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Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X


Steve G. Jones, M.Ed.

Clinical Hypnotherapist www.SteveGJones.com

Research Assistant: Katherine T. Sinclair

Copyright 2008

All rights reserved. No material in this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the author.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................4 Foreword........................................................................5 Chapter 1 What is a Script? ..........................................7 Chapter 2 Scripts ........................................................15 Reach your True Potential in your 50s.....................16 Reach your True Potential in your 40s.....................19 Reach your True Potential in your 30s.....................22 Reach your True Potential in your 20s.....................25 Rapid Decision Making.............................................28 Stop Bed Wetting Script ...........................................30 Speed Reading.........................................................32 Smelly Feet ..............................................................33 Shame ......................................................................36 Self-Esteem ..............................................................39 Scorpio .....................................................................41 Sales Mastery...........................................................44 Sagittarius ................................................................45 Running/Jogging/Marathon ......................................48 Reverse Aging ..........................................................50 Remain Faithful ........................................................52 Relaxation ................................................................53 Regain Increase Sex Drive .......................................55 Reconnect with your inner child................................57 Rapid Decision Making.............................................58 Appendix ......................................................................59 References...................................................................61 Resources ....................................................................62 Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. .................................63

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Hypnotherapy has been used in dental practice since the 19th century. It was used then in the form of hypnoanalgesia during surgical dental intervention. The first tooth extraction with the use of hypnoanalgesia was performed by Jean Victor Dudet in 1830. Since then, hypnotherapists have made powerful strides toward changing public perception about hypnosis. Doctors continue to use hypnosis to calm their patients, and to ease pain during procedures (Bierman, 1995). They regularly tell patients how easy recovery will be. Additionally, doctors tell patients that a procedure is common and meets with a high degree of success. Because these phrases are delivered by an authority figure, they act in exactly the same way as hypnotic suggestions, and become reality for the patient. More obvious hypnotic suggestions are also sometimes given to patients by doctors trained in hypnosis, and for over a century, dentists have used hypnosis to ease discomfort during dental procedures. In addition to using hypnotic techniques themselves, doctors and dentists regularly refer patients to hypnotherapists for help with weight loss, smoking cessation, and overcoming fears about dental and surgical procedures. Before the 1950s, the medical profession scoffed at hypnotherapy, but today it is being readily embraced as a complement to long-standing medical procedures. According to the southern Medical Journal (2004), as many as 40% of Americans use some form of complementary and alternative medicine such as hypnotherapy. At no other time has the world of hypnotherapy been as wide open with exciting possibilities 5

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X as it is now. Because more and more people are exploring and accepting the benefits of hypnotherapy, a much greater need for qualified hypnotherapists to open practices now exists. The goal of this book is to give you, a potential or practicing hypnotherapist, a strong base for building your practice. You will be guided through a basic hypnotherapy session, and you will be given homework opportunities to use and modify your techniques so that you can help others lose weight, find love, and increase their financial success, among other issues. For the latest information about the hypnotherapy world, visit www.americanallianceofhypnotists.org, the website of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, of which I am the founder and director. The organization started in America as a network of hypnotherapists, but it is now open to practitioners worldwide. Among other things, this site lists hypnotherapists and classes available in your local area. Become a member. Its free.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Chapter 1 What is a Script?


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Perhaps the most important part of any hypnosis experience is the script. What is a script? A script is the meat of the hypnosis experience. It is where the therapy occurs. If you do not have a script, you are not doing hypnotherapy. You may be hypnotizing your client, but you are not helping anyone. A script is the portion of the hypnosis session during which you suggest change. It delivers the main message to the subconscious mind. The pretalk, induction and deepening were all to prepare the client for the script. A script can be on anything: attracting romantic partners, improving efficiency for increased financial success, weight loss, memory improvement, smoking cessation, improved confidence, or whatever the clients challenge may be. As part of a self-hypnotherapy session, a hypnotherapist could even write a script to enhance her creativityto suggest to her subconscious mind that she is going to write more creative scripts. The script is where you form new associations for the client. Instead of being afraid, the client will associate a pleasant feeling with talking to members of the opposite sex, eating health foods, going down an escalator, down an elevator, into a crowd of people, up on a stage, in an airplane, near a snake. I have a prospective client who is afraid of entering parking garages. During the script, she will be given a new association for entering a parking garage, and she will no longer be afraid. Her old association, the one she has now, is scary for her. The script will plant positive suggestions 8

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X that her body will remember in the future when she actually enters a parking garage. If you are new to hypnotherapy, you might want to start with a script written by someone else. You can borrow one of my scripts, or a script from one of the countless books available on this topic (see chapters end for recommended resources). When using a script that someone else has written, make sure that you have read through it before the hypnosis session. The worst thing you can possibly do is go into a session without previously having read through the script. You want to be familiar with the script for several reasons. First of all, you do not want to trip through words and concepts while reading the script during the session. (Because your clients eyes are covered, you can read a script during a session. You do not have to memorize it.) Second of all, you need to evaluate the script prior to reading it to your client. Each client is different, so you will need to find and eliminate those things in the script that are not going to apply to the particular client for whom the script is being used. You need to have a full understanding of the script so that you can tailor it to reach the best possible results. Do your due diligence. Do not allow yourself any excuses. Prepare every time. Beware of procrastinating and ending up in a situation that causes you to stumble. You can get lazy. You can get into a rut. During a live sermon, the preacher can say, I am sorry. I made a mistake. Let me backtrack. You cannot do that under hypnosis. Every word you say goes into the patients subconscious mind. 9

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X Be prepared. You are dealing with the most precious part of a human: His mind. Treat it delicately. I do not say this to scare you. I say this to prepare you. Be prepared. Consider a script for weight loss that begins like this: Now, you will imagine that you are a machine and you can put different types of batteries in your power center. You have been choosing batteries which do not last long and leave a residue. From now on, you will chose proper batteries which power you for a long time and do not leave a residue. Lets say that you are not interested or inspired by the machine analogy used in the script. Also, your client is not interested in machines at all. Would this script be appropriate? Probably not. Would it be more powerful to use a script that related to something you and your client related to? Probably. Although the analogies are good and potentially powerful, if they do not feel natural for you, you will not be confident when reading them. And, more importantly, if they do not feel natural for the client, another script choice would be more appropriate. So go through any script you intend to use. Make sure there are no surprises. If someone hands you a script and says, Here. Use this when you have someone who wants to lose weight, make sure you go through the script ahead of time. Do not be afraid to alter a script. Scripts are not written in stone. Make the script into something that flows freely from your mouth. 10

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X One of the books I recommend at the end of this book, The Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors by Hammond, contains many good scripts. However, they were written by hypnotherapists with advanced educational and medical degrees, and are therefore extremely technical. Take the general idea of these scripts and rewrite them. You have got to tailor things to your own unique flavor. I cannot emphasize that enough. The only rule for modifying scripts is this: Never insert anything that could cause harm. We do not harm people. We help people. Say good things. Do not say frightening or harmful things. Do not excite your client. Bore him. Everything is calm. Everything is peaceful. Everything is beautiful. Everything is positive. As long as you remember not to harm people, your script will be fine. If you do not have a script to modify, you will have to write your own script. Lets assume that your client wants to lose weight and you do not have a script. What should you do? Do you give up? No. You do not give up. You take heart in the fact that everything you need is already within you. You just need a little guidance. So lets take this step-by-step. First of all, ask yourself what the goal is. Here, the goal is for the client to lose weight. Before writing the script, you need to find out what a reasonable target is. Do not allow the client to expect to lose 100 pounds in six weeks. If you are not sure what is 11

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X reasonable, consult a dietician or a physician. (Remember: if your client is under the care of another healthcare professional, make sure you are agreement with the course of treatment.) Find out how much weight the person can expect to lose, and set a reasonable target within a reasonable time frame. Your due diligence should continue with a conversation with the client. Before you write the script, find out what the client is eating that is harmful. Ask the client: What are the foods you are eating, and when are you eating them? And then work this information into the script. For example, perhaps the client says, I am eating Snickers bars at 11 p.m. right before I go to bed. I am eating three of them a night. I cannot figure out why on earth I am gaining weight. It is just not fair. The script is the place to alter the negative behavior that is causing the problem. Your script will want to tell this client: that he can and will change his behavior. If the person is gaining weight, unable to talk to potential romantic partners, or scared of flying, the script is the place to insert suggestions for positive change. The script is where the healing takes place.

