Concrete Terms and Industry Terminology
Concrete Terms and Industry Terminology
Concrete Terms and Industry Terminology
V-Seal is a manufacturer and distributor of concrete sealers, concrete sealers, cement sealer,
coatings and special kinds of sealers such as epoxy based compounds. As such, we realize that
many times concrete related terms and concrete definitions can get confusing.
When you are unsure, a Free call or E-mail to us at 877-73V-SEAL [877- 738-7325 ]
[email protected] will help clear up what you are seeing and hearing especially in regards to your
concrete, cement, gunnite, grout, brick, stucco and cementious projects
A+B Contract – Concrete placement; Cost-plus-time bidding process where each contractor
includes a time cost bid along with their construction bid and the contractor selected has the
lowest combined bid total.
AASHO - American Association of State Highway Officials, for the Concrete Industry
Abrasion - The process of wearing down or rubbing away by means of friction on concrete
Absorption - The amount of water absorbed in concrete under specific conditions, usually
expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the material; the process by which the water is
absorbed in concrete.
Accelerators: An admixture which, when added to concrete, mortar, or grout, increases the rate
of hydration of hydraulic cement, shortens the time of set in concrete, or increases the rate of
hardening or strength development.
Adhesion - A property of soil which causes the particles to stick together. Necessary for concrete
Adhesion Loss - The loss of bond between a joint sealant material and the concrete joint face
noted by physical separation of the sealant from either or both joint faces.
Adhesives - The group of materials used to join or bond similar or dissimilar materials; for
example, in concrete work, the epoxy resins.
Admixture: A material other than water, aggregates, or cement that is used as an ingredient of
concrete or mortar to control setting and early hardening, workability, or to provide additional
cementing properties.
Aggregate - Stone or gravel that was crushed and screened to various sizes for use in concrete,
asphalt or road surfaces used in concrete repairs and new concrete placements.
Agitator - A device for maintaining plasticity and preventing segregation of mixed concrete by
Air Content - The amount of air in mortar or concrete, exclusive of pore space in the aggregate
particles, usually expressed as a percentage of total volume of mortar or concrete.
Air Void - A space in cement paste, mortar, or concrete filled with air; an entrapped air void is
characteristically 1 mm or more in size and irregular in shape; an entrained air void is typically
between 10 m and 1 mm in diameter and spherical (or nearly so).
Air-Entraining Agent - An addition for hydraulic cement or an admixture for concrete or mortar
which causes air, usually in small quantity, to be incorporated in the form of minute bubbles in
the concrete or mortar during mixing, usually to increase its workability and frost resistance.
Air-Entraining Cement – A cement that has an air-entraining agenda added during the grinding
phase of manufacturing to assist concrete durability in cold environments
Air-Entrainment - The inclusion of air in the form of minute bubbles during the mixing of
concrete or mortar.
Alkali-Carbonate Reaction - The reaction between the alkalies (sodium and potassium) in
portland cement binder and certain carbonate rocks, particularly calcite dolomite and dolomitic
limestones, present in some aggregates; the products of the reaction may cause abnormal
expansion and cracking of concrete in service.
Alkali-Silica Reaction [ ASR ]- The reaction between the alkalies (sodium and potassium) in
portland cement binder and certain siliceous rocks or minerals, such as opaline chert, strained
quartz, and acisic volcanic glass, present in some aggregates; the products of the reaction may
cause abnormal expansion and cracking of concrete in service
Amplitude - The total vertical distance the vibrating drum or plate is displaced from a resting or
neutral position from the eccentric moment in the concrete industry.
Area of Steel - The cross-sectional area of the reinforcing bars in or for a given concrete cross
Articulate - To fit together into a coherent whole; unify for concrete placement.
ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials. Ex; Concrete core sample testing
Backfill - Materials used in refilling a cut or other excavation, or the act of such refilling after the
concrete foundation pour.
Bag (of cement) - A quantity of cement; 42.6 kg in the United States, 39.7 kg in Canada;
portland or air-entraining portland cement, or as indicated on the bag for other kinds of cement to
make concrete.
Ballast - Heavy material, such as water, sand or metal which has no function in a machine except
to increase its weight. Most often used in concrete mixers
Bank - A mass of soil rising above an average level. Generally, any soil which is to be dug from
its natural position. Sometimes over the concrete surface plate
Bank Gravel - A natural mixture of cobbles, gravel, sand and fines for concrete.
