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Data Flow Diagram of College Management System

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Lumpkin College of Business and Applied Sciences School of Business CIS 3000 Information Systems Design and Development

t Fall, 2001 Instructor: Dr. Karen Ketler Lumpkin Hall 4012 (formerly LH 350) (217) 581-6906 E-Mail Address: [email protected] 9:00 9:45 3:00 4:00 1:00 2:00 and by appointment M W F T H

Office Hours:

Course Description:

A study of the systems development life cycle. Emphasis on requirements determination, modeling techniques, and development, implementation and maintenance strategies. Includes project management techniques and software, Computer Aided Systems Engineering (CASE) with Oracle Designer and Visual Basic as the development tool. BUS 1950, CIS 2000, junior standing Modern Systems Anlaysis and Design (3rd edition) by J. Hoffer, J. George and J. Valacich. Published by Prentice Hall, 2002. MWF LMPH 2041 LMPH 2020

Prerequisites: Required Texts:

Class Meetings: 8:00 8:50 10:00 10:50 MWF Course Objectives:

As a result of this course, students should be able to: 1. Understand the activities of the system development life cycle. 2. Examine the different types of information systems, including transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems and expert systems. 3. Analyze, design, develop, and implement a new information systems project. 4. Investigate project management techniques, including GANTT and PERT charts. 5. Enhance the project management activities with project management software. 6. Analyze user needs and requirements. 7. Create a data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram and functional hierarchy diagram. 8. Experiment with a client-server tool, such as Oracle Designer, in the analysis and design process. 9. Implement a system, utilizing the Visual Basic language.

Teaching Method:

The class will be taught as a combination of lectures, discussions, exercises and problem solving.

Grading: Item Examinations First Examination Second Examination Final (comprehensive) examination Projects Design Project Development Project Quizzes No quiz will be worth more than 10 points Total Points Grading Scale: A Total Value 100 100 150 50 75 25 500 Percent of Total Points 20.0% 20.0% 30.0% 10.0% 15.0% 5.0%

450 - 500 (90.0 100%) B 400 - 449 (80.0 89.9%) C 350 - 399 (70.0 79.9%) D 300 - 349 (60.0 69.9%) F below 300


The exams will cover the material discussed in class and in the readings. The first two examinations are comprehensive, but will emphasize the new material presented since the last exam. The final examination is comprehensive. Detailed topics for study will be discussed in class before the examination. The examinations are closed books and closed notes.


Three or four quizzes worth between 5 and 10 points inclusive will be given randomly throughout the semester to ensure that the students are keeping up on the daily activities. You must be present on the day of the quiz to receive any points for the activity. You will not be allowed to make up any missed quizzes.


Students will be asked to investigate, analyze and design an information system in the first half of the project (the design project). Deliverables for this part of the project include: 1. A description of the project, and the functions it will perform 2. A GANTT chart and PERT chart for the entire project 3. TWO data flow diagrams a. Physical data flow diagram of the current system b. Logical data flow diagram of the proposed system including Logic Modeling 4. Entity Relationship Diagram 5. Functional Hierarchy Diagram 6. Normalized Database Design 7. Input/Output Design 8. Process Design (pseudocode) In addition, the student must document/explain the deliverables. The point value for each deliverable will be reflective of its importance and the amount of time required to complete that deliverable. Thus, the point value to the deliverables in the design project will be similar to: Deliverable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A description of the project, and the functions it will perform A GANTT and PERT chart for the entire project TWO data flow diagrams c. Physical of the current system d. Logical of the proposed system including Logic Modeling Entity Relationship Diagram Functional Hierarchy Diagram Normalized Database Design Input/Output Design Process Design (pseudocode) Value 3 3 3 6 4 3 6 6 16

You may be required to turn in parts of your project for partial credit at various check points during the semester. However, you must submit the entire design project on 10/26/01 by noon. There is a 20% penalty for each day or partial day that the entire project is not submitted. The second half of the project will center on the development and implementation of the project. Deliverables for this part of the project include: 1. Visual Basic Programs (hard and soft copies) 40 2. Documentation 10 a. User (operational) manual b. Systems manual 3. Description of the test cases including the Access Test Database 8 4. Implementation Method 2 The remaining 15 points will be awarded based on consistency between the design project and the actual project developed and in general the overall quality and completeness of the project. The design project must be updated to reflect any changes made during the final development phase and resubmitted with the development project. The entire project is due on 12/03/01 by noon. There is a 20% penalty for each day or partial day that the entire project is not submitted.