If she is afraid of planes, she gets on that plane. She takes that plane ride. She gets off that plane and nothing has gone wrong. Have her imagine the whole thing. She is safe the entire time. Nothing goes wrong. Be creative. Say things like, You can see the cockpit from where you are sitting and everything looks fine. And you know that your bags are stowed and you just feel great because 12

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X everything is taken care of. It is a smooth flight. You look outside. And it is daytime and you see the sky and it is so beautiful. If you are working on motivation, find out why the client is not motivated. Is she unmotivated because she does not think she will accomplish the desired results? If so, the script should help the client to see herself as having already accomplished the results. The client already has achieved whatever it is that is causing her to procrastinate. If the client is afraid of snakes, have him see a snake from a distance. Tell him, Everything is fine and now if you want to you can walk closer. Only walk as close as you feel comfortable with and no closer. And each time you hear my voice, you can allow yourself to get closer but understand that no harm will come to you. When writing a script, I am inviting you to use your creativity. I am inviting you to reach inside and pull something out of yourself something that will be helpful. I am not going to tell you a way that is written in stone because that would limit your creativity. Beyond the sky is the limit. Go beyond. Just let it flow. Keep in mind your plan, your idea, and your motive. Your motivation is to help the person. You are trying to help the client. Everything is positive. Everything is uplifting. We are not dwelling on the negative. We focus on the positive. Keep your eye on the mark and remember that you will end up at whatever point on which you have focused. Likewise, we want to keep the clients focus on the positive change from within. The client should imagine that the change has happened. We want the client to think: I am already flying. I am not planning on it. I am getting on that plane. I am not imagining it. I am flying. I am getting as close to that snake as I feel comfortable. I am taking the 13

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X steps to get to that escalator and I am on it and everything is fine. As discussed earlier, a persons body does not know the difference between imaging something and having it actually happen. This means that the client has the advantage of knowing rationally that the situation is not occurring, but physically and emotionally the client feels he has experienced the event. Therefore, when it comes time for the client to go down the escalator, his body will feel as though he has a positive and successful experience under his belt. Though they are the meat of the session, scripts should not exceed 10 minutes when read slowly aloud. The following chapters contain scripts which can be used by you in working with yourself or working with clients. I have divided them into chapters to make referencing them easier. Keep in mind that the chapter titles are only general guides and that some scripts could be used for multiple purposes. You may also feel free to modify any of my scripts to suit you particular needs. For more scripts, please visit www.SteveGJones.com where you can purchase my other scripts book, Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Chapter 2 Scripts


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Reach your True Potential in your 50s

As you continue relaxingdeeperdeeper and more deeply relaxed. You realize just how powerful you are with all the experience you have...all the wisdom. You realize the rest of your life is going to be wonderful. Youve learned so much from your mistakes in the past. You will apply that knowledge and wisdom toward making the rest of your life wonderful and stress free. I want you to realize now that all parts of your body, all organ systems are responding in a positive way to the words I am saying. They are revitalizing themselves allowing you to be healthier, allowing your cells to function perfectly. I want you to let go of any concern you might have about aging. You realize the aging process is natural and normal. And you realize that as you continue to age, you age very gracefully. Realize that you as you become more interested in exercise and eating appropriate foods will be able to do more and more things as you get older because you are going to take better care of yourself. Allowing yourself proper rest, proper time for yourself to relax. Feeding yourself properly, taking a strong interest in exercising, regularly. Having regular check ups with your doctor and enjoying your life. As you tune into enjoying your life more and more, you realize the importance of finding your inner child. That part of you which is still very interested in having fun in enjoying life. That part of you that wants to play and deserves to play. So I want you now, as we go back over these things in detail to really focus on what I am saying. On letting go of any concerns and really embracing the positive messages I am giving your subconscious mind. Starting with your health. Imagine your body as a cylinder, sort of like a bottle. And imagine your body is standing upright and a warm fluid is being poured in through the top of your body, through the top of the cylinder as it pours in, it begins to fill you up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head very slowly. 16

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X You are safe and relaxed. You are only imagining this. But as the fluid rises within your body. Now to your ankles, moving up your legs to your knees, it cleanses and soothes and heals your body, creating optimum health in each part of your body which it affects. Now moving up to your hips, moving slowly up your torso. Feel every part of your body which that warm fluid enters, becoming relaxed and purified. Feel your body releasing any toxins associated with each part of your body. It now also moves up your hands and your arms and your chest area, up to your neck. Cleansing, relieving, purifying your body. Release any toxins from any part of your body that it touches. Up your neck and into your head all the way now to the top of your head. Now imagine that there is a drain at the bottom of that cylinder. You remove the plug now from that drain. Fluid drains out of the cylinder. Drains out slowly from the top to the bottom. And notice how the fluid has changed colors it is now a little darker, a little murkier because it has absorbed all the negativity in your body. Feel your body become healthier now as the fluid drains out leaving you refreshed, relaxed, purified. Thats right, feel how good it feels to let go of any negativity you were holding on to. Leaving your body relaxed and comfortable. Feel all the organ systems of your body respond. Your skin, healthier, your cardiovascular system, pulmonary system, healthier. Thats right. All the systems in your body are healthier now. Feel your immunity having improved. You are better able now to fight toxins. Your body is now more powerful because you have decided that it will be more powerful. Breathe in deeply now. Breathe in a sense of relaxation and as you exhale slowly, let go of any negativity. Let go of anything negative you are holding onto. Just let it go now. As you breathe in deeply again, breathe in confidence, a positive outlook as you exhale, let go of any thoughts of fear any concerns that you have, just breathe it out. And as you continue breathing in and out over the next few minutes, always breathe in positive 17

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X thoughts and let go of negative thoughts. Realize that the health issues that you may have been facing. You now have decided to let them clear up because you have decided to embrace a new attitude, a new relationship with food, choosing healthful foods. A new relationship with exercise, choosing regular exercise which is appropriate for you. And if you need help with which foods to eat or which exercises to perform, you consult with a professional. And so, having made these powerful decisions, you let go of any fear about the future and you embrace a positive, powerful attitude. You realize that the rest of your life is going to be much more exciting, much more fun, much more productive than it has been already and you look forward to this and you embrace the idea of finding your inner child. Think back now to how carefree you were as a child, or how carefree you wanted to be. Realize that you are tuning into this part of you, this carefree part of you. Tuning in more and more now, the part of you which knows how to seek out fun and exciting activities and to take part in those activities. So, over the next few weeks, I would like you to schedule fun and exciting things for yourself to do as you embrace a new, positive, powerful, adventurous relationship with your life. Realize that you are becoming a more interesting, more exciting, more fun, more dynamic person, as you tap into your inner child and allow that inner child to play because you deserve to play. You deserve to have fun. So relax now and realize that everything is going to be just fine.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Reach your True Potential in your 40s

