7 Day Diva Detox
7 Day Diva Detox
7 Day Diva Detox
Cover & Layout Design: Amy De Wolfe Copyright 2007 by The Raw Divas The 7 Day Diva Detox is a trademark of The Raw Divas. All rights reserved. Published by: 2710 Thomes Ave., Suite 246 Cheyenne, WY 82001 www.therawdivas.com
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................. 4 The Raw Divas 7 Day Detox ............................................................................ 5 Tortellini is Not Raw Food ............................................................................... 6 1. Raw Fruits ............................................................................... 6 2. Raw Vegetables ....................................................................... 7 3. Leafy Greens .......................................................................... 8 4. Sprouts .................................................................................. 9 5. Fresh Herbs ............................................................................ 9 6. Nuts and Seeds ....................................................................... 10 7. Superfoods ............................................................................. 10 8. Water .................................................................................... 11 9. Spices, Condiments and SALT!! .............................................. 12 How to Make Sprouts .................................................................................... 13 Putting It All Together ................................................................................... 15 Preparing for Detox ..................................................................... 15 A Fun Way to Think About It All ...................................................................... 15 How Much Food Should I Eat? ........................................................................ 17 The Three Day Hurdle ................................................................................... 18 Our Biggest Addiction .................................................................................... 18 Tips That Will Transform Your Eating Patterns ................................................... 19 1. Wait for Real Hunger to Surface Before Eating .............................. 20 2. Keep it Low Fat! ....................................................................... 21 3. Avoid Nutritional Neurosis ......................................................... 23 4. Honor Where Youre At ............................................................. 24 Your Eating Plan ........................................................................................... 25 Break-fast ................................................................................ 25 Lunch ........................................................................................ 26 Evening Meals ............................................................................. 27 Stocking Up and Shopping ............................................................................. 28 Putting it All Together ................................................................................... 29 Guide to Smoothie Making ............................................................ 29 Correct Food Combining ............................................................... 30 Blender Tricks ............................................................................. 31 Raw Soups ................................................................................. 32 The Basics of Great Salad Making .................................................. 33 Tasty Salad Dressings .................................................................. 34 A Sample Menu Planner ................................................................................ 35 8 Tips for Conscious Eating ........................................................................... 36 Ready for an Adventure? ............................................................................... 39
Finally, the time has come for a profound adventure in cleansing and rejuvenation. Lets ditch some wrinkle lines and excess weight so we can pick up some sparkly diva charm and start looking and feeling our BEST. 7 Days is all well need to make some dramatic life improvement and experience a huge difference in the way you feel. This will be the kickstart you need to make permanent lifestyle changes. In some ways, we modern-day humans have created an enormous mess when it comes to diet and nutrition. Weve managed to completely intellectualize, categorize and analyze something that to every other creature on the planet is a very natural, innate process. I mean, in the good ol days when early humans were all messy-haired and wild, I doubt we even thought much about what we ate. We saw pretty colors in trees and grabbed them, leaving the peel to compost behind us in the heat of the tropical sun. In the domain of health and nutrition, it has become remarkably easy to intellectualize the subject with incomprehensible medical chemical, and biological terminology, that it causes people to feel like nutrition is a very complicated subject, best left to the experts. However, even the experts dont seem to know which way is up, since theres a book backed by research to support every diet strategy known to humankind. The only thing that doesnt seem to get contested in all the diet books out there is that eating more fruits and veggies is a very good thing. This, fortunately, seems to be unanimously agreed upon by just about everyone. Luckily for us, because thats EXACTLY and ONLY what weve chosen to base our 7 Day Diva Detox menus on.
1. Raw Fruits
Here are some of our favorites, and the ones we think youre most likely to encounter during the 7 Day Detox:
Apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, dates, figs, grapefruit, grapes, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangos, nectarines, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapple, plums, pomegranates, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, and watermelon.
Here are some odd ones that you may never have heard of, but are definitely fruits, and definitely worth discovering should you get the chance:
Breadfruit, cherimoya, durian, grenadilla, guavas, kumquats, loquats, quinces, red bananas, and sapotes.
We recommend keeping these dehydrated treats for special occasions only. Dates, figs, apricots, raisins and others are all very, very sweet, stick to your teeth and can make for some nasty bacteria breeding grounds in your mouth. Whenever possible, we go for the real thing, and recommend you do too. Occasional treats are fine, but pack a toothbrush in your back pocket for when youre finished.
