 MHz 3m 1 GHz 30 cm 10 GHz 3.0 cm
These are dimensions comparable to the sizes of many circuits. Commonly 0 is used to indicate the wavelength in free space and g , the guide wavelength, is used to denote the wavelength of a transmission line (or waveguide). A dielectric cannot have a dielectric constant less than 0 , and so it is convenient to use the relative permittivity (or the less commonly used term dielectric constant), r , dened as r = /0 . Similarly the relative permeability is r = /0 , (4.5) (4.4)
and most materials have r = 1. The permittivity, permeability, and conductivity of materials used in RF and microwave circuits are given in Appendix C. EXAMPLE 4. 1 Transmission Line Wavelength
A length of coaxial line is lled with a dielectric having a relative dielectric constant of 20 and is designed to be one-quarter wavelength long at frequency, f , of 1.850 GHz. (a) What is the free-space wavelength at 1850 MHz? (b) What is the wavelength of the signal in the dielectric-lled coaxial line? (c) How long is the line?
Solution: (a) 0 = c/f = 3 108 /1.85 109 = 0.162 m = 16.2 cm (b) g = 0 / r = 16.2 cm/ 20 = 3.62 cm (c) g /4 = 3.62 cm/4 = 9.05 mm
The majority of transmission lines used in design are planar, as these can be dened using masks, photoresist, and etching of metal sheets. Such lines are called planar interconnect. A common planar interconnect is the microstrip line shown in crosssection in Figure 4-47 . This crosssection is typical of what would be found on a semiconductor or printed wiring board (PWB), which is also called a printed circuit board (PCB). Current ows in both the top and bottom conductor, but in opposite directions. The physics is such that if there is a signal current on the top conductor, there must be a return signal current, which will tend to be as close to the signal current as possible to minimize stored energy. The provision of a signal return path close to the signal path is important in maintaining the integrity (i.e., predictable signal waveform) of an interconnect. In the microstrip line, electric eld lines start on one of the conductors and nish on the other and are located almost entirely in the plane transverse to the long length of the line. The magnetic eld is also mostly conned to the transverse plane, and so this line is referred to as a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) line. Integrating the electric eld along a path gives the voltage. Since the voltage between the top and bottom conductors is more or less the same everywhere, longer E eld lines correspond to lower levels of E eld. The strength of the E eld is also indicated by the density of the E eld lines. This is a drawing convention for electric and magnetic elds. A further comment is warranted for this line. This line is more commonly called a quasi-TEM line, as the longitudinal elds are not as negligible as with the coaxial line considered previously. On a microstrip line, the relative level of the longitudinal elds increases with frequency, but below about 10 GHz and for typical dimensions used, the line is still essentially TEM. Figure 4-4 illustrates an important point: current ows in the strip and a return current ows in what is normally regarded as the grounded conductor. Both the signal and return currents induce a magnetic eld and the closed path integral of the magnetic eld is equal to the current contained within the path. Various schematic representations of a transmission line are used. To illustrate this, consider the various representations in Figure 4-5 of a length of microstrip line shorted by a via at the end denoted by 2 (specically the 2 refers to Port 2). The representations shown in Figures 4-5(d), 4-5(e), and 4-5(f) are commonly used in circuit diagrams. The preference depends on the number of transmission lines in a circuit diagram. If a circuit diagram has many transmission line elements, such as the lter circuits of Chapter 10, then the simple representation of Figure 4-5(f) is most common. If there are
An entertaining account of the early application of microstrip transmission lines can be found in Barrett [52]. The original analysis of microstrip was based on the unfolding of a coaxial line.
Figure 4-4 Crosssectional view of a microstrip line showing the electric and magnetic eld lines and current ow for a microstrip interconnect. The electric and magnetic elds are in two mediathe dielectric and air.
1 2
2 1
Figure 4-5 Representations of a shorted microstrip line with a short (or via) at Port 2: (a) threedimensional (3D) view indicating via; (b) side view; (c) top view with via indicated by X; (d) schematic representation of transmission line; (e) alternative schematic representation; and (f) representation as a circuit element.
few transmission line elements, then the representation of Figure 4-5(d) is most common.
Forward- and backward-traveling pulses are shown in Figure 4-6(a), for the situation where the resistance at the end of the line is lower than the characteristic impedance of the line (ZL < Z0 ). The voltage source is a step voltage which is zero for time t < 0. At time t = 0, the step is applied to the line and it begins traveling down the line, as shown at time t = 1. This voltage step moving from left to right is called the forward-traveling voltage wave. At time t = 2, the leading edge of the step reaches the load, and as the load has lower resistance than the characteristic impedance of the line, the total voltage across the load drops below the level of the forward-traveling voltage step. The reected wave is called the backward-traveling wave and it must be negative, as it adds to the forward-traveling wave to yield the total voltage. Thus the voltage reection coefcient, , is negative and the total voltage on the line, which is all we can directly observe, drops. A reected, smaller, and opposite step signal travels in the backward direction and adds to the forward-traveling step to produce the waveform shown at t = 3. The
ZL < Z 0 1 Z 0 E
Z > Z L 0
Z 0
Figure 4-6 Reection of a pulse from a resistive load: (a) when the resistance of the load is lower than the characteristic impedance of the line; and (b) when the resistance of the load is higher than the characteristic impedance of the line.
impedance of the source is matched to the transmission line impedance so that the reection at the source is zero. The signal on the line at time t = 4, the round-trip propagation time of the line, therefore remains at the lower value. The easiest way to remember the polarity of the reected pulse is to consider the situation with a short-circuit at the load. Then the total voltage on the line at the load end must be zero. The only way this can occur when a signal is incident is if the reected signal is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, in this case = 1. So whenever |ZL | < |Z0 |, the reected pulse will tend to subtract from the incident pulse. You will note that in Figure 4-6(a) a schematic symbol is used for the line. Even though it appears that just one conductor is shown, this symbol represents the full transmission line with the signal path and the signal return path. The opposite situation occurs when the resistance at the load end is higher
than the characteristic impedance of the line (Figure 4-6(b)). In this case the reected pulse has the same polarity as the incident signal. Again, to remember this, think of the open-circuited case. The voltage across the load does not need to be zero, and indeed doubles, as the reected pulse has the same sign as well as magnitude as that of the incident signal, in this case = +1. A more illustrative situation is shown in Figure 4-7, where a more complicated signal is incident on a load that has a resistance higher than that of the characteristic impedance of the line. The peaking of the voltage that results at the load is typically the design objective in many long digital interconnects, as less overall signal energy needs to be transmitted down the line, or equivalently a lower current drive capability of the source is required to achieve rst incidence switching. This is at the price of having reected signals on the interconnects, but these can be dissipated through a combination of the interconnect loss and absorption of the reected signal at the driver.
Design involves choosing the transmission line structure to use and the substrate. In this section, the electrical properties of materials will be discussed and then substrates commonly used with planar interconnects will be considered.
Dielectric Effect
The presence of material between the conductors alters the electrical characteristics of the interconnect. With a dielectric, the application of an electric eld moves the centers of positive and negative charge at the atomic and molecular level. Moving the charge centers changes the amount of energy stored in the electric elda process akin to storing energy in a stretched spring. The extra energy storage property is described by the relative permittivity, r , which is the ratio of the permittivity of the material to that of free space: = r 0 . (4.6)
The relative permittivities of materials commonly used with interconnects range from 2.08 for TeonTM , used in high-performance PCBs and coaxial cables, to 11.9 for silicon (Si), to 3.84.2 for silicon dioxide (SiO2 ), and 12.4 for gallium arsenide (GaAs). Values of permittivity for other materials are given in Table 4-1. When the elds are in more than one medium (a nonhomogeneous transmission line), as for the microstrip line shown in Figure 4-4, the effective relative permittivity, eff , is used. The characteristics of the nonhomogeneous line are then more or less the same as for the same
ZL > Z 0 1 Z0 E
t= 1
t= 3
t= 4
t= 5
t= 6
Figure 4-7 Reection of a pulse on an interconnect showing forward- and backward-traveling pulses.
structure with a uniform dielectric of permittivity, eff . The eff changes with frequency as the proportion of energy stored in the different regions changes. This effect is called dispersion and causes a pulse to spread out as the different frequency components of the pulse travel at different speeds. Dispersion is elaborated on more in Section 5.2.5 on Page 252.
Loss in a dielectric comes from two sources: (a) dielectric damping, and (b) conduction losses in the dielectric. Dielectric damping originates from the movement of charge centers resulting in mechanical distortion of the dielectric lattice. With an alternating electric eld this results in vibrational (or phonon) energy in the dielectric, thus energy is lost from the electric eld. It is easy to see that this loss will increase linearly with frequency and be zero at DC. Because of this, loss is described by incorporating an imaginary term in the permittivity. So now the permittivity becomes = = 0 ( r r ) . (4.7)
If there is no dielectric damping loss, = 0. The other type of loss that occurs in the dielectric is due to the movement of charge carriers in the dielectric. The ability to move charges is described by the conductivity, , and the loss due to current conduction is independent of frequency. So the energy lost in the dielectric is proportional to + and the energy stored in the electric eld is proportional to . Thus a loss tangent is introduced: tan = + . (4.8)
Alternatively an effective relative permittivity, r,e , can be dened which is the complex permittivity that would be measured: r,e = r,e r,e = r r + . (4.9)
The loss tangent is very small for dielectrics that are useful at RF and microwave frequencies and so || , and this is what is quoted as the permittivity of materials. Thus = (1 tan ) . (4.11) (4.10)
A similar effect on energy storage in the magnetic eld occurs for a few materials. The magnetic properties of materials are due to the magnetic
dipole moments resulting from alignment of electron spinsan intrinsic property of electrons. In most materials the electron spins occur in pairs with opposite signs, with the result that there is no net magnetic moment. However, in magnetic materials, some of the electron spins are not canceled by balancing spins and there is a net magnetic moment. This net magnetic moment aligns itself with an applied H eld and so provides a mechanism for additional storage of magnetic energy. The relative permeability, r , describes this effect and = r 0 . (4.12) Most materials have r = 1. One notable exception is nickel, which has a high permeability, is a very convenient processing material, and is often used in electronic packaging for its desirable processing properties. As with dielectrics, the effect of loss in a magnetic material can be described by its complex permeability: = . (4.13) Lossy magnetic effects are due to the movement of magnetic dipoles which again creates vibrations in the material and loss.
The properties of a number of typical substrate materials are given in Table 4-1. We will consider just one family of substrates, the ceramics, to illustrate some of the considerations involved in substrate choice. Alumina is a typical ceramic well suited for production of circuits functioning at frequencies up to about 60 GHz.
There are two major categories of transmission lines sorted according to the uniformity of the medium surrounding the transmission line conductors. When the embedding medium is uniform the transmission line structures are referred to as homogeneous. Several important homogeneous transmission line structures were introduced in Figure 4-1 and more are shown in Figures 4-8(a) and 4-8(b). In these homogeneous lines virtually all of the elds are in the plane transverse to the direction of propagation (i.e., the longitudinal direction) along the line, that is, ET EL and HT HL , where the subscripts T and L refer to the transverse and longitudinal directions respectively. We refer to transmission lines where the longitudinal elds are almost insignicant as supporting a TEM mode, and they are called TEM lines. The most important inhomogeneous lines are shown in Figures 48(c), 4-8(d), and 4-8(e). The main difference between the two sets of congurations (homogeneous and inhomogeneous) is the frequencydependent variation of the EM eld distributions with inhomogeneous
Table 4-1 Properties of common substrate materials. The dielectric loss tangent is scaled. For example, for glass, tan is typically 0.002. Material 104 tan r (at 10 GHz) 0 12 0.40.7 20 50 1 100 515 1060 20 10100 6 10 15 1 10.1 9.4, 11.6 5 3.2 3.8 4.34.5 2.162.24 10.210.7 10.013.0 11.9 12.85 12.4 4.04.2 7.8
Air (dry) Alumina, 99.5% Sapphire Glass, typical Polyimide Quartz (fused) FR4 circuit board RT-duroid 5880 RT-duroid 6010 AT-1000 Si (high resistivity) GaAs InP SiO2 (on-chip) LTCC (typical, green tape(TM) 951)
lines. With inhomogeneous lines, the EM elds are not conned entirely to the transverse plane even if the conductors are perfect. Even so, ET EL , and so these lines are called quasi-TEM lines. The inhomogeneous lines are simpler to make. Each transmission line structure comprises a combination of metal, shown as dense black, and dielectric, indicated by the shaded region and having permittivity . It is common not to separately designate the permeability, , of the materials as, except for magnetic materials, = 0 , the free-space permeability. The region with permittivity 0 is free space or air. In most cases the dielectric principally supports the metal pattern, acting as a substrate, and clearly inuences the wave propagation. The actual choice of structure depends on several factors, including operating frequency and the type of substrate and metallization system available.
Stripline is a symmetrical structure somewhat like a coaxial line completely attened out so that the center conductor is a rectangular metal strip and the outer grounded metal is simply a rectangular box. The entire structure is 100% lled with dielectric, and therefore transmission is TEM and dependent upon the relative permittivity, r , explicitly. Therefore the wavelength is simply the free-space value divided by the square root of r .
(a) Stripline (c) Microstrip
(b) Embedded differential line (d) Coplanar waveguide (CPW)
(e) Differential line Figure 4-8 Crosssections of several homogeneous and inhomogeneous transmission line structures. Homogeneous lines: (a) stripline; and (b) embedded differential line. Inhomogeneous lines: (c) microstrip; (d) CPW or coplanar waveguide; and (e) differential line.
This simple transmission structure is formed by having just two conductors embedded in a substrate with no specic ground plane. In this structure the possible existence of ground planes is incidental, and ideally these should not inuence the eld pattern. Essentially the substrate merely acts as a mechanical supporting element and a quasi-TEM mode forms the main propagating eld distribution.
Although microstrip (Figure 4-8(d)) has a very simple geometric structure the EM elds involved are actually complex. However, simple approaches to the quasi-TEM mode calculations combined with frequency-dependent expressions yield quite acceptable design accuracy for many applications. Microwave Integrated Circuits8 (MICs) using microstrip can be designed for frequencies ranging from a few gigahertz, or even lower, up to at least many tens of gigahertz. At higher frequencies, particularly into the millimeter wavelength ranges (the wavelength at 30 GHz is 1 mm), losses (including radiation) increase greatly, higher-order modes9 become
Circuits integrated on compound semiconductor substrates are referred to as Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMICs). For greater distinction, MICs are sometimes referred to as hybrid MICs. Avoiding higher-order modes is a key aspect of transmission line design. Higher order modes and design strategies to avoid exciting them are discussed in Section 5.6 on Page
a considerable problem, and fabrication tolerances become exceedingly difcult to meet using MICs. It is probable that the frequency limit for the extensive use of microstrip is in the region of 110 GHz. With monolithic ICs, fabrication tolerances are much ner than with hybrid MICs and the options available for both microstrip and other transmission structures are extended considerably.
Coplanar Waveguide (CPW)10 supports a quasi-TEM mode of propagation with the active metallization and the ground planes on the same side of the substrate. Each side-plane conductor is grounded and the center strip carries the signal; thus much less eld enters the substrate when compared with microstrip. In conventional CPW the ground planes extend indenitely, but in nite ground CPW (FGCPW), the extent of the grounds is limited and this results in reduced coupling of adjacent and crossing CPW lines. It is important to connect the ground strips every tenth of a wavelength or so. This is done using wire bonds, via structures, or in integrated circuit form using air bridges. CPW does a good job of suppressing radiation and is preferred to microstrip at frequencies above 10 GHz or so. It does have drawbacks, including the increased area required (compared to microstrip) and the need to use ground straps.
This simple transmission structure is formed by two conductors in the same plane. As with the embedded differential line, the possible existence of ground planes is incidental and ideally these should not inuence the eld pattern. This structure is formed on the surface of a dielectric substrate, as shown in Figure 4-8(e). In one realization, one of the conductors is grounded, and this form is called coplanar stripline or coplanar strip (CPS) [5464]. In this conguration, CPS is used as an area-efcient variation of CPW. When neither of the conductors is grounded and the line is driven differentially, the interconnect is called a differential line. A differential line is used extensively with RFICs and in critical nets in high-speed digital ICs. The two forms have essentially identical electrical characteristics, with differences resulting from interaction with other metallic structures such as ground planes. Silicon-based RFIC chips generally use differential signaling for analog signal to overcome the limitations of metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) devices and the nite conductivity of the silicon substrate that results in high levels of common-mode noise. The currents on each of the differential signal
267. CPW was invented in 1969 by Cheng P. Wen [53].
paths balance each other and so each provides the signal return path for the other. This design practice effectively eliminates RF currents that would occur on ground conductors. The off-chip RF interconnects interfacing the chip to the outside world also require differential signaling, but now, because of the larger electrical dimensions, differential transmission lines are required.
Describing the signal on a line in terms of E and H requires a description of the E and H eld distributions in the transverse plane. It is fortunate that current and voltage descriptions can be successfully used to describe the state of a circuit at a particular position along a TEM or quasi-TEM line. This is an approximation and the designer needs to be aware of situations where this breaks down. Such extraordinary effects are left to the next chapter. Once the problem of transmission line descriptions has been simplied to current and voltage, R, L, and C models of a transmission line can be developed. A range of models are used for transmission lines depending on the accuracy required and the frequency of operation. Uniform interconnects (with regular crosssection) can be modeled by determining the characteristics of the transmission line (e.g., Z0 and versus frequency) or arriving at a distributed lumped-element circuit, as shown in Figure 4-9. Typically EM modeling software models planar interconnects as having zero thickness, as shown in Figure 4-10. This is reasonable for microwave interconnects as the thickness of a planar strip is usually much less than the width of the interconnect. Many analytic formulas have also been derived for the characteristics of uniform interconnects. These formulas are important in arriving at synthesis formulas that can be used in design (i.e., arriving at the physical dimensions of an interconnect structure from its required electrical specications). Just as importantly, they provide insight into the effects of materials and geometry. Simplication of the geometry of the type illustrated in Figure 4-10 for microstrip can lead to appreciable errors in some situations. More elaborate computer programs that capture the true geometry must still simplify the real situation. An example is that it is not possible to account for density variations of the dielectric. Consequently characterization of many RF and microwave structures requires measurements to calibrate simulations.
Figure 4-10 A microstrip line modeled as an idealized zero-thickness microstrip line. Also shown is an alternative simplied structure that can be used with some EM analysis programs as a more accurate approximation. (Crosssectional view.)
Unfortunately it is also difcult to make measurements at microwave frequencies. Thus one of the paradigms in RF circuit engineering is to require measurements and simulations to develop self-consistent models of transmission lines and distributed elements.
Regardless of the actual structure, a segment of uniform transmission line (i.e., a transmission line with constant crosssection along its length) can be modeled by the circuit shown in Figure 4-11(b). The primary constants can be dened as follows: Resistance along the line Inductance along the line Conductance shunting the line Capacitance shunting the line =R =L =G =C all specied per unit length.
Thus R, L, G, and C are also referred to as resistance, inductance, conductance, and capacitance per unit length. (Sometimes p.u.l. is used as shorthand for per unit length.) In the metric system we use ohms per meter (/m), henries per meter (H/m), siemens per meter (S/m) and farads per meter (F/m), respectively. The values of R, L, G, and C are affected by the geometry of the transmission line and by the electrical properties of the dielectrics and conductors. G and C are almost entirely due to the properties of the dielectric and R is due to loss in the metal more than anything else. L is mostly a function of geometry, as most materials used with transmission lines have r = 1. In most transmission lines the effects due to L and C tend to dominate because of the relatively low series resistance and shunt conductance. The propagation characteristics of the line are described by its loss-free, or lossless, equivalent line, although in practice some information about R or G is necessary to determine actual power losses. The lossless concept is just a useful and good approximation. The lossless approximation is not valid
I ( z,t )R z L z z z
+ V ( z,t )_
G z
I ( z+ z,t ) + V ( z+ z,t ) C z _
Figure 4-11 The uniform transmission line: (a) transmission line segment of length z; and (b) primary constants assigned to a lumped-element model of a transmission line.
In this section the differential equations governing the propagation of signals on a transmission line are derived. Solution of the differential equations describes how signals propagate, and leads to the extraction of a few parameters that describe transmission line properties. From Kirchoffs laws applied to the model of Figure 4-11(b) and taking the limit as x 0 the transmission line or telegraphists equations are v(z, t) z i(z, t) z = = Ri(z, t) L i(z, t) t v(z, t) Gv(z, t) C . t (4.14) (4.15)
For the sinusoidal steady-state condition with cosine-based phasors11 these become dV (z) = (R + L)I(z) dz dI(z) = (G + C)V (z) . dz (4.16) (4.17)
Eliminating I(z) in Equations (4.16) and (4.17), yields the wave equation for V (z): d2 V (z) 2 V (z) = 0 . (4.18) dz 2 Similarly, d2 I(z) 2 I(z) = 0 , dz 2
V (z) and I(z) are phasors and v(z, t) = V (z)et , i(z, t) = I(z)et . {w} denotes the real part of a complex number w.
In Equation (4.20) is called the attenuation coefcient and has units of Nepers per meter; and is called the phase-change coefcient, or phase constant, and has units of radians per meter (expressed as rad/m or radians/m). Nepers and radians are dimensionless units, but serve as prompts for what is being referred to. Equations (4.18) and (4.19) are second-order differential equations that have solutions of the form V (z) = I(z) = V0+ ez + V0 ez + I0 ez + I0 ez . (4.21) (4.22)
+ The physical interpretation of these solutions is that V0+ ez and I0 ez are z forward-traveling waves (moving in the +z direction) and V0 e and I0 ez are backward-traveling waves (moving in the z direction). Substituting Equation (4.21) in Equation (4.16) results in
I(z) =
V + ez V0 ez . R + l 0
V +; I = (Vo ) . R + L 0 0 r + L
Now Equations (4.21) and (4.22) can be rewritten as V (z) = I(z) = V0+ ez + V0 ez V0+ z Z0 e V0 z Z0 e . (4.26) (4.27)
Converting back to the time domain: V (z, t) = V0+ cos(t z + + )ez V0 cos(t + z + )e
+ where
and so the following quantities are dened: Propagation constant: Attenuation constant: Phase constant: Wavenumber: Phase velocity: Wavelength: k vp = (R + L)(G + C) (4.31) (4.32) (4.33) (4.34) (4.35) (4.36)
= {} = = 2 2 = = , || |k|
= {}
where = 2f is the radian frequency and f is the frequency in hertz. The wavenumber k as dened here is used in electromagnetics and where wave propagation is concerned.12 For low-loss materials (and for all of the substrate materials that are useful for transmission lines), and so |k|, then the following approximates are valid: Wavenumber: Phase velocity: Wavelength: k vp 2 = vp /f . (4.37) (4.38) (4.39)
The important result here is that a voltage wave (and a current wave) can be dened on a transmission line. One more parameter needs to be introduced: the group velocity, vg = . (4.40) The group velocity is the velocity of a modulated waveforms envelope and describes how fast information propagates. It is the velocity at which the energy (or information) in the waveform moves. Thus group velocity, can never be more than the speed of light in a vacuum, c. Phase velocity, however, can be more than c. For a lossless, dispersionless line, the group and phase velocity are the same. If the phase velocity is frequency independent, then is linearly proportional to and the group velocity is the same as the phase velocity (vg = vp ). Electrical length is often used in working with transmission line designs prior to establishing the physical length of a line. The electrical length of a transmission line is expressed either as a fraction of a wavelength or
There is an alternative denition for wavenumber, = 1/, which is used by physicists and engineers dealing with particles. When is used as the wavenumber, k is referred to as the circular wavenumber or angular wavenumber.
in degrees (or radians), where a wavelength corresponds to 360 (or 2 radians). So if is the phase constant of a signal on a transmission line and is its physical length, the electrical length of the line in radians is .
A transmission line is 10 cm long and at the operating frequency the phase constant is 30 m1 and the wavelength is 40 cm. What is the electrical length of the line? Solution: Let the physical length of the line be = 10 cm = 0.1 m. Then the electrical length of the line is e = = (30 m1 ) 0.1 m = 3 radians. The electrical length can also be expressed as e = (3 radians) = 3 180/ = 171.9 or as e = 3/(2) = 0.477 .
A transmission line ends (i.e., is terminated) in an open circuit. What is the relationship between the forward-traveling and backward-traveling voltage waves at the end of the line. Solution: At the end of the line the total current is zero, so that I + + I = 0 and so I = I + . (4.41)
Also, the forward-traveling voltage and forward-traveling current are related by the characteristic impedance: Z0 = V + /I + . (4.42) Similarly the backward-traveling voltage and backward-traveling current are related by the characteristic impedance: Z0 = V /I , (4.43)
however, there is a change in sign, as there is a change in the direction of propagation. Combining Equations (4.41)(4.43), Z0 = V + /I + = V /I and so substituting for I , V + = V I + /I = V I + /(I + ) = V . (4.45) (4.44)
So the total voltage at the end of the line, VTOTAL is V + + V = 2V + the total voltage at the end of the line is double the incident (forward-traveling) voltage.
RLGC Parameters
A transmission line has the following RLCG parameters: R = 100 m1 , L = 80 nHm1 , G = 1.6 Sm1 , and C = 200 pFm1 . Consider a traveling wave on the transmission line with a frequency of 2 GHz. (a) What is the attenuation constant? (b) What is the phase constant? (c) What is the phase velocity? (d) What is the characteristic impedance of the line? (e) What is the group velocity? Solution: p (a) : = + = (R + L) (G + C); = 12.57 109 rad s1 r = (100 + 80 109 ) 1.6 + 200x10-12 = 17.94 + 51.85 m1 = {} = 17.94 Np m1 (b) Phase constant: = {} = 51.85 rad m1 (c) Phase velocity: 2f 12.57 109 rad s1 = = = 2.42 108 m s1 51.85 rad m1
vp =
(d) Z0 = (R + L)/ = (100 + 80 109 )/(17.94 + 51.85) Z0 = 17.9 + j4.3 Note also that Z0 = which yields the same answer. (e) Group velocity: vg = f =2 GHz . s (R + L) , (G + jC)
vg =
Now is already known at 2 GHz. At 1.9 GHz = 17.884 + 49.397 m1 and so = 49.397 rad/m. vg = 2(2 1.9) = 2.563 108 m/s 51.85 49.397
In the previous section the telegraphists equations for a transmission modeled as subsections of RLGC elements was derived. In this section these are related to signal transmission described by the physical parameters of permittivity and permeability. The development does not go into much detail as the derivation of the wave equations for a particular physical transmission line are involved and can only be derived for a few regular structures. If you are curious, the development is done for a parallel plate and rectangular waveguide in Appendix E on Page 869. The main parameters of describing propagation on a transmission line are Z0 and , and these depend on the permeability and permittivity of the medium containing the EM elds, but also on the spatial variation of the E and H elds. As a result, Z0 must be numerically calculated or derived analytically. The propagation constant is derived from the eld congurations as well with 2 (4.46) 2 = k 2 kc where the wavenumber is k = (4.47)
and kc is called the cutoff wavenumber. For TEM modes, kc = 0. For nonTEM modes, kc requires detailed evaluation. The other propagation parameters are unchanged: Attenuation constant: Phase constant: Phase velocity: Wavelength: vp = {} = {} = vp = , f (4.48) (4.49) (4.50) (4.51)
where loss is incorporated in the imaginary parts of and . When kc = 0 (as it is with coaxial lines, microstrip, and many other two-conductor transmission lines), (4.52) = Comparing in Equation (4.20) and Equation (4.52), an equivalence can be developed between the lumped-element form of transmission line propagation and the propagation of an EM wave in a medium. Specically, 2 = (R + L)(G + C) . If the medium is lossless ( and are real and R = 0 = G), then = 2 LC . (4.54) (4.53)
When the medium is free space (a vacuum), then a subscript zero is generally used. Free space is also lossless, so the following results hold: 0 = 0 and 0 = = 0 0 . (4.55) If frequency is specied in gigahertz (indicated by fGHz ) 0 = 20.958fGHz . (4.56)
So at 1 GHz, 0 = 20.958 rad m1 . In a lossless medium with effective relative permeability r = 1 and effective relative permittivity r , = r 0 . (4.57) Z0 depends strongly on the spatial variation of the elds. When there is no variation in the plane transverse to the direction of propagation Z0 = . (4.58)
where captures the geometric variation of the elds. If the boundary conditions on a transmission line are such that a required spatial variation of the elds cannot be supported then the signal cannot propagate. The critical frequency at which k = = kc is called the cutoff frequency, fc . Signals cannot propagate on the line if the frequency is below fc .
Dimensions of , , and
In the above expressions the propagation constant, , is multiplied by length in determining impedance and signal levels. It is not surprising then that the SI units of are inverse meters (m1 ). The attenuation constant, , and the phase constant, , have, strictly speaking, the same units. However, the convention is to introduce the dimensionless quantities Neper and radian to convey additional information. Thus the attenuation constant has the units of Nepers per meter (Np/m), and the phase constant, , has the units radians per meter (rad/m). The unit Neper comes from the name of the e (= 2.7182818284590452354. . .) symbol, which is called the Neper13 [65] or Napiers constant. The number e is sometimes called Eulers
The name is derived from John Napier, who developed the theory of logarithms described in his treatise Mirici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio, 1614, translated as A Description of the Admirable Table of Logarithms (see http://www.johnnapier.com/table of logarithms 001.htm).
constant after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler. The Neper is used in calculating transmission line signal levels, as in Equations (4.21) and (4.22). The attenuation and phase constants are often separated and then the attenuation constant, or more specically e , describes the decrease in signal amplitude per unit length as the signal travels down a transmission line. So when = 1 Np, the signal has decreased to 1/e of its original value, and power drops to 1/e2 of its original value. The decrease in signal level represents loss and, as with other forms of loss, it is common to describe this loss using the units of decibels per meter (dB/m). Thus 1 Np = 20 log10 e = 8.6858896381 dB. So expressing as 1 Np/m is the same as saying that the attenuation loss is 8.6859 dB/m. To convert from dB to Np multiply by 0.1151. Thus = x dB/m = x 0.1151 Np/m. EXAMPLE 4. 5 Transmission Line Characteristics
A transmission line has an attenuation of 10 dBm1 and a phase constant of 50 radiansm1 at 2 GHz. (a) What is the complex propagation constant of the transmission line? (b) If the capacitance of the line is 100 pFm1 and the conductive loss is zero (i.e., G = 0), what is the characteristic impedance of the line? Solution: (a) |Np = 0.1151 |dB = 0.1151 (10 dB/m) = 1.151 Np/m = 50 rad/m Propagation constant, = + = 1.151 + 50 m1 (b) p = p + L) (G + C) (R Z0 = (R + L)/(G + C) , therefore Z0 = /(G + jC) . = 2 2 109 s1 ; G = 0; C = 100 109 F, so Z0 = 39.8 0.916 .
If the conductor and dielectric are ideal (i.e., lossless), then R = 0 = G and the equations for the transmission line characteristics simplify. The transmission line parameters from Equations (4.25) and (4.31)(4.36) are then Z0 = =0 L C (4.60) (4.61)
Note that there is a distinction between a transmission line and an RLC circuit. When referring to a transmission line having an impedance of 50 , this is not the same as saying that the transmission line can be replaced by a 50 resistor. The 50 resistance is the characteristic impedance of the line. That is, the ratio of the forward-traveling voltage wave and the forwardtraveling current wave is 50 . It is not correct to call a lossless line reactive. Instead, the input impedance of a lossless line would be reactive if the line is terminated in a reactance. If the line is terminated in a resistance then the input impedance of the line would, in general, be complex, having a real part and a reactive part. A transmission line cannot be replaced by a lumped element except as follows: 1. When calculating the forward voltage wave of a line which is innitely long (or there are no reections from the load). Then the line can be replaced by an impedance equal to the characteristic impedance of the line. The total voltage is then only the forward-traveling component. 2. The characteristic impedance and the load impedance can be plugged into the telegraphists equation (or transmission line equation) to calculate the input impedance of the terminated line.
Coaxial Line
The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is the ratio of the strength of the electric eld to the strength of the magnetic eld. The calculation of the impedance from the geometry of the line is not always possible except for a few regular geometries. For a coaxial line, the electric elds extend in a radial direction from the center conductor to the outer conductor. So it is possible to calculate the voltage by integrating this E eld from the center to the outer conductor. The magnetic eld is circular, centered on the center conductor, so the current on the conductor can be calculated as the closed integral of the magnetic eld. Solving for the elds in the region between the center and outer conductors yields the following formula for the characteristic impedance of a coaxial line: 138 b Z0 = log , r a (4.65)
where r is the relative permittivity of the medium between the center and outer conductors, b is the inner diameter of the outer conductor, and a is
Figure 4-12 Various coaxial transmission line adaptors: (a) N-type female-to-female (N(f)-to-N(f)); (b) APC-7 to N-type male (APC-7-to-N(m)); (c) APC-7 to SMA-type male (APC-7-to-SMA(m)); SMA adapters: (d) SMA-type female-to-female (SMA(f)-to-SMA(f)); (e) SMA-type male-to-female (SMA(m)-to-SMA(f)); and (f) SMA-type male-to-male (SMA(m)-to-SMA(m)).
the outer diameter of the inner conductor. With a higher , more energy is stored in the electric eld and the capacitance per unit length of the line C increases. As the relative permittivity of the line increases, the characteristic impedance of the line reduces. Equation (4.65) is an exact formulation for the characteristic impedance of a coaxial line. Such a formula can only be approximated for nearly every other line. Most coaxial cables have a Z0 of 50 , but different ratios of b and a yield special properties of the coaxial line. When the ratio is 1.65, corresponding to an impedance of 30 , the line has maximum power-carrying capability. The ratio for maximum voltage breakdown is 2.7, corresponding to Z0 = 60 . The characteristic impedance for minimum attenuation is 77 , with a diameter ratio of 3.6. A 50 line is a reasonable compromise. Also the dimensions required for a 50 line lled with polyethylene with a relative permittivity of 2.3 has dimensions that are most easily machined. The velocity of propagation in a lossless coaxial line of uniform medium is the same as that for a plane wave in the medium. There is one caveat. This is true for all transmission line structures supporting the minimum variation of the elds corresponding to a TEM mode. Higher-order modes, with spatial variations of the elds, will be considered in Chapter 5. The diameter of the outer conductor and the type of internal supports for the internal conductor determine the frequency range of coaxial components. Various transmission line adapters are shown in Figure 4-12. It is necessary to convert between series and also to convert between the sexes (plug and jack) of connectors. The different construction of connectors can be seen more clearly in Figure 4-13. The APC-7 connector is shown in Figure 413(c). With this connector, the inside diameter of the outer conductor is 7 mm. The unique feature of this connector is that it is sexless with the interface plate being spring-loaded. These are precision connectors used in microwave measurements. The N-type connectors in Figures 4-13(a) and 413(b) are more common day-to-day connectors. There are a large number of
Figure 4-13 Various coaxial transmission line connectors: (a) female N-type (N(f)), coaxial connector; (b) male N-type (N(m)), coaxial connector; and (c) APC-7 coaxial connector.
(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)
Figure 4-14 Coaxial transmission line sections and tools: (a) SMA cables (from the top): exible cable type I, type II, type III, semirigid cable; (b) semirigid coaxial line bender; (c) semirigid coaxial line bender with line; and (d) SMA elbow.
different types or series f connectors for high-power applications, different frequency ranges, low distortion, and low cost. There are also many types of coaxial cables, as shown in Figure 4-14(a). These are cables for use with SMA connectors (with 3.5 mm outer conductor diameter). These cables range in cost, exibility, and the number of times they can be reliably exed or bent. The semirigid cable shown at the bottom of Figure 4-14(a) must be bent using a bending tool, as shown in Figure 4-14(b) and in use in Figure 4-14(c). The controlled bending radius ensures minimal change in the characteristic impedance and propagation constant of the cable. Semirigid cables can only be bent once however. The highest precision bend is realized using an elbow bend, shown in Figure 4-14(d). Various exible cables have different responses to bending, with higher precision (and more expensive) cables having the least impact on characteristic impedance and phase variations as cables are exed. The highest-precision exible cables are used in measurement systems.
Communication lters are often constructed using several shorted transmission line resonators that are coupled to each other. Consider a coaxial line that is short-circuited at one end. The permittivity lling the coaxial line has a relative dielectric constant of 20 and the resonator is to be designed to resonate at a center frequency, f0 , of 1850 MHz when it is one-quarter wavelength long. (a) What is the wavelength in the dielectric-lled coaxial line? (b) What is the form of the equivalent circuit (in terms of inductors and capacitors) of the one-quarter wavelength long resonator if the coaxial line is lossless? (c) What is the length of the resonator? Solution: The rst thing to realize with this example is that the rst resonance will occur when the length of the resonator is one-quarter wavelength (/4) long. Resonance generally means that the impedance is either an open or a short circuit and there is energy stored. When the shorted line is /4 long, the input impedance will be an open circuit and energy will be stored. (a) g = 0 / r = 16.2 cm/ 20 =3.62 cm. (b)
Recall that , the propagation constant, is given by = This can be written as = LC 1+ R L 1+ G C . (4.67) (R + L)(G + C) . (4.66)
1 R 2 L
1+ thus 1 2
1+ L C
1 G , 2 C + LC .
C +G L
LC .
What Equation (4.72) indicates is that for low-loss lines the attenuation constant, , consists of dielectric- and conductor-related parts; that is, = d + c , where d = GZ0 /2 is the loss contributed by the dielectric, called the dielectric loss, and c = R/2Z0 (4.75) (4.74) (4.73)
is the loss contributed by the conductor, called the ohmic or conductor loss. For a microstrip line, an estimate of G is [51] G= e 1 tan r Cair , r 1 (4.76)
where tan is the loss tangent of the microstrip substrate. So from Equations (4.173) and (4.74) d = 1 e 1 GZ0 1 = tan r Cair . 2 2 r 1 c CCair r (e 1) tan Np m1 . c 2 e (r 1) (4.77)
On a lossy line, both phase velocity and attenuation constant are, in general, frequency dependent and so a lossy line is, in general, dispersive. That is, different frequency components of a signal travel at different speeds, and the phase velocity, vp , is a function of frequency. As a result and the signal
will spread out in time and, if the line is long enough, it will be difcult to extract the original information. In the previous section it was seen, in Equation (4.72), that / = vp is approximately frequency independent for a low-loss line. Also, the conductor component of the attenuation constant, c in Equation (4.75), is approximately frequency independent. However, the dielectric component, d in Equation (4.78), is frequency dependent even for a low-loss line. If the transmission line has moderate loss, as with microstrip lines, all of the propagation parameters will be frequency dependent and the line is dispersive.
The parameters that are important in describing the signal propagation properties of a transmission line are the propagation constant, , and the characteristic impedance, Z0 . Instead of it is more appropriate to examine and vp = / as these are the parameters that are ideally frequency independent if a signal, such as a pulse or modulated carrier, are to travel down the line and not be distorted. As was seen in the previous section these are generally frequency dependent for a lossy line. However, it is possible to design a line that is lossy but dispersionless, that is, , /, and Z0 are independent of frequency. In this section a transmission line design is presented for a dispersionless line. For any line the propagation constant is = (R + L)(G + C) = LC 1+ R L 1+ G C
. (4.79)
From this the attenuation constant, , and phase constant, , are given by =R and the phase velocity is 1 vp = . LC (4.82) C , L = LC , (4.81)
V (z ) I(z ) Z 0 ,
IL + V L _ z 0 ZL
Figure 4-15
To complete the analysis consider the characteristic impedance Z0 = R + L = G + C L C R/L + G/C + (4.83)
and referring to Equation (4.80) it is seen that the second square root is just 1, so L Z0 = , (4.84) C which is frequency independent. So the important characteristics describing signal propagation are independent of frequency and so the transmission line is dispersionless.
4.7 4.7.1
Consider the terminated line shown in Figure 4-15. Assume an incident or forward-traveling wave, with traveling voltage V0+ ez and current + I0 ez , respectively, propagating toward the load ZL at z = 0. The characteristic impedance of the transmission line is the ratio of the voltage and current traveling waves so that V0+ ez V0+ + z = + = Z0 . I0 e I0 (4.85)
The reected wave has a similar relationship (but watch the sign change): V0 ez V0 z = = Z0 . I0 e I0 (4.86)
The load ZL imposes an additional constraint on the relationship of the total voltage and current at z = 0: VL V (z = 0) = = ZL . IL I(z = 0) (4.87)
When ZL = Z0 there must be a reected wave with appropriate amplitude to satisfy the above equations. Now the total voltage, V (z), is related to the traveling voltage waves by V (z) = V0+ ez + V0 ez , and the total current, I(z), is related to the traveling current waves by I(z) = V0+ z V0 z + = I0 ez + I0 ez . e e Z0 Z0 (4.89) (4.88)
Thus at the termination of the line (z = 0), V + + V0 V (0) = ZL = Z0 0+ . I(0) V0 V0 This can be rearranged as the ratio of the reected voltage to the incident voltage: V0 ZL Z0 = . ZL + Z0 V0+ This ratio is dened as the voltage reection coefcient V = ZL Z0 V0 . + = ZL + Z0 V0 (4.90)
This relationship can be rewritten so that the input load impedance can be obtained from the reection coefcient: ZL = Z0 1 + V . 1 V (4.91)
The voltage reection coefcient is used most of the time, so the reection coefcient, , on its own refers to the voltage reection coefcient, V = . The total voltage and current waves on the line can be written as V (z) = V0+ [ez + ez ] I(z) = V0+ Z0 [ez ez ] . (4.93) (4.94)
From the above equations, it can be seen that the voltage and current on the line consist of a superposition of incident and reected waves. This
superposition is also a wave, but not a propagating wave, and is referred to as a standing wave. There are several special cases that are noteworthy. The most important of these is the case when there is no reected wave and = 0. To obtain = 0 the value of load impedance, ZL , is equal to Z0 , the characteristic impedance of the transmission line as seen from Equation (4.90). Such a load is then said to be matched to the line (it is a matched termination) since there is no reection of the incident wave. EXAMPLE 4. 7 Reection Coefcient
A load consists of a shunt connection of a capacitor of 10 pF and a resistor of 60 . The load terminates a lossless 50 transmission line. The operating frequency is 5 GHz. (a) What is the impedance of the load? (b) What is the normalized impedance of the load (normalized to Z0 of the line)? (c) What is the reection coefcient of the load? (d) What is the current reection coefcient of the load? (When the term reection coefcient is used without a qualier it is assumed to be the voltage reection coefcient.) Solution: (a) C = 10 1012 F ; R = 60 ; f = 5.109 ; = 2f ; Z0 = 50 ZL = R||C = (1/R + C)1 = 0.168 3.174 . (b) zL = ZL /Zo = 3.368 103 0.063 . (c) L = (zL 1)/(zL + 1) = 0.985 0.126 = 0.993 187.3 .
Now consider the power ow on the line. The incident (forward-traveling) wave carries the power
1 = 2
V0+ ez
V0+ ez Z0
1 |V0z | 2 Z0
1 V0 = 2 Z0
|| = 2
V0+ Z0
where Equations (4.93) and (4.94) are used. Considering the conservation of power, the power delivered to the load is PL = 1 2 {VL IL } = P + P = P + 1 |L | . 2 (4.96)
Thus the total power on the line is equal to the incident power minus the reected power. The other noteworthy cases are when there is an open circuit, a short circuit, or a purely reactive load at the end of a transmission line. These have || = 1. Thus all power is reected back to the source and PL = 0. The power that is absorbed by the load appears as a loss as far as the incident and reected waves are concerned. To describe this, the concept of return loss (RL) is introduced and dened as RL = 20 log || dB . (4.97)
RL is a measure of how much of the available power is not delivered to the load. A matched load ( = 0) has a return loss of dB, whereas a total reection (|| = 1) has a return loss of 0 dB. EXAMPLE 4. 8 Transmission Line Model at the Load
A transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 75 supports a forward-traveling wave with a power of 1 W. The line is terminated in a resistance of 100 . Draw the lumped-element equivalent circuit at the interface between the transmission line and the load. Solution: The equivalent circuit will have the form
Z L = 100
where ETH is the Thevenin equivalent generator and ZTH is the Thevenin equivalent generator impedance. The amplitude of the forward-traveling voltage wave is obtained by calculating the power in the forward-traveling wave: P+ = 1 + 2 (V ) /Z0 2 = (V + )2 /150 = 1 W = 106 .
Z 01
Z 02
Figure 4-16 Transmission line network with a nite-length line of characteristic impedance Z01 and an innitely long transmission line of characteristic impedance Z02 . So V + = 150.106 = 12.25 mV. Note that V + is not ETH . To calculate ETH , consider the following circuit which will result in maximum power transfer:
75 E
+ V 75 = 12.25 mV
So ETH = 2V + = 24.5 mV. Since the line has a characteristic impedance of 75 , then ZTH = 75 . So the lumped-element equivalent circuit at the load is
75 24.5 mV 100
The transmission line shown in Figure 4-16 consists of a source with Thevenin impedance Z1 = 40 and source E = 5 V (peak), connected to a quarter-wavelength long line of characteristic impedance Z01 = 40 , which in turn is connected to an innitely long line of characteristic impedance Z02 = 100 . The transmission lines are lossless. Two reference planes are shown in Figure 4-16. At reference plane 1 the incident power is PI1 (the maximum available power from the source), the reected power is PR1 , and the transmitted power is PT 1 . PI2 (the maximum available power from Z01 ), PR2 , and PT 2 are similar quantities at reference plane 2. PI1 , PR1 , PT 1 , PI2 , PR2 , and PT 2 are steady-state quantities.
(a) What is PI1 ? (b) What is PT 2 ? Solution: (a) PI1 is the available power from the generator. Since the Thevenin impedance of the generator is 40 , PI1 is the power that would be delivered to a matched load (the maximum available power). An equivalent problem is
Z 1 = 40 E V Z L = 40
where V = 1 E = 2.5 Vpeak . 2 PI1 = Power in ZL 1 1 1 1 = (2.5)2 = (V)2 2 ZL 2 40 = 0.07813 W = 78.13 mW . Note that the
1 2
(b) Now the problem becomes interesting and there are many ways to solve it. One of the key observations is that the rst transmission line has the same characteristic impedance as the Thevenin equivalent impedance of the generator, Z01 = Z1 , and so can be ignored where appropriate. This observation will be used in this example. One way to proceed is to directly calculate PT 2 , and a second approach is to calculate the incident and reected powers at reference plane 2 and then to determine PT 2 . (i) First approach: Looking to the left from Port 2 the circuit can be modeled as an equivalent circuit having a Thevenin equivalent resistance of 40 and a Thevenin equivalent voltage that produces the right amount of power. So consider the following circuit:
Z 01= 40 E2 + V _ Z L = 100
Here, E2 is the voltage required to deliver the maximum possible power to the load and we know that this power is PI1 (= 78 mW), as calculated above. The load is 100 as the second transmission line is innitely long. So based on the previous problem we know that E2 is just E or 5 V. A reasonable question would be why is it not 2.5 V, as this would be the voltage across ZL = 40 in Part (a). However, 2.5 V is the voltage of the forward-traveling voltage wave on the rst transmission line with characteristic impedance Z01 = 40 . So the voltage across the load is V =E 100 100 =E = 3.57 Vpeak . 40 + 100 140 (4.99)
A quick check is that this is less than PI1 , as it should be. (ii) Second Approach: This time PR2 , the reected power at reference plane 2, will be calculated. The incident power at plane 2, PI2 , is just PI1 , so PI2 = PI1 = 78.13 mW. PR2 can be calculated from the voltage reection coefcient at plane 2: 2 PR2 = = ZL Z01 100 40 = = 0.429 ZL + Z01 100 + 40 2 PI2 = 0.4292 78 mW = 14.36 mW . 2
So PT 2 = PI1 PR2 = 78.13 mW 14.36 mW = 63.7 mW, which is the same transmitted power as in the rst approach, allowing for rounding error.
This example is similar to Example 4.9. Again, the transmission line network of Figure 4-16 is considered, but now the characteristic impedance of the rst transmission line is not the same as the generator impedance so the simplication used in the previous example can no longer be used. Now the generator has a Thevenin impedance Z1 = 40 and source E = 5 Vpeak , connected to a one-quarter wavelength long line of characteristic impedance Z01 = 30 which in turn is connected to an innitely long line of characteristic impedance Z02 = 100 . The transmission lines are lossless. Two reference planes are shown in Figure 4-16. At reference plane 1 the incident power is PI1 (the maximum available power from the source), the reected power is PR1 and the transmitted power is PT 1 . PI2 (the maximum available power from Z01 ), PR2 , and PT 2 are similar quantities at reference plane 2. PI1 , PR1 , PT 1 , PI2 , PR2 , and PT 2 are steady-state quantities. (a) What is PI1 ? (b) What is PT 2 ? (c) Determine PT 1 , PI2 , PR1 , and PR2 .
Solution: One of the rst things to note is that the innitely long 100 transmission line is indistinguishable from a 100 resistor, so the reduced form of the problem is as shown below:
(a) PI1 was calculated in Example 4.9 in Equation (4.98): PI1 = 78.13 mW . (4.101)
(b) The problem here is nding PT 2 . Recall that the powers here are steady state quantities so that we are not considering multiple reections of, say, a pulse. Since the system is lossless, the power delivered by the generator must be the power delivered to the innitely long transmission line Z02 (i.e., PT 2 ). The telegraphists equation can be used to calculate the input impedance, Zin , of the two transmission line system; that is, the input impedance of Z01 from the generator end. However, a simpler way to nd this impedance is to realize that the Z01 line is a one-quarter wave transformer so that Z01 = 30 = Zin Z02 = 100Zin , (4.102) and so Zin = 9 . The equivalent circuit is thus
Z 01= 40 E + V _ ZL = 9
The power delivered by the generator to the 9 load is PT 2 = 1 2 V /9 = 0.04686 W = 46.86 mW . 2 (4.105)
(c) The power transmitted into the system at reference plane 1, PT 1 , is the same as the power transmitted to the 100 load, as the rst transmission line is lossless; that is, PT 1 = PT 2 = 46.86 mW . (4.106)
Also The two remaining quantities to determine are PI2 and PR2 . There can be a number of interpretations of what these should be, but one thing that is certain is that PT 2 = PI2 PR2 = 46.86 mW . (4.108) PR1 = PI1 PT 2 = (78.13 46.86) mW = 31.27 mW. (4.107)
One interpretation that will be followed here is based on the equivalent circuit at reference plane 2. Let Zout be the impedance looking to the left from reference plane 2. Again, using the property of a one-quarter wavelength long transmission line, (4.109) Z01 = 30 = Zout 40 and so
2 Zout = Z01 /40 = 302 /40 = 22.5 .
Now determine Vx that results in a power PT 2 being delivered to the 100 load, so PT 2 = and Vx = 3.06 V . From the circuit above, Vx = and so E3 = 3.75 V. The available power from this source is obtained by considering Z 3 = 22.5
3.75 V 22.5
1 2 V /100 = 0.04686 W, 2 x
. The available power at reference plane 2 is PI2 = 1 (E3 /2)2 1.8752 = = 0.07813 W = 78.13 mW. 2 22.5 2 22.5 (4.115)
From Equation (4.108), PR2 = PI2 PT 1 = (78.13 46.86) mW = 31.27 mW. Note that PR2 = PR1 , as expected. (4.116)
V( z) Vmax = 1.5
/2 l
Figure 4-17
If the load is matched to the line, = 0, then the magnitude of the total voltage on the line, |V (z)|, is equal to V0+ , which is a constant. For this reason, such a line is said to be at. If the load is mismatched, the presence of reected waves leads to standing waves where the magnitude of the voltage on the line is not a constant (see Figure 4-17). Thus from Equations (4.93) and (4.94): |V (z)| = V0+ 1 + e2z = V0+ 1 + e2l , where z = l is the positive distance measured from the load at z = 0 toward the generator. Or, setting = ||e , |V (z)| = V0+ 1 + ||e(2) , (4.117)
where is the phase of the reection coefcient ( = ||e ). This result shows that the voltage magnitude oscillates with position z along the line. The maximum value occurs when e(2) = 1 and is given by Vmax = V0+ (1 + ||) . (4.118)
Similarly the minimum value of the voltage magnitude occurs when the phase term e(2l) = 1, and is given by Vmin = V0+ (1 ||) . (4.119)
As || increases, the ratio of Vmax to Vmin increases and the mismatch dened by the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is given by VSWR = Vmax (1 + ||) = . Vmin (1 ||) (4.120)
Notice that, in general, may be complex, but VSWR is necessarily always real and 1 VSWR . For the matched condition, = 0 and VSWR = 1, and the closer VSWR is to 1, the better the load is matched to the line and the more power is delivered to the load. The reection coefcients and standingwave ratios for short-circuit and open-circuit terminated conditions are 1 and +1, respectively, and in both cases the VSWR is innite. To determine the position of Vmax , the voltage maxima, using Equation (4.117) we have 2max = 2n , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . This can be rewritten in the form 2n = 2 2 lmax . g
Thus the position of voltage maxima, lmax , normalized to the wavelength is given by max 1 = n , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (4.121) g 2 2 Similarly the position of the voltage minima can be found using Equation (4.117): 2min = 2n + 1 . Rearranging the terms, we get lmin normalized to the wavelength: min 1 1 = n+ g 2 2 2 , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (4.122)
Summarizing from Equations (4.121) and (4.122): 1. The distance between two successive maxima is g /2. 2. The distance between two successive minima is g /2. 3. The distance between a maximum and an adjacent minimum is /4. In a similar manner to that employed above, the magnitude of the total current on the line is found to be |I()| = V0+ 1 ||e(2) . Z0 (4.123)
Hence the magnitude of the current has its maxima where the voltage is minimum and has its magnitude minima where the voltage magnitude is maximum.
In Example 4.7 a load consisted of a shunt connection of a capacitor of 10 pF and a resistor of 60 . The load terminates a lossless 50 transmission line. The operating frequency is 5 GHz. (a) What is the standing wave ratio, SWR? (b) What is the current standing wave ratio (ISWR)? (When SWR is used on its own it is assumed to refer to VSWR.) Solution: (a) From Example 4.7 on Page 196, L = 0.993 187.3 and so VSWR = (b) ISWR = VSWR = 285 . 1 + |L | 1 + 0.993 = = 285 . 1 |L | 1 0.993
Standing Waves
A load has an impedance ZL = 45 + 75 and the system reference impedance, Z0 , is 100 . (a) What is the reection coefcient? (b) What is the current reection coefcient? (c) What is the SWR? (d) What is the ISWR? (e) The power available from a source with a 100 Thevenin equivalent impedance is 1 mW. The source is connected directly to the load, ZL . Use the reection coefcient to calculate the power delivered to ZL . (f) What is the total power absorbed by the Thevenin equivalent source impedance? (g) Discuss the effect of inserting a lossless 100 transmission line between the source and the load. Solution: (a) The voltage reection coefcient: L = (ZL Z0 )/(ZL + Z0 ) = (45 + 75 100)/(45 + 75 + 100) = (93.0 2.204 rads)/(163.2 0.4773 rads) = 0.570 1.726 rads = 0.570 98.9 = 0.0881 + 0.563 = V . (4.124)
(b) The current reection coefcient: I = V = 0.0881 0.563 (c) The SWR is the VSWR so SWR = VSWR = Vmax /Vmin = (1 + |V |) /(1 |V |) 1 + 0.570 = 3.65 . = 1 0.570 (d) The current SWR is ISWR = VSWR. (e) To determine the reection coefcient of the load we begin by developing the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the load. The power available from the source is PA = 1 mW, so the Thevenin equivalent circuit is = 0.570 (98.9 180 ) = 0.570 81.1 .
R TH =100
(f) It is tempting to think that the power dissipated in RTH is just PR . However, this is not correct. Instead, the current in RTH must be determined and then the power dissipated in RTH found. Let the current through RTH be I, and this is composed on forward- and backward-traveling components: I = I + + I = (1 + I )I + , where I + is the forward-traveling current wave. Thus PA = so and I |I| = = (1 + I )I + = (1 0.881 + 0.563) 4.47 103 2.57 mA. 1 +2 1 |I | RTH = |I + |2 100 = 1 mW = 103 , 2 2 I + = 4.47 mA,
ZG Z in Z ,
in Z ,
Z in
Figure 4-18 Terminated transmission line: (a) a transmission line terminated in a load impedance, ZL , with an input impedance of Zin ; and (b) a transmission line with source impedance ZG and load ZL .
Power dissipated in RTH is PTH = 1 2 1 |I| RTH = (2.57 103 )2 RTH = 331 W. 2 2
Recall that the 1 comes about because in electromagnetics the voltage and currents are 2 peak values and not RMS values. (g) Inserting a transmission line with the same characteristic impedance as the Thevenin equivalent impedance will have no effect on power ow.
The impedance looking into the line varies with position, as the forwardand backward-traveling waves combine. At a distance z = , the input impedance seen looking toward the load is given by Zin |z= = and so V (z = ) 1 + || e(2) = Z0 , I(z = ) 1 || e(2) (4.127)
ZL + Z0 tan . (4.128) Z0 + ZL tan This equation is also known as the lossless telegraphists equation. Also is called the electrical length and is expressed in degrees or fractions of a wavelength, but in calculations it must be converted to radians with 1 wavelength being 2 radians. Let us note here that Zin is a periodic function of with period /2 and it varies between the Zmax and Zmin , where Zin = Z0 Zmax = and Zmin = Vmax = Z0 (VSWR) Imin Vmin Z0 = . Imax VSWR (4.129)
A transmission line is driven by a generator with a maximum available power of 20 dBm and a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 50 . The transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 50 . (a) What is the Thevenin equivalent generator voltage? (b) What is the magnitude of the forward-traveling voltage wave on the line? Assume the line is innitely long. (c) What is the power of the forward-traveling voltage wave? Solution:
ZG = 50 VC EL 50 V 50
(a) Maximum available power is delivered to the load when it is conjugately matched to the generator impedance (see right diagram). Then PLOAD = 1 V 2 R (V is peak voltage) (i.e., PLOAD = 20 dBm = 0.1 W) and 2 V = 2PLOAD R = V = 3.16 V 2 0.1 50 Vpeak
A shorted coaxial line is used as a resonator. The rst resonance is determined to be a parallel (or shunt) resonance and is at 1 GHz. (a) Draw the lumped-element equivalent circuit of the resonator. (b) What is the electrical length of the resonator? (c) What is the impedance looking into the line at resonance? (d) If the resonator is g /4 longer, what is the input impedance of the resonator now? Solution: (a)
g /4
(c) Zin = (for a lossless line).
(d) Zin = 0 .
Resonator Model
This example builds on Example 4.6. Communication lters are often constructed using several shorted transmission line resonators that are coupled to each other. Consider a coaxial line that is short-circuited at one end. The dielectric lling the coaxial line has a relative permittivity of 20 and the resonator is to be designed to resonate at a center frequency, f0 , of 1850 MHz. (a) What is the wavelength in the dielectric-lled coaxial line? (b) What is the form of the equivalent circuit (in terms of inductors and capacitors) of a one-quarter wavelength long resonator if the coaxial line is lossless? (c) What is the length of the resonator? (d) Determine the derivative with respect to frequency of the admittance of the LC equivalent circuit developed in (b). Determine an analytic expression of the derivative at the resonant frequency. (e) If the diameter of the inner conductor of the coaxial line is 2 mm and the inside diameter of the outer conductor is 5 mm, what is the characteristic impedance of the coaxial line? (f) Calculate the input admittance of the dielectric-lled coaxial line at 0.99f0 , f0 , and 1.01f0 . Determine the numerical derivative of the line admittance at f0 . (g) Derive the numeric values of the equivalent circuit of the resonator at the resonant frequency. Hint: Match the derivative expression derived in (d) with the actual derivative calculated in (f). Solution: The rst thing to realize with this example is that the rst resonance will occur when the length of the resonator is one-quarter wavelength, /4, long. Resonance generally means that the impedance is either an open or a short circuit and there is energy stored. When the shorted line is /4 long, the input impedance will be an open circuit. When the line is of zero length, one of the resonance conditions is met (the input impedance is zero) but energy is not stored, so a zero-length line is not a resonator. (a) g = 0 / r = 16.2 cm/ 20 = 3.62 cm.
Y = 0 at resonance Y = YL + YC = (c) = (0.0362 m)/4 = 9.05 mm. (d) From (b), Y 2 = + C = 2 + C = L L 1 +C 2L . (4.131) 1 1 + C = + C. L L
(e) From Equation (4.65), Z0 = 12.28 . (f) The input impedance of the line can be calculated from Equation (4.128), repeated below: Zin = Z0 ZL + Z0 tan . Z0 + ZL tan (4.132)
In this problem ZL = 0 , = (0.0362 m)/4 = 9.05 mm, = 0 r , where 0 is the phase constant of free space. From Equations (4.56) and (4.57), = 20.958 f0 |( GHz) 20 = 173.4 rad/m At 0.99f0 , Zin = 781.7 ; Yin = 0.001279 S. At f0 , Zin = ; Yin = 0 S. At 1.01f0 , Zin = 781.7 ; Yin = 0.001279 S. So the derivative of the input admittance is Y Yin (0.001279 + 0.001279) = = 1.101 1011 . 2f0 (1.01 0.99) (4.133)
(g) The equivalent circuit resonates at f0 = 1.85 GHz when 1/(0 L) = 0 C; 0 = 2f0 . That is, 2 LC = 0 = 0.7401 1020 s2 . (4.134) Equating Equations (4.131) and (4.133), 1 +C 2 0 L C 1.101 1011 F 1.101 1011 1 F. 2 0 L (4.135)
= =
= = =
1.101 1011 L
Z 01
Figure 4-19
Transmission line stubs: (a)(e) short-circuited stubs; and (f)(j) open-circuited stubs.
From Equation (4.134), C = 0.7401 1020 /L = 5.503 1012 F = 5.503 pF. So the equivalent circuit of the resonator is
C , with L = 1.345 nH and C = 5.503 pF. This equivalent circuit is valid for a narrow range (say 5%) of frequencies around 1.85 GHz. Y L
Short-Circuited Stub
A short-circuited transmission line is commonly used as a circuit element that is called a stub. Figures 4-19(a)(e) show short-circuited stubs. In Figure 4-19(a), and noting that in Equation (4.128) ZL = 0, the transmission line has an input impedance Z1 = Z01 tan . (4.138)
With the stub one-quarter wavelength long at a frequency fr , the input impedance is an open circuit and the stub is said to be resonant at a frequency fr . Then, at a frequency f , the input impedance of the stub is Z1 = Z01 tan f 2 fr .
When f = 1 fr , the stub is one-eighth of a wavelength long and the 2 argument of the tan function in Equation (4.139) is /4 and Z1 becomes Z1 = Z01 tan 4 = Z1 = Z01 . (4.140)
Figure 4-19(b) is a shunt short-circuited stub with input impedance Z1 . The representation of the stub in Figure 4-19(c) indicates the characteristic impedance of the stub, Z01 , and in this representation it is necessary to know the resonant frequency (at which the stub is one-quarter wavelength long) of the stub. If Z1 or Z01 are replaced by numbers, a real number (such as 10 ) would indicate the characteristic impedance of the stub, but an imaginary number (such as 10 ) would indicate the input impedance of the stub. If the characteristic impedance of the stub is given, then the length of the stub must be indicated by the context, typically by its resonant frequency, fr , the frequency at which the stub is one-quarter wavelength long. Figure 4-19(d) shows a short-circuited stub inserted between two transmission lines, while Figure 4-19(e) shows the stub in series connection.
Open-Circuited Stub
An open-circuited transmission line is commonly used as a circuit element that is called an open stub. Figure 4-19(fj) show open-circuited stubs. In Figure 4-19(f), and noting that in Equation (4.128) ZL = , the transmission line has an input impedance of Z1 = Z01 1 . tan (4.141)
With the stub one-quarter wavelength long at a frequency fr , the input impedance is a short circuit and the stub is said to be resonant at a frequency fr . Then at a frequency f , the input impedance of the stub is Z1 = Z01 1 tan
f 2 fr
Figure 4-19(g) is a representation of a shunt open-circuited stub with input impedance Z1 . The representation of the stub in Figure 4-19(h) indicates the characteristic impedance of the stub, Z01 , and in this representation it is necessary to know the resonant frequency (at which the stub is one-quarter wavelength long) of the stub. Figure 4-19(i) shows an open-circuited stub inserted between two transmission lines, while Figure 4-19(j) shows the stub in series connection. The stub introduces an impedance in shunt across a transmission line. This can be used in tuning. A common microstrip trick is to allow for optimization of a design using the layout shown in Figure 4-20, where bonding to different pads enables a variable length stub to be realized.
Figure 4-20 Open-circuited stub with variable length realized using wire bonding from the xed stub to one of the bond pads.
Z 1 = 30 E in Z in
Z 01 = 60
Z 02 = 40
11 A 12
21 22
11 B 12
21 22
Figure 4-21 Transmission line network with a nite length line of characteristic impedance Z01 and an innitely long transmission line of characteristic impedance Z02 .
Bounce Diagram
The bounce diagram follows reections at the interfaces between networks. The utility of bounce diagrams will be addressed using an example. EXAMPLE 4. 16 Bounce Diagram
In the transmission line system in Figure 4-21 there are two planes at which reection and transmission (or scattering) occur. The electrical length of the Z01 line is 45 and the Z02 line is innitely long. The aim here is to nd the input impedance, Zin . This will be arrived at in two ways. The rst technique uses a bounce diagram approach and emphasizes reection and transmission at the interface planes. The second approach uses the telegraphists equation. It is more subtle to use the bounce diagram technique, but it yields the same answer as using the telegraphists equation. (a) What are the scattering parameters at reference plane A? 11 is the reection coefcient of signals incident on reference plane A from the left. T21 is the transmission coefcient at the plane for signals from the left. A 22 and A T12 are the corresponding parameters for scattering from signals coming from the right to the plane. So, normalizing to Z1 ,
11 = T21
22 = A 11 = 0.333
(4.143) (4.144)
T12 = 1 A 22 = 1.333
While A T12 is greater than one, this does not indicate power gain because of the differences in impedance levels. (b) What are the scattering parameters 2 and T2 at reference plane B? Now the reference is Z0 , and so Z02 Z0 B 11 = . (4.145) Z02 + Z0 The question now is what should the system reference impedance beshould it be Z1 , Z01 , or even Z02 ? The problem could be solved using any of these, but the simplest procedure is to use the same reference impedance throughout, and since the eventual aim is to calculate the overall input reection coefcient, the appropriate choice is Z0 = Z1 . Note, however, that the actual voltage levels on the lines are not being calculated (which would need to be referenced to the characteristic impedance of the lines they are on), but instead to a traveling wave referenced to a universal system impedance. If it were required that the actual voltages be calculated, then a system reference impedance change would be necessary. So the scattering parameters at reference plane B referenced to the impedance Z1 are
11 = T21
22 = B 11 = 0.143
(4.146) (4.147)
T12 = 1 B 22 = 1.143 .
The second transmission line is innitely long and so no signal from the line will be incident at reference plane B from the right. (c) What is the transmission coefcient of the Z01 transmission line? Using a reference impedance of Z01 , the transmission coefcient is one and rotates by 45 or 0.785 radians: T01 = exp (0.785) = 0.707 + 0.707 . (d) Draw the bounce diagram of the transmission line network. The bounce diagram is shown in Figure 4-22. (e) What is in and hence what is Zin ? in is the steady-state input reection coefcient and is obtained by adding all of the reections leaving to the left from plane A in Figure 4-22. So in = =
A 2 11 + A T12 A T21 T01 B 11 4 6 +A T12 A T21 T01 B 2 A 22 + A T12 A T21 T01 B 2 A 2 11 11 22 A 2 11 + A T12 A T21 T01 B 11 1 + x + x2 + ,
= = =
2 T12 A T21 T01 B 11 2B 1 T01 11 A 22 1.333 0.667 (0.707 0.707)2 (0.2) 0.333 + 1 (0.707 0.707)2 (0.2) (0.333) 0.345 0.177 .
11 +
in is the reection at reference plane A and is referenced to Z1 = 30 . So the input impedance is Zin = Z1 1 + in 1 in = 30 1 + 0.345 0.177 1 0.345 0.177 = 55.39 + 23.08 . (4.150)
(f) Use the lossless telegraphists equation, Equation (4.128), to nd Zin . The innitely long line presents an impedance Z02 to the 60 transmission line. So the input impedance looking into the 60 line at reference plane A is, using the lossless telegraphists equation, Zin = Z01 Z02 + Z01 tan l Z01 + Z02 tan l ,
where the electrical length l is 45 or /8 radians. So Zin = 60 40 + 60 tan (/8) 60 + 40 tan (/8) = 55.39 + 23.08 ,
which is the same result obtained using the bounce diagram method. In the above, two techniques were used to evaluate the input impedance of a transmission line system. The bounce diagram technique required a subtle choice of several different reference impedances which were required to keep track of real power ow. It is quite difcult to make these choices. It can be viewed that the bounce diagram considers instantaneous reections of pulses. These are summed to yield the steady-state input reection coefcient, and thus the input impedance. The telegraphists equation directly captures the steady-state response. So while the bounce diagram technique aids in physical understanding, using the telegraphists equation is a much less error prone approach to solving transmission line problems.
A number of special cases of lossless terminated transmission lines are useful circuit elements in RF design.
B T21 T01
2 B A
2 A T12 T21T01B 11 A
T21T01 11 22 B T12
3 B
A A 4 A T12 T21T01B 2 A 11 22 A
A A 2 T12AT21T01 B 11 A22 6 3
Figure 4-22
Bounce diagram.
Now consider the case of electrically short lines, that is, goes to zero (i.e., 2/ goes to zero), then Equation (4.128) becomes Zin ZL + Z0 () ZL [ZL + Z0 ()] 1 () . ZL Z0 1 + Z0 ()
A transmission line terminated in a short circuit (ZL = 0) has the input impedance Zin = Z0 tan() . (4.152)
So a short length of line, < g /4, looks like an inductor with inductance Ls , Z0 tan() = Ls , (4.153) and so Ls = Z0 2 tan . g (4.154)
From Equation (4.154) it is seen that for a given , Ls is proportional to Z0 . Hence, for larger values of Ls , sections of transmission line of high characteristic impedance are needed. So microstrip lines with narrow strips can be used to realize inductors in planar microstrip circuits. EXAMPLE 4. 17 Inductive Transmission Line
This example demonstrates that one does not need an ideal short to effect a (predominantly) inductive behavior from a segment of transmission line. Consider the transmission line system shown below with lines having two different characteristic impedances, Z01 and Z02 .
Z in Z
Note that Z01 tan() is the dominant part for l < /8 and Z02 Z01 .
Z02 + Z01 tan , Z02 + Z01 tan which for a short line can be expressed as ` Zin Z02 1 + tan2 (l) + Z01 tan() . Zin = Z01
From this example it can be concluded that a microstrip realization of a series inductor can be a high-impedance line embedded between two low-impedance lines. A top view of such a conguration in microstrip is shown in the gure below. Recall that a narrow microstrip line has high characteristic impedance.
Z0 2
C2 L1 L2
C3 L3
L1 C1 C2
L2 C3
Figure 4-23 A lowpass lter: (a) in the form of an LC ladder network; and (b) realized using microstrip lines.
For lengths such that < /4, an open-circuited segment of line realizes a capacitor C0 for which 1 Z0 = (4.156) C0 tan and so C0 = 1 tan . Z0 (4.157)
From the above relationship, we see that for a given length of line , C0 is inversely proportional to Z0 . Hence for larger values of C0 we need to use sections of transmission line of low characteristic impedance. EXAMPLE 4. 18 Transmission Line Filter
A microstrip realization of a lowpass lter consists of Ls and Cs as shown in Figure 4-23(a). This lowpass lter section can be realized using wide and narrow microstrip lines, as shown in Figure 4-23(b).
Quarter-Wave Transformer
The next important case of a transmission line section is the quarter-wave transformer. Figure 4-24(a) shows a resistive load RL and a section of transmission line whose length is g /4 (hence the name quarter-wave transformer). The input impedance of the line is Zin = Z1 RL + Z1 tan() RL + Z1 Z2 = Z1 = 1 . RL + Z1 tan() RL + Z1 RL (4.158)
Z0 Zin
Z1 g /4
Z 02
Z0 g /4
Z 01
Figure 4-24 The quarter-wave transformer line: (a) interfacing two lines; and (b) transforming a load.
So the input impedance is matched to the transmission line Z0 if Zin = Z0 ; that is, Z1 = Z0 RL . (4.160) Thus the quarter-wavelength long line acts as an ideal impedance transformer. Another example of the quarter-wave transformer is shown in Figure 424(b). It is clear from the gure that the input impedance looking into the quarter-wave transformer is given by Zin = Z0 Z01 + Z0 Z2 Z01 + Z0 tan() = Z0 = 0 . Z0 + Z01 tan() Z0 + Z01 Z01 (4.161) (4.159)
Hence a section of the transmission line of length = g /4 + ng /2, where n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., can be used to match two different impedances Z01 , Z02 by constructing the line such that its characteristic impedance Z0 is Z0 = Z01 Z02 . (4.162)
Note that for a design center frequency f0 , the electrical length of the matching section is g /4, but at different frequencies the electrical length is different and a perfect match is no longer achieved. In general, a perfect match is obtained only at the frequencies at which = g /4 + ng /4. There is an interesting property of a quarter-wave transformer that is widely used in lters. Examine the nal result in Equation (4.161) which is repeated here: Z2 Zin = 0 . (4.163) Z01 This result applies to complex impedances as well. Equation (4.163) indicates that a quarter-wavelength long line is an impedance inverter, presenting, at Port 1 the inverse of the impedance presented at Port 2, Z01 . This inversion is normalized by the square of the characteristic impedance
Z 02
Z 01
Figure 4-25
V (z ) I(z ) Zin Z 0 ,, ZL
Figure 4-26
of the line. This inversion holds in the reverse direction as well. The quarterwave transformer is also called an impedance inverter (or equivalently an admittance inverter). The layout of a microstrip quarter-wave transformer is shown in Figure 4-25, where = g /4 and the characteristic impedance of the transformer, Z0 , is the geometric mean of the impedances on either side, that is Z0 = Z0,1 Z0,2 .
In this section a lossy transmission line with low-loss is considered so that R L and G C, and the characteristic impedance is Z0 L/C. Figure 4-26 is a lossy transmission line whose attenuation constant is and the phase constant is . The propagation constant, , is a complex function of both and . The total voltage and current at any point on the line are given by V (z) = V0+ ez + ez and I(z) = V0+ z e ez . Z0 (4.165) (4.164)
In a similar fashion, the impedance seen looking into the line for this case is given by the lossy telegraphists equation: Zin = Z0 ZL + Z0 tanh . Z0 + ZL tanh (4.166)
as = + and with = 0, tanh becomes tanh = tan . For a lossy transmission line it is clear that not all of the power applied at the input will be delivered to the load. There will be a certain amount of power lost on the line due to the nite attenuation constant that results from loss on the line. Equations (4.168)(4.170) are the equations of power delivered to the load, the power incident on the line, and the power lost on the line, respectively. So the power delivered to the load is PL = V+ 1 R {V (0)I (0)} = 0 (1 | |2 ) . 2 2Z0
Similarly the power at the input of the line is Pin = V+ 1 Re {V ()I (l)} = 0 2 2Z0
1 | |2 e4 e2
e2 1 + | |2 1 e2
Transmission lines with conductors embedded in an inhomogeneous dielectric medium cannot support a pure TEM mode. This is the case even if the conductors are lossless. The most important member of this class is the microstrip transmission line (Figure 4-8(c)). Part of the eld is in the air and part in the dielectric between the strip conductor and ground. In most practical cases, the dielectric substrate is electrically thin, that is, h . It can be shown that the transverse eld is dominant, |EL | |ET |, and the elds are called quasi-TEM.
In this section it is shown that the static solutions for the transverse electric eld alone can be used to calculate the characteristics of a transmission line. The procedure described is used in many EM computer programs to calculate the characteristics of transmission lines. As a rst step, the potential of the conductor strip is set to V0 and Laplaces equation is solved for the electrostatic potential everywhere in the dielectric. Then, the p.u.l. electric charge, Q, on the conductor is determined. Using this
In the next step, the process described in the step above is repeated with r = 1. This is done to calculate Cair (the capacitance of the line without a dielectric). Since the transmission line is now a TEM structure, LCair = 0 0 , and so the velocity on a vacuum-lled line with a TEM eld distribution is identical to that in free space, where c = vp = 1/ 0 0 . Thus L= 1 . c2 Cair (4.171)
L is not affected by the dielectric properties of the medium.14 L calculated above is the desired p.u.l inductance of the line with the dielectric as well as in free space. Once L and C have been found, the characteristic impedance can be found using L Z0 = , (4.172) C which can be written as 1 1 Z0 = , (4.173) c C Cair and the phase velocity is given by 1 =c vp = LC Cair . C (4.174)
It can be seen that the eld is distributed in the inhomogeneous medium and in free space, as shown in Figure 4-27. So the effective permittivity, e , of the microstrip line is dened by c e = . vp (4.175)
Combining Equations (4.174) and (4.175), the effective relative permittivity is obtained: C e = . (4.176) Cair
The assumption that L is not affected by the dielectric is in general a good approximation. However, there is a small discrepancy due to a change in the electric eld orientation which will also affect the distribution of the magnetic eld, but there is negligible additional magnetic energy storage.
0 r
w h
W h
Figure 4-27 Microstrip line: (a) actual crosssection; and (b) approximate equivalent structure where the strip is embedded in a dielectric of semi-innite extent with effective relative permittivity e .
The effective dielectric constant can be interpreted as the dielectric constant of a homogeneous medium that replaces the air and the dielectric regions of the microstrip, as shown in Figure 4-27. Since some of the eld is in the dielectric and some is in air, the effective dielectric constant satises the relation 1 < e < r . (4.177)
This section presents formulas for the effective dielectric constant and characteristic impedance of the microstrip. These formulas are ts to the results of detailed EM simulations. Also, the form of the equations is based on good physical understanding. First, assume that the thickness, t, is zero. This is not a bad approximation, as in practice t w, h for most microwave circuits (this, however, is not true with digital ICs). It is not possible to develop useful formulas for the situation where the lines are not very thin. Hammerstad and others provided well-accepted formulas for calculating the effective permittivity and characteristic impedance of microstrip lines [6668]. Given r , w, and h, the effective relative permittivity is e = where a(u)|u=w/h = 1 + and b(r ) = 0.564 r 0.9 r + 3 1 u4 + {u/52} ln 49 u4 + 0.432
r + 1 r 1 + 2 2
10h w
1 u ln 1 + 18.7 18.1
Take some time to interpret Equation (4.178) for effective relative permittivity. First, assume for simplicity that the dimensions of the line are such that ab = 1. If r = 1, then e = (1 + 1)/2 + 0 = 1, as expected. If r is not that of air then e will be between 1 and r , dependent on the geometry of the line, or more specically, the ratio w/h. For a very wide line, w/h 1, e = (r + 1)/2 + (r 1)/2 = r , corresponding to the EM energy being conned to the dielectric. For a thin line, w/h 1, so e = (r + 1)/2, the average of the dielectric and air regions. Commonly the shorter-term effective permittivity is used, but nearly always the effective relative permittivity is meant. The characteristic impedance is given by Z01 Z0 = , e (4.181)
where the characteristic impedance of the micostrip line in free space is 2 F1 h 2h , Z01 = Z0 |(r =1) = 60 ln + 1+ (4.182) w w and F1 = 6 + (2 6) exp (30.666h/w)0.7528 . (4.183)
The accuracy of Equation (4.178) is better than 0.2% for 0.01 w/h 100 and 1 r 128. Also, the accuracy of Equation (4.182) is better than 0.1% for w/h < 1000. Z0 (r = 1) has a maximum value when w is vanishingly small. This is not seen in Equation (4.182), as this is only valid over a range of w. Now consider the special case where w is vanishingly small. Then Z0 (r = 1) is that of free space; that is, Z0 (r = 1) = 0 0 = 377 . As well, e has its minimum value when w is vanishingly small, then e = r + 1 . 2 (4.184)
This leads to an approximate (and more convenient) form of Equation (4.178): r + 1 r 1 1 e = + . (4.185) 2 2 1 + 12h/w This approximation has its greatest error for low and high r and narrow lines, w/h 1, where the maximum error is 1%. Again, Equation (4.181) would be used to calculate the characteristic impedance. A comparison of the line characteristics using the more precise formula for e (Equation (4.178)) and the slightly less accurate t (Equation (4.185)) is given in Table 4-2.
Table 4-2 Comparison of two tted equations for the effective permittivity and characteristic impedance of a microstrip line. Equation (4.178) has an accuracy of better than 0.2% and Equation (4.185) has an accuracy of better than 1%.
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 128 128 128 128 128
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
1 1 1 1 1 1.525 1.565 1.645 1.848 1.969 5.683 6.016 6.705 8.556 9.707 10.88 11.57 13.01 16.93 19.38 66.90 71.51 81.12 71.51 123.8
401.1 262.9 126.5 29.04 3.61 322.5 210.0 98.64 21.36 2.58 165.8 107.0 48.86 9.93 1.16 119.6 77.14 35.07 7.06 0.821 48.15 31.02 14.05 2.80 0.325
1 1 1 1 1 1.514 1.545 1.639 1.837 1.972 5.630 5.909 6.748 8.534 9.752 10.77 11.36 13.13 16.91 19.48 66.30 70.27 82.11 70.27 124.5
401.1 262.9 126.5 29.04 3.61 325.9 211.5 98.83 21.43 2.58 169.0 108.2 48.70 9.94 1.16 122.2 78.00 34.91 7.06 0.819 49.25 31.37 13.96 2.80 0.324
Eq. (4.185), 1%
The more exact analysis, represented by Equation (4.178), was used to develop Table 4-3 which can be used in the design of microstrip on a silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) substrate and on FR-4 printed circuit board which both have a relative permittivity of 4; on alumina with a permittivity of 10; on a silicon (Si) substrate with a relative permittivity of 11.9; and on a gallium arsenide (GaAs) substrate with a relative permittivity of 12.85. EXAMPLE 4. 19 Microstrip Calculations
The strip of a microstrip has a width of 600 m and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 635 m thick and has a relative permittivity of 4.1. (a) What is the effective relative permittivity? (b) What is the characteristic impedance? (c) What is the propagation constant at 5 GHz ignoring any losses?
0 r
Use the formulas for effective dielectric constant, characteristic impedance, and attenuation constant from Section 4.10.2 with w = 600 m ; h = 635 m ; r = 4.1; w/h = 600/635 = 0.945 . (a) e = r 1 r + 1 + 2 2 ab 10h 1+ w
From Equation (4.179), w 3 1 (w/h)4 + {w/(52h)}2 1 a=1+ ln + ln 1 + = 0.991, 4 49 18.7 18.1h (w/h) + 0.432 and from Equation (4.180), r 0.9 b = 0.564 r + 3 From Equation (4.178), e = 2.967 . (b) In free space, F1 h + Z0 (r = 1) = 60 ln 4 w 2 s 1+ 2h w 2 3 5, Z0 (r = 1) e 0.053 = 0.541 .
F1 = 6 + (2 6) exp (30.666h/)0.7528 ,
Z0 =
Table 4-3 Microstrip line normalized width u (= w/h), and effective permittivity, e , for specied characteristic impedance Z0 . Data derived from the analysis in Section 4.10.2 on Page 223.
Z0 () 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 r = 4 (SiO2 , FR-4) u e 0.171 0.176 0.181 0.185 0.190 0.195 0.201 0.206 0.212 0.217 0.223 0.229 0.235 0.241 0.248 0.254 0.261 0.268 0.275 0.283 0.290 0.298 0.306 0.314 0.323 0.331 0.340 0.349 0.359 0.368 2.718 2.720 2.722 2.723 2.725 2.727 2.729 2.731 2.733 2.734 2.736 2.738 2.740 2.742 2.744 2.746 2.748 2.750 2.752 2.755 2.757 2.759 2.761 2.763 2.766 2.768 2.771 2.773 2.776 2.778 r = 10 (Alumina) u e 0.028 0.029 0.030 0.031 0.032 0.033 0.035 0.036 0.037 0.038 0.040 0.043 0.044 0.046 0.048 0.050 0.052 0.054 0.056 0.058 0.061 0.063 0.066 0.068 0.071 0.074 0.077 0.080 0.083 0.086 5.914 5.917 5.919 5.922 5.924 5.927 5.931 5.933 5.936 5.939 5.942 5.949 5.951 5.955 5.958 5.962 5.966 5.970 5.973 5.977 5.982 5.985 5.990 5.993 5.998 6.003 6.007 6.012 6.016 6.021 r = 11.9 (Si) u e 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.025 0.026 0.028 0.029 0.030 0.031 0.033 0.034 0.035 0.038 0.039 0.041 0.043 0.045 0.047 0.049 0.051 0.053 0.055 0.057 0.060 6.907 6.910 6.914 6.919 6.923 6.925 6.927 6.930 6.934 6.937 6.941 6.948 6.951 6.954 6.957 6.963 6.966 6.969 6.977 6.980 6.985 6.990 6.995 6.999 7.004 7.008 7.013 7.017 7.022 7.028 Z0 () 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 r = 4 (SiO2 , FR-4) u e 0.378 0.389 0.399 0.410 0.421 0.432 0.444 0.456 0.468 0.481 0.494 0.507 0.521 0.535 0.550 0.565 0.580 0.596 0.612 0.629 0.646 0.664 0.701 0.721 0.740 0.761 0.782 0.804 0.826 0.849 2.781 2.783 2.786 2.789 2.791 2.794 2.797 2.800 2.803 2.806 2.809 2.812 2.815 2.819 2.822 2.825 2.829 2.832 2.836 2.839 2.843 2.847 2.855 2.859 2.863 2.867 2.872 2.876 2.881 2.885 r = 10 (Alumina) u e 0.089 0.093 0.097 0.100 0.104 0.109 0.113 0.117 0.122 0.127 0.132 0.137 0.143 0.148 0.154 0.160 0.167 0.173 0.180 0.187 0.195 0.202 0.219 0.228 0.237 0.246 0.256 0.266 0.277 0.288 6.025 6.031 6.036 6.040 6.046 6.052 6.057 6.062 6.069 6.075 6.081 6.087 6.094 6.100 6.106 6.113 6.121 6.127 6.134 6.142 6.150 6.157 6.173 6.182 6.190 6.198 6.208 6.216 6.226 6.235 r = 11.9 (Si) u e 0.062 0.065 0.068 0.071 0.074 0.077 0.080 0.084 0.087 0.091 0.095 0.099 0.103 0.108 0.112 0.117 0.122 0.128 0.133 0.139 0.145 0.151 0.164 0.171 0.179 0.187 0.195 0.203 0.212 0.221 7.032 7.038 7.044 7.050 7.055 7.061 7.066 7.073 7.079 7.085 7.092 7.099 7.105 7.113 7.120 7.127 7.135 7.144 7.151 7.159 7.168 7.176 7.193 7.203 7.213 7.223 7.233 7.242 7.253 7.263
Microstrip Resistance
In calculating R for a microstrip line, the conductor thickness must be taken into account. The total resistance is the sum of the resistance of the strip and the resistance of the ground plane: R = Rstrip + Rground , where [51] Rstrip = Rs w 1 1 4w + 2 ln t q, (4.187) (4.186)
Rs is the sheet resistance, t is the thickness of the strip, and q is the lling factor of the line: q= 1, for w/h 0.5 2 0.94 + 0.132w/h 0.0062 (w/h) , for 0.5 w/h 10 . Rs w/h , for 0.1 w/h 10 . w w/h + 5.8 + 0.03h/w (4.188)
Finally, the conductor loss, c , from Equation (4.75), is R/2Z0 . In summary, the conductor resistance is comprised of a strip component and a component due to the ground plane. EXAMPLE 4. 20 Microstrip Attenuation
If the strip in Example 4.19 has a resistance of 1 cm1 and the ground plane resistance can be ignored, what is the attenuation constant at 5 GHz?
0 r
For a low-loss line, = R/2Z0 (since there is no dielectric loss), R = 1 cm1 , Z0 = 86.1 , and so = 0.581 mNp m1 .
The formulas developed in Section 4.10.2 on Page 223 enable the electrical characteristics to be determined given the material properties and the
physical dimensions of a microstrip line. In design, the physical dimensions must be determined given the desired electrical properties. Several people have developed procedures that can be used to synthesize microstrip lines [67, 6972]. This subject is considered in much more depth by Edwards and Steer [51], and here just one approach is reported which is applicable to alumina-type substrates where 8 r 12. The formulas are useful outside this range, but with reduced accuracy. Again, these formulas are the result of curve ts, but starting with physically based equation forms.
High Impedance
For narrow strips, that is, when Z0 > (44 r ) : w = h where H = and [72] e = r + 1 29.98 2 1+ 2 Z0 r + 1 r 1 r + 1 ln 1 4 + ln 2 r
exp H 1 8 4 exp H
2(r + 1) 1 + 119.9 2
r 1 r + 1
1 4 + ln 2 r
. (4.192)
Low Impedance
Strips with low Z0 are relatively wide and the formulas below can be used when Z0 < (44 r ) . The crosssectional geometry is given by w 2 (r 1) 0.517 = [(dr 1) ln (2d1 1)] + ln (dr 1) + 0.293 , h r r (4.193) where 59.95 2 59.95 2 dr = , (4.194) , d1 = Z0 r Z0 and e = r . 0.96 + r (0.109 0.004r )[log (10 + Z0 ) 1]
For microstrip lines on alumina, which has r 10, the expressions above are accurate to 0.2% for 8 Z0 45 .
Microstrip Design
Design a microstrip line to have a characteristic impedance of 75 at 10 GHz. The microstrip is to be constructed on a substrate that is 500 m thick with a relative dielectric constant of 5.6. What is the width of the line? Ignore the thickness of the strip. What is the effective permittivity of the line? Solution: (a) Two design formulas were introduced for microstrip: one for high impedance and one for low. The high-impedance (or narrow-strip) formula (Equation (4.190)) is to be used for Zo > (44 r ) [= (44 5.6) = 48.4] . With r = 5.6 and Z0 = 75 , Equation (4.191) yields H = 2.445. From Equation (4.190) w/h = 0.704, thus w= w h = 0.704 0.5 = 352 m. h
Two formulas have been presented that enable the effective permittivity of a microstrip line to be calculated. Equation (4.178) provides the effective permittivity from the physical dimensions, the width and height of the line, and the relative permittivity of the medium. For a high-impedance line, Formula (4.192) (and Formula (4.195) for a low-impedance line) provides the effective permittivity using an electrical characteristic, the characteristic impedance, and the relative permittivity of the medium. Both formulas for effective permittivity are curve t equations, although they are based on physical insight. So the two formulas are unlikely to provide answers that are within only a rounding error. So which one do you really want? Most likely, once you have set the width you would really like to know the effective permittivity as accurately as possible. Equation (4.178) is known to be quite accurate, better than 0.2%, compared to detailed computer simulations. Can you really believe this? No, there are variations of the permittivity from place to place as the density of the material changes. This is particularly true of composite materials such as an FR-4 circuit board substrate, where the lower permittivity resin moves around during manufacture while the glass ber stays xed. With silicon ICs the density of the silicon dioxide varies. Another factor is that the thickness of the strip affects the eld distribution and hence the effective permittivity.
+x (c)
Figure 4-28 An open on a microstrip transmisison line: (a) microstrip line showing fringing elds at the open; (b) fringing capacitance model of the open; and (c) an extended line model of the open with x being the extra transmission line length that captures the open.
The simplest microwave circuit element is a uniform section of transmission line which can be used to introduce a time delay or a frequencydependent phase shift. More commonly it is used to interconnect other components. Other line segments are used for interconnections, including bends, corners, twists, and transitions between lines of different dimensions. The dimensions and shapes are designed to minimize reections and thus maximize return loss and minimize insertion loss.
Many transmission line discontinuities arise from fringing elds. One element is the microstrip open shown in Figure 4-28. The fringing elds at the end of the transmission line in Figure 4-28(a) store energy in the electric eld, and this can be modeled by the fringing capacitance, CF , shown in Figure 4-28(b). This effect can also be modeled by an extended transmission line, as shown in Figure 4-28(c). For a typical microstrip line with r = 9.6, h = 600 m, and w/h = 1, CF is approximately 36 fF. However CF varies with frequency, and the extended length is a much better approximation to the effect of fringing, as it has very little frequency dependence [73]. For the same dimensions, the length section is approximately 0.35h and almost independent of frequency. A full treatment is provided in Edwards and Steer [51]. As with many fringing effects, a capacitance or inductance is used to describe the effect of fringing, but generally a distributed model is better.
2 2 1 2
Z 0,3
1 2 1 2
3 3 4 4 1 1 3
2 2
1 1 2 2
2 1 2 1 2 1
1 2
Figure 4-29 Microstrip discontinuities: (a) quarter-wave impedance transformer; (b) open microstrip stub; (c) step; (d) notch; (e) gap; (f) crossover; and (g) bend .
The equivalent circuits of microstrip discontinuities (Figure 4-29(bg)) are modeled by capacitive elements if the E eld is interrupted and by inductive elements if the H eld (or current) is disturbed. The stub shown in Figure 4-29(b) presents a short circuit to the through transmission line when the length of the stub is g /4. When the stub is electrically short (<< g /4) it introduces a shunt capacitance in the through transmission line.
Impedance Transformer
Impedance transformers interface two sections of line of different characteristic impedance. The smoothest transition and the one with the broadest bandwidth is a tapered line This element tends to be very long, as > g , and so step terminations called quarter-wave impedance transform-
Figure 4-30 Terminations and attenuators: (a) coaxial line resistive termination; (b) microstrip matched load; (c) coaxial attenuator; and (d) microstrip attenuator.
ers (see Figure 4-29(a)) are sometimes used, although their bandwidth is relatively small and centered on the frequency at which l = g /4. Ideally Z0,2 = Z0,1 Z0,3 .
In a termination, power is absorbed by a length of lossy material at the end of a shorted piece of transmission line (Figure 4-30(a)). This type of termination is called a matched load, as power is absorbed and reections are small irrespective of the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. This is generally preferred to a lumped resistor at high frequencies. If size is critical, as the characteristic impedance of transmission lines varies with frequency, a simpler and smaller termination can be realized by placing a resistor to ground (Figure 4-30(b)).
Attenuators reduce the level of a signal traveling along a transmission line. The basic design is to make the line lossy, but with characteristic impedance approximating that of the connecting lines so as to reduce reections. In the case of wireless circuits, a microstrip line is made lossy by covering the line with resistive material (Figures 4-30(c) and 4-30(d)).
Figure 4-31 Microstrip stubs: (a) radial shunt-connected stub; (b) conventional shunt stub; and (c) buttery radial stub.
The use of a radial stub (Figure 4-31(a)), as opposed to the conventional microstrip stub (Figure 4-31(b)), can improve the bandwidth of many microstrip circuits. A major advantage of a radial stub is that the input impedance presented at the through line generally has broader bandwidth than that obtained with the conventional stub. When two shunt-connected radial stubs are introduced in parallel (i.e., one on each side of the microstrip feeder line) the resulting conguration is termed a buttery structure (see Figure 4-31(c)). Critical design parameters include the radius, r, and the angle of the stub.
Rat-Race Hybrid
In this example the rat-race circuit shown in Figure 4-32(a) is considered. One of the functions of this circuit is that with an input at Port 1, the power of this signal is split between Ports 2 and 3. At the same time, no signal appears at Port 4. This example is an exercise in exploiting the impedance transformation properties of the transmission line. From Figure 4-32(a) it is seen that each port is separated from the other port by a specic electrical length. Intuitively one can realize that there will be various possible outputs for excitation from different ports. Each case will be studied. When Port 1 of the hybrid is excited or driven, the outputs at Ports 3 and 4 are in phase, as both are distanced from Port 1 by an electrical length of g /4, while Port 2 remains isolated, as the electrical distance from Port 1 to Port 2 is an even multiple of g /2. Thus Port 2 will be an electrical short circuit to the signal at Port 1. In a similar way, a signal excited at Port 2 will result in outputs at Ports 3 and 4, though with a phase difference of 180 between the two output ports and Port 1 remains isolated, which is directly from the same analysis done in the earlier case. Finally, a signal excited at Ports 3 and 4 will result in the sum of the two signals at Port 1 and the difference of two signals at Port 2. This combination of output is again due to varying electrical length between every port and every other port in the rat-race hybrid. The equivalent transmission line model and equivalent circuit of the rat-race hybrid are shown in Figures 4-32(b) and 4-32(c), respectively.
3 Z0 /4 /4 2 Z0 /4 Z0
3 4 (a)
3 Z0 /4 /4
2 Z0
3 4
Z0 3 4
2 Z0
2 Z0
Figure 4-32 Rat-race hybrid with input at Port 1, outputs at Ports 3 and 4, and virtual ground at Port 2: (a) implementation as a planar circuit; (b) transmission-line model; and (c) equivalent circuit model.
In a lumped-element resonant circuit, stored energy is transferred between an inductor which stores magnetic energy and a capacitor which stores electric energy, and back again every period. Microwave resonators function the same way, exchanging energy stored in electric and magnetic forms, but with the energy stored spatially. Resonators are described in terms of their quality factor, Q = 2f0 average energy stored in the resonator at f0 power lost in the resonator , (4.197)
where f0 is the resonant frequency. The Q is reduced and thus the resonator bandwidth is increased by the power lost to the external circuit so that the
1P 2 MAX
, f
Figure 4-33 Microwave resonators: (a) resonator response, (b) rectangular cavity resonator, (c) microstrip patch resonator (d) microstrip gap-coupled reection resonator, (e) transmission dielectric transmission resonator in microstrip, (f) parallel equivalent circuits, and (g) series equivalent circuits.
loaded Q is QL = 2f0 average energy stored in the resonator atf0 power lost in the resonator and to the external circuit 1 = , (4.198) 1/Q + 1/QX
where QX is called the external Q. QL accounts for the power extracted from the resonant circuit. For the simple response shown in Figure 4-33(a), the half power (3 dB) bandwidth is f0 /QL . Near resonance the response of a microwave resonator is very similar to the resonance response of a parallel or series LC resonant circuit, shown in Figures 4-33(f) and 4-33(g). These equivalent circuits can be used over a narrow frequency range. Several types of resonators are shown in Figure 4-33(b). Figure 4-33(b) is a rectangular cavity resonator coupled to an external coaxial line by a small coupling loop. Figure 4-33(c) is a microstrip patch reection resonator. This resonator has large coupling to the external circuit. The coupling can be reduced and photolithographically controlled by introducing a gap, as shown in Figure 4-33(d), for a microstrip gap-coupled transmission line reection resonator. The Q of a resonator can be dramatically increased by using a low-loss, high dielectric constant material, as shown in Figure 4-33(e), for a dielectric transmission resonator in microstrip. Here the resonant frequency of a rectangular cavity is varied by changing the physical dimensions of the cavity, with the null of the detector indicating the cavity resonant frequency.
In this chapter a classical treatment of transmission lines was presented. Transmission lines are distributed elements and form the basis of microwave circuits. A distinguishing feature is they support forward- and backwardtraveling waves. This chapter provided an understanding of signals on transmission lines. The next chapter points out problems that can occur and provides intuitive understanding and guidelines for the design of transmission lines and interconnects.
1. A coaxial line is short-circuited at one end and is lled with a dielectric with a relative dielectric constant of 64. It is used at a frequency, f0 , of 18 GHz. [Parallels Example 4.1 on Page 167] (a) What is the free-space wavelength at 18 GHz? (b) What is the wavelength in the dielectriclled coaxial line at 18 GHz? (c) The rst resonance of the coaxial resonator occurs when it is one-quarter wavelength long. How long is the resonator at this rst resonance? 2. Design a microstrip line having a 50 characteristic impedance. The substrate has a dielectric constant of 2.3 and is 250 m thick. The operating frequency is 18 GHz. You need to determine the width of the microstrip line. 3. A transmission line has the per unit length parameters R = 2 /cm, L = 100 nHm1 , G = 1 mSm1 , C = 200 pFm1 . (a) What is the propagation constant of the line at 5 GHz? (b) What is the characteristic impedance of the line at 5 GHz? (c) Plot the magnitude of the characteristic impedance versus frequency from 100 MHz to 10 GHz. 4. A transmission line has an attenuation of 2 dBm1 and a phase constant of 25 radiansm1 at 2 GHz. [Parallels Example 4.5 on Page 187] (a) What is the complex propagation constant of the transmission line?
(b) If the capacitance of the line is 50 pFm1 and the conductive loss is zero (i.e., G = 0), what is the characteristic impedance of the line? 5. A transmission line has the following RLCG parameters: R = 100 m1 , L = 85 nHm1 , G = 1 Sm1 , and C = 150 pFm1 . Consider a traveling wave on the transmission line with a frequency of 1 GHz. [Parallels Example 4.4 on Page 184] (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) What is the attenuation constant? What is the phase constant? What is the phase velocity? What is the characteristic impedance of the line? What is the group velocity? If the line resistance is R = 0 m1 , what is the phase velocity? If the line resistance is R = 0 m1 , what is the group velocity? If the line resistance is R = 10 km1 , what is the phase velocity? If the line resistance is R = 10 km1 , what is the group velocity?
6. A very low-loss microstrip transmission line has the following per unit length parameters: R = 2 m1 , L = 80 nHm1 , C = 200 pFm1 , and G = 1 Sm1 . (a) What is the characteristic impedance of the line if loss is ignored? (b) What is the attenuation constant due to conductor loss? (c) What is the attenuation constant due to dielectric loss?
7. A lossless transmission line has the following per unit length parameters: L = 80 nHm1 , C = 200 pFm1 . Consider a traveling wave on the transmission line with a frequency of 1 GHz. (a) (b) (c) (d) What is the attenuation constant? What is the phase constant? What is the phase velocity? What is the characteristic impedance of the line? (e) Now consider that the dielectric is replaced by a dielectric with r = 1 (or air). The capacitance per unit length of the line is now C(air) = 50 pFm1 . What is the effective relative dielectric constant of the line?
(i.e., G = 0), what is the complex characteristic impedance of the line? (c) If the line is driven by a source modeled as an ideal voltage and a series impedance, what is the impedance of the source for maximum transfer of power to the transmission line? (d) If 1 W is delivered to the transmission line by the generator, what is the power in the forward-traveling wave on the line at 2 m from the generator? 10. A transmission line is driven by a 1 GHz generator having a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 50 . The transmission line is lossless, has a characteristic impedance of 75 , and is innitely long. The maximum power that can be delivered to a load attached to the generator is 2 W. (a) What is the total (phasor) voltage at the input to the transmission line? Calculate the forward-traveling voltage wave (at the generator end of the transmission line)? (b) What is the magnitude of the forwardtraveling voltage wave at the generator side of the line? (c) What is the magnitude of the forwardtraveling current wave at the generator side of the line? 11. A transmission line has a characteristic impedance Z0 and is terminated in a load with a reection coefcient of 0.8 45 . A forwardtraveling voltage wave on the line has a power of 1 dBm. (a) How much power is reected by the load? (b) What is the power delivered to the load? 12. A 50 transmission line is terminated in a load that results in a reection coefcient of 0.5 + 0.5. (a) What is the load impedance? (b) What is the VSWR on the line? (c) What is the input impedance if the line is one-half wavelength long?
8. The resonator below is constructed from a 3.0 cm length of 100 air-lled coaxial line, shorted at one end and terminated with a capacitor at the other end. 3 cm
10 k
C Z 0 = 100
(a) What is the lowest resonant frequency of this circuit without the capacitor (ignore the 10 k resistor)? (b) What is the capacitor value to achieve the lowest-order resonance at 6.0 GHz (ignore the 10 k resistor)? (c) Assume that loss is introduced by placing a 10 k resistor in parallel with the capacitor. What is the Q of the circuit? (d) Approximately what is the bandwidth of the circuit? 9. A transmission line has an attenuation of 0.2 dB/cm and a phase constant of 50 radiansm1 at 1 GHz. (a) What is the complex propagation constant of the transmission line? (b) If the capacitance of the line is 100 pFm1 and the conductive loss is zero
13. A transmission line has a characteristic impedance Z0 and is terminated in a load with a reection coefcient of 0.8. A forwardtraveling voltage wave on the line has a power of 1 W. (a) How much power is reected by the load? (b) What is the power delivered to the load? 14. Communication lters are often constructed using several shorted transmission line resonators that are coupled by passive elements such as capacitors. Consider a coaxial line that is short-circuited at one end. The dielectric constant lling the coaxial line has a relative dielectric constant of 64 and the resonator is to be designed to resonate at a center frequency, f0 , of 800 MHz. [Parallels Example 4.15 on Page 209] (a) What is the wavelength in the dielectriclled coaxial line? (b) What is the form of the equivalent circuit (in terms of inductors and capacitors) of the quarter-wavelength long resonator if the coaxial line is lossless? (c) What is the length of the resonator? (d) If the diameter of the inner conductor of the coaxial line is 2 mm and the inside diameter of the outer conductor is 5 mm, what is the characteristic impedance of the coaxial line? (e) Calculate the input admittance of the dielectric-lled coaxial line at 0.99f0 , f0 , and 1.01f0 . Determine the numerical derivative of the line admittance at f0 . (f) Derive the numeric values of the equivalent circuit of the resonator at the resonant frequency and derive the equivalent circuit of the resonator. Hint: Match the derivative expression derived in (e) with the actual derivative derived in Example 4.15. 15. A load consists of a shunt connection of a capacitor of 10 pF and a resistor of 25 . The load terminates a lossless 50 transmission line. The operating frequency is 1 GHz. [Parallels Example 4.7 on Page 196]
(a) What is the impedance of the load? (b) What is the normalized impedance of the load (normalized to the characteristic impedance of the line)? (c) What is the reection coefcient of the load? (d) What is the current reection coefcient of the load? (When the term reection coefcient is used without a qualier it is assumed to be the voltage reection coefcient.) (e) What is the standing wave ratio (SWR)? (f) What is the current standing wave ratio (ISWR)? (When SWR is used on its own it is assumed to refer to the voltage standing wave ratio [VSWR].) 16. The transmission line shown in the Figure 4-16 consists of a source with Thevenin impedance Z1 = 40 and source E = 5 V (peak) connected to a quarter-wavelength long line of characteristic impedance Z01 = 50 , which in turn is connected to an innitely long line of characteristic impedance Z02 = 100 . The transmission lines are lossless. Two reference planes are shown in Figure 4-16. At reference plane 1 the incident power is PI1 , the reected power is PR1 , and the transmitted power is PT 1 . PI2 , PR2 , and (PT 2 ) are similar quantities at reference plane 2. [Parallels Example 4.9 on Page 198] (a) What is PI1 ? (b) What is PT 2 ? 17. A transmission line is driven by a 1 GHz generator with a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 50 . The maximum power that can be delivered to a load attached to the generator is 2 W. The generator is connected to a 10 cm long lossless transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 75 . Finally, the line is terminated in a load that has a complex reection coefcient (referred to 50 ) of 0.65 + 0.65. The effective relative permittivity, eff , of the transmission line medium is 2.0, and the effective relative permeability of the line is that of free space.
(a) Calculate the forward-traveling voltage wave (at the generator end of the transmission line). (b) What is the load impedance? (c) What is the wavelength of the forwardtraveling voltage wave? (d) What is the VSWR on the line? (e) What is the propagation constant of the transmission line? (f) What is the input reection coefcient (at the generator end) of the line? (g) What is the power delivered to the load? 18. A shorted coaxial line is used as a resonator. The rst resonance is determined to be a parallel resonance and is at 1.4 GHz, and in a standard resonator test xture the unloaded Q is determined to be 520. (a) Draw the lumped-element equivalent circuit of the resonator. (b) How long is the resonator in terms of wavelength? (c) Briey describe how energy is stored in the resonator. (d) Briey describe the sources of loss in the resonator. (e) Now the resonator is used in an actual application and the 3 dB bandwidth is found to be 0.4%. What is the external (sometimes called extrinsic) Q, Qe , of the resonator in this application? (First you will need to determine the loaded Q, i.e., QL .) 19. A transmission line is driven by a generator with a maximum available power of 23 dBm and a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 60 . The transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 25 . [Parallels Example 4.13 on Page 208] (a) What is the Thevenin equivalent generator voltage? (b) What is the magnitude of the forwardtraveling voltage wave on the line? Assume the line is innitely long. (c) What is the power of the forwardtraveling voltage wave?
20. A 50 air-lled transmission line is connected between a 40 GHz source with a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 50 and a load. The SWR on the line is 3.5. (a) What is the magnitude of the reection coefcient, L , at the load. (b) What is the phase constant, , of the line? (c) If the rst minimum of the standing wave voltage on the transmission line is at a distance 2 mm from the load, determine the electrical distance (in degrees) of the SWR minimum from the load angle of the L at the load. (d) Determine the angle of L at the load. (e) What is L in magnitude-phase form? (f) What is L in complex (rectangular) form? (g) Determine the load impedance, ZL . 21. A load has an impedance ZL = 45 + 75. The reference system impedance is 100 . (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What is the reection coefcient? What is the current reection coefcient? What is the SWR? What is the ISWR? The power available from a source with a 100 Thevenin equivalent impedance is 1 mW. The source is connected directly to the load ZL . Calculate the power delivered to ZL using the reection coefcient? (f) What is the total power absorbed by the Thevenin equivalent source impedance? (g) Discuss the effect of inserting a lossless 100 transmission line between the source and the load.
22. A load consists of a resistor of 100 in parallel with a 5 pF capacitor with an electrical signal at 2 GHz. (a) What is the load impedance? (b) What is the reection coefcient in a 50 reference system? (c) What is the SWR on a 50 transmission line connected to the load?
(d) Develop an analytic formula relating the reection coefcient (1 ) in one reference system (Z01 ) to the reection coefcient (2 ) in another reference system (Z02 ). (e) Develop an analytic formula relating the SWR in one reference system (SWR1 ) to the SWR (SWR2 ) in another reference system. (f) Calculate the SWR on a 100 line. 23. An amplier is connected to a load by a transmission line matched to the amplier. If the SWR on the line is 1.5, what percentage of the available amplier power is absorbed by the load? 24. The output amplier of a cellular phone can tolerate a mismatch characterized by a maximum SWR of 2.0. The amplier is characterized by a Thevenin equivalent circuit with an impedance of 50 and is connected directly to an antenna characterized by a load impedance, ZL . Determine the tolerance limits on ZL so that the amplier does not selfdestruct. 25. A source is connected to a load through a length of transmission line having a loss of 1.5 dB. The source reection coefcient (referred to the transmission line) is 0.2 and the load reection coefcient is 0.5. (a) What is the transmission coefcient? (b) Draw the bounce diagram using the transmission and reection coefcients. Determine the overall effective transmission coefcient from the source to the load. Calculate the power delivered to the load from a source with an available power of 600 mW. 26. The resonator below is constructed from a 3.0 cm length of 100 air-lled coaxial line, shorted at one end and terminated with a capacitor at the other end, as shown: 3.0 cm
Z 0 = 100
(a) What is the lowest resonant frequency of this circuit without the capacitor (ignore the resistor)? (b) What is the capacitor value to achieve resonance at 6.0 GHz? (c) Assume that loss is introduced by placing a 10 k resistor in parallel with the capacitor. What is the Q of the circuit? (d) What is the bandwidth of the circuit? 27. A load of 100 is to be matched to a transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 50 . Use a quarter-wave transformer. What is the characteristic impedance of the quarterwave transformer? 28. A shorted coaxial line is used as a resonator. The rst resonator is determined to be a parallel resonance and is at 1 GHz. (a) Draw the lumped-element equivalent circuit of the resonator. (b) What is the electrical length of the resonator? (c) What is the impedance looking into the line at resonance? (d) If the resonator is /4 longer, what is the impedance of the resonator now? 29. A quarter-wave transformer is to be used to match a load of 50 to a generator with a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 75 . What is the characteristic impedance of the quarterwave transformer? 30. A coaxial transmission line is lled with lossy material with a relative dielectric constant of 5 0.2. If the line was airlled it would have a characteristic impedance of 100 . (a) What is the characteristic impedance of the dielectric-lled line? (b) What is the propagation constant at 500 MHz? (c) What is the input impedance of the line if it has an electrical length of 280 and is terminated in a 35 resistor? (d) What is the input impedance of the line if it has an electrical length of 280 and is terminated in an inductor of impedance 35 ?
R = 10 4
(e) What is the input impedance of the line if it is 1 km long? Use reasonable approximations. [Hint: Does it matter what the termination is?] 31. A coaxial line is lled with a very slightly lossy material with a relative dielectric constant of 5. The line would have a characteristic impedance of 100 if it was airlled. (a) What is the characteristic impedance of the dielectric-lled line? (b) What is the propagation constant at 500 MHz? Use the fact that the velocity of an EM wave in a lossless air-lled line is the same as that of free-space propagation in air. That is, the propagation constant is the same. (c) What is the input impedance of the line if it has an electrical length of 90 and it is terminated in a 35 resistor? (d) What is the input impedance of the line if it has an electrical length of 180 and is terminated in an inductor of impedance 35 ? (e) What is the input impedance of the line if it is 1 km long? Use reasonable approximations, remembering that the line is slightly lossy. 32. The strip of a microstrip has a width of 250 m and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 500 m thick and has a relative permittivity of 2.3. [Parallels Example 4.19 on Page 225] (a) What is the effective relative permittivity? (b) What is the characteristic impedance? (c) What is the propagation constant at 3 GHz ignoring any losses? (d) If the strip has resistance of 0.5 /cm and the ground plane resistance can be ignored, what is the attenuation constant at 3 GHz? 33. The strip of a symmetrical stripline has a width of 200 m and is embedded in a lossless medium that is 400 m thick and has a relative permittivity of 13, thus the separation, h, from the strip to each of the ground planes is 200 m.
(a) Draw the effective waveguide model of stripline with magnetic walls and an effective strip width, we , which will be approximately the same as with microstrip. (b) What is the effective relative permittivity of the stripline waveguide model? (c) What is we ? (d) At what frequency will the rst transverse resonance occur? (e) At what frequency will the rst higherorder stripline mode occur? (f) At what frequency will the rst parallelplate waveguide mode occur? Do not consider the mode with no eld variation, as this cannot be excited. (g) Identify the useful operating frequency range of the stripline. 34. Design a microstrip line to have a characteristic impedance of 65 at 5 GHz. The microstrip is to be constructed on a substrate that is 635 m thick with a relative dielectric constant of 9.8. Ignore the thickness of the strip. [Parallels Example 4.21 on Page 231] (a) What is the width of the line? (b) What is the effective permittivity of the line? 35. A load has a reection coefcient of 0.5 when referred to 50 . If the load is placed at the end of a transmission line with a 100 characteristic impedance. (a) What is the complex ratio of the forwardtraveling wave to the backward-traveling wave on the 100 line at the load end of the line? (b) What is the VSWR on the 100 line? (c) Now consider that the line has a characteristic impedance of 50 . If the line has an electrical length of 45 , what is the reection coefcient calculated at the input of the line? (d) What is the VSWR on the 50 line? 36. Design a microstrip shorted stub at 10 GHz with the following characteristics: Characteristic impedance of 60 . A substrate with a permittivity of 9.6 and thickness of 500 m.
Input impedance that is a reactance of 60 . (a) What is the width of the microstrip line? (b) What is the length of the line in centimeters? (c) What is the effective permittivity of the line? (d) If the line is a one-quarter wavelength longer than that calculated in (b), what will the input reactance be? (e) Regardless of your calculations above, what is the input admittance of a onequarter wavelength long shorted stub? 37. A load has an impedance Z = 75 + 15 . (a) What is the load reection coefcient, L , if the system impedance is 75 ? (b) Design a stub at the load that will make the impedance of the load plus the stub, call this Z1 , purely real; that is, the reection coefcient of the effective load, 1 , has zero phase. Choose a stub impedance of 75 . (Design specications require complete electrical information such as whether the stub is open- or short-circuited, and the electrical length of the stub.) (c) Design a quarter-wave transformer that will present a matched termination
to a source with a system reference impedance of 50 . (Again the design must include full electrical specications such as the characteristic impedance of the transmission line and its electrical length.) (d) Now convert the electrical specications of the design into a physical specication. Assuming that the transmission line technology to be used is a microstrip line and the substrate medium is xed with the following parameters: frequency f = 1 GHz, substrate thickness h = 0.5 mm, substrate relative dielectric constant r = 10. You must design the widths and lengths of the stub and the quarter-wave transformers. 38. Design a microstrip line to have a characteristic impedance of 20 . The microstrip is to be constructed on a substrate that is 1 mm thick with a relative dielectric constant of 12. [Parallels Example 4.21 on Page 231] (a) What is the width of the line? Ignore the thickness of the strip and frequency effects. (b) What is the effective permittivity of the line?
In the previous chapter, the basic operation of transmission lines was discussed with a concentration on designing and understanding the operation of microstrip lines. This chapter focuses on the frequencydependent behavior of microstrip lines and on designing the lines so that undesirable behavior is avoided. The major limitation on the dimensions of transmission lines is determined by considering when higher-order modes (eld orientations) can exist. Different modes on a transmission line travel at different velocities. Thus the problem is that if a signal on a line is split between two modes, then the information sent from one end of the line will reach the other end in two packets arriving at different times. A combination of the two modes will be detected and in general the information will be lost as the two modes combine in an incoherent manner. This multimoding must be avoided at all costs. The purpose of this chapter is to help you gain an understanding of frequency-dependent behavior and multimoding on transmission lines. You will also be able to design the dimensions of lines to avoid the excitation of higher-order modes, and will be able to debug RF and microwave circuits that fail to work correctly because of multimoding.
t =0
t =1
t =2
Frequency-Dependent Characteristics
All interconnects have frequency-dependent behavior. In this section the origins of frequency-dependent behavior of the microstrip line are examined because the microstrip line has the most signicant frequency-dependence among interconnects of general interest. Frequency-dependent behavior other than multimoding often results in dispersion. The effect can be seen in Figure 5-1 for a pulse traveling along a line. The pulse spreads out as the different frequency components travel at different speeds. You can imagine a long line with this problemsuccessive pulses would start merging and the signal would become unintelligible. The most important frequency-dependent effects are Changes of material properties (permittivity, permeability, and conductivity) with frequency (Section 5.2.1) Current bunching (Section 5.2.3) Skin effect (Section 5.2.4) Internal conductor inductance variation (Section 5.2.4) Dielectric dispersion (Section 5.2.5) Multimoding (Section 5.4). While the discussion focuses on microstrip lines, the effects occur with other planar and nonplanar transmission lines.
Material Dependency
Changes of permittivity, permeability, and conductivity with frequency are properties of the materials used. Fortunately the materials of interest in
microwave technology have characteristics that are almost independent of frequency, at least up to 300 GHz or so. Skin effect, charge bunching, and internal conductor inductance variation are due to the same physical phenomenon but have different effects on frequency dependence. The effects are due to the nite time it takes to transfer information from one part of a distributed structure to another. No information can travel faster than the speed of light in the medium. Dielectric dispersion is also related to the nite time required to transfer information, and the effect results from changes in the distribution of energy in the different dielectrics of an inhomogeneous structure. So dielectric dispersion relates to the differences of the speed of light in different media. As frequency increases it is possible for eld distributions involving looping or variations of the elds to exist. This is called multimoding.
Skin effect, current bunching, and internal conductor inductance are all due to the necessary delay in transferring EM information from one location to another. This information cannot travel faster than the speed of light in the medium. In a dielectric material, the speed of light will be slower than that in free space by a factor of r , where r is the relative permittivity of the material. The speed of light in the dielectric is reduced from that in free space typically by a factor ranging from just over 1 to 300. However, the velocity in a conductor is extremely low because of high conductivity. In brief, current bunching is due to changes related to the nite velocity of information transfer through the dielectric, and skin effect and internal conductor inductance variation are due to the very slow speed of information transfer inside a conductor. As frequency increases, only limited information to rearrange charges can be sent before the polarity of the signal reverses and information is sent to reverse the charge changes. The charge distribution on the conductors depends on how fast the signal changes. What occurs is best described by considering a sinusoidal signal. Both the skin effect and charge bunching effect on a microstrip line are illustrated in Figure 5-2.
Current Bunching
Consider the charge distribution for a microstrip line shown in the crosssectional views in Figure 5-2. The microstrip crosssections shown here are typical of an interconnect on a printed circuit board with the top layer being solder resist. (For a monolithically integrated circuit, the top cover is a passivation layer.) The thickness of microstrip is often a signicant fraction of its width, although this is exaggerated in Figure 5-2. The charge distribution shown in Figure 5-2(a) applies when there is a positive DC voltage on the strip (the top conductor). In this case there are positive charges on the top conductor arranged with a fairly uniform distribution. The individual positive charges (caused by the absence of some balancing
111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000
111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000
1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000
0V 1 GHz
0V 10 GHz
111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000
1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000
0V 10 GHz
111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000
1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000 1111111111 0000000000
10 GHz (c)
Figure 5-2 Crosssectional view of the charge distribution on an interconnect at different frequencies. The + and indicate charge concentrations of different polarity and corresponding current densities. There is no current bunching or skin effect at DC.
electrons exposing positively charged ions) tend to repel each other, but this has little effect on the charge distribution for practical conductors with nite conductivity. (If the conductor had zero resistance then these charges would be conned to the surface of the conductor.) The bottom conductor is known as the ground plane and there are balancing negative charges, or a surplus of electrons, so that electric eld lines begin on the positive charges and terminate on the negative charges. The negative charges on the ground plane are uniformly distributed across the whole of the ground plane. An important point is that where there are unbalanced, or net, charges there can be current ow. So the charge distribution at DC, shown in Figure 52(a), indicates that for the top conductor, current would ow uniformly
Figure 5-3 Normalized magnitudes of current and charge on an alumina microstrip line at 1 GHz: (a) normalized scale; (b) longitudinal current, iz , on the strip (1026 A/m); (c) on the ground plane (0 3.2 A/m); (d) the charge on the strip (80400 nC/m2 ); and (e) on the ground plane (033 nC/m2 ). (For alumina, = 10.0 and r = 1.)
distributed throughout the conductors and the return current in the ground plane would be distributed over the whole of the ground plane. The charge distribution becomes less uniform as frequency increases and eventually the signal changes so quickly that information to rearrange charges on the ground plane is soon (half a period latter) countered by reverse instructions. Thus the charge distribution depends on how fast the signal changes. The effects are seen in the higher-frequency views shown in Figures 5-2(b) and 5-2(c). (The concentration of charges near the surface of the metal is a separate effect known as the skin effect.) The longitudinal impact of current or charge bunching alone is illustrated in Figures 5-3, 5-4, and 5-5. These gures present amplitudes of the current and charge phasors at various frequencies and were calculated using the SONNET EM simulator. In interpreting these gures, please take into account the magnitudes of the current and charge distributions as identied in the captions, as the scales are normalized. An alternative view (or time-domain view) is the instantaneous snapshot of current and charge shown in Figure 5-6. This situation is not just conned to the transverse plane, and regions further along the interconnect also send instructions. The net effect is bunching of charges and hence of current on both the ground plane and the strip.
From the previous discussion it was seen that at low frequencies currents are distributed uniformly throughout a conductor. Thus there are magnetic elds inside the conductor and hence magnetic energy storage. As a result, there is internal conductor inductance. Transferring charge to the interior of
Figure 5-4 Normalized magnitudes of current and charge on an alumina microstrip line at 10 GHz: (a) normalized scale; (b) longitudinal current, iz , on the strip (1028 A/m); (c) on the ground plane (0 4.1 A/m); (d) the charge on the strip (114512 nC/m2 ); and (e) on the ground plane (039 nC/m2 ).
Figure 5-5 Normalized magnitudes of current and charge on an alumina microstrip line at 30 GHz: (a) normalized scale; (b) longitudinal current, iz , on the strip (1031 A/m); (c) on the ground plane (06 A/m); (d) the charge on the strip (200575 nC/m2 ); and (e) on the ground plane (068 nC/m2 ).
conductors is particularly slow, and as the frequency of the signal increases charges are conned close to the surface of the metal. Another equally valid interpretation is that time-varying EM elds are not able to penetrate the conductors as much when the frequency increases. This phenomenon is known as the skin effect. With fewer internal currents, the internal conductor inductance reduces and the total inductance of the line drops, thus the redistribution of the current results in a change of the inductance with frequency. This is principally because, for the same current, magnetic energy is stored inside as well as outside the conductors at low frequencies. As frequency increases, the magnetic eld becomes conned almost entirely to the region outside the conductors and the line inductance asymptotically reduces to a constant as the internal conductor inductance goes to zero. Only
(b) (e)
Figure 5-6 Normalized instantaneous current and charge distribution on an alumina microstrip line and ground plane at 30 GHz. Current: (a) normalized scale; (b) magnitude of the longitudinal current, ix , on the microstrip; and (c) on the ground plane. Arrows indicate the direction of current ow. Charge: (d) scale; (e) microstrip; and (f) ground plane. Signs indicate the polarity of charge.
above a few gigahertz or so can the line inductance be approximated as a constant for the transverse interconnect dimensions of a micron to several hundred microns. Note that the line inductance is not the inductance of the conductor, but the inductance (per unit length) of the entire transmission line. Inductance is a measure of the energy stored in a magnetic eld. Calculation of inductance requires a volumetric integral of energy stored in a magnetic eld. If there is no magnetic eld in a region then there is no inductance associated with the region. So as frequency increases and the magnetic eld inside the conductor reduces further from the conductor surface, the internal inductance of the conductor goes to zero. The skin effect is characterized by the skin depth, , which is the distance at which the electric eld, or equivalently the charge density, reduces to 1/e of its value at the surface. By considering the attenuation constant of elds in a conductive medium, the skin depth is determined to be = 1/ f 0 2 . (5.1)
Here f is frequency and 2 is the conductivity of the conductor. The permeability of metals typically used for interconnects (e.g., gold, silver, copper, and aluminum) is that of free space, 0 . The skin effect is illustrated in Figure 5-2(b) at 1 GHz. (The reader should distinguish between skin effect and current bunching.) The situation is more extreme as the frequency continues to increase (e.g., to 10 GHz) as in Figure 5-2(c). There are several important consequences of this. On the top conductor the negative charges are not uniformly distributed with respect to the depth of penetration into the conductor. Consequently, as
frequency increases, current ow is mostly concentrated near the surface of the conductors and the effective crosssectional area of the conductor, as far as the current is concerned, is less. Thus the resistance of the top conductor increases. A more dramatic situation exists for the charge distribution in the ground plane. From the previous discussion of current bunching it was seen that charge is not uniformly distributed over the whole of the ground plane, but instead becomes more concentrated under the strip. In addition to this, charges and current are conned to the skin of the ground conductor so the frequency-dependent relative change of the resistance of the ground plane with increasing frequency is greater than for the strip. The skin effect, and to a lesser extent current bunching, results in frequency dependence of line resistance, R, with R(f ) = RDC + Rs (f ). RDC is the resistance of the line at DC and Rs is the skin resistance: Rs (f ) = RDC k f. (5.3) (5.2)
Here k is a constant, and while Equation (5.3) indicates proportionality to f , this is an approximation and the actual frequency dependence may be different, but Rs always increases more slowly than frequency.
Dielectric Dispersion
Dispersion is principally the result of the velocity of the various frequency components of a signal being different. The electric eld lines shift as a result of the different distributions of charge, with more of the electric energy being in the dielectric. Thus the effective permittivity of the line increases with increasing frequency. At high frequencies, the fundamental result of the eld rearrangement is that the capacitance of the line increases, but this change can be quite smalltypically less than 10% over the range of DC to 100 GHz. (This effect is described by the frequency dependence of the effective permittivity of the transmission line.) To a lesser extent, dispersion is also the result of other parameters changing with frequency, such as an interconnects resistance. For an IC where the interconnects can have very small transverse dimensions (e.g., microns) of digital interconnects, the line resistance is the most signicant source of dispersion. The qualitative effect of dispersion is the same whether it is related to the resistance (resistanceinduced dispersion) or change in the effective permittivity (dielectricinhomogeneity-induced dispersion). Different interconnect technologies have different dispersion characteristics. For example, with a microstrip line the effective permittivity changes with frequency as the proportion of the EM energy in the air region to that in the dielectric region changes. Dispersion is reduced if the elds are localized
and cannot change orientation with frequency. This is the case with coplanar interconnectsin particular, coplanar waveguide (CPW) and coplanar strip (CPS) lines have lower dispersion characteristics than does microstrip (for small geometries). The stripline of Figure 4-8(a) also has low dispersion, as the elds are conned in one medium and the effective permittivity is just the permittivity of the medium. Thus interconnect choices can have a signicant effect on the integrity of a signal being transmitted. As discussed earlier, as the frequency is increased, the elds become more concentrated in the region beneath the stripwhere the substrate permittivity has already resulted in a relatively large electric eld displacement. Since the elds are forced into the dielectric substrate to an increasing extent as the frequency rises, a frequency-dependent effective microstrip permittivity, e (f ), can be dened. This quantity clearly increases with frequency and the wave is progressively slowed down. The effective microstrip permittivity is now e (f ) = {c/ [vp (f )]} .
Fundamentally the dispersion problem then consists of solving the transmission line elds for the phase velocity, vp (f ). The limits of e (f ) are readily established; at the low-frequency extreme it reduces to the static-TEM value e (or e (0) or e (DC)), while as frequency is increased indenitely e (f ) approaches the substrate permittivity itself, r . This is summarized as follows: e (f ) e r as f 0 . as f (5.5)
Here the high-frequency properties of microstrip lines are discussed and formulas are presented for effective permittivity, characteristic impedance, and attenuation loss which incorporate frequency dependence. In the previous chapter, frequency-dependent dispersion was not incorporated; those results (or formulas) are called the quasi-static approximation. The effective dielectric constant at DC (as calculated in the previous chapter) is denoted e (0) and the characteristic impedance at DC is Z0 (0). These are also called the quasi-static effective dielectric constant and quasistatic characteristic impedance. Detailed analysis [51] yields the following formula for the frequency-dependent effective permittivity of a microstrip line: r e (0) e (f ) = r (5.6) m , 1 + (f /fa )
where the corner frequency fa = fb = fb 0.75 + 0.75 0.332 1.73 (w/h) r h 47.746 106 r e (0) tan1 r e (0) 1 r e (0) (5.7) (5.8)
m0 mc 2.32 1
(5.9) (5.10)
m0 = 1 +
In all the equations given above, SI units are used. The accuracy of the equations above is within 0.6% for 0.1 w/h 10, 1 r 128, and for any value of h/ provided that h < /10.1
1 + w/h 1 + 1.4 0.15 0.235e0.45f /f a , for w/h 0.7 mc = 1 + w/h 1, for w/h > 0.7
. (5.11)
Frequency-Dependent Loss
The effect of loss on signal transmission is captured by the attenuation constant . There are two primary sources of loss resulting from the dielectric, captured by the dielectric attenuation constant, d , and from the conductor loss, captured in the conductor attenuation constant, c . Thus = d + c . (5.12)
For dielectric loss, Equation (4.78) provides a good estimate for the attenuation when e is replaced by the frequency-dependent effective dielectric constant, e (f ). Frequency-dependent conductor loss results from the concentration of current as frequency increases. For a wide strip of thickness three times greater than the skin depth, c (f ) = Rs (f ) . w Z0 (5.13)
For a narrow strip, say w/h < 1, the quasi-static loss equations (Equations (4.186) to (4.189)) can be used with acceptable accuracy.
Note that the free-space wavelength is 0 , the wavelength in the medium is , and the guide wavelength is g .
1 2 4 6 10 20 40
() 150
Figure 5-7 Dependence of Z0 of a microstrip line at 1 GHz for various dielectric constants and aspect (w/h) ratios.
A third source of loss is radiation loss, r , and at the frequencies at which a transmission line is generally used, is usually smaller than dielectric and conductor losses. So, in full, (f ) = d (f ) + c (f ) + r (f ). (5.14)
Field Simulations
In this section results are presented for EM simulations of microstrip lines with a variety of parameters. These simulations were performed using the SONNET EM simulator. Figure 5-7 presents calculations of Z0 for various aspect ratios (w/h) and substrate permittivities (r ) when there is no loss. The key information here is that narrow strips and low-permittivity substrates have high Z0 . Conversely, wide strips and high-permittivity substrates have low Z0 . The dependence of permittivity on aspect ratio is shown in Figure 5-8, where it can be seen that the effective permittivity, e , increases for wide strips. This is because more of the EM eld is in the substrate. When loss is incorporated, becomes complex and the imaginary components indicate loss. Figures 5-9, 5-10, and 5-11 present the frequency dependence of three microstrip lines with different substrates and aspect ratios. These simulations took into account nite loss in the conductors and in the dielectric. In Figure 5-9(a) it can be seen that the effective permittivity,
1 2 4 6 10 20 40
Figure 5-8 Dependence of effective relative permittivity e of a microstrip line at 1 GHz for various dielectric constants and aspect ratios (w/h).
e , increases with frequency as the elds become conned more to the substrate. Also, the real part of the characteristic impedance is plotted with respect to frequency. A drop-off in Z0 is observed at the low end of the frequencies as frequency increases. This is due to both reduction of internal conductor inductances as charges move to the skin of the conductor and also to greater connement (the same phenomenon as charge or current bunching) of the EM elds in the dielectric as frequency increases. It is not long before the characteristic impedance increases. This effect is not due to the skin effect and current bunching that were previously described. Rather it is due to other EM effects that are only captured in EM simulation. It is a result of spatial variations being developed in the elds (related to the fact that not all parts of the elds are in instantaneous contact). Figure 5-9(b) shows the imaginary parts of e and Z0 . These imaginary parts are a result of loss, primarily loss in the conductors.
