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Power Transmission and Distribution

2nd Edition

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Power Transmission and Distribution

2nd Edition
Anthony J. Pansini, E.E., P.E.



Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Pansini, Anthony J. Power transmission and distribution/Anthony J. Pansini.--2nd ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN: 0-88173-503-5 (print) 0-88173-504-3 (electronic) 1. Electric power transmission. 2. Electric power distribution. I. Title. TK3001.P29 2005 621.319--dc22 2004056439

Power transmission and distribution, second edition/Anthony J. Pansini 2005 by The Fairmont Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by The Fairmont Press, Inc. 700 Indian Trail Lilburn, GA 30047 tel: 770-925-9388; fax: 770-381-9865 http://www.fairmontpress.com Distributed by Marcel Dekker/CRC Press 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487 tel: 800-272-7737 http://www.crcpress.com

Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0-88173-503-5 (The Fairmont Press, Inc.) 0-8493-5034-4 (Dekker/CRC Press) While every effort is made to provide dependable information, the publisher, authors, and editors cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. iv

In memory of my parents in appreciation of their sacrifices and encouragement

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Preface to the Original Edition1990 ....................................................... ix Preface to the Second Edition2004 ......................................................... xi

Chapter 1 Introduction, Consumer Characteristics ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Appendix A B C D E F G Circuit Analysis ........................................................................... 281 Symmetrical Components .......................................................... 287 Review of Complex Numbers .................................................. 343 Transmission and Distribution Delivery Systems Efficiencies .................................................... 345 Street LightingConstant Current Circuitry ......................... 349 Economic Studies ........................................................................ 357 The Grid Coordinate System, Tying Maps to Computers .. 377 Distribution System Electrical Design ........................................ 13 Subtransmission System Electrical Design ................................ 91 Transmission System Electrical Design ...................................... 97 Electrical Protection ..................................................................... 127 Direct Current Transmission ...................................................... 149 Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction ................... 155 Underground Mechanical Design and Construction ............ 211 Associated Operations ................................................................. 263

H United States and Metric Relationships ................................. 389 Index ................................................................................................................ 391

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Preface to the First Edition

It has been some time since a book was written on power transmission and distribution, a book that can be used as a textbook for the many for whom this subject, for one reason or another, may be of interest. In one place, there can be found the electrical, mechanical and economic considerations associated with the successful planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of such electrical systems. Simple explanations of materials and equipment describe their roles in the delivery of power, in small and large quantities, to homes and offices, farms and factories. They meet the needs of nontechnical people, including the legal and financial sectors, as well as those whose interests may involve the promotion of equipment sales and maintenance, public information, governmental and other functions and activities. For the neophyte engineer and the seasoned operator, the practical technical discussion provides reference and review of the bases and tools employed in meeting the problems that arise in their daily endeavors. And, finally, the student and researcher will find sufficient theory and mathematical analyses to satisfy their thirst for knowledge and to impress their neighbors with the depth of their intellect! Both the young who enjoy the benefits of modern electrical supply and the older groups who have seen and experienced the remarkable development made in its transmission and distribution must recognize that such advances are the work of many to whom a debt is due. And to some of us who have been given the privilege of making even slight contributions, we are grateful for the opportunities afforded us during a most enjoyable and fulfilling career. Thanks are extended to the people who have been helpful along the way, too many to name individually, and to the staff of The Fairmont Press who have aided in the preparation and publishing of this work. The contributions of material and illustrations by the manufacturers for which I am extremely grateful, are especially acknowledged. In any work, errors somehow manage to intrude, and for any

of these, I take sole responsibility. Finally, a deep acknowledgment to my beloved wife for her unstinted support, patience and understanding through the many years in which I have been engaged in this and kindred endeavors. Anthony J. Pansini Waco, Texas 1990