As you continue relaxingdeeperdeeper and more deeply relaxed. You realize just how powerful you are. You realize the rest of your life is going to be wonderful. Youve learned so much in your lifetime and you look forward to all the positive changes you will face in your future. You will apply that knowledge and wisdom toward making the rest of your life wonderful and stress free. I want you to realize now that all parts of your body, all organ systems are responding in a positive way to the words I am saying. They are revitalizing themselves allowing you to be healthy and strong. You realize that in order to reach your true potential, you must live a healthy lifestyle. You become more interested in exercise and eating appropriate foods. Allowing yourself proper rest, proper time for yourself to relax and unwind from a busy life. As you tune into enjoying your life more and more, you realize the importance of motivation and maturity. So I want you now, as we go back over these things in detail to really focus on what I am saying. On letting go of any concerns and really embracing the positive messages I am giving your subconscious mind. Imagine your body as a cylinder, sort of like a bottle. And imagine your body is standing upright and a warm fluid is being poured in through the top of your body, through the top of the cylinder as it pours in, it begins to fill you up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head very slowly. You are safe and relaxed. You are only imagining this as the fluid rises within your body. Now to your ankles, moving up your legs to your knees, this fluid is energizing and revitalizing your body and mind so that you can accomplish all of your goals and dreams. Now moving up to your hips, moving slowly up your torso. Feel every part of your body which that warm fluid enters, becoming relaxed and purified. Feel your body reacting to this warm fluid. Your body is reacting in a positive way. This fluid is giving you the confidence and strength to 19

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X pursue your dreams. It now also moves up your hands and your arms and your chest area, up to your neck. Motivating, energizing, and inspiring your body, mind, and spirit. Up your neck and into your head all the way now to the top of your head. Now imagine that there is a drain at the bottom of that cylinder. You remove the plug now from that drain. Fluid drains out of the cylinder. Drains out slowly from the top to the bottom. And notice how the fluid has changed colors it is now a little darker, a little murkier because it has absorbed all the negativity in your body. Feel your body become energized now as the fluid drains out leaving you refreshed, relaxed, purified. Thats right, feel how good it feels to let go of any negativity you were holding on to. Leaving your body relaxed and comfortable. You now realize that you are fully capable of going after your dreams. You will accomplish great things in your 40s. Your body is now more powerful because you have decided that it will be more powerful. Breathe in deeply now. Breathe in a sense of relaxation and as you exhale slowly, let go of any negativity. Let go of any negative thoughts you are holding on to. Just let it go now. As you breathe in deeply again, breathe in confidence, a positive outlook as you exhale, let go of any thoughts of fear and any concerns that you have, just breathe it out. And as you continue breathing in and out over the next few minutes, always breathe in positive thoughts and let go of negative thoughts. And so, having made these powerful decisions, you let go of any fear about the future and you embrace a positive, powerful attitude. You realize that the rest of your life is going to be much more exciting, much more fun, much more productive than it has been already. You are excited to be in your 40s. You feel a strong sense of freedom and you feel as though you can make your life into whatever you want. And you will guide yourself along a positive path in your 40s. You surround yourself with positive people who support you. You realize that you are capable of accomplishing great things at this point in time. 20

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X You are strong and capable and your future and dreams are very bright. You look forward to the future. So relax now and drift and realize that you can accomplish your dreams. You realize you have so much potential and that feels wonderful.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Reach your True Potential in your 30s

As you continue relaxingdeeperdeeper and more deeply relaxed. You realize just how powerful you are. You realize the rest of your life is going to be wonderful. Youve learned so much in your lifetime and you look forward to all the positive changes you will face in your future. You will apply that knowledge and wisdom toward making the rest of your life wonderful and stress free. I want you to realize now that all parts of your body, all organ systems are responding in a positive way to the words I am saying. They are revitalizing themselves allowing you to be healthy and strong. You realize that in order to reach your true potential, you must live a healthy lifestyle. You become more interested in exercise and eating appropriate foods. Allowing yourself proper rest, proper time for yourself to relax and unwind from a busy life. As you tune into enjoying your life more and more, you realize the importance of motivation and maturity. So I want you now, as we go back over these things in detail to really focus on what I am saying. On letting go of any concerns and really embracing the positive messages I am giving your subconscious mind. Imagine your body as a cylinder, sort of like a bottle. And imagine your body is standing upright and a warm fluid is being poured in through the top of your body, through the top of the cylinder as it pours in, it begins to fill you up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head very slowly. You are safe and relaxed. You are only imagining this as the fluid rises within your body. Now to your ankles, moving up your legs to your knees, this fluid is energizing and revitalizing your body and mind so that you can accomplish all of your goals and dreams. Now moving up to your hips, moving slowly up your torso. Feel every part of your body which that warm fluid enters, becoming relaxed and purified. Feel your body reacting to this warm fluid. Your body is reacting in a positive way. This fluid is giving you the confidence and strength to 22

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X pursue your dreams. It now also moves up your hands and your arms and your chest area, up to your neck. Motivating, energizing, and inspiring your body, mind, and spirit. Up your neck and into your head all the way now to the top of your head. Now imagine that there is a drain at the bottom of that cylinder. You remove the plug now from that drain. Fluid drains out of the cylinder. Drains out slowly from the top to the bottom. And notice how the fluid has changed colors it is now a little darker, a little murkier because it has absorbed all the negativity in your body. Feel your body become energized now as the fluid drains out leaving you refreshed, relaxed, purified. Thats right, feel how good it feels to let go of any negativity you were holding on to. Leaving your body relaxed and comfortable. You now realize that you are fully capable of going after your dreams. You will accomplish great things in your 30s. Your body is now more powerful because you have decided that it will be more powerful. Breathe in deeply now. Breathe in a sense of relaxation and as you exhale slowly, let go of any negativity. Let go of any negative thoughts you are holding on to. Just let it go now. As you breathe in deeply again, breathe in confidence, a positive outlook as you exhale, let go of any thoughts of fear and any concerns that you have, just breathe it out. And as you continue breathing in and out over the next few minutes, always breathe in positive thoughts and let go of negative thoughts. And so, having made these powerful decisions, you let go of any fear about the future and you embrace a positive, powerful attitude. You realize that the rest of your life is going to be much more exciting, much more fun, much more productive than it has been already. You are excited to be in your 30s. You feel a strong sense of freedom and you feel as though you can make your life into whatever you want. And you will guide yourself along a positive path in your 30s. You surround yourself with positive people who support you. You realize that you are capable of accomplishing great things at this point in time. 23

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X You are strong and capable and your future and dreams are very bright. You look forward to the future. So relax now and drift and realize that you can accomplish your dreams. You realize you have so much potential and that feels wonderful.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Reach your True Potential in your 20s

As you continue relaxingdeeperdeeper and more deeply relaxed. You realize just how powerful you are. You realize the rest of your life is going to be wonderful. Youve learned so much in your lifetime and you look forward to all the positive changes you will face in your future. You will apply that knowledge and wisdom toward making the rest of your life wonderful and stress free. I want you to realize now that all parts of your body, all organ systems are responding in a positive way to the words I am saying. They are revitalizing themselves allowing you to be healthy and strong. You realize that in order to reach your true potential, you must live a healthy lifestyle. You become more interested in exercise and eating appropriate foods. Allowing yourself proper rest, proper time for yourself to relax and unwind from a busy life. As you tune into enjoying your life more and more, you realize the importance of motivation and maturity. So I want you now, as we go back over these things in detail to really focus on what I am saying. On letting go of any concerns and really embracing the positive messages I am giving your subconscious mind. Imagine your body as a cylinder, sort of like a bottle. And imagine your body is standing upright and a warm fluid is being poured in through the top of your body, through the top of the cylinder as it pours in, it begins to fill you up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head very slowly. You are safe and relaxed. You are only imagining this as the fluid rises within your body. Now to your ankles, moving up your legs to your knees, this fluid is energizing and revitalizing your body and mind so that you can accomplish all of your goals and dreams. Now moving up to your hips, moving slowly up your torso. Feel every part of your body where that warm fluid enters, becoming relaxed and purified. Feel your body reacting to this warm fluid. Your body is reacting in a positive way. This fluid is giving you the confidence and strength to 25