Filling Factor, q
Dening a lling factor, q, provides useful insight into the distribution of energy in an inhomogeneous transmission line. The effective microstrip permittivity is e = 1 + q(r 1), (5.15)
(b) Figure 5-9 Frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts of the effective permittivity, e , and characteristic impedance Z0 of a microstrip line on alumina with r (DC) = 9.9, w = 70 m, h = 500 m: (a) real parts (); and (b) imaginary parts ().
(b) Figure 5-10 Frequency dependence of the effective permittivity, e , and characteristic impedance Z0 of a microstrip line with r (DC) = 9.9, w = 240 m, h = 635 m: (a) real parts; and (b) imaginary parts.
(b) Figure 5-11 Frequency dependence of the effective permittivity, e , and characteristic impedance Z0 of a microstrip line with r (DC) = 9.9, w = h = 635 m: (a) real parts; and (b) imaginary parts.
0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 20 . 25 . 3.0 3.5 4.0
2 4 6 10 20 40
Figure 5-12 Dependence of the q factor of a microstrip line at 1 GHz for various dielectric constants and aspect (w/h) ratios. (Data obtained using SONNET.)
1 q 1. (5.16) 2 The useful aspect of q is that it is almost independent of r . A q factor of 1 would indicate that all of the elds are in the dielectric region. The dependence of the q of a microstrip line at 1 GHz for various dielectric constants and aspect (w/h) ratios is shown in Figure 5-12, thus q is almost independent of the permittivity of the line. The properties of a microstrip line, and uniform transmission lines in general, can be described very well by considering the geometric lling factor, q, and the dielectric permittivity separately.
Multimoding is a phenomenon that affects the integrity of a signal as it travels on a transmission line. For transmission lines, multimoding occurs when there are two or more EM eld congurations that can support a propagating wave. Different eld congurations travel at different speeds so that the information traveling in the two modes will combine incoherently and, if the energy in the two modes is comparable, it will be impossible to discern the intended information being sent. It is critical that transmission line structures be designed to avoid multimoding. The most common mode on a transmission line is when there is no, or minimum, variation of the elds in the transverse direction (perpendicular to the direction
of propagation). There must of course be a variation in the longitudinal direction or else the wave will not propagate. The transmission structures of interest here, are those that have conductors to establish boundary conditions to guide a wave along an intended path. The conductors are electric walls that conne the elds. The lowest-order mode with minimum transverse eld variations is called the transverse EM mode (TEM). Higher-order modes occur when the elds can vary. From here the discussion necessarily invokes EM theory. If you need to do this, see Appendix D on Page 847, where EM theory is reviewed specically with respect to multimoding. One of the important concepts is that electric and magnetic walls impose boundary conditions to the elds. Electric walls are conductors, whereas a magnetic wall is formed approximately at the interface of two regions with different permittivity. It is the property of EM elds that spatial variations of the elds cannot occur too quickly. This comes directly from Maxwells equations which relate the spatial derivative (the derivative with respect to distance) of the electric eld to the time derivative of the magnetic eld. The same is true for spatial variation of the magnetic eld and time variation of the electric eld. How fast a eld varies with time depends on frequency. How fast an EM eld changes spatially, its curl, depends on wavelength relative to geometry and on boundary conditions. Without electric and magnetic walls establishing boundary conditions, as in free space, a full wavelength is required to obtain the lowest-order variation of the elds. With electric or magnetic walls, a smaller distance will be sufcient. Between two electric walls one-half wavelength of distance is required. The same is true for magnetic walls. With one electric wall and one magnetic wall a quarter-wavelength separation of the walls will support a higher-order mode. A general rule for avoiding multimoding is that critical transverse geometries must be kept to under a fraction of a wavelength (say, < /2 or < /4). Identication of exactly what the critical geometries are requires some understanding of EM elds, of Maxwells equations, and of boundary conditions. Appendix D on Page 847 provides a review of Maxwells equations directed at understanding multimoding and the distribution of elds on transmission lines. One type of multimoding has already been described. In the previous chapter it was seen that the signals on a regular transmission line have two simple solutions that are interpreted as the forward-traveling and backward-traveling modes. Each mode is a possible solution of the differential equations describing the signals. The boundary conditions in the longitudinal direction are established by the source and load impedances, and so the variation can be any fraction of a wavelength. This section is concerned with other solutions to the equations describing the elds on a transmission line structure. In general, the other solutions arise when the transverse dimensions, such as the distance between the two
Table 5-1 Properties of the EM elds at electric and magnetic walls. E eld Electric wall Magnetic wall Normal Parallel H eld Parallel Normal
conductors of a two-conductor transmission line, permits a variation of the elds. An EM treatment cannot be avoided if spatial modes on a transmission line are to be described. The dimensions of structures can be designed to avoid multimoding. Also, multimoding must be understood in resolving signal integrity problems that manifest themselves when circuits do not function correctly. The concern is that with multimoding various components of a signal travel at different velocities and generally combine at a load incoherently. Multimoding can be easily described mathematically for transmission line structures with uniform geometries. The aim in this section is to understand moding and to develop an intuitive understanding of transmission line design and of microwave circuits in general. The boundary conditions established at electric and magnetic walls were derived in Section D.5 on Page 858. The properties of the EM walls are summarized in Table 5-1. These rules provide a quick way of understanding multimoding. Circuit structures such as transmission lines, substrate thicknesses, and related geometries are nearly always chosen so that only one solution of Maxwells equations are possible. In particular, if the crosssectional dimensions of a transmission line are much less than a wavelength then it will be impossible for the elds to curl up on themselves and so perhaps there will be only one or, in some cases, no solutions to Maxwells equations. The simplest illustration of this phenomena, which also happens to be particularly relevant to planar transmission lines, is signal propagation on the parallel-plate waveguide, shown in Figure 5-13. These rules are used in the next section to describe multimoding in parallelplate waveguides.
Parallel-Plate Waveguide
The parallel-plate waveguide shown in Figure 5-13 is the closest regular structure to planar transmission lines such as microstrip. While the prole is not the same as a microstrip line, it is as close a structure as is available that still has a reasonably straightforward eld solution that can be developed analytically. The aim here is to develop an understanding of the origins of multimoding and develop design guidelines that will enable transmission line structures to be designed to avoid multimoding. Intuition is essential in debugging circuits that are not working properly because of multimoding. The development begins with Maxwells equations (Equations (D.1)
y z x ,
y d 0 0
Figure 5-13 Parallel-plate waveguide: (a) three-dimensional view; and (b) crosssectional (transverse) view.
(D.4) on Page 848). A further simplication to the equations is to assume a linear, isotropic, and homogeneous medium, a uniform dielectric, so that and are independent of signal level and are independent of the eld direction and of position. Thus E H = = B t J+ V 0, D t (5.17) (5.18) (5.19) (5.20)
D = B =
where V is the charge density and J is the current density. J and V will be zero except at an electric wall. The above equations do not include magnetic charge or magnetic current density. They do not actually exist and so a modied form of Maxwells equations incorporating these is not necessary to solve the elds on a structure. They are invoked in Appendix D to draw an analogy between an electric wall at a conductor and a magnetic wall at the interface between two regions of different permittivity. In the lateral direction, the parallel-plate waveguide in Figure 5-13 extends indenitely, and this is indicated by the broken continuation of the top and bottom metal planes in Figure 5-13(b). For this regular
Figure 5-14 Parallel-plate waveguide showing electric, E, and magnetic, H, eld lines: (a) the TEM mode; and (b) the TE mode. The electric (E) and magnetic (H) eld lines are shown with the line thickness indicating eld strength. The shading of the E eld lines indicates polarity (+ or ) and the arrows indicate direction (and also polarity). The z direction is into the page.
structure, and with a few assumptions, the form of Maxwells equations with multidimensional spatial derivatives can be simplied. One approach to solving differential equations, one that works very well, is to assume a form of the solution and then test to see if it is a valid solution. The rst solution to be considered is called the TEM mode and corresponds to the minimum possible variation of the elds and will be the only possible solution when the interconnect transverse dimensions are small (relative to a wavelength). Also, it is assumed that the variation in the z direction is described by the traveling-wave equations. So the only elds of interest here are E and H in the transverse plane; all that is seen in Figure 5-13(b). If all the elds are in the xy plane, then it is sufcient to apply just the boundary conditions that come from the top and bottom ground planes. At rst it appears that there are many possible solutions to the differential equations. This is simplied by assuming certain variational properties of the Ex , Ey , Hx , and Hy elds and then seeing if these solutions can be supported. The simplest solution is when there is no variation in the elds and then the only possible outcome is that Ex = 0 = Hy . This is the TEM mode indicated in Figure 5-14(a). At the boundaries, the top and bottom metal planes, there is a divergence of the electric eld, as immediately inside the (ideal) conductor there is no electric eld and immediately outside there is. This divergence is supported by the surface charge on the ground planes (see Equation (D.3)). In Figure 5-14(a), the thickness of the lines indicates relative eld strength and there is no variation in eld strength in either the electric or magnetic elds shown. The coefcients of the eld components are determined by the boundary conditions. The trial solution used here has Ex = 0 = Hy and Ez = 0 = Hz ; that is, the trial solution has the electric eld in the y direction and the magnetic eld is in the x direction. Maxwells equations (Equations (5.17)(5.20)) become Bx x t Dy x Hx x = +J t Ey y = (5.21) (5.22)
Dy y = Bx x = 0.
(5.23) (5.24)
Expanding the curl, , and div, , operators using Equations (D.15) and (D.16) these become (with D = E and B = H) Ey z Hx y z Dy Ey = y y Bx Hx = x x x Bx x Hx x = t t Dy y Ey y = +J= +J t t = = = 0. (5.25) (5.26) (5.27) (5.28)
These equations describe what happens at each point in space. Equation (5.25) indicates that if there is a time-varying component of the x-directed B eld then there must be a z-varying component of the Ey eld component. This is just part of the wave equation describing a eld propagating in the z direction. Equation (5.26) indicates the same thing, but now the roles of the electric and magnetic elds are reversed. Equation (5.25) shows that the y component of the electric eld can be constant between the plates, but at the plates there must be charge on the surface of the conductors (see Equation (5.27)),to terminate the electric eld (as indicated by Equation (5.27)), as there is no electric eld inside the conductors (assuming that they are perfect conductors for the moment). Since magnetic charges do not exist, captured by the zero on the right-hand side of Equation (5.28), Equation (5.28) indicates that the x component of the magnetic eld cannot vary in the x direction (i.e., Bx and Hx are constant). Thus the assumption behind the trial solution about the form of this mode is correct. The electric and magnetic eld are uniform in the transverse plane, the xy plane, and the only variation is in the direction of propagation, the z direction. Thus the test solution satises Maxwells equations. This is the TEM mode, as all eld components are in the x and y directions and none are in the z direction. The TEM mode can be supported at all frequencies in the parallel-plate waveguide. Putting Equations (5.25)(5.28) in phasor form, and considering the source free region between the plates (so J = 0 and = 0), these become Ey = Hx z Hx = Ey z Ey =0 y (5.29) (5.30) (5.31)
(5.33) (5.34)
where = and there is no variation of the Ey component of the electric eld in the y direction and no variation of the Hx component of the magnetic eld in the x direction. Another possible set of modes occurs when the electric eld is only in the y direction, but then there must be a variation of the eld strength, as shown in Figure 5-14(b). The full EM development of the elds is given in Appendix E and here we summarize the results qualitatively. The simplest variation is when there is a half-sinusoidal spatial variation of the Ey eld component. Applying the methodology described above, it is found that there must be a component of the magnetic eld in the z direction to support this mode. Hence these modes are called Transverse Electric (TE) modes. (Interchanging the roles of the electric and magnetic elds yields the Transverse Magnetic (TM) modes where there is an electric eld component in the z direction.) The half-sinusoidal variation still enables the charge to support the existence of an Ey electric eld. A key result from our previous discussion is that there must be enough distance for the eld to curl by the half-sinusoidal spatial variation and this is related to wavelength, . This transverse electric mode can only exist when h /2. When h is smaller than one-half wavelength, this mode cannot be supported, and is said to be cut off. Only the TEM mode can be supported all the way down to DC, so modes other than TEM have a cutoff frequency, fc , and a cutoff wavelength, c . The concept of wavenumber k(= 2/ = ) is also used, and for the lowest TE mode, kc = 2/c with c = 2h. The cutoff wavelength, c , and the cutoff wavenumber, kc , are both related to the dimension below in which a mode cannot curl sufciently to be self-supporting. In general, for TE modes, there can be n variations of the electric eld, and so we talk about the nth TE mode, denoted as TEn , for which kc,n = n/h and c = 2h/n. Also note that kc = 2/c . The propagation constant of any mode in a uniform lossless medium (not just in a parallel-plate waveguide mode) is =
2 k 2 kc .
For the TEM mode we have kc = 0. High-order modes are described by their cutoff wavenumber, kc . Transverse magnetic (TM) modes are similarly described, and again kc = n/h for the TMn mode. A mode can be supported at any frequency above
the cutoff frequency for the mode. It just cannot be supported at frequencies below the cutoff frequency, as it is not possible for the elds to vary (or curl) below cutoff.
In the above discussion, the parallel-plate waveguide had two electric wallsthe top and bottom metal walls. Without going into much detail, results will be presented when magnetic walls are introduced. A magnetic wall can only be approximated, as ideal magnetic conductors do not exist (since magnetic charges do not exist). Whereas an electric wall appears as a short circuit, a magnetic wall is an open circuit, so an open-circuited coaxial line appears to have a transverse magnetic wall at the open circuit. Maxwells equations impose the following boundary conditions: Electric wall Perpendicular electric eld Tangential magnetic eld Perpendicular magnetic eld Tangential electric eld
Magnetic wall
The lowest-order modes that can be supported by combinations of electric and magnetic walls are shown in Figure 5-15. With two electric or two magnetic walls, a TEM mode (having no eld variations in the transverse plane) can be supported. Of course, there will be variations in the eld components in the direction of propagation. The modes with the simplest geometric variations in the plane transverse to the direction of propagation establish the critical wavelength. In Figure 5-15 the distance between the walls is d. For the case of two like walls (Figures 5-15(a) and 5-15(c)), c = 2h, as one-half sinusoidal variation is required. With unlike walls (see Figure 515(b)), the varying modes are supported with just one-quarter sinusoidal variation, and so c = 4h.
Different types of higher-order modes can exist with microstrip and the two maximum operating frequencies of microstrip lines are the (a) the lowestorder TM mode, and (b) the lowest-order transverse microstrip resonance mode. In practice, multimoding is a problem when two conditions are met. First it must be possible for higher-order eld variations to exist, and second, that energy can be effectively coupled into the higher-order mode. Generally this requires signicant discontinuity on the line or that the phase velocities of two modes coincide. An early discussion said that the phase velocities of two modes would be different and this would be true when the dielectric is uniform. However, with a nonhomogeneous line like microstrip there
H Ey Hx
H OR Ex Hy
Ey (a) 0 Hx 0 no E x Hy E z Hz hy Ez hy 0 h y
h y Hz
h y
TEM mode
TM mode
TE mode
h E H H E
Ey Hx Hz 0 Ez hy
Ex Hy Ez 0 Hz h y
Ex (c) 0 Hy 0 no E y Hx E z Hz hy Ez h y Ey Hx 0 hy
Ex Hy 0 Hz h y
TEM mode
TM mode
TE mode
Figure 5-15 Lowest-order modes supported with combinations of electric and magnetic walls.
can be frequencies where the phase velocities of two modes can coincide. Since discontinuities are inevitable it is always a good idea to use the rst consideration. As was noted previously, the modal analysis that was possible with the parallel-plate waveguide cannot be repeated easily for the microstrip line because of the irregular crosssection, but the phenomena is very similar. Instead of a TEM mode, there is a quasi-TEM mode and there are TE and TM modes.
A dielectric on a ground plane with an air region (of a wavelength or more above it) can support a TM mode, generally called a microstrip dielectric mode, substrate mode, or slab mode. The microstrip dielectric mode is a problem for narrow microstrip lines. However, only at high frequencies does it become important. Whether this mode exists in a microstrip environment depends on whether energy can be coupled from the quasi-TEM mode (which is always generated) of the microstrip line into the TM dielectric mode. The critical frequency at which the TM mode becomes important is when there is signicant coupling. Coupling is a problem with a microstrip line having a narrow strip, as the eld orientations of the quasi-TEM mode and the dielectric mode align. Also, coupling occurs when the phase velocities of the two modes coincide. A detailed analysis reported in Edwards and Steer [51, page 143], and Vendelin [74], shows that this occurs at the rst critical frequency, c tan1 (r ) fc1 = . 2h r 1 (5.36)
So at fc1 , in Equation (5.36), the dielectric mode will be generated even if there is not a discontinuity. If there is a discontinuity, say a split of one microstrip line into two microstrip lines, multimoding will occur when the dielectric mode can exist. From Figure 5-15(b), the dielectric slab mode can be supported when h > g /4, where g is the wavelength in the dielectric. Now g = 0 / r = c/(f r ), so the second critical frequency is fc2 = c . 4h r (5.37)
The development here assumes that the interface between the dielectric and air forms a good magnetic wall. With a dielectric having a permittivity of 10, typical for microwave circuits, the effective value of h would be increased by up to 10%. However, it is difcult to place an exact value on this. In summary, fc2 is the lowest frequency at which the dielectric mode will exist if there is a discontinuity, and fc1 is the lowest frequency at which the dielectric mode will exist if there is not a discontinuity.
Dielectric Mode
The strip of a microstrip has a width of 1 mm and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 2.5 mm thick and has a relative permittivity of 9. At what frequency does the substrate (or slab) mode rst occur?
w +0.4h
Solution: There are two frequencies that must be considered. One that comes from the dimensions of the dielectric slab and the other from considerations of matching phase velocities. From phase velocity consideration, the development behind Equation (5.36), the rst critical frequency is c tan1 (r ) fc1 = = 13.9 GHz. (5.38) 2h r 1 The rst slab mode occurs when a variation of the magnetic or electric eld can be supported between the ground plane and the approximate magnetic wall supported by the dielectric/free-space interface; that is, when h = = 0 /(4 9) = 2.5 mm 0 = 3 cm. 4 Thus the second slab mode critical frequency is fc2 = 10 GHz. (5.39)
Since discontinuities cannot be avoided (you cannot build an interesting circuit with just a transmission line), fc2 is the critical frequency to use.
If the crosssectional dimensions of a microstrip line are smaller than a fraction of a wavelength, then the electric and magnetic eld lines will be as shown in Figure 4-4 on Page 169. These eld lines have the minimum possible spatial variation and the elds are almost entirely conned to the transverse plane; this mode is called the quasi-TEM microstrip mode. However, as the frequency of the signal on the line increases it is possible for these elds to have one-quarter or one-half sinusoidal variation. Determining the frequency at which this higher-order mode can be supported requires more involved intuition than is appropriate to develop here. The following is a summary of a more complete discussion on Operating Frequency Limitations in Edwards and Steer [51]. Some variations of the elds or modes do not look anything like the eld orientations shown in
Figure 4-4. However, the variations that are closest to the quasi-TEM mode are called higher-order microstrip modes and the one that occurs at the lowest frequency corresponds to a half-sinusoidal variation of the electric eld between the edge of the strip and the ground plane. This path is a little longer than the path directly from the strip to the ground plane. However, for a wide strip, most of the EM energy is between the strip and the ground plane (both of which are electric walls) with approximate magnetic walls on the side of the strip. The modes are then similar to the parallel-plate waveguide modes described in Appendix D on Page 847. The next highest microstrip mode (or parallel-plate TE mode) occurs when there can be a half-sinusoidal variation of the electric eld between the strip and the ground plane. This corresponds to Figure 5-15(a). However, for nite-width strips the rst higher-order microstrip mode occurs at a lower frequency than implied by the parallel-plate waveguide model. In reality, multimoding occurs at a slightly lower frequency than would be implied by this model. This is because the microstrip elds are not solely conned to the dielectric region, and in fact the electric eld lines do not follow the shortest distance between the strip and the ground plane. Thus the elds along the longer paths to the sides of the strip can vary at a lower frequency than if we considered only the direct path. With detailed EM modeling and with experimental support it has been established that the rst higher-order microstrip mode can exist at frequencies greater than [51, page 143]: c fHigherMicrostrip = . (5.40) 4h r 1 This is only an approximate guide, and it is best to use the thinnest substrate possible. Most EM software programs used to model microstrip and other planar transmission lines report when higher-order moding can occur. EXAMPLE 5. 2 Higher-Order Microstrip Mode
The strip of a microstrip has a width of 1 mm and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 2.5 mm thick and has a relative permittivity of 9. At what frequency does the rst higher microstrip mode rst propagate?
w +0.4h
The higher-order microstrip mode occurs when a half-wavelength variation of the electric eld between the strip and the ground plane can be supported. When h = /2 = 0 /(32) = 2.5 mm; that is, the mode will occur when 0 = 15 mm. So
Figure 5-16 Approximation of a microstrip line as a waveguide: (a) crosssection of microstrip; and (b) model with magnetic and electric walls.
fHigherMicrostrip = 20 GHz.
A better estimate of the frequency where the higher-order microstrip mode becomes a problem is given by Equation (5.40): fHigherMicrostrip = c/(4h r 1) = 10.6 GHz. (5.42) So two estimates have been calculated for the frequency at which the rst higher-order microstrip mode can rst exist. The estimate in Equation (5.41) is approximate and is based on a half-wavelength variation of the electric eld conned to the direct path between the strip and the ground plane. Equation (5.42) is more accurate as it considers that on the edge of the strip the elds follow a longer path to the ground plane. It is the half-wavelength variation on this longer path that determines if the higher-order microstrip mode will exist. Thus the more precise determination yields a lower critical frequency. w
Longer half wavelength path Lower frequency estimate
For a wide microstrip line, a transverse resonance mode can exist. This is the mode that occurs when EM energy bounces between the edges of the strip with the discontinuity at the strip edges forming a weak boundary. This is illustrated in Figure 5-16, where the microstrip shown in crosssection in Figure 5-16(a) is approximated as a rectangular waveguide in Figure 516(b) with magnetic walls on the sides and an extended electrical wall on the sides of the strip. The transverse resonance mode corresponds to the lowest-order H eld variation between the magnetic walls. At the cutoff frequency for this transverse-resonant mode the equivalent circuit is a resonant transmission line of length w + 2d, as shown in Figure 5-17, where d = 0.2h accounts for the microstrip side fringing. A half-wavelength must
0 r
d h
w +2 d
Figure 5-17 Transverse resonance: standing wave (|Ey |) and equivalent transmission line of length w + 2d where d = 0.2h.
be supported by the length w + 2d. Therefore the cutoff half-wavelength is c = w + 2d = w + 0.4h 2 or c = w + 0.4h. 2fc r c fc = . r (2w + 0.8h) (5.43)
The strip of a microstrip has a width of 1 mm and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 2.5 mm thick and has a relative permittivity of 9.
w +0.4h
(a) At what frequency does the transverse resonance rst occur? (b) What is the operating frequency range of the microstrip line?
Solution: h = 2.5 mm, w = 1 mm , = 0 / r = 0 /3 (a) The magnetic waveguide model of Figure 5-16 can be used in estimating the frequency at which this occurs. The frequency at which the rst transverse resonance mode occurs is when there is a full half-wavelength variation of the magnetic eld between the magnetic walls, that is, the rst transverse resonance when +0.4h = /2 = 2 mm: 0 = 2 mm 0 = 12 mm, 32 and so
fTRAN = 25 GHz .
(b) All of the critical multimoding frequencies must be considered here and the minimum taken. The slab mode critical frequencies are fc1 (Equation (5.38)) and fc2 (Equation (5.39)); the higher-order mode critical frequency is fHighMicrostrip (Equation (5.42)); and the transverse resonance frequency (Equation (5.46)). So the operating frequency range is DC to 10 GHz.
There are four principal higher-order modes that need to be considered with microstrip transmission lines. Mode Dielectric (or substrate) mode with no discontinuity Dielectric (or substrate) mode with discontinuity Higher Order Microstrip Mode Transverse Resonance Mode Critical frequency Equation (5.36) Equation (5.39) Equation (5.42) Equation (5.45)
Four separate mechanisms lead to power losses in microstrip lines: (a) Conductor losses (b) Dissipation in the dielectric of the substrate (c) Radiation losses (d) Surface-wave propagation. The rst two items are dissipative effects, whereas radiation losses and surface-wave propagation are essentially parasitic phenomena. The reader is directed to Edwards and Steer [51] for an extensive treatment. Here, summary results are presented.
Conductor losses greatly exceed dielectric losses for most microstrip lines fabricated on low-loss substrates. Lines fabricated on low-resistivity silicon wafers, however, can have high dielectric loss. These wafers are most commonly used for digital circuits and the interconnect transverse dimensions are generally very small so that line resistance is very high, and again, resistive losses dominate. Radiation from a microstrip line results from asymmetric structures. In particular, discontinuities such as abruptly open-circuited microstrip (i.e., open ends), steps, and bends will all radiate to a certain extent. Such discontinuities form essential features of a microwave IC and therefore radiation cannot be avoided. Efforts must be made to reduce such radiation and its undesirable effects. In circuits such as lters, ampliers, etc., this radiation is an acknowledged nuisance. In most cases, radiation can be represented as shunt admittances. Surface waves, trapped just beneath the surface of the substrate dielectric, will propagate away from microstrip discontinuities as TE and TM modes. The effect of surface waves can also be treated as shunt conductance. Various techniques can be used to suppress radiation and surface waves: (a) Metallic shielding or screening. (b) The introduction of lossy (i.e., absorbent) material near any radiative discontinuity. (c) The utilization of compact, planar, inherently enclosed circuits such as inverted microstrip and stripline. (d) Reducing the current densities owing in the outer edges of any metal sections and concentrate currents toward the center and in the middle of the microstrip. (e) Possibly shape the discontinuity in some way to reduce the radiative efciency.
Propagation on transmission line structures fabricated on semiconductor substrates can have peculiar behavior. The interest in such lines is in relation to Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs) using both silicon (Si) and compound semiconductor technologies (especially GaAs). More specically, interconnects on Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) or MetalInsulator-Semiconductor (MIS) systems, where an insulating layer exists between the conductor and the semiconductor wafer (see Figure 5-18(a)), are of particular interest due to their ability to support a slow-wave. These structures nd major use in distributed elements on chip at RF. In particular, a silicon substrate can have a signicant impact on microstrip
Schottky contact
Metallized back
Metallized back
Figure 5-18 Transmission lines on silicon semiconductor: (a) silicon-silicon dioxide sandwich; and (b) bulk view.
d1 d d 2
1 ,1 , 0 , ,
2 2 0
x y
Figure 5-19
propagation that derives from the charge layer formed at the silicon-silicon dioxide interface. The slow-wave effect is utilized in delay lines, couplers, and lters. With Schottky contact lines, the effect is used in variable-phase shifters, voltage-tunable lters, and various other applications. Now, an intuitive explanation of the propagation characteristics of microstrip lines of this type can be based on the parallel-plate structure shown in Figure 5-19. For an exact EM analysis of the slow-wave effect with silicon substrates see Hasegawa et al. [75]. As well as developing a very useful approximation for the important situation of transmission lines on a semiconductor, the treatment below indicates the type of approach that can be used to analyze unusual structures. In this structure, assume a quasi-TEM mode of propagation. In other words, the wave propagation parameters , , and Z0 can be deduced from electrostatic and magnetostatic solutions for the per unit length parameters C, G, L, and R. The analysis begins with a treatment of the classic Maxwell-Wagner capacitor. Figure 5-20(a) shows the structure of such a capacitor where there are two different materials between the parallel plates of the capacitor with different dielectric constants and conductivity. The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 5-20(b) with the elements given by C1 = 1 A 1 d1 , R1 = d1 1 A (5.47)
1 ,1
2 ,2
Figure 5-20 Structure of the Maxwell-Wagner capacitor: (a) structure; and (b) its equivalent circuit.
C2 = 2
1 d2 A , R2 = d2 2 A 1 1 = R1 C1 = 1 2 2 = R2 C2 = . 2
The admittance of the entire structure at radian frequency is Y () = where = Introducing Y () = e A , d (5.53) 1 (1 + 1 )(1 + 2 ) , R1 + R2 1 + R1 2 + R2 1 . R1 + R2 (5.51)
the effective complex permittivity, = , can be dened in terms of e e e Equation (5.51). Using Equations (5.51) and (5.53) yields = e 1 + 2 + 1 2 2 d . (R1 + R2 ) [1 + ( )2 ] A (5.54)
Consider now the case when R1 goes to innity (i.e., layer 1 in Figure 5-20 is an insulator). For this case, Equation (5.54) becomes e 1+ 1+ = 1+ 1+
d2 1 d1 2 d2 1 d1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
d . d1
It is clear from Equations (5.54) and (5.55) that the effective complex permittivity has a frequency-dependent component. Consider how this
For the case where goes to innity (the optical value), the real part of the effective permittivity is e, = 1 2 (d1 + d2 ) . 2 d1 + 1 d2 (5.57)
Note also that the value of e, can be approximately achieved for a large value of 2 /2 (i.e., low-conductivity substrates can be used to ensure that the displacement currents dominate). In a similar way, it is clear that e,0 can be achieved by having a small value of 2 /2 . Also note that can e,0 be made very large by making d1 much smaller than d. EXAMPLE 5. 4 Two-Layer Substrate
Consider the structure in Figure 5-19. Determine the guide wavelength, g , and the wavelength in the insulator, 1 , at a frequency of 1 GHz. SiO2 is the dielectric, with permittivity 1 = 40 . The depths d2 and d1 of the two dielectrics are d2 = 250 m and d1 = 0.1 m. Solution: 1 = 3108 = 0.15 m = 15 cm, 109 4 = 15 r 0.1 cm 3 mm. 250.1 (5.58)
The previous description of the properties of a Maxwell-Wagner capacitor leads to a discussion of the possible modes on the MIS (MOS) line. To make the problem tractable, the transmission line shown in Figure 5-18(a) will be approximated as having the crosssection shown in Figure 5-21(a). Dielectric Quasi-TEM Mode The rst possible mode is the dielectric quasi-TEM mode, for which the sectional equivalent circuit model of Figure 5-21(b) is applicable. In this mode 2 2 . This implies from our earlier discussion that = and e e, = 0 . Thus the per unit length parameters are e d1 W W C1 = 1 d1 L = 0 (5.59) (5.60)
1, 0
d1 d2
2 , 2, 0
L C1 C2 x (b) G2
x (c) C1
G2 x (d)
R (f) C1
Figure 5-21 Modes on an MOS transmission line: (a) equivalent structure of the MOS line of Figure 5-18; (b) quasi-TEM mode; (c) skin effect mode; and (d) slow-wave mode.
W d2 W G2 = 2 . d2 C2 = 2
(5.61) (5.62)
In SI units these have the units: H/m for L, F/m for C1 , F/m for C2 , and S/m for G2 . Skin-Effect Mode The second possible mode is the skin-effect mode, for which the sectional equivalent circuit model of Figure 5-21(c) is applicable. Here, 2 2 is such that the skin depth = 1/ f 0 2 in the semiconductor is much smaller than d2 and = , = e e,0 e Thus L1 L2 d1 , W 1 = 0 W 2 = 0 C1 = 1 , W d1 1 W 2 . (5.63) (5.64) 0 d1 + , d 2
R2 = 2f 0
These have the SI units: H/m for L1 and L2 , F/m for C1 , and /m for R2 .
Slow-Wave Mode The third possible mode of propagation is the slow-wave mode [76, 77], for which the sectional equivalent circuit model of Figure 5-21(d) is applicable. This mode occurs when f is not so large and the resistivity is moderate so that the skin depth, , is larger than (or on the order of) d2 . Thus = , e e,0 but = 0 . Therefore e vp = 1 1 1 = 0 0 1 e e d1 d (5.65)
In this chapter, extraordinary transmission line effects were considered. Multimoding can occur in many forms, but whenever crosssectional dimensions are large enough compared to a wavelength multimoding occurs. This sets the upper bound on the frequency of operation of most transmission line structures. There are also signicant frequency-dependent effects with all transmission lines and arise from a number of sources. However, most of these effects in transmission lines of two or more conductors can be understood as resulting from skin effect and charge bunching. Different transmission line structures have varying degrees of frequency-dependent properties.
1. A medium has a relative permittivity of 13 and supports a 5.6 GHz EM signal. By default, if not specied otherwise, a medium is lossless and will have a relative permeability of 1. [Based on Appendix D.] (a) Calculate the characteristic impedance of an EM plane wave. (b) Calculate the propagation constant of the medium. 2. A medium has a dielectric constant of 20. What is the index of refraction of the medium? [Based on Appendix D.] 3. A plane wave in free space is normally incident on a lossless medium occupying a half space with a dielectric constant of 12. [Based on Appendix D. Parallels examples on Pages 866 and 866.]
(a) Calculate the electric eld reection coefcient referred to the interface medium. (b) What is the magnetic eld reection coefcient? 4. Water, or more specically tap water or sea water, has a complex dielectric constant resulting from two effects: conductivity resulting from dissolved ions in the water leading to charge carriers that can conduct current under the inuence of an electric eld, and dielectric loss resulting from rotation or bending of the water molecules themselves under the inuence of an electric eld. The rotation or bending of the water molecules results in motion of the water molecules and thus heat. The relative permittivity is wr = wr wr (5.66)
r wr
= =
where f is frequency, 0 = 8.854 1012 F/m is the absolute permittivity, and w00 = 4.9 is the high-frequency limit of r and is known to be independent of salinity and is also that of pure deionized water. The other quantities are w , the relaxation time of water; w0 , the static relative dielectric constant of water (which for pure water at 0 C is equal to 87.13); and i , the ionic conductivity of the water. At 5 C and for tap water with a salinity of 0.03 (in parts per thousand by weight) [78, 79] w0 = 85.9 , w = 14.6 ps, i = 0.00548 .
[Based on Appendix D.] (a) Calculate and then plot the real and imaginary dielectric constant of water over the frequency range from DC to 40 GHz for tap water at 5 C. You should see two distinct regions. Identify the part of the imaginary dielectric constant graph that results from ionic conductivity and the part of the graph that relates to dielectric relaxation. (b) Consider a plane wave propagating in water. Determine the attenuation constant and the propagation constant of the wave at 500 MHz. (c) Consider a plane wave propagating in water. Determine the attenuation constant and the propagation constant of the wave at 2.45 GHz. (d) Consider a plane wave propagating in water. Determine the attenuation constant and the propagation constant of the wave at 22 GHz. (e) Again considering the plane wave in water, calculate the loss factor over a distance of 1 cm at 2.45 GHz. Express your answer in terms of decibels. (f) Consider a plane wave making normal incidence from above into a bucket of tap
water that is 1 m deep so that you do not need to consider the reection at the bottom of the bucket. Calculate the reection coefcient of the incident plane wave at 2.45 GHz referred to the air immediately above the surface of the water. (g) Again considering the situation in (f), but this time with the plane wave incident on the air-water interface from the water side, calculate the reection coefcient of the incident plane wave at 2.45 GHz referred to the water immediately below the surface of the water. (h) If the bucket in (f) and (g) is 0.5 cm deep you will need to consider the reection at the bottom of the bucket. Consider that the bottom of the bucket is a perfect conductor. Draw the bounce diagram for calculating the reection of the plane wave in air. Determine the total reection coefcient of the plane wave (referred to the air immediately above the surface of the water) by using the bounce diagram. (i) Repeat (h) using the formula for multiple reections. 5. The plane wave electric eld of a transmitted radar pulse propagating in free space in the z direction is given by 8 ` t x < A cos 2 cos (0 t) t E(t) = : 0 otherwise, (5.69) with 0 /(2 ). [Based on Appendix D.]
(a) Sketch E(t) over the interval 1.5 t 1.5 . (b) Derive the magnetic eld expression, that is, H(t). (c) Derive the instantaneous Poynting vector, S(t). (d) Determine the total energy density in the pulse (in units of joules per square meter, J/m2 ).
6. Consider a plane EM wave propagating a medium with a permittivity and permeability . The complex permittivity measured at
two frequencies is characterized by the relative permittivity (/0 ) of the real {/0 } and imaginary parts {/0 } as follows: Measured relative permittivity: Frequency Real Imaginary part part 1 GHz 10 GHz 3.8 4.0 0.05 0.03
[Based on Appendix D. Parallels example on Page 867.] (a) What is the characteristic impedance (or wave impedance) in Region 2? (b) What is the propagation constant in Region 1? 10. A 4 GHz time-varying EM eld is traveling in the +z direction in Medium 1 and is normally incident on another material in Region 2, as shown in Figure ??. The boundary between the two regions is in the z = 0 plane. The permittivity of Region 1, 1 = 0 , and that of Region 2 is 2 = 40 . For both regions, 1 = 2 = 0 . The phasor of the forwardtraveling electric eld (i.e., the incident eld) is E+ = 100 y and the phase is normalized with respect to z = 0. [Based on Appendix D. Parallels example on Page 867.] (a) What is the wave impedance of Region 1? (b) What is the wave impedance of Region 2? (c) What is the electric eld reection coefcient at the boundary? (d) What is the magnetic eld reection coefcient at the boundary? (e) What is the electric eld transmission coefcient at the boundary? (f) What is the power transmitted into Region 2? (g) What is the power reected from the boundary back into Region 1? 11. What is the skin depth on a copper microstrip at 10 GHz? Assume that the conductivity of the deposited copper forming the strip is half that of bulk single crystal copper. Use the data in the table on Page 844. 12. What is the skin depth on a silver at 1 GHz? Assume that the conductivity of the fabricated silver conductor is 75% that of bulk single crystal silver. Use the data in the table on Page 844. 13. An inhomogeneous transmission line is fabricated using a medium with a relative permittivity of 10 and has an effective permittivity of 7. What is the ll factor q?
Measured relative permeability: Frequency Real Imaginary Part Part 1 GHz 10 GHz 0.999 0.998 0.001 0.001
Since there is an imaginary part of the dielectric constant there could be either dielectric damping or material conductivity, or both. [Based on Appendix D. Parallels example on Page 862.] (a) Determine the dielectric loss tangent at 10 GHz. (b) Determine the relative dielectric damping factor at 10 GHz (the part of the permittivity due to dielectric damping). (c) What is the conductivity of the dielectric at 10 GHz? 7. Consider a material with a relative permittivity of 72, a relative permeability of 1, and a static electric eld (E) of 1 kV/m. How much energy is stored in the E eld in a 10 cm3 volume of the material? [Based on Appendix D. Parallels example on Page 853.] 8. A time-varying electric eld in the x direction has a strength of 1 kV/m and a frequency of 1 GHz. The medium has a relative permittivity of 70. What is the polarization vector? Express this vector in the time domain? [Based on Appendix D. Parallels example on Page 853.] 9. A 4 GHz time-varying EM eld is traveling in the +z direction in Region 1 and is incident on another material in Region 2, as shown in the Figure D-8. The permittivity of Region 1 is 1 = 0 and that of Region 2 is 2 = (4 0.04)0 . For both regions 1 = 2 = 0 .
14. Using Table 5-9 on Page 257, determine the complex characteristic impedance and complex effective permittivity of a microstrip line at 12 GHz. The line is fabricated on alumina with r (DC) = 9.9, w = 70 m, h = 500 m. 15. A magnetic wall and an electric wall are 2 cm apart and are separeted by a lossless material having an effective permittivity of 10 and an effective permeability of 23. What is the cutoff frequency of the lowest-order mode in this system. 16. The strip of a microstrip has a width of 600 m and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 1 mm thick and has a relative permittivity of 10. (a) Draw the magnetic waveguide model of the microstrip line. Put dimensions on your drawing. (b) Sketch the electric eld distribution of the rst transverse resonance mode and calculate the frequency at which the transverse resonance mode occurs. (c) Sketch the electric eld distribution of the rst higher-order microstrip mode and calculate the frequency at which it occurs. (d) Sketch the electric eld distribution of the slab mode and calculate the frequency at which it occurs. 17. A microstrip line has a width of 352 m and is constructed on a substrate that is 500 m thick with a relative dielectric constant of 5.6. (a) Determine the frequency at which transverse resonance would rst occur. (b) When the dielectric is slightly less than one quarter wavelength in thickness the dielectric slab mode can be supported. Some of the elds will appear in the air region as well as in the dielectric, extending the effective thickness of the dielectric. Ignoring the elds in the air (so that we are considering a quarter-wavelength criterion), at what frequency will the dielectric slab mode rst occur? 18. The strip of a microstrip has a width of 600 m and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is
635 m thick and has a relative permittivity of 4.1. (a) At what frequency will the rst transverse resonance occur? (b) At what frequency will the rst higherorder microstrip mode occur? (c) At what frequency will the slab mode occur? (d) Identify the useful operating frequency range of the microstrip. 19. The electrical design space for transmission lines in microstrip designs is determined by the design project leader to be 20 to 100 . This is based on experience with the types of loads and sources that need to be matched. The preferred substrate has a thickness of 500 m and a relative permittivity of 8. What is the maximum operating frequency range of designs supported by this technology choice. Ignore frequency dispersion effects (i.e., frequency dependence of effective permittivity and losses). [Hint: First determine the dimensions of the strip that will provide the required impedance range and then determine the frequency at which lowest-order multimoding will occur.] 20. Consider the design of transmission lines in microstrip technology using a lossless substrate with relative permittivity of 10 and thickness of 400 m. You will want to use the formulas in Section 4.10.2 on Page 223. (a) What is the maximum characteristic impedance that can be achieved for a transmission line fabricated in this technology? (b) Plot the characteristic impedance versus strip width. (c) From manufacturing tolerance considerations, the minimum strip width that can be manufactured is 20 m. What is the maximum characteristic impedance that can be achieved in practice? (d) If the operating frequency range is 1 to 10 GHz, determine the maximum width of the strip from higher-order mode considerations. You must consider the trans-
(f) (g)
verse resonance mode as well as higherorder microstrip modes. Identify the electrical design space (i.e., the achievable characteristic impedance range). Identify the physical design space (i.e., the range of acceptable strip widths). If the electrical design space requires that transmission line impedances be achieved within 2 . What tolerance must be achieved in the manufacturing process if the substrate thickness can be achieved exactly? [Hint: First identify the critical physical process corner and thus the critical strip width that is most susceptible to width variations. Then determine the tolerance on the strip width to achieve the allowable characteristic impedance variation. That is, characteristic impedance is a function of strip width and height. If the substrate is perfect (no height variation), then how much can the strip width vary to keep the impedance within 2 of the desired value? You can solve this graphically using a plot of Z0 versus width or you can iteratively arrive at the answer by recalculating Z0 .] If the electrical design space requires that transmission line impedances be achieved within 2 . What tolerance must be achieved in the manufacturing process if the substrate thickness tolerance is 2 m? (Assume that the perfectly symmetrical stripline property will be achieved accurately.) If the substrate is not perfect (the height variation is 2 m), then how much can the strip width vary to keep the impedance within 2 of the desired value? This problem is directly applicable to real-world process/design trade-offs.
(b) At what frequency does the rst higherorder microstrip mode rst propagate? (c) At what frequency does the substrate (or slab) mode rst occur? 22. The strip of a microstrip has a width of 250 m and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 300 m thick and has a relative permittivity of 15. (a) At what frequency does the transverse resonance rst occur? (b) At what frequency does the rst higherorder microstrip mode rst propagate? (c) At what frequency does the substrate (or slab) mode rst occur? 23. A microstrip line has a strip width of 100 m is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 150 m thick and has a relative permittivity of 9. (a) Draw the microstrip waveguide model and indicate and calculate the dimensions of the model. (b) Based only on the microstrip waveguide model, determine the frequency at which the rst transverse resonance occurs? (c) Based only on the microstrip waveguide model, determine the frequency at which the rst higher-order microstrip mode occurs? (d) At what frequency will the slab mode occur? For this you cannot use the microstrip waveguide model. 24. A microstrip line has a strip width of 100 m and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 150 m thick and has a relative permittivity of 9. (a) Dene the properties of a magnetic wall. (b) Identify two situations where a magnetic wall can be used in the analysis of a microstrip line; that is, give two locations where a magnetic wall approximation can be used. (c) Draw the microstrip waveguide model and indicate and calculate the dimensions of the model.
21. The strip of a microstrip has a width of 500 m and is fabricated on a lossless substrate that is 635 m thick and has a relative permittivity of 12. [Parallels Examples 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 on Pages 270, 271 and 273. ] (a) At what frequency does the transverse resonance rst occur?
25. Consider the design of transmission lines in symmetrical stripline technology using a lossless substrate with relative permittivity of 20 and thickness of 200 m. (a) Using qualitative arguments, show that the maximum characteristic impedance that can be achieved for a transmission line fabricated in this technology is 116 . The maximum is not actually 116 , but a simple argument will bring you to this conclusion. Hint: This will occur at the minimum width possible. (b) Plot the characteristic impedance versus substrate width. (c) From manufacturing tolerance considerations, the minimum strip width that can be manufactured is 20 m. What is the maximum characteristic impedance that can be achieved in practice? (d) If the operating frequency range is 2 to 18 GHz, determine the maximum width of the strip from higher-order mode considerations. You must consider the transverse resonance mode, the higher-order stripline mode, and the slab mode. (e) Identify the electrical design space (i.e., the achievable characteristic impedance range). (f) Identify the physical design space (i.e., the range of acceptable strip widths). (g) If the electrical design space requires that transmission line impedances be achieved within 2 . What tolerance
must be achieved in the manufacturing process if the substrate thickness can be achieved exactly? [Hint: First identify the critical physical process corner and thus the critical strip width that is most susceptible to width variations. Then determine the tolerance on the strip width to achieve the allowable characteristic impedance variation.] (h) If the electrical design space requires that transmission line impedances be achieved within 2 . What tolerance must be achieved in the manufacturing process if the substrate thickness tolerance is 2 m. (Assume that the perfectly symmetrical stripline property will be achieved accurately.) 26. Consider the structure in Figure 5-19. Determine the guide wavelength, g , and the wavelength in the insulator, 1 , at a frequency of 20 GHz. SiO2 is the dielectric, with permittivity 1 = 3.90 . The depths d2 and d1 of the two dielectrics are d2 = 100 m and d1 = 1.0 m. [Parallels Examples 5.4, on Page 278.] 27. Consider a metal-oxide-semiconductor transmission medium as examined in Section 5.8. The structure in the form of the MaxwellWagner capacitor is shown in Figure 5-20(a) with d1 = 100 m, d1 = 500 m, and relative permittivities 1 = 3.9 and 1 = 13 . Ignore the nite conductivity. What is the capacitance model of this structure (see Figure 5-20(b)) and what are the values of the capacitance?
Analog circuits at frequencies up to a few tens of megahertz are characterized by admittances, impedances, voltages, and currents. Above these frequencies it is not possible to measure voltage, current, or impedance directly. One reason for this is that measurement equipment is separated from the device by lengths of transmission line that are electrically long (i.e., at least an appreciable fraction of a wavelength long). It is better to use quantities such as voltage reection and transmission coefcients that can be quite readily measured and are related to power ow. As well, in RF and microwave circuit design the power of signals and of noise is always of interest. Thus there is a predisposition to focus on measurement parameters that are related to the reection and transmission of power. Scattering parameters, S parameters, embody the effects of reection
Port 1 I1
Port 2 I2
V1 Z0 V2
1 2
V2 Z0 V2 l2
TwoPort 2
Figure 6-1 A two-port network: (a) port voltages; and (b) with transmission lines at the ports.
and transmission. As will be seen, it is easy to convert these to more familiar network parameters such as admittance and impedance parameters. In this chapter S parameters will be dened and related to impedance and admittance parameters, then it will be demonstrated that the use of S parameters helps in the design and interpretation of RF circuits. S parameters have become the most important parameters for RF and microwave engineers and many design methodologies have been developed around them. A graphical technique called signal ow graph analysis is introduced for manipulating S parameter-based models of elements. Finally, polar plots of S parameters are introduced as well as an annotated form called a Smith chart. Both are used for displaying and interpreting power ow in circuits.
Two-Port Networks
Many of the techniques employed in analyzing circuits require that the voltage at each terminal of a circuit be referenced to a common point such as ground. In microwave circuits it is generally difcult to do this. Recall that with transmission lines it is not possible to establish a common ground point. However, with transmission lines (and circuit elements that utilize distributed effects) it was seen that for each signal current there is a signal return current. Thus at radio frequencies, and for circuits that are distributed, ports are used, as shown in Figure 6-1, which dene the voltages and currents for what is known as a two-port network, or just two-port.1 The network in Figure 6-1(a) has four terminals and two ports. A port voltage is dened as the voltage difference between a pair of terminals with one of the terminals in the pair becoming the reference terminal. Port 1 is on the left of the diagram, where port voltage V1 is dened. The current entering the network at the top terminal of Port 1 is I1 and there is an equal current leaving the reference terminal. This arrangement clearly makes sense when
Even when the term two-port is used on its own the hyphen is used, as it is referring to a two-port network.
transmission lines are attached to Ports 1 and 2, as in Figure 6-1(b). With transmission lines at Ports 1 and 2 there will be traveling-wave voltages, and at the ports the traveling-wave components add to give the total port voltage. In dealing with nondistributed circuits it is preferable to use the total port voltages and currentsV1 , I1 , V2 , and I2 , shown in Figure 6-1(a). However, with distributed elements it is preferable to deal with traveling voltages and currentsV1+ ,V1 ,V2+ , and V2 , shown in Figure 6-15(b). RF and microwave design necessarily requires switching between the two forms.
Reciprocity, symmetry, passivity, and linearity are fundamental properties of networks. A network is linear if the response, voltages, and currents are linearly dependent on the drive level, and superposition also applies. So if the two-port shown in Figure 6-1 is linear, the currents I1 and I2 are linear functions of V1 and V2 . An example of a linear network would be one with resistors and capacitors. A network with a diode would be an example of a nonlinear network. A passive network has no internal sources of power and so a network with an embedded battery is not a passive network. A more complicated situation to consider is a class A transistor amplier where the transistor is biased so that the response to small input signals is linear. In network analysis, the network parameters at the bias point are used. These network parameters are linear, but they are not passive, as the transistor amplier is adding power to the small signals. The amplier converts DC power to small signal power. If the whole amplier is considered and the network parameters include multiple ports (a port is required for the applied DC bias) then the network parameters would be passive but they would still be nonlinear. A symmetrical two-port has the same characteristics at each of the ports. An example of a symmetrical network is a transmission line. Finally, a reciprocal two-port has a response at Port 2 from an excitation at Port 1 that is the same as the response at Port 1 to the same excitation at Port 2. As an example, consider the two-port in Figure 6-1 with V2 = 0. If the network is reciprocal, the ratio I2 /V1 will be the same as the ratio I1 /V2 with V1 = 0. Most networks with resistors, capacitors, and transmission lines, for example, are reciprocal. A transistor amplier is not reciprocal, as gain, analogous to the ratio I2 /V1 , is just in one direction (or unidirectional).
First, port-based impedance parameters will be considered based on total port voltages and currents as dened for the two-port in Figure 6-1. These parameters are also referred to as port impedance parameters or just impedance parameters when the context is understood to be ports.
_ 1 y11 y21
y22_ y21 2
Figure 6-2 Circuit equivalence of the z and y parameters for a reciprocal network: (a) z parameters; and (b) y parameters
Impedance parameters, or z parameters, are dened as V1 = z11 I1 + z12 I2 V2 = z21 I1 + z22 I2 , or in matrix form as V = ZI . (6.3) The double subscript on a parameter is ordered so that the rst refers to the output and the second refers to the input, so zij relates the voltage output at Port i to the current input at Port j. If the network is reciprocal then z12 = z21 , but this simple type of relationship does not apply to all network parameters. The reciprocal circuit equivalence of the z parameters is shown in Figure 6-2(a). It will be seen that the z parameters are convenient parameters to use when an element is in series with one of the ports, as then the operation required in developing the z parameters of the larger network is just addition. Figure 6-3(a) shows the series connection of a two-terminal element with a two-port designated as network A. The z parameters of network A are ZA so that V1 Now V1 = = zI1 + V1 zI1 +
(A) (A)
(6.1) (6.2)
= z11 I1 + z12 I2 =
(A) z21 I1
(6.5) . (6.6)
(A) z22 I2
(6.7) +
(A) z12 I2
(A) z11 I1
I1 V1
Z z
I2 V1 A V2
I1 V1
I2 A V2
(b) Figure 6-3 Connection of a two-terminal to a two-port: (a) series connection; and (b) parallel or shunt connection.
When an element is in shunt with a two-port, admittance parameters, or y parameters, are the most convenient to use. These are dened as I1 I2 or in matrix form as I = YV . (6.12) Now, for reciprocity, y12 = y21 and the circuit equivalence of the y parameters is shown in Figure 6-2(b). Consider the shunt connection of an element shown in Figure 6-3(b) where the y parameters of network A are YA = y11 (A) y21
(A) (A)
= =
(6.10) (6.11)
= Z1 . A
= y11 V1 + y12 V2
(A) (A)
I2 = y21 V1 + y22 V2 I1 = =
(A) yV1 + I1 (A) (y + y11 )V1
(A) y12 V2 .
I1 V1
(A) (A)
I2 A V2
I1 V1
(B) (B)
I2 B V2
I2 V2
Sometimes it is more convenient to use hybrid parameters, or h parameters dened by V1 I2 or in matrix form as = = V1 I2 h11 I1 + h12 V2 h21 I1 + h22 V2 , I1 V2 (6.19) (6.20)
These parameters are convenient to use with transistor circuits as they conveniently describe a voltage-controlled current source which is a simple model of a transistor. The choice of which network parameters to use depends on convenience, but as will be seen throughout this text, some parameters naturally describe a particular characteristic desired in a design. For example, with Port 1 being the input port of an amplier and Port 2 being the output port, h21 describes the current gain of the amplier.
A series connection of 2 two-ports is shown in Figure 6-4. An example of when the series connection occurs is shown in Figure 6-5, which is the schematic of a transistor amplier conguration with an inductor in the source leg. The transistor and the inductor can each be represented as twoports so that the circuit of Figure 6-5(a) can be represented as the series
Figure 6-5 Example of a series connection of two-port networks: (a) an amplier; and (b) its components represented as two-port networks.
connection of 2 two-ports, as shown in Figure 6-5(b). In the following, twoport parameters of the complete circuit are developed using the two-port parameter descriptions of the component two-ports. The procedure with any interconnection is to write down the relationships between the voltages and currents of the constituent networks. Which network parameters to use requires identication of the arithmetic path requiring the fewest operations. Simple algebra relates the various total voltage and current parameters. From Figure 6-4, I1
= I1 = = =
(A) I2
V1 V2
I1 (A) I2
V1 (B) V2
I1 (B) I2 (6.26)
I1 V1
I2 A V2
I1 V1
I1 V1
I2 B V2
I2 V2
Admittance parameters are most conveniently combined to obtain the overall parameters of the two-port parallel connection of Figure 6-6. The total voltage and current are related by V1
= V1 = = =
(A) V2
= =
V1 (A) V2 V1 (B) V2
(6.33) . (6.34)
Figure 6-7 is an example of subcircuits that can be represented as two-ports that are then connected in parallel.
A similar approach to that in the preceding subsection is followed in developing the overall network parameters of the series-parallel connection of two-ports shown in Figure 6-8. Now,
I1 V1
(A) (A)
I2 A V2
I1 V1
(B) (B)
I2 B V2
I2 V2
= = = =
(A) V2
V1 I2
I1 (A) V2
V1 (B) I2
I1 (B) V2
Ia Va A1 C1 B1 D1 A2 C2 B2 D2 ... AN CN BN DN
Figure 6-10
ABCD parameters are the best parameters to use when cascading twoports, as in Figure 6-9, and when total voltage and current relationships are required. First, consider Figure 6-10, which puts the voltages and currents in cascadable form with the input variables in terms of the output variables: Va Ia = A C B D Vb Ib . (6.43)
The reciprocity relationship of the ABCD parameters is not as simple as for the z and y parameters. To see this, rst express ABCD parameters in terms of z parameters. Note that the current at Port 2 is in the opposite direction to the usual denition of the two-port current shown in Figure 6-1. So Va Ia Vb Ib Va Vb From Equation 6.49, Ia = = V1 = I1 = V2 = I2 (6.44) (6.45) (6.46) (6.47) (6.48) (6.49) (6.50)
and substituting this into Equation (6.48) yields Va = z11 Vb + z21 z11 z22 z12 Ib . z21 (6.51)
Comparing Equations (6.50) and (6.51) to Equation (6.43) leads to A = B = C D where z = z11 z22 z12 z21 . Rearranging, z11 z12 z21 z22 = = = = A/C (AD BC)/C 1/C D/C. (6.57) (6.56) = = z11 /z21 z /z21 1/z21 z22 /z21 , (6.52) (6.53) (6.54) (6.55)
Now the reciprocity condition in terms of ABCD parameters can be determined. For z parameters, z12 = z21 for reciprocity; that is, from Equation (6.57), for a reciprocal network, AD BC C AD BC 1 C = 1. = (6.58) (6.59)
That is, for a two-port network to be reciprocal, AD BC = 1. The utility of these parameters is that the ABCD matrix of the cascade connection of N two-ports in Figure 6-9 is equal to the product of the ABCD matrices of the individual two-ports: A C B D = A1 C1 B1 D1 A2 C2 B2 D2 AN CN BN DN . (6.60)
The ABCD parameters of several two-port networks are given in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 ABCD parameters of several two-ports. The transmission line is lossless with a propagation constant of . Series impedance, z
z 1 2
Shunt admittance, y
1 y 2
Pi network
y3 1 y1 y2 2
A = 1 + y2 /y3 C = y1 + y2 + y1 y2 /y3
B = 1/y3 D = 1 + y1 /y3
Tee network
z1 z2 z3
A = 1 + z1 /z3 C = 1/z3
B = z1 + z2 + z1 z2 /z3 D = 1 + z2 /z3
Series shorted stub, electrical length A=1 C=0 Series open stub, electrical length A=1 C=0 Shunt shorted stub, electrical length A=1 C = /(Z0 tan ) Shunt open stub, electrical length A=1 C = tan /Z0 B=0 D=1 B=0 D=1 B = Z0 /(tan ) D=1 B = Z0 tan D=1
Develop the lumped-element model of a quarter-wavelength long transmission line with impedance Z0 . Solution: The model is developed by equating ABCD parameters. From Table 6-1, the ABCD parameters of a quarter-wavelength long line (with = /2) are A = cos() = 0 B = Z0 sin() = Z0 C = Y0 sin() = /Z0 D = cos() = 0. The ABCD parameters of a Pi network are A = 1 + y2 /y3 B = 1/y3 C = y1 + y2 + y1 y2 /y3 D = 1 + y1 /y3 . Equating Equations (6.62) and (6.66), y3 = 1/(Z0 ), and with Equations (6.61), (6.64), (6.65), and (6.68), y1 = y2 = y3 = 1/(Z0 ). (6.70) (6.69) (6.65) (6.66) (6.67) (6.68) (6.61) (6.62) (6.63) (6.64)
The lumped equivalent circuit of the quarter-wave transformer is shown in Figure 6-11(a), and for any impedance inverter is shown in Figure 6-11(b). An alternative lumped-element model of the inverter is shown in Figure 6-11(c). The lumped-element model of a 50 impedance inverter at 400 MHz is shown in Figure 6-11(b) with L = 19.89 nH and C = 7.968 pF.
Scattering Parameters
Direct measurement of the z, y, h, and ABCD parameters requires that the ports be terminated in either short or open circuits. For active circuits, such terminations could result in undesired behavior, including oscillation or destruction. Also, at RF it is difcult to realize a good open or short. Since RF circuits are designed with close attention to maximum power transfer conditions, resistive terminations are preferred, as these are closer to the actual operating conditions, and so the effect of measurement errors will have less impact than when parameter extraction relies on imperfect opens
|Z0 | H 2 1 F |Z0 | (c)
|Z0 | L= H C= (a) 1 F |Z0 | (b) L= C=
Figure 6-11 Lumped equivalent circuit of a quarter-wavelength long line of characteristic impedance Z0 which is the same as that of an impedance inverter (of Z0 ): (a) quarter-wavelength long line segment; (b) lumped element equivalent circuit; and (c) alternative lumped element model.
and shorts. The essence of scattering parameters (or S parameters2 ) is that they relate forward- and backward-traveling waves on a transmission line, thus S parameters are related to power ow. All these are good reasons for why RF and microwave engineers prefer the use of S parameters. The discussion of S parameters begins by considering the reection coefcient, which is the S parameter of a one-port network.
Reection Coefcient
The reection coefcient, , of a load, such as that shown in Figure 6-12, can be determined by separately measuring the forward- and backwardtraveling voltages on the transmission line: (x) = V (x) . V + (x) ZL Z0 , ZL + Z0 (6.71)
where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the connecting transmission line. This can also be written as Y0 YL (0) = , (6.73) Y0 + YL where Y0 = 1/Z0 and YL = 1/ZL . More completely, as dened above is called the voltage reection coefcient.
For historical reasons a capital S is used when referring to S parameters. For most other network parameters, lowercase is used (e.g., z parameters for impedance parameters).
Figure 6-12 Transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0 and length terminated in a load of impedance ZL .
I Zg V Vg ZL
Figure 6-13 A Thevenin equivalent source with generator Vg and source impedance Zg terminated in a load ZL .
Consider Figure 6-13, which does not have an explicit transmission line to separate the forward- and backward-traveling waves. Now the total voltage across the load is ZL V = Vg (6.74) Zg + ZL and the total current is I= Vg . Zg + ZL (6.75)
To develop the reection coefcient, rst dene equivalent forward- and backward-traveling waves. This can be done by imagining that between the generator and the load there is a transmission line of characteristic impedance Zg and having innitesimal length. The incident voltage and current waves (V + , I + ) are the voltage and current obtained when the generator is conjugately matched to the load (i.e., ZL = Zg ). So the equations of forward-traveling voltage and current become V + = Vg
Zg Zg = Vg Zg + Zg 2R {Zg }
I + = Vg
1 . 2R {Zg }
Now return to considering the actual load, ZL . The reected voltage and current (V , I ) are obtained by calculating the actual voltage and current at the source using the relationships V = V+ +V and I = I+ + I (6.78) (6.79)
to determine the backward-traveling components. In Equations (6.78) and (6.79) the forward-traveling components are those in Equations (6.76) and (6.77). From Equations (6.76) and (6.74), Vg = V +
Zg + Zg , Zg
Similarly I =
ZL Zg ZL + Zg I
Zg + I = I I + . Zg
V is called the voltage reection coefcient, which is usually denoted as , while I is the current reection coefcient. It is clear that V = 0 = I when ZL = Zg and V = I = (ZL Rg )/(ZL + Rg ) when Zg is purely resistive (i.e., when Zg = Rg ). Generally the reection coefcients are dened using a purely resistive Zg . This becomes the reference resistance which is more commonly referred to as the reference impedance, Z0 , or more correctly as the system impedance.
Two-Port S Parameters
Two-port S parameters are dened in terms of traveling waves on transmission lines attached to each of the ports of the network as shown
in Figure 6-1(b). Individual elements are determined by measuring the forward- and backward-traveling waves with matched loads at the ports. Determination of S11 : If the output line is matched, ZL = Z0 , the load cannot reect power and so V2+ = 0, then S11 = V1 V1+ .
+ V2 =0
By alternately matching the input and output, the remaining three parameters are determined and so S22 is found as S22 = V2 V2+ .
+ V1 =0
Sometimes S21 is called the transmission coefcient, T. In the reverse direction, V S12 = 1+ . (6.89) V2 +
V1 =0
The relationships between the two-port S parameters and the common network parameters are given in Table 6-2. A reciprocal network has S12 = S21 . If unit power ows into a two-port, 2 2 a fraction, |S11 | , is reected and a further fraction, |S21 | , is transmitted through the network. Fractions less than one can be considered as loss and the reected loss is known as return loss (=20 log10 |S11 |). The transmitted loss is known as the insertion loss (=20 log10 |S21 |).
Scattering parameters can be derived analytically for various circuit congurations and in this section the procedure is illustrated for the shunt element of Figure 6-14. The aim is to determine S11 , S12 , S21 , and S22 . The procedure to nd S11 is to match Port 2 so that V2+ = 0, then S11 is the reection coefcient at Port 1: Y0 Yin , (6.90) S11 = Y0 + Yin where Yin = Y0 + Y , since the matched termination at Port 2 (i.e., Yo ) shunts the admittance Y . Thus Y0 Y0 Y Y S11 = = . (6.91) 2Y0 + Y 2Y0 + Y
Table 6-2 Two-port S parameter conversion chart. The z, y, and h parameters are normalized to Z0 . Z , Y , and H are the actual parameters S z = z11 Z0 = z12 Z0 z = (1 + z11 )(1 + z22 ) z12 z21 S11 = [(z11 1)(z22 + 1) z12 z21 ]/z S12 = 2z12 /z S21 = 2z21 /z S22 = [(z11 + 1)(z22 1) z12 z21 ]/z Y11 = y11 /Z0 Y12 = y12 /Z0 y = (1 + y11 )(1 + y22 ) y12 y21 S11 = [(1 y11 )(1 + y22 ) + y12 y21 ]/y S12 = 2y12 /y S21 = 2y21 /y S22 = [(1 + y11 )(1 y22 ) + y12 y21 ]/y H11 = h11 Z0 H12 = h12 h = (1 + h11 )(1 + h22 ) h12 h21 S11 = [(h11 1)(h22 + 1) h12 h21 ]/h S12 = 2h12 /h S21 = 2h21 /h S22 = [(1 + h11 )(1 h22 ) + h12 h21 ]/h
Z11 Z12 Z21
In terms of S
= z21 Z0 Z22 = z22 Z0 S = (1 S11 )(1 S22 ) S12 S21 z11 = [(1 + S11 )(1 S22 ) + S12 S21 ]/S z12 = 2S12 /S z21 = 2S21 /S z22 = [(1 S11 )(1 + S22 ) + S12 S21 ]/S Y21 = y21 /Z0 Y22 = y22 /Z0 S = (1 + S11 )(1 + S22 ) S12 S21 y11 = [(1 S11 )(1 + S22 ) + S12 S21 ]/S y12 = 2S12 /S y21 = 2S21 /S y22 = [(1 + S11 )(1 S22 ) + S12 S21 ]/S H21 = h21 H22 = h22 /Z0 S = (1 S11 )(1 + S22 ) + S12 S21 h11 = [(1 + S11 )(1 + S22 ) S12 S21 ]/S h12 = 2S12 /S h21 = 2S21 /S h22 = [(1 S11 )(1 S22 ) S12 S21 ]/S
2 Y0
Figure 6-14
S21 is evaluated by determining the transmitted wave, V2 , with the output line matched so that again an admittance, Y0 , is placed at Port 2 and so V2+ = 0. After some algebraic manipulation, S21 = 2Y0 /(Y + 2Y0 ) (6.93)
is obtained. Since this is clearly a reciprocal network, S12 = S21 and so all four S parameters are obtained. A similar procedure of selectively applying matched loads is used to obtain the S parameters of other networks.
I1 V 1
V1, I1, a1
+ +
Vn, In, an
+ +
- V1, I1, b1
Z 01
In Vn
- -
+ +
Z 0N VN,IN, bN
- -
Figure 6-15
S parameters relate reected waves to incident waves, thus mixing the quantities at the input and output ports. However, in dealing with cascaded networks it is preferable to relate the traveling waves at the input ports to the output ports. Such parameters are called the scattering transfer (or S T ) parameters, which for a two-port network are dened by V1 V1+ where
T 11 S T 21
T 12 T 22
V2+ V2
T =
T 11 T 21
T 12 T 22
T 11 T 21
T 12 T 22
. (6.96)
Very often the S T parameters are called T parameters, but there are at least two forms of T parameters, so it is necessary to be specic. If networks A and B have parameters S TA and S TB , then the S T parameters of the cascaded network are S T =S TA S TB . (6.97)
The N -port network is a generalization of a two-port, as you may have guessed. A network with many ports is shown in Figure 6-15. Again, each port consists of a pair of terminals, one of which is the reference for voltage. Each port has equal and opposite currents at the two terminals. The incident
and reected voltages at any port can be related to each other using the voltage scattering parameter matrix relation: + V1 S11 S12 . . . S1N V1 V2 S21 S22 . . . S2N V2+ (6.98) . = . , . .. . . . . . . .
. . . SNN
+ VN
V = SV+ . Vi Vj+
Sij =
+ Vk =0 for k=j
In words, Sij is found by driving Port j with an incident wave of voltage Vj+ and measuring the reected wave Vi at Port i, with all ports other than j terminated in a matched load. Reection and transmission coefcients can also be dened using the above relationship: Sii : reection coefcient seen looking into Port i Sij : transmission coefcient from j to i.
The S parameters used so far have the same reference impedance at each port. These can be generalized to have different reference impedances at each port. These are useful if the actual system being considered has different loading conditions at various ports. Generalized S parameters are dened in terms of what are called root power waves, which in turn are dened using forward- and backward-traveling voltage waves. Consider the N -port network of Figure 6-15, where the nth port has a reference transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0n , which can have innitesimal length. The transmission line at the nth port serves to separate + + the forward- and backward-traveling voltage (Vn and Vn ) and current (In and In ) waves. The reference characteristic impedance matrix Z0 is a diagonal matrix, Z0 = diag(Z01 . . . Z0n . . . Z0N ), and the root power waves at the nth port, an and bn , are dened by3
+ an = Vn /
{Z0n } and
bn = Vn /
{Z0n } ,
Port 2
Port n
Port 2
Port n
Figure 6-16 N-ports dening the a and b root power waves: (a) two-terminal ports; and ports on their own.
a = Z0
V+ = Y0 V+ ,
b = Z0
V = Y0 V , (6.102)
V+ = Z0 a = Y0 where
V = Z0 b = Y0
a = [a1 . . . an . . . aN ]T , V =
b = [b1 . . . bn . . . bN ]T , V =
(6.104) , (6.105)
+ . . . Vn
+ . . . VN ]T ,
. . . Vn
. . . VN ]T
and the characteristic admittance matrix is Y0 = Z1 . It can also be shown 0 that the power wave parameters can be viewed as |a| = incident power and |b| = V + Zo I 2 {Zo } V Zo I . reected power . (6.106)
{Zo }
thus Y0 V = SY0 V+ , and so V = Y0 SY0 V+ . This reduces to + V = SV when all of the reference transmission lines have the same characteristic impedance. However, when the ports have different reference impedances we use SV for voltage scattering parameters and SI for current scattering parameters, where V = SV V+ and I = SI I+ . The following conversion relationships can also be derived: SI SV = {Zo } 2 S{Zo } 2 = Zo {Zo }
1 2
1 1 1 2
(6.110) Z 1 , o (6.111)
S{Zo }
where {Zo } 2 = diag{ {Zo1 }, {Zo2 }, . . . , {Zon }}. Recall that S is in terms of a and b; SI is in terms of I and I+ ; and SV is in terms of V and V+ . When port impedances and reference resistances are real, Equations (6.110) and (6.111) assume the simpler forms SI S
V 1 2
1 2 S Ro = S,
= Ro = =
1 1 2 Ro Ro 2 S Ro Ro Ro 1 S =
Ro 1
1 2 where Ro = diag{ Ro1 , Ro2 , . . . , Ron } and Ron being the reference resistance at the nth port. In addition, if the reference resistances at each port are the same, all the various scattering parameter denitions become equivalent (i.e., SV = SI = S).
S parameters measured with respect to a common reference resistance are often referred to as normalized S parameters. In almost all cases measured S parameters are normalized to 50 , as 50 cables and components are used in the measurement system. In other words, Z01 = Z02 = . . . = Z0N = R0 (= 50 ). Generalized S parameters can be used to simplify the design process of devices such as ampliers because they can be used to include complex impedances at the transistor terminals. It is often desirable to be able to convert between measured S parameters (normalized to 50 ) and generalized S parameters. Let S0 be the measured (normalized) S parameter matrix. The procedure is tedious, but it can be shown that the generalized S parameters are S = (D )1 (S0 )(U S0 )1 D, (6.115)
where U is the unit matrix (U = diag(1, 1, . . . , 1)) and D is a diagonal matrix with elements Dii i = |1 |1 (1 i ) i 1 |i |2
(6.116) (6.117)
= (Z0i R0 )(Z0i + R0 )
i = 1, 2, . . . , N
and is a diagonal matrix with elements i . Z0i is the system impedance at Port i to which the generalized S parameters are to be referred. This result is used in Section 11.6.1 on Page 629.
Consider an N -port characterized by its generalized scattering matrix S. The time-average power dissipated in the N -port is P = = and so 1 2
N i=1
(|ai |2 |bi |2 )
(6.118) (6.119)
1 T (a a b T b), 2
1 T a (U S T S) a. (6.120) 2 Above the conjugate, a , of the matrix a is obtained from a by taking the complex conjugate of each element. For a passive N -port, P = U S T S 0 for all real , and for a lossless N -port, U S T S = 0 or S = ST
(6.122) (6.123)
for all i, j.
So S is a unitary matrix if the network is lossless. By examining the S parameters it can be determined quickly whether a network is lossless, lossy, or perhaps has gain.
or in compact form as
In this section, N -port S parameters are related to N -port z parameters. The basic relationship of voltage and current at any port using the impedances is given by the matrix equation V1 z11 z12 . . . z1N I1 V2 z21 z22 . . . z2N I2 (6.125) . = . , . .. . . . . . . . VN zN1 zN2 . . . zNN IN V = ZI. (6.126)
Z is said to be symmetric if Zij = Zji . In other words, if the Z matrix is reciprocal, then Z is symmetric. The z parameters dened here are more formally called port-based z parameters, as the voltage and current variables are port quantities. Relating z and S parameters begins by relating the total voltage and current at the nth terminal plane to the traveling voltage and current waves. From Figure 6-15,
+ Vn = Vn + Vn + In = In In ,
(6.127) (6.128)
where Z0 = diag(Z01 , Z02 , . . . , Z0N ). After some algebraic manipulation, the relationships 1 SV = [U + ZZ1 ]1 [Z(Z ) U] (6.133) 0 0 Z = [U + SV ][Z 1 Z1 (SV )1 ] 0 0 are obtained. (6.134)
In this section, N -port S parameters are related to N -port y parameters. The relationship of the current and voltage at any port through the admittances is I1 y11 y12 . . . y1N V1 I2 y21 y22 . . . y2N V2 (6.135) . = . , . .. . . . . . . . yN1 yN2 . . . yNN VN IN or in compact form the port-based y parameters are I = YV. (6.136)
Again, Y is symmetric for a reciprocal network. Using a similar approach to that in the previous subsection, the relationship between S and y parameters can be developed. The development will be done slightly differently and this development is applicable to generalized scattering parameters. First, consider the relationship of the total port
voltage V = [V1 . . . Vn . . . VN ]T and current I = [I1 . . . In . . . IN ]T to forward and backward voltage and current waves: V = V+ + V
I = I+ + I ,
where I+ = Y0 V+ = Y0 a and I = Y0 V = Y0 b. The development of the relationship between S parameters and other network parameters is illustrated by considering y parameters dened by I = YV. Using traveling waves, this becomes I+ + I Y0 (1 and so Y = Y0 (1 Y0
1/2 1/2 1/2 Y0 SY0 )V+
Y0 (V V )
SY0 )(1 + Y0
SY0 )1 .
= (Y0 + Y)
(6.144) (6.145)
1/2 Y)Y0 a.
For the usual case where all of the reference transmission lines have the same characteristic impedance Z0 = 1/Y0 , and so Y = Y0 (1 S)(1 + S)1 and S = (Y0 + Y)1 (Y0 Y).
Comparing this to the denition of S parameters in Equation (6.109) leads to 1/2 1/2 S = Y0 (Y0 + Y)1 (Y0 Y)Y0 . (6.146)
(6.147) (6.148)
RF and microwave circuits can generally be represented as interconnected two-ports, as most RF and microwave circuit designs involve cascaded functional blocks such as an amplier, matching networks, a lter, etc.4 (see
This arrangement tends to maximize bandwidth, minimize losses, and maximize efciency. Lower-frequency analog design utilizes more complex arrangements; for example, feedback high in the circuit hierarchy improves reliability and robustness of design but comes at the cost of reduced bandwidth and lower power efciency.
Figure 6-17 An amplier with an active device and input, M1 , and output, M2 , matching networks. The biasing arrangement is not shown, but usually this is done with appropriate choice of matching network topology.
Z 01, 1
(b) (c)
Z0 3 ,
Z0 4,4
Figure 6-18 Three forms of matching networks with increasing use of transmission line sections.
Figure 6-17). Thus there is great interest in various manipulations that can be performed on two-ports as well as the network parameters of common two-port circuit topologies. As an example, consider the matching networks in Figure 6-17. These are used to achieve maximum power transfer in an amplier by acting as impedance transformers. Matching networks assume a variety of forms, as shown in Figure 6-18, and all can be viewed as twoport networks and a combination of simpler components. In this section, strategies are presented for developing the S parameters of two-ports.
The traveling waves on a transmission line have a phase that depends on the electrical length, , of the line. The transmission line has a characteristic impedance, Z0 , and length, , which in general is different from the system reference impedance, here Z01 . Thus S11 = S22 = (1 e2j ) 1 2 e2j (1 2 )ej , 1 2 e2j (6.149)
S21 = S12 =
Z0 ,
Figure 6-19 Two-ports: (a) section of transmission line; and (b) series element in the form of a two-port.
The S parameters of the shunt element were developed in Section 6.3.3 on Page 303. In a slightly different form these are S11 S12 = S22 = = S21 y (y + 2) 2 = , (y + 2) (6.152) (6.153)
where y is the admittance normalized to the system reference admittance (Yo = 1/Zo): y = Y /Yo . (6.154)
The S parameters of the series element are S11 S12 = = S22 = S21 z (z + 2) 2 = , (z + 2) (6.155) (6.156)
A 1
B 1
A b1
Figure 6-20
6.6 6.6.1
Many types of scattering parameters can be used to represent two-port networks. Two two-port networks, A and B, in cascade are shown in Figure 6-20. Here (A) and (B) are used as superscripts to distinguish the parameters of each two-port network, but the subscripts A and B are used for matrix quantities. Since a2
= b1
= a1 ,
it is convenient to put the a and b parameters in cascadable form, leading to the following two-port representation: a1 b1 = T11 T21 T12 T22 b2 a2 , (6.159)
where the T-matrix or chain scattering matrix is T= T11 T21 T12 T22 . (6.160)
T is very similar to the scattering transfer matrix of Section 6.3.4 on Page 305. The only difference is the ordering of the a and b components. You will come across both forms, so be careful that you understand their placements in the denition. Both forms are used for the same functioncascading twoport networks. The relationships between T and S are given by T= and S=
1 S21 1 S21 S11 1 S21 S22 1 S12 S11 S21 S22 1 T22 T21 T11 T12 1 T11 T12
= TA
b2 (A) a2
= TB
b2 (B) a2 b2 (B) a2
= T1 T2 . . . Tn
b2 (n) a2
and so the T-matrix of the cascaded network is the matrix product of the T-matrices of the individual two-ports.
It is often necessary during S parameter measurements of two-port devices to measure components at a position different from that actually desired. An example is shown in Figure 6-21(a). From direct measurement the S parameters are obtained, and thus the T matrix at Planes 1 and 2. However, TDUT referenced to the Planes 1 and 2 is required.5 Now, T = T1 TDUT T2 , and so TDUT = T1 TT1 . 1 2 (6.167) (6.168)
A section of line with electrical length and port impedances equal to its characteristic impedance has S = and T = e 0 0 e . (6.170) 0 e e 0
Therefore Equation (6.168) becomes TDUT = T11 e(1 +2 ) T21 e(1 2 ) T12 e(1 2 ) T22 e(1 +2 ) , (6.171)
Here, DUT stands for Device Under Test and is the common name given to a device being measured.
Plane 1
Plane 2 /
Plane 2
T Plane 1 Plane 1
T Plane 2
Plane 2
(b) Figure 6-21 Two-port measurement setup: (a) a two-port comprising a Device Under Test (DUT) and transmission line sections that create a reference plane at Planes 1 and 2; and (b) representation as cascaded two-port networks.
and converting back to S parameters, the desired S parameters of the DUT are obtained as SDUT = S11 e21 S21 e(1 +2 ) S12 e(1 +2 ) S22 e22 . (6.172)
Figure 6-22 can be used to relate the appropriate parameters for the two views of the network. Assume that the ports are terminated in impedance Zo , then V1 I1 = A C B D V2 I2 (6.173)
b1 b2
S11 S21
S12 S22
a1 a2
V 1
a1 b1
a2 b2
V 2
The S parameters are then expressed as S11 = S12 A + B/Zo CZo D 2(AD BC) = (6.175) (6.176)
2 A + B/Zo CZo + D = ,
(6.177) (6.178)
= A + B/Zo + CZo + D.
The ABCD parameters can be expressed in terms of the S parameters as (1 + S11 )(1 S22 ) + S12 S21 2S21 (1 + S11 )(1 + S22 ) S12 S21 B = Zo 2S21 1 (1 S11 )(1 S22 ) S12 S21 C= Zo 2S21 (1 S11 )(1 + S22 ) S12 S21 D= . 2S21 A= (6.180) (6.181) (6.182) (6.183)
Signal Flow Graphs (SFGs) are convenient ways to represent systems of simultaneous linear equations [80, 81]. They are particularly useful in manipulating scattering parameters. Begin by considering representations of block diagrams before considering their application to S parameter representations. SFGs can be used in many disciplines but they are
i +
Figure 6-23 An inductor represented as: (a) a two-terminal element; (b) a block diagram with input i and output v; and (c) a signal ow graph.
particularly useful with RF and microwave circuits, as most of these circuits comprise very large numbers of linear components and many useful circuits are entirely linear. An SFG graphically represents a linear operation on an input. Consider the inductor shown in Figure 6-23(a) when the circuit quantities are v and i, and these are related by the impedance of the inductor sL. The block diagram representation of this relation is given in Figure 6-23(b), with a slight simplication obtained by removing the blocks and writing the operation performed beside a directed edge.6 The edge is directed from the excitation node to the response node as shown in Figure 6-23(c). The algebraic relationship between v and i is described in the Laplace domain by the constitutive relation v = sL, (6.184) and this is exactly how the SFG of Figure 6-23(c) is interpreted. A more complicated example is the linearized transistor model shown in Figure 6-24(a) and represented in block diagram form in Figure 6-24(b). Figure 6-24(b) is the single block equivalent of the series connection of blocks in Figure 6-24(c), which in SFG form becomes Figure 6-24(d).
In this section the basic rules for manipulating SFGs are presented and it will be seen why the SFG is an important concept in working with RF and microwave circuits. Keep in mind that SFG representations are used principally in working with S parameters. Think back to when you rst started working with circuits. The great abstraction came about when the physical world was represented graphically as connections of circuit elements. Provided that a few simple rules were followed, the graphical representation, coupled with the human aptitude in recognizing patterns, resulted in recognition of circuit topologies and the selection of appropriate solution strategies (e.g., applying the voltage divider rule). When it comes to working with S parameters and interconnections of multiport networks, SFGs serve much the same purpose. As well, SFG analysis enables the development of symbolic expressions. Only a portion of SFG theory is
Edges and nodes are quantities in graph theory of which SFG theory is a subset. A branch connects two nodes. A branch is also called an edge.
V1 1 (1 + sC 1 R1 ) V2 V3 1
(1 + sC 2 R2 )
1 1 1111 0000 0000 1111 (1 + sC1 R ) V V V1 V 1 0000003 (1 + sC2 R2 ) 1111111 00000002 K 111111 1111111 0000000 4
K 00000 11111 0000 1111 V1
111111 000000
(1 + sC1 R ) (1 + sC2 R2 ) 1 V4
Figure 6-24 A linear transistor model: (a) schematic; (b) block diagram representation; (c) alternative block diagram representation; (d) signal ow graph; and (e) reduced signal ow graph.
considered herethe aspects relevant to manipulating scattering parameter descriptions. Balabanian [82], Abrahams and Coverly [83], and Di Stefano et al. [84] provide a more detailed and general treatment. Several linear equations are represented in SFG form in Table 6-3. While every attempt is made to draw SFGs so that they can be read from left to right with input quantities on the left and output quantities on the right, this is not always possible or the clearest way to express relationships. Nevertheless, the convention is generally adhered to as an aid to easy recognition of patterns just as circuits are laid out from left to right if possible. Returning to the SFG of the transistor amplier model, the SFG of Figure 6-24(d) may be reduced to that shown in Figure 6-24(e), which should be compared to the equivalent block diagram of Figure 6-24(b).
where a and b are vectors and their ith elements refer to the incident and reected waves, respectively. These relationships can be represented by
x1 x2
y = a1 x1 + a2 x2
y 111 11 111 000 00 000 1111111 0000000 1 1111111 0000000 0 1111111 00000002 11 y 1111111 0000000
y1 = ax1 y2 = ax1
a1 a3 x1 11 00000000 00 11111111 11 00 y1 1 0 11111111 00000000 11111111 00000000 11 00 11 00 11111111 00000000 11111111 00000000 11 00 a2 11 00 a4 y2 x2 11111111 00000000 11111111 00000000
y1 = a3 (a1 x1 + a2 x2 ) y2 = a4 (a1 x1 + a2 x2 )
Port 1
Port 2
a2 b2
a1 S11 b1
b2 S22
Figure 6-25 Two-port represented as (a) a two-port network with incident and reected waves; and (b) its SFG representation.
SFGs. Consider the two-port in Figure 6-25(a) described by the equations b1 b2 = = S11 a1 + S12 a2 S21 a1 + S22 a2 , (6.186) (6.187)
The power of SFG analysis is that an SFG can be formulated by building up the set of equations describing a network by connecting together the SFGs of sections. Pattern recognition can be used to identify constraints that can be reduced and simplied to arrive at a simple relationship between system input and output. Addition Figure 6-26 depicts SFG reduction obtained using addition. Both Figure 626(a) and Figure 6-26(b) denote x2 = G1 x1 + G2 x2 . (6.188)
11 00 11 00 G
2 (a)
x2 x1
111 000
(G1 +G 2 )
Figure 6-26
000 x1 111x 2
G2 G3 111 000 1 00 00 0 11 11 x
Figure 6-27 Cascade reduction of SFG: (a) three cascaded blocks; and (b) reduced form.
a1 a2
Figure 6-28 variable.
1 0 1 0 1 0 S
00 b3 11
11 00
Multiplication Consider the three cascaded blocks represented by the SFG of Figure 6-27(a). Here the output of the rst block, x2 , is described by x2 = G1 x1 . Now x2 is the input to the second block with output x3 = G2 x2 , and so on. The total response is obtained by multiplying the individual responses (see Figure 6-27(b)): x4 = G1 G2 G3 x1 . (6.189) Commutation Reduction using multiplication and addition are straightforward. The rules that govern the simplication of more complicated graphs use the fact that each graph represents a set of simultaneous equations. Consider the removal of the mixed node, b3 , in Figure 6-28(a). Here b3 = S31 a1 + S21 a2 and b4 = S43 b3 . (6.190) Node b3 is called a mixed node (being both input and output) and can be eliminated, so b4 = S43 S31 a1 + S43 S21 a2 , (6.191) which has the SFG of Figure 6-28(b). In Figure 6-28(b) the node representing the variable b3 has been eliminated. Thus elimination of a node from an SFG
00 11
11 111 1 00 000 0 1 0 1 11 00 1 0 S 00 11
1 0
1 0 1 0 11 00 11 00
S 23
corresponds to the elimination of a variable in the simultaneous equations which the SFG represents. It is sufcient to recognize the SFG pattern shown in Figure 6-28(a) and replace it with the SFG of Figure 6-28(b) to achieve SFG reduction, and there is no need to write down the equation specically to eliminate the variable. Self-loop Recognizing the self-loop and applying the SFG technique for eliminating it is the best example yet of identifying patterns and direct application of SFG reduction strategies. Consider the SFG of Figure 6-29(a), which has a self-loop. The equations for this graph are b3 = S32 a2 b2 = S21 a1 + S23 b3 a2 = b 2 a3 = b 3 . Thus b3 = S32 S21 a1 + S32 S23 b3 , (6.196) where the variable b2 has been eliminated. The graph of Equation (6.196) is shown in Figure 6-30(a). The loop attached to node b3 is called a self-loop. Such loops are not particularly convenient and can be removed by writing Equation (6.196) in the form S21 S32 b3 = a1 , (6.197) 1 S23 S32 and the SFG for this equation is shown in Figure 6-30(b). Thus the SFGs in Figures 6-29 and 6-30 are equivalent. The rule for removing self-loops follows from the manner in which Figure 6-30(a) was transformed into Figure 6-30(b). As an example, Figure 6-31(a) becomes Figure 6-31(b) and this can be reduced to the SFG of Figure 6-30(b). Example: Multiple Self-Loops As a further example, consider the more difcult multiple-loop case shown in Figure 6-32(a). This may be redrawn as Figure 6-32(b). The two self-loops may be directly added and then the graph reduces to Figure 6-32(c). (6.192) (6.193) (6.194) (6.195)
1 0 1 0
000 111
Signal ow graph of (a) a self loop; and (b) with the loop eliminated.
b2 S22 0 1
1 0 1 0
11 00
S21 a1 1 S22
00 11
32 00 11
S 21 S32 1 a1 S 22 b3
(c) Figure 6-31 Signal ow graph with (a) an embedded loop; (b) the loop eliminated; and (c) variable elimination.
111 000
111 000 11 00 11 00
11 00 11 00
21 000 111
1 0 1 0 1 0b 1 0 1 0
11 00
11 00
00 11
S32 S23
S21 S32 S43 1 S32 S23 S 32 S43S24
000 111
Figure 6-32
a1 in S11 b1
b2 S22
a1 S21
S12 S21
L a2
S11 b1 a1
S11 b1
Figure 6-33 Sequence of graphical manipulations in Example 6.2 reducing a terminated two-port to a reection only.
Draw the SFG of a two-port with a load (at Port 2) having a voltage reection coefcient of L , and at Port 1 a source reection coefcient of S . Keep the S parameters of the two-port in symbolic form (e.g. , S11 , S12 , S21 , and S22 ). Using SFG analysis, derive an expression for the input reection coefcient looking into the two-port at Port 1. Solution: The two-port is shown below with the load attached. The input reection coefcient is in = b1 /a1 and the properties of the source here has no impact. It is additional information that is not required.
a1 in b1 1 2 a2 b2
The sequence of SFG manipulations is shown in Figure 6-33 beginning with the SFG in the top left-hand corner. So the input reection coefcient is in = b1 S21 S12 L = S11 + . a1 1 S22 L (6.198)
Masons Rule
Masons rule is a general procedure for reducing SFGs with multiple loops and has become an essential part of a simple and systematic procedure for the reduction of SFGs to a single branch. Mason [85] derived the formula with the aim of developing a general method for the computer analysis of electrical circuits. First a number of topology denitions must be introduced. A path begins at one node and traverses a number of successive edges in the direction of the arrows to arrive at the nal node or sink. In SFG analysis, a path is a forward path, as the successive edges are traversed in the direction of the arrows. An open path encounters the same node only once, and a closed path (or a loop) ends on the same node at which it is started. The product of the transmittances of all edges in a loop is called the loop transmittance. Two paths, open or closed, are said to be nontouching paths if they have no nodes in common. Similarly, disjoint loops are loops that have no nodes in common. Masons rule: If T represents the overall graph transfer function and Tk represents the transfer function of the kth forward path from source to sink, then T = 1 Tk k ,
where is the determinant of the matrix of coefcients of the equations represented by the SFG (usually called the determinant of the graph) and k is the determinant of that part of the graph (subgraph) which does not touch the kth forward path. The determinant is given by = 1 Pj1 +
j j
Pj3 + . . . ,
where the rst summation is the sum of the loop transfer functions of all the loops in the graph. In the second summation, the products of the transfer functions of all pairs of nontouching loops are added. In the third summation, the products of the transfer functions of disjoint loops taken three at a time are added, and so on.
Use Masons rule to reduce the SFG shown in Figure 6-34(a). Here input node a1 is the excitation and the output node b4 is the response. The transmittance T is equal to b4 /a1 . Solution: First consider the determinant of the ow graph. Since all the loops have at least one node in common, the expression for the determinant reduces to X =1 Pj1 . (6.201)
There are three loops identied in Figure 6-34(b) with transmittances A = S21 S32 S13 , B = S32 S43 S24 , C = S21 S32 S43 S14 . Thus the sum of the loop transmittances is given by X Pj1 = S21 S32 S13 + S32 S43 S24 + S21 S32 S43 S14 (6.202)
and the determinant is given by = 1 S21 S32 S13 S32 S43 S24 S21 S32 S43 S14 . (6.203)
This rule works well with the human ability to recognize patterns, in this case loops. There is only one forward path, identied in Figure 6-34(b), from source, a1 , to sink, b4 , given by T1 = S21 S32 S43 . Since all the loops of the graph have nodes that touch T1 , then 1 = 1 and X Tk k = T1 1 = S21 S32 S43 .
b4 S21 S32 S43 =T = . a1 1 S21 S32 S13 S32 S43 S24 S21 S32 S43 S14 This can be represented by a single edge from a1 to b4 as shown in Figure 6-34(c).
A polar plot is a natural way to present S parameters graphically. For example, in Section 6.6.2 on Page 315 it was seen that changing the reference planes of scattering parameters has the effect of rotating the phase of the S parameter while the amplitude stays constant. In this section, the representation of S parameters on an annotated polar plot is discussed. The most complete annotated form is referred to as a Smith chart, introduced in the late 1930s and rened in the early 1940s [8689], and is the most important graphical tool in RF and microwave engineering.
111 000
b2 S13
11 00 b3 S 43 11 000 00 111
111 000
1 0 1 0
1 0
11 00 11 00
11 00 11 00
000 111
Figure 6-34 Signal ow graph used in Example 6.3 applying Masons rule: (a) SFG; (b) annotation identifying loops and through-path; and (c) nal reduction.
Figure 6-35 is used in plotting reection coefcients and is a polar plot that has a radius of one. So a reection coefcient with a magnitude of one is on the unit circle. The center of the polar plot is zero so the reection coefcient of a matched load, which is zero, is plotted at the center of the circle. Plotting a reection coefcient on the polar plot enables convenient interpretation of the properties of a reection. The graph has additional notation that enables easy plotting of an S parameter on the graph. Conversely, the magnitude and phase of an S parameter can be easily read from the graph. The horizontal label going from 0 to 1 is used with the magnitude. The three sets of notations arranged on the outer perimeter of the polar plot are used to read off angle information. All three relate to electrical length. One scale is in terms of angle and the other two are in terms of wavelength. You will also notice the additional notation ANGLE OF REFLECTION COEFFICIENT IN DEGREES and the scale relates to the polar plot. The 90 point is just where one would expect it to be. The other two scales around the circumference, WAVELENGTHS TOWARD LOAD and WAVELENGTHS TOWARD GENERATOR, are for the electrical length of a transmission line and can be used to rotate the phase of the reection and transmission coefcients by the electrical length of the line. Care is required to move in the correct direction (toward or away from the load). The notation around the circumference is based on the concept of a reection coefcient looking into a transmission line terminated in a load. The angular change of the reection coefcient is twice that of the electrical length of the line. (A generalization for S parameters was given in Section 6.6.2 on Page 315.)
0.12 0.38
0.13 0.37
0.14 0.3 6
0. 1
8 0.0
9 1
0. 4
0.3 9 100
0.15 0.35
0.1 0.3 4
0.1 7
12 0
2 0.4
07 43 0. 0 13 0.
0. 32
1 0.
3 0.
0. 4
14 0
0. 0
0. 3
1 0. 2
0. 0 4
9 0. 2
0. 4 6
0. 22
0. 28
0. 47
0. 48
E V EL WA -160
0. 48
0. 1
0. 2
0. 3
0. 4
0. 5
0. 6
0. 7
0. 8
0. 9
0.2 1
4 0. 0 0 -15
0.2 9
6 0. 4
5 0. 0
0. 2
5 0. 4
0. 3
0 -14
-4 0
0. 19
06 0.
0. 31
44 0.
Figure 6-35
The nomograph shown in Figure 6-36 has been developed to aid in interpretation of polar reection coefcient plots. The nomograph relates the reection coefcient (RFL. COEFF), ; the square of the reection coefcient, 2 ; the return loss (RTN. LOSS) (in decibels); the standing wave ratio (SWR); and the standing wave ratio (in decibels) as 20 log(SWR). When printed together with the reection coefcient polar plot (Figures 6-35 and 6-36
2 0. 3
8 0. 1 0 -5
3 0. 3 7 0. 1
- 60
4 0.3
6 0.1
0. 36
0. 14
0. 11 -100
0. 39
0.0 9
0.4 1
-12 0
0. 0 8 0. 4 2
0. 0 7 -13 0
0. 4 3
Figure 6-36 Nomograph relating the reection coefcient (RFL. COEFF), ; the square of the reection coefcient, 2 ; the return loss (RTN. LOSS) (in decibels); the standing wave ratio (SWR); and the standing wave ratio (in decibels) as 20 log(SWR).
combined) the nomograph is scaled properly, but it is expanded here so that it can be read more easily. So with the aid of a compass centered at one point on the zero point of the polar plot and the other at the reection coefcient, the magnitude of the reection coefcient is captured. The compass can then be brought down to the nomograph to read , 2 , the return loss, and VSWR directly.
Figure 6-37 is similar to the reection coefcient plot of Figure 6-35, but now there is an additional angle scale for the transmission coefcient. In particular there are two notations: ANGLE OF REFLECTION COEFFICIENT IN DEGREES and ANGLE OF TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT IN DEGREES. There is a factor of two in the ratio of numbers for the two scales. Recall that an open-circuited line with an electrical length of degrees has an input reection coefcient of 2, as the traveling wave must go down the line a distance of degrees then reect (with a reection coefcient of +1) and travel back a distance of degrees. Hence the reection coefcient has an angle rotation that is twice the angle rotation of the traveling wave. The two angle scales on the polar plot differ by a factor of two in an attempt to capture this effect. Insertion of a line of length results in a similar rotation of the reection and transmission coefcients on the polar plot. The nomograph shown in Figure 6-38 is similar to the reection nomograph developed for the reection coefcient. Now the quantities refer to transmission properties. Just as before, a compass reading of a transmission parameter (say, S21 ) can be directly interpreted a number of ways.
R B B] , r SW d S [d EF F r , S O CO F F . L L. OE RF L. C RF RT N
10040 40 30 0 1 1 0.9
2.5 8 7 0.2 8
2 6 9 10 0.1
1.8 5
1.6 4 12 14
1.4 3 2
1.2 1.1 1 1 1 30 0 0
1 0.8 0.9
20 0.01 0.1
0.05 0.2
0.12 0.38
0.13 0.37
0.14 0.3 6
0. 1
8 0.0
9 1
0. 4
0.3 9 100
0.15 0.35
0.1 0.3 4
0.1 7
12 0
2 0.4
60 30
07 43 0. 0 13
0. 0.
1 0.
3 0.
0. 4
14 0
0. 0
0. 3
1 0. 2
0. 0 4
9 0. 2
0. 4 6
0. 22
0. 28
0. 47
0.25 0.2 6 0.24 0. 27 0. 23 0.25 0.24 0.26 0. 23 C O E FF C I E N T I N 0. 27 R E FL E C T IO N DEGR L E OF EES ANG SS O N C O E F F I C I E N T I N T R A N SM I DEGR L E OF EES
0. 48
0. 1
0. 2
0. 3
0. 4
0. 5
0. 6
0. 7
0. 8
0. 9
0. 48
E V EL WA -160
4 0. 0 0 -15 -80
6 0. 4
5 0. 0
5 0. 4
0 -14
06 0.
44 0.
- 65
- 60
- 55
Figure 6-37
Smith Chart
The Smith chart7 is also a polar plot of S parameters, but with the addition of curves relating impedance or admittance to reection coefcient [86]. The
The Smith chart was invented by Phillip Smith (born April 29, 1905, died August 29, 1987) and presented in close to its current form in 1937. It was described by Smith in several publications [8689]. Up until the 1970s nomographs and graphical calculators were popular
0.2 1
0. 2
0.2 9
-4 0
0. 3
0. 19
2 0. 3
8 0. 1 0 -5
3 0. 3 7 0. 1
0. 31
- 30 - 60
4 0.3
6 0.1
- 35
0. 36
0. 14
0. 11 -100
0. 39
0.0 9
0.4 1
-12 0
0. 0 8 0. 4 2
0. 0 7 -13 0
0. 4 3
15 1 0 0 1
> 5 1 .2 0. 4 1 .4 0. 9 4 1. 3 1 .4 0 .6 0. 8 1 3 1. 6 1 .8 1. 5 2 2
< 2
1. 5
1 .6 1. 7 1 .8 1. 9 2 0 .8 0. 7 0 .6
0. 5
0. 1
0. 2
0. 3
0. 4
0. 5
0. 6
0. 7
0. 8
0. 9
Figure 6-38 Nomograph to be used with transmission parameters relating the magnitude of the transmission line coefcient (TRANSM. COEFF), T ); the attenuation (ATEN. [dB]); the standing wave loss coefcient (S.W. LOSS COEFF) to the reection coefcient (REFL. COEFF, ); the reection loss (REFL LOSS [dB]); and the standing wave peak (S.W. PEAK CONST, ).
where Z0 is the system reference impedance. With normalized load impedance zl = r + x = ZL /Z0 , this becomes = r + x 1 . r + x + 1 (6.208)
Commonly in network design reactive elements are added either in shunt or in series to an existing network. If a reactive element is added in series then the input reactance, x, is changed while the input resistance, r, is constant. So superimposing the loci of (on the S parameter polar plot) with xed values of r, but varying values of x (x varying from to ), proves useful, as will be seen. Also, plotting the loci of (with xed values of x and varying values of r (r varying from 0 to ) is also useful. The combination of the reection/transmission polar plots, the nomographs, and the r and x loci is called the impedance Smith chart (see Figure 6-39).
engineering tools because there were limited computing tools. Only a few have survived in electrical engineering usage, with Smith charts being overwhelmingly the most important. Smith was active in the IRE which became the IEEE in 1947. In 1952 he was elected IEEE Fellow for his contributions to the development of antennas and graphical analysis of transmission line characteristics. He was secretary-treasurer of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society in 1954. Many resources for the Smith charts are available online with a search on the term Smith chart.
S. RE S. W F W AT N . P L . . L TEN SM EA LO O S .C . C K S S S C [d B OE OE (C O [dB O ] FF F F N ] EF F , ST , .P ) TR A
0.12 0.38
0.13 0.37
0.14 0.36
0.0 8 2
9 1
0.39 100
90 1.0
0.15 0.35
0.1 0.3 4
0.1 7
12 0
110 0.7
0.6 60
65 0.5
0 13
0. 0.
0.0 6
9 0.1 1 0.3
0.4 4
14 0
0.0 5
0.4 5
0.0 4
0.4 6
15 0
>W A V E L E N
L OA D <
D OW A R -170
-160 -85
6 0.4
5 0.0
5 0.4
40 -1
06 0.
44 0.
0 -5
5 -4
Figure 6-39
Repeating this concept, but now for admittance parameters so that the loci superimposed on the Smith chart is for constant conductance and susceptance ranging from to , and for constant susceptance and conductance ranging from 0 to , yields the admittance Smith chart(see Figure 6-40). The combination of the reection/transmission polar plots, the nomographs, and the impedance and admittance Smith charts leads to the
-20 3.0
2 0.3
8 0.1 0 -5 -25
3 0.3 7 0.1
4 0.3
6 0.1
0.14 -80
-4 0
0. 8
0.11 -100
0.0 9
0.4 1
-12 0
0.4 2 0.0 8
0.0 7 -1 30
0.4 3
0. 4
20 0
1 0.2
9 0.2 30
1 .0
0.25 0.26 0.24 0.27 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.23 COE F F CI E N T I N 0.27 R E F L E CT I ON D E GR L E OF EES ANG S S ON COE F F I CI E N T I N T R A N SM I D E GR L E OF EES ANG
10 0.1
0.2 1
0.2 0.3
0.2 9
-4 0
0. 19 0. 31
0.12 0.38
0.13 0.37
0.14 0.36
0.0 8 2
9 1
0.39 100
90 1.0
0.15 0.35
0.1 0.3 4
0.1 7
12 0
60 30
0. 0.
0 13
0.0 6
9 0.1 1 0.3
0.4 4
14 0
0.0 5
0.4 5
1 0.2 9 0.2 30
0.0 4
0.4 6
15 0
1. 0
>W A V E L E N
L OA D <
RD T OW A -170
V EL WA < -160
6 0.4
5 0.0
5 0.4
40 -1
06 0.
44 0.
0 -5
5 -4
Figure 6-40
combined Smith chart (see Figure 6-41). In summary, forms of Smith charts used in examples presented in this book are shown in Figures 6-42 and 6-43. Note that there are 50 and normalized versions of the Smith chart. The normalized versions, shown here, prove more useful. A combined admittance and impedance Smith chart is shown in Figure 6-44.
2 0.3
4 0.
8 0.1 0 -5 -25
3 0.3 7 0.1
4 0.3
6 0.1
0.14 -80
-4 0
8 0.
0.3 50 20 10 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1
0.11 -100 0.39
0.25 0.26 0.24 0.27 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.23 COE F F CI E N T I N 0.27 R E F L E CT I ON D E GR L E OF EES ANG S S ON COE F F I CI E N T I N T R A N SM I D E GR L E OF EES ANG
0.0 9
0.4 1
-12 0
0.4 2 0.0 8
0.0 7 -1 30
0.4 3
0.2 1
0.2 0.3
0.2 9
-4 0
0. 19 0. 31
0.12 0.38
0.13 0.37
0.14 0.3 6
0. 1
0.0 8 0.4 2
9 .41
0. 4
0.3 9 100
90 1.0 1.0
0.15 0.35
1. 2
0.1 6 0.3 4
0.3 0.1 7 3
12 0
1. 2
0. 8
0. 8
1. 4
1. 4
0. 6 60
1. 6
1. 6
0 13
65 0. 5
1. 8
0. 0. 32
0. 6
1. 8
0. 5
0. 31
14 0
0. 0 4
0. 4 6
4 .0
0. 8
0. 8
0. 47
5. 0
1.0 1. 0
0.2 5. 0
0. 48
D< R D L OA T OW A -170
0. 2
0. 2
0. 1 10
0. 4
0. 6
0. 4
0. 48
0. 6
E V EL WA -160
4 0. 0 0 -15 -80
6 0. 4
0. 3
0. 3
5 0. 0
5 0. 4
40 -1
06 0.
0. 6
- 60
0. 7
0. 8
RADIALLY SCALED PARAMETERS 100 40 40 30 0 1 1 0. 9 1 0. 8 0. 9 0. 7 20 10 20 2 0. 6 0. 8 15 3 0. 5 0. 7 4 0. 4 0. 6 5 0. 3 0. 5 5 4 10 6 7 0. 2 0. 4 3 2. 5 8 8 9 2 6 10 0. 1 0. 3 1. 8 5 12 1. 6 4 14 1. 4 3 2 20 0.01 0. 1 1. 2 1. 1 1 1 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 CENTER 1 1. 1 0.99 0. 1 1 .2 0.95 15 TOWARD LOAD 10 7 1. 1 0 .2 1. 3 > 5 1 .2 0. 4 1 .4 0. 9 4 1. 3 1 .4 0 .6 0. 8 1 3 1. 6 1 .8 1. 5 2 2 < 2 TOWARD GENERA TOR 1 3 3 2. 5 0 .6 0. 5 0 .4 4 4 3 0. 3 5 5 6 4 0 .2 5 0. 1 10 20 10 15 10 0
R B B] , SW d S [d EF F , S O CO F F . L L. O E RF L. C RF RT N
0.05 0. 2
1. 5
1 .6 1. 7 1 .8 1. 9 2 0 .8 0. 7
0. 1
0. 2
0. 3
0. 4
0. 5
0. 6
0. 7
0. 8
0. 9
1 .1
1. 2
1 .3
1. 4
1 .5
1. 6
1 .7
1. 8
1 .9
Figure 6-41
S. RF S. AT W L W T N . P . L . L EN SM EA O O S . . C K SS [ S C [d B OE OE (C O d B O ] EF FF FF N ] F ST ,E , .P or ) I A
2 0. 3
8 0. 1 0 -5 -25
44 0.
-65 0.5
3 0. 3
7 0. 1
- 30
- 60
1. 8
2. 0
4 0.3
6 0.1
- 35
0. 36
0. 14 -80 -4 0
4 0.
4. 0
3. 0
1. 0
0. 8
0. 8
0. 11 -100
0. 39
1. 0
0.0 9
0.4 1
-12 0
0. 0 8
0. 4 2
0. 0 7 -1 30
0. 4 3
3. 0
4. 0
0. 2
0. 2
0. 1
4 0.
0. 8
0. 6
0. 2
0. 2
0. 6
8 0.
0. 4
0. 2
1 0. 2
0. 3
9 0. 2
4 .0
0. 22
0. 28
1. 0
0.25 0.26 0.24 0. 27 0. 23 0.25 0.24 0.26 0. 23 0. 27 R E FL E C T I O N C O E FF C I E N T I N D E G REES L E OF ANG SS O N C O E FF I C I E N T I N T R A N SM I DE G R L E OF EES
0. 1
0.2 1
- 30
0. 2 0. 3
0.2 9
-4 0
0. 19 0. 31
2. 0
1. 8
0. 6
0. 7
0. 8
j 0.5 j 2j
0.25 j
_ 0.25
_ 0.5
j _j
Figure 6-42
_j _2 j _ 0.5 j
_ 0.25
2j j
0.5 j
Figure 6-43
0.25 j
_ 0.25
_ 0.25 j 4j _2 _j j
0.25 j
_ 0.5 j 2j
0.5 j
Figure 6-44
Use a Smith chart to convert the impedance z = 1 2 to an admittance. Solution: The impedance z = 1 2 is plotted as Point A in Figure 6-45. To read the admittance off the lines of constant conductance and constant susceptance must be interpolated from the arcs and circles provided. The interpolations are shown in the gure, indicating a conductance of 0.2 and a susceptance of 0.4. Thus y = 0.2 + 0.4. (This agrees with the y = 1/z = 1/(1 2) = 0.2 + 0.4 calculation.)
Smith charts are indispensable tools for RF and microwave engineers. Even with the ready availability of CAD programs, Smith charts are generally preferred for portraying measured and calculated data because of the easy interpretation of S parameters. With experience, the properties of circuits can be inferred. Also, with experience it is an invaluable design tool enabling the designer to see the beginning and endpoints of a design and infer the type of circuitry required to go from the start to the end.
_j j _2 j 0.5 j _ 0.5 j 2j
_ 0.25
4 0.2
_ 0.25 j 4j _ 0.5 j 2j _j j
_4 0.4 j j 0.5 j
0.25 j
Figure 6-45
In design it is necessary to switch between the admittance and impedance Smith charts. So it is convenient to use a multicolored combined Smith chart, as shown in Figure 6-41. It is also possible to annotate an impedance Smith chart so it can be used to perform admittance-based calculations. Such a chart is shown in Figure 6-46. At rst this seems overly detailed. The key is that the same chart can be used for both impedance and admittance calculations. When the impedance form is used, this chart is a polar plot of an S parameter. If the admittance form is used, the reection coefcient is rotated 180.
Transmission lines and Smith charts are closely related, as a length of transmission line results in phase rotation of scattering parameters if the parameters are normalized to the characteristic impedance of the line. Shortand open-circuited transmission lines are called stubs and are commonly used to realize impedances at microwave frequencies. Circuit symbols are used to indicate stubs, as shown in Figure 6-47, with the input impedance of the stub as written. These symbols are used in circuit diagrams.
Figure 6-46
Figure 6-47
Impedance Synthesis
Use a length of a terminated transmission line to realize an impedance of 140 . Solution: The impedance to be synthesized is reactive so the termination must also be lossless. The simplest termination is with either a short circuit or an open circuit. Both cases will be considered. Choose a transmission line with a characteristic impedance, Z0 , of 100 so that the desired normalized input impedance is 140 /Z0 = 1.4. First, the short-circuit case. In Figure 6-48, consider the path AB. The termination is a short circuit and the impedance of this load is Point A with a length of A = 0 . The corresponding reection coefcient angle from the scale is A = 180 . As the line length increases, the input impedance of the terminated line follows the clockwise path to Point B where the normalized input impedance is 1.4. At B, the line length, B , is 0.1515 and the corresponding reection coefcient angle from the scale, B , is 71.2 . The reection coefcient angle and length in terms of wavelengths were read directly off the Smith chart and care needs to be taken that the right sign and correct scale are used. For example, there are two angle scales, one corresponding to the reection coefcient and the other to the transmission coefcient. A good strategy is to correlate the scales with the easily remembered properties at the open-circuit and short-circuit points. Here the line length is = B A = 0.1515 0 = 0.1515, and the electrical length is half of the difference in the reection coefcient angle, = 1 1 |B A | = |71.2 180 | = 54.4 , 2 2 (6.210) (6.209)
corresponding to a length of (54.4 /360 ) = 0.1511. This is as close as could be expected from using scales. So the length of the stub with a short-circuit termination is 0.1515. For the open-circuited stub, the path begins at impedance innity point = +1 and rotates clockwise to Point A (this is a 90 or 0.25 rotation) before continuing on to Point B. So for the open-circuited stub, = 0.1515 + 0.25 = 0.4015. (6.211)
0.12 0.38
0.13 0.37
0.14 0.36
8 0.0 2 0.4
9 .41
0.39 100
90 1.0
0.15 0.35
0.1515l o q = 36.3
0.1 0.3 4
0.1 7 0.3 3
12 0
110 0.7
65 0.5
0 13
0.6 60
0. 0.
14 0
0.0 5
0.4 5
0.0 4
0.4 6 15 0 80
>W A V E L E N
L OA D <
D OW A R -170
6 0.4
5 0.0
5 0.4
40 -1
06 0.
44 0.
0 -65 .5
0 -5
5 -4
Figure 6-48
6.10 6.10.1
In this section the input reection coefcient of a terminated transmission line of characteristic impedance Z02 is referenced to a system impedance Z01 . The development is based on the properties of the bilinear transform.
0.0l o q = 90
-20 3.0
2 0.3
8 0.1 0 -5 -25
3 0.3 7 0.1
4 0.3
6 0.1
0.14 -80 -4 0
0. 8
0.11 -100
0.0 9
0.4 1
-12 0
0.4 2 0.0 8
0.0 7 -1 30
0.4 3
0. 4
20 0
1 0.2 9 0.2 30
0 1.
5.0 0.2
0.25 0.26 0.24 0.27 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.23 COE F F CI E N T I N 0.27 R E F L E CT I ON D E GR L E OF EES ANG S S ON COE F F I CI E N T I N T R A N SM I D E GR L E OF EES ANG
10 0.1
0.2 1
0.2 0.3
0.2 9
-4 0
0. 19 0. 31
in Z in
Z 01
Figure 6-49 Transmission line of characteristic impedance Z01 terminated in a load with a reection coefcient L .
where A, B, C, and D are constants8 which may themselves be complex. This is of interest in dealing with reection coefcients where w and z are reection coefcients and A, B, C, and D describe the network between a load with a complex reection coefcient, z, and w is the reection coefcient looking into the network. The special property of the bilinear transform is that a circle in the complex plane (here the locus of z) is mapped onto another circle (here the locus of w) in the complex plane. This result is presented in Section A.8 on Page 832.
Microwave and RF engineers obtain considerable design and measurement insight by plotting a reection coefcient on the complex plane, often using a polar plot. In Figure 6-49 a xed load terminates a transmission line of characteristic impedance Z01 that has the input reection coefcient, in . As will be shown, the locus of in , normalized to any system impedance, is a circle on the complex plane as the electrical length of the line increases. The electrical length of the line increases as the frequency increases (with the physical length of the line held constant), or as the physical length of the line increases (with the frequency held constant). In Figure 6-49 a transmission line with characteristic impedance Z01 is terminated in a load with reection coefcient L . From Equation (4.90) the reection coefcient of a load ZL referenced to Z01 is L,Z01 = ZL Z01 ZL + Z01 (6.213)
These are not the cascadable ABCD parameters, but simply the coefcients commonly used with bilinear transforms.
where = is the electrical length of the line. As increases from zero, in,Z01 plotted on a polar chart traces out a circle. The important result that will be developed in this section is that when the input reection coefcient is referenced to another impedance, the new reection coefcient will also map out a circle. The development of in,Z02 (the input reection coefcient referred to Z02 ) begins by calculating the input impedance of the line (in Figure 6-49): Zin = Z01 1 + in,Z01 1 in,Z01 (6.215)
so that the reection coefcient referenced to Z02 is in,Z02 = and rearranging in,Z02 = Zin Z02 (Z01 + Z02 )in,Z01 + (Z01 Z02 ) = Zin + Z02 (Z01 Z02 )in,Z01 + (Z01 + Z02 ) Ain,Z01 + B = . Cin,Z01 + 1 (Z01 Z02 ) + (Z01 + Z02 )in,Z01 Zin Z02 = , Zin + Z02 (Z01 + Z02 ) + (Z01 Z02 )in,Z01 (6.216)
This mapping has the form of the general bilinear transform (Equation (6.212)) where A = 1, B= Z01 Z02 = C. Z01 + Z02 (6.218)
Since Equation (6.217) is a general bilinear transform, if the locus of in,Z01 is a circle then the locus of in,Z02 is also a circle. EXAMPLE 6. 6 Reection Coefcient, Reference Impedance Change
In the circuit below, a 50 lossless line is terminated in a 25 load. Plot the locus, with respect to the length of the line, of the reection coefcient, looking to the line referencing it rst to a 50 reference impedance and then a 75 reference impedance.
in Z in Z 0 50 ZL 25
Solution: Let the input reection coefcient referenced to a 50 system be in,50 , and when it is referenced to 75 it is in,75 . In the 50 system the reection coefcient of the load is L,50 = and ZL 50 25 50 = = 0.3333 ZL + 50 25 + 50 in,50 = L,50 e2 , (6.219)
where = () is the electrical length of the line. The locus, with respect to electrical length, of in,50 is plotted in Figure 6-50 as the length ranges from 0 to /8, to /2, and completes the circle at /2. Now 1 + in,50 Zin = 50 , (6.221) 1 in,50 so that the 75 reection coefcient is in,75 = Zin 75 . Zin + 75 (6.222)
The locus of this reection coefcient is plotted on a polar plot in Figure 6-51. This locus is the plot of in,75 as the electrical length of the line, , is varied from 0 to . The center of the circle in Figure 6-51 is taken from the chart and determined to be 0.177.
A circle is dened by its center and its radius, and Appendix A.8, in particular Equations (A.108) and (A.109), enables the circles for the locus of in,Z01 and in,Z02 to be related. The locus of in,Z01 has a center at the origin and a radius |L |, that is, CZ01 = 0 and RZ01 = |L,Z01 | . (6.223) In Equation (A.108) CZ01 replaces the center Cz and |L,Z01 | takes the place of the radius Rz . Similarly the center of the Z02 circle, CZ02 , replaces Cw and the radius of the Z02 circle, RZ02 , replaces Rw . So the locus of the reection coefcient referenced to Z02 is described by a circle with center CZ02 = with radius B A/C A + 2 1 |CL,Z01 | C (6.224)
(B A/C)L,Z01 . (6.225) 1 |CL,Z01 |2 Since, from Equation (6.218), A = 1 and B = C, this further simplies to RZ02 = CZ02 = RZ02 B 1/B 1 + 2 1 |BL,Z01 | B (B 1/B)L,Z01 = . 1 |BL,Z01 |2 (6.226) (6.227)
j 0.5j 2j
_ 0.25 j
_4 j
_ 0.5 j _j
Figure 6-50 A normalized Smith chart with a 50 normalization impedance with the input reection coefcient of a 50 transmission line with a load of 25 .
So the locus (with respect to frequency) of the input reection coefcient of a terminated transmission line (of characteristic impedance Z01 ) is a circle no matter what normalization impedance is used. If the normalization impedance is Z01 , then the center of the reection coefcient circle will be zero. It will not be zero if the normalization impedance is other than Z01 . The radius of the circle will also change.
In measurements of a terminated transmission line of unknown characteristic impedance Z01 , the input reection coefcient circle9 (normalized to Z02 ) is known, and from this Z01 must be determined. In design, a transmission line circle can be drawn to complete a matching problem and from this the characteristic impedance (Z01 ) of the line must be found. In both situations CZ02 , RZ02 , and Z02 are known and Z01 must be determined. Unfortunately a simple closed form solution cannot be obtained from Equations (6.226) and (6.227). However, by substituting Equation (6.227) in Equation (6.226), and
j 0.5j 2j
_ 0.25 j
_4 j
_ 0.5 j _j
Figure 6-51 A normalized Smith chart with a 75 normalization impedance with the input reection coefcient of a 50 transmission line with a load of 25 .
if Z01 and Z02 are close (so that B is small), then CZ02 B 1 1 + = B. B B (6.228)
The approximation is better for smaller |L,Z01 |. Also RZ02 L,Z01 . B (6.229)
So, provided that the characteristic impedances are close, Z01 = Z02 and |L,Z01 | |BRZ02 | . (6.231) 1+B 1 + CZ02 Z02 Z02 (1 + 2CZ02 ) 1B 1 CZ02
In Example 6.6 the locus of the input reection coefcient referenced to 75 was plotted for a 50 line terminated in a load with a reection coefcient (in the 50 system) of 1/3. Calculate the center of the input reection coefcient of the network when it is referenced to 75 . Solution: The center of the reection coefcient normalized to Z01 is zero, that is C50 = 0. From Equation (6.226), the center of the reection coefcient normalized to Z02 = 75 is C75 = where B= So C75 = B 1/B 1 + , 1 |BL,50 |2 B (6.232)
(6.233) (6.234)
which compares favorably to a center of 0.177 determined manually from the polar plot in the previous example.
The direction of the locus of the input reection coefcient of a terminated transmission line is always clockwise, even if the Smith chart uses a reference or normalization impedance different from the characteristic impedance of the line. In Figure 6-52, Z01 is the characteristic impedance of the line and Z02 is the normalization impedance. When Z02 Z01 , the locus rotates in the clockwise direction. The center of the circle of the reection coefcient normalized to Z02 is to the left of the origin if Z02 > Z01 and to the right of the origin if Z02 < Z01 .
S parameters are measured using a network analyzer called an Automatic Network Analyzer (ANA), or more commonly a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). The VNA was introduced by Hackborn [90] in 1968. A schematic of a modern VNA is shown in Figure 6-53 and comprises: 1. A frequency synthesizer for stable generation of a sinewave. 2. A display plotting the S parameters in various forms, with a polar plot being most commonly used.
j 0.5j
Z 02 > Z 01 Z 02 < Z 01
_ 0.25 j
_4 j
_ 0.5 j _j
Figure 6-52 The locus of a the input reection coefcient normalized to Z02 of a terminated line of characteristic impedance Z01 . The locus is with respect to the length of the line and the arrows show the direction of rotation of the reection coefcient.
3. An S parameter test set. This device generally has two measuring ports so that when required, S11 , S12 , S21 , and S22 can all be determined under program control. The main components are switches and directional couplers. Directional couplers separate the forward- and backward-traveling wave components and will be considered in Section 9.7 on Page 483. Network analyzers with more than two portsfour-port network analyzers are popularhave more switches and directional couplers. 4. A computer controller used in correcting errors and converting the results to the desired form. For RF measurements up to a few gigahertz, most of these functions are incorporated in a single instrument. At higher frequencies and with older equipment multiple units are used. An outline of such a system is shown in Figure 6-54(a). An experimental setup for on-wafer measurements is shown in Figure 6-55. Figure 6-55(a) shows a network analyzer in the background with a precision voltage source on top. In the foreground is a probe station that has
1 2
F 1 R 1 F 2 R 2
Figure 6-53 Vector network analyzer system. The directional couplers selectively couple forward- or backward-traveling waves. In the directional coupler inset, a traveling wave inserted at Port 2 appears only at Port 1. A traveling wave inserted at Port 1 appears at Port 2 and a coupled version at Port 3. A traveling wave inserted at Port 3 appears only at Port 1. Switch positions determine which S parameter is measured.
Figure 6-54 S parameter measurement system: (a) shown in a conguration to do on-chip testing; and (b) details of coplanar probes with Ground-Signal-Ground (GSG) conguration and contacting pads.
a stage for an IC and mounts for micropositioners to which microprobes are attached. The vertical tube-shaped object is a microscope-mounted camera. Figure 6-55(b) shows a microprobe making a connection to a transmission line on an IC and Figure 6-55(c) shows greater detail of the contact area.
Figure 6-55 Vector network analyzer system for characterizing an IC or module: (a) probe station with video camera; (b) details of coplanar probes with GSG probes used with calibration structures; and (c) side view of an IC under test.
A typical microprobe is based on a micro coaxial cable with the center conductor (carrying the signal) extended a millimeter or so to form a needle-like contact. Two other needle-like contacts are made by attaching short extensions to the outer conductor of the coaxial line on either side of the signal connection. Such probes are called Ground-Signal-Ground (GSG) probes and transition from a coaxial cable to an on-wafer CPW line, introducing a smooth conversion of the EM elds from those of a coaxial line to those of the CPW line. The on-wafer pads can be as small as 50 m on a side. Calibration of the measurement system is critical, as the effect of cabling and connectors can be more signicant than that of the device being measured. The process of removing the effect of cabling and connectors is called de-embedding. Ideally, short, open, and match loads would be available, but these can only be approximated, and numerous schemes have been developed for alternative ways of calibrating an RF measurement system. In some cases, for example, in measuring integrated circuits using what is called on-wafer probing, it is very difcult to realize a good match. A solution is to use calibration standards that consist of combinations of transmission line lengths and repeatable reections. These calibration
Z1 2
Z2 3
(a) Figure 6-56
procedures are known mostly by combinations of the letters T, R, and L such as Through-Reect-Line TRL [98] (which relies on a transmission line of known characteristic impedance to replace the match); or Through-Line TL, procedure [91, 92] (which relies on symmetry to replace the third standard). The essential concept behind calibration is to model errors at each port as a two-port error network between where the measurements are realized inside the instrument and the point at which calibration standards can be placed.
One-Port Calibration
In one-port measurements the desired reection coefcient cannot be obtained directly. Instead, there is effectively an error network between the measurement plane, where the load is measured, and the ideal internal network analyzer port. The SFG model [93] of the measurement system is shown in Figure 6-56 with three ideal calibration standards: a matched load (Figure 6-56(a)); a short (Figure 6-56(b)); and an open (Figure 6-56(c)). Calibration here is concerned about determining the S parameters of the error two-port. Various calibration schemes have been developed, some of which are better in particular measurement environments, such as when measuring on-chip structures for example. Calibration schemes share certain commonalities. One of these is that the errors can be represented as a two-port (or several two-ports) that exists between an effective reference plane internal to the measurement equipment and the reference plane at the device to be measured. This device is commonly called the DUT. Known standards are placed at the device reference plane and instrument measurements are made. The concept is illustrated by considering the determination of the S parameters of the two-port shown in Figure 6-56. With Z1 being a matched load, the input reection coefcient 1 is S11 : S11 = 1 . (6.235) The other two commonly used calibration loads are Z2 = 0 (a short circuit) and Z3 = (an open circuit).10 From these, S12 = S21 and S22 can be
Previously the undesirability of using opens and shorts at microwave frequencies was
derived as S22 and S21 = S12 = [(2 S11 )(1 S22 )]1/2 . (6.237) The error two-port modies the actual reection coefcient to a warped reection coefcient according to Equation (6.198) on Page 324. In Equation (6.198), the load reection coefcient, L , is a complex number that is scaled, rotated, and shifted. Moreover, circles of reection coefcient are mapped to circles on the warped complex plane; that is, the ideal Smith chart is mapped to a warped Smith chart, as shown in Figure 6-57(a). Here the actual load reection coefcient, L , is warped to present a measured reection coefcient, M , to the internal network analyzer. Calibration can be viewed as a mapping operation from the complex plane of raw measurements to the complex plane of ideal measurements, as shown in Figure 6-57(a). Figure 6-57(be) shows how the mapping is developed using different sets of calibration standards. The mapping operation shown in Figure 6-57(b) uses the short, open, and match loads. These loads are well distributed over the Smith chart and so the mapping can be extracted with good precision. While ideal short, open, and match loads are not available, if the terminations are well characterized then appropriate corrections can be made. The mapping in the one-port case is embodied in the extracted S parameters of the twoport. Figure 6-58(b) shows the longitudinal section of a precision coaxial open. The key feature is that the outer coaxial conductor is extended while the center conductor is terminated. The fringing capacitance at the end of the center conductor can be calculated analytically. Thus the precision open is not a perfect open, but rather an open that can be modeled as a small capacitor whose frequency variation is known. Figure 6-57(c) uses offset shorts (i.e., short-circuited transmission lines of various lengths). This circumvents the problem of difcult-to-produce open and matched loads. Care is required in the choice of offsets to ensure that the mapping can be determined accurately. The calibration scheme shown in Figure 6-57(d) introduces a known load. The mapping cannot be extracted here, but in some situations this is the only option. Figure 6-57(e) introduces a new concept in calibration with the use of a sliding matched load such as that shown in Figure 6-58(a). A perfect matched load cannot be produced and there is always, at best, a small resistance error and perhaps parasitic capacitance. When measured, the reection will have a small offset from the
discussed. However, here the short and open are precision calibration standards and the errors involved are known and incorporated in a more detailed calibration procedure than that presented here. All that is needed to determine the parameters of a two-port are three precisely known loads.
2S11 2 3 3 2
Figure 6-57 Calibration as a mapping operation showing the warped Smith chart, which describes raw measurements, and the ideal Smith chart: (a) warping of a load with reection coefcient L to the measured reection coefcient M ; (b) calibration as a mapping established using short, match, and open calibration standards; (c) mapping using short and two offset short calibration standards; (d) mapping using a short, an offset short, and an offset load calibration; and (e) mapping using a short, an open, and a sliding matched load as calibration standards.
Precision calibration standards: (a) sliding load; and (b) precision open.
origin. If the matched load is moved, as with a sliding matched load, a small circle centered on the origin will be traced out and the center of this circle is the ideal matched load.