Preface to the Second Edition

Some twenty years have passed since the original publication of this book, normally sufficient to warrant an updating dictated by events and heralding the arrival of a new century. The explosion of electronically operated devices (computers, robots, automatic controls, etc. ) have required micro refinements in the quality of electric supply that could not tolerate those associated with the macro commercial supply of this commodity; necessary corrective actions peculiar to each such application were (and are) undertaken by the individual consumer. But the continually increasing dependence on electricity in practically every one of lifes endeavors also called for improvements in the quality standards of its supply to which this updating is addressed. Notable events during this twenty-year period that helped in calling for better quality standards for those elements associated with reliability include the deregulation of electric (and other) utilities, the events of September 11, 2001, and the blackouts on northeast North America on August 14, 2004, in the London area and Italian peninsula within two weeks of each other. And on the positive side, the proliferation of automation brought about by the blooming electronic technology. Transmission systems have been the subject of the greater changes. Under deregulation, their role in the supply chain has been essentially reversed, from being the back up and peak supplier in generation-based systems, they become the main source of supply with generation reduced to a minimum if not entirely eliminated (to reduce capitalization and its effect on rate structures in a competitive market) Figure P-1. For economic and environmental reasons, transmission lines are situated in areas of sparse population making them subject to the vagaries of man and nature, tailor made for assaults by vandals and saboteurs. Finally, with transmission lines connected together in a grid, supposedly for better reliability and economy, failures causing the outage of a line may cause another of the lines to trip open from overload, causing another and another line to cascade open until total area blackout occurs. It appears, quite unexpectedly, that the application of loop circuits substantially improves the reliability of such transmission lines. Loop

Figure P-1. Simplified schematic diagram of transition from regulated to deregulated supply systems.

circuits essentially provide a two way feed to the consumers, insuring them continuity of service should a fault develop on the circuit (except for those situated on the section on which the fault occurs) and especially if both halves of the loop circuit are not mounted on the same supporting structures. The reliability of the deregulated line is enhanced, and similarly, the damage inflicted by a saboteur or vandal may be limited to a section of the line. In the case of the transmission grid, supplanting it with a number of loop circuits not only removes the possibility of lines cascading open from overloads or instability, but permits the circuits to be loaded nearer their full capacity. Distribution systems have also been affected by these events, although not in the same manner of vulnerability as transmission systems. Where additional generation, and/or transmission was not available, or too great an expenditure to supply some additional distribution loads, distributed generation made its entry on the scene. Here small generating units, usually powered by small gas turbines, are connected directly to the distribution system, in the same manner as larger cogeneration units. These units may be both consumer- or utility-owned and operated, and may constitute safety hazards. The chapter on street lighting is relegated to the appendices not only as essentially obsolete, but as an example of constant current circuitry. In its stead is a description of direct-current transmission line with its positive and negative features, but an excellent future feature in the electric supply scenario. A Texas size thank you goes out to all who have directly or indirectly contributed in the publishing of this work and especially to The Fairmont Press for their help and support.


Introduction, Consumer Characteristics

Chapter 1

Introduction, Consumer Characteristics

INTRODUCTION The system of delivery of electricity to consumers parallels that of most other commodities. From the generating or manufacturing plant, this product is usually delivered in wholesale quantities or via transmission facilities to transmission substations that may be compared to regional warehouses. From there, the products may (or may not necessarily) be further shipped to jobbers over subtransmission lines to distribution substations or local depots. The final journey delivers these products to retailers via distribution systems that supply individual consumers. One important difference in this comparison is the lack of storage capability (for practical purposes) of electricity; every unit of electricity consumed at any moment must be generated at that same moment. A diagram of an electric utility system indicating the division of operations is shown in Figure 1-1. This work concerns the transmission and distribution elements. Just as many of the larger manufacturing companies began as small enterprises, so, too, did many of the electric utilities. The first commercial electric system was constructed and placed in operation in 1882 by Thomas Alva Edison in New York City. It was a direct current system that served a limited number of consumers in the vicinity of the plant at a nominal voltage of 100 volts. A number of other small systems (also direct current) in urban and suburban areas were supplied from the generating facilities of manufacturing factories. From these maverick systems that, in some instances, grew like Topsy without planning, the large utility systems were to be formed. Interestingly, almost a century later, privately owned generating facilities of industrial and commercial companies were once again to exercise that same function. The sale of their excess energy through electrical connections to utility companies 1