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X pursue your dreams. It now also moves up your hands and your arms and your chest area, up to your neck. Motivating, energizing, and inspiring your body and mind. Up your neck and into your head all the way now to the top of your head. Now imagine that there is a drain at the bottom of that cylinder. You remove the plug now from that drain. Fluid drains out of the cylinder. Drains out slowly from the top to the bottom. And notice how the fluid has changed colors it is now a little darker, a little murkier because it has absorbed all the negativity in your body. Feel your body become energized now as the fluid drains out leaving you refreshed, relaxed, purified. Thats right, feel how good it feels to let go of any negativity you were holding on to. Leaving your body relaxed and comfortable. You now realize that you are fully capable of going after your dreams. You will accomplish great things in your 20s. Your body is now more powerful because you have decided that it will be more powerful. Breathe in deeply now. Breathe in a sense of relaxation and as you exhale slowly, let go of any negativity. Let go of anything negative thoughts you are holding on to. Just let it go now. As you breathe in deeply again, breathe in confidence, a positive outlook as you exhale, let go of any thoughts of fear and any concerns that you have, just breathe it out. And as you continue breathing in and out over the next few minutes, always breathe in positive thoughts and let go of negative thoughts. And so, having made these powerful decisions, you let go of any fear about the future and you embrace a positive, powerful attitude. You realize that the rest of your life is going to be much more exciting, much more fun, much more productive than it has been already. You are excited to be in your 20s. You feel a strong sense of freedom and you feel as though you can make your life into whatever you want. And you will guide yourself along a positive path in your 20s. You surround yourself with positive people who support you. You realize that you are capable of accomplishing great things at this point in time. 26

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X You are strong and capable and your future and dreams are very bright. You look forward to the future. So relax now and drift and realize that you can accomplish your dreams. You realize you have so much potential and that feels wonderful.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Rapid Decision Making

And as you continue to relax and unwind and let go, you realize just how powerful you are. Your mind is very powerful and works very quickly. You are able to reach decisions quickly and easily. You are able to analyze information and process that information quickly. You reach decisions easily and effortlessly and automatically. Your powers of rapid decision making are becoming stronger and stronger day by day. I would like you now as an exercise to think about something that you need to decide on, thats right. Perhaps there is a decision in your life that needs to be made and you need to come to a conclusion. Think about all of the parameters related to this decision. Think about all the information you already have. Think about all the possible conclusions, thats right. The more you do this exercise, the faster you will become at doing this exercise. Id like you now to see several possible decisions that you could make, several possible decisions that you could make given the information you have about this situation we are analyzing now. And Id like you now to narrow those decisions to three possible decisions. And I would like you now to pick the best decision, thats right and that is your decision and you will stick to your decision. And as you listen to this recording, you will become better and better at making decisions rapidly. You will be able to make decisions very, very quickly because you practice your decision making. And very soon indeed, it will become automatic for you to make a decision because you use all the information available to you and you make the best possible decision easily, rapidly, efficiently, and you are firm in your decision after you make it. You stick to your decision because you realize that it is the best possible decision based on the information you have. And now you continue to relax, realizing that you are developing this skill day by day and very soon indeed it will be automatic for you. 28

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Stop Bed Wetting Script

And as you continue to relax deeper and deeper and more deeply now, I want you to think about sleeping. I want you to go through your normal routine before you go to bed. You make sure that you dont drink anything for a couple hours before you go to bed. You also try to go to the bathroom before you get into bed. You probably brush your teeth and change into something comfortable to sleep in. Picture yourself getting into bed and lying down. You are very relaxed and calm. You know that occasionally you wet the bed in the middle of the night. You realize that it is okay to wet the bed occasionally because you cannot help it. Everything is going to be okay. As you go to bed every night, you focus on being relaxed and calm. Imagine yourself drifting off to sleep. Your eyes are getting heavy and soon you are asleep. If at any point during the night, you feel the need to use the bathroom, you easily get out of bed and quickly walk to the bathroom. You find that you get a good night sleep every night, but you do no sleep too deeply, because your body is able to wake yourself up when it needs to go to the bathroom. Night after night, you realize that you have complete control over wetting the bed. You are the only person who has the ability to keep yourself from wetting the bed. Night after night of listening to this recording, you realize how powerful your mind is. You realize that you can stop yourself from wetting the bed at night. You can stop yourself from wetting the bed because you are able to wake up ahead of time and go to the bathroom. Picture yourself a month from now. Now only occasionally do you wet the bed. Feel the sense of pride run through your body. You have improved a lot in only a months time. You are confident that you will continue to get better at going to the bathroom at night. You continue to make sure that you dont drink anything before you go to bed. You also make sure that you get at least eight hours of sleep every night so that you sleep a 30

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X little lighter and you are able to wake yourself up to use the bathroom. Picture yourself six months from now. Picture yourself going through your regular nightly routine of undressing and brushing your teeth and getting into bed. Picture yourself no longer wetting the bed. It has been a full month since you have wet the bed and you feel so proud of yourself. You should feel very proud of yourself because you have accomplished a great thing. You now go to bed at night very calm and relaxed and you have positive thoughts. You have confidence that if you need to go to the bathroom, you will be able to wake yourself up and get out of bed without wetting the bed. People around you are proud of you too. They are happy for you because you no longer wet the bed. You realize that your mind is powerful and your body is powerful. You can and will wake yourself up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night when you need to go. Now picture yourself waking up every morning with dry sheets. Picture yourself no longer wetting the bed in the middle of the night. You wake up very proud of yourself. You have a very positive attitude. Achieving this task has helped you realize that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. You are smart and talented. You are happy and positive. The people who care for you are happy and proud of you too. You now have a lot more confidence when you go to bed, when you wake up, and during the day. You are relaxed and at ease and that feels so wonderful.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Speed Reading
And as you continue relaxing deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, you realize just how quickly you are able to read anything. You are a speed reader and I would like you now to imagine yourself reading something, anything you choose. Notice how your mind absorbs and comprehends and remembers the words, sentences, and paragraphs quickly and easily and efficiently. Notice the speed in which you read. And as you continue reading notice that it is increasing and at the same time your comprehension of what you are reading is also increasing. You are an amazing reader. You read quickly and you comprehend everything that you read. You are truly a speed reader. And now imagine reading something else, anything you choose. Start by reading a few words. Notice that you comprehend them easily and then you read a few sentences and you comprehend and remember them easily. And now you read a few paragraphs and as you read, your mind stores all of the information and comprehends all of the information easily. And later, when you want to recall the information, perhaps to share with others, you will be able to recall it in its entirety easily and effortlessly. Because while you develop your speed reading skills, you are also developing your comprehension abilities so that the faster you read, the more you comprehend. And now imagine yourself reading another document, this time it seems as if several paragraphs are absorbed by your brain at once. You have a photographic memory now. You are able to glimpse at things and read them quickly and comprehend them and remember them and recite them at a later time, a time at your choosing. So relax now and realize that you are a speed reader. You read quickly and efficiently with total comprehension.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Smelly Feet
And as you relax deeper, deeper and more deeply relaxed, you realize just how powerful you are, just how in charge you are of your life. Your mind is very powerful; your mind is in charge of every activity in which you engage. Your mind is also in charge of all the physiological processes in your body. Id like you now for a moment to just relax and focus on your feet. Just relax and drift and continue breathing easily and focus on your feet. And since your mind is in charge of all of the physiological processes of your body, you realize that your mind is in charge of your feet as well. And as you relax you focus some energy on your feet. Imagine, if you will, that you are still on that beach and a ray from the sun is now beaming down on your feet, warming them, relaxing them, causing your feet to get rid of any bad smells that may linger, thats right. Allow your feet to use the gentle breeze and warm sun to get rid of any smells. As you imagine this, feel your feet softening and drying a little, thats right. As you imagine the warm sun penetrating your feet, you feel your sweat glands in your feet begin to dry. You realize that this well help your feet smell better, you relax and you realize now that this is normal. Your ability to control your body is normal. You can decide when to walk. You can decide when to sit. You can decide when to stand. You can also cause your feet to sweat less and smell better. It is improving over and over again that the mind is in charge of everything. Your mind is in charge of what you do, what you think of course, and what your body does and because your mind has this capacity to be in charge of all these things, your mind is very easily able to be in charge of your feet. So now you focus that energy coming from the sun, that sun that you imagine being overhead, that warm, relaxing sun. You focus the energy of that sun on your feet. And you feel warmth there, a warmth radiating out from your feet and this is very relaxing as you actually 33