Base - The course or layer of materials in a roadway section on which the actual pavement is
placed. It may be of different types of materials ranging from selected soils to crushed stone or
Batch Weights - The weights of the various materials (cement, water, the several sizes of
aggregate, and admixtures) that compose a batch of concrete.
Binder - Fines which fill voids or hold gravel together when dry. Hardened cement paste in
Bleed: To have water seep to the surface of the cement paste due to settling making a weak
concrete surface
Bleeding - The self-generated flow of mixing water within, or its emergence from, freshly placed
concrete or mortar.
Blistering - The irregular rising of a thin layer of placed mortar or concrete at the surface during
or soon after completion of the finished operation
Bond Breaker - A material used to prevent adhesion of newly placed concrete from other
material, such as a substrate.
Bonded Concrete Overlay - Thin layer of new concrete (2-4 inches) placed onto slightly
deteriorated existing concrete pavement with steps taken to prepare old surface to promote
adherence of new concrete.
Borrow Pit - An excavation from which fill material is taken. Usually for Concrete below grade
BPR - U.S. Bureau of Public Roads for the Concrete and Asphalt Industry
Broom - The surface texture obtained by stroking a broom over freshly placed concrete. A sandy
texture obtained by brushing the surface of freshly placed or slightly hardened concrete with a
stiff broom.
Bug Holes - Small regular or irregular cavities, usually not exceeding 15 mm in diameter,
resulting from entrapment of air bubbles in the surface of formed concrete during placement and
Bull Float - A tool comprising a large, flat, rectangular piece of wood, aluminum, or magnesium
usually 20 cm wide and 100 to 150 cm long, and a handle 1 to 5 m in length used to smooth
unformed surfaces of freshly placed concrete.
Burlap - A coarse fabric of jute, hemp, or less commonly flax, for use as a water-retaining cover
for curing concrete surfaces; also called Hessian
Calcination: Decomposition due to the loss of bound water and carbon dioxide. Happens in
Concrete aging
Calcium Chloride - A crystalline solid, CaC12; in various technical grades, used as a drying
agent for concrete, as an accelerator of concrete, a deicing chemical, and for other purposes.
Capillary - A phenomenon of soil which allows water to be absorbed either upward or laterally
sometimes affecting concrete performance.
Carbonation - Reaction between carbon dioxide and the products of portland cement hydration
to produce calcium carbonate. Yielding weak concrete
Cavitation - The sudden formation and collapse of low pressure bubbles in liquids by means of
mechanical force dramatically affecting the performance of concrete substrates
Cement: Finely powdered mixtures of inorganic compounds which when combined with water
hardens with hydration and makes concrete as we know it.
Cement: Finely powdered mixtures of inorganic compounds which when combined with water
hardens with hydration making cement.
Checking - Development of shallow cracks at closely spaced but irregular intervals on the
surface of mortar or concrete.
Clay: Type of soil consisting of very fine particles, sometimes as a maverick in concrete
Clean - Free of foreign material; in reference to sand or gravel, lack of a binder in concrete.
Clinker: The material that emerges from the cement kiln after burning. It is in the form of dark,
porous nodules which are ground with a small amount of gypsum to give cement its chemical
Cold Joint - A discontinuity produced when the concrete surface hardens before the next batch is
placed against it.
Compacted Yards - Measurement of soil or rock after it is placed and compacted in a fill under
Compressibility - A property of soil which permits deformation when subjected to a load, ie.
Concrete: A hard compact building material formed when a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, and
water undergoes hydration
Corner Break - A portion of the concrete slab separated by a crack that intersects the adjacent
transverse or longitudinal joints at about a 45º angle with the direction of traffic. The length of
the sides is usually from 0.3 meters to one-half of the concrete slab width on each side of the
Core - A cylindrical piece of an underground formation, cut and raised by a rotary drill with a bit.
The impervious center of an earth fill dam. Relative to concrete, a test sample usually 4x4” or
Cracking - The process of contraction or the reflection of stress in the concrete pavement.
Crazing - Minute surface pattern cracks in mortar or concrete due to unequal shrinkage or
contraction on drying or cooling.