2. Raw Vegetables
Yum! Get to love these crunchy, juicy treats the way nature intended, if you dont already. We get accustomed to drowning these gems in sauces, dips and dressings, but during this 7 Day Detox, youll get to know them for the botanical miracles they are.
Here are a few you might not know, but would be wise to try out should you encounter them in your local produce market:
Celeriac, jicama, kohlrabi, okra, and tomatillas. Most of the veggies weve listed here are great crunched on their own. This may seem a little bland and boring if youre not used to it, but give it a shot and youll start noticing that vegetables are wonderfully flavorful without the added fat and chemicals overloading most dips, sauces and dressings.
3. Leafy Greens
This is your lifeline. This is the KEY to success on the raw food diet, hands down. Well show you some of our favorites, but we really suggest that you develop a deep and lasting love affair with your leafy greens. Of course, none of us have the time to sit and chew cud for several hours a day, so we heartily recommend Green Smoothies. They are one of the most nourishing things you can feed yourself. So satisfying! For now, know that leafy greens can be added to any of your favorite fruit smoothies. You can also blend them into raw soups to boost your mineral intake. Well give you more tips on smoothie creation a bit later.
The following list of leafy loves will help guide you at your next visit to the market:
Beet greens, bok choy, chard, collards, endive, escarole, fennel, kale, lettuces, mustard greens, parsley, spinach, turnip greens, and watercress.
Many of the above mentioned greens come in a wide variety. For example, Black (Dinosaur) Kale, and Rainbow Chard are faves. Be adventuresome, and try different kinds.
4. Sprouts
Sprouts are an excellent source of concentrated nutrients, fiber and energy. Most of us are familiar with the juicy, Asian-style mung sprouts available in supermarkets. But the sprouts we recommend most are generally just a few days old and much denser in taste and nutrition than older sprouts or even a lot of fully-grown vegetables. They are very simple to make, tasty, filling, and are very economical.
Heres a list of our faves that we recommend sprinkling liberally over salads, in wraps and into your raw soups:
Sunflower, lentil, mung bean, adzuki beans, fenugreek, garlic or onion sprouts, alfalfa, broccoli, pea shoots, and more! Weve included a simple diagram on page 13, along with some instructions on basic sprouting to help you get started.
5. Fresh Herbs
Yum! We love to play with fresh herbs to add zest and zing to our kitchen experiments. Most herbs are fresh greens themselves, so they add nutritional value without the addictive nature of spices and salt.
Cravings Buster:
One of the things that kicks in cravings for cooked food is overeating on nuts. Keep these little buddies in respectable quantities and youll be better off for it.
When your detox is over and the time comes to enjoy these tasty morsels, here are some of the options to consider:
Almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, coconut, hazelnuts, macadamia, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts.
7. Superfoods
Admittedly, there is no shortage of raw superfoods out there. During this detox, you will not have to spend hundreds of dollars on powdered swamp water or exotic, dehydrated root vegetables. We tend to pass these up for the real thing. You can have amazing health, energy and feel perfectly satisfied with your food choices without monthly supplements or superfoods. And as far as we are concerned, superfoods are no replacement for the real deal!
8. Water
Someone on a raw diet may find they dont need to drink as much water as they did on a cooked diet, because of all of the juicy fruits and vegetables they are eating, and this is true. However, we still need to drink water--especially people living in warm climates, people who heat their homes and cars, people who use air conditioning, or people who get the recommended amount of daily exercise. It is best to drink between meals to ensure we arent diluting our digestive acids at mealtimes, but a small drink every hour or so is probably just the ticket to keep you going. Keep a water bottle close, and when you think youre hungry try chugging back a cup or two of water then waiting 15 minutes or so to see if the hunger is still there. Often times, we think we are feeling hungry when our bodies are asking for hydration. Also, while youre detoxing, water is going to be your dearest friend. It helps you transport all the little nasties youll be loosening up, quickly out of your system. In terms of choosing what kind of water is best, well, taste it. What do you like best? Its water. If you want to do anything, you should write the words Happy and Healthy on your water jug. Thatll be enough to supercharge it no matter what source of filtration it has been through.
Power Tip:
This step alone will bring you dramatic results. Few raw foodists are ready to take on this final step, but it makes the biggest difference, and will make your entire process so much easier. If you get this one, youve got it made. Go for it!
