ADM950 Flashcards PDF
ADM950 Flashcards PDF
ADM950 Flashcards PDF
The security policies are created by the security team in isolation from the business team. Determine whether this statement is true or false.
SAP offers many types of systems and applications. Each type of SAP system (mySAP CRM, SAP BW, SAP R/3, mySAP SRM, SAP APO) is so varied that the systems do not share security tools or security services. Determine whether this statement is true or false The following tools are available for conducting thorough system security audits.
A Role maintenance tool B System audit log C CCMS security alert D System trace tools E Users and Authorizations information systems F All of the above
Answer: F
All of the menu roles for the Audit Information System start with . The authorization roles start with .
Configuring the Audit Information System requires downloading a specific support package.
To use the Audit Information System, you must use transaction SECR.
Answer: False
The instance parameters that relate to the audit log include rsau parameters? Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: True
The security audit log only logs user connections made by RFC connections. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Which of the following are benefits of creating a custom t-code to link SE16 to a specific table?
A You no longer need to grant access to transaction code SE16. B With your custom transaction code, you can look at any table. C With your custom transaction code, you can look only at the table specified in the transaction code. D Custom transaction codes can be easily created, without requiring any programming.
Answer: A, C, D
Which authorization objects can you examine to determine if security is administered centrally or regionally? A S_USER_GRP B S_TCD_GRP C S_USER_AGR D S_USER_ADD
Answer: A, C
Which of the authorization objects protect transaction code execution? A S_TCODE B P_TCODE C Q_TCODE D X_TCODE
Answer: A, B, C
SAP recommends that each custom report and each custom program be linked to a custom transaction code. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: True
S_PROGRAM is an authorization object that protects program execution. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: True
You should be careful with the authorization object because it can enable someone to enter DEBUG mode in production.
Once a user is changed, there is no way to see who changed the user. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: False
The Authorization Group field is used only for protecting reports and tables. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: False
Which of the following are logs that exist in an SAP system? (More than one answer is correct).
A Webflowlogs B Application logs C Change documents logs D User and authorization change logs E None of the above
Answer: A, B, C, D
SU24 must be set up before implementing any roles. Answer: False (Optional feature) Determine whether this statement is true or false
SU24 requires programming changes to make the default values occur. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: False
The following logon parameters can be used to ensure your system is adequately secured. A logon/fails_to_user_lock B logon/min_password_specials C logon/min_password_diff D logon/named_super_user
Answer: A, B, C
SAP recommends that you separate your system from your system.
Answer: A, C, D, E
What type of approval does SAP recommend before moving changes into production?
SAP QA approval procedure that formalize the approval and review workflow
SAP recommends a three-tier system landscape including development, quality assurance, and production. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: True
Client change options should always be set to No changes allowed. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: False
SAP does not provide a QA approval procedure for changes being moved into production. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: False
The user ID used in the RFC destination should be a dialog user. Determine whether this statement is true or false
Answer: False
Authorization object is used to protect what names job steps are scheduled to run under.
Answer: S_BTCH_NAM
User authentication (Password rules, Monitoring) Authorization protection Auditing and logging (AIS, Security audit log, ) Integrity protection Privacy protection Proof of obligation (non-repudiation)
Who is responsible for your IT security? What needs to be protected? Who is attacking? What is the risk? Which protection mechanisms are required? Which procedures are to be enforced? How much protection can you afford?
6 tools available to help provide answers to the questions that arise during a system security audit:
Audit Information System Authorization Information System System Audit Log Computer Center Management System Alerts Trace tools Role maintenance tool (PFCG)
menu What are the 3 major components of the Role maintenance tool (PFCG)? authorizations users
- system audit (general system, users and authorizations, repository and tables) - business audit (accounting, customer, vendors, asset, tax)
What was the transaction used by SAP in the past to access the AIS
In the past, the Audit Information System existed in a single transaction code, SECR
What are the two major groups of SAP Standards roles defined for the Audit Information System
Menu roles (SAP_AUDITOR*) (only menu items; no authorizations) Authorization roles (SAP_CA_AUDITOR*) (only authorizations, no menu items listed)
What is the SAP standard composite menu and authorization Role which contains every role in the AIS?
Copy the SAP roles to your own naming convention Update the roles (as needed) Create a user for the auditor Assign the roles you created to the audit user
Security-related changes to the SAP system (changes to user master records) Higher level of transparency (successful and unsuccessful logon attempts) Enables the reconstruction of a series of events (successful or unsuccessful transaction starts)
Which 7 information types can be recorded with the Security audit log?
