Information Systems and Its Impact in Organization and People
Information Systems and Its Impact in Organization and People
Information Systems and Its Impact in Organization and People
Group 7 Section A
Introduction of applications like ERP, CRM and ECM
Enterprise resource planning systems integrate internal and
external management information including finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management.
Customer relationship management is used for managing a companys
interactions with customers and prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processesprincipally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support.
Enterprise content management is a formalized means of organizing and storing
an organization's documents, and other content, that relate to the organization's processes.
mobility, cloud computing, e-commerce, social media and sensors are enabling market leaders to increase their market shares further.
behavior and using that knowledge to better target marketing efforts as well as effectively design products and services.
Leaders have used digital platforms and tools to enhance their
digitization which enables more efficient delivery of products and services, including distribution, electronic commerce etc.
E-commerce retailers are growing at a much faster rate and are
much more profitable than companies following the traditional brick and mortar stores.
Investment priorities differ across various companies. Winners