A glass jar, a piece of nylon screen big enough to be secured over the mouth of your jar, a rubber band to hold the screen in place, and your favorite sprouting seeds or beans. We like lentil, mung and adzuki, but the varieties are nearly endless! Do not sprout kidney beans as they are not safe to consume raw.
The Steps
Other sprouting gadgets and methods certainly exist, but heres the way that we think works best for basic sprouting:
1. Fill your jar about 1/4 full of dried seeds or beans. Larger seeds and beans work best with this method. As mentioned, we like Mung, Lentil, and Adzuki, but there are many possibilities. Then, place the piece of screen over the mouth of the jar and secure it using your rubber band, as shown. You could also use a piece of clean stocking or cheesecloth. 2. Fill the jar with luke warm water. The jar should be at least 3/4 of the way full. 3. Leave the full jar sitting in a room temperature-to-warm location for approximately 12 hours. We like to prepare our jar in the morning, leaving it for the day, before moving on to the next step in the evening before bed. 4. After youve let the seeds soak for about 12 hours, pour the soak water out. The elastic secured screen keeps your seeds from pouring out, so be sure to leave it secured! 5. Then youll want to rinse the seeds a couple of times, refill the jar with water, and let it sit for another 12 hours. Repeat steps four and five once more. 6. By the time youve soaked your seeds for three 12-hour sessions, they should be ready for sprouting. Just pour the water out of the jar, and place the jar on a 45 degree angle, mouth side down, so any remaining water is able to escape from through the screen. Try to distribute the seeds down the length of the jar, making sure they dontcollect at the mouth of the jar and block the screen. They need air to be able to circulate into the jar, or they will start to rot instead of sprout! Leave them to drain for another six hours. 7. Rinse the sprouts a couple of times and let them sit for another six hours. By now, you should have some nice little tails growing from your seeds. You can repeat the rinsing and draining process until the tails reach your desired length. Shorter tails are slightly sweeter to the taste, and we like them that way. 8. When the sprouts are ready, place them in a covered dish or container. A piece of paper towel on the bottom is helpful for absorbing any extra moisture. The sprouts will continue to grow in the fridge, so you should keep that in mind when considering their tail length.
Anatomically speaking, there are a few things that simply do not add up.
Now, I know weve been awfully creative thanks to that opposable thumb weve got. Weve managed to create all kinds of tools, and totally revolutionized our entire society, but unfortunately our physiology hasnt evolved at the same rate as our technological advances. Heres a funny thought:
What would happen if you found yourself ravenously hungry at lunch time in a field of wheat?
How long would it take you to get a decent meal out of it? What effort would it require? Would you find it naturally attractive and appetizing to you?
Okay, now transport yourself to a field of cattle grazing. I mean, do you feel within you the urge to pounce upon that docile animal and dig your teeth into her? When you start to put things in perspective like this, its almost funny what weve come to accept as food and how far weve removed ourselves from the natural nutritional process.
When fat levels in the blood rise, so does blood sugar, because excess fat inhibits insulin from performing its function of escorting sugar out of the bloodstream. The excess fat lines the blood vessel walls, the cells, insulin receptor sites, the sugar molecules themselves, and the insulin with a thin coating of fat, thus blocking and inhibiting normal metabolic activity. Too much sugar in the blood is as life threatening as too little and can result in serious illness or death. Yeast, or candida, is a constant presence in the blood; it serves as a life preservation mechanism, blooming when there is an excess of sugar in the blood stream to bring blood sugar down to a non-threatening level. When the sugar is distributed and used by the cells of the body, the yeast quickly dies off as it is supposed to. If fat levels stay chronically high due to a poor diet, sugar will remain in the bloodstream and feed the large candida colonies instead of feeding the 18 trillion cells of your body. Starved for fuel, these cells can no longer metabolize energy, and you become tired, and feel rundown. Because all carbohydrate, fat, and protein that we eat is converted to simple sugar (glucose) if it is to be used by the cells for fuel, the way out of this cycle is not to eat less sugar, but to consume less fat. When fat levels drop, the sugar starts to get processed and distributed again, and the yeast levels drop because there is no longer excess sugar available.