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X feel them cleansing themselves. And over the next few days and few months you will feel your feet continuing to cleanse themselves of bacteria, thats right. As time goes on, your feet become self-cleaning. And this is normal because just as you were in charge of where you walk, when you stand, when you sit, you are also in charge of every physiological process in your body. You are in charge of your feet and how they smell. So now I would like you to imagine in your mind, how you would like your feet to smell when you take off your shoes and imagine how they would smell after a long day. And realize that over the next few days, few weeks, few months, your feet will continue to become cleaner and healthier. You get rid of the bad smell and as you relax you really tune in to your subconscious power, to affect the physiological processes of your feet. You really tune into your power to improve the cleanliness of your feet. And that feels so good. Imagine yourself six months from now, thats right. Imagine taking off your shoes and not smelling your feet. That feels and smells wonderful. Imagine a life where you no longer have to worry about your feet smelling. You no longer worry about the odor offending people around you. You feel as if a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Over the past six months you have implemented a cleanliness plan to help keep your feet free from bacteria. You wash your feet daily and you always make sure to let them air dry before putting on socks. If you find that your socks are sweaty, you make sure that you change your socks. You enjoy making these changes in your life because you like that they no longer smell. You feel very proud of yourself for making this major change. That power, that ability, knowing that you have it, knowing that youve always had it and now focusing that warm powerful energy from the sun onto your feet, allowing them, every time you listen to this recording, to cleanse themselves until they no longer emit odors. So relax now and realize that everything is 34

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X going to be just fine because you are in charge of how your feet smell and that feels wonderful.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

And as you continue relaxing deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, you realize just how powerful you are. You realize that you have the power within you to overcome shame and so you realize that it is okay to be who you are. And in order to realize this more fully, you must have and absorb deeply many separate moments of being accepted, loved and valued. So you look for these opportunities, these moments and when they happen, sometimes all by themselves, you absorb them deeply. Make them part of you and you stop relying on anyone who treats you as if you are not okay. You spend more and more of your time with the people who know you are okay the way you are. And you let them know more and more about you. You choose your relationships based on how you are treated, not just on whether the other person feels comfortable with you. Because we can be comfortable with what we are used to even if it is bad for us, but rather with people who treat you properly, with people who know you are okay and who treat you that way. Therefore you treat people the way you want to be treated. When people treat you poorly, tell them to stop it. If they keep it up, dont tell them over and over because thats like begging. That would make you feel weaker in their presence; instead you need to feel strong when you have to be around such people. So you tell them to stop it. You hold people responsible for how they treat you. You hold yourself responsible for how much time you spend with those people who treat you poorly, how you respond to their mistreatment is something else you hold yourself responsible for and you hold yourself responsible for whether you take their opinions seriously. When people imply that you arent valuable, they are wrong. You must learn how to throw away such comments immediately. You know how angry you get when you are treated this way. The anger is a guide that tells you that this persons opinion of you is worthless and clean be 36

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X thrown away without question. Understand that only a few people are likely to treat you poorly. The rest of us are ready to treat you well. If you catch yourself thinking otherwise at least remind yourself that you are a positive person and those people who treat you poorly are lying. When people treat you well, absorb it. Always take a few seconds to feel the good feelings you get when you are treated well. Let your appreciation show, a natural smile will do just fine. Showing your appreciation reinforces the other person and encourages them to stay around you longer. Dont talk yourself out of it. Most compliments are honest. Even when someone is trying to manipulate you they say things they mean. Turn down the manipulation but accept the compliment. For example, thanks for noticing how attractive I am, but I still dont want to give you my phone number and thanks for noticing I have good taste in cars, but I still wont pay what you are asking for this one. Those are just examples of ways to accept the compliment yet avoid the manipulation. The most important factor in overcoming shame is how you treat yourself in your day to day activities, in your day to day thinking. When you have been treated poorly, how do you treat yourself afterwards, the old unhealthy option is to focus on yourself and wonder if they were right about the bad things they said. Your new healthy option which you now choose is to focus on your anger and mistreatment. When youve been treated well, how do you treat yourself afterwards? Do you relax and think about the good things? Do you mentally recycle the best parts? Do you notice how much you agree about your good qualities? Do you take the time to enjoy the good feelings? The answer to all of those questions is yes. You do relax and think about the good things about yourself. You do mentally recycle the best parts about what they said. You do notice how much you agree with the good qualities they have uncovered about you. You do take time to enjoy the good feelings you get from hearing good things about you. And in doing all of 37

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X these things you are enjoying the changes you are making in yourself. Your attitude about yourself improves as you gradually let go of shame using the practical advice I am giving you. Day by day you accept yourself more and more. I am very proud of you for making this commitment to yourself. You are obviously a wonderful person; deserving of all of the good thing life has to offer. Accept this compliment and all of the others which will soon be coming your way. Relax and realize that everything is going to be just fine.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

And as you continue relaxing deeper, deeper and more deeply relaxed, I would like you now to realize just how powerful you are. You are a very powerful, amazing, wonderful person. I would like you now to imagine yourself in a reflection in a mirror. You are standing in front of a mirror, looking at your reflection. Take a good look. Notice how amazing you are. Notice how attractive you are. You are very attractive. Day by day you will begin to notice these things more and more. Look how smart and intelligent you look. Youre a very smart, very intelligent, very attractive person. Look at yourself now in that mirror and notice these things, these things are very obvious to you and everyone around you, everyone in your life, everyone you know, everyone you will know. They will all notice these things, your attractiveness, how smart you are and how intelligent you are. You are a wonderful, positive, beautiful person. I would like you now to imagine three things about you which make you unique and wonderful, three things. Perhaps its how kind you are, how bighearted you are. Perhaps its your perseverance, your creativity. Just three things about you that make you wonderful and unique. Its easy for you to think of these things now and each time you listen to this recording, perhaps you can think of three new things that make you wonderful and unique. I want you to know that these things are not a secret, they are known to everyone. How wonderful you are is well-known. The next time you talk to someone, understand that they are seeing those wonderful qualities in you. Clearly and easily because your wonderful qualities shine through in your conversation, in what you do, and in who you are. Take a deep breath in now, and breathe in that sense of confidence that comes with being a wonderful person. And as you exhale slowly, let go of any negative thoughts, they are no longer a part of you. And continue breathing easily, effortlessly, and 39

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X comfortably. Day by day your self-esteem is improving. You realize that you are a very powerful, wonderful, amazing, beautiful, intelligent, smart person. And you have so many other qualities in addition to these qualities. In fact, the wonderful qualities you have are limitless. You have an infinite number of wonderful qualities. Day by day you will realize them and this will help you feel good about yourself. Full of a powerful sense of love for yourself. And you use this energy in the most productive way. You are kind to others and you are kind to yourself. You respect yourself. So you avoid situations which do not honor you because you deserve honor and respect. So you only put yourself in situations which honor you and you avoid negative situations. And this enhances your wonderful self esteem even further because every day you look for something you can do for yourself, something wonderful that you can do for yourself and you do it. Something that shows you how wonderful you are. You do this for yourself because you honor and respect yourself and you treat yourself right. You eat properly, you exercise properly, you have fun, you enjoy life. You do all of these things because you respect yourself. You allow yourself to engage in all of these positive, wonderful activities because you respect yourself. You have a wonderful, powerful sense of selfesteem. You are a wonderful, amazing person.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

