Ahlam El-Sharkawy
Extraction of teeth followed by continuous ridge resorption & poor denture foundation Loss of periodontal receptors responsible for proper masticatory function & accurate jaw movements
Retention of few remaining teeth to support denture will preserve alveolar bone & preserve periodontal receptors
Definition of overdentures
Complete or partial denture constructed over existing teeth, roots or implants for providing additional support, stability & retention
Types 0f over-Dentures.
-Tooth supported over-dentures.
1. 2.
4. 5.
Cases having few hopeless teeth unsuitable as abutments for fixed or removable bridges Patient having few remaining teeth with periodontal disease. Patient with abnormal jaw size or position Patient with congenital or acquired defects Patient with single denture Patient exhibit flat ridges Prof. Dr. Ahlam El-Sharkawy
Mentally or physically handicapped 2. Patient cant be motivated to develop good oral hygiene 3. Inadequate intermaxillary space 4. Teeth with grade III mobility or insufficient zone of attached gingiva
1- submerged roots
Abutments roots are endodontically treated .
The abutment is contoured to attain dome- shape. Used in patient with low caries index &good oral hygien.
The metal coping has a short post cemented into root canal to retain the coping
Covered with cast metal coping long coping abutment. This type is rarely followed because it
requires adequate ridge space
Immediate over-denture
2. Interim over-denture
Immediate overdenture
Constructed prior to preparation of abutment teeth & ready for insertion after preparation& reduction It enhances patients ability & adaptability to wear dentures
Interim overdenture
Used for patients in transition or preparation phase until permanent overdenture constructed Patient old partial denture can be modified & used by extending the denture & add new artificial teeth using self cure acrylic resin
Types of Attachments
a) Rigid attachment
Doesnt allow movement of denture base Provide adequate retention May induce more torque on abutment b) Resilient attachment Allows some control of movements. Induces less torque on abutments.
2- Bar attachments.
3 Magnetic Attachments.
1- Stud attachment
Consists of 2 parts
The stud usually attached to metal coping cemented over prepared abutment Housing embedded in the fitting surface of overdenture
1- Stud attachment
Extra-Radicular : The stud is attached to the metal coping cemented over the prepared abutment, while the housing is embedded in the fitting surface of the denture. e.g : Ceka , Rotherman, Gerber
1- Stud attachment
B- Intra-Radicular: The stud is attached to the fitting surface of the denture and the housing is incorporated in the abutment. e.g : Zest Anchor eg
2-Bar attachment
A bar contoured to connect abutment teeth together , run parallel & overlie residual ridge Provide support & retention for overdenture & splint abutment teeth
A- Bar units
Rigidly fixed to copings, dont allow any movement between bar & sleeve Transmits occlusal stresses totally to abutments tooth born
B- Bar joints
Resilient attachments allowing movement between bar & sleeve Support provided by both residual ridge & abutment teeth tooth tissue born
3- magnetic attachments
Small, strong mini magnets
One of poles cemented in a prepared cavity in endodontically treated abutment & the other attached to denture base