Crown - The elevation of a road surface at its edges, concrete or asphalt to encourage drainage.
Crusting - A problem in the concrete surface that happens when the surface of freshly placed
concrete dries too quickly, many times due to direct sun, high wind, or high temperatures.
Curing - The maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature in concrete during
its early stages so that desired properties may develop.
Curing Blanket - A built-up covering of sacks, matting, Hessian, straw, waterproof paper, or
other suitable material placed over freshly finished concrete. See also Burlap.
Curing Compound - A liquid that can be applied as a coating to the surface of newly placed
concrete to retard the loss of water or, in the case of pigmented compounds, also to reflect heat so
as to provide an opportunity for the concrete to develop its properties in a favorable temperature
and moisture environment. See also Curing
Datum - Any level surface taken as a plane of reference from which to measure elevations in
concrete structures.
Density - The ratio of weight of a substance to its volume. Used in concrete material
Diamond Grinding - The process used to remove the upper surface of a concrete pavement to
remove bumps and restore pavement ride ability; also, equipment using many diamond-
impregnated saw blades on a shaft or arbor to shave the surface of concrete slabs.
Efflorescence - Deposit of calcium carbonate (or other salts), usually white in color, appearing
upon the concrete or paver surface or found within the near-surface pores of concrete substrates.
The salts deposit on concrete upon evaporation of water that carries the dissolved salts through
the concrete toward exposed surfaces.
Elasticity - A characteristic of concrete which allows deformation during a subjected load, but
returns almost to its original configuration after removal of the force.
Entrained Air - Round, uniformly distributed, microscopic, non-coalescing air bubbles entrained
by the use of air-entraining agents; usually less than 1 mm in size in concrete
Entrapped Air - Air in concrete that is not purposely entrained. Entrapped air is generally
considered to be large voids (larger than 1 mm).
Exposed Aggregate - Surface texture where cement paste is washed away from concrete slab
surface to expose durable chip-size aggregates for the riding surface
Finish Grade - The final grade required by specifications for concrete placements.
Floating - Floating removes humps (high spots) in concrete fat work and fills in valleys (low
spots). It also compacts the concrete by embedding large aggregate just beneath the surface and
consolidating mortar at the surface in preparation for other finishing operations.
Fly Ash - The finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of ground or powdered coal
and which is transported from the fire box through the boiler by flu gasses; Used as mineral
admixture in concrete mixtures.
Grade - Usually the surface elevation of the ground at points where it meets a structure. Also,
surface slope. Important in Concrete placement
Granular Material - A sandy type of soil with particles that are coarser than cohesive material
and do not stick to each other. Can help or hinder concrete mix designs
Gravel - A cohesion less aggregate of rock fragments with varying dimensions of 3.0 to .08
inches. Critical in the design mix of concrete
Green Concrete - Concrete that has set but not appreciably hardened.
Grout - A mixture of cementitious material and water, with or without aggregate, proportioned to
produce a pour able consistency without segregation of the constituents; also, a mixture of other
composition but of similar consistency. See also Neat Cement Grout and Sand Grout, but not
Gumbo - Material in the plastic state identified by a soapy or waxy appearance before setting
into concrete.
Gunnite - Gunnite is “mortar conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at High
velocity on to a surface” Why is it different from conventional concrete? Unlike conventional
concrete, which is first placed and then compacted (vibrated) in a second operation, gunnite
undergoes placement and compaction at the same time due to the force with which it is projected
from the nozzle. Because of this it is more dense, homogeneous, strong and waterproof than any
other process. Gunnite is not placed in forms, it can be impacted onto any type of shape Of
surface, including vertical or overhead.
Gypsum: Calcium sulfate dihydrate, CaSO4.2H2O added to cement before it’s concrete to
regulate setting.
Hairline Cracking - Barely visible cracks in random pattern in an exposed concrete surface
which do not extend to the full depth or thickness of the concrete, and which are due primarily to
drying shrinkage
Heavy-Weight Concrete - Concrete in which heavy aggregate is used to increase the density of
the concrete; unit weights in the range of 165 to 330 pounds per cubic foot are attained.