The one-port calibration described above can be repeated for two ports, resulting in the two-port error model of Figure 6-59(a). Using the chain scattering matrix (or T matrix) introduced in Section 6.6.1 on Page 314, the T parameter matrix measured at the internal reference planes of the network analyzer is TMEAS = TA TDUT TB , (6.238) where TA is the T matrix of the rst error two-port, TDUT is the T matrix of the device under test, and TB is the T matrix of the right-hand error twoport. Manipulating Equation (6.238) leads to TDUT : T1 TMEAS T1 = T1 TA TDUT TB T1 A B A B TDUT = T1 TMEAS T1 , A B from which the S parameters of the DUT can be obtained. (6.239) (6.240)
Two-Port Calibration
The VNA architecture introduced in 1968 and still commonly used today is shown in Figure 6-53. A key component of the system is the test set that comprises mechanical microwave switches and directional couplers that selectively couple energy in either the forward- or backward-traveling wave. This architecture supports a single signal source and a single test port at which the RF signal to be measured is mixed down to a low frequency, typically 100 kHz, where it is captured by an ADC. Another important component is the frequency converter, which mixes the RF signal with a version of the original RF signal offset in frequency to produce a lowfrequency version of the RF signal with the same phase as the RF signal and an amplitude that is linearly proportional to the RF signal. When Hackborn introduced this system in 1968 [90], he also introduced the 8term error model shown in Figure 6-59(a). This is an extension of the oneport error model discussed in Section 6.11.1, with a two-port capturing the measurement errors for each port. Closer examination of the VNA system of Figure 6-53 indicates that the signal path varies for each of the four scattering parameters for a DUT. Another imperfection that is not immediately obvious is that there is leakage in the system so that Ports 1 and 2 are coupled by a number of mechanisms which do not involve transmission of the signal through the DUT. Leakage is due to nite isolation in the mixers, and direct coupling between probes used to make contact at Ports 1 and 2, among other possible causes. The rst
B S21
B S12
f e30
r e30
(RFin ) 1 1 a 1
f f e00 e11 f e01
f e 32 fb e22 2 1
r e32
a2 (RFin )
1 1 S22
S1 1
r e11
1 b1
b2 1
ef : Forward Directivity 00 ef : Forward Reection Tracking 01 ef : Forward Isolation 30 er : Reverse Directivity 00 er : Reverse Reection Tracking 01 er : Reverse Isolation 10 (b)
ef : Forward Source Match 11 ef : Forward Load Match 22 ef : Forward Transmission Tracking 32 er : Reverse Source Match 22 er : Reverse Load Match 11 er : Reverse Transmission Tracking 32
m S11
1 1 1 e1 e2 e3
S1 1
e8 e7
S1 1
e10 RFin 1 1 e9
e11 e12
1 e14 e15
1 e16
S1 1
S1 1
1 S22
(c) Figure 6-59 Two-port error models: (a) SFG representation of the 8-term two-port error model (1968) [90]); (b) SFG of the 12-term two-port error model (1978) [94]; and (c) SFG of the 16-term two-port error model (circa 1979) [95].
person to identify this was Shurmer [96] in 1973, leading eventually to the 12-term error model [94, 97] shown in Figure 6-59(b). Calibration yields the error parameters, and the S parameters of the DUT are found as follows:
S11 =
1 1 1 1
m S11 ef 00
ef 01
m S12 er 10 er 32
ef 32
1+ 1+ 1+
m S22 er 00 er ef 22 22 er 01 m S11 ef 00
(6.242) (6.243)
m S21 ef 30 m S12 er 10 er 32
m S12 er 10 er 32 m S22 er 00 er 01
ef 01 ef 01
ef er 11 11 ef er 11 11 ef 32
m S11 ef 00
(6.244) = 1+
m S11 ef f 00 e11 ef 01 m S21 ef 30
m S22 er r 00 e22 er 01
ef er 22 11
ef 32
m S12 er 10 . er 32
The most complete model is the 16-term error model introduced in 1979 and shown in Figure 6-59(c) which incorporates a different model for each parameter and fully captures the various signal paths resulting from the different switch positions [95]. Nevertheless, the 12-term error model is the one most commonly used in microwave measurements and is sufcient to reliably extract the desired S parameters of the DUT from the raw VNA measurements. This process of extracting the de-embedded parameters is call de-embedding, or less commonly, unterminating. The 12-term error model models the error introduced by major leakage or cross-talk internal to the network analyzer. The 16-term error model captures the leakage or cross-talk of the 12-term error model, but in addition includes switch leakage that results in error signals reecting from the DUT and leaking to the transmission port as well as common-mode leakage. In a coaxial environment, the extra leakage terms are small, provided that the switch has high isolation. However, in wafer probing, where direct coupling between the probes can be appreciable, the transmission-related leakage can be important and the 16-term error model captures errors that the 12-term error model does not.
Coaxial Two-Port Calibration If the DUT has coaxial connectors then precision open, short, and matched loads are available. While these are not ideal components, the open has fringing capacitance; for example, they are well characterized over frequency. The full set of standards required to develop the 12-term error model includes one-port measurements for each port with open, short, and match connections, a two-port measurement with a through connection, and a two-port measurement with opens at each port. The last measurement determines the internal isolation of the system. Most connectors come in male (or plug) and female (or jack) counterparts. As such it is not possible to create a perfect through by joining the connectors and a small delay is introduced. There are, however, sexless connectors, such as the (Amphenol Precision Connector (APC-7) with a 7 mm outer diameter, and GR 874 (General Radio model 874) connectors, as they have ush faces that can be connected for a near-perfect through. The APC-7 and GR 874 connectors are no longer commonly used, with most coaxial systems now using SMA connectors or the higher-tolerance APC 3.5 connectors that come in male and female connectors. The majority of the measurements desired these days are of ICs and other planar structures for which there is no clear connector. The connector, or xture, problem has resulted in a variety of standards being used.
A drawback of all de-embedding techniques that use repeated xture measurements during the de-embedding process is the generation of errors caused by the lack of xture reproducibility during measurements of each of the required standards. These errors can be amplied during the course of de-embedding. The Through-Reect-Line (TRL) technique [98] is a calibration procedure used for microwave measurements when classical standards such as open, short, and matched terminations cannot be realized. There are now a family of related techniques, here denoted as TxL methods, with the commonality being the two-port measurement of a through connection and of the same structure with an inserted transmission line. The two-port connections required in the TRL procedure are shown in Figure 6-60. The concept behind the representation is that there is a measurement error that is captured by the xture two-port. The TRL procedure allows the xtures on either side, Fixtures A and B here, to have different two-port parameters. The SFG representations of the connections are shown in Figure 6-61. Assuming that the xtures are faithfully reproduced when going from one connection to another, then the SFGs shown in Figures 6-61(a)(c) need be considered. With each conguration, two-port measurements are made, and as the number of independent S parameter measurements exceed the
Figure 6-60 Measurement connections in two-port calibration using the TRL calibration procedure: (a) through connection; (b) ideal line connection; (c) realistic conguration showing that the xtures are not precisely reproduced; and (d) arbitrary reection conguration.
1 A
A 2
1 A
A e
A 2
Figure 6-61 SFG representations of the two-port connections shown in Figure 660: (a) through connection; (b) ideal line connection; and (c) arbitrary reection connection.
number of unknowns, it would seem that it may be possible to solve the SFGs to obtain the unknown parameters of the xtures. This is all that is required to de-embed measurements made with a DUT between the xtures. Unfortunately this is not possible. However, Engen and Hoer [98] developed a procedure that enabled the complex propagation constant of the line to be extracted from the external S parameter measurements of the through and line connections. This procedure is considered in the next section.
Through-Line Calibration
The through and line measurement structures include xtures as well as the direct connection (for the through) and the inserted line (for the line) (see Figure 6-60). Two-port measurements of these two structures yield the propagation constant L = + of the line, as shown by Engen and Hoer [98] in 1979. Similar but earlier work was presented by Bianco et al. [101] in 1976. For the through structure, the error networks between the ideal internal port of a network analyzer and the desired measurement reference plane are designated as Fixture A at Port 1 and Fixture B at Port 2. For the line measurement, xturing is reestablished (following the Through measurement) with the line inserted. In general, the xturing cannot be faithfully reproduced and therefore becomes Fixtures A and B , respectively (see Figure 6-60). The following is based on the derivation of Engen and Hoer [98], but with a particular extension by Buff et al. [99, 100]. The development begins using cascading matrices, R, each of which is related to two-port scattering parameters S by R= R11 R21 R12 R22 =
S12 S21 S11 S22 S21 S22 S21 S11 S21 1 S21
Thus the parameters describing the A and B xtures are SA , SB and RA , RB , respectively. The cascading matrix of the through is simply a unity matrix and the line of length, L , is described by RL = eL L 0 0 e L L . (6.247)
The characteristic impedance of the line is taken as the reference impedance, Z0 , of the measurement system and is reected by the diagonal zeros in the above denition for the line standard. Because of this simplifying assumption, L can be computed using the equations that follow. The cascading matrix of the through structure is Rt = RA RB (through) (6.248)
and the line structure (without xturing errors such that R = RA and R A B = RB ) has the cascading matrix Rd = RA RL RB (line). (6.249) Solving Equation (6.248) for RB and substituting into Equation (6.249) yields what will be referred to as the TL equation: TRA = RA RL , where T = Rd R1 . t t11 RA11 + t12 RA21 = RA11 eL L t21 RA11 + t22 RA21 = RA21 eL L t11 RA12 + t12 RA22 = RA12 eL L t21 RA12 + t22 RA22 = RA22 eL L , which upon solution yields [98] L = where the error term is 1 ln 2 L t11 + t22 t11 + t22 , (6.256) (6.250) (6.251) (6.252) (6.253) (6.254) (6.255)
If the xtures are faithfully reproduced, then networks A and A are identical, as are networks B and B , and so = 0, and the propagation constant of the line L is obtained without error as L = 1 ln 2 L t11 + t22 t11 + t22 . (6.258)
That is, two-port S parameter measurements of the through connection shown in Figure 6-60(a) and two-port S parameter measurements of the line connection shown in Figure 6-60(b) enable the propagation constant of the line to be determined. However, the TxL techniques generally result in errors in de-embedding at frequencies where the length of the line standard is a multiple of one-half wavelength. Buff et al. [99,100] showed that small xture repeatability errors result in errors incorporated in . These errors become evident at frequencies where the length of the line is an odd-integer multiple of a half-wavelength, called critical lengths [102,103]. These errors affect the entire calibration and subsequent de-embedded measurements. These errors are minimized by using measurements where the line standard has an electrical length within 20o of a critical length. Statistical means and the use of multiple lines have been proposed to minimize the error [104, 105]. However, these schemes are not necessary to correct the error.
Figure 6-62 Through and line components of TRL with xture error introduced during the line measurement.
Figure 6-63 Two-port measurements: (a) two-port device under test with DC needle probes at the bottom and GSG probes on the left and right; and (b) open, short, and through calibration standards with GSG probes.
TSDThrough Short Delay Matched loads can be difcult to realize especially when probing ICs and planar circuits using probes. Through Short Delay (TSD) uses reection and transmission measurements [106]. The delay is realized using a line with a 50 characteristic impedance. The through could be another delay, but problems occur when the delay difference (the electrical length difference) of the through and delay is an integer multiple of 180 . An onwafer two-port measurement system is shown in Figure 6-63, showing onchip calibration standards.
TRLThrough Reect Line What has become known as the Through Reect Line (TRL) calibration technique was developed by Bianco et al. [101] and Engen and Hoer [98], who used a through connection, an arbitrary reection standard, and a delay or line standard. The line standard can be of arbitrary length with its propagation constant unknown, but it is assumed to be nonreecting. The result of this assumption is that the characteristic impedance of the line becomes the system reference impedance. Also, the reection standard, can be any repeatable reection load, with an open or short preferred. As identied by Engen and Hoer, [98] the transmission line introduced calibration uncertainties when the electrical length was a multiple of onehalf wavelength. TRMThrough Reect Match Through Reect Match (TRM) is a variation of TRL (a major variation to be true) that replaces the through by a matched load and is useful only when a matched load can be realized. It retains the arbitrary reection standard, which is particularly useful as it can be difcult to produce a short or open with planar circuits. A via used in realizing a planar circuit short has nite resistance and inductance and so does not create a good through, but does create a useful repeatable arbitrary reection. Other Distributed Standards TRL and TRM are the most commonly accepted standards used in calibrating measurements of planar circuits. There are several other techniques that also use transmission lines and nd usefulness in certain circumstances. In 1982 Benet [107] developed the open-short-ve offset line calibration technique. The key concept is that the multiple offset through lines traced out a circle on the Smith chart and the center of the circle provided an additional error term. Through least squares tting Benet developed the propagation constant of the through lines and the remaining error terms to develop the 12-term error model. Pennock et al. [108] introduced the Double Through Line (DTL) calibration system in 1987. This is useful for characterizing transitions between different media. There is sufcient information to develop the 6term error model.
Two-Tier Calibration
With measurements in noncoaxial systems such as measurements on ICs, it is difcult to produce precision standards such as shorts, opens, and resistive loads. In these situations, two-tier calibration is sometimes used. In
Figure 6-64
a two-tier calibration procedure, two sets of standards are used to establish rst- and second-tier reference planes (see Figure 6-64). In the rst-tier calibration, a precision set of standards are normally used. This could be achieved using coaxial standards or perhaps a standard calibration substrate used with probes. Each of the 2 two-ports from the internal reference plane of the network analyzer to an external reference plane is established. Generally with the second tier, insitu calibration standards are used, and the additional xturing is identical for the two ports. Precision calibration should be done using standards fabricated in the medium of the DUT. Two-tier calibration generally results in the xtures in the second tier being identical, which enables checks to be made for the integrity of the probe connection. Connections to IC pads can be problematic because of oxide build up, especially with aluminum pads. So ensuring symmetry of second-tier calibrations by comparing the two-port measurements of symmetrical structures such as transmission lines can greatly reduce the impact of the xture-induced errors discussed in Section 6.11.5. That is, small xturing errors, such as bringing the probes down in slightly different positions, results in measurement errors at the half-wavelength frequencies (/2, , 3/2, etc.). For example, if the DUT is a device on a silicon wafer, the optimum measurement technique is to realize the calibration standards on the silicon wafer processed in the same way as for the DUT. Typically such measurements would be conducted using probes, and the calibration procedure removes xturing errors associated with fringing effects at the
probes and with other nonidealities involved in creating the landing pads for the probes. For measurements of microstrip and CPW systems, standard calibration alumina substrates are available. These calibration substrates include TxL standards as well as an open, a short, and a laser-trimmed matched load. In a two-tier calibration scheme, a rst tier is used to establish the 12-term error model. Then a second calibration is used to develop a secondary sixterm error model, as in Figure 6-59(a) with S12 = S21 . In such a situation the standards used in developing the 12-term error model would normally include an open, a short, and a matched load. These need not be precise, and so it is not necessary to use a distributed standard such as the TxL family of calibration standards. Thus the 12-term error model would not be precise, but the model does not suffer from the half-wavelength errors of the TxL techniques. For nonplanar measurements using probes, calibration is to the end of the probe tips, and errors with using other substrates will be common to both probe tips in a two-port measurement. In the secondary calibration the measurements of a through and line will be symmetrical with S11 = S22 and S12 = S21 . This symmetry is exploited in the Through Line () technique which exploits symmetry and renders the half-wavelength errors of TxL insignicant [91, 92]. TLThrough Line Symmetry In a two-tier calibration scheme, a rst-tier calibration can result in good calibration to the end of the probe tips. However when these probe tips are used in another conguration additional errors can be introduced because of the xturing required to connect the DUT. With careful design the xtures employed in the second tier will be identical and have the same S parameters. The TL calibration procedure exploits this property. The TL calibration connections are shown in Figure 6-65. In the rst calibration tier, a 12-term error model is developed using open, short, load, and delay. Consequently there are no half-wavelength glitches that occur when transmission line standards are used. In the second calibration tier, probes are used with two lengths of transmission line fabricated on the same substrate as the DUT. One of the lines becomes a through. The procedure proceeds by calculating the propagation constant of the line using the technique developed for the TRL procedure (Equation (6.258)). There is xture symmetry in the TL connections (see Figure 665) and this is reected in the SFG representations of the connections as shown in Figure 6-66. As will be shown, this symmetry enables the arbitrary reection used in the TRL procedure to be replaced by a precise short or open circuit. Let the S parameters of Fixture A be = S11 , = S12 = S21 , and = S22 . Using these parameters with the port reversal required to model the Fixture at Port 2, the SFG shown in Figure 6-66(a) relates the measured S
Figure 6-65 Measurement connections in the two-port second-tier calibration using the TL calibration procedure: (a) through connection; (b) ideal line connection; (c) realistic conguration showing that the xtures are not precisely reproduced; and (d) arbitrary reection conguration.
Figure 6-66 SFG representations of the two-port connections shown in Figure 6-65: (a) through connection; (b) ideal line connection; and (c) ideal reection connection.
parameters to the parameters of the xtures. Let the measured S parameters of the through connection be designated by a leading superscript T , then the input reection coefcient of Fixture A with a short circuit placed at Port 2
of A is sc =
2 . 1+
Using Masons rule with the SFG in Figure 6-66(a) relates the measured S parameters to the xture parameters:
S11 = + S21 =
2 . 1 2
2 1 2
(6.259) (6.260)
S11 T S21 = +
2 2 2 2 =+ 1 2 1 2 (1 )(1 + ) 2 (1 ) = (1 )(1 + ) 2 = 1+ = sc .
That is, the input reection coefcient of a xture terminated in a short circuit can be obtained from the through measurement of the back-to-back xtures in the through conguration: sc = T S11 T S21 . Similar results are obtained for an ideal open circuit placed at Port 2 of Fixture A: oc = T S11 + T S21 . Thus it is possible to effectively insert ideal open and short circuits within a noninsertable medium.
Scattering parameters describe power ow and traveling waves and are essential to describing distributed circuits as encountered in RF and microwave engineering. RF and microwave design is characterized by conceptual insight and it is essential to use parameters and graphical representations that are close to the physical world. Scattering parameters and the graphical polar representations on a Smith chart are the overwhelming choice of RF and microwave designers. Design is more than evaluating equations and running computer-aided design programs. In RF and microwave engineering there are always considerable approximations
made in design, partly because of necessary simplications that must be made in modeling, but also because many of the material properties required in a detailed design can only be approximate. An example is permittivity. The permittivity of circuit board material, FR-4, ceramics, and silicon dioxide in silicon ICs depends on the density of the material, which depends on metal density and circuit layout. The variation can be as much as 10%. Most RF and microwave design deals with frequency selective circuits such as line lengths which have an electrical length that is a particular fraction of a wavelength. The relationship to physical length depends on material properties and the ability to model them well. Many designs can require frequency tolerances of as little as 0.1%, and lters can require even tighter tolerances. It is therefore impossible to design exactly. Measurements are required to validate designs and iterate designs to the nal frequency centering. Conceptual understanding is essential; the designer must be able to relate measurements, which themselves have errors, with computer simulations. The ability to design circuits with good tolerance to manufacturing variations and perhaps circuits that can be tuned by automatic equipment are skills developed by experienced designers.
1. The scattering parameters of a two-port are S11 = 0.25, S12 = 0, S21 = 1.2, and S22 = 0.5. The system reference impedance is 50 and the Thevenin equivalent impedance of the source attached to Port 1 is 50 . The power available from the source connected to Port 1 is 1 mW. The load impedance is 25 . (a) Is the two-port reciprocal and why? (b) What is the voltage of the Thevenin equivalent source? (c) What is the power reected from Port 1? (d) Determine the z parameters of the twoport. (e) Using z parameters, what is the power dissipated by the load at Port 2? 2. The scattering parameters of a certain twoport are S11 = 0.5 + 0.5, S12 = 0.95 + 0.25, S21 = 0.15 0.05, and S22 = 0.5 0.5. The system reference impedance is 50 . (a) Is the two-port reciprocal? Explain your answer. (b) Consider that Port 1 is connected to a matched source with an available power of 1 W. What is the power delivered to a 50 load placed at Port 2?
(c) Using the situation described in (b), what is the power reected from Port 1? (d) What is the value of the load required for maximum power transfer at Port 2? Express your answer as a reection coefcient. 3. A 50 , 10 dB attenuator is inserted in a 75 system. (a) What is the transmission coefcient in the 75 system? (b) What is the attenuation in decibels in the 75 system? (c) What is the input reection coefcient at Port 1 including the 75 termination at Port 2? 4. The scattering parameters of a two-port are S11 = 0.25, S12 = 0, S21 = 1.2, and S22 = 0.5. The system reference impedance is 50 and the Thevenin equivalent impedance of the source attached to Port 1 is 50 . The power available from the source connected to Port 1 is 1 mW. The load impedance is 25 . Using SFGs determine the power dissipated by the load at Port 2. 5. Draw the SFG of a two-port with a load at Port 2 having a voltage reection coefcient of L , and at Port 1 a source reection coefcient of
S . This is the reection coefcient looking from Port 1 of the two-port toward the generator. Keep the S parameters of the two-port in symbolic form (e.g., S11 , S12 , S21 , and S22 ). Using SFG analysis, derive an expression for the reection coefcient looking into the twoport at Port 2. You must show the stages in collapsing the SFG to the minimal form required. Make sure that you include the impact of the source. 6. A three-port has the scattering parameters 3 2 0 4 0 5. 0
(a) Is the three-port reciprocal? Explain your answer. (b) Write down the criteria for a network to be lossless. (c) Is the three-port lossless? Explain your answer. (d) Draw the SFG of the three-port. (e) A 150 load is attached to Port 3. Derive the SFG of the two-port with just Ports 1 and 2. Write down the two-port S parameter matrix of the simplied network. 9. A system consists of 2 two-ports in cascade. The S parameter matrix of the rst two-port is SA and the S parameter matrix of the second two-port is SB . The second two-port is terminated in a load with a reection coefcient L . (Just to be clear, SA is followed by SB which is then terminated in L . Port 2 of SA is connected to Port 1 of [SB ]. The individual S parameters of the two-ports are as follows: a c d f SA = and SB = . c b f e (a) Draw the SFG of the system consisting of the two cascaded two-ports and the load. (b) Ignoring the load, is the cascaded twoport system reciprocal? (If there is not enough information to decide say so.) Give your reasons. (c) Ignoring the load, is the cascaded twoport system lossless? (If there is not enough information to decide say so.) Give your reasons. (d) Consider that the load has no reection (i.e., L = 0). Use SFG analysis to nd the input reection coefcient looking into Port 1 of [SA ]. Your answer should be in in terms of a, b, . . ., f . 10. A circulator is a three-port device that is not reciprocal and selectively shunts power from one port to another. The S parameters of an ideal circulator are 2 3 0 1 0 [S] = 4 0 0 1 5 . 1 0 0
Port 2 is terminated in a load with a reection coefcient L . Reduce the two-port to a three-port using signal ow graph theory. Write down the four scattering parameters of the nal two-port.
7. The S parameters of a three-port are as follows (the S parameters are referred to a 50 system reference impedance): 2 3 0.2 180 0.8 45 0.1 45 4 0.8 45 5. 0.2 0 0.1 90 0.1 45 0.1 90 0.1 180 (a) Is the three-port reciprocal? Explain your answer. (b) Write down the criteria for a network to be lossless. (c) Is the three-port lossless? You must show your working. (d) Draw the SFG of the three-port. (e) A 50 load is attached to Port 3. Use SFG operations to derive the SFG of the twoport with just Ports 1 and 2. Write down the two-port S parameter matrix of the simplied network.
8. The S parameters of a three-port are as follows (the S parameters are referred to a 50 system reference impedance): 2 3 0.2 180 0.8 45 0.1 45 4 0.8 45 5. 0.2 0 0.1 90 0.1 45 0.1 90 0.1 180
(a) Draw the three-port and discuss power ow. (b) Draw the SFG of the three-port. (c) If Port 2 is terminated in a load with reection coefcient 0.2, reduce the SFG of the three-port to a two-port with Ports 1 and 3 only. (d) Write down the 2 2 S parameter matrix of the (reduced) two-port. 11. The S parameters of a certain two-port are S11 = 0.5 + 0.5, S21 = 0.95 + 0.25, S12 = 0.15 0.05, S22 = 0.5 0.5 . The system reference impedance is 50 . (a) Is the two-port reciprocal? (b) Which of the following is a true statement about the two-port. (A) It is unitary. (B) Overall power is produced by the two-port. (C) It is lossless. (D) If Port 2 is matched, then the real part of the input impedance (at Port 1) is negative. (E) A and C. (F) A and B. (G) A, B, and C (H) None of the above. (c) What is the value of the load required for maximum power transfer at Port 2? Express your answer as a reection coefcient. (d) Draw the SFG for the two-port with a load at Port 2 having a voltage reection coefcient of L and at Port 1 a source reection coefcient of S . 12. In the distribution of signals on a cable TV system a 75 coaxial cable is used, as the loss is close to minimum. In a low-loss 75 cable the attenuation constant is 0.1 dB/m at 1 GHz. If a subscriber disconnects a television set from the cable so that the load impedance looks like an open circuit, estimate the input impedance of the cable at 1 GHz and 1 km from the subscriber. An answer within 1% is required. Estimate the error of your answer. Indicate the input impedance on a Smith chart drawing the
locus of the input impedance as the line is increased in length from nothing to 1 km. 13. A load has an impedance Z = 115 j20 . (a) What is the reection coefcient, L , of the load in a 50 reference system? (b) Plot the reection coefcient on a polar plot of reection coefcient. (c) If a one-eighth wavelength long lossless 50 transmission line is connected to the load, what is the reection coefcient, in , looking into the transmission line? (Again, use the 50 reference system.) Recall that the reection coefcient is the ratio of the backward-traveling wave to the forward-traveling wave with phases and amplitudes referred to the same point. Plot in on the polar reection coefcient plot of part (b). Clearly identify in and L on the plot. (d) On the Smith chart, identify the locus of in as the length of the transmission line increases from zero length to one-eighth wavelength long. That is, on the Smith chart, plot in as the length of the transmission line varies. 14. In Figure 6-67 the results of several different experiments are plotted on a Smith chart. Each experiment measured the input reection coefcient from a low frequency (denoted by a circle) to a high frequency (denoted by a square) of a one-port. Determine the load that was measured. The loads that were measured were one of those shown below. Load Description i ii iii iv v An inductor A capacitor A reactive load at the end of a transmission line A resistive load at the end of a transmission line A parallel connection of an inductor, a resistor, and a capacitor going through resonance and with a transmission line offset
Description A series connection of a resistor and a capacitor going through resonance and with a transmission line offset vii A series resistor and inductor viii An unknown load and not one of the above You should make no assumptions about how low the low frequency was, nor about how high the high frequency was. For each of the measurements below indicate the load using the load identier above (e.g., i, ii, etc.) There may be more than one correct answer.
Load vi
(a) What type of load gives rise to the reection coefcient indicated by curve A? (b) What type of load gives rise to the reection coefcient indicated by curve B? (c) What type of load gives rise to the reection coefcient indicated by curve C? (d) What type of load gives rise to the reection coefcient indicated by curve D? (e) What type of load gives rise to the reection coefcient indicated by curve E? (f) What type of load gives rise to the reection coefcient indicated by curve F?
0.12 0.38
0.13 0.37
0.14 0.36
0. 1
9 0.0
8 0.0 2 0.4
0.39 100
0.15 0. 35
0.1 6 0.3 4
1 0.4
70 1. 4
0. 7
0.6 60
0.1 7 0.3 3
7 0.0
65 0.5
3 0.4 0 13
0.0 6
0.4 4
14 0
0.0 5
3.0 PO
1.0 1.0
0.4 5
(+ jX
0.0 4
0.4 6 150
1.0 1.0
0. 47
5. 0
0. 2
10 170
D L O A D < OW A R -170
(G/Yo) 0.2
0. 4
Y o)
( - jB
0. 47
6 0.4
5 0.0
, o)
5 0.4
40 -1
6 0.0
0. 7
1. 4
0 -5
5 -4
R B] , r I B SW d S [d E F F E o , OS C O E F F .L . N FL C O RT R F L . R
SCALED PA RAMETERS 15 TOWARD LOAD > 10 7 1.1 0.1 1.1 0.99 1.2 0.95 0.2 1.3
100 40 40 30 0 1 1 0.9
2.5 8
2 6 8 9 10 0.1 0.4
1.8 5
1.6 4 12 14
1.4 3 2
1.2 1.1 1 1 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
3 1.8 1.5 2 2
1 0.8 0.9
7 0.2
20 0.01 0.1
S .W RF S. AT W . P L. . TE SM E A L O L O N . SM S . C K ( SS S C [ dB .C OE CO [dB O ] OE EF FF F F, NS ] F ,E P T. P) or I
2 0.3
3 0.3
7 0.1
0. 7
8 0.1 0 -5 -25
4 0.4
0 -65 .5
4 0.3 6 0.1
0. 35
0.14 -80 -4 0
0. 4
0.11 -100
0. 1
0. 4
0.0 9
0.4 1
-12 0
0.0 8
0.4 2
5. 0
-20 3.0
0.0 7 -1 30
0.4 3
0. 2
0. 2
jB E (+
/ Y o)
0.2 0.2
1. 4
0. 7
60 30
0.3 2
0.1 8
9 0.1
1 0.3
0. 4
0. 4
0. 4
0.2 0.3
1 0.2 9 0.2 30
0. 22
0. 28
5. 0
0.25 0.26 0.24 0.27 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.23 O 0.27 R E F L E C T IO N C E FF C I E N T I N D E G REES L E OF ANG SS O N C O E F F I C I E N T I N T R A N SM I DE GR L E OF EES ANG
0. 22
0. 2 1 0.2 9
0. 28
0.2 0.3
-4 0
0.1 9 0.3 1
1. 4
15. A 50 lossy transmission line is shorted at one end. The line loss is 2 dB per wavelength. Note that since the line is lossy the characteristic impedance will be complex, but close to 50 , since it is only slightly lossy. There is no way to calculate the actual characteristic impedance with the information provided. However, this is the common situation that must be dealt with. That is, problems must be solved with small inconsistencies. Full accuracy is not possible and there is often missing information. Microwave engineers do the best they can in design and always rely on measurements to calibrate results. (a) What is the reection coefcient at the load (in this case the short)? (b) Consider the input reection coefcient, in , at a distance from the load. Determine in for going from 0.1 to in steps of 0.1. (c) On a Smith chart plot the locus of the input reection coefcient from = 0 to . (d) Calculate the input impedance, Zin , when the line is (3/8) long using the telegraphers equation. (e) Repeat part (d) using a Smith chart. 16. Design a open-circuited stub with an input impedance of +j75 . Use a transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 75 . [Parallels Example 6.5 on Page 339] 17. Design a short-circuited stub with an input admittance of j50 . Use a transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 100 . [Parallels Example 6.5 on Page 339] 18. A load has an impedance ZL = 25 100 . (a) What is the reection coefcient, L , of the load in a 50 reference system? (b) If a quarter-wavelength long 50 transmission line is connected to the load, what is the reection coefcient, in , looking into the transmission line? (c) Describe the locus of in , as the length of the transmission line is varied from zero length to one-half wavelength long. Use a Smith chart to illustrate your answer 19. A network consists of a source with a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 50 driving rst a series reactance of 50 followed by
a one-eight wavelength long transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 40 and a reactive element of 25 in shunt with a load having an impedance ZL = 25 100 . This problem must be solved graphically and no credit will be given if this is not done. (a) Draw the network. (b) On a Smith chart, plot the locus of the reection coefcient rst for the load, then with the element in shunt, then looking into the transmission line, and nally the series element. Use letters to identify each point on the Smith chart. Write down the reection coefcient at each point. (c) What is the impedance presented by the network to the source? 20. In the circuit below, a 75 lossless line is terminated in a 40 load. On the complex plane plot the locus, with respect to the length of the line, of the reection coefcient, looking to the line referencing it rst to a 50 impedance. [Parallels Example 6.6 on Page 342]
Z in in
Z 0 75
ZL 40
21. Consider the circuit below, a 60 lossless line is terminated in a 40 load. What is the center of the reection coefent locus on the complex plane when it is referenced to 55 . [Parallels Example 6.7 on Page 346]
Z in in
Z 0 60
ZL 40
22. In Section 6.11 on Page 346, the S parameters of a reciprocal error network were determined by applying three loadsZ1 , Z2 and Z3 and measuring the respective input reection coefcients. If Z1 is a matched load, Z2 is a short circuit and Z3 is an open, the S parameters of Equations (6.235), (6.236), and (6.237) are found. Use SFG theory to derive these results.
Passive Components
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lumped Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminations and Attenuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magnetic Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baluns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilkinson Combiner and Divider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission Line Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hybrid Transformer Used as a Combiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hybrid Transformer Used as a Power Splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broadband Hybrid Combiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Branch-Line Hybrids Based on Transmission Lines . . . . . . . . . . . Lumped-Element Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circulators and Isolators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 372 375 380 386 388 392 394 397 400 401 402 403 404 406 408 408
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce a wide variety of passive components. It is not possible to be comprehensive, as there is an enormous catalog of elements and scores of variations, and new concepts are introduced every year. At microwave frequencies, wavelengths are in the range of millimeters and centimeters, and distributed components can be constructed that have features with particular properties related to coupling, to traveling waves, and to storage of EM energy. In this chapter we consider many of the passive
elements useful in RF and microwave design. In many cases it is possible to develop lumped-element equivalents of the distributed elements by using the LC ladder model of a transmission line.
7.2 7.2.1
One of the factors that distinguishes RFICs from other RF and most microwave IC technology is the use of lumped elements rather than distributed elements. RF circuits require many passive components for matching networks, RF chokes for bias (i.e., inductors that block RF but provide a lossless DC connection), harmonic tuning, and to ensure stability at frequencies below the frequencies of operation. The primary lumped elements on RFICs are resistors, capacitors, and inductors. One of the other distinguishing features of RFICs is the use of differential signaling for nearly all of the analog signals on-chip and not only for the RF paths. This is necessary to overcome the limitations of silicon MOSFET-based circuitry, including signicant substrate coupling.
On-Chip Capacitors
There are three primary forms of on-chip capacitor: (a) Metal-dielectric-metal capacitorusing the interconnect metallization. (b) Metal-dielectric-semiconductor capacitoressentially a MOS transistor. (c) Semiconductor junction capacitoreither the capacitance of reversebiased pn junction or Schottky barrier. In silicon technology it is common to refer to the rst two capacitor types as metal-oxide-metal (MOM) capacitors (or metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors) and as metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors. MOM capacitance can be realized as a parallel plate capacitance (see Figure 7-1(a)), but multiple levels of metallization can be used to increase the capacitance density. Relatively low capacitance values of up to 500 fF/m2 are available because of the large dielectric thicknesses of 0.5 to 1 m between metal layers. This thickness is required in normal interconnect circumstances to minimize interconnect-to-interconnect coupling, so it is unlikely to change much. The distance between the bottom metallization layer to the substrate is comparable to the metal layer separation, and so the capacitance between the bottom plate of a capacitor and the substrate leads to signicant capacitancein the range of 10% to 30% of the metal-tometal capacitance [109]. This series capacitor connection must be considered
in design. An alternative MOM capacitance is available using lateral arrangements of interconnects on the same layer (see Figure 7-1(b)); that is, adjacent metal structures are separated by a small horizontal gap. Again, there are two distinct metal connections, and a smaller metal separation can be obtained using photolithography than that available using dielectric thickness. However the capacitance density is only increased by a factor of about three. Higher values can be obtained using the interdigitated capacitor (IDC) of Figure 7-1(c). Both types of MOM capacitance, parallel plate and lateral, are geometrically dened, are voltage independent, have very low temperature coefcients, and have initial fabrication tolerances of 20% to 30%. At IF, and potentially at RF, many analog designs (e.g., active lters) use transconductance tuning to achieve frequency-response precision. In these cases, the capacitance tolerancing can be compensated for. MOS capacitors use a MOS transistor with a parallel-plate capacitance between the gate of a MOS transistor and a heavily inverted channel. The drain and source are connected in this conguration and the separation between the conductors is thin, being the gate oxide thickness. This leads to high values of capacitance, although with weak voltage dependence. Junction capacitance is realized as the capacitance of a reverse-biased semiconductor junction. This capacitance can be quite large, but has a strong voltage dependence. This voltage dependence can be utilized to realize
s a d
Figure 7-2 An on-chip spiral inductor: (a) plan view; and (b) side view.
Planar Inductors
Inductors are important components in RF and microwave circuits. In addition to their role in matching networks, they are used to provide bias to active devices while effectively blocking RF signals from the bias circuitry. Inductors of up to 10 nH can be fabricated on-chip. Values above this consume too much die area, and either the entire inductance or the majority of a required inductance are fabricated off-chip, more often on an LTCC substrate or as part of the chip package. Bond wires can also be used to realize small inductances in the 0.5 to 1 nH range. The advantage of having a portion of a large inductance on-chip is reduced sensitivity to die attach (bondwire, etc.) connections. An on-chip spiral inductor, the most common type, is shown in Figure 7-2 in both plan and side views. An approximate expression for the inductance of this structure was developed by Wheeler [110112]: L 9.4o n2 a2 , 11d 7a (7.1)
where a is the mean radius of the spiral and n is the number of turns. This formula was derived for circular coils, but its accuracy for square spirals has been determined by Lee [109] to be within 5% of values derived using EM simulation. It is therefore a very useful formula in the early stages of design, but EM analysis is required to obtain the necessary accuracy and frequency dependence of the inductor in design. Alternative inductor designs are shown in Figures 7-1(d) and 7-1(e). The spiral inductor in Figure 7-1(d) uses an overpass or airbridge rather than the bottom layer metal of Figure 7-2. Small values of inductance can be realized by the meander line inductor of Figure 7-1(d). Fields produced by a spiral inductor penetrate the substrate, and as a
ground plane is located at a relatively short distance, the eddy currents on the ground plane reduce the inductance that would otherwise be obtained. The eddy current in the ground conductor rotates in a direction opposite to that of the spiral itself (i.e., counterclockwise). As a result, the inductance of the image inductor in the ground is in the opposite direction to that produced by the spiral itself, with the consequent effect that the effective total inductance is reduced. By creating a broken, or perforated, conductor pattern, the ground inductance is largely eliminated [113], as the eddy currents cannot ow. One of the major sources of loss for inductors on silicon is substrate loss due to the nite conductivity of the substrate and the resulting current ow. These induced currents follow a path under the conductors of the spiral and, just as with ground plane eddy currents, lower the inductance achieved. However, the resistance of the lines is unchanged. It is difcult to achieve Qs (the ratio of stored energy to energy dissipated per cycle) greater than about 10 above a few gigahertz. Parasitic capacitance both from the line to the ground and between spirals result in resonance of the on-chip inductance structure and hence limit the frequency of operation. While many formulas and models have been presented for spiral, torroidal, and solenoidal inductors [114116], the dependencies on a particular process mean that RF inductors must be modeled electromagnetically and modeled for a particular application. Models and design curves are generally provided by the vendor for a particular process.
Interruptions of the magnetic or electric eld create regions where magnetic energy or electric energy is stored. These interruptions are often caused by discontinuities on a transmission line. If the additional energy stored is predominantly magnetic, the discontinuity will introduce an inductance. If the additional energy stored is predominantly electric, the discontinuity will introduce a capacitance. Common microstrip discontinuities were considered in Section 4.12.2 on Page 233. Similar discontinuities occur with all transmission lines. In some cases, transmission line discontinuities introduce undesired parasitics, but they also provide an opportunity to introduce lumped-element effects without the need to attach lumped elements.
7.3 7.3.1
Terminations are used to completely absorb a forward-traveling wave and the dening characteristic is that the reection coefcient of a termination is zero. If a transmission line has a resistive characteristic impedance R0 = Z0 ,
Figure 7-3 Terminations: (a) coaxial line resistive termination; (b) microstrip matched load.
then terminating the line in a resistance R0 will fully absorb the forwardtraveling wave and there will be no reection. The line is said to be matched. At RF and microwave frequencies some renements to this simple circuit connection are required. On a transmission line the energy is contained in the EM elds. For the coaxial line shown in Figure 7-3(a), a simple resistive connection between the inner and outer conductors would not terminate the elds and there would be some reection. Instead, coaxial line terminations generally are comprised of a disk of resistive material. The total resistance of the disk from the inner to the outer conductor will be the characteristic resistance of the line, however, the resistive material is distributed and so creates a good termination of the elds guided by the coaxial line. Terminations are a problem with microstrip as the characteristic impedance varies with frequency, is in general complex, and the vias that would be required if a lumped resistor was used has appreciable inductance at frequencies above a few gigahertz. A high-quality termination is realized using a section of loss line as shown in Figure 7-3(b). Here lossy material is deposited on top of an open-circuited microstrip line. This increases the loss of the line appreciably without signicantly affecting the characteristic impedance of the line. If the length of the lossy line is sufciently long the forward-traveling wave will be totally absorbed and there will be no reection. Tapering the line, as shown in Figure 7-3(b), reduces the discontinuity between the microstrip line and the lossy line by ensuring that some of the power in the forward-traveling wave is dissipated before the maximum impact of the loss material occurs. Here a matched termination is achieved without the use of a via, and the termination automatically matches the varying characteristic impedance of the line. The same principle can be used with other transmission structures.
An attenuator is used to reduce the amplitude of a signal and it does this, in most cases, by absorbing power and without distorting the signal.
Attenuator, unbalanced
Attenuator, variable
Simultaneously the input and output of the attenuator are matched so there is ideally no reections. They are used to reduce the level of one signal so that two correlated signals of different amplitude can be compared. Attenuators also reduce the effect of mismatch and provide isolation. An attenuator may be xed, continuously variable, of discretely variable. The IEEE standard symbols for attenuators are shown in Figure 7-1. When the attenuation is xed an attenuator is commonly called a pad. Resistive pads can be used to minimize the effect of shorts and opens on the integrity of an RF circuit. An example of attenuator use in this situation is in a cable TV system where it is critical that the integrity of the system is not compromised by a consumer disconnecting appliances from a cable outlet. Sometimes the attenuator is combined with a splitter. Balanced and unbalance resistive pads are shown in Figures 7-4 and 75 together with their design equations. The attenuators in Figure 7-4 are T or Tee attenuators, where Z01 is the system impedance to the left of the pad and Z02 is the system impedance to the right of the pad. The dening characteristic is that the reection coefcient looking into the pad from the left is zero when referred to Z01 . Similarly the reection coefcient looking into the right of the pad is zero with respect to Z02 . Dening K as the attenuation factor, Power in K= . (7.12) Power out
T Attenuator
2 R1 1 2 R2
R1 Z 01 R3
R2 Z 02 Z 01
1 2 R1 1 2 R2
Z 02
Figure 7-4 T (Tee) attenuator: (a) unbalanced T pad; and (b) balanced T pad.
(7.5) (7.6)
If the left and right system impedances are different there is a minimum attenuation factor that can be achieved: KMIN = 2Z01 1+2 Z02 Z01 Z02 Z01 Z02 1 . (7.14)
This limitation comes from the simultaneous requirement that the pad be matched. If there is a single system impedance Z0 = Z01 = Z02 , then KMIN = 1 and so any value of attenuation can be obtained. Lumped attenuators are useful up to a few gigahertz above which the size of resistive elements becomes large compared to a wavelength. Also, for planar circuits, vias are required and these are undesirable from a manufacturing standpoint, and electrically they have a small inductance. Fortunately attenuators can be realized using a lossy section of transmission line as shown in Figure 7-6. Here lossy material results in a section of line with a high attenuation constant. Generally the lossy material has little effect on the characteristic impedance of the line so that there is little reection at
Pi Attenuator
1 2 R3
R3 Z 01 R1 R2 Z 02 Z 01
2 R3
Z 02
(a) R1 = Z01 (K 1) Z02 (K + 1) Z02 2 KZ01 Z02 (K 1) Z01 R2 = (K + 1) Z01 2 KZ02 r (K 1) Z01 Z02 R3 = 2 K
(7.10) (7.11)
Figure 7-5 Pi () attenuator: (a) unbalanced pad; and (b) balanced pad.
Figure 7-6 Distributed attenuators: (a) coaxial attenuator; and (b) microstrip attenuator.
the input and output of the distributed attenuator. Distributed attenuators can be used at higher frequencies and can be realized with any transmission line structure. The central concept is having a distributed lossy element. An example of the use of attenuators in the combination of the output of two sources is shown in Figure 7-7. This is a common situation in measurements where the output of two sources is to be combined. The attenuators reduce the level of the signal presented to the output of one source by the other. If the level of the second signal is high, most sources
20 dB
Figure 7-7 The use of attenuators to isolate the outputs of two sources that are combined.
would produce nonlinear distortion, including nonlinear mixing products. Other components such as circulators and hybrids can also be used to reduce unwanted signal levels, but pads are commonly used even then. EXAMPLE 7. 1 Pad Design
Design a unbalanced 20 dB pad in a 75 system. Solution: There are two possible designs using resistive pads. These are the unbalanced Tee and Pi pads shown in Figures 7-4 and 7-5. The Tee design will be chosen. The K factor is K = 10( K|dB /10) = 10(20/10) = 100. Since Z01 = Z02 = 75 , Equations (7.5) and (7.6) become 100 1 9 R1 = R2 = 75 = 75 = 61.4 11 100 + 1 r 2 75 100 10 R3 = = 150 = 15.2 . 100 1 99 The nal design is (7.15)
61.4 15.2
Magnetic Transformers
In this section, specic realizations of hybrids and baluns will be presented rst using magnetic transformers, then transmission lines, and nally using Ls and Cs inspired by lumped-element approximations of transmission
n1 : n2 + V1
_n :n 1 2
+ V2
(b) (c)
n1 : n2
I1 Z in V1
I2 V2 R
Figure 7-8 Magnetic transformers: (a) a transformer as two magnetically coupled windings with n1 windings on the primary (on the left) and n2 windings on the secondary (on the right), the dots indicate magnetic polarity so that the voltages V1 and V2 have the same sign; (b) a magnetic transformer with a magnetic core identied by the two long vertical bars; (c) identical representations of a magnetic transformer with the magnetic polarity implied for the transformer on the right; (d) two equivalent representations of a transformer having opposite magnetic polarities (an inverting transformer); and (e) and a magnetic transformer circuit.
lines. A magnetic transformer (see Figure 7-8) couples, via a magnetic eld, the current in one wire to current in another. The effect is amplied using coils of wires and using a core of magnetic material (material with high permeability) to create greater magnetic ux density. When coils are used, the symbol shown in Figure 7-8(a) is used with one of the windings called the primary winding and the other called the secondary. If there is a magnetic core then the symbol shown in Figure 7-8(b) is used with the vertical lines indicating the core. However, even if there is a core, the simpler transformer symbol in Figure 7-8(a) is more commonly used. Magnetic cores are useful up to several hundreds of megahertz and rely on the alignment of magnetic dipoles in the core material. Above a few hundred megahertz the magnetic dipoles cannot react quickly enough and so the core looks like an open circuit to magnetic ux. Thus the core is not useful for magnetically coupling signals above a few hundred megahertz. As mentioned, the dots above the coils in Figure 7-8(a) indicate the polarity of the magnetic ux with respect to the currents in the coils so that, as shown, V1 and V2 will have the same sign. Even if the magnetic polarity is not specically shown it is implied (see Figure 7-8(c)). There are two ways of showing inversion of the magnetic polarity, as shown in Figure 7-8(d), where a negative number of windings indicates opposite magnetic polarity. The interest in magnetic transformers is, rst, because it is a hybrid in its own right. Also, we can realize congurations of magnetic transformers
using coupled transmission lines and extend their operation to hundreds of gigahertz. The transformer is easy to conceptualize so it is convenient to rst develop circuits using the transformer and then translate them to transmission line form. That is, in back-of-the-envelope microwave design, transformers can be used to indicate coupling, with the details of the coupling left until later when the electrical design is translated into a physical design. Restrictions must be followed as not all transformer congurations can be translated this way. Also transformers consisting of coils of wire, and perhaps ferrite cores to enhance magnetic coupling, can rarely be used above 1 GHz because of losses. Practicalities will be considered later in this chapter. The following notation is used with magnetic transformer: L1 , L2 : self-inductances of the two coils M : mutual inductance k: coupling coefcients, where the coupling factor is k = M . L1 L2 (7.18)
where n is the ratio of the number of secondary to primary windings. An ideal transformer has perfect coupling indicated by k = 1, and the self inductances are proportional to the number of windings, so V2 = V1 L2 . L1 (7.20)
The general equation relating the currents of the circuit of Figure 7-8 is RI2 + L2 I2 + M I1 = 0, and so I1 R + L2 = . I2 M I1 L2 = I2 M L2 . L1 (7.21)
Notice that combining Equations (7.20) and (7.23) leads to calculation of the transforming effect on impedance. On the coil 1 side the input impedance is Zin = V1 V2 L1 L1 = ( )=R . I1 I2 L2 L2 (7.24)
1 2
+ V 3 coil 2 I2 2 Z 2 +V
Z0 V4 Z4
coil 1
coil 3
Figure 7-9 Magnetic transformer hybrid with each coil having the same number of windings: (a) showing general loading impedances, and (b) optimum loading to function as a 180 hybrid with Port 2 isolated and the input at Port 1.
In practice, however, there is always some magnetic eld leakagenot all of the magnetic eld created by the current in Coil 1 goes through (or links) Coil 2and so k < 1. Then from Equations (7.20)(7.24) V1 0 = = L1 I1 + M I2 RI2 + L2 I2 + M I1 . (7.25) (7.26)
Again, assuming that R L2 , a modied expression for the input impedance is obtained that accounts for nonideal coupling: Zin = R L1 + L1 (1 k 2 ). L2 (7.27)
Imperfect coupling, k < 1, causes the input impedance to be reactive and this limits the bandwidth of the transformer. Stray capacitance is another factor that impacts the bandwidth of the transformer. The key insight, however, is that a transformer implements resistance transformation. It can also serve as a building block in developing the electrical design of many types of hybrid circuits. From an RF perspective, one of the main functions of the basic transformer is as an impedance transforming balun. With a tap on the secondary winding, hybrid and alternative balun structures can be obtained, as shown in Figure 7-9 as a hybrid and in Figure 7-10 as a balun. In the hybrid and balun circuits of Figures 7-9 and 7-10 the number of windings of each coil (there are three in each structure) is the same. The impedance levels given are those required for maximum power transfer and directly indicate the impedance transformations of the structures.
I/ 2 1
+ V + V I/ 2
+ 2V Z 2= 4Z 0
Figure 7-10
Considering Figure 7-10 and equating powers, 1 (2V )2 2 Z2 2 Z2 Z2 EXAMPLE 7. 2 Magnetic Transformer 1V2 2 Z0 1 = Z0 2 = 4Z0 . = (7.28) (7.29) (7.30)
Consider the magnetic transformer hybrid of Figure 7-9. Determine what type of hybrid this is and calculate the impedance transformations. Assume ideal coupling (k = 1). Solution: Since there is ideal coupling here and each coil has the same number of windings, (V3 V2 ) (V2 V4 ) = = V1 V1 . (7.31) (7.32)
The current levels in the transformer depend on the attached circuitry. For this circuit to function as a hybrid with Port 2 isolated, the current I2 must be zero so that I3 and I4 are equal in magnitude but 180 out of phase. The loading at Ports 3 and 4 must be the same. Now V2 = 0, since I2 = 0, and so Equations (7.31) and (7.32) become V3 V4 so this circuit is a 180 hybrid. To determine loading conditions at Ports 2 through 4 the following transformer equation is used V3 = L2 I3 + M I1 L3 I4 (7.35) = = V1 V1 , (7.33) (7.34)
where L2 is the inductance of Coil 2 and M is the mutual inductance. Now I1 = V1 /Z0 , and L2 = L3 = M since coupling is ideal, and V3 = V1 . So Equation (7.35) becomes
or If M Z0 , this reduces to
The problem is not yet nished, as Z2 must be determined. For hybrid operation, a signal applied to Port 2 should not have a response at Port 1. So the current at Port 2, I2 , should be split between coils 2 and 3 so that I3 = I2 /2 = I4 . Thus V4 = I2 Z0 /2 = V3 . Now and so or
This above result can also be argued from maximum power transfer considerations. The argument is as follows. An impedance Z0 is attached to coil 1 and this is an indication that the Thevenin equivalent circuit attached to coil 1 has a Thevenin equivalent impedance of Z0 . Maximum power transfer to the transformer through the coil requires that the input impedance be Z0 . In the ideal hybrid operation the power is split evenly between the power delivered to the loads at Ports 3 and 4, since V1 = (V3 V2 ) = (V2 V4 ) and the power delivered to coil 1 is V12 /(2Z0 ). The power delivered to Z3 (and Z4 ) is (V3 V2 )2 (2Z3 ) = V12 /2Z3 = V12 /(4Z0 ). That is, Z3 = 2Z0 = Z4 .
V3 V2 = V1 = 0 = V2 V4 , V2 = V4 = I2 Z0 Z2 = V2 /I2 = Z0 .
The nal 180 hybrid circuit is shown in Figure 7-9(b) with the loading conditions for matched operation as a hybrid.
In the example above it was seen that the number of windings in the coils are the same so that the current in Coils 2 and 3 are half that in Coil 1. The general rule is that with an ideal transformer the sum of the ampturns around the magnetic circuit must be zero. The precise way the sum is calculated depends on the direction of the windings indicated by the dot convention. A generalization of the rule for the transformer shown in Figure 7-9 is n1 I1 n2 I2 n3 I3 = 0, (7.43) where nj is the number of windings of coil j with current Ij . The example serves to illustrate the type of thinking behind the development of many RF circuits. The emphasis on maximum power transfer provided an alternative, simpler start to the solution of the problem. Yes, this can be difcult people write papers on ways of analyzing a new circuit element. This is
why the technical literature is an important source of information for RF and microwave engineers.
Previously, coupled transmission lines were examined and it was shown how the coupling phenomenon can be exploited to realize a directional coupler. In a sense, directional couplers are transformers that enable a portion of a signal on one line to be coupled off. Hybrids are transformers that combine or divide microwave signals among a number of inputs and outputs. They can be implemented using distributed or lumped elements and are not restricted to RF and microwave applications. For example, a magnetic transformer is an example of a hybrid and is used in some audio equipment to combine the output of two or more transistor stages and to obtain appropriate impedance levels. Specic implementations will be considered later in this chapter, but for now the focus is on their idealized characteristics. A hybrid is a special type of four-port junction with the property that if a signal is applied at any port, it emerges from two of the other ports at half power, while there is no signal at the fourth or isolated port. The two outputs have specic phase relationships and all ports are matched. Only two fundamental types of hybrids are used: the 180 and 90 hybrids. A hybrid is a type of directional coupler, although the term directional coupler, or just coupler, is most commonly used to refer to devices where a small fraction of the power of an input signal is sampled. Also, a balun is a special type of hybrid. The symbols commonly used for hybrids are shown in Figure 7-11. The ideal 90 hybrid, or quadrature hybrid, shown in Figure 7-11(c), has the scattering parameters 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 . S90 = (7.44) 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 The 90 phase difference between the through and coupled ports is indicated by . The actual phase shift between the input and output ports depends on the specic hybrid implementation. Another quadrature hybrid could have the parameters 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 . S90 = (7.45) 2 1 0 0 0 1 0
Port 1 Port 4
Port 1
0o 180o
0o 90 o
Port 4 ISO
1 4
IN 0o
2 3
ISO 180
(d) Figure 7-11 Commonly used symbols for hybrids: (a) through and coupled ports; (b) 180 hybrid; (c) 90 hybrid; and (d) hybrid with the isolated port terminated in a matched load.
supplied as two components equal in magnitude but 90 out of phase. A quadrature hybrid is just the circuit that can do this. To convince yourself that Equation (7.45) describes a network that splits the power, consider the power ow implied by Equation (7.45). The fraction of power transmitted from Port i to Port j is described by |Sji |2 . Consider the power that enters Port 1. No power is reected for an ideal hybrid, as the input at Port 1 is matched, and so S11 = 0. Port 4 should be isolated so no power will come out of Port 4, and so S41 = 0. The power should be split between Ports 2 and 3, and these should be equal to half the power entering Port 1. From Equation (7.45), 1 || 2
|S21 |2 =
1 2
and |S31 |2 =
1 |1| 2
1 . 2
The power entering Port 1 is split in half, with half going to Port 2 and half to Port 3. The scattering parameters of the 180 hybrid, shown in Figure 7-11(b),
are S180
and this denes the operation of the hybrid. In terms of the root power waves a and b, the outputs at the ports are b1 = (a2 a3 )/ 2 (7.48) b2 = (a1 + a4 )/ 2 (7.49) b3 = (a1 + a4 )/ 2 (7.50) (7.51) b4 = (a2 + a3 )/ 2 . Imperfections in fabricating the hybrid will result in nonzero scattering parameters so that it is best to terminate the isolated port of the hybrid, as shown in Figure 7-11(d), to ensure that there is no reected signal, no a4 , entering the hybrid at the isolated port. Equations (7.48)(7.51) show that ports are interchangeable. That is, if a signal is applied to Port 3 then it is split between Ports 1 and 4, and Port 2 becomes the isolated port. A hybrid can be used in applications other than splitting the input signal into a through and a coupled component. An example of another use is in a system that combines or compares two signals, as in Figure 7-12. Here a 180 hybrid with the scattering parameters of Equation (7.47) is shown, with its equivalence as a combiner and a comparator in Figure 7-12. With a signal x(t) applied to Port 2 in Figure 7-11(b), and another signal y(t) applied to Port 3, the output at Port 4 is the sum signal, x(t) + y(t), and the output at Port 1 is the difference signal, x(t) y(t). More common names for the output ports (when the 180 hybrid is used as a combiner) are to call Port 4 the sigma or sum port often designated using the symbol . Port 1 is called the difference or delta port, . Notice that if a signal is applied to the port it will generate out-of-phase outputs. Since a 180 phase difference can be obtained at the output ports, a 180 hybrid can be used in the same manner as a balun. There can be a subtle difference between a balun and a hybrid used as a balun. In many applications, say in driving an antenna, the balanced output of a balun is just one port. However, the nominally balanced output of a hybrid comprises two ports, with each normally referenced to ground. So a hybrid used as a balun has a pseudo-balanced output port.
0 1 1 = 2 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 , 1 0
A balun [118, 119] is a structure that joins balanced and unbalanced circuits. The word itself (balun) is a contraction of the phrase balancedto-unbalanced transformer. It is a key component of RF and microwave
1 4
2 3
ISO 180o
t t
(c) t t t t
Figure 7-12 A 180 hybrid depicted as a combiner (with output at the sum port, ) and as a comparator (with output at the difference port, ): (a) equivalence between a 180 hybrid and a sum-and-difference hybrid; (b) the two inputs in phase; (c) the two inputs 180 out of phase; and (d) the two inputs 90 out of phase.
communications systems. They are used in balanced circuits, such as double-balanced mixers, push-pull ampliers, and frequency doublers [120]. Another application of a balun is in a system using RFICs, where a balun transforms the differential outputs of an RFIC to unbalanced microwave circuitry. There are many types of baluns [121, 122] with the Marchand balun [118, 120, 123125] being the most popular at microwave frequencies, as it can be conveniently realized in planar or coaxial forms [118]. Baluns can be realized using a directional coupler with a coupling factor of 3 dB. One of the terminals of the input pair of terminals is grounded (and so the circuit is unbalanced), whereas the output terminals can be oating or balanced. With these connections the transformer is a balun. Examples of where a balun is required is in feeding an antenna, in separating the transmitted and received signals in a telephone handset, and in interfacing the differential ports of an RFIC to single-ended (i.e., unbalanced) elements. A general representation of a balun is shown in Figure 7-13. If an even-mode excitation is applied to the balanced port (i.e., the signals at terminals B and C have the same voltage to ground) no power is transmitted to the input,
B Balun
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 7-13 A balun: (a) as a two-port with four terminals; (b) IEEE standard schematic symbol for a balun [117]; and (c) an (unbalanced) coaxial cable driving a dipole antenna through a balun.
V o
Figure 7-14 Balun: (a) schematic representation as a transformer showing unbalanced and balanced ports; and (b) connected to a single-ended unbalanced amplier yielding a balanced output.
and the even-mode output port impedance (at terminals B and C) is either an open or short circuit (most often the balun is designed so that it is an open circuit). If an odd mode is applied at the balanced ports, then all of the power will be presented at the unbalanced port. In the reverse operation, a signal applied to the unbalanced port will be split into two equal components (but opposite in phase) at Ports B and C. The schematic of a balun is shown in Figure 7-14(a) as a transformer connected with one terminal of the unbalanced port grounded. The second port is oating and is not referenced to ground. An example of the use of a balun is shown in Figure 7-14(b), where the amplier is called a singleended amplier and its output is unbalanced, being referred to ground. A balun transitions from the unbalanced input to a balanced output.
Marchand Balun
The most common form of microwave balun is the Marchand balun [124] shown in symbolic form in Figure 7-15(a). An implementation of the Marchand balun using coaxial transmission lines is shown in Figure 7-15(b), [126], and an implementation in planar form using coupled parallel lines is shown in Figure 7-16(a) [123]. Considering the planar form in Figure 7-16, The balun has two single-ended ports with one being identied on the left of Figure 7-16(a) and the other on the right with terminal x. The balun also has a balanced port with characteristic impedance RB .
= /4
Figure 7-15 Marchand balun: (a) symbolic form; and (b) original coaxial form of the Marchand balun.
0 /4
0 /4
Z 0 oa,Z 0 ea
Z 0 ob,Z 0 eb
Z1 Z2 Z3 RB
(b) Figure 7-16 Marchand balun: (a) physical layout impedanceRB ; and (b) S-plane highpass prototype. with balanced load
The model of the Marchand baluns shown in Figures 7-15(b) and 7-16(a) is the highpass model shown in Figure 7-16(b).1 The drawback of the conventional Marchand balun is that the center frequency of the balun is actually the resonant frequency of the transmission line resonators forming the balun. The overall size of a conventional Marchand balun is determined by the transmission line sections, which are one-quarter wavelength long at the balun center frequency. Network synthesis can lead to miniaturized baluns by shifting the quarterwavelength frequency up while maintaining the balun center frequency. This is presented in Section 13.2.
In network synthesis terminology, Figure 7-16(b) is the single-ended S-plane highpass prototype, where S is Richards transformation described in Section 10.11. Network synthesis of more advanced miniaturized Marchand baluns is presented in Sections 11.9.3, 13.2, and 11.9.
/4 Port 2 Port 1 Z0 2 Z 0 /4
2 Z 0 1 2Z0 Port 3 /4 Z0 2 Z 0 /4
2 Z 0
2 Z0 2Z0 3 Z0
3 Z 0 3 Z 0 Z0 3Z0
2 Z0 3 Z0 4 Z0
L C2 1 C1 L C2
2 R 3
3 Z 0 3 Z 0 /4
/4 DRIVEN MODE 2 Z 0 Z0 Z in Z1
Z0 Z0 2Z0 Z0 Z in
Z0 2 Z 0 /4
Z0 Z in
2Z0 Z in
Figure 7-17 Wilkinson combiner and divider: (a) two-way Wilkinson combiner/divider with Port 1 being the combined signal and Ports 2 and 3 being the divided signals; (b) less cluttered representation of the two-way combiner; (c) three-way Wilkinson combiner/divider with Port 1 being the combined signal and Ports 2, 3, and 4 being the divided signals; (d) lumped-element implementation of a two-way combiner; and (e)(h) steps in the derivation of the input impedance of a Wilkinson divider.
The Wilkinson divider can be used as a combiner or divider which divides input power among output ports [127]. Figure 7-17(a) is a two-way divider that splits the power equally between the output ports. Power applied at Port 1 is split between Ports 2 and 3. A particular insight that Wilkinson
brought was the resistor between the output ports and this acts to suppress an unbalance between the output signals. If the division is exact, 3 dB of the input power appears at each of Ports 2 and 3, and the phasing matches, the signals are balanced, and no current will ow in the resistor. The circuit works less well as a general-purpose combiner. Ideally power entering Ports 2 and 3 would combine losslessly and appear at Port 1. However, if the signals are not identical, power will be absorbed in the resistor. A typical application is to combine the power at the output of two matched transistors where the amplitude and the phase of the signals can be expected to be closely matched. The bandwidth of the divider is limited by the one-quarter wavelength long lines. However, the bandwidth is relatively large, approaching 50% [127]. Arbitrary power ratios can also be obtained [128130]. The operation of the Wilkinson divider can be seen by deriving the input impedance of the two-way Wilkinson divider driven at Port 1 (see Figure 717(e)). Since the Wilkinson divider is driven the signals at Ports 2 and 3 will be identical, so it is though the 2Z0 resistor in the Wilkinson divider (Figure 7-17(a)) is not there. The input impedance of one of the quarter-wavelength long section is 2 2Z0 Z1 = , (7.52) Z0 and so the Wilkinson model reduces to that in Figure 7-17(f). The 2Z0 resistors are in parallel, resulting in the further model reductions in Figures 7-17(g) and 7-17(h). A similar analysis will show that Ports 2 and 3 are matched (see an impedance of 50 ). Treating one-quarter wavelength long transmission line sections as an impedance inverter is key to understanding many distributed passive components. The S parameters of the two-way Wilkinson power divider with an equal split of the output power are 0 / 2 / 2 . S = /2 (7.53) 0 0 / 2 0 0
Figure 7-17(b) is a more compact representation of the two-way Wilkinson divider which leads to the three-way Wilkinson divider shown in Figure 717(d). This pattern can be repeated to produce N -way power combining. The lumped-element version of the Wilkinson divider shown in Figure 717(c) is based on the LC model of a quarter-wavelength long transmission line segment. Using only a single element results in a relatively simple circuit. With a 50 system impedance and center frequency of 400 MHz, the elements of the lumped element are L = 28.13 nH, C1 = 5.627 pF, C2 = 5.627 pF, and R = 100 . Improved bandwidth of the divider can be obtained using the network synthesis techniques described in Chapters 10 and 13. Figure 7-18(a) is the layout of a direct microstrip realization of a Wilkinson
100 3 50
/4 50
Figure 7-18 Wilkinson combiner and divider: (a) microstrip realization; and (b) higher performance microstrip implementation.
+ V
+ Va
+ Vb Ia 4 (b)
Ib Ib
+ VR R
Figure 7-19 A broadband RF balun as coupled lines wound around a ferrite core: (a) physical realization; and (b) equivalent circuit using a wire-wound transformer.
divider. The obvious problem is how to incorporate the resistor. As long as the resistor is placed symmetrically this is not as severe a problem as it would initially seem, as power is not dissipated in the resistor unless there is an imbalance. A higher-performance microstrip layout is shown in Figure 7-18(b), where the transmission lines are curved to bring the output ports near each other so that a chip resistor can be used.
One of the challenges in RF engineering is achieving broadband operation of transformer structures from megahertz up to several gigahertz. In this section, several structures are presented that operate as magnetic transformers at frequencies below several hundred megahertz, but as coupled transmission line structures at high frequencies. A transformer that achieves this is shown in Figure 7-19(a). At high frequencies the stray capacitance between the windings becomes part of the transmission line capacitance. At several hundred megahertz the ferrite core does not respond to the signal and the magnetic circuit
through the core appears as an open circuit. Then, since the transformer is not operating as a magnetic transformer anymore, magnetic leakage is inconsequential. Also, at high frequencies the wire transmission lines are closely coupled. Transformers with bandwidths from megahertz to several gigahertz can be realized in the same manner. They nd use in cable systems and instrumentation.
The schematic of a broadband 1:1 RF balun is shown in Figure 7-19(b) and a realization of it is shown in Figure 7-19(a). The 1:1 designation indicates that there is no impedance transformation. The circuit equations describing this balun are Va Ia and Vb = Ib R. (7.56) = Vb cos() + Ib Zo sin() Vb = Ib cos() + sin() Zo (7.54) (7.55)
The aim in the following is the development of a design equation that describes the essential properties of the structure. Substituting Equation (7.56) in Equations (7.55) and (7.54) leads to Va Ia Choosing Zo = R yields V = Va = Vb e = VR e , and so Zin = R. (7.60) (7.59) = Vb cos() + = Zo sin() R Vb R cos() + sin() . R Zo (7.57) (7.58)
This analysis is idealized, as parasitics are eliminated (mainly parasitic capacitances), but the above equation indicates that the essential function of the structure is as a balun (determined by the structure) with no impedance transformation. The transformer arrangement shown in Figure 7-19(b) is of particular interest, as it can be realized using coupled transmission lines.
I/ 2
+ V
I + R V
+ V
I/ 2
Figure 7-20
+ +
Ib Va Vb Ib
Ia + Ib
V in
Z in
Impedance Transformer
By changing the number of windings or altering the connection of the transformer terminals it is possible to achieve impedance transformation. A 4:1 impedance transformer is shown in Figure 7-20. A specic arrangement of the primary and secondary windings put this into what is called the transmission line form, shown in Figure 7-21. Now Va Ia Vin and Vb = (Ia + Ib )R. (7.64) = Vb cos() + Ib Zo sin() Vb sin() = Ib cos() + j Zo = Va + R(Ia + Ib ) (7.61) (7.62) (7.63)
The aim now is to nd Zin = Vin /Ia , as this denes the required electrical function. Now Vin = Va + Vb = Vb (1 + cos()) + Ib Zo sin(), and substituting Equation (7.64) into this it becomes Vin = Ib cos() + (Ib + Ib ) Thus Zin = 2R(1 + cos()) + Zo sin() Vin = Zo . Ia Zo cos() + Zo sin() (7.67) R . Z0 sin() (7.66) (7.65)
At very low frequencies the electrical length of the transmission line, , is negligibly small and Zin = 4R. To see what happens when the transmission line has a signicant effect consider the special case when Zo = 2R; then Zin = 2R(1 + e). (7.68)
For a short line, that is < 0.1 or < 0.2, Equation (7.68) can be approximated as Zin 2R[1 + 1 ] = 4R R(2). (7.69)
The imaginary term, R(2), is nonzero and so it must be resonated out (e.g., by a series capacitor) to obtain the required resistance transformation. The general approach described above can be used to design transformers with higher impedance ratios. Two more, a 9:1 transformer and a 16:1 transformer, are shown in Figure 7-22. In all cases, the characteristic impedance of the transmission line is specied by the voltage across the end of the line and the current owing through the line. A practical broadband transmission line realization of the 4:1 transformer is shown in Figure 7-23, where the transmission line is a twisted wire.
The hybrid transformer can do more than combine power. It can also provide impedance transformation if the number of windings are changed. In Figure 7-24, a 180 hybrid transformer is used to combine the outputs of two power ampliers that are driven 180 out of phase with respect to each other. This is commonly done when the power available from a solid-state transistor amplier is not sufcient to meet requirements. Since the sum of the amp-turns of an ideal transformer must be zero, nIo = m(I1 + I2 ) (7.70)
+ 2V + 2V
+ V + V
+ 4V
I/ 4 + 3V
I/ 4
+ 3V 16R + 2V
I/ 4
+ 2V + V
I/ 4
+ V
I/ 4
(b) Figure 7-22 High-order impedance transformers: (a) a 9:1 transformer; and (b) a 16:1 transformer.
2 4 R 4R 3 1
Figure 7-23 Broadband 4:1 impedance transformer with twisted coupled wires twisted around a magnetic core.
I0 Vh
m +
n R0
Figure 7-24
and I1 = I2 , since the two ampliers are driven identically but 180 out of phase. Then Vh = 0, V1 = V2 = (m/n)Vo , and both power ampliers deliver equal power to the load. Also, each amplier sees a load impedance Rin = Transformer Design V1 m = I1 n
2R0 .
The Thevenin equivalent output impedance of the ampliers of Figure 7-24 is 1 and the system impedance, R0 , is 50 . Choose the transformer windings for maximum power transfer. Solution: For maximum power transfer, Rin = 1 , and so from Equation 7.71, 1 m n = = m 2 n 2 50 (7.72) (7.73)
So with a 10:1 winding ratio the required impedance transformation can be achieved.
The hybrid transformer can also be used to split power from the source to drive two loads. The circuit of Figure 7-25 splits power from a current source driver into two loads. With the number of primary and secondary windings equal (i.e., m = n), the circuit equations are I V1 V2 and so V1 Vh = Vh V2 . (7.77) Using V1 = R1 I1 , V2 = I2 R2 , and Vh = (I2 I1 )Rh , the desired electrical characteristics of the splitter are obtained: I2 R1 + 2Rh = . (7.78) I1 R2 + 2Rh Several observations can be made about the performance of the power splitter. If R1 = R2 , then I1 = I2 for any value of Rh . Conversely, if R1 = R2 , I1 = I2 for a nite Rh . To obtain equal drive currents in both power ampliers in spite of variations in R1 and R2 , the center tap of the transformer needs to be omitted so that Rh = . = = = I1 + I2 V + Vh Vh V, (7.74) (7.75) (7.76)
I1 I + n + V1 R1
Rh I2
m+ V h
+ V2
Figure 7-25
A broadband hybrid combiner is shown in Figure 7-26. In what follows, it is shown that this combiner has the property of accommodating mismatches of the ampliers. The development begins by assuming that the transformers have an equal number of turns on each winding. These two transformers are used to make a broadband (transmission line transformer) hybrid coupler. The circuit equations are I1 = Ia + Ib Ia = and I2 = Ia Ib (7.79) (7.80) (7.81)
V1 = V1 I1 V2 I2
= Rh 1 = R0 2
I2 R0 I2 + 1 I1 2 I1 I1 I1 1+ Rh 1 . I2 I2
(7.82) (7.83)
A special situation is when Rh = R0 /2 and then V2 /I2 = R0 and V1 /I1 = R0 , thus each of the ampliers sees a constant load resistance, R0 , even if the ampliers are mismatched, resulting, for example, when the ampliers have slightly different gains.
I1 Ia
Ib Ia
+ + +
V0 2 Rh I2 Vh +
V0 2
V2 +
Figure 7-26
A branch-line hybrid is based on transmission line segments that introduce phase delay. Two such hybrids are shown in Figure 7-27 where the different signal paths result in constructive and destructive interference of signals. This is a very different way of realizing the hybrid function than is obtained using magnetic transformers. These branch-line hybrids may be formed into a ring shape, as shown in Figure 7-28. The operation of the 180 hybrid (Figure 7-27(a)) can be readily veried by counting up the total number of one-quarter wavelength (90 ) phase shifts in each path. It is not so easy to verify the operation of the 90 hybrid. The various characteristic impedances of the transmission line segments adjust the levels of the signals. The operation of the 90 hybrid is examined in the example in this section. It is also worth considering the so-called rat-race or hybrid-ring circuit shown in Figure 7-29. Output signals from Ports 2 and 4 differ in phase by 180 (in contrast to the branch-line coupler, where the phase difference is 90 ). An interesting and important design feature arises when considering the quarter-wave transformer action of this coupler. Only Ports 2 and 4 exhibit this action, because Port 3 is half-wave separated from the input feeding Port 1. Thus the net effective load on the inner ring lines feeding
2 Z0 3 g /4
Z 0/ 2 g /4
2 Z0
g /4 2 Z0
2 Z0
g /4
g /4 Z 0/ 2
g /4
g /4
g /4
g 4
Zo 2
g 4
Zo Zo
g 4
g 4
Figure 7-28 Planar implementation of the 3 dB ring-type branch-line hybrid with the topology of Figure 7-27(b).
Ports 2 and 4 amounts to 2Z0 (two Z0 loads appearing, equivalently, in series). Now, the characteristic impedance Z0 of any quarter-wave transforming line between two impedances, Z01 and Z02 , is equal to Z01 Z02 . In this case, the two impedances are Z0 and 2Z0 , respectively, so (from Section 4.8.4 on Page 218) the input impedance of the intervening quarter-wave line is Z0 = Z0 2Z0 = 2Z0 . (7.84) Thus the characteristic impedance of the line forming the ring itself is 2 times that of the feeder line impedances. So when the impedance of all feeders is 50 , the ring characteristic impedance is 70.7 .
Lumped-Element Hybrids
It is possible to create hybrids using lumped elements just as segments of transmission line can be modeled by a series inductor and a shunt capacitance. The full circle of design can begin with the magnetic transformer
output PORT 2
Z g 4
g 4 Z input PORT 1 Z0 2 3 4 g
g 4 Z
output PORT 4
Figure 7-29
conceptualization, followed by a transmission line realization, and then a lumped-element approximation. Even if the magnetic transformer conceptualization is not used, a transmission line structure can be approximated using the lumped-element equivalent. At least this is valid over a small bandwidth centered at a particular frequency, o . The lumped elements are related to the transmission line structure of Figure 7-27(b) by the 180 hybrid shown in Figure 7-30(a) with o L = 1 = 2Zo . o C (7.85)
The lumped-element quadrature hybrid of Figure 7-30(b) has o Zo Ca Ca + Cb = = 1 1 2L Zo , 2 (7.86) (7.87) (7.88)
Electrical resonators store energy in electric and magnetic forms with the energy alternating between the two forms at the resonant frequency. Most microwave resonators utilize the storage of energy in a volume.
Transmission line resonators are either quarter-wavelength or halfwavelength long sections of line depending on whether the resonance
2C L
Cb L
Ca L
Figure 7-30 Lumped-element hybrids: (a) a 180 hybrid; and (b) a quadrature hybrid.
desired is an open or short circuit. The loaded Q of the resonator is an important parameter, so it is important to use a coupling structure such as a cap coupler to connect to the resonator.
Dielectric Resonators
Any cylindrically shaped dielectric structure can store EM energy, with the resonant frequency dependent on both the permittivity and the physical dimensions. The general theoretical expression for such resonant frequencies, applying to a dielectric resonator of radius a and height d, is fmnl = c 2 r mn a
l d
where the integer l denotes the number of half wavelengths in the vertical direction and mn is the mth extremum of the Bessel function Jn for a TM mode (or alternatively the mth zero for a TE mode). Low-loss ceramic materials with permittivities in the range of 21 to 150 are generally available and unloaded Q factors are in the 5,000 to 10,000 range. Physical dimensions generally depend upon the resonant frequencies desired. Figure 7-31(a) shows a common use of a dielectric resonator, often called a puck, coupling to the elds of microstrip line. The puck has a resonance dened by the boundary between air and the high permittivity of the puck. There can be several modes of resonance, with some modes introducing a
Figure 7-31 Dielectric resonator: (a) microstrip transmission line with a coupled dielectric resonator; and (b) parallel RLC resonant circuit.
parallel resonant circuit (Figure 7-31(b)) in shunt across the line and others introducing a series resonant circuit (Figure 7-31(c)) in shunt across the line. The strong impedance variation with frequency can be used to dene the frequency of the oscillator, for example.
Circulators and isolators, shown in Figure 7-32, are nonreciprocal elements and their behavior is conveniently described using S parameters. The essential element of a circulator is a piece of ferrite which when magnetized becomes nonreciprocal, preferring progression of EM elds in one circular direction. An ideal circulator has the scattering matrix 0 0 S13 0 0 . S = S21 (7.90) 0 S32 0 This rather odd behavior is the result of a quantum mechanical effect known as gyromagnetic resonance. This resonance occurs when the magnetic dipoles align and progress in unison when excited by an EM eld. The reason the effect is only seen in ferrites and related materials is that magnetic dipoles do not align in nonmagnetic materials. In addition to the insertion and return losses, the performance of a circulator is described by its isolation, which is its insertion loss in the undesired direction. An actual circulator is shown in Figure 7-33. Isolators are devices that allow power ow in one direction. Ferrite isolators are based on a three-port circulator with one of the ports terminated in a matched load. Figure 7-32(b) shows a microstrip isolator based on a three-port circulator. The puck at the center is magnetic material such as ferrite that when magnetized by a permanent magnet or electromagnet (which is not shown) preferentially supports a clockwiserotating EM wave. So power entering Port 1 as a traveling wave is transferred to the ferrite and emerges at Port 2. Virtually none of the power emerges at Port 3. A traveling wave signal applied at Port 2 appears at Port 3, where it is absorbed in a termination created by resistive material placed
Figure 7-32 Ferrite components: (a) schematic of a circulator; (b) a microstrip isolator, and (c) a YIGtuned bandpass lter [131].
Figure 7-33 A coaxial circulator showing three ports and the direction of circulation. The ferrite disc is located in the center of the circulator and is topped by an enclosed permanent magnet.
on top of the microstrip. The resistive material forms a lossy transmission line, and provided that the lossy line section is long enough, no power is reected to be incident at Port 3. Thus power can travel from Port 1 to Port 2, but not in the reverse direction. An isolator is commonly used to protect the output of equipment from high reected signals. A four-port version implements a duplexer and is used in radar systems and to separate the received and transmitted signals in a transceiver. The gyromagnetic effect also enables very sharp variable bandpass lters. A Yttrium-Iron-Garnet (YIG)-tuned lter is shown in Figure 7-32(c) and the result is that Ports 1 and 2 are only coupled when at a precise frequency determined by the state of magnetization of the YIG sphere. With an electromagnet providing a DC magnetic eld, the magnetic eld can be varied and the resonance frequency, and hence the bandpass frequency, electronically tuned. Most microwave spectrum analyzers use a YIG-tuned lter at the input of the analyzer.
Many passive microwave elements exploit particular physical phenomena. Many make use of the characteristics of transmission lines. Each year new variants of microwave elements are developed and documented in patents and publications. Microwave engineers often monitor developments in elements that are being exploited in design.
1. The Thevenin equivalent output impedance of the ampliers in Figure 7-24 is 5 and the system impedance, R0 , is 75 . Choose the transformer windings for maximum power transfer. [Parallels Example 7.3 on Page 400.] 2. A spiral inductor is modeled as an ideal inductor of 10 nH in series with a 5 resistor. What is the Q of the spiral inductor at 1 GHz? 3. A 50 dB attenuator can be constructed using three resistors. Consider the design of a 50 dB in a 75 system. [Parallels Example 7.1 on Page 380.] (a) Draw the topology of the attenuator. (b) Write down the design equations for the resistors. (c) Complete the design of the attenuator. 4. The circuit below is called a T attenuator and is inserted in a system with real system impedance Z0 ; that is, a resistance of value Z0 is attached to the input and the output.
there are no reections and the power delivered to the load is reduced by 20 dB from the applied power. If a 5 W signal is applied to the attenuator, how much power is dissipated in the attenuator? 6. Write down the 50 scattering parameters of the ideal transformer shown below where the ratio of the number of windings on the secondary side (Port 2) is twice the number of windings on the primary side (Port 1). 1:2
1 2
(a) What is S11 ? [Hint: Terminate Port 2 in 50 and determine the input reection coefcient.] (b) What is S21 ? (c) What is S22 ? (d) What is S12 ? 7. Derive the two-port 50 scattering parameters of the magnetic transformer below. The primary (Port 1) has 10 turns, the secondary (Port 2) has 25 turns.
R1 Z0
R2 R3 Z0
(a) (b) (c) (d) What is S11 ? What is S21 ? What is S22 ? What is S12 ?
Design the attenuator so that its attenuation is A dB. Show that ( N 1 R1 = R2 = Z0 N + 1) 2Z0 N , N 1 where N = log1 (A/10). R3 = 5. A 20 dB attenuator in a 17 system is ideally matched at both the input and output. Thus
8. Consider the hybrid shown in Figure ??. If the number of windings of Coils 2 and 3 are twice the number of windings of Coil 1, show that for matched hybrid operation 2Z2 = Z3 = 8Z0 . Also determine the optimum Z2 for best operation.
9. A signal is applied to Ports 2 and 3 of a 180 hybrid, as shown in Figure 7-11(b). If the signal consists of a differential component of 0 dBm and a common mode component of 10 dBm: (a) Determine the power delivered at Port 1. (b) Determine the power delivered at Port 4. Assume that the hybrid is lossless. 10. The balun of Figure 7-10 transforms an unbalanced system with a system impedance of Z0 to a balanced system with an impedance of 4Z0 . The actual impedance transformation is determined by the number of windings of the coils. Design a balun of the type shown in Figure 7-10 that transforms an unbalanced 50 system to a balanced 377 system. [Hint: Find the ratio of the windings of the coils.] 11. A balun can be realized using a wirewound transformer, and by changing the number of windings on the transformer it is possible to achieve impedance transformation as well as balanced-to-unbalanced functionality. A 500 MHz balun based on a magnetic transformer is required to achieve impedance transformation from an unbalanced impedance of 50 to a balanced impedance of 200 . If there are 20 windings on the balanced port of the balun transformer, how many windings are there on the unbalanced port of the balun? 12. Design a lumped-element 2-way power splitter in a 75 system. Base your design on a Wilkson power-divider. Use a minimum inductance of 2 nH. 13. Design a 3-way power splitter in a 75 system. Base your design on a Wilkson power-
divider using transmission lines and indicate lengths in terms of wavelengths. 14. Design a lumped-element 3-way power splitter in a 75 system. Base your design on a Wilkson power-divider. Use a minimum inductance of 2 nH. 15. Silicon RFICs use differential signal paths to minimize the introduction of substrate noise. As well, differential ampliers are an optimum topology in current-biased circuits. Offchip signals are often on microstrip lines and so the source and load, being off-chip, are not differential. The off-chip circuits are then called single-ended. Using diagrams and explanations, outline a system architecture accommodating this mixed differential and single-ended environment. 16. A resistive power splitter is a three-port device that takes power input at Port 1 and delivers power at Ports 2 and 3 that are equal; that is, S21 = S31 . However, the sum of the power at Ports 2 and 3 will not be equal to the input power due to loss. Design a 75 resistive three-port power splitter with matched inputs, S11 = 0 = S22 = S33 . That is, draw the resistive circuit and calculate its element values. 17. Develop the electrical design of a rat-race hybrid at 30 GHz in a 50 system. 18. Develop the electrical design of a rat-race hybrid at 30 GHz in a 50 system. 19. Design a lumped-element hybrid at 1900 MHz using 1 nH inductors. 20. Using a schematic, show how an isolator can be obtained from a circulator.
Impedance Matching
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q-Factor and Resonant Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impedance Transforming Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The L Matching Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dealing with Complex Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multi-Element Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impedance Matching Using Smith Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distributed Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 414 417 422 426 433 441 446 453 454
The maximum transfer of signal power is one of the prime objectives in RF and microwave circuit design. Power traverses a network from a source to a load generally through a cascade, or at least a sequence, of two-port networks. Maximum power transfer requires that the Thevenin equivalent impedance of a source be matched to the impedance of the load connected to it. More specically, the load should be the complex conjugate of the impedance (or equivalently the reection coefcient) that the load sees looking back toward the source. If the impedances are resistive a magnetic transformer can be used to match the impedances. This will not work at radio and microwave frequencies, as the design problem is generally to match complex impedances. A transmission line matching problem is illustrated in Figure 8-1, where the matching network is ideally lossless to avoid unnecessary loss of power. Impedance matching or tuning is important for the following reasons: (a) Maximum power is delivered when the load is matched to the line
Matching Network
Z in = Z 0
Figure 8-1 A load connected to a transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0 through a matched load designed to realize maximum power transfer.
(assuming the generator is matched), and power loss in the feed line is minimized. In general we need Zin = Z0 . (b) Impedance matching receiver components (antennas, low-noise ampliers [LNAs], etc.) improves the SNR of the system. (c) As long as ZL has some nonzero real part, a matching network can always be found. Up to a few gigahertz, lumped inductors and capacitors can be used in matching networks, and this is done in cellular phone handsets. Above a few gigahertz, distributed parasitics (loss and additional capacitive or inductive effects) can render lumped-element networks impractical. Then segments of transmission lines are used. They are also used at lower frequencies when loss must be kept to a minimum or power levels are high. This is because the loss of the transmission line component is generally less than the loss of a lumped inductor. Many factors affect the selection of the components of a matching network. The most important of these are size, complexity, bandwidth, and adjustability. The function of a distributed element is directly related to its length compared to a wavelength. A basic functional length of a transmission line element is one-quarter wavelength, so that a characteristic length at 1 GHz is 7.5 cm modied by the square root of the permittivity of the material being used. A circuit board, for example, with a relative permittivity of 4 has one-quarter wavelength of 3.75 cm. This is far too large to t in consumer wireless products. Thus, at a few gigahertz, lumped-element matching networks are preferred in terminal units. Over the years the performance of lumped elements has dramatically increased largely in response to the pressure to manage size. Performance generally refers to both the self-resonant frequency of an element and loss. Inductors are a particular case in point. An actual inductor must be modeled using capacitive elements, capturing interwinding capacitance as well as the primary inductive element. At some frequency the inductive and capacitive elements will resonate and establish the self-resonant frequency of the element. The self-resonant frequency is the most common metric used to specify the maximum operating frequency of the element. With regards to complexity, the simplest designs are most often preferred. A simpler
matching network is usually more reliable, less lossy, and cheaper than a complex design. The pursuit of higher bandwidth, however, may necessitate that the simplest circuit not be selected. Any type of matching network can ideally give, ignoring resistive loses, a perfect match at a single frequency. Away from this center frequency the match will not be ideal. From experience, achieving a reasonable match over a 5% bandwidth based on a single-frequency design is not that hard. However, it is often desirable to match a load over a wider band of frequencies. Thus matching network design has a lot in common with lter design, and many designers prefer to use a lter design approach. Design becomes increasingly more difcult as the required bandwidth increases. Many of the evolving wireless systems require multiple functionality which in turn requires adjustability. In some applications the matching network may require adjustment to match a variable load impedance. Some types of matching networks are more adjustable than others. Such designs require variable components, so matching design can be challenging and a source of competitive advantage. Depending on the application, an impedance matching network may consist of (a) Lumped elements only. These are the smallest networks, but have the most stringent limit on frequency of operation. The relatively high resistive losses of inductors limits their performance. (b) Distributed elements (microstrip-line elements or whatever the appropriate transmission medium might be) only. These have excellent performance, but their size restricts their use to above a few gigahertz. (c) A combination of lumped and distributed elements, primarily small sections of transmission lines with capacitors. The line lengths are smaller than with the distributed elements only, but higher performance than lumped elements on their own. (d) Adhoc solutions (suggested by input impedance behavior and features of various components). This chapter concentrates on matching networks, mostly of the lumpedelement type, but all the issues pertinent to matching will be explored. The emphasis here is the development of design equations and synthesis of desired results. An alternative approach, used by some designers, is to choose a circuit topology and then use a circuit optimizer to arrive at circuit values that yield the desired characteristics. This is sometimes satisfactory design technique, but is not a good solution in new designs as it does not provide insight and does not help in choosing new topologies.
The Q (quality) factor, of a component or circuit is dened as the ratio of 2 times the maximum energy stored to the energy lost per cycle. For a parallel resonant circuit with elements L, C, and G (see Figure 8-2(a)), the Q is Q = r C/G = 1/(r LG), (8.1)
where fr = r /(2) is the resonant frequency and is the frequency at which the maximum amount of energy is stored. The conductance, G, describes the energy lost in a cycle. A series resonant circuit (Figure 8-2(b)) with L, C, and R elements has a similar expression for Q: Q = r L/R = 1/(r CR). (8.2)
These resonant circuits have a bandpass transfer characteristic (see Figure 8-3). The Q is approximately the inverse of the fractional bandwidth of the resonator. The fractional bandwidth, f , is measured at the half-power points as shown in Figure 8-3. (f is also referred to as the two-sided 3 dB
Average Power
1P 2 MAX
Frequency f
Half Wave Section
bandwidth.) Then Q = fr /f. (8.3) Thus the Q is a measure of the sharpness of the bandpass frequency response. The pairs of denitionsEquations (8.1) and (8.3), and Equations (8.2) and (8.3)are identical for parallel RLC and series RLC circuits, respectively. The determination of Q using the measurement of bandwidth together with Equation (8.3) is often not very precise, so another denition that uses the much more sensitive phase change at resonance is preferred. With being the phase (in radians) of the transfer characteristic, the denition of Q is now r d Q= . (8.4) 2 d This is another equivalent denition of Q for parallel RLC or series RLC resonant circuits. However, Q is used for more complicated circuits and then its meaning is always a ratio of the energy stored to the energy dissipated. Thus it is meaningful to talk about the Q of circuits other than threeelement RLC circuits. The Q of these structures can no longer be determined precisely by bandwidth or by rate of phase change considerations.
Q of Lumped Elements
Q is used to characterize the loss of lumped inductors and capacitors. Inductors have a series resistance and the main loss mechanism of a capacitor is a shunt conductance G (see Figure 8-5).
Figure 8-5 Loss elements of practical inductors and capacitors: (a) an inductor has a series resistance R; and (b) for a capacitor, the dominant loss mechanism is a shunt conductance G = 1/R.
The Q of an inductor at frequency f = /(2) with a series resistance R and inductance L is L QINDUCTOR = . (8.5) R Since R is approximately constant for an inductor the Q will vary with frequency. The Q of a capacitor with a shunt conductance G and capacitance C is QCAPACITOR = C . G (8.6)
G is due mainly to relaxation loss mechanisms of the dielectric of the capacitor and so varies linearly with frequency. Thus the Q of a capacitor is almost constant with respect to frequency.
Loaded Q Factor
The Q of a component or device as dened in the previous section is called the unloaded Q, QU . However, if a component is to be measured or used in any way it is necessary to couple energy in and out of it. This leads to the use of the loaded Q, QL . So a parallel LCG circuit with elements Lr , Cr , and Gr (at resonance) loaded by a shunt conductance Gl has QU = r Cr /Gr = 1/(r Lr Gr ) and QL = r Cr /(Gr + Gl ). So or QX = 1 1 1 = + QL QU QX 1 1 QL QU . (8.8) (8.9) (8.7)
QX is called the external Q, and it describes the effect of loading. QL is the Q that would actually be measured. QU normally needs to be determined, but if the loading is kept very small QL QU .
I1 Rin + V1
I n:1
+ V2
Microstrip Resonator
Figure 8-4 shows a gap-coupled microstrip resonator comprising a halfwavelength section and coupling to the resonator controlled by the gap. The half-wavelength resonator will have a standing wave established at the resonant frequency. Energy is stored on the line segment and energy is lost to resistive dissipation and radiation. The Q of the half-wavelength section is QU . The gap provides a small capacitance that couples energy into the line segment so that the measured or loaded Q is QL . The smaller the gap capacitance, the closer QL is to QU as the loading becomes smaller.
8.3 8.3.1
The ideal transformer shown in Figure 8-6 can be used to match a load and a source if the source and load impedances are real. This will be shown by starting with the constitutive relations of the transformer: 1 V1 = nV2 and I1 = I2 . n (8.11)
Here n is the transformer ratio. For a wire-wound transformer, n is the ratio of the number of windings on the primary side, Port 1, to the number of windings on the secondary side, Port 2. So the input resistance, Rin , is related to the load resistance, RL , by Rin = V1 V2 = n2 = n2 RL . I1 I2 (8.12)
The matching problem with purely resistive load and source impedances is solved by choosing the appropriate winding ratio, n. Unfortunately resistive-only problems at RF are rare. However at a few hundred megahertz and below, transformer-based matching sometimes works quite well, as parasitics are relatively small so that resistive load and source impedance are more closely approximated. Also, the parasitics of a wire-wound transformer (such as interwinding capacitance) can then be small.
B Yin()= Z in()
Z in()
Figure 8-7 Matching using a series reactive element: (a) the series reactive element; and (b) the equivalent transformed shunt circuit.
Matching using lumped elements is based on the impedance and admittance transforming properties of series and shunt reactive elements. Even a single reactive element can achieve limited impedance matching. Consider the series reactive element shown in Figure 8-7. In Figure 8-7(a), the reactive element, with reactance XS , is in series with a resistance R. The shunt equivalent of this network is shown in Figure 8-7(b) with a shunt susceptance of B. In this transformation the resistance R has been converted to a resistance RP = 1/G. The mathematics describing this transformation is as follows. The input admittance of the series connection (Figure 8-6(a)) is
Yin () =
1 1 R XS = = 2 2 j R2 + X 2 . Zin () R + jXS R + XS S
XS R 2 and B = R2 + X 2 . R 2 + XS S
RP = G1 =
2 R 2 + XS > R. R
This is an important start to matching, as XS can be chosen to convert R (a load, for example) to any desired resistance value (such as the resistance of a source). However, there is still a residual reactance. Before moving on to the solution of this problem consider the following example.
Z in ()
Yin() = Zin ()
Figure 8-8 Impedance transformation using a series resistive element: (a) a resistor with a series capacitor; and (b) its equivalent shunt circuit.
Consider the impedance transforming properties of a capacitive series element as shown in Figure 8-8. Show that the capacitor can be adjusted to obtain any positive shunt resistance value. Solution: The concept here is that the series resistor and capacitor network has an equivalent shunt circuit that includes a capacitor and a resistor, but now the resistor value can be tuned by the series capacitor. The equivalent resistance of the parallel equivalent network is, from Equation (8.15), 2 2 2 1 + 2 CS R0 R2 + (1/ 2 CS ) = (8.16) RP = G1 = 0 2 R0 2 CS R0 and the susceptance is B= (1/CS ) CS = . 2 2 2 2 R0 + 1/ 2 CS 1 + 2 CS R0 (8.17)
Matching, by our denition, is achieved when RP is equal to the resistance of the source, that is, matching is achieved when RP = R0 . Thus to achieve matching CP = B CS = . 2 2 1 + 2 CS R0 (8.18)
To match R0 to a resistive load RP (> R0 ) at a given frequency d , then, from Equation (8.16), 1 d CS = p , (8.19) 2 R0 RP R0
and this is the design equation for CS . To complete the design, place a shunt inductor, as shown in Figure 8-9, where 1 d CP = , (8.20) d L the design equation for L. The equivalent impedance in Figure 8-9 is a resistor of value RP , and the value of this resistor can be adjusted by adjusting CS .
Yin ()
Z in () = Yin1 ()
Figure 8-10 A resistor with (a) a shunt parallel reactive element, and (b) its equivalent series circuit.
The dual of the series capacitor matching procedure described in the previous example is obtained with a parallel reactive element, as shown in Figure 8-10(a). In general there are two two-element lumped-element circuits that will enable a particular load resistor to be matched to a source resistor. The input admittance of the shunt circuit is Yin = 1 + B. R (8.21)
This can be converted to a series circuit representation by calculating the impedance, Zin = 1/Yin: Zin = So RS = Notice that RS < R. R R BR2 = . 2 R2 1 + jBR 1+B 1 + B 2 R2 BR2 R and XS = . 1 + B 2 R2 1 + B 2 R2 (8.22)
CP Yin()
1 Z in() = Yin ()
Figure 8-11 A parallel-to-series transformation: (a) a resistor with added shunt resistor; and (b) equivalent series circuit.
Figure 8-12 Transforming circuit with a series inductor added to the circuit of Figure 8-11(b).
Parallel Tuning
As an example of the use of a parallel reactive element to tune a resistance value, consider the circuit in Figure 8-11(a) where a capacitor tunes the effective resistance value so that the series equivalent circuit (Figure 8-11(b)) has elements RS = R0 2 2 1 + 2 Cp R0 (8.24)
XS = and
2 Cp R0 1 = 2 C 2 R2 1+ p 0 CS 2 2 1 + 2 Cp R0 . 2 C R2 p 0
CS =
Now consider matching R0 to a resistive load RS , which is less than R0 at a given frequency d . To complete the design, place a series inductor to remove the reactive effect of the capacitor, as shown in Figure 8-12. The value of the inductor required is d L = This leads to the design equation for L: L= 1 . 2 d CS (8.28) 1 . d CS (8.27)
Figure 8-13 L matching networks consisting of one shunt reactive element and one series reactive element.
The examples in the previous two sections suggest the basic concept behind lossless matching of two different resistance levels using an L network: Step 1: Use a series (shunt) reactive element to transform a smaller (larger) resistance up (down) to a larger (smaller) value with a real part equal to the desired resistance value. Step 2: Use a shunt (series) reactive element to resonate with (or cancel) the imaginary part of the impedance that results from Step 1. So a resistance can be transformed to any resistive value by using an LC transforming circuit. Formalizing the matching approach described above, we note that there are four possible two-element L matching networks (see Figure 8-13). The two possible cases, RS < RL and RL < RS , will be considered in the following subsections.
RS XS Z in
Figure 8-14 Two-element matching network topology for RS < RL .
and the matching objective is Zin = RS XS (the complex conjugate of the source impedance), so that RS = From these, RS 1 ; = 2 RL (RL /XL ) + 1 Introducing the quantities QS Qp = = the Q of the series leg = XS /RS the Q of the shunt leg = RL /XL (8.32) (8.33) XS RL = . RS XL (8.31)
2 RL XL 2 + X2 RL L
and XS =
2 XL RL 2 + R2 . XL L
leads to the nal design equations for RS < RL : |QS | = |Qp | = RL 1 RS (8.34) (8.35)
The L matching network principle is that XL and XS will be either capacitive or inductive and they will have the opposite sign (i.e., the L matching network comprises one inductor and one capacitor). Also, once RS and RL are given, the Q of the network is dened; with the L network, the designer does not have a choice of circuit Q.
100 70.7 nH
0.416 pF
Design a circuit to match a 100 source to a 1700 load at 900 MHz. Assume that a DC voltage must also be transferred from the source to the load. Solution: Here RS < RL , and so the topology of Figure 8-15(a) can be used, as this enables DC bias to be applied. From Equations (8.34) and (8.35), the design equations are r 1700 |QS | = |Qp | = 1 = 16 = 4 (8.36) 100 XS = 4XS = 4 100 = 400. RS This indicates that L = 400, and so the series element is L= 400 = 70.7 nH. 2 9 108 RL 1700 = = 425. 4 4 (8.37)
For the shunt element next to the load, |RL /XC | = 4, and so |XC | = Thus 1/C = 425 and C= (8.39)
1 = 0.416 pF. 2 9 108 425 The nal matching network design is shown in Figure 8-15(c).
For RS > RL , the topology shown in Figure 8-16 is used. The design equations for the L network design for RS > RL are similarly derived and are RS |QS | = |Qp | = 1 (8.41) RL XS RS QS = QP , QS = , and Qp = . (8.42) RL Xp
Figure 8-16
Design a passive two-element matching network that will achieve maximum power transfer from a source with an impedance of 50 to a load with an impedance of 75 . Choose a matching network that will not allow DC to pass. Solution: RL > RS , so the appropriate matching network topology is RS
j XS j XP RL
This topology can be either high pass or low pass depending on the choice of XS and XP . Design proceeds by nding the magnitudes of XS and XP . In two-element matching the circuit Q is xed. With RL = 75 and RS = 50 , the Q of the matching network is the same for the series and parallel elements: r RL 1 = 0.7071 |QS | = |XS |/RS = RS and and |QP | = RL /|XP | = |QS | = 0.7071, |QP | = RL /|XP | = |QS | = 0.7071,
|XP | = RL /|QP | = 75/0.7071 = 106.1 , |QP | = 75/0.7071 = 106.1 . Specic element types can now be assigned to XS and XP , and note that they must be of opposite type. The lowpass matching network is
ZL = RL XL +j
Figure 8-17 A matching network matching a complex load to a source with a complex Thevenin impedance.
j XS
j XP
XP = 106.1 .
j XP
This nal design satises the design criterion that DC is not passed, as DC is blocked by the series capacitor.
XS = 35.35 ,
XP = +106.1 .
8.5 8.5.1
Input and output impedances of transistors, mixers, antennas, etc., contain both resistive and reactive components. Thus a realistic impedance matching problem looks like that shown in Figure 8-17. The matching approaches that were presented in the previous sections can be directly applied if XS and XL are treated as stray reactances that need to be canceled or used as part of the matching problem. There are two basic approaches to handling complex impedances: (a) Absorption: Absorb any stray reactances into the impedance matching network itself. This is done through careful placement of each matching element such that capacitors are placed in parallel with stray capacitances and inductors in series with any stray inductances. The stray values are then subtracted from the L and C values for
the matching network calculated on the basis of the resistive parts of ZS and ZL only. The new (smaller) values, L and C , constitute the elements for the matching network. Sometimes it is necessary to perform a series to parallel, or parallel to series, conversion of the source or load impedances so that the reactive elements are in the correct series or shunt arrangement for absorption. (b) Resonance: Resonate any stray reactance with an equal and opposite reactance at the frequency of interest. The very presence of a reactance in the model of a load at a single frequency indicates energy storage and therefore bandwidth limiting of some kind. In the above approaches to handling reactance in the load, the resonance approach could easily result in a narrowband matching solution. The major problem in matching is often to obtain sufcient bandwidth. What is sufcient will vary depending on the situation. To maximize bandwidth, the general goal is to minimize the total energy storage. Roughly the total energy stored will be proportional to the sum of the magnitudes of the reactances in the circuit. Of course, the actual energy storage depends on the voltage or current levels, which will themselves vary in the circuit. A good approach leading to large bandwidths is to incorporate the load reactance into the matching network. Thus the choice of appropriate matching network topology is critical. However, if the stray reactance value is larger than the calculated matching network element value, then absorption cannot take place. In this case resonance must be combined with absorption. Overall, the majority of impedance matching designs are based on some combination of resonance and absorption. A nal observation is that for a complex load modeled as a series resistance and reactance, the energy stored is proportional to the reactance value and the energy delivered to the load is proportional to the resistance. If the reactance value is large, so that the energy storage level is relatively high, then it will be difcult to achieve broadband matching. EXAMPLE 8. 5 Matching Network Design Using Resonance
For the conguration shown in Figure 8-18(a), design an impedance matching network that will block the ow of DC from the source to the load. The frequency of operation is 1 GHz. Design the matching network, neglecting the presence of the 10 pF at the load. Since RS = 50 < RL = 500 , consider the topologies of Figures 8-19(a) and 8-19(c). The design criterion of blocking ow of DC from the source to the load narrows the choice to the topology of Figure 8-19(c): Solution: Step 1: |QS | = |QP | = r RL 1 = 3. RS (8.43)
Matching problem considered in Example 8.5: (a) source; and (b) load.
RL . XL 500 , 3
and so
(8.48) (8.49)
= = =
Thus we have the circuit of Figure 8-20 as the required matching network. Two inductors are in parallel and the circuit can be simplied to that shown in Figure 8-21, where Lc = 2.533 26.5 = 2.312 nH. 2.533 + 26.5 (8.53)
Figure 8-19
26.5 nH
Figure 8-20
Figure 8-21 Final matching network in Example 8.5.
For the source and load congurations shown in Figure 8-22, design a lowpass impedance matching network at f = 1 GHz. Solution: Since RS < RL , use the topology shown in Figure 8-23(a). For a lowpass response, the topology is that of Figure 8-23(b). Notice that absorption is the natural way of handling the 3 nH at the source and the 5 pF at the load. The design process is as follows: Step 1: Design the matching network, neglecting the reactive elements at the source and load: r RL 1 = 10 1 = 3 (8.54) |QS | = |QP | = RS XS = 3, RS XS = 3 100, and L = 300 (8.55) (8.56)
3 nH
5 pF
(a) Figure 8-23
(8.57) (8.58)
This design is shown in Figure 8-24(a). This is the matching network that matches the 100 source resistance to the 1000 load with the source and load reactances ignored. Step 2: Figure 8-24(b) is the interim solution to the matching problem. The source inductance is absorbed into the matching network, reducing the series inductance of the matching network by the amount available from the source. The capacitance of the load cannot be fully absorbed. The matching network design for the resistance-only case requires a shunt capacitance of 0.447 pF but 5 pF is available from the load. Thus there is an excess capacitance of 4.533 pF that must be resonated out by the inductance L : 1 = 4.533 1012 . L So L = 1 = 5.588 nH. (2)2 1018 4.533 1012 (8.59)
The nal matching network design (Figure 8-24(c)) fully absorbs the source inductance into the matching network, but only partly absorbs the load capacitance.
100 47.75 nH 1000
0.447 pF
3 nH
4.553 pF 0.447 pF
5 pF
(c) Figure 8-24 Evolution of the nal circuit in Example 8.6: (a) matching network design considering only the resistive source and load resistors; (b) matching network with the reactive parts of the source and load impedances included; and (c) nal design.
Fano-Bode Limits
A complex load limits the bandwidth of the match that can be achieved by a matching network. Theoretical limits addressing the bandwidth, and the quality of the match that can be achieved, were developed by Fano [132,133], based on earlier work by Bode [134]. These theoretical limits are known as the Fano-Bode criteria or the Fano-Bode limits. The limits for simple loads are shown in Figure 8-25. More general loads are treated by Fano [132]. The Fano-Bode criteria are used to justify the broad assertion that the more reactive energy stored in a load, the narrow the bandwidth of a match. The Fano-Bode criteria include the term 1/ |()| which is the inverse of the magnitude of the reection coefcient looking into the matching network, as shown in Figure 8-25. A matching network provides matching
1 |()|
1 1 ln 2 |()|
1 |()|
1 1 ln 2 |()|
d RC
Figure 8-25 Fano-Bode limits for circuits with simple reactive loads: (a) parallel RC load; (b) series RL load; (c) parallel RL load; and (d) series RC load.
over a radian bandwidth BW, and outside the matching frequency band, the magnitude of the reection coefcient approaches 1. Introducing avg as the average absolute value of () within the passband, and with f0 = 0 /(2) as the center frequency of the match, then, the four Fano-Bode criteria shown in Figure 8-25 can be written as Parallel RC load: BW 1 0 avg BW 1 Parallel RL load: 0 avg BW 1 Series RL load: 0 avg BW 1 Series RC load: 0 avg R(0 C) (0 L) R R (0 L) R(0 C). (8.61) (8.62) (8.63) (8.64)
In terms of reactance and susceptance these can be written as Parallel load: BW 1 G 0 avg B BW 1 R , Series load: 0 avg X (8.65) (8.66)
where G = 1/R is the conductance of the load, B is the load susceptance, and X is the load reactance. BW/0 is the fractional bandwidth of the matching network. Equations (8.65) and (8.66) indicate that the greater the proportion of energy stored reactively in the load compared to the power dissipated in the load, the smaller the fractional bandwidth, (B/0 ), for the same average in-band reection coefcient avg . Equations (8.65) and (8.66) can be simplied one step further. From Section 8.2.2, the Q of lumped elements can be used to write BW 1 , 0 avg Q (8.67)
where Q is that of the load. Several general results can be drawn from Equation (8.67) as follows: 1. If the load stores any reactive energy, so that the Q of the load is non-zero, the in-band reection coefcient looking into the matching network cannot be zero if the bandwidth of the match is nite. 2. The higher the Q of the load, the narrower the bandwidth of the match for the same average in-band reection coefcient. 3. The higher the Q of the load, the more difcult it will be to design the matching network to achieve a specied matching bandwidth. 4. A match over all frequencies is only possible if the Q of the load is zero; that is, if the load is resistive. In this case, a resistive load can be matched to a resistive source by using a magnetic transformer. Using a matching network with lumped L and C components will result in a match over a nite bandwidth. However with more L and C elements than just the two considered so far, the bandwidth of the match can be increased. 5. Multi-element matching networks are required to maximize the matching network bandwidth and minimize the in-band reection coefcient. The matching network design becomes more difcult as the Q of the load increases.
Multi-Element Matching
With the L network (i.e., two-element matching), the circuit Q is xed once the source and load resistances, RS and RL , are xed: Q= RL 1, RS (RL > RS ). (8.68)
Thus the designer does not have a choice of circuit Q. Introducing a third element in the matching network provides the extra degree of freedom in the design for adjusting Q, and hence bandwidth.
X2 X3
X2 X 3
Two three-element matching networks, the T network and the Pi network, are shown in Figure 8-26. Whether a Pi network or a T network is used depends on (a) The realization constraints associated with the specic design. (b) The nature of the reactive parts of the source and load impedances (the type of network that facilitates the handling of these reactive parts using absorption or resonance should be selected). The three-element matching network comprises 2 two-element (or L) matching networks. Given RS and RL , the circuit Q established by an L matching network is the minimum circuit Q available in the threeelement matching arrangement. With three-element matching, the Q can only increase, so three-element matching is used for narrowband (high-Q) applications.
The Pi Network
The Pi network may be thought of as two back-to-back L networks that are used to match the load and the source to a virtual resistance, RV , placed at the junction between the two networks, as shown in Figure 8-27(b). The design of each section of the Pi network is done in exactly the same manner as was done for the L network matching. RV must be selected smaller than RS and RL since it is connected to the series arm of each L section. Furthermore, RV can be any value smaller than the minimum of RS , RL . However, it is customarily used as the design parameter for specifying the desired Q. As a useful design approximation, we can take the loaded Q of the Pi network as the Q of the L section with the highest Q: max(RS , RL ) 1. RV
RS X1 X2 X3 RL
(b) Figure 8-27 Pi matching networks: (a) view of a Pi network; and (b) as two backto-back L networks with a virtual resistance, RV , between the networks.
Design a Pi network to match a 50 source to a 500 load. The desired Q is 10. A suitable matching network topology is shown in Figure 8-28 together with the virtual resistance, RV , to be used in design. Solution: Rs = 50 and RL = 500 , Thus the virtual resistor is RV = max(RS , RL ) 500 = = 4.95 . Q2 + 1 101 (8.71) and so max(RS , RL ) = 500 . (8.70)
Design proceeds by separately designing the L networks to the left and right of RV . For the L network on the left, r 50 1 = 3.017, (8.72) Qleft = 4.95 and so |Xa | RS Qleft = = , (8.73) RV |X1 |
noting that X1 , Xa must be of opposite types (one is capacitive and the other is inductive). The left L network has elements |Xa | = 14.933 and |X1 | = 16.4 . (8.74)
Figure 8-28
Figure 8-29
For the L network on the right of RV , Qright = Q = 10, thus RL |Xb | = = 10. RV X3 (8.75)
The resulting Pi network is shown in Figure 8-29 with the values |X1 | = 16.4 , |X3 | = 50 , |Xa | = 14.933 , and |Xb | = 49.5 . (8.78)
Note that the pair Xa , X1 are of opposite types and similarly Xb , X3 are of opposite types. So there are four possible realizations, as shown in Figure 8-30.
In the previous example there were four possible realizations of the threeelement matching network, and this is true in general. The specic choice of one of the four possible realizations will depend on specic applicationrelated factors such as (a) Elimination of stray reactances (b) The need to pass or block DC current (c) The need for harmonic ltering. It is fortunate that it may be possible to achieve multiple functions with the same network.
j14.933 j16.4 j49.5 j50
j 64.433
j 16.4
j 50
j 14.933 j 49.5
j 34.567
j 16.4
j 50
j 16.4
j 14.933 j16.4 j49.5 j 50
j 34.567 j16.4 j 50
Figure 8-30 Four possible Pi matching networks: (a), (c), (e), (g) conceptual circuits; and (b), (d), (f), (h), respectively, their nal reduced Pi networks.
Figure 8-31
To illustrate the fact that the circuit Q established by an L matching network is the minimum circuit Q available in the three-element matching arrangement, consider the design equations for RS > RL . Referring to Figure 8-31, RS X1 = (8.79) Q X3 = RL X2 = RS /RL Q2 + 1 RS /RL
(8.80) (8.81)
QRS + RS RL /X3 . Q2 + 1
RS X1 X2
RS X1 Xa
(b) Figure 8-32 T network design approach: (a) T network; and (b) virtual intermediate matching network view.
The T Network
The T network may be thought of as two back-to-back L networks that are used to match the load and the source to a virtual resistance, RV , placed at the junction between the two networks (see Figure 8-32. RV must be selected to be larger than both RS and RL since it is connected to the shunt leg of each L section. RV is chosen according to the equation Q= RV 1, min(RS , RL ) (8.84)
where Q is the desired loaded Q of the network. Each L network is calculated in exactly the same manner as was done for the Pi network matching. Once again there will be four possible designs for the T network, given RS , RL , and Q.
XS 2 XP 2 RL< RS
(b) Figure 8-33 Broadband matching networks.
Figure 8-34
The L network matching does not allow the circuit Q, and hence bandwidth, to be selected. However, Pi network and T network matching allows the circuit Q to be selected independent of the source and load impedances, provided that the chosen Q is larger than that which can be obtained with an L network. Thus the Pi and T networks result in narrower bandwidth designs than of an L network. One design solution for broadband matching is to use two (or more) series-connected L sections rather than the back-to-back conguration of the Pi or T networks (see Figure 8-33). Design is still based on the concept of a virtual resistor, RV , placed at the junction of the two L networks (see the circuit of Figure 8-34), but now RV is chosen to be between RS and RL , or mathematically Rmin RV Rmax , (8.85)
where Rmin = min(RL , RS ) and Rmax = max(RL , RS ). Then one of the two networks will have Q1 = RV 1 Rmin (8.86)
RS X S1 XP 1 R V1 XS 2 XP2 R V2 XSn X Pn RL
Figure 8-35
The maximum bandwidth (minimum Q) available from this network is obtained when Q1 = Q2 = RV 1= Rmin Rmax 1. RV (8.88)
That is, the maximum matching bandwidth is obtained when RV is the geometric mean of RS and RL : RV = RL RS . (8.89)
Even wider bandwidths can be obtained by cascading more than two L networks, as shown in Figure 8-35. In this circuit RS < RV 1 < RV 2 . . . < RV n1 < RL . For optimum bandwidth the ratios should be equal, RV RV2 RV3 RL = = = = , RS RV1 RV2 RVn1 and the Q is given by RV1 1= RS RV2 1 = = R1 RL 1. RVn1 (8.91) (8.90)
Match a 10 source to a 1000 load using two lumped elements. Solution: Here the approximate Qs achieved with a single L matching network and with an optimum two-section design are compared. For a single L network design: r RL Q= 1 = 9.95. (8.93) RS Now consider an optimum two-section design: RV = RS RL ; Q2 = r RL 1= RV sr RL 1 = 3. RS (8.94)
So the Q is 3 compared to the Q of an L section of 9.95. If the fractional bandwidth is inversely proportional to Q then the bandwidth of the two-section design is 9.95/3 = 3.32 times more than that of the L section. Now consider how many sections are required to obtain a Q of 2: RV1 RV2 RL (1 + Q2 ) = = = ... = (8.95) RS RV1 RVn1 ln RL ` n ` RL RL RS 1 + Q2 = n ln 1 + Q2 = ln n= . RS RS ln (1 + Q2 ) (8.96)
For Q = 2 and RL /RS = 100, n = 2.86 is obtained, which rounds to n = 3, so three sections are required.
8.7 8.7.1
The lumped-element matching networks presented up to now can also be developed using Smith charts which provide a fairly intuitive approach to network design. With experience it will be found that this is the preferred approach to developing designs, as trade-offs can be captured graphically. Smith chart-based design will be presented using examples. This example builds on the preceding lumped-element matching network design and the Smith chart introduction in Section 6.9 on Page 330. Capacitive and inductive regions on the Smith chart are shown in Figure 8-36. In the design examples presented here, circles of constant resistance or constant conductance are followed corresponding to varying reactance.
j 0.5 j 2j
0.25 j
_ 0.25
_ 0.5
j _j
_j _2 j _ 0.5 j
_ 0.25
2j j
0.5 j
(b) Figure 8-36 Inductive and capacitive regions on Smith charts: (a) impedance Smith chart ; and (b) admittance Smith chart. Increasing capacitive impedance (Z) indicates smaller capacitance; increasing inductive admittance (Y ) indicates smaller inductance.
Develop a two-element matching network to match a source with an impedance of RS = 25 to a load RL = 200 (see Figure 8-37). Solution: The design objective is to present conjugate matched impedances to the source and load; that is, Z1 = RL and Z2 = RS . Since the source and load impedances are resistive the design can deal with RS and RL directly. The load and source resistances are plotted on the Smith chart of Figure 8-38 after choosing a normalization impedance of Z0 = 50 (and so rS = RS /Z0 = 0.5 and rL = RL /Z0 = 4). The normalized source impedance, rS , is plotted at Point A, and the normalized load impedance, rL , is plotted at Point C. The matching network must be lossless, which means that the design must follow lines of constant resistance (on the impedance part of the Smith chart) or constant conductance (on the admittance part of the Smith chart). So Points A and C must be on the above circles and the circles must intersect if a design is possible. The design can be viewed as moving back from the source toward the load or moving back from the load toward the source. (The views result in identical designs.) Here the view taken is moving back from the source toward the load. One possible design is shown in Figure 8-38. From Point A, the line of constant resistance is followed to Point B (there is increasing series reactance along this path). From Point B, the locus follows a line of constant conductance to the nal point, Point C. There is also an alternative design that follows the path shown in Figure 8-39. There are only two designs that have a path from A to B following just two arcs. At this point two designs have been outlined. The next step is assigning element values. The design shown in Figure 8-38 begins with rS followed by a series reactance, xS , taking the locus from A to B and then a shunt capacitive susceptance, bP , taking the locus from B to C and rL . At Point A the reactance xA = 0, at Point B the reactance xB = 1.323. This value is read off the Smith chart, requiring that an arc as shown be interpolated between the arcs provided. It should be noted that not all versions of Smith charts include negative signs, as they become too complicated. Thus the user needs to be aware and add signs where appropriate. A full Smith chart is much more detailed and any necessary interpolation is much easier. The normalized series reactance is xS = xB xA = 1.323 0 = 1.323; that is, A shunt capacitive element takes the locus from Point B to Point C and bP = bC bB = 0 (0.661) = 0.661, and so BP = bP /Z0 = 0.661/50 = 132 mS, The nal design is shown in Figure 8-40. or XP = 1/BP = 75.6 . (8.100) (8.99) XS = xs Z0 = 1.323 50 = 66.1 . (8.98) (8.97)
RS Z1 Z2
Figure 8-37
_ 0.25
D 0
A 0.5 rS
4 C rL
G 0
_ 0.25 j 4j _2 _j j
0.25 j
_ 0.5 j 2j
0.5 j
Figure 8-38 Design 1: Smith chart-based design used in Example 8.9. A normalization impedance of 50 is used.
One of the advantages of using the Smith chart is that design progresses in stages, with the structure of the design developed before actual numerical values are calculated. Of course, it is difcult to extract accurate values from a chart and so designs are regularly roughed out on a Smith chart and rened using CAD tools. Example 8.1 matched resistive source and load to each other. The next example considers matching complex load and source impedances. In the earlier discussion, absorption and resonance were proposed as strategies for dealing with complex terminations. It will be seen that this complication disappears with a Smith chart-based design, as it is conceptually not much different from the resistive problem of Example 8.1.
_j j _2 j 0.5 j _ 0.5 j 2j
_ 0.25
A 0.5 rS
rL 4 C
G 0
_ 0.25 j 4j
_4 B _ 0.5 j 2j _j j _2 j
0.25 j
0.5 j
Figure 8-39
j XP
Develop a two-element matching network to match a source with an impedance of ZS = 12.5 + 12.5 to a load ZL = 50 50 , as shown in Figure 8-41. Solution: The design objective is to present conjugate matched impedances to the source and load; that is, Z1 = ZL and Z2 = ZS . The choice here is to design for Z1 ; that is, elements will be inserted in front of ZL to produce the impedance Z1 . The normalized source and load impedances are plotted in Figure 8-42 using a normalization impedance of Z0 = 50 , so zS = ZS /Z0 = 0.25 + 0.25 (Point S) and zL = ZL /Z0 = 1 (Point C).
The impedance to be synthesized is z1 = Z1 /Z0 = zS = 0.25 0.25 (Point A). (Synthesizing Z2 results in identical designs.) The matching network must be lossless, which means that the lumped-element design must follow lines of constant resistance (on the impedance part of the Smith chart) or constant conductance (on the admittance part of the Smith chart). Points A and C must be on the above circles and the circles must intersect if a design is possible.
The design can be viewed as moving back from the load impedance toward the conjugate of the source impedance. The direction of the impedance locus is important. One possible design is shown in Figure 8-42. From Point C the line of constant conductance is followed to Point B (there is increasing positive [i.e., capacitive] shunt susceptance along this path). From Point B the locus follows a line of constant resistance to the nal point, Point A. The design shown in Figure 8-42 begins with a shunt susceptance, bP , taking the locus from Point C to Point B and then a series inductive reactance, xS , taking the locus to Point C and rS . At Point C the susceptance bC = 0.5, at Point B the susceptance bB = 1.323. This value is read off the Smith chart, requiring that an arc of constant susceptance, as shown, be interpolated between the constant susceptance arcs provided. A full Smith chart is much more detailed and any necessary interpolation is much easier. The normalized shunt susceptance is bP = bB bC = 1.323 0.5 = 0.823, (8.101) that is, BP = bP /Z0 = 0.823/(50 ) = 16.5 mS, or XP = 1/BP = 60.8 . A series reactive element takes the locus from Point B to Point A, so xS = xA xB = 0.25 (0.661) = 0.411, and so The nal design is shown in Figure 8-44. XS = xS Z0 = 0.411 50 = 20.6 . (8.104) (8.103) (8.102)
There are only two designs that have a path from Point C to Point A following just two arcs. In Design 1, shown in Figure 8-43, the Path CBA is much shorter than Path CHA for Design 2 shown in Figure 8-43. The path length is an approximate indication of the total reactance required, and the higher the reactance, the greater the energy storage and hence the narrower the bandwidth of the design. (The actual relative bandwidth depends on the voltage and current levels in the network; the path length criteria, however, is an important rule of thumb.) Thus Design 1 can be expected to have a much higher bandwidth than Design 2. Since designing broader bandwidth is usually an objective, a design requiring a shorter path on a Smith chart is usually preferable.
Distributed Matching
Matching using lumped elements leads to series and shunt lumped elements. The shunt elements can be implemented using shunt transmission lines, as a short length (less than one-quarter wavelength long) of short-
ZL Z1 Z2
Figure 8-41
_4 j
0.25j zS S
0.25 A z1
_4 j
_2 _j j
j 0.5j
Figure 8-42 Design 1: Smith chart-based design used in Example 8.10. A normalization impedance of 50 is used .
circuited transmission line looks like an inductor and a short section of open-circuited transmission line looks like an capacitor. However, in most transmission line technologies it is not possible to realize the series elements as lengths of transmission lines. While it has been shown that a short length of transmission line is inductive, replacing series inductors by a length of transmission line of high characteristic impedance is not the best approach to realizing networks. The solution is to use the lengths of transmission line together with shunt elements. If space is not at a premium, this is an optimum solution, as transmission lines have much lower loss than a lumped inductor. The series transmission lines rotate the reection coefcient on the Smith chart. It is also possible to use lumped capacitors as
0.25 A zS
_ 0.25 j 4j
Cz L
0.25 j
_ 0.5 j 2j _j j
0.5 j
Figure 8-43
XS = 20.6 Figure 8-44
j XS
j XP
XP = 60.8 .
lumped elements together with lengths of transmission line. As with all design matching, using transmission lines begins with a topology in mind. Several topologies are shown in Figure 8-45. Figure 8-45(a) is the top view of a microstrip matching network with a series transmission line and stub realized as an open-circuited transmission line. Figure 8-45(b) is a shorthand schematic for this circuit. Matching network design then becomes a problem of choosing the lengths and characteristic impedances of the lines. The stub here is used to realized a capacitive shunt element. This network corresponds to two-element matching with a shunt capacitor. The value of the shunt capacitance can be increased using a dual stub, as shown in Figure 8-45(c), where the capacitive input impedances of each stub are in parallel. The dual circuit to that in Figure 8-
1 2
Figure 8-45
45(d) is shown in Figure 8-45(d) together with its schematic representation in Figure 8-45(e). This circuit has a short-circuited stub which realizes a shunt inductance. Mixing lumped capacitors with a transmission line element, as shown in Figure 8-45(f), realizes a much more space-efcient network design. There are many variations to stub-based matching network design, including the two-stub design in Figure 8-45(g). All of these designs require the transmission line lengths and impedances to be designed. A common situation encountered in the laboratory is matching circuits that are in development. Laboratory items available for matching include the stub tuner, shown in Figure 8-46(a), the double-stub tuner shown in Figure 8-46(b), and the double-slug tuner shown in Figure 8-46(c). With this device the length of the series transmission line is xed, but stubs can have variable length using lengths of transmission lines with sliding short circuits. The double-stub tuner is shown schematically in Figure 8-45(h). Not all impedances can be matched with the circuit, however. The triple-stub tuner shown in Figure 8-45(i) can match all impedances presented to it.
Stub Matching
In this section matching using one series transmission line and one stub will be considered. This corresponds to the microstrip circuit topologies shown in Figures 8-45(a) and 8-45(d). First, consider the terminated transmission line shown in Figure 8-47. When the length, 1 , of the line is zero, the input
(c) Figure 8-46 Tuning stub: (a) single stub; (b) as parts of a double-stub tuner; and (c) a double-slug tuner where the slugs can be moved up and down the line.
Z in
Z 01
Figure 8-47
impedance of the line, Zin , equals ZL . How it changes is best described by considering the input reection coefcient, in , of the line. If the reection coefcient is normalized to Z01 then the magnitude of in and its phase varies as twice the electrical length of the line. This situation is shown in Figure 8-48, where ZL is chosen arbitrarily. The input reection coefcient of the line rotates in a clockwise direction as the length of the line increases. One way of remembering this is to consider an open-circuited line. When the line length is zero, Yin is zero and in = +1. A short length of line is capacitive so that its reection coefcient will be in the bottom half of the Smith chart. A length of line can be used to rotate the impedance to an appropriate point to follow a line of constant conductance to the desired input impedance. Single-stub matching will be illustrated by an example.
_j _2 j _ 0.5 j
_ 0.25
0.25 ZL
Z in
0.5 j j
Figure 8-48 Rotation of the input impedance of a transmission line on an admittance Smith chart as the length of line increases.
Design a two-element matching network to match a source with an impedance of ZS = 12.5 + 12.5 to a load ZL = 50 50 , as shown in Figure 8-41. This example repeats the design in Example 8.10 on Page 445, but now using a transmission line element. Solution: As in Example 8.10, choose Z0 = 50 and the design path is from zL = ZL /Z0 = 1 to zs , where zs = 0.25 + 0.25. One possible design solution is indicated in Figure 8-49. The line length, (taking the locus from Point C to Point B), is = 0.4261 0.3125 = 0.1136, and the normalized shunt susceptance, bP (taking the locus from Point B to Point C), is bP = bA bB = 2 1 = 1. Thus XP = (1/bP ) 50 = 50 , so that the nal design is as shown in Figure 8-50.
0.25j D zS S
_ 0.25
0.5 0
0.25 A z1
0 0.25
C zL
0.25 j
Figure 8-49
j XP
Z 02 2
= 0.1136
XP = 50 . (a)
Figure 8-50 Single-stub matching network design of Example 8.11: (a) electrical design; and (b) electrical design with a shunt stub.
Wideband Matching
The strategy for wideband matching is based on the concept of matching to intermediate resistance which is the geometric mean of the source and load impedances. This concept can be represented on a Smith chart using constant Q circles as shown in Figure 8-51. If the load and source impedances, RL and RS , are resistive, then the normalizing resistance (Rv ) of the Smith chart should be chosen as the geometric mean of the source and load resistance (i.e., Rv = RL RS ). To maintain a specic circuit Q, and
j 0.5 j Q= 4 Q= 2 0.25 j Q= 1 Q = 0.5 Q = 0.25 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 Q = 0.25 Q = 0.5 _ 0.25 j Q= 1 Q= 2 _ 0.5 j Q= 4 _j _2 j _4 j 4 4j 2j
Figure 8-51
hence bandwidth, the locus of impedances in the design must stay with a constant Q circle. It does not matter what elements are used, they can be transmission lines, stubs, or lumped elements.
This chapter considered matching using lumped elements. Performance of these matching networks is limited by the self-resonant frequency of lumped elements and by the loss of lumped elements, particularly of inductors. This limits the degree of matching that can be achieved. It is not possible to use an exact synthesis procedure similar to that described here if loss and parasitics are considered. An approach commonly used is to use the synthesis procedure presented in this chapter and then capture the design in a microwave CAD program and use optimization to reoptimize the performance of a matching network. An alternative is to replace the lumped elements by transmission line segments. These generally have lower loss than lumped elements, although their size generally limits operation to a few gigahertz and above.
1. Repeat the analysis in Example 8.1 on Page 419 for the case B = 1/L. 2. Develop a two-element matching network for the source/load conguration shown in the Figure below. The matching network must pass DC current. The center frequency of the matching network, f = 1 GHz. There are a number of design considerations that should be considered before embarking on network synthesis.
0.6 nH 0.5 pF
5 nH 1000
(a) source
(b) load
Consider the following: (i) The source needs to be collapsed to an equivalent circuit with one resistance and one reactance. (ii) The reactive elements in the source and the load will be accommodated using absorption or resonance. Absorption is preferred, but not always possible. (iii) The DC current requirements necessitate a lowpass matching network. So there must be a series inductance and a shunt capacitor in the matching network. Since the load resistance is greater than the source resistance, the most likely design has a shunt capacitor on the load side. However, this may change when the transforming properties of the source and load reactances are considered. (iv) The source reactance should be handled by a series inductor or a shunt capacitor. The input impedance of the source must be considered to determine which. (v) The load reactance will be resonated out by a shunt capacitor. Looks like absorption will be a possibility at the load. (a) What is the input impedance of the source? Treat the voltage generator as a short circuit. (b) What is the reactance of the series element that will resonate the effective input
reactance of the source? (c) What is the input admittance of the load? (d) What is the shunt reactance required to resonate the load? (e) What is the resistive matching problem? That is, since the reactances of the load and source have been resonated out of consideration, what are the effective source and load resistances. Derive the required matching network. Keep the element values of the matching network as reactances. (f) Draw the complete matching network showing source and load elements required for resonance as well as the matching network for the resistive problem. Keep the element values as reactances. (g) Draw the nal matching network combining all resonant and matching elements. Keep the element values as reactances. This is the electrical design of the matching network. (h) Calculate the inductance and capacitance values of the matching network. 3. Design a two-element matching network to interface a source with a 25 Thevenin equivalent impedance to a load consisting of a capacitor in parallel with a resistor so that the load admittance is YL = 0.02 + 0.02 S. Use the absorption method to handle the reactive load. 4. Design a matching network to interface a source with a 25 Thevenin equivalent impedance to a load consisting of a capacitor in parallel with a resistor so that the load admittance is YL = 0.01 + 0.01 S. (a) If the complexity of the matching network is not limited, what is the minimum Q that could possibly be achieved in the complete network consisting of the matching network and the source and load impedances? (b) Outline the procedure for designing the matching network for maximum bandwidth if only four elements can be used in the network. You do not need to design the network.
