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@: What is labor?
A: It is the exertion by human beings of
physical or mental efforts, or both, towards the
production of goods and services® (Mertioza,
Q: What is labor law?
A: The law governing the rights and duties of
the employer and employees with respect to:
1. The terms and conditions of
employment and
2, Labor disputes arising from collective
bargaining (CB) respecting such
terms and conditions.
Q: What is the purpose of labor legislation?
A: Labor legislation is an exercise of police
power. The purpose of labor legislation is to
regulate the relations between employers (Ers)
and employees (Ees) respecting the terms and
conditions of employment, either by providing
for certain standards or for 2 legal framework
within which better terms and conditions of
work could be negotiated through CB. It is
intended to correct the injustices inherent in
Er-Ee relationship. (2006 Bar Question)
Q: What are the classifications of labor
1. Labor standards - The minimum
terms and conditions of employment
prescribed by existing laws, rules and
regulations relating to wages, hours
of work, cost-of-living allowance and
other monetary and welfare benefits
(Batong Buhay Gold Mines, Inc. v.
Dela Sema, G.R. No. 86963, August
e.g. 13” month pay
2. Labor relations - Defines and
regulates the status, rights and
duties, and the _ institutional
mechanisms, that govern the
individual and collective interactions
of Ers, Ees, or their representatives. It
is concerned with the stabilization of
relations of Er an4 Ges and seek to
between them by the encouragement
of collective bargaining and the
settlement of labor disputes through
conciliation, mediation and arbitration.
(Azucena, 2007)
e.g. Additional allowance pursuant to
3. Social legislation — It includes laws
that provide particular kinds of
protection or benefits to society or
segments thereof in furtherance’ of
social justice. (Azucena, 2007)
e.g. GSIS Law, SSS Law, Philhealth
Q: Is there any distinction between labor
legislation and social legislation? Explain.
A: Labor legislation is _ sometimes
distinguished from social legislation by the
former referring to labor statutes, like Labor
Relations Law and Labor Standards, and the
latter to Social Security Laws. Labor legislation
focuses on the rights of the worker in the
Social legislation is a broad term and may
include not only laws that give social security
protection, but also those that help the worker
secure housing and basic necessities. The
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law could
also be considered a social legislation. All
labor laws are social legistation, but not all
social legislation is labor law. (1994 Bar
NTR aee ers
Q: What is the State policy on labor?
1. Afford full protection to labor
2. Promote full employment
3. Ensure equal work opportunities
regardless of sex, race, or creed
4. Assure the rights of workers to self
organization, security of tenure, just
and humane conditions of work,
participate in policy and decision-
making processes affecting their right
and benefits
5. Regulate the relations between
workers and employers
Q: What is the principle of non-
A: The principle mandates capital and labor
not to act oppressively against each other or
impair the interest and convenience of the
public. The protection to labor clause in the
Constitution is not designed to oppress or
destroy capital. (Capili v. NLRC, G.R. No.
117378, Mar. 26, 1997)
Q: What is the aim of labor laws?
A: The justification of labor laws is social
justice. Social justice is “neither communism,
nor despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy,” but
the humanization of laws and the equalization
of social and economic force by the State so
that justice in its rational and objectively
secular conception may at least be
approximated. Social justice means the
promotion of the welfare of all the people, the
adoption by the government of measures
calculated to insure economic stability of all
the competent elements of society, through the
maintenance of a proper economic and social
equilibrium in the interrelations of the members
of the community, constitutionally, through the
adoption of measures legally justifiable, or
extra-tonstitutionally, through the exercise of
powers underlying the existence of all
governments on the time-honored principle of
salus populi est suprema lex.(Calalang v.
Willams, G.R. No. 47800, Dec. 2, 1940)
Q: What is “compassionate justice”?
A: It is disregarding rigid rules and giving due
weight to all equities of the case.
e.g: Employee validly dismissed may stil be
given severance pay.
Q: What are the sources of labor laws?
4. Labor Code and other related sfecial
2. Contract
3. Collective Bargaining Agreement
4, Past practices
5. Company policies
Q: What are the constitutional mandates
with regard labor laws?
4... Sec. 3, Art. Xill - The State shall
afford full protection to labor, local
and overseas, organized and
unorganized, and promote full
employment and equality of
employment opportunities for all.