Holiday - An area in a diamond ground usually concrete surface that is not ground because the
head on the diamond grinding equipment does not cut deep enough to touch a low spot in the
Honeycomb - Concrete that, due to lack of the proper amount of fines or vibration, contains
abundant interconnected large voids or cavities; concrete that contains honeycombs was
improperly consolidated
Hydration: The reaction of cement with water to form a chemical compound in concrete
Hydrophobic .......repels water, ex. Concrete Sealers can make concrete substrates hydrophobic
Hydrolysis ...decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction with water; ex. Sun and
abrasion caused a hydrolysis on the concrete surface
Impeller - An object that drives forward; propels. Concrete Sealer Penetrants are impellers for
Impervious - Resistant to movement of water. Sealers can make Concrete impervious to fluids
Joint - A plane of weakness to control contraction cracking in concrete pavements. A joint can be
initiated in plastic concrete or green concrete and shaped with later process.
Kiln: High temperature oven, used in Concrete Paver and Clay brick manufacturing
Laitance - A layer of weak material containing cement and fines from aggregates, brought to the
top of overwet concrete, the amount of which is generally increased by overworking and over-
manipulating concrete at the surface by improper finishing on the concrete surface
Liquid Sealant - Sealant materials that install in liquid form and cool or cure concrete to their
final properties; rely on long-term adhesion to the joint reservoir faces.
Loam - A soft, easily worked soil containing sand, silt, clay and decayed vegetation. Bad
foundation for concrete base construction
Membrane – A topical or film like coating usually over a concrete surface to provide protection
and enhance color. Typically clear plastic like acrylic, polyurethane or epoxy.
Membrane Curing - A process that involves either liquid sealing compound (e.g., bituminous
and paraffinic emulsions, coal tar cut-backs, pigmented and non-pigmented resin suspensions, or
suspensions of wax and drying oil) or non-liquid protective coating (e.g., sheet plastics or
"waterproof" paper), both of which types function as films to restrict evaporation of mixing water
from the fresh concrete surface.
Mix - The act or process of mixing; also mixture of materials, such as mortar or concrete
Moisture Barrier - A vapor barrier used under concrete to deter moisture vapor transmission
Mortar: Cement paste mixed with sand, but not concrete, absence of large aggregate
NCHRP - National Cooperative Highway Research Program Concrete structures, etc, D.O.T.
Neat Cement Grout – Grout/Concrete consisting of portland cement and water. Grout is not
No-Slump Concrete - Concrete with a slump of 6 mm or less. See also Zero-slump Concrete
NRMCA - National Ready Mixed Concrete Association for the Concrete Industry
Optimum Moisture Content - That percent of moisture at which the greatest density of a soil
can be obtained through compaction. Too much moisture in soil content can create major
problems for concrete slab placements, moisture prevention practices should be taken
Overlay - The addition of a new material layer onto an existing concrete surface. See also
Decorative Concrete, Concrete Stamping, Concrete Acid Staining, Colored Concrete
Pass - A working trip or passage of an excavating, grading or compaction machine from point A
to point B. (One direction only.) Prep for large concrete warehouse like flat work environments
Paste - Constituent of concrete consisting of cement and water, not quite concrete, absence of
Pitting - A localized disintegration taking the form of cavities at the surface of concrete.
Placement - The process of placing and consolidating concrete; a quantity of concrete placed and
finished during a continuous operation; also inappropriately referred to as Pouring.
Plain Concrete - Concrete without reinforcement.
Plastic Cracking - Cracking that occurs in the surface of fresh concrete soon after it is placed
and while it is still plastic.
Plastic Shrinkage Cracking - Cracks, usually parallel and only a few inches deep and several
feet long, in the surface(s) of concrete pavement that are the result of rapid moisture loss through
Plasticity - That property of fresh concrete or mortar which determines its resistance to
deformation or its ease of molding.
Plastic Limit - The lowest moisture content at which concrete can be worked and stay within
placement guidelines.
Popout - Pit or crater in the surface of concrete resulting from cracking of the mortar due to
expansive forces associated with a particle of unsound aggregate or a contaminating material,
such as wood or glass.
Portland cement: A cement consisting predominantly of calcium silicates which reacts with
water to form a hard mass, then transforming into a concrete or cementious product.
Pozzolan cement: Volcanic rock powdered and used in making hydraulic cement / concrete.