5. A load is modeled as a 50 resistance in series with a reactance of 50 . This load is to be matched to a source with a Thevenin equivalent resistance of 50 . Use the Fano-Bode criteria described in Section 8.5.2 on Page 431 to determine the upper limit on the matching network bandwidth when the average inband reection coefcient is 1 dB. Note that you must rst convert the reection coefcient to an absolute number. 6. A load is modeled as a 50 resistance in series with a reactance of 50 . This load is to be matched to a source with a Thevenin equivalent resistance of 50 . Use the Fano-Bode criteria described in Section 8.5.2 on Page 431 to determine the upper limit on the matching network bandwidth when the average inband reection coefcient is 0.1 dB. Note that you must rst convert the reection coefcient to an absolute number. 7. The output of a transistor amplier operating at 1 GHz is modeled as a 100 resistor in parallel with a 10 pF capacitor. The amplier must drive the input of a /2 dipole antenna with an input resistance of 73 . To do this efciently a matching network is required. Consider that the input resistance of the antenna is independent of frequency, and assume that the matching network is lossless. This is the same as assuming that its bandwidth is much greater than the bandwidth required. If the required bandwidth of the matching network is 5%, and using the Fano-Bode criteria (see Section 8.5.2 on Page 431), determine the following: (a) The lower limit on the average in-band reection coefcient of the matching network. (b) The upper limit on the average transmission coefcient of the matching network. 8. The output of a transistor amplier is modeled as a current source in parallel with both a 50 resistor and a 1 pF capacitor. This is to be matched to a load consisting of a 25 resistor in series with a 0.02 nH inductor. The task is to design a matching network that will enable DC bias to be applied from the load to the
transistor output, thus the matching network must be a lowpass type. The center frequency of the system is 10 GHz and a bandwidth of 50 MHz is required. (a) What is the fractional bandwidth of the system? (b) What is the Q of the system? (c) Indicate the form of the matching network if no more than four reactive elements are to be used; that is, sketch the matching network. (d) Complete the design of the amplier providing numerical element values. 9. Design a passive matching network that will achieve maximum bandwidth matching from a source with an impedance of 2 (typical of the output impedance of a power amplier) to a load with an impedance of 50 . The matching network can have a maximum of three reactive elements. You need only calculate reactances and not the capacitor and inductor values. 10. Design a passive matching network that will achieve maximum bandwidth matching from a source with an impedance of 20 to a load with an impedance of 125 . The matching network can have a maximum of four reactive elements. You need only calculate reactances and not the capacitor and inductor values. (a) Will you use two, three, or four elements in your matching network? (b) With a diagram and perhaps equations, indicate the design procedure. (c) Design the matching network. It is sufcient to use reactance values. The design must be complete. 11. Design a passive matching network that will achieve maximum bandwidth matching from a source with an impedance of 60 (typical of the output impedance of a power amplier) to a load with an impedance of 5 . The matching network can have a maximum of four reactive elements. You need only calculate reactances and not the capacitor and inductor values.
(a) Will you use two, three, or four elements in your matching network? (b) With a diagram and perhaps equations indicate the design procedure. (c) Design the matching network. It is sufcient to use reactance values. The design must be complete. 12. Design a three-lumped-element matching network that interfaces a source with an impedance of 5 to a load with an impedance consisting of a resistor with an impedance of 10 . The matching network must have a Q of 6. 13. Design a Pi network to match the source conguration of Figure ??(a) to the load conguration shown in Figure ??(b). The design frequency is 900 MHz and the desired Q is 10. 14. Design a T network to match a 50 source to a 1000 load. The desirable loaded Q is 15. 15. A source with a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 75 must drive a load with an impedance of 5 . A matching network with maximum possible bandwidth between the source and the load must be designed to achieve maximum power transfer. Design the matching network for maximum possible bandwidth using no more than four reactive elements. (a) Sketch the schematic of the matching network. (b) Describe the design procedure. (c) Complete the design of the matching network. Determine the values of the elements if the center frequency is 1 GHz. 16. The output of a transistor amplier is modeled as a current source in parallel with both a 50 resistor and a 1 pF capacitor. This is to be matched to a load consisting of a 25 resistor in series with a 0.02 nH inductor. The task is to design a matching network that will enable DC bias to be applied from the load to the transistor output. Thus the matching network must be a lowpass type. The center frequency of the system is 10 GHz and a bandwidth of 50 MHz is required. (a) What is the fractional bandwidth of the system?
(b) What is the Q of the system? (c) Indicate the form of the matching network if no more than four reactive elements are to be used? That is, sketch the matching network. (d) Complete the design of the amplier, providing numerical element values. 17. Repeat Example 8.9 on Page 443 for the case XS = L. That is, show that in a series RL circuit, the inductance can be adjusted to obtain any positive shunt resistance value. 18. A two-port matching network is shown below with a generator and a load. The generator impedance is 40 and the load impedance is ZL = 50 20 . Use a Smith chart to design the matching network.
(a) What is the condition for maximum power transfer from the generator? Express your answer using impedances. (b) What is the condition for maximum power transfer from the generator? Express your answer using reection coefcients. (c) What system reference impedance are you going to use to solve the problem? (d) Plot ZL on the Smith chart and label the point. (Remember to use impedance normalization if required.) (e) Plot ZG on the Smith chart and label the point. (f) Design a matching network using only transmission lines. Show your work on the Smith chart. You must express the lengths of the lines in terms of electrical length (either degrees or wavelengths long). Characteristic impedances of the lines are required. (You will therefore have a design that consists of one stub and one other length of transmission line.)
19. A two-port matching network is shown below with a generator and a load. The generator impedance is 60 and the load impedance is ZL = 30 + 30 . Use a Smith chart to design a lossless matching network (no credit will be given unless a Smith chart is used to solve this problem). It is important that your solution can be followed, so you must indicate your solution clearly on the chart. Write out your answer on a piece of paper separate from the Smith chart you use.
(a) What G the condition for maximum is IN power transfer from the generator? Express your answer using impedances. (b) What is the condition for maximum power transfer from the generator? Express your answer using reection coefcients. (c) What system reference impedance are you going to use to solve the problem? (d) Plot ZL on the Smith chart and label the point. (Remember to use impedance normalization if required.) (e) Plot ZG on the Smith chart and label the point. (f) Design a lossless matching network showing your design process on the Smith chart. Label critical points on the Smith chart. Draw the matching network and show the reactance values. 20. A two-port matching network is shown below with a generator and a load. The generator impedance is 30 and the load impedance is ZL = 90 30 . Use a Smith chart to design a lossless matching network.
(a) What is the condition for maximum power transfer from the generator? Express your answer using impedances. (b) What is the condition for maximum power transfer from the generator? Express your answer using reection coefcients. (c) What system reference impedance are you going to use to solve the problem? (d) Plot ZL on the Smith chart and label the point. (Remember to use impedance normalization if required.) (e) Plot ZG on the Smith chart and label the point. (f) Design a lossless matching network showing your design process on the Smith chart. Label critical points on the Smith chart. Draw the matching network and show the reactance values. 21. Use Smith chart techniques to design a double-stub matching network to match a load with a normalized admittance yL = 0.7 5. The stubs are short-circuited and are separated by a length of transmission line of length /8. The load is at the position of the rst stub. All transmission lines have the system characteristic impedance. Your design should yield the lengths of the two stubs. (Note that there is a Smith chart for your use on the next page.) (a) Plot the load on a Smith chart. Clearly indicate the load. (b) Determine the admittances of each of the stubs. Clearly show and describe your design technique so that it can be understood. Label your efforts on the Smith chart and refer to them here. Note that a description is required and not simply markings on the Smith chart. (c) Determine the electrical lengths of the stubs (express your answer in terms of wavelengths or degrees). 22. Use a lossless transmission line and a series reactive element to match a source with a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 25 + 50 to a load of 100 . (That is, use one transmission line and one series reactance only.)
(a) Draw the matching network with the source and load. (b) What is the value of the series reactance in the matching network (you can leave this in ohms). (c) What is the length and characteristic impedance of the transmission line? 23. Consider a load ZL = 100 150 . Use the Smith chart to design a two-stub matching network that will match the load to a generator of 50 . Use 50 transmission lines throughout and assume that the load is immediately next to the rst stub. The two stubs are separated by a line with an electrical length of 45 . Both stubs are short-circuited. (a) Draw the matching stub system. (b) What is the normalized load impedance? (c) Briey indicate the procedure used to design the two-stub matching network. You will need to use stylized Smith charts. (d) Plot the load on a Smith chart. (e) What is the admittance of the rst stub (Stub 1)? (f) What is the electrical length of Stub 1? (Note that the stub is short-circuited.) (g) What is the admittance of the second stub near the generator (Stub 2)? (h) What is the electrical length of Stub 2? (Note that the stub is short-circuited.) 24. Consider a load ZL = 80+40 . Use the Smith chart to design a matching network consisting of only two transmission lines that will match the load to a generator of 40 . (a) Draw the matching network with transmission lines. If you use a stub, it should be a short-circuited stub. (b) Indicate your choice of characteristic impedance of your transmission lines. What is the normalized load impedance? What is the normalized source impedance?
(c) Briey outline the design procedure you will use. You will need to use Smith chart sketches. (d) Plot the load and source on the Smith chart. (e) Complete the design of the matching network, providing the lengths of the transmission lines. 25. A two-port matching network is shown below with a generator and a load. The generator impedance is 40 and the load impedance is ZL = 20 50 . Use a Smith chart to design the matching network.
(a) What is the condition for maximum power transfer from the generator? Express your answer using impedances. (b) What is the condition for maximum power transfer from the generator? Express your answer using reection coefcients. (c) What system reference impedance are you going to use to solve the problem? (d) Plot ZL on the Smith chart and label the point. (Remember to use impedance normalization if required.) (e) Plot ZG on the Smith chart and label the point. (f) Design a matching network using only transmission lines, show your work on the Smith chart. You must express the lengths of the lines in terms of electrical length (either degrees or wavelengths long). Characteristic impedances of the lines are required. (You will therefore have a design that consists of one stub and one other length of transmission line.)
This chapter describes what happens when two transmission lines are so close together that the elds produced by one line interfers with the elds produced by the other line. The result is that a portion of the signal energy on one line is transferred to the other. This structure results in signicant coupling, as the lines are relatively close. Generally the coupling of the lines is small enough to be ignored if the separation of the strips is, at least, three times the height of the strips. Two parallel transmission lines are regarded as coupled lines if the EM elds created by the voltage and current on one line induce a voltage or current on another line. With most planar transmission lines the elds extend indenitely. This is the case with the two parallel microstrip
Figure 9-1 Edge-coupled microstrip lines with the left line driven with the forward-traveling eld coming out of the page: (a) crosssection of microstrip lines as found on a printed circuit board showing a conformal top passivation or solder resist layer; and (b) in perspective showing the direction of propagation of the driven line (left) and the direction of propagation of the main coupled signal on the victim line (right).
interconnects (see Figure 9-1) ,where only the left line is driven. Part of the magnetic eld on the driven or active line (as shown) encompasses the quiet or inactive line on the right, inducing current ow. The electric eld also extends from the active interconnect and induces a voltage on the inactive (or victim) line. The result, in the frequency domain, is that a forward-traveling wave on the signal line induces a reverse-traveling wave on the quiet line. A much smaller forward-traveling wave is also induced on the quiet line. Transmission line coupling may be undesirable in many situations, but the phenomenon can be exploited to realize novel RF and microwave elements that selectively tap a portion of the energy of either the forward- or the backward-traveling waves.
Physics of Coupling
If the elds of one transmission line can intersect the region around another transmission line, then some of the energy propagating on the rst line appears on the second. This coupling discriminates in terms of forward- and backward-traveling waves. In particular, consider the coupled microstrips shown in Figure 9-1. The direction of propagation is E H. Using the right-hand rule, the direction of propagation on the left-hand strip is out of the page. This is called the forward-traveling direction. Now consider
the elds around the right-hand strip and note the resulting direction of the induced current and the H elds. By applying E H to the signal induced on the right-hand strip, it is seen that the induced signal travels into the page or in the backward-traveling direction. The coupling with parallel-coupled microstrip lines is called backward-wave coupling. This is, of course, a frequency-domain view of coupling. In practice, there is also a small component of forward coupling, and in digital systems, this is of most concern. To appreciate this, consider a voltage step traveling in the forward direction on one strip. The step edge couples across to the neighboring line producing a large backward-traveling pulse and a forward-traveling pulse (approximately the derivative of the original step signal). The coupled forward-traveling pulse travels at the same velocity as the step signal so that the coupled forward-traveling signal integrates over time, whereas the backward-traveling signal does not. Previously forward- and backward-traveling waves were introduced as modes; each is a self-sustaining and propagating eld orientation on a transmission line. In understanding coupled line behavior, and to facilitate design using transmission line coupling, it is a good idea to treat a pair of coupled lines as a single transmission structure. This structure supports two modes called the even mode and the odd mode, and both have forwardand backward-traveling components (see Figure 9-2). In the even mode (Figures 9-2(a) and 9-2(b)), the amplitude and polarity of the voltages on the two signal conductors are the same. In the odd mode (Figures 9-2(c) and 9-2(d)), the voltages on the two signal conductors are equal but have opposite polarity. Any EM eld orientation on the coupled lines can be represented as a weighted addition of the even-mode and oddmode eld congurations. The even and odd modes have forward- and backward-traveling wave components. It is just as valid to consider the eld orientations based on each of the lines (taken one at a time) and to consider the effect of the other line as a perturbation of the elds of the rst line. However, the odd- and even-mode view of the elds assists in understanding and quantitatively describing coupling. This view facilitates the design of components that exploit coupling. The conguration of the elds supported by the coupled lines depends on how the lines are driven and terminated. The actual eld congurations will be a superposition of the even and odd modes. At any instant, the relative amplitudes and polarities of the voltages, taken at any specic crosssectional plane along the structure, can also be categorized as being composed of an alike (or even) component, and an opposite (or odd) component. The actual voltages and currents will be linear combinations of these. The characteristic impedances of the even and odd modes, on the coupled line system, must differ because of the different eld orientations. These impedances are termed the even-mode and odd-mode characteristic
Figure 9-2 Modes on parallel-coupled microstrip lines: (a) and (b) even mode; and (c) and (d) odd mode. In (b) and (d) the electric elds are indicated as arrowed lines and the magnetic eld lines are dashed.
with the subscripts F and B indicating the front and back, respectively, of the even- and odd-mode components. Also VF e VF o VBe VBe = (V1 + V2 )/2 = (V1 V2 )/2 = (V3 + V4 )/2 = (V3 V4 )/2 IF e IF o IBe IBe = (I1 + I2 )/2 = (I1 I2 )/2 . = (I3 + I4 )/2 = (I3 I4 )/2
impedances, denoted by Z0e and Z0o , respectively. Here the e subscript identies the even mode and the o subscript identies the odd mode. The phase velocities of the two modes may also differ in general, but in the case of a uniform dielectric, the phase velocities will be the same. With coupled microstrip lines they do differ, since the two modes have different amounts of energy in the air and in the dielectric, resulting in different effective permittivities of the two modes. Coupled lines are modeled by determining the propagation characteristics of the even and odd modes. Also, at the circuit level, coupling can be described by network parameters that relate total voltage and current. Using the denitions shown in Figures 9-3 and 9-4, the total voltages and currents on the original structure are a superposition of the even- and odd-mode solutions: V1 = VF e + VF o I1 = IF e + IF o V2 = VF e VF o I2 = IF e IF o , (9.1) V3 = VBe + VBo I3 = IBe + IBo V4 = VBe VBo I4 = IBe IBo
z y x
V3 V Fe
V Be V2
V4 V1
2V Bo
2V Fo
Vo Vo Ve 0 V1 0
+ = V2
Figure 9-3 Denitions of total voltages and even- and odd-mode voltages on a pair of coupled microstrip lines: (a) even-mode voltage denition; (b) odd-mode voltage denition; (c) depiction of how even- and odd-mode voltages combine to yield the total voltages on individual lines. The subscript F indicates front and B indicates back.
z y 1
I3 V4
0 0
V ( x) 2
V1 I1 I2
0 r 0 V1( x)
(a) (b)
Figure 9-4 Coupled microstrip lines: (a) with total voltages and currents at the four terminals; and (b) crosssection.
The backward-traveling components are written similarly so that the total even- and odd-mode voltages are
+ VF e = VF e + VF e
VF o = VBe = VBo =
+ VF o + VBe + VBo
+ VF o + VBe + VBo .
Since microstrip lines are fabricated (most of the time) on dielectrics that have unity permeability and the permittivity is independent of direction, then the y-parameters are reciprocal so that yij = yji . Coupling from one line to another is described by the terms: y12 (=y21 ), and y34 (=y43 ).
With an ideal voltmeter,1 the V1 , V2 , V3 , and V4 voltages would be measured from a point on the strip to a point on the ground plane immediately below. VF o and VBo are the voltages that would be measured between the strips at the front and back of the lines, respectively. It would not be possible to directly measure VF e and VBe . One set of network parameters describing a pair of coupled lines is the port-based admittance matrix equation relating the port voltages, V1 to V4 , and the port currents, I1 to I4 : V1 I1 y11 y12 y13 y14 I2 y21 y22 y23 y24 V2 (9.8) I3 = y31 y32 y33 y34 V3 . V4 I4 y41 y42 y43 y44
In this section coupled transmission line theory is developed in terms of the quantities shown in Figure 9-4. The voltages and currents shown here are phasors that vary along the line and are functions of x. The quasi-TEM mode of propagation is also assumed, and the transmission line system is completely lossless with perfect conductors and insulators. In phasor form, the generalized telegraphers equations for a pair of coupled lines are2 dV1 (x) = L11 I1 (x) L12 I2 (x) dx dV2 (x) = L21 I1 (x) L22 I2 (x) dx dI1 (x) = C11 V1 (x) C12 V2 (x) dx dI2 (x) = C21 V1 (x) C22 V2 (x). dx These are generalizations of the telegraphers equations of a transmission line, and because of reciprocity, C12 = C21 and L12
1 2
An ideal voltmeter does not distort the signals and can measure the AC voltage amplitude at any frequency. In Figure 9-4(a) V1 and V2 were the voltages at terminals 1 and 2 of lines 1 and 2. From here on V1 (x) and V2 (x) will be used as the total voltage anywhere on lines 1 and 2, respectively, as shown in Figure 9-4(b). Similar notation will be used for voltages and traveling-wave components.
Compaction of the equations is obtained by introducing the per-unit-length inductance matrix, dened as L= L11 L12 L12 L22 , (9.13)
and the per-unit-length capacitance matrix dened as C= C11 C12 C12 C22 . (9.14)
The next step is to express the voltage on the pair of coupled transmission lines in vector form as V(x) = V1 (x) V2 (x) = [V1 (x) V2 (x)]T , (9.15)
where T indicates transpose. Similarly the vector of currents on the coupled transmission lines is T I(x) = [I1 (x) I2 (x)] . (9.16) Using the above relations, the telegraphers equation, from Equations (9.9) (9.12), is represented in matrix form as d V(x) dx d I(x) dx = = LI(x) CV(x). (9.17) (9.18)
Rearranging Equations (9.17) and (9.18) and after substitution, the nal form is obtained: d2 V(x) + 2 LCV(x) dx2 d2 I(x) + 2 LCI(x) dx2 = = 0 0. (9.19) (9.20)
Solving these second-order differential equations yields descriptions of the propagation characteristics. With condence, a solution in the form of a propagating wave can be assumed: V(x) = V0 ex . Substituting this into Equation (9.19) yields 2 V0 + 2 LCV0 = 0. (9.22) (9.21)
For a nontrivial solution of Equation (9.22), the determinant of the matrix equation should be zero: det LC 2 u 2 = 0, (9.23)
Equation (9.23) is the characteristic equation that can be solved to determine the phase constant, . There are many possible solutions, and weighted linear combinations of the solutions are also a solution. If only the quasi-TEM modes are considered, there are two possible sets of solutions for the phase constant, with one set of solutions being 1 = S1 and the other 2 = S2 . (9.26) The different signs here refer to the forward- and backward-traveling modes.3 Thus the coupled pair of conductors supports two families of modes (each family comprising forward- and backward-traveling waves) with each set relating to a particular eld conguration on the coupled line system.4 That is, S1 and S2 are each single numbers and, just considering the forward-traveling waves, S1 is the propagation constant of one mode, and S2 is the propagation constant of the second mode. There are many possible ways to decompose the elds on the coupled pair of transmission lines into modes. (Note that the total eld is the weighted sums of the elds of each mode.) So if 1 describes the elds of one mode and 2 describes the elds of the other mode, the total elds on the coupled line pair is the weighted sum of the modes: = 1 1 + 2 2 . (9.27) (9.25)
Here 1 and 2 are weights and their values depend on boundary conditions (the type of source and the line terminations). They could be complex functions of distance along the lines if the modes are not self-sustaining. A mode pair that is naturally self-sustaining is the even- and odd-mode pair dened in Section 9.2 on Page 460. There are other possible descriptions, but the even- and odd-mode pair enables design of coupled lines with dened coupling, as well as providing insight into coupling. The circuit-level model of a coupled line pair is developed by considering the calculation of L (inductance) and C (capacitance) matrices. The elements of the capacitance matrix are obtained in two simulations in which the line charge is calculated. A variety of commercially available software packages
3 4
Just as with a single transmission line, higher-order modes can be excited if the width of the strips or the height of a strip above a ground plane is equal to one-half wavelength or more. In general a system with N active conductors (and one reference conductor) will support 2 N (quasi-) TEM modes.
exist for the extraction of the per-unit-length L and C matrices. The matrix C is calculated, in most packages, from the solutions of a two-dimensional electrostatic problem. The steps involve solving for the charges on the lines with voltages set on the conductors. With total voltages V1 and V2 on lines 1 and 2, the charges on lines Q1 and Q2 are: Q1 Q2 = C11 V1 + C12 V2 = C12 V1 + C22 V2 . (9.28) (9.29)
Simulation 1: With V1 = 1 and V2 = 0, the charges are calculated with the result that C11 = Q1 > 0 and C12 = Q2 < 0. (9.31) (9.30)
(Note that Cij , i = j, is negative.) Simulation 2: With V1 = 0 and V2 = 1, the charges are again calculated, and now C22 = Q2 and C12 = Q1 . (9.32)
The characterization of the lines is completed by determining the elements of the inductance matrix. This is done by calculating the capacitances with and without the dielectric. The principle effect of the dielectric is to alter the conguration and magnitude of the electric eld. The dielectric has little effect on the magnitude and orientation of the magnetic eld. With the same current on the coupled lines, the same magnetic energy is stored, and the inductances of the coupled line are unchanged by the dielectric. The other assumption is that with a TEM mode on the lines, and in the absence of a dielectric, the velocity of propagation is c = 1/ LC. Specically, the assumption is that for a TEM mode and without a dielectric, the phase velocity is just c. This is a very good approximation and is exact if the conductors have innite conductivity. (If the conductors have nite conductivity there would be eld inside the conductors, and the wave would slow down.) Determining the capacitance matrix without the dielectric enables the inductance matrix to be calculated: L= 1 1 C . c (9.33)
At this stage, the telegraphers equation has been dened in terms of the phasor transmission line modes V1 (x), I1 (x) and V2 (x), I2 (x). In the next section, the telegraphers equations are considered in terms of even and odd modes.
2 4
Figure 9-5 Three-line structure with four conductors labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4. The fourth conductor is the ground plane.
This section describes a general procedure for the extraction of the capacitance matrix of a number of coupled conductors [135]. Either measurements or measurement-like simulations can be used. Measurements and many programs that extract capacitance of an interconnect network do so by evaluating one capacitance at a time for different connections of interconnects to each other. This was seen, in the previous section, for two conductors above a ground plane (a three-conductor system). Without loss of generality, consider the three-line structure shown in Figure 9-5, where there are four conductors including the ground. A 3 3 capacitance matrix is required to describe the capacitive coupling of this structure. Measurements and most EM simulators can only determine one capacitance at a time. The solution is to connect the individual interconnects into two distinct connected structures and determine the capacitance between the pairs of connected conductors. This procedure is repeated until every combination is considered. In this case there are seven possible combinations, as shown on the left-hand side of Figure 9-6. However, because of reciprocity, Cij = Cji , there are only six capacitances (C11 , C12 , C13 , C22 , C23 , and C33 ) to be determined, and only six of these combinations. The seventh combination serves as a check. The combinations can be realized experimentally by connecting groups of conductors to form the required capacitor. Here capacitance is between the black conductor group and the white group. The measurement of two similar structures, with some known difference, such as lines of different length, can be used to calibrate out the error introduced by the electrical connections, or they can simply be ignored (which is usually reasonable). In an EM simulation, the connections are conveniently realized by holding the black group at one voltage (e.g., 1 V), and the white group at 0 V. The corresponding capacitance connections are shown on the right of this gure: the seven individual capacitance measurements are CA , CB , CC , CD , CE , CF , and CG . (Note: Because of reciprocity, Cij = Cji .) Thus the capacitance matrix can be derived: C11 C = C21 C31 C12 C22 C32 C13 C11 C23 = C12 C33 C13 C12 C22 C23 C13 C23 . C33
Conductor Number 1 2 3
CD = C11 + C13 + C22 + C23 CE = C11 + C12 + C23 + C33 CF = C22 + C12 + C13 + C33 CG = C11 + C22 + C33
Figure 9-6 Combinations of conductors leading to various capacitance measurements.
There are seven measurements that can be conveniently made, but there are only six unknown quantities in the capacitance matrix. Thus only six measurements are required to determine the capacitance matrix and the redundancy (the extra measurement) can be used as a check on the results. Using the rst six measurements, thus C11 C12 C13 C22 C23 C33 = 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 CA CB CC CD CE CF . CA CB CC CD CE CF 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 C11 C12 C13 C22 C23 C33
It is important to note that the driving point capacitance5 of an interconnect is affected by the signals or voltages on surrounding structures. For example, and referring to Figure 9-6, if each conductor (other than ground) is driven by a driver, and the output of the driver for the two left conductors is held at 0 V, then this corresponds to the situation for CC . CC is the effective capacitance seen by the driver of the right-most interconnect (and is the capacitance that must be charged in changing voltage levels). Thus CC depends upon the data on the neighboring lines.
In this section, even- and odd-mode descriptions are considered for the special case of a symmetrical pair of coupled lines; that is, each transmission line of the pair is identical. For a pair of microstrip lines, this would mean that the strips have equal width and are in the same plane. Thus the strips have the same self-inductance, Ls , and self capacitance, Cs , where the subscript s stands for self. Lm and Cm are the mutual inductance and capacitance of the strips, and the subscript m stands for mutual. Equations (9.9)(9.12) can thus be written as dV1 (x) dx dV2 (x) dx dI1 (x) dx dI2 (x) dx = = = = Ls I1 (x) Lm I2 (x) LmI1 (x) Ls I2 (x) Cs V1 (x) Cm V2 (x) Cm V1 (x) Cs V2 (x). (9.37) (9.38) (9.39) (9.40)
The even mode is dened as the mode corresponding to both conductors being at the same potential and carrying the same currents:6 V1 = V2 = Ve and I1 = I2 = Ie . (9.41)
The odd-mode is dened as the mode corresponding to the conductors being at opposite potentials relative to the reference conductor and carrying currents of equal amplitude but of opposite sign7 : V1 = V2 = Vo and I1 = I2 = Io .
The driving point impedance, or here capacitance, is what would be measured without knowledge of the behavior of surrounding structures. It is the Thevenin equivalent input impedance (capacitance) of the structure. Here Ie = (I1 + I2 )/2 and Ve = (V1 + V2 )/2. The reason for the supposedly equally valid denition Ie = I1 + I2 not being used is that the adopted denition results in the desirable form of the even-mode characteristic impedance, as will be seen. Here Io = (I1 I2 )/2 and Vo = (V1 V2 )/2.
The characteristics of the two possible modes of the coupled transmission lines are now described. For the even mode, from Equations (9.37) and (9.38), d (V1 (x) + V2 (x)) = (Lm + Ls ) (I1 (x) + I2 (x)) , (9.43) dx which becomes dVe (x) = (Ls + Lm ) Ie (x). (9.44) dx Similarly, using Equations (9.39) and (9.40), d (I1 (x) + I2 (x)) = (Cs + Cm ) (V1 (x) + V2 (x)) , dx which in turn becomes dIe (x) = (Cs + Cm ) Ve (x). dx (9.46) (9.45)
Dening the even-mode inductance and capacitance, Le and Ce , respectively, as Le = Ls + Lm , Ce = Cs + Cm (9.47) leads to the even-mode telegraphers equations: dVe (x) = j Le Ie (x) dx and dIe (x) = j Ce Ve (x). dx From these, the even-mode characteristic impedance can be found, Z0e = Le = Ce Ls + Lm Cs + Cm (9.48)
(9.50) (9.51)
The characteristics of the odd-mode operation of the coupled transmission line can be determined in a similar procedure to that used for the even mode. Using Equations (9.37)(9.40), the odd-mode telegraphers equation becomes dVo (x) dx dIo (x) dx = j (Ls Lm ) Io (x) = j (Cs Cm ) Vo (x). (9.53) (9.54)
Now for a sanity check. If the individual strips are widely separated, Lm and Cm will become very small and Z0e and Z0o will be almost equal. As the strips become closer, Lm and Cm will become larger and Zoe and Z0o will diverge. There are no simple formulas for the propagation characteristics of coupled microstrip lines. Use of commercially available software that extracts per-unit-length L and C matrices is the easiest way to obtain accurate characteristics. For a more detailed analysis and for design formulas for coupled strip transmission lines, the reader is referred to Edwards and Steer [51].
The previous section used the even- and odd-mode capacitances for coupled lines of equal crosssection. In this section these capacitances are related to the elements of the capacitance matrix of the coupled line pair. Repeating Equations (9.28) and (9.29), Q1 Q2 and the capacitance matrix is C= C11 C12 C12 C22 . (9.60) = C11 V1 + C12 V2 = C12 V1 + C22 V2 . (9.58) (9.59)
In the even mode V1 = V2 = Ve and so the charge on strip 1 in the even mode is Q1e = (C11 + C12 ) Ve (9.61) and the charge on strip 2 in the even mode is Q2e = (C21 + C22 ) Ve (9.62)
Dening the even-mode charge as Qe = (Q1e + Q2e ) /2, then the even-mode charge becomes Qe = Ve (C11 + C22 + C12 + C21 )/2. This leads to the even-mode per unit length capacitance, Ce = Qe /Ve = (C11 + C22 + C12 + C21 )/2. (9.65) (9.64) (9.63)
Similarly, in the odd-mode, Vo = V1 = V2 , and the odd-mode charge on strip 1 is Q1o = (C11 C12 ) Vo , and the odd-mode charge on strip 2 is Q2o = (C21 C22 ) Vo , The odd-mode charge is then Qo = (Q1o Q2o ) /2 = (C11 + C22 C12 C21 ) Vo /2. The odd-mode capacitance is Co = Qo /Vo = (C11 + C22 C12 C21 )/2 . This will be clearer in the following example. EXAMPLE 9. 1 Parallel Line Capacitance (9.69) (9.68) (9.67) (9.66)
Electromagnetic software can be used to determine the even- and odd-mode parameters of a coupled line. This is usually done by setting phasor voltage on the coupled line and evaluating the phasor charge under each condition. The voltage applied to the left strip is designated as V1 and the voltage applied to the right strip is V2 . The phasor charge on the strips is Q1 and Q2 , respectively. One part of the analysis is to redo the calculations, but this time with the substrate removed, so that now we are dealing with the free-space situation. In this case the charges are denoted by Q01 and Q02 . The matrix of (computer based) measurements is as follows:
Case A B
V1 (V) 1 1
V2 (V) 1 1
Q1 (pC/m) 70 30
Q2 (pC/m) 80 40
(a) What is the two-port capacitance matrix? (b) What is the even-mode capacitance? (c) What is the odd-mode capacitance? (d) What is the free-space (no dielectric) two-port capacitance matrix? (e) What is the free-space even-mode capacitance? (f) What is the free-space odd-mode capacitance? (g) What is the even-mode effective relative permittivity? (h) What is the odd-mode effective relative permittivity? (i) Note that both the odd mode and even mode are TEM modes, so the phase velocity in the free-space situation is c. Determine the odd-mode and even-mode inductances per unit length in free space. (j) Note that the inductances do not change when the dielectric is replaced. What is the even-mode impedance? (k) What is the odd-mode impedance? (l) What is the even-mode phase velocity? (m) What is the odd-mode phase velocity?
(a) Begin by considering the crosssection of a coupled line shown above and use the basic equations relating the charges on the line to the voltages on them: Q1 = C11 V1 + C12 V2 and Q2 = C21 V1 + C22 V2 , and consider two sets of voltage conditions. Case A: In the rst case, referred to as the odd excitation, V1 = 1 V and V2 = 1 V and the charges are Q1A = C11 C12 (9.70) and Q2A = C21 C22 . (9.71)
Case B: In the second condition, referred to as the even excitation, V1 = V2 = 1 V and the charges are Q1B = C11 + C12 (9.72)
and Q2B = C21 + C22 . Adding Equations (9.70) and (9.72) results in Q1A + Q1B = 2C11 so C11 = (Q1A + Q1B )/2 = (70 + 30)/2 pF/m = 50 pF. Subtracting Equation (9.70) from Equation (9.72) yields Q1B Q1A = 2C12 , so C12 = (Q1B Q1A )/2 = (30 70)/2 pF/m = 20 pF/m. Equation (9.71) plus Equation (9.74) yields (Q2A + Q2B ) = 2C21 , so C21 = (Q2A + Q2B )/2 = (80 + 40)/2 pF/m = 20 pF/m Equation (9.73) minus Equation (9.71) yields (Q2B Q2A ) = 2C22 , so Thus the per-unit-length capacitance matrix of the coupled line is 50 20 C= pF/m. 20 60 C22 = (Q2B Q2A )/2 = (40 (80))/2 pF/m = 60 pF/m. (9.81) (9.80) (9.79) (9.78) (9.77) (9.76) (9.75) (9.74) (9.73)
(b) Even-mode capacitance, Ce : The even mode has V1 = V2 and the even-mode voltage is Ve = (V1 + V2 )/2. The even-mode charge is Qe = (Q1 + Q2 )/2 = (30 + 40)/2 pC/m = 35 pC/m, so Ce = Qe /Ve = 35 pF/m. (9.83)
(c) Odd-mode capacitance, Co : Odd-mode voltage, Vo = (V1 V2 )/2 and odd-mode charge, Qo = (Q1 Q2 )/2 . With V1 = +1V and V2 = 1V, V0 = 1 and Qo = = 1 [70 (80)] pC/m 2 75 pC/m . , (9.84) (9.85) (9.86)
Co = Q0 /V0 = 75 pF/m.
(d) Using a similar procedure to that in (a), but now using the free-space charge calculations, Q01 and Q02 results in the unit capacitance matrix: 12.5 9.69 C0 = pF/m. (9.87) 9.69 15.0 (e) Ce0 = 4.07 pF/m (f) Co0 = 23.5 pF/m (g) re = Ce /Ce0 = 35/4.07 = 8.6 (h) ro = Co /Co0 = 75/23.5 = 3.2 . (i) Phase velocity, vp = 1 LC.
Odd-mode inductance: .h` i ` 2 Lo0 = 1 c2 Co0 = 1 3 108 23.5 1012 H/m = 473 nH/m.
q Lo /Co ; Lo = Lo0 Zo = 473 109 (75 1012 ) = 79.4 q p (k) Ze = Le /Ce Ze = 2.73 106 (35 1012 ) = 279 . ` 1/2 (l) vpe = 1 Le Ce = 2.73 106 35 1012 = 1.023 108 m/S . ` 1/2 (m) vpo = 1 Lo Co = 473 109 75 1012 = 1.68 108 m/S (j) Zo = p
The free-space even-mode inductance: .h` i ` 2 3 108 4.07 1012 H/m = 2.73 H/m. Le0 = 1 c2 Ce0 = 1
Formulas for the characteristic impedance and effective permittivity of symmetric coupled microstrip lines, with the cross section shown in Figure 9-7, were developed by Hammerstad and Jensen [66] based on the concept of even and odd modes. The formulas are accurate to better than 1% for 0.1 u 10 and g > 0.01 where u is the normalized width, u = w/h, and g is the normalized gap, g = s/h. (9.91) (9.90)
In the following, Z0 and e refer to the characteristic impedance and effective permittivity of an individual microstrip line with a normalized width of u on a substrate with a relative dielectric constant of r .
where ee is the effective relative permittivity of the even mode and Z01e is the even-mode characteristic impedance with the dielectric replaced by free space: Z0 (u) Z01e (u, g) = , (9.93) 1 Z0 (u)e (u, g)/0 where e (u, g) = (u) (g) (g)um(g) + [1 (g)] um(g) (9.94)
and 0 = 376.73 377 is the characteristic impedance of a TEM wave in a vacuum, which is commonly called the characteristic impedance of free space. Now Z0 (u) is the free-space characteristic impedance of an individual microstrip line and is given by Equation (4.182) on Page 224. In Equations (9.92) and (9.93), the effective permittivity of the even mode is ee (u, g, ) = where Fe (u, g, r ) = 1 + a(u) = 1 + 10 (u, g)
a(u)b(r )
r + 1 r 1 + Fe (u, g, r ), 2 2
1 u ln 1 + 18.7 18.1
b(r ) = 0.564
(u) = 0.8645u0.1472
g g 2.09 + 1.45 3.95 0.1472 (u) = 0.8645u (g) = 1 + (g) = 1 + g g + 1.45 3.95 (g) = 0.5 exp (g)
u(20 + g ) . 10 + g 2
The odd-mode characteristic impedance is Z0o (u, g) = Z01o (u, g)/ eo (u, g, ) , (9.106)
where eo is the effective relative permittivity of the odd mode and Z01o is the odd-mode characteristic impedance with the dielectric replaced by freespace: Z0 (u) Z01o (u, g) = . (9.107) 1 Z0 (u)o (u, g)/0 Z0 (u) is the free-space characteristic impedance of an individual microstrip line and is given by Equation (4.182) on Page 224. In Equations (9.106) and (9.107), the effective permittivity of the odd mode is eo (u, g, ) = where Fo (u, g, r ) = fo (u, g, r ) (1 + 10/u) o (u, g) = e (u, g)
a(u)b(r )
r + 1 r 1 + Fo (u, g, r ), 2 2
(g) exp (g)un(g) ln (u) (9.110) (g) 0.627 (g) = 1.729 + 1.175 ln 1 + (9.111) g + 0.327g 2.17 1 g 10 1 (g) = 0.2306 + ln + ln 1 + 0.646g 1.175 301.8 1 + (g/3.73)10 5.3 (9.112)
1 + exp 6.424 0.76 ln (g) (g/0.23)5 17.7 10 + 68.3g 2 ln 1 + 32.5g 3.093 ln u fo (u, g, r ) = fo1 (g, r ) exp p(g) ln (u) + q(g) sin ln 10 n(g) = p(g) = exp 0.745g 0.295 /cosh g 0.68 fo1 (g, r ) = 1 exp 0.179g 0.15 r(g, r ) = 1 + 0.15 1 0.328g ln [exp (1) + (g/7)2.8 ]
r(g,r )
q(g) = exp (1.366 g), and a(u) and b(r ) are dened in Equations (9.97) and (9.98).
The system impedance of a pair of coupled lines is Z0S = Z0e Z0o . (9.119)
This is derived in Appendix A of Edwards and Steer [51], where it is shown that there will be no reections at the ports of a symmetrical coupled line pair if each line of the directional coupler is terminated in an impedance Z0S . That is, Z0S is the impedance required for matching. Z0 is the characteristic impedance of an individual line of the symmetrical coupled line pair (when there is no coupling) and is only close to Z0S when the separation, s, of the lines is large. They diverge as the lines come closer together.
Normalized even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances of a pair of coupled lines are plotted in Figure 9-8 for various normalized widths u (= w/h) as a function of normalized gap width g (= s/h). This plot illustrates the utility of using even- and odd-mode descriptions. In Figure 9-8, the evenand odd-mode impedances are normalized to the characteristic impedance of an individual line, Z0 . When the lines are far apart (i.e., g is large), the even- and odd-mode impedances converge to the characteristic impedance of a single line. As the lines get closer, the gap narrows, and the evenand odd-mode impedances diverge in opposite directions. To obtain the characteristic impedances of a coupled line the characteristic impedance of a single microstrip line must be found. This was given in Section 4.10.2 on Page 223 and the key result is repeated in Figure 9-9. Again, normalization
1.50 1.40
u= 0.5 1
1.30 2 1.20 5 1.10 10 1.00 0.90 u= 0.80 10 0.70 5 0.60 2 1 0.50 0.00 0.5 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 Z0o/Z0 Z0e /Z0
Figure 9-8 Normalized even-mode and odd-mode characteristic impedances of a pair of coupled microstrip lines.
is used to simplify the graphical presentation of data and highlight major dependencies. In the even mode, more of the eld is in the dielectric than with the odd mode. It is therefore not surprising that the effective permittivities of the two modes differ. The normalized coupled line effective permittivities are shown in Figure 9-10. The deviation of the even- and odd-mode permittivities as the gap between the lines narrows is not as large as the change in the characteristic impedance. However, there is a difference in the phase velocities of the two modes along the line, and this has an appreciable effect on the performance of components such as lters that use coupled lines as a functional component. At the rst reading of the plot (Figure 9-10) it would seem that there is nonmonotonic behavior at low g. This is an artifact of the normalization used, and the unnormalized permittivities are indeed monotonic with respect to u and g. Figure 9-11 highlights that the split of the even- and odd-mode characteristics impedances is almost solely dependent on geometry and not the permittivity of the substrate. In the gure, appropriate normalization is used to highlight this fact. There are four families of curves, two for the evenmode characteristic impedances and two for the odd-mode characteristic impedances. Each family comprises the results for three widely different permittivities of the dielectric (specically = 4, 10, and 20).
er = 4 10 20
0.875 0.850 0.825 0.800 0.775 0.750 0.725 0.700 0.675 0.650 0.625 0.600
Z 0 e 150
125 100 75 50 25 0 0.0
e /r
Figure 9-9 Normalized characteristic impedance and normalized effective permittivity of a microstrip line as a function of u = w/h. For example, if u = 1 and r = 10, then from the gure, Z0 e = 126 and e /r = 0.671; thus Z0 e = 48.6 and e = 6.71.
A coupled line is constructed on an alumina substrate of thickness 500 m and relative permittivity r = 10. The lines are 500 m wide and the gap separation is 250 m. What are the even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances and effective permittivities of the coupled line? Solution: The odd-mode characteristic impedance, Zoo , and even-mode characteristic impedance, Zoe , can be found using Figures 9-8 and 9-9. Now u = w/h = 500 m/500 m = 1 and g = s/h = 250 m/500 m = 0.5 . From Figure 9-8, Z0e /Z0 = 1.21 and Zoo /Z0 = 0.76, (9.120) where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of an individual line. From Figure 9-9, and using the curve for = 10, e /r = 0.671 , and so e = 10 0.671 = 6.71 . (9.121)
1.10 u = 2 1.08 5 1 0.5 10 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 10 u=
eee /ee
eoo /ee
0.86 0.5 1 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5 2
Figure 9-10 Normalized even-mode and odd-mode effective permittivity of a pair of coupled microstrip lines. The effective permittivity of an individual microstrip line with the same normalized width u is e .
Also from Figure 9-9, Z0 e = 126, and so Z0 = 126/ 6.71 = 48.6 . (9.122)
Consequently, combining Equations (9.120) and (9.122), Z0o = 37.3 and Zoe = 59.1 . (9.123)
The effective odd-mode and even-mode permittivities are obtained from Figure 9-10. The normalized even-mode effective permittivity is ee /e = 1.086 and the normalized odd-mode effective permittivity is eo /e = 0.868 . Since e = 6.71, the nal result is ee = 7.28 and eo = 5.82 .
0.50 0.00
Figure 9-11 Normalized even-mode and odd-mode effective permittivity of a pair of coupled microstrip lines for extremes of u. Each family of three curves is for r = 4, 10, and 20. Z0 is the characteristic impedance of an individual microstrip line with the same normalized width, u = w/h. The strips have equal width.
PORT 3 PORT 3 P 3 P 1
Figure 9-12 Directional couplers: (a) schematic, and (b) backward-coupled microstrip directional coupler.
Directional Coupler
In analog and RF circuits a designer usually has some freedom to increase the spacing of lines to reduce coupling to acceptable levels. The coupling phenomenon, however, can be exploited to realize a new type of element called a directional coupler. The schematic of a directional coupler is shown in Figure 9-12(a). The top view of a microstrip realization of a directional coupler is shown in Figure 9-12(b). The microstrip realization is typical of most directional couplers in that it comprises two parallel signal lines with
the electric and magnetic elds of a signal on one line inducing currents and voltages on the other. A usable directional coupler has a coupled line length of at least one-quarter wavelength, with longer lengths of line resulting in broader bandwidth operation. Directional couplers are used to sample a traveling wave on one line and to induce a usually much smaller image of the wave on another line. That is, the forward- and backward-traveling modes can be separated. An important application of a directional coupler is as part of a measurement system. Here a prescribed amount of the incident power is required to be coupled out of the system. Thus, for example, a 20 dB microstrip coupler is a pair of coupled microstrip lines in which 1/100 of the power input is coupled from one microstrip line onto the another. Referring to Figure 9-12, a coupler is specied in terms of the following parameters: Coupling factor (or coupling parameter): C = V1+ /V3 = voltage fraction transferred (coupled) across to the opposite arm (greater than 1). Transmission factor (also known as insertion gain): T = V2 /V1+ = transmission directly through the primary arm of the structure (less than 1). Directivity factor: D = V3 /V4 = measure of the undesired coupling from Port 1 to Port 4 relative to the signal level at Port 3 (greater than 1). degree of isolation between Port 4 and Port 1 (greater than 1).
With the exception of the transmission factor, the denitions are designed so that when the factors are expressed in decibels the resulting number is positive. It is usual to quote all these quantities in decibels. One should be very careful in relating decibels and the numerical values of the factors above, as the negative sign is nearly always dropped from decibel designations. For example, the coupling factor in decibels, C|dB , should be C|dB = 20 log C, and this would be a negative decibel number, but coupling is almost universally specied using a positive decibel number. So 20 dB coupling indicates that the coupling factor is 10.8 The appropriate correction of sign is usually required. An ideal quarter-wave coupler has D = (or innite
Always check the magnitude of the above factors, as some papers and books on couplers use the inverse of C.
This result comes from a detailed derivation for the case when the coupledline section is one-quarter wavelength longthe length when the coupling is maximum. The derivation is given in Appendix A of Edwards and Steer [51]. In decibels the coupling factor is C|dB = 20 log Z0e + Z0o Z0e Z0o (9.125)
A directional coupler with ports dened as in Figure 9-12 with the ports matched (so that S11 = 0 = S22 = S33 = S44 ) has the following scattering parameter matrix: 0 T S= 1/C 1/I T 0 1/I 1/C 1/C 1/I 0 T 1/I 1/C . T 0
There are many types of directional couplers, and the phases of the traveling waves at the ports will not necessarily be in phase as Equation (9.127) implies. The microstrip coupler shown in Figure 9-12(b) has maximum coupling when the lines are one-quarter wavelength long.9 At the frequency where they are one-quarter wavelength long, the phase difference between traveling waves entering at Port 1 and leaving at Port 2 will be 90 so that Equation (9.127) becomes 0 T S= 1/C 1/I T 0 1/I 1/C 1/C 1/I 0 T 1/I 1/C . T 0
Typical and ideal parameters of a directional coupler are given in Table 9-1.
This can be shown through a detailed derivation provided by Edwards and Steer [51] but not repeated here.
Ideal | 1 1/C 2 |
A lossless directional coupler has the following characteristics: coupling factor C = 20 dB, transmission factor 0.8, and directivity 20 dB. What is the isolation factor? Express your answer in decibels.
Coupling factor: C = V1+ /V3 Transmission: T = V2 /V1+ Directivity: D = V3 /V4 Isolation: I = V1+ /V4 Note: Always check the magnitude of the above factors. Now, D = 20 dB = 10 so the isolation is I= V1+ V3 V1+ = D C = 10 10 = 100 = 40 dB. = V4 V4 V3 and C = 20 dB = 10,
Develop the electrical design of a 15 dB directional coupler using coupled microstrip lines on a substrate with a permittivity of 12, a substrate thickness, h, of 600 m, and at a center frequency of 10 GHz. Use a system impedance of 50 . Solution:
The electrical design of a directional coupler comes down to determining the evenand odd-mode characteristic impedances required. Now the coupling factor, C, is (Z0e + Z0o ) / (Z0e Z0o ) and r 1+C Z0e = Z0S . 1C For a 15 dB directional coupler C = 15 dB = 5.618 and so r 5.618 + 1 Z0e = 50 = 59.9 5.618 1 2 Z0o = Z0S Z0e = 502 59.9 =41.7 .
In the previous section the coupling factor was expressed in terms of the even- and odd-mode impedances. However, design starts with the specication of the coupling level and from this the required physical dimensions are derived. A one-quarter wavelength long coupler will be considered, as this is the optimum coupling length. From Equation (9.124), the desired coupling factor is10 C= Z0e + Z0o , Z0e Z0o (9.129)
where the coupling factor is an absolute voltage-referenced quantity and usually must be derived from the coupling factor in decibels; let this be C|dB : C = 10C|dB /20 .
These three results, the coupling factor in terms of the even- and odd-mode impedances, the optimum coupling length (g /4), and the system reference impedance in terms of the evenand odd-mode impedances are derived in Appendix A of Edwards and Steer [51].
Z0S is introduced here because Z0 is used for the characteristic impedance of the individual lines of the coupler; Z0 is not equal to Z0S . Both should match the characteristic impedance of the transmission lines connected to the coupler. From these expressions, the even- and odd-mode impedances required are C +1 (9.132) Z0e Z0S C 1 Z0o Z0S and the ratio of impedances is Z0e /Z0o C +1 . C 1 (9.134) C 1 , C +1 (9.133)
The last three equations are the basic design expressions, as Z0e and Z0o can be related to physical dimensions. One of the small complications is that the close proximity of the two strips alters the orientation of the eld lines and hence the characteristic impedances of the individual lines. That is, the characteristic impedance of each line on its own, Z0 , will differ from the system impedance, Z0S . For a normalized line width of u =(w/h), this effect is shown in Figure 9-13. Here ZOS , the desired system impedance, is the geometric mean of the even- and odd-mode impedances. Z0 is the characteristic impedance of one of the lines of the coupled line structure. Thus maintaining the desired Z0S requires that Z0 of the individual lines be greater than Z0S , particularly as the normalized gap size reduces. A more direct design parameter is to use the ratio of the even- and oddmode impedances (Equation (9.134)). Microstrip coupler design proceeds as follows. The rst step is to examine the specications and determine the substrate permittivity, r , coupling factor, C, in decibels, and the system characteristic impedance, Z0S . From C nd Z0e /Z0 ; the data in Tables 9-2 and 9-3 enable some of the physical parameters to be determined, including the normalized gap coupling parameter, g, and the normalized strip width, u. The tables also provide the characteristic impedance, even- and oddmode characteristic impedances, and the characteristic impedance of the individual strips of the directional coupler. The next step is to design the dimensions of the individual microstrip lines connecting the directional coupler using Table 4-3 on Page 227. At this stage the widths and spacings of the microstrip circuit are normalized. Using the substrate height, these are normalized to obtain the actual physical dimensions. Finally, the length of the coupler is a one-quarter wavelength long, as this was the basis for
1.50 u = 0.5 1.40 1.30 1.20 Z0e /Z0 1.10 1.00 0.90 Z0S /Z0 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.00 Z0o/Z0
Figure 9-13 Normalized even- and odd-mode effective permittivity of coupled microstrip lines with normalized width, u = 0.5, versus normalized gap spacing, g.
the formula relating the even- and odd-mode impedances to the coupling factor in Equation (9.124). The even and odd modes have different effective permittivities and the g /4 length should apply to both the even and odd modes. Clearly both cannot be satised. It is reasonable to use the average of the even- and odd-mode permittivities to establish the coupler length. The length is not a very sensitive parameter anyway. The connection of the individual lines to the coupler is not specically part of the synthesis described, but if designed they should be designed as a bend. Often tables do not have the values that are required in design and it is necessary to interpolate the table values using linear interpolation or bilinear interpolation as described in Section A.6 on page 830. A comment on this design procedure is in order. The design procedure above yields a narrowband directional coupler. A broadband directional coupler, and indeed any component that is desired to have a broad bandwidth, should be designed using lter principles. The lter discussion in Chapter 10 focuses on the design of microstrip lters using coupled lines and so is closely aligned to the design of couplers with desired frequency characteristics. Another comment is that the design ow is one
Table 9-2 Design parameters for coupled lines for r = 4 corresponding to design on an SiO2 or FR-4 (printed circuit board) substrate. The normalized gap, g, is chosen to obtain the desired coupled line mode impedance ratio, z0e /z0o . Data are derived from the analysis in Section 9.6 on Page 476. Z0 is the characteristic impedance of an individual microstrip line with a normalized width, u, on the same substrate. r = 4 (SiO2 and FR-4), Z0S = 50 g z0e /z0o u Z0e Z0o () () 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 2.15 1.84 1.66 1.55 1.47 1.41 1.36 1.32 1.28 1.25 1.23 1.20 1.19 1.17 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.07 1.05 1.03 1.60 1.74 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.96 1.98 2.00 2.02 2.02 2.04 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.07 2.07 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 73.17 67.85 64.29 62.48 60.83 59.31 58.30 57.37 56.51 56.06 55.30 54.93 54.60 53.96 53.68 53.43 53.20 52.99 52.47 52.30 51.61 51.15 50.62 34.10 36.97 38.63 40.18 41.29 42.10 42.92 43.57 44.09 44.75 45.09 45.60 46.05 46.20 46.56 46.87 47.16 47.41 47.37 47.58 48.33 48.80 49.31
ee 3.21 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.25 3.25 3.23 3.21 3.18
eo 2.61 2.65 2.68 2.70 2.73 2.75 2.76 2.78 2.79 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.83 2.84 2.85 2.86 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.88 2.91 2.93 2.96
Z0 () 57.96 55.23 53.45 52.77 52.11 51.47 51.16 50.85 50.54 50.54 50.24 50.24 50.24 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.94 49.64 49.64 49.64 49.64 49.64
of synthesis. An alternative procedure that is often used is to start with a very approximate design and rely on optimization tools to obtain the desired characteristics. This works in many cases but often does not lead to optimum design. Having said that, the synthesis procedure does not yield a perfect design, as parasitic and dispersive effects are not taken into account. Optimization from the synthesized design requires only a small adjustment. In practice, the uncertainties of physical structures (e.g., variations in the effective permittivity of actual materials) requires experimental iteration.
Table 9-3 Design parameters for a microstrip coupler on a substrate with a relative permittivity, r , of 10. Data are derived from the analysis in Section 9.6 on Page 476. Z0 is the characteristic impedance of an individual microstrip line with a normalized width, u, on the same substrate. r = 10 (Alumina), Z0S = 50 g z0e /z0o u Z0e () 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 2.66 2.15 1.90 1.73 1.61 1.52 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.31 1.28 1.25 1.23 1.21 1.19 1.17 1.16 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.09 1.06 1.04 0.66 0.76 0.81 0.85 0.87 0.89 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 81.61 73.38 69.06 65.78 63.66 61.79 60.11 59.25 58.17 57.50 56.60 55.78 55.31 54.90 54.52 54.19 53.89 53.61 53.09 52.87 52.05 51.54 50.97
Z0o () 30.64 34.06 36.39 38.02 39.46 40.55 41.38 42.40 43.07 43.81 44.26 44.62 45.11 45.55 45.93 46.28 46.59 46.86 46.89 47.11 47.93 48.45 49.04
ee 6.95 7.07 7.13 7.17 7.20 7.22 7.23 7.23 7.24 7.23 7.23 7.23 7.22 7.21 7.20 7.19 7.18 7.16 7.16 7.14 7.08 7.02 6.92
eo 5.59 5.65 5.69 5.74 5.77 5.81 5.85 5.88 5.92 5.94 5.98 6.01 6.03 6.06 6.08 6.11 6.13 6.15 6.18 6.20 6.29 6.36 6.46
Z0 () 59.0 55.5 54.0 52.8 52.2 51.7 51.1 51.1 50.9 50.9 50.6 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.1 50.1 50.1 50.1 50.1
u = w/h g = s/h h
w w w
w s
(a) (b) Figure 9-14 Coupler dimensions to be determined in Example 9.11: (a) crosssection; and (b) layout.
Design a microstrip directional coupler with the following specications: Transmission line technology Coupling coefcient Microstrip characteristic impedance Substrate permittivity Substrate thickness System center frequency (midband for the coupler) Microstrip C Z0 r h f0 = 10 dB = 50 = 10.0 = 1 mm = 5 GHz
The crosssectional dimensions that must be determined are the strip width, w, and the strip separation, s, as shown in Figure 9-14. The procedure is to rst determine the coupling factor: C = 10(C|dB /20) = 10(10/20) = 3.162 . (9.135) The ratio of the even- and odd- mode impedances required to achieve the desired coupling is derived from Equation (9.134): Z0e /Z0o = Solution: The problem now is to determine the physical geometry (i.e., the line widths and spacing). The data of Table 9-3 apply here (as r = 10), enabling the normalized gap, g = s/h, and normalized line width, u = w/h, to be determined for a specied impedance ratio, Z0e /Z0o . The table does not contain a line for Z0e /Z0o = 1.925 and so the table must be interpolated. The line for Z0e /Z0o = 2.15 has g = 0.2 and the line for Z0e /Z0o = 1.90 has g = 0.3. So for Z0e /Z0o = 1.925, 0.3 0.2 g= (1.925 2.15) + 0.2 = 0.290 , (9.137) 1.9 2.15 thus s = g h = 0.290 mm. (9.138) The value of u must also be interpolated from Table 9-3 and u = 0.805 is obtained; thus w = u h = 0.805 mm. (9.139) 3.162 + 1 C+1 = = 1.925 . C1 3.162 1 (9.136)
The coupler should be one-quarter wavelength long, so the effective relative permittivity of the even and odd modes is required. From Table 9-3, the interpolated values are ee = 7.124 and eo = 5.686 . (9.140)
These effective permittivities are different, so determination of the optimum length of the coupler is not straightforward. The only choice is to use the average of the permittivities: e,avg = (ee + eo )/2 = 6.405. (9.141)
0.805 mm
0.954 mm
0.954 mm
Figure 9-15
Figure 9-16 A microstrip directional coupler with SMA connectors. The top righthand connector has a 50 termination attached.
Thus the average wavelength is g = c 3 108 = = 2.37 cm f e,avg 5 109 6.405 L = g /4 = 5.93 mm. (9.142)
Finally, the widths of the feed lines must be determined. The system impedance is 50 and, from Table 4-3, the width, w , is found to be 0.954 mm. The nal layout of the coupler is shown in Figure 9-15. Electromagnetic analysis is often used to rene this synthesized coupler. There are three main uncertainties in the design. One is the uncertainty in the length of the coupler (due to the different even- and odd-mode effective permittivities). Second is the uncertainty in the connection of the feed lines (of width w ) to the coupler. The nal uncertainty is that the coupled-line equations come from low-frequency analysisEM analysis will capture the frequency-dependent effects. However, only minor iteration would normally be required. The nal realization of a microstrip directional coupler as a laboratory component is shown in Figure 9-16, where SMA coaxial connectors are attached to the microstrip lines.
A nal comment: the difference in the effective permittivities of the even and odd modes means that the even- (vpe ) and odd-mode (vpo ) phase
This is a problem in coupler design, but can be used to advantage in the design of lters based on coupled lines.
So far coupling has been discussed in terms of the EM elds shared by two transmission lines. This is not the only way coupling of signals occurs. Sharing of a return path results in coupling, often called common impedance coupling, as there is a circuit element common to two or more transmission lines. The simplest situation is a shared impedance rather than a shared transmission line return, so that the return current attributed to one interconnect induces a voltage across the common impedance element. This signal then appears as though it was on the victim line. The common impedance could be the inductance or resistance of the ground conductor in the case of microstrip lines. In general, however, common impedance coupling will occur whenever the current return path is common.
A directional coupler comprised of two parallel microstrip lines cannot achieve a coupling of 3 dB, which corresponds to splitting the power of a traveling wave into two equal components. This is a very useful function in constructing ampliers, as this function would enable two ampliers to be driven with equal amplitude signals derived from the same source and then at the output to be combined back together. Lange [136] introduced a coupler, now known as the Lange coupler, in 1969. The Lange coupler (see Figure 9-17) has a coupling factor of around 3 dB. In this design, true quadrature coupling over an octave is realized as a consequence of the interdigital coupling section, which compensates for the differences of the even- and odd-mode phase velocities over the wide frequency range. Note the use of the center bond wiresthis was the key contribution of the Lange coupler. The bonding wires should look, electrically, as close as possible to a short-circuitor at least as very small lumped inductances. This means that their lengths, ls , must be kept as short as possible: ls gm /4, where gm is the midband wavelength. In semiconductor technologies, these bond wires are replaced by air bridges, and in structures with two or more metal layers the wirebonds are replaced by vias to another metal layer and a short connection on the second metal layer. In some designs, six coupling ngers are used instead of the four shown in Figure 9-17. Note that the input-todirect output link meanders through the structure and this DC connection identies the through connection. The physical length of the coupler is approximately one-quarter
(a) Figure 9-17 A four-nger Lange coupler: (a) microstrip layout; and (b) circuit symbol.
Figure 9-18 Schematic illustration of parallel coupled lines with lumped capacitors bridging the ends to provide compensation.
wavelength long at the center frequency of the coupling band. As with many distributed components, this element was invented using intuition and empirical iterations. Since then, analytic design formulas have been developed to enable synthesis of the electrical parameters of the coupler (see Edwards and Steer [51]). The synthesis is based on even- and odd-mode impedances analogous to those developed in Section 9.7 on Page 483 for a coupler comprised of coupled microstrip lines. Synthesis leads to a design that is close to ideal, and subsequent modeling in an EM simulator can be used to obtain an optimized design accounting for frequency-dependent and parasitic effects.
Directional couplers using only coupled transmission lines can be large at low frequencies, as the minimum length is approximately one-quarter of a wavelength. This can be a problem at RF and low microwave frequencies, say, below 3 GHz. The length of the line can be reduced by incorporating lumped elements, as shown in Figure 9-18. The development of couplers such as this is best approached using lter design theory, where the lumped elements and transmission line sections can be traded off. The required
(b) Figure 9-19 A pair of symmetrical coupled lines: (a) physical layout; and (b) its equivalent circuit model with N = (Z0e + Z0o )/(Z0e Z0o ).
9.11 9.11.1
Models of Parallel Coupled Lines ABCD Parameters of Parallel Coupled Lines in an Inhomogeneous Medium
Much of microwave network synthesis uses the equivalence of transmission line structures with each other and also the equivalence of transmission line structures with lumped-element circuits. Most often the equivalence is established using ABCD parameters. ABCD parameters are transmission parameters, but are in terms of total voltages and currents rather than traveling waves. A physical pair of coupled lines is shown in Figure 9-19(a) and propagation on these lines is partly described by the even-mode characteristic impedance, Z0e , and the odd-mode impedance, Z0o , with the coupling coefcient dened as11 K= Z0e Z0o . Z0e + Z0o (9.145)
Previously a coupling factor, C, was used (see Equation (9.124), however, this introduces confusion since ABCD parameters are being developed. Note that here K = 1/(coupling factor), that is, K = 1/C.
Figure 9-20 Equivalence of a capacitively loaded one-quarter wavelength long line and a parallel coupled line section: (a) a one-quarter wavelength long line with input and output series capacitance; (b) microstrip layout; and (c) coupled lines laid out in microstrip. The network in (a) is equivalent to the network in (c) if Z0e = (1/C +2Z0 ) and Z0o = Z0 .
9-19(a) is shown in Figure 9-19(b) with the network parameters: N= Z1 = 1 K (9.146) (9.147) (9.148)
These lead to the ABCD matrix of a pair of uniform, open-circuited coupled lines in an inhomogeneous media [137]: A = B C = = Z0e cot (e ) + Z0o cot (o ) =D Z0e csc (e ) Z0o csc (o ) 2 2 Z0e + Z0o 2Z0e Z0o (cot (e ) cot (o ) + csc (e ) csc (o )) 2 Z0e csc (e ) Z0o csc (o ) 2 , (9.150) Z0e csc (e ) Z0o csc (o )
where Z0e and Z0o are the modal impedances, and e and o are the evenand odd-mode phase lengths. Developing the ABCD parameters of the capacitively loaded one-quarter wavelength long line12 in Figure 9-20(a) and equating then with the ABCD parameters in Equation (9.150) leads to an equivalence between the loaded line and the one-quarter wavelength long pair of coupled lines shown in
A one-quarter wavelength long line is an impedance inverter, so the results here apply in general to an impedance inverter with input and output series capacitances.
Plane of symmetry C 12
1 2
4 3
C 11
C 22
Figure 9-21 Coupled lines: (a) top view of a pair of coupled microstrip lines; and (b) capacitance model of the lines in crosssection.
The lumped-element lters considered up to now were synthesized using a ladder-type element extraction procedure followed by a variety of transformations for impedance scaling, lter type, and the Richards transformation to develop distributed forms of a lter. The other important aspect of radio and microwave lter design is identifying structures that inherently have responses that match the synthesized responses. The most important structure that can be utilized to realize frequency selectivity is the coupled line. A pair of coupled lines is shown in Figure 9-21 together with its capacitance model shown in crosssection. Recall the treatment of coupled lines in Section 9.3 on Page 464, which is repeated and extended here so that we can see how this model relates to a bandpass lter conguration: Q1 Q2 = = C11 V1 + C12 (V1 V2 ) = (C11 + C12 ) V1 C12 V2 (9.153) C22 V2 + C21 (V2 V1 ) = C12 V1 + (C22 + C12 ) V2 (9.154) C= C11 C21 C12 C22 (9.155)
Qe Qo Z0e
= = =
n :1
Z 02
1 2
4 3
Z 01
Figure 9-22
Further derivation shows that a pair of coupled lines can be represented by the network model shown in Figure 9-22 [138]. The parameters of the network model are related to the model impedances as follows [138]: n= Z0 = (Z0e Z0o ) , Z01 1 Z0e Z0o = K Zoe + Z0o Z02 (9.159) 1 K2 =Z . K2 (9.160)
Z = , 1 K2
The parameters of coupled lines used in differential mode and common mode can be derived from the odd mode and even mode parameters. The difference is in the denition of the voltage and currents in the modes. These differences are illustrated in Figure 9-23. The even mode is dened with V1 = V2 = V and I1 = I2 = I, while for the common mode V1 = V2 = V and I1 + I2 = I. Thus, in terms of the even-mode characteristic impedance, Z0e , the common-mode characteristic impedance is 1 Z0e . (9.161) 2 The odd mode is dened with V1 = V2 = V and I1 = I2 = I, while for the differential mode V1 V2 = V and I1 = I2 = I. Thus, in terms of the odd-mode characteristic impedance, Z0o , the differential-mode characteristic impedance is Z0c = Z0d = 2Z0o , (9.162)
Other parameters remain unchanged. That is, the propagation constant, phase and group velocities, and wavelengths are the same for common and even modes, as they are for the differential and odd modes. The driving and termination congurations for differential and common mode signals are shown in Figure 9-24. The reectionless termination of a differential line is RL = Z0d = 2Z0o , (9.163)
V1 I1
V2 I2
V I /2 I /2
+V I
+ V /2 I
Figure 9-23 Denition of coupled line modes: (a) general denition of voltage and currents; (b) even mode denition; (c) common mode denition; (d) odd mode denition; (e) differential mode denition; COMMON MODE DIFFERENTIAL MODE
(a) Figure 9-24
and the matched termination of coupled lines used in common mode is RL = Z0c = 1 Z0e . 2 (9.164)
Coupling from one transmission line to a nearby neighbor may often be undesirable. However, the effect can be exploited to realize a coupler that does not have a lumped-element equivalent. This is one example of many elements that utilize distributed transmission line effects to obtain novel functionality. Coupled lines are also vital components of many lters. The suite of elements that exploit distributed effects available to a microwave designer is surprisingly large.
1. Consider the crosssection of a coupled transmission line, as shown in Figure 9-1. (a) For an even mode on the coupled line we can consider a phasor voltage of 1 V on each of the lines above the ground plane. Sketch the electric elds in the transverse plane (the plane of the crosssection). Treat the ground as being at 0 V. (b) For the even mode, sketch the magnetic elds in the transverse plane (the plane of the crosssection). (c) For an odd mode on the coupled line we can consider a phasor voltage of +1 V on the left line and a phasor voltage of 1 V on the right line. Sketch the electric elds in the transverse plane (the plane of the crosssection). Again, treat the ground as being at 0 V. (d) For the odd mode, sketch the magnetic elds in the transverse plane (the plane of the crosssection). 2. Electromagnetic software can be used to determine the even- and odd-mode parameters of a coupled line. This is usually done by setting phasor voltage on the coupled line and evaluating the phasor charge under each condition. The voltage applied to the left strip is V1 and the voltage applied to the right strip is V2 . The phasor charge on the strips is Q1 and Q2 , respectively. One part of the analysis is to redo the calculations, but this time with the substrate removed, so that medium is now free-space situation. In this case, the charges are denoted by Q01 and Q02 . The matrix of (computer-based) measurements is fol-
lows. [This problem parallels Example 9.3 on Page 486.] Charge Q1 (pC/m) Q2 (pC/m) Q01 (pC/m) Q01 (pC/m) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) V1 = 1 V; V2 = 1 V 40 50 13.25 10 V1 = 1 V; V2 = 1 V 20 30 6 2.75
What is the two-port capacitance matrix? What is the even-mode capacitance? What is the odd-mode capacitance? What is the free-space (no dielectric) twoport capacitance matrix? What is the free-space even-mode capacitance? What is the free-space odd-mode capacitance? What is the even-mode effective relative permittivity? What is the odd-mode effective relative permittivity?
3. Two 50 microstrip lines are to be run parallel to each on a printed circuit board with a relative permittivity r = 4. The signal on the lines is 3 GHz. The thickness of the circuit board is 1 mm. This is the distance between the strips and the ground plane. The effective permittivity of the lines is 3.1 and it is determined that the approximate distance over which the lines will be in parallel is 1.42 cm. The coupling of the signals on the lines must be at least 30 dB down. (a) What is the free-space wavelength, 0 , of the signal?
(b) What is the guide wavelength, g , of the signal? (c) How long is the parallel run of the microstrip lines in terms of g ? (d) What is the maximum parallel-line coupling factor? Explain how you determined this. (e) What is the minimum separation of the lines? Explain how you determined this distance 4. A pair of cooupled lines has an even-mode effective permittivity, ee , of 4.9 and an oddmode effective permittivity of 5.2. (a) What is the even-mode phase velocity? (b) What is the odd-mode phase velocity? 5. A directional coupler has the following characteristics: coupling factor C = 20, transmission factor 0.9, and directivity factor 25 dB. Also, the coupler is matched so that S11 = 0 = S22 = S33 = S44 . (a) What is the isolation factor in decibels? (b) Determine the power dissipated in the directional coupler if the input power to Port 1 is 1 W. 6. A lossy directional coupler has the following 50 S parameters: 2 3 0 0.25 0.9 0.01 6 0.25 0 0.01 0.9 7 7. S=6 4 0.9 0.01 0 0.25 5 0.01 0.9 0.25 0
odd-mode impedances required) and then develop the physical design (with widths and lengths) of the directional coupler. Use a system impedance of 50 . 8. Design a microstrip directional coupler with the following specications: Transmission line technology: Microstrip Coupling coefcient, C: 20 dB Characteristic impedance, Z0S : 50 Substrate permittivity, r : 4.0 Substrate thickness, h: 635 m Center frequency, f0 : 10 GHz. 9. A directional coupler using coupled line is constructed on an alumina substrate of thickness 300 m. The lines are 100 m wide and the gap separation is 100 m. What are the characteristic impedances, effective permittivities, and even- and odd-mode phase velocities of the even- and odd-mode of the coupled line. Port 1 is the input, Port 2 is the through output, and Port 3 is the coupled output. (Hint: You may need to use interpolation as described in Section A.6 on Page 830.) (a) Draw the schematic of the directional coupler and label the ports. (b) What is the transmission coefcient of the coupler? (c) What is the directivity, D, of the coupler? (d) Write down the 4 4 S parameter matrix of the coupler? 10. A directional coupler comprising a coupled pair of microstrip lines is to be designed in a 75 system. The coupling factor is 10. (a) What is the odd-mode impedance of the coupler? (b) What is the even-mode impedance of the coupler? 11. Consider a pair of parallel microstrip lines separated by a spacing, s, of 100 m. (a) What happens to the coupling factor of the lines as s reduces? (b) What happens to the system impedance as s reduces and no other dimensions change?
(a) Which port is the input port (there are two possible answers)? (b) What is the coupling in decibels? (c) What is the isolation in decibels? (d) What is the directivity factor in decibels? (e) Draw the signal ow graph of the directional coupler.
7. Develop the design of a 10 dB directional coupler using coupled microstrip lines and a substrate with a permittivity of 10, a substrate thickness, h, of 600 m, and a center frequency of 1 GHz. Develop the electrical design of the coupler (i.e., nd the even- and
(a) In terms of wavelengths, what is the optimum length of the coupled lines for maximum coupling? 12. A 1 GHz microstrip directional coupler has a coupling factor of 20 dB. The coupler must have a system impedance of 50 . (a) Draw the layout of the directional coupler? (b) What is the even-mode impedance of the coupler? (c) What is the odd-mode impedance of the coupler? (d) What is the optimum electrical length of the directional coupler in degrees at the design center frequency? (e) If, in addition, the isolation of the directional coupler is 40 dB, what is its directivity in decibels. 13. What is the coupling factor of a Lange coupler in decibels. 14. A coupled microstrip line has an oddmode impedance of 30 and an even-mode impedance of 65 . (a) What is the differential characteristic impedance of the coupled lines? (b) What is the common-mode characteristic impedance of the coupled lines? 15. A pair of coupled microstrip lines has an oddmode characteristic impedance of 60 and an even-mode characteristic impedance of 70 . If a load resistance, RL is placed at the end of the coupled lines from one line of the pair to
the other, what is the value of RL for no reection of the even mode. 16. The coupled microstrip lines below have an odd-mode impedance of 30 and an evenmode impedance of 60 .
25 25
. (a) What is the odd-mode reection coefcient of the ? (b) What is the common-mode characteristic impedance of the coupled lines? 17. The coupled microstrip lines below have an odd-mode impedance of 60 and an evenmode impedance of 100 . The coupled line have a length and this is a quarter of the wavelength of the odd-mode.
50 in L
. (a) What is the odd-mode reection coefcient at the load, call this Lo ? (b) What is the odd-mode reection coefcient at the input to the coupled lines, call this ino ?
with Wael Fathelbab 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Singly and Doubly Terminated Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lowpass Filter Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Maximally-Flat (Butterworth) Lowpass Approximation . . . . The Chebyshev Lowpass Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Element Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Butterworth and Chebyshev Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impedance and Admittance Inverters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filter Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cascaded Line Realization of Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richards Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coupled Line Congurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inverter Network Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combline Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parallel Coupled Line Filters in an Inhomogeneous Medium . . Design of a Bandstop Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alternative Bandpass Filter Topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Active Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506 508 513 514 518 521 527 532 541 550 552 558 563 566 580 581 584 586 591 591
Filters are the most fundamental of signal processing circuits using energy storage elements such as capacitors, inductors, and transmission lines to obtain frequency-dependent characteristics. Some of the important objectives of a lter are (1) controlling noise by not allowing out-of-band noise to propagate in a circuit; (2) keeping signals outside the transmit band, especially harmonics, from being transmitted; (3) presenting only signals in a specied band to active receive circuitry; and (4) keeping a large transmit signal from the receive circuitry. At RF, a lter can consist solely of lumped elements, solely of distributed elements, or comprise a mix of lumped and distributed elements. The distributed realizations can be transmission line-based implementations of the components of lumped-element lter prototypes or, preferably, make use of particular frequency characteristics found with certain distributed structures. For example, coupled lines have particular frequency selective characteristics that can be exploited. Loss in lumped elements, particularly above a few gigahertz, means that the performance of distributed lters nearly always exceeds that of lumpedelement lters. However, since the basic component of a distributed lter is a one-quarter wavelength long transmission line, distributed lters can be prohibitively large at a few gigahertz and lower in frequency. Only a few basic types of responses are required of most RF lters as follows: (a) Lowpass, providing maximum power transfer, or passing, at frequencies below what is called the corner frequency, fc . Above fc , transmission is blocked. See Figure 10-1(a). (b) Highpass, passing signals at frequencies above fc . Below fc , transmission is blocked. See Figure 10-1(b). (c) Bandpass, passing signals at frequencies between lower and upper corner frequencies and blocking transmission outside the band. (The frequency span between the lower and upper corner frequencies denes the passband.) This is the most common type of RF lter. See Figure 10-1(c). (d) Bandstop (or notch), which blocks signals between lower and upper corner frequencies. See Figure 10-1(d). (e) Allpass, which equalizes a signal by adjusting the phase generally to correct for phase distortion in broadband circuits. See Figure 10-1(e). The above list is not comprehensive, as actual operating conditions may mandate specic frequency proles. For example, IEEE 802.11a (WiFi) WLAN systems operating at 2.45 GHz are susceptible to potentially large signals being transmitted from nearby cellular phones operating in the
Lowpass, LPF
T( f )
T( f )
Highpass, HPF
T( f )
(d) Allpass
T( f )
T( f )
Figure 10-1 Ideal lter responses: (a) lowpass network response; (b) highpass network response; (c) bandpass network response; (d) bandstop network response; and (e) allpass network response.
1700 to 2300 MHz range. Thus a front-end lter for a 2.45 GHz system must ensure very high levels of attenuation over the 1700 to 2300 MHz range while also having low insertion loss in-band at 2.45 GHz. Thus, for a given complexity, the optimum solution probably will have an asymmetrical frequency response with high rejection below the passband obtained by accepting lower rejection on the other side of the passband. In the 1960s an approach to RF lter design and synthesis was developed and this is still followed. The approach is to translate the response of the RF lter (often a bandpass lter) from that of a lowpass lter. A lter with the desired lowpass response is then synthesized using lumped elements and the resulting lter is called a lowpass prototype. The lowpass lter is then transformed so that the new lter has the desired response, such as highpass or bandpass. In the case of a bandpass lter, each inductor and capacitor of the lowpass prototype becomes a resonator that is coupled to another resonator. In distributed form, this basic resonator is a one-quarter wavelength long transmission line.
RS Vg V 1 (s)
I2 V 2(s) RL
V 1 (s) Z in,1(s)
Z in,2(s)
Z in,2(s)
Figure 10-2 Terminated networks: (a) a doubly terminated network; and (b) a singly terminated network.
Filter synthesis is the origin of a systematic approach to realizing circuits with desired frequency characteristics. A lter can also be thought of as a hardware implementation of a differential equation producing a specic impulse, step, or frequency response. It is not surprising that a lter can be described this way, as the lumped reactive elements, L and C, describe rstorder differential equations and their interconnection describes higher-order differential equations. The synthesis of a lter response begins by identifying the desired differential equation response. The differential equations are specied using the Laplace variable, s, so that in the frequency domain (with s = ) an nth-order differential equation becomes an nth-order polynomial expression in s. If possible, and this is usually the case, a lowpass version of a lter can be developed. The conversion to the nal lter shape, say a bandpass response, proceeds mathematically through a number of stages. Each stage has a circuit form and each stage is called a lter prototype. The other aspect of lter design is the identication of particular structures that inherently have the desired frequency-shaping attributes. Filter design is both science and art matching synthesis with instinctive knowledge of physical and circuit structures. However, once a suitable lter prototype has been identied it can be optimized using optimization tools incorporated in circuit analysis packages. Since the beginnings of circuit synthesis, particularly since the 1950s, it has become common to present circuit concepts using examples, very often because the steps in realizing a lter may be too difcult to specify algorithmically and there are many steps which require intuition. This procedure is followed here.
Filters are generally two-port networks and they provide maximum power transfer from a load to a source over a specied frequency range while rejecting the transmission of signals over other ranges. Two possible lter networks are shown in Figure 10-2. The network in Figure 10-2(a) is known as a doubly terminated network, as both ports are resistively terminated. The network in Figure 10-2(b) is called a singly terminated network, as only
one port is terminated in a resistor. Most synthesis of singly terminated lter networks requires an analogous procedure to that presented here. It is just that the doubly terminated network is much closer to the type of network required at RF where loads and source impedances are nite. A singly terminated network is applicable in some RFIC applications where very little RF power is involved and often when feedback is used. In such cases the output of an RFIC amplier can approximate an ideal voltage source, as the Thevenin equivalent source impedance is negligible.
The established synthesis procedure for doubly terminated lter networks focuses on realizing the input reection coefcient, which is related to the transmission coefcient by the characteristic function. The input reection coefcient of the doubly terminated network (Figure 10-2(a)) is 1 (s) = Zin,1 (s) RS , Zin,1 (s) + RS (10.1)
where the reference impedance is the source resistance, RS , and s is the Laplace variable, so the ideal response in the passband is when the reection coefcient is approximately zero. There are several other parameters used with lters and these will be introduced now. The Transducer Power Ratio (TPR) is dened as TPR = = Maximum power available from the source Power absorbed by the load
1 2 2 (Vg (s)/2) /RS 1 2 2 V2 (s)/RL
1 = 2
RL Vg (s) RS V2 (s)
The transmission coefcient, T (s), of the network is T (s) = 1 =2 TPR(s) RS V2 (s) , RL Vg (s) (10.3)
so that the insertion loss (IL) (or transducer function) is: IL(s) = TPR(s) = |1/T (s)| .
Note that this development assumes that the lter is lossless. The next step in development of the synthesis procedure is introduction of the characteristic function, dened as the ratio of the reection and transmission coefcients: K (s) = 1 (s) N (s) = , T (s) D (s) (10.5)
where N is the numerator function and D is the denominator function. Ideally the lter network is lossless and so, from the principle of energy conservation, the sum of the magnitudes squared of the transmission and reection coefcients must be unity: |T (s)| + |1 (s)| = 1 or |T (s)| = 1 |1 (s)| . 1 |T (s)|2
2 2 2 2 2
(10.6) (10.7)
Dividing both sides of Equation (10.7) by |T (s)|2 results in 1= or Rearranging Equation (10.9) leads to |IL(s)| = 1 + |K (s)| and so |T (s)|2 |1 (s)|
2 2 2
|1 (s)|
|T (s)|2
1 = |IL(s)| |K (s)| .
= =
(10.11) (10.12)
It is seen that both the reection and transmission coefcients are governed by the characteristic function of the two-port network. A milestone has been reached. In an RF lter, the frequency-dependent insertion loss or transmission coefcient is of most importance, as these are directly related to power ow. Equation (10.11) shows that this can be expressed in terms of another function, K(s), which, from Equation (10.5), can be expressed as the ratio of N (s) and D(s). For lumped-element circuits, N (s) and D(s) are polynomials. Sometimes it is better to focus design effort on realizing 1 (s), but the quantities are interrelated.
As an example of the relationship of the various lter responses consider the typical lowpass lter responses shown in Figure 10-3. This lter has a lowpass response with a corner frequency expressed in radians as c = 1 rad/s. Ideally T (s) for s (note s = ) would be one, and for s > , T (s) would be zero. It is not possible to realize such an ideal response, and the response shown in Figure 10-3(a) is typical of what can be achieved.
|T( )|
|T ( )|
0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
|G( )|
2 (rad/s)
Figure 10-3 An example of a lowpass lter in terms of various responses: (a) transmission coefcient; (b) reection coefcient response; and (c) characteristic function response. Detailed responses are shown in (d), (e), and (f), respectively.
y (t ) Y (s) OUTPUT
With the lter being lossless, the reection coefcient is as shown in Figure 10-3(b), with the characteristic function K(s) shown in Figure 10-3(c). If 2 |K(s)| is expressed as the ratio of two polynomials (i.e, as N (s)/D(s)), then it can be seen from Figures 10-3(e) and 10-3(f) that the zeros of the reection 2 coefcient, |1 (s)| , are also the zeros of N (s). Also, it is observed that the zeros of the transmission coefcient are also the zeros of D(s), as shown in Figures 10-3(a) and 10-3(c). The rst objective in lumped-element lter design is development of the transfer function of the network in the frequency domain or, equivalently for the purposes here, the s domain.1 The input-output transfer function of the generic lter in Figure 10-4 is T (s) = Y (s)/X(s) (10.13)
and the design procedure is to match this response to a response dened by the ratio of polynomials: T (s) = N (s) am sm + am1 sm1 + + a1 s + a0 = . D(s) sn + bn1 sn1 + + b1 s + b0 (10.14)
Here N stands for numerator and D for denominator and are not the same as those in Equation (10.5) (where they also were just labels for numerator and denominator). Both N (s) and D(s) are polynomials in the Laplace variable, s. The lter response using a pole-zero description can be synthesized so the design process begins by rewriting Equation (10.14) explicitly in terms of zeros, zm , and poles, pn : T (s) = N (s) am (s + z1 )(s + z2 ) (s + zm1 )(s + zm ) = . D(s) (s + p1 )(s + p2 ) (s + pn1 )(s + pn ) (10.15)
Since only the frequency response is of interest, s = , where , the angular frequency, is measured in radians per second, thus simplifying the analysis for sinusoidal signals. However, the development here is general and s can be complex, which would correspond to an exotic lter response which is of no interest here.
Care is being taken in the use of terminology as s can be complex with some lter types, but these lters are generally only realized using digital signal processing.
T() 2
1 2 3
1 (rad/s)
0 1
Figure 10-5 Lowpass lter response: (a) ideal brick-wall response; and (b) response template for a realizable lter.
The poles and zeroes can be complex numbers and can be plotted on the complex s plane. Conditions imposed by realizable circuits require that D(s) be a Hurwitz polynomial which ensures that its poles are located in the lefthalf plane. N (s) determines the location of the transmission zeros of the lter, and the order of N (s) cannot be more than the order of D(s). That is, n m so that the lter has nite or zero response at innite frequency. Two strategies can be employed in deriving the lter response. The rst is to derive the polynomials N (s) and D(s) in Equation (10.14). This seems like an open-ended problem, but it turns out that in normal situations there are only a few types of useful responses which are described by a few polynomials, including Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev, and Cauer polynomials.
Most lter design is based on the synthesis of a lowpass lter equivalent called a lowpass prototype. Transformations are then used to correct for the actual source and load impedances, frequency range, and the desired lter type, such as highpass or bandpass. An ideal lowpass response is shown in Figure 10-5(a), which shows a transmission coefcient of 1 up to a normalized frequency of 1 rad/sec. This type of response denes what is called a brick-wall lter, which unfortunately cannot be physically realized. Instead, the response is approximated and specied in terms of a response template (see Figure 10-5(b)). The template species a passband response that is between 1 and 2 at frequencies below the corner radian frequency ( = 1), and below 3 above a radian frequency = 1. The lowpass lter is harder to realize the closer the specied response is to the ideal shown in Figure 10-5(a), that is, when (2 1 ) 0, 3 0, ( 1) 0.
Several polynomials have particularly interesting characteristics that match the requirements of the response template. At rst it may seem surprising that polynomial functions could yield close to ideal lter responses. However, as will be seen, there is something special about these polynomials: they are natural solutions to extreme conditions. For example, the nth-order Butterworth polynomial has the special property that the rst n derivatives at s = 0 are zero. The other polynomials have similar extreme properties, and lters that are synthesized from expressions incorporating them also have extreme properties. As well as the maximally at property resulting from Butterworth polynomials, lter responses obtained using Chebyshev polynomials have the steepest skirts (or fastest transitions from the frequency region where signals are passed to the region where they are blocked). Usually it is one of these extreme cases that is most desirable. A streamlining of the lter synthesis procedure is obtained by rst focusing on the development of normalized lowpass lters having a 1 rad/sec corner frequency and 1 reference impedance. Reasonably simple transformations transform a lowpass lter prototype into another lter having the response desired. These transformations, as will be seen, give rise to symmetrical responses.
Butterworth lters have a maximally at response (Figure 10-6) which in the time domain corresponds to a critically damped system. Butterworth lters have the transfer function T (s) = N (s) k = n . n1 + + b s + b D(s) s + bn1 s 1 0 (10.17)
This is an all-pole response. The characteristic polynomial of the Butterworth lter is |K(s)| = s2n = 2n ,
since s = and where n is the order of the function. Thus the transmission coefcient is |T (s)|2 = which is often written as |T (s)| =
1 1 + |K (s)|
1 1 = , 1 + |s2n | 1 + 2n
1 1 + |K (s)|
1 . Bn (s)Bn (s)
Figure 10-6 Maximally at, or Butterworth, lowpass lter approximation for various orders, n, of the lter.
In the lter community, Bn (s) is called the Butterworth polynomial and has the general form
Bn (s) =
s2 2s cos
2k + n 1 +1 2n s2 2s cos
for n even
Bn (s) = (s + 1)
2k + n 1 +1 2n
In factorized form the Bn (s) polynomial is given in Table 10-1. Further factorization of the second-order factors results in complex conjugate roots, so they are generally left in the form shown. Insight is gained by examining the characteristic polynomial for a real radian frequency, (where s = ), at the following frequency points: 1 =1 (10.23) 1+0 1 1 at = 1 |T (1)|2 = = . (10.24) 1+1 2 Thus the transmission response of the lter is at half power at the corner frequency = 1. Another observation is that the transmission at = 0 |T (0)|2 =
| (s)|
Table 10-1 Factors of the Bn (s) polynomial. n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Factors of Bn (s) (s + 1) (s2 + 1.4142s + 1) (s + 1)(s2 + s + 1) (s2 + 0.7654s + 1)(s2 + 1.8478s + 1) (s + 1)(s2 + 0.6180s + 1)(s2 + 1.6180s + 1) (s2 + 0.5176s + 1)(s2 + 1.4142s + 1)(s2 + 1.9319s + 1) (s + 1)(s2 + 0.4450s + 1)(s2 + 1.2470s + 1)(s2 + 1.8019s + 1) (s2 + 0.3902 + 1)(s2 + 1.1111s + 1)(s2 + 1.6629s + 1)(s2 + 1.9616s + 1)
coefcient at = 0 and = 1 are independent of the degree of the characteristic polynomial. This is shown in Figure 10-6, where the responses of Butterworth lters are plotted for three different orders.
Often the characteristic function, K, is given in the variable , and thus for synthesis purposes the response must be transformed back to the s domain. As an example, consider the maximally at function of third order with a characteristic polynomial equal to 3 (from Equation (10.19)): K() = 3 and |T ()| =
1 . 1 + 6
Note that the rst six derivatives of |K(s)|2 with respect to s are zero at s = 0. So, from Equation (10.7), |1 ()|2 = 1 1 6 = . 6 1+ 1 + 6 (10.26)
At real frequencies (or frequencies lying on the imaginary axis in the s plane) s = , and so to transform from to s, = s/ = s (10.28) (10.27)
is used. Thus for the example under consideration, the reection coefcient becomes 6 (s) 2 2 |1 ()| = |1 ( (s))| = (10.29) 6. 1 + (s) That is, |1 (s)| =
s6 = 1 (s) 1 (s) . 1 s6
By choosing those factors with roots only in the left-half plane (required for a realizable network), the zeros of the denominator are obtained. Now the 2 numerator of |1 (s)| is easily factored, and since this is third order it only has three reection zeros at DC. The resulting function is 1 (s) = and so T (s) = s3 , (s + 1) (s2 + s + 1) 1 . (s + 1)(s2 + s + 1) (10.32)
This example illustrates how 1 (s) and T (s) can be obtained from K(s) specied as a Butterworth polynomial. This procedure is generalized in the next section.
Following the procedure outlined in the previous section, generalization of the Butterworth response leads to the nth-order response |1 (s)|2 = 1 (s) .1 (s) = s2 n = 1 + (s2 )
n n i=1
(10.34) s2 (s si ) .
n 2n
. (s sj )
So |1 (s)|2 has n roots (these are the si s) lying in the left-half s plane, and n roots (the sj s) lying in the right-half plane. Note that j is used as an index s and (, without the dot) represents 1. It is reasonable to group all of the left-half plane roots together (a circuit could not be synthesized if there were a right-half plane root) so that 1 (s) =
(s si )
Solving for the roots of the denominator of Equation (10.35) (i.e., nding the n roots of 1 + s2 = 0) yields the following roots in the left-half s plane: si = exp (2i 1 + n) 2n i = 1, 2, ..., n, (10.36)
where exp () = cos ()+ sin (). There are also roots in the right-half plane, but these are just the negative of the left-half plane.
Develop the reection coefcient from the roots of the third-order (n = 3) Butterworth lowpass lter prototype. Solution: From Equation (10.36) the three roots are 2 s1 = exp (2 1 1 + 3) = exp 23 3 s2 = exp (2 2 1 + 3) = exp { } 23 4 s3 = exp (2 3 1 + 3) = exp 23 3 and the input reection coefcient of the lter is 1 (s) =
s3 (s + 1) s +
1 2
1 2
3 2
3 2
s3 . (s + 1) (s2 + s + 1)
The maximally at approximation to the ideal lowpass lter response is best near the origin but not so good near the band edge. Chebyshev lters have better responses near the band edge, with lower insertion loss near the edges, but at the cost of ripples in the passband. Chebyshev lters are also known as equiripple all-pole lowpass lters. Example reection and transmission responses are shown in Figure 10-7 for a seventh-order and a sixth-order Chebyshev lowpass lter. The general form of the Chebyshev transmission coefcient is |T (s)| =
1 1+
2 2 |K(s)|
where is an extra design parameter and denes the passband ripple (PBR): PBR = 1 1 + 2 or PBR |dB = 10 log10 1 1 + 2 . (10.42)
For the nth-order Chebyshev (lowpass lter) approximation the square of the characteristic function is |Kn ()|2 = cos2 n cos1 () , (10.43)
N =7
N =6
(b) Figure 10-7 Chebyshev lowpass lter approximation: (a) seventh-order lter; and (b) sixth-order lter.
| (s)|
| (s)|
which can be expressed as a polynomial. For example, with n = 3, K3 () = cos [3 cos1 ()] = 4 3 3, (10.44)
and it is surprising that the trigonometric expression has such a simple polynomial equivalence. From Equation (10.11) the transmission coefcient is 1 2 (10.45) |T ()| = 1 + 2 cos2 [n cos1 ()] and the reection coefcient is |1 ()| =
Factorizing the denominator of either Equation (10.45) or Equation (10.46) yields the following roots (of the denominator of 1 (s) and T (s)): si = (2i 1) 1 1 sinh1 sinh 2n n (2i 1) 1 + cos cosh sinh1 2n n sin
i = 1, 2, 3 . . . . (10.47)
The roots of the numerator of 1 (s) in the s plane are sj = cos (2j 1) 2n j = 1, 2, .., n . (10.48)
Equations (10.47) and (10.48) may be utilized to obtain the reection and transmission coefcients directly in the s domain.
It is possible to obtain the characteristic function of the Chebyshev approximation from the recursion formula, Kn () = 2Kn1 () Kn2 () , with K1 () = ; For example, with n = 3, K3 () = = 2K31 () K32 () (10.51) 2 3 3 2 2 1 = 4 2 = 4 3. K2 () = 2 2 1. (10.50) (10.49)
Element Extraction
In the previous two sections the mathematical responses of Butterworth and Chebyshev lters were derived for various orders. In this section it will be shown how these lters can be implemented with inductors and capacitors using what is called ladder synthesis [139]. To obtain the element values yielding the desired transfer function, an impedance or admittance function must rst be obtained. The impedance or admittance function can be readily obtained from the input reection coefcient of a network, but for now the focus is on synthesizing a given impedance function. A general impedance function can be expressed as Z(s) =
2 2 2 an s2 + 1 s2 + 3 s2 + 5 ... , 2 2 2 bm s (s2 + 2 ) (s2 + 4 ) (s2 + 6 ) ...
where an and bm are constants. This can be realized by extracting L and C elements, provided that the degree of the numerator and denominator differ by unity |mn| = 1. The lumped-domain elements are inductors, capacitors, and transformers. The poles and zeroes of Z(s) correspond to zeroes of the transmission coefcient. A pole of Z(s) at DC requires the extraction of a series capacitor of value 1 C0 = , (10.53) sZ(s) s=0 while a pole at innity requires the extraction of a series inductor of value L = Z(s) s .
Another possibility is a pole at a nite frequency (call this 0 ), which requires the extraction of a series parallel LC block, as shown in Figure 109(e), with a capacitor of value Ci = and an inductor of value Li = s 2 (s2 + 0 ) Z(s) . 2 0 .Ci 1 (10.55)
The extraction process can also be carried out on an admittance basis. First, 2 2 2 b m s s2 + 2 s2 + 4 s2 + s . . . Y (s) = . (10.57) 2 2 2 an (s2 + 1 ) (s2 + 3 ) (s2 + 5 ) . . . Now a pole at zero requires the extraction of a shunt inductor of value L0 = 1 sY (s) (10.58)
Z in, i
Z in, i+1
Figure 10-8 Extraction of a network X to reduce an impedance Zin,i to a lowerorder impedance Zin,i+1 .
and a pole at innity requires the extraction of a shunt capacitor of value C = Y (s) s .
A pole at a nite frequency requires the extraction of a shunt-series LC block (as shown in Figure 10-9(f)) with values Li = and Ci = s 2 + o ) Y (s) 1 . 2 o .Li (10.60)
The extractions are summarized in Figure 10-9. After the extraction of an element or a pair of elements an impedance, Zrem , or admittance, Yrem , remains which can be similarly simplied. For example, and referring to Figure 10-9(a), Z(s) = 1/(sC) + Zrem . In general, the synthesis procedure involves extracting a network X from Zin,i , leaving a reduced-order impedance to Zin,i+1 (see Figure 10-8). Many aspects of lter synthesis can seem abstract when presented in full generality. Consequently it is common to illustrate concepts using examples. Following this time-honored tradition, an example is now presented. Very often a general approach is developed from a specic example. However, this time a general approach was possible, and this was presented above. EXAMPLE 10. 2 Element Extraction for a Third-Order Lowpass Filter
A third-order maximally at lter has the reection coefcient 1 (s) = s3 . (s + 1) (s2 + s + 1) (10.62)
C0 Z rem
YL = (b)
1 sL0
Zin = ZL + Zrem
Z rem
Yin = YC + Yrem
C Y rem
ZL = sL (c)
ZLC = (e)
sLi s2 Li Ci + 1
Li Ci
Y rem
YLC = (f)
sCi s2 Li Ci + 1
Figure 10-9 Synthesis of impedance and admittance functions. Starting with an impedance function Z(s): (a) extraction of a series capacitor; (c) extraction of a series inductor; and (e) extraction of a series parallel LC block i. Starting with an admittance function Y (s): (b) extraction of a shunt inductor; (d) extraction of a shunt capacitor; and (f) extraction of a shunt series LC block.
Solution: The reection coefcient function (Equation (10.62)) has all its poles located at innity, so the corresponding network realization must be made of simple L or C elements. Hence, referring to Figure 10-2, Zin,1 (s) = 1 + 1 (s) 1 1 (s) (in a 1 system) = 2s3 + 2s2 + 2s + 1 . 2s2 + 2s + 1 (10.63)
So the lter is developed by extracting one element at a time. Following the extraction of each element, the stage impedance is left. The stage impedance function here is Zin,2 (s) = Zin,1 (s) sL1 = 2s3 + 2s2 + 2s + 1 sL1 2s2 + 2s + 1
Note that the input impedance approaches innity as the frequency goes to innity, hence a series inductor must be extracted. The value of this inductor is Zin,1 (s) L1 = = 1 H. (10.64) s s=
Note that the stage impedance above, Zin,2 , approaches zero as the frequency goes to innity. However, the stage admittance function, Yin,2 (s) = 1 Zin,2 (s) = 2s2 + 2s + 1 s+1 (10.65)
goes to innity as the frequency approaches innity and thus a shunt capacitor can be extracted: 1 , (10.66) Yin,3 (s) = Yin,2 (s) sC2 = s+1 where C2 = 2 F. (10.67) So sometimes it is more convenient to consider extraction of an admittance and sometimes it is better to consider extraction of an impedance. By examining the remaining stage impedance, it is seen that a pole exists at innity, implying that a series inductor, L3 , must be extracted. The value of this inductor comes from 1 Zin,3 = =s+1 (10.68) Yin,3 and so the inductor value is L3 = s + 1 s = 1 H. (10.69)
The nal step is to extract a load of value 1 as follows: Zin,4 = Zin,3 sL3 = 1 . (10.70)
This example synthesized a doubly terminated network. The resulting network, called a ladder circuit, is shown in Figure 10-10. The left-most 1 resistor is part of the source. This is inherently behind the conversion, in Equation (10.63), of the input reection coefcient, 1 (s), to an input impedance that used a 1 reference impedance. Note that this circuit has a dual form which consists of two shunt capacitors separated by a series inductor. The dual would be obtained if the admittance function was obtained from the reection coefcient and then synthesized. Alternative network extraction techniques are presented in Scanlan and Levy [139, 140] and Matthaei et al. [141].
Lowpass Butterworth or Chebyshev lters can be realized by ladder networks of simple series and shunt combinations of individual inductors or capacitors. Such networks can be used, following a number of transformations, to realize highpass lters, and symmetrical bandpass and bandstop lters. Sometimes asymmetric lters with asymmetric responses are required, for example, to provide additional suppression of a large
1H 1
Figure 10-10 Synthesized maximally at network with a third-order lowpass reection response.
interferer (e.g., a radar), and then it is necessary to synthesize more complex impedance functions. The input impedance functions of lumped-element circuits can be expressed as the ratio of two polynomials in s. An important property of the impedance function is that the order of the numerator and that of the denominator polynomial can differ by at most one [140]. If the orders differ by one, then a single inductor or capacitor can be extracted, however, the remaining impedance function may not be realizable. This indicates that a more complex LC (and possibly R) combination is required. To be able to extract arbitrarily complex circuits a long list of possible functions, such as those shown in Figure 10-9, are required. For most of the circuits of interest here the series and shunt LC combinations shown in Figure 10-9 are sufcient. The next example describes impedance function extraction that requires an LC combination. EXAMPLE 10. 3 Element Extraction of an Impedance Function
Realize the impedance function Zw = Solution: The order of the numerator is 1 greater than the order of the denominator and this indicates that a series inductor is perhaps present. The series inductance is Zw (s) L1 = = 1 H. (10.71) (s) z= The remaining impedance is Zin,2 = Zw sL1 = 4s3 + 4s2 + 2s + 2 2s2 + s + 2 s= 2 . 4s2 + 2s + 1 4s + 2s + 1 (10.72) 4s3 + 4s2 + 2s + 2 . 4s2 + 2s + 1
The numerator and denominator of Zin,2 have the same order and the impedance is not resistive. Therefore a simple L or C element cannot be used to reduce the complexity of the impedance function. Thus the extraction must backtrack and an initial series inductor is not the right choice.
Figure 10-9 shows several element combinations that can be used to reduce the complexity of an impedance function. Insight into which alternative to choose comes from factoring zw , and real roots are required. So consider Zw = 4s3 + 4s2 + 2s + 2 4s2 + 2s + 1 (2s2 + 1)(2s + 2) = 4s2 + 2s + 1 (10.73) (10.74)
and the denominator of zw does not have real roots. Examining Figure 10-9, a ready t to Zw is not found. Instead consider the admittance function Yw = 1 4s2 + 2s + 1 = . Zw (2s2 + 1)(2s + 2) (10.75)
So the reduction shown in Figure 10-9(f) looks like the right candidate. The general choice for the element is as yx = 2 . (10.76) bs + 1 Choosing b = 2 is the best choice for reducing complexity (since part of the factored denominator of Yw occurs), so 4s2 + 2s + 1 as as + 2 (10.77) Yw = 2 2s + 1 (2s2 + 1)(2s + 2) 2s + 1 as (4 2a)s2 + (2 2a)s + 1 = 2 + . (10.78) 2s + 1 (2s2 + 1)(2s + 2) Choose a = 1, Yw = s 2s2 + 1 + 2 + 1)(2s + 2) + 1) (2s s 1 = 2 + 2s + 1 2s + 2 s = 2 + Yin,2 . 2s + 1 (2s2 (10.79) (10.80) (10.81)
So C1 L1 = b = 1, C1 = a = 1 F, L1 = 2H, and Yin,2 = 1/(2s + 2) or Zin,2 = The nal network is as follows: 1 = 2s + 2. Yin,2 (10.82)
2H 2H 1F 2
g0 Vg
g1 g2
g3 g4
g0 Vg
g2 g1 g3
Figure 10-11 Chebyshev lter prototypes in the Cauer topology: (a) of type 1; and (b) of type 2. Here n is the order of the lter.
The nth-order lowpass lters constructed from the Butterworth and Chebyshev polynomials have the ladder circuit forms of either Figure 1011(a) or Figure 10-11(b). Figure 10-11 uses several shorthand notations commonly used with lters. First, note that there are two prototype forms designated Type 1 and Type 2, and these are referred to as duals of each other. The two prototype forms have identical responses with the same numerical element values g1 , , gn . Consider the Type 1 prototype of Figure 10-11(a). The right-most element is the resistive load, which is also known as the (n + 1)th element. The next element to the left of this is either a shunt capacitor (of value gn ) if n is even, or a series inductor (of value gn ) if n is odd. So for the Type 1 prototype, the shunt capacitor next to the load does not exist if n is odd. The same interpretation applies to the circuit in Figure 10-11(b).
Butterworth Filter
A generalization of the example of the previous section leads to a formula for the element values of a ladder circuit implementing a Butterworth lowpass lter. For a maximally at or Butterworth response the element values of the circuit in Figures 10-11(a) and 10-11(b) are gr = 2 sin (2r 1) 2n r = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n. (10.84)
Equation (10.84) provides the values of g1 to gn in Figure 10-11, with g0 and gn+1 both being 1. Table 10-2 lists the coefcients of Butterworth lowpass prototype lters up to ninth order.
Table 10-2 Coefcients of the Butterworth lowpass prototype lter normalized to a radian corner frequency of 1 radian/s and a 1 system impedance. Order, n g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g10 2 1.4142 1.4142 1 3 1 2 1 1 4 0.7654 1.8478 1.8478 0.7654 1 5 0.6180 1.6180 2 1.6180 0.6180 1 6 0.5176 1.4142 1.9318 1.9318 1.4142 0.5176 1 7 0.4450 1.2470 1.8019 2 1.8019 1.2470 0.4450 1 8 0.3902 1.1111 1.6629 1.9615 1.9615 1.6629 1.1111 0.3902 1 9 0.3473 1 1.5321 1.8794 2 1.8794 1.5321 1 0.3473 1
Vg L1 C2 L3 C4
L1 = 0.765369 H L3 = 1.847759 H Figure 10-12
C2 = 1.847759 F C4 = 0.765369 F
Derive the fourth-order Butterworth lowpass prototype of type 1. Solution: From Equation (10.84), g1 = 2 sin [/(2 4)] = 0.765369 H (10.85) (10.86) (10.87) (10.88)
Thus the fourth-order Butterworth lowpass prototype circuit with a corner frequency of 1 radian/s is as shown in Figure 10-12.
Chebyshev Filter
For a Chebyshev response, the element values of the lowpass prototype shown in Figure 10-11 are found from the following recursive formula [141]: g0 = 1 gn+1 = g1 = 1, n odd tanh2 (/4), n even (10.89) (10.90) (10.91) (10.92) (10.93)
2a1 4ak1 ak gk = , k = 2, 3, . . . , n bk1 gk1 (2k 1) ak = sin , k = 1, 2, . . . , n 2n and = sinh where bk = 2 + sin2 = ln coth k n RdB 17.37 k = 1, 2, . . . , n 2n ,
RdB = 10 log 2 + 1 ,
where n is the order of the lter and is the ripple expressed in absolute terms. RdB is the ripple expressed in decibels (the ripple is generally specied in decibels). An interesting point to note here is that the source resistor, the value of which is given by g0 , and terminating resistor, the value of which is given by gn+1 , are only equal for odd-order lters. For an even-order Chebyshev lter the terminating resistor, gn+1 , will be different and a function of the lter ripple. Because it is generally desirable to have identical source and load impedances, Chebyshev lters are nearly always restricted to odd order. Thus the odd-order Chebyshev prototypes are as shown in Figure 10-13. Also, for an odd-degree function (n is odd) there is a perfect match at DC, |T (0)| = 1, while for an even-degree function a mismatch exists of value |T (0)| =
2 2
4RL (RL + 1)
1 1 + 2
1 n1 Vg n2
g1 g2
g3 g4
gn (n odd) n 3 1 n2
1 n1 Vg n2
g2 g1 g3
n3 1
n2 gn (n odd)
Figure 10-13 Odd-order Chebyshev lowpass lter prototypes in the Cauer topology: (a) of type 1; and (b) of type 2. Here n is the order of the lter.
so that RL = gn+1 = + (1 + 2 )
Coefcients of several Chebyshev lowpass prototype lters with different levels of ripple and of odd orders up to ninth order are given in Table 10-3.
A Butterworth lter has a monotonic response without ripple but a relatively slow transition from the passband to the stopband. A Chebyshev lter has rapid transition but has ripple in either the stopband or passband. Butterworth and Chebyshev lters are special cases of elliptical lters, which are also called Cauer lters. An elliptical lter has equiripple (or equalized ripple) in both the stopband and the passband. The level of the ripple can be selected independently in each band. With zero ripple in the stopband, but ripple in the passband, an elliptical lter becomes a Type I Chebyshev lter. With zero ripple in the passband, but ripple in the stopband, an elliptical lter is known as a Type II Chebyshev lter. With no ripple in either band the elliptical lter becomes a Butterworth lter. With ripple in both the passband and stopband, the transition between the passband and stopband can be made more abrupt or alternatively the tolerance to component variations increased. Another type of lter is the Bessel lter which has maximally at group delay in the passband, which means that the phase response has maximum linearity across the passband. The Legendre lter (also known as the optimum L lter has a high transition rate from passband to stopband
Table 10-3 Coefcients of Chebyshev lowpass prototype lter normalized to a radian corner frequency of 1 radian/s and a 1 system impedance. Order Ripple g1 g2 g3 Order Ripple g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 Order Ripple g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 Order Ripple g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 n=3 0.2 dB 1.2275 1.1525 1.2275 n=5 0.2 dB 1.3394 1.3370 2.1660 1.3370 1.3394 n=7 0.2 dB 1.3722 1.3781 2.2756 1.5001 2.2756 1.3781 1.3722 n=9 0.2 dB 1.3860 1.3938 2.3093 1.5340 2.3728 1.5340 2.3093 1.3938 1.3860
0.01 dB 0.6291 0.9702 0.6291 0.01 dB 0.7563 1.3049 1.5573 1.3049 0.7563 0.01 dB 0.7969 1.3924 1.7481 1.6331 1.7481 1.3924 0.7969 0.01 dB 0.8144 1.4270 1.8043 1.7125 1.9057 1.7125 1.8043 1.4270 0.8144
0.1 dB 1.0315 1.1474 1.0315 0.1 dB 1.1468 1.3712 1.9750 1.3712 1.1468 0.1 dB 1.1811 1.4228 2.0966 1.5733 2.0966 1.4228 1.1811 0.1 dB 1.1956 1.4425 2.1345 1.6167 2.2053 1.6167 2.1345 1.4425 1.1956
1.0 dB 2.0236 0.9941 2.0236 1.0 dB 2.1349 1.0911 3.0009 1.0911 2.1349 1.0 dB 2.1664 1.1116 3.0934 1.1736 3.0934 1.1116 2.1664 1.0 dB 2.1797 1.1192 3.1215 1.1897 3.1747 1.1897 3.1215 1.1192 2.1797
3.0 dB 3.3487 0.7117 3.3487 3.0 dB 3.4817 0.7618 4.5381 0.7618 3.4817 3.0 dB 3.5182 0.7723 4.6386 0.8039 4.6386 0.7723 3.5182 3.0 dB 3.5340 0.7660 4.6692 0.8118 4.7272 0.8118 4.6692 0.7660 3.5340
for a given lter order, and also has a monotonic frequency response (i.e., without ripple). It is a compromise between the Butterworth lter with monotonic frequency response but slower transition and the Chebyshev lter, which has a faster transition but ripples in the frequency response. More in-depth discussions of a large class of lters along with coefcient tables and coefcient formulas are available in Matthaei et al. [141], Hunter [142], Daniels [143], Lutovac et al. [144], and in most other books dedicated
Z in
Z 0= K
Figure 10-14 Impedance inverter (of impedance K): (a) represented as a two-port; (b) the two-port terminated in a load; and (c) the two-port implemented as a onequarter wavelength long line of characteristic impedance Z0 .
solely to lters.
Inverters are two-port networks in the prototype networks of many RF and microwave lters. The input impedance of an inverter terminated in an impedance ZL is 1/ZL . Impedance and admittance inverters are the same network, with the distinction being whether siemens or ohms are used to dene them. An inverter is sometimes called a unit element (UE). At frequencies of a few hundred megahertz and below an inverter can be realized using operational and transconductance ampliers. However, these are not readily available at RF and microwave frequencies. At RF, inverters are of particular interest, as they can be approximately realized by lumped elements, transmission line stubs, and coupled transmission lines. The transmission line realizations are better approximations; they have broader bandwidth than the lumped-element implementations. As a result, inverters are available in RF and microwave lter design and their main application is converting a series element into shunt elements and inverters. It is much easier to realize shunt elements in distributed circuits than series elements. Similar circuit transformations enable inductors to be replaced by capacitors and inverters. RF lter design could be presented using only impedance inverters, however, admittance inverters are often used as design manipulations more often involve putting elements in shunt (which is preferred). The use of admittance simply unclutters the derivations. One or the other, and sometimes both, are used in various books on lter design and in journals and conference publications. Both will be used here. The schematic representation of an impedance inverter is shown in Figure 10-14(a) where the distinguishing parameter is K which is in ohms. The constitutive property of the inverter is that the input impedance of the terminated impedance inverter in Figure 10-14(b) is Zin = K2 , ZL (10.101)
and so the inverter both inverts the load impedance and scales it. Similarly,
/4 ZL
Z 0= K
(a) (b)
Z in Z 0 = K
Figure 10-15 Inverter equivalence: (a) two-port impedance inverter (of impedance K): (b) a quarter-wave transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0 = 1/K; a terminated one-quarter wavelength long transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0 .
if Port 1 was terminated in ZL the input impedance at Port 2 is Zin as dened above. Equation 10.101 does not fully dene an inverter which is a two-port. An impedance inverter is fully dened by its ABCD parameters: T= 0 /K K 0 , (10.102)
and this is done in the next subsection where equivalence of ABCD parameters is used. An impedance inverter has the value K, which is in ohms, and sometimes K is called the characteristic impedance of the inverter. Sometimes K is called just the impedance of the inverter. An admittance inverter is exactly the same element, but now J is used and is called the characteristic admittance of the inverter, and sometimes just the admittance. They are related as J = 1/K. At low frequencies they can be implemented as transformers or using operational ampliers. At RF and microwave frequencies inverters are of such great interest as they can be realized using combinations of transmission lines of reasonable length. Recall that in Section 4.8.4 on Page 218 it was shown that a /4 long line with a load has an input impedance that is the inverse of the load, normalized by the square of the characteristic impedance of the line. So an inverter can be realized at microwave frequencies using a one-quarter wavelength long transmission line (see Figure 10-15(b)). For the conguration shown in Figure 10-15(c), K2 Zin = . (10.103) ZL One of the principal advantages of inverters in developing networks is that they can be used to replace series inductors and capacitors by shunt elements, which are far more easily implemented. This will be seen in the next few sections.
At low frequencies it is necessary to use either transformers or active circuits based on operational ampliers. In this section the impedance inverter can be treated as an abstraction. A two-port lossless, reciprocal, and frequencyindependent impedance inverter has the ABCD matrix T= 0 /K K 0 , (10.104)
where K is called the characteristic impedance of the inverter. With a load impedance, ZL (at Port 2), the input impedance (at Port 1) is Zin (s) = K K2 A.ZL + B = = . C.ZL + D (/K) ZL ZL (10.105)
Thus the impedance at the input port is proportional to the inverse of the load impedance. (Note that K is in ohms.) Now the ABCD matrix of the transmission line of Figure 10-14(c) is
cos sin
Z0 sin cos
which is identical to Equation (10.104) when the electrical length is = /2 (i.e., when the line is /4 long). The inverter is shown in Figure 10-14(a) as a two-port and implemented as a /4 long line in Figure 10-14(c). The bandwidth over which the line realizes an impedance inverter is limited, however, as it is an ideal inverter only at the frequency at which it is /4 long and when it is (n/2 + /4) long.
A series inductor can be replaced by a shunt capacitor surrounded by a pair of inverters followed by a negative unity transformer (i.e., an inverter with K = 1). This equivalence is shown in Figure 10-16 and will now be shown mathematically. From Table 6-1, the ABCD matrix of the series inductor shown in Figure 10-16(a) (which has an impedance of sL) is TL = 1 0 sL 1 (10.107)
and the ABCD matrix of a shunt capacitor (which has an admittance of sC) is, from Table 6-1, 1 0 T1 = . (10.108) sC 1
Figure 10-16 Equivalent realizations of a series inductor: (a) as a two-port; (b) its realization using a capacitor, inverters of characteristic impedance K, and a negative unity transformer; and (c) an alternative realization. C = L/K 2 .
The ABCD matrix of an inverter with K = 1 (generally units are dropped and SI is assumed) is T2 = 0 /K K 0 , (10.109)
and nally, the ABCD matrix of a negative unity transformer, N = 1, is, from Table 6-1, T3 = 1 0 0 1 . (10.110)
1 sC 1 sC
0 1 0 1
0 /K 0 /K
K 0 K 0
1 0 0 1
1 sCK 2 0 1
0 /K
K 0
Thus TC = TL if L = CK 2 (compare Equations (10.107) and (10.111)). A series inductor can be replaced by a shunt capacitor with an inverter before and after it and with a negative unity transformer. The unity transformer may also be placed at the rst port, as in Figure 10-16(c). Thus the two-ports shown in Figure 10-16 are all electrically identical, with the limitation being the frequency range over which the inverter can be realized. An interesting and important observation is that as a result of the characteristic impedance of the inverter (e.g., 50 ), a small shunt capacitor can be used to realize a large series inductance value.
Figure 10-17 A series capacitor: (a) as a two-port; (b) its realization using a shunt inductor, inverters and negative unity transformer. L = CK 2
Consider the network of Figure 10-16(c) with inverters having a characteristic impedance of 50 . What value of inductance is realized using a 10 pF capacitor? Solution: K = 50, so L = CK 2 = 1011 2500 = 25 nH.
Analogous to the replacement demonstrated in the previous section, a series capacitor can be replaced by a shunt inductor plus inverters and a negative transformer (see Figure 10-17). The ABCD parameters of the series capacitor in Figure 10-17(a) are T= 1 0 1/sC 1 , (10.112)
and here it is shown that the cascade in Figure 10-17(b) has the same ABCD parameters. Choosing the value of the shunt inductor in Figure 10-17(b) as C and using unity impedance inverters, the cascade has the ABCD parameters T = 0 /K = = = K 0 K 0 K 0 . 1 1/sL 0 1 0 1 0 /K K 0 1 0 0 1 K 0
0 /K
1 1/sL
K/sL /K
1 K 2 /sL 0 1
0 /K
K 0
0 /K
So the series capacitor, C, can be realized using a shunt inductor, L, inverters, and a negative unity transformer, and C = L/K 2 . It is unlikely
g0 Vg
g1 g2
g3 g4
1:1 1 1
1:1 1 1
1:1 1 1
(c) Figure 10-18 Ladder prototype lters using impedance inverters: (a) lumped-element prototype; (b) rst stage in transformation using inverters; and (c) nal stage.
that this would be desirable, as much better lower loss capacitors can be realized at RF than inductors.
The transformations discussed in the previous two sections can be used to advantage in simplifying lters. In this section the transformations are applied to the prototype of the lowpass ladder lter shown in Figure 1018(a). The inductors in the ladder circuit are a particular problem as they have considerable resistance at radio and microwave frequencies and limit the frequency selectivity that can be obtained from a lter. Using the concept of inverters, the series inductors can be replaced by a circuit with capacitors, inverters, and transformers, as shown in Figure 10-18(b). This simplies further to the realization shown in Figure 10-18(c), as the negative unity transformers only affect the phase of the transmission coefcient. So a lowpass ladder lter can be realized using just capacitors and inverters.
The admittance inverter is functionally the same as the impedance inverter (see Figure 10-14(a)) and the schematic is the same (see Figure 10-19(a)). As will be shown, this can be realized using frequency-invariant lossless
J= 1 K
y = +jB y = _jB
y = _jB
Figure 10-19 Admittance inverter: (a) as a two-port; (b) generalized inverter realized using lumped elements (identical if B = J); and (c) lumped equivalent circuit of the admittance inverter of (a) (the element values in (c) are impedances).
elements (i.e., elements whose reactance or susceptance do not vary with frequency) using the network of Figure 10-19(b). J is generally used with admittance inverters and K with impedance inverters. If not specied by the context, the inverter (with value specied by a number) defaults to being an impedance inverter. Alternatively units can be used to indicate which type of inverter is being used. The function of the inverter is the same in any case; both can be realized by one-quarter wavelength long lines, for example. For the remainder of this chapter it will be more convenient to use the admittance inverter, as many calculations will be in terms of admittances since it is much easier to realize shunt elements in distributed form (e.g., using stubs) than to realize series elements. Now it will be shown that the lumped-element network of Figure 1019(b) realizes an inverter. To do this we must show that the inverter and the lumped-element network have the same two-port parameters. First, the ABCD matrix of an inverter of characteristic admittance J is TJ = 0 J /J 0 . (10.114)
Referring to Table 6-1, the circuit of Figure 10-19(b) has the ABCD matrix 1 B 1 B 0 1 1 1/(B) 0 1 1 B 0 1 1 B = 0 1 0 B j/B 0 , (10.115)
T = =
1/(B) 0
where B is the susceptance of the frequency-invariant elements. Equation (10.115) is identical to Equation (10.114) if B = J. More practical equivalents of the circuit of Figure 10-19(b) can be derived, as shown later. For completeness, the lumped-element equivalent of the impedance inverter is shown in Figure 10-20 (derived from Figure 10-19 with J = 1/K).
_ jK
_ jK
Figure 10-20 Impedance inverter: (a) as a two-port; and (b) its lumped equivalent circuit (the element values in (b) are impedances).
y1 yin y3 y2
y = yL
Demonstrate that the lumped-element inverter model in Figure 10-19(b) is an admittance inverter. Solution: Terminating the network in Figure 10-19(b) results in the network shown in Figure 10-21(a). This is relabeled for convenience in Figure 10-21(b) where the elements are admittances. Then yin = y3 //(y1 $(y2 + yL )) , (10.116) where // indicates in parallel with and $ indicates in series with. These are common shorthand notations in circuit calculations. Continuing on from Equation (10.116), yin = y3 + 1 + y1 1 y2 + yL 1 = y3 + y2 + yL + y1 y1 (y2 + yL ) 1 . (10.117)
Thus the lumped-element of Figure 10-19(b) is an admittance inverter of value B (in Siemens).
In this section it will be shown that an impedance inverter can be implemented using short- and open-circuits stubs. The match is good over
_ jK
_ jK
jK jK Z Z0 0
Figure 10-22 Narrowband inverter equivalents at frequency f0 : (a) impedance inverter with characteristic impedance K; (b) lumped-element equivalent network; (c) inverter realized by short- and open-circuited stubs.
a narrow band centered at frequency f0 . An impedance inverter is shown in Figure 10-22(a) and its equivalent lumped-element network in Figure 10-22(b). A stub-based implementation is shown in Figure 10-22(c), where there are short- and open-circuited stubs of characteristic impedance Z0 . The input impedance of the stubs is shown at the inputs of the stubs. The stubs have an electrical length at f0 , and the stubs are one-quarter wavelength long (i.e., is resonant) at what is called the commensurate frequency, fr . Now it will be shown that the network of Figure 10-22(c) is a good representation of the inverter at f0 . This is done by matching ABCD parameters. The ABCD parameters of an inverter are T = 0 /K K 0 (10.119)
and, at frequency f0 , the ABCD parameters of the stub circuit of Figure 1022(c) are T = 1 0 1/[Z0 tan ()] 1 = = 1 0 Z0 tan () 1 1 0 1/[Z0 tan ()] 1
Thus, equating Equations (10.119) and (10.120), the stub network is a good representation of the inverter if K = Z0 tan () , (10.121)
and so the required characteristic impedance of each stub at frequency f0 is Z0 = K K = . f0 tan () tan fr 2 (10.122)
Special Case fr = 2f0 The most commonly used designs choose the stub resonant frequency, the commensurate frequency, to be twice that of the center frequency of the design, f0 . So with fr = 2f0 : Z0 = = K tan
f0 2 2f0
K tan /4 = K.
Filter Transformations
So far the discussion has centered around lowpass lters. Filter design technology has developed so that the design of lowpass lters is the essential rst step and these are used as prototypes to derive lters with other characteristics. The three most important transformations are listed here: 1. Impedance scaling: A lowpass lter prototype is referenced to a standard impedance. Usually 1 is used, so the reference source and load resistances are also 1 . To reference to a higher or lower impedance, scaling of the impedance of all elements of the lter is required. 2. Cutoff frequency scaling: The cutoff frequency of a lowpass lter prototype is normalized to 1 radian/s. To reference to another frequency, the values of the elements must be altered so that they have the same impedance at the scaled frequency. 3. Filter type transformation: These transformations enable the circuit of a lowpass lter to be converted to a circuit with a bandpass, bandstop, or highpass response. The concept is that the response at DC is to be replicated at innite frequency for the highpass (so capacitors become inductors, etc.); to be replicated at the center of the passband for a bandpass lter (so capacitors become a shunt LC circuit); and to be inverted at the center of the bandstop lter (so capacitors become a series LC circuit). The transformations can be performed in any order. The key point is that the complexity of the lowpass circuit design is minimal since the number of elements does not grow until the lter type transformation is performed, so this step is often done last.
Lx Z0
C/Z 0
K K Z0
(c) Figure 10-23 Impedance transformations: (a) for an inductor; (b) for a capacitor; and (c) for an inverter.
Impedance Transformation
The lowpass prototypes discussed up to now have been referred to a 1 system. The system impedance can be changed to any level by simply scaling the impedances of all the circuit elements in a lter by the same amount, as shown in Figure 10-23. The impedance transformation follows the same procedure for all lter types (the procedure is the same for lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop lters, for example). It should also be noted that impedance scaling of a transmission line is simply multiplication of the lines characteristic impedance by the scale factor. EXAMPLE 10. 7 Lowpass Filter Design
Consider the lowpass lter, with an inverter, shown in Figure 10-24(a). This lter is referenced to 1 , as the source and load impedances are both 1 . Redesign the lter so that the same frequency response is obtained with 50 source and load impedances. Solution: It is necessary to impedance transform from 1 to 50 . The resulting lter is shown in Figure 10-24(b). Each element has an impedance (resistance or reactance) that is 50 times larger than it had in the prototype.
Frequency transformations differ depending on the type of the lter. So it is normal to frequency transform the lowpass prototype before converting the prototype to another form (such as bandpass). The lowpass prototypes normally have a band-edge or cutoff frequency at an angular frequency of
1 Vg C1
L1 K C2
1 C3
50 Vg
50 C 3/50
Figure 10-24 Impedance transformation of an example lter: (a) lter normalized to 1 ; and (b) impedance transformed to a reference of 50 .
T ( s) 2
T (s)
=1 (rad/s) (s=j)
c (rad/s) (s=j)
Figure 10-25 Frequency transformation of a lowpass lter from, (a) one normalized to a corner frequency of 1 rad/s, to (b) one with a radian corner frequency of c .
unity,2 that is, 1 rad/s. The band edge frequency can be transformed from unity to an arbitrary frequency c , as shown in Figure 10-25, by scaling the reactive elements, as shown in Figure 10-26, so that they have the same impedance at the transformed frequency as they did at the original frequency. The inverter is unchanged, as are the source and load resistances, since these are frequency independent.
In this book (and in most treatments) the band-edge frequency is normalized to 1 rad/s. Some books and papers use a 1 Hz normalization, so be wary.
C / C
(b) Figure 10-26 Frequency transformations for (a) an inductor; and (b) a capacitor. The impedance of the new (scaled) element at the new (scaled) frequency is the same as it was at the original frequency.
T ( s) 2
T (s)
=1 (rad/s) (s=j)
(a) Figure 10-27
j =1 (rad/s) (s=j)
The transformation of a lowpass lter prototype to a highpass lter is shown diagrammatically in Figure 10-27. Mathematically the transformation is |T ()|2 T 1
1+ 1 =
1 2 |K ()|2 1
1 1 + 2 K 2
so that reactive elements are transformed as shown in Figure 10-30. Here inductors are transformed into capacitors and capacitors into inductors. For example, if the odd-order lowpass lters are of the types shown in Figure 10-13 then the transformation to highpass is shown in Figure 10-28.
Understanding the transformation of the lowpass lter into its corresponding bandpass forms requires that the lowpass lter be considered in both its
1 n1 Vg n2
C1 L2
C3 L4
Cn (n odd) n 3 1 n2
1 n1 Vg n2
C2 L1 L3
Cn1 n 3 1 n2 gn (n odd )
Figure 10-28 Odd-order Chebyshev highpass lter prototypes in the Cauer topology: (a) of type 1; and (b) of type 2. Here n is the order of the lter.
positive and negative frequency response, as shown in Figure 10-29(a). This response is shifted in frequency to obtain the bandpass response shown in Figure 10-29(b). Mathematically the radian frequency, , in the response function is replaced by its bandpass form: o . o (10.127)
This separately maps the 1 and +1 band-edge radian frequencies of the lowpass response to the bandpass frequencies 1 and 2 : 1 +1 1 o o 1 2 o . o 2 (10.128) (10.129)
Solving the above equations simultaneously yields the center frequency 0 and the band-edge frequencies 1 and 2 with o = 1 2 (10.130) and the so-called transformation constant o = . 2 1
The resulting element conversions are given in Figure 10-30. As an example, a lumped-element Type 2 Cauer bandpass lter is shown in Figure 10-31. The shunt LC combination and the series LC combinations
T (s)
0 (rad/s) (s=j)
Figure 10-29 Frequency responses in lowpass to bandpass transformation: (a) twosided lowpass lter response; and (b) bandpass lter approximation.
are resonators resonant at the center frequency of the lter. Here the lter is normalized to a Z0 source and load impedances. As these are the same, this lter topology only applies for an odd-order lter. Combining transformations, the element values of a lumped bandpass lter with center radian frequency 0 = 2f0 and radian bandwidth BW = 2(f2 f1 ) are as follows: gr r = odd Z BW 0 Cr = (10.132) BW 2 r = even 0 g r Z0 Lr = BW Z0 2 0 gr g Z r 0 BW r = odd . r = even (10.133)
Again, consider both the positive and negative frequency responses of the lowpass lter prototype, as shown in Figure 10-32(a). This response is
C1 = C0 /0 L1 = L0 /0
L1 = 1/(0 C0 ) C1 = 1/(0 L0 )
L1 C0 C1
L1 C1
C1 = C0 /0
L1 = 1/(C0 0 )
L1 = L0 /0 C1 = 1/(L0 0 )
L1 C1
L1 = /(C0 0 )
C1 = C0 /(0 )
L1 L0 C1
L1 = L0 /(0 )
C1 = /(L0 0 )
Figure 10-30 Transformations of the elements of a prototype lowpass lter to obtain specic lter types. The corner frequency of the lowpass prototype is 1 radian/s. In the transformations to bandpass and bandstop lters, 0 = 1/ L1 C1 = 1 2 ; 1 and 2 are the band-edge frequencies; and is the transformation constant, = 0 /(2 1 ). The corner frequency of the lowpass prototype is 1 radian/s.
Z0 Vg
L2 C2
L n1 Cn 1
n3 Z0
L1 C1
L 3 C3
L n Cn
Figure 10-31 Lumped-element odd-order (nth-order) Chebyshev bandpass lter prototypes in the type II Cauer topology.
T (s)
(s=j) 2
0 (rad/s) (s=j )
Figure 10-32 Frequency responses in lowpass to bandstop transformation: (a) twosided lowpass lter response; and (b) bandstop lter approximation.
shifted in frequency to obtain the bandstop response shown in Figure 1032(b). Mathematically the frequency, , in the response function is replaced by its bandstop form: o o
The center frequency (corresponding to DC of the response of the lowpass prototype) is o = 1 2 (10.135)
Z0 Vg
Cn 1
n3 Z0
L2 n2 L1 C1 L 3 C3
L n1 L n Cn n2
Figure 10-33 Lumped-element odd-order (nth-order) Chebyshev bandpass lter prototypes in the type II Cauer topology.
where 1 and 2 are the band-edge frequencies. The resulting element conversions are given in Figure 10-30. Combining transformations, the element values of a lumped bandstop lter with center radian frequency 0 = 2f0 and radian bandwidth BW = 2(f2 f1 ) are as follows: g r BW 2 0 Z0 r = odd (10.137) r = even
Cr =
1 BW gr Z0
Lr =
Z0 BW gr
Similarly a lumped-element type II Cauer bandstop lter is shown in Figure 10-33. The parallel LC combination and the series LC combinations are resonators resonant at the center frequency of the lter. The parallel LC resonator is an open circuit at the center frequency of the stopband and the series LC resonators are short circuits.
gr BW Z0 2 0
Combining the lter type transformations, and with appropriate use of inverters, the original lowpass prototype ladder lter and its various lter type transforms are shown in Figure 10-34.