You must work in groups of 4 or 5 students. This class requires a major systems design and development project that does require group interaction. You can learn much from your teammates. In addition, many organizations stress the ability to work in groups. A commonly-asked question at interviews is to describe a team on which you have participated and why it was successful (or unsuccessful). Think about this during the semester!

Groups will be expected to select, design and develop a project. This project can be 1) a project of unique interest to the group or 2) a college placement center, or 3) a child care system. No more than the class can select the same project. Each group is expected to investigate the issues associated with their project (the web is an excellent source) and select the three most important functions for their system. Groups of five must select an additional function. Please note that file maintenance is one function. For the child care system, add/changing/deleting children and parents from the system is an example of file maintenance. For the college placement center project, adding/changing/deleting students and organizations is an example of file maintenance. You must have your project approved by the instructor. Each student is responsible for participating in the team project. There will be opportunity for you to evaluate your team members. The instructor reserves the right to assign unique grades to each team member on the project, based on these evaluations and her personal observations. If the instructor anticipates a problem in the group, she will notify the students involved as early as possible so that the problem can be resolved before the grade is adversely affected. Your project grade will be reduced if you do not personally complete 20% (group of 5) to 25% (group of 4) of the project in the estimation of your teammates and/or instructor.

Business Perspectives And Skills:


Upon completion of a program in the School of Business, students should understand the perspectives that form the context of business. To help students develop that understanding, this course includes coverage of the following issues: a. Ethical issues: Project Justification, including cost/benefit analysis. Adequate testing of software, Software errors and bugs. (approximately 3 hours) b. Technological issues: The entire course focuses on these issues. Examples include 1) the use of Microsoft Project and Oracle Designer and 2) technical issues such as normalization (approximately 45 hours) Coverage of these topics is shown on the tentative class schedule.


Integrated throughout the business courses are assignments and activities designed to help students develop and strengthen certain skills required in all areas of business. This course includes: a. Oral communication skills: All students are expected to participate regularly in class discussion. b. Written communication skills: Both the design and development projects require written communication skills. Students will be required to explain each section of the project and to document all programs. The systems project must be adequately documented, including a users manual. Other writings include the overall description of the main objectives of the project. Additional writings include brief explanations of the data flow, entity relationship and functional hierarchy diagrams. Finally, all exams will include essay and short answer questions. c. Decision-making skills: This course focuses on analytical skills and problem solving skills. Students must recognize the problem, analyze the problem, including the generation of alternate solutions, evaluate the alternatives, and design and develop the system to best meet the user needs. In addition, each test will contain logic and problem solving questions. d. Computer skills: The entire course uses technology to explore the concepts of systems development. There is a major hand-on component which extends throughout the entire semester.

Students with Disabilities:

Appropriate academic support is available for students with a documented disability. Please notify the professor and contact the Office of Disability Services (581-6583) for further information.

Emergency Preparedness Plan:

Instructions about what to do in the event of an emergency are posted in all classrooms on campus. Students are responsible for acquainting themselves as to the specific instructions so that they will be prepared in the event of an emergency.

Other Services: Career Services Learning Assistance Center Counseling Center

581-2412 581-6696 581-3413

Policies: 1. Attendance: In accordance with University policy, students are expected at attend class unless prevented by Illness, an official University activity, or an emergency. Students who miss class due to an excused absence will be allowed to make up missed work or submit assignments without penalty. An absence from class will be considered an "excused absence" under the following circumstances: a. Absence due to illness. An absence due to illness is excused ONLY IF the student notifies the professor of the absence in advance (i.e., prior to the missed class) and provides documentation of the illness upon return to class. Absence due to an official University activity. Absence due to an official University activity is an excused absence only if the student notifies the professor of the absence in advanced (i.e., prior to the missed class) and provides written documentation of the University activity from an appropriate University representative prior to the absence. Absence due to emergency. Evaluation of whether an absence due to an emergency is an excused absence will be made by the professor on a case by case basis. At a minimum, the student should notify the professor of the absence as soon as possible and should provide documentation of the emergency.




