Random Packing
Random Packing
Random Packing
The Boat Yard, Newcastle Road, Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 8JZ, United Kingdom
RANDOM Packing
At DtEC we design packed columns with a wide range of Packing Materials random packing types, which are supplied in full range of sizes Random packing from DtEC is and materials. available in a wide range of materials: Packing Size The column diameter and packed height for a specific duty is directly related to the packing size irrespective of packing type. Random packing is supplied in the following common sizes: 5/8 (16mm) 1 (25mm) 1 (40mm) 2 (50mm) 2 (60mm) 3 (75mm) 3 (90mm) Metal Plastic Ceramic Carbon
The larger the packing size the smaller the column diameter but taller the packed bed height. For most applications an optimum between the diameter and height is achieved when the 1 and 2 sizes are used. For smaller columns, packing size should always be less than one tenth of the column diameter to ensure the distribution quality is not adversely affected.
Metal random packing is very robust with no operating temperature restrictions. We supply packing in various grades such as 410S stainless steel, 300 series stainless steels, copper and higher alloys e.g. 904L, alloy C276, alloy 400 and titanium. Plastic random packing in polypropylene (PPL) with its good chemical resistance and low cost makes it an ideal choice for absorption and stripping applications. Maximum operating temperature is 120C. For higher temperature services a range of fluorocarbon plastics such as PVDF and PTFE can be used. In addition most plastics can be filled with glass fibre to increase rigidity and density,.
Raschig Rings
Raschig rings are a 1st generation random packing and are seldom used nowadays except for some very special applications.
Pall Rings
Ceramic random packing is rarely used nowadays except for very specialised systems such as sulphuric acid manufacture. Carbon random packing (raschig rings) are supplied in various sizes. See back page for further details.
Pall rings are an industry standard 2nd generation random packing. This shape is the most common both in plastic and metal.
Compared to raschig rings, pall rings offer significantly more capacity (throughput) and lower pressure drop. The efficiency is also greater. Pall Rings Nominal Size Metal Surface Area Packing Factor Plastic Surface Area Pall Rings in Metal Packing Factor
2 102 86 98 77
3 59 56 65 45
m/m 322
Saddles are also a 2nd generation random packing and were originally developed in ceramic material as an improvement to raschig rings, giving lower pressure drop and better liquid distribution. In ceramic material the saddle shape is still the most popular, but in metal or plastic they offer no significant advantages compared to pall rings. Saddles Nominal Size Packing Factor Plastic Surface Area Packing Factor in. m- m/m m- 656 1 260 330 187 125 1 190 170 2 120 131 92 79 3 90 72 65 52
m/m 620
m/m 282
Metal Surface Area Packing Factor Plastic Surface Area Packing Factor DMR High Performance Random Packing MOC - Metal
m/m 279 m- 85
15/10 x 15 25/16 x 25 32/22 x 32 37/25 x 37 50/37 x 50 70/50 x 70 Raschig Rings in Carbon 80/60 x 80 100/75 x 100
72 74 77 78 78 78 78 82
Ceramic Balls
DtEC inert ceramic balls are widely used as an intermediate support for: catalyst beds molecular sieve beds activated alumina beds. A range of nominal sizes are supplied from 1/8 (3mm) to 2 (50mm). Inert Ceramic Balls
They offer maximum resistance to erosion and attrition thus minimising risk of catalyst contamination. They have a superb ability to withstand extreme thermal shock without breaking and are capable of withstanding rapid depressurisation whilst maintaining their integrity. They also have superior impact resistance.
Activated Alumina
DtEC also supplies activated alumina packing in a variety of sizes 2.0mm, 3.2mm, 4.8mm & 6.4mm all in a nominal density of 769 kg/m. Typical applications are for drying of liquids and gases , acid removal, process stream purification and hydrocarbon adsorption.