Successful and unsuccessful dialog logon attempts Successful and unsuccessful RFC logon attempts Remote function calls (RFCs) to function modules Successful and unsuccessful transaction starts Successful and unsuccessful report starts Changes to user master records Changes to the audit configuration
SAP systems maintain their audit logs on a daily basis. The system does not delete or overwrite audit files from previous days; it keeps them until you manually delete them. Which transaction is used in order to archive or delete the audit files?
You define the name and location of the files in a profile parameter, rsau/local/file.
Event identifier (a three-character code) SAP user ID and client Terminal name, Transaction code Report name, Time and date when the event occurred Process ID, Session number Miscellaneous information
You define the maximum size of the audit file in the profile parameter rsau/max_diskspace/local. The default value is 1 megabyte (MB) or 1000000bytes
What are the 4 major filters available for the security audit log?
Client, User, Audit class: Dialog logon, RFC/CPIC logon, Remote function call (RFC), Transaction start, Report start, User master change Weight of events to audit: Audit only critical, Audit important and critical, Audit all events (non-critical)
What are the 2 main options to create and save audit filters?
What are the profile parameters that you need to specify in order to create and save filters permanently in the database?
rsau/enable: enable the SAL rsau/local/file: file location rsau/max_diskspace/local: max space to allocate rsau/selection_slots: number of filter to allow
What are the profile parameters that you need to specify in order to change filters dynamically on one or more application servers?
rsau/local/file: file location rsau/max_diskspace/local: max space to allocate rsau/selection_slots: number of filter to allow
With which transaction can you assess the security audit log?
SM20 or SM20n
What are the four main sections of the audit analysis report?
What are the 4 main functions of the Computing Center Management System (CCMS) monitor?
Performs detailed monitoring Creates alerts and displays them with colour values Provides analysis and auto-reaction methods (sms, emails with threshold ) Allows you to view current alerts and the history of alerts
What are the 5 majors authorisation objects used to protect which transaction codes a user can access and for which product are they meant to be?
S_TCODE used in every SAP system for every module P_TCODE used for Human Resources Q_TCODE used for Quality Maintenance I_TCODE used for Plant Maintenance L_TCODE used for Warehouse Management
Which authorithation object determines what table someone can look at with the transactions SE16, SE16N, or SE17; SM30 or SM31; and SE12
S_TABU_DIS is checked anytime someone looks at data in a table directly (with one of these transactions: SE16/SE16N, SE17, SM30, SM31. or the Implementation Guide).
When access is required, use transaction code SM30 because an interface exist and no direct access to the table.
Activity and Authorization Group. The Authorization Group field is mapped to which tables a user can access.
User Action: start the program or schedule it to run in batch mode or if you use variants. Authorization Group: which programs you can execute.
What should be set up in order for the authorization object S_PROGRAM to be effective?
For this authorization object to be effective, ABAP programs must have an authorization group assigned to them in the attributes of the program.
What program allows you to assign an authorization group to all executable programs or to individual programs or program group?
Authorization object: S_PROGRAM User action: SUBMIT Authorization group: No value required
Include an Authorization Group on the program for all custom reports/programs developed. Use report RSCSAUTH to assign Authorization Group values to programs/reports Request all custom reports/programs to include at least one AUTHORITY-CHECK inside the code.
Check access to tables Check access to program Used in varying ways throughout SAP applications, like e.g. FS00
Which authorizations object do you use to grant access to all ABAP Workbench components
ABAP development tools ABAP Dictionary and Data Modeler Screen Painter and Menu Painter Function Builder Repository Browser and Info System SAP Smart Forms
Application logging Logging workflow execution / webflow Logging using change documents Logging changes to table data Logging changes made using transport system Logging changes made to user and authorization
Which transactions are used to maintain and analyze the application log?
The log traces application events and tasks, and reports on their activity (for example, transfer of data from SAP R/3 to SAP APO).
The webflow log (or workflow log) includes all activities that have occurred due to workflows executing.
Change document header Change document item (old and new values of a field) - U(pdate) . Data was changed. - I(nsert) - D(elete) . Data was deleted Change document number
What are for example the transactions to review change documents for MM and SD?
MM04 for material changes and VD04 for customer changes. Each application has its own transaction to review change documents
rec/client parameter: = ALL (logs all clients), = 000 [,...] (logs the specified clients), = OFF (turns logging off). What is the configuration required in order to use the table change log? In the technical settings (use transaction SE13, SE12), set the Log data changes flag for those tables that you want to have logged.
A transport system log monitors all changes that are migrated from development to production.
User and authorization logs record all changes that occur to users, authorizations, and profiles.
Which transaction allows you to read the HR Reports logs in order to see each time the report is started?