Profile - Preparing a concrete surface to receive the texture or grit before sealer/coatings
PSI - 1) Pounds per square inch; a measure of the compressive, tensile or flexural strength of
concrete as determined by appropriate test. 2) In pavements, the Performance Serviceability
Proctor - A method developed by R.R. Proctor for determining the density/moisture relationship
in soils. Important in concrete base construction. It is almost universally used to determine the
maximum density of any soil so that specifications may be properly prepared for field
construction requirements.
Quicksand - Fine sand or silt that is prevented from settling firmly together by upward
movement of underground water. Devastating in concrete base construction.
Retardants: Admixtures that increase the setting time in concrete by slowing down hydration.
Sand - A cohesiveness aggregate of round and angular fragments of rock with a particle size
between 2.0 and .05 mm. Used in Mortar, Grout and Concrete
Saw Cut - A cut in hardened concrete utilizing diamond or silicone-carbide blades or discs for
cutting concrete.
Scaling - Flaking or peeling away of the near-surface portion of hydraulic cement, concrete or
Screed - 1) To strike off concrete lying above the desired plane or shape. 2) A tool for striking off
the concrete surface, sometimes referred to as a Strikeoff.
Sealant – A penetrating, topical or water curing method to assist concrete for a maximum set and
Set: Transformation of cement paste or concrete from a fluid-like consistency to a stiff mass.
Settlement Shrinkage - A reduction in volume of concrete prior to the final set of cementitious
mixtures; caused by settling of the solids and decreases in volume due to the chemical
combination of water with cement. See Plastic Shrinkage.
Shrinkage Crack - Crack from restraint of volume reduction due to shrinkage or temperature
contraction; usually occurring within the first few days after placement of concrete.
Silicone - A resin, characterized by water-repellent properties, in which the main polymer chain
consists of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms, with carbon-containing side groups; silicones
may be used in joint sealing compounds, caulking or coating compounds, or admixtures for
Silt - Soil material composed of particles between .005 and .05 mm in diameter. Not a good
substrate for concrete placement
Slump - A measure of consistency of freshly mixed concrete, equal to the subsidence measured
to the nearest 1/4-inch (6-mm) of the molded specimen immediately after removal of the slump
Soil - The loose surface material of the earth's crust, the base for most concrete construction
Spalling, Compression - Cracking, breaking, chipping, or fraying of concrete slab edges within
0.6 meter of a transverse joint.
Spalling, Sliver - Chipping of concrete edge along a joint sealant; usually within 12 millimeters
of the joint edge.
Spalling, Surface - Cracking, breaking, chipping, or fraying of concrete slab surface; usually
within a confined area less than 0.5 square meters.
Stabilize - To make soil form and prevent it from moving. Necessary for solid foundation before
concrete placement
Static - Having no motion; being at rest. Concrete cracks can be static
Sub-base - The layer of material placed to furnish strength to the base of a concrete or asphalt
Sub grade - The surface produced by grading native earth, or cheap imported materials which
serve as a base for more expensive paving. Necessary for concrete and asphalt finished road
Trowel - A flat, broad-bladed steel hand tool used in the final stages of concrete finishing
operations to impart a relatively smooth surface to concrete floors and other unformed concrete
surfaces; also, a flat triangular-bladed tool used for applying mortar to masonry and concrete
Viscosity - The amount of resistance to flow, thick or thin. Concrete Sealers have different
Water-Cement Ratio - The ratio of the amount of water, exclusive only of that absorbed by the
aggregates, to the amount of portland cement in a concrete or mortar mixture; preferably stated
as a decimal by weight.
Water-Cementitious Ratio - The ratio of the amount of water, exclusive only of that absorbed
by the aggregates, to the amount of portland cement and other cementitious material (fly ash,
pozzolan, etc.) in a concrete or mortar mixture; preferably stated as a decimal by weight.
Workability: How easily fresh concrete can be placed and consolidated in forms.
Xylene – A solvent used in concrete sealers and to remove acrylics from concrete pavers
Yield - The volume of fresh concrete produced from a known quantity of ingredients; the total
weight of ingredients divided by the unit weight of the freshly mixed concrete.
And many more concrete terms, slang, definitions, interpretations, opinions and facts !