As you continue relaxing deeper, deeper, and more deeply relaxed, I want you to realize just how powerful you are scorpio. You know that you see everything as it is. You see deep down inside the souls of people and you understand what they are about. You also understand that you are represented by two symbols, the eagle and the scorpion. So lets focus on helping you to evolve to your true potential to be the eagle, to soar high as the noble eagle. Certainly you realize that within you is the tendency to be the scorpion when you are angry. But from now on I want you to focus on letting go of anger. You realize that it no longer serves you. It leads to stress which is unproductive so you deal with situations as they arise. If anyone upsets you, you deal with that in the moment so that you can let go of anger and take another step toward your evolution into the eagle. There you can live free. You are a very caring, loving, giving person. And I realize that you are very passionate and intense. I want you to focus on using these qualities in a good way, in a productive way. You realize that your intense energy, in the past, has erupted in inappropriate situations. From now on you will channel your energy perhaps through meditation or regular exercise, but you will channel that energy so that you can use it to benefit yourself and others in a very good, positive, powerful, productive way. I understand that you are drawn to the occult. I encourage you to develop this interest even further because those things that are of an occult nature are fascinating to you. And only by studying them can you really tune into what you are truly interested in so follow your pursuits whether academically or in a hands on manner, but you realize that you are always respectful of others and any powers that you develop you only use for the good of yourself and others. I understand your interests in fair play. Day by day you are becoming more and more interested in being fair, being honest. I 41

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X understand the secretive side of Scorpio, the desire to hide things at times. But from now on, where it matters with loved ones and people you care about, you will be quite open. Of course you dont reveal everything, if you did you wouldnt be Scorpio. Yet you reveal what people need to know in an open manner so that your relationships can flow more smoothly. I understand, Scorpio, that as a water sign you can be vulnerable at times and you need to make careful decisions when choosing close friend or a lover or a lifelong companion. Realize, that as a water sign there will always be a part of you that is potentially vulnerable, thats okay as long as you realize it and take steps to protect it. You must protect yourself in any relationship so you firmly ground yourself in yourself so you always take time, everyday, to develop yourself, to develop some important aspect of your personality. Perhaps its creative endeavors that you are interested in, perhaps intellectual endeavors, perhaps building your career, but whatever it is Scorpio you take time everyday to develop that so as an individual you are very powerful. So when you are in a relationship you always maintain your strong individual sense of self and this acts as your protection. Scorpio I understand that you are a natural healer. You want to help others and if you have any inclination to go into a field where you will help people, I encourage you to pursue that career because there you will find great satisfaction, giving back to the world. Take a deep breath Scorpio. Breathe in relaxation. Let go of stress, let it go. Another deep breath now, breathe in even more relaxation and as you exhale this time, let go of those little things in the back of your mind that you hold against people. Let them go right now. Breathe in again deeply, hold it, hold in that relaxation and then exhale again slowly letting go of the rest of it, those little things that you harbor against people, let them go now. Scorpio there is no need to keep a list in your mind of whos done you wrong, let that list go with each and every breath from now on. I understand that you feel things 42

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X deeply and passionately. I understand that you can hold a grudge for a long time, but I also understand that you are interested in evolving into the eagle and in order to do so you are going to have to get over those grudges Scorpio. You are going to have to let them go. You are going to have to forgive, thats right. You are going to have to soar above where the scorpion crawls and stay up there and the way you do that is by freeing yourself of the burdens that are holding you earthbound. Those burdens primarily, in your case, are those grudges youve been holding against people. Let them go now with each and every breath. Its in the past Scorpio. Imagine yourself spreading your big beautiful wings now. You are one of a kind, a beautiful eagle. See how forceful, energetic, dynamic and powerful you are, living in your truth, letting go of those grudges, being honest with yourself and others, holding back part of yourself as your secretive self, and thats okay. But 90% of you, or more, is just pure honesty and beauty radiating from the heart, telling it how it is, being real with yourself and others. Feel your wings become more colorful now as you evolve right now listening to this recording. Go ahead and begin to flap your wings, Scorpio. Its going to take a little getting used to, but in a very short period of time you will be soaring high, high above all of your former problems realizing the truth that once you let go of the things you held onto, the grudges you held, once you let go of that anger, you will be able to fly and stay up there for the rest of your life. Fly high Scorpio, fly high. I believe in you. You cant be ignored now flying high as a beautiful eagle. Youre unforgettable, magnetic. You can swoop down whenever you want with power and grace, thats right. As you fly high you stay on course with your goals. You set your sights far over the horizon. Whatever it is you want in life, you set your sights on it and you fly directly to it. You reach that goal, you set your sights on another goal and you fly directly to that, reaching each and every one of your goals quickly and easily as the beautiful 43

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X eagle you are. So relax now and realize that everything is going to be just fine.

Sales Mastery
And you are so relaxed and at ease and just drifting now. And as you drift and float I would like you to realize just how confident you are, confident and powerful in every situation. I would like you now, as you relax, to recall a time in your life when you were very confident, very confident and this can be any time at all. You were very confident and relaxed and calm and make that memory very bright now and turn up the volume of that memory, thats right. Increase the sounds, make it very real. What did you feel? What did you touch? What did your clothes feel like? What did your skin feel like when you were in that situation? Very calm and confident, most importantly what emotional state were you in? Allow those good feelings of confidence to surge through you now. And you are so very relaxed and at ease and feeling very confident. Letting that confidence flow through you now. Id like you now to imagine yourself in a sales situation. A situation where you are dealing with a client or a prospective client. See yourself talking with them now. See how confident you are, just like in that memory. Really tap into that memory of confidence, bring it forward into this situation, because this is how confident you will be from now on in any sales situation. You are a true sales master. You are a true sales master. You are a true sales master. Whether interacting with a client or a potential client on the phone or in person, you are relaxed and confident and you expect to get the sale. And you get the sale because you expect to get the sale. Youre sales are increasing. You are becoming more and more powerful. You are a true sales master. So relax and drift.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

As you continue relaxing deeper, deeper and more deeply relaxed Sagittarius, you realize just how powerful you are. You are the archer and you have amazing aim. Your arrow shoots straight at the truth. You are very interested in the truth rather than it being an abstract or symbolic concept. The truth, to you, is very important in a large part of your life. You are very interested in philosophy, spiritual values, travel, seeking out what lies beyond what you can see. So I encourage you, Sagittarius, to work on these things, to develop your philosophical interests, to search more deeply. When you look into your spiritual values, to travel more often to far away interesting, exciting places which you have not been to and to find out what goes on beyond whats obvious. You can be very carefree and jovial at times and this is good because it allows you to relax. However, realize that when you are in a social situation, there are certain times when certain behavior is more beneficial to you. So from now on, Sagittarius, when you are in a social situation, pay attention to what you are saying and how people are reacting to what you are saying. I think you will find that by doing this simple technique of observing peoples reactions to you in conversation, you will advance yourself in life more quickly and you will be more acceptable to more people. I understand this is not your goal, to be acceptable to all people, but realize the power of being accepted in certain social situations and work on these things. [long pause] I realize that sometimes you start many projects at the same time. It is important for you to organize your life, to realize that you need to focus on completing every project that you start. So from now on, Sagittarius, when you begin a project plan it all the way to the end and stick with it all the way to the end. And when you have finished that project, you can move on to the next project. Sometimes you can work on several projects at once, but make sure 45