RS Vg g1
RS Vg 1/g1
RS Vg L = /g1 C =g1/
L = / g2 C = g2 /
L = / g3 C =g3 /
L = / g4 C = g4 /
RS Vg L = 1/ ( g1) C = g1
L = 1/ ( g2) C = g2
L = 1/ ( g3) C = g3
L = 1/ ( g4) C = g4
Figure 10-34 Ladder prototype lters: (a) lowpass prototype ladder lter; (b) highpass prototype ladder lter; (c) bandstop prototype ladder lter; and (d) bandpass prototype ladder lter.
In this section, lters are presented that use cascaded sections of transmission linerealizing series inductors and shunt capacitors. For example, a short (less than one-quarter wavelength long) line of relatively high-impedance line behaves predominantly as series inductances. Also, a very short (much less than one-quarter wavelength long) length of relatively low-impedance line acts predominantly as a shunt capacitance. So a Pi network of lumped elements can be realized with alternate sections of lowand high-impedance microstrip lines. Such an inductive line is shown in Figure 10-35(a), which has the two equivalent circuits shown in Figures 1035(b) and 10-35(c). Basic transmission line theory gives the input reactance
l C ZO C
L C ( jX)
Figure 10-35 Inductive length of line with adjacent capacitive lines: (a) microstrip form; (b) lumped equivalent circuit; and (c) lumped-distributed equivalent circuit.
jX C
jX (y=jB)
Figure 10-36 Capacitive length of line with adjacent inductive lines: (a) microstrip; and (b) lumped equivalent (the left-most and right-most series inductors come from the high-impedance lines).
of the line of length, (with a low-impedance load), XL = Z0 sin (2/g ) , so that the length of this predominantly inductive line is = g sin1 2 L Z0 . (10.140) (10.139)
Previously it was shown that a short length of line having a relatively low characteristic impedance yields a capacitive element and this is shown, together with its equivalent circuit, in Figure 10-36. The predominating shunt capacitance is determined by rst considering the susceptance B= so that 1 sin Z0 2 g (10.141)
g sin1 (CZ0 ) . (10.142) 2 Thus a cascade of low-impedance and high-impedance lines can therefore realize (approximately) an LC ladder network. It is tempting to take lters synthesized in lumped-element form and realize them in the above manner with transmission lines. The series =
element realization concept presented in this section could be extended using shorted and open stubs to better realize shunt elements. The problem with this approach is that the resulting lters are narrowband and the response outside the desired operating range is unpredictable. It is far better to employ the Richards transformation, considered in the next section, which is a much broader bandwidth technique for realizing lters in distributed form.
10.11 10.11.1
The Richards transformation is a remarkable scheme that takes into account the actual properties of transmission lines, yielding broadband transmission line-based implementations of lumped-element lter prototypes. Consider a section of transmission line of electrical length with ABCD parameters T = cos () Z0 sin () /Z0 sin () cos () . (10.143)
If this line is terminated in a load, ZL , then its input impedance is Zin () = cos().ZL + Z0 . sin() . j/Z0 sin().ZL + cos() (10.144)
Now examine two extreme conditions. As the load impedance increases, eventually becoming an open circuit, the input impedance of a line with electrical length is dened in terms of a cotangent of the electrical length: ZL Zin () Yin () = Z0 . cot() = Y0 . tan(). (10.145) (10.146)
As the load impedance reduces to become a short circuit, the input impedance of a line with electrical length is dened in terms of a tangent of the electrical length: ZL 0 Zin () = Z0 . tan(). (10.147)
These results lead to the Richards transformation, which replaces the Laplace variable, s, by Richards variable, S, where S = tan(). This transformation is written s S = tan(). (10.148)
For now and are constants that can be chosen as design variables. , of course, is the electrical length of the line and is not just 90 for a /4
line. Also, must have the units of impedance and it is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Applying the Richards transformation to a capacitor, the admittance of the element is transformed as follows: y = sC Y = SC = C tan(), (10.149)
so that the capacitor is transformed into an open-circuited stub with characteristic admittance Y0 = C . (10.150) If a lumped-element capacitor with admittance y = sC is to be realized using a transmission line, the admittance Y = SC = C tan() is instead realized. There are two parameters to select to realize this admittance. The rst, , is the characteristic admittance of the transmission line (and for any given transmission line topology there is a minimum and maximum characteristic admittance or impedance that can be realized), and is the electrical length of the line. Applying the transformation to an inductor, the impedance of the element is transformed as follows: Z = sL Z = SL = L tan(), (10.151)
so that the inductor is transformed into a short-circuited stub with characteristic impedance Z0 = L. (10.152) Thus the Richards transform converts an inductor into a short-circuited stub and a capacitor into an open-circuited stub.
There is a duality between stubs and inductors and capacitors; they are coupled by Richards transformation. One of the important quantities used in the transformation is the commensurate frequency, fr , which most often is just twice the operating frequency, f0 . Considering stubs that are onequarter wavelength long at fr , the duality is as shown in Figure 10-37.
In this section, Richards transformation is used to realize a lumped-element lter in distributed form. The design example begins by considering a Chebyshev lowpass lter with the transmission characteristic |T (s)| =
1 1+ 2
|K (s)|
s, Laplace variable
Z0 jZ 0 r /4 Z0
X = Z0 fr = 2f0
X = Z0 fr = 2f0
r /4
jX Z0
jZ 0
jZ 0
r /4 Z0
X = Z0 fr = 2f0
X = Z0 fr = 2f0
Figure 10-37 Equivalences resulting from Richards transformation. With fr = 2f0 the transmission line stubs are one-eighth wavelength long at f0 .
1 1+ 2
|K ( tan ))|
Recalling that a capacitor is transformed into an open-circuited stub (see Equation (10.150)), Richards transformation applied to the lowpass lter prototype results in a lter with transmission line elements only, as shown Figure 10-38, provided that the inverters are realized using transmission lines.
K 12 C1 C2
K 23 C3
K34 C4
K 12
K 23
K 34 Z 4
Zi = 1/( Ci)
(b) Figure 10-38 Lowpass prototypes: (a) lowpass prototype as a ladder lter with inverters; and (b) lowpass distributed prototype with open-circuited stubs (the impedance looking into the stub is indicated).
The implementation of a lowpass lter in distributed form results in passbands and stopbands that repeat in frequency, as shown in Figure 10-39. This occurs because transmission lines are used to realize lumped elements and the impedance of a transmission repeats every wavelength (or half wavelength in some cases). For example, the input impedance of a stub is the same whether it is one-half wavelength long or one wavelength long.
With reference to Figure 10-40(a), the passband edge at = 1 is mapped to 1 , as shown in Figure 10-40(b). This means that the passband at = 1 is mapped to 1 as 1 tan (1 ) 1 = . tan (1 ) (10.158) (10.159)
The sequence of steps transforming a lumped lowpass prototype to its distributed highpass prototype are shown in Figure 10-41. As previously discussed, all the inverters can be approximated by transmission lines of length /2 at the corner frequency of the lter.
Kurodas Identities
Kurodas identities embody a number of specic manipulations using impedance or admittance inverters. They are particularly useful in implementing Richards transformation as they physically separate transmission
T (s)
j =1 (rad/s) (s=j)
T ()
3 2
Figure 10-39 Lowpass to distributed lowpass transformation: (a) lowpass lter response; and (b) distributed lowpass lter response.
T (j ) 2
T (j ) 2
3 2
Figure 10-40 Highpass to distributed highpass transformation: (a) highpass lter response; and (b) distributed highpass lter response.
K 12 C1 C2
K 23 C3
K34 C4
K 12
1 L 1= C 1 L2 = C
K 23
1 L3 = C
K 34
C4 L4= C
1 4
K 12 C1 C2
K 23 C3
K 34 C4
Figure 10-41 Ladder prototype transformation: (a) lowpass prototype; (b) highpass prototype response; and (c) distributed highpass prototype (the input impedances of the stubs are indicated).
line stubs, transform series stubs into shunt stubs, and can change characteristic impedances that are either too small or too high to practically realize. Kurodas identities are a number of equivalent two-port networks, as shown in Figure 10-42. The proof is obtained by obtaining the ABCD parameters of the two ports similar to the technique used throughout this chapter. The identities shown in Figure 10-42 are narrow band. With stubs, the Kuroda identities have broader bandwidths. The Kuroda identities with stubs are shown in Figure 10-43. The major use of these identities is to transform designs with series stubs (in addition to possible shunt stubs) into designs with shunt stubs only. To see how these identities are used consider the identity shown in Figure 10-42(a). The network on the left has a series inductor which, using transmission lines, is realized by a series stub. A series stub is difcult to realize in most transmission line technologies, including microstrip. Using the identity shown on the right in Figure 10-42(a), the series stub is replaced by the shunt stub used to realize the shunt capacitor. At the same time impedance scaling can be used. If the impedance of the inverter in the network on the left is too low, then it can be scaled by a factor n2 , where n2 = 1 + Z2 /Z1 .
Z1 Z2
n 2 = 1 + Z 2 /Z 1 n 2Z 1
n 2Z 2
Z 1 n2 Z2 Z1
Z2 n2 1: n 2 Z2 n2
Z1 n2 n 2 Z 2 n 2 :1
Z2 Z1
n 2Z 1
Figure 10-42 Kurodas identities. Here the inverters are impedance inverters and the designation refers to the impedance of the inverter. Recall that an inverter of impedance Z1 can be realized by a quarter-wavelength long transmission line of characteristic impedance Z1 . (As usual, element impedances are indicated.)
The coupled line model of a pair of coupled lines was presented in Figure 922 on Page 499. This model is repeated in Figure 10-44. The parameters of the network model are related to the model impedances as follows, repeating Equations (9.159) and (9.160): n= Z0 = Z01 Z02 1 Z0e Z0o = K Zoe + Z0o (10.160) (10.161) (10.162) (10.163)
(Z0e Z0o ), Z = , 1 K2 1 K2 =Z . K2
Various terminating arrangements of the coupled lines result in several useful lter elements. One arrangement is shown in Figure 10-45. Also shown in this gure is the development of the network model based on
n2 = 1 + Z 2 /Z1 Z1 n 2Z 1 n 2Z 2
Z2 n2
Z1 n2
1: n2 Z1 Z2
Z2 n2
Z1 n2
n2:1 Z2 Z1
n 2Z 1
n 2Z
Figure 10-43 The stub form of the Kuroda identities with impedance inverters. The stub impedances shown are the input impedances of the stubs.
1:n 1 n :1
Z 02
1 2
Figure 10-44
4 3
Z 01
the model in Figure 9-22. The nal network model is a transmission line of characteristic impedance Z1 in cascade with an open-circuited stub. Consider what happens at the resonant frequency, f0 (the frequency at which the lines are one-quarter wavelength long). At lower frequencies, f f0 , the Z2 line is an open circuit and signals travel along Z1 . At resonance the Z2 stub becomes a short circuit and signals do not pass. This is a crude verication that this is a lowpass structure. The process is visual
1:n 1
n :1
Z 02
1 2
4 3
Z 01
Z 02
Z 01
Z 02
Z 01
Figure 10-45 Lowpass distributed network section derived from a pair of coupled lines with Port 1 opencircuited. The open circuit is indicated by a node (open circle) with a line through it. The nal network model is a transmission line of characteristic impedance A1 and an open-circuited stub of impedance characteristic impedance Z2 . The lines are one-quarter wavelength long at the corner frequency.
1:n 1 n :1
Z 02
1 2
4 3
Z 01
n :1 4
Z 02
Z 02
2 n :1 4
Z 01
Z 01
Figure 10-46
Parallel coupled-line section with Ports 1 and 3 open-circuited, and network models.
and is expected to be self-explanatory. Other examples are shown in Figures 10-46 to 10-48. A detailed combline lter design will be considered in the latter parts of this chapter, so the nal model of a Parallel Coupled Line (PCL) section
1: n 1
n :1
1 2
4 3
n :1 4
Z 02
n :1 2
Z 02 Z 01
Z 01
Figure 10-47
1:n 1
n :1
Z 02
1 2
4 3
Z 01
1:n 1
Z 02
Z 02
1:n 1 2
Z 01 Z 012
1 2
Z 01
Z 011
Z 022
Figure 10-48
Z 02
1:n 1 2 1
Z 012
Z 01
Z 011
Z 022
Figure 10-49
in combline conguration has been taken further in Figure 10-48 than for the other sections, but equivalent reductions can be obtained. The nal network reduction is repeated in Figure 10-49, where it will be shown that the model in Figure 10-49(b) is equivalent to the model in Figure 10-49(a). In the combline lter synthesis the network of Figure 10-49(b) is obtained and this can be related back to the dimensions of the coupled line. As is done throughout this chapter, the equivalence is done using ABCD parameters and, as will be seen, the equivalence will not be at just one frequency but will be broadband. The ABCD parameters of the network in Figure 10-49(a) are obtained by cascading the ABCD parameters of three two-ports (the ABCD parameters of which are given in Table 6-1 on Page 298): TA = TTRANSFORMER TSERIES STUB TSHUNT STUB = = = 1/n 0 0 n 1 0 Z02 tan 1 1 0 /(Z01 tan ) 1 0 1 (10.164) (10.165) (10.166) (10.167)
The ABCD parameters matrix of the network on Figure 10-49(b): TB = TSHUNT STUB TSERIES STUB TSHUNT STUB = 1 0 /(Z011 tan ) 1 1 0 Z012 tan 1 1 /(Z022 tan ) (10.168) 0 1 (10.169) (10.170) (10.171)
= =
Z012 tan 1+
Z012 Z011
1 0 /(Z022 tan ) 1 .
Equating Equations (10.167) and (10.171) yields 1+ Z012 1 = Z022 n 1+ Z02 Z01 (10.172)
Z012 = Z02 /n Z011 + Z022 + Z012 n = Z011 Z022 Z01 Z012 1+ = n, Z011 which has the solution Z012 = Z011 Z022 Z02 n Z012 Z02 = = n1 n(n 1) Z01 Z02 = . Z02 (n 1)Z01
Rearranging these, expressions for Z01 , Z02 , and n can be obtained, and from Equations (9.159) and (9.160) and the coupled line analysis of Section 9.6, the geometric parameters of the combline coupled line section can be obtained.
A lter that uses transmission lines is nearly always synthesized from a lter prototype that contains inverters. The synthesis of a lter begins with a normalized prototype that is transformed to the desired frequency, impedance, and type. It is the purpose of this section, to enable such scaling when inverters are present in the prototype. In particular, it is shown that scaling the admittance of the network of Figure 10-50(a), a common inverter subnetwork, by a factor x results in the network in Figure 10-50(b). The nodal admittance matrix of the network in Figure 10-50(a) is 0 J 0 y J . Y = J (10.179) 0 J 0 Assigning nodal voltages to Terminals 1, 2, and 3 the nodal admittance matrix equation is 0 J 0 v1 J1 J y J v2 = 0 , (10.180) 0 J 0 v3 J3 and by eliminating Node 2 using network condensation (see Section A.10 on Page 834) this reduces to J 2 /y J 2 /y J 2 /y J 2 /y v1 v3 = J1 J3 ,
1 2 3
J x
1 0
J x
y1 = yx
Figure 10-50 Inverter network: (a) network with two identical admittance inverters with an inserted shunt element of admittance, y1 ; (b) equivalent network using equivalence shown in Figure 10-19; (c) scaled original network; and (d) scaled equivalent network. Element values are impedances except for y and y1 , which are admittances.
Assigning nodal voltages to Terminals 1, 2, and 3, matrix equation is 0 J x 0 v1 J x yx J x v2 = 0 J x 0 v3 and by eliminating Node 2 this reduces to (J 2 x)/(yx) (J 2 x)/(yx) (J 2 x)/(yx) (J 2 x)/(yx) v1 v3
and this describes the external characteristics of the subnetwork in Figure 10-50(a). The intent is to show that the network of Figure 10-50(c), which is a scaled version of the original network of Figure 10-50(a), has an identical external characteristic; that is, it has the same reduced nodal admittance matrix. The nodal admittance matrix of the scaled network in Figure 1050(c) is 0 J x 0 yx J x . Y = J x (10.182) 0 J x 0 the nodal admittance
J1 0 , J3 J 2 /y J 2 /y .
= =
J 2 /y J 2 /y J1 J3
v1 v3 (10.184)
Thus the original network shown in Figure 10-50(a) has identical external electrical characteristics as the scaled network of Figure 10-50(c), with
1 nH
J x C = 0.1 S 1 y1 = yx (c)
J x = 0.1 S
1 nF (a) (b)
10 C1 10 pF (d)
Figure 10-51
the characteristic admittance of the inverters scaled by x and the shunt admittance scaled by x. A generalization of this result (which is useful when there are additional connections between Nodes 1 and 3, and at Node 2) is that multiplying a row and a column of the nodal admittance matrix by a factor results in identical external characteristics. Note that the element sharing a row and column is multiplied twice. Nodal matrix reduction as used here for a 3 3 nodal admittance matrix can be used to prove this general result. EXAMPLE 10. 8 Inductor Synthesis
Lumped inductors have low Q. Fortunately, in microwave design they can be realized using inverters and a shunt capacitor which have high Q. Realize the series inductor in Figure 10-51(a) with a shunt capacitor and 10 impedance inverters. Solution: The series inductor can be realized by the circuit of Figure 10-51(b), where the shunt capacitor C has the same numeric value as the series inductor. The inverters here can be either impedance inverters or admittance inverters, as their value is equal to one. The design requires that these be realized as 10 series inverters, but scaling is performed on admittance inverters, as shown in Figure 10-51(c), where the value of the admittance inverters is 0.1 S = x. Thus x = 0.01 and the admittance of the capacitor must be scaled by 0.01 (thus the capacitance is scaled by 0.01), so C1 = C/100 = 10 pF. The nal design is shown in Figure 10-51(d).
Figure 10-52
Combline Filter
In this section, the combline lter is considered. This is one of the most commonly used transmission line-based lters and is based on the combline section shown in Figure 10-48. One of the important parts of the development of a combline lter is a special property of inverter scaling that will be considered in the next subsection. Following that, combline lter design will be presented by example.
This subsection presents an example of how the inverter network scaling of Section 10.13 on Page 563 can be used with combline lters. A lowpass prototype with inverters, suitable for combline lters, is shown in Figure 10-52. Through several transformations this lowpass lter prototype will become a bandpass lter in exactly the right form to be realized by coupled parallel lines in a combline conguration. In the process the capacitors become LC resonators which are realized by a combination of capacitors and stub transmission lines. There are three shunt capacitors in the prototype and, as will be made clearer in the combline lter design that follows, it is desirable that the shunt elements that realize these be identical. 1 To achieve this, the central capacitor must be scaled by a factor of 2 . This can be achieved by scaling the impedance of the inverters by 1/ 2. So the network of Figure 10-52 can be replaced by a network where the shunt elements have the desired property of being identical.
The design of a third-order Chebyshev combline bandpass lter is presented here as an example of the lter design procedure based on synthesis. The design is presented in steps and brings together many of the concepts presented in this chapter. Step 1: Choice of Lowpass Filter Prototype Design begins with the choice of a prototype that is expected to achieve the required specications. If the choice is not suitable then another topology
must be chosen. Consider a third-order Chebyshev lowpass lter prototype, shown in Figure 10-53, with a passband ripple of = 0.1.
L1 = 1.10422 H
Step 2: Replace Series Elements The next step in the transformation of the lowpass prototype in Figure 10-53 is to replace the inductor by a shunt capacitor in cascade with admittance inverters, as shown in Figure 10-54. This step uses the series inductor transformation shown in Figure 10-16.
1 1 1 1
C1 = 0.85239 F = C3
L1 = 1.10422 F
Figure 10-54 Step 2. Prototype lter with inductor replaced by a capacitor and admittance inverter combination: (a) with unity inverting transformer; and (b) with the transformer eliminated as it has no effect on the lter response. Note that L1 has the units of farads.
Step 3: Bandpass Filter Transformation Now the prototype can be scaled to the bandpass circuit. The lter has 10% bandwidth with approximate corner frequencies at f1 = 950 MHz and f2 = 1050 MHz. Using the lter type transformations in Figure 10-30, and 0 = 2109 and = 0 /(2 1 ) = 1/fractional bandwidth) = 10, the rst
Vg C1 L1
C L2 2
C3 L3
= 0.018718 nH = L 3 = 0.014444 nH
= 1356.6272 pF =
C2 = 1757.435 pF
L 1 L 2
Figure 10-55 Step 3. Bandpass lter prototype with inverters derived from the lowpass lter prototype of Figure 10-54.
/ C 1 L/|| 1 / /| |
50 C /2 L/ 2
/| | /| |
|| C /3 L/ 3
/ /| |
C1 = 27.1325 pF = C3 C2 = 35.1487 pF
L = 0.9359 nH = L 1 3 L = 0.7224 nH 2
Figure 10-56 Step 4. Bandpass lter approximation where the inverters are now impedance inverters.
The other capacitors are transformed similarly and the bandpass prototype becomes that shown in Figure 10-55. Step 4: Impedance Scaling The system impedance is now scaled from 1 to 50 , leading to the prototype in Figure 10-56. Step 5: Conversion of Lumped-Element Resonators Each lumped-element resonator in Figure 10-55 comprises a lumped capacitor and a lumped inductor. The inductors are particularly difcult to realize efciently and have high loss. The idea here is to replace each lumped resonator (e.g., C1 and L1 in Figure 10-55) with a network comprising a lumped capacitor and a transmission line stub. The resonator equivalence is shown in Figure 10-57. The equivalence is developed at the center frequency of the lter passband by making sure that the circuits have the same admittance at the lter center frequency. A broadband approximation is
Z 01 , C1 L1
Z 01
Figure 10-57 Resonator equivalence: (a) lumped resonator resonant at radian frequency ; (b) mixed lumped-distributed resonator containing a resonant shortcircuited stub of characteristic impedance Z0 resonant at radian frequency r ; and (c) short-circuited transmission line stub resonant at radian frequency r . In (b) and (c) Z01 is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line and Z1 is the input impedance of the shorted transmission line.
Z 01
At r , At = r , = 90 , Z1 = = 45 , Z1 = Z01
Figure 10-58 Short-circuited transmission line used as a stub resonator in a bandpass lter. The line is resonant at the radian frequency r and so the electrical length of the line is = 90 . Using the design choice here, the lter center passband frequency = r /2, and so = 45 and so the input impedance of the shorted-stub is Z1 = Z01 .
obtained by equating the derivatives of the admittances as well. The process begins by deriving the input admittance of the lumped-element resonator as follows. The input admittance of the parallel LC lumped-element resonator is Yin = 2 LC 1 , L (10.186)
Now consider a short-circuited stub that is resonant at a radian frequency r ; that is, the short-circuited stub is one-quarter wavelength long at r . Thus the input impedance of the stub at r is innite. From Equation (4.139), the input impedance at is Z1 = Z01 tan . 2 r (10.188)
Since resonant frequency of the stub, fr , is twice the center frequency of the passband, Equation (10.188) becomes Z1 = Z01 tan 4 = Z01 . (10.189)
Thus for the lumped-distributed element in Figure 10-57(b), the input admittance is Co Z01 tan r 1 2 Yin = , (10.190) Z01 tan r 2 where r is the resonant frequency. The frequency derivative at resonance is dYin 1 = d 2
2 r
r + + tan
2 r 2
2 r
. (10.191) r
Z01 tan
For the lumped-element and distributed lters to be identical at the center frequency and approximating each other at nearby frequencies, Equations (10.186) and (10.190) are equated: Yin = Yin and Equations (10.187) and (10.191) are also equated: dYin dYin = . d d Specic Design Choice r = 20 At this stage a design choice must be made regarding the relationship of 0 to r ; that is, the resonant frequency of the stubs in relation to the passband center frequency. Here a shorted stub is considered which will present an open circuit at its input when it is /4 long. The specic design choice is that the resonant frequency of the stubs, fr , is chosen to be twice the center frequency of the lter passband, that is, r = 20 . The frequency fr is generally called the commensurate frequency to avoid confusion resulting from the resonant frequency of the lter resonators being different from the resonant frequency of stubs. The stub design proceeds as follows. The equivalence of Equations (10.192) and (10.193) are established at the center of the passband, 1 GHz, and so = 2109 at the center of the passband and r = 2(2 109 ) denes the stub resonant frequency as 2 GHz. Now = 1 r , so Equations (10.192), (10.186), and (10.190) become, with r = 2, 2
r 2 LC 2 r 2 L
r 2 C0 Z01
r /2 2 r r /2 2 r
Z01 tan
That is,
2 r LC 4 = 2r L
r 2 C0 Z0
Since tan = 1, 4
2 r LC 4 = 2r L
r 2 C0 Z01
Another relationship comes from equating derivatives. From Equations (10.193), (10.187), and (10.191), and with = 1 r and tan( 1 r ) = tan = 1, 2 2 4
r 2 r LC + 4 1 2C0 Z01 2 + + = 2 r L 2 Z01 r 2
2 C0 Z01 r + 2 . Z01 r
Substituting for C0 from Equation (10.197) and rearranging, the characteristic impedance of the stub is Z01 = r L 1+ . 4 2 (10.199)
In the passband, which is at half the resonant frequency of the stub because of design choice, the input impedance of the stub in the passband is Z1 = Z01 tan = Z01 . (10.200)
Now consider the rst resonator in Figure 10-56 with L = 0.9359 nH and C = 27.1325 pF. With r = 2(2 GHz), then from Equation (10.199), Z01 = 7.558 , and from Equation (10.197), C0 = 21.123 pF. (10.202) (10.201)
This process is repeated for each lumped-element resonator in Figure 10-56, leading to the prototype shown in Figure 10-59. Steps 6 and 7: Equating Characteristic Impedances of Stubs The stubs in Figure 10-59 can be physically realized using transmission line segments. It would be ideal if the impedances of the stubs (i.e., the impedances looking into the stubs) are identical. To achieve this, the method of nodal admittance matrix scaling described in Section 10.13 on Page 563 is used with the inverters scaled by Z1 /Z2 and the admittance, C2 //Z2 ,
50 C1
/ C 2/
/ C 3/ Z 03
Z 01
Z 02
Figure 10-59 Step 5. Bandpass combline lter with impedance inverters. The transmission line stubs present impedances Z1 = Z01 , Z2 = Z02 , and Z3 = Z03 since the resonant frequencies of the stubs are twice that of the design center frequency.
// C 3 Z 03
/ C 1/ Z 01
/ C 2 Z 02
C2 = 21.1204 pF
Figure 10-60 Step 6. Bandpass combline lter with impedance inverters. Again Z1 = Z01 , Z2 Z02 , and Z3 Z03 are the input impedances of the stubs since the resonant frequencies of the stubs is twice that of the design center frequency.
j 56.9102
j 56.9102
j 56.9102
j 56.9102
j 56.9102
Figure 10-61 Inverter translation used with the combline lter design: (a) impedance inverter; (b) realization as a lumped element circuit; and (c) realization using short-circuited stubs resonant at twice the passband center frequency.
scaled by Z1 /Z2 . This step scales each inverter impedance to 56.9102 and also sets the impedance of all the shunt stubs to 7.558 . The combline lter is now as shown in Figure 10-60. On Page 540 it was shown that a good narrowband model of an inverter comprises a pi network of stubs. So the inverter in the current lter design, shown in Figure 10-61(a), is modeled by the lumped element circuit in Figure 10-61(b) and the stub circuit shown in Figure 10-61(c).
j 7.588
j56.9102 Zx = 56.9102
Z 01 = 7.588
j 7.588
j 56.9102
j 8.7161
j 8.7161 Z 01 = 8.7161
C2 = 21.1204 pF
Z2 = 7.558 = Z1 = Z3
Figure 10-62 Step 6b. Bandpass combline lter with impedance inverters. Again Z1 , Z2 , and Z3 are the input impedances of the stubs
Stub Impedance When fr = 2f0 The most commonly used design choice is to choose the resonant (or commensurate) frequency of the resonator to be twice the center frequency of the design. The resonant frequency fr = 2r of the shorted transmission line stub is the frequency at which the length of the stub is one-quarter wavelength long.3 So the common design choice is that fr = 2f0 . Then Equation (10.122) becomes Z0 = 1 J tan
0 2 20
1 J tan
1 = K. J
Equation (10.204) denes the characteristic impedance of the transmission lines stubs realizing an inverter. Then the elements of the subnetwork in Figure 10-61(b) have the parameters J = 1/K = 56.9102 = 17.5715 mS
Of course there are resonant frequencies at every multiple of one-quarter wavelength. The rst resonance occurs at fr , as then the input impedance of the short-circuited stub is an open circuit.
C 2 Z 02
C 3 Z 03
Z02 = 10.2915
Figure 10-63 Step 7: Bandpass lter approximation where Z01 , Z02 , Z03 , Z012 , and Z023 are the characteristic impedances of the stubs which are resonant at frequency fr twice the center frequency of the bandpass lter.
Z 0 t 12
Z 0t 23 388.6681
Ct1 Z 0 t 1
Ct1 = 2.7171 pF = Ct3 Z0t1 = 67.7535 = Z0t3 Figure 10-64
Ct 2 Z 0 t 2
Ct2 = 2.7171 pF Z0t2 = 80
C t3 Z 0 t 3
Z0t12 = 442.3836 = Z0t23
Z0 =
= 56.9102 .
At this stage there are several pairs of stubs in parallel. Figure 10-62 illustrates how a pair of parallel stubs is realized by a single stub. Finally, the prototype in Figure 10-63 is developed. Step 8: Scaling Characteristic Impedances of Stubs In Figure 10-63 the short-circuited stubs have characteristic impedances of 8.7 and 10.3 , which is low, and will result in wide microstrip lines. These will be scaled to a different impedance level to raise the characteristic impedances of the short-circuited stubs. Note that the characteristic impedance of the middle short-circuited stub can be raised to 80 if the system impedance is raised from 50 to 388.6681 . This leads to the element values complying with the bandpass circuit of Figure 10-64. Step 9: Scaling to 50 System Impedance For the lter to operate in a 50 system, input and output impedance inverters are required to scale the source and load back to 50 . The
Z 0 t 12 Z 0t 23
Ct1 Z 0 t 1
Figure 10-65
Ct 2 Z 0 t 2
C t3 Z 0 t 3
Figure 10-66 Inverter equivalence: (a) terminated impedance inverter; and (b) its equivalent transmission line form where Z0 = K. The equivalence is exact at the frequency where the transmission line is one-quarter wavelength long.
Cb Ca Yin RL Yin K RL
Figure 10-67 Equivalence of an inverter and a capacitor section. Note that one of the capacitors must be negative.
resulting circuit is shown in Figure 10-65 with input and output inverters of impedance 50 388.61 = 139.404 . Note that inverters with an impedance of 139.404 would work just as well.
At this stage the design is as shown in Figure 10-65, where the inverters at the input and output remain to be synthesized. Focusing on just the output inverter with a load RL , as shown in Figure 10-66, it will be shown here how this can be realized using the capacitive network of Figure 10-67. The input admittance of the inverter plus load resistor of Figure 10-66 is Yin = RL , K2 (10.208)
and this must equate to the input admittance of the circuit in Figure 10-67 where K = 139.404 . The input admittance of the circuit in Figure 10-67 is Yin = sCa +
1 sCb
1 . + RL
Cb 50 Ca
Cb Ca 50
Ca = 1.0657 pF
Cb = 1.22306 pF
Figure 10-68 The external inverters of the prototype shown in Figure 10-65 replaced by capacitive networks.
Z 0 t 12
Z 0t 23
Cb 50
C1 Z 0 t 1
C1 = Ca + Ct1 = 1.6515 pF = C3 Z0t1 = 67.7535 = Z0t3
Ct 2 Z 0 t 2
Ct2 = 2.7171 pF Z0t2 = 80
C3 Z 0 t 3
Cb = 1.22306 pF Z0t12 = 442.3836 = Z0t23
Figure 10-69 Step 10: The bandpass lter approximation combining the capacitive equivalent of the inverters with the rst and last resonators in the circuit of Figure 10-65.
Thus, equating the real parts of Equations (10.208) and (10.209), (Yin ) =
2 RL 2 Cb RL = 2 2 2, RL 2 Cb + 1 (Z0 )
Solving Equations (10.210) and (10.211) enables us to replace the inverters shown in Figure 10-65 with the capacitive networks as shown in Figure 1068. This capacitive network is not a general replacement of an inverter. It only works when the inverter is terminated in a resistor. Note that Ca is negative, and this is absorbed in the rst and last resonators so that the nal lumped-element realization is as shown in Figure 10-69.
Interresonator Coupling
A conguration that can often occur in combline lter design is interresonator coupling, occurring as illustrated for a pair of capacitors separated by an admittance inverter
J 12 Zin
Figure 10-70
L Yin
Figure 10-71 Bandpass resonator.
A lowpass lter section is shown in Figure 10-70, where, for a bandpass lter, each capacitor is replaced by a resonator, as shown in Figure 10-71. The inverter therefore provides interresonator coupling. The input impedance of the circuit in Figure 10-70 is Zin(s) = 1 sC1 +
2 J12 sC2
Applying the bandpass transformation (so that the capacitors are replaced by the resonators of Figure 10-71), the frequency is transformed as = o o (10.215)
and the poles of the bandpass lter occur at and 1 o o 1 2 o o 2 J12 = + C1 C2 J12 = . C1 C2 (10.216)
The bandwidth of the bandpass lter is 1 2 = Solving the above equations yields f1 f2 = J12 o , 2 C1 C2 (10.219) J12 o . C1 C2 (10.218)
which is called the coupling bandwidth. The coupling bandwidth for the rst pair of resonators in the lter of Figure 10-69 is shown in Figure 10-72. This is a measure of the coupling between the rst and second resonators when the source and the third resonator are eliminated from the circuit. Since the lter is physically symmetrical, the same plot is valid for the coupling between the second and third resonators.
Input Coupling
1 SL
Figure 10-71 shows a bandpass resonator with input admittance Yin (s) = SC + (10.220)
and a reection coefcient in a 1 system of (s) = 1 Yin (s) = a + b, 1 + Yin (s) (10.221)
where a and b are the real and imaginary parts. With s = , the phase of is b () = tan1 (10.222) a and the group delay function is the differential of the phase as follows: Group delay = d d = tan1 d d b a . (10.223)
The peak of the group delay occurs at the resonant frequency of the resonator. Figure 10-72 shows the typical response of a bandpass lter.
The physical layout of the lter designed in the previous sections is shown in Figure 10-73 where there are three parallel lines forming two pairs of coupled lines. The lter synthesis accounts for the effect of parasitic capacitances and the inductive effect of vias among other nonidealities.
0 -10
-20 -30 -40 -50 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15
S 21
(c) Figure 10-72 Interresonator response with two resonators: (a) magnitude of transmission and reection responses; (b) phase of transmission response; and (c) group delay.
S 11
INPUT 50 1 Cb C1 C2 C 3
PORT 2 w6
Figure 10-73 Physical layout of the combline bandpass lter designed in Sections 10.1410.14.5: (a) with discrete capacitors; and (b) with integrated capacitors.
The bandwidth of the lter is particularly sensitive to the strength of the coupling of the parallel lines. Coupling can be thought of as a secondorder effect, with the single transmission line propagation on the lines being rst order. It is therefore not a surprise that small third-order effects can signicantly impact lter performance. Following the synthesis outlined in the previous subsections, the lter layout is typically modeled in an electromagnetic simulator and the lengths adjusted and spacing of the transmission line segments adjusted. However, dimensions are usually only adjusted a few percent for lters with center frequencies of a gigahertz, with greater adjustment at higher frequencies. An exception is the separation of the lines, which can change signicantly as small perturbations can result in additional (parasitic) coupling so that even EM simulation is not sufcient to x the design of a lter. Iterative design, fabrication, and testing is usually required to meet specications, especially if the lter bandwidth is relatively narrow (say less than 5%). The emphasis placed on the inverters having the same impedance translates into each of the coupled lines having the same length, about one-quarter wavelength at the center of the passband. It would not be possible to realize inverters of different impedances using the layout of Figure 10-73.
An additional complexity arises when this lter is realized on an inhomogeneous transmission media due to the inequality of the even- and odd-mode phase velocities. This effect can be investigated by utilizing the full ABCDmatrix (see Equation (9.150)) of each PCL section in a lter for a known even-:odd-mode velocity ratio. The inhomogeneous medium results in additional spurious passbands centered approximately at even multiples of f0 [145159].
1 1 1 1
C1 = 0.85239F = C3
Figure 10-74 Bandpass lter approximation.
1 1
C2 = 1.10422 F
1 C3
L1 = L3 =
Figure 10-75
1 C1
= 1.1743 H
L2 =
1 C2
= 0.9064 H
L1 C1
L2 C2
L3 C3
L1 = L3 = 1.868 nH L2 = 1.442 nH
Figure 10-76
C1 = C3 = 13.587 pF C2 = 17.601 pF
Design of the bandstop lter begins with the lowpass lter prototype shown in Figure 10-74. To the lowpass prototype, the highpass transformation is applied to obtain the highpass prototype of Figure 10-75. Picking a center frequency of approximately 1 GHz and corner frequencies of f1 = 950 MHz and f2 = 1050 MHz, corresponding to a bandwidth of approximately 10%, the bandstop transformation is now applied. This results in the prototype of Figure 10-76. Finally, scaling the system impedance to 50 leads to the prototype of Figure 10-77. It can be seen that the difference between the capacitor and inductor impedance values is very large. The impedance inverters must remain set at 50 in order to obtain broad match. In fact, approximating the inverters by sections of transmission lines will have virtually no effect on the response in the bandstop region. In the passband, energy will pass at all frequencies.
L2 C2
L3 C3
L1 C1 L2 C2
Figure 10-77
Figure 10-78 Transformations of the resonators in the bandstop lter to obtain realizable values. The series LC resonator in (a) is transformed to the form in (b).
In Figure 10-77, the inductor values are relatively large and the capacitor values are relatively small so that it will be difcult to realize the lter in either lumped or distributed form. These values must be scaled to obtain realizable values. One possible transformation is shown in Figure 10-78. To establish that the left-hand and right-hand networks are equivalent, at least near one frequency, the impedances and derivatives must be matched. For the circuit in Figure 10-78(a), Z1 dZ1 d = = 2 LC 1 C 2 LC + 1 , 2C (10.224) (10.225)
2 dZ2 4 L2 C1 2 2 L1 C1 + 4 L2 C0 C1 + 2 L1 C0 + 1 1 1 = . 2 d 2 C0 ( 2 L1 C1 1)
_ ~
3.8942 pF
5 nH
_ ~
3.7322 pF
5 nH
50 5 nH 3.8942 pF
5 nH 3.732 pF (e)
5 nH 3.8942 pF
Figure 10-79
~ _
Figure 10-80 stub.
Equating the above equations enables C0 and C1 to be found for a chosen value of L1 . This results in the circuit of Figure 10-79. At this stage the bandpass resonators are then equated to short-circuited stubs (see Figure 10-80) through the following relationships: Y1 = 2 CL 1 L 1 Z0 tan
2 r
Y2 =
3.8942 pF
5 nH
fr =
r 2 =1.1026 GHz
3.7322 pF
5 nH
fr =
r 2 =1.1182 GHz
1.1838 pF 50 20
1.3461 pF 50 20
1.1838 pF 50 20
Figure 10-81 Bandstop lter prototype using stub approximations. The stub in (b) is the transmission line approximation of the parallel resonant circuit in (a). The stub in (d) approximates the circuit in (c).
The above equations can be solved to obtain r for a selected Z0 . The impedance, Z0 , is selected so that the frequency, r , is not too far away from the upper band-edge frequency of the lter, in this case 1.05 GHz. This results in the bandstop lter prototype with stubs shown in Figure 10-81. The nal physical layout of the bandstop lter is shown in Figure 10-82 with the response shown in Figure 10-83.
In the previous sections it was seen that the essential structure of a bandpass lter comprises resonators that are coupled to each other. The combline lter considered previously is one of the commonly used lter topologies and here the coupling is the coupling of parallel lines. Many other types of coupling structures can be used. Figure 10-84 shows another distributed bandpass lter topology utilizing end-coupled microstrip resonators. For these end-coupled resonator lters the coupling must be as strong as possible, so the gaps are usually much smaller than the substrate height.
through line 0 /4 0 /4
gap capacitor
_ ~ 0 /4
Figure 10-82
0 10 20 (dB) 30 40 S 11 S 21 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 (GHz) 1.10 1.15 1.20 FREQUENCY S 21 S 11
Figure 10-83
Figure 10-84 General microstrip layout for an end-coupled bandpass lter (series coupling gaps between cascaded straight resonator elements).
Filter design using conventional resonators requires several optimally coupled resonators and this is also true with Dielectric-Resonator (DR)based lters. A general arrangement of a DR-based lter is shown in Figure 10-85 [160]. The pucks shown are cylinders of high-permittivity
Figure 10-86
material (typically having a relative permittivity of 500 to 85,000) with an approximate magnetic wall at the cylindrical surface of the puck. Thus the puck resonates when its diameter is approximately /2.4 A variation on parallel coupled resonators is shown in Figure 10-86 [161]. This lter uses edge-coupled microstrip resonators that are /2 long (at the center frequency). All PCL lters, including the combline lter, have spurious passbands [119, 157, 162]. The root cause of the spurious responses derives from the transformation of the parallel LC resonators into their transmission line form.
Active Filters
With active circuits, losses in lumped-element components can be compensated for by the gain of active devices resulting in lters with high Q. Inverters can also be realized efciently. The net result is that active lters provide a performance per unit area advantage over passive element realizations. Of course, active lters are limited to low-level signals (such as in the receive circuitry and prior to the power amplier stages) as the full power of the signal must be handled by the active devices in the active
A better estimate is developed from the zeroes of Bessel functions, as the elds inside the pucks have a Bessel function dependence (this is the form of the solutions of the wave equation in cylindrical coordinates).
lter. With active devices, additional noise will be introduced and so the noise gure of an active lter must be considered at RF where bandwidths are signicant. Active lters based on traditional low-frequency concepts have relatively low Q. Higher Q and narrower-band applications require active inductors or distributed techniques. With these techniques, negative resistances can be used to compensate for losses. The smallest active lters are the ones that use active inductors and the largest use distributed transmission line elements.
There are several problems with lumped-element lters. High-order lters require many poles and zeros which must be precisely placed, requiring small tolerances. With active lters it is possible, to some degree, to achieve higher-order lters with fewer reactive elements and so the tolerancing problem is considerably reduced. Also, there are a few designs that can be easily tuned electronically. Lumped-element bandpass lters and highpass lters require inductors. Inductors are a major problem, as RF inductors are lossy and only relatively small values can be obtained. On-chip inductors take considerable area and can thereby dominate the cost of RFICs. With active lters, feedback and capacitors can be used to realize inductor-like characteristics, dened as a positive imaginary impedance increasing with frequency at least over a small frequency range. Many times, and especially at lower radio frequencies, lumped inductors are no longer required. The size of capacitors in lters is another issue, and using feedback and gain, the effective value of capacitors can be magnied. All this comes with limits. The principle limit is that the cutoff frequency of the transistors must be much larger than the operating frequency of the lters. This is a cost whenever feedback is used. A rough rule of thumb is that the transistor cutoff frequency should be about 10 times the operating frequency. So for a 5 GHz bandpass lter, a 50 GHz transistor process is required. The other signicant cost is that active lters are only suitable for small signals. The efciency, a measure of the amount of DC power used in producing the RF output signal, is then not a consideration. Active lters cannot be used where signal levels are likely to be large (such as at the output of a power amplier or at the receiver input due to out-of-band signals). The essential aspect of low-RF active lters is the use of feedback, with reactive feedback elements, to realize a frequency-domain transfer function with poles and zeros. The aim is not to synthesize effective capacitors and inductors, but to focus on the overall response. Active lters are generally developed as stages, with each stage realizing a second- or higher-order transfer function. Design is simulation driven, as this is the only way to account for the active device parasitics. In operational amplier design, feedback is used to achieve gain stability,
G 2R 2R 2C C C R
Figure 10-87 Active twin-T bandpass lter: center frequency f0 = RC/4 and Q = (G + 1)/4.
but at the cost of reduced bandwidth. If reactive feedback elements are used, high-order transfer functions can be obtained with just a few reactive elements. In Figure 10-87, a twin-T notch network is connected in the operational amplier feedback path to obtain a bandpass lter [163]. Away from the notch frequency the feedback path becomes high impedance and the overall amplier gain falls off. As the signal frequency approaches the notch frequency the feedback path becomes effective and the amplier gain increases. The notch frequency, fn , is proportional to the RC product of the feedback components and the Q is proportional to the amplier gain. The governing equations for this lter are fn = 1/(2RC) and Q = (1 + G)/4. (10.230)
Active lters are more commonly realized using operational transconductance ampliers (OTAs), the schematic of which is shown in Figure 10-88(a). Here IO = GM VIN , which is also the basic characteristic of an individual transistor. These circuits have characteristics typical of operational ampliers, including gain stability and resistance to component tolerance variations. OTA-based lters have the advantage of easy tunability, with pole an zero frequencies electronically adjustable. An RF bandpass biquad lter is shown in Figure 10-88(b).
Biquadratic Filters
Biquadratic active lter stages are particularly common. These are cascaded to realize high-order lters. A particular form of lowpass lter is described by H(s) = N (s) a 2 s2 + a 1 s + a 0 a2 (s + z1 )(s + z2 ) = 2 = . D(s) s + b1 s + b0 (s + p1 )(s + p2 ) (10.231)
This is referred to as a biquadratic function and lters that implement this function are called biquadratic lters or simply biquad lters. There are
+ C2
+ V IN -
+ -
several special types of biquad lters. The form of the biquadratic function for a second-order lowpass lter is HLP (s) =
2 Kp a0 = 2 . 2 s2 + b 1 s + b 0 s + (p /Qp )s + p
HLP (s) has a double zero at s = and thus negligible response at very high frequencies. The highpass form of the biquadratic lter is described by HHP (s) = a 2 s2 Ks2 = 2 . 2 s2 + b 1 s + b 0 s + (p /Qp )s + p (10.233)
The response of HHP (s) at high frequencies is K and the response at very low frequencies goes to zero. The bandpass form of the biquadratic lter is described by HBP (s) = s2 a1 s K(p /Qp )s = 2 . 2 + b1 s + b0 s + (p /Qp )s + p (10.234)
The response of HBP (s) at high and low frequencies goes to zero, and only at and near the center frequency, = p , is there a reasonable response. The band-reject or notch form of the biquadratic lter is described by HBR (s) =
2 a 2 s2 + a 0 K(s2 + z ) = 2 . 2 s2 + b 1 s + b 0 s + (p /Qp )s + p
The response of HBR (s) at high and low frequencies is high, but there is a double zero at the notch frequency, = z , where the response is very low. With all of the biquadratic lters, the sharpness of the response is determined by Qp . The edge frequency or center frequency is p for the
Figure 10-89 An active coupled distributed lter: (a) schematic; and (b) equivalent circuit. After Chang and Itoh [166].
bandpass, lowpass, and highpass lters, and the notch frequency is z for the bandstop lter. Biquadratic lters are an important class of lters as they are the basic building block used in active lters. Even when they are used as passive lters, they describe second-order lters which are about the best that can reasonably be obtained using lumped elements at RF.
At high microwave frequencies, good results can be obtained by combining distributed elements with a gain stage. Commonly the active devices are used as coupling devices. A negative resistance can be produced using the active devices that can compensate for the losses associated with the transmission line elements or lumped passive elements in the lter. The concept uses a resonant tank circuit formed by a transmission line or lumped-element resonator with a negative resistance coupled into the tank circuit by the active devices [164166]. This concept is illustrated in Figure 10-89. Here a one-half wavelength resonator forms a resonant circuit (commonly called a tank circuit in this context). A negative resistance is coupled into the tank circuit to compensate for losses in the resonator and the result is effectively a lossless tank circuit. An active resonator circuit is shown in Figure 10-90. The design of the lossless resonator is based on the negative resistance obtained when the capacitor is connected at the source of the MESFET. This element in the source provides a feedback path between the output of the circuit, the drain-to-ground voltage, and the input gate-to-source voltage. An increase in the drain-source current leads to a voltage at the source that changes
Figure 10-90
the gate-source voltage. This induces a negative resistance that is adjusted through device selection and feedback capacitance, CF B , to compensate for inductor losses. An additional inductor, LP , is added at the gate. The inductor resonates with the series combination of CF B and CGS . CF B can be implemented using a varactor diode to enable electronic tuning.
Radio frequency and microwave lter design combines the synthesis of required performance and the intuitive realization that particular structures have a desired frequency selectivity. The synthesis approach provides design insight and exploitation of all parameters of a transfer function leading to optimum network topologies. Synthesis can be time consuming and specialized, but it is the only way to develop lters with optimum performance. Insight gain during design identies yield issues. The other aspect of lter design is identication of particular lter topologies that match the function of the lter being realized. The popular combline lter, for example, exploits the properties of coupled microstrip transmission lines. Once a lter with appropriate topology has been designed, the physical realization is optimized in a circuit simulator to account for parasitics and higher-order EM effects. The same procedure applies to active lter designs where particular circuit topologies, for example, the biquad network blocks, are exploited.
1. Consider the design of a fourth-order lowpass Butterworth lter. This problem follows the development in Section 10.4 on Page 514. (a) What is the magnitude-squared characteristic polynomial, |K(s)|2 , of the Butterworth lter? (b) What is the magnitude-squared transmission coefcient (or transfer function)? (c) What is the magnitude-squared reection
coefcient function? (d) Derive the reection coefcient function (i.e., (s)). Write down the reection coefcient in factorized form using up to second-order factors. (e) What are the roots of the numerator polynomial of the reection coefcient function? (f) What are the roots of the denominator polynomial of the reection coefcient function?
(g) Identify the conjugate pole pairs in the factorized reection coefcient. (h) Plot the poles and zeros of the reection coefcient on the complex s plane. 2. Synthesize the impedance function Zx = s3 + s2 + 2s + 1 . s2 + s + 1
7. A series inductor of 10 pH must be realized by an equivalent circuit using shunt capacitors and sections of one-quarter wavelength long 1 transmission line. Design the equivalent circuit. [Hint: The one-quarter wavelength long lines are impedance inverters.] 8. A series inductor of 10 nH must be realized by an equivalent circuit using shunt capacitors and sections of one-quarter wavelength long 50 transmission line. [Hint: The one-quarter wavelength long lines are impedance inverters.] Design the equivalent circuit. 9. A 0.04 S admittance inverter is to be implemented in microstrip using a single length of transmission line. The effective permittivity of the line is 9 and the design center frequency is 10 GHz. (a) What is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line? (b) What is the wavelength in millimeters at the design center frequency in free space? (c) What is the wavelength in millimeters at the design center frequency in microstrip? (d) What is electrical length of the microstrip transmission line in degrees at the design center frequency? (e) What is the length of the microstrip transmission line in millimeters? 10. A 50 impedance inverter is to be realized using three resonant stubs. The center frequency of the design is f0 . The resonant frequency of the stubs is fr = 2f0 . (a) Draw the circuit using shorted stubs. On your diagram indicate the input impedance and characteristic impedance of each of the stubs if fr = 2f0 . (b) What is the input impedance of a shorted one-eighth wavelength long transmission if the characteristic impedance of the line is Z1 . (c) What is the input impedance of an openended one-eighth wavelength long transmission if the characteristic impedance of the line is Z2 .
That is, develop the RLC circuit that realizes Zx . [Parallels Example 10.2 on Page 522.] 3. Synthesize the impedance function Zw = 8s3 4s2 + 2s + 1 . + 8s2 + 2s + 1
That is, develop the RLC circuit that realizes Zw . [Parallels Example 10.3 on Page 525.] 4. Develop the lowpass prototype of a fthorder Butterworth lowpass lter. There may be more than one solution. That is, draw the circuit of the lowpass lter prototype with element values. 5. In Section 10.8.2 on Page 534 it was seen that a series inductor can be replaced by a shunt capacitor with inverters and a negative unity transformer. If the inverter is realized with a one-quarter wavelength long transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 : (a) Derive the ABCD parameters of the cascade of Figure 10-16(c) with 50 inverters. (b) What is the value of the shunt capacitance in the cascade required to realize a 1 nH inductor? 6. In Section 10.8.3 on Page 536 it was seen that a series capacitor can be replaced by a shunt inductor with inverters and a negative unity transformer. Consider that the inverters are realized with a one-quarter wavelength long transmission line of characteristic impedance 100 . (a) Derive the ABCD parameters of the cascade of Figure 10-17 with the 100 inverters. (b) What is the value of the shunt inductance in the cascade required to realize a 1 pH capacitor?
(d) What is the length of each of the stubs in the inverter in terms of the wavelengths at the resonant frequency f0 ? 11. At 5 GHz, a series 5 nH inductor is to be realized using one or more 75 impedance inverters, a unity transformer, and a capacitor. What is the value of the capacitor? 12. This problem considers the design of a Butterworth or maximally at bandpass lter at 900 MHz. (a) Design an LC second-order Butterworth lowpass lter with a corner frequency of 1 radian/s. (The second-order Butterworth polynomial in s is c2 ss + c1 s + c0 , where c2 = 1.000, c1 = 1.414, and c0 = 1.000 .) This lter is known as a lter prototype because of the normalized 1 Hz corner frequency. (b) Using the above lter prototype, design a lowpass lter with a corner frequency of 1800 MHz. (c) Design a second-order Butterworth bandpass lter at 900 MHz using the above lowpass lter prototype. Use a transformation constant a = 0.1. What is the 3 dB bandwidth of this lter? 13. Design a third-order maximally at bandpass lter prototype in a 50 system centered at 1 GHz with a 10% bandwidth. The lowpass prototype of a maximally at lter was developed in Example 102 on page 522 The lowpass prototype is shown in Figure 10-10. The problem will parallel the development in Section 10.14 on Page 566 and the end result of this development will be a bandpass prototype lter with the form of that in Figure 10-63. Note that there will be differences as the lter is a different type. (a) Convert the prototype lowpass lter to a lowpass lter with inverters and capacitors only; that is, remove the series inductors. (b) Scale the lter to take the corner frequency from 1 rad/s to 1 GHz. (c) Transform the lowpass lter into a bandpass lter. That is, replace each shunt ca(d)
pacitor by a parallel LC network. This step will establish the bandwidth of the lter. (The circuit will now be in a form similar to that in Figure 10-55.) Transform the system impedance of the lter from 1 to 50 . (The circuit will now be in a form similar to that in Figure 1056.) Replace the parallel LC circuits by shortcircuited stubs in parallel with lumped capacitors. (The circuit will now be in a form similar to that in Figure 10-59.) For each inverter, derive the three lumped-element equivalent circuit as in Figure 10-20. Do not update the lter prototype yet, but instead draw and label the lumped-element equivalent circuits of each inverter. Replace each inverter in the bandpass lter prototype by the lumped-element equivalent circuit derived above, but now update the stubs with their new impedances. The nal prototype will now have the form of that in Figure 1063.
Vg L1 C2 L3 C4
L1 = 0.765369 H C2 = 1.847759 F L3 = 1.847759 H C4 = 0.765369 F Based on this, develop a fourth-order Butterworth bandpass lter prototype centered at 109 rad/s with a fractional bandwidth of 5%. (a) Scale the lowpass prototype to have a corner frequency of 109 rad/s. Draw the prototype with element values. (b) Draw the schematic of the lumpedelement fourth-order Butterworth bandpass prototype based on the above lowpass lter prototype. (c) Derive the element values of the lumpedelement bandpass lter prototype.
15. Design a third-order type 2 Chebyshev highpass lter with a corner frequency of 1 GHz, a system impedance of 50 , and 0.2 dB ripple. There are a number of steps in the design, and to demonstrate that you understand them you are asked to complete the table below. For each stage of the lter synthesis you must indicate whether the element is an inductance or a capacitance by writing L or C in the appropriate cell. Other cells require a numeric value and you must include units. The X element is identied in the prototype below. A Cauer 2 lowpass lter prototype is shown with c being the corner radian frequency, fc = c /(2) being the corner frequency, and Z0 being the system impedance. ELEMENT LPF c = 1 rad/s, Z0 = 1 L or C Value (units)
X2 1 X1 X3
(a) Complete the LPF (lowpass lter) column of the table with c = 1 rad/s, Z0 = 1 . (b) Complete the HPF (highpass lter) column of the table with c = 1 rad/s, Z0 = 1 . (c) Complete the second HPF column of the table with fc = 1 GHz, Z0 = 1 . (d) Complete the third HPF column of the table with fc = 1 GHz, Z0 = 50 . HPF c = 1 rad/s, Z0 = 1 L or C Value (units)
11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 11.18 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transistor Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amplier Design Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classes of Ampliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amplier Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amplier Gain Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linear Amplier Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Differential Ampliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distributed Biasing of Differential Ampliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switching Ampliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amplier Nonlinear Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamic Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distortion and Digitally-Modulated Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ampliers and RFICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Management of Amplier Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary and Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595 596 606 608 617 627 636 644 653 669 671 681 685 692 694 697 701 702
In RF and microwave circuits ampliers increase the power of an RF signal by converting DC power to AC power. Ampliers can be optimized for low noise, moderate to high gain, or for output power. In this chapter the major active devices and ampliers based on them are examined. A critical common aspect is minimizing noise, maximizing the efciency of power conversion to RF, and minimizing insertion loss. Matching networks and hybrids are critical aspects of amplier design. The most signicant change
+ V DS
+ V DS
Figure 11-1 Transistor schematics: (a) pnp bipolar transistor with B for base terminal, C for collector terminal, and E for emitter terminal; (b) n-type MOSFET (nMOS) and (c) n-type JFET (nJFET) with G for gate terminal, D for drain terminal, and S for source terminal. The schematic symbol for a BJT is used for HBTs; and the schematic symbol for a JFET is used for MESFETs, HEMTS, and pHEMTs.
in RF and microwave engineering has been the increasing importance of differential circuits. In part this is because they are very conveniently implemented in silicon technology. It is also a result of the use of monolithic technology and the maturity of semiconductor technologies resulting in very repeatable RF active components.
11.2 11.2.1
Transistors are semiconductor devices with three (and sometimes more) terminals. The third terminal enables output current to be controlled by a relatively small and low-power input signal. In ampliers, transistors are used to achieve current gain, voltage gain, or power gain. Most often power gain is the objective in RF and microwave design. Most transistors are fabricated using silicon or compound semiconductors most often based on gallium-arsenide (GaAs), indium phosphide (InP), or gallium-nitride (GaN). However, the overwhelming trend is to use silicon technology because of the much higher integration density that is possible, with compound semiconductor technology used only when it provides a unique advantage such as high power, good noise performance, or efcient conversion of DC power to RF power. There are three fundamental types of transistors [168, 170]: Bipolar Junction Transistors, BJTs; Junction Field Effect Transistors, JFETs; and Insulated Gate FETs, IGFETs, with the metaloxide-semiconductor FETs, MOSFETs, being the most common type of IGFET. The schematics and terminal denitions of the three fundamental types of transistors are shown in Figure 11-1. The three fundamental types of transistors are considered in the following subsections.
B + vBE r _
C gm vBE E
Current Flow
CJS NSubstrate
Figure 11-2 BJT details: (a) crosssection; (b) crosssection with current ow path; (c) circuit model of fundamental model; and (d) Gummel-Poon model schematic.
A bipolar transistor has three semiconductor regions called the collector (C), base (B), and emitter (E) as shown in the BJT crosssection of Figure 11-2(a). An npn BJT has n-type semiconductor at the emitter and collector, and ptype semiconductor forms the base. In this transistor, the positive sense of current ow is from the collector through the base to the emitter (see Figure 11-2(b)) and the dominant carriers in the p-type base region are electrons, and so this is called a minority carrier device. The collector current is dependent on the number of carriers injected into the base region from the base terminal. In a pnp BJT the collector, base, and emitter are p-type, ntype, and p-type respectively, and the majority carriers in the base are holes. Current ow is then from the emitter through the base to the collector. If the base region is thin the collector current, IC , is much greater than IB with IC = F IB where F is called the forward current gain and commonly has a value of several hundred. The key to high performance is a thin base region. When realized in silicon, a bipolar transistor is called a bipolar
junction transistor, BJT; and in compound semiconductor technology a heterostructure bipolar transistor, HBT. The fundamental operation of a BJT transistor was described by Gummel and Poon [171] using equations that are now implemented in circuit simulators and known as the Gummel-Poon model. The circuit schematic of the Gummel-Poon model is shown in Figure 11-2(d). It is the basis for more sophisticated BJT and HBT models. Both hole and electron charge carriers are involved in current conduction, hence the term bipolar. The GummelPoon model is described in Section G.3 on Page 909 and the fundamental operation is described by Equations (G.70)(G.80). The base-emitter current is IBE = IBF /F + ILE (11.1) and the base-collector current is IBC = IBR /R + ILC , where R is the reverse current gain. The collector-emitter current is ICE = IBF IBR /KQB . The forward diffusion current is IBF = IS eVBE /(NF VT H ) 1 , the nonideal base-emitter current is ILE = ISE eVBE /(NE VT H ) 1 , the reverse diffusion current is IBR = IS eVBC /(NR VT H ) 1 , the nonideal base-collector current is ILC = ISC eVBC /(NC VT H ) 1 , and the base charge factor is KQB = VBC VBE 1 1 2 VAF VAB
Thus the conductive current owing into the base is IB = IBE + IBC , (11.9)
the conductive current owing into the collector IC = ICE IBC , and the conductive current owing into the emitter IE = IBE + ICE . (11.11) (11.10)
The forward current gain, F , is much greater than the reverse current gain, R , and the nonideal base-emitter and base-collector currents are small. Equations (11.1)(11.11) can then be reduced so that the base current is approximately IB = IS F eVBE /(NF VT H ) 1 , (11.12)
the conductive current owing into the collector is IC = F IB , and the conductive current owing into the emitter is IE = IB + IC . (11.14) (11.13)
From Equation (11.13) it is seen that the fundamental operation of a BJT is as a current-controlled current source. This is the way to view the device when biasing a BJT circuit. For analysis and modeling purposes it is more convenient to view a BJT transistor as comprising a voltage-controlled current source. The circuit model of the fundamental operation a BJT is as shown in Figure 11-2(d), where the resistor r relates the base voltage and current. The schematic symbols used for BJTs are shown in Table 11-1 with the arrow pointing to the n-type semiconductor. The BJT symbol is also the symbol for a HBT.
MOSFET Fundamentals
There are several types of FETs and the MOSFET is the most common. With all FETs there is a channel between two terminals, the source and drain, and an applied eld produced by a voltage at a third terminal, the gate, controls the crosssection of the channel, and sometimes the number of carriers in the channel, and hence controls current ow between the drain and the source. With some FETs, the channel does not exist until a gate eld is applied and pulls carriers into the channel, and this is called an enhancement-mode FET. Sometimes carriers are in the channel even without an applied eld and a gate voltage either enhances the crosssection of the channel or closes it off. Most often the gate voltage is used to reduce current conduction, and this type of FET is called a depletion-mode FET.
Table 11-1 IEEE standard schematic symbols for bipolar junction transistors (BJTs and HBTs) [117] and commonly used symbols in layouts [174]. The letters indicate terminals: B (base), C (collector), E (emitter). These symbols are used for silicon BJTs and compound semiconductor HBTs.
IEEE Symbol
BJT, npn
The enhancement MOSFET is a relatively simple device to fabricate and is the smallest of the semiconductor transistors. It is the preferred technology for high-density integration. The three-dimensional view and crosssections of a MOSFET are shown in Figures 11-3(a) and 11-3(b) for an nMOS transistor. A MOSFET has metal or polysilicon (a reasonable conductor [168170]) connections at the drain (D), source (S) and gate (G). The MOSFET is nearly always silicon, but possibly GaN [172, 173]. The source and drain connections are highly doped (n+ for the nMOSFET of Figure 11-3(b)) semiconductor regions providing a good ohmic contact rather than forming a Schottky barrier.1 The gate is not in direct contact with the semiconductor but separated by a thin layer of oxide. With no voltage applied at the gate there are no carriers below the gate oxide that can conduct current between the source and drain. A gate voltage is necessary to draw carriers to the channel region, forming a conducting channel. That is, a voltage applied to the gate creates an electric eld that induces electrons (the n carriers for an nMOSFET) to form a conducting channel immediately under the oxide.2 This process is called inversion. The length of the channel is denoted Le (the effective gate length), which is less than the gate length L as the highly doped source and drain regions must extend under the gate to ensure good contact to the induced channel. The number of carriers in the channel is controlled by the gate voltage. Higher frequency of operation is obtained by reducing Le . Three distinct regions of operation, identied in Figures 11-3(d), are
A Schottky barrier occurs at the abrupt interface between a metal and a doped semiconductor, and forms a rectifying diode called a Schottky diode. The Schottky diode is considered in Section 12.2.1 on Page 708. The discussion is similar for a pMOSFET, but with holes (p-type carriers) forming the channel.
S G D Current Flow
n+ ntype channel
L eff
D + vGS gm vGS _ S
Figure 11-3 MOSFET details: (a) three-dimensional view of a MOSFET; (b) crosssection with metal or polysilicon contacts indicated by the black blocks; (c) crosssection illustrating the relationship of the gate length, L, to the effective gate length, LEFF , dened by the channel length (the reduction in effective length results from the diffusion of the highly doped (indicated by n+) source and drain regions; (d) current-voltage characteristics of an enhancement-mode MOSFET; and (e) circuit model of fundamental operation. The linear region is sometimes (but less often) called the triode region because of similarity to the characteristics of the triode vacuum tube device. Similarly the saturation region is also called the pentode region.
recognized for a MOSFET. In the linear region the drain-source current, IDS , continues to increase as the drain-source voltage, VDS , increases. IDS depends on both the drain-source and gate-source voltage, VDS and VGS , so the linear region is sometimes exploited in mixers. In the saturation region, IDS is almost independent of VDS and almost solely controlled by VGS . Ampliers operate in the saturation region. The cutoff region is when there is no drain current, and a FET is particularly good at shutting off conduction and so makes a good voltage-controlled switch. In design, the mode of fundamental operation must be intuitively understood and so simple models and equations are needed. In contrast, a circuit simulator requires a detailed model capturing subtle physical effects as it is used to validate and optimize a design. A model of a MOSFET that can be used in a circuit simulator is presented in Section G.1 on Page 901. The model presented is known as the Level 3 MOSFET model and captures the fundamental operation of MOSFETs as well as capacitive parasitic
effects. Models are developed using physical insight into semiconductor operation with compromises made for the limited model support of circuit simulators. All semiconductor device models, not just MOSFETs, require extensive tting to measured data and have limited accuracy. Consequently the design, fabrication, and test cycle are critically important to realizing transistor circuits. In the saturation region (see Figure 11-3(d)) the fundamental operation of a MOSFET is described by Equation (G.36), which is repeated here: IDS = We FB e Cox (VGS Vth ) 1 + Vdsat Vdsat . Le 2 (11.15)
Here Cox is the capacitance of the gate oxide, We is the effective gate width which is the gate width W modied by fringing and related effects, Vth is the threshold voltage, and e is the effective mobility3 of the carriers in the channel (electrons for an nMOSFET and holes for a pMOSFET). Vdsat is the drain saturation voltage and is the drain source voltage at which the device enters the saturation region from the linear region. FB is the charge in the bulk semiconductor (below the channel) on which the gate-induced electric eld terminates. Le is the effective gate length and this is modulated by the drain-source voltage so that [168170] Le = L . 1 + VDS (11.16)
Accounting for channel length modulation, described by Equation (11.16), and simplifying [168170], Equation (11.15) becomes IDS = W e Cox (VGS Vth )2 (1 + VDS ) . L 2 (11.17)
This equation embodies the basic fundamentals we need in developing designs. The key is that the MOSFET can be modeled (at least in the saturation region) as a voltage-controlled current source as shown in the model of Figure 11-3(e). The transconductance, gm (in saturation), is obtained by differentiating Equation (11.17) so that (ignoring channel length modulation) W gm = e Cox (VGS Vth ) . (11.18) L This can also be written as gm =
W 2e Cox IDS . L
Mobility, , is the proportionality of the velocity of carriers to the applied electric eld, vd = E, where vd is the average drift velocity of carriers and E is the applied electric eld. Mobility has the units m2 /(V s) or m2 (V s)1 .
V th
V th
Figure 11-4 Current-voltage characteristics of depletion-mode and enhancement-mode MOSFETs: (a) enhancement-mode; and (b) depletion-mode.
Generally the gate length L is xed at the minimum supported by a particular process, as this provides the highest frequency of operation. However, both L and W can be selected to control the current, IDS . For example, if VGS = 0 (the gate and source are connected), then the MOSFET acts as a current source, with the value of the current adjusted by setting L and W provided that there is sufcient VDS . The current-voltage characteristics shown in Figure 11-3(d) are those of an enhancement-mode MOSFET which requires the simplest processing. Applying a gate-source voltage enhances the channel and increases IDS . With additional processing [168170,175] a depletion-mode MOSFET can be fabricated so that the channel exists even without an applied gate voltage. The same equations are used to describe operation with the threshold voltage changed. IDS increases as the gate-source voltage increases, and it reduces as the gate-voltage becomes negative. The contrast between enhancement-mode and depletion-mode MOSFETs is illustrated in Figure 11-4. The voltage of the bulk semiconductor affects the operation of a MOSFET and is a fourth terminal controlling drain-source conduction but has much a smaller effect than the gate does. Most often the bulk is connected electrically to the most negative voltage in a circuit for an nMOSFET and to the most positive voltage for a pMOSFET. The standard schematic symbols of MOSFETs are shown in Table 11-2.
Table 11-2 IEEE standard schematic symbols for MOSFET transistors [117] and symbols more commonly used in schematics [174]. The MOSFET symbols are for enhancement- and depletion-mode transistors. The letters indicate terminals: G (gate), D (drain), S (source), U (bulk). Four terminal and three terminal common symbols are shown. The three-terminal common symbol is most often used when the bulk is connected to the most negative connection in the circuit, and the pMOSFET symbol is used when the bulk is tied to VDD (the most positive connection). IEEE Symbol
S G D ntype substrate semiinsulating reverse biased junction
D + vGS gm vGS _ S
ntype channel
The MESFET and HEMT are types of JFETs fabricated using compound semiconductors, with JFET most commonly referring to silicon devices only. The crosssection of a JFET is shown in Figure 11-5(a), where the depth (crosssection) of the conducting channel is varied by the thickness of the depletion region of a reverse-biased junction. With the silicon JFET, the voltage applied to the gate terminal changes the amount of reverse bias and hence the depletion region thickness. Increased reverse bias reduces the crosssection of the current-carrying channel. A JFET looks like a variable
V th
V th
Figure 11-6 Current-voltage characteristics of depletion-mode and enhancement-mode JFETs: (a) enhancement mode; and (b) depletion mode.
conductance. The controlling eld of the FET is created at the reverse-biased pn junction at the gate terminal. The term JFET most commonly refers to a silicon junction FET. With compound semiconductors such as GaAs, the pn junction of a silicon JFET is replaced by a Schottky barrier junction and the transistor is called a metal-epitaxy-semiconductor FET (MESFET). A device similar to the MESFET is the high electron mobility transistor (HEMT), HEMT, where the eld is established at the junction of two compound semiconductor materials with different band gaps (i.e. a heterojunction) which forms the channel instead of a doped region. The HEMT is also called the heterostructure FET (HFET). A MESFET with a graded junction is called a modulation-doped FET (MODFET). A pseudomorphic HEMT (pHEMT) has an extremely thin layer establishing the channel so that the crystal structure stretches and a very high bandgap is established. Enhancementmode and depletion-mode JFETs are contrasted in Figure 11-6. The Materka-Kacprzak transistor model was developed for GaAs MESFET transistors [176] but is used to model silicon JFET and HEMT transistors as well. The model is described in Section G.2 on Page 907 and the fundamental operation is described by Equation (G.62), which is repeated
Table 11-3 IEEE standard schematic symbols for JFETs (MESFET, HEMT, JFET) [117] and symbols more commonly used in schematics. The letters indicate terminals: G (gate), D (drain), S (source). Four terminal and three terminal common symbols are shown.
IEEE Symbol
here without the area multiplier: IDS = IDSS 1 + SS VDS IDSS (E + KE VGS (t )) VGS (t ) VP 0 + VDS SL VDS tanh . (11.20) IDSS (1 KG VGS (t )) 1
Here IDSS is the drain saturation current, and this, along with all quantities in Equation (11.20) other than VDS , VGS , and IDS are constants and specied as inputs by the user (they are dened in Table G-2). Equation (11.20) indicates that the fundamental operation of a JFET is that of a voltagecontrolled current source. Thus the circuit model of fundamental operation is as shown in Figure 11-5(b). The schematic symbols used for the MESFET, HEMT, and JFET are shown in Table 11-3. The only MESFET type used, however, is the n-type as the p-type MESFET has poor performance due to the low mobility of holes.
11.3 11.3.1
A transistor amplier requires that the transistor(s) be biased and that input and output matching networks be used to provide good power transfer at the input and output of the transistor stages. This circuit arrangement is shown in the general block form of Figure 11-7. The DC biasing circuit is fairly standard; it does not involve any microwave constraints. The lowpass lters (in the bias circuits) can have one of several forms and are often integrated into the input and output matching networks. Synthesis of the input and output matching networks (and occasionally a feedback network required for stability) is the primary design objective of any amplier.
Figure 11-7
RF transistors used to amplify small signals should have high maximum available gain and low noise characteristics. For transistors used in transmitters, where the efcient generation of power is critical, it is important that the transistor characteristics be close to linear in the central region of the current-voltage characteristics so that distortion is minimized as the RF voltage variations range over a large portion of the current-voltage characteristics. The ultimate limit on output power is determined by the breakdown voltage at high drain-source voltages and also by the maximum current density. Finally, for efcient amplication of large signals, the knee voltage (where the current-voltage curves bend over and start to atten at low drain-source voltages) should be low.
Amplier Efciency
The efciency of a circuit is the useful output power divided by the input power. Such a measure of efciency is called Power-Added Efciency (PAE). Two different denitions of PAE are used [177]. The more universal denition that can be used with any two-port network is also called the total power added efciency or transmit chain efciency and is denoted here as TOTAL dened as TOTAL = PRF,out . PDC + PRF,in (11.21)
It is usually expressed as a percentage in which case Equation (11.21) is multiplied by 100. At RF and microwave frequencies, the most common denition of PAE used with power ampliers focuses on the additional RF power divided by the DC input power. This is designated as PAE and is dened as PRF,out PRF,in PAE = . (11.22) PDC For high-gain ampliers, PRF,in PDC , and both TOTAL and PAE
reduce to the efciency of the amplier: = PRF,out PAE TOTAL PDC (high gain). (11.23)
These efciency metrics are compared in Table 11-4 for an amplier with 1 W RF output power. The rst amplier has a power gain of 3 dB, which is commonly the gain of the nal amplier stage producing the maximum output power available from a particular transistor technology.
Manufacturers of discrete transistors and amplier modules provide substantial information including S parameters and, in some cases reference designs. An extract from the datasheet of a pHEMT transistor is shown in Figure 11-8. The intended application for transistors is provided and the device structure has been optimized for the application. This transistor will be used for examples and calculations throughout this chapter. Design examples presented in this and the next few sections will use the pHEMT transistor documented in Figure 11-8. This discrete transistor described is a low-noise, high-frequency, packaged pHEMT that can be used in fabricating ampliers operating at up to 18 GHz. It shares a common characteristic of FET devices in that S21 is highest at low frequencies and the feedback parameter, S12 , is lowest at low frequencies. This means that gain is harder to achieve at higher frequencies and the higher feedback means that stability is often a problem at higher frequencies. However, the loop effect described by S21 S12 is large at low frequencies so stability is also a problem at low frequencies.
Transistor ampliers follow a number of different biasing strategies. The strategies are identied as classes of ampliers ranging from Class A to Class G, although the letter designation of the higher classes are less commonly accepted. In this section Class A, AB, B, and C ampliers will be
Data Sheet Extract. Transistor technology: Model: Description: Synopsis: Depletion-mode pHEMT FPD6836P70 from RFMD, Inc. Low-noise, high-frequency packaged pHEMT Optimized for low-noise, high-frequency applications. 22 dBm output power (P1dB) 15 dB power gain (G1dB) at 5.8 GHz 0.8 dB noise gure at 5.8 GHz 32 dBm output IP3 at 5.8 GHz 45% power-added efciency at 5.8 GHz Useable gain to 18 GHz S11 |S21 | S21 |S12 | S12 |S22 | S22 degrees degrees degrees degrees -20.9 -41.3 -78.2 -106.8 -127.3 -147.0 -170.2 163.9 140.4 122.5 103.4 79.8 60.8 47.6 36.2 20.9 5.2 -9.6 -19.5 -20.5 -26.8 -46.8 -62.1 -70.1 -81.7 -90.9 -111.1 11.395 10.729 8.842 7.180 6.002 5.249 4.729 4.261 3.784 3.448 3.339 3.166 2.877 2.604 2.392 2.225 2.067 1.855 1.603 1.440 1.382 1.333 1.195 1.073 1.025 1.061 1.065 161.5 145.1 116.7 94.5 76.7 60.3 43.7 26.8 11.2 -2.4 -17.3 -35.0 -51.9 -68.2 -83.8 -99.7 -116.6 -134.4 -148.6 -159.3 -171.2 171.2 152.0 137.2 123.5 107.3 85.8 0.011 0.021 0.034 0.041 0.044 0.048 0.052 0.057 0.057 0.059 0.073 0.086 0.095 0.100 0.106 0.109 0.112 0.108 0.103 0.102 0.106 0.109 0.110 0.108 0.112 0.132 0.148 78.3 67.8 51.4 40.4 33.9 28.4 23.3 14.0 6.4 5.2 0.9 -10.1 -21.4 -32.5 -43.3 -55.1 -68.4 -83.5 -94.2 -103.0 -113.5 -130.7 -148.4 -162.4 -175.2 170.0 147.8 0.635 0.614 0.553 0.506 0.475 0.453 0.438 0.391 0.340 0.332 0.355 0.349 0.307 0.295 0.312 0.320 0.340 0.373 0.406 0.449 0.460 0.438 0.417 0.428 0.433 0.396 0.298 -11.5 -22.2 -37.9 -48.9 -57.7 -66.4 -76.0 -87.6 -99.1 -109.6 -124.8 -145.6 -169.6 165.3 142.7 125.4 103.9 76.1 54.7 43.1 37.9 31.4 6.0 -16.5 -29.0 -46.5 -71.0
Frequency (GHz) 0.500 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000 17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 21.000 22.000 23.000 24.000 25.000 26.000
|S11 | 0.976 0.925 0.796 0.694 0.614 0.555 0.511 0.493 0.486 0.473 0.488 0.539 0.626 0.685 0.724 0.787 0.818 0.831 0.852 0.815 0.780 0.779 0.786 0.774 0.744 0.704 0.677
Figure 11-8 Scattering parameters of an enhancement mode pHEMT transistor biased at VDS = 5 V, ID = 55 mA. Extract from data sheet for the model FPD6836P70 discrete transistor from RFMD [178].
considered and these have the basic topology of Figure 11-9 where input and output matching networks have been omitted. The higher-order classes rely on particular terminations at harmonic frequencies and will be considered in
Figure 11-9 Class A single-ended ampliers: (a) BJT transistor with B for base terminal, C for collector terminal, and E for emitter terminal; (b) MOSFET transistor with G for gate terminal, D for drain terminal, and S for source terminal; (c) singleended BJT Class A amplier with resistive bias; and (d) single-ended MOSFET Class A amplier with resistive bias.
Figure 11-10 Current-voltage characteristics of a transistor used in an amplier showing the quiescent points of various amplier classes: (a) output characteristic; and (b) input characteristic.
the next section. Class AC ampliers have the same impedance presented to the output of the amplier at the operating frequency and at harmonics. The output and input characteristics of Class AC ampliers are shown in Figure 11-10 for an amplier built around an FET. Figure 11-10(a) is the output characteristic and shows the distinguishing quiescent points for the
various points are shown. The input characteristics are shown Figure 1110(b) where the input (IG ) and output (ID ) current waveforms are presented for a sinusoidal input waveform (VGS ). The instantaneous drain current, ID , and drain source voltage, VDS , are the solution to two constraints: one imposed by the nonlinear transistor characteristics, and the other by the load. If the load is RL then Ohms law applied to the circuit is ID = (VDD VDS ) /RL . (11.24)
where VDD is the supply voltage (at the top of the load). Equation (11.24) establishes the loadline shown in Figure 11-10(a). The conventional loadline passes through the middle of the output characteristics, while the highefciency loadline crosses the top i v curve at the lowest VDS intercept. The reason this results in higher efciency will be explained in Example 11.1. The quiescent point (the ID , VDS solution) is the intersection of the loadline and the transistor curves for a particular input voltage, VGS . The Class A amplier biased in the middle of the output current-voltage characteristics allows for maximum undistorted output voltage swing. However, the quiescent current (the DC current when there is no RF input) is high.
Class A Amplier
The Class A amplier has limited efciency because there is always substantial quiescent current owing whether or not RF current is owing. Higher-order classes of ampliers achieve higher efciency, but distort the RF signal. The current and voltage locus of Class A, B, AB, and C ampliers have a similar trajectory on the output current-voltage characteristics of a transistor. The output characteristics of a transistor are shown in Figure 1110, showing what is called the linear or DC loadline and the bias points for the various amplier classes. The loadline is the locus of the DC current and voltage as the DC input voltage is varied. With the Class A amplier, the transistor is biased in the middle of the transistor characteristics where the response has the highest linearity. That is, if the gate voltage varies from an applied signal the output voltage and current variations are nearly linearly proportional to the applied input. The drawback is that there is always considerable DC current owing, even when the input signal is very small. That is there is DC power consumption whether or not RF power is being generated at the output of the transistor. This is not of concern if small RF signals are to be amplied, as then a small transistor can be chosen so that the DC current levels are small. It is a problem if an amplier must handle both large and small signals. The linear amplier is generally known as a Class A amplier and is dened by its ability to amplify small to medium and even large signals with minimal distortion. This is achieved by biasing a transistor in the
FET CHARACTERISTIC ID DC LOAD LINE V =0V GS = 0.25 V = 0.5 V = 0.75 V IQ Q = 1.0 V = 1.25 V = 1.5 V = 1.75 V V
DS ,min
DS ,max
Figure 11-11 Current-voltage characteristics of transistor ampliers shown with a Class A amplier loadline: (a) bipolar amplier; and (b) FET amplier.
middle of its I-V (or current-voltage) characteristics. Figure 11-11 shows the I-V characteristics of the bipolar and FET transistors shown in Figure 11-9, together with the DC loadline. The loadline is the locus of the output current and voltage. For the Class A ampliers in Figure 11-9(a) and 11-9(b) the loadlines are dened by IC = (VCC VCE ) /RL and ID = (VDD VDS ) /RL (11.25)
respectively. These are called single-ended ampliers, as the input and output voltages are referred to ground. The opposite type of amplier is the differential amplier congurations to be considered shortly. An amplier using a bipolar transistor (either a BJT or an HBT) is shown in Figure 119(a). Referring to Figure 11-11(a), the output voltage of the bipolar amplier is VCE and this swings from a maximum value of VCE,max to a minimum of VCE,min . For a bipolar transistor VCE,min is approximately 0.2 V, while VCE,max for a resistively biased circuit is just the supply voltage, VCC . The quiescent or bias point is shown with collector-emitter voltage VQ and quiescent current IQ . For a Class A amplier, the quiescent point is just the bias point, and this is in the middle of the output voltage swing and the slope of the loadline is established by the load resistor, RL . The I-V characteristics of an FET amplier are shown in Figure 11-11(b). The notable difference between these characteristics and those of the bipolar transistor is that the curves are less abrupt at low output voltage (i.e., VD ). This results in the FET ampliers minimum output voltage, VDS,min, being larger than that of a BJT-based amplier, VCE,min . For a typical RF FET amplier, as shown in Figure 11-9(b), the supply voltage, VDD , is 3 V while VDS,min is 0.5 V. The bipolar and FET ampliers of Figure 11-9 use resistive biasing so that the maximum output voltage swing is limited. As well, the bias resistor is
Figure 11-12 Class A MOSFET ampliers with output voltage waveforms: (a) single-ended amplier with resistive biasing; and (b) single-ended amplier with inductive biasing. Schematic is shown in (i) and drain voltage waveforms in (ii).
also the load resistor. Various alternative topologies have been developed yielding a range of output voltage swings. The common variations are shown in Figure 11-12 for an FET amplier. Figure 11-12(a) is a resistively biased Class A amplier with the output voltage swing between VDS,min and VDD . The quiescent drain-source voltage is halfway between these extremes. The load, RL , also provides correct biasing. This amplier is also called a single-ended amplier to differentiate it from a differential amplier. A more efcient Class A amplier uses inductive biasing, as shown in Figure 11-12(b). Bias current is now provided via the drain inductor and the load, RL , is not part of the bias circuit. With the inductively loaded Class A amplier, the quiescent voltage is VDD and the output voltage swing is between VDS,min and 2VDD , slightly more than twice the voltage swing of the resistively loaded amplier. When manufacturers provide S parameters of transistors, they provide the S parameters of the transistors in class A conguration with a specied bias generally dened by the output voltage and current. For FETs the drainsource voltage, VDS , and drain current, ID , are specied. See, for example, the datasheet extract in Figure 11-8. For BJTs the collector-emitter voltage and collector current are usually specied. A linear amplier is a class A amplier designed for low distortion and operating with signals small enough that the design can be based on the S parameters of a transistor in a specic conguration. Ideally the effect of bias circuitry would be included in the S parameters of the transistor, but
Figure 11-13 Input and output waveforms for various classes of amplier: (a) Class A, B, C, and AB ampliers; and (b) switching ampliers.
bias circuit design attempts to present RF open or short circuits as required to minimize impact. Generally however design begins with the transistors S parameters and assuming no bias circuit impact.
Amplier Efciency
Since the Class A amplier is always drawing DC current the efciency of Class A ampliers is near zero when the input signal is very small. The maximum efciency of Class A ampliers is 25% if resistive biasing is used and 50% when inductive biasing is used. Efciency is improved by reducing the DC power and this is achieved by moving the bias point further down the DC loadline, as in the Class B, AB, and C ampliers shown in Figure 1110. Reducing the bias results in signal distortion for large RF signals. This can be seen in the various output waveforms shown in Figure 11-13(a). Class A ampliers have the highest linearity and Class B and C ampliers result in considerable distortion. As a compromise, class AB ampliers are used in many cellular applications, although Class C ampliers are used with constant envelope modulation schemes, as in GSM. Nearly all small-signal ampliers are Class A. This is also true for most broadband ampliers, as amplier stability is more certain. The class A amplier presents impedances that are almost independent of the level of the signal. However, a Class B, AB, or C amplier presents an impedance whose value varies depending on the level of the RF signal. Thus design requires more care, as the chances of instability are higher and it is more likely that an oscillation condition will be met. Also, Class B, AB, and C ampliers are generally not used in broadband applications or at high frequencies mainly
Figure 11-14
because of the problem of maintaining stability. Class A ampliers are the preferred solution for ampliers at 10 GHz and above and for broadband ampliers, again mainly because it is easy to ensure stability, and thus design is much simpler and more tolerant to parasitic effects and variations. The effect of parasitic capacitances and delay effects (such as those due to the time it takes carriers to move across a base for a BJT or under the gate for an FET) result in the current-voltage locus for RF signals differing from the DC situation. This effect is captured by the dynamic or AC loadline, which is shown in Figure 11-14. The Class A amplier is biased in the middle of the I-V characteristics and the output from this amplier has the least distortion, as seen in Figure 11-13. This seems very good, but the drawback is that the Class A amplier draws DC current even when the input signal is negligible. This is a low-efciency, but highly linear class. When designers refer to a linear amplier they are referring to a Class A amplier. The other amplier classes shown in Figure 11-10 have higher efciencies but varying degrees of distortion. The outputs are shown in Figure 11-13. The output of the Class B amplier contains an amplied version of only half of the input signal but draws just a small leakage current when no signal is applied. With the Class C amplier there must be some positive RF input signal before there is an output: there is more distortion but no current ows, not even leakage current, when there is no RF input signal. The Class AB amplier is a compromise between Class A and Class B ampliers. Less DC current ows than with Class A when there is negligible input signal, and the distortion is less than with Class B. There are higher classes of amplier, Class D, E etc., and these rely on resonant circuits to change the shape of the loadline to result in better trade-offs between efciency and distortion than can be achieved with Class AB.
Class C ampliers are biased so that there is almost no drain-source (or collector-emitter) current when no RF signal is applied, so the output waveform has considerable distortion, as shown in Figure 11-13. This distortion is important only if there is information in the amplitude of the signal. FM, GMSK, and PM schemes result in signals with constant RF envelopes, thus there is no information contained in the amplitude of the signal. Therefore errors introduced into the amplitude of a signal are of lesser signicance and efcient saturating mode ampliers such as a Class C amplier can be used. (we are however concerned about AM-PM distortion.) In contrast, MSK, /4-DQPSK,3/8-8PSK, and QAM modulation schemes do not result in signals with constant RF envelopes and so information is contained in the amplitude of the RF signal. For these modulation techniques reasonably linear ampliers are required. EXAMPLE 11. 1 Efciency of a Class A Amplier
Determine the efciency of a Class A FET amplier with resistive biasing using the FET characteristics shown in Figure 11-11(b). Solution: For maximum output voltage swing, the quiescent point should be halfway between the maximum and minimum drain source voltages, VDS,max VDS,min VDD + VDS,min VO = VDS,min + = , (11.26) 2 2 since VDS,max = VDD . The quiescent (DC) current through RL is 1 VDD VO VDD + VDS,min VDD VDS,min IQ = = VDD = , RL 2 RL 2RL and the quiescent (DC) power consumed is VDD VDS,min V2 VDS,min = DD 1 . PDC = VDD IQ = VDD 2RL 2RL VDD Thus the peak voltage of the AC output is Vp = (VDD VDS,min )/2, so that the output power in the load is PRF,out = 1 2 VDD VDS,min 2 2 1 V2 = DD RL 8RL 1 VDS,min VDD 2 . (11.30) (11.29)
Figure 11-15 A two-port network with source and load used in dening stability measures: (a) network; (b) input signal ow graph; and (c) output signal ow graph.
If the minimum drain voltage is ignored (VDS,min = 0), then = 1/4 = 25%. This is the maximum efciency of a class A amplier.
Amplier Stability
The potential exists for an amplier to be unstable and oscillate. Generally this is not a constant oscillation at a constant amplitude and frequency but a chaotic response. Oscillator design is not as simple as designing an unstable amplier, if only we could be so lucky. There is not a simple metric that will indicate whether an amplier will be stable or not. In the worst case a transistor will oscillate no matter what we do to the external circuitry [179]. A manufacturer could not sell such a transistor and it would not be a useful component in a monolithic integrated process. So it is not surprising that ampliers can be designed using available transistors. Stability considerations affect the maximum (stable) gain that can be achieved and the ease of design. If the maximum stable gain is too low another transistor needs to be selected. If the specied gain is close to the maximum stable gain, then design will be challenging, especially for broader bandwidths. So design effort increases with simpler (and hence cheaper) transistors. Experience is the best guide to making this tradeoff. Stability analysis should be applied to the innermost two-port containing the active device and any feedback networks. If the innermost two-port is stable, then the amplier in which it is embedded will be stable. Internal characteristics of devices could also result in instability, for example due to the internal formation of domains [180,181]. However, instabilities resulting from such problems are rare, as it would be difcult for a vendor to sell a transistor that oscillated on its own. There is a natural selection process so that available transistors tend not to suffer from internal instabilities. So the active device in a linear amplier can be treated as a two-port (see Figure 11-15). Oscillation will initiate if signals reected at the input port, IN increase
in amplitude as the signal reects rst from the source, S , and then from the input port. That is, if |S IN | > 1, (11.32) the amplier will be unstable at the input. This situation is shown in the signal ow graph shown in Figure 11-15(b), where oscillation is initiated by noise. Similarly oscillation will occur if multiple reections between the output and the input build in amplitude, |L OUT | > 1, (11.33)
with the oscillation initiated by noise as shown in Figure 11-15(c). Now |IN | = S11 + and |OUT | = S22 + S12 S21 L 1 S22 L S12 S21 S . 1 S11 S (11.34)
Combining Equations (11.32)(11.35), the amplier will be unstable if |S IN | = S S11 + or |L OUT | = L S22 + S12 S21 S L >1 1 S22 L S12 S21 S L > 1. 1 S11 S (11.36)
The coupling of S and L makes it difcult to independently design the input and output matching networks. It is much more convenient to consider the unconditionally stable situation whereby the input is stable no matter what the load and output matching network present, and the output is stable no matter what the source and input matching network present. As a rst stage in design, a linear amplier is designed for unconditional stability. The design space is larger if the more rigorous test for stability, embodied in Equations (11.36) and (11.37), are used to determine stability. The advantage (i.e., a larger design space), however, is often small. If the source and load are passive, then S < 1 and L < 1 so that oscillations will build up if |IN | > 1 (11.38) or |OUT | > 1. (11.39) For guaranteed stability for all passive source and load terminations (i.e., unconditional stability), then |IN | < 1 and |OUT | < 1. (11.40)
Ampliers are often realized as stages whereby one amplier stage feeds another. This complicates stability analysis, as it is possible for S and L to be more than unity. If S and L are both less than one for multiple amplier stages then the amplier stability being described here can be used. For the stability criteria to be used in design they must be put in terms of the scattering parameters of the active device. There are two suitable stability criteria commonly used, the k-factor and the -factor, which will now be considered.
The k-factor method, also known as Rollets stability criterion [182] is the most commonly used stability metric. It is based on the input and output reection coefcients of an active device. The input reection coefcient of the active device is determined by the S parameters of the device and the load, S12 S21 L IN = S11 + , (11.41) 1 S22 L and so for stability |IN | = S11 + S12 S21 L < 1. 1 S22 L S12 S21 L < 1. 1 S11 S |L | 1. (11.42)
Similarly, considering the output of the active device, for stability, |OUT | = S22 + (11.43)
Equations (11.42) and (11.43) must hold for all |S | 1 and (11.44)
When the active is unilateral, S12 = 0, and Equations (11.42) and (11.43) simplify to the requirement that S11 < 1 and S22 < 1. Otherwise, given a device, there will be a limit on the values of S and L . The stability criteria are in terms of the magnitudes of complex numbers, and this is known to specify circles in the complex plane. The following development will lead to the center and radius dening the stability circles. These stability circles dene the boundary between stable and unstable regions. For |IN | = 1, the output stability circle is dened by S11 + S12 S21 L = 1. 1 S22 L (11.45)
The development puts this into the standard form for a circle, that is, in the form of |L c| = r. (11.46)
where c is a complex number and denes the center of the circle, and r is a real number and is the radius of the circle (see Section A.7). This circle denes the boundary between stable and unstable values of L . Now Equation (11.45) can be rewritten as |S11 (S11 S22 S12 S21 )L | = |1 S22 L | . The determinate of the scattering parameter matrix is now = S11 S22 S12 S21 , and so Equation (11.47) becomes |S11 L | = |1 S22 L | . (11.49) (11.48) (11.47)
That is, removing the absolute signs by multiplying each side by its complex conjugate (S11 L ) (S11 L ) = (1 S22 L ) (1 S22 L )
S11 S11 + L (L S11 + S11 ) = 1 + S22 S22 L L L L |S22 |2 ||2 L (S22 S11 ) L L
|S22 | || (S22
|S22 | ||
|S11 | 1
L L +
(S22 S11 ) L 2
|S22 | ||
|S11 | 1
|S22 | ||
L +
|S22 | ||
S22 S11 2
|S11 | < 1
|S11 | > 1
| | < 1 in rL cL
|in| < 1
Figure 11-16 Output stability circles on the L plane: (a) |S11 | < 1; and (b) |S11 | > 1. The shaded regions denote the values of L that will result in unconditional stability at the input indicated by |in | < 1.
That is
S22 S11 2
|S22 | ||
This denes a circle, called the output stability circle, in the L plane with center cL and radius rL (see Section A.7):
(S22 S11 )
center : cL = radius : rL =
(11.58) , (11.59)
|S22 | ||
and which is plotted on a Smith chart in Figure 11-16 for the two conditions |S11 | < 1 and |S11 | > 1. When |S11 | < 1 the shaded region in Figure 11-16(a) indicates unconditional stability. That is, as long as L is chosen to lie in the shaded region, the input reection coefcient, in , will be less than one. It does not matter what the source impedance is, as long as it is passive there will not be oscillation due to multiple reections between the input of the amplier (or any two-port) and the source.
|S22 | < 1
|S22 | > 1
| | < 1 out rS cS
Figure 11-17 Input stability circles on the S plane: (a) |S22 | < 1; and (b) |S22 | > 1. The shaded regions denote the values of S that will result in unconditional stability at the input indicated by |out | < 1.
Similarly an input stability circle can be dened for S , where center : cS = radius : rS =
(S11 S22 )
(11.60) . (11.61)
|S11 | ||
The interpretation of the input stability circles, shown in Figure 11-17, is the same as for the output stability circles. The stability criterion provided by the input and output stability circles is very conservative. For example, the input stability circle (for S ) indicates the value of S that will ensure stability no matter what passive load is presented. Thus the stability circles here are called unconditional stability circles. However, an amplier can be stable for loads (or source impedances) other than those that ensure unconditional stability. However, the use of stability circles provides a good rst pass in design of the matching networks between the actual source and load and the amplier. The stability circles will change with frequency, and so ensuring stability requires a broad frequency view. This is considered in the linear amplier design example in Section 11.7. If an amplier is unconditionally stable, amplier design is considerably simplied. A more complete stability analysis is presented by Gonzalez [183] and Surez and Qur [184]. a ee
[S ]
Figure 11-18
The most general amplier is depicted in Figure 11-18. Here the active device has scattering parameters [S] = S11 S21 S12 S22
and, as it will be used a lot, dene the determinant = S11 S22 S12 S21 . The overall amplier has scattering parameters S. S is the generator reection coefcient and L is the reection coefcient of the load. For unconditional stability, |S11 | < 1 and |S22 | < 1. If |S11 | > 1 or |S22 | > 1, then there is a negative resistance and oscillation could possibly occur. Unconditional stability is dened as when |S11 | < 1 for all loads L and |S22 | < 1 for all source impedances S . These inequalities are the same as saying the real part of the input and output impedances of the amplier are positive resistances. These requirements also describe the unit circle on a Smith chart. Beginning with these denitions and ignoring the feedback network, a stability factor, k, can be dened as k= 1-|S11 |2 -|S22 |2 +||2 2|S12 | |S21 | , (11.62)
where k > 1 is required for unconditional stability. This is the Rollet condition. What is done here is rolling two unconditional stability requirements (on |S11 | and |S22 |) into one. If k 1, the amplier may not be unstable, but extra care is required when a load is presented to the amplier. If k > 1, the design is relatively straightforward, but if k is near 1 or k 1, design will be troublesome. The closer design is to the limits of operation of a device, the more likely k will be near or less than 1. For example, the limits could be the maximum stable gain at the intended frequency of operation. It has been shown that unconditional stability is assured if k= 1-|S11 |2 -|S22 |2 +||2 2|S12 | |S21 | > 1, (11.63)
combined with any one of the following auxiliary conditions [185191]: B1 = 1 + |S11 |2 |S22 |2 ||2 > 0 B2 = 1 |S11 | + |S22 | || > 0 || = |S11 S22 S12 S21 | < 1 C2 = 1 |S22 | |S12 S21 > 0| .
2 2 2 2
The conditions denoted in Equations (11.67) and (11.68) are not independent, and it can be shown that one implies the other if the k > 1 [185]. If k > 1, then an amplier is unconditionally stable if any one of Equations (11.64)(11.68) is satised. Rollets stability criteria, k and ||, are tabulated in Table 11-5 for the pHEMT described in Figure 11-8. The device is unconditionally stable at the frequencies 511 GHz and 2226 GHz. The device could be potentially unstable at frequencies below 5 GHz and from 12 to 21 GHz. At these frequencies design needs to use stability circles in designing matching networks.
Rollets stability criterion, Equations (11.63)(11.68), assures unconditional stability but it does not provide a relative measure of stability. That is, the k factor cannot be used to determine how close to the edge of stability a particular design is. There is no ability to compare the relative stability of different designs. Edwards and Sinsky [185] developed a test that can be used to compare the relative stability of different designs. This is called the -factor stability criterion, with unconditional stability having = 1 |S11 |2 > 1. |S22 S11 | + |S21 S12 | (11.69)
An important result is that larger values of indicate greater stability. The factor is a single quantity that provides a sufcient and necessary condition for unconditional stability. That is, it does not matter what passive source and load is presented, S < 1 and L < 1, the amplier will be stable. This contrasts with Rollets stability criterion in which two conditions must be met. Edwards-Sinsky stability parameters for the pHEMT transistor documented in Figure 11-8 are shown in Table 11-6. The unconditionally stable frequencies of operation are 511 GHz and 2226 GHz. The same unconditionally stable frequencies determined by using Rollets stability criterion (in Table 11-5). The additional information available with the Edwards-Sinsky stability criterion is that indicates the relative stability. In Table 11-6, the transistor is unconditionally stable in the 5 to 11 GHz range, and in this
Table 11-5 Rollets stability factor, k-factor, ||, and stability circle parameters of the pHEMT transistor documented in Figure 11-8. For the active device to be unconditionally stable two conditions must be met: k > 1 and || < 1. The frequencies at which the device is unconditionally stable are in bold. Freq. (GHz) 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 k >1 0.15178 0.24895 0.46535 0.67865 0.91943 1.0838 1.1839 1.2846 1.5225 1.6448 1.3151 1.1043 0.98784 0.92131 0.84098 0.69555 0.63420 0.68792 0.72764 0.89194 0.97085 0.97475 1.1014 1.3123 1.4714 1.4273 1.5308 || <1 0.62757 0.58720 0.46821 0.37045 0.29706 0.24365 0.18765 0.14113 0.092502 0.056060 0.072750 0.11703 0.16159 0.18991 0.21905 0.24320 0.27993 0.32454 0.36197 0.35755 0.32318 0.28626 0.28501 0.29397 0.28083 0.22850 0.17235 CL 1.0388 + 13.5176 0.78679 + 7.26968 0.73554 + 3.96784 0.63608 + 3.17780 0.52381 + 2.82057 0.32018 + 2.76164 0.065264 + 2.679153 0.39857 + 2.97836 0.91418 + 3.21866 1.2526 + 3.0479 1.7681 + 2.6944 2.6666 + 2.4074 4.4423 + 2.2978 5.9502 + 1.0596 5.95467 0.75389 6.0313 1.9645 5.7310 3.8333 3.5163 5.6496 1.1258 5.5386 0.72551 2.82689 1.1030 2.0753 1.3859 1.8451 2.1696 1.1961 2.35683 0.15064 2.23754 + 0.46967 2.2473 + 1.2506 2.6309 + 3.0590 RL 13.370 6.9988 3.4718 2.4779 1.9223 1.7276 1.5700 1.8266 2.0150 1.8998 2.0189 2.5186 4.0111 5.1100 5.1368 5.6068 6.2171 5.9268 4.8824 1.9913 1.3671 1.3221 1.4187 1.1976 1.0569 1.3389 2.6671 CS 0.92820 + 0.50682 0.69258 + 0.96669 0.087892 + 1.481129 0.86485 + 1.46382 1.4232 + 1.2217 1.90410 + 0.77291 2.182123 + 0.024217 2.06262 0.85258 1.5996 1.4914 1.1418 1.8922 0.54178 2.13439 0.24025 2.02042 0.73109 1.58120 0.96118 1.24308 1.10689 0.97667 1.20251 0.58617 1.26271 0.23704 1.257206 + 0.087208 1.17955 + 0.29932 1.20751 + 0.32462 1.19540 + 0.46897 0.94075 + 0.85514 0.66834 + 1.07377 0.51539 + 1.17421 0.28045 + 1.30061 0.079906 + 1.412442 0.45588 + 1.43292 RS 0.22434 0.44107 0.72546 0.85475 0.91458 1.0132 1.0885 1.0885 0.94750 0.92223 1.0468 0.98357 0.74724 0.60117 0.53246 0.43291 0.39187 0.34232 0.27755 0.27383 0.29068 0.27681 0.24499 0.22605 0.24185 0.31586 0.36774
range the device is most stable between 8 and 10 GHz. At the high end, above 22 GHz, the device is increasingly more stable. This can be expected to continue as the device capacitive parasitics short out the device. (The result of the low impedance of capacitors at high frequencies is that the effect of feedback will be much less, and smaller RF voltages will be generated for the same drive level.) So this transistor will make a very good 810 GHz amplier provided that appropriate matching networks are chosen to ensure stability below 5 GHz and above 11 GHz. Note, however, that the amplier can be used up to about 20 GHz, but with extra care in design. Above 20 GHz the maximum unilateral transducer gain is too small to be useful (see Table 11-7 where GT U,max is tabulated for this transistor).
Table 11-6 Edwards-Sinsky stability parameters for the pHEMT transistor documented in Figure 11-8. For stability, > 1 and one of the following factors must be satised: that is, B1 > 0, B2 > 0, || < 1, C1 > 0, C2 > 0. The frequencies at which the device is unconditionally stable are in bold. The device is unconditionally stable at the frequencies 511 GHz and 2226 GHz. Freq. (GHz) 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 >1 0.18785 0.31338 0.56362 0.76297 0.94651 1.0526 1.1100 1.1783 1.3310 1.3954 1.2039 1.0739 0.99026 0.93383 0.86542 0.73637 0.67769 0.72762 0.76942 0.92718 0.98311 0.98558 1.0587 1.1641 1.2294 1.2330 1.3676 B1 >0 1.1555 1.1338 1.1086 1.0884 1.0631 1.0434 1.0341 1.0703 1.1120 1.1104 1.1068 1.1550 1.2715 1.3461 1.3788 1.4578 1.4752 1.4461 1.4300 1.3348 1.2924 1.3331 1.3627 1.3295 1.2872 1.2866 1.3398 B2 >0 0.056799 0.17657 0.45297 0.63717 0.76039 0.83782 0.89551 0.88992 0.87085 0.88335 0.88259 0.81758 0.67626 0.58173 0.52518 0.42389 0.36811 0.34324 0.30791 0.40953 0.49876 0.50306 0.47486 0.49769 0.55509 0.60899 0.60077 || <1 0.62757 0.58720 0.46821 0.37045 0.29706 0.24365 0.18765 0.14113 0.092502 0.056060 0.072750 0.11703 0.16159 0.18991 0.21905 0.24320 0.27993 0.32454 0.36197 0.35755 0.32318 0.28626 0.28501 0.29397 0.28083 0.22850 0.17235 C1 >0 0.077921 0.080934 0.065756 0.22398 0.35892 0.44002 0.49297 0.51407 0.54812 0.57284 0.51811 0.43720 0.33481 0.27037 0.22227 0.13811 0.099372 0.10910 0.10899 0.18890 0.24511 0.24786 0.25075 0.28504 0.33166 0.36433 0.38405 C2 >0 0.47143 0.39770 0.39356 0.44958 0.51029 0.54284 0.56225 0.60424 0.66871 0.68634 0.63023 0.60592 0.63244 0.65257 0.64910 0.65507 0.65290 0.66053 0.67006 0.65152 0.64191 0.66286 0.69466 0.70093 0.69771 0.70313 0.75358
This section presented criteria that can be used in determining the stability of transistor ampliers and of active devices. Stability tests should be applied to the innermost two-port to provide an enhanced condence in design. Two criteria were presented for unconditional stability: the k-factor and -factor. The k-factor, part of Rollets unconditional stability criterion, indicates an associated test of whether a device is unconditionally stable or not. It does not provide a relative measure of stability. The -factor, derived by Edwards and Sinsky, is a factor that indicates the relative stability of
a network. Stable ampliers can be designed even if the amplier is not unconditionally stable. Stability circles aid in the design of such ampliers. Stability is an extensive topic and the reader is directed to in-depth stability analysis by Surez and Qur [184] for further information. a ee In the following sections a complete set of amplier gain measures, including maximum stable gain, will be dened. Detailed linear amplier design will then combine the stability concepts presented here.
As with all circuit design, a few gures of merit (FOM) are used to guide design. The most important metric in amplier design is the gain of the overall amplier. There are a surprisingly large number of different denitions of gain that are useful at different stages in the design process. Each provides information about the performance of an amplier and using the full set enables design to be approached in a systematic way. The FOMs are used to describe the performance of an amplier, to develop an understanding of the active device, to compare different active devices, and, coupled with experience, to formulate an idea of how difcult a design will be. The quantities used in the various gain denitions are dened in Figure 11-19. The power delivered to the amplier is Pin , and this is equal to the available input power from the source if the source is conjugately matched to the input matching network. The power delivered to the active device, PinD , is equal to the amplier input power, Pin , if the input matching network is lossless. The available output power from the active device, PAo , is the actual device output power, Po , delivered to the output matching network if the output of the active device is conjugate matched. This power is also delivered to the load as PL if M2 is lossless. In summary, Pin = PAi , Pin = PinD , Po = PAo , PL = Po , if generator is conjugate matched if M1 is lossless if the output of active device is conjugate matched if M2 is lossless.
These power denitions refer to different circuit conditions. This enables a number of different gain denitions to be developed that relate to different stages in the development of an amplier and indicate the ultimate performance achievable from an amplier. The basic gain denitions are System gain: G= PL . Pin
The system gain is the power actually delivered to the load relative to the input power delivered by the source. This gain is sometimes called
P Ao
P L n1 Z S n 3 1 AMPLIFIER n2
n4 2 n5
Description Actual input power delivered to the amplier. Available input power from the source. Pin PAi . If M1 provides conjugate matching as seen from the source, then Pin = PAi Actual device input power delivered to the active device. PinD Pin . If M1 is lossless, PinD = Pin . Available device output power of the active device. Available amplier output power. PAo PADo . If M2 is lossless, PAo = PADo . Actual output power delivered to load. Amplier output power. PL PAo . If M2 is lossless and provides conjugate matching, PL = PAo = PADo .
Figure 11-19 Parameters used in dening gain measures. The input and output matching networks are lossless so that the actual device input signal power, PinD , is the power delivered by the source. Similarly, the actual output signal power delivered to the load, PL , is the power delivered by the active device (the transistor including biasing network).
This gain is G, but with the effect of M1 removed. Transducer gain: GT = PL . PAi
This is the ratio of the power delivered to the load divided by the power available from the source. This gain is G with optimum M1 . Available gain: GA = PAo . PAi
The transducer gain is the power available to the load relative to the input power available from the source. This gain is GT with optimum M2 . Note that G GP GT GA . These gain denitions are useful at different stages of the design process. These gains are measures that can be used toward the end of a design iteration but do not indicate the best gains achievable under various conditions. For example, gain measures can be dened that enable the initial choice of a transistor based on the S parameters of the transistor typically provided in manufacturers data sheets. Developing the generalized scattering parameters of the amplier normalized to the source and load impedances is key to casting the gains in terms of device S parameters.
This section develops the generalized scattering parameters of an amplier and leads to three important metrics of ampliers: transducer gain, as dened in Equation (11.72), unilateral transducer gain, and maximum unilateral transducer gain. These gains are expressed in terms of S parameters. A linear amplier can be represented as a two-port with a Thevenin equivalent source at Port 1 and a load at Port 2, as shown in Figure 11-20(a). This section illustrates the usefulness of generalized S parameters in working with power ow in systems with complex and different system impedances at the ports. Let S be the normalized scattering matrix of the two-port, with Z0 being the normalizing real characteristic impedance. Therefore S11 S12 S= . (11.74) S21 S22 The development in this section uses the S parameters of the amplier in Figure 11-20(a). The aim is to develop an expression for the unilateral transducer gain and for the maximum unilateral transducer gain. The unilateral transducer gain is restricted to the amplier (Figure 11-20(a)), and the maximum unilateral transducer gain can use the S parameters of either the transistor (Figure 11-20(b)), or the S parameters of the amplier (Figure 11-20(a). The generalized scattering matrix of the amplier will be normalized to the source impedance, ZS , and load impedance, ZL , shown in Figure 11-20.
I1 + V 1 S
I2 + V2 L ZL
Figure 11-20 Two-port network with source and load used in dening unilateral gain measures: (a) an amplier; and (b) active device with input and output matching networks.
First, nd the reection coefcients S and L at the source and load using the following equations: ZS Z0 , ZS + Z0 ZL Z0 L = . ZL + Z0 S = Now construct D = where Dii = (1 i ) 1 |i |2 . (11.78) D11 0 0 D22 , (11.77) (11.75) (11.76)
|1 | i
From Equation (6.115), the generalized scattering parameters (with Port 1 normalized to ZS and Port 2 normalized to ZL ) are
S =
D 1 (S )(U S)1 D.
S 11 S 12
= = = =
S 21 S 22
1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W
1 S [(S11 )(1 L S22 ) + S12 S21 L ] S 1 S (1 S )(1 L ) 1 S12 [(1 |S |2 )(1 |L |2 )] 2 |1 S ||1 L | (1 S )(1 L ) 1 S21 [(1 |S |2 )(1 |L |2 )] 2 |1 S ||1 L | 1 L [(S22 )(1 S S11 ) + S12 S21 S ], L 1 L
Here a and b are the root power waves dened on Page 306 and in Figure 6-16. A number of useful observations can be made. First, in a matched condition where S = L = 0 (i.e., ZS = ZL = Z0 ), G S = S. Second, for a reciprocal two-port network with S12 = S21 , the generalized scattering parameters are also reciprocal (i.e., GS 12 = GS 21 ). An amplier is not reciprocal, however, and for a good amplier, GS 12 is approximately zero and GS 21 is greater than one, indicating power gain. Now the transducer power gain, GT , can be expressed in terms of device S parameters. GT , Equation (11.72), is dened as the ratio of the average power, PL , delivered to the load ZL , and the maximum input power available from the generator, PAi , that is, GT = PL , PAi (11.86)
where the available power from the generator is PAi = 1 |VS |2 1 = |a1 |2 8 {ZS } 2 (11.87)
These quantities are dened in terms of the root power waves a1 and b2 and these are related by the generalized S parameters. Thus the transducer gain is 2 b2 GT = = |GS 21 |2 , (11.89) a1
and so, using Equation (11.82), GT = |S21 |2 (1 |S |2 )(1 |L |2 ) . |(1 S S11 )(1 L S22 ) S L S12 S21 |2 (11.90)
This expression for the gain combines the inherent voltage gain of the device (S21 ) and the effect of load, and source mismatches through L and S . This expression simplies under particular circumstances which will now be considered. For a unilateral two-port, S12 = 0 (and this is a reasonable approximation for many ampliers, as there is little feedback from the output to the input). Under this circumstance the transducer gain is referred to as the unilateral transducer gain, GT U : GT U = |S21 |2 1 |S |2 |1 S S11 |2 1 |L |2 |1 L S22 |2 . (11.91)
This is often referred to as just the unilateral gain. From this last expression it can be seen that by choosing S = (S11 ) and L = (S22 ) (i.e., the complex conjugates), GT U achieves its maximum value, the maximum unilateral transducer gain: GT Umax = |S21 |2 1 1 |S11 |2 1 1 |S22 |2 . (11.92)
If the S parameters in Equation (11.92) are those of the amplier shown in Figure 11-20(a), then GT Umax is the maximum unilateral transducer gain available from the amplier. In general, additional matching would be required between the source and the amplier, and between the amplier and the load to achieve this gain. If the S parameters in Equation (11.92) are those of the transistor shown in Figure 11-20(b), then GT Umax is the maximum unilateral transducer gain available from the active device. This is a good measure of the maximum power gain readily obtained from a device. However, with feedback (consider the general amplier conguration of Figure 11-18), the effective S12 = 0, and any gain can be achieved, even oscillation. Also, higher gain is obtained at the expense of reduced bandwidth. As a general design guideline, the closer the gain specied for an amplier is to GT Umax , the more challenging the design task. The maximum unilateral transducer gain, GT Umax , of the pHEMT transistor described in Figure 11-8 in shown in Table 11-7. The maximum unilateral transducer gain is largest at low frequencies and monotonically reduces as frequency increases. This means that it is difcult to design broadband ampliers. It is also a challenge to ensure stable amplication at low frequencies and matching networks must be chosen to suppress lowfrequency gain.
Table 11-7 Maximum unilateral transducer gain, GT U max , of the pHEMT transistor documented in Figure 11-8.
GT U max (dB) 36.62 31.07 24.88 21.26 18.73 16.00 15.74 14.52 13.26 12.36 12.24 12.07 11.77 11.46
Frequency (GHz) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
GT U max (dB) 11.25 11.61 11.64 11.11 10.50 8.89 7.91 7.48 6.55 5.46 4.62 4.22 3.61
With the stability criteria established, the full set of gain denitions can be dened in terms of S parameters, with some indicating the best that can be achieved with a stable amplier. Circuit quantities are dened in Figure 11-19. Transducer power gain: GT = (1 |S |2 )|S21 |2 (1 |L |2 ) . |(1 S11 S )(1 S22 L ) S12 S21 G L |2
This is the transducer gain with the effect of matching networks described by S and L . Transducer power gain in system impedance. Source and load impedances equal to the system impedance: GT |Z0 = |S21 |2 . (11.94)
This is the transducer gain without matching networks, so that S = 0 = L . This is nearly always much lower than what can be achieved using matching networks. For one, an active device has signicant input and output reactances at microwave frequencies that need to be tuned out. Unilateral transducer power gain, GT U : GT U = |S21 |2 (1 |S |2 ) |1 S11 S |2 (1 |L |2 ) |1 S22 L |2
This is the transducer gain, GT , with S12 set to zero. This expression has been carefully arranged to show that the unilateral transducer power gain is the product of an active device portion, |S21 |2 , and an input matching factor, and an output matching factor. Power gain with input conjugately matched: GP = With L = 0, GP |L =0 = |S21 |2 (1 |L |2 ) . |(1 S22 L )(1 |S11 |2 ) |S21 |2 . (1 |S11 |2 ) (11.96)
Available power gain with output conjugately matched: GA = With S = 0, GA |S =0 = |S21 |2 (1 |S |2 ) . |1 S11 S |2 (1 |S22 |2 ) |S21 |2 . 1 |S22 |2 (11.98)
Maximum available power gain, GMA = GA and GT with optimum M1 and M2 : S21 GMA = k k2 1 . (11.100) S12 Here k is Rollets stability factor (Equation (11.62)). Maximum unilateral transducer power gain with input and output conjugately matched so that S = S11 and L = S22 (note that we are treating S12 = 0 in the unilateral approximation): GT U,max = |S21 |2 1 1 |S11 |2 1 1 |S22 |2 . (11.101)
This expression has been carefully arranged to show that the unilateral transducer power gain is the product of an active device portion, |S21 |2 , and an input factor, and an output factor. Maximum stable power gain, GMS . GMS = G with resistive loading, setting k = 1, and optimum M1 and M2 . GMS is useful when k 1. This is generally the limit to gain as the input and output mismatch is reduced, with conjugate matching at the input and output oscillation likely to occur. S21 GMS = . (11.102) S12
Unilateral power gain, U . This is the maximum available gain, GMA , with feedback across the active device adjusted so that the effective device feedback parameter S12 = 0. When U = 1, the devices go from being active to being passive: U= 1/2|S21 /S12 1|2 k|S21 /S12 | Re(S21 /S12 ) . (11.103)
GT U (Equation (11.95)), GT U,max (Equation (11.101)), GMS (Equation (11.102)), GMA (Equation (11.100)), and U (Equation (11.103)) are used by designers as measures of the ultimate performance of a device. They are important gures of merit as they are dened with optimum input and output matching networks. They are useful at the beginning of a design and lead to the initial active device choice. As well, with experience, comparing these parameters to gain specication indicates the amount of design effort required to achieve a successful design. GT U , GT U,max , GMS , GMA , and U are tabulated in Table 11-8 for the pHEMT transistor documented in Figure 11-8. As shown in Tables 11-5 and 11-6 the amplier is conditionally stable from 511 GHz and above 22 GHz. GMS is usually taken as the highest gain that can be easily achieved. However, higher gains can be achieved with more attention to stability, but usually amplication is available only over a narrow bandwidth. Once a design is completed the only gain that matters is the transducer gain, GT , which is the ratio of the transducer gain power delivered to a load to the power available from the source.
Table 11-8 Device gain metrics for the pHEMT transistor documented in Figure 11-8. Stability factors for the transistor are given in Tables 11-5 and 11-6. Frequency Max. unilateral transducer gain GT U,max (db) 36.6 31.1 24.9 21.3 18.7 17.0 15.7 14.5 13.6 12.4 12.2 12.1 11.8 11.5 11.2 11.6 11.6 11.1 10.5 8.88 7.91 7.48 6.55 5.46 4.62 4.23 3.61 Max. available power gain GM A (db) 18.6 17.0 15.5 14.0 13.0 13.2 13.7 8.42 6.62 5.55 5.17 4.27 Max. stable power gain GM S (db) 30.1 27.1 24.2 22.4 21.3 20.4 19.6 18.7 18.2 17.7 16.6 15.7 14.8 14.2 13.5 13.1 12.7 12.3 11.9 11.5 11.2 10.9 10.4 9.97 9.62 9.05 8.57 Unilateral power gain U (db) 41.9 39.4 34.4 29.7 25.6 23.6 22.6 20.77 17.9 16.4 17.8 19.5 20.5 20.5 21.2 27.6 24.2 21.4 17.0 12.9 11.4 11.0 9.22 7.43 6.22 5.73 4.79
(GHz) 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
The design procedure for linear ampliers is well developed and the strategy forms the basis of all amplier design. An amplier has three major components: an input matching network, an active device, and an output matching network (see Figure 11-22). There are a number of design choices to be made and these will be illustrated by considering the design of an amplier for maximum gain using the discrete pHEMT transistor examined previously (see Figure 11-8 on Page 609). The design specications are Gain: Topology: maximum gain at 8 GHz three two-ports (input and output matching networks, and the active device)
broadband stability maximum that can be achieved using twoelement matching networks ZS = 50 ZL = 50
The rst design step is to choose a biasing conguration, and this is directly related to the output voltage swing supported. The inductively biased conguration in Figure 11-23 will be used. Here L1 and L2 are RF chokes and large enough to block RF. C1 and C2 are DC blocking capacitors that block DC but allow RF to pass with negligible impedance. The input matching network is attached to the RF IN terminal and the output matching network is attached to the RF OUT terminal. VDD is the supply voltage and VG is the DC gate voltage typically provided by an analog integrated circuit available in conjunction with most RF designs. An additional design objective is to absorb the biasing circuit into the matching networks.
Stability Considerations
It is not sufcient to consider a single frequency in design, as stability must be assured at low and high frequencies. The stability factor of the active device is shown in Table 11-6 on Page 626. This indicates that the device is unconditionally stable at 5 to 11 GHz and at 22 to 26 GHz. At the high-frequency end, the gain of the device reduces rapidly with increasing frequency as the capacitive parasitics begin dominating transmission through the device. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that the device is unconditionally stable above 22 GHz. The rst design step is to choose a matching network that will provide the appropriate impedances to ensure stability below 5 GHz and above 11 GHz. To do this the stability circles must be considered, as the device is only conditionally stable at these frequencies. The center and radius of the input and output stability circles are listed in Table 11-5 on Page 625. These are plotted in Figure 11-24 for selected frequencies.
The output stability circle at 1 GHz (Figure 11-24(a)) indicates that for stable amplication, the output matching network, as seen from the transistor, could look like a short circuit, a matched load, or a capacitor at low frequencies. Figure 11-24(c), the output stability circle at 16 GHz, indicates that for stable amplication the output matching network, as seen from the transistor, could look like an open circuit or a matched load at high frequencies. As expected, the output stability circle at 8 GHz indicates
Figure 11-22 Linear amplier comprising input and output matching networks and an active device in a specic conguration forming a two-port.
Figure 11-23 Bias conguration for pHEMT amplier. L1 and L2 are RF chokes and large enough to block RF. C1 and C2 are DC blocking capacitors that block DC but allow RF to pass with negligible impedance.
unconditional stability. Examining the two-element matching networks in Figure 8-13 on Page 422, there are three candidate output matching networks which are shown in Figure 11-25. From Figure 11-8, the device S parameters at 8 GHz are as follows: S11 = 0.486 140.4 S12 = 0.057 6.4 S21 = 3.784 11.2 S22 = 0.340 99.1 .
Design nearly always commences with the output matching network. To start, ignore S12 so that OUT = S22 = 0.340 99.1. There is little choice here as OUT depends on the input matching network which has not yet been designed. It would have been possible to begin with the input matching network and make this approximation for IN . However, experience is that the error introduced by starting with the output matching network is less. Once the output matching network has been designed, IN can be calculated without approximation. A thorough design would complete the rst pass of the design and then make one more pass without the approximation that ignores S12 . That is, the output impedance of the active device is 1 + OUT ZOUT = Z0 1 OUT
16 GHz
|in| < 1 STABLE
16 GHz
Figure 11-24 Input and output stability circles on the complex reection coefcient planes for |S11 | < 1 and |S22 | < 1 : (a), (b), and (c) output stability circle on the L plane at 1, 8, and 16 GHz; and (c), (d), and (e) input stability circle on the S plane at 1, 8, and 16 GHz.
1 + (0.340 99.1 ) 1 (0.340 99.1 ) 1 + (0.053774 0.335721) = (50 ) 1 (0.053774 0.335721) = 36.153 27.447 , = (50 )
or YOUT = 1/ZOUT = 0.017547+0.013322 S. The output of the active device looks like a 56.99 resistor in parallel with a capacitor with a reactance of 75.064 . So taking into account the bias objectives and the available output matching networks in Figure 11-25, the matching network topology of Figure 11-25(c) will be used where the source is the active device here. So the output matching network problem is as shown in Figure 11-26. The complete output matching problem is shown in Figure 11-26(a). In part, the parallel conguration of the active device output impedance was
Figure 11-25 Output matching network candidates required for out-of-band stability: (a) RS > RL ; (b) RS < RL ; and (c) RS > RL . (The active device is on the left.)
Figure 11-26 Steps in the design of the output matching network: (a) active device presents itself as a resistance in parallel with a capacitive reactance at the output matching network; (b) with inductor to resonate out active device reactance; (c) simplied matching network problem; and (d) nal output matching network design.
chosen, as this is closer to reality since there is a capacitance at the output of the transistor. Resonance, as shown in Figure 11-26(b), will be used to cancel the effect of the active device capacitance, so that the matching problem
reduces to that shown in Figure 11-26(c). Using the procedure outlined in Section 8.4.2 on Page 424, |QS | = |QP | = RS 1= RL 56.99 1 = 0.3739 50 (11.105)
(11.106) (11.107)
Now Xx = 75.064 , so 75.064 must be added to XP in parallel, and the reactance of L0 is 50.29 thus (at 8 GHz) Lo = 1.00 nH and Co = 1.064 pF. (11.109)
The input stability circle at 1 GHz (Figure 11-24(d)) indicates that the input matching network, as seen from the transistor, could look like a short circuit, a matched load, or a capacitor at low frequencies. Figure 11-24(f), the input stability circle at 16 GHz, indicates that the output matching network, as seen from the transistor, could look like a short circuit or a matched load at high frequencies. Examining the two-element matching networks in Figure 8-13 on Page 422, three candidate output matching networks are shown in Figure 11-27. The reection coefcient looking into the output matching network from the active device is L = S22 = 0.340 99.1 because of the design decision to ignore S12 for the output matching network. Now that the output matching network has been designed, the feedback parameter need no longer be ignored. So IN = S11 + S12 S21 1 S22 L (11.110) (11.111) (11.112)
(0.057 6.4 )(3.784 11.2 ) 1 (0.340 99.1)(0.340 99.1 ) = 0.1420 + 0.3835 . = (0.486 140.4) +
That is, ZIN = 28.690 + 26.427 . So, taking into account the bias objectives and the output matching networks shown in Figure 11-27, the matching network topology of Figure 11-27(c) will be used where the source is the
Figure 11-27 Input matching network candidates required for out-of-band stability: (a) RS > RL ; (b) RS < RL ; and (c) RS > RL . (The active device is on the right.)
active device. The output matching network problem is as shown in Figure 11-28. RL 50 1= 1 = 0.8618 RS 28.69 XS = = 0.8618 26.427 50 = = 0.8618 XP
|QS | = |QP | = XS RL RS QP = XP QS = So
XS = 43.09
and XP = 58.01
Now Xx = 26.427 , so 26.427 must be added to XS , and the reactance of Ci is 69.52 , thus (at 8 GHz), Li = 1.15 nH and Ci = 0.286 pF. (11.117)
The nal schematic of the linear amplier design is shown in Figure 11-29. The output matching network, L2 and C2 , enabled the biasing inductor to be replaced by L2 . We were not so lucky with the input matching network, L1 and C1 . The gate bias network is still required. L3 should be a large enough value for it to act as an RF choke. A value of 10 nH provides a
Figure 11-28 Steps in the design of the input matching network: (a) active device presents itself as a resistance in parallel with a capacitive reactance at the output matching network; (b) with inductor to resonate out active device reactance; (c) simplied matching network problem; and (d) nal output matching network design.
Figure 11-29
reactance of approximately 500 at 8 GHz. The value of C3 = 100 pF is chosen large enough to provide an RF short and stabilize the DC bias VG . This is a surprisingly simple circuit that provides maximum gain, assures out-of-band stability, and provides DC bias. Another design iteration with a more sophisticated input matching network may enable the bias inductor L3 to be eliminated. As it is, the gate bias circuit further ensures stability at low frequencies, as then the gate tends to be shorted out. The amplier has a calculated transducer gain of 13.2 dB which compares to the gains reported in Table 11-8 on Page 636, where gains were determined with S12 ignored. Linear amplier design for a specic gain is also possible. Now the errors involved in ignoring S12 during the design process are signicant and a full bilateral treatment is required. This is described in references [160, 183, 192].
A linear class A X-band amplier implemented in GaAs MESFET Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit (MMIC) technology is shown in Figure 11-30. This amplier operates from 8 to 10 GHz producing 100 mW of total power. This is a two-stage amplier as this was required to obtain the required gain, power and bandwidth. The input and output pads in a ground-signal-ground (GSG) conguration can be used for microwave probe testing and wire-bonding. The rst transistor has two source connections (at the top and bottom), a gate connection on the left, and a drain connection on the right. The layout of the second transistor is the same. The larger second transistor has higher drain current. The source connections of the two transistors are grounded (indicated by the G connection). The matching network is implemented using stubs and capacitors. The second transistor has a feedback network with a spiral inductor and series resistor. Drain bias to the second transistor is through a spiral inductor. A second, higher-power X-band MMIC using pHEMT transistors is shown in Figure 11-31. There are two stages, but the most striking difference with the previous MMIC is the use of multiple transistors in each of the two stages. The rst stage has four transistors in parallel. Input matching network is integrated with a four-way power divider that drives the input of each transistor. An interstage matching network with four two-way power dividers drive the gates of eight pHEMTS. An eight-way power combiner takes the power from the drain of each second-stage transistor bringing them to a single output. Putting transistors in parallel requires close matching of the transistors. Practically the limit is eight transistors and tightly controlled IC technology is required.
Differential Amplier
Differential ampliers are the preferred amplier topology in silicon monolithically integrated circuits including RFICs. Since substrate noise is common to the nodes of a differential amplier, there is little differential substrate noise signal. Also, differential circuits lend themselves to currentmode biasing. The dening characteristic of a differential amplier is that there are two signal paths which are differential. These ampliers are also (but less commonly) called balanced ampliers. When the RF signal on one of the differential paths is positive, the RF signal on the other is negative. Figure 11-32(a) shows a Fully Differential Amplier (FDA) with resistive biasing in the drain legs. As well as providing biasing current, the resistors are also the loads of the amplier. The supply voltage of an RFIC can be quite low (a few volts or less), so choosing circuit topologies that provide for large voltage swings is important, particularly for an output amplier. Differential topologies lead to an almost doubling of the output voltage swing compared to the output voltage swing of a single-ended amplier.
2 1
(b) (c)
Figure 11-30 A two-stage, two-transistor X-band (812 GHz) MMIC amplier producing 100 mW of power: (a) photomicrograph with key networks identied, G indicates ground; (b) layout of the top spiral inductor; and (c) scanning electron microscope image of the crosssection of the airbridge.