It shall guarantee the rights of all
workers to _self-organization,
collective bargaining and
negotiations, and peaceful concerted
activities, including the right to strike
in accordance with law. They shall be
entitled to security of tenure, humane
conditions of work, and a living wage.
They shall also participate in policy
and decision-making —_ processes.
affecting their rights and benefits as
may be provided by law.
The State shall promote the principle
of shared responsibility between
workers and employers and the
preferential use of voluntary modes in
settling disputes, including
conciliation, and shall enforce their
mutual compliance therewith to foster
industrial peace. The State shall
regulate the relations between
workers and employers, recognizing
the right of labor to its just share in
the fruits of production and the right
of enterprises to reasonable returns
to investments, and to expansion and
Sec. 9, Art. Il - The State shall
promote a just and dynamic social
order that will ensure the prosperity
and independence of the nation and
free the people from poverty through
policies that provide adequate social
services, promote full employment, a
rising standard of living, and an
improved quality of life for all
Sec. 18, Art.’ Il ~ The State affirms
labor as a primary social economic
force. It shall protect the rights of
workers and promote their welfare.
Sec. 8 Art. ill — The right of the
people, including those employed in
the public and private sectors, to form
unions, associations, or societies for
purposes not contrary to law shall not
be abridged.
Sec. 18 (2), Art. Ill — No involuntary
servitude in any form shall exist
except as a punishment for a crime
whereof the party shall have been
duly convicted.
Sec. 12, Art. Xil ~ The State shall
establish and maintain an effective
food and drug regulatory system andUST GOLDEN NOTES 2010
undertake appropriate health,
manpower — development, and
research, responsive to the country’s
health needs and problems,
Sec, 14, Art. Xill — The State shall
protect working women by providing
safe and healthful working conditions,
taking into account their maternal
functions, and such facilities and
opportunities that will qnhance their
welfare and enable them to Tealize
their full potential in the service of the
Q: What are other related laws to labor?
Civil Code
a. Art. 1700 ~ The relations
between capital and labor are not
merely contractual. They are so
impressed with public interest
that labor contracts must yield to
the common good. Therefore,
such contracts are subject to the
special laws on labor unions,
collective bargaining, strikes and
lockouts, closed shop, wages,
working conditions, hours of
labor and similar subjects.
b. Art. 1701 — Neither capital nor
labor shall act _oppressively
against the other, or impair the
interest or convenience of the
c. Art. 1702 — In case of doubt, all
labor legislation and all labor
contracts shall be construed in
favor of the safety and decent
living for the taborer.
d. Art. 1703 — No contract which
practically amounts to involuntary
servitude, under any guise
whatsoever, shall be valid.
Revised Penal Code
Art. 289 — Formation, maintenance
and prohibition of combination of
capital or labor through violence or
threats. - Any person who, for the
purpose of organizing, maintaining or
preventing coalitions or capital or
labor, strike of laborers or lock-out of
employees, shall employ violence or
threats in such a degree as to compel
or force the laborers or employers in
the free and legal exercise of their
industry or work, if the act shall not
constitute a more serious offense in
accordance with the provisions of the
Special Laws
. GSIS Law
13” Month Pay Law
Retirement Pay Law
Paternity Leave Act
Anti — Child Labor Act
Anti — Sexual Harassment Act
Magna Carta for Public Health
Solo Parents Welfare Act of 2000
National Health Insurance Act as
amended by R.A. 9241
k. Migrant Workers and Overseas
Filipinos Act of 1995 as amended
by RA 10022
1. PERA Act of 2008
m. Home Development Mutual Fund
Law of 2009
The Magna Carta of Women
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Law as amended by R.A. 9700
Q: What are the basic rights of workers
guaranteed by the Constitution?
Security of tenure
Recelve a living wage
Humane working conditions
‘Share in the fruits of production
Organize themselves
Conduct collective bargaining or
negotiation with management
Engage in peaceful concerted
activities including strike
Participate in policy and decision
making processes
Q: Who is an employer (Er)?
One who employs the services of
One for whom employees work and
who pays their wages and salaries
Q: Who is an employee (Ee)?
‘A person working for salary or wages
Any person in the service of another
under a contract for hire, express or
implied, oral or written
Facultad de Derecho Civil
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