Actsbrochure Jan2013

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ACTS is Important
ACTS is a program designed to help equip, train and serve believers. Many people think that one worship service a week is good enough for their Christian lives. The reality however, is that for real consistent growth we need more in depth study of Gods Word. We spend countless hours a week involved in the things of this world and we need as many hours as possible dedicated to learning and applying Gods Word to our lives. Every 13 weeks you will have the opportunity to join a new ACTS class. Our goal is to give you the ability to pick the class that can best help you where you are at in your Christian life today. Teachers, rooms and subject material will all change every 13 weeks but the emphasis on Gods Word and the need for every believer to be growing and serving will be taught every week in every class.

Adult Sunday School Winter Quarter 2013

Personnel Evangelism Class Teachers: Pastor Ayers and Jack Barton

Are you intimidated or afraid to share Christ with the lost? Then this class is for you! The goal of this class is to equip the believer with the knowledge and confidence to give a Gospel presentation to friends, families, co- workers and neighbors in a Biblical manner. Each week we will challenge the class to make at least one Gospel presentation to an unsaved person. Class will be hands-on with occasional video/audio lessons.
Walk in Truth

Academy of Christian Training and Service

Galatians: Walking According to the Truth of the Gospel Teacher: Jim Silman

This will be a continuation of the study of the book of Galatians. This session will focus on the practical section of the letter - chapters five and six. As we discuss the remainder of the book we will take time to examine various topics of practical importance, such as: false teaching, the works of the flesh, and the fruit of the Spirit. The purpose of this class is not only to continue to grow in our understanding of Galatians, but also to grow in our appreciation for Gods saving grace in our lives through Jesus Christ so that we are walking in step with the truth of the gospel.

6015 West Ridge Rd Erie, Pa 16506


The Promises of God Teacher: Sheila Silman

We will be studying the promises of God. A promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that guarantees that a particular thing will happen. God not only has given us His promises, but he has put them in writing for us to behold and claim! We will do a search of the scriptures on types of promises, biblical examples of how God followed through with His Word, and learn different scriptures of promise that we can personally claim.

Personal Evangelism Disciples Class: Study of 1 st John Berean Class: Study of Galatians Ladies Class: The Promises of God

Pastor Ayers/ Jack Barton Craig Brandick Jim Silman Shelia Silman

Auditorium Downstairs Downstairs Downstairs

First John: The Fullness of Fellowship Teacher: Craig Brandick

What do you think of when you hear word fellowship? Quite often we think of time that is spent together with friends for food or some activity. First John, however, describes Christian fellowship as something that is much deeper, much more intimate. In this class we will explore the true love relationship that believers are to sharenot only with one anotherbut with the Trinity.

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