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Titlul n limba romn: Titlul original: Anul: Autori Instituie: Editur: Adresa web: Rolul motivaiilor cititorilor n alegerea digital versus alegerea tradiional a ziarelor. The role of readers motivations in the choice of digital versus traditional newspapers. 2006 Prof. Carlos Flavian, Assistant Prof. Raquel Guerra. Faculty of Economics and Business Studies University of Zaragoza. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.


Nume i prenume: Instituie: Titlul stiinific: Adresa mail: Susan Mihai Universitatea Lucian Blaga Sibiu student. [email protected]

Cuvinte cheie: digital and traditional newspaper, SSI, SUN, LEIS and HAB, motivation Principalele probleme abordate 1. The growing importance of internet news, a influence in the press sector. 2. Identifying the main reason why readers prefere to read online newspapers rather than tradional print media. 3. The influence of the readers motivation, the choice of digital vs. traditional newspaper. Principalele concluzii The main purpose of this article is to show us, why the digital newspaper has become so popular an took the place of the traditional newspaper. The two autors are traying to look up for a result regarding the decision of the readers to read online magazines than traditional print media. The concurece of the traditional magazine is the digital one, which appeard with the developement of the internet and the new gadgets, like the Smartphones and the iPad. The internet is affecting journalism, the traditional newspaper, because people think that the digital media has more advantages than the traditional one. The journalistic firms need to analyse this revolution in journalism, and to try to understand the readers needs, and to offer what he wants. In the first place, the appearance of the digital media has brought several changes in the press sector. The online newspaper has more advantages than the traditional newspaper. The digital newspapers sites are the most visited websites worldwide. The motive that people prefer reading online media is that they want to read breaking news and to be informed every minute. This thing happens very very fast, by a click-speed, while on the other side, the traditional newspaper can not inform you every minute about what is happening worldwide. Its important to take in considerantion that the internet offers the reader the three basic things he needs daily: radio, press and television. The importance of the internet is growing day by day, and people are starting to be more intrested in reading digital newspaper reather than traditional newspaper, because they find updated information, weather forecast every hour and is easyer to read and its for free. The scientists can not explain the main reason, why the readers consult the news. But the present research by way of an investigation show us some results about the behaviour of the newspaper readers. Some of the basic reasons that lead the reader to consutl or read the news are the following.

The search for information (SSI),many of the readers search the internet, and the newspapers for a specific data, or personal interest like sports results, weather forecast, stock prices, sales and so on. The second reason , is the search for updated news (SUN). The reader has the need to be informed every minute about the latest events or what is going to happen in the next hours or days. The digital nespaper offers every minute new information about what happend in the world. This thing make people more intrested and it is a easy way to get information of different domain. The third reason why we are consulting the newspaper is for Leisure Entertainment (LEIS). Many people began to read frequently the newspaper to pass time, to relax, or because they got borred or to enterntain themselves. They can find jokes or mind games in the newspaper or they get to know things about cultural knoledge. On the internet they find funny things, they cand hear music or listen to radio. The last motive why the readers are reading the magazines is the Habit (HAB). There is a segment of readers who read the newspaper by a habit acquired over time. They read newspapers in the morning while drinking the coffee, or in the afternoon. The internet offers the opportunity to read the newspaper where you want, when you want and to read what you want. While you are in the car, or you are in a trip with your famliy you cand be informed by the digital newspaper about what is going on in your city. This are the important and basic reason of reading the newspaper, howeer is can exist other, but this reasons are closely associated with the traditional newspaper than the digital one. After a research , it has been established that the motivation to search for updated news (SUN) does influence online reader behaviour. This relationship is positive, the more motivated a reader is to search for current news items immediately, the more likely it is that they read the digital rather than the traditional paper medium. The last two variables considered (LEIS) and habit (HAB) express a high levels of significance and a negative relationship with reading online newspapers. This implies that the more motivated an individual is to read the news for pleasure, the less likely they will choose the digital over the traditional medium. In conclusion, a significant relationship between the motivation linked to the search for specific information and online news readership has been observed. This could be because online journalism is

still at an early stage of development. At this early stage, readers using the internet to access the news are still relatively inexperienced and unfamiliar with the service. But, reading the traditional version of a newspaper may be more advisable for eyesight than the digital version and may also be preferred when the reader has more time, or is interested in reading a major part of the content of the newspaper. Alternatively, reading a digital newspaper may be preferred if the reader is looking for the latest information, which has not been published in the printed version. But now is obviously, that the digital newspaper is the best way of providing updated news in every moment. It exist companies who offer both, the digital and the printed version of the newspaper. But despite this, the companies should take into consideration the fact the digital news can bring more advantages, and more prosperity to the business.
Relevanta pentru cursul de metodologia si managementul cercetarii / programul Doctoral Sunt referiri la sistemul CDI din Romnia This article presents a research about the readers motivation regarding the digital and the traditional newspaper. This article is important because it offers information about the readerd needs and motivation about the newspapers and the future about this newspaper business.


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Note 1-5. 5

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