Correct authorization objects that are not linked to transaction codes correctly Correct authorization objects that have unacceptable default values Change default values to ones that will always be appropriate
3 situations where the security administrator might want to use the transaction SU24 (maintain tables that assign which authorization objects go with which transaction codes)?
How to find out who made a change with the transaction su24?
1. Start transaction SE16. 2. Enter USOTB_C in the Table Name field. 3. Use values in the Modifier, ModDate, and ModTime fields
Authorization check is carried out against this object. PFCG creates an authorization for this object Field values are displayed for changing. Default values for this authorization can be maintained.
Authorization check is carried out against this object. PFCG does not create an authorization for this object. Field values are not displayed. No default values for this authorization can be maintained.
Authorization check against this object is disabled. PFCG does not create an authorization for this object. Field values are not displayed. No default values for this authorization can be maintained.
No check indicator is set. Authorization check is always carried out against this object. PFCG does not create an authorization for this object, Field values are not displayed.
Can the checked for the authorization objects from the Basis (S*) and HR management (P_*, PLOG*) be changed?
Authorization objects from the basis (S*) and Human Resources management applications (P_*, PLOG) cannot be excluded from checking because the field values for these objects must always get checked.
Overview of Users, Users, Roles, Profiles Authorizations, Authorization object Transactions Comparisons (of users) Where-Used list (for authorization) Change documents (for users, auth and profiles)
In a centralized security environment, one group is responsible for all security tasks: creating users, creating roles, and assigning roles to users. In a decentralized security environment, multiple groups work on security (physical location, based on division, based on product line, or based on company code).
User administrator (create user, assign roles) Authorization administrator (create roles) Profile administrator (generate role).
Which authorization object is provided to create and maintain users and assignments in a decentralized fashion with user groups?
Which authorization object helps you to enforce the role naming convention in restricting the allowed roles names?
Which authorization object ensure that the decentralized admin only add authorized t-codes to roles
Which authorization object can be used to ensure the security administrator only add value for a specific company code?
Which authorization enforces that one person can create the menu portion of the role, but someone else updates the authorizations?
Which authorization object enforces that one person can create the role, but another person must generate the role?
SAP* What are the 2 special users defined in client 000? DIDIC
Define the profile parameter logon/no_automatic_user_sapstar, with the value 0 Create a user master record for SAP* Give this user no roles or profiles. Give him a new password
To prohibit the use of a password, enter it in table USR40. There are two wildcard characters: How can you prohibit the use of certain passwords? ? stands for a single character * stands for a sequence of any combination characters of any length
What are the 5 profiles parameters that enforce the minimum requirement that a password must fulfil?
logon/min_password_lng: min length logon/min_password_digits: min number of digits logon/min_password_letters: min number of letters logon/min_password_specials: min number of special characters logon/min_password_diff: how many characters in the new password must be different from the old password
What are the 3 profiles parameters that enforce the validity period of a password?
logon/password_expiration_time logon/password_max_new_valid: Validity period of passwords for newly created users logon/password_max_reset_valid: Defines the validity period of reset passwords
What are the 3 profile parameters that enforce the multi logon for a user?
logon/disable_multi_gui_logon: Controls the deactivation of multiple dialog logons logon/disable_multi_rfc_logon: Controls the deactivation of multiple RFC logons logon/multi_logon_users: List of excepted users (multiple logon)
What are the 3 profile parameters that enforce the number of unsuccessful logon attempts?
logon/fails_to_session_end: number of unsuccessful logon attempts before the system does not allow any more logon attempts logon/fails_to_user_lock: number of unsuccessful logon attempts before the system locks the user. logon/failed_user_auto_unlock: Defines whether user locks due to unsuccessful logon attempts should be automatically removed at midnight
Which 2 profile parameter controls the deactivation of password-based logon for users or for groups?
logon/disable_password_logon logon/password_logon_usergroup
Which profile parameter specifies the default client that is automatically filled in on the system logon screen?
Which profile parameters specifies the number of seconds until an inactive user is automatically logged out?
Changes take place in only one location Developers do not have access to production data. Test in a QA system before they take effect in prod. Control the point in time when changes take effect Reduce accidental or unauthorized changes Keep a record of changes for auditing purposes
Which transaction allows you to see if the TMS Quality Assurance approval procedure has been set up?
What are the 3 standards approval steps and their authorization object, value and default value?
By request owner Default: inactive. Values of S_CTS_ADMI: CTS_ADMFCT Value: TADM and TQAS By user department. Inactive. Values of S_CTS_ADMI: CTS_ADMFCT Value: QTEA or TADM and TQAS By system administrator. Default: inactive. Values of S_CTS_ADMI: CTS_ADMFCT Value: TADM and TQAS
Transport routes define where changes are made, and how the changes migrate through the system landscape after they have been released.