Power Transmission and Distribution

transmission and distribution systems is referred to as cogeneration, and will be discussed more fully later in this work. The invention of the transformer in 1883 in England by John Gibbs and Lucien Gaullard, together with the invention of the alternating current induction motor and the development of polyphase circuitry in

Figure 1-1. Electric System DivisionsNote Overlap (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Introduction, Consumer Characteristics

1886 by Professor Galileo Ferraris in Turin, opened the way for the adoption of alternating current and the rapid expansion of electrical transmission and distribution systems. Transmission of electric power dates from 1886 when a line was built at Cerchi, near the city of Turin in Italy, to transmit some 100 kilowatts 30 kilometers, employing transformers, to raise and lower a 100 volt source to 2000 volts and back to 100 volts for utilization. In the same year, the first alternating current distribution system in the United States, also using transformers, was put into operation at Great Barrington in Massachusetts: the 100 volt system included two 50 light and four 25 light transformers serving 13 stores, 2 hotels, 3 doctors offices, a barber shop, telephone exchange and post office from a 500 volt source. The adoption of alternating current, employing transformers, together with the general publics acceptance of the less than pleasing overhead facilities almost entirely accounts for the unparalleled expansion experienced by the electric industry. The successful combination of transformer and overhead installations exemplifies a basic solution of the electrical, mechanical and economic problems associated with the design of transmission and distribution systems, as well as their construction, maintenance and operation. These three problems, although subject to independent solutions, interact upon each other. Electrical design considerations are based generally on acceptable values of loss in electrical pressure or voltage drop and those of energy loss. These considerations may be modified to accommodate desired protection, environmental and other requirements. The permissible values determine the size of conductors and the associated insulation requirements. The physical characteristics of the conductors impact on the mechanical designs of such systems. Mechanical design involves the study of structures and equipment. It includes the selection of proper materials and their combination into structures and systems in such a manner as to meet the electrical design requirements, giving due consideration to matters of strength, safety, temperature variations, length of life, appearance, maintenance, and other related factors. Economic design includes the investigation of relative costs of two or more possible solutions to the combined electrical and mechanical requirements. The choice is governed (although not necessarily) not by the lowest annual carrying charge on the investment in the systems studied, but by that which is equal (or closest) to the annual cost of

Power Transmission and Distribution

losses associated with one of the systems under study. This relationship is known as Kelvins Law. Many factors intrude, however, to modify the applicable conditions. These factors pertain generally to safety and environmental requirements as well as provision for possible future demands for electric power, creating changes that may affect the several components involved in the solution to design problems; for example, new technology, revised codes and standards, inflation, new reliability and environmental requirements, etc. The final decision must also satisfy the electrical and mechanical design requirements. These criteria apply to both the transmission and distribution systems. Referring to the diagram in Figure 1-1, although it has been customary to consider generation, transmission and distribution as three interdependent elements constituting a single enterprise, as one electric utility system, financial and conservation considerations have given rise to consideration of each of the three as separate and distinct enterprises. Acquisition of each of the three by independent parties could be a means of diversifying their investments. Problems of cooperation in the operation of such separately owned systems would affect the consumer, and could possibly cause the construction of duplicate competitive systems. In the presentation of the material that follows, it will be assumed that the reader is familiar with the essentials of electricity, including vector representation, concerning the properties of both direct and alternating current circuits, including resistance, inductance, capacitance, impedance, and their Ohms Law relationships. Although the usual flow of electricity to the consumer is from the generating plant through the transmission system into the distribution system, the discussion will treat the delivery system in the reverse order: starting with the consumer and working toward the central generating plant.

CONSUMER CHARACTERISTICS To begin the electrical design of transmission and distribution systems, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the building blocks upon which the design of the systems is predicated; that is, the consumer to be served. Obviously, each consumer cannot be considered independently, but they may be studied as a class and as groups as they affect the final design of the systems.