Throughout this program, we will be following a low/no fat diet. We encourage you to go for the NO fat program. Theres absolutely nothing that can go wrong for you by avoiding fat for 7 days, and the results you have to gain by doing so, may just shock you. If you are an athlete, you will be totally impressed with how much better you feel, and how improved your stamina and endurance is. If youre not, the light and refreshed feeling you have after eating might surprise you. Fat takes a lot of processing for your body to work through, and it slows down the transport of oxygen in the blood. Youll find yourself huffing and puffing much less on a low fat diet. The truth is that there is fat in fruit and vegetables. Even lettuce has a small amount of fat. For the 7 Day Detox well be avoiding overt fat sources in the form of avocados, nuts, seeds and oils.
Honor your body and all the hard work it does. Every CELL is carrying on an orchestra of activity in your honor. So celebrate it.
Chances are good that youve never done anything like this before. Just observe, without judgment. Your body already knows everything it needs to know to do its job. The thing is, many of us keep our bodys energy so tied up with stress and digestion that it rarely gets the time to do a good spring cleaning. When you simplify your foods, as we will be in this program, it frees up a tremendous amount of your bodys energy to do its job. Just observe and trust that your body is working hard to serve you. Listen and see what she has to say. As soon as you start judging or worrying, youve just added another energy barrier for your body to plough through. This is a detox. Let go, feel, be and see what unfolds
Depending on how you eat lunch, there are a few possibilities we can suggest. Admittedly, it can be a bit awkward to pull out slimy green concoctions around the cafeteria table. Of course, it also creates a whole bunch of interest and sparks up interesting conversations that give you the chance to get people excited about your positive life changes. We highly recommend green smoothies for your mid-day meal. They are filling and statisfying and will keep you going for hours. If you want to turn your lunch into a real conversation starter, our Green Eco Jug is the perfect tool to transport your afternoon smoothies.
Evening Meals
To start, we suggest some berries or a bit of fruit, followed by a BIG salad that is just stuffed with sprouts. Take an entire head of romaine lettuce and wash the leaves, then use your big leaves as you would tortillas. Stuff them will sprouts, tomato slices, peppers, grated carrot whatever tickles your fancy. We recommend that you plan to finish your evening meal a bit early, and at the very least, refrain from eating or snacking after 6:00 6:30pm. Remember, this is a DETOX and its only 7 short days. Avocados and nuts will be there next week. This week your body deserves a rest, so give it to her by keeping it as simple as you can. If youre feeling hungry late at night, GO TO SLEEP! Rest. Give your body the chance to rejuvenate and regenerate. You will wake up in the morning ravenous and truly ready for a juicy breakfast. Whatever you can do based on your comfort (and with a willingness to push your comfort zones) take this opportunity to meditate, reflect, plan for the day ahead, and give your body a well-deserved break from the work of digestion. Youll wake up feeling infinitely more refreshed if you sleep on an empty stomach and allow several hours of fasting before bed. If you find yourself tempted by food distractions during the day, do something non-food related to honor yourself, and also to give your body a well-deserved break. Take the time to write in a journal, read a good book, or just lie back to dream. Build, create, and put your attentions on matters of a spiritual nature. When you quiet your body, you can open your awareness to other things. Consider going to bed a bit earlier and getting a good nights rest.
6. Avocados are a fatty fruit and we recommend avoiding them through the 7 Day Detox. In a raw maintenance diet, avocado would mix well with greens and low-starch vegetables. They could also be used with starchy vegetables, low-acid fruits and acid fruits, but are not recommended to be mixed with sweet fruits. 7. Tomatoes are considered to be an acid fruit, and therefore follow the combining rules for acid fruits, however tomatoes can also be combined with low-starch vegetables and protein. 8. Alfalfa sprouts may be combined as a green vegetable. Other sprouts should properly be classified in the same category as the original seed, even though the sprouting process has somewhat lowered the protein and carbohydrate content. Most sprouts and their seeds are either proteins or protein-starch combination in character.