Figure 11-31 An 812 GHz MMIC amplier producing approximately 1 W of output power with key networks identied. (Courtesy Filtronic, PLC, used with permission.)
An FDA includes a common current source (see Figures 11-32(a) and 1132(b)) that can be implemented quite simply using a single FET, as shown in the inset in Figure 11-32(a). Here the gate-source voltage is established by a bias voltage, VB , which, from Figure 11-11(b), establishes a nearly constant drain current as long as there is sufcient drain-source voltage. Common-Mode Rejection One of the attributes that makes FDAs attractive is that they are relatively immune to substrate noise (noise in the substrate produced by other circuits) and they lend themselves to resistive biasing. The signal applied to the inputs of a differential amplier have differential- and common-mode components. Referring to the differential amplier in Figure 11-32(c), the
V o V + VB (a)
V o
_ V
V +
_ V
V o+ V_ o
V o V + (d)
_ + V V
V o
V +
_ V _ V
V o
Figure 11-32 Differential ampliers: (a) fully differential amplier (FDA); (b) FDA with inductive biasing; (c) schematic representation; (d) pseudo-differential amplier (PDA); (e) PDA with inductive biasing; (f) schematic representation. The inset in (a) shows the implementation of current source as a single enhancementmode MOSFET with a bias voltage, VB , at the gate.
differential-mode input signal is Vid = V+ V and the common-mode input signal is V+ + V . 2 Similarly the differential- and common-mode output signals are Vic = Vod = Vo+ Vo and Vo+ + Vo , 2 respectively. The differential-mode voltage gain is Voc = Ad = and the common-mode gain is Ac = Voc . Vic (11.123) Vod Vid (11.119) (11.118)
(11.120) (11.121)
For good noise immunity the common-mode gain should be low and the differential-mode gain should be high. The gure of merit that catches this is the Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR): CMRR = Ad ; Ac (11.124)
the larger this is, the better. CMRR is usually expressed in decibels, and since CMRR is a voltage gain ratio, CMRR in decibels is 20 log(Ad /Ac ). The current source at the source of the differential pair of the FDA has a large effect on the CMRR. The current source results in a large CMRR. This is shown in Example 11.2 on Page 650. Without this current source the CMRR of the FDA of Figure 11-32(a) would be one. Output Voltage Swing Single-ended ampliers were discussed in Section 11.4.1 on Page 611, where it was shown that inductive biasing enables higher output voltage swings than possible with resistive biasing. A similar enhancement can be obtained with a differential amplier. The inductively biased FDA of Figure 11-32(b) has a higher voltage swing than the resistively biased FDA of Figure 1132(a). More can be achieved, however. The current sources at the common source point of the FDAs in Figures 11-32(a) and 11-32(b) limit the voltage swing, as there is a minimum drain-source voltage drop across the current source. When larger output voltage swings are required, the current source is eliminated and the resulting amplier is called a Pseudo-Differential Amplier (PDA), as shown in Figure 11-32(d). Again ,inductive biasing (see Figure 11-32(e)) almost doubles the possible voltage swing. The cost, however, is that the CMRR is one. The output voltage waveforms for single-ended and differential ampliers with and without inductive biasing are shown in Figure 11-33. Consider the differential resistively biased amplier shown in Figure 1133(c). This amplier topology is also called an FDA. As can be seen in Figure 11-33(c)(ii), the differential voltage swing will be approximately 4VDD less than the voltage drop across the current source. The supply voltage of RFICs is limited, so at the nal output stage the current source is sometimes sacriced so that larger voltage swings can be obtained. The resulting amplier is the PDA, shown in Figure 11-33(d). The maximum output voltage swing is now 4VDD 2VDS,min almost four times the voltage swing (or 16 times the power into the same load) of a single-ended resistively biased Class A amplier.
Differential Output
(i) V DD
_ 2V V min DD D,
V D2
_ 2V _ V ( DD D,min (iii)
_ 2V V min DD DS,
_( 2V _ V DD DS,min
Figure 11-33 Class A MOSFET ampliers with output voltage waveforms: (a) single-ended amplier with resistive biasing; (b) single-ended amplier with inductive biasing; (c) fully differential amplier with inductive biasing; and (d) pseudo-differential amplier. Schematic is shown in (i), drain voltage waveforms in (ii), and differential output in (iii).
V+ V o o
RL gmVi+
V+ V o o rd RS
RL gmVi
RL gmVic
V oc rd
V oc rd 2 RS
RL gmVic
V od + gm V id 2 rd RL
gm V id 2
2 RS
Figure 11-34 FET differential amplier: (a) schematic; (b) small-signal model; (c) small-signal model for calculating differential gain; and (d) small-signal model for calculating common-mode gain.
Determine the CMRR of the FET differential amplier shown in Figure 11-34(a). Solution: The strategy for solving this problem is to develop the common-mode and differential-mode equivalent circuits and solve for the gain of each. The rst step is to develop the small signal model shown in Figure 11-34(b). The differential input signal is Vid and the common input signal is Vic so that the input voltage signals are Vi+ = 1 Vid + Vic 2 1 and Vi = Vid + Vic . 2 (11.125)
The expressions are similar for the output differential- and common-mode signals Vod and Voc . This leads to the small-signal differential-mode model of Figure 11-34(c) and the smallsignal common-mode model of Figure 11-34(d). From Figure 11-34(c), the output differential signal is Vod = Vid Vid Vid gm rd RL [gm (rd //RL )] [gm (rd //RL )] = , 2 2 rd + RL (11.126)
so the differential gain is Ad = If, as usual, rd >> RL , this becomes Ad = gm RL . (11.128) Vod gm rd RL = . Vid rd + RL (11.127)
Focusing on the small-signal common-mode model of Figure 11-34(d) yields the output common-mode signal. The two halves of the circuit are now identical. The sum of the currents at S is zero, so VS Voc VS + gm Vic = 0, (11.129) 2RS rd and the sum of the currents at the output terminal is zero, so Voc Voc VS + + gm Vic = 0. RL rd Eliminating VS from these equations leads to Voc = so the common-mode gain is Ac = gm rd RL Voc = . Vic (1 + gm rd )2RS + rd + RL (11.132) gm rd RL Vic , (1 + gm rd )2RS + rd + RL (11.131) (11.130)
If, as usual, rd >> RL , this becomes Ac = The CMRR (when rd >> RL ) is CMRR = Ad gm RL (1 + 2gm RS ) = = (1 + 2gm RS ). Ac gm RL (11.134) gm RL . 1 + 2gm RS (11.133)
So the CMRR depends on the value of RS . If there is no resistor at the common-mode source point, as it is in a pseudo-differential amplier, RS = 0 and so CMRR|RS =0 = 1. (11.135)
If there is an ideal current source at the source node then RS is effectively innite, and so CMRR|current source = . (11.136)
RFICs use both fully differential and pseudo-differential signal paths. If signal swing is not a concern, a fully differential signal path would be preferred, particularly because of its immunity to noise and its bias stability. The additional transistors involved in realizing a differential circuit, however, reduce the available voltage swing, and hence powerhandling capability. Pseudo-differential signaling uses, in effect, two parallel paths, each referred to ground but of opposite polarity. The signal on one of the parallel paths is the mirror image of the signal on the other. (That is, the signal is not truly differential, which would imply that it was oating or independent of ground.) Each of the parallel paths is unbalanced, but together their RF signal appears to be balanced, or pseudo-balanced. Another consideration is that in working with RFICs it is necessary to interface (unbalanced) microstrip circuits with the input and output of RFICs. The necessary functionality here is the need to split and combine signals, and to convert between balanced and unbalanced signals. An FDA is shown in Figure 11-35(a). Both the input, Vi = V+ V , and the output, Vo , are differential. Figures 11-35(b) and 11-35(c) show a transformer being used to convert the differential output of the amplier to an unbalanced signal that, for example, can be connected to a microstrip circuit. The output of many RFIC is pseudo differential as this signaling provides large voltage swings. A pseudo-differential amplier is shown in Figure 11-36(d), but before dealing with manipulation of the signal path rst consider the hybrid on its own. Figure 11-36(a) shows how two pseudo-balanced signals can be combined to yield a single balanced signal. This 180 hybrid function is realized by a center-tapped transformer. The signal at Terminal 2 is referenced to ground, and these two terminals are Port 2. The image component of pseudodifferential signal is applied to Port 3 comprising Terminal 3 and ground. The balanced signal at Port 1 can be directly connected to a microstrip line which is, of course, unbalanced. Most implementations of hybrids at RF and microwave frequencies have ports that are referenced to ground. This is emphasized in Figure 11-36(b), making it easier to see how a 180 hybrid can be used to combine a pseudo-differential signal, as shown in Figure 1136(c). This pseudo-differential-to-unbalanced interface is shown in Figures 11-36(e), 11-36(f), and 11-36(g). Hybrids can be used at the input and output terminals of an RFIC pseudodifferential amplier so that an unbalanced source can efciently drive the RFIC and then the output of the RFIC can be converted to an unbalanced port to interface with unbalanced circuitry, such as lters and transmission lines. In the RFIC-based system in Figure 11-37, a 180 hybrid is rst used as a splitter and then at the output as a combiner.
V o V +
(a) V +
(b) V o
2 0 _ V
IN 1
V +
_ V 3 180
(e) V o V +
V +
_ V
V o
180 ISO
Figure 11-35 Congurations providing an unbalanced output from the output of a differential amplier: (a) fully differential amplier (FDA); (b) FDA congured with a balun; (c) schematic representation; (d) pseudo-differential amplier (PDA); (e) PDA congured with a 180 hybrid to provide an unbalanced output; (f) schematic representation; and (g) differential amplier (DA) with transformer connection yielding an unbalanced output.
In this section a broadband distributed balun-like section is presented as an alternative to inductor-based biasing of active differential circuits. The
V o
V o
180 ISO
3 3
Figure 11-36 Equivalent representations of a 180 hybrid connected to provide an interface between pseudo-differential balanced port and an unbalanced port: (a) schematic of a 180 hybrid with the isolation port terminated in a matched load; (b) hybrid showing two terminal representation of ports; and (c) a transformer congured as a 180 hybrid with pseudo-unbalanced-to-balanced conguration.
RFIC + + _ _
Figure 11-37 An RFIC with differential inputs and outputs driven by a 180 hybrid used as a splitter and followed by another 180 hybrid used as a combiner.
distributed biasing circuit discriminates between differential- and commonmode signals, resulting in rejection of common-mode signals. One of the aims of this section is to show that network synthesis and invention of circuit topologies is an important part of RF and microwave engineering. This section presents one design example of network synthesis. The main sources of novel circuits for particular applications and sources of design concepts include microwave journals, patents, and conferences. This section presents an example of what can be achieved. On-chip RF power ampliers are often pseudo differential where the common current source typically used in fully differential circuits is sacriced to enable a larger voltage swing, see Figure 11-38. Here the inductors present high RF impedance to the transistors (represented as transconductances) while providing a low impedance path for bias currents. With sufciently high Q inductors, most of the RF energy is delivered to the load rather than being dissipated in the bias circuitry. With the relatively low Q of on-chip planar inductors, inductance peaking near selfresonance is utilized and this leads to narrowband operation. Thus in critical situations off-chip inductors are sometimes used in conjunction with onchip active devices. In addition, inductive biasing of pseudo-differential circuits presents the same environment to common- and differential-mode signals so that the CMRR is 1.
Figure 11-38 A pseudo-differential circuit without a constant-current source, bias inductors, L, at the drains, parasitic supply resistance, RDD , and single-ended load impedance, RL .
r /4 1 Z oo , Z oe C C r /4 Z o,t Z o,t X r /4 2 Z oo , Z oe
C b
C b
RL 3 4
Figure 11-39 Marchand balun-like biasing circuit with single-ended load resistance RL (DC bias may be applied at Ports b using decoupling capacitors).
The biasing scheme considered here is suited to broadband biasing pseudo-differential circuits and results in high CMRR [119,193]. The biasing circuitry consists of a coupled line structure analogous to that of a Marchand balun [118] (see Figure 11-39 and Section 7.6.1 on Page 390). The balun structure is comprised of transmission lines connected to a pair of coupled lines that normally transforms a single-ended impedance at Port 1 to a balanced output at Ports 3 and 4. The capacitors in Figure 11-39 result
RDD /2
Figure 11-40 Modal sub-circuits of the inductor-based biasing circuit of Figure 1138 including single-ended load resistance RL .
in miniaturization since the distributed transmission lines are one-quarter wavelength long at a frequency well above the passband of the balun. In Section 11.9.1 the equations describing CMRR are rst developed, as maximizing CMRR in pseudo-differential circuits is a key design objective. The design equations in the subsequent sections enable the design of the biasing circuit network with specied characteristics. In Sections 11.9.2 11.9.5 the use of the Marchand balun structure as a biasing circuit is investigated and analysis of the even- and odd-mode impedances of the balanced ports is presented.
Conventional Biasing
Multifunctional systems require broadband circuits and, for differential circuits, this requires large differential gain, Ad . At the same time it is desirable to minimize the common-mode gain, Ac , as the resulting high CMRR provides immunity to substrate-induced noise. With transistor transconductance, gm , and total even- and odd-mode impedances, ZEVEN and ZODD , presented to the drains of the transistors, the gains are approximately Ad = gm ZODD and Ac = gm ZEVEN , (11.137) and so CMRR = Ad /Ac = ZODD /ZEVEN . (11.138) The desired amplier characteristics are thus obtained by synthesizing the even- and odd-mode impedances. Modal analysis of the inductor biasing circuit results in the circuit model shown in Figure 11-40 from which the total even-mode impedance is ZEVEN (s) = (sL + RDD /2) //RL, (11.139)
where s is the Laplace operator, // indicates a parallel connection, and the total odd-mode impedance is ZODD (s) = sL//RL. (11.140)
K2 K1
(b) Figure 11-41 Coupled lumped-element bandpass resonators: (a) single resonator coupled into by an inverter; and (b) a pair of resonators coupled by inverters.
Thus, unless the inductance is very large, there will be strong frequency variation of ZODD and ZEVEN . Also, since RDD is often negligible, the CMRR is 1. In differential-mode the gain is maximized over a broad frequency band for a specic single-ended load impedance, RL . However, if the commonmode gain has prescribed frequency characteristics then the CMRR will be inversely proportional to the even-mode impedance. Thus low even-mode impedance of the biasing network is desirable as this suppresses commonmode noise. This denes a vital design objective of the new biasing circuit.
Coupled resonator structures are appropriate topology choices that present different impedances for the common- and differential-mode signals. In essence, bias is also a common-mode signal and must be accommodated in the chosen topology. A class of appropriate topologies is based on lumped bandpass resonator(s) coupled by an impedance inverter, K, shown in Figure 11-41(a). (Note that an inverter and unitary element [UE] are synonymous.) The inverter element is an idealized component that is independent of frequency and can be approximated by a one-quarter wavelength long transmission line (see Section 10.8), as well as by various other circuit congurations including coupled lines (see Section 10.12 on Page 558). At resonance the bandpass resonator presents an open circuit and, following impedance inversion, the input impedance of the network is a short circuit. This, then, is the kind of network required to be presented to the common-mode signals. The second part of the network synthesis problem is creation of the high impedance condition for differential-mode signals. These issues will be considered separately. Figure 11-41(b) illustrates a pair of bandpass resonators coupled by inverters. At resonance the input impedance of the network is innite. This is because the high impedance of Resonator 2 transforms to a short circuit after the second inverter, K2 , and this subsequently appears as an open circuit at the input of the network. So by adding an extra resonator another topology suitable for differential-
C b 1
r /4
Z oo , Z oe r /4
Figure 11-42 Modal sub-networks of the balun-like biasing circuit of Figure 1139 with single-ended load resistance RL (assuming negligible power supply source impedance, RDD ).
mode operation is derived. If a load is now connected in parallel with this network then at resonance this will be the total impedance presented to the output transistors of the pseudo-differential amplier. In summary, presenting different impedances for common- and differential-mode signals is desired. It will be shown in the next section that the Marchand balun structure has the requisite properties.
Distributed Biasing
Consider now the topology of the Marchand balun of Figure 11-39 with balanced Ports 3 and 4 connected to the output of the pseudodifferential circuit. The aim of this subsection is to show that this topology has the requisite even- and odd-mode impedances. Performing modal analysis at the balanced ports, the modal subnetworks of Figure 11-40 are obtained. In analyzing this structure use is made of the network model of a pair of coupled lines (Figure 9-19). Direct application of the network model and application of the relevant port conditions dictated by the modal subnetworks of the biasing circuit at Point X simplies the equivalent subnetworks of Figure 11-42 to those of Figure 11-43. Application of the relevant Kuroda transformation (see Section 10.11.5 on Page 555) to distribute the inductance in Figure 11-43(c) results in the transformed subcircuits of Figure 11-43(d). Scrutiny of Figures 11-43(b) and 11-43(d) reveals that they are in fact analogous to the lumped-element coupled-resonator examples discussed earlier. The major differences are that transmission lines replace the inverters and the additional resistor Rc represents the loss associated with each capacitor. Also in the distributed domain each inductor or capacitor represents a short- or open-circuited stub, respectively, which is one-quarter wavelength long at the frequency fq . The open-circuited stubs may, however, be approximated by lumped
1:N 1 Rc C Z2 Z1
N:1 X
Z o,t
Z o,t
1:N 1 C Rc Z2 Z1 C Rc Z o,t RL
1 Rc
(d) Figure 11-43 Equivalent subcircuits of Figure 11-42: (a) utilizing the network model; (b) even-mode subcircuit; (c) odd-mode subcircuit; and (d) odd-mode subcircuit after Kuroda transformation with Z1 = 1/Z0e , Z2 = (Z0e Z0o )/(2Z0e Z0o ). RL = , RL = 100 , RL = 50 .
capacitors for miniaturization purposes. Thus over the operating band the performance of the even- and odd-mode subcircuits is very close to that of their lumped-element counterparts. In summary, centered at a frequency f0 , the structure of the Marchand balun maximizes differential power delivery to the load while minimizing the gain of common-mode signals.
DC bias may be easily applied through the short-circuited ports (labeled b in Figure 11-39) with the use of decoupling capacitors. The mathematical formulations for the total even- and odd-mode impedances with lumped capacitors are derived from Figure 11-43(b) and 11-43(c) as follows: ZEVEN (S) = with coefcients
2 N1 = 2Z0t Z1 f CRL
N1 S 2 + N2 S D1 S 2 + D2 S + D3
D3 = Z0t RL , N1 S 3 + N2 S 2 + N3 S D1 S 3 + D2 S 2 + D3 S + D4
2 N1 = Z0t RL Z1
N2 = N3 =
2 D1 = Z0t Z1
In Equations (11.141) and (11.147) S is the Richards variable dened in Section 10.11 on Page 552 as tan () = tan ((/2) (f /fq )) and fq is the frequency at which the distributed lines of the balun are one-quarter wavelength long. In the above equations Z0t is the characteristic impedance of the uncoupled transmission lines while Z0e Z0o Z1 = (11.155) 1 and Z2 = Z0e Z0o 1 Z0e Z0o Z0e + Z0o
2 Z0e Z0o Z0e +Z0o 2
with Z0e and Z0o being the even- and odd-mode impedances of the coupled lines forming the balun. The total even- and odd-mode impedances presented to the pseudo-differential active circuit are in general complex, and thus may be written in the following notation: |ZEVEN (S)| = |ZODD (S)| = {ZEVEN (S)} + {ZEVEN (S)} {ZODD (S)}2 + {ZODD (S)}2 .
2 2
(11.157) (11.158)
Hence the procedure for determining the circuit parameters of the new biasing circuit is fairly simple. Suitable choices of the characteristic impedances Z1 and Z2 solve Equations (11.155) and (11.156) for the even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances Z0e and Z0o respectively. Selection of the characteristic line impedance Z0t together with the choice of capacitance value, C, fully determines Equations (11.141) and (11.147). The magnitudes of the total even- and odd-mode impedance functions may then be evaluated using Equations (11.157) and (11.158). The commensurate length of the transmission lines will be determined by the value of C. Zero capacitance results in the lines being one-quarter wavelength long at the center of the operating band, otherwise miniaturization of the lines is feasible. An example that shows the overall characteristics of the magnitudes of the even- and odd-mode impedances without lumped capacitors is depicted in Figure 11-44 for a range of single-ended load resistances, RL .
Operating Bandwidth
The operating bandwidth of the balun is dened here by the crossover frequencies where |ZEVEN (S)| = |ZODD (S)| . (11.159) At the crossover frequency points (see Figure 11-44), the CMRR of the pseudo-differential circuit is 1 and the balun has similar performance to that of the nondiscriminative inductor-based biasing circuit. For a certain choice of circuit parameters the frequency points at which the even- and odd-mode impedances cross over may be altered, facilitating adjustment of the discriminative bandwidth. This is demonstrated in Figure 11-45 through a set of examples using the design procedure described in the above section. It is worth emphasizing that the total even- or odd-mode impedances of Equations (11.141) and (11.147) are the impedances of the input of the balun in parallel with the single-ended load resistance, RL . This implies that in order for the pseudo-differential circuit to deliver its power to the load, it is necessary that the output signal at each arm sees the correct impedance. Of course there will only be a perfect match at the center of the band (since the input balun impedance is then innite) but not at the crossover frequency
Figure 11-44 Calculated magnitudes of the total even- and odd-mode impedances for a range of single-ended load resistances with circuit parameters Z0e = 208 , Z0o = 51 , Z0t = 137 , and C = 0 pF.
points. However, a slight mismatch will only degrade the transfer of power slightly and is therefore acceptable. Figure 11-44 illustrates this argument for a 50 system for a particular choice of balun circuit parameters. In this example the magnitudes of the total even- and odd-mode impedances at the crossover frequencies are approximately 43 . However, for a 100 system it is obvious (see Figure 11-44) that the impedance levels are much lower than 100 at the cross over frequencies, causing a big mismatch that needs to be compensated for by adjusting the element values of the balun. Generally the higher the system impedance, the higher the coupling required between the coupled lines of the balun.
The remaining design aspect to be discussed is the effect of transmission line loss and also loss of the lumped capacitors if circuit miniaturization is desired. Modication of the total even- and odd-mode impedances to take into account the effect of substrate, conductor, and capacitor shunt
Figure 11-45 Calculated magnitudes of the total even- and odd-mode impedances for an innite single-ended load resistance, RL with the following circuit parameters: for f1 , Z0e = 157.32 , Z0o = 58.45 , Z0,t = 90 , C = 0 pF; for f2 , Z0e = 205.36 , Z0o = 47.82 , Z0,t = 100 , C = 0 pF; and for f3 , Z0e = 307.26 , Z0o = 22.24 , Z0t = 80 , C = 0 pF.
N1 S 2 + N2 S D1 S 2 + D2 S + D3
N2 = Z1 RL Z0t RC +
2 Z0t RL RC
N1 S 3 + N2 S 2 + N3 S D1 S 3 + D2 S 2 + D3 S + D4
with coefcients:
2 N1 = Z0t RL Z1 RC
N2 = N3 = D1 =
2 RL Z2 Z0t Z1
D2 = Z1 Z2 RL RC + Z1 Z0t RL RC + D3 = Z2 Z0t Z1 RC +
2 Z2 Z0t RC
D4 = Z2 Z0t RL RC .
Now S is the general Richards transformation, accounting for loss dened as S = tanh ( + ) = tanh ( + (/2) (f /fr )) , (11.174) and is the attenuation constant in Nepers/m. With no miniaturization capacitors (i.e., C = 0, Rc = ) and a nite value of , the same circuit parameters that generated the plots of Figure 11-44 are now fed back into the modied equations (Equations (11.160) and (11.166)) from which their magnitudes are evaluated using Equations (11.157) and (11.158). Figure 1146 highlights the effect of parasitic loss. This plot assumes innite singleended load impedance (i.e., it represents the input impedances of the balun itself). The effect of loss manifests itself as a degradation of the magnitudes of the even- and odd-mode impedance levels. At resonance, the odd-mode impedance is very high, but nite, and likewise the opposite is true for the even-mode impedance. These impedances, in parallel with the singleended load impedance, directly impact the achievable CMRR of the system and increase insertion loss. However, the plots of Figure 11-46 assume no capacitors for miniaturization purposes. Normally, lumped capacitors will possess nite Q that will further deteriorate the CMRR and reduce power delivery to the next stage. This point is demonstrated by measurements in the next section.
Experimental Results
A differential power amplier (HELA-10B) from Mini-Circuits [194] with a gain of 10 dB was selected for experimental proof of concept. The chip is powered by a single +12 V DC power supply via a pair of external lumped inductors and consists of a pair of ampliers in a pseudo-differential amplier conguration. As the ampliers are on the same chip, their gains and phase are well matched. The amplier has an excellent second-order
Figure 11-46 Calculated magnitudes of lossy even- and odd-mode impedances for an innite single-ended load resistance, RL , with circuit parameters: Z0e = 208 , Z0o = 51 , Z0t = 137 , C = 0 pF , = 0.2 Nepers/m.
intercept of 88 dBm operating from 50 MHz to 1 GHz in a 50 system. A number of distributed biasing circuits were implemented and integrated with the pseudo-differential amplier. The design objective was to achieve broadband bandwidth of 1.5:1, and high odd-mode and low even-mode RF bias circuit impedances. Inductor-Based Biasing The amplier was tested rst with a conventional inductor-based biasing circuit. A pair of high-Q lumped inductors of value 0.75 H, were used and the circuit tested in both differential and common modes. The measured common- and differential-mode gains are 10 dB and 9.5 dB, respectively, as shown in Figure 11-47(a). This illustrates the nondiscriminatory bandwidth produced using the conventional inductor-based biasing scheme. Distributed Biasing To verify the properties of the differential biasing circuit, the Marchand balun structure with a center frequency of 580 MHz was designed. The optimized balun parameters are Z0e = 208 , Z0o = 51 , Z0t = 137 and
(b) Figure 11-47 Measured common-mode gain, Ac , and differential-mode gain, Ad : (a) with inductor-based biasing circuit with lumped inductors of 0.75 H; and (b) with balun-like biasing circuit without lumped capacitors with circuit parameters Z0e = 208 , Z0o = 51 , Z0t = 137 , and tan = 0.016.
C = 0 pF. The even- and odd-mode impedances were calculated based on a choice of Z1 = 129.5 , Z2 = 222.92 from Equations (11.141)(11.158). By referring to Figure 11-44 it can be seen that when the single-ended load impedance is 50 the magnitude of the total odd-mode impedance is desirably at over the specic frequency band. This represents optimum power transfer to the load in a 50 system. The HELA-10B chip was integrated with the balun on an FR-4 PCB with a substrate thickness of 6.2 mil (0.157 mm), relative dielectric constant of 4.7, and loss tangent of 0.016. The above impedances were then converted into physical dimensions
using a commercial CAD tool and the nal circuit optimized. The resulting coupled lines were found to be 7 mil (0.177 mm) wide, 7 mil apart, and 3031 mil long. The transmission lines connecting the output ports of the RF chip to the coupled lines were 7 mils wide, and 3031 mil long. The differential- and common-mode gains are shown in Figure 11-47(b). While the differential-mode gain is more than 10 dB in the center of the band, the common-mode gain dips to 10 dB at the resonant frequency. Thus the device now discriminates between the common- and differential-mode signals. The measured bandwidth, dened as (f /f0 ) is 34% of the resonant frequency of 580 MHz, that is 1.4:1 bandwidth. Distributed Biasing With Miniaturization Capacitors In another design operating at 580 MHz, the transmission lines were chosen to be resonant at 3580 = 1740 MHz. This yields a reduction in overall size by a factor of three, with C = 5.6 pF. In Figure 11-48(a) the measured response (with high-Q capacitors, Q 400) is depicted. It is worth investigating the effect of loading the capacitors with resistors, as this drops their effective Q. This was done with the objective of replacing the lumped capacitors with tunable components having moderate Qs to improve overall system functionality. For example, the Q of a BST capacitor ranges between 30 and 60. Figure 11-48(b) illustrates the gains after loading the lumped capacitors with resistors to drop their Qs to about 30. It is obvious from Figure 11-48 that the loss degrades the performance of the circuit. In the case of high-Q capacitors, the measured differential-mode gain is 10 dB. However, the common-mode gain is hardly affected and notches at the center frequency to 10 dB. In the case of low-Q capacitors, the commonmode gain only notches to 0 dB and the differential gain reduces from 10 dB to 9 dB. The measured bandwidth in the two cases is 31% of the resonant frequency of 580 MHz, that is 1.36:1 bandwidth. It is also observed from Figure 11-48 that the common-mode gain does not notch exactly at the center of the operating band, as was the case without lumped capacitors (see Figure 11-47(b)). This implies that the frequency at which the odd-mode impedance of the balun peaks is different from the frequency at which its even-mode impedance is a minimum. This conict arises due to the addition of lumped capacitors that cause asymmetry in the characteristics of the even- and odd-mode impedances. This may be resolved by ne-tuning of the lumped capacitors and optimization of the rest of the circuit elements of the equivalent even- and odd-mode subcircuits of the balun structure.
One of the aims of this section was to show that network synthesis and the invention of appropriate topologies is an essential part of RF and
(b) Figure 11-48 Measured common-mode gain, Ac , and differential-mode gain, Ad : (a) with miniaturized balun-like biasing circuit using high Q lumped capacitors with circuit parameters Z0e = 208 , Z0o = 51 , Z0t = 137 , C = 5.6 pF , Rc = , and tan = 0.016; and (b) with miniaturized balun-like biasing circuit using high-Q lumped capacitors loaded with resistors with circuit parameters: Z0e = 208 , Z0o = 51 , Z0t = 137 , C = 5.6 pF, Rc = 1.2 k, and tan = 0.016.
microwave circuit design. The distributed biasing circuit presented here addresses two major problems that result from inductive biasing: the limited Q of inductors and the unity CMRR of pseudo-differential ampliers. The physical structure comprises transmission lines and a pair of identical
Class A, AB, B, C
Switching Amplier
Figure 11-49 DC and RF loadlines: (a) loadlines of Class A, B, and C ampliers; and (b) loadlines of switching ampliers.
coupled lines in the form of a Marchand balun. The circuit is inherently discriminatory, yielding nite CMRR. With the distributed biasing circuit, low-loss transmission line sections almost eliminate bias circuit loss and at the same time provides high CMRR. A more sophisticated synthesis resulting in distributed biasing of differential ampliers with broadband common-mode suppression is presented in Section 13.3 on 766.
Switching Ampliers
Switching ampliers are a conceptual departure from Class A, AB, B, and C ampliers, as can be seen in the typical AC loadline of a switching amplier, shown in Figure 11-49(b), compared to the loadlines of Class A, AB, B, and C ampliers, shown in Figure 11-49(a). This dynamic loadline is obtained by presenting the appropriate harmonic impedances to the transistor amplier. The particular scheme of harmonic termination (e.g., short or open circuits at the even and odd harmonics) leads to the designation of a switching amplier as Class D, E, F, etc. The key characteristic of a switching amplier is that when there is current through the transistor, there is negligible voltage across the output. Also, when there is voltage across the transistor, there is little current through it (see Figure 11-49(b)). The power dissipated by the transistor is approximately the product of the current through it and the voltage across the output. Thus the switching amplier consumes very little DC power, transferring nearly all of the DC power to the RF signal. Bandpass ltering of the output of the amplier results in a nal RF output with little distortion. Switching ampliers are emerging as the preferred
Table 11-9 Theoretical maximum efciencies of amplier classes. Amplier Class Class A (resistive bias) Class A (inductive bias) Class B Class C Class E Class F Maximum Efciency 25% 50% 78.53% 100% 96% 88.36%
Table 11-10 Efciency reductions due to signal type. The class A amplier uses inductive drain biasing. Signal FSK (MSK, GMSK) QPSK /4DQPSK OQPSK 8PSK 64QAM PAR (dB) 0 3.6 3.0 3.3 3.3 7.8 Efciency Reduction Factor 1.0 0.437 0.501 0.467 0.467 0.166 Class A (L bias) PAE 50% 21.9% 25.1% 23.4% 23.4% 8.3% Class E PAE 96% 42% 48.1% 44.8% 44.8% 15.9%
linear amplier in both handsets and base stations of cellular systems. The theoretical maximum power-added efciencies achieved by the various amplier classes are given in Table 11-9. With modulated signals, the maximum efciencies cannot be achieved, so that typically the average input power of the amplier must be backed off by the PAR of the signal so that the peak carrier portion of the signal has limited distortion. Generally the acceptable distortion of the peak signal occurs at the 1 dB compression point of the amplier. This is only an approximate guide, but useful. The PARs of several digitally modulated signals are given in Table 1110, together with their impact on efciency. If there are two carriers, then the PAR of the combined signal will be higher, requiring greater amplier backoff [195]. In practice, the efciencies will differ from these theoretical values because of loss in the amplier and the trade-off between efciency and distortion. This is because the PAR does not fully capture the statistical nature of signals, and because of coding and other technologies that can be used to reduce the PAR.
11.11 11.11.1
Noise Introduction
Noise together with nonlinear distortion set the bounds on the signals that can be processed in an RF circuit. Noise establishes the minimum detectable signal, while nonlinear distortion, by introducing distortion of the constellation diagram, sets the level of the largest signal from which information can be reliably extracted. The range is referred to as dynamic range and is one of the performance limits characterizing analog circuits. In this section, noise is considered rst and then in the next expressions for dynamic range are developed.
Source of Noise
Noise is due to random uctuations. but does not always have a at frequency spectrum as would be expected from a Gaussian uniformly random process. A comprehensive treatment of noise requires an understanding of random processes [196]. The review here of sources of noise is derived from Kriplani et al. [196], Kriplani [197], and Hartnagel [198]. Noise in RF and microwave systems includes noise from the environment as well as noise generated within the circuitry itself. Noise from the environment can have galactic origins, when it is known as cosmic background noise, from black-body radiation, or can be articially generated noise. In cellular communication systems the major source of interference is from other phones and base stations in the cellular system. Provided this is uniformly random over the communication band, it can be treated as random noise. Uniformly random noise is also called white noise and can be modeled by a resistor held at a what is called the noise temperature. A noisy resistor generates white noise which has a uniform power spectral density (PSD), as shown in Figure 11-50. A noisy resistor can be modeled by a noise-free resistor and a random voltage or current source denoted by vn and in , respectively (see Figure 11-51). The sources vn and in are random and their PSDs are related by Svn (f ) = R2 Sin (f ). (11.175)
Thermal noise sources are random up to frequencies of several hundreds of gigahertz (above which quantum effects become important) and the noise PSD of a resistor R at temperature T is [198] Svn (f ) = so that
2 vn = 4kT R, B
2 vn = 4kT BR .
Rnoisy vn (t)
Rnoisy i n (t)
Figure 11-51 Thermal noise equivalent circuits: (a) noisy resistor modeled as a noise free resistor in series with a random noise voltage source vn ; and (b) noisy resistor modeled as a noise free resistor in parallel with a random noise current source in .
Here k is the Boltzmann constant, T is in kelvin, and B is the bandwidth in hertz. Two noise voltage sources, vn1 and vn2 , are in series and can be partly correlated. The two noise sources can be replaced by a single source Vn where 2 2 2 vn = vn1 + vn1 + 2Cn1,n2 vn1 vn2 . (11.178) Cn1,n2 is the correlation coefcient, and 1 Cn1,n2 1. If the sources are uncorrelated, as they would be for two resistors, Cn1,n2 = 0 and
2 2 2 vn = vn1 + vn1
Correlation of noise sources is important to modeling noise in transistors. Shot noise is particularly important with semiconductor devices but was rst observed by Schottky in 1926 in vacuum tubes. It is due to the discrete nature of current ow and is important when there is a region that is
scarce of free carriers. In transistors and diodes, carriers cross a depletion region and generate a pulse of current. The noise that is created by the separable pulses has a at frequency spectrum and can be modeled by a white noise source. Shot noise, however, is proportional to current ow and hence biasing of RF circuits should minimize DC current relative to the RF current. The PSD of shot noise current is Si (f ) = 2qI(t), (11.180)
where I is the instantaneous current. So shot noise varies during an RF cycle as the current ow varies. The third type of noise that is of concern with RF and microwave circuits is icker noise, sometimes called 1/f (one over f) noise because of the power spectral density shape. Flicker noise is due to traps in a semiconductor and surface traps. A free carrier is immobilized or trapped when it falls into a trap, that is, a recombination center. When several such carriers are trapped, it means that they are not available for conduction and as a result, the resistance of the semiconductor is modulated. The uctuations are characterized by multiple relaxation times. The result of a uniform distribution of relaxation times is PSD that has a 1/f shape. Random noise and interference in RF an microwave systems are often treated the same, and they can be if both are uniformly random processes.
Noise Measures
Ampliers, lters, and mixers in an RF front end process (e.g., amplify, lter, and mix) input noise the same way as an input signal. In addition, these components can contribute excess noise of their own. Without loss of generality, the following discussion will consider noise with respect to the amplier shown in Figure 11-53(a), where vs is the input signal. The noise signal, with source designated by vn , is uncorrelated and random and must be described as an RMS voltage or by its noise power. The most important noise-related metric is the SNR. With the noise power input to the amplier, Ni , and the signal power input to the amplier, Si , the input SNR is SNRi = Si /Ni . If the amplier is noise free then the input noise and signal powers are amplied by the power gain of the amplier, G. Thus the output noise power is No = GNi , the output signal power is So = GSi , and the output SNR is SNRo = So /No = SNRi . In practice, an amplier is noisy, with the addition of excess noise, Ne , indicated in Figure 11-53(b). The excess noise originates in different components in the amplier and is either referenced to the input or the output of the amplier. Most commonly it is referenced to the output so that the total output noise power is No = GNi + Ne . In the absence of a qualier, the excess noise is referred to the output. Ne is not measured directly. Instead, the ratio of the SNR at the input to that at the output is
(b) Figure 11-52 Shot noise: (a) normalized transient shot noise voltage in time; and (b) normalized power spectral density as a function of frequency. After Kriplani [197].
vn vs G RL
Ni Si
No So
Ni Si
G, F
No So
Figure 11-53 Noise and two-ports: (a) amplier; (b) amplier with excess noise; and (c) noisy two-port network.
and this is the way it is normally measured. If the circuit is noise free then SNRo = SNRi and F = 1. If the circuit is not noise free, then SNRo < SNRi and F > 1. F can be related to the excess noise produced in the circuit and from this relationship the noise of a cascaded system can be calculated. With the excess noise, Ne , referred to the circuit output, F = SNRi SNRi 1 Si N o = = SNRo 1 SNRo N i So Si GNi + Ne = Ni GSi Ne . =1+ GNi
One of the conclusions that can be drawn from this is that the noise factor, F , depends on the available noise power at the input of the circuit. As a standard reference, the available noise power, NR , from a resistor at standard temperature T0 (290 K), and over a bandwidth B is used: Ni = NR = kT0 B, (11.183)
where k is the Boltzmann constant. If the input of an amplier is connected to this resistor and all of the noise power is delivered to the amplier then F =1+ Ne GNi Ne =1+ . GkT0 B
Several random physical processes inside a circuit contribute to excess noise, and not all of these process vary linearly with temperature. Consequently F is a function of temperature, although usually a weak one. It is also a function of bandwidth, and there is a problem in using F with cascaded systems in which bandwidths vary for different subsystems. Even with all these problems, F is the most important measure used to characterize noise. It can be used to determine the noise performance of a cascade, when the noise factors and gains of the subsystem constituents are known. F is the ratio of powers, and when expressed in decibels, the noise gure (NF) is used: NF = 10 log10 F = SNRi (dB) SNRo (dB).
Development of the noise factor of a cascade begins by considering the noise contributions of the rst system, and then the next cascaded system, and so on. The majority of RF and microwave systems are organized as
Ni Si
G1 , F 1
G2 , F 2
No,2 S o,2
No,1 S o,1
Figure 11-54
cascades of two-port networks with an input port and an output port, as shown in Figure 11-54. If the excess noise contribution of an amplier is ignored, the output noise power will be No = GkT0 B . (11.186) With excess noise, Ne , from the amplier included, the output noise power is No = GkT0 B + Ne = GkT0 B(1 + Ne /(GkT0 B)) = F GkT0 B. Rearranging this equation the excess noise power can be written as Ne = (F 1)GkT0 B . EXAMPLE 11. 3 Noise Figure of an Attenuator (11.188) (11.187)
What is the noise gure of a 20 dB attenuator in a 50 system? Solution: Denoting the attenuator as being in a 50 system indicates that an appropriate circuit model to use in the analysis consists of the attenuator driven by a generator, with a 50 source impedance, and the attenuator drives a 50 load. Also, the input impedances of the terminated attenuator is 50 , as is the impedance looking into the output of the attenuator when it is connected to the source. The key point is that the noise coming from the source is the noise thermally generated in the 50 source impedance, and this noise is equal to the noise that is delivered to the load, as the impedance presented to the load is also 50 . So the input noise, Ni , is equal to the output noise: No = Ni . The input signal is attenuated by 20 dB (= 100). So So = Si /100, (11.190) (11.189)
and thus the noise factor is F = and the noise gure is NF = 20 dB. (11.192) So the noise gure of an attenuator (or lter) is just the loss of the component. This is not true for ampliers of course, as there are other sources of noise, and the output impedance of a transistor is not a thermal resistance. Si No Si Ni SN Ri = = = 100 SN Ro Ni So Ni Si /100 (11.191)
Section 11.11.3 developed the noise factor and noise gure measures for a two-port. This result can be generalized for a system. Considering the second stage of the cascade, the excess noise at the output of the second stage, due solely to the noise generated internally in the second stage, is Ne,2 = (F2 1)kT0 BG2 . Then the total noise power at the output of a two-stage cascade is No,2 = (F2 1)kT0 BG2 + No,1 G2 (11.194) (11.195) (11.193)
The second term above is the noise output from the rst stage amplied by the second gain. Generalizing the above result yields the total noise power at the output of the mth stage:
m n m
No,m =
(Fn 1) kT0 B
Gi + F1 kT0 B
i=2 n=1
Gn .
Thus an m-stage cascade has a total cascaded system noise factor of F T = No,m GT Ni,1 , with GT being the total cascaded available gain and Ni,1 being the noise power input to the rst stage. In terms of the parameters of individual stages, the total system noise factor is F T = F1 + that is, F T = F1 +
F2 1 F3 1 F4 1 + + + ; G1 G1 G2 G1 G2 G3
Fn 1 . m i=n Gi1
Input Si Ni G1 , F1
Figure 11-55
Output Filter IL = 3 dB G2 , F2 So No
Consider the cascade of a differential amplier and a lter shown in Figure 11-55. (a) What is the midband gain of the lter in decibels? Note that IL is insertion loss. (b) What is the midband noise gure of the lter? (c) The amplier has a gain G1 = 20 dB and a noise gure of 2 dB. What is the overall gain of the cascade system in the middle of the band? Express your answer in decibels. (d) What is the noise factor of the cascade system? (e) What is the noise gure of the cascade system? Solution: (a) G2 = 1/IL thus G2 = 3 dB.
(b) For a passive element, NF2 = IL = 3 dB. (d) (c) G1 = 20 dB and G2 = 3 dB and so GTOTAL = G1 |dB + G2 |dB = 17 dB. F1 = 10NF1 /10 = 102/10 = 1.585 F2 = 10NF2 /10 = 103/10 = 1.995 G1 = 1020/10 = 100 G2 = 103/10 = 0.5 . Using Friis formula FTOTAL = F1 + (e) NFTOTAL = 10 log10 (FTOTAL ) = 10 log10 (1.594) = 2.03 dB. (11.200) F2 1 1.995 1 = 1.585 + = 1.594 . G1 100 (11.199)
Figure 11-56 Amplier model for noise factor calculation. IS is the source generator and YS is the Thevenin equivalent admittance of the source.
The parameters that dene the noise gure were set forth by Haus et al. [199] in 1960 and are used by transistor manufacturers in their datasheets. The amplier model used in noise factor computation is shown in Figure 11-56. The noise factor of a two-port amplier is F = Fmin + rn 2 ys yopt , gs (11.201)
where rn = (Rn /Z0 ) is the equivalent noise resistance of the two port. Fmin is the minimum noise factor obtained by adjusting tuners at the input of the amplier. The normalized admittance presented by the tuners at Fmin is yopt . With ys (= YS /Z0 ) being the actual normalized admittance, Equation (11.201) enables the noise factor to be calculated for an actual design. The parameters describe the effect of internal amplier noise source and how they are correlated. The parameters can be dened for an amplier or a transistor in a two-port conguration. More commonly today, noise parameters are reported in terms of reection coefcients. The source reection coefcient, s , comes from ys = 1 s 1 + s (11.202)
and the optimum source reection coefcient, opt , comes from yopt = 1 opt . 1 + opt (11.203)
1 + opt
Together Fmin , rn , and opt are called the noise parameters of a device, and as indicated, must be measured. The noise parameters of the pHEMT previously considered are given in Table 11-11.
Table 11-11 Noise parameters of the enhancement-mode pHEMT transistor presented in Figure 11-8. Fmin is the minimum noise factor, NFmin is the minimum noise gure, and n is source reection coefcient yielding Fmin . Frequency (GHz) 0.90 1.80 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.20 4.00 5.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 Fmin 1.07 1.09 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.19 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.51 NFmin (dB) 0.29 0.38 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.53 0.61 0.72 0.77 0.83 0.93 1.04 1.14 1.25 1.35 1.46 1.57 1.67 1.78 n degrees 0.747 0.623 0.795 0.640 0.670 0.617 0.542 0.465 0.431 0.366 0.262 0.188 0.135 0.162 0.183 0.270 0.343 0.431 0.573 n () 15.70 24.95 37.45 47.15 47.90 51.20 68.70 85.00 91.10 101.15 122.10 153.60 -165.60 -126.80 -85.95 -68.40 -50.25 -43.95 -25.80 Rn /50 0.165 0.176 0.158 0.159 0.160 0.156 0.141 0.120 0.114 0.107 0.096 0.100 0.121 0.138 0.187 0.239 0.355 0.461 0.604
The design of a linear amplier for best noise performance requires that s = opt . This changes the input matching network design presented in Section 11.7.4. In general the design for best noise performance does not yield the best gain. The reduction in gain is usually small however. In Section 11.7.4 the input matching network was conjugately matched, yielding maximum amplier gain (the output matching network had already been designed). For best noise performance the input matching network is not conjugately matched and instead the input reection coefcient looking into the matching network from the active device is opt . As a result, maximum gain is not obtained. The interpretation of why this is necessary is that a particular mismatch minimizes the noise contributions of partially correlated internal active device noise sources. Techniques have been developed involving noise and gain circles that enable the trade-off in design to be made [183]. In modern RF and microwave design, however, if noise performance is of concern, two or more amplier stages are used with the rst stage designed for optimum noise performance and subsequent stages designed for maximum gain.
1 dB
Pout (degrees)
Pin (dB)
Pin (dB)
Figure 11-57 Nonlinear effects introduced by RF hardware: (a) amplitude (AM-AM) distortion; and (b) phase (AM-PM) distortion.
Distortion imposes a fundamental limit to the practical efciency that can be realized by an amplier. Distortion originates when the output signal from an amplier approaches the extremes of the loadline so that the output is not an exact amplied replication of the input signal. For a one-tone signal, the amplitude gain of the signal rolls off as the input power increases, as shown in Figure 11-57(a). This gure plots the amplitude of the output sinewave against the amplitude of the input sinewave, putting both amplitudes in terms of power. The plot is called the AM-to-AM (AM-AM) characteristic of the amplier. The ideal amplier would follow the linear relationship between the output and input powers. The AM-AM characteristic is linear at low input powers, but eventually the gain compresses and the output power drops in proportion to the input power. At large powers, the parasitic capacitances of the transistors in the amplier vary the signal phase, and hence phase distortion results. Figure 11-57(b) shows what is called the AMto-PM (AM-PM) characteristic. The AM-AM distortion is generally more signicant, and considerable departure from the linear response occurs before the output phase varies appreciably. In Figure 11-57(a), the 1 dB gain compression point is at the point where the difference between the extrapolated linear response exceeds the actual gain by 1 dB. P1dB is the output power at the 1 dB gain compression point and is the single most important metric of distortion, and amplier designs use P1dB as a point of reference. Phase distortion generally occurs at higher powers (see Figure 11-57(b)). While Figure 11-57 presents the distortion characteristics for a single sinewave, it has proved to be a good indicator of performance with modulated signals. A two-tone signal consisting of two sinusoidal signals is a better representation of modulated signals. A signal linearly combining (adding) two sinusoidal signals of equal amplitude is shown in Figure 11-
Figure 11-58 A two-tone signal: (a) a two-tone input waveform; and (b) distorted output showing compression (dashed waveform is undistorted).
58(a). When the input signal to a Class A amplier is large the extremes of the signal on the loadline (see Figure 11-11) are compressed when the signal reaches its extremities. This results in the saturated output waveform shown in Figure 11-58(b). In the frequency domain, this distortion shows up as additional tones so that this distortion is said to produce intermodulation products (IMPs) as shown in Figure 11-59. Here f1 and f2 components have the frequencies of the two tones comprising the two-tone signal. The extra ones in the output, f3 and f4 , are the intermodulation tones. In Figure 11-59, the tone at f3 = 2f1 f2 is known as the lower IM3 (or lower intermod) and f4 = 2f2 f1 is known as the upper intermod. As well as the amplitude distortion resulting in additional tones, there is phase distortion as captured by the AM-PM characteristic. Ampliers, however, introduce less phase distortion than amplitude distortion, which is fortuitous since most communication systems encode information in the phase or frequency rather than in the amplitude.
Amplier design consists of both design for low-power linear operation, requiring maximum power transfer at the input and output of the amplier, and a trade-off of acceptable distortion and efciency. In practice, a certain level of distortion must be tolerated, and what is acceptable is embedded in the specications for the various wireless systems. For low distortion, the peaks of the RF signal must be amplied linearly, however, the DC power consumed depends on the amplier class. With Class A ampliers, the DC power must be sufcient to provide undistorted amplication of the largest RF signal so that the DC power is proportional to the peak AC power. The situation is similar for Class AB ampliers, with the difference being that the intent is to live with some distortion of the peak signal so that the relationship between peak power and DC power still exists, but the direct proportionality no longer holds. For Class C and higher class ampliers, the DC power is mostly proportional to the average RF power. So for Class A and Class AB ampliers, the average operating point must be backed off to allow for manageable distortion of the peaks of a signal, with the level of back-off required being proportional to the PAR. For Class C and higher classes, the back-off required comes from experience and experimentation. The characteristics of the signal also determine how much distortion can be tolerated. The PAR of the signal is an indication of the type and amount of distortion that can be tolerated. The PAR of the two-tone signal is 6 dB, and digitallymodulated signals can have PARs ranging from 0 dB to 10 dB or more. A signal with a higher PAR results in lower efciency, as more back-off is required. Putting this another way, the DC bias must be set so that there is minimum distortion when the signal is at its peak, but the average RF power produced can be much less than the peak RF power. (It is approximately an amount PAR below.) Thus for a high-PAR signal, generally a higher DC power is required to produce the same RF power. This is especially true for Class A ampliers. Efciency can be increased by using switching ampliers. The PAR of a modulated signal is an indication of how much information is being transferred in the amplitude of the signal. For example, a GMSK signal has a PAR of 0 dB, and there is no information in the amplitude of a signal so that a highly efcient Class C amplier can be used, as any amplitude introduced does not matter. Signals that have higher PARs contain increasing amounts of information in the amplitude of the signals. AM-AM and AM-PM distortion and two-tone distortion also provide indications as to the distortion that occurs with both analog and digitallymodulated signals. Distortion with digitally modulated signals consists of in-band and out-of-band distortion. Out-of-band distortion is represented in Figure 11-60, where the spectra at the input and output of a nonlinear system are shown. The process that results in increased levels in the adjacent sidebands is called spectral regrowth. This distortion is approximately captured by the intermodulation distortion with a two-tone signal. The
(b) Figure 11-60 Input and output spectra of a digitally modulated signal: (a) a digitally modulated signal at the input of a nonlinear amplier; and (b) at the output of the amplier.
generation of signal in the adjacent channel affects the function of other radios and the level of signal is contained in system specications. Distortion generated in-band affects the ability to interpret the constellation
OIP3 Po3 Po No
1 1 1
Pi3 IIP3
Pi3 Pi (dB)
Figure 11-61 Output power versus input power of a stage or system plotted as output power in decibels versus input power in decibels. The IP3 response is a result of two-tone intermodulation, and the input power is the combined power of the two signals that have equal amplitude. Extrapolations of the 1:1 linear response and the 3:1 third-order intermodulation response intersect at the IP3 point.
Dynamic Range
While modern communication and radar systems use digitally-modulated signals, two-tone signals are used to approximately characterize nonlinearity and in manual calculations. At low powers before compression becomes a factor, the fundamental response has a 1:1 slope with respect to the input, as shown in Figure 11-61. The IP3 response varies as the cube of the level of input tones when both tones vary by the same amount, as is common in a two-tone test. Thus IP3 has a 3:1 logarithmic slope with respect to the input. Since the relations are linear in a log-log sense, it is possible to describe the nonlinear performance of an amplier by a quantity called the Dynamic Range (DR) or by the similar Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR). SFDR describes the difference between the level at which a signal is distorted and the level of noise (i.e., the noise oor). DR is similar to SFDR except that the level of the Minimum Discernible Signal (MDS) is used instead of the noise oor. MDS is higher than the level of the noise oor by the minimum acceptable SNR (SNRMIN ). SNRMIN is dependent on the type of modula-
tion, on hardware inadequacies (captured by the implementation margin),, on processing gain, and on the error correction coding used in a particular communications protocol. In the following, an expression for SFDR is developed in terms of input-referenced quantities and this form of the SFDR is called the input referred SFDR, (SFDRi ). A similarly referenced dynamic range (DRi ) is also developed. Figure 11-61 illustrates the input-output relationship of a one-tone signal to the IP3 response of a subsystem and also graphically denes the dynamic ranges. The point of intersection of the extrapolated linear output (of power Po ) and third-order (IP3) output (of power PIP3 ) is called the thirdorder intercept point (IP3 intercept). The point is identied by the outputreferred intercept power (OIP3) or by the input referred IP3 intercept power (IIP3), and these are key parameters in describing the linearity of nonlinear subsystems. In the linear gain region, Po versus Pi has a slope of 1:1, so that PdBm,i = PdBm,o GdB , (11.205)
where GdB is the power gain in decibels. Po is used here as the output power, with PdBm,o indicating the output power in dBm. Pi and PdBm,i are similarly dened. In terms of input quantities IIP3dBm = OIP3dBm GdB , (11.206)
where again the dBm subscript indicates that the quantity is expressed in decibels referred to 1 mW. The nonlinearity of RF active components results in harmonics and intermodulation components. With the narrowband ampliers of communication and radar systems, output lters conveniently lter out harmonics. However, intermodulation distortion cannot be ltered out, as these components are within the main passband. The intermodulation components are therefore spurious tones. Generally just one of these denes the maximum spurious tone and nearly always it is the third-order intermodulation tone with a two-tone input. Consideration of the maximum spurious tone and the noise oor denes the SFDR. Examining Figure 11-61 leads to the following inequality describing the linear gain of the amplier: OIP3dBm PdBm,o OIP3dBm PdBm,o = IIP3dBm PdBm,i (OIP3dBm GdB ) PdBm,i = 1.
Here, Po , Pi , OIP3, and IIP3 are the output power, the input power, the input-referred IP3 intercept, and the output-referred IP3 intercept. The third-order response is characterized by rst introducing an equivalent
input power, PdBm,i3 (Pi3 expressed in dBm), dened as the average power of the two-tone signal that generates an IP3 of power PdBm,o3 . Noting that PdBm,o3 varies with a 3:1 logarithmic slope with respect to PdBm,i3 , then OIP3dBm PdBm,o3 =3 (OIP3dBm GdB ) PdBm,i3 or PdBm,i3 = (11.208)
1 (2 OIP3dBm + PdBm,o3 3GdB ) . (11.209) 3 The SFDR can now be dened when the third-order intermodulation product of two-tone excitation is the dominant spurious tone. The SFDR is dened as the difference between Pi3 and Pi when they produce IP3 and linear output respectively that are both equal to the output noise power, No (see Figure 11-61); that is, when Po = Po3 = No . Replacing PdBm,o in Equation 11.209 with No gives PdBm,i3 = 1 (2 OIP3dBm + NdBm,o 3GdB ) 3 PdBm,i = NdBm,o GdB . (11.210)
and (11.211) Note that the difference between the linear output and the third-order intermodulation reduces as the input power increases above Pi3 . Thus the output-referred SFDR is SFDRdB,o = = = PdBm,i3 PdBm,i (11.212) 2 1 OIP3dBm + 3 NdBm,o GdB NdBm,o + GdB 3 2 (OIP3dBm NdBm,o ) . 3
A similar development can be used to dene the input-referred SFDR: SFDRdB,i = 2 (IIP3dBm NdBm,i ) . 3 (11.213)
Note that Ni is the input-referred noise and includes noise applied to the subsystem as well as the noise produced internally in the subsystem and referred to the input. The SFDR provides a combined measure of distortion and noise. However, for usable dynamic range the minimum acceptable SNR must be considered. The minimum SNR (SNRMIN ) required is determined by the communication or radar modulation format, error coding, and acceptable BER. So in dening DR the input power of the desired signal must increase sufciently to produce an SNR of at least SNRMIN . Since the desired spurious level is still at the noise oor, this
VDD L1 R1 = 500 vi
C1 M1
vo R2 = 500
Figure 11-62 Class A inductively-biased MOSFET amplier.
implies a direct subtraction in decibels of the desired SNR. Therefore the input-referred third-order dynamic range, preferred for receivers, is DRi = 2 (IIP3 NdBm,i ) SNRMIN 3 (11.214)
and the output-referred dynamic range, preferred for transmitters, is DRo = 2 (OIP3 NdBm,o ) SNRMIN . 3 (11.215)
Intercept Point
The amplier shown in Figure 11-62 is modeled, after expansion around the operating point, 3 by a nonlinear transconductance with iDS = a1 vGS + a3 vGS with a1 = 0.01 A/V and 3 a3 = 0.1 A/V . L1 is an RF choke and can be assumed to present an open circuit at the operating frequency. C1 is a biasing capacitor and can be treated as a short circuit at the operating frequency. R2 is the load resistance. (a) What is the small signal voltage gain of the amplier? (b) If the input signal is a two-tone signal consisting of two equal amplitude sinewaves at 900 MHz and 901 MHz, what are the frequencies in the spectrum of vo , the output voltage across R2 ? (c) If a single sinusoid of amplitude 100 mV is applied to the gate of the MOSFET, what is the level of the fundamental tone at the output of the amplier? What is the level of the third harmonic? (d) What is the input-referred third-order intercept point, IIP3, of the amplier? (e) What is the output-referred third-order intercept point, OIP3, of the amplier?
Solution: (a) When the input signal vi is small, iDS = a1 vi so the small-signal output voltage is vo = iDS R2 = a1 R2 vi , and the small signal voltage gain is A= vo = a1 R2 = 0.01 500 = 5. vi
(b) Eventually the symbolic amplitudes of the mixing terms will be required, so a trigonometric expansion is undertaken now. To minimize complexity consider two cosinsoids, A cos(x) and B cos(y). The input to the amplier is vGS = A cos(x) + B cos(y). The output of the amplier is ` 3 vo = iDS R2 = R2 a1 vGS + a3 vGS = R2 a1 [A cos(x) + B cos(y)] + a3 [A cos(x) + B cos(y)]3 = R2 a1 [A cos(x) + a1 B cos(y)] + a3 [A cos(x) + B cos(y)] [A cos(x) + B cos(y)]2 = R2 {a1 [A cos(x) + a1 B cos(y)] +a3 [A cos(x) + B cos(y)] A2 cos2 (x) + 2AB cos(x) cos(y) + B 2 cos2 (y) = R2 a1 A cos(x) + a1 B cos(y)
+ a3 [A cos(x) + B cos(y)] 2 A B2 1 1 + + A2 cos(2x) + B 2 cos(2y) + AB cos(x y) + AB cos(x + y) 2 2 2 2 (11.216) = R2 a1 [A cos(x) + B cos(y)] 3 A AB 2 1 1 + a3 + cos(x) + A3 cos(x) cos(2x) + AB 2 cos(x) cos(2y) 2 2 2 2 2 A B B3 + cos(y) + A2 B cos(x) cos(x y) + AB 2 cos(x) cos(x + y) + 2 2 1 1 + B 3 cos(y) cos(2y) + A2 B cos(y) cos(2x) + AB 2 cos(y) cos(x y) 2 2 + AB 2 cos(y) cos(x + y)
= R2 a1 [A cos(x) + a1 B cos(y)] 3 A AB 2 1 + a3 + cos(x) + A3 [cos(x) + cos(3x)] 2 2 4 1 1 2 + AB [cos(2y x) + cos(x + 2y)] + A2 B [cos(y) + cos(2x y)] 4 2 2 1 2 A B B3 + A B [cos(y) + cos(2x + y)] + + cos(y) 2 2 2 1 1 + B 3 [cos(y) + cos(3y)] + A2 B [cos(2x y) + cos(2x + y)] 4 4 1 1 2 + AB [cos(x) + cos(2y x)] + AB 2 [cos(x) + cos(2y + x)] (11.217) 2 2 3 3AB 2 3A + cos(x) = R2 a1 A cos(x) + a1 B cos(y) + a3 4 2 3 3B 3AB 2 B3 3 + + cos(y) + cos(3y) + A2 B cos(2x y) 4 2 4 4
So with x representing 900 MHz and y representing 901 MHz, the frequencies in the putput spectrum are 899 MHz, 900 MHz, 901 MHz, 902 MHz, 2700 MHz, 2701 MHz, 2702 MHz, and 270 3 MHz. (c) From Equation (11.218) and considering only one tone (i.e., B = 0), the output signal is 3a3 A3 a3 A3 vo = R2 a1 A cos(x) + cos(x) + cos(3x) 4 4 So the coefcient of the fundamental at the output is 3a3 A3 cos(x)) vo = R2 a1 A cos(x) + 2 Here A = 100 mV so Fundamental output level = (500 ) [(0.01 A/V) (0.5 V) +(0.1 A/V3 ) (0.1 V)3
(d) To answer this determine the level of the fundamental and the third-order intermodulation product for small vGS and with the two input tones having the same amplitude A = B = vGS . For a resistance nonlinearity, such as the transconductance here, the level of the lower and upper third-order intermods are the same. So, after examining Equation (11.218), consider cos(x) and cos(2x y). The fundamental (at cos(x)) is vo (900 MHz) = R2 a1 vi , and the level of the lower third-order intermod is 3 vo (899 MHz) = R2 a3 (vi )3 4 IIP3 is the value of vi when vo (900 MHz) = vo (899 MHz), that is 3 R2 a1 vi = R2 a3 (vi )3 . 4 That is when s r 4a1 4 0.01 vi = = 0.3651 V = 365.1 mV 3a3 = 3 0.1 AIIP3 = 365.1 mV.
Normally IIP3 is expressed in terms of power. Considering Figure 11-62, E = 2vi , and so the available input power is Pav = Thus IIP3 = 1 0.36512 A2 = = 0.0001333 W = 0.1333 mW = 0.875 dBm IIP3 2R1 2 500
2 1 vi v2 = i . 2 R1 2R1
(e) The voltage output-referred intercept point is AOIP3 = |A| AIIP3 = 5 0.3651 V = 1.8255 V and OIP3 = (Power gain) IIP3 = R1 2 A 0.1333 mW = 3.333 mW = 5.23 dBm R2
11.14 11.14.1
Distortion and Digitally Modulated Signals PAR and Probability Density Function
where N is the number of counts per bin, A is the bin amplitude width, and Nc is the total number of samples. The shape of the amplitude density between the mean and peak amplitude inuences the sensitivity of a particular signal to spectral regrowth due to nonlinear gain compression or expansion. For example, Figure 11-63 shows the APDF for a CDMA mobile transmitter using OQPSK modulation, the same signal using QPSK modulation, a real Gaussian signal, and a complex Gaussian QPSK signal (with I and Q each having Gaussian distribution), where the average power of each signal is set to 0 dBm. Gaussian signals are of particular interest because their simple statistics lend them, and their interaction with nonlinearities, to quasi-analytic treatment. The PAR for each signal is shown
Amplitude variations occur with digital modulation schemes. For example, a QPSK signal consists of two digital data streams, equal in amplitude, modulated in quadrature onto a carrier signal. The resulting signal would have a constant envelope; however, the occupied bandwidth is quite large, as the spectrum of a pulse train is sin(x)/x, the sinc function. The rst sidelobe of the sinc spectrum is only 13 dB down from the carrier level and is in the middle of the adjacent channel. To reduce the spectrum, a low-pass lter is typically applied to each digital data stream to minimize the out-ofband spectrum of the modulated signal. This comes with a drawback: the lters cause a nite memory effect resulting in amplitude variations as the ringing energy from a previous data pulse adds to the current ltered data pulse. Amplitude variations of the modulated signal are characterized by measured waveform statistics such as the PAR. A signal with a high PAR requires that the RF system have high linearity to handle the average power requirements and the peak amplitude excursions without generating excessive out-of-band distortion. However, it is possible for a signal with a higher PAR to exhibit less nonlinear distortion than a signal with lower PAR [200]. The reason for this apparent inconsistency is because the signal peak is a singular point measurement with typically a low probability of occurrence. Thus PAR by itself is an incomplete statistic for determining the linearity requirements for a transmitter to carry a signal. The Amplitude Probability Density Function (APDF) is a more complete statistical description of the amplitude variations of a modulated signal. The APDF denes the maximum and minimum variation along with the relative probability of occurrence of amplitudes within the variation. The APDF is typically estimated from a histogram of amplitudes, with a uniform bin size, by N f (A) = , (11.223) A Nc
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Table 11-12 Peak-to-average ratios in decibels for OQPSK and QPSK used in CDMA compared to the PARs of Gaussian signals. Signal Modulation OQPSK CDMA QPSK CDMA Real Gaussian Complex Gaussian PAR (dB) 5.4 6.6 13.5 11.8
in Table 11-12. The shape of the amplitude density after the mean differs for both signals where it can be seen that it is difcult to determine, a priori, which signal will be more sensitive to nonlinear gain compression. For example, even though QPSK has a higher PAR than OQPSK, the probability that the OQPSK signal is near the peak is higher than for the QPSK signal. It is not surprising then that the measured spectral regrowth of a OQPSK signal is higher than for a QPSK signal. So PAR is only a rough guide to the distortion that is produced.
Design Guidelines
Generally an amplier is not operated in saturation or near the Third Order Intercept (TOI) point. An exception is with constant or near-constant envelope modulation schemes such as FM, GMSK, SOQPSK, FOQPSK, and SBPSK. With little variation in the amplitude of the RF signal, saturating ampliers can be used. With nonconstant envelope modulation schemes (i.e., the signal PAR is more than 0 dB), the variation in the amplitude of the modulated RF carrier will result in signal distortion and spectral regrowth (i.e., power will be dumped into the neighboring communication channel). One general rule of design is to ensure that the peak of the RF pseudocarrier is at or below the 1 dB gain compression point. The amplier is said to be backed off by an amount PAR below the 1 dB gain compression point. Generally, however, third-order intermodulation is a much greater concern, as this relates to the amount of power dumped into neighboring channels. Modern communication schemes can require that the adjacent channel spectral regrowth be as much as 80 dB below the power in the main channel. As a result, the signal must be backed off considerably from the TOI point. The TOI is obtained from a two-tone characterization and thus is a weakly accurate indicator of distortion with a digitally modulated signal. However it is a simple measurement to make and understand, so it is widely used. Experience provides a rule-of-thumb for the back-off needed to obtain the necessary spectral regrowth required to meet the specications for a particular modulation format and transistor technology. While TOI and the 1 dB compression point only refer to amplitude distortion there will also be phase distortion. Phase distortion will affect the performance of constant envelope modulation schemes so the 1 dB compression point and TOI also provide some indication of possible distortion with constant envelope schemes. EVM and BER are much better metrics for all digital modulation schemes but these are much more difcult to use in guiding initial design of RF hardware.
Silicon RFICs exploit the high-density integration possible with silicon MOSFET transistors. These transistors can be fabricated with high levels of repeatability so that the transistors in differential designs can be closely matched. As well, the inherent compatibility with digital circuits enables digital control of RF circuits. As far as ampliers are concerned, there are a few commonly used basic circuits that use complementary MOSFETs (nMOS and pMOS) or CMOS transistors. MOSFET differential ampliers have been presented throughout this chapter. Other common CMOS circuits are shown in Figure 11-64. The transistors in all the circuits described here operate in the saturation region. A cascode amplier is shown in Figure 11-64(a). There are two FETs, with
V DD L vo M2 vi M1
V DD L1 vo VG1 vi
M2 M1
I1 M1
I2 M2
+_ VOUT M2 M3 M1
Figure 11-64 MOS analog circuits: (a) cascode amplier; (b) variable gain cascode amplier; (c) current mirror; (d) differential pair; (e) multi tanh triplet implementation of a differential pair providing enhanced linearity.
the top FET acting as the drain load of the bottom FET. The gate of the top FET is held at ground so the voltage at the source of the top FET (and the drain of the bottom FET) is held at a nearly constant voltage. Thus the top FET presents a low-resistance load to the bottom FET. The voltage gain of the FET is low, and this reduces the Miller effect capacitance, which is the effective input capacitance (being the gate-drain capacitance multiplied by the transistor voltage gain). The cascode topology increases the bandwidth of the circuit. Current gain, and hence power gain, is still realized by the bottom transistor. The voltage gain of the circuit depends on the resistance presented to the drain of the top transistor. A variable gain cascode amplier is shown in Figure 11-64(b). This is similar to the cascode amplier of Figure 11-64(a), but now the voltage at the gate of the top transistor is selected so that a variable resistance is presented to the bottom transistor, thus the voltage gain of the circuit can be varied. FET circuits are nearly always current biased, so circuits that realize current sources and current matching are particularly important. In Section
M4 + VIN
Q4 + VIN Q5 VOUT Q2 Q3 _V EE
M3 M1
Differential pair with a current mirror: (a) MOSFET circuit; and (b)
11.8 it was shown how a single MOSFET can be used to realize a current source. If the gate-to-source voltage of a MOSFET is xed, a near-constant current source is realized (see the drain-source current equation, Equation (11.17)). A differential amplier circuit with a variable current source is shown in Figure 11-64(d). What is particularly interesting is that the transistor controlling the bias to the current source can be part of a digital circuit enabling digital control of the analog circuit bias. This is a fundamental component of a software-dened radio and of digital control of analog circuits, including RFICs. For example, modern RFICs incorporate digitally controlled trimming of RFICs to achieve, for example, enhanced IQ balance of quadrature modulators. Another circuit that controls current in an RFIC is the current mirror shown in Figure 11-64(c). In this circuit, I1 = I2 , as the gate-source voltages of transistors M1 and M2 are the same. The drain-gate connection of M1 ensures that the gate-source voltage will be whatever is needed to support the current (I1 ) that is derived from the rest of the circuit. A CMOS differential amplier with current mirror load is shown in Figure 11-65(a). In this conguration the current mirror presents a high differential impedance. If the load impedance presented to the terminal, labeled VOUT , is less than this load, then the current mirror loaded differential amplier realizes a single-ended output while having the essential functionality of a differential circuit to reject common-mode signals. There is a price to pay for this functionality. The circuit of Figure 11-65(a) has three drain source voltage drops between the rails. This reduces the available voltage swing. This is one of the major problems encountered with RFICs, as the supply voltage is dictated by the relatively low supply voltages that can be supported in a process that is optimized for low-voltage digital circuits. A current mirror can also be realized using BJTs with the BJT-based current mirror loaded differential pair shown in Figure 11-65(b) as an example.
Mathematically the (simplied) input-output characteristics of MOSFETs are rather simple, being essentially a quadratic (see Equation (11.17) on Page 602). It is a challenge to take such fundamental algebraic models and derive the equations that describe the operation of a complete circuit; a challenge that must be addressed in the synthesis of a circuit with required distortion and noise attributes. It can be shown that the relationship between the drain current and the drain source voltage has the form of a tanh function [207]. In terms of the transconductance, gm , it appears as a quadratic-like function with a peak value at a drain voltage that is controlled by the W/L ratio. By putting several differential pairs in parallel, with each pair having staggered W/L ratios, a compound differential amplier with enhanced linearity can be realized [209, 210]. This circuit is known as a multi-tanh differential pair. A triplet multi-tanh differential pair is shown in Figure 11-64(e). Detailed RFIC design involves the algebraic derivation of the required conditions. This network synthesis applied to RFICs is explored in numerous references [109, 174, 202206, 208] as well as a large number of papers on RFIC design. Synthesis to control distortion and noise is the heart of RFIC design. Collecting novel circuit topologies, and the techniques to synthesize them, from conference and journal papers and patents is an essential part of RFIC design; which is not that different from all other forms of circuit design. Figure 11-66 is a photomicrograph of a 90 nm WCDMA transmitter. The design consists of three blocks: an upconverting mixer (MIXER), a variable gain cascode amplier (VGA), and a two-stage driver amplier. The mixer circuit is considered in Section 12.3.4 on Page 720. The schematic of the output amplier stages is shown in Figure 11-67. The variable gain amplier, the VGA block, is a cascode amplier with variable biasing of the top FET in the cascode to realize a variable gain. Each of the ampliers in the two-stage driver amplier is driven at a different VDD so that the nonlinearities of the two stages cancel and thus the overall performance of the driver amplier is linearized [209, 211].
The circuits considered in this section are examples of how algebriac calculations can be used to manage distortion in a transistor circuit.
In this section power series analysis is applied to the MOS enhancementdepletion amplier stage shown in Figure 11-68(a). The circuit in Figure 1168(a) is a Class A amplier with a common-source enhancement gain stage and a depletion transistor as an active load. Recall that with a MOSFET the voltage of the substrate has an important effect on operation of the
Figure 11-66 Photomicrograph of a 90 nm CMOS WCDMA transmitter showing: (MIXER) the upconversion mixer and quadrature LO divider; (VGA) the cascode variable gain amplier; and the two-stage driver amplier with 9.6 dBm output power. Die size is 1.11.4 mm. After Yang and Gard [209] and Yang [211]. Copyright K. Gard and X. Yang, used with permission.
Figure 11-67 Three stage amplier of the WCDMA receiver shown in Figure 1166: (a) is a variable gain cascode amplier; and (b) is the two stage driver amplier. After Yang and Gard [209] and Yang [211]. Copyright K. Gard and X. Yang, used with permission.
Figure 11-68 MOS amplier stages: (a) enhancement-depletion amplier stage; and (b) ultra-linear MOS amplier stage with an enhancement-mode gain stage and an enhancement-mode load.
transistor. With enhancement-mode transistors the substrate or body is typically connected to the most negative voltage in the circuit, in this case ground. So, since M1 has the body connected to the source, there is no body effect for M1 . However for M2 the body effect must be accounted for. Using a simple MOSFET quadratic input-output relationship, ID1 = K1 K2 2 2 (VA + VX VT 0E ) = VT D = ID2 2 2 (11.224)
The aim here is to develop a relationship between the input signal VX and the output signal VY . The rst step in developing a simple relationship is to relate the operating point voltage levels. With VX = VY = 0 K1 (VA VT OE ) = V1 + K2 Combining (11.224) and (11.225) yields K1 (VA + VX VT OE ) = V1 + K2 K1 (VA + VX ) K2 2F + VB + VY (11.227) 2F + VB . (11.226)
K1 (VT OE ) = V1 + K2
2F + VB + VY
K1 VX = K2 K1 VX K2 and nally
2F + VB
2F + VB + VY
(11.229) (11.230)
2F + VB
= 2 (2F + VB + VY )
K1 2 V 2 K2 X
K1 K2
2F + VB = 2 VY .
Therefore, the component of the output that differs from the quiescent pont is K1 2 2 K1 2F + VB VX + VY = V (11.232) K2 K2 X which simplies to VY = with 1 b K1 K1 2 VX + V K2 K2 X (11.233)
b= 2F + VB
HD2 =
K1 V 2 K2 X K1 K2 VX
1 b
b 2
K1 |VX | K2
So, if there is a lot of voltage gain ( K1 /K2 ) the input signal level must be small to keep the harmonic distortion down. Other design considerations that have the same effect are to use a wider device which increases the transconductance of the transistor so that the drain current will be maintained for the lower input voltage levels. Of course, making the device wider increases capacitive parasitics which will reduce the operating frequency. Making the channel of the device shorter also increases the transconductance while not affecting the frequency performance. The important point is that there are tradeoffs in modifying the performance of the circuit and these are only made apparent using the type of analysis presented here. The type of analysis presented here is the cornerstone of analog IC and RFIC design.
Transistor M2 in the circuit of Figure 11-68(b) is an n-channel enhancement load with its well tied to its source. That is, in the fabrication of M2 a well
is formed and the transistor is constructed in the well. The well now serves as the substrate for M2 . Since the well and the source of M2 are connected together, M2 is not subject to the body effect. One important property of this circuit is that the characteristics of M1 and M2 are matched. Using a similar approach to that used in the previous section, the input/output relationship of the circuit can be developed. Equating drain currents ID1 = ID2 K1 2 (VA + VX VT 0E ) = 2 K2 2 = (VDD VB VY VT 0E ) 2 Given VX = VY = 0, K1 (VA VT 0E ) = VDD VB VT 0E . K2 Therefore K1 VX + (VDD VB VT 0E ) = (VDD VB VY VT 0E ) , K2 and VY = K1 VX . K2 (11.238) (11.237) (11.236)
The result is that, provided the transistors are matched, the amplier is inherently linear. So, within the approximations of the drain current expressions, there is no distortion, including no third-order intermodulation distortion or spectral regrowth.
Amplier design is a major endeavor and many books have been written about particular aspects of RF and microwave amplier design. This chapter covered the main topics and also presented treatments that are broadly applied. Power amplier design is a broad topic and one of intense interest. A power amplier can be a class AB or higher with the switching ampliers of particular interest for commercial applications below 6 GHz. Power ampliers are the subject of a very large number of journal papers and several books. The reader is directed to references [183, 186, 217219, 221 224, 224, 227]. Understanding, analyzing, and characterizing distortion, and there are numerous references available [200,212216,220,225,226,228230].
IL = 3 dB IL = 1 dB G1 = 25 dB
2. The Class A BJT amplier in the gure below has an RF choke providing collector current and acting as an open circuit at RF. The load, RL , is driven through a capacitor C which is effectively a short circuit at RF. The maximum undistorted efciency of this circuit is 50%. Derive this efciency. Ignore the base-emitter voltage drop, VCE,min , and note that the maximum of VO is VCC , allowing a voltage swing of VCC around the collector quiescent operating voltage. [Parallels Example 11.1 on Page 616]
(a) What is the k factor of Rollets stability criterion? (b) What does Rollets stability criterion indicate about the stability of the transistor? (c) What is the factor of Edwards-Sinsky stability criterion? (d) What does Edwards-Sinsky stability criterion indicate about the stability of the transistor? 5. A MOSFET amplier has the small signal S parameters S11 = 0.9 85 , S12 = 0.05 15 , S21 = 2.5 100 , and S22 = 0.85 50 . at 5.6 GHz. (a) Calculate the radius and center of the output stability circle. Assume that |in | < 1. (b) Draw the output stability circle on a Smith chart. (c) Draw conclusions from the plot of the output stability circle. That is, what restrictions are placed on the output matching network? 6. A MOSFET amplier has the small signal S parameters S11 = 0.9 85 , S12 = 0.05 15 , S21 = 2.5 100 , and S22 = 0.85 50 . at 5.6 GHz. (a) Calculate the radius and center of the input stability circle. Assume that |out | < 1. (b) Draw the input stability circle on a Smith chart. (c) Draw conclusions from the plot of the input stability circle. That is, what restrictions are placed on the input matching network? 7. A MOSFET amplier has the small signal S parameters S11 = 0.9 85 , S12 = 0.05 15 , S21 = 2.5 100 , and S22 = 0.85 50 . at 5.6 GHz. (a) What is the maximum unilateral transducer gain? (b) What is the maximum available power gain? (c) What is the maximum stable power gain? (d) What is the unilateral power gain?
3. The Class A BJT amplier in the gure below has a load, RL , and a maximum undistorted efciency of 25%. Derive the efciency of this amplier in terms of RE and RL . Asume that VCC is much greater than VBE . [Parallels Example 11.1 on Page 616]
4. A MOSFET amplier has the small signal S parameters S11 = 0.9 85 , S12 = 0.05 15 , S21 = 2.5 100 , and S22 = 0.85 50 . at 5.6 GHz.
8. Consider the design of a 15 GHz inductivelybiased Class A amplier using the pHEMT documented in Figure 11-8. Use the topology shown in Figure 11-22. (a) If the input of the transistor is terminated in 50 , what is the impedance looking into the output of the transistor? (b) Design a two-element output matching network for maximum power transfer. 9. Design an amplier for maximum stable gain using the discrete pHEMT transistor described in Figure 11-8. The design specications are Gain: Topology: maximum gain at 24 GHz three two-ports (input and output matching networks, and the active device) broadband stability maximum that can be achieved using two-element matching networks ZS = 10 ZL = 50
What is the noise gure (NF) and gain of the cascade amplier? 12. The front end of a receiver for a cellular phone has a bandpass lter with a 25 MHz passband and a loss of 2 dB and is followed by two amplier stages. The rst stage has a gain of 20 dB and a noise gure of 0.5 dB and the second stage has a gain of 60 dB and a noise gure of 2 dB. (a) Sketch the block diagram of the system as described. (b) What is the gain of the system? (c) What is the noise gure of the bandpass lter? (d) What is the noise gure of the system? (e) The system is now connected to an antenna with an effective noise temperature of 30 K and which delivers a signal of 10 pW to the bandpass lter. Determine the noise temperature at the output of the system and hence the noise power in the 25 MHz bandwidth. Determine the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the front-end system. 13. A 75 attenuator has a loss of 16 dB and is between a source with a Thevenin impedance of 75 and a load of 75 . (a) What is the noise power, Ni , available from the 75 source resistor at standard temperature (270 K) in a 1 MHz bandwidth? (b) Now consider that the source is connected to the attenuator which is also connected to the load. If the source generates a modulated signal that is 1 MHz wide and has an available power, Si , of 1 fW, what is SNRi at the input to the attenuator at standard temperature? (c) With the attenuator connected to the source, what is the Thevenin equivalent impedance looking into the output of the attenuator? (d) Calculate the noise power, No , available from the attenuator with the source attached at standard temperature (270 K) in a 1 MHz bandwidth?
Stability: Bandwidth:
Source Z: Load Z:
Follow the procedure described in Section 11.7 on Page 636. 10. The system shown below is a receiver with band pass lters, ampliers and a mixer. [Parallels Example 11.4 on Page 678]
(a) What is the total gain of the system? (b) What is the noise factor of the rst bandpass lter? (c) What is the system noise factor? (d) What is the system noise gure? 11. An amplier consists of three cascaded stages with the following characteristics: Characteristic Gain NF Stage 1 10 dB 0.8 dB Stage 2 15 dB 2 dB Stage 3 30 dB 2 dB
(e) What is the signal power, So , delivered to the load? (f) What is the SNR at the load, SNRo ? (g) What is the noise factor, F , of the attenuator? (h) What is the noise gure, NF, of the attenuator? 14. A single-stage amplier has a gain of 16 dB, an output 1 dB gain compression point of 10 dBm, and an output-referred third-order intercept point, OIP3 = 30 dBm. The noise oor at the output of the amplier is 60 dBm. The communication protocol has a minimum SNR, SNRMIN of 6 dB. (a) What is the dynamic range of the amplier? (b) What is the SFDR of the amplier? 15. A single-stage amplier has a gain of 16 dB, an output 1 dB gain compression point of 10 dBm, and an output-referred third-order intercept point, OIP3 = 30 dBm. (a) What is the maximum sinusoidal input signal when the output of the amplier is compressed by 1 dB. (b) What is the input-referred third-order intercept point, IIP3? 16. Short answer questions. Each part requires a short paragraph of about ve lines and a gure where appropriate to illustrate your understanding. (a) Consider a two-tone signal and describe intermodulation distortion. (b) Describe the effect of a lossy lter on the SNR. Consider signals at the input and output of the lter? (c) What is meant by 1 dB gain compression? (d) Consider a digitally-modulated signal and describe the impact of a nonlinear amplier on the signal. You must include several (at least) negative effects. 17. An inductively biased Class A HBT amplier is biased with a collector-emitter quiescent voltage of 5 V and a quiescent collectoremitter current of 100 mA. When operated
at the 1 dB compression point, the input RF power is 10 mW and the output power is 100 mW. Consider that the RF signal is a sinewave, and note that quiescent collectoremitter voltage will be the supply rail voltage. (a) What is the quiescent DC power consumed? Express your answer in milliwatts. (b) What is the output power in dBm? (c) What is the efciency of the amplier? Note that the efciency of a class A amplier can be more than 25% if distortion can be tolerated. (d) What is the power-added efciency of the amplier? (e) If the input power is reduced by 10 dB so that the amplier is no longer in compression, will the DC quiescent point change? Explain your answer. (f) If the input power is reduced 10 dB so that the amplier is no longer in compression, what is the output power in dBm? Ignore any change in the quiescent point. (g) With 1 mW input power, what is the power-added efciency of the amplier if the quiescent point does not change? 18. The distortion properties of the MOSFET circuit below are captured by the nonlinear transconductance equation iDS1 = a1 VGS1 + 3 a3 VGS1 where a1 = 0.01A/V and a3 = 0.1A/V3 . [Parallels Example 11.5 on Page 688]
VDD R1 = 250 vi vo M1
(a) What is IIP3 in terms of voltage? (b) What is OIP3 in terms of voltage?
19. The distortion properties of the MOSFET circuit below are captured by the nonlinear transconductance equation iDS2 = b1 VGS1 + 3 b3 VGS2 where b1 = 0.05A/V and b3 = 0.2A/V3 .
(a) What is the IIP3 in terms of voltage? (b) What is the OIP3 in terms of voltage? 21. An amplier consists of two cascaded stages. The rst stage has a gain G1 = 20 dB, an output 1 dB gain compression point P1o (1 dB) = 0.1 dBm, and an output-referred third order intercept, POIP3 = 0 dBm. The second stage has a gain G2 = 30 dB, an output 1 dB gain compression point P2o (1 dB) = 1 dBm, and an output-referred third order intercept, POIP3 = 20 dBm. (a) Develop a symbolic expression for the input referred 1 dB gain compression point of the cascade amplier. (b) What is the input-referred 1 dB gain compression point of the cascade amplier? (c) Develop a symbolic expression for the IIP3 of the cascade amplier. (d) What is IIP3 of the cascade amplier? 22. A single-stage amplier has a gain of 16 dB, an output 1 dB gain compression point of 10 dBm, and an output-referred third-order intercept point, OIP3 = 30 dBm. A communication signal with a PAR of 6 dB is used. What is the maximum average power of the input signal before the output suffers signicant compression. This is dened at the point at which the peak signal is compressed by 1 dB.
L1 vi
vo R2 = 50
(a) What is the IIP3 in terms of voltage? (b) What is the OIP3 in terms of voltage? 20. The distortion properties of the MOSFET circuit below are captured by the nonlinear transconductance equations iDS1 = a1 VGS1 + 3 3 a3 VGS1 and iDS2 = b1 VGS1 + b3 VGS2 , where a1 = 0.01A/V, a3 = 0.1A/V 3 , b1 = 0.05A/V and b3 = 0.2A/V3 .
R1 = 250
vo R2 = 50
M2 vi M1
Mixers, oscillators, and switches utilize strong nonlinear effects to achieve their objectives. The main function of a mixer is to translate the information contained in a nite bandwidth signal from one center frequency to another where it is either more easily processed (if it is lower) or more easily radiated (if it is higher). RF oscillators generate sinusoidal signals that are either used to drive mixers or, if modulated, to produce modulated signals directly. Switches can be realized by a number of elements but the most common switches in RF engineering are based on FETs or diodes, or are miniature (micromachined) mechanical switches controlled by an applied DC voltage. The rst section of this chapter examines diodes used in microwave engineering. The next section presents mixers and their applications. Mechanical, transistor-based, and diode switches are then considered. The nal section of this chapter presents an in depth design of a VCO.
Table 12-1 IEEE standard symbols for diodes and a rectier [117]. Symbol is not an IEEE standard symbol but is commonly used.
Component Diode, general (pn junction) Gunn diode Pin diode Light emitting diode (LED) Rectier Schottky diode Varactor diode Zener diode
Diodes are two-terminal devices that have nonlinear current-voltage characteristics. Diodes are either fabricated using silicon or compound semiconductor, with GaAs being the most common. The most common diodes used in RF and microwave engineering are listed in Table 12-1 along with their standard symbols. Ideally a rectier allows current to ow in one direction and not in the other. A general diode, referred to as a junction diode or a Schottky diode, is one type of rectier, but rectiers are more general, and, for example, they can be realized using vacuum devices.
Junction diodes are two-terminal devices that derive their characteristics from the barrier effect that occurs at the junction of two different types of semiconductor (one with excess free holes and one with excess free electrons) or at the interface of a metal and a semiconductor. The result is an asymmetric current-voltage characteristic, as shown in Figure 12-1(a). This is not an ideal rectier characteristic, as it requires a threshold voltage to be reached before there is appreciable current ow. The diode characteristics are described by the following equation [168170] I = I0 exp qV nkT 1 (12.1)
where V is the voltage across the junction, q is the charge on an electron, k is the Boltzmann constant (1.37 1023 J/K), and T is the absolute temperature (in kelvin). I0 is the reverse saturation current and is small,
+ V
+ V
+ V Cj
Figure 12-1 Characteristics of a pn junction diode or a Schottky diode: (a) currentvoltage characteristics; capacitance-voltage characteristics; and (c) diode model.
with values ranging from 1 pA to 1 nA. The quantity n is the diode ideality factor, with n = 2 for graded junction pn junction diodes, and n = 1.0 for step junction diodes where the interface between p-type and n-type semiconductor materials is abrupt. The abrupt junction is most closely realized by a Schottky diode, where a metal forms one side of the interface (typically) replacing the p-type semiconductor. Carriers recombine quickly in the metal, much faster than they would in a p-type semiconductor. Hence a Schottky diode operates at higher frequencies than does a pn junction diode. A unity ideality factor, n, of 1 is the best that can be achieved. When the voltage is sufciently positive to cause a large current to ow, the diode is said to be forward biased. When the voltage is negative, the current ow is negligible, and the diode is said to be reverse biased. At sufciently large reverse bias, electrons are ripped from the valence bands of the semiconductor atoms and the current rapidly increases in a process called impact ionization or avalanche. The voltage at which this occurs is called the reverse breakdown voltage. In a semiconductor diode, charge is separated over distance and so a diode has appreciable capacitance, called the junction capacitance, mathematically modeled as
Cj (V ) =
Cj0 , (1 (V /))
where is the built-in potential difference across the diode. This capacitance prole is shown in Figure 12-1(b). The built-in potential is typically 0.6 V for silicon diodes and 0.75 V for GaAs diodes. The doping prole can be 1 adjusted so that can be less than the ideal 2 of an abrupt junction diode. Current must ow through bulk semiconductor before reaching the active region of the semiconductor diode, and so there will be a resistive voltage drop. Combining effects leads to the equivalent circuit of a pn junction diode or a Schottky diode, shown in Figure 12-1(c).
Varactor Diodes
A varactor diode is a pn junction diode operated in reverse bias and optimized for good performance as a tunable capacitor. Ideally it has low reverse saturation current, high reverse breakdown voltage, and a specic capacitance prole designed for a particular application. A common application is a VCO where the varactor, with voltage-dependent capacitance, C, is part of a resonant circuit (often called a tank circuit) with a lumped inductor, L. The resonant frequency of the tank circuit is proportional to 1/ LC, so by applying a voltage to a varactor diode, C changes, the resonant frequency of the tank circuit is tuned, and the oscillation frequency is changed. The capacitance versus voltage is described by Equation (12.2) and voltage dependence is shown in Figure 12-1(b).
PIN Diodes
A PIN diode is a variation on a pn junction diode with a region of intrinsic semiconductor (the I in PIN) between the p-type and n-type semiconductor regions. The properties of the PIN diode depend on whether there are carriers in the intrinsic region. The PIN diode has the current-voltage characteristics of a pn junction diode at low frequencies; however, at high frequencies it looks like a linear resistor, as carriers in the intrinsic region move slowly. When a forward DC voltage is applied to the PIN diode, the intrinsic region oods with carriers, and at microwave frequencies the PIN diode is modeled as a low-value resistor. At high frequencies there is not enough time to remove the carriers in the intrinsic region, so even if the total voltage (DC plus RF) across the PIN diode is negative, there are carriers in the intrinsic region throughout the RF cycle. If the DC voltage is negative, carriers are removed from the intrinsic region and the diode looks like a large-value resistor. The PIN diode can be used as a microwave switch controlled by a DC voltage.
Other Diodes
Any nonlinear two-terminal device can be called a diode, so it is not surprising that there are a large number of different types. The more common diodes are shown in Table 12-1. Gunn diodes are more correctly called Gunn devices and are sometimes referred to as transferred electron devices [168, 170]. They are n-type semiconductors and their properties derive from the complex band structure of compound semiconductors such as GaAs and InP. Under the right conditions, a charge domain (a local separation of net positive and negative charge) can form that establishes a negative differential resistance region. They are commonly used in oscillators. While they can operate at microwave frequencies, they
are not as frequently used today as they were, but they can operate at 100s of gigahertz. Transit time devices [234] exploit the nite time for carriers to cross semiconductor material. An IMPATT (impact ionization avalanche transittime) diode is a pn junction diode with a depletion region forming the transit time regions adjacent to the junction [232, 233]. When the diode is biased beyond the avalanche breakdown voltage, carriers are injected into the transit time region. A similar device is the TRAPATT diode (trapped plasma avalanche transit time diode), a pn junction diode, where the carrier injection results from a trapped space-charge plasma formed within the junction region [168, 238]. As a result of the transit time delay, the RF current through a DC-biased transit time device and the RF voltage across it can become out-of-phase to the extent that, at microwave frequencies, a transit time device can look like a negative resistance and so can be used as the active component of an oscillator [235]. They can be used as ampliers as a reection device with a reection coefcient greater than one [231]. They are not commonly used today. Zener diodes are pn junction or Schottky diodes that have been specially design to have sharp reverse breakdown characteristics [168]. They can be used to establish a voltage reference or, used as a limiter diode, to provide protection of more sensitive circuitry. As a limiter they are found in communication devices in a back-to-back conguration to limit the voltages that can be applied to sensitive RF circuitry. In semiconductor diodes, the recombination of holes and electrons can result in photons being generated. This effect is enhanced to form light emitting diodes (LEDs) [168, 170, 234, 236]. Tunnel diodes create a dynamic negative resistance through the physical process of electrons tunneling from one energy band to another in a highly doped semiconductor [168, 170, 237]. This occurs if the valence bands and conduction bands are sufciently close in energy-momentum space. In the late 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, tunnel diodes found use as active components of microwave and millimeter-wave oscillators. They have been replaced by more conventional semiconductor devices.
Frequency conversion, mixing or heterodyning, is the process of converting information at one frequency (present in the form of a modulated carrier) to another frequency. The second frequency is either higher, in the case of frequency up-conversion, where it is more easily transmitted, or lower, when mixing is called frequency down-conversion, where it is more easily captured. Capture of the down-converted signal is nearly always by an ADC. Frequency conversion occurs with any nonlinear element. In Figure
V cos(M t) M V cos(C t) C
i + v_
0.6 0.5 0.4 i 0.3 (A) 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -1.0 -0.6
2wC+ wM
3wC+ wM
wC+ wM
Figure 12-2 Diode mixer: (a) circuit; (b) diode current-voltage characteristic; (c) spectrum across the nonlinear device; and (d) schematic symbol for a mixer.
12-2(a) a nonlinear device is driven by two signals at m and c . The larger signal, the LO, is called the pump and the other signal is called the RF. The spectrum of the signals present in the circuit is shown in Figure 12-2(c). The aim here is to produce a signal at the difference frequency (or intermediate frequency (IF)) with the same modulation, and hence the same information, as the original RF signal. Two mixers based on transistors are shown in Figure 12-3. The transistor mixer shown in Figure 12-3(a) uses ltering to separate the RF, LO, and IF components. Filters can be large, so one of the particular advantages of the Gilbert mixer shown in Figure 12-3(b) is that it is a balanced mixer and ltering is not required to separate the various signals. The symmetrical (or balanced) nature of this circuit means that only differential mode signals at the input of the common source differential pairs can appear at the output. Thus the largest signal present, the LO, is suppressed. A balanced mixer can also be realized using diodes arranged in a ring to form the diode ring double-balanced mixer shown in Figure 12-4. This mixer has the advantage of being bidirectional, whereas the transistor mixer circuits of Figure 12-3 are unidirectional.
(b) Figure 12-3 Transistor-based mixer circuits: (a) single-ended FET mixer with LO, RF, and IF bandpass lters; (b) Gilbert mixer with baluns producing differential LO and RF signals.
Figure 12-4
Mixer Analysis
A mixer can be designed around any nonlinear device. Using an operational amplier, an ideal multiplier can be designed which will multiply two signals, each described as cosinusoids. If the LO cosinusoid is cos(1 t) and the input RF cosinusoid cos(2 t), the multiplication of the two signals will produce an output, y(t) = [cos(1 t)] [cos(2 t)] 1 = {cos[(1 2 )t] cos[(1 + 2 )t]} . 2
This has two components: one at the radian frequency (1 2 ); and the other at (1 + 2 ). If the LO and RF signal are close, then the component at
(1 2 ) will be at a frequency much lower than either the LO or the RF, and the component at (1 +2 ) will be at almost twice the input frequencies. Appropriate ltering will choose one of these components depending on whether the application is up-conversion or down-conversion. Operational ampliers are not available at microwave frequencies and at RF they do not have sufcient dynamic range. So circuits that do not realize ideal multiplication must be used. In this section, what happens when two components are applied to an arbitrary nonlinearity will be considered. The result is that a large number of tones will be generated in the mixing process. Balanced circuit designs can eliminate many of these tones, greatly reducing the ltering required. Filtering is of concern because efcient lters are large and communication devices must be miniaturized. A two-tone input x(t) = |X1 | cos(1 t + 1 ) + |X2 | cos(2 t + 2 ) can be written using complex notation as x(t) = 1 1 t X1 e + X1 e1 t + X2 e2 t + X2 e2 t . 2
Note that the coefcient of the positive exponential frequency component is one-half that of the phasor. Thus the phasor of the 1 component is X1 = () 1 and the phasor of the 2 component is X2 = |X2 |e() = 2X2 . |X1 |e = 2X So the rst three powers of x can be easily expanded manually; for example, expanding x2 gives x2 (t) = 1 2
2 2 X1 e21 t + 2X1 X1 + 2X1 X2 e(1 +2 )t + 2X1 X2 e(1 2 )t
2 + (X1 )2 e21 t + 2X1 X2 e(2 1 )t + 2X1 X2 e(1 +2 )t + X2 e22 t 2 22 t + 2X2 X2 + (X2 ) e , (12.4)
2 + 3X1 X2 e(21 2 )t + 3X1 (X1 )2 e1 t + 6X1 X1 X2 e2 t 2 + 6X1 X1 X2 e2 t + 3X1 X2 e(1 +22 )t + 6X1 X2 X2 e1 t + 3X1 (X2 )2 e(1 22 )t + (X1 )3 e31 t 2 + 3(X1 )2 X2 e(2 21 )t + 3(X1 )2 X2 e(21 +2 )t + 3X1 X2 e(22 1 )t 3 2 + 3X1 (X2 )2 e(1 +22 )t + X2 e32 t + 6X1 X2 X2 e1 t + 3X2 X2 e2 t + 3X2 (X2 )2 e2 t + (X2 )3 e32 t , (12.5)
so that the output of the cubic equation, y(t) = a0 + a1 x(t) + a2 x2 (t) + a3 x3 (t), can be calculated for a two-tone input. Table 12-2 lists these phasors and groups them according to frequency. The phasors of the various intermodulation products resulting from x, x2 , and x3 can be taken as the coefcients of the positive exponential frequency components after the factor of two correction for terms other than DC. Terms of the same frequency are summed to obtain the output at a particular frequency. For example, the phasor output at 1 is given by the sum of three intermodulation products: Y1 = a1 1 2 X1 + 3a3 1 2
3 2 X1 X1 + 6a3
1 2
3 X1 X2 X2 .
So the level of the output of a mixer is related directly to the strength of the LO signal (with amplitude |X1 |), the strength of the nonlinearity (captured by the an coefcients), and the level of the original signal |X3 |. Unfortunately, low-order power series analysis as used here is not sufcient to model practical mixers and computer-aided modeling tools are necessary.
The main characteristics that dene the performance of a mixer are the conversion gain or loss and the noise gure. There are others that dene other attributes. Mixing results from a nonlinear process, so most of the additional performance parameters derive from the generation of nonlinear responses in addition to the desired response. The mixer performance parameters are as follows. Conversion loss: This is the ratio of the available power of the input signal to that of the output signal after mixing. It is usually expressed in decibels. In the diode mixer shown in Figure 12-5, the conversion loss is LC = In decibels, the conversion loss is LC |dB = 10 log10 Pin (RF) . Pout (IF) (12.8) Pin (RF) . Pout (IF) (12.7)
Noise gure: The NF is 10 times the log of the noise factor F . The NF is the ratio of the SNR at the RF input to the SNR at the IF output (using the input noise generated by a resistor at standard temperature, 290K). However,
Table 12-2 The intermodulation products resulting from x, x2 , and x3 , where x is a two-tone signal, showing only the positive frequencies. The rst column gives the complex amplitudes of the frequency components.
Intermodulation Product
1 2 X1 X1 1 2 X2 X2
Frequency 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 21 22 31 32 1 + 2 1 2 21 + 2 21 2 1 + 22 22 1
Order 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
there are qualications for mixers. The rst is that two input signals (at the RF and image frequencies) can produce noise and signal power at the IF. The double-sideband (DSB) NF includes signal and noise contributions at both the RF and the image frequencies. Single-sideband (SSB) NF includes the input signal at the RF only, but includes noise at both the RF and at the image frequencies. Image rejection: If a mixer has an LO of 1.1 GHz and an RF of 1500 MHz, then the IF (the difference frequency) will be at 400 MHz. This IF can also be generated by a signal, called the image, at 700 MHz. Numerically this is the reection of the RF in the LO. Image rejection refers to the ability of a mixer
to reject the image signal. This can be achieved using an input RF bandpass lter. If the level of the output signal (at the IF) produced by the intended RF signal is Pout , and that produced by the image signal is Pout,image , then the image rejection ratio (IRR) is IRR = Pout . Pout,image (12.9)
This is typically expressed in decibels and IRR = 10 log10 Pout Pout,image . (12.10)
Mixer Waveforms
This section presents the waveforms of two diode mixers. Diode mixers, such as the balanced mixer in Figure 12-4, are bilateral. In a communication transceiver such a mixer can be used for both receive and transmit, greatly simplifying ltering requirements. Most mixers in cell phones, however, are based on transistors. The rst mixer to be considered is the single-ended mixer shown in Figure 12-5(a). Filters are not included in the circuit to simplify the circuit and to see the full complexity of the spectra in the circuit. The transient waveform across the diode (measured at the test point) is shown in Figure 12-5(b). The turn-on transient is due to both the turn-on ramp of the LO and RF sources and to the internal capacitance of the diode. The spectra of the signal at the test point is shown in Figures 12-5(c) and 12-5(d). The desired signal here is the IF which is at the difference frequency of the LO and RF (i.e., at 400 MHz). Extracting just the IF in the response shown in Figure 12-5(d) would require signicant ltering. The level of the IF tone here is 11.5 mVpeak . If a lossless 400 MHz lter is attached to the test point and the IF load (on the other side of the lter) is 50 , the IF power delivered to the load is Pout = 1 (11.5 mV)2 /(50 ) = 1.322 W. The available RF power is 2 1 Pin = 2 (100 mV)2 /(50 ) = 100 W. So the conversion loss is LC = 100 W = 75.08 = 18.8 dB. 1.332 W (12.11)
Similar results are presented for the diode ring mixer shown in Figure 12-6. Waveforms and spectra are shown for LO, IF, and RF test points in Figure 12-7. Note how relatively clean the spectra at each of the test points. The reduction in clutter is the result of the balanced circuit. This is known as a double-balanced mixer and the same concept can be used with transistor mixers. Focusing on just the spectra at the IF test point (Figure 12-6(f)), it can be seen that the LO signal and its harmonics are non
50 LO 4V 1.1 GHz
1.4 1.2 AMPLITUDE (V) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0
IF 400 MHz 2.2 GHz RF 1.5 GHz 2.6 GHz LO 1.1 GHz
12 10 AMPLITUDE (mV) 8 6 4 2 6 0 0
200 MHz 700 MHz 500 MHz 900 MHz 1.3 GHz 1.6 GHz 1.8 GHz IF 400 MHz LO 1.1 GHz RF 1.5 GHz
3.3 GHz
Figure 12-5 Diode mixer: (a) schematic; (b) waveform at test point; (c) spectrum; and (d) expanded spectrum at test point.
IF 50
Figure 12-6
existent. The components other than the 400 MHz IF are other sum and difference products of the RF and LO. However, compared to the spectra of the single-ended diode mixer in Figures 12-5(c) and 12-5(d), many of these are eliminated as well. This is a very attractive circuit, as it signicantly reduces the specications required of an output lter. This is one of the
1.1 GHz
5.5 GHz
3.3 GHz
10 TIME (ns)
(a) RF
AMPLITUDE (mV) 60 50 AMPLITUDE (mV) 40 30 20
5.9 GHz 1.5 GHz
100 50 0 50
10 0 0
700 MHz
(c) IF
2.6 GHz
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0
400 MHz
1.8 GHz
Figure 12-7 Waveforms and spectra of the diode double-balanced diode ring mixer of Figure 12-6: (a) spectrum and (b) waveform at LO test point; (c), (d) at RF test point; and (e), (f) at IF test point.
M6 M7
LO +
M6 M7
LO _
M2 M3 M1
Figure 12-8 Gilbert cell double-balanced mixer: (a) basic circuit; and (b) folded cascode implementation with larger voltage swing.
special characteristics of RF and microwave design. Much can be gained by being creativea designer gets better with experience. The level of the IF signal at the RF test point is 26.7 mVpeak . The IF power delivered to the 50 load is Pout = 1 (26.7 mV)2 /(50 ) = 7.126 W. The available RF power 2 is Pin = 1 (100 mV)2 /(50 ) = 100 W. So the conversion loss is 2 LC = 100 W = 14.03 = 11.47 dB. 7.126 W (12.12)
The conversion loss is much lower than was obtained with the single-ended mixer. In part this is because power was not dissipated in a large number of spurious tones.
The mixer circuit used in RFICs is most commonly a variation of the Gilbert mixer. This is a four-quadrant mixer that has an almost ideal multiplier response limited by how closely transistors can be matched [239]. In RFICs the transistors can be matched very well. A double-balanced Gilbert cell mixer is shown in Figure 12-8(a). This circuit has good performance and rejects RF and LO feed-through to the output, and this is dependent on the
RF L4 C4
BB (I)
BB BB (Q) (I)
BB (Q)
Figure 12-9 Quadrature up-converting mixer of the WCDMA receiver shown in Figure 11-66. BB is the low frequency baseband signal with (I) and (Q) components. BB is the inverse (negative) of BB. LO and LO are the differential local oscillator signal, and RF is the single-ended output signal. The LO is at 2 GHz, the baseband input frequency is 51.72 MHz, and the output frequency is 1.95 MHz. After Yang and Gard [209] and Yang [211]. Copyright K. Gard and X. Yang, used with permission.
quality of the transistor match. One problem with the circuit is the reduced voltage swing resulting from three drain-source voltage drops between the supply rails. The classic technique for solving this problem is to use a folded cascode design. The Gilbert cell double-balanced mixer then becomes the circuit of Figure 12-8(b) [209, 211]. This merges the cascode amplier designs in Figures 11-64(a) and 11-64(b) with the double-balanced Gilbert cell mixer in Figure 12-8(a). This design is used in the up-converting mixer of the WCDMA transmitter RFIC presented in Section 11.15 and Figure 12-9 on Page 721. The circuit schematic of the upconverting mixer is shown in Figure 12-8(b). The double-balanced Gilbert cell mixer in Figure 12-8(a) is duplicated to realize a quadrature mixer. The differential amplier of the double balanced Gilbert cell mixer in Figure 12-8(a) is replaced by a multitanh triplet differential amplier as described in Section 11.15 (see Figure 11-64(e)).
Microwave switches are commonly used to alternately connect an antenna to a transmitter or a receiver. In some communication systems, such as GSM, a phone does not transmit and receive simultaneously. Consequently a switch can be used to separate the transmitted and received signals. In multiband phones, a switch is used to connect the right transmitter and receiver, which are band specic, to the antenna. In radar systems, switches are used to steer an antenna beam by changing the phase of the microwave signal delivered to each antenna in an array of antennas. An ideal microwave switch is shown in Figure 12-10(a), where an input port, RFIN , and an output port, RFOUT , are shown. For maximum power transfer between the ports, the switch should have little loss and thus low on resistance. At microwave frequencies, switches must be modeled with parasitics and have nite on and off resistance. A realistic model applicable to many switch types is shown in Figure 12-10(b). The capacitive parasitics, the CP s, limit the frequency of operation of the switches, and the on resistance, RON , impacts the switch loss. Ideally the off resistance, ROFF , is very large, however, the parasitic shunt capacitance, COFF , is nearly always more signicant. The result is that at high frequencies there is an alternative capacitive connection between the input and output through COFF . The on resistance of the switch introduces voltage division which can be seen by comparing the ideal connection shown in Figure 12-10(c) and the more realistic connection shown in Figure 12-10(d). From the voltage division ratio, the loss of the switch can be calculated. Switches are congured to provide connection from one or more inputs to one or more outputs. The conguration of a switch is indicated by poles and throws, and several congurations are shown in Figure 12-11. Most commonly in microwave applications single-pole switches are used and this input is connected to an antenna. The throws would be connected to different bands of a multiband phone for example. There a four types of microwave switches: mechanical, PIN diode, FET, and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) switches. Mechanical switches are nearly ideal but tend to be large, relatively expensive, and are mostly used in laboratory settings. The other switches are of most interest for use in systems. The PIN diode, FET, and MEMS switches are shown in Figures 12-10(e), 12-10(f), and 12-10(g), respectively. With these technologies, most higher-order switches are based on interconnections of SPST switches. The attributes of these switches is summarized in Table 12-3 for switches that are suitable for cell phone applications. PIN diode switches are the most robust, handling the most RF power, and operating at higher frequencies than either FET- or MEMS-based switches. However, this comes at a price. The PIN diode used is similar to a pn junction diode with the addition of an intrinsic layer between the p- and n-type materials. With applied forward bias the diode has low series resistance. In reverse bias
BIAS (e)
Figure 12-10 Microwave switches: (a) ideal switch connecting RFIN and RFOUT ports; (b) model of a microwave switch; (c) ideal circuit model with switch on and with source and load; (d) realistic lowfrequency circuit model with switch on and with source and load; (e) switch realized using a PIN diode; (f) switch realized using an FET; and (g) switch realized using a MEMS switch.
the diode resistance is large. Forward bias requires DC current and voltage, so control power is consumed when a PIN diode switch is on. The circuit conguration for an SPST PIN diode switch is shown in Figure 12-10(e). Series bias decoupling capacitors are required at the RF ports. A FET makes a good electronic switch; with the correct bias applied to the gate, the drain-source connection looks like a small resistance. Changing the bias to the other extreme removes free carriers from the channel between the drain and source, and a large resistance is the result. Both Si and GaAs
Figure 12-11
Switch congurations.
Table 12-3 Typical properties of small microwave switches. (Sources: 1 Radant MEMS, 2 RF Micro Devices, and 3 Tyco Electronics.) Switch Type MEMS1 MEMS1 pHEMT2 pHEMT2 PIN3 PIN3 Conguration SPST SPST SPDT SPDT SPDT SPDT Power Handling 1W 0.5 W 2W 10 W 13 W 10 W Loss at 2 GHz 0.15 dB 0.27 dB 0.5 dB 0.5 dB 0.35 dB 0.4 dB Operating Frequency to 12 GHz to 40 GHz to 2.5 GHz to 6 GHz to 2 GHz to 6 GHz Actuation Voltage 40120 V 40120 V 6V 6V 12 V 12 V Response Time 5 s 5 s 0.5 s 0.5 s 0.5 s 0.5 s
switches are used at cellular frequencies, with GaAs switches operating at extended frequencies approaching 6 GHz. The operation of a FET can be described as a variable drain-source resistance with the gate-source voltage controlling the crosssection of the channel. The circuit for an FET-based SPST switch is shown in Figure 12-10(f). Series bias blocking capacitors are required at the RF ports. Control power is only required to change the state of the switch; negligible power is required to maintain the switch state. A MEMS switch is fabricated using photolithographic techniques similar to those used in semiconductor manufacturing [240242]. They
are essentially miniature mechanical switches with a voltage used to control the position of a shorting arm, which is usually a cantilever or a membrane. As there is no direct connection between the RF signal path and the control circuitry, MEMS switches have inherently high operating frequencies. Power is required to change the switch, but once switching has been accomplished negligible DC power is required to maintain the connection. The basic structure of a MEMS switch that makes a metal-tometal contact is shown in Figure 12-12. A large number of variations on this structure have been developed. One of the major problems has been creating the contact with enough force to reduce the series resistance. Figure 12-13 shows the concept of a cantilever beam, and a switch fabricated using this concept is shown in Figure 12-14. Generally it is not necessary to make a DC contact, and creating a structure that has a large difference between the on capacitance and off capacitance is sufcient for applications such as tunable matching networks [240].
RF and microwave oscillators can be designed using either a two-port or a one-port approach. The classic treatment of oscillators is based on a twoport gain device in a feedback loop, but the oscillator can nearly always be viewed, and thus more conveniently designed, as a one-port in which a resonant circuit, called the tank circuit, is connected to an active circuit which presents a negative resistance. Microwave oscillator design is almost always based on one-port circuits. Oscillators in RFICs, however, are just as often designed by considering a two-port with feedback.
Two-Port Oscillators
The two-port view of oscillators is based on a feedback loop, as shown in Figure 12-15. Here L(A, ) describes the characteristics of an amplier whose transfer function is both amplitude, A, and frequency, , dependent and has a magnitude greater than 1. H() describes the characteristics of a linear feedback network. The output of the feedback system is described by Vout = L(A, )Vin + L(A, )H()Vout or Vout = L(A, )Vin . 1 L(A, )H() (12.13)
The aim of most oscillator design is to use an active device whose characteristics are independent of frequency but whose transfer response depends on amplitude. Then Equation (12.14) becomes Vout = L(A, )Vin . 1 L(A, )H() (12.15)
Figure 12-12 Traditional architecture of metal-to-metal contact switches: (a) a schematic of the switch structure before the bias voltage is applied; (b) an electric eld is generated between the movable beam and the actuation electrode immediately after the bias voltage is applied to the structure. This eld results in the electrostatic actuation force; and (c) after sufcient time (typically on the order of a few microseconds) the movable beam contacts the designated metal and a short circuit is created. The electrostatically generated force is used as the contact force between the two metals. After Katehi and Peroulis [240].
Oscillation begins with input noise when the oscillator is powered on. If the denominator of Equation (12.15) is close to zero, oscillations build up at a frequency determined by the feedback network. As the amplitude of the oscillations build up, L(A) compresses until the denominator is nite
Figure 12-13 Basic switch concept and operation: (a) when no bias is applied, the movable cantilever touches the stiff static beam leading to metal-to-metal contact; and (b) if the DC bias is higher than the actuation voltage of the movable beam, this beam deects downward leading to an open circuit. After Katehi and Peroulis [240].
Figure 12-14 Scanning electromicrograph (SEM) pictures of fabricated metal-tometal switches. After Katehi and Peroulis [240].
H() L (,)
V in
V out
and there are stable oscillations.1 Stable oscillation is no accident and is the
This description of oscillation, based on Equation (12.15), is behind the erroneous Barkhausen stability criterion, which is also known as the Barkhausen oscillation criterion. Barkhausen himself used the criterion, known as the Barkhausen criterion, to establish the frequency of oscillation as L(A, )H() = 1. This was misinterpreted as a stability or
H() Z 3 Z1 Z2
Z1 H()
Z2 Z3
V in
L (,)
V out
V in
L (,)
V out
Figure 12-16 Feedback oscillator with Pi- and T-type feedback networks: (a) Pi feedback network; and (b) T feedback network
C3 L1
L3 L2 C1
C3 L 3 C2 C1 C2
Figure 12-17 Basic oscillator feedback networks: (a) Hartley; (b) Colpitts; and (c) Clapp circuits.
result of careful design, and much depends on the nature of the feedback network. There are two dominant types of feedback networks, the Pi- and Ttype networks, shown in Figure 12-16. Three Pi-type networks have proven to be particularly suited to the amplitude saturation characteristics of FET and BJT active devices. The particular forms of the networks that have the right characteristics to ensure stable oscillation are the Hartley, Colpitts, and Clapp circuits shown in Figure 12-17. Single transistor oscillators using these feedback networks can be arranged in common gate, common source or common drain congurations (see Figure 12-18). Crystal references are commonly used for xed-frequency oscillators, as they have high Q values. A circuit with a crystal-based feedback loop is shown in Figure 12-19. The Hartley, Colpitts, and Clapp oscillators are widely used as the basis of oscillators in CMOS RFICs where the feedback network can be closely approximated using differential circuits and designs with high transistor
oscillation criterion. It is a necessary criterion for two-port feedback oscillation, but not sufcient. It does not indicate whether a system is unstable. Instead the Nyquist criterion is the necessary and sufcient criterion for oscillation in feedback oscillators [243246]. The Barkhausen criterion should not be used in determining whether oscillation will occur.
Common Gate
V dd Z2
Common Drain
V dd
Common Source
V dd
Z3 Z1
Z3 Z1
Figure 12-18 Circuit schematics for FET feedback oscillators using Pi-type feedback network: (a) common gate; (b) common drain; and (c) common source. The current sources provide bias.
V dd
Figure 12-19 Crystal oscillator: (a) schematic symbol for a crystal; (b) equivalent circuit ; and (c) FET crystal oscillator.
The performance of most RF and microwave systems is limited by oscillator noise. The two main sources of noise in electronic devices are white noise, which has a frequency-independent power spectral density (PSD), and icker noise, which has a PSD that varies as the inverse of frequency.2 In
In reality, icker noise may not be exactly 1/f , as there are a variety of effects that can produce icker noise, including carrier recombination [196, 197]. However, traditionally icker noise is treated as having the inverse frequency dependence.
1 fm
White Noise
Figure 12-20 Log-log plot of oscillator noise spectra: (a) open loop noise showing icker noise (1/fm ) and white noise regions; and (b) closed loop noise with low Q loop; and (c) closed loop noise with high Q loop.
RF ampliers icker noise is often of less concern than it is with oscillators, however, in CMOS ampliers it can be appreciable and related to random variations in the crosssection of the inversion layer and random changes in mobility caused by charge trapping. In an oscillator the noise close to the carrier, or oscillation frequency, affects system performance and icker noise is signicant. Noise close to the oscillation center frequency, called the carrier (tens of hertz to hundreds of kilohertz away for an RF and microwave oscillators), manifests itself as a random variation of the phase of the carrier. Thus close-in noise is called phase noise. Phase noise on the oscillator limits the ability to demodulate signals and is one of the main reasons for a separation of the frequency of a local oscillator of a mixer from the frequency of the RF signal. Without feedback, the noise close to the carrier is dominated by icker noise, as shown in Figure 12-20(a) for an oscillator with the feedback loop open. This describes the intrinsic noise property of the active device (and surrounding circuitry) and the white noise and icker noise responses are
clearly seen. When the loop is closed, the loop transfer characteristic shapes the noise response, producing noise that has regions close to the carrier that 3 2 has a 1/fm shape, and further from the carrier it varies as 1/fm if the Q 3 2 of the loop is low [247]. The switch from 1/fm to 1/fm dependence is at what is called the transition frequency, fc (see Figure 12-20(b)). If the Q of 3 the loop is high, the transition from the 1/fm regime will be directly to a 1/fm regime, and again the transition frequency is fc , see Figure 12-20(c). The transition frequency is usually around a few kilohertz for microwave transistors. The feedback analysis that describes how 1/f and white noise are converted to the 1/f 3 and 1/f 2 or 1/f characteristics was developed by Leeson in 1966 [247]. Microwave and RF oscillators have low loop Q and the region of interest is the 1/f 2 segment, as this affects the performance of current RF, radio, and radar systems. Phase noise is dened as the ratio of the phase noise power in a 1 Hz bandwidth of a single sideband (SSB) to the total single power. This is measured at a frequency fm offset from the carrier and denoted L(fm ). with the units of dBc/Hz (i.e., decibels relative to the carrier per hertz). The phase noise performance of RF and microwave oscillators (having relatively low Q) are dominated by the 1/f 2 shape of the phase noise. This enables comparison of different oscillators. The phase noise at 1 MHz is related to the phase noise measured at fm by L(1 MHz) = L(fm ) 10 log 1 MHz fm
Another commonly used quantitative assessment of oscillator performance is provided by the oscillator gure of merit, FOM1 , which accounts for DC power consumed [248]: FOM1 = L(fm ) 10 log 1 MHz fm
+ 10 log
PDC , Pref
where Pref is conventionally taken as 1 MAW and FOM1 is referenced to the phase noise at 1 MHz. For silicon monolithic oscillators it is conventional to use just the power drawn by the oscillator core while for other technologies, including hybrid oscillators, it is not possible to separate out the oscillator core. Most RF and microwave oscillators are VCOs). It is one of the most competitive aspects of RF design, as every decibel reduction in phase noise increases overall system performance. A high-performance VCO also relaxes demands on other system components. While FOM1 serves as a useful metric to compare VCOs, another FOM provides bandwidth weighting is FOM2 = L(fm ) 10 log 1 MHz fm
10 log
fBW fref
Table 12-4 Comparison of RF VCOs. Phase noise is worst case over tuning range; RF output power is the minimum. All oscillators are hybrids unless indicated by IC. If fm is not 1 MHz then a 1/f 2 dependence is assumed for the phase noise to calculate the phase noise at 1 MHz. VCO is a quadrature VCO producing two outputs 90 apart. After Victor and Steer [249] with correction for FOM1 .
f0 GHz 4.92 5.05 5.16 11.5 9.33 6.40 5.94 4.87 5.38 5.29 2.17 1.72 4.80 9.35 1.72 4.17 2.09 1.53 4.89 1.85 fBW MHz 770 500 229 550 440 150 166 70 120 270 385 262 1200 2500 261 70 360 330 650 280 PRF dBm 0 0 0.43 9 3.3 5.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 11.2 11.5 4.8 18.3 10.3 6.1 PDC mW 150 150 24 30.5 173 8.1 4.8 12.8 14 1.9 75 36 570 55 102 20.8 21.2 22 20 fm MHz 1 1 1 0.1 1 0.1 1 1 1 1 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 3 0.6 1 3 L(fm ) dBm /Hz 128 130 111 91 102 105 110 131 127 106 120 129 111 110 120 116 140 133.5 124 143 L(1 MHz) dBm /Hz FOM1 dBm /Hz 106 106 98 87 85 94 124 108 94 122 111 95 82 103 96 117 125 111 120 FOM2 dBm /Hz 157 155 136 138 128 127 134 149 148 130 150 153 141 144 144 134 Reference
111 105
SiGe HBT hybrid [249] SiGe HBT hybrid [249] InGaP/GaAs HBT [250] GaAs MESFET [251] GaN HEMT [252] SiGe HBT [253] CMOS IC [254] GaInP/GaAs HBT [255] GaInP/GaAs HBT [256] SiGe HBT [257] CMOS IC [258] InGaP/GaAs HBT [259] SiGe BiCMOS IC [260] GaN/SiC pHEMT [261] InGaP/GaAs HBT [262] GaInP/GaAs HBT [263] CMOS VCO [264] CMOS VCO [265] CMOS VCO [266] CMOS VCO [266]
where fBW is the tuning bandwidth, and fref is the reference bandwidth taken here as 1 MHz. Again the phase noise is referenced to 1 MHz. A number of high-performance RF and microwave oscillators are compared in Table 12-4. The best phase noise that can typically be achieved by VCOs operating in the 1 to 10 GHz range is 130 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz. This compares to white noise at standard temperature which, is 174 dBc/Hz (this can be calculated from the thermal noise, kT B, of a resistor and dividing by the bandwidth, B) held at standard temperature. The performance of oscillators in the 1 to 20 GHz range designed as on-chip oscillators is surveyed in Kinget [248].
One-Port Oscillators
Design of stable negative-resistance oscillators traditionally uses the oneport oscillator stability requirement outlined by Kurokawa [267]. Most twoport oscillators can also be designed by casting them in the form of a oneport oscillator. In applying the criterion, each of the networksthe active device, the resonator load, and the device terminationare characterized
Figure 12-21 One-port oscillator operation: (a) as the amplitude of the oscillation increases the magnitude of the device conductance, |Gd | decreases while the conductance of the tank circuit, G, is constant; and (b) as the frequency of the oscillation increases the susceptance of the tank circuit, B, changes while, Bd (ideally) does not change.
as one-ports. When a device with admittance Gd Bd is connected to a loaded resonator of admittance G + B, the voltage amplitude A and radian frequency of the resulting equilibrium oscillation are determined when Gd (A) = G() and Bd (A) = B(). In this procedure, the assumption is that the device admittance at a single frequency is a strong function of voltage amplitude, while the resonator admittance is a function only of angular frequency. This condition can be represented graphically by rst denoting the locus of the negative of the devices complex admittance as Yd (A) = [Gd (A)Bd (A)] (also referred to as the inverse device reection coefcient, or 1/S locus) and the locus of the resonator admittance as Y () = G()+B(). Then, for stable single-frequency oscillation, the intersection of these loci occurs at a single point. In most oscillator design the aim is to make the device admittance independent of frequency, and, of course, the admittance of the linear tank circuit is independent of the amplitude of the oscillating signal. This oscillation condition is depicted in Figure 12-21. In Figure 12-21(a), as the amplitude of the oscillation increases the magnitude of the device conductance, |Gd |, decreases while the conductance of the tank circuit, G, is constant. In Figure 12-21(b), as the frequency of the oscillation increases, the susceptance of the tank circuit, B, changes while Bd (ideally) does not change. The intersections here dene the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation. If the device admittance is dependent on frequency, then it is difcult to avoid multiple intersections of the Yd and Y as viewed in the complex plane. The angle of intersection of the Y and Yd loci is an important indicator of stability leading to multiple oscillations, oscillator startup problems, and excess noise [268]. Thus the appropriate angular intersections of these loci are critical. It is difcult to achieve all of these objectives in design unless Yd
is frequency independent. Resonator design requires that Q be maximized while achieving the desired admittance change with tuning voltage. Furthermore, for a VCO, voltage tuning of the resonator must satisfy the specic stability criteria, including single point of intersection and appropriate angle of intersection, over the tuning range. With emphasis on these characteristics and the presence of parasitic elements, a proper stable resonator-device interface is troublesome. An alternative and equally viable approach to stability analysis of a broad class of oscillators, particularly for those using three-terminal devices, is application of the two-port criteria developed for amplier stability assessment. However, the one-port approach is preferred by designers because the one-port connection is closer to the intended operation. The one-port assessment of oscillator stability is not unlike the Bode criteria applied to two-port feedback systems [269, 270]. However, unlike the two-port open-loop assessment of stability, the oneport characterization technique is conveniently aligned with measurements made by a VNA [271,272]. As well, the nonlinear limiting effect of the active device is readily measured.
12.6 12.6.1
This section presents a detail design of a high-performance microwave VCO rst reported in Victor and Steer [249]. In this approach, the design objective is the generation of a frequency-dependent negative conductance, Gd (A, ), with a prescribed reection coefcient shape, d , using a three-terminal active device in a common-base (series-inductive feedback) conguration. Reactive loading modies the effective device conductance so that it becomes frequency dependent. Alternatively, modications can be incorporated in the resonator load, but then it is seen that the frequencydependent behavior of the tank circuit is inappropriate, resulting in multiple oscillations and other instabilities. In addition the resonator Q is compromised. Small-signal S parameters are generally good indicators of oscillator operation, particularly for the frequency of oscillation [273], however, they do not provide sufcient information to determine if stable oscillation will occur. There are several aspects to this design that should be noted: 1. Circuit modications are introduced that facilitate design for correct operation of the active device-resonator combination. The technique uses measured reection coefcients and compensates for the effect of parasitics at the interface between the active device and the resonator. 2. A device mapping technique is used to modify the active device characteristic. The mapping is achieved using a combination of
additional capacitive reactive loading at the emitter-base terminals and at the collector. The net result is an effective active device characteristic that is largely a function of signal amplitude, while the frequency-dependent characteristics are properly modied. So the central idea in the design is to develop a frequency-independent effective device admittance. As a result, the conventional one-port approach to oscillator design can be used. Design is both an art and a science. Sometimes the problem must be simplied for the designer to be able to conceptualize and synthesize the required circuit.
The oscillator circuit used here is a common-base HBT oscillator similar to the common-gate oscillator presented in Figure 12-18(a). A negative resistance oscillator is normally realized using a series capacitor in the emitter (for Z1 ) and a negative conductance oscillator is realized using a series inductor in the base lead. Both oscillator types use feedback to obtain a negative real component. In Gonzalez and Sosa [274] the value of series feedback reactance required is found in terms of device impedances, and in general this can be extended for all passive terminations and applied to any terminal of the active device. An interesting observation for both congurations is that the resulting reection coefcient is optimum over a restricted region of the Smith chart. Here optimum is in the sense that the resulting real part of the resonator series resistance (or shunt conductance) for a series-tuned (or shunt-tuned) resonator is minimized (maximized) to meet the criteria for oscillator startup. This criteria simply stated, is that |Gd (A, )| > G() or |Rd (A, )| > R(). Compliance with these requirements requires that the complex reection coefcient of the active device, d , be greater than unity. Furthermore, there is a specic angular range of active device reection coefcient that is found to assist in providing these conditions. However, it is not sufcient to simply have large values of ||. The reection coefcient angle must be constrained to minimize the losses associated with the resonator, at least to ensure oscillator startup. Thus a specic angular range of active device reection coefcients is found to provide these conditions. Figure 12-22 plots the equivalent parallel resistance, Rp , of the resonator as a function of the reection coefcient angle, , for several values of ||. Also shown in Figure 12-22 is the equivalent oscillator Q expressed as |Bd /Gd | for || = 2. Returning to the Rp curves, it can be seen that the point where families of values converge for a reasonable range of device is approximately 140 . Reection coefcient angles that are less would require resonators with higher unloaded Q, QUL , in order to satisfy oscillator starting conditions. If a large tuning range is required then reection coefcient angles greater than 100 are desired. Thus it is clear that the design of the tank circuit
1.4 1.2
280 (d) 1.0 0.8 (a) 140 (b) 0.4 70 (c) 0 0 20 40 60 0.2 0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0.6 Q
RP (W)
Figure 12-22 The resistance, Rp , of a parallel (or shunt-tuned) resonator required to satisfy the condition of oscillation for (a) |L | = 1.4, (b) |L | = 2, and (c) |L | = 4 versus the reection coefcient angle. Curve (d) is the oscillator equivalent Q for || = 2.
(or resonator) and the active device interface is a methodical process to provide appropriate admittance (or impedance) variation over the tuning bandwidth of the VCO. It is not possible therefore to simply embed parasitics in the tank circuit and design an oscillator with the required attributes. The common base conguration used here is shown in Figure 12-23. The resonator, to the left of (x-x) in Figure 12-23, uses a tapped transmission line to improve the loaded Q and series back-to-back varactors to increase the AC breakdown voltage [275] and the unloaded Q. The series feedback inductance, to the right of the (x-x) interface, includes device mounting pads, printed board traces, and lm inductors. The capacitors at (a) and (b) in Figure 12-23 are auxiliary compensating capacitors whose selection and function will now be described. The values of the capacitors at (a) and (b) are derived using an iterative approach that involves nding the complex load required to obtain the necessary frequency and amplitude dependence of d , the reection coefcient required of the device network presented at the (x-x) cut. Referring to Figure 12-23, the development begins by assigning S to the Sparameter matrix of the active circuit to the right of the (x-x) line. This Sparameter network comprises the small signal parameters of the transistor modied by the addition of series feedback and normalized to 50 source and load terminations. The network at this point does not include the effects of a complex load L and does not include the capacitors at (a) and (b). Then
D1 Vtune D2 D3 D4
(x) (a) (x)
Ca S11
( d )
(x) (b) (x)
D1 Vtune D2 D3 D4
Figure 12-23 Common base oscillator conguration: (a) oscillator showing partition (x-x) between tank circuit (on the left) and the device; (b) schematic of circuit representing active device; and (c) schematic of circuit representing tank circuit. Capacitors Ca and Cb compensate for parasitic inductances (not shown). The choke inductor, LCHOKE , presents an RF open circuit and is part of the bias circuit.
the device input reection looking to the right of the (x-x) cut is modied to S12 S21 L S11 = S11 + . (12.19) 1 S22 L is similar to the reection coefcient used in the oscillator design
Figure 12-24 Resonator, left of cutaway line (x-x), is separated from the active network to the right.