SE09 or SE10
1. Release the change request 2. Review the log files 3. Import the SAP system objects into the target system. 4. Review the log files created by the Workbench Organizer. 5. Test your imports thoroughly
Team members: Releasing their own Project leader: Verifying the contents of a change request prior to release Transport administrator: Execute the transport tasks Quality Assurance (QA) team: tests the entire functionality and integration
3 security checks to consider before the development work are moved to production?
- Link custom programs to custom transaction codes - Include AUTHORITY-CHECK statements for all programs - Ensure proper controls are in place if this custom program (or function module) accesses critical tables
What are the authorization object and their fields that allow you to work with transport?
S_TRANSPRT is the authorization object for the Transport Organizer. Fields: Activity, Request type CUST: Customizing requests DTRA: Workbench requests TASK: Tasks (repair or correction
Which authorization object and its field enforce the administration function in the change and transport system?
S_CTS_ADMI, field: CTS_ADMFCT TABL: Maintain transport routes, call certain tools INIT: Set system change option IMPA: Import all transport requests IMPS: Import individual requests TADD: Perform an add to buffer
What are the predefined authorizations in SAP systems that apply to the 5 various roles for the transport process?
Quality Assurance (QA) team: not defined Administrator (transport super user): S_CTS_ALL Project leader: S_CTS_PROJEC Team members and developers: S_CTS_DEVELO End users: S_CTS_SHOW
You can protect certain objects from being changed by imports by defining a set of security-critical objects in table TMSTCRI. You are then warned of changes to these objects in transport requests.
What are the four primary authorization objects used in background processing?
S_BTCH_JOB: Job Operations, Values DELE, RELE (release), SHOW, PROT (Display job logs) S_BTCH_NAM: protects what user IDs can execute S_BTCH_ADM: Value Y for the Background admin S_RZL_ADM: Field Name, 01 (Create), 03 (Display) if the background job executes an external cmd.
User ID is stable; the user never changes jobs The password does not have to be reset. No one can log on Facilitates security administration and maintenance of background schedule.
Which authorizations are needed to allow a user to have a look only at their spool request?
Give them S_TCODE with SM37 and SP02 No other authorization objects are required to view spool
Which SAP standard roles gives access required to administer background jobs
What 3 kind of job steps can be executed when creating a background job?
ABAP program External command: from the operating system are executed from SAP External program: at the operating system (Ex: file read)
Which 2 authorizations are needed in order to create background job with external program job steps?
You must have activity 01 for the authorization object S_RZL_ADM (maintain) and access to S_LOG_COM (execute)
Which authorization object define which printers you can print to?
Which authorization object enforce actions you can take with spool requests (Admin) and enforce access to a spool request that does not belong to you?
Which authorization object enforces administering the spool system (Admin)? Values SP01, SP0R, SPAA, SPAB, SPAC, SPAD, SPAM, SPAR, SPTD, SPTR
Which authorization object limit the number of pages a user can print to a specific printer?
- Database backup tools such as brbackup - Operating system environment commands - List directories and space available at the operating system - Execute sap router
- External commands can be executed either with - Transaction SM49 (SM69 to create) - ABAP programs - In background job steps
An external command is an alias defined in the SAP system that represents an operating system command.
What are the authorizations needed to create and maintain an external command?
Command (name of external command) Opsystem (operating system for the command) Host (symbolic host name of target system)
Standard list download What are the 2 ways in use to download lists? Application-specific implementations for downloading (Excel for ex)
Authorizations object S_DATASET. The minimum activities required are 33 (normal file read) and A6 (read file with filter).
What are the 2 user types that should be used for RFC communication?
User IDs in RFC destinations should be set up as communication or system users: someone cannot log on with the userID the passwords normally do not expire
Which transaction lists each RFC destination and the user involved?
object S_RFC
Which profile parameter can you use in order to specify the use of S_RFC?
How is the authentication done when an RFC destination has no user Id provided and the current user field is selected?
When this RFC destination is invoked, the user ID that will be used is the ID of the person who invoked this RFC destination.
What are the values possibilities for the profile parameter auth/rfc_authority_check?
0 = No authorization check 1 = Authorization check active (no check for same user, no check for same user context and SRFC-FUGR). 2 = Authorization check active (no check for SRFCFUGR) 9 = Authorization check active (SRFC-FUGR checked)
What is the default Communication RFC user set up for the transport management?
How is the system called to set up a trusted relationship and allow user logging based on this trusted relationship for transport?