As with all elements of this or any other diet you consider for yourself, the best way to judge what works and what doesnt work for your body, is to experiment! In our experience, each person is a little different from the next and while one cannot tolerate melon mixed with anything else, another might find melon and berries are just fine. The charts and lists on the following pages are simple quick-references to help guide you through raw vegan food combining, but if you feel you need more information, be sure to log into The Powder Room for help from your fellow Raw Divas! http://www.therawdivas.com/powderroom
Sub-Acid Fruit
Apple Apricot Blackberries Blueberries Cherimoya Cherries Elderberries Gooseberries Grapes Huckleberries Mango Nectarine Paw Paw Peach Pear Plum Quince Raspberries Sapodilla
Acid Fruit
Currant Grapefruit Guava Kumquat Lemon Lime Orange Loganberry Mandarin Oranges Passionfruit Pineapple Pomegranate Strawberries Tamarind Tangerine Tomato
Banana melon Cantaloupe Casaba Christmas melon Persian melon Crenshaw melon Watermelon Honeydew melon Muskmelon Nutmeg melon
Artichoke Beets Celeriac Chestnut Carrots Corn Hubbard squash Jerusalem artichoke Peanuts* Peas Potatoes Pumpkin Sweet Potatoes Water Chesnuts Winter Squash Yam
* Peanuts, lentils, beans, and all cereals are considered as protein and starch combinations
Non-Starchy Vegetables
Alfalfa Sprouts Asparagus Bamboo shoots Broccoli Brussel sprouts Romaine Cabbage Cauliflower Chard Chives Cucumber Dill Eggplant Endive Globe Artichokes Green Beans Kale Kohlrabi Okra Parsnip Pepper (sweet) Radish Rutabaga Sorrel Squash (ex. starchy) Turnip.
Arugula Beet Greens Boston Lettuce Bibb Lettuce Celery Chard Collard Greens Cress Dandelion Greens Endive Kale Lambs Quarters Leaf Lettuce Mint Mustard Greens Parsley Red Clover Romaine Lettuce Iceberg Lettuce Spinach Sunflower Sprouts Watercress www.therawdivas.com
Blender Tricks
Unless youve got a VitaMix or other powerful blender, we recommend the following tips to help you get the creamiest, smoothest results with your smoothies. put liquid ingredients in first use a celery stick to poke and stir your ingredients into the blender less water makes for creamy puddings and sauces, more water makes for a juicy, refreshing treat frozen bananas are a dream come true in summer smoothies Keep it simple. Add one ingredient at a time, and see how it goes. Like a fine perfumer, you will get the best recipes when you add one ingredient at a time, and STOP when you love it. Add greens at the end to make sure they really get pulverized without clogging up your blender blades.
Raw Soups
While these arent as easy to guarantee success with as fruit smoothies, they are definitely worth trying. Some people also call these blended salads. The same techniques apply, but the ingredients are a little different. Heres a sample recipe to get you going. This is a good one for a raw soup beginner. Get creative and have fun!
We suggest the following ingredients for you to experiment with making tasty raw soup recipes:
Tomatoes, dried tomatoes, cucumber, spinach, celery, dill, parsley and other herbs, arugula, bell peppers, sunflower sprouts and more... the possibilities are endless. Let us know what you come up with!
Lettuce Wraps
Your starchy burrito days are over, now that you can replace those calories and addictive grains with crisp, dark greens for your wrap! Just take your favorite chopped salad ingredients and place a few tablespoons in the center of a nice, crisp lettuce leaf. Drizzle your favorite dressing, wrap and enjoy! When youre completed your 7 Day Detox, we recommend guacamole and chopped tomatoes, cucumbers and other veggies you like all wrapped up in lettuce love! This is also a great dish to serve up at potlucks. Just skip the bag of pre-made burritos and serve up a plate of lettuce leaves to be used as wraps for various dips and sauces! Youll be the hit of the potluck!
Evening Meal
= Hydrate = Monofruit Meal = Green Smoothie = Veggie Pickers (sliced veggies like carrot & celery sticks, cucumber, bell peppers, etc) = Big Green Salad = Lettuce Wraps = Fruit Meal
2. Eat mindfully.
Chew slowly and thoroughly, and take conscious note of the texture of the food and the taste. When youre satisfied, stop eating. One of the ways you can know that youve had enough, is the food simply stops tasting as good. Brush your teeth and dont eat again until you experience the sensations of real hunger.
6. Avoid using food as a reward for good behavior and other accomplishments.
Its been engrained into nearly every cell of our being from the earliest days we can remember. The candies we got when we were a good girl, the food our parents offered us to console us when upset. It starts when were young, and so its really no wonder that our relationships with food are a marvelously complicated thing. When we keep our foods simple, emotional eating tends to disappear, because the foods themselves are not physiologically addictive. Retrain yourself to celebrate differently. Put your pennies toward buying a new dress, or piece of sparkly jewelry. Take a warm bath with candles and incense there are endless ways to reward yourself that have nothing to do with food and will leave you feeling better than if youd chosen to celebrate with a big meal of intoxicating favorites.