Figure 12-25 Negative conductance network loaded with 50 termination. Active device and series feedback are centered on card. A 35 ps delay is required to reference measurement at the circuit card edge. Scale is 5:1.
approach of Gonzalez and Sosa [274] except that the terminations are not restricted to 50 . This enables the loci of S11 to be conveniently plotted, as the values of the capacitors at location (a) and (b) vary. The effects of the capacitors are incorporated in L and the source termination. The reection locus curve that has the proper dependence on amplitude and frequency sets the values of the capacitors and then S11 becomes d , the device reection coefcient with the required attributes. As previously discussed, the oscillator design process uses Figure 12-22 as a guide in selecting the required input reection coefcient of the active circuit. The next step in design is using a VNA to measure the reection coefcient of the active device network to the right of (x-x) in Figures 1223 and 12-24, and shown again in its measurement conguration in Figure 12-25. Measurement of the active device is through the tapered tap line and includes the emitter return resistor and bypass capacitor. Here it is imperative that the correct reference plane be established. Use of SOL (short open load) calibration permits the reference plane to be set correctly for a
Figure 12-26 Small-signal measurement of the active device on a compressed Smith chart: (a) proper calibration and delay; and (b) delay not applied. Marker 1: 133 155 (uncalibrated) at 3.8 GHz; Marker 2: 55.2 64.9 at 4.4 GHz; Marker 3: 14.1 47.1 at 4.8 GHz; Marker 4: 20.95 29.8 at 5.4 GHz.
3.5 mm SMA connector. The connector center pin is located right of the center cut line (x-x), as shown in Figure 12-24, requiring that 35 ps of additional delay be incorporated in calibration. This delay accounts for the offset location of the SMA open and the length of the connector center pin. The small value of corrective delay is signicant, as it represents a major shift in the reection coefcient phase required of the resonator. The resulting inverse reection coefcient, or 1/S, locus of the active device is curve (a) in Figure 12-26, thus requiring a capacitive resonator load. The resonator or tank circuit is shown to the left of the (x-x) line in the oscillator schematic of Figures 12-23 and 12-24. Measurement of the tank circuit, using a similar procedure to that described above for the active device, yielded the resonator locus shown in Figure 12-27. Again, SOL calibration and correct delay adjustment is required. The resonator locus is seen to have signicant parasitic series inductance that is attributed to the varactor interconnections as well as the pads. It is this parasitic that prevents straight-forward VCO design. Design proceeds by matching the characteristics of the active device (Figure 12-26) and the tank circuit (Figure 12-27). First, the small signal device 1/S should provide |d (A, )| < |()| (12.20)
Figure 12-27 Resonator locus on a compressed Smith chart showing that the resonator is dominantly inductive over the voltage tuning range. Varactor voltage increases in the direction of the arrow, with increasing frequency marked from (a) at 4.5 GHz to (b) at 5.3 GHz.
of the resonator for all tuned frequencies. Second, the rotation of B() should be positive and in the opposite direction of the d (A, ) locus. As device self-limiting occurs with an increase in drive signal to the active device, the argument of d (A, ) and () should sum to zero degrees. This should be unique for each tuning voltage, and thus oscillation frequency. Finally, the trajectory of the limiting d (A, ) locus should intersect the () locus at right angles to minimize phase noise [267, 272]. In this work these requirements are referred to as a complement relationship between the active device and the resonator reection coefcient locus. Curve (a) in Figure 12-26 and the resonator locus in Figure 12-27 illustrate the problem in achieving the single-frequency stable oscillation condition at all tuning voltages. That is, as limiting occurs, the trajectory of the negative conductance of the device intersects the resonator locus at multiple points, particularly around 5 GHz (marker points 3 and 4 on curve (a) in Figure 1226). These conditions lead to multioscillation. A technique for addressing this problem is presented in the next section.
Figure 12-28 Modied active device reciprocal reection 1/S curve which rotates counterclockwise as the device limits. The incident power measurement is at +10 dBm. Marker 1: at 3.5 GHz; Marker 2: at 4.5 GHz; Marker 3: at 4.8 GHz; and Marker 4: at 5.3 GHz.
This section presents a technique for modifying the active device network that enables straight-forward design of a single-frequency, stable, wideband, VCO. Previously it was pointed out that the input reection coefcient of the active device network can be represented as a mapping of 1/S of the active device as a function of collector termination. Next, additional device modication is used to modify the map. The input termination is next added to the device. The objective here is to nd the appropriate terminations at the collector and emitter terminals of the active device for a given series feedback impedance. The corresponding Gd (A) that results must yield a locus, Gd (A) versus frequency, that is, d (A, ), that provides the proper interface to the resonator. If possible, the network modication should position the reection coefcient of the modied active device in the region of the chart in Figure 12-22 above 100. The trajectory of the negative conductance as device limiting occurs and where 1/S just intersects the unit circle, must complement the argument of the resonator. This is the situation shown in Figure 12-28 where the new modied device characteristic was achieved by adding capacitive terminations to the collector and the emitter base terminals. Here, unlike the conventional common base series feedback oscillator situation, the input of the active device network is now capacitive
Figure 12-29 Multioscillation at 5.1 GHz prior to reection coefcient shaping. Resolution BW: 3 MHz, Video BW: 1 MHz.
(see Figure 12-28). Consequently a portion of the parasitic inductance of the resonator is successfully absorbed. Thus the small signal 1/S one-port reection coefcient is inductive initially. Normally, with a common base oscillator, limiting at increasing power levels results in the devices 1/S locus moving along lines of constant susceptance as the negative conductance of the active device decreases. Instead, with the modied network here, there is a counterclockwise rotation of the active networks inverse reection coefcient as limiting occurs. The discussion can now return to the oscillation condition as determined by matching the resonator locus in Figure 12-27 to the modied active device characteristic shown in Figure 12-28. Oscillation occurs when a point on the resonator locus in Figure 12-27 corresponds to the point of the same frequency on the modied-device locus in Figure 12-28. Under small-signal conditions, the loci may not coincide, but the important point is that they do when limiting occurs, as well as providing for the startup of oscillation. The counterclockwise rotation of the modied active device locus, as described above, ensures stable, single-frequency oscillation. In particular, oscillation over the frequency range from 4.5 to 5.3 GHz follows the trajectory from point (a) to point (b) in Figure 12-27. Multioscillation as demonstrated in Figure 12-29 is suppressed in this technique. Note that in effect the resonator is operated as a shunt tunable inductance as opposed to a tunable capacitive reactance. Here is a case where the use of two-port small-signal S parameters to manage the resonator design would not be appropriate, providing little useful design insight.
5.4 5.3 5.2 (GHz) 5.1 5.0 FREQUENCY 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TUNING VOLTAGE (V) 8
400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 - 50 - 100 9 SENSITIVITY (MHz/V) SENSITIVITY (MHz/V)
Figure 12-30 Tuning curve showing oscillation frequency and VCO sensitivity as a function of tuning voltage.
Oscillator Performance
The oscillator design procedure outlined above was followed in implementing a VCO operating from 4.5 to 5.5 GHz using a SiGe HBT. The oscillator schematic is shown in Figure 12-23 and includes the active device modied by additional capacitors, (a) and (b). Device characterization and circuit operation was at 5 V and 30 mA bias current. In characterizing the oscillator, the varactor tuning voltage was veried against the desired frequency range by comparing the resonator locus with the 1/S sweep of the active device. Open-loop one-port measurements were done with +10 dBm of incident power. The resonator tuning characteristics are trimmed against those of the active device. This ultimately sets the oscillator tuning gain, K0 . Additional tuning gain adjustment is controlled by the coupling between the varactor stack and the microstrip line. Average tune gain is 120 MHz/V. The tuning performance of the oscillator is shown in Figure 12-30. The tuning characteristic is monotonic, with no jumps or discontinuities in the tuning curve as the oscillator was tuned over the full voltage tuning range. Figure 12-31 presents the fundamental output power and harmonics. The fundamental output varies by less than 2 dB over the full tuning range and the harmonic levels are relatively low. The measured phase noise is shown in Figure 12-32 at the ends of the tuning range, 4.5 GHz (corresponding to a tuning voltage of 0 V), and 5.3 GHz (a tuning voltage of 9 V), as well as at 5.1 GHz, where the best phase noise was obtained. Phase noise was measured using a Rohde & Schwarz FSUP26 signal source analyzer and a test set loop bandwidth of 5 kHz. The phase noise is approximately the same across the tuning range with a 1/f noise corner frequency of 30 kHz. The phase noise at 10 kHz offset, L(fm )
Figure 12-32 Phase noise measured at the top and bottom of the tuning range as well as at 5.1 GHz where phase noise is optimum. Minimum phase noise oor 116 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset, 160 dBc/Hz at 10 MHz offset.
(10 kHz), is better than 85 dBc/Hz, while at 1 MHz L(fm ) (1 MHz) is better than 130 dBc/Hz. The best measured phase noise near band center (5.1 GHz) is 135 dBc/Hz.
The standard oscillator design procedure matches the inverse reection coefcient 1/S of the active device to the reection coefcient of a tank circuit. Design, however, is often complicated by resonator parasitics so that the effective negative admittance of the active device satises the condition of oscillation at multiple frequency points. The Kurokawa oscillator condition establishes that for stable oscillation at the operating point of a negative conductance oscillator Bd G Gd B > 0, Vr r Vr r (12.21)
where the subscript r refers to the operating point. In the standard approach to oscillator design the device susceptance is assumed to be independent of signal amplitude (i.e., (Bd /Vr ) = 0) and the loaded resonator conductance to be independent of frequency (i.e. (G/r )), so that the stability condition becomes the much simpler Gd Vr B r > 0. (12.22)
The focus of this section was managing the third term of Equation (12.21), (Bd /Vr ), while the fourth term, (G/r ), is addressed by proper design of the resonator.
The VCO design here used reactive compensation elements at the device-resonator interface that resulted in the reection coefcient of the augmented active device having the necessary frequency dependence to compensate for the nonideal resonator characteristic. That is, the technique results in both the effective negative resistance (conductance) and susceptance of the device to properly complement the frequencydependent admittance of the resonator, including parasitics. Equally important is that the standard one-port approach to stable oscillator design can be used. The topology developed is suited to realizing stable, spurious-free wideband VCOs using three-terminal devices in common base conguration. However, the concept of an augmentation network is applicable to oscillators using three-terminal active devices.
As with most circuit design, the most current work is presented in journals, patents, and conference papers. Many of the nuggets are not the topics of books. However, there are several that will provide excellent development in the subjects. RF oscillator design in silicon and silicon
germanium technology can be explored using various references [109, 202 206]. These designs are characterized by using differential signal paths, feedback, and many transistors. Numerous references discuss microwave oscillator design, generally using compound semiconductors and singleended designs [245,246,248,276,277] and microwave mixer design [192,215, 278,279]. Greater understanding of RF and microwave MEMS can be gained from Rebeiz [242], and Katehi and Peroulis [240].
1. Consider the single-ended diode mixer in Figure 12-5(a). (a) Develop a symbolic expression for the voltage at the test point. The diode is 2 3 modeled by iD = a1 vD + a2 vD + a3 vD . (b) What are the frequencies and amplitudes of the components of the spectrum at the test point. 2. The double-balanced ring diode mixer shown below has the special characteristic that the LO and RF tones are suppressed at the IF output port. Develop a symbolic expression for the voltage at the IF port. The diodes are matched and are modeled by iD = a1 vD + 2 3 a2 vD + a3 vD . The LO voltage, at the LO terminal, is vLO = A cos(LO t) and the RF voltage, at the RF terminal, is vRF = B cos(RF t). Consider a 1:1 winding ratio. That is, the number of windings on the secondary on each side of the center tap is equal to the number of windings on the primary.
dependent of frequency, what is the oscillation frequency if the components of the Colpitts feedback network are C1 = C2 = 2 pF, and L3 = 5 pF. (c) On a Smith chart draw the locus of the open loop transfer function of the Colpitts oscillator from a frequency one-fth of the oscillation frequency to ve times the oscillation frequency. (Scale the open loop transfer funcion by treating L(A) as one.) 4. The phase noise of an oscillator was measured as -120 dBm/Hz at 10 kHz. What is the normalized phase noise at 1 MHz assuming that the phase noise varies as the inverse of frequency. 5. The RF front end of a communications unit consists of a switch, then an amplier, and then a mixer. The switch has a loss of 0.5 dB, the amplier has a gain of 20 dB, and the mixer has a conversion gain of 3 dB. What is the overall gain of the cascade. 6. The RF front end of a communications unit consists of an amplier followed by a mixer. The amplier has a gain of 20 dB and a noise gure of 4 dB. The mixer has a conversion loss of 6 dB and a double-sideband noise gure of 8 dB. (a) Why is the double-sideband noise gure used with a mixer but not with an amplier. (b) If the amplier has sufcient bandwith to amplier both the RF and image frequency, what is the noise gure of the cascade. Note that the overall noise gure is a single-sideband noise gure.
3. A two-port feedback oscillator is shown in Figure 12-15(a). (a) Draw the schematic of a feedback Colpitts oscillator. (b) Considering that the amplier in the feedback oscillator has a gain that is in-
with Wael Fathelbab 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design of Miniature Planar Marchand Baluns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biasing of Differential Circuits, Common-Mode Suppression . . Tapped Marchand Baluns for Stable Matching Applications . . . Filters with Enhanced Stopband Performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 748 766 780 795 808
The optimum design of microwave networks is best approached using network synthesis. While direct realization of lumped-element circuits using transmission line stubs is possible, this yields a design that is accurate at just one frequency. The microwave network synthesis approach provides design insight, leading to novel topologies. These enable reasonably broad bandwidth networks to be realized that need minimum optimization in a microwave circuit simulator to account for parasitics and ne tune responses. The art of microwave design is the choice of a topology that has just the right characteristics so that the synthesis of a microwave network is not a matter of ghting mother nature. Network synthesis decomposes a specied transfer function into its constituents (i.e., the elements of the synthesized prototype), thus enabling control of all available design parameters. Aided by the use of appropriate circuit transformations, novel topologies can be created that achieve performances close to the theoretical optimum in terms of size and bandwidth. Realization in planar form most often results in the use of Parallel Coupled Line (PCL) transmission line sections. PCL lters [283] do not necessarily require ground connections and thus are easily fabricated in
planar form. They have been used to realize passband bandwidth ratios ranging from as small as 1.02:1 to as large as 3:1 [284]. Another advantage of PCL lters is that their resonators can be folded, thus reducing size [285, 286]. However, when a bandpass lter is realized using transmission lines, it suffers from poor upper stopband performance, typically having spurious passbands centered at odd harmonics of the center frequency of the fundamental passband. This is the result of the classic realization of networks in transmission line form using one-quarter wavelength long sections. At three times the operating frequency the transmission line section is three-quarters of a wavelength long and so is electrically identical to that at the operating frequency. It will be shown in this chapter how shorter sections of line can be used to realize networks that have improved outof-band response, as well as making the distributed structures smaller. Different orientations and connections of PCL sections can realize networks having particular forms of frequency responses. A key feature is that a PCL section can realize an inverter with lumped-element components in series or parallel. For example, Figure 9-20 on Page 497 presented the equivalence of a PCL section and an inverter with series capacitive elements. Figure 9-22 on Page 499 presented an equivalent circuit of a PCL section that consists of transformer-coupled transmission lines. From this equivalent circuit, relatively simple individual transmission line section models with stub loading can be developed. If these stub-loaded transmission lines are the result of synthesis, then the PCL equivalents can be used. So network synthesis becomes the art of merging a desired implementation conguration (e.g. a PCL section or sections), with mathematical synthesis beginning with initial transfer function descriptions. Synthesis is best described through design examples as there is no formulaic process that can be followed and many design decisions must be made during synthesis itself. Being an art, network synthesis cannot be scheduled and the process improves with experience. This chapter is derived from designs described in a number of papers [125, 157, 193, 281, 282, 287292] and book chapters [119, 280]. The broadband network design concepts in this chapter exploit the intrinsic frequency shaping properties of PCLs. A number of broadband networks are presented: miniature Marchand baluns (Section 13.2); differential networks that can be used in biasing differential ampliers yielding broadband common-mode rejection (Section 13.3); and networks with combined balun and matching functionality (Section 13.4). The nal development is presented in Section 13.5 with the design of bandpass lters with enhanced stopband performance.
In this section three new classes of miniaturized Marchand balun are dened following the development in Fathelbab and Steer [125]. The
0 /4
0 /4
Z 0 oa,Z 0 ea
Z 0 ob,Z 0 eb
Z0 c1 r /4
Z0 c3
r /4
Z0 c2
Z 0 oa,Z 0 ea
Z0 c4
Z 0 ob,Z 0 eb
(b) Figure 13-1 Bandpass Marchand balun: (a) PCL sections are one-quarter wavelength long at the center frequency, f0 , of the Balun passband (from Figure 7-16); and (b) with stub loading so that the PCL sections are one-quarter wavelength long at the commensurate frequency, fr = 2f0 . The coupled line sections are dened by their odd-mode (Z0oa , Z0ob ) and even-mode (Z0ea , Z0eb ) characteristic impedances.
baluns are suited to mixed lumped-distributed planar realizations with small size resulting from transmission line resonators being one-quarter wavelength long at frequencies higher than the passband center frequency. Each class corresponds to an S-plane bandpass prototype derived from the specication of transmission zero locations. A tunable 50:100 balun is realized at 1 GHz.
This subsection demonstrates that the procedure of element extraction from a prototype results in a general bandpass balun topology. By appropriately loading the highpass balun of Figure 7-16(a), repeated here as Figure 13-1(a), with open-circuited stubs, the bandpass balun of Figure 13-1(b) results [123]. The procedure that will be used in the following is to take the parallelcoupled balun topology shown Figure 13-1 and develop a simple form that is the starting prototype for synthesis of a balun with specied mathematical characteristics. Then this prototype, and thus the nal balun, is synthesized. In particular, the approach presented here closely follows that outlined in [123]. The design of a balun using this approach is presented in Section 13.2.3 on Page 756. This process of beginning with a topology and developing a simplied prototype that can be designed using mathematical techniques,
r /4 Z02a
na :1
Z0 c3
1:nb Z02b
nb :1 Z0 c2
Z0 c1 Z01a
Z0 c4 Z01b RB
r /4 Z02a
Z0 c3 n2 Z02b Z0 c4
n :1 Z0 c2
Z0 c1 Z01a
Z01b RB
Figure 13-2 Derivation of the S-plane bandpass prototype of the balun of Figure 13-1: (a) after substitution of the network model of Figure 9-19(b) for each pair of coupled lines; and (b) after scaling up the series open-circuited stub, Z0c3 , by n2 and na = nb = n.
is central to microwave network synthesis. Developing the target topology is the result of experience and invention. Section 9.11.2 on Page 498, and in particular Figure 9-21 on Page 498, presented a network model of a pair of coupled lines as transformercoupled transmission lines. This leads to the transmission line model shown in Figure 13-2(a). Recall that stubs, inductors, and capacitors are related simply by Richards transformation, see Figure 10-37 on Page 554, when the commensurate frequency is fr = 2f0 , where f0 is the center frequency of the equivalence. So in Figures 13-1(b) and 13-2, the stubs are onequarter wavelength long at fr and one-eighth wavelength long at f0 . The commensurate frequency does not always need to be twice f0 , but this should be indicated if it is not the default 2f0 . Further simplication of the prototype in Figure 13-2(a) would require that the pair of transformers in parallel with the series stub, Z0c3 , have identical turns ratios (i.e. n = na = nb ). This leads to the loss of one degree of freedom, since the pair of coupled lines comprising the balun must now have the same coupling coefcient. Proceeding with this assumption results in the circuit in Figure 13-2(b) with the impedance of the series stub, Z0c3 ,
Z0 c3 Z0 c1
Z0 c2 Z02b /N 2
RB /N 2
2 ) 2 + 01a Z01b /N Z0 c4 /N
Z02 Z01 Z0 c1
Z03 Z0 c2 Z0 c3 Zc4
(b) Figure 13-3 Derivation of the S-plane bandpass prototype of the balun of Figure 13-1: (a) after shifting the input transformer throughout the network and absorbing it into the load resistance; and (b) nal prototype.
scaled up to Z0c3 n2 . Upon further simplication, the prototype of Figure 133(a) is obtained after shifting the input transformer to the far right and absorbing it into the balanced load impedance. This is a redundant S-plane bandpass prototype with two zeroes at S = 0 (i.e., at DC), two zeroes at innity, and a redundant quarter-wave long transmission line as an inverter. So given the impedances of the nal prototype shown in Figure 13-3(b), the PCL parameters of the balun can be extracted after solving the following equations: 1 1 na = , nb = , n = na = nb (13.1) Ka Kb Z02a 2 (13.2) Z0c1 = 2 = Z0a 1 Ka n Z02b 2 Z0c2 = 2 = Z0b 1 Kb (13.3) n Z01a + Z01b K2 Z0c3 = = (Z0a + Z0b ) . (13.4) n2 1 K2 This provides the coupled line parameters in terms of the prototypes circuit elements as follows: K = Ka = Kb = Z0c3 1 = Z0c1 + Z0c2 + Z0c3 n Z0c1 1 K2 (13.5) (13.6)
Z0a =
and Z0b =
Once K, Z0a , and Z0b are determined, the even- and odd-mode impedances of each individual coupled line pair comprising the balun can be found after solving Equations (9.149) and (9.145) to give Z0ea = Z0a 1 + Ka Z2 and Z0oa = a 1 Ka Z0ea 1 + Kb Z2 and Z0ob = b . 1 Kb Z0eb (13.8)
Z0c2 . 1 K2
Z0eb = Z0b
With knowledge of Z0ea , Z0oa , Z0eb , Z0ob , Z0a , and Z0b , the physical parameters of the coupled line can be calculated. Also, for further clarity, the coupling coefcients used in Equations (13.8) and (13.9) are, as stated earlier, of identical values and dened using Equation (9.145) as Ka = Z0eb Z0ob 1 Z0ea Z0oa = Kb = =K = . Z0ea + Z0oa Z0eb + Z0ob n (13.10)
Now the impedances of the open-circuited stub, Z0c4 , and the balanced load, RB , can be found from Z0c4 = Zc4 K 2 (13.11) and RB = RoB K 2 . (13.12) Finally, without any further scaling, the impedances of the remaining stubs are found to be Z0c1 = Z01 , Z0c2 = Z03 , and Z0c3 = Z02 . (13.13)
Although the synthesis equations developed above are based on a specic prototype corresponding to a bandpass balun topology, the procedure is general and is adaptable to other classes of baluns. In summary, the prototype shown in Figure 13-3(b) is synthesized and then Equations (13.5)(13.13) are used to develop the parameters describing the coupled line balun shown in Figure 13-1(b).
The development of generations of prototypes culminating in the nal implementation form uses the transformations shown in Figure 13-4. A logical step in deriving miniaturized baluns is to apply the half-angle transform [293] to the synthesized S-plane highpass prototype [123,126,294]
Z0/2 Z0/2
2 Z0
2 Z0
Z1 / n 2 Z2 / n 2
n2 = 1 + Z2 /Z1 (d)
Z2 Z1
n2 = 1 + Z2 /Z1 (e)
n 2Z2 n 2 :1 n 2Z1
Figure 13-4 Stub network transformations: (a) open- and (b) short-circuited stubs after application of the half-angle transform [293]; (c) equivalence between series connection of open- and short-circuited stubs and stepped impedance transmission line [138]; (d) rst Kuroda transformation of a series short-circuited stub; and (e) second Kuroda transformation of a series open-circuited stub from Section 10.11.5 on Page 555.
of Figure 7-16. This transform is shown in Figure 13-4(a) for an opencircuited stub. To elaborate on the mathematics involved in this transform,
Z/2 Z/2 2 2 Z 1 Z 1 2 Z 3 2 Z 3
Figure 13-5 Class A balun: (a) prototype derived by transforming the highpass prototype of Figure 7-16(b) using the half-angle transformation; (b) physical topology loaded with open-circuited stubs; and (c) miniaturized mixed lumpeddistributed physical topology. (The distributed prototype has two zeroes at DC, two zeroes at innity, and two nonredundant inverters).
consider the impedance of an open-circuited stub [293]: Z0c = Z0 /S = Z0 cot () = (Zo /2) tan (/2) (Z0 /2)/tan (/2) , (13.14) where = (/2) (f /f0 ). Equation (13.14) describes the series connection of short- and open-circuited stubs having characteristic impedances of Z0 /2 with half the original electrical length. This implies that the resulting transmission line resonators are one-quarter wavelength long at 2f0 (i.e. they are one-eighth wavelength long at f0 ). Through a similar analytical treatment the short-circuited stub has the equivalence shown in Figure 134(b). Application of this transform to the highpass prototype of Figure 7-16 leads to the transformed prototype of Figure 13-5(a) with the input inverter now split into two equal sections. While the half-angle transformation does not affect the transmission characteristics of the network, it actually changes the distribution of transmission zeroes of the prototype. Now the prototype possesses two zeroes at DC, two zeroes at innity, and two nonredundant inverters (i.e. it is now a bandpass prototype with a commensurate frequency fr = 2f0 ). Thus the balun equivalent of this prototype, shown in Figure 13-5(b), is reduced in size by almost a factor of 2 compared to a conventional balun design. However, the series open-
(b) Figure 13-6 Class B balun: (a) prototype with two zeroes at DC, two zeroes at innity, and a redundant inverter matching the single-ended source impedance; and (b) miniaturized mixed lumped-distributed physical topology.
circuited stub is difcult to realize in planar technology such as microstrip, and there is also scope for further size reduction if the open-circuited stubs are approximated by lumped capacitors. This is shown in Figure 13-5(c). This prototype is therefore identied as Class A. In an attempt to derive other prototypes suitable for realization as Marchand balun structures, different sets of transmission zeroes were tried and various prototype networks were synthesized. Application of the classical synthesis technique in the transformed variable [295, 296] for an arbitrarily selected f0 , and fq with specic sets of transmission zeroes results in the prototype Classes B and C shown in Figures 13-6 and 13-7, respectively. In fact, Class A prototypes can also be directly synthesized using the same technique [295, 296]. In subsequent design steps the synthesized network prototypes undergo several network transformations in the S-plane. This allows scaling of different elements of the prototype in order to obtain realizable even- and odd-mode impedances after using Equations (13.5)(13.7). These circuit transformations also lead to various balun topologies and allow exible designs to be achieved. Essential circuit transformations are shown in Figure 13-4. As an example, transformed Class B prototypes are presented in Figure 13-8. Similar transformed Class A prototypes may be obtained in the same way. So the design strategy is to rst classify the S-plane bandpass prototypes from a set of transmission zeroes, apply circuit transformations, and then convert the specic prototypes to their physical balun realizations. The last step is performed by inspection in a backward manner, as was done in Figure 13-2. Subsequently the open-circuited stubs loading the balun are all approximated by lumped capacitors at the center of the passband in
(d) Figure 13-7 Class C baluns: (a) C1 prototype with two zeroes at DC, one zero at innity, and a nonredundant inverter (one-quarter wavelength long, 0 /4, transmission line); (b) its corresponding miniaturized mixed lumped-distributed physical topology; (c) C2 prototype with a zero at DC, two zeroes at innity, and a nonredundant inverter; and (d) corresponding miniaturized mixed lumpeddistributed physical topology.
the f -plane to obtain mixed lumped-distributed baluns. The next section demonstrates this process using a step-by-step numerical example.
Descriptions of network synthesis can be involved and so here a design example is presented to illustrate the procedure. Here a 50:100 Class B balun with a center frequency, f0 , of 1 GHz and a commensurate frequency, fr , of 2 GHz is synthesized. The objective is to design a balun with a return loss greater than 15 dB at the single-ended port and a bandwidth ratio of 1.54:1, giving lower and upper passband edge frequencies of 0.82 GHz and
Physical Topologies
(b) (f)
(c) (g)
(d) (h)
Figure 13-8 Transformed Class B prototypes of Figure 13-6(a): (a) after application of the steppedimpedance transmission line transformation to the series branch; (b) after application of the rst Kuroda transformation; (c) after splitting the series connection of the open- and short-circuited stubs, application of the rst Kuroda transformation to part of the series short-circuited stub, and subsequently transforming the rest of the series branch to a stepped impedance transmission line; (d) after splitting the series connection of open- and short-circuited stubs, application of the second Kuroda transformation to part of the series open-circuited stub, and subsequently transforming the rest of the series branch to a steppedimpedance transmission line (and then absorbing the input transformer into the load impedance); and (e)(h) corresponding miniaturized mixed lumped-distributed physical topologies.
1.26 GHz respectively. The balun is to be implemented on an FR4 PCB with: Substrate thickness : 62 mil (1.57 mm)
Relative dielectric constant : 4.7 Metal thickness : 2.2 mil (0.05 mm) Minimum spacing : Loss tangent : 7 mil (0.17 mm) 0.016 . (13.15)
Now the characteristic polynomial, K(S), of the prototype may be constructed for a passband ripple of 0.05 dB using the procedure described in Orchard and Temes [295] (or Wenzel [296]) with two zeroes at DC and two zeroes at innity leading to1 2S 2 , (13.16) from which the square of the magnitude of the reection transfer function is evaluated using |K (S)|2 2 (13.17) |S11 (S)| = 2. 1 + |K (S)| S11 (S may then be found with the knowledge of
|S11 (S)|2 = S11 (S) S11 (S) = S11 (S) S11 (S)
leading to S11 (S) = 0.7232261254S 4 + 1.868909798S 2 + 0.9448913438 0.7232261254S 4 + 1.611778003S 3 + 3.664909798S 2 +1.842294719S + 0.9448913438 . (13.19)
The input impedance is then evaluated in a 1 system from Zin (S) = 1 + S11 (S) , 1 S11 (S) (13.20)
which is synthesized using the standard element extraction as described in Section 10.6. Steps in the lumped-element extraction are shown in Figure 139. The addition of the 1 transmission line has no effect on the magnitude of the reection and transmission responses but enables subsequent Kuroda transformations that will remove the series element. Using Richards transformation, the prototype shown in Figure 13-10(a) is obtained where the circuit parameters come from Equations (13.2)(13.4): Zc1 = 50 , Zc2 = 44.863 , and Zc3 = 60.434 . (13.21)
Substituting these into Equations (13.5)(13.7) gives the coupled-line parameters Ka = Kb = K = 0.624, Za = 63.974, and Zb = 57.401 . (13.22)
Now the parameters in Equation (13.22) are substituted in Equations (13.8) (13.9) yielding Z0ea = 132.915 , Z0oa = 30.792 (13.23)
High precision of the numerical values must be retained throughout the synthesis process.
C1 L2 C1 1.240
C1 L2
1:0.898 C1 1
0 /4 1
C1 L2
1:0.898 C1 1
0 /4 50
jX1 jX 2 jX3
1:0.898 jX4 50
X1 = 44.863 , X2 = 51.273 , X3 = 60.434 , X4 = 69.0777 , Z0 = 50 (c) Figure 13-9 Steps in the extraction of the lumped-element balun network: (a) element extraction for impedance function in Equation (13.20); (b) addition of a transformer to reference the network to a 1 system impedance; (c) addition of 1 transmission line; (d) network scaled to a system impedance of 50 .
Conversion of the above set of even- and odd-mode impedances into physical dimensions yields width, wi , and spacing, Si , of the strips: w1 = 29.88 mil (0.75 mm), S1 = 3.17 mil (0.08 mm) (13.25)
22.431 51.279 1 : 0.898 72.431 161.450 60.434 69.0777
168.505 1 : 0.898 73.711 72.431 161.450 60.434 69.0777
235.67 80 80 212.09 73.604 85.138 70.025
Figure 13-10 Transformations for a 50:100 , 1 GHz balun: (a) Class B prototype with passband ripple of 0.05 dB; (b) after equally splitting the series short-circuited stub and applying the rst Kuroda transformation; (c) after transforming the series branch into a stepped impedance transmission line; (d) resynthesized and retransformed Class B prototype with passband ripple of 0.0806 dB; and (e) after manual optimization applied to the prototype of (d) to obtain a return loss of approximately 20 dB.
and w2 = 38.15 mil (0.96 mm), S2 = 2.49 mil (0.06 mm) . (13.26)
Unfortunately the spacing between the coupled lines violates the minimum fabrication spacing (see Equation (13.15)). This is when the circuit transformations become useful. By transforming the prototype of Figure 1310(a) to that of Figure 13-10(b) and making use of the stepped impedance transmission line equivalence, the transformed prototype of Figure 13-10(c) results. Performing similar manipulation to that above yields new coupledline parameters: Z0ea = 157.76 , Z0oa = 47 (13.27) and Z0eb = 160.548 , Z0ob = 47.836 . (13.28) This results in new physical dimensions of w1 = 17.14 mil (0.43 mm), and w2 = 16.16 mil (0.41 mm), S2 = 9.01 mil (0.22 mm). (13.30) S1 = 8.79 mil (0.22 mm) (13.29)
The above dimensions are realizable, but it is always desirable to obtain identical coupled-line parameters to construct a physically symmetrical balun structure. In terms of circuit synthesis it is possible to obtain a prototype with element values such that this condition is satised. This is done by iterating on the synthesis cycle for different values of passband ripple until the values of the resulting even- and odd-mode impedances of the pair of coupled lines become identical. Figure 13-10(d) shows another synthesized and transformed prototype achieving a passband ripple of 0.0806 dB (i.e., a return loss of approximately 17.37 dB with the same bandwidth ratio of 1.53:1). It can be seen from the gure that the impedances of the inverter and the input series stepped transmission line are virtually equal (80 79.993 ). Now for Figure 13-10(d) (referencing Equations (13.2)(13.4) and Figure 13-3(b)), Zc1 Zc2 = 80 , and Zc3 = 55.978 , (13.31) = and substituting these into Equations (13.5)(13.7) yields the coupled-line parameters: Ka = Kb = K = 0.5091, Za = Zb = 92.946 . (13.32)
Evaluating Equations (13.8)(13.9) using Equation (13.32) gives identical coupled-line parameters of values Z0ea = Z0eb = 162.966 , Z0oa = Z0ob = 53.011 . (13.33)
V 1
V 2
0.75 1
7 15 15
1.176 1.176
Z o=74.449
Figure 13-11 The physical balun layout based on the prototype in Figure 13-10 with lumped capacitors (in pF) and additional matching quarter-wavelength lines for impedance matching scaling the balanced load to 100 . (The dimensions are in mils.)
At this stage a manual optimization step improves the return loss level resulting in the circuit of Figure 13-10(e) with a return loss of approximately 20 dB. However, the values of the impedances of the inverter and input series stepped transmission line must remain xed (80 ) to guarantee the condition of physical symmetry. The prototype of Figure 13-10(e) results in the physical balun layout of Figure 13-11 with even- and odd-mode impedances as shown in the same gure. The following physical dimensions were determined: w1 = w2 = 10.2 mil (0.25 mm), S1 = S2 = 9.08 mil (0.23 mm). (13.34)
The shunt open-circuited stub at the balanced output and the balanced load, RB , must now be scaled accordingly using Equations (13.9) and (13.12) with K evaluated as 0.561 to give 270.51 and 221.707 respectively. The balanced load impedance is then scaled to 100 by a pair of transmission lines of impedance 74.449 each. The remaining stubs are left unscaled. Since a bandpass prototype is being used it is possible to approximate any or all of its open-circuited stubs by lumped capacitors with very little deterioration of the circuits passband performance. Now each opencircuited stub is approximated by equating its input admittance to that of a lumped capacitor using the relationship tan Zi f0 2 fr = 2f0 Ci , (13.35)
where Zi is the impedance of the open-circuited stub and Ci is its corresponding capacitance value. This approximation is valid over the vicinity of the passband of the lter but will effect the upper stopband characteristics. However, in many cases such a step will lead to better stopband performance, suppressing upper undesired passbands. Performing the approximation using Equation (13.35) gives values of capacitors as shown in Figure 13-11. A nal minor optimization step is required to adjust the return loss level, giving lines that are 15 mil (0.38 mm) wide, 7 mil (0.17 mm) apart, and 950 mil (24.13 mm) long. Also each output matching line is 49 mil (1.24 mm) wide and 1636 mil (41.55 mm) long.
The layout in Figure 13-11 (without the high-impedance transmission lines) was implemented and its measured and simulated performance, using high quality lumped capacitors with Q = 600, are shown in Figures 13-12 and 1313. In Figures 13-12(a) and 13-12(b), the measured midband insertion loss is about 3.6 dB. The excess 0.6 dB of loss is mainly attributed to substrate and conductor losses. The maximum measured amplitude error, from Figure 1313(a), is about 0.2 dB over the passband, which is just slightly better than the simulation by about 0.05 dB. Figure 13-13(b) shows a plot of transmission phase error over the passband indicating a maximum measured phase error of approximately 2 at 1.2 GHz in contrast to approximately 4 according to simulation. It is fair to note at this point that the performance of the balun is excellent. The practical capacitor values used were 0.8 pF, 0.7 pF, and 0.6 pF as opposed to the simulated values of (from Figure 13-11) 0.75 pF, 0.675 pF, and 0.588 pF, respectively. The difference between the derived capacitance values and the actual values used, is because the parasitic via inductance was ignored in simulation, and also because of the differences of the evenand odd-mode phase velocities (and hence electrical lengths of the PCLs in even- and odd-mode). The new baluns introduced in this section lend themselves to exible designs since the design approach is based on bandpass prototypes with selection of the commensurate frequency, fr . Figure 13-13(c) shows the simulated f -plane response of the circuits of Figures 13-10(a) to 13-10(e) (i.e., before the approximation of the open-circuited stubs by lumped capacitors). The rst higher stopband is centered at fr (2 GHz), while the following stopbands occur periodically at nfr , where n = 2, 3, 4, .... The second passband occurs at 2fr f0 , also recurring periodically at (2fr f0 ) m, where m = 2, 4, 6, .... Also shown in Figure 13-13(c) is the measured performance of the balun with all the open-circuited stubs approximated by lumped capacitors. Now it is clear that the approximation step benets the stopband rejection of the balun since the second passband now occurs at about 4 GHz with wider stopband performance around 3 GHz. Thus
(b) Figure 13-12 Measured and simulated balun performance of the network in Figure 13-10(f) without bias lines and with high-Q lumped capacitors: (a) |S21 |2 and |S11 |2 (M1: 1 GHz, 3.6 dB); and (b) |S31 |2 and |S11 |2 (M2: 1 GHz, 3.5 dB).
size reduction and control of the stopband performance are simultaneously made possible through the design approach based on bandpass prototypes.
In this section synthesis-based design of baluns was considered. The balun prototypes were synthesized from a transfer function specication so that the functionalities of a bandpass lter and a balun were integrated into a single network. This reduces the overall system losses compared to separate realizations of a balun and a lter.
(c) Figure 13-13 Measured and simulated balun performance using the conguration of Figure 13-10(f): (a) transmission coefcient amplitude error; (b) transmission coefcient phase error; and (c) broadband transmission coefcients.
Section 11.9 on Page 653 presented the design of a distributed biasing structure. This design is elaborated on here by combining the biasing function with differential ltering. In this section two classes of four-port microwave networks are presented with discriminative even- and oddmode transmission characteristics. Design of the networks is based on lter prototypes with predened sets of transmission zeroes. These network prototypes were specically developed for active differential circuits. Differential circuit design leads to stable, noise-tolerant monolithically integrated analog circuits and is compatible with current-mode biasing. Symmetrical differential circuits are generally less sensitive to component variations and when appropriately designed can reject common-mode signals, particularly coupled noise. However, pseudo-differential circuits, as shown in the dotted box in Figure 13-14, typically have unity CMRR when biased by a pair of drain inductors. In this section two classes of fourport networks are introduced that are suited to biasing differential circuits and obtaining broadband common-mode signal suppression. DC biasing is achieved by appropriate selection of the set of transmission zeroes of the odd-mode subnetwork of the four-port interstage circuit.
The Class A network is shown in Figure 13-15(a) and comprises a pair of coupled-line sections connected to a pair of matching or ltering networks. The topology of the network may consist of coupled-line sections, transmission lines, and lumped components depending on the choice of transmission zeroes required to satisfy an electrical specication. Application of modal analysis to this structure results in the subnetworks of Figure 13-15(b) with equivalent even- and odd-mode prototypes as shown in Figures 13-15(c) and 13-15(d) respectively. These equivalent prototypes result because the plane of symmetry, X X , transforms to either an open or short circuit for common- or differential-mode signal excitations, respectively, at Ports 1 and 2. In the odd-mode effective network differentialmode signals are passed to single-ended loads, RL . In the even-mode equivalent circuit it is seen that common-mode signals do not pass through the network by virtue of the effective series open circuit present in the circuit. Thus the operation of Class A interstage networks in suppressing common-mode signals relies on the isolating property of the microwave section shown in the dashed box in Figure 13-15(c) [137, 298]. Also, Class A networks possess short-circuited points, marked b in Figure 13-15(a), where DC bias of the active devices can be applied with the use of decoupling capacitors. The square of the modulus of the transmission transfer function of the
Figure 13-14 A pseudo-differential circuit commonly used in RFICs connected to a pair of single-ended loads, RL , separated by a four-port interstage network. Drain voltage, VDD , is applied at relevant points within the interstage network to bias the active devices.
reciprocal odd-mode network of Figure 13-15(d) may now be dened in terms of its characteristic polynomial, K(S), as |ST (S)|ODD =
1 , 1 + |K 2 (S)|
2 2 where |ST (S)|2 ODD replaces |S31 (S)|ODD or |S42 (S)|ODD . With the evenmode network, ideally there is no transmission through the network and thus the design objective is
|ST (S)|EVEN = 0,
2 2 2
where |ST (S)|EVEN replaces |S31 (S)|EVEN or |S42 (S)|EVEN . In Equations (13.36) and (13.37) S is the Richards variable. Now the square of the
o /4
o /4
b Z oo , Z oe X 1 2 Z oo , Z oe
ODD MODE (s/c) EVEN MODE (o/c)
o /4
1,2 , Z
Figure 13-15 Generalized topology of Class A interstage network made of pairs of coupled lines and matching/ltering networks: (a) physical topology; (b) evenand odd-mode subnetworks; (c) even-mode prototype; and (d) odd-mode prototype with at least one zero at DC and a single inverter.
modulus of the CMRR of the four-port interstage network may be dened as |CMRR(S)| =
o /4
3 r /4 X Cn Cn C3 C3 C2 C1 C1 X 1
4 r /4
1:N L C C2 L L
r /4 r /4
(c) Figure 13-16 An example of Class A interstage network made of a pair of appropriately connected bandpass interdigital lters: (a) physical topology; (b) even-mode prototype; and (c) odd-mode prototype.
and consequently the resulting CMRR of the sub-system conguration consisting of the pseudo-differential circuit in cascade with the four-port interstage network (the dashed box in Figure 13-14(a)) is CMRR(S) = Ad (S) |ST (S)|ODD Ac (S) |ST (S)|EVEN (13.39)
where Ac (S) and Ad (S) are the single-ended common- and differentialmode gains, respectively, of the pseudo-differential circuit. For a pseudodifferential circuit, Ac (S) and Ad (S) are identical and thus the sub-system CMRR is dominated by the performance of the interstage network. An example of a Class A interstage network is shown in Figure 13-16. It consists of a 2nth order network, where n is the number of resonators in either the even- or odd-mode subnetworks. It is seen that the nth resonators of the even-mode prototype (Figure 13-16(b)), are completely decoupled from each other, thus offering optimum isolation of common-mode signals. The odd-mode prototype, shown in Figure 13-16(c), consists of cascades of short-circuited interdigital coupled-line sections [118, 137, 142, 296, 297] loaded by open-circuited stubs. Thus the odd-mode network [296] possesses
a zero at DC, n zeroes at innity, and (n 1) zeroes at S = 1, leading to the existence of (n 1) quarter-wave long transmission lines (i.e., inverters). The general design procedure for the interstage network starts with the synthesis of an nth-order S-plane odd-mode prototype corresponding to an f -plane response with a specic passband centered at f0 , lower- and upper-band edge frequencies, f1 and f2 , respectively, and a commensurate frequency, fr . A set of transmission zeroes is selected to suit a particular electrical specication with a minimum of one zero at DC, and an inverter may be chosen to generate the appropriate characteristic polynomial [294 296]. Then the square of the modulus of the reection coefcient of the oddmode prototype is constructed. Assuming a lossless system, the square of the modulus of the odd-mode reection transfer function is, from Equation (13.36), 2 2 |SR (S)|ODD = 1 |ST (S)|ODD , (13.40) which can be redened in terms of K(S) as |SR (S)|ODD =
1 + |K(S)|
2 2.
SR (S) may then be found with the knowledge that |SR (S)|ODD = SR (S)|ODD SR (S)|ODD .
From this, the input impedance of the odd-mode prototype can be derived in a 1 system using Zin (S)|ODD = 1 + SR (S)|ODD 1 SR (S)|ODD (13.43)
and synthesized using standard element extraction. A possible source of CMRR degradation in Class A networks is the leakage of common-mode energy through the network. This is particularly a concern with inhomogeneous media such as microstrip or coplanar waveguide. To investigate this further, consider the inhomogeneous transfer admittance of the isolating section (the dashed box in Figure 13-15(c)) [137]: Y12 = cos (e ) cos (o ) = Y21 , Z0e sin (o ) cos (e ) + Z0e cos (o ) sin (e ) (13.44)
where Z0e and Z0o are the even- and odd-mode impedances of the coupled lines and e and o are the even- and odd-mode phase lengths, respectively. It can be seen from Equation (13.44) that the numerator is zero only when the even- and odd-mode phase lengths are equal, resulting in the equivalence of Figure 13-15(c). Thus the deterioration in subsystem performance due to inhomogeneous media will be manifested in lower achievable CMRR since 2 the transmission of the even-mode network, |ST (S)|EVEN , will have a nite value.
o /4 1 Z1 o /4
o /4 3 Z2
Z 01
Z 02
Z 03
Z1 2
Z2 4
o /4 C1 C2 o /4 Z2 C3
o /4 o /4
(c) Figure 13-17 A quadrature hybrid coupler: (a) physical topology; (b) even-mode prototype; and (c) oddmode prototype.
Another four-port circuit with valuable characteristics is the quadrature coupler of Figure 13-17(a), with even- and odd-mode prototypes illustrated in Figures 13-17(b) and 13-17(c). The even- and odd-mode prototypes typically consist of sections of shunt one-eighth wavelength long open- and short-circuited stubs, respectively, separated by one-quarter wavelength long sections of transmission lines of uniform impedance, Zi . Each quarterwave transmission line section may then be split into two equal sections and the resulting ABCD matrix of a cascade pair of one-eighth wavelength long transmission lines is . 1 + S2 (13.45) From Equation (13.45) it can be seen that the resulting matrix is invariant with respect to the transformation 1 S 1/S (13.46) except for a change of sign [299]. This leads to a very interesting property. A C B D = 1 1 S2 1 Zi S
S Zi 2
1 1 S2
1 + S2 2Zi S
2S Zi
The above implies that the odd-mode prototype of the coupler can be derived from its even mode, and vice versa, by simply replacing the opencircuited stubs by short-circuited stubs [299]. Now, in the S-plane, the even- and odd-mode prototypes have lowpass and highpass responses respectively. In the f -plane the lowpass and highpass responses become periodic functions with bandstop and bandpass responses, respectively, at the center frequency, f0 . Thus, over a frequency band centered at f0 , the even-mode network suppresses common-mode signals while the odd-mode prototype passes differential-mode signals. So the CMRR of this network has the relationship already dened in Equation (13.38). In this case the square of the modulus of the even-mode transmission transfer function, 2 |ST (S)|EVEN , only dips to zero at the center of the band, and thus the CMRR will have a varying characteristic with enhanced performance in the middle of the operating band. The quadrature coupler utilized as an interstage network has a maximum bandwidth ratio (f2 /f1 :1, where f1 and f2 are the passband edge frequencies) of 3:1 over which there is discrimination of common- and differential-mode signals. This condition is satised only if the cutoff frequency, f1 , of the even-mode prototype is chosen to be f1 = f0 /2, leading to an upper cutoff frequency of f2 = 3f1 . (13.48) (13.47)
In principle the quadrature coupler can be used as an interstage network but, in contrast to a Class A network, it is a lowpass structure. This structure can be modied for the purpose of biasing active devices with the inclusion of a pair of wideband bias-Ts [300] at the input arms. However, by proper selection of the relevant set of transmission zeroes a coupler-like network that supports DC bias can be designed. This leads to the Class B interstage network shown in Figure 13-18. The generalized odd-mode Splane prototype of a Class B circuit is shown in Figure 13-18(b) and consists of a minimum of ve zeroes at DC and i inverters, where i > 5 is an even number to maintain physical symmetry [294]. This has the benet of providing DC bias to other parts of the system if required. It is now intuitive to conclude that the even- and odd-mode subnetworks of the coupler-like network will provide the necessary attenuation and matching of commonand differential-mode signals. This is illustrated in Figure 13-19 for a set of synthesized Class B prototypes with a 3:1 passband centered at 500 MHz for various lter degrees. It is seen that the even-mode and odd-mode responses are considerably different from each other over the frequency range of interest. The main advantage of a Class B network is simplicity in design, control of the even-mode attenuation level, and inherent broadband
0 /4 Z0
0 /4 Z1
0 /4 Z2
0 /4 Z2
0 /4 Z1
0 /4 Z0
(b) Figure 13-18 Generalized topology of Class B interstage network: (a) physical topology; and (b) odd-mode prototype with ve zeroes at DC and i > 5 inverters (the one-quarter wavelength long transmission lines).
(b) Figure 13-19 Simulated transmission characteristics of Class B interstage network for different degrees: (a) odd-mode and (b) even-mode responses centered at 500 MHz with a 3:1 bandwidth.
operation. It is worth pointing out that the effective electrical lengths of the transmission lines forming the branches of the coupler-like section of Class B networks are one-half wavelength long, whereas the branches of the true quadrature coupler are one-quarter wavelength long. In general, Class B networks are particularly suited for systems operating at very high frequency, as electrical miniaturization of a Class B structure is not possible as is the case with Class A networks.
A pseudo-differential amplier (HELA-10B) [194] was integrated with a Class A network. The amplier has a gain of 11 dB and broadband operation from 50 MHz to 1 GHz in a 50- system. The chip requires a single +12 V DC power supply. An odd-mode S-plane bandpass lter prototype was designed corresponding to an f -plane response with a center frequency,
f0 , of 500 MHz, band-edge frequencies (f1 and f2 ) of 250 MHz and 750 MHz, a commensurate frequency, fr , of 2 GHz, and a return loss of 16 dB. The set of transmission zeroes chosen for this lter are three zeroes at DC, three zeroes at innity, and two nonredundant inverters. Based on this the characteristic polynomial, K(S), of the lter prototype is constructed using a classic procedure [295, 296]. This gives 2 S 1 S2 , (13.49) K (S) = DK (S) where DK (S) = 56.51122588 S 4 + 0.01613466 S 3 13.39620723 S 2 + 0.0001404614 S 0.629533102
from which the input reection coefcient is evaluated using Equations (13.41) and (13.42). The input impedance, Zin (S)|ODD , is then evaluated using Equation (13.43). The synthesized prototype is shown in Figure 1320(a) in a 50 system. Construction of the four-port interstage network is now possible after transformation of parts of the odd-mode prototype to a structure made of coupled lines and lumped capacitors. Figure 13-20(b) shows the nal layout. Implementation on an FR4 PCB with a substrate thickness of 62 mil (1.57 mm), relative dielectric constant of 4.7, and loss tangent of 0.016 translate coupled-line even- and odd-mode impedances of 276.589 and 48.69 to a pair of PCLs that are 10 mil (0.254 mm) wide and 7 mil (0.177 mm) apart. The coupled lines are 910 mil (23.1 mm) long. The even- and odd-mode transmission characteristics of the physical layout of Figure 13-20(b) were measured and are presented in Figure 13-21(a). In the odd mode, a bandpass response with a 3:1 bandwidth ratio is observed when the even-mode isolation is at least 22 dB. The nite even-mode isolation level is primarily due to the difference between the even- and odd-mode phase velocities of the microstrip media, leading to the transmission of common-mode signals through the isolating sections. Another source of energy leakage contributing to this nite isolation level is the parasitic coupling beyond nearest neighboring resonators leading to unwanted couplings throughout the even-mode networks of the interstage network. This is particularly true since there is weak coupling between closely spaced pairs of resonators of isolating sections giving rise to crosscoupling routes. The overall measured characteristics of the interstage network coupled to the pseudo-differential amplier are shown in Figure 13-21(b). Very low common-mode gain, Ac , of less than 12 dB was recorded over the operating bandwidth while a 3:1 bandwidth ratio was achieved with a differential-mode gain, Ad , of about 10 dB. The excess 1 dB of loss is
3 Z oe = 276.589 Z oo = 48.69 X 4 Z oe = 276.589 Z oo = 48.69
6.2 6.2
4.7 4.7
Z oe = 276.589 Z oo = 48.69
6.2 6.2
Z oe = 276.589 Z oo = 48.69
X 2
(b) Figure 13-20 A Class A interstage network in a 50 system: (a) synthesized odd-mode prototype; and (b) physical layout with capacitors in picofarads.
attributed to loss in the interstage network. Also it is observed that the differential-mode gain ripples over the measured passband and rolls off rapidly toward the upper band-edge frequency (i.e., 750 MHz). This is primarily due to the impedance level mismatches since the measured return loss of the interstage circuit is only 6 dB (see Figure 13-20(c)). The deteriorated return loss is due to the restriction imposed by the FR4 board manufacturing process that only allowed a minimum of 7 mil spacing between the coupled lines. To achieve a better return loss, for example, 12 dB, a 5 mil spacing between the lines is required.
A Class B interstage network was also designed on an FR4 board with the same specication to that used in the above sub-section. In this case the objective is to highlight the characteristics of the even- and oddmode networks of a Class B circuit without integration with the pseudodifferential amplier. The odd-mode prototype was designed for an f plane response identical to that dened in the above sub-section but with a return loss (RL) of 36 dB. Here the commensurate frequency, fr , of the f plane prototype coincides with the center frequency, f0 , since the prototype
(b) Figure 13-21 Measured characteristics of the interstage network shown in Figure 13-20: (a) measured even- and odd-mode transmission characteristics; and (b) measured common- and differential-mode gains of the pseudo-differential amplier in cascade with the interstage network.
corresponds to an S-plane highpass network. The set of transmission zeroes of the odd-mode prototype of the coupler-like network are chosen to be ve zeroes at DC and four inverters. The characteristic polynomial, K(S), was directly generated using the technique described by Horton and Wenzel [294] to give
In a manner similar to that used previously, SR (S)|ODD and Zin (S)|ODD are constructed using Equations (13.41)(13.43). Direct synthesis of the above transfer function leads to the prototype of Figure 13-22(a) in a 50 system. Application of the appropriate Kuroda transformations to the circuit of Figure 13-22(a) results in the circuit of Figure 13-22(b). It is seen from Figure 13-22(b) that the characteristic impedances of the inner pair of shunt short-circuited stubs are 33.27 . This pair of stubs was forced to have a value of 50 by application of circuit optimization, leading to a degradation of the return loss from 36 dB to about 15 dB with a slight increase in bandwidth. The prototype is shown in Figure 13-22(c). At this point the layout of the interstage network is constructed from the odd-mode prototype. However, the input and output sections (series open-circuited stubs separated by a inverter) are difcult to realize using microstrip technology and the equivalence to coupled lines must be made, leading to the nal network of Figure 13-22(d). Now the even- and odd-mode impedances of values 133.741 and 41.306 of each coupledline section are translated into physical dimensions, resulting in a width of 27 mil (0.685 mm), spacing of 7 mil (0.177 mm), and length of 3483 mil (88.5 mm). The width of the other transmission lines of 50 , 70.047 , and 83.594 are 110 mil (2.794 mm), 57 mil (1.447 mm), and 38 mil (0.965 mm), respectively. Also, the lengths of all the transmission lines were 3483 mil (88.5 mm). The measured even- and odd-mode transmission characteristics of the interstage network are shown in Figure 13-23, showing signicant difference as expected.
This section presented the derivation of and design procedures for two classes of four-port microwave interstage networks that block commonmode signals over a very broad frequency range. The design procedure presented for the new networks is based on the synthesis of an odd-mode prototype with broad bandwidth and out-of-band rejection. Subsequent integration of either class of these networks with pseudo-differential circuits leads to dramatic improvement of the subsystem CMRR over large bandwidth. Both classes of networks possess fundamentally different evenand odd-mode transmission characteristics and reect undesired commonmode energy. Class B networks could be designed to posses a nite attenuation level to reject common-mode signals. This feature does not exist with Class A networks, and basically the rejection level of common-mode signals will depend on how homogeneous the realization medium is. The choice of which class to use is dependent on the system application.
o /4 87.524 226.362
o /4 74.867
o /4 74.867 226.362
o /4 87.524
41.306 o /4 46.217 41.306 o /4 56.038 o /4 56.038 41.306 o /4 46.217 41.306
41.306 o /4 46.217 41.306 o /4 70.047 o /4 70.047 41.306 o /4 46.217 41.306
QUADRATURE COUPLERLIKE NETWORK o /4 o /4 70.047 Z oe = 133.741 Z oo = 41.306 o /4 50 b 83.594 X 50 70.047 Z oe = 133.741 Z oo = 41.306
o /4 1
o /4 3
83.594 X
83.594 o /4 50 b 50
2 Z oe = 133.741 Zoo = 41.306 70.047 o = 13932 mil 70.047 Z oe = 133.741 Zoo = 41.306
(d) Figure 13-22 A Class B interstage network: (a) odd-mode prototype: (b) after application of Kuroda transformations; (c) after circuit optimization; and (d) physical layout.
Figure 13-23 Measured even- and odd-mode transmission characteristics of the interstage network shown in Figure 13-22(d).
Subsystems with active devices generally require matching networks which, as well as providing optimum transfer of power within an operating band, often determine the stability of the subsystem by their out-of-band characteristics. Essentially a matching network must extract maximum power from the source for transfer to the load, but must also present the source with a specic immittance prole both in and out of its operating band. For example, the impedance level of a matching network connected to the output of a power amplier approximating a current source must drop to a low level in the out-of-band region to ensure device stability. These design criteria impose requirements on the matching network, necessitating that its design be based on a singly terminated [301304] rather than a doubly terminated network [125]. In the case of a singly terminated matching network, the real part of its input immittance function becomes the design parameter and hence is tailored appropriately to suit the characteristics of the source. This section presents structures that combine the functionality of baluns and matching networks. The structures are derived from several lter prototypes [125] that can be realized in the form of Marchand baluns. The baluns represent a solution to the problem of matching between terminals of extreme impedance (or admittance) values without using elements of extreme characteristic impedances in the balun structures. This is by virtue of tapping the balanced resonators of the baluns, thus allowing a wide range of load-to-source immittance ratios to be realized. The presentation here begins in Sections 13.4.1 and 13.4.2 by highlighting the difference in design objectives between doubly and singly terminated networks. Section 13.4.4 describes a method of scaling the balanced load
of a balun to specic values. Finally, Sections 13.4.6 and 13.4.7 present the synthesis and implementation of two tapped baluns. Size miniaturization and specic load-to-source immittance ratios are achieved.
The fundamental difference between doubly and singly terminated matching networks concerns the design parameter synthesized to satisfy an electrical specication. First, the doubly terminated matching network will be considered. A doubly terminated network attempts to achieve a constant return-loss level at its terminals over a specied passband. Referring to Figure 7-15, the design focus is the input reection coefcient in = Zin RS Zin + RS (13.52)
for an impedance-based network, where RS is the source impedance. The input reection coefcient can also be expressed as in = YS Yin YS + Yin (13.53)
for an admittance-based network where Ys (= 1/Rs ) is the source admittance. In a lossless system the transmission characteristic is |S21 | = 1 |in | .
2 2
Also, for an admittance-based network driven by a voltage source, the transmission characteristic is |S21 | = {Yin } ..
An ideal impedance-based singly terminated network is driven by a current source and presents a constant-impedance level to its driving source over its operating band. It can be shown that the transmission coefcient of a singly terminated network is actually equal to the real part of its input impedance [303, 304]: |S21 |2 = {Zin}. (13.55)
From Equations (13.54)(13.56) it is evident that the transfer of power from the source to the load is different in the two cases.
A Balun Example
To demonstrate the above points, the performance of a third-order Class A Marchand balun [125] designed from the doubly and singly terminated prototypes presented in Sections 13.4.1 and 13.4.2 is considered.
(b) Figure 13-24 Input admittance of Class A Marchand balun normalized to a 1 system: (a) real part of the input admittance of a balun designed from a doubly terminated prototype for various single-ended return-loss levels; and (b) the same balun designed utilizing a singly terminated prototype with a specic passband ripple.
Figure 13-24(a) presents plots of the real part of the baluns input admittance function at the single-ended port. Here it is shown how the characteristic of the real part changes as the return-loss level is varied from 10 dB to 20 dB. As expected, the passband ripple decreases as the return loss improves. However, it is also seen, from Figure 13-24(a), that the real part peaks at frequencies outside the passband (dened by the vertical dotted lines) as the return loss improves, resulting in an uncontrolled increase in bandwidth. Thus, in order to improve the in-band ripple of the input admittance level, the skirt selectivity must be degraded. In almost every application the skirt selectivity of a matching network is equally as important as the quality of the in-band match and has direct inuence on the overall system performance. Now the same type of balun is synthesized on a singly terminated basis
Table 13-1 Type of parameter synthesized for each class of baluns. Prototype classes [9] A Distribution of zeroes 2 zeroes at S=0 2 zeroes at S = 2 zeroes at S=1 2 zeroes at S=0 1 zero at S = 1 zero at S=1 1 zero at S=0 2 zeroes at S = 1 zero at S=1 2 zeroes at S=0 2 zeroes at S = Type of parameter realized at single-ended port {Yin } Type of parameter realized at balanced ports {Zin }
{Yin } {Zin }
{Zin } {Zin }
{Zin }
{Zin }
(see the characteristic in Figure 13-24(b)). Here it is seen that the transition from passband to stopband is much faster than that of any of the functions presented in Figure 13-24(a). In addition, there is a more controlled in-band ripple variation. The function depicted in Figure 13-24(b) is a Chebyshev which is well known for its optimum performance in terms of trading off passband ripple and skirt selectivity [303]. Thus, based on the proceeding comparison, it is possible to conclude that a singly terminated balun integrated as a matching network in a subsystem conguration will extract maximum available power from its source and will possess the desired out-of-band characteristics for stability requirements of active circuits. Table 13-1 summarizes the types of parameters that are synthesized at either port with reference to the sets of transmission zeroes used.
This section shows that the balun of Figure 13-25(a) [125] can be designed for specic load-to-source immittance ratios. The equivalent prototype of this balun, Figure 13-25(b), can be synthesized for different commensurate frequencies, fr . The commensurate frequency determines the electrical lengths of the transmission lines forming the balun and thus the larger the value of fr , the smaller the size of the resulting balun structure. In addition to xing the overall size of the balun, the choice of fr also impacts the values of the immittances terminating the balun. In general the inherent values of the load and source immittances of a Marchand balun
Z oc1 r / 4 SINGLE ENDED Z oc1 Z oea , Z ooa Zoc4 Zoeb , Z oob Z oc3 r /4 Z oc2
Z o1 Z o2 Z o1 Z c2 Z c1
Z o3
RoB Z c3 Z c4
(b) Figure 13-25 A bandpass Marchand balun with balanced load impedance RB : (a) its physical layout based on Figure 13-1; and (b) its corresponding S-plane bandpass prototype (from Figure 13-3(b)).
are functions of the passband ripple, operating bandwidth, and also fr . An example of a synthesized balun with an octave bandwidth centered at 500 MHz is shown in Figure 13-26. It is seen that the inherent values of the single-ended and balanced impedances drop as fr increases from 5 GHz to 20 GHz. Thus miniaturizing such a structure has an impact on its terminal impedances. It is also observed that the inherent balanced-tosingle-ended impedance ratios and the modal-impedances in the two cases remain practically unaffected with different values of fr . The focus will now shift to tapping the balanced resonators of the balun to achieve a wide range of balanced-to-single-ended immittance ratios. The detailed analysis of the generalized Marchand balun presented in Section 13.2 demonstrated that the balanced load is always much higher in value than the single-ended source impedance. It is common practice to scale down the balanced load impedance by using a pair of onequarter wavelength long transmission lines (e.g., see Figure 13-11). While this is normally an acceptable technique, the pair of transmission lines drastically increased the overall size of the balun. Note that these matching lines resonated at the passband center frequency, f0 , while the balun structure comprised transmission lines that resonated at the commensurate
r /4 ZS
Z oc1
r / 4
Z oc3
r /4
Zoeb , Z oob
(a) fr (GHz) 5 10 20 Zs () 47.55 48.028 48.148 Z0c1 () 1.56 0.385 0.095 Z0c3 () 3.117 0.787 0.197 Z0c4 () 4.744 1.184 0.294 Z0ea = Z0eb () 164.946 166.842 167.502 (b) Z0ea = Z0eb () 189.411 191.724 192.152 (c) Z0oa = Z0ob () 58.253 59.421 59.827 Rs () 6.166 3.127 1.569 RB () 59.988 30.567 15.373 RB /Rs 9.728 9.775 9.797
fr (GHz) 5 10 20
Figure 13-26 Class A balun: (a) the electrical layout with an octave bandwidth centered at 500 MHz; (b) element values for a prescribed impedance function at the balanced ports with a passband ripple of 0.5 dB; and (c) element values for a prescribed admittance function at the single-ended port with a passband ripple of 0.5 dB.
frequency, fr , where fr > f0 . This situation is undesirable in circumstances where size reduction is the primary objective. This drawback is overcome while simultaneously achieving a specic load-to-source immittance ratio by tapping the balanced resonators of the balun. It is common practice to alter the system impedance at either or both ports of a microwave lter [305] to yield a realizable circuit. Consequently, tapping the resonators at the scaled node(s) of the lter matches it to the desired system impedance with the advantage of no added hardware. This approach is used here in designing Marchand baluns. To begin the description of the tapped balun design, consider Figure 1327(a), which illustrates the basic output subsection of a bandpass Marchand balun. The subsection consists of a short-circuited stub, representing the balanced resonators, and an open-circuited stub connected to the balanced load, RB . To scale the load impedance from RB to RD (RD < RB ) an
1: X RD /2
Z oc/2
Z oc/2
Z sc/2 lr ZT 1: X
Zsc /2
l1 RD /2
Zsc /2 Co
Co Zsc /2 Zt Zt lr lr
Zsc /2 l1
RD /2
Zsc/2 Zsc/2
RD /2
Zsc/2 Zsc/2 Zt lr l1
RD /2
(d) Figure 13-27 Balanced resonator tapping: (a) typical output section of a bandpass balun prototype after scaling its balanced load using an ideal transformer; (b) identication of the virtual ground plane; and (c) and (d) balanced resonators after tapping.
ideal 1:X transformer X = RD /RB is inserted at the output, as shown in Figure 13-27(a). If the balun is designed such that the virtual ground plane bisects the subcircuit in the center, then it is possible to exactly represent the subcircuit of Figure 13-27(a) by that of Figure 13-27(b). The subcircuit of Figure 13-27(b) (excluding the open-circuited stub) can then be approximated by that of Figure 13-27(c). Examination of the subcircuit of Figure 13-27(c) reveals that the total length of the balanced resonators is still equal to lr , but now the short-circuited stubs of length l1 represent the parts of each resonator seen by each half of the scaled balanced load to the virtual ground. Also the existence of the lumped capacitor C0 is required for ne-tuning purposes. For a balun realizing a prescribed immittance function at the single-ended port, the following approximation is valid for passband bandwidths up to an octave. At the center frequency, f0 , the impedance, ZT , in Figure 13-27(b) is ZT = T + T , (13.57) where T = and
2 T = 2RD Zsc (tan (lr )) 2 4RD 2 Zsc (tan (lr )) 2 2 2RD
2 4RD 2 RB
Now the ABCD matrix of half of the circuit of Figure 13-27(c) (without including the load impedance) can be derived based on the following matrix manipulations: A C B D = 1 (2f )C0
2 Zsc Zsc 2
0 1
Zsc 2
sin ( (lr l1 )) 0 1 .
cos ( (lr l1 ))
Using Equation (13.60), the input impedance, Zt , is evaluated at f0 to give Zt = A (RD /2) + B = t + t . C (RD /2) + D (13.61)
In Equations (13.58)(13.60), (= (2/) = (2f /vp )) is the propagation constant and vp is the phase velocity in the transmission medium. The real
and imaginary parts of Equations (13.57) and (13.61) may now be equated and solved simultaneously for the two unknowns, l1 and C0 . It should be appreciated, however, that there is a limit to how much the balanced load impedance can be lowered from RB to RD using the tapping approach. For example, forcing RD to be a very low value will likely degrade the ripple level of the real part of the input immittance at the single-ended port. In general, the approximation is increasingly valid as RD approaches RB /2. The above procedure can also be used to scale the balanced load of a balun realizing a prescribed immittance function at its balanced ports. In this case, it is more appropriate to approximate the subcircuit of Figure 13-27(b) by that of Figure 13-27(d) in a similar fashion as was just described. The process of load scaling will be demonstrated as part of the examples discussed in the next section.
Design Example
The general form of the characteristic polynomial of an S-plane highpass network comprising m open- or short-circuited stubs, and n one-quarter wavelength transmission lines is [138, 294] K(S) = cos m cos1 Sc S + n cos1
2 1 Sc 1 S2
where S is the Richards variable. The prototypes to be synthesized in the next two subsections are chosen to have a pair of zeroes at DC (m = 2) and a single zero at S = 1, so (n = 1). For an octave bandwidth, Equation (13.62) becomes K(S) =
2 2 S 2 2Sc + Sc 2 1 Sc + 2 2 1 Sc + 2
3 S 3 Sc
1 S2
with Sc equal to 0.57735. The FR4 PCB substrate utilized for the fabrication of the baluns had a thickness of 1.57 mm, relative dielectric constant of 4.7, and loss tangent of 0.016. The synthesis concept is implemented in the next two subsections for two types of baluns.
A Class A balun is required to have a prescribed immittance function at its single-ended port with a passband ripple, , of 0.508 (i.e., 10 log10 1 1 + 2 = 1 dB) centered at 500 MHz. According to Table 13-1, the Class A balun implements an admittance function at the singleended port. The balun is also required to transform a single-ended source impedance of 7 to a balanced load of 100 . A typical situation that
requires this type of balun is in the matching stage between the output of a power amplier having low output impedance and a balanced circuit such as an antenna. Using Equation (13.63), the real part of the input admittance is derived from 1 2 {Yin (S)} = (13.64) 2 = |S21 (S)| , . 1 + 2 |k(S)| Partial fraction expansion of Equation (13.64) is then applied after which the input admittance is extracted with the knowledge of the relationship [303, 304] {Yin (S)} = 0.5 {Yin (S) + Yin (S)} . (13.65) This gives the input admittance, Yin (S) = (0.1662867861 + 0.3615083714) + (S + 0.4719034609 1.681902406) (0.1662867847 0.361508366) 2.438018122 + 1. (S + 0.4719034609 + 1.681902406) (S + 3.734004591) (13.66)
Note that all of the poles of Equation (13.66) are located on the left-hand side of the S-plane to ensure that the input impedance is positive real. The above function is then synthesized to obtain an S-plane singly terminated prototype with element values as shown in Figure 13-28(a). It is worth mentioning that each S-plane capacitor and inductor of Figure 13-28(a) becomes an open- and a short-circuited stub, respectively, in the f -plane with characteristic impedances of 1/(0 C) and 0 L, respectively (with 0 = 1). The system impedance of the prototype is then raised from 1 to 7 , after which the half-angle and relevant Kuroda transformations (see Figures 13-4(a) and 13-4(b)) are applied, resulting in a transformed bandpass prototype. This leads to the f -plane prototype of Figure 13-28(b). The element values of the circuit of Figure 13-25(b) may now be obtained from the circuit of Figure 13-28(b). They are as follows: Z01 = 28.023 , Zc1 = 77.777 , Z02 = 0, Zc2 = 78.287 , Z03 = 502.364 , Zc3 = 70.025 = Zc4 , RoB = 60.669 . (13.67)
Substituting Equation (13.67) into Equations (13.5)(13.7), the parameters of the balun of Figure 13-28(c) can be derived using Equations (13.8)(13.13). Figure 13-28(c) depicts a load impedance of 100 after the inclusion of a 1:0.714 transformer. This implies that the balun has an inherent balanced-tosingle-ended impedance ratio of RD 195.879 = = 27.98 RS 7 (13.68)
r / 4 2.945 Vg
r / 4 20.6 28.023 r / 4 77.777 502.364 78.287 70.025 60.669
r /4 20.6
r /4
r /4
Z oea=175.63 Z ooa=49.948
Z oeb=175.63 Z oob=49.948
12.4 pF r /4 1 20.6 l1 Yin1 l1 =55.167 mm r /4 =75 mm Z oea=175.63 Z ooa= 49.948 2 50 50 2.07 pF l1 Z oeb=175.63 3 Z oob= 49.948 r /4 r /4 0.78 pF
(d) Figure 13-28 Class A balun with prescribed admittance function at the single-ended port: (a) S-plane singly terminated prototype; (b) admittance-scaled and circuit-transformed f -plane prototype; (c) layout; and (d) layout with tapped resonators.
Figure 13-29
From Figure 13-28(c) it can be seen that the pairs of coupled-lines of the balun possess identical modal impedances. This is a result of the appropriate sequence of circuit transformations applied to the initial prototype of Figure 13-28(a). Due to this, the balanced load and the output shunt stubs are symmetrically bisected by a virtual ground plane (in the center). Thus the resonator tapping approach, discussed in Section 13.4.4, can be implemented. For this balun the elements of the output subsection (corresponding to Figure 13-27(a)) are Zoc = 225.579 , Zsc = 225.579 , RB = 195.879 , RD = 100 , lr = 75 mm, X = 0.714, (13.69)
which, upon solving Equations (13.57) and (13.61), yields the tapping height and the value of the capacitor as follows: l1 = 55.787 mm, C0 = 1.313 pF. (13.70)
At this stage the open-circuited stubs in the balun structure of Figure 1328(c) are approximated by lumped capacitors leading to the electrical layout of Figure 13-28(d). Subsequently the electrical layout of the balun is then converted into a physical layout and fabricated as shown in Figure 13-29. For practical purposes, additional sections of 50 lines interconnecting the SMA connectors to the actual balun ports are added, as shown in Figure 13-29. The extra transmission lines at the balanced ports have no effect on the measured response at the single-ended port, however, the delay introduced between the SMA connector and the actual single-ended port of the balun must be de-embedded in order to accurately measure the input admittance. A pair of 50 loads is connected at the balanced ports and the single-ended port of the balun connected to a digital sampling oscilloscope. The measured time delay due to the transmission line section at the single-ended port is 82.5 ps. The measured performance of the balun is shown in Figure 13-30. Here the center frequency of the passband has been offset 6.6% (shifted down by 33 MHz) and is now centered at 467 MHz. This offset is due to the
Figure 13-30
parasitic inductances of the via holes, which are not accounted for, and can be corrected by slightly shortening the transmission line resonators of the balun. The measured amplitude and phase imbalances are less than 0.2 dB and 1 , respectively.
Here a balun is synthesized with a prescribed immittance function at the balanced ports of a Marchand balun. The Class A balun of the previous subsection transformed a balanced source impedance of 100 to a singleended load of 50 with a ripple, , of 0.349 (0.5 dB). According to Table 131, the structure realizes an impedance function. A typical application that requires this type of balun is the matching stage between the differential outputs of an RFIC feeding a single-ended circuit such as a lter. The real part of the balanced impedance function was developed, as previously, using Equations (13.63)(13.65), but on an impedance basis. The synthesized S-plane prototype is shown in Figure 13-31(a). The prototype is then scaled up in impedance so that a 50 load results at the single-ended port, leading to the f -plane prototype of Figure 13-31(b). Going through identical steps as described in Section 13.4.4, the tapped balun of Figure 1331(c) results, with its simulated differential impedance depicted in Figure 13-31(d). The fabricated balun is shown in Figure 13-32. Balanced operation of the balun was tested by measuring the real and imaginary parts of the impedance function to ground at Port 1 of Figure 13-31(c) with Port 2 terminated to ground in a 50 load. A similar measurement at Port 2 with Port 1 terminated in 50 is shown in Figure 13-33.
r / 4 1.756 1
r / 4 10.163 50 77.647 295.082 r / 4 74.8 74.637 81.952
80.607 80.607
Z Z 1.2 pF 28 pF r /4 77.647 50 l1 4.2 pF l1 =35 mm r /4 =75 mm 1 Zin12 2 1.4 pF 4.2 pF l1 Z oea=183.473 ooa= 47.133 r /4 3.9 pF Z oeb=183.473 oob= 47.133 r /4
(d) Figure 13-31 Class A balun with prescribed impedance function at the balanced ports: (a) S-plane singly terminated prototype; (b) impedance-scaled and circuit-transformed f -plane prototype; (c) electrical layout with tapped resonators depicting the modal impedances of the coupled lines; (d) simulation of the differential impedance between Ports 1 and 2; and (e) the fabricated balun.
(b) Figure 13-33 Measured characteristics of the balun of Figure 13-32: (a) and (b) are the real and imaginary parts of the driving point impedances to ground at each balanced port with the other terminated in a 50 load.
Singly terminated prototypes were used to derive new immittancetransforming Marchand baluns suitable for matching purposes. This led to miniaturized lumped-distributed baluns realizing specic immittance
proles at either their single-ended or balanced ports. The stability of active devices such as single-ended or differential ampliers could be improved by controlling the immittance they see. This is achieved by utilizing the proposed baluns in those situations. For a specic operating bandwidth and passband ripple the commensurate frequency of the presented baluns can be varied, resulting in a wide range of terminal immittance values. Additional tapping of the balanced resonators of the baluns leads to the realization of specic balanced-to-single-ended immittance ratios at no increase in overall size. Two baluns were designed using a synthesis procedure. Measured and simulated specications were in close agreement.
A new class of parallel-coupled line lters with broad stopband response is introduced in this section. The design is based on the synthesis of bandpass prototypes with predened upper stopband characteristics. The new lters have uniform- and stepped-impedance resonators, some of which are loaded by open-circuited stubs at their open-circuited ends. Considerable efforts to improve the stopband performance of microstrip PCL lters have largely been directed at suppressing the harmonic spurious passband located at 2f0 (where f0 is the passband center frequency). This has been done by compensating for the difference between the even- and odd-mode phase velocities of the inhomogeneous media. In one approach, the coupled lines were loaded by lumped capacitors [145] or meandered [146]. Other approaches have introduced ground plane apertures underneath the coupled lines [147149] or utilized suspended substrates with dielectric overlay [150, 151]. Other attempts to suppress the undesired spurious passbands have introduced geometrical perturbations to the uniform-impedance resonators in the coupling regions [152156], loaded them by split ring resonators [158], or utilized stepped-impedance resonators [159]. Using uniform- or stepped-impedance resonators is the most successful strategy for enhancing the stopband performance of PCL lters.
It was pointed out in Section 9.11 that lters using transmission lines have spurious passbands. To some extent, it is possible to alter the positions of the spurious passbands of conventional PCL lters by using steppedimpedance resonators. An excellent account of this technique can be found in Makimoto and Yamashita [159]. Figure 13-34(a) shows a Type 1 steppedimpedance resonator where Zs > Zr [159]. The design approach using Type 1 resonators is briey explained as follows. The uniform resonators of each PCL section in a conventional lter are staggered by a dened amount. The impact of this is subsequently compensated for by setting the
~ o /4 ls Zs
~ o /4 ls Zs Z oei, Z ooi ~ o /4
(b) Figure 13-34 Stepped-impedance resonators: (a) A Type 1 stepped-impedance resonator from Makimoto and Yamashita [159]; (b) a pair of coupled steppedimpedance resonators.
ls Zs
characteristic impedances of the uncoupled line sections of the resonators to a xed high value, Zs . Consequently the length, ls , of each uncoupled line in the lter is then optimized until the return loss of the fundamental passband is restored. A pair of stepped-impedance resonators is shown in Figure 13-34(b). Intuitively one could conclude that a change in the stopband performance of a lter depends on the amount of the stagger and the impedance ratio, Zs /Zr . This process can be iterated until a suitable stopband performance is obtained. In general this technique offers limited stopband improvement and is best suited to applications where a small shift in the spurious passbands would block harmonics of the input signal from passing through the lter. Thus the spurious passbands of a lter are not eliminated, but in effect the stopband characteristic is altered to suit a particular specication [159]. There is also a Type 2 stepped-impedance resonator with Zs < Zr resulting in lters with slightly different stopband behavior to those utilizing Type 1 resonators [159]. In the following it is shown that design of PCL lters based on S-plane bandpass prototypes leads to better stopband performances.
In Cheong et al. [162] a PCL lter with uniform-impedance resonators loaded by open-circuited stubs at all its open-circuited ends suppresses the second- and third-ordered harmonic passbands. This approach was generalized in Fathelbab and Steer [157] and this development is described here. The new PCL lters are derived from synthesized bandpass prototypes
with controlled upper stopband responses. This is done by systematic application of appropriate circuit transformations on the initial bandpass prototype resulting in a class of PCL lters comprising uniform- and stepped-impedance resonators, some of which are loaded by open-circuited stubs at their open-circuited ends. The prototype used here is shown in Figure 13-35(a). It is classied as an S-plane bandpass prototype with the Richards variable redened as S = BP = tan (BP ) = tan f 2 fr . (13.71)
In Equation (13.71) fr is the center frequency of the rst upper stopband in the f -plane. The general design approach is to synthesize the prototype of Figure 13-35(a) in the S-plane by exact methods [138, 295, 296] and then transform it to the f -plane using Equation (13.71). In the f -plane the inverters, capacitors, and inductors of Figure 13-35(a) become transmission lines, open- and short-circuited stubs, respectively, and are all one-quarter wavelength long at fr . It has been shown [303] that the f -plane response of an S-plane bandpass prototype is periodic, with a fundamental passband centered at f0 (f0 < fr ) and the spurious passbands centered at 2ifr f0 ; and 2ifr + f0 (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . .) . (13.72)
Thus synthesis based on an S-plane bandpass prototype has great exibility in controlling the location of the rst pair of spurious passbands in the f -plane. This is possible by selecting a large commensurate frequency, fr , to shift the upper spurious passbands further away from the fundamental passband. A typical f -plane response of the proposed prototype is depicted in Figure 13-35(b), where it can be seen that the series S-plane LC sections (i.e., f plane short- and open-circuited stubs) contribute to multiple transmission zeroes at ifr , where i = 1, 2, 3, . . . . Doubling the commensurate frequency (i.e., moving from fr to 2fr ) leads to the response shown in Figure 13-35(c) where the spurious responses are shifted, leaving behind a broad stopband region. Now attention is focused on the circuit structure of Figure 13-35(a). Through a number of circuit transformations this is converted into a form that can be implemented using distributed elements. Consider the S-plane subcircuit shown in Figure 13-36(a), which comprises an inverter separating a pair of series capacitors followed by a series inductor. It is feasible to transform the series LC section across the inverter by using relevant Kuroda transformations [138, 303]. This leads to the subcircuit of Figure 13-36(b) whose element values are related to those of Figure 13-36(a) through the
L 01
C 01
C 01 L 02
C 02
C 02 L 03
C 03
C 03 L 04
C 04
Z 01
Z 02
Z 03
1 2fr 4fr
| S 21|
fr f
2fr _ f0
3fr 2fr+ f0
4fr _ f0
5fr 4fr+ f0
(c) Figure 13-35 Bandpass PCL lter response: (a) S-plane bandpass prototype; (b) real frequency for one commensurate frequency, fr ; and (c) response after doubling fr .
Coi Lo(i+1)
1 : Ni
C i1
C i2
Z it
1 : Ni1 1 : Ni2 C i1
C i2
Z it
1 : Ni2 C i1
1 : Ni2
C i1
C i1
Ni2 : 1
Z it
Z it
1 : Ni1 r /4 Z oei, Z ooi 1/Ci2 r /4
(e) Figure 13-36 Exact circuit transformations: (a) basic S-plane subcircuit; (b) application of relevant Kuroda transformations; (c) splitting of the 1:Ni transformer; (d) distribution of the series capacitor; and (e) f -plane subsection comprising a parallel coupled line loaded by an open-circuited stub at the left open-circuited end.
following relations:
Ni = 1 + Ci1 =
1 Z0i Coi
Ci2 =
Now the series capacitor, Ci1 and the inverter of characteristic impedance Zit form a single PCL section if a 1:Ni2 transformer is extracted from the existing 1:Ni transformer. The value of the turns ratio of this transformer is Ni2 = Zit Zit + C1 i1
This step leads to the circuit of Figure 13-36(c). The 1:Ni2 transformer together with the series capacitor and inverter is the S-plane model of an open-circuited coupled-line section in homogenous media [138]. So for now, ignore the shunt capacitor Ci2 and investigate the left-hand subcircuit of Figure 13-36(d). If a relevant Kuroda transformation is applied to spread the series capacitor Ci1 , then the relations
Ci1 Zit
= =
hold for the circuits of Figure 13-36(d). Then the modal impedances of the PCL section loaded by an open-circuited stub (of characteristic impedance 1/Ci2 ) at the left open-circuited end are evaluated [303] using Equation (13.76) to give Z0ei =
(1/Ci1 + 2Zit ) , 2 Ni2
and Z0oi =
(1/Ci1 ) . 2 Ni2
This concludes the transformation of the networks in Figure 13-36(a) into that of Figure 13-36(e), which is almost in the nal desired form for implementation using transmission lines only. The ultimate transformation follows. Figure 13-37(a) shows an S-plane bandpass prototype where the networks enclosed in the dashed boxes can be systematically transformed as just described. The transformation results in the f -plane lter shown in Figure 13-37(b). This is only one among many that could have been obtained. In practical terms it might be desirable not to transform all of the inductors across the inverters to form parallel coupled lines loaded by open-circuited
L 01
C 01
C 01 L 02
C 02
C 02 L 03
C 03
C 03 L 04
C 04
C 04 L 05
Z 01
Z 02
Z 03
Z 04
L 01
Z oe1, Z oo1
Z oe2, Z oo2
L 01 C 01 C 01 C 02 C 02 L 03 C 03 C 03 C 02 C 02 L 05
L 02 /2 Z 01
L 02 /2 Z 02 Z 03
L 04 /2
L 04 /2 Z 04
L 01
1/C22 L 03 Z oe1, Z oo1 1/C12 1/C42 L 05 Z oe2, Z oo2 Z oe3, Z oo3 Z oe4, Z oo4 1/C32
(d) Figure 13-37 Filter 1: (a) S-plane bandpass prototype; and (b) its corresponding f -plane lter comprising PCLs loaded by open-circuited stubs at the left open-circuited ends. Filter 2: (c) S-plane bandpass prototype; and (d) its corresponding f -plane lter comprising PCLs loaded by open-circuited stubs at either the left or the right open-circuited ends. The lters in (b) and (d) are derived after application of the circuit transformation scheme described in Figure 13-36 on the subcircuits enclosed in the dashed boxes of the S-plane prototypes.
stubs. This is typically due to extreme element values that may be required that would lead to realization difculties on a PCB. To a great extent these constraints can be resolved dependent on how the initial S-plane bandpass prototype is transformed. For this reason, consider application of the transformation steps to the networks (enclosed in the dashed boxes) of the S-plane prototype shown in Figure 13-37(c). This prototype is identical to that of Figure 13-37(a) except that some of the inductors are now divided into pairs. Upon transformation, the f -plane lter illustrated in Figure 13-37(d) results. As seen in Figure 13-37(d), the lter inevitably has some series short-circuited stubs in its main signal path. These can be approximated by sections of high-impedance transmission lines, as described below. A section of transmission line of short electrical length at f0 and of high characteristic impedance Z0 has an input impedance of Zin (Z0 ) ( ) = (Z0 ) f0 2 fr , (13.78)
where fr is the one-quarter wavelength frequency of the transmission line. In comparison, a series short-circuited stub of characteristic impedance L is resonant at fr and has an input impedance at the center of the fundamental passband equal to
f0 2 fr
The above equations are approximately equal for passband bandwidths up to an octave (i.e., a 2:1 bandwidth ratio) and hence can be simultaneously solved for the required resonant frequency of the transmission lines, yielding Z0 f0 fr = . (13.80) 2 L tan f0
2 fr
Subsequently the physical length of the transmission line can be evaluated for a given substrate specication. In general the higher the line impedance that can be realized, the better the approximation. However, half of the Splane inductors in a prototype are transformed into open-circuited stubs and thus the shape of the f -plane transfer function of a prototype in the stopband region is maintained after the above approximation. This completes the lter design approach and now it is time for an example.
In this example a seventh-order Chebyshev bandpass lter at 1 GHz with a broad stopband response is designed. The design begins with a seventhorder approximation function in the S-plane [138, 295, 296]. Derivation of
364.926 1/119.025
Z oe1=238.093 Z oo1=105.054
Figure 13-38 Development of a seventh-order parallel coupled line lter: (a) the synthesized S-plane prototype in a 50 system; (b) after splitting some of the inner inductors into pairs; and (c) the topology of the f -plane lter depicting inter resonator couplings. (The X-X is the plane of symmetry).
the function from the outline procedure presented in the references cited is straight forward but lengthy. From the nal function and using standard synthesis, the physically symmetrical S-plane network results and half of it is shown in Figure 13-38(a). In the f -plane, the response of the network has a
fundamental passband center frequency, f0 , of 1 GHz, and a commensurate frequency, fr , of 2.75 GHz which, according to Equation (13.72), leads to spurious passbands centered at 4.5 GHz and 6.5 GHz. The return loss of the fundamental passband is 16 dB and its bandwidth ratio is 1.22:1 (i.e., 20%), leading to lower and upper band-edge frequencies of 0.9 GHz and 1.1 GHz, respectively. The next stage of design is transforming all of the inductors in the prototype into open-circuited stubs to yield a PCL lter similar in topology to that of Figure 13-37(b). From the rst box (of the prototype of Figure 1338(a)), the following parameters are obtained: C01 = 1/119.025; Z01 = 34.52; L02 = 713.332, (13.81)
corresponding to the network as shown in Figure 13-36(a). Now using Equation (13.73), a set of element values are evaluated to give N1 = 4.448, C11 = 1/2884.297 C12 = 1/186.595, Z1t = 866.876 . (13.82)
This transforms the subsection to that of Figure 13-36(b). A 1:N12 transformer is then extracted from the 1:N1 transformer using Equation (13.74). The value of the turns ratio of this transformer is N12 = 2.08, (13.83)
which, from Equation (13.75), leaves a 1:N11 transformer of turns ratio N11 = 2.138 . (13.84)
This transforms the network to the topology of Figure 13-36(c). The next step is to evaluate the element values of the network in Figure 13-36(d) using Equation (13.76) to give
C11 = 1/1947.35, Z1t = 1803.102 .
Now the modal impedances of the rst pair of parallel coupled lines, loaded by an open-circuited stub of characteristic impedance 1/C12 = 186.595 at the left open-circuited end, are calculated using Equation (13.77) as Z0e1 = 1283.643 ; Z0o1 = 450.108 . (13.86)
This concludes the transformation of the rst network to a topology similar to that of Figure 13-36(e). In a similar fashion, the networks enclosed in the second and third boxes are transformed, leading to the following element values: N21 = 2.14, 1/C22 = 176.964 , (13.87) Z0e2 = 1351.136 , Z0o2 = 403.706 ,
and N31 = 1.737, 1/C32 = 231.266 , Z0e3 = 765.535 , Z0o3 = 336.182 . (13.88)
It must be appreciated that each transformed network has a 1:Ni1 transformer associated with it. Each of these transformers is eliminated by scaling down the modal impedances of the PCL sections together with the characteristic impedances of the stubs in the lter. This step leads to a symmetrical f -plane lter compatible with that of Figure 13-37(b) having the following element values: Lo1
Z0e1 Z0e2 Z0e3
= 364.926
= 280.749 , Z0o1 = 98.454 , 1/C12 = 40.805 = 64.922 , Z0o2 = 19.72 , 1/C22 = 8.442 = 12.093 , Z0o3 = 5.31 , 1/C32 = 3.653 .
The design now enters a nal phase taking into account fabrication constraints. Here the choice is to construct the lter on an FR4 PCB with a substrate thickness of 62 mil (1.57 mm), relative dielectric constant of 4.7, and loss tangent of 0.016. Practical constraints impose a minimum track width and spacing between tracks of 7 mil (0.177 mm). From Equation (13.89), the coupling coefcients of the parallel coupled lines are calculated and the physical dimensions determined. Unfortunately the resulting dimensions are unrealizable on this type of board. Also, as seen in Equation (13.89), some of the impedances of the stubs are too low. Therefore transformation of the initial prototype to the proposed network topology of Figure 13-37(d) is incomplete. The steps involved are shown in Figures 13-38(b) and 13-38(c). It can now be seen from the circuit of Figure 13-38(c), that the modal impedances are actually high and would still be unrealizable on the PCB. Scaling down the impedance matrix representing this circuit is therefore necessary. This step changes the system impedance of the lter from 50 to 50/2.5 and imposes the placement of an impedance inverter of value 31.62 at each port of the lter. Each inverter is then approximated by a transmission line and the scaled series short-circuited stubs (near the lter ports in Figure 13-38(c)) of characteristic impedance 364.926/2.5 are subsequently transformed into open-circuited stubs using a Kuroda transformation. For a seventh-order lter there is only a pair of series short-circuited stubs left in the main line of the lter that must be approximated by highimpedance transmission lines. From Figure 13-38(c), the scaled characteristic impedance of one of these short-circuited stubs is 737.934/2.5. The highest characteristic impedance of a transmission that is realizable on the board is 137 , corresponding to a 7 mil (0.177 mm) wide track. Thus, using Equation (13.80), the one-quarter wavelength frequency of the line is evaluated as
X r/4 r /4 137 r/4 r/4 Z oe2 =121.38 Z oo2 =48.377 r /4 38.285 r = o /2.75 r = o /1.08 r/4 X 35.106 Z oe3 =126.736 Z oo3 =55.657 r/4
Figure 13-39
Electrical layout of the lter in Figure 13-38. (The X-X is the plane of symmetry).
Figure 13-40 The PCB layout of the implemented lter having an overall length of 9449 mil (240 mm).
fr =
At this stage, tuning of some of the element values of the lter is required to obtain a at return loss over the passband. This leads to the electrical layout of the lter shown in Figure 13-39. Examination of the inter-resonator couplings and stub impedances show that they can now be conveniently realized on the PCB. The electrical layout of the lter is then converted into physical dimensions (see Figure 13-40). The measured in-band performance of the lter is shown in Figure 13-41. The center frequency of the passband is offset by 65 MHz (6.5%) from the design objective, which can be compensated for by shortening the physical lengths of the transmission line resonators. The midband insertion loss was 5.1 dB and the return loss is greater than 10 dB (see Figure 13-41(a)). The
| S11|
| S 21|
| S 21|
| S11|
| S 21|
| S11|
| S 21|
(b) Figure 13-41 Measured and simulated performances of the implemented parallel coupled line lter of Figure 13-40: (a) in-band frequency response; and (b) wideband frequency response.
simulated and measured wideband scattering parameters of the lter from DC up to 10 GHz are shown in Figure 13-41(b). This lter was designed to have its rst pair of spurious passbands centered at 4.5 GHz and 6.5 GHz if it were realized on a homogeneous media. However, the simulated plot of Figure 13-41(b) predicts that the rst two spurious passbands are centered at 5.25 GHz and 7.25 GHz instead. This difference is associated with the difference of the even- and oddmode phase velocities in microstrip. The difference is also partially due to approximating the inner pair of short-circuited stubs in the f -plane lter by high-impedance transmission lines. In summary, the measured transmission performance of the lter followed the simulation and achieves an attenuation level exceeding 40 dB (i.e., an effective rejection level of about
| S11|
35 dB) up to 10 GHz. As seen from Figure 13-41(b), the stopband of the lter has a tendency to show a spurious passband at the region where the theoretical spurious passbands would have existed. This is around 6 GHz.
A circuit-oriented approach to the design of a new class of parallel coupled line lters was presented in this section. The parallel coupled line lters are driven from synthesized S-plane bandpass prototypes after appropriate circuit transformations. As a result, the lters have uniform- and steppedimpedance resonators, some of which are loaded by open-circuited stubs at their open-circuited ends. In comparison with the performances of conventional lters utilizing uniform- or stepped-impedance resonators, the new lters have broader stopband characteristics.
The purpose of this chapter was to present, by example, advanced microwave circuit design based on network synthesis. To develop competitive designs requires a synthesis approach with an inherent appreciation of what can be achieved by distributed structures. Many lumped-element designs at RF are developed using RF lumped-element equivalents of distributed designs, and in many cases it would not have been conceivable to realize the functionality beginning with lumped elements alone. Sure, single-frequency designs can be done, but these will usually not achieve a competitive product or the best achievable performance. RF and microwave network synthesis builds on a solid understanding of lter synthesis. The designs presented in this chapter can be viewed as bandpass or bandstop lters synthesized with particular characteristics. To delve further into this topic means embracing microwave technology. The art of design involves conceptualizing topologies and the science is the knowledge and perseverance to follow through with the detailed mathematical derivations. After this step, computer-aided design tools can be used to achieve the nal 5% or 10% of performance by taking into account parasitics and second-order effects that are not captured in the synthesis approach.
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A complex number z is an ordered pair of two real numbers x and y, and has special meaning when working in the frequency domain. The rectangular form of the complex number is z = x + y, where = 1 is an imaginary number.1 . The polar form of the complex number z = r relates directly to the amplitude and phase of a cosinusoid. In determining phase, reference is made to a cosinusoid of the form u(t) = r cos (t + ), as this has a value of r when the radian frequency = 0 (i.e., at DC). The cosinusoid is shown in Figure A-1(a), where r is the amplitude and is the phase of the cosinusoid. The cosinusoid can be presented as the complex valued function f (t) = zet , where z = re (A.1) (A.2)
Outside electrical engineering i is used for 1, but this is replaced by in electrical engineering to avoid confusion with the usage of i for current.
Im y
u (t )
r t
Figure A-1 Sinusoidal signal representation: (a) waveform referenced to the zerophase cosinusoid shown as the dashed waveform; and (b) representation as a phasor on the complex plane where Re is the real part and Im is the imaginary part.
is called the phasor of u(t). The phasor contains the amplitude and phase of the cosinusoid, and given the frequency of the cosinusoid, the original time-domain waveform can be reconstructed. The time-domain form of the complex function is u(t) = {f (t)} = r cos (t + ). (A.3)
{} indicates that the real part of a complex number is taken, and similarly {} indicates that the imaginary part of a complex number is taken. The complex number can be represented in rectangular or magnitude-phase form so that z = x + y = r = re (A.4) with the relationship shown in Figure A-1(b). Note that in Equation (A.4), must be expressed in radians and whenever it is used in calculations. Using trigonometry, x = r cos() and y = r sin(). (A.5) Basic calculations using the complex numbers w = a + b = q and z = c + d = r (A.6)
(with a, b, c, d , , , r and q being real numbers) are Addition: w + z = (a + b) + (c + d) = (a + c) + (b + d) Subtraction: w z = (a + b) (c + d) = (a c) + (b d) Multiplication: w z = (a + b) (c + d) = (ac bd) + (bc + ad) Multiplication (alternative): w z = qr ( + ) Division: w/z = (a + b)/(c + d) =
ac+bd c2 +d2 bcad c2 +d2
MATHEMATICAL IDENTITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS Square root: w = q (/2) nth root: n w = n q (/n) Negative: w = q = q ( + ) Complex conjugate: w = q () Magnitude: |w| = a2 + b2 = q 2 Angle: = arctan(b/a) (correction may be required to get the phase in the right quadrant) Squared magnitude: |z|2 = z z = 2 = 1 EXAMPLE A. 1 Complex numbers
Consider the complex numbers w = 0.5 1.6 and z = 5 3, and the waveform v(t) = 2.3 cos(210 1.2). In polar form, w = 1.676 1.874, where 1.874 is in radians; alternatively w = 1.676 107.4 In polar form, z = 5.831 0.54 2w = 1 3.2 = 3.353 1.874
z w = w z = w z = (1.676 5.831) (1.874 0.54) = 9.774 2.414 = 7.3 6.5 z = 2.327 0.645 Alternatively z = 5.831 (0.54/2) = 2.415 0.27 The radian frequency of v(t) is 20 rads/s The frequency of v(t) is 10 Hz w/z = (1.676/5.831) [1.874 (0.54)] = 0.287 1.333 = 0.068 6.5
If w is a phasor and its frequency is 1 GHz, the waveform equivalent of w is w = 1.676 cos(2 109 t 1.874) and the phase is 1.874 radians or 107.35 or 252.65
A.2 A.2.1
Del () Vector Operator Operations in Cartesian, Cylindrical, and Spherical Coordinate Systems
This section denes the del, or the nabla , a calculus operator that operates on vector quantities and also on a scalar to create a vector. The various del operators in the Cartesian (rectangular), spherical, and cylindrical
coordinate systems are presented. Here a scalar is denoted by f and a vector by F: grad, , is the gradient of a scalar with direction. div, , is a measure of how a vector is spreading out from a point. Cartesian (rectangular) coordinates (x, y, z): x is the unit vector in the x direction and Fx is the component of the eld in the x-direction. Similarly for the other components. F = Fx x + Fy y + Fz z f f f grad f = x+ y+ z x y z Fx Fy Fz div F = + + x y z Fz Fy curl F = x+ y z Fy Fx + z x y 2F 2F 2F 2 F = + + x2 y 2 z 2 dierential length, d = dx x + dy y + dz z dierential normal area, ds dierential volume, dv (A.7) (A.8) (A.9) Fx Fz z x y (A.10) (A.11) (A.12) (A.13) (A.14) curl, , is a measure of the rotation of a vector.
= dy dz x + dx dz y + dx dy z = dx dy dz
Cylindrical coordinates (, , z): The cylindrical coordinates are for radius, for angle, and z for height. These are related to the Cartesian coordinates by x = cos , y = sin , z = z = x2 + y 2 , = atan2(y, x) , z = z vector F = F + F + Fz z f 1 f f grad f = + + z z 1 F 1 F Fz div F = + + z 1 Fz F F Fz curl F = + z z 1 (F ) F + z (A.15) (A.16) (A.17) (A.18) (A.19) (A.20)
Spherical coordinates (, , ): x = r sin cos , y = r sin sin , y = r cos r= x2 + y 2 + z 2 , = arccos(z/r) , = atan2(y, x) (A.24) (A.25) (A.26) (A.27)
vector F = Fr r + F + F 1 f f 1 f grad f = + r+ r r r sin 1 (F sin ) 1 (r2 Fr ) div F = + r2 r r sin 1 F + r sin 1 (F sin ) F curl F = r r sin 1 1 Fr (rF ) + r sin r 1 (rF ) Fr + r r dierential length d = dr r + r d + r sin d 2 dierential area ds = r sin d d r + r sin dr d dierential volume dv +r dr d 2 = r sin dr d d
div grad f = (f ) = 2 f = f (Laplacian)
Identities for the del, , operator: (A.33) (A.34) (A.35) (A.36) (A.37) (A.38) (f g) = curl grad f = div curl F = curl curl F = A (B C) = f g + 2f g + gf (f ) = 0
B(A C) C(A B) .
( F) = 0 ( F) = ( F ) 2 F
Trigonometric Identities
cos(x) = cos(x) cos(x) =
1 2
sin(x) = sin(x) sin(x) = 1 (ex ex ) 2 cos x = 1/sec x 1 + tan2 x = sec2 x cos sec
2 2
tan(x) = tan(x)
(A.39) (A.40)
(ex + ex )
(A.41) (A.42) (A.43) (A.44) (A.45) (A.46) (A.47) (A.48) (A.49) (A.50) (A.51)
x = cos x x = sec x
x = sin x x = csc x
x = cot x x = tan x
sin(x + y) = sin x cos y + cos x sin y sin(x y) = sin x cos y cos x sin y cos(x + y) = cos x cos y sin x sin y cos(x y) = cos x cos y + sin x sin y sin(2x) = 2 sin x cos y sin2 x =
1 2
tan(2x) = cos2 x =
1 2
2 tan x 1tan2 x
[1 cos(2x)]
[1 + cos(2x)]
x+y cos xy 2 2 sin x sin y = 2 cos x+y sin xy 2 2 cos x cos B = 2 cos x+y cos xy 2 2
1 2 [cos (x y) cos (x + y)] cos x cos y = 1 [cos (x y) + cos (x + y)] 2 sin x cos y = 1 [sin (x + y) + sin (x y)] 2 cos x sin y = 1 [sin (x + y) sin (x y)] 2
sin x sin y =
cosh (x) = 1 (ex + ex ) = cos(x) 2 1 cosh (x) = 2 (ex + ex ) = cos(x) cosh (x) = cosh (x) sinh (x) = 1 (ex ex ) = sin(x) 2 sinh (x) = 1 (ex ex ) = sin(x) 2 sinh (x) = sinh (x) cosh2 (x) sinh2 (x) = 1 tanh(x) = sinh(x)/ cosh(x) tanh(x) = tan(x) tanh(x) = tan(x) tanh(x) = tanh(x) sin(x) = sinh(x) cos(x) = cosh(x) tan(x) = tanh(x) ex = cosh(x) + sinh(x) ex = cosh(x) sinh(x) ex = cos(x) + sin(x) ex = cos(x) sin(x) e = e(+) = e e , where = +
(A.61) (A.62) (A.63) (A.64) (A.65) (A.66) (A.67) (A.68) (A.69) (A.70) (A.71) (A.72) (A.73) (A.74) (A.75) (A.76) (A.77) (A.78) (A.79)
Area Volume
r2 h/3
A.6 A.6.1
Linear interpolation can be used to extract data from tables. In the table below there are two known points, (x0 , y0 ) and (x1 , y1 ), and the linear interpolant is the straight line between them. The unknown point (x, y) is found by locating it on this straight line.
y1 y y0 (x,y)
Bilinear Interpolation
Bilinear interpolation is a two-dimensional generalization of linear interpolation. In the table below, f (D) = f (x0 , y0 ), f (A) = f (x0 , y1 ), f (F) = f (x1 , y0 ), and f (C) = f (x1 , y1 ) are known and f (x, y) is to be found. The bilinear interpolation technique is illustrated in the gure.
Variable Independent y0 y y1
Independent x0 x x1
Dependent f0 f f1
y y0
f (x,y)
First, nd the value of the function at point B from the values at Point A and Point C. Thus, from Equation (A.81), f (B) = f (x, y1 ) = f (A) + (x x0 ) Similarly f (E) = f (x, y0 ) = f (D) + (x x0 ) f (C) f (A) . x1 x0 (A.82)
f (F) f (D) . x1 x0 Linear interpolation between Point B and Point E yields f (x, y) = f (E) + (y y0 ) f (B) f (E) . y1 y0
Combining these, the function obtained from bilinear interpolation is f (x, y) = f (x0 , y0 ) (x1 x)(y1 y) (x1 x0 )(y1 y0 ) f (x1 , y0 ) + (x x0 )(y1 y) (x1 x0 )(y1 y0 ) f (x0 , y1 ) + (x1 x)(y y0 ) (x1 x0 )(y1 y0 ) f (x1 , y1 ) + (x x0 )(y y0 ). (x1 x0 )(y1 y0 )
When interpolating from a table, choosing the points closest to the nal point will yield greatest accuracy.
A common situation that occurs when working with reection coefcients and complex numbers in general involves the magnitude of a complex number being equal to a real number. As will be shown, this denes a circle in the complex plane. Consider the relation |S c| = r, (A.86)
where S = x+ y and c = a+ b are complex numbers and r is a real number. Thus Equation (A.86) becomes |(x a) + (y b)| = r; that is [(x a) + (y b)] [(x a) (y b)] = r2
2 2 2
(A.88) (A.89)
(x a) + (y b) = r .
The above equation is a general equation for a circle with center (a, b) and radius r (see Figure A-2).
b a
r x
Figure A-2 A circle in the S plane dened by the relation |S c| = r, where c = a + b and S = x + y.
Bilinear Transform
The bilinear transformation is used in many domains and it has several special properties [306]. In RF and microwave engineering the special property that proves useful is that a bilinear transformation maps a circle in the complex plane onto another circle in the complex plane. The bilinear transformation of a complex variable z is w= Az + B . Cz + 1 (A.90)
In RF and microwave usage z and w can be reection coefcients or impedances. Rearranging Equation (A.90) results in w= which can be rearranged again as w B
A C A C A BC A + C Cz + 1
1 . Cz + 1
The complexity of the derivation is reduced by introducing the intermediate variables W and Z: A w C W = (A.93) A BC and Z = Cz + 1 and noting that, from Equation (A.92), W = 1/Z. (A.95) (A.94)
If, in Equation (A.94), the locus of z describes a circle, then the locus of Z will also be a circle since C is a constant. The center of the circle in Z-space
is CZ and the distance from any point on the circle to the center will be the radius RZ so that |Z CZ | = RZ . (A.96) Considering Equation (A.94), then in z space the center of the circle is Cz = and its radius is Rz = RZ /C. Removing the magnitude signs in Equation (A.96) leads to
2 (Z CZ ) (Z CZ ) = RZ .
CZ 1 C
(A.99) (A.100)
2 ZZ CZ Z CZ Z + (|CZ |2 RZ ) = 0.
which is the general equation for a circle in the complex plane. Now, the circle in the Z plane will be related to what happens in the W plane. Substituting Equation (A.95) into Equation (A.100) results in 1 1 2 1 CZ CZ + (|CZ |2 RZ ) = 0. WW W W and rearranging, WW
CZ CZ 1 W W + 2 = 0. (A.102) 2 R2 ) 2 R2 ) (|CZ | (|CZ | (|CZ |2 RZ ) Z Z
This is in the same form as Equation (A.100), so Equation (A.102) describes a circle in W -space with center CW = and radius RW =
CZ 2 (|CZ |2 RZ )
RZ 2 . |CZ |2 RZ A C A C
Now the locus of w will also be a circle; from Equation (A.93), w=W B + (A.105)
so that W is scaled and a constant added. The center of the circle in w space is A A C (B A/C) A Cw = CW B + = Z 2 + (A.106) 2 C C (|CZ | RZ ) C
Substituting Equations (A.97) and (A.98) in the above relates the centers and radii in the w and z spaces: Cw = (CCz + 1) (B A/C) |CCz + 1| |CRz |2 (B A/C)CRz
2 2
A C (BC A)Rz .
Rw =
|CCz + 1| |CRz
Quadratic Equation
A quadratic equation is a second-order polynomial equation. The general form of the quadratic equation in x is ax2 + bx + c = 0 (A.110)
where a = 0. There are two solutions, called roots, given by the quadratic formula: b b2 4ac x= (A.111) 2a and indicates two possible roots: x+ = b + b2 4ac 2a and x = b b2 4ac . 2a
Even if a, b, and c are real, the roots may be complex and they could be degenerate, that is, the same. The factors of the quadratic equation come from the roots, that is, ax2 + bx + c = a (x x+ ) (x x ) . (A.113)
Network Condensation
Network condensation is used in developing equivalent networks of large linear circuits with algebraic y parameters, that is, for resistive networks or general linear circuits in frequency-domain analysis. Network condensation is a numerical approach particular to circuits. It is of use in reduced-order modeling of linear circuits. The indenite nodal admittance formulation of a network with four external terminals (see Figure A-3) is
J 1 J 3
J 2 J 4
.. .
y1,k y2,k . . .
yk,k yk+1,k
as there are no external current sources at the internal terminals 5, 6, , k + 1. Since the (k + 1)th current source is zero, the (k + 1)th row and column from Y can be eliminated, yielding v1 J1 v J y11 y12 y1,k 2 2 y21 y22 y2,k v3 J3 v4 J4 (A.115) . , . . = .. . . v 0 . . . . . 5 yk1 yk2 yk,k . . . . . .
v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 . . . vk vk+1
= 0 0
J1 J2 J3 J4 0 . . .
, (A.114)
yij vi
= =
yi,k+1 yk+1,k+1
(A.116) (A.117)
It is of no concern that the terminal voltages have been altered, as they have all had the same quantity added to them. This has the same effect as choosing another reference terminal. The reference terminal is arbitrary until it is connected to the full circuit. The process can be continued until the network equations are reduced to that of a four-terminal element, that is y11 y12 y13 y14 v1 J1 y21 y22 y23 y24 v2 J2 (A.118) y31 y32 y33 y34 v3 = J3 . y41 y42 y43 y44 v4 J4 The y-parameter matrix in Equation (A.118) is that of the four-terminal element shown in Figure A-3.
Power Descriptions
At radio and microwave frequencies signal levels are usually expressed in terms of the power of a signal. While power can be expressed in absolute terms such as watts (W) or milliwatts (mW), it is much more useful to use a logarithmic scale. The ratio of two power levels in bels (B) is P (B) = log10 P , PREF (B.1)
where PREF is a reference power. Human senses have a logarithmic response and the minimum resolution tends to be about 0.1 B, so it is most common to use decibels (dB); 1 B = 10 dB. Common designations are shown in Table B-1. Also, 1 dBm is a very common power level in RF and microwave power circuits.
Table B-1 Common reference power designations.
1 mW
Bell Units BW Bm
Power Calculations
The output stage of an RF front end consists of an amplier followed by a lter and then an antenna. The amplier has a gain of 33 dB, the lter has a loss of 2.2 dB, and of the power input to the antenna, 45% is lost as heat due to resistive losses. If the power input to the amplier is 1 W, calculate the following:
Pin =1W
= 55% 33 dB 2.2 dB
(a) What is the power input to the amplier expressed in dBm? Pin = 1 W = 1000 mW, PdBm = 10 log10 (1000/1) = 30 dBm
(b) Express the loss of the antenna in dB. 45% of the power input to the antenna is dissipated as heat. The antenna has an efciency, , of 55%. P2 = 0.55P1 Loss = P1 /P2 = 1/0.55 = 1.818 = 2.60 dB (c) What is the total gain of the RF front end (amplier + lter + antenna)? Total gain = (amplier gain)dB + (lter gain)dB + (antenna gain)dB = (33 2.2 2.6) dB = 28.2 dB (d) What is the total power radiated by the antenna in dBm? PR = Pin |dBm + (total gain)dB = 30 dBm + 28.2 dB = 58.2 dBm (e) What is the total power radiated by the antenna in mW. PR = 1058.2/10 = 661, 245 mW = 661.2 W
SI Units
Symbols for SI units1 (from the French language name Syst` me International e dUnit s) are written in upright roman font. (Source: U.S. National Institute e of Standards and Technology (2006) [307], and 2002 CODATA recommended values of constants [308].) The unit of length is spelt meter in the US and metre in other countries. The unit designations, such as m for meter, is called a symbol and not an abbreviation. Symbols for units are written in lower case unless the symbol is derived from the name of a person. For example the symbol for the unit of force is N as it is named after Isaac Newton. An exception is the use of L for liter to avoid possible confusion with l which looks like the numeral one and the letter i. A space separates a name from the symbol for the unit, e.g. 5.6 kg. There is an exception for degrees with the symbol . For example 45 degrees is written 45 .
The older metric systems used different fundamental units; for example, the mks metric system used meter, kilogram, and second as fundamental units; the cgs metric system used centimeter, gram, and second as fundamental units.
SI Unit A C J m kg g N Pa s W cd mol K
Name ampere coulomb Joule meter kilogram gram Newton Pascal second watt candela mole Kelvin
Usage current charge unit of energy length SI fundamental unit weight unit of force pressure time power luminous intensity amount of substance thermodynamic temperature
As kg m2 s2
=kg/1000 kg m s2 kg m1 s2 J s1
SI Unit Combinations
When SI units are multiplied a center dot is used. For example, newton meters is written Nm. When a unit is derived from the ratio of symbols then either a solidus, /, or a negative exponent are used. So the symbol for velocity (meters per second) is either m/s or m s1 . The use of multiple solidus for a combination symbol is confusing and must be avoided. So the symbol for acceleration is ms2 and not m/s/s. The use of multiple solidi is confusing and calculations performed using symbols in this are ambiguous. For example, the thermal conductivity of aluminum at room temperature is k = 237 kW m1 K1 and not k = 237 kW/m/K or 237 kW /mK. However 237 kW /(mK) is sometimes used. The thermal resistance of a rod of crosssectional area A and length is RTH = . kA (C.1)
If A = 0.3 cm2 and = 2 mm, the thermal resistance is RTH = (2 mm) . (237 kW K1 ) (0.3 cm2 ) (2 103 m) = . 237 (103 W m1 K1 ) 0.3 (102 m)2 2 103 m = . 3 0.3 104 W m1 K1 m2 237 10 = 2.813 104 K W1 = 281.3 K/W1 . m1 (C.2) (C.3) (C.4) (C.5)
This would be an error prone calculation if the thermal conductivity was taken as 237 kW/m/K.
SI Prexes
A prex before a unit indicates a multiple of a unit, for example, 1 pA is 1012 amps. (Source: US National Institute of Standards and Technology (2006) [307], and 2002 CODATA [308].) SI Prexes Symbol Factor 1024 y 1021 z 1018 a 1015 f 1012 p 109 n 106 103 m 102 c 101 d SI Prexes Symbol Factor 101 da 102 h 103 k 106 M 109 G 1012 T 1015 P 1018| E 1021 Z 1024 Y
Name yocto zepto atto femto pico nano micro milli centi deci
Name deca hecto kilo mega giga tera peta exa zetta yotta
Physical and mathematical constants in SI Units. Source: US National Institute of Standards and Technology (2006) [307], and 2002 CODATA recommended values of constants [308]. Parameter c e e 0 h k me 0 Value 299792458 m s1 1.602176531019 C 2.718281828459045 0.577215664901532 1.618033988749894 8.854187817 1012 F m1 6.6260693 1034 Js 1.3806505 1023 J K1 9.1093826 1031 kg 12.566370614 107 N A2 3.14159265358979323846264 101325 Pa 376.730313461 Description Speed of light in a vacuum (free space) Elementary charge (negative of the charge of an electron) Natural log base Eulers ratio Golden ratio Permittivity of a vacuum (free space) Planck constant (alt. = h/(2)) h the Boltzmann constant Electron mass Permeability of free space = 4 107 N A2 Pi, ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle Standard atmosphere (pressure) Characteristic impedance of vacuum (free space)
Description Absolute zero temperature Room temperature
Electrical and thermal conductivities, and relative permittivities and permeabilities of common materials encountered in RF and microwave circuits are given in the tables below. Electrical conductivity is the inverse of resistivity, = 1/. Where the material parameter is listed as variable, the physical parameters depend on the formulation of the alloy and typical values are not meaningful. Manufacturers data sheets for the specic alloy must be consulted. indicates perpendicular to crystal axis, // indicates parallel to crystal axis. The properties of graphite and sapphire depend strongly on crystal orientation. The resistivity values of metal conductors are those of single crystal. The resistivity values of the best fabricated materials(electroplated and deposited) used in RF and microwave applications is generally a factor of 2 higher. Material data from several sources including the Standard Reference Data database of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology [307], the CODATA databases of the International Council for Science: Committee on Data for Science and Technology [308], and References [309312]. Electrical and thermal properties are functions of temperature, with thermal properties generally being stronger functions. Properties at temperatures other than 300 K should be researched. RELATIVE PERMEABILITY Material Relative Permeability r Aluminum Cobalt Ferrite (NiZn) Iron, cast Iron, powder Mumetal Nickel Permalloy 45 Silver Supermalloy Wood (dry) 1.00000065 60 1 000 60 100 20 000 50 2 500 0.99999981 100 000 0.99999942
Dielectrics and Nonconductors Resistivity Thermal Relative M m Conductivity Permittivity W m1 K1 , at 300 K k, at 300 K r @ 1 GHz 4 107 > 106 > 106 > 106 1100 1010 0.110 m 0.112.4 8 105 1.0 Up to 0.001 2 108 2 105 1010 3.5 106 > 107 1010 > 107 7.5 1011 > 106 > 106 > 106 50 m 300 mm 5.813 107 1010 182 1 3 1011 104 25 30 24.7 16 16.7 895 15 15 0.3 59.1 35 0.81.2 260750 0.1 4090 0.420.51 100350 100220 1.44 35 32 33 149 149 1.4 13.822 125 250 0 580 220 170 2.0 1.000 5 10.1 9.6 8.5 4.74 1316 1316 4.34.5 12.85 12.4 47 5.4 3.2 3 2.26 3.2 2.25 3.8 11.6 9.4 10.13 11.68 11.68 3.74.1 2.1 1 80 4.2 1.54 28
Loss Tangent tan @ 1 GHz 0.000 0.000 10.000 2 0.000 6 0.001 5 0.022 0.000 4 0.000 4 0.01 0.000 6 0.001 0.002 0.000 6 0.005 0.008 0.000 2 0.005 0.0003 0.00075 0.000040.000 07 0.000040.00007 0.000040.00007 0.005 0.005 0.001 0.0003 0 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.0009
Air (dry, sea level) Alumina 99.5% 96% 85% Bakelite Diamond Ferrite (MnZn) Ferrite (NiZn) FR-4 circuit board GaAs InP Glass Mica Mylar Paper, white Polyethylene Polyimide Polypropylene Quartz (fused) Sapphire // Polycrystalline Silicon Normal for CMOS High resistivity Dioxide (SiO2 ) Poly (undoped) Poly (doped) Teon (PTFE) Vacuum Water Distilled Ice (273 K) Wood (dry oak) Zirconia (variable)
Aluminum Brass (a copper alloy) Bronze (a copper alloy) Chromium Copper Gold Graphite // c-axis Graphite c-axis Iridium Iron Lead Mercury Nickel NiChrome Palladium Platinum Silver Solder tin-lead 50% Pb, 50% Sn lead-free 77.2% Sn, 2.8% Ag, 20% In Steel, stainless Steel, carbon (standard) Tin Titanium Tungsten Zinc
Conductors Electrical Resistivity n m at 20 C 26.50 Variable Variable 125 16.78 22.14 1 200 41 000 47.1 96.1 208 961 69.3 1 100 105.4 105 15.87 17.2 170 720 208 115 4 200 52.8 59.0
Thermal Conductivity, k, kW m1 K1 at 300 K 237 120 110 93.9 401 318 1 950 5.7 147 80.2 35.3 8.34 90.9 0.011 71.8 71.6 429 34 53.5 16 46 66.8 21.9 173 116
Greek Alphabet
Name alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega Upper case A B E Z H I K M N O P T X Lower case o
Maxwells Equations
D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 Point Form of Maxwells Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maxwells Equations in Phasor Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integral Form of Maxwells Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric and Magnetic Field Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric and Magnetic Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fields in Lossy Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Application of Electromagnetic Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848 853 855 855 858 861 866
In this appendix, EM theory is presented in a form that aids in the understanding of distributed effects such as propagation on transmission lines, coupling of transmission lines, and how transmission line effects can be used to realize components with unique functionality. While this is a review of material that most readers have previously learned, it is presented in a slightly different form than is usual. The treatment begins with Maxwells equations, which is not the way EM theory is presented initially. Generally the basic laws of electric and magnetic elds are presented: Amperes circuital law relating current and magnetic eld; the Biot-Savart law also relating current and magnetic eld; Gauss law relating charge and electric eld; and Faradays law relating electric eld and a timevarying magnetic eld. Following this treatment Maxwells equations are presented, but Maxwells equations cannot be derived from the early eld laws. However, the order from basic laws to Maxwells equations is what works best when EM theory is rst presented. Maxwells equations are a remarkable insight and the early eld laws can be derived from them. Most importantly, Maxwells equations describe the propagation of an EM eld. This appendix presents Maxwells equations in point form in Section D.1 and in integral form in Section D.3. From these, the early electric and magnetic eld laws are derived. The effect of boundary conditions are introduced in Section D.5 to arrive at implications for multimoding on transmission lines. Multimoding is almost always undesirable, and in
designing transmission line structures so that multimoding is avoided, it is necessary to have rules that establish when multimoding can occur. These rules are derived from Maxwells equations together with boundary conditions. Some of these boundary conditions are established by electric walls at conductors. Other boundary conditions come from the interface of dielectric regions. If these regions have signicantly different permittivities then the boundary can be considered to be a magnetic wall, the dual of electric walls. This is an important conceptual insight, but implies that there are magnetic charges and magnetic currents. Of course, these do not exist, but imagining that they do leads to intuitive insight.
The characteristics of EM elds are described by Maxwells equations: (D.1) (D.2) (D.3) (D.4)
where is called the permeability of a medium and is called the permittivity of the medium. They are the property of a medium and describe the ability to store magnetic energy and electric energy. The other quantities in Equations (D.1)(D.4) are E, the electric eld, with units of volts per meter (V/m) D, the electric ux density, with units of volts per meter (V/m) H, the three-dimensional magnetic eld, with units of amperes per meter (A/m) B, the magnetic ux density,with units of volts per meter (V/m) J, the electric current density, with units of amperes per square meter (A/m2 ). V , the electric charge density, with units of coulombs per cubic meter (C/m3 ). mV , the magnetic charge density, with units of weber per cubic meter (Wb/m3 ). M is the magnetic current density, with units of volts per square meter (V/m2 ).
Magnetic charges do not exist, but their introduction in Maxwells equations through the magnetic charge density, mV , and the magnetic current density, M, introduce an aesthetically appealing symmetry to Maxwells equations. Maxwells equations are differential equations, and as with most differential equations, their solution is obtained with particular boundary conditions which here are imposed by conductors. Electric conductors (i.e., electric walls) support electric charges and hence electric current. By analogy, magnetic walls, support magnetic charges and magnetic currents. Magnetic walls also provide boundary conditions to be used in the solution of Maxwells equations. The notion of magnetic walls is important in RF and microwave engineering, as they are approximated by the boundary between two dielectrics of different permittivity. The greater the difference in permittivity the more closely the boundary approximates a magnetic wall. As a result, the result of many structures with different dielectrics can be simplied, aiding in intuitive understanding. The boldface quantities in Equations (D.1)(D.4) are three-dimensional elds, for example, E = Ex x + Ey y + Ez z (D.5) where x, y , and z are the unit vectors (having a magnitude of 1) in the x, y and z directions, respectively. Ex x, Ey y, and Ez z are the magnitudes of the electric eld components in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. The symbols and units used with the various eld quantities and some of the other symbols to be introduced soon are given in Table D-1. B and H, and D and E are related to each other by the properties of the medium embodied in and : B = H D = E. (D.6) (D.7)
The quantity is called the permeability and describes the ability to store magnetic energy in a region. The permeability in free space (or vacuum) is denoted 0 and the magnetic ux and magnetic eld are related as B = 0 H (D.8)
where 0 = 4 107 H/m. Permeability, , is generally a scalar, but in magnetic materials it can be a 3 3 matrix called a dyadic tensor. Then Bx xx By = yx Bz zx xy yy zy xz Hx yz Hy . zz Hz (D.9)
The property indicated by the dyadic results from alignment of electron spins in a material. However in most materials there is no alignment of spins
Table D-1 Quantities used in Maxwells equations. Magnetic charge and current are introduced in establishing boundary conditions, especially at dielectric interfaces. Symbol E H D B I M qe qm e m V S mV mS J JS Jm JmS S V dS d dV H HC RS
SI Unit volt per meter amp per meter coulomb per square meter tesla, weber per square meter amp weber per second coulomb weber coulomb weber coulomb per cubic meter coulomb per square meter weber per cubic meter weber per square meter amp per square meter amp per meter weber per second per square meter weber per second per meter square meters cubic meters farads per meter henry per meter square meter meter cubic meter
SI Unit V m1 A m1 C m2 T A Wb s1 C Wb C Wb C m3 C m2 Wb m3 Wb m2 A m2 A m1 Wb s1 m2 Wb s1 m1 m2 m3 F m1 H m1 m2 m m3
Name and Base Units electric eld intensity base unit: kg m2 s3 A1 magnetic eld intensity D = E, electric ux density base unit: A s m2 B = H, magnetic ux density base unit: kg s2 A1 electric current magnetic current base unit: kg m2 s3 A1 electric charge base unit: A s magnetic charge base unit: kg m2 s2 A1 electric ux base unit: A s magnetic ux base unit: kg m2 s2 A1 charge density base unit: A s m3 surface charge density base unit: A s m2 magnetic charge density base unit: kg m1 s2 A1 surface magnetic charge density base unit: kg s2 A1 electric current density surface electric current density magnetic current density base unit: kg s3 A1 surface magnetic current density base unit: kg m1 s3 A1 surface volume permittivity base unit: kg1 m3 A2 s4 permeability base unit: kg m s2 A2 incremental area incremental length incremental volume integral around a closed contour integral over a closed surface volume integral
an = 0 . The relative permeability, r , refers to the ratio of permeability of a material to its value in a vacuum: r = . 0 (D.10)
So r > 0 indicates that a material can store more magnetic energy than can a vacuum in a given volume. The other material quantity is the permittivity , which is denoted 0 , and in a vacuum D = 0 E, (D.11) where 0 = 8.854 1012 Fm1 . The relative permittivity, r , refers to the ratio of permeability of a material to its value in a vacuum: r = . 0 (D.12)
So r > 0 indicates that a material can stored more electric energy in a volume than can be stored in a vacuum. In some calculations it is useful to introduce an electric polarization, Pe . Then D = E = 0 E + Pe and so the polarization vector is Pe = ( 0 ) E = 0 e E, (D.14) (D.13)
where e is called the electric susceptibility. Some materials require a dyadic form of . This usually indicates a dependence on crystal symmetry, and the relative movement of charge centers in different directions when an E eld is applied. Some commonly used microwave substrates, such as sapphire, have a permittivity that it direction dependent rather than having full dyadic permittivity. A material in which the permittivity is a function of direction is called an anisotropic material or is said to have dielectric anisotropy. In an isotropic material the permittivity is the same in all directions; the material has dielectric isotropy. Most materials are isotropic. Maxwells original equations were put in the form of Equations (D.1) (D.4) by the mathematician Oliver Heaviside from the less convenient form Maxwell originally used. The above equations are called the point form of Maxwells equations, relating the eld components to each other and to charge and current density at a point. Maxwells equations are fundamental properties and there is no underlying theory, so they must be accepted as is but they have been veried in countless experiments. Maxwells equations have three types of derivatives. First, there is the time derivative, /t. Then there are two
spatial derivatives: , called curl, capturing the way a eld circulates spatially (or the amount that it curls up on itself); and , called the div operator, describing the spreading out of a eld. Curl and div have different forms in different coordinate systems, and in the rectangular system can be expanded as Az Ay y z Az Ax z x Ax Ay x y
A= and
z (D.15)
Ay Az Ax + + . x y z
Curl and div in cylindrical and spherical coordinates are given in Equations (A.19), (A.20), (A.28), and (A.29). Studying these equations you will see that curl, , describes how much a eld circles around the x, y, and z axes. That is, the curl describes how a eld circulates on itself. So Equation (D.1) relates the amount an electric eld circulates on itself to changes of the B eld in time (and modied by the magnetic current). A spatial derivative of electric elds is related to a time derivative of the magnetic eld. Also in Equation (D.2), the spatial derivative of the magnetic eld is related to the time derivative of the electric eld (and modied by the electric current). These are the key elements that result in self-sustaining propagation. Div, , describes how a eld spreads out from a point. So the presence of net electric charge (say, on a conductor) will result in the electric eld spreading out from a point (see Equation (D.3)). The magnetic eld (Equation (D.4)) can never diverge from a point, which is a result of magnetic charges not existing. A magnetic wall describes an open circuit and then effective magnetic charges terminate the magnetic eld. What actually happens in free space or on a transmission line depends on boundary conditions, and in the case of transmission lines, the dimensions involved. How fast a eld varies with time, B/t and D/t, depends on frequency. The more interesting property is how fast a eld can change spatially, E and Hthis depends on wavelength relative to geometry. So if the cross-sectional dimensions of a transmission line are much less than a wavelength (say, less than /4) then it will be impossible for the elds to curl up on themselves and so, perhaps, there will be only one or, in some cases, no solutions to Maxwells equations.