Introduction, Consumer Characteristics

For convenience, consumers may be broadly classified as residential, commercial, and industrial. The requirements of each type to be determined include: 1. The total consumption of electricity over a period of time, (say) annually. The changes in rate of consumption, (say) hourly, over periods of time: daily, weekly, monthly, annually. The voltage required for the proper operation of the loads to be served; the tolerance permitted in the variation of this voltage, and whether the rapidity of such variations would cause flicker of lights to result. The reliability requirements of the loads to be served, that is, the degree of interruption to service, as well as variations in the three items above, that may be tolerated or permitted.




Electric systems consist essentially of conductors in the form of wire, terminals, blades of switches or circuit breakers, wires in transformers, motors, and other equipment. The criteria on which their designs are based are two: 1. The permissible drop in voltage or pressure of the electricity flowing through them, and The permissible energy loss caused by electricity flowing through them, manifested in the form of heat to be dissipated harmlessly.


From Ohms Law, the loss in voltage is equal to the product of the current flowing through a conductor and its resistance:
I current = E voltage from which, E = IR R resistance

Energy loss is the product of power and time; power, however, is the product of the voltage imposed on the conductor and the current flowing through it. Again, from Ohms Law, this can be derived into the

Power Transmission and Distribution

product of the square of the current flowing through the conductor and its resistance: P(Power) in watts = E I; or IR I = I2 R and energy = Power Time, in watt-hours or kilowatt-hours. The heat generated must be dissipated if temperature rise is to be limited to safe values (i.e., before failure results, usually in the insulation surrounding a conductor). Also, the heat generated represents a loss of energy for which there is no economic return, and some reasonable value must be placed on its limits. While standards (and guarantees) usually specify a definite temperature limit, e.g., 50C, 70C, etc., these figures are not rigid as temperatures (and designs) are affected by ambient temperatures, duration of high temperature, including those preceding the imposition of the condition causing the undesirably high temperature, effect of wind and other cooling factors, etc. These conditions affect the selection of conductors, transformers, switches, and other facilities comprising the transmission and distribution systems. The consumers connected load, therefore, becomes the starting point for the design of such systems. An examination of typical consumers connected loads will quickly determine the voltage requirements: 120 volts for lighting and many of the appliances and 240 volts for some of the larger size units; for some large motor loads, polyphase (usually three phase) voltages of 120/208 volts, 120/240 volts, or 277/ 460 volts. This will determine the number of conductors to supply the consumers load: 2, 3 or 4 wires, as well as the value of the associated insulation. The size of the conductor is determined by the highest value of current to be carried. Common sense indicates the consumer will, at various times throughout the day, be using different combinations of the units comprising his connected load. The magnitude of the total current to be supplied over the conductors will, therefore, also vary throughout the day. For design purposes, the maximum current is determined by taking the maximum consumption of electricity over a definite period of time (usually 15, 30 or 60 minutes) and converting it into current or amperes, Figure 1-2. This value may be different for each day of the week, month or year; hence, the largest of these is taken as the basis for design and is

Introduction, Consumer Characteristics

known as the maximum demand of the individual consumer. This factor affects the selection of conductors, transformers and other facilities comprising the distribution system.

Figure 1-2. Load Factor; Maximum Demand The distinction between the consumers demand and connected load is most important. Connected load is the total of the rated capacities of all electric appliances, lights, motors, etc., that are connected to the wiring of a consumer. The actual demand is almost always considerably less than the connected load, because the different units are used at different times, or, if used at the same time, their peak loads may not be simultaneous, or in either case, all units may not be loaded to full capacity at their peak loads. The exception to this is on loads where all utilization equipment is of the same general type and is used at the same time and at the same capacity, such as may be found in some manufacturing plants, in water or sewer treatment plants, or in street lighting circuits. The ratio of maximum power demand to total connected load is called the demand factor. The method of determining the demand factor is also applied to the loads of a group of consumers. Here, the combined maximum demand of the group is compared to the total of the maximum demands of each of the members of the group, and this ratio is known as the diversity factor, Figure 1-3. For example, a transformer may supply six consumers whose individual maximum demands total 150 kVA, but whose combined maximum demand may be only 75 kVA. The diversity

Power Transmission and Distribution

factor is 150/75 or 2. It should be noted that the demand factor is defined in such a way that it is always less than 1, while diversity factor in such a way it is always greater than 1. Such diversity exists between consumers, between transformers, between feeders, between substations, etc. It is used in reducing the required capacity of facilities that would otherwise be required if based on connected loads or the sum of component load demands only.

