2013 Yf Calendar
2013 Yf Calendar
2013 Yf Calendar
Use this calendar as a guide, but make sure you stay up to date with more current information found in the Messenger, Announcement Page, or the Weekly CYF Email Update.
6thServe the Lord: Games and Celebrating the New Year at Oak Ridge Manor (11:45am4:00pm) 9th Homework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) 17thYouth and Family Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm7:00pm) 20thServe the Lord: Volunteer at the Lewis House (11:45am4:00pm) 22ndChurch School Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm6:30pm) Confirmation Leadership Team Meeting (7:00pm7:30pm) 23rdHomework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) 25th-26thHastings Youth Crawl: High School All-Nighter (9:00pm6:30am)
27thOur Saviours Annual Meeting (10:00am) 30th Homework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm)
3rdSOUPer Bowl of Caring 6th Homework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) *7th Grade Parent Night High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) 10thServe the Lord: Valentines Day Cookie Baking and Delivering (11:45am4:00pm) 13thHomework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Ash Wednesday Worship (4:00pm5:00pm) Lenten Supper (5:00pm7:00pm) *Fundraiser for Youth Lenten Coffeehouse (6:15pm6:45pm) Ash Wednesday Worship (7:00pm8:00pm) 20thHomework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Lenten Supper (5:00pm7:00pm) Lenten Coffeehouse (6:15pm6:45pm) Lenten Worship (7:00pm7:30pm) 21stYouth and Family Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm7:00pm)
24thServe the Lord: TBD (11:45pm4:00pm) 26th Church School Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm6:30pm) Confirmation Leadership Team Meeting (7:00pm7:30pm) 27thHomework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Lenten Supper (5:00pm7:00pm) Lenten Coffeehouse (6:15pm6:45pm) Lenten Worship (7:00pm7:30pm) Nooma Video Discussion and Reflection (7:30pm8:30pm)
6thHomework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Lenten Supper (5:00pm7:00pm) Lenten Coffeehouse (6:15pm6:45pm) Lenten Worship (7:00pm7:30pm) Nooma Video Discussion and Reflection (7:30pm8:30pm) 8th-10th(Family Retreat at Luther Point Bible Camp) 13thLenten Supper (5:00pm7:00pm) Lenten Coffeehouse (6:15pm6:45pm) Lenten Worship (7:00pm7:30pm) Nooma Video Discussion and Reflection (7:30pm8:30pm) 15th-16th (High School Girls Overnight) 17thMission Trip Leaders Training (12:00pm4:00pm) 20thHomework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Lenten Supper (5:00pm7:00pm) Lenten Coffeehouse (6:15pm6:45pm) Lenten Worship (7:00pm7:30pm) Nooma Video Discussion and Reflection (7:30pm8:30pm) 21stYouth and Family Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm7:00pm) 24thServe the Lord: Palm Sunday Breakfast (7:30am12:00pm) Seder 26th Church School Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm6:30pm)
Confirmation Leadership Team Meeting (7:00pm7:30pm) 28thMaundy Thursday Worship and 5th Grade First Communion (7:00pm8:00pm) 29thGood Friday Community & Ecumenical Worship Service at SEAS (4:30pm5:30pm) Good Friday Worship Service with Black Dirt Theaters original production of Resurrection (7:00pm) 31stEaster Sunday (Worship at 8:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am, and 11:00am & 5:30pm on Saturday)
3rd Homework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) 10th Homework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) GARAGE SALE SET-UP (7:30pm9:00pm) 11thGarage Sale Pricing 12thGarage Sale Middle School Mission Pre-Trip Retreat (5:00pm9:00pm) 13thGarage Sale High School Mission Pre-Trip Retreat (9:00am1:00pm)
14thServe the Lord: TBD (11:45am4:00pm) 18thYouth and Family Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm7:00pm) 19th-20thMoonlight Madness: Middle School All-Nighter (7:00pm-8:00am) 22ndChurch School Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm6:30pm) Confirmation Leadership Team Meeting (7:00pm7:30pm) 24thHomework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) 26-27th9th Grade Confirmation Retreat (5:00pm5:00pm)
1st Homework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) 5thServe the Lord: Making Carnival Games (11:45am4:00pm) 8th Homework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm)
Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) 15th Homework and Hangout (H2) (2:30pm5:30pm) Children's Choirs (4:45pm5:30pm) Church School (5:30pm6:15pm) Supper (5:00pm6:15pm) Video and Drama Ministry (5:00pm6:00pm) Confirmation (6:15pm7:30pm) High School (6:15pm7:30pm) Adult Study (6:30pm8:00pm) Coffeehouse (7:30pm8:30pm) Chancel Choir (7:30pm8:30pm) ***LAST DAY OF WEDNESDAY PROGRAMMING FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR*** 16thYouth and Family Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm7:00pm) 19thLast day of Sunday School (9:15, 10:35) Serve the Lord: Parks Clean-up (11:45am4:00pm) 28thChurch School Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm6:30pm) Confirmation Leadership Team Meeting (7:00pm7:30pm)
This is only a preview of the coming summer calendar. Please be looking in March for the official summer activity calendar.
June 10th50s Drive In (5:00pm7:00pm), Monday night worship begins (7:00pm8:00pm), High School Final Mission Trip Meeting (8:00pm8:30pm) June 20th Youth and Family Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm7:00pm) June 22nd-29thHigh School Mission Trip to Joplin, Missouri June 30thMiddle School Final Mission Trip Meeting (12:00pm)
July 13th-20thMiddle School Mission Trip to Joplin, Missouri July 18thYouth and Family Leadership Team Meeting (6:00pm7:00pm) July 26-28thSeeds at Wapo Bible Camp July 28th-August 2ndYouth Camp and TIM Team at Wapo Bible Camp August 4th & 5thYouth Led Worship Services To Be Determined: Summer Stretch Summer Bible Study Potential Leadership Team Planning Retreat