Academic Integrity: All students are expected to comply with University rules and regulations on academic Integrity and honesty. These rules and regulations are summarized in the Student Conduct Code in "A Student Guide to Academic Integrity," which is posted in the classroom and in the Undergraduate Catalog. Violations of these rules and regulations will result in zero points on the assignment in question. Additional disciplinary sanctions may be imposed. All students are expected to take exams at the time scheduled. Make-up exams will be more difficult and will ONLY be given during final exam week. There will be numerous handouts given throughout the semester. The ONLY way a student can receive a handout from the instructor is to be in attendance on the day on which the handout is distributed. If attendance is impossible, another student may request an extra copy for the student who is absent. In addition, most handouts are available through the web site: www.ux1.eiu.edu/~cfkjk If, in the viewpoint of the instructor, two or more groups submit projects with same (or approximately the same) logic on any part of the project, the students will loose all points associated with that part of the project. Each group must turn in a final/completed GANTT chart indicating the efforts of the team members on each deliverable so that the instructor can ascertain the contributions of each team member to the project. In addition, each team member must complete a simple evaluation form on each of the other team members. The completed GANTT chart and evaluations are class requirements. From this information, the instructor may assign individual grades for the project assignments. Every member of the team will NOT necessarily receive the group grade.





Tentative Schedule of Topics* Date 08/20 08/22 08/24 08/27 08/29 08/31 09/03 09/05 09/07 09/10 09/12 09/14 09/17 09/19 09/21 09/24 09/26 09/28 10/01 10/03 10/05 10/08 10/10 10/12
1 2

Day M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F

Topic Introduction to course; Approaches to systems development1,2 Types of Information Systems2 Project Management: Gantt and PERT Charts2 Project Management including Microsoft Project2 Identifying/Selecting Systems Development Projects; Project Feasibility; Cost/Benefit Analysis; Requirements Analysis1,2 Group Day/Lab Day or catch up Labor Day Holiday Analysis: Process Modeling2 Analysis: Process Modeling2 Introduction to Oracle and Process Modeling2 IS Day Oracle Lab2 Analysis: Conceptual Data Modeling (Entity Relationship Diagram)2 Analysis: Conceptual Data Modeling (Entity Relationship Diagram)2 Analysis: Identifying Functions to Automate: Function Hierarchy Diagram/CRUD analysis2 Oracle Lab: DFD, ERD, FHD, CRUD2 Review for Test2 Test 1 Designing the User Interface, Forms and Reports2,3 Designing the User Interface, Forms and Reports2,3 Fall Break Designing Databases/Normalization/Denormalization2 Designing Databases/Normalization/Denormalization2 Designing Databases/Normalization/Denormalization2

Reading* Chapter 1 Chapter 3

Chapters 5, 6 [skim both]

Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Chapter 8

Chapter 10 Chapter 10

Chapter 14 [skim both] Chapter 15 [skim both] Chapter 16 Chapter 16 Chapter 16

*This schedule is tentative and may be changed by the professor. All changes will be announced in class. Students are responsible for any changes announced in class.
Ethical issues Technological issues 3 Demographical issues

10/15 10/17 10/19 10/22 10/24 10/26 10/29 10/31 11/01 11/03 11/05 11/07 11/12 11/14 11/16


Process Design: Cohesion and Coupling2 Process Design: Pseudocode2 Process Design: Pseudocode2 Designing the Physical Files: Creating Access Databases. Creating Test Cases2 Testing Strategies2 Review for Test; Group Work2 TEST 2 Systems Development: Visual Basic Review; Loading/Unloading Forms/Global Variables2 Visual Basic: Accessing tables in an Access database by the primary key2 Visual Basic: Accessing tables in an Access database by a foreign key2 Visual Basic: Accessing tables in an Access database by a composite key2 Visual Basic: Adding records to an Access database2 Visual Basic: Deleting record in an Access database2 Visual Basic: Updating records in an Access database2 Lab Day; Lab LH 122 Thanksgiving Break

Chapter 18 Chapter 18 Chapter 17 Chapter 17

11/26 11/28 11/30 12/03 12/05 12/07


Testing the System2 Training the user and user documentation2 Installing the System2 System Development past-review; Systems Maintenance Team evaluations, catch up Review for Final 8:00 Class: 10:00 Class: Thursday, December 13, 2001 Tuesday, December 11, 2001 8:00 10:00 10:15 12:15

Chapter 20 (pp. 763-776) Chapter 20 (pp. 780-793) Chapter 20 (pp. 776-780)

Final Examination:

*This schedule is tentative and may be changed by the professor. All changes will be announced in class. Students are responsible for any changes announced in class. 1 Ethical issues 2 Technological issues 3 Demographical

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