Figure 1-3. Diversity Factor Load Factor Demand factors and diversity factors, while basic to the design of distribution circuits, do not include another important element: that of the use made of the facilities installed, the relationship of consumption (which is a measure of revenue and return on investment) to the maximum demand. The consumption can be converted to an average demand by dividing the kilowatt-hours over a stipulated period of time (day, week, month, year) by the time. The ratio of this average demand to the maximum demand is known as the load factor (Figure 1-2) and is an index of the efficiency with which the system or portion of the system under consideration is utilized; 100 percent load factor or 24 hours per day at peak load being the maximum possible. Loss Factor A companion factor, the ratio of average power loss for a stipulated period of time (day, week, month, year) to the maximum loss or loss at peak (15, 30, 60 minutes) during the same period. The distinction be-

Introduction, Consumer Characteristics

tween the load factor and loss factor is that the former pertains to loads (maximum and average) while the latter pertains to losses which are proportional to the square of the corresponding loads, Figure 1-4. Equivalent Hours Associated with the loss factor is a quantity called equivalent hours. It is defined as the average number of hours per day which the peak load would have to continue to give the same total energy loss as that given by the variable load (throughout the week, month, year, as the case may be). Equivalent hours = loss factor 24. This factor is useful in determining the cost of energy losses which, in turn, may result in the installation of more economical larger facilities.

Figure 1-4. Load; Loss; Load Factor; Loss Factor Another factor, the ratio of the average demand to the installed capacity is called the use factor, and is an indication of how much of the investment is used. It is sometimes used in place of the load factor as an index of the efficiency with which the system under consideration is utilized. Power Factor In alternating current circuits, almost always current and voltage will be found out of phase with each other; this relation, together with instantaneous power, and vector representation of these quantities, are shown in Figure 1-5. When loads are designated in kilowatts, it is essential also to know the power factor as the capacities of transformers,


Power Transmission and Distribution

capacitors, etc., whose ratings are in kilovolt-amperes. Also, line losses are proportional to the square of the current, and voltage drop proportional to the current. Power factor, then, is the ratio of power (watts or kilowatts) to the product of voltage and current (in volt-amperes or kilovolt-amperes). It is sometimes defined as the ratio of real power to apparent power. From Figure 1-5

Power factor = watts = cos EI

where E = effective voltage, I = effective current, and is their angular displacement in phase.

Figure 1 -5. Power Factor A power factor approaching unity or 100 percent as nearly as possible, is important in the design of the distribution (and transmission) system which is dependent on current capacity. For the same current and the same voltage, the power delivered is directly proportional to the power factor. Balance On three wire, single phase, or direct current, 120/240 volt circuits, unbalance often occurs between the loads on the two sides of the circuit, resulting in unbalanced voltages. Where polyphase (three phase) circuits are employed, usually for large consumers, loads on each of the phases are likely to be unequal. Unequal or unbalanced currents produce unequal voltage drops in lines, transformers, etc., producing unbalanced voltages at the loads that, in turn, produce unbalanced currents in polyphase equipment, e.g., mo-

Introduction, Consumer Characteristics


tors. The unbalance may be expressed as a percentage, or balance factor, from a nominal base, or from the average of all of the phase voltages. While phase relations are not indicated, this factor serves as a convenient measure of unbalance. Coincidence or Diversity Factor The ratio of the maximum demand of the whole to the sum of the maximum demands of each of the individual consumers is known as the coincidence or diversity factor. (Figure 1-3)

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Distribution System Electrical Design


