Allahabad Bank: Engagement of Chief Customer Service Officer (CCSO) On Contract Basis
Allahabad Bank: Engagement of Chief Customer Service Officer (CCSO) On Contract Basis
Allahabad Bank: Engagement of Chief Customer Service Officer (CCSO) On Contract Basis
Allahabad Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites applications from retired General Manager of a Scheduled Commercial Bank (preferably other than Allahabad Bank), having experience of operational side for engagement as Chief Customer Service Officer on Contract basis as follows. 1. AGE & ELIGIBILITY (As on 01.07.2012) Sr No Name of the Post / No. of Post Age Eligibility The applicant should have superannuated or have taken voluntary retirement at the level of General Manager from a Scheduled Commercial Bank, preferably other than Allahabad Bank. He/She should have the exposure in working of Operational side of the Bank and should have minimum 10 years experience as Branch/ Regional / Zonal Head.
Chief Customer Service Not more Officer (CCSO) than 65 One (01) post on years Contract Basis
2. TENURE: The term of appointment will be initially for one year which may be extended on yearly basis to a maximum period of three years, subject to annual review. 3. REMUNERATION: The fixed emoluments of Rs. 50000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only) per month, will be paid subject to deduction of taxes as applicable. 4. LOCATION OF OFFICE: The Office of CCSO (internal ombudsman) will be located at Kolkata. 5. LEAVE: CCSO may be eligible for a total of 12 days leave per year, out of which not more than 04 days leave can be taken at a time. His/her working hour shall be the usual working hours as applicable on all days except Sundays and holidays declared under N.I. Act. Balance of the leave may not be allowed to be carried over to the next year.
CCSO shall be reporting directly to the Executive Director of the Bank on weekly basis and shall be the focal point for Internal Grievance Redressal System in terms of Damodaran Committee recommendations on customer service so that a minimum number of complaints are escalated to Banking Ombudsman. CCSO will help in strengthening customer confidence in the internal redressal mechanism. 7. SELECTION PROCEDURE: The eligible candidates will be called for personal interaction and decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final. 8. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: Applicants have to submit their applications in the given format (Annexure-A), available on Banks website in Recruitment link. Last date for receipt of application is 20.08.2012 No application shall be entertained beyond the stipulated date. Ineligible / incomplete applications will be rejected. Address the application, superscribing Application for the post of Chief Customer Service Officer to: The General Manager (HR), Allahabad Bank, Head Office, 2, N.S. Road, Kolkata- 700 001 9. APPLICATION FEE (Non-refundable): Application fee is Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) payable by way of Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank in favour of Allahabad Bank Engagement of CCSO and payable at Kolkata.