Hand Washing Guide

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Issue: 1

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Washing Hands

Issue date: Approval date: Page: 1 of 4

POLICY: All food production and service personnel will follow proper handwashing practices to ensure the safety of food served to customers. SCOPE: This procedure applies to anyone who handles, prepares, and serves food. PURPOSE: To prevent foodborne illness by contaminated hands. RESPONSIBILITY: It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the following procedures are adhered to and understood by all relevant personnel and the personnel follow State or local health department requirements. It is management responsibility to: 1. Post handwashing signs or posters in a language understood by all staff near all handwashing sinks, in food preparation areas, and restrooms. 2. Provide warm running water, soap, and a means to dry hands. Provide a waste container at each handwashing sink or near the door in restrooms. 3. Keep handwashing sinks accessible anytime employees are present. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Use designated handwashing sinks for handwashing only. Do not use food preparation, utility, and dishwashing sinks for hand washing. 2. Wash hands: Before starting work During food preparation When moving from one food preparation area to another Before putting on or changing gloves After using the toilet After sneezing, coughing, or using a handkerchief or tissue After touching hair, face, or body After smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing gum or tobacco After handling raw meats, poultry, or fish After any clean up activity such as sweeping, mopping, or wiping counters After touching dirty dishes, equipment, or utensils After handling trash

Issue: 1

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Washing Hands

Issue date: Approval date: Page: 2 of 4

After handling money After any time the hands may become contaminated 3. Follow proper handwashing procedures as indicated below: Handwashing with soap and water

Issue: 1

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Washing Hands

Issue date: Approval date: Page: 3 of 4

Use running water at least 38C. Scrub lathered hands and forearms, under fingernails, and between fingers for at least 10-15 seconds. Rinse thoroughly under warm running water for 5-10 seconds. Dry hands and forearms thoroughly with single-use paper towels. Dry hands for at least 30 seconds if using a warm air hand dryer. Turn off water using paper towels. Cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub

Use paper towel to open door when exiting the restroom.

Issue: 1

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Washing Hands

Issue date: Approval date: Page: 4 of 4

4. Follow recommendations when using hand sanitizers. These recommendations are as follows: Use hand sanitizers only after hands have been properly washed and dried. Use only hand sanitizers that comply with regulations. Confirm with the manufacturers that the hand sanitizers used meet these requirements. Use hand sanitizers in the manner specified by the manufacturer. MONITORING: 1. A designated employee will visually observe the hand washing practices of the staff during all hours of operation. 2. The designated employee will visually observe that handwashing sinks are properly supplied during all hours of operation. CORRECTIVE ACTION: 1. Any employee found not following the procedures in this SOP to be retrained. 2. Ask employees that are observed not washing their hands at the appropriate times or using the proper procedure to wash their hands immediately. VERIFICATION AND RECORD KEEPING: 1. The foodservice manager will complete the Food Safety Checklist daily to indicate that monitoring is being conducted as specified.

RECORDS APPLIED TO THIS PROCEDURE: Food Safety Checklist DOCUMENTATION RETENTION: The records applied to this procedure are to be kept on file for a minimum of 3 years.

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