Data Structures Laboratory: Index
Data Structures Laboratory: Index
Data Structures Laboratory: Index
Prg. Name of the Program No. 01 Write a C program to create a sequential file with at least 5 record of students obtaining information like usn,name,marks un 3 subjects & perform the display & search operations. 02 03 04 05 06 program to implement a stack (push, pop, display). Write a C program to convert valid infix expression to postfix. Write a C program to evaluate the valid postfix expression. Write a C program to simulate the working of linear queue with the following operations a)Insert b)Delete c)Display. Write a C program to simulate the working of a circular queue with the following operations a)insert b)delete c)display. Write a program to design a priority queue which is maintained as a set of queues (max 3 queues).Elements are inserted based on the given priority. Deletion of an element is to be done starting from first queue, if it is not empty. If it is empty, elements from the second queue will be deleted & so on. Write a C program to construct a singly linked list consist of student information id,name,sem & perform the following operations a)insert at front of the list b)insert at end of the list c)insert at any required position d)delete student node whose id is read as input e)search a required student by reading student id,if it is present update that student information f) display all students information. Write a C program using dynamic variables & pointers to construct a stack using singly linked list . Write a C program using dynamic variables & pointers to construct queue using singly linked list. Write a C program to support the following operations on a doubly linked list a)create a doubly linked list by adding each node at the front b)insert a new node to the left of the node whose key value is read as an input c)delete the node of a given data, if it is found, otherwise display appropriate message d)display contents of the list. Write a C program a) To construct a binary tree of integers b) To traverse the tree in preorder, inorder, postorder c) To display the elements in the tree. a) Write a recursive C program for searching an element on a given list using binary search method. b) Write recursive programs for solving the Towers of Honoi problem. Write a program to sort names using insertion sort technique. Read the names from the sequential file.
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