Energy Storage
Consider a material with a relative permittivity of 65 and a relative permeability of 1000. There is a static electric eld (E) of 1 kV/m. How much energy is stored in the (E) eld in a 10 cm3 volume of the material? Solution: Energy stored in a static electric eld = D Energy stored = =
E and eld is constant (uniform) ` 2 ` E 2 (volume) = 650 103 10 106 = 5.75 nJ.
D E dv:
Polarization Vector
A time-varying electric eld in the x direction has a strength of 100 V/m and a frequency of 10 GHz. The medium has a relative permittivity of 10. What is the polarization vector? Express this vector in the time domain? Solution: D = E = 0 E + Pe . The polarization vector is Pe = ( 0 ) E = (10 1) 0 E = 90 E. ` Now E = 100cos 2 1010 t and 0 = 8 85 1012 and so ` ` Pe = 9 8.85 1012 (100) cos 6.28 1010 t ` = 79.7 1010 cos 6.28 1010 t ` = 7.79cos 6.28 1010 t nC/m2 .
Phasors reduce the dimensionality of Maxwells equations by replacing a time derivative by a scalar. The phasor form is used with a cosinusoidally varying quantity so, for example, an x-directed electric eld in rectangular coordinates, E = |Ex | cos (t + ), x (D.18)
0 0
0 1 1
is represented as the phasor Ex = |Ex |e x. The full three-dimensional electric eld is E = |Ex | cos (t + x ) + |Ey | cos (t + y ) + |Ez | cos (t + z ) (D.20) x y z and has the phasor form E = |Ex |ex x + |Ey |ey y + |Ez |ez z . (D.21) (D.19)
To express Maxwells equations in phasor form, the full complex form of Equation (D.20) must be considered. Using Equation (A.40), Equation (D.20) becomes 1 E = |Ex |ex x + |Ey |ey y + |Ez |ez z et 2 1 + |Ex |ex x + |Ey |ey y + |Ez |ez z et (D.22) 2 with the time derivative E 1 = |Ex |ex x + |Ey |ey y + |Ez |ez z et t 2 1 |Ex |ex x + |Ey |ey y + |Ez |ez z et . 2 Equation (D.23) has the phasor form 2 E et t = |Ex |ex x + |Ey |ey y + |Ez |ez z . (D.24)
Noting this, Maxwells equations in phasor form, from Equations (D.1) (D.4), are E H = = = = B M D + J V mV , (D.25) (D.26) (D.27) (D.28)
It is sometimes more convenient to use the integral forms of Maxwells equations, and Equations (D.1)(D.4) become E dS = E d = H d = D ds =
H dS =
B dS S t D dS + II t
M dS
D dV = B dV =
V dV = Qenclosed
B dS = 0,
where Qenclosed is the total charge in the volume enclosed by the surface, S. The subscript S on the integral indicates a surface integral and the circle on the integral sign indicates that the integral is over a closed surface. Two mathematical identities were used in developing Equations (D.29)(D.32). The rst identity is Stokes theorem, which states that for any vector eld X,
X d
( X) dS.
So the contour integral around a closed contour, C (with incremental length vector d) of X, is the integral of X over the surface enclosed by the contour and dS is the incremental area multiplied by a unit vector normal to the surface. This identity is used in Equations (D.29) and (D.30). The divergence theorem is the other identity and is used in Equations (D.31) and (D.32). For any vector eld X, the divergence theorem states that X dS = X dV. (D.34)
That is, the volume integral of X is equal to the closed surface integral of X.
Before Maxwells equations were postulated, ve laws of electromagnetics were known. These are the Biot-Savart law, Amperes circuital law, Gauss law, and Faradays law. The laws are for specic circumstances and mostly for static elds. Taken together, they cannot describe the propagation of EM signals, but they can be derived from Maxwells equations. So Maxwells equations cannot be derived from the electric and magnetic eld laws. Maxwells equations embody additional insight relating spatial derivatives to time derivatives which leads to propagating elds.
Figure D-2 Diagram illustrating Amperes law. Amperes law relates the current on a wire to the magnetic eld around it.
d aR R dH
Figure D-3 Diagram illustrating the Biot-Savart law. The Biot-Savart law relates current to magnetic eld.
Amperes circuital law, often called just Amperes law, relates direct current and the static magnetic eld. The relationship is based on Figure D-2. In the static situation, D/t = 0, and so one of Maxwells equations, Equation (D.30), reduces to
H d = Ienclosed.
Biot-Savart Law
The Biot-Savart law relates current to magnetic eld. With D/t = 0, Equation (D.2) becomes H = J. (D.36) In Cartesian coordinates, f = f f f x+ y+ z, x y z (D.37)
and if the current is conned to a thin wire as shown in Figure D-3, H reduces to a line integral along the wire, but also with vector information. So the rst step in the development of the Biot-Savart law (Equation (D.36)) is (ignoring vector information for now) simplied to H I = . 4R2 (D.38)
With vector information and moving the innitesimal length of wire, d, from the left side of the equation to the right, the nal form of the Biot-Savart law is obtained: Id aR dH = , (D.39) 4R2 which has the units of amps per meter in the SI system. In Equation (D.39), I is current, d is a length increment of a lament of current I, aR is the unit vector in the direction from the current lament to the magnetic eld, and R is the distance between the lament and the magnetic eld increment.
Gauss Law
The third law is Gauss law, which relates the static electric ux density vector, D, to charge. With reference to Figure D-4, Gauss law in integral form is D = v .dv = Qenclosed, (D.40)
s v
which states that the integral of the electric ux vector, D, is equal to the total charge enclosed by the surface, Qenclosed. This is just the integral form of the third Maxwell equation (Equation (D.31)).
Faradays Law
Faradays law relates a time-varying magnetic eld to an induced electromotive force, emf, which is now understood to be E d, that is, the closed contour integral of the electric eld, emf =
E d =
B ds, t
and this has the units of volts in the SI unit system. This is just the rst of Maxwells equations in integral form (see Equation (D.29)). The operation
z y x
+ Electric
D B dS
h d Charge
w H
J (e)
Electric Wall
+ + + + + + + +
BD dS h
h w
Figure D-6 Properties of an electric wall: (a) the electrical eld is perpendicular to a conductor and the magnetic eld is parallel to it and is orthogonal to the current; (b) a conductor can be approximated by an electric wall; (c) cylinder used in deriving the normal electric eld; (d) cylinder used in showing that the tangential electric eld is zero; (e) contour used in deriving the tangential magnetic eld in the y direction; and (f) contour used in deriving the z- and x-directed magnetic elds (they are zero).
The boundaries imposed by conductors and the interface between dielectrics dene the mode structure supported by a transmission line. Understanding the elds at the interfaces provides the intuition required to understand the frequency limits of operation of distributed structures.
Electric Wall
An electric wall is formed by a perfect conductor, as shown in Figure D-6, where there are electric charges at the surface of the conductor. Consider that the conductor in Figure D-6(a) carries a current of density J and charge of density V . As the conductivity of the conductor goes to innity, the
conductor becomes a perfect conductor and forms an electric wall, as shown in Figure D-6(b). The current and charge now occupy the very skin of the conductor at the interface to the region above which there is either free space or a dielectric. The behavior of the elds at the interface can be understood by considering the integration surfaces and volumes shown in Figures D6(c)(d). The cylinder in Figure D-6(c) with height h and diameter d enables Gauss law (Equation (D.40)) to be applied. As h 0, Equation (D.40) yields D = Dz d2 =
s v
v .dv = Qenclosed = S d2 ,
where S is the surface charge density (in SI units of C/m2 ) and so D z = S . Now considering the cylinder in Figure D-6(d), again as h 0, D = Dx d2 =
s v
That is, Changing the orientation of the cylinder, it can be seen that Dy = 0. (D.45)
So the electric eld (both D and E = D) is normal to the surface of the conductor. The properties of the magnetic eld at the electric wall can be deduced from Faradays circuital law and the Biot-Savart law (Equation (D.39)). Consider the rectangular contour shown in Figure D-6(e) with height h and width w. With h 0, only the y-directed component of the magnetic eld will contribute to the magnetic eld integral of Faradays circuital law, so from Equation (D.35) H d = Hy w = Ienclosed = JS w, (D.46)
where JS is the surface current density (with SI units of A/m) and Hy = JS . (D.47)
For the eld oriented in the x direction, the rectangular contour shown in Figure D-6(f) can be used, but now no current is enclosed by the contour so that with h 0,
H d = Hx w = Ienclosed = 0
> 2 > 1
z Magnetic Wall 2
2 1
+ + + ++ + + +
y x
+ + Magnetic
Magnetic Conductor
Figure D-7 Properties of the EM eld at a magnetic wall: (a) the interface of two dielectrics of contrasting permittivities approximates a magnetic wall with the magnetic eld perpendicular to the interface and the electric eld parallel to it; (b) the dielectric with lower permittivity can be approximated as a magnetic conductor; and (c) the magnetic conductor forms a magnetic wall at the interface with the material with higher permittivity.
and Hx = 0. (D.49) Hz has not yet been considered. Again, using the rectangular in Figure D6(f) and with w 0,
H d = Hz h = Ienclosed = 0 Hz = 0.
and (D.51) This could also have been derived from the Biot-Savart law (Equation (D.39)). Immediately above the electric wall R 0 and only the lament of current immediately below the magnetic eld contributes. Thus aR is normal to the surface so that H will be perpendicular to the current, but in the plane of the current. Gathering the results together, the EM elds immediately above the electric wall have the following properties: The E eld is perpendicular to the electric wall. Dnormal = S , the surface charge density. The H eld is parallel to the electric wall.
Magnetic Wall
A true magnetic wall does not exist, but it is approximated by the interface between two dielectrics (as shown in Figure D-7) when the permittivity of the dielectrics differ so that 1 2 . This is the situation with a microstrip line where the substrate has permittivity 1 and the air above the substrate
has permittivity 2 . Considering the top dielectric region, the magnetic wall model can then be introduced at the interface between the two dielectrics complete with magnetic charges and magnetic current density, M . The situation is analogous to the electric wall situation with the roles of the electric and magnetic elds interchanged. The EM elds immediately above the magnetic wall have the following properties: The H eld is perpendicular to the magnetic wall. Hnormal = mS , the surface magnetic charge density. The E eld is parallel to the magnetic wall.
What constitutes a good magnetic wall is subject to debate, as the contrast between dielectrics is not as great as the contrast between the conductivity of a good conductor and that of a dielectric such as air. However, it is an essential concept in understanding the coupling of signals and approximating transmission lines to yield intuitive understanding. The summary that is used in the text to understand multimoding is given in Table D-2.
Lossy media result in power loss of EM elds. In RF and microwave systems materials are ideally either perfect conductors or perfect dielectrics. In practice, conductors and dielectrics have nite conductivity and dielectrics have loss called dielectric relaxation loss. Dielectric relaxation loss results from loss, generally to heat, in moving charge centers in a material.
Lossy Dielectrics
In a lossy dielectric there can be both current ow or relaxation loss. Current ow results from applied electric eld and is described by the conductivity, , of the material. Relaxation loss results from polarization of the material and the transfer of energy to the lattice of the material as the electric eld changes direction. This is also referred to as dielectric damping. The polarization vector describes the additional storage capacity of a material to
applied electric eld. The capacity is described by the electric susceptibility, e , in Equation (D.14). In phasor form, loss is captured by a complex e or a complex permittivity: = = (1 + e ). (D.52)
Both current and relaxation respond to applied electric eld. In phasor form, Maxwells curl equation for magnetic eld, Equation (D.26), becomes H = D + J = E + E = ( )E + E = ( )E + ( + )E = E. (D.53) In the above, describes the ability to store electric energy, describes dielectric damping loss, and describes conductivity loss. At a single frequency, damping and conductivity losses are indistinguishable and so the term ( + ) is taken as the effective conductivity. The effective (complex) relative permittivity is e = 1 . 0 (D.54)
Another quantity that captures loss is the loss tangent, tan , which describes the loss to energy storage: + . (D.55) For many materials, tan is approximately independent of frequency, so it is commonly used to characterize the dielectric loss of a material. tan = EXAMPLE D. 3 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Lossy Dielectric
Consider a plane EM wave propagating in a medium with permittivity and permeability . This problem relates to the discussion of dielectric loss in Section 4.2.2 on Page 173. The complex permittivity measured at two frequencies is experimentally characterized by the relative permittivity (/0 ) of the real, {/0 }, and imaginary, {/0 }, parts as follows: Measured Relative Permittivity: Frequency Real Imaginary Part Part 1 GHz 2 GHz 1.9 1.9 0.0490 0.0314 Measured Relative Permeability: Frequency Real Imaginary Part Part 1 GHz 2 GHz 1.9 1.9 0.001 0.001
Since there is an imaginary part of the dielectric constant, there could be loss due to either dielectric damping or nite material conductivity, or both. When characterizing materials, it is only possible to distinguish the contribution to the measured imaginary part of the permittivity by considering the experimentally derived imaginary permittivity at two different frequencies. (a) Determine the dielectric loss tangent at 1 GHz. (b) Determine the relative dielectric damping factor at 1 GHz (the part of the permittivity due to dielectric damping). (c) What is the conductivity of the dielectric? (d) What is the magnetic conductivity of the medium? Solution: (a) At 1 GHz, = r 0 , and the measured relative permittivity is r = 1.9 0.049 = r,e , r,e (D.56)
where and are the effective (measured) values of and r obtained from r,e r,e r measurement. Note that dielectric conductivity = (see Equation (4.9)). Now r,e r = , but the imaginary permittivity includes the effect of dielectric conductivity, , e as well as dielectric damping, which is described by alone. That is, e tan = = r = = 0.0480 r,e 0.0480/1.9 = 0.0258 . +
(b) The imaginary relative permittivity is found by noting that = + / and r,e r r + = r,e . Let 1 = 2 (1 GHz). Then 2 1 2
r,e r,e
= = = = = =
(1 GHz) (2 GHz)
21 + e (B) (A) 1 r r
(c) Recall that = + /. r,e r At 1 GHz, = 2 109 , = 0.0490, = 0.0138 , so r,e r ` 9 = r,e r = 2 10 (0.0490 0.0138) = 0.221 109 S/m = 221 MS/m
Lossy Conductors
Perfect conductors would have innite conductivity, but since the conductivity of conductors is nite, EM elds penetrate to the interior of a conductor. Still the energy stored in the current is much greater than the electric energy storage capability, , and the losses from conductivity are much higher than dielectric loss, , so that the effective relative permittivity from Equation (D.54) is e = 1 . 0 . 1 0 1 0 (D.57)
For most conductors the permeability is 0 and the working permittivity is = e 0 = (D.58)
So = /2. The EM eld in the conductor reduces in amplitude as ex after a distance x. Thus the eld reduces to 1/e of its value after a distance called the skin depth, s : s = 2 . (D.60)
If the amplitude of the electric eld at the surface of a conductor is A(0), after a distance s the amplitude of the electric eld will have the amplitude /2 2/ x A(s ) = e =e = e1 . (D.61) Table D-3 lists the skin depth and phase velocities of conductors commonly used in microwave circuits. The ideal metal conductivities come from the resistivity table on Page 844. The resistivity values here are those of a single crystal. The resistivity values of the best fabricated materials used in microwave applications are generally a factor of 2 higher. The phase velocity, vp , is calculated from the propagation constant and normalized to c, the speed of light in a vacuum. From Equation (D.59), = /2 (D.62)
Table D-3 Skin depth and phase velocity at 1 GHz of several conductors commonly used in microwave circuits. Conductivities of single-crystal metals taken from the resistivity table on Page 844. The best fabricated metals used in microwave applications generally have twice the resistivity listed.
Material 1 GHz Aluminum (crystal) Aluminum (2 resistivity) Copper (single crystal) Copper (2 resistivity) Gold (single crystal) Gold (2 resistivity) Silver (single crystal) Silver (2 resistivity) Titanium (single crystal) Titanium (2 resistivity) Now vp = /, so that
Conductivity, MS.m1 37.7 18.9 59.6 29.8 45.2 22.6 45.2 22.6 0.238 0.119
Skin Depth, m 2.59 3.66 2.06 2.92 2.37 3.35 2.01 2.84 32.6 46.1
Phase Velocity, vp (km.s1 ) 16.3 23.0 13.0 18.3 14.9 21.0 12.6 17.8 200 290
vp =
2 = = 2 . (D.63)
This can be simplied further if the relative permeability of the material is 1, as then 0 = 4107 : vp = = = 2 0 4f 4107 107 f .
Some notes that should be extracted from Table D-3 are, rst, that the skin depth at gigahertz frequencies is close to the thickness of microstrip lines which are often only a few microns thick. Also the speed of an EM wave in a conductor is very slow. The speed of EM in copper (ideal), for example, is 0.004% of the speed of light in a vacuum.
Electromagnetic Calculations
This example provides a review of basic EM theory. In Figure D-1, a plane wave in free space is normally incident on a lossless medium occupying a half space with a dielectric constant of 16. Calculate the electric eld reection coefcient at the interface referred to the medium. Solution: Since it is not explicitly stated, assume 1 = 0 = 2 . (This should be done in general since 0 is the default value for , as most materials have unity relative permeability.) The p characteristic impedance of a medium is = /, and here 1 = 0 . Now is used for characteristic impedance (also called wave impedance) of a propagating wave in a medium. It is used instead of Z0 which is generally reserved for the characteristic impedance of transmission lines. The electric eld reection coefcient is 1 0 1 /0 1 = 1 + 0 1 /0 + 1 r r r r 0 0 0 1 1 1 = = = = , 0 1 0 1 16 4 E = E = 14 3 1/4 1 = = = 0.6 . 1/4 + 1 1+4 5
This example provides an intuitive way of solving an EM problem. A plane wave in free space is normally incident on a lossless medium occupying a half space with a dielectric constant of 16. What is the magnetic eld reection coefcient? Solution: There are several ways to answer this question: Intuitively |H | = |E |, just as for a transmission line, |I | = |V |. With E and H being vectors, the Poynting vector E H points in the direction of propagation for a plane wave, since the reected wave is in the opposite direction to the incident wave, thus sign H = sign E .
Therefore H = +0.6. (E was calculated in Example 4.4.) The formula for the magnetic eld reection coefcient is H = 1 2 1 2 /1 1 1/4 3 = = = = 0.6 . 1 + 2 1 + 2 /1 1 + 1/4 5
A 4 GHz time-varying EM eld is traveling in the +z direction in Region 1 and is normally incident on another material in Region 2 (see Figure D-8). The boundary between the two regions is in the z = 0 plane. The permittivity of Region 1 is 1 = 0 and that of Region 2 is 2 = (4 0.4)0 . For both regions, 1 = 2 = 0 . The phasor of the forward-traveling electric eld (i.e., the incident eld) is E+ = 100 y , and the phase is normalized with respect to z = 0. What are the wave impedance and propagation constant of Region 1? Solution: The wave impedance is = = 0 0 r = 0 r Mr = 377 r 1 4
QS = Q0 C/m2
This appendix develops detailed analysis of the parallel-plate and rectangular waveguides shown in Figure E-1. It is shown that the elds have sinusoidal forms with respect to both position and time, and that multiple modes can exist if dimensions are sufciently large. The rst
y z x
(b) Figure E-1 Waveguides: (a) parallel-plate waveguide; and (b) rectangular waveguide.
section uses phasors and restricts propagation to one direction to simplify Maxwells equations for subsequent use. The second section develops the wave equation and subsequent characteristics for propagation in parallelplate waveguide. The nal section undertakes a similar development for rectangular waveguides. Parallel-plate waveguide analysis provides insight into multimoding on microstrip lines and other planar interconnects. Rectangular waveguides are important transmission line structures, as they have low loss compared to transmission lines (such as microstrip and coaxial cables) that support TEM modes. They are used when handling large powers, such as in radar systems, and high frequencies, especially above 75 GHz. Rectangular waveguide achieves low loss by concentrating energy away from metal surfaces. In particular, current ow in conductors is signicantly reduced. Rectangular waveguides have the special property that they do not support a TEM mode and cannot propagate an EM wave below what is called a cutoff frequency.
In this section Maxwells equations are put in a form that can be used in establishing the eld descriptions in parallel-plate and rectangular waveguides (Figure E-1). The boundary conditions in these waveguides are established by the metal walls, and these walls match the Cartesian coordinate system. So Maxwells equations are put in Cartesian coordinates. Simplications about the elds can be made that relate to the positions of the metal walls. Another simplication is made by assuming that there can only be propagation in the z direction. When the wave propagates in the +z direction it is called the forward-traveling wave, and when it propagates in the z direction it is called the reverse-traveling wave. The development begins with Maxwells equations (Equations (D.1) (D.4) on Page 848) in a source-free region ( = 0 and J = 0). A further simplication comes from assuming a linear, isotropic, and homogeneous medium so that and are independent of signal level and are independent of the eld direction and of position, thus E H B = = = B H = t t D E = t t 0= E 0= H. (E.1) (E.2) (E.3) (E.4)
D =
Applying the identity A = (A)2 A (from Equation (A.37)) to the left-hand side of Equation (E.5), and replacing H by the right-hand side of Equation (E.2), the equation above becomes 2 + ( E) = t E t = 2E . t2 (E.6)
Using Equation (E.3) and assuming that is independent of position, this reduces to 2 (E) 2 E = , (E.7) t2 where 2E 2E 2E 2E 2 E = + + = 2 E + (E.8) t 2 2 2 x y z z 2 2E 2E + (E.9) x2 y 2 is used for elds propagating in the z direction and the subscript t indicates the transverse plane. Equation (E.9) can be put into the form of its components which will be used latter. Since 2 E = t E = Ex x + Ey y + Ez z , then 2 E 2 Ex 2 Ey 2 Ez 2 Ex 2 Ey 2 Ez x+ y+ z + x+ y+ z x2 x2 x2 y 2 y 2 y 2 2 Ex 2 Ey 2 Ez + x+ y+ z (E.11) z 2 z 2 z 2 2 Ex 2 Ey 2 Ex 2 Ex 2 Ey 2 Ey = + + x+ + + y x2 y 2 z 2 x2 y 2 z 2 2 Ez 2 Ez 2 Ez + + + z, (E.12) 2 2 x y z 2 = 2 Ex 2 Ex 2 Ey 2 Ey + x+ + 2 2 2 x y x y 2 2 Ez 2 Ez + + z. 2 x y 2 (E.10)
2 E
and 2 E = t y (E.13)
Invoking the phasor form, /t is replaced by , and assuming propagation only in the z direction (so that there is an assumed e(tz) dependence of the elds), Equation (E.7) further reduces to 2 E = 2 E + t 2E z 2 = 2 E + 2 E = ()2 E = k 2 E , (E.14) t
MICROWAVE AND RF DESIGN: A SYSTEMS APPROACH where k = is known as the wavenumber, that is, 2 E = ( 2 + k 2 )E. t A similar expression can be derived for the magnetic eld: 2 H = ( 2 + k 2 )H. t (E.16) (E.15)
Equations (E.15) and (E.16) are called wave equations, or Helmholtz equations, for phasor elds propagating in the z direction. Equations (E.15) and (E.16) are usually written as 2 E t 2 H t where
2 = kc E 2 = kc H,
2 kc = 2 + k 2
is called the cutoff wavenumber. For propagating waves in a lossless medium, = , where is the phase constant and is real, and so =
2 k 2 kc .
Equations (E.17) and (E.18) describe the transverse elds between the conducting plates of the parallel-plate and rectangular waveguide having a e(tz) dependence. The general form of the solution of these equations is a sinusoidal wave moving in the z direction. Boundary conditions, resulting from the charges and current supported by the plates, further constrain the solutions. Equation (E.1) becomes E = H. (E.21)
In rectangular coordinates, which are the appropriate coordinate system to use with a parallel-plate waveguide, E = Ex x + Ey y + Ez z and H = Hx x + Hy y + Hz z , and Equation (E.21) becomes Ez + Ey y Ez Ex x Ey Ex x y Similarly Hz + Hy y Hz Hx x Hy Hx x y = = = Ex Ey Ez . (E.25) (E.26) (E.27) = = = Hx Hy Hz . (E.22) (E.23) (E.24)
Solving Equations (E.22) and (E.22) results in Ex Ey Hx Hy = = = = 1 2 + k2 1 2 + k2 1 2 + k2 1 2 + k2 Ez Hz + x y Ez Hz + y x Hz Ez + x y Hz Ez + . y x (E.28) (E.29) (E.30) (E.31)
Now that the elds are in the appropriate forms, classication of possible solutions or modes can be developed for the parallel-plate and rectangular waveguides. At this stage the following simplications have been made to Maxwells equations to get them into the form of Equations (E.28)(E.31): Restriction of propagation to the +z and z directions Assuming that and are constants Putting the wave equations in rectangular form so that boundary conditions established by metal walls can be easily applied The solutions of Equations (E.28)(E.31) will result in equations for the E and H components that vary sinusoidally with x, y, and z positions. A major expression to be developed is for the cutoff wavenumber, kc .
Parallel-Plate Waveguide
In this appendix the propagating electromagnetic elds between the plates of a parallel-plate waveguide (Figure E-2) are derived. Parallel plate waveguides are not used intentionally as a transmission line but occur in many situations resulting in undesirable effects. Examining them, however, provides insight into how metallic walls can guide EM elds without the explicit use of two conductors (e.g., in a coaxial line or in a microstrip line) to provide current and voltage support. Parallel plates also appear in printed circuit boards, and many undesirable effects that occur at higher frequencies can be traced to wave guiding.
TEM Mode
In the TEM mode, all of the E and H eld components are in the plane transverse to the direction of propagation, that is, Ez = 0 = Hz . Thus Equations (E.28)(E.31) imply that 2 + k 2 = 0 if Ex , Ey , Hx , and Hy are to possibly have a nite value. If 2 + k 2 = 0 (so that = k) then Equations (E.15) and (E.16) imply that Ex , Ey , Hx , and Hy cannot vary with position
y z x ,
y d 0 0
(b) Figure E-2 Parallel-plate waveguide: (a) three-dimensional view; and (b) crosssectional (transverse) view.
in the transverse plane (i.e., with respect to x and y). Thus Ex , Ey , Hx , and Hy must be constant between the plates. Furthermore, boundary conditions require that Hy = 0 and Ex = 0 at the conductor. So in the TEM parallelplate mode only Ey and Hx exist, and they are constant. Equation (E.22) leads to Ey Hx = = Ey = Ey = Ey , (E.32) where the plus sign describes forward-traveling elds (propagating in the +z direction) and the minus sign describes backward-traveling elds (propagating in the z direction). The quantity = / is called the wave impedance. This eld variation is shown in Figure 5-15(a) on Page 268.
TM Mode
The Transverse Magnetic Mode (TM) is characterized by Hz = 0 and Ez = 0. Another restriction that will be used here is that there is no variation of the elds in the x direction. Thus Equation (E.15) becomes d2 Ez 2 = kc Ez . dy 2 The solution to Equation (E.33) is Ez = E0 sin (kc y) + E1 cos (kc y). (E.34) (E.33)
To nd the coefcients E0 and E1 , boundary conditions are applied so that Ez is zero at y = 0 and y = d; that is, Ez |y=0 = 0 = E1 and Ez |y=d = 0 = E0 sin (kc d). (E.36) This requires that sin (kc d) = 0, since the assumption is that there is an Ez eld, and so E0 = 0. The condition that sin (kc d) = 0 implies that there are discrete values of kc : kc = m/d m = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (E.37) (E.35)
Each value of kc corresponds to a different mode and m is the mode index so that the mth mode is the TMm mode and m indicates the number of halfsinusoidal variations of the elds in the y direction. There must be at least one half-sinusoidal variation for a TM mode to exist, so the frequency of the eld must be sufciently high that it is possible for the eld to have such a spatial variation. The fastest the eld can curl is related to the wavelength, , of the EM signal in the medium (without walls). So the TMm mode cannot propagate if the wavelength of the signal is such that > c , where c (= m/d) is called the critical wavelength of the mode. Substituting the above results and assumptions (e.g., /x = 0) in Equations (E.28)(E.31), and repeating Equation (E.36), Hz Ez Ey Hx = = = = 0 Ex = 0 Hy = 0 E0 sin (kc y) dEz 2 = E0 cos (kc y) kc dy kc dEz 2 = E0 cos (kc y). kc dy kc (E.38) (E.39) (E.40) (E.41)
There are an innite number of TE modes identied by the index m, which determines the cutoff wavenumber, kc , of the particular mode. The propagation constant of the mth mode is =
2 kc k 2 =
(m/d)2 2 .
Propagation is only possible if has an imaginary component (or in lossless media, = ). Thus the modes have a cutoff frequency, fc , below which propagation is not possible: fc = 1 kc 1 m m , = = 2 2 d 2d (E.43)
MICROWAVE AND RF DESIGN: A SYSTEMS APPROACH where = 1/ is the velocity of a TEM mode in the medium. A cutoff wavelength can also be dened: c = 2d . = fc m (E.44)
The wavelength of the mode, called the guide wavelength, g , is given by g = 2 = , 1 (fc /f )2 (E.45)
where is the wavelength of a TEM mode in the medium: = /f . The phase velocity of the modes is also dependent on the mode index m through the cutoff frequency, (E.46) vp = = 1 (fc /f )2 and the group velocity is vg = d = d 1 (fc /f )2 . (E.47)
The phase velocity, vp , of a TM mode is greater than , the speed of light in the medium, while the group velocity, vg , is slower than . The group velocity is the velocity at which energy is transmitted and can never be faster than the speed of light, c. The phase velocity can easily be greater than c. The TM mode eld variation is shown in Figure 5-15(a) on Page 268.
TE Mode
The Transverse Magnetic Mode (TE) is characterized by Ez = 0 and Hz = 0. Following the same development as for the TM mode, the TE mode elds are Ez Hz Ex Hy = = = = 0, Ey = 0, Hx = 0 (E.48) (E.49) (E.50) (E.51)
The equations for kc , vp , vg , fc , c , and g are the same as for the TM mode considered in the previous section. The TE mode eld variation is shown in Figure 5-15(a) on Page 268.
y z x
b a
y b 0 0
(b) Figure E-3 Rectangular waveguide: (a) three-dimensional view; and (b) transverse crosssection with internal dimensions designated a and b.
Rectangular Waveguide
A rectangular waveguide is shown in Figure E-3. Rectangular waveguides guide EM energy between four connected electrical walls, and there is little current created on the walls. As a result resistive losses are quite low, much lower than can be achieved using coaxial lines. One of the major uses of rectangular waveguide is when losses must be kept to a minimum, so that rectangular waveguide is used in very high-power situations such as radar at a few gigahertz and above. At higher frequencies the loss of coaxial lines becomes large, and it also becomes difcult to build small-diameter coaxial lines at 100 GHz and above. As a result, rectangular waveguide is nearly always used above 100 GHz. There are many low to medium-power legacy systems that use rectangular waveguide above 1 GHz. Rectangular waveguide supports many different modes, but it does not support the TEM mode. The modes are categorized as being either TM or TE, denoting whether all of the magnetic elds are perpendicular to the direction of propagation (i.e., transverse magnetic elds) or whether all of the electric elds are perpendicular to the direction of propagation (i.e., they are transverse electric elds). As with other transmission line structures, dimensions of the waveguide can be chosen so that only one mode can propagate. With more than one mode propagating, the different components of a signal would travel at different speeds and thus combine at a load
incoherently since the ratio of the energy in the modes would vary (usually) randomly. The TE and TM eld descriptions are derived from the solution of differential equationsMaxwells equationssubject to boundary conditions. The general solutions for rectangular systems are sinewaves and there are possibly many discrete solutions. The nomenclature that has developed over the years to classify modes references the number of variations in the x direction, using the index m, and the number of variations in the y direction, using the index n. So there are TEmn and TMmn modes, and dimensions are usually selected small enough so that only the TE10 can propagate.
TM Waves
The development of the eld descriptions for the TM modes begins with the rectangular wave equations derived in Section E.1. Transverse magnetic waves have zero Hz , but nonzero Ez . The differential equation governing Ez is, in rectangular coordinates, (from Equations (E.13) and (E.13)) 2 Ez t = 2 Ez 2 Ez 2 + = kc Ez . 2 x y 2 (E.52)
Using a separation of variables procedure, this equation has the solution Ez = (A sin kx x + B cos kx x)(C sin ky y + D cos ky y), where
2 2 2 kx + ky = kc .
(E.53) (E.54)
The perfectly conducting boundary at x = 0 requires B = 0 to produce Ez = 0 there. Similarly the ideal boundary at y = 0 requires D = 0. Replace A C by a new constant A and Ez = A sin kx x sin ky y . (E.55)
The axial electric eld, Ez , must also be zero at x = a and y = b. This can only be so (except for the trivial solution A = 0) if kx a is an integral multiple of : kx a = m, m = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (E.56) Similarly, for Ez to be zero at y = b, ky b must also be a multiple of : ky b = n, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (E.57)
So the cutoff condition of the TM wave with m variations in x and in y (designated TMmn ) is found from Equation (E.54): cm,n = kcm,n 1 = m a
n b
2 1/2
2 Since kc is k 2 2 , attenuation for frequencies below the cutoff frequency of a given mode, and the phase constant for frequencies above the cutoff frequency, have the same forms as for the parallel-plate guiding system: 2
= kcm,n
, < cm,n
> cm,n .
Phase and group velocities also have the same forms as before. The remaining eld components of the TMmn wave are found with Hz = 0 and Ez from Equation (E.55) and Equations (E.28)(E.31): Ex Ey Hx Hy = = = = k x A cos kx x sin ky y 2 kcm,n k y A sin kx x cos ky y 2 kcm,n (E.61) (E.62) (E.63) (E.64)
The spatial eld variations depend on the x and y cutoff wavenumbers, kx and ky , which in turn depend on the mode index and the dimensions of the cross-sectional waveguide. The lowest-order TM mode is the TM11 mode, with m = 1 and n = 1, and this has the minimum variation of the elds; these are shown in Figure E-4.
TE Waves
Transverse electric waves have zero Ez and nonzero Hz so that, in rectangular coordinates, 2 Hz t = 2 Hz 2 Hz 2 + = kc Hz . 2 x y 2 (E.65)
Solution using the separation of variables technique gives Hz = (A sin kx x + B cos kx x)(C sin ky y + D cos ky y) , where
2 2 2 kc = kx + ky .
TM Mode
Figure E-4 Electric and magnetic eld distribution for the lowest-order TM mode.
Imposition of boundary condition in this case is a little less direct, but the electric eld components are Ex Hz (E.68) 2 kc y ky = 2 (A sin kx x + B cos kx x) (C cos ky y D sin ky y) kc Hz = (E.69) 2 kc x kx (A cos kx x B sin kx x) (C sin ky y + D cos ky y) . = 2 kc =
For Ex to be zero at y = 0 for all x, C = 0, and for Ey = 0 at x = 0 for all y, A = 0. Dening B D = B, then Hz = B cos kx x cos ky y. Ey is zero at x = a so that kx a must be a multiple of : kx a = m, m = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (E.71) (E.70)
Also, Ex is zero at y = b, so that ky b must zero (so that Ex is always zero) or that it is a multiple of : ky b = n n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . . (E.72)
The forms of the transverse electric eld with the derived simplications
TE Mode
Figure E-5 Electric and magnetic eld distribution for the lowest-order TE mode.
Corresponding transverse magnetic eld components are Hx Hy = = k x B sin kx x cos ky y 2 kcm,n k y B cos kx x sin ky y. 2 kcm,n (E.75) (E.76)
The lowest-order TE mode is the TE10 mode (with m = 1 and n = 0) and this has the minimum variation of the elds; these are shown in Figure E-5. So the lowest-order TE mode, the TE10 mode, has one variation of the elds. This is the mode used in rectangular waveguide. The mode has a cutoff frequency which is when the wavelength (in the medium, free-space wavelength if the guide is air-lled) is twice the a dimension of the waveguide (see Figure E-3). The next higher-order mode appears when it is possible for a variation in the y direction. This occurs at a frequency corresponding to the b dimension being one-half wavelength in the medium. Consequently, with b = 2a, there is approximately one-half octave of available bandwidth over which the waveguide can be used. It is not practical to operate immediately above the cutoff frequency as wave impedances are too high. Neither is it desirable to operate at a frequency
(a) (b) (c) Figure E-6 Rectangular waveguide bends: (a) E-plane bend; (b) H-plane bend; and (c) photograph of various bends: top is X-band (812 GHz), middle is Ku-band (12 18 GHz), bottom is Ka-band (2640 GHz).
immediately below the frequency at which the next-higher-order mode will propagate. This is because small discontinuities can launch the higherorder mode. Since rectangular waveguide is useful over a relatively narrow frequency range, standard dimensions have been developed, as listed in Table E-1. Waveguide is referred to by its waveguide standard number (its WR designation), however, the old letter designations of bands are still used.
Rectangular waveguide components require considerable machining, but the equivalents of many of the components that are available in microstrip can be realized. Invariably the lowest-order TE mode is used. This is the TE10 mode, and the eld conguration is as shown in Figure E-5. The characteristic of this mode is that the E-eld is transverse to the direction of propagation. Many components have particular orientations to the planes of the E and H elds. Consider the rectangular waveguide bends shown in Figure E-6. The bend in Figure E-6(a) is called an E-plane bend, or E-bend, as the axis of the waveguide (which is in the direction of propagation) always remains parallel to the E eld. With the H-plane bend, or H-bend, in Figure E-6(b), the axis of the waveguide remains parallel to the H eld. In building circuits using rectangular waveguide, it is frequently necessary to rotate and twist the waveguide so that sections can be joined. Bends enable this, but twists (as shown in Figure E-7) are also used. Sometimes it is necessary to use exible waveguide sections (see Figure E-8). Waveguide tees are used to split and combine signals. There are both E-plane and H-plane versions as there were for bends (see Figure E-9). There are a wide variety of waveguide components. The components are developed from EM eld considerations and not derived from current and
Table E-1 Waveguide bands, operating frequencies, and internal dimensions. Waveguide dimensions specied in inches (multiply by 25.4 mm/inch to convert to millimeters). The number in the WR designation is the waveguide long internal dimension in hundreds of an inch. The TE10 mode cutoff frequency is when the long dimension is one-half wavelength long (the free space wavelength if vacuum- or airlled, or modied by the square-root of the permittivity if the waveguide is dielectric lled). Band EIA Waveguide Band WR2300 WR2100 WR1800 WR1500 WR1150 WR1000 WR770 WR-650 WR-430 WR-340 WR-284 WR-229 WR-187 WR-159 WR-137 WR-112 WR-90 WR-62 WR-51 WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6 WR-5 WR-4 WR-3 WR-2 WR-1.5 WR-1 Frequency Limits (GHz) 0.320.49 0.350.53 0.430.62 0.490.74 0.640.96 0.751.1 0.961.5 1.121.70 1.702.60 2.203.30 2.603.95 3.304.90 3.955.85 4.907.05 5.858.20 7.0510.00 8.212.4 12.418.0 15.022.0 18.026.5 26.540.0 3350 4060 5075 6090 75110 90140 110170 140220 170260 220325 325500 500750 7501100 Internal Dimensions (a b, inches) 23.00011.500 21.00010.500 18.0009.000 15.0007.500 11.5005.750 9.9754.875 7.7003.385 6.5003.250 4.3002.150 3.4001.700 2.8401.340 2.2901.150 1.8720.872 1.5900.795 1.3720.622 1.1220.497 0.9000.400 0.6220.311 0.5100.255 0.4200.170 0.2800.140 0.2240.112 0.1880.094 0.1480.074 0.1220.061 0.1000.050 0.0800.040 0.06500.0325 0.05100.0255 0.04300.0215 0.03400.0170 0.02000.0100 0.01500.0075 0.01000.0050 TE10 Cutoff (GHz) 0.257 0.281 0.328 0.393 0.513 0.592 0.766 0.908 1.37 1.74 2.08 2.58 3.15 3.71 4.30 5.26 6.56 9.49 11.6 14.1 21.1 26.3 31.4 39.9 48.4 59.0 73.8 90.8 116 137 174 295 393 590
R band D band S band E band G band F band C band H band X band Ku band K band K band Ka band Q band U band V band E band W band F band D band G band
Y band
Figure E-7 Rectangular waveguide twist: (a) diagrammatic view; and (b) photograph.
voltage circuits. For example, a termination in a rectangular waveguide is realized using a resistive wedge of material as shown in Figure E-10(a). This provides a termination with a lower reactive component than would be obtained with a lumped resistor placed at the end of the line. The matched load absorbs all of the power in the traveling wave incident on it. The functional component is lossy material, often shaped as a wedge or tall pyramid, that absorbs power over a distance corresponding, perhaps, to one-half wavelength or longer. So while the characteristic impedance of a wave on the rectangular waveguide varies with frequency, the termination is always matched to this impedance. A high-power waveguide matched load is shown in Figure E-10(b). This component uses the structure illustrated in Figure E-10(a) and has ns to aid the radiation of dissipated heat. A waveguide attenuator is realized by introducing resistive material, as shown in Figure E-10(c). This introduces a section of line with a high attenuation coefcient. By controlling the depth of the resistive vane, as shown in Figure E-10(d), a variable attenuator is obtained. A circulator uses a special property of magnetized ferrites (having anisotropic permeability) which provides a preferred direction of EM propagation. A rectangular waveguide circulator is shown in Figure E-11. Other components commonly encountered are the waveguide switch (see Figure E-12), the coaxial-to-waveguide adaptor (see Figure E-13), and the waveguide horn antenna (see Figure E-15). Many of the microstrip components introduced in the text rely on transmission line effects, and the functionality is not specic to microstrip.
E PORT 3 - S E
Figure E-9 Rectangular waveguide tees: (a) three-dimensional representation of an E-plane tee; (b) description of the signal ow in an E-plane Tee; (c) three-dimensional representation of an H-plane tee; (d) description of the signal ow in an H-plane tee; (e) photograph of an E-plane tee; and (f) photograph of waveguide tees for different waveguide bands (top, X-band H-plane tee; middle, Ku-band H-plane tee; bottom Ka-band E-plane tee).
Figure E-10 Terminations and attenuators in rectangular waveguide: (a) coaxial line termination; (b) microstrip termination; (c) coaxial line attenuator; and (d) microstrip attenuator
Microstrip directional couplers were introduced in Section 9.7 on Page 483. These were based on two closely spaced parallel microstrip lines. However, it is only necessary to couple two transmission lines to create a directional coupler. A rectangular waveguide directional coupler is shown in Figure E-16. Here the two transmission lines, the rectangular waveguides, are coupled by slots in the common wall of the guides. In Figure E-16(b) the EM wave from the bottom waveguide leaks into the top waveguide through the coupling slots. A quick check on phasing indicates that the coupled wave in the reverse direction is canceled. Meanwhile, in the forward-traveling direction there is constructive interference of the coupled EM wave. Variable elements available in rectangular waveguide include the micrometer tuner, shown in Figure E-17. The tuner shown in Figure E17(a) typically moves a reactive element along the waveguide. One example
Figure E-11 Waveguide circulator: (a) schematic; and (b) three-dimensional representation showing H eld lines magnetizing a ferrite disk.
Figure E-13 Coaxial transmission line to rectangular waveguide adaptor: (a) photograph; (b) adaptor using a coupling stub; and (c) adaptor using a coupling loop.
is the movable short circuit shown in Figure E-17(b). Another variable element used in tuning is the waveguide slide tuner, shown in Figure E17(c). Here a slot is cut in the long wall of the waveguide and a metal probe
Figure E-14 Rectangular waveguide taper connecting one waveguide series to another.
is inserted. The slot is in a region where the currents in the waveguide wall are minimum, so little discontinuity is introduced. The probe introduces a reactive discontinuity, and the reactance can be varied by changing the depth of penetration of the probe using the knob shown. The probe can move up-and-down along the slot to further increase the impedance range that can be presented. Several discontinuities in rectangular waveguide are shown in Figure E-18. These illustrate most clearly the use of E and H eld disturbances to realize capacitive and inductive components. An E-plane discontinuity (Figure E-18(a)) is modeled approximately by a frequency-dependent capacitor. H-plane discontinuities (Figures E-18(b) and E-18(c)) resemble inductors, as does the circular iris of Figure E-18(d). The resonant waveguide iris of Figure E-18(e) disturbs the E and H elds and can be modeled by a parallel LC resonant circuit near the frequency of resonance. Posts in the waveguide are used as reactive elements (Figure E-18(f)) and to mount active devices (Figure E-18(g)). The equivalent circuits of
Figure E-16 Directional coupler in rectangular waveguide: (a) schematic of a directional coupler; (b) waveguide directional coupler showing coupling slots; and (c) and (d) photograph of three directional couplers with the fourth port terminated in an integral matched load. In (c) and (d), from top-to-bottom, W-band and 10 cm long, Ka-band and 15 cm long, and X-band 35 cm long.
waveguide discontinuities are modeled by capacitive elements if the E eld is interrupted and by inductive elements if the H eld (or current) is disturbed. A one-quarter wavelength long impedance transformer is also available
(c) Figure E-17 Waveguide tuners (a) micrometer-driven variable short-circuit; internal details of a variable short-circuit; and (c) waveguide slide tuner.
z x
(b) (c)
(f) (g)
Figure E-18 Rectangular waveguide discontinuities and their lumped equivalent circuits: (a) capacitive E-plane discontinuity; (b) inductive H-plane discontinuity; (c) symmetrical inductive H-plane discontinuity; (d) inductive post discontinuity; (e) resonant window discontinuity; (f) capacitive post discontinuity; and (g) diode post mount.
Z 0,3
E PORT 3 - S E
Figure E-20 Rectangular waveguide hybrid: (a) three-dimensional representation; and (b) description of signal ow.
in microstrip, as shown in Figure E-19. This section can be shorter than the tapered waveguide section which, however, had higher bandwidth. Hybrids in waveguides (Figure E-20) do not look anything like their microstrip equivalents.
This appendix lists the symbols commonly used with RF and microwave circuits. Symbols are from IEEE Standard 315-1975, Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (Including Reference Designation Letters), IEEE, USA, Adopted Sept. 1975, Reafrmed Dec. 1993 [117].
symbols to identify a particular property. Qualifying Property Adjustable Adjustable, continuously adjustable Adjustable, stepped Linear Nonlinear Positive Negative
Attenuator, unbalanced
Attenuator, variable
Attenuator, variable, stepped Amplier Antenna, general Antenna, balanced Antenna, dipole Antenna, loop Balun Balun with coaxial line and dipole antenna Capacitor, general Capacitor, polarized
Circulator Coaxial cable Conductive path Connector, female Connector, male Contact, xed Contact, closed Contact, open Delay Element, linear (* to be replaced by designation) Ground, general Ground, chassis Coupler Filter, bandpass lter (BPF) Filter, lowpass lter (LPF) Filter, highpass lter (HPF)
Component Filter, bandstop lter (BSF) Isolator Inductor, general Inductor with magnetic core Junction Junction of paths Network, linear (* to be replaced by designation) Open Phase shifter Piezoelectric resonator Radio link Radio link with antennas Rectier Resistor, general Resistor, variable Resistor, nonlinear Shield Short, movable Source, ac Source, dc
+ _
Twinax with shield grounded Resistor, series Resistor with open path Resistor with short Short Wire Wires, connected, crossing Wires, unconnected, crossing
Table F-3 IEEE standard symbols for diodes and a rectier [117]. Symbol is not an IEEE standard symbol but is commonly used.
Component Diode, general Gunn diode PIN diode Light emitting diode (LED) Rectier Schottky diode Varactor diode Zener diode
Table F-4 IEEE standard schematic symbols for bipolar junction transistors (BJT and HBT) [117] and commonly used symbols in layouts [174]. The letters indicate terminals: B (base), C (collector), E (emitter). These symbols are used for silicon BJTs and compound semiconductor HBTs.
IEEE Symbol
BJT, npn
Table F-5 IEEE standard schematic symbols for junction eld effect transistors (MESFET, HEMT, JFET) [117] and symbols more commonly used in schematics. The letters indicate terminals: G (gate), D (drain), S (source).
IEEE Symbol
Table F-6 IEEE standard schematic symbols for MOSFET transistors [117] and symbols more commonly used in schematics [174]. The MOSFET symbols are for enhancement- and depletion- mode transistors.The letters indicate terminals: G (gate), D (drain), S (source), U (bulk). Four-terminal and three-terminal common symbols are shown. The three-terminal common symbol is most often used when the bulk is connected to the most negative connection in the circuit, and the pMOSFET symbol is used when the bulk is tied to VDD (the most positive connection). The bulk connection is often not shown, as it is assumed to be connected to the most negative voltage point. Transistor FET, nMOS, depletion
IEEE Symbol
This appendix presents the model parameters of the three most commonly used transistors in RF and microwave design. These models are available in nearly all circuit simulators. Transistor models implement device equations that have been developed from physical insight with necessary simplications required for implementation in a simulator. The purpose of presenting these models is so that the basic physical description of operation can be examined.
Figure G-1 MOSFET types: (a) enhancement-mode p type; (b) enhancement-mode p type; (a) depletionmode n type; (b) depletion-mode n type;
Name gamma kp l w ld wd nsub phi tox u0 vt0 kappa t tnom nfs eta theta tpg nss vmax xj delta
Description Bulk threshold parameter Transconductance parameter Device length Device width Lateral diffusion length Lateral diffusion width Substrate doping Surface inversion potential Oxide thickness Surface mobility Zero bias threshold voltage Saturation eld factor Device temperature Nominal temperature Fast surface state density Static feedback on threshold voltage Mobility modulation Gate material type Surface state density Maximum carrier drift velocity Metallurgical junction depth Width effect on threshold voltage
Units V A/V2 m m m m cm3 V m cm2 /V-s V m degrees degrees cm2 1/V cm2 m/sec
Default 0 0.000021 0.000002 0.00005 0 0 0 0.6 1 107 600 0 0.2 300.15 300.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 = 8.85421487 10 s = 11.7 0
k = 1.3806226 10
(J/K) (F/m)
Cox =
All parameters used are indicated in this font. Le We Depletion layer width coefcient: Xd = Built in voltage: Square root of substrate voltage: 2 s q NSUB 106 (G.9) (G.10) = = L 2 LD W 2 WD (G.7) (G.8)
Vbi = VT0 GAMMA PHI PHI VBS PHI = 0.5 1 + PHI VBS (1 +
Short-channel effect correction factor: In a short-channel device, the device threshold voltage tends to be lower since part of the depletion charge in the bulk terminates the electric elds at the source and drain. The value of this correction factor is determined by the metallurgical depth, XJ. c0 c1 c2 T1 Fs = = = = = 0.0631353 0.8013292 0.01110777 1 LD + T1 Le (G.12) (G.13) (G.14) (G.15) (G.16) Xd SqVBS )2 XJ + Xd SqVBS
Narrow channel effect correlation factor: The edge effects in a narrow channel cause the depletion charge to extend beyond the width of the channel. This has the effect of increasing the threshold voltage: Fn = s DELTA . 2 Cox We (G.17)
Static feedback coefcient: The threshold voltage lowers because the charge under the gate terminal depleted by the drain junction eld increases with VDS . This effect is drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL). = Threshold voltage: Vth = Vbi VDS + GAMMA SqVBS Fs + Fn SqVBS 2 (G.19) 8.14 1022 ETA . Le 3 Cox (G.18)
Subthreshold operation: This variable is invoked depending on the value of the parameter NFS and is used only during subthreshold mode: GAMMA Fs q NFS 104 Fn + + . (G.20) Xn = 1 + Cox 2 2 SqVBS Modied threshold voltage: This variable denes the limit between weak and strong inversion: NFS > 0 NFS 0 Subthreshold gate voltage: Vgsx = MAX(VGS , Von ). Surface mobility: s = U0 104 . 1 + THETA (Vgsx Vth ) (G.24) (G.23) = Von = Vth + = Von = Vth . kT Xn q (G.21) (G.22)
Saturation voltage: Calculation of this voltage requires many steps. The effective mobility is calculated as e = s Fdrain , where Fdrain = = The Taylor expansion of bulk charge is FB = GAMMA Fs + 2 Fn . 4 SqVBS (G.28) 1+ 1.0
(G.26) (G.27)
We e Cox . Le
The standard value of saturation voltage is calculated as Vsat = Vgsx Vth . 1 + FB (G.29)
The nal value of the saturation voltage depends on the parameter VMAX: VMAX = 0 = Vdsat = Vsat VMAX Le VMAX > 0 = Vc = s Vdsat = Vsat + Vc
2 Vsat + Vc2 .
Velocity saturation drain voltage: This ensures that the drain voltage does not exceed the saturation voltage: Vdsx = MIN(VDS , Vdsat ). Drain current: Linear region: IDS = Saturation region: IDS = (VGS Vth ) Using Equation (G.27), this becomes IDS = Cutoff region: IDS = 0. (G.37) Channel length modulation: As VDS increases beyond Vdsat , the point where the carrier velocity begins to saturate moving toward the source. This is modeled by the term l : l = X d
2 2 2 Xd Ep Ep Xd + KAPPA (VDS Vdsat ) , 4 2
where Ep is the lateral eld at pinch-off and is given by Ep = VMAX s (1 Fdrain ) (G.39)
The drain current is multiplied by a correction factor, lfact . This factor prevents the denominator Le l from going to zero. l 0.5 Le l > 0.5 Le = lfact = = lfact Le Le l 4 l = . Le (G.40) (G.41)
Subthreshold operation: For subthreshold operation, if the fast surface density parameter NFS is specied and VGS Von , then the nal value of drain-source current is given by IDSnal = IDSnew e q
kt VGS Von Xn
Yang-Chatterjee Charge Model [316] This model ensures continuity of the charges and capacitances throughout different regions of operation. The intermediate quantities are VF B = Vto GAMMA PHI PHI (G.44) and Co = Cox We Le . Accumulation region, VGS VF B + VBS : Qd Qs Qb = = = 0 0 Co (VGS VF B VBS ). (G.46) (G.47) (G.48) (G.45)
Saturation region, Vth < VGS VDS + Vth : Qd Qs Qb Linear region, VGS > VDS + Vth : Qd Qs Qb = Co [ = Co [
2 VDS Vth VDS 2
8 (VGS
VDS 2 )
The nal currents at the transistor nodes are given by Id Ig Is = IDSnal + = dQg dt dQs . dt dQd dt (G.58) (G.59) (G.60)
= IDSnal +
Description Description Slope factor of breakdown current (AF AB) Slope factor of gate conduction current (AF AG) Area multiplier (AREA) Gate source Schottky barrier capacitance for (C10 ) Gate drain feedback capacitance for (CF 0 ) Constant parasitic component of gate-source capacitance (CLS ) Constant part of power law parameter (E) Voltage slope parameter of pinch-off voltage () Drain saturation current for (IDSS ) Saturation current of gate-source Schottky barrier (IG0 ) Slope parameter of gate-source capacitance (K1 ) Dependence of power law on VGS , (KE ) Slope parameter of gate-drain feedback capacitance (KF ) Drain dependence on VGS in the linear region, (KG ) Slope factor of intrinsic channel resistance (KR ) Intrinsic channel resistance for (RI ) Slope of the drain characteristic in the saturated region, (SL ) Slope of the drain characteristic in the saturated region (SS ) Channel transit-time delay ( ) Breakdown voltage (VBC ) Pinch-off voltage for (VP 0 )
Units Units 1/V 1/V F F F 1/V A A 1/V 1/V 1/V 1/V 1/V S S s V V
Default Default 0.0 38.696 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.25 0.0 1.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.15 0.0 0.0 1010 -2.0
The physical constants used in the model evaluation are k q Standard Calculations VT H = (kT )/q where T is the analysis temperature. Also VDS VGS VGD Intrinsic drain source voltage Intrinsic gate source voltage Intrinsic gate drain voltage (G.61) the Boltzmann constant electronic charge 1.3806226 1023 J/K 1.6021918 1019 C
= AreaIG0
= AreaIG0 eAF AG VGD 1 IB0 eAF AB (VGD + VBC ) = R10 (1 KR VGS )/Area KR VGS < 1.0 0 KR VGS 1.0 .
CLV L = 1 (default) for the standard Materka-Kacprzak capacitance model described below is used. The Materka-Kacprzak capacitances are
= CDS C10 (1 K1 VGS )MGS + C1S = C10 (1 FCC )MGS + C1S = Area CF 0 (1 K1 V1 )MGD Area CF 0 (1 FCC )MGD
Figure G-3 Q bipolar junction transistor: (a) npn transistor; (b) pnp transistor.
Bipolar transistor models are based on the Gummel-Poon model [171] described here. The key feature of the model is that it captures the dependence of the forward and reverse current gain on current. In essence, the BJT model is a current-controlled current source. The GummelPoon model and its derivatives are used to model silicon BJTs and compound semiconductor HBTs [322, 323].
Table G-3: Gummel-Poon BJT Model Parameters
Description Current multiplier Ideal maximum forward beta (BF ) Ideal maximum reverse beta (BR ) Base-emitter leakage saturation coefcient Base-collector leakage saturation coefcient Base collector zero bias p-n capacitance (CJC ) Base emitter zero bias p-n capacitance (CJE ) Bandgap voltage (EG ) Forward bias depletion capacitor coefcient (FC ) Corner of forward beta high-current roll-off (IKF ) Corner for reverse-beta high current roll off (IKR ) Transport saturation current (IS ) Base collector leakage saturation current (ISC ) Base-emitter leakage saturation current (ISE ) Current at which RB falls to half of RBM (IRB ) Transit time dependency on IC (IT F ) Base collector p-n grading factor (MJC ) Base emitter p-n grading factor (MJE ) Base-collector leakage emission coefcient (NC ) Base-emitter leakage emission coefcient (NE ) Forward current emission coefcient (NF )
F F eV A A A A A A
Default 1.0 100.0 1.0 ISE /IS (ISC /IS ) 0.0 0.0 1.11 0.5 1010 1010 1016 0.0 0.0 1010 0.0 0.33 0.33 2.0 1.5 1.0
Description Reverse current emission coefcient (NR ) Zero bias base resistance (RB ) Minimum base resistance (RBM ) Emitter ohmic resistance (RE ) Collector ohmic resistance (RC ) Operating Temperature T Ideal forward transit time (TS ) Nominal temperature (TN OM ) Ideal reverse transit time (TR ) RB temperature coefcient (linear) (TRB1 ) RB temperature coefcient (quadratic) (TRB2 ) RC temperature coefcient (linear) (TRC1 ) RC temperature coefcient (linear) (TRC2 ) RE temperature coefcient (linear) (TRE1 ) RE temperature coefcient (quadratic) (TRE2 ) RBM temperature coefcient (linear) (TRM1 ) RBM temperature coefcient (quadratic) (TRM2 ) alternative keyword for VAF (VA ) Forward early voltage (VAF ) Reverse early voltage (VAR ) alternative keyword for VAR (VB ) Base collector built in potential (VJC ) Base emitter built in potential (VJE ) Transit time dependency on VBC (VT F ) Fraction of CBC connected internal to RB (XCJC ) Forward and reverse beta temperature coefcient (XT B ) Transit time bias dependence coefcient (XT F ) IS temperature effect exponent (XT I )
Units K secs K S
Default 1.0 0.0 RB 0.0 0.0 300 0.0 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1010 1010 1010 1010 0.75 0.75 1010 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0
CJS NSubstrate
Absolute temperatures (in kelvin, K) are used. The thermal voltage is VT H (TN OM ) = k TN OM /q. Current Characteristics The base-emitter current is IBE = IBF /F + ILE the base-collector current is IBC = IBR /R + ILC , and the collector-emitter current is ICE = IBF IBR /KQB , where the forward diffusion current is IBF = IS eVBE /(NF VT H ) 1 , the nonideal base-emitter current is ILE = ISE eVBE /(NE VT H ) 1 , (G.74) (G.73) (G.72) (G.71) (G.70) (G.69)
the reverse diffusion current, IBR = IS eVBC /(NR VT H ) 1 the non-ideal base-collector current is ILC = ISC eVBC /(NC VT H ) 1 , and the base charge factor is KQB = 1/2 [1 VBC /VAF VBE /VAB ]
Thus the conductive current owing into the base is IB = IBE + IBC the conductive current owing into the collector is IC = ICE IBC and the conductive current owing into the emitter is IE = IBE + ICE . (G.80) (G.79) (G.78)
CBE = Area(CBE + CBEJ ), where the base-emitter transit time or diffusion capacitance is CBE = F,EF F IBF /VBE (G.81)
and the effective base transit time is empirically modied to account for base punchout, spacecharge limited current ow, quasi-saturation, and lateral spreading, which tend to increase F F,EF F = F 1 + XT F (3x2 2x3 )e(VBC /(1.44VT F ) , and x = IBF /(IBF + AreaIT F ). The base-emitter junction (depletion) capacitance is MJE CJE (1 VBE /VJE ) VBE FC VJE (1 + MJE ) CJE (1 FC ) (1 FC (1 + MJE ) + MJE VBE /VJE ) VBE > FC VJE . (G.83) The base-collector capacitance is CBC = Area(CBC +XCJC CBCJ ), where the base-collector transit time or diffusion capacitance is CBEJ = CBC = R IBR /VBC . (G.84) (G.82)
The base-collector junction (depletion) capacitance is CBCJ = MJC CJC (1 VBC /VJC ) VBC FC VJC (1 + MJC ) CJC (1 FC ) (1 FC (1 + MJC ) + MJC VBC /VJC ) VBC > FC VJC . (G.85) The capacitance between the extrinsic base and the intrinsic collector is Area(1 XCJC )CJC (1 VBX /VJC )MJC VBX FC VJC (G.86) CBX = (1 XCJC )CJC (1 FC )(1 + MJC ) VBX > FC VJC (1 FC (1 + MJC ) + MJC VBX /VJC .)
, 825 , 852 , 852 line-of-sight, 33 0G, 112, 133 16-state PSK, see 16PSK 16PSK, 5 16QAM, 30 1G, 132, 133 2G, 132, 133 3/8-8PSK, 5, 33 3G, 132, 134, 136, 138 beyond 3G, 142 evolved, 150 radio interfaces, 139 3GPP, 138, 139 3rd Generation Partnership Project, 138 4G, 134, 142 long term evolution, 134 802.16, 145, see WiMax 8PSK, see 3/8-8PSK, 33, 46 , 182, 187 , 182, 186 , 178, 181, 186 , 251 , 166, 175 0 , 166, 851 , 173 0 , 841 , 173 e , 223 r , 167, 171 ee , see even-mode eff. permittivity, eo , see odd-mode eff. permittivity, , 608 TOTAL , 607 0 , 477 PAE , 607 , 166, 175 0 , 167, 175, 841, 849 r , 167 , 182 , 164, 182 0 , 167 g , 167 , 841 /4-DQPSK, 27, 28 /4-DQPSK, 5, 6, 26, 28 constellation, 26 /4-QPSK constellation, 25 /4-QPSK, 5 V , 848 mV , 848 , 173 , 251 e , 851 , 182 , 76 A, 839 A/D Converter, see ADC ABCD parameters, 296, 298 coupled line, 496 reciprocity, 296, 297 relationship to S parameters, 316 Abrahams, 319 absorption, 426 AC loadline, 615 access point, 145 scheme, see multiple access scheme ACI, 23 ACPR, 23, 37 active device, 3 models, 901 element, 3 lter, 586, 587 adaptor coax to waveguide, 884 ADC, 2, 4, 18, 153, 353, 711 subsampling, 57
adjacent channel interference, 23 power ratio, 23 admittance inverter, 532, 537 Advanced Mobile Phone System, 115 advanced mobile phone system, see AMPS air, electrical properties, 175 airbridge, 374, 494, 645 Alexanderson, 107 all pole, 514 allpass, 506 alumina, 174, 230 electrical properties, 175 microstrip, 225, 227 AM, 58, 12, 42, 107, 109 PAR, 11 radio, 12 AM-AM, 681 AM-PM, 681 ampere, 839 Amphenol precision connector, 356 amplier, 3, 610, 612, 629 balanced, 644, 664 cascode, 694 variable gain, 695 class A, 132, 608, 610, 611, 615 efciency, 670 class AB, 132, 608, 610, 615 class B, 132, 608, 610, 615 efciency, 670 class C, 132, 608, 610 efciency, 670 class D, 615 class E, 615 efciency, 670 class F, 670 efciency, 670 classes, 608 efciencies, 670 differential, 644, 647, 652, 664 fully, 654 pseudo, 654 FDA, 647 gures of merit, 627 FOM, 627 fully differential, 647 gain, 631 maximum unilateral transducer, 632 unilateral, 632
unilateral transducer, 632 linear, 613 loadline, 612 low noise, 4 MOSFET, 649 operational, 588 PDA, 647, 648 power, 654, 664 pseudo differential, 647, 648, 652, 654, 664 biasing, 655 pseudo-differential, 774, 775 RFIC, 694 saturating, 21, 46, 132 scattering parameters generalized, 629 single-ended, 610, 612 stability, 617 transconductance, 588 amplitude modulation, see AM probability density function, 692, see APDF shift keying, see ASK AMPS, 115, 116, 118, 125, 132, 133 attributes, 132 DAMPS, 133 SIR minimum, 118 AMTS, 133 ANA, 346 analog modulation, 5, 6, 132, 133 AM, 57, 12, 42 FM, 5, 6, 12, 13 PM, 5, 6, 12 radio, 5, 21, 132 to digital converter, see ADC anisotropy dielectric, 851 antenna aperture, 79 efciency, 76, 77 gain, 75, 77, 78, 80, 83 isotropic, 75 loss, 77, 78 power density, 84 resonant, 68 stacked dipole, 69 traveling-wave, 74 tri-sector, 93
tri-sectorial, 92 Vivaldi, 74 wire, 66 Yagi-Uda, 68 AP, 145 APC-7, 189, 356 APDF, 692 aperture, 79 area formula, 829 incremental, 850 Armstrong, 12, 41, 42 ARP, 133 array gain, 147 ASK, 15, 107 atmospheric pressure, 841 AT&T, 116 attenuation coefcient, 181 constant, 185187, 192, 193, 254 denition, 182 attenuator, 234, 376, 402, 889 rectangular waveguide, 884 audion, 41 autodyne, 41, 42 Autotel, 133 available gain, 629 power, 196 average power, 10 B, 675 B, 848 B, bels, 837 background noise, 117 backward-traveling wave, 169, 181 Bahrain Telephone Company, 115 Balabanian, 319 balanced amplier, 644, 664 circuit, 388 Balanis, 68 balun, 388, 390, 394, 395, 713, 781, 788 admittance, single-ended, 788 balanced impedance, 792 directional coupler, 389 Marchand, 390, 655, 656, 658, 665, 781 symbol, 390 tapped, 783, 785 bandpass, 506
bandpass lter, 2 bandstop, 506 base station, 111, 116 baseband, 6, 16, 109, 110, 127 beam bending, 87 Bell Laboratories, 115 System, 115 bels, 837 bend, 233 rectangular waveguide, 882 Benet, 361 BER, 23, 24, 110, 687 Bessel, 513 beyond 3G, 142 BFSK, 5, 34 Bianco, 358, 361 biasing, 653 differential, 766 distributed, 653, 658, 665, 667 inductor-based, 665 miniaturization, 667 tunable, 667 BiCMOS, 3, 4 billion bits per second, see Gbps binary phase shift keying, see BPSK bipolar, 3 with CMOS, 3 bipolar transistor, 596, 598 HBT, 598 heterostructure, 598 biquad lter, 588 bistatic radar, 151 Biswas, 468 bit error, 120 bit error rate, 23, 110, see BER bit rate, 104, 122, 125, 127, 130 channel, 130 bits per second, 103 bitstream, 15, 16, 19, 125 BJT, 596598 schematic symbol, 600, 898 Bluetooth, 18, 110 Bode-Fano criterion, 431 Boltzmann constant, 675, 841 bounce diagram, 213 BPF, 2, 4 bps, 103 BPSK, 5, 17 SBPSK, 31
shaped, 31 branch, 318 branch-line hybrid, 402 brick-wall lter, 513 broadcast radio, 111 BS, 111 Buff, 358 bursty RF, 136 buttery radial stub, 235 Butterworth, 513 lters, 514 C, 839 C, 161, 163, 484 C, 131, 150 c, 841 c, 165 calibration, 349, 350, 356, 358, 360, 361, see measurement critical length, 359 DTL, 361 error model, 353 12-term, 355, 356, 361, 363 16-term, 355 6-term, 361 8-term, 353 one-port, 350 standards, 350, 352 TL, 350, 358, 363 TRL, 350, 356, 361 TRM, 361 TSD, 360 two-port, 353 two-tier, 361 TxL, 356, 363 call ow, 123 Cambell, 105 candela, 839 capacitance matrix, 468 capacitor interdigitated, 373 Maxwell-Wagner, 276 MIM, 372 MOS, 372 on-chip, 372374 capacity limit, 130, 131 car radio phone, 133 carrier, 7, 15, 16 pseudo, 10 carrier-sense multiple access, 129
Carsons rule, 12 Cartesian coordinates, 826 cascode amplier, 694 variable gain, 695, 697 cathode, 42 Cauer, 513, 527, 530, 545, 548, 549 cd, 839 CDMA, 90, 118, 126, 127, 129, 133, 136, 140, 150, 692 CDMA2000, 128, 134 CDMAOne, 128, 133, 136 direct sequence, 127 FH, 129 frequency hopping, 129 CDMA2000, 140 cell, 115, 118 denition, 116 splitting, 116 cellular, 133 concept, 115 radio, 115 call ow, 123 denition, 116 hand-off, 123 ceramics, 174 chain scattering matrix, 314 Chang, 590 channel circuit-switched, 138 management, 125 channel bit rate, 130 channel spectrum efciency, 131 characteristic function, 509 impedance, 163, 169, 181, 188, 194, 223, 224 effective, 223 free space, 477 medium, 866 microstrip, 224 polynomial, 515, 775 charge density, 850 magnetic, 850 surface, 850 domain, 710 electric, 848, 850 magnetic, 849, 850 Chatterjee, 901, 906 Chebyshev, 513, 518, 783
lter, 518 Cheong, 796 chip rate, 127 choke, 372 circuit-switched data, 133 radio, 138 circulator, 152, 406, 407 rectangular waveguide, 884 Clapp oscillator, 728 class A balun, 754 class B balun, 755, 756 class C balun, 756 closed contour, 850 surface, 850 cluster, 117, 118 denition, 116 CMOS, 3, 4, 57 RFIC, 698 CMRR, 648, 654657, 664, 766, 769, 770 co-channel interference, 148 coaxial attenuator, 234, 379 cable, 162 line, 165, 166, 188 termination, 234, 376 waveguide adaptor, 887 cochannel interference, 125 code rate, 145 codec, 35 coding, 127 rate, 145 space-time, 147 coefcient attenuation, 181 phase-change, 181 cognitive radio, 149 coil, 382 Colebrook, 41 Colpitts oscillator, 728 combiner, 397, 652 Wilkinson, 392 combline lter, 566 commensurate frequency, 570 common impedance coupling, 494 mode gain, 647
rejection ratio, 648, 655 signal, 657, 659 suppression, 766 common mode, 499 complex number, 823 compound semiconductor, 605 conductivity, 173 electrical, table, 842 thermal, table, 842 conductor loss, microstrip, 274 conjugate match, 301 connector female, 356 jack, 356 male, 356 plug, 356 constants, physical, 841 constellation, 19 diagram, 19, 26, 29 /4-DQPSK, 28 16QAM, 30 FOQPSK, 30 GMSK, 30, 32 OQPSK, 30 QAM, 34 SOQPSK, 30 constitutive relations, 417 continuous phase modulation, 31 continuous wave, see CW contour, closed, 850 conventional radio, 111 conversion, 47, 110, 711 down, see down-conversion loss, 715 subsampling, 57 up, see up-conversion zero IF, 54, 56 coordinates Cartesian, 826 cylindrical, 826 rectangular, 826 coplanar strip, 177 waveguide, see CPW corner frequency, 506 correlated signals, 11 correlation, 11 noise, 672 cos, 828, 829 cosh, 829
cosinusoid, 8 coulomb, 839, 850 coupled lines, 459, 460, 479 ABCD parameters, 496 capacitance matrix, 468, 470 characteristic impedance, 476 common mode, 499 differential mode, 499 directional coupler, 483, 484 even mode, 477 even mode, 461, 477, 479, 480 modes, 461, 462 network model, 498, 499 odd mode, 461, 478480 effective permittivity, 478 physics, 460 symmetric, 470, 471 system impedance, 479 theory, 464466 traveling waves, 461 coupled resonator design, 657 coupler, 483 20 dB, 484 Lange, 494 optimum length, 485 slow wave, 276 coupling coefcient, 382 common impedance, 494 factor, 483, 485, 487 directional coupler, 484 Coverly, 319 CPM, 31 CPS, 177 dispersion, 253 CPW, 176, 177, 349 dispersion, 253 nite ground, 177 critical length, 359 crossover, 233 crystal, 163 detector, 41 CSD, 133 CSMA, 126, 129 curl, 852 current bunching, 247 density
electric, 850 magnetic, 850 electric, 848, 850 magnetic, 849, 850 mirror, 696 source, 695 cutoff, 266 CW, 111 cylindrical coordinates, 826 D, 484 D, 848 DAC, 3, 4 DAMPS, 23, 37, 135 Daniels, 531 dB, 837 Np equivalence, 187 dBm, 837 DC loadline, 611 DDS, 4 de-embedding, 355 decibel, 837 DECT, 31 del operator, 825 identities, 827 delay line, slow wave, 276 DEMUX, 125 depletion mode FET, 599 HEMT, 605 JFET, 605 MOSFET, 603 device under test, 315, 353, 355, 362 Di Stefano, 319 diagonal matrix, 308 Dicke switch, 156 dielectric, 171, 187 anisotropy, 851 constant, 167, 223 effective, 223 damping, 173, 861 dispersion, 252 effect of, 171 isotropy, 851 loss, 173 microstrip, 274 mode, 269 resonator, 405, 585 differential amplier, 644, 652, 654, 664
CMRR, 648 multi tanh, 697 circuit, 653 coding, 26 encoding, 26 line, 176, 177 embedded, 176 mode gain, 647 signal, 657 pseudo, 661 QPSK, see /4-DQPSK differential line, 177 differential mode, 499 diffraction, 83 digital advanced mobile phone system, 135 AMPS, see DAMPS modulation, 5, 15, 16, 44, 132, 133 /4-DQPSK, see /4-DQPSK 16PSK, see 16PSK 3/8-8PSK, see 3/8-8PSK 8PSK, see 3/8-8PSK BPSK, see BPSK FOQPSK, see FOQPSK FSK, see FSK GMSK, see GMSK MSK, see MSK OQPSK, see OQPSK QAM, see QAM SBPSK, see SBPSK SOQPSK, see SOQPSK summary, 34 radio, 5, 21, 132 signal processing, 4 signal processor, see DSP subscriber line, 144 to analog converter, see DAC Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System, 23 Digital European Cordless Telephone, 31 digitally-controlled circuits, 696 diode, 708 Gunn, 710 IMPATT, 711 junction, 708 light emitting, 711 mixer, 712 PIN, 710
Schottky, 600, 708 tunnel, 711 varactor, 710 Zenner, 711 diplexer, 3 direct conversion, 54, 56 modulation, 46 transmitter, 46 digital synthesis, 4 sequence, see CDMA directional antenna, 93 coupler, 347, 483, 484, 489 coupling factor, 484 design example, 486, 492 hybrid, 495 isolation, 484 Lange, 494 optimum length, 485 transmission factor, 484 with lumped capacitors, 495 directional coupler rectangular waveguide, 886 directivity, 485 directional coupler, 484 factor, 483 discernible signal, minimum, 685 discontinuity, rectangular waveguide, 888 discrete multi-tone, 144 dispersion, 173, 192, 252 dielectric, 252 resistance, 252 dispersionless line, lossy, 193 distortion, 681, 692 AM-AM, 681 AM-PM, 681 amplitude, 681 design guidelines, 694 phase, 681 distributed biasing, 653, 658 effect of loss, 662 structure, 161 div, 852 divergence theorem, 855 diversity gain, 147 divider, Wilkinson, 392 DL, 113
DMT, 144 domain, 710 Doppler shift, 155 double conversion receiver, 57, 58 sideband, 716 through line, 361 doubly terminated network, 508, 509 down-conversion, 711 downlink, 113, 125, 137 DPDT switch, 724 DPST switch, 724 DQPSK, see /4-DQPSK, 26 DR, 685687 DS, 127 DS-CDMA, see CDMA DSCDMA, 126 DSL, 144 DSP, 4, 46, 109 DSSS, 127 DTL, 361 DTMF, 133 dual, 527 duplex, 113 FDD, see FDD full, 114 half, 113 TDD, 113 duplexer, 3 radar, 407 duroid, electrical properties, 175 DUT, 315, 353, 355, 362 dyadic, 849 permittivity, 851 dynamic loadline, 615 negative resistance, 711 range, 685 dynamic range, 685 spurious free, 685 Eb , 23 E, 848 e, 829 e, 841 EL , 165 ET , 165 EDGE, 33, 134 edge, 318 Edison, 105
Edwards, 230, 232, 269, 270, 472, 495 effective aperture, 79 aperture size, 85 characteristic impedance, 223 dielectric constant, 223 permittivity, 222 radiated isotropic power, 79 power, 79 effective isotropic radiated power, 79 efciency, 608 amplier, 670 power added, see PAE transmit chain, 607 EIRP, 79 elecromagnetic eld, 62 electric charge, 848, 850 current, 848, 850 density, 850 eld, 163, 848 intensity, 850 ux, 848, 850 polarization, 851 susceptibility, 851, 862 wall, 267, 268 electrical length, 182, 207 electromagnetic spectrum, 5 electron, 163 EM, 5, 62, 64, 163 spectrum, 102 EM eld, 163 embedded differential line, 176 energy storage, 163 electric, 171 magnetic, 174 Engen, 358, 361 Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution, 33 enhancement mode FET, 599 HEMT, 605 JFET, 605 MOSFET, 603 envelope, 7, 13, 127, 136 GMSK, 31 equation Helmholtz, 872 Laplace, 221
Maxwells, 262, 870 wave, 180, 872 equiripple, 518, 530 Equivalent Radiated Power, 79 Ericsson, 115 ERP, 79 error model, see calibration vector magnitude, 38, see EVM error rate bit, 121 symbol, 120 error vector magnitude, 38 Euler, 187 Eulers constant, 187 EV-DO, 134, 141 even mode, 461 characteristic impedance, 461 coupled lines, 461 effective permittivity, 477 EVM, 38 evolution-data optimized, 141 evolved 3G, 150 excess noise power, 673 exponential, 829 F , 674 fr , 802 fr , 783, 797, 798, 802 fading, 89 Rayleigh, 89 family radio service, 113 family radio service radio, 63 Fano-Bode criterion, 431 Faraday, 102 farads, 850 fast fading, 89 Fathelbab, 505, 506, 747, 748, 796 FCC, 115, 116 FDA, 644, 647, 648, 652, 653 FDD, 113 FDMA, 125, 126, 133 FEC, 144 Federal Communications Commission, 115 Feher offset QPSK, 5 Feher QPSK, 29 ferrite, 406, 884 electrical properties, 175
Fessenden, 106 FET, 596, 599, 723 depletion mode, 599 enhancement mode, 599, 603 HEMT, 604 high electron mobility, 605 IGFET, 596 JFET, 604 junction, 596, 604 MESFET, 604, 605 metal-epitaxysemiconductor, 605 metal-oxidesemiconductor, 596 MODFET, 605 modulation-doped, 605 MOSFET, 596 pHEMT, 605 pseudomorphic HEMT, 605 switch, 723 FFT, 143 FGCPW, 177 FH, 129 FH-CDMA, 129 FHSS, 129 eld effect transistor, 596, 723 electric, 163, 848 intensity electric , 850 magnetic , 850 magnetic, 163, 848 gure of merit amplier, 627 oscillator, 731 lling factor, 229, 256 lter, 506 active, 586588 distibuted, 590 allpass, 506 asymmetric, 524 bandpass, 2, 4, 506, 584 bandstop, 506, 581 Bessel, 530 biquad, 588 biquadratic, 588 Butterworth, 527, 530 prototypes, 527 Cauer, 530 Chebychev, 518
Chebyshev, 529, 530 prototypes, 527 Type I, 530 Type II, 530 combline, 566 Chebyshev, 566 cutoff frequency, 541 dielectric resonator, 585 differential, 766 elliptical, 530 end-coupled, 584 enhanced stopband, 802 equiripple, 518, 530 frequency scaling, 541, 542 transformation, 542 group delay, 578 highpass, 506 impedance scaling, 541 impedance transformation, 542 interresonator coupling, 576 inverter admittance, 537539 lumped element, 575 scaling, 563, 566 ladder, 549 Legendre, 530 lowpass, 506 to bandpass, 544, 547 to bandstop, 546, 547 to highpass, 547 optimum L, 530 parallel-coupled line, 586 PCL, 586 RFIC, 587 Richards transformation, 552, 555 highpass, 555 lowpass, 553 slow wave, 276 synthesis, 514 tank, 590 transformations, 541 type transformation, 541 YIG tuned, 407 rst-generation radio, 132, 133 xturing, 358 FL, 113 icker noise, 55, 729 ux density
electric, 850 magnetic, 850 electric, 848, 850 magnetic, 848, 850 FM, 5, 6, 12, 13, 132 bandwidth, 12 narrowband, 14 suppressed carrier, 44 wideband, 14 FOM amplier, 627 oscillator, 731 FOMA, 134, 139 FOQPSK, 5, 30 formulas area, 829 hyperbolic, 829 tanh, 829 volume, 829 forward link, 113 path, 113 traveling wave, 169, 181 forward error correction, 144 four-port junction, 386 fourth-generation radio, 134, 142 FQPSK, 29 FR-4 microstrip, 227 FR4, 666, 775, 788 electrical properties, 175 microstrip, 225 fractional bandwidth, 414 free space, 167, 186, 222, 224 freedom of mobile multimedia access, 139 frequency, 182 commensurate, 570 conversion, see conversion crossover, 661 division duplex, see FDD down-conversion, see down-conversion heterodyne, see heterodyne hopping multiple access, 129 spread spectrum, 129 modulation, see FM radian, 182 reuse, 93, 115, 116 scaling (lters), 542
shift keying, see FSK transformation (lters), 542 up-conversion, see up-conversion Fresnel zone, 87, 88 Friis formula, 677 front end, 3 FRS radio, 63, 113 FSK, 5, 15, 17, 2023, 31, 133 compared to QPSK, 23 constellation, 22, 23 QPSK comparison, 24 full duplex, 114 fundamental units, 839 Fusco, 68, 70 g, 839 GaAs, 275, 596, 605, 644 electrical properties, 175 gain actual power gain, 628 array, 147 available, 629 common mode, 647, 667 compression, 670 differential mode, 647, 667 diversity, 147 maximum unilateral transducer, 632 multiplexing, 148 power, 628 processing, 119, 122 system, 627 transducer, 628, 631 unilateral transducer, 632 Gale, 102 gallium arsenide, 275, 596 electrical properties, 175 gallium nitride, 596 galvanometer, 104 GAN, 134 GaN, 596, 600 gap, 233 Gard, 698, 721 Gaussian minimum shift keying, see GMSK signal, 692 Gaussian minimum shift keying, 31 Gbps, 142, 150 generalized scattering parameters, 629 amplier, 629
generation 0G, 112 1G, 132, 133 2G, 132, 133 3G, 132, 134, 138 4G, 132, 134, 142 gigabit per second, 142, 150 Gilbert mixer, 712, 720 glass, electrical properties, 175 Global System for Mobile Communications, 6, see GSM GMSK, 5, 3033, 133 compared to QPSK, 23 example, 122 modulator, 33 GMTI radar, 156 Gonzalez, 622, 735, 738 GPRS, 134 GR 874, 356 gram, 839 gray mapping, 121 Greek alphabet, 845 ground reection, 82 wave, 108 ground-signal-ground probe, 349 group delay, 578 velocity, 182 and phase velocity, 182 GSG probe, 349 GSM, 6, 31, 125, 132, 135, 150 bands, 137 FSK, 23 GMSK, 33 Groupe Sp cial Mobile, see GSM e Guglielmo Marconi, 106 guide wavelength, see g Gummel, 598, 909 GummelPoon model, 598 Gunn device, 710 diode, 710 gyromagnetic effect, 407 resonance, 406 H, 848 h, 841
Hackborn, 346, 353 half duplex, 113 half-angle transform, 752754 Hammerstad, 223, 476 hand-off, 123, 124 Hartley oscillator, 728 receiver, 48 Hartnagel, 671 Hasegawa, 276 HBT, 597 schematic symbol, 600, 898 Heaviside, 164, 851 HELA-10B, 664, 774 Helmholtz equations, 872 HEMT, 604, 605 junction, 604 model, 605, 907 pseudomorphic, 605 henry, 850 Hertz, 106 heterodyne, 40, 42, 49, 51, 54, 110, 711 Hicap, 133 high electron mobility transistor, 605 highpass, 506 Hoer, 358, 361 homodyne, 41, 47, 49, 54 homogeneous line, 174, 176 Horton, 777 HSCSD, 134 HSDPA, 134 HSUPA, 134 Hughes, 106 Hunter, 531 Hurwitz, 513 hybrid, 386, 652 180 equivalents, 654 180 , 387 90 , 386 branch-line, 402 combiner, 401, 652 quadrature, 386 rat-race, 235, 402 RFIC, 652 ring, 402 splitter, 652 hybrid directional coupler, 495 hybrid-ring, 402 hyperbolic function, 829 I, 484
IDC, 373 identities , 827 del operator, 827 identity trigonometric, 828 IEEE 802.11, 147, see WiFi 802.16, 145, see WiMax IF, 2, 4, 109, 110, 712, 713 IFFT, 143 IGFET, 596 IIP3, 686 IL, 509 Illinois Bell, 116 { }, 180 IM3, 682 image rejection, 716 ratio, 717 IMD, 111 IMP, 682 IMPATT diode, 711 impedance inverter, 220, 532, 534 matching, 411 normalized, 313 parameters, 290 scaling, 542 transformation, 542 transformer, 233 transforming network, 417 implementation margin, 40, 686 IMT-2000, 139 IMT-DS, 139 IMT-FT, 139 IMT-MC, 139 IMT-SC, 139 IMTS, 133 incremental area, 850 length, 850 volume, 850 indium phosphide, 596 inductance internal conductor, 249 inductor biasing, 665 on-chip, 374, 375 planar, 374
spiral, 374, 375, 644 inhomogeneous line, 175, 176 medium, 222 parallel coupled line lter, 580 PCL lter, 580 InP, 596 electrical properties, 175 insertion loss, 509 instability oscillation, 617 instrumentation, scientic, and medical, 109 integrated circuit RFIC, 644 Integrated Services Digital Network, 135 intercept, IP3, 686 interconnect, 164, 168, 171 interdigitated capacitor, 373 interference, 111, 117 intermediate frequency, 2 intermod, 682 intermodulation distortion, see IMD product, 682, see IMP intermodulation distortion, 111 International Mobile Telecommunications, 139 Telecommunications Union, 139 interpolation bilinear, 830, 831 linear, 830 interstage network, 768 inverter, 532, 657 admittance, 220, 532, 537539 impedance, 220, 532, 534, 535, 537 lumped element, 575 model, 299, 300 scaling, 563, 566 stub realization, 539 ion, 163 IP3, 685687 intercept, 686 IRR, 717 IS-54, 135 IS-95, 133 ISDN, 135 ISM band, 109, 149 isolation, 485
directional coupler, 484 isolator, 406, 407 isotropic antenna, 75 power, 79 isotropy, dielectric, 851 Itoh, 590 ITU, 139 J, 839 J, 848 , 517 jack, 356 Jensen, 223, 476 JFET, 604, 606 model, 605, 907 Joule, 839 junction diode, 708 K, 839 K, 657 K(S), 775, 777, 788 k, 872 k, 40, 65, 266, 623, 675 K(S), 788 kc , 266 Kacprzak, 605, 907 Karacaoglu, 591 Katehi, 726, 727, 746 kbps, 104 Kelvin, 839 kg, 839 kilogram, 839 Kinget, 732 Kirchoffs laws, 180 Kriplani, 671, 674 Kuroda transformation, 658, 753, 757, 760, 778, 779 Kurodas identities, 555 Kurokawa, 732 L, 161, 163 LC , 715 L matching network, 422 Lange, 494 coupler, 494 Laplace, 221, 512 LED, 711 Lee, 374 Leeson, 731 length
electrical, 182 incremental, 850 Levy, 524 light emitting diode, 711 line of sight, 33, 82, 84, 87, 88 linear amplier, 613 linearity, 289 link, 81 LNA, 4 LO, 2, 3, 712, 713 loadline, 611, 612, 615 AC, 615 DC, 611 dynamic, 615 local oscillator, 2, see LO long term evolution, 134, 142 long-term evolution, 139 longitudinal eld, 165, 168 Loomis, 105 loop transmittance, 325 LOS, 33, 82, 84, 87, 88 loss distributed biasing, 662 path, 84 tangent, 173, 862 lossless line, 207 medium, 185 low IF conversion, 56 noise amplier, 4 lowpass lter, 3, 218, 506, 510 LPF, 3 LTCC electrical properties, 175 passive components, 402 planar inductor, 374 LTE, 134, 139, 142, 150 lumped element inverter, 299, 300 quarter-wavelength line, 299, 300 Lutovac, 531 M, 848 m, 839 me , 841 magnetic charge, 849, 850 density, 850 circuit, 385
core, 381 current, 849, 850 density, 850 energy, 849 eld, 163, 848 intensity, 850 ux, 848, 850 density, 850 ux density, 381 material, 173, 175, 406 gyromagnetic effect, 407 momment, 174 transformer, 380 wall, 267, 268 magnetostatic, 276 Makimoto, 795, 796 Marchand balun, 390, 655, 656, 658, 659, 665, 748, 755, 780 Maseng, 127 Masons rule, 325, 326, 365 matched load, 234 termination, 196 matching Fano-Bode criterion, 431 matching network, 411, 771 absorption, 426 balun, 792 broadband, 439 complex loads, 426 coupled lines, 479 distributed, 446 L, 422 Pi network, 434 resonance, 427 T network, 438 three-element, 433, 434 two-element, 422, 425 material, 171 Materka, 605, 907 matrix diagonal, 308 unit, 308 Matsushita, 115 Matthaei, 524, 531 maximally at, 514 maximum power transfer, 411 unilateral transducer gain, 632 Maxwell, 105, 848
biography, 105 Maxwells equations, 165, 262, 848, 870 integral form, 855 phasor form, 853, 854 point form, 848 Maxwell-Wagner capacitor, 276, 278 Mbps, 104 MDS, 125, 685 measurement calibration through line symmetry, 363 TL, 363 co-planar probes, 348, 349 leakage, 353 network analyzer, 348, 349 noncoaxial, 361 nonplanar, 363 one-port, 350 scattering parameters, 346 two-tier, 361 TxL, 363 medium, 171, 174, 175, 185 lossless, 185 MEMS, 722, 724 DC-contact, 726 metal-to-metal, 726, 727 switch, 724 MER, 40 MESFET, 604, 605, 644 junction, 604 model, 605, 907 metal-epitaxysemiconductor FET, 605 metal-insulator-metal, 372 metal-insulator-semiconductor, 275 metal-oxidesemiconductor FET, 596 metal-oxide-metal, 372 metal-oxide-semiconductor, 275 metallic conductors, 163 meter, 839 metric system, 839 MIC, 176, 177 passive components, 402 microprobe, 348, 349 microstrip, 168, 169, 176, 192, 218, 229, 230, 235, 245 alumina, 225, 227, 230 attenuator, 234, 379 bend, 233
conductor loss, 274 coupler, 485 crossover, 233 design formulas, 229 dielectric loss, 274 dielectric mode, 269 discontinuity, 233 open-circuit, 275 FR-4, 227 FR4, 225 frequency-dependent, 246 GaAs, 225 gap, 233 high-frequency, 253 higher-order mode, 267, 270 impedance transformer, 233 isolator, 406 matched load, 234, 376 model, 179 multimoding, 267, 269 notch, 233 operating frequency limits, 267 parasitic effects, 274 PCB, 225, 227 power losses, 274 quarter-wave impedance transformer, 233 quasi-TEM, 221, 269 mode, 269 radial stub, 235 radiation, 274 loss, 274 resistance, 229 resonator, 417 Si, 225, 227 silicon substrate, 276 SiO2 , 225, 227 slab mode, 269 step, 233 substrate mode, 269 surface wave, 274, 275 tapered line, 233 TE, 269 mode, 269 termination, 234 TM, 269 mode, 269 TM mode, 267, 269 transverse microstrip resonance, 269 transverse resonance, 272
transverse resonance mode, 267 via, 169 wide strip, 230, 270 microwave integrated circuit MIC, 176 monolithic integrated circuit, 644 Miller effect capacitance, 695 MIM, 372 MIM capacitor, 372 MIMO, 130, 134, 142, 146148, 150 capacity, 148, 150 CDMA, 150 OFDM, 150 MIMO-CDMA, 148 MIMO-OFDM, 148 mini-circuit, 664 minimum detectable signal, 125 discernible signal, 125 shift keying, see MSK minimum discernible signal, 685 minority carrier, 597 MIS, 275, 278 mixer, 3, 707, 711 analysis, 714 balanced, 712, 713, 718, 719 bi-lateral, 717 conversion loss, 715 diode, 718 single ended, 717 diode ring, 58, 712, 713, 718, 719 FET, 712, 713 Gilbert, 712, 713, 720 image, 716 rejection ratio, 716 linear region, 601 noise gure, 715 performance parameters, 715 RFIC, 720 terms, 715 waveforms, 717 mixing, 47 MMIC, 176, 275, 644, 645 mobile switching center, see MSC telephone service, 112 units, 116 mobility, 602 mode, 261, 262 dielectric, 278
quasi-TEM, 177 skin-effect, 279 slow-wave, 280 TE, 266, 275, 876 TEM, 873 TM, 266, 275, 874 transverse electric, 266 magnetic, 266 model lumped element inverter, 300 quarter-wavelength line, 300 modes, 268 MODFET, 605 modulation /4-DQPSK, see /4-DQPSK 3/8-8PSK, see 3/8-8PSK 8PSK, see 3/8-8PSK AM, 57, 12, 42 analog, 5, 6 BPSK, see BPSK digital, 5, 16 direct conversion, 46 error ratio, 40 FM, 5, 6, 12, 13 bandwidth, 12 narrowband, 14 suppressed carrier, 44 wideband, 14 FOQPSK, see FOQPSK FSK, see FSK GMSK, see GMSK MSK, see MSK OQPSK, see OQPSK PM, 5, 6, 12 bandwidth, 12 polar, 45, 46 QAM, see QAM quadrature, 43 SBPSK, see SBPSK schemes, 5 SOQPSK, see SOQPSK modulation doped FET, 605 modulation error ratio, 40 modulator GMSK, 33 MSK, 33 mol, 839 mole, 839
MOM capacitor, 372 monolithic microwave integrated circuit, 275 monostatic radar, 151 Morse, 102, 103 code, 102, 103, 107 MOS, 275 MOSFET, 596, 599 amplier, 649 charge model, 906 current source, 695 cutoff region, 601 depletion mode, 603 device model, 901 gate oxide capacitance, 602 level 3 model, 901 linear region, 601 pentode region, 601 saturation region, 601 threshold voltage, 602 triode region, 601 moving target indicator, see radar MPSK, 18 MSK, 5, 22, 31, 32 envelope, 31 modulator, 33 MTS, 133 multi tanh, differential amplier, 697 multimedia, 138 multimoding, 260, 267 microstrip, 267 multipath, 26, 83 knife-edge diffraction, 83 radar, 155 multiple access carrier-sense, 129 scheme, 125 CDMA, 125 CSMA, 129 FDMA, 125 OFDMA, 125 TDMA, 125 multiplexing gain, 148 mutual inductance, 382 MWAN, 144 N, 839 N -port lossless, 309 network, 305
passive, 309 No , 23 NADC, 135 NADCdex, see DAMPS Napier, 186 narrowband advanced mobile phone service, 125 Neper, 181, see Np network analyzer, 346, 348 vector, 346 condensation, 834 four-port, 766 interstage, 766, 767, 769, 771776 linear, 289 matching, 771, 781 doubly-terminated, 781 singly-terminated, 781 parameters, 289 passive, 289 reciprocal, 289 symmetrical, 289 synthesis, 747 network analyzer, 349 automatic, 346 newton, 839 NextGen, 142 NF, 675 mixer, 715 nibble, 27 nickel, 174 NMT, 133 node, 318 noise, 671, 672 1/f , 729 background, 117 cascaded stages, 677 correlated, 672 correlation coefcient, 672 factor, 674, 677 gure, 675 mixer, 715 icker, 55, 729 phase, 729 PSD, 671 shot, 672 single sideband, 731 sources, 671 substrate, 646 thermal
value at room temperature, 732 threshold, 111 uncorrelated, 672 white, 671, 729 noise factor, 715 Nokia, 115 nonhomogeneous line, 171 medium, 171 Nordic Mobile Telephone, see NMT North American digital cellular, 135 notch, 233 Np, 181, 186 dB equivalence, 187 denition, 187 NTACS, 125 NTT, 115 NTT DoCoMo, 139 Nyquist, 17, 57 signaling theorem, 17 odd mode, 461 characteristic impedance, 461 coupled lines, 461 effective permittivity, 478 OFDM, 129, 134, 142145, 150 DFT, 144 PAR, 144 OFDMA, 129, 139, 145 offset QPSK, see OQPSK offset quadrature phase shift keying, 29 OIP3, 686 Okumura-Hata model, 85, 91 on-chip capacitor, 372374 inductor, 374, 375 spiral inductor, 374, 375 operational amplier, 588 OQPSK, 5, 29, 30, 692, 693 Orchard, 758 orthogonal frequency division multiple access, 139 orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, 142 oscillation, instability, 617 oscillator, 3, 707, 725 Clapp, 728 Colpitts, 728 feedback, 725 gure of merit, 731
Hartley, 728 local, see LO noise, 729 one port, 732 phase noise, 729 quadrature VCO, 732 QVCO, 732 two-port, 725 VCO, 731 design, 734 gure of merit, 731 FOM, 731 voltage controlled, 731 OTA, 588 output intercept point, 686 Pavg , 10 Ppeak , 10 Pr , 75 p.u.l. parameters, 179 PA, 45, 46 PA , 206 Pa, 839 packet-switched radio, 138 pad, 377 PAE, 607 PALM, 133 PAR, 8, 9, 11, 12, 20, 670, 683, 692, 693 AM, 11 FM, 12 OFDM, 144 PM, 12 parallel coupled line, 747 lines, see coupled lines plate waveguide, 869, 873, 874 reactive element, 420 parallel coupled line lter, 560 parameters S to y, 310 S to z, 309 y to S, 310 z to S, 309 ABCD, 296 pascal, 839 passband ripple, 518 passivation, 247 passive component, 371 passivity, 289
S parameters, 309 path loss, 8385 PCB, 171, 247, 666, 775, 788, 802, 805, 806 microstrip, 225, 227 PCL, 560, 747 ABCD parameters, 497 lter inhomogeneous medium, 580 network model, 496 stepped impedance, 795 uniform impedance, 795 PCS, 119 PD , 206 PDA, 647, 648, 653 PDC, 133 peak-to-average ratio, see PAR Pennock, 361 pentode region, 601 per unit length parameters, 179 permeability, 165, 167, 848850 complex, 174 free space, 167 relative, 167, 851 permittivity, 165, 167, 173, 848, 850, 851 anisotropy, 851 complex, 173 dyadic, 851 effective, 222, 225 free space, 167 real imaginary, see real part, see relative, see r , 171, 851 Peroulis, 726, 727, 746 personal communication service, see PCS digital cellular, 133 handyphone system, 133 phase coefcient, 181 constant, 181, 185, 186, 188, 193 denition, 182 locked loop, see PLL modulation, see PM modulator, see PLL velocity, 165, 185, 187, 192, 193, 222 and group velocity, 182 denition, 182 phase noise, 729 phase shift keying, see PSK phase-change coefcient, 181
phasor, 12, 180, 824 analysis, 164 pHEMT, 605 phonon, 173 PHS, 133 physical constants, 841 Pi network, 434 PIN diode, 723 switch, 723 PIN diode, 710 planar inductor, 374 interconnect, 168 planck constant, 841 PLL, 21, 31, 45 plug, 356 PM, 5, 6, 12, 132 bandwidth, 12 polar modulation, 45, 46 polarization, electric, 851 pole-zero description, 512 polyimide, electrical properties, 175 polynomial equation quadratic, 834 polysilicon, 600, 601 Poon, 598, 909 port denition, 288 power added efciency, see PAE amplier, 45, 46, 654, 664 available, 206 average, 10 delivered, 206 divider, 400 ow, 196 gain, 628 spectral density noise, 671 splitter, 400 Poynting vector, 66, 866 preselect lter, 50 printed circuit board, 171 wiring board, 168, 171 probability density function, amplitude, see APDF probe ground-signal-ground, 349 GSG, 349
processing gain, 119, see gin, processing119 propagation constant, 163, see , 181, 186, 191, 193, 220 loss, 85 model, 91 Okumura-Hata, 85, 91 prototype, 513, 747 PSD noise, 671 pseudo carrier, 10 differential amplier, 652, 654 pseudomorphic HEMT, 605 PSK, 1517, 21 quadraphase, see QPSK quadrature, see QPSK PSTN, 123 PTT, 114 public switched telephone network, 123 puck, 405 pulse, 173 pulsed radar, 153 pump, 47, 49, 712, see LO push-to-talk, 133 Q, 41, 236, 414 external, 237, 416 loaded, 237, 416 unloaded, 416 QL , 416 QU , 416 QX , 416 q, 229 Q-factor loaded, 416 QAM, 5, 33, 34 QPSK, 5, 18, 19, 692, 693 compared to FSK, 23 compared to GMSK, 23 constellation, 20, 21 Feher offset, 29 FSK comparison, 24 offset, 29 shaped offset, 29 staggered, 29 quadraphase, 5, 18, 29 phase shift keying, see QPSK
quadratic equation, 834 quadrature, 29, 386 amplitude modulation, 5, 33, 34 hybrid, 386 modulation, 43 phase shift keying, see QPSK quadriphase phase shift keying, see QPSK quality factor, see Q, see Q quarter-wave inverter, 220 transformer, 218, 233, 234 quarter-wavelength line lumped element model, 300 quarternary phase shift keying, see QPSK quartz, electrical properties, 175 quasi-TEM, 168 line, 175178 mode, 276 Qur, 622 ee R, 161 Rb , 131 Rc , 131 Rs , 252 radar, 150, 151, 153156 band, 151 bistatic, 151, 152 chirp, 156 CW, 155 Doppler, 154 shift, 155 duplexer, 407 equation, 154 GMTI, 156 ground moving target indication, 156 monostatic, 151, 152 moving target, 156 multipath, 155 PSK, 156 pulsed, 153, 154 SAR, 156 synthetic aperture, 156 waveform, 152 CW, 152 FM/CW, 152 phase-encoded, 152 pulse, 152 radial stub, 235
radian, 181, 186 radiation, 176 loss, microstrip, 274 radio, 111 analog, see analog radio, 21 broadcast, 111 circuit-switched, 138 conventional, 111 digital, see digital radio, 21 era, 107 family radio service, 113 frequency, see RF frequency integrated circuit, 177, 372 375 FRS, 113 link reciprocity, 91 software-dened, 696 spectrum efciency, 131 systems, 133 radio frequency integrated circuit, 644 Radiocommunication Assembly, 139 radiometer, 156 rat-race, 235, 402 Rayleigh fading, 89 { }, 180 Rebeiz, 746 received signal strength indicator, see RSSI receiver, 1, 12 architecture, 48 autodyne, 41 direct conversion, 54 double conversion, 57, 58 early technology, 40 homodyne, 41 low IF, 56 quadrature, 50, 53 superheterodyne, 42 syncrodyne, 41 reciprocal, 289 reciprocity, 289 S parameters, 303 y parameters, 291 z parameters, 290 ABCD parameters, 296, 297 rectangular cavity, 237 coordinates, 826 waveguide, 869, 877 attenuator, 884
bend, 882 circulator, 884 coaxial adaptor, 884 components, 882 directional coupler, 886 discontinuity, 888 exible, 882 tee, 882, 885 termination, 884 tuner, 886 twist, 882 variable attenuator, 884 rectier, 708 reference impedance, 302 resistance, 302 reected waves, 203 reection coefcient, 300 current, 195 electric eld, 866 formula, 195 graphical representation, 327, 328 magnetic eld, 866 voltage, 195 diagram, 213 ground, 82 regenerative circuit, 41 relative permeability, 174 remote sensing, 156 resonant circuit, 415 frequency, 236 resonator, 236, 404 bandwidth, 236 dielectric, 405 half-wave length, 415 microstrip, 417 transmission line, 404 return loss, 196, 197 reverse path, 113 RF, 2, 101, 109, 110, 712, 713 bursts, 136 CMOS, 3 front end, 3 integrated circuits, 694 link, 81 RFIC, 177, 372375, 389, 644, 648, 652, 694, 792 cascode amplier, 694
variable gain, 695 current mirror, 696 digital control, 696 mixer, 720 transmitter, 698 variable gain, 697 VGA, 697 Richards transformation, 391, 552, 555 general, 664 highpass, 555 lowpass, 553 RL, 113, 197 RLGC model, 178 Robertson, 591 root power wave, 306 RSSI, 123, 124 RTH , 206 Rx, 58 S, 797 S parameters, 299, 303, 326329 amplier, 629 conversion to h, 304 y, 304, 310 z, 304, 309 ABCD parameters, 316 denition, 302 derivation, 303 gain, 631, 632 generalized, 306, 308, 629 graphical representation, 326329 lossless, 309 normalized, 308 passivity, 309 polar plot, 326, 327, 329 reference plane change, 315 series element, 313 shunt element, 303, 313 signal ow graph, 319 Smith chart, see Smith chart transducer gain, 631 transmission line, 312 two-port relationships, 314 unilateral transducer gain, 632 z parameters conversion to S, 309 generalized S parameters, 306 s, 839 sapphire, electrical properties, 175
SAR, see radar satellite, 157 saturating amplier, 46 power amplier, 46 saturation region, 694 SBPSK, 5, 31 Scanlan, 524 scattering parameters generalized, 629 mesaurement, 346 SCCS, 44 SCDMA, 139 schematic symbols, 893 Schottky, 276 diode, 600, 708 SCSS, 44 second-generation radio, 132, 133 self-inductance, 382 self-resonant frequency, 414 semiconductor, see Si or GaAs, GaN or InP lines, 275 series element, S parameters, 313 reactive element, 418 service provider, 109 SFDR, 686, 687 SFG, 317322, 325, 326 S parameters, 319 addition, 320 calibration, 350 commutation, 321 in measurements, 354 loop transmittance, 325 manipulation, 318 Masons rule, 325, 326 multiple loops, 322 multiplication, 321 path, 325 reduction, 320 self-loop, 322 simplication, 320 Shannon, 129 Shannons capacity limit, 129 theorem, 129131 shaped binary phase sift keying, 31 BPSK, see SBPSK
offset QPSK, see SOQPSK, 29 shaped offset QPSK, 29 sheet resistance, 229 short circuit, 170 shot noise, 672 shunt element, S parameters, 303, 313 stub, 235 Shurmer, 355 SI, 163, 186, 841 prex, 841 unit combinations, 840 units, 839 Si, 171, 275 electrical properties, 175 microstrip, 227 sidelobe, 692 SiGe, 3 signal -to-interference ratio, 36, 129, see SIR -to-noise ratio, 129, see SNR common mode, 657, 659 differential mode, 657 ow graphs, see SFG pseudo differential, 652 two-tone, 681 signal-to-noise ratio, 23 silicon, 596 dioxide, see SiO2 RFIC, 694 Silicon Germanium, 3 SIM, 119 simplex, 113 sin, 828, 829 singly terminated network, 508 sinh, 829 SiO2 , 171 electrical properties, 175 microstrip, 227 SIR, 36, 61, 118, 129, 147 example, 62, 95 skin depth, 251 effect, 249, 251, 252, 279 mode, 279 resistance, 252 slab mode, 269 slow-wave effect, 275 mode, 280
SMA, 190, 356 Smith, 330 chart, 330, 332, 333, 337, 441 admittance chart, 337, 338 path length, 446 two-element matching, 441 SNR, 23, 24, 129, 412, 673, 685, 687 SNRMIN , 685 software-dened radio, 696 SONNET, 105, 249 Sonnet, 255 SOQPSK, 5, 29, 30 Sosa, 735, 738 SP4T switch, 724 space-time coding, 147 spark gap, 106 spatial modes, 262 spatiotemporal coding, 147 SPDT switch, 724 spectral efciency, 34 GMSK, 31 spectrum analyzer, 407 crowding, 149 efciency, 129131 channel, 131 radio, 131 utilization, 148 speech coding, 35 speed of light, see c, 841 spherical coordinates, 827 spiral inductor, 374, 375, 644 splitter, 652 spread spectrum, 127, 128, 134 SPST switch, 722, 724 spurious free dynamic range, 685 spurious passband, 580 SQPSK, 29 sr, 75 SS, 127 stability, 617, 780 circles, 619 unconditional, 618 staggered quadrature phase shift keying, 29 standard atmosphere, 841 temperature, 675 standing wave, 196, 203
Steer, 230, 232, 269, 270, 468, 472, 495, 732, 734, 748, 796 step, 233 steradian, 75 Stokes theorem, 855 strip, 162 -above-ground, 163 stripline, 175, 176 TEM, 175 stub, 235, 337, 339, 448 open, 212 shorted, 211 Surez, 622 a subcarrier, 143 subsampling receiver, 57 Subscriber Identication Module, 119, see SIM subscript order, 290 substrate, 174 noise, 646 properties, 175 semiconductor, see Si, GaAs, GaN or InP superheterodyne, 42, 110 supersonic, 42, 110 suppressed carrier single sideband, 44, see SCSS surface, 850 charge density, 850 wave, 275 microstrip, 274 susceptibility electric, 851, 862 switch, 4, 707, 722, 724 diode, 723 FET, 723 MEMS, 722, 724 pHEMT, 722, 724 PIN, 723 PIN diode, 722, 724 symbol error, 120 symbol rate, 17 symmetry, 289 syncrodyne, 41 synthesis, 747 ladder, 521, 522 synthesizer, 346 system, 101 gain, 627
impedance, 302 coupled lines, 479 of units, see SI Syst` me International, see SI e T , 484 T parameters chain scattering matrix, 314 relationship to S parameters, 314 T0 , 675 T network, 438 TACS, 125, 133 tan, 828, 829 tan , 173 tanh, 829 tank circuit, 590 tapered line, 233 TD-CDMA, 139 TD-SCDMA, 134, 139 TDD, 113 TDMA, 125127, 133, 134 TE mode, 266, 876 tee, rectangular waveguide, 882, 885 telegraph, 15, 102, 105, 106 telegraphers equation, 180, 465, 467, 471 coupled lines, 464 even mode, 471 lossless, 207 lossy, 220 odd mode, 471 telephone, 106 television, 111 TEM, 168, 175, 178, 222, 261, 264 line, 174 mode, 873 Temes, 758 tensor, 849 termination, 234, 375, 376, 379 rectangular waveguide, 884 Tesla, 106 coil, 106 thermionic emission, 42 Thevenin, 206, 629 resistance, see RTH thick-lm passive components, 402 third order intercept, 694 third-generation radio, 132, 134, 136, 138
three -element matching, 433 -tone signal, 14 through line, 350, 358 reect line, 350, 361 match, 361 short delay, 360 time division duplex, 113 Time Division Multiple Access, 125 Titanic, 108 TL, 363 calibration, 350 TM mode, 266, 874 TOI, 694 tone three-tone, 14 two-tone, 14 total current, 194 power added efciency, see TOTAL voltage, 194 Total Access Communications System, see TACS total access communications system, 125 TPR, 509 trafc engineering, 118 Trandem, 127 transceiver, 3, 58 transconductance amplier, 588 transducer function, 509 gain, 628 maximum unilateral, 632 unilateral, 632 power gain, 631 power ratio, 509 transferred electron devices, 710 transformation half-angle, 789 Kuroda, 658, 789, 797 transformer, 417 center-tapped, 652 ideal, 417 inverting, 381 magnetic, 380, 381 transmission line, 394
transistor bipolar, 596, 598 bipolar junction, 612 BJT, 596598, 612 FET, 596, 599, 604 depletion mode, 599 enhancement mode, 599 eld effect, 596 GaN, 43 HBT, 42, 597, 598, 612 HEMT, 604, 605 heterojucntion bipolar, 612 IGFET, 596 insulated gate, 596 JFET, 596, 604 LDMOS, 42 MESFET, 604, 605, 644 MODFET, 605 MOSFET, 596, 599 pHEMT, 42, 605 technology, 596 types, 596 transit time device, 711 transmission coefcient, 509 factor, 483, 485 directional coupler, 484 transmission line, 161, 165, 168, 170, 174 S parameters, 312 coaxial, 165, 188 components, 232 current bunching, 247 discontinuities, 233 dispersion, 192 dispersionless, 193 equations, 180 homogeneous, 174 impedance transformer, 233 inverter, 220 loss, 274 lossless, 187, 194, 207, 215, 216 lossy, 192, 220 low-loss approximation, 191 microstrip, see microstrip mode, 261 model, 178 multimoding, 260, 267 non-TEM, 221 nonhomogeneous, 171 open circuited, 218
quasi-TEM, 221 resonator, 404 schematic, 168 semiconductor, 275 short circuited, 216 strip-above-ground, 163 stub, 337 tapered line, 233 terminated, 194, 207 lossy, 220 termination, 234 theory, 179, 180 transformer, 218 transmit chain efciency, 607 transmitter quadrature, 51, 53 WCDMA, 698 transverse direction, 260 electric mode, 266, see TE mode eld, 165, 221 magnetic mode, 266, see mode TM, see TM mode plane, 165 resonance, 272, 273 transverse electromagnetic, 168 TRAPATT, 711 traveling pulse, 169 step, 169 wave, 169, 194 TRF, 41 trigonometric identity, 9, 828 triode, 41 region, 601 TRL, 350, 356, 361 TRM, 361 trunk, 118 TSD, 360 tuned radio frequency, 41 tuner rectangular waveguide, 886 tunnel diode, 711 twist rectangular waveguide, 882 two-port calibration, 350 parameter relationships, 314 two-tier measurements, 361 two-tone signal, 14, 681
two-wire line, 162 Tx, 58 TxL, 363 UE, 532 UL, 113 ultra-wideband systems, 149 UMA, 134 UMTS, 46, 134, 139, 140, 142 unbalanced circuit, 388 unconditional stability, 618 uncorrelated signals, 11 unilateral gain, 632 transducer gain, 632 unit amount of substance, 839 charge, 839 current, 839 element, 532 energy, 839 force, 839 length, 839 luminous intensity, 839 matrix, 308 power, 839 time, 839 unitary matrix, 309 units cgs, 839 metric, 839 mks, 839 SI, 839 Universal Mobile Telecommunication System, see UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, 46 unstable amplier, 617 unterminating, 355 upconversion, 711 uplink, 113, 125, 137 urban canyon effect, 116 urban waveguide effect, 116 UWB, 149 vg , denition, 182 vp , denition, 182 vacuum, 167 Vail, 102 varactor diode, 710 VCO, 44, 47, 731
design, 734 velocity group, see group velocity phase, see vp Vendelin, 269 Very-Large Scale Integration, 110 VGA, 697 Victor, 732, 734 VLSI, 110 VNA, 346, 348, 349, 353, 355 calibration, see calibration VoIP, 134, 141 voltage controlled oscillator, see VCO reection coefcient, 195, 302 standing wave ratio, 203 volume, 850 formula, 829 incremental, 850 integral, 850 VSWR, 203 W, 837, 839 walkie-talkie, 113 WARC, 116 watt, 837, 839 wave equation, 180, 872 rectangular, 870 impedance, 866 waveguide, 163 attenuator, 886 bands, 883 bend, 882 circulator, 884 coaxial adaptor, 887 exible, 882 horn antenna, 888 hybrid, 891 impedance transformer, 889, 891 parallel-plate, 262, 869, 873, 874 rectangular, 869, 877 switch, 884, 887 taper, 888 termination, 886 wavelength, 109, see , 185, 188, 262, 852 denition, 182 wavenumber, 65, 182, 266, 872 angular, 182 circular, 182
cutoff, 266 denition, 182 WBB, 134 WCDMA, 90, 128 transmitter, 698 weber, 850 Wenzel, 758, 777 Wheeler, 374 white noise, 671, 729 Wi-MAX, 139 wide wireless area networks, 94 WiDEN, 134 WiFi, 110, 142, 144, 145, 149, 506 Wilkinson combiner, 392 divider, 392 WiMax, 110, 129, 144, 145, 147 wirebond, 494 wireless metropolitan area networks, 104 wireless local area networks, 104 Wireless MAN, 146 wireless telephone service, 112 WLAN, 104, 144, 146, 506 WMAN, 104, 145 World Administrative Radio Conference, 116 WWAN, 94 y, normalized, 313 y parameters, 291 conversion to S, 310 Yagi-Uda antenna, 68 Yamashita, 795, 796 Yang, 698, 721, 901, 906 YIG, 407 tuned lter, 407 yttrium-iron-garnet, 407 Z0 , free-space impedance (use 0 ), 477 z, normalized, 313 z parameters, 290 Z0 , 178, 181 Z0 , see characteristic impedance Z0o , see odd-mode impedance Z0e , see even-mode impedance Zener diode, 711 zero IF conversion, 54, 56 zero-generation radio, 112, 133
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project; coordinating body for the production of globally applicable technical specications and reports for a 3G system, 138 3 on 8, 8-state phase shift keying, 5
propagation constant, the logarithmic rate of change, with respect to distance of a time-varying waveform, 163 voltage reection coefcient, 195 current reection coefcient, 195 relative permittivity, the permittivity of a material relative to that of free space (0 ), 167 real part of the permittivity, 173 effective relative permittivity, 223 permittivity, 166 permittivity of free space, 0 = 8.854 1012 Fm1 , 166 characteristic or wave impedance of a propagating wave in a medium, used instead of Z0 , which is reserved for transmission lines, 866 efciency, 607 power added efciency, 607 total power added efciency, 607 wavelength, distance between corresponding points of a wave at one instant in time, 164 wavelength in free space, 167 permeability, 166 permeability of free space, 0 = 4 107 Hm1 , 166 relative permeability, the permeability of a material relative to that of free space (0 ), 167 pi, ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle, 841 on 4 differential encoded quadrature phase shift keying, 5 quadrature phase shift keying; also known as quarternary PSK, quadraphase PSK, and quadra PSK. This is a modulation scheme that represents a signal using four distinct phase states. It can also be viewed as the superposition of two quadrature carriers and this reects the most common hardware implementation, 5 conductivity, 173
phase waveform of baseband modulating signal, 45 ohms, 163 = 2f , radian frequency, 182 zero-generation (analog) radio, 112 rst-generation radio, 131 second-generation radio, 131 third-generation radio, 138 fourth-generation radio, 141 nabla, a spatial derivative operator, 851 div operator, captures the spreading out of a eld, 851 curl operator, captures the circulation of a eld, 851 form of wavenumber used by particle physicists, 182 three-dimensional, 168 8-state phase shift keying, 5 16-state phase shift keying, 5 amplitude waveform of baseband modulating signal, 45 ampere, SI unit of current, 839 adjacent channel interference, 23 adjacent channel power ratio, the ratio of the power introduced into the adjacent channel to the power in the main channel, 23 analog-to-digital converter, 711 amplitude modulation, 5 advanced mobile phone system, rst generation analog cellular radio, 131 advanced mobile telephone system, 131 automatic network analyzer; alternative acronym for a VNA, vector network analyzer, 346 access point, 145 amplitude probability density function, 692 autoradiopuhelin (car radio phone), 131 amplitude shift keying, 15 authentication center, 139 public automated land mobile radiotelephone service, 131 bandwidth, 675 bels, logarithm of power ratio, 837 baseband bandwidth, 119 bit error rate, 110 binary frequency shift keying, 5 broadband ISDN (integrated services digital network), 134 rate of information carrying digital data., 103 modulation bandwidth, 119 bits per second, 103 binary phase shift keying, 5 base station, 111
capacitor, describes the capacity of a structure to store electric energy, 161 theoretical maximum channel bit rate, 131 coulomb, unit of charge, 839 speed of light, 2.99792458 ms1 , symbol derived from the Latin word celeritas meaning swiftness, 164 coupling factor of a directional coupler, the ratio of voltage of input to voltage on coupled output, 484 capital expenditure, 148 candela, unit of luminous intensity, 839 code division multiple access, 127 common-mode rejection ratio, ratio of the differential-mode gain to the common-mode gain of a differential amplier, 647 International Council for Science: Committee on Data for Science and Technology, 839 circuit switched data, 131 carrier-sense multiple access, 129 continuous wave, 110
skin depth, 251 directivity of a directional coupler, measure of the undesired coupling, 484 DAC digital-to-analog converter, 1 DAMPS digital advanced mobile phone system, 134 DataTac point-to-point wireless data communication standard, 131 dB decibels, 837 dBm power in decibels with respect to 1 milliwatt, 837 DECT digital European cordless telephone; digital cordless telephone standard incorporating features of cellular technology including picocells and call hand-off from cell-to-cell, 31 dealso demultiplexingprocess of separating a multiplexed signal into multiplexer its individual components, 125 DEMUX see demultiplexer, 125 DMT discrete multitone, 143 downlink communication link from a base station to a mobile unit. Sometimes also called the forward path. The terminology comes from communication from an airborne platform such as an aircraft or satellite to a ground-based radio. The expensive part of the communication link is on the airborne platform and this one unit communicates with many ground-based units. The usage in cellular systems follows from this concept of a central unit communicating with an individual unit, 112 DR dynamic range, 685 DS direct sequence; most common spread-spectrum technique (used in CDMA) to spread the signal bandwidth by modulating the signal with a pseudo-noise sequence, 127 DSdirect sequence code division multiple access, 127 CDMA
digital subscriber line, 144 digital signal processor, 109 direct sequence spread spectrum, 127 dual-tone multifrequency, 131 two-way communication link in which both units transmit and receive, see half duplex and full duplex, 112 device under test, term used for a device that is being experimentally characterized, 353 elementary charge, 841 natural logarithm base, 841 power in a bit, 23 imaginary part of the permittivity, 173 energy of a bit, 120 effective energy of a bit after error correction, 122 enhanced data rate for GSM evolution, 131 effective isotropic radiated power, 79 electric eld in the longitudinal direction (the direction of propagation), 165 electromagnetic eld, 162 alternative usage of EIRP, 79 energy of a symbol, 120 electric eld in the transverse plane, 165 evolution of CDMA2000, 131
error vector magnitude; a measure of the deviation of the actual constellation points at the sampling time from the ideal locations of the constellation points, 38 noise factor, a measure of the additional noise added by a circuit to a signal, 673 frequency in cycles per second, but using the units of hertz, 182 total noise factor, 677 Federal Communications Commission; communication regulator body in the United States, 115 fully differential amplier, 644 frequency division duplex, 112 frequency division multiple access, 125 full-duplex, two-way communication method in which each end simultaneously transmits and receives, 113 forward error correction, 143 eld effect transistor, 723 fast Fourier transform, 143 frequency hopping, 128 frequency hopping code division multiple access, 128
frequency hopping spread spectrum; a spread-spectrum technology in which the transmitted signal hops from one frequency to the next in discrete steps, 128 frequency modulation, 5 freedom of mobile multimedia access, 131 communication link from a base station to a mobile unit. Also called the down link, 112 alternative designation of a downlink, 112 Feher quadrature phase shift keying, 29 family radio service; a UHF FM walkie-talkie system used since 1996. Early walkie-talkies operated in the 27 MHz and 49 MHz band and suffered interference from citizen band radio (27 MHz) and remotecontrolled devices (49 MHz), 113 frequency shift keying, 5 two-way communication in which both units can transmit and receive simultaneously, 113 gram, unit of weight, 839 antenna gain, 76 gallium arsenide, 171 generic access network, 131 gallium nitride, 42 billion bits per second, 141 gateway GPRS support node, 139 gateway MSC, 139 minimum shift keying using Gaussian ltered data, 5 processing gain, 119 general packet radio system, 131 Global System for Mobile Communications; formerly known as Groupe Sp cial Mobile, 125 e two-way communication scheme in which only one unit transmits at a time while the other receives until the role is reversed, 113 NTTs mobile radiotelephone service, 131 home location register, 139 high-speed circuit-switched data, 131 high-speed downlink packet access, 131 high-speed uplink packet access, 131 hertz, unit of frequency, cycles per second, 106 in-phase baseband waveform used in quadrature modulation, 43 isolation of a directional coupler, degree of isolation, 484 interdigitated capacitor, 373 intermediate frequency; generally the frequency that results from mixing a radio frequency signal with a local oscillator, 109 inverse fast Fourier transform, 143
half duplex Hicap HLR HSCSD HSDPA HSUPA Hz i(t) I IDC IF IFFT
input-referred third-order intercept point, 686 imaginary part of a complex number, 180 third-order intermodulation product, 680 intermodulation distortion, 110 intermodulation product, 680 improved mobile telephone service, 131 integrated services digital network, 134 industrial scientic, and medical bands; North American industrial, scientic, and medical bands originally set aside for heating devices but now used for unlicensed wireless communications, 109 joule, unit of energy, 839 inverter, 657 characteristic polynomial, 774 characteristic function, 509 kelvin, SI unit of temperature, 839 symbol used for permittivity but preferred in electrical engineering. k is used more commonly in materials engineering, 167 wavenumber used in electromagnetics and in dealing with waves, 182 wavenumber, k = 2/ = , 65 cutoff wavenumber, 266 thousand bits per second, 103 kilogram, SI unit of weight, 839 kilohertz, 1000 Hz, 106 inductor, describes the capacity of a structure to store magnetic energy, 161 the RF path between the output of a transmitter and the input of a receiver, 61 low noise amplier, 3 local oscillator; generally the name given to a reference oscillator or the oscillator used with a mixer, 1 long-term evolution, cellular radio beyond 3G, 141 meter, SI unit of length, 839 million bits per second, 103 minimum discernible signal, 123 modulation error ratio; the ratio of the average signal power to the average error power, 39 metal-insulator-metal capacitor, 372 multiple input, multiple output; technology using multiple antennas to transmit and receive signals, 146 metal-insulator-semiconductor; also MOS, 275 microwave monolithic integrated circui;, an integrated circuit operating at microwave frequencies generally fabricated on a compound semiconductor substrate such as GaAs, 643
J K K(S) K K k k k kc kbps kg kHz L link LNA LO LTE m Mbps MDS MER MIM MIMO MIS MMIC
national public access wireless data network, 131 process of impressing information on a carrier wave, 107 mole, unit of amount of substance, 839 metal-oxide-semiconductor; also MIS, 275 M-ary (M-state) phase shift keying, 18 mobile services switching center; main switching center supporting multiple base stations, 123 MSK minimum shift keying a form of FSK, 5 MTS mobile telephone service, 131 multiplexer also multiplexing; process of combining multiple signals into a single signal that can be transmitted, 125 MUX see multiplexer, 125 mW milliwatts, 837 N No NADC NAMPS NextGen NF NMT No Node B Np NTACS newton, unit of force, 839 noise power in the time interval of a bit, 23 North American Digital Cellular, 131 Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Service; narrowband AMPS service with 10 kHz wide frequency modulated channels, 125 next generation of cellular radio beyond 3G, 141 noise gure, 675 Nordic Mobile Telephone; European analog cellular telephone standard derived for the U.S. AMPS standard, 131 noise energy corresponding to a bit, 120 base station, 139 Neper, unit of attenuation, to convert from dB to Np multiply by 0.115129254, 186 narrowband version of TACS, doubles the capacity of TACS by splitting the 25 kHz TACS channel into two 12.5 kHz channels, 125 orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, 142 orthogonal frequency division multiple access, 145 output-referred third-order intercept point, 686 solid angle, 75 operating expenditure, 148 offset quadrature phase shift keying, 5 operational transconductance amplier, 588 average power, 10 peak power, 9 per unit length, 179 power amplier, 46 pascal, unit of pressure, 839 power available usually from a source, 205 power-added efciency, 607 Public Automated Land Mobile radiotelephone service, 131 peak-to-average ratio, 8
passband ripple, 518 parallel coupled line; most often refers to the type of element used in realizing a microwave network or lter, 747 personal communications service (or system); broad range of communications services that enable communications with persons, 119 power delivered usually to a load, 205 pseudo-differential amplier, 644 personal digital cellular, 131 a complex number that combines amplitude and phase of a sinewave, 164 personal handyphone system, 131 phase locked loop, 20 phase modulation, 5 public switched telephone network, 123 quality factor, 40 lling factor, 229 out-of-phase (quadrature) baseband waveform used in quadrature modulation, 43 quadrature amplitude modulation, 5 quality of service, 145 resistor, describes the capacity of a structure to convert electric energy into other forms whereby the energy is dissipated from the electronic circuit or EM eld, 161 skin resistance, 252 sheet resistance, 229 radians, 180 actual channel bit rate minus overhead (coding, etc.), 131 actual channel bit rate, 131 real part of a complex number, 180 alternative designation of an uplink., 112 radio frequency, 101 RF path between the output of a transmitter and the input of a receiver, 61 radio frequency integrated circuit, 177 reverse link; the communication link from a mobile unit to the base station. Also called the uplink., 112 radio network controller, 139 received signal strength indicator, 123 Thevenin equivalent resistance, 205 second, unit of time, 839 shaped binary phase shift keying, 29 suppressed carrier single sideband, 43
Rs Rs rad Rb Rc { } reverse path RF RF link RFIC RL RNC RSSI RTH s SBPSK SCCS
Si Si2 SIM
serving GPRS support, 139 abbreviation of the French Systme International dUnits, the most commonly used international system of units and is the modern specication of the metric system, 163 silicon, 171 silicon dioxide, 171 subscriber identication module; a card the size of a credit card or smaller inserted in a GSM cellular phone to identify an individual subscriber, 119 one-way communication link in which only one unit in a pair transmits while the other receives, 112 signal-to-interference ratio, 118 minimum signal-to-noise ratio required for a communication or radar system to detect a signal, 685 signal-to-noise ratio; ratio of desired signal power to noise power over the same frequency range as the signal, 23 shaped-offset quadrature phase shift keying, 29 staggered quadrature phase shift keying, 29 steradian, unit of solid angle, 75 spread spectrum, 127 unit of solid angle, 75 transmission coefcient, 509 transmission factor of a directional coupler, ratio of voltage at direct output to voltage at input, 484 standard temperature, 675 total access communications system; European analog cellular telephone standard derived from the AMPS standard, 125 dielectric loss tangent, 173 time division synchronous CDMA, 131
time division duplex, 112 time division multiple access, 125 mode whose electric and magnetic elds are in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation, 168 TL through-line two-tier calibration technique, 363 TPR transducer power ratio, 509 transceiver RF front architecture combining a transmitter and a receiver, 57 TRF tuned radio frequency, 40 TRL through-reect-line calibration technique, 360 TRM through-reect-match calibration technique, 361 TSD through-short-delay calibration technique, 359 UE UE UHF unit element, alternative name for an impedance or admittance inverter, 532 user equipment, 139 ultra high frequency, 151
uplink; the communication link from a mobile unit to the base station. Also called the reverse path or reverse link., 112 unlicensed mobile access, 131 universal mobile telecommunication service of system, 139 communication link from a mobile unit to the base station. Sometimes also called the reverse path. The terminology comes from communication from the ground to an airborne platform such as an aircraft or satellite. The expensive part of the communication link is in on the airborne platform and this one unit communicates with many ground based units. The usage in cellular systems follows from this concept of an individual unit communicating with a central unit, 112 an environment including city blocks with a virtually unbroken carpet of buildings several stories tall, with the streets forming canyons below the rooftops. Signal propagation into the streets is mainly by diffraction over tops of buildings and reection from buildings across the streets, with channeling of energy along the canyons formed by streets. Propagation in this environment is captured statistically in the COST231 Walsch-Ikegami model [26] which is based on models described in references [2729], 116 U.S. Digital Cellular, 131 universal subscriber identity module, 139 ultra-wideband system, 149 phase velocity, the velocity at which the a constant phase point on a sinewave appears to move, 165 group velocity, 182 voltage-controlled oscillator, 43 very high frequency, 151 visitor location register, 139 vector network analyzer, instrument for measuring scattering parameters, 346 watt, unit of power, 839 World Administrative Radio Conference; conference organized by CCIR to obtain international agreement on spectrum allocation, 116 k = 2/ = , 65 wideband CDMA, 127 wideband integrated dispatch enhanced network, 131 wireless local area network, 104 wireless metropolitan area network, 104
A comprehensive on-line glossary of telecommunications terms is available as the ATIS Telecom Glossary (see http://www.atis.org/glossary).