Chapter 2

Distribution System Electrical Design

The design of the distribution system starts with the service to the consumer. A single individual consumer may be supplied, through a transformer, from a higher voltage source, known as the primary. This particular arrangement is employed primarily in rural areas, supplying electricity to farms that are situated remote from each other. It may also be employed in supplying electricity to larger consumers in other areas. Several consumers may be supplied from one transformer and may have their services terminate on the same pole or structure on which the transformer is located, or the services may be connected to a secondary main which is supplied from the transformer, Figure 2-1. In urban and suburban areas, individual consumers may be situated close together in groups. Here, economy may be realized by supplying a number of these consumers from one transformer, as described above. The load imposed on this transformer is not the sum of the maximum demands of each of the consumers connected to it, but a new maximum demand of the whole; this is because the maximum demands of each of the individual consumers do not occur at the same time.

Figure 2-1. Typical Method of Connecting Distribution Transformers Between Feeders and Radial Secondary Circuits. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) 13


Power Transmission and Distribution

The single individual consumer supplied through a transformer may be considered as a concentrated load on the distribution system. A group of consumers served from a secondary main may be considered as an essentially uniformly distributed load for design purposes; in most cases the error introduced is negligible. This simplifies the problems of determining voltage drop and power loss over a line on which the load is uniformly distributed. Voltage drop from the source point to the extreme end of such a line is equivalent to that as if the total load is concentrated at one-half the distance. The power loss would be equivalent to that as if the total load is concentrated at one-third the distance. The solution to the problems indicated above assume that the size of conductor in the secondary main is the same along its entirety. Theoretically, the size of the conductor from the source point to the several points of service connections may be reduced in size toward the end of the main. Practical problems of purchasing, stocking and handling, of connecting conductors of several sizes, etc., make it economically desirable to have one size conductor. Moreover, load growth is often accommodated by dividing the secondary main and installing an additional transformer. In some instances where greater service reliability is desired, the secondary mains of several adjacent transformers may be connected together (usually through a fuse or other protective device); this is referred to as secondary banking, with all the transformers supplied by the same primary feeder, Figure 2-2. In the event of a failure of a transformer, its load is carried by adjacent transformers, with perhaps some reduction in voltage, but without interruption of service. Other advantages claimed for secondary banking are a better distribution of load among the various transformers, and better average voltage conditions resulting from such load distribution; some advantage is also taken of the diversity between demands on adjacent transformers in reducing the total transformer load. A disadvantage of secondary banking is the possibility of cascading; that is, if one transformer fails and adjacent transformers become overloaded in picking up its load, beyond their fuse capacity, or fail because of excessive load, the increased load is passed on to other transformers in the bank, causing them also to go out, causing interruption to the whole banked secondary. This occurrence may be minimized by proper fusing between the secondary mains constituting the bank and by proper sizing of transformers in relation to adjacent ones.

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-2. Typical Methods of Banking Transformers Supplied by the Same Radial Primary Feeder. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) In designing a secondary bank, it is preferable for it to be in the form of a grid, rather than long single mains. It should be so arranged that, if possible, the load dropped by a transformer is fed directly from at least two transformers; the sizes of the transformers and associated fusing should be such as to prevent cascading. The division of the load depends on the impedance of the various paths through the secondary grid by which the load may be fed, including the impedance of the transformers. These impedances will vary with the size of the transformers, the distances between them, and the size and spacing of the secondary mains. The arrangement of the various individual loads among the secondary and the normal load on each of the transformers will also have an effect on how the load will be supplied. On overhead lines, the impedance of the secondary mains between transformers is likely to be high compared with that of the transformers, so that a large proportion of the load of a faulty transformer will probably be picked up by the immediately adjacent one. On the other hand, the impedance of underground secondary cables is generally low in comparison with the impedance of the transformers, making for a more equitable division of the load among all the transformers in the bank. In


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such cases, the total reserve capacity in the bank may be counted on rather than that in adjacent transformers only. The necessary reserve capacity, to a great extent, may be found in the overload capacity of the transformers for comparatively short periods of time, especially so on overhead systems. The sizes of fuses used with the transformers, however, must be chosen to allow for this emergency capacity. Secondary banks are not very commonly used. They are more applicable to overhead systems, and are adapted to use in comparably light load density areas where more expensive reliable systems are not economically justified. Such a system does not provide for faults on the primary feeder supplying the bank.