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X not to over burden yourself. Make sure to bite off only what you can chew. I realize that you have great interests, as Ive said, in travel. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to research this, to look into your travel possibilities to find out where you can go. Go to places you havent been to yet and enjoy this process. Sagittarius, sometimes the words you use seem too direct for others. I want you to pay attention to how you talk with people in every situation. Realize that communication is a big part of your life and paying particular attention to how you communicate can help you in all aspects of your life. When you talk with someone, be sure to empathize with them, to understand who they are and the fact that they have emotions and they deserve respect. Sagittarius, I realize that in matters in love you tend to be oftentimes, diverse. I want you to realize that there is power in focus, in focusing. If you are in a relationship, realize what you have. Realize the power of focusing on that one relationship. Realize that quality over quantity can be very helpful to you. I understand that you have a strong interest in learning. Sagittarius, if there any part of you that has any interest in any higher learning, college education; I encourage you to pursue that. Because in pursuing that higher education, you will find that you are able to fulfill that part of you which wants to learn more about the world around you. It will also give you something to do with all that extra energy that you have. From now on, I would like you to practice patience. Realize that good things come to those who wait. And certain things are going to require that you wait for a long time. Certain projects are going to require a long time to finish, this is normal and natural. There is no need to hurry everything. You need to learn to be patient. You need to learn that things happen when it is time for them to happen. Sagittarius, I also understand that you are a natural teacher, able to explain things in a way that makes sense to others. I encourage you if you are not already involved in teaching to pursue this part of your 46

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X personality, to find some group you can teach. Perhaps you are a teacher. Perhaps you want to be a teacher. But whether you teach formally or not, you can always find ways to teach people, to help them learn and understand concepts. I want you to relax, Sagittarius, and realize that everything is going to be just fine. Your ruling planet is Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of luck.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

And when you are running you are very focused, very focused. You are aware of what is going on around you and you are very focused, focusing on finishing. And you realize that you finish in a very calm mind. In your mind, every step along the way is as if you have already reached the finish line. Even during those times when you are simply running for pleasure it is as if you have already completed the run because you understand that for you running is easy and effortless. It is natural for you to run. So in your mind, you have already finished. You just allow a little time for your body to catch up, thats right. In your mind, if you are racing, you have already won the race. Its only a matter of time until your body catches up. Allows everyone else to see this. Running for you is very easy. You enjoy running. You love running. You love jogging. And you love preparing for any race you may be a part of. If for example, you are preparing for a marathon, you are very focused in your preparation. Allowing your body to rest, allowing your body to work hard, allowing your body to rest. You are in tune with what your body needs; you listen to your body. Your body responds to your desire to run faster, to run more calmly, to win if you are in a race. Whatever kind of running you are involved in whether running for pleasure or running a marathon or running a race of any distance. You are very focused in your preparation. You stretch appropriately beforehand and you reward yourself for winning if you are in a race. You reward yourself by allowing your body to relax, by giving your body proper nutrition. You always give your body proper nutrition. You always allow your body to rest when it needs to and then when you run, your body is able to produce the results you desire. Imagine yourself running now, thats right. Imagine yourself running and understand that current research shows that even when you imagine yourself doing something your body reacts to your 48

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X imagination in a physiological way. Therefore, you can imagine yourself running and derive a certain amount, a certain predictable quantity from just imagining yourself running. So when you relax, you imagine yourself running and your body reacts physiologically and this helps to keep you in the zone. This helps to keep you focused. This actually helps to keep you fit because when you imagine yourself running, your body stimulates those muscles, thats right. So even as you relax you can imagine yourself running and derive a certain measurable and predictable amount of benefit. So when you imagine yourself running, imagine yourself running perfectly, having the endurance you need, having the stamina, having the will-power, thats right, having the focus, having the focus, thats right. You are focused on finishing and as you run it is as if you have already finished. You understand that you will win. You will finish in the amount of time that you want to finish in. And then you allow your body to make this happen. Running for you is fun. Exercising is fun. Winning is fun. You enjoy running. So relax now, relax as you imagine yourself running, relax, because running is so very relaxing.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Reverse Aging
And as you continue relaxing deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed I would like you now to imagine your body, thats right. Imagine your body and all the cells in your body, thats right. Tune into all the individual cells. I would like you now to imagine your body on a timeline, thats right. This line extends from your body straight out in front of your body and straight back behind your body. The line that extends straight out in front of your body represents the future and the line that extends back behind your body represents the past. I would like you now to imagine your body moving backwards along this line, thats right. And as it moves backwards all the cells in your body react in a very positive way. You are reversing the aging process, thats right. You are allowing the cells to move back in time, so to speak. To become younger and fresher, thats right. Feel your body being rejuvenated as it moves back along this line and your body has now given a very powerful instruction. It is now given the instruction to allow the cells in your body to become more youthful, thats right. And all of the cells that are produced in your body from now on will be more youthful, which means they will contain a vital energy, thats right, very powerful, rejuvenating energy. Every cell in your body will contain this powerful, rejuvenating energy from now on. Allowing your entire body to reverse the aging process. As you continue to imagine your body moving backward along that line, thats right, reversing the aging process, feel the energy surging through every cell in your body now, thats right. Feel your DNA being reprogrammed, thats right. Reprogrammed to be youthful, to be invigorated, thats right. You are completely in charge of all the processes in your body and now you take direct control of them and reverse them, allowing yourself to look and feel and be younger. Because you realize that the concept of time is irrelevant. You are able to reverse the aging process 50

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X simply by thinking the word, reverse. And your body is now instructed to allow this to happen, the reversal of the aging process to allow this to happen easily and immediately.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Remain Faithful
And as you continue relaxing deeper and deeper and more deeply relaxed, you realize just how powerful you are. And you realize you have full control over your body and your thoughts. And I want you now to imagine your mate, thats right, imagine them clearly. Perhaps you can hear them, see them, perhaps even smell them, thats right. And notice how beautiful they are to you, thats right. I want you now to remember that time that you first met that special person. Remember that special, beautiful moment. And the time you spent together when you first met and how special those moments were. And I want you to bring those feelings now into the present and hold them close to your heart, hold those feelings close to your heart. And now as you look to the future you see the two of you together still in the future relaxing, smiling, having fun, enjoying each other. And realize that you have the power and the will to remain faithful to that special, wonderful, beautiful person. You are fully dedicated them and you decide to remain faithful to them. You are a very powerful person and you have and will use your ability to remain faithful because your desire is only for them, thats right. And the more you listen to this recording, the more you will realize just how much in love you are in that person and how strongly you desire to remain faithful. And the more you listen to this recording, the easier it will be to remain faithful so that very soon indeed you will have those thoughts in your mind permanently, those thoughts of being faithful. You will be programmed to be faithful, very soon indeed. You accept this programming because it is what you choose to do. You choose to be faithful and because you are so powerful you realize that this decision is firm and permanent. So relax now. Realize that you are a wonderful, faithful person. And that this significant loves you so dearly and that is very precious. 52

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Because you are now relaxed, let any feeling that you have buried come to the surface. Examine those feelings, decide which ones you would like to keep and which ones you want to discard. Keep the ones you need right now and cast away the others. It is alright for you to feel sad or depressed sometimes. It is your way of being good to yourself. Depression is a healing process so you can allow yourself to mourn or be sad and when you have completed the time of sadness, set yourself free. You are good to yourself and the time will soon be over for those feelings, those feelings of sadness and you will be free from them. You will feel free because you can accept or discard any feelings at all. Discard any feelings you are through with. Feelings are yours and you can let them come and go, come and go as you need them. Now relax and continue to relax and feel yourself relaxed with your feelings and think of how you are a whole person with many feelings which make you whole and healthy. And if any unwanted outside pressure comes at you, you are surrounded by a shield that protects you from pressure. The shield will protect you from the pressure. The shield prevents outside pressure from invading you. Pressure bounces off and away from you, bounces off and away. No matter where it comes from or who sends it, it just bounces off and away. It bounces off and away, off and away. You feel fine because the shield protects you all day from stress and pressure. You go through your day feeling fine. You watch the stress bounce off and away. The more stress outside, the calmer you feel inside, the calmer you feel inside, calm inside. You are a calm person and you are shielded by stress. You act in ways that make you feel good. Your days will be full of accomplishments and you will be pleased by those accomplishments. Your days are becoming more and more pleasant. You are calm and 53

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X strong and free from stress. You are completely free from stress. You are completely from stress. You are a calm person. You are a calm person. You are a calm person and that feels wonderful.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Regain Increase Sex Drive

And as you continue to relax deeper and deeper you realize just how powerful you are. Just how powerful and wonderful and amazing you are. Id like you now to imagine yourself as two different parts. Imagine your mind as your mind as a very powerful computer and imagine your body as a very powerful energy station. You have seen those power stations, the ones that power entire cities, those energy stations, thats right. They provide electricity to entire cities. They are so powerful they have a fence around them, thats right. Imagine your body as one of those stations, thats right. And Id like you now to imagine you are typing on a keyboard that controls the computer which is your mind. You type in the word drive d-r-i-v-e. This represents your sex drive. It allows you to regain or increase that drive because when you type in the word drive you now hit enter. Your sex drive increases, thats right. Feel that drive increasing. Feel that drive increasing. Feel your libido rising in strength. You are a very powerful, wonderful person, able to control every aspect of your body. You are easily able to control your sex drive. Now you type in the word drive again. Type is in now, drive and hitting enter and feel your drive surge even more. And from now on whenever you think of the word drive, your sex drive will increase, thats right, thats right. It will increase. It will activate and then increase. And the more you think the word drive, the more it increases so you have control over your sex drive. You are a very powerful, wonderful, amazing person. And you have complete control over your sex drive. You are able to increase it just by thinking the word drive. So relax now and realize that you are a sexual being and your sex drive is able to be increased just by thinking the word drive. The more you listen to this recording, the more powerful you will become at this technique so that very soon indeed you will be able to do this all by yourself at any time. Just by 55

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X thinking the word drive you will be able to regain and increase your sex drive. The more you think the word drive, the more your sex drive increases. So relax and realize that you are very powerful. You are an amazing person, amazing, wonderful person. So relax now realizing just how powerful you are.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Reconnect with your inner child

And as you continue to relax you realize just how wonderful life is. You realize just how wonderful your life is. Id like you now as you relax to really allow yourself to get in touch with that part of you that enjoys having fun, just having fun, thats right, that part of you that we call the inner child, your inner child. Your inner child is a part of you, thats right and perhaps you see your inner child as a very young version of you. Id like you now to imagine youre hugging your inner child, thats right. And your inner child looks up at you and smiles and you smile back, thats right. And I would like you now to allow that inner child to run and play. Just imagine your inner child running and playing and having fun, thats right. And as you watch, you realize that that is you. And as you continue to watch your inner child play, now imagine yourself moving into the body of your inner child, thats right, so that the two of you become one, slowly, easily, naturally and you know imagine yourself running and playing in this childs body, running and playing and enjoying a wonderful, beautiful day, thats right. And I want you to understand that your inner child is you, is a part of you and at any time, you have every right to run and play and enjoy life, just as you did when you were a child or just as you dreamed of when you were a child, thats right, because you have the right and the ability and now the desire to play, enjoy life, to be like a child when you choose to be one. You have that right. It is okay to enjoy life, to play, to smile, to laugh, to be happy, to be content. And day by day, your ability to get in touch with your inner child increases. And the more you listen to this recording, the more that ability increases and you also practice that ability on your own so that very soon indeed you will be able to instantly get in touch with your inner child, easily and effortlessly, all by yourself. And that feels wonderful. 57

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Rapid Decision Making

And as you continue to relax and unwind and let go, you realize just how powerful you are. Your mind is very powerful and works very quickly. You are able to reach decisions quickly and easily. You are able to analyze information and process that information quickly. You reach decisions easily and effortlessly and automatically. Your powers of rapid decision making are becoming stronger and stronger day by day. I would like you now as an exercise to think about something that you need to decide on, thats right. Perhaps there is a decision in your life that needs to be made and you need to come to a conclusion. Think about all of the parameters related to this decision. Think about all the information you already have. Think about all the possible conclusions, thats right. The more you do this exercise, the faster you will become at doing this exercise. Id like you now to see several possible decisions that you could make, several possible decisions that you could make given the information you have about this situation we are analyzing now. And Id like you now to narrow those decisions to three possible decisions. And I would like you now to pick the best decision, thats right and that is your decision and you will stick to your decision. And as you listen to this recording, you will become better and better at making decisions rapidly. You will be able to make decisions very, very quickly because you practice your decision making. And very soon indeed, it will become automatic for you to make a decision because you use all the information available to you and you make the best possible decision easily, rapidly, efficiently, and you are firm in your decision after you make it. You stick to your decision because you realize that it is the best possible decision based on the information you have. And now you continue to relax, realizing that you are developing this skill day by day and very soon indeed it will be automatic for you. 58

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I have over two decades of experience in hypnosis. I have a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida, an M.Ed. from Armstrong Atlantic State University, and I am working on a doctorate degree at Georgia Southern University. I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a member of both the American Board of Hypnotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotists, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, and director of the Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. I am also on the board of directors of the American Lung Association in Los Angeles. I currently live in Savannah, Georgia, but I see clients and teach classes worldwide. My client base consists largely of people who need to lose weight or gain confidence. Other clients include sales teams interested in boosting motivation and increasing income, singles searching for love, insomniacs desiring proper sleep, and smokers wanting to change their habits, to name just a few topics. It is my hope that this book will create a cadre of hypnotherapists who feel a strong commitment toward practicing with integrity, thus altering negative perceptions about hypnotherapy, while allowing people to make positive changes. To this end, I am providing you with the tools to change peoples habits and perceptions, and to help them overcome fears. I know that you can help your patients find love, make a fortune, and reach their optimum level of physical fitness through hypnotherapy. For more information about me and about hypnotherapy, I invite you to visit my website, www.stevegjones.com. There, you will find a collection of hypnotherapy CDs, mp3s, and audio books. Among the 59

Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X recorded sessions, you will find over 120 titles including Weight Loss, Unlimited Motivation, and Unlimited Confidence. You also will find a link to my e-mail address, Steve@SteveGJones.com. I am available to answer your questions or address your concerns, and I wish you all the luck and prosperity the world has to offer.


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Bierman, S. (1995). Medical hypnosis. Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health, 11(1), 65.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2004). Southern Medical Journal


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Steve G. Jones, M.Ed., Clinical Hypnotherapist (The official website of Steve G. Jones) http://www.stevegjones.com American Alliance of Hypnotists (Membership is free in this worldwide online directory) http://www.hypnotistsalliance.com Classes on Hypnotherapy (Become a certified clinical hypnotherapist online in eight weeks) http://americanallianceofhypnotists.org/classes.htm Hypnotherapy pre-recorded sessions (Over 250 specific topics such as weight loss on CD and mp3) http://www.stevegjones.com/products.htm

Hypnotherapy Scripts (Mostly written by MDs and Ph.D.s) Hammond, D. Corydon. Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. 1990. New York: W. W. Norton and Company. (A Norton Professional Book from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.)


Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume X

Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed.

Available at http://www.stevegjones.com/books.htm and select bookstores worldwide.

-Basic Hypnotherapy for Professionals -Advanced Hypnotherapy for Professionals -Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume I -Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume II -Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I -Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II -Hypnotic Techniques for Dating Success -Business guide for Hypnotherapists (Office set-up, websites, forms, advertising online, search engine optimization, creating and selling hypnotherapy CDs and mp3s) -Hypnotic Sales Mastery Techniques -Hypnosis for Laymen -Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy -Hypnotherapy Case Studies


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