SECONDARY NETWORKS Where a very high degree of service reliability is desired, the secondary mains in that area are all connected together in a mesh or network, supplied from two or more primary sources (as compared to the secondary bank described above), Figure 2-3a. Because of their relatively much higher cost, they are usually confined to areas of high load density and underground systems. Such network systems may be either of the direct current or alternating current types. Direct Current The first electric systems were of the direct current type in the central downtown areas, starting in New York City, later introduced in Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Philadelphia, and other major cities. Originally of radial type supply, these systems developed into networks where the three wire 120/240 volt secondary mains were interconnected and the network supplied from low voltage feeders connected to the network at strategic points. The cable conductors are large and are not only expensive, but require large currents to burn clear secondary main cables in the event of fault. These supply cables emanate from a number of substations, relatively closely spaced in order to maintain reasonable levels of voltage in the network. The substations contain conversion equipment that changes high voltage alternating current supply feeders to low voltage direct current; these may be in the form of rotary converters or some type of rectifier. The chief advantage of the direct current system is that banks of storage batteries, usually located at substations,

Distribution System Electrical Design


provide a reserve that insures power supply during relatively short periods of interruption of a substation (or even a generating station). Another lesser advantage stems from the better control of variable speed direct current motors (such as in elevators) as compared to alternating current motors. Additional loads, however, necessitate the installation of additional expensive conversion equipment, including at times additional substations. The advent of induction and synchronous type alternating current motors has made practical the supplanting of direct current systems with alternating current systems. Because wholesale conversion of direct current systems is extremely expensive, such direct current systems have not been permitted to grow and have been gradually replaced with alternating current systems wherever practical. Direct current systems, although rapidly diminishing, exist in some areas and, hence, have been included in a minor way in this discussion. Alternating Current The low voltage secondary network is meant to provide, as far as practical, against service interruptions, even those of short or momentary duration. While the secondary bank generally provides for faults on transformers and secondary mains, it is vulnerable to faults on the single primary supply feeder, so that the reliability of service is no better than that of the primary supply feeder. The secondary network provides against interruption of the primary supply feeders by supplying the network by more than one primary feeder. In the event of fault on one of the primary feeders, that feeder is automatically disconnected and the load is picked up by the other primary supply feeders. To prevent energizing the feeder in trouble from the secondary mains that remain energized from the other primary supply feeders, switches are placed between the secondary of each transformer and the secondary mains that make up the network. These switches, also known as network protectors, operate automatically when the current flow reverses its direction; should the network protector fail to open for any reason, a backup fuse, in series with the protector, is designed to blow, isolating that transformer from the energized secondary mains. The network protector will operate not only when trouble is experienced in the primary supply feeder, but also at times when voltage or phase angle differences between the supply feeder and the network is such that a reverse flow of energy will result.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-3a. One-Line Diagram of a Secondary Network (From EEI Underground Reference Book) Should the fault current and charging current on a feeder fail to blow all of the backup fuses at the network protectors, a short circuit and ground is applied to that feeder through a phantom or artificial load that controls the value of the short circuit current until the backup fuse or fuses blow, deenergizing that feeder. Faults on secondary mains bum themselves clear. To limit the damage, fuses (known as limiters) are installed at the juncture of two or more secondary mains. Fault currents will operate these fuses, thus limiting the time the fault current persists, and limiting the damage from the burning at the fault in the secondary mains. In the network supplied by a number of primary feeders, the transformers connected to these feeders are dispersed so that a transformer, deenergized when its feeder is deenergized, is surrounded by other

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-3b. Typical Spot Networks

(a) Two network units supplying a spot network bus from which services are tapped. (b) Two network units connected to spot-network bus through reactors. Services are supplied directly from terminals of network units. (c) Two network units supplying a spot-network bus through balancing transformers. Any of these forms of the spot network may or may not be connected to the secondary mains of a street network.

(Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

transformers that remain energized from their respective feeders. In this fashion, not only are overloads restricted on the supporting transformers, but adequate voltage is maintained on the secondary mains at and in the vicinity of the deenergized transformer. The design of such low voltage networks limits the size of the network to values that permit it to be reenergized successfully by the simultaneous closing of the circuit breakers on all or a minimum number of feeders supplying the network. The procedure may call for blocking overcurrent relays temporarily during the closing of the circuit breakers; this provides for the momentary in-rush of current caused by the temporary loss of diversity among the loads on the feeders, as well as the charging currents associated with the cables of the feeders. The capacity available at a service supplied by a number of transformers and the meshing of secondary mains in the vicinity enable both lighting and power loads to be served from the same service; this contrasts with separate lighting and power circuits often necessary with other types of secondary systems. The low voltage secondary network is also employed in serving large individual loads requiring a high degree of reliability. These are known as spot networks, shown in Figure 2-3b. Note the use of secondary reactors in attempts to secure an equitable division of loads between the transformers supplied from the several primary feeders. Very tall office buildings requiring a similar degree of reliability also employ secondary network type of service; transformers are located in vaults on several floor levels and both primary and secondary cables are installed in vertical duct runs. In all cases, the secondary mains of these spot networks may be connected to the secondary mains in the street. There remains to be determined the size of secondary mains. This must be considered in combination with the supply transformer. Essentially, the procedure includes the evaluation of several combinations in which annual charges on the cost of installation are compared to the annual cost of energy losses; that in which these two values are equal or nearly equal will be the most economical of standard sizes of transformers (in accord with Kelvins Law). This equation may be written: k1 = k2 + k3 where k1 = annual carrying charge of cost of transformer in place k2 = annual cost of core loss k3 = annual cost of conductor loss

Distribution System Electrical Design


For a given size of transformer, for practical purposes, k1 and k3 can be considered as constant regardless of the load. The conductor loss, however, will vary with the load: k3 = I2 R where I = load current in the secondary

kW R

kW 1000 E power factor

for single phase

= load in kilowatts = equivalent resistance (referred to secondary side) of transformer = equivalent hours (see above)

then k 3 =

I 2R t 365 days C 3 cost of conductor 1000 loss kW hour kW 2 1000 2 R t 365 C 3 E 2 pf 2 1000 365R t C 3 E pf
2 2

kW 2 = Q 1 kW 2

Total annual cost = k1 + k2 + Q1 kW

Total annual cost per kW =

k1 + k2 + k3 kW

k 2 + k 3 k 1 + k 2 + Q 1kW 2 k1 = + = kW kW kW
- differentiating:

k 1 + k 2+ Q 1kW 2 k 1 + k 2 d total cost kW = = +k 3 = 0 d kW kW 2 kW 2


Power Transmission and Distribution

kW =

k1 + k2 k3

for least cost per kW

The most economical load, therefore, is that for which k1 + k2 = k3, that is, when the annual cost of conductor loss is equal to the annual charges of the installed transformer plus the annual cost of core loss. The standard size transformer equal to or nearest to this value will be the practical most economical size. In determining the most economical size of the conductor associated with the transformer, the given load is assumed at a given distance from the transformer. The structures and facilities associated with the secondary conductors are also assumed to be the same for any size of the secondary conductor and will be neglected in the determination. In the determination, the length of secondary is divided into two parts, one each way from the transformer, of length l/2 and load

D . 2000
For uniformly distributed load, the loss is equal to what it would be if the load were all concentrated at one-third the distance from the transformer. Hence
D 1000 D 2000 I= = 2E pf E pf 1 3 2 R = A



I D l E pf Rl r A

= load current = = = = = load density in kW per 1000 feet total length of secondary in feet circuit voltage power factor of load resistance of circuit of length twice one-third of the total length l/2 = resistivity of conductor in ohms per mil foot = cross sectional area of conductor in circular mils

Distribution System Electrical Design



I 2R =

D2 r 4E 2pf 2 3A

Annual cost of losses I 2R 365tC 1000



= 2 365

rD 2 tC 3 4 1000AE 2pf 2

t = equivalent hours (see above) C = cost of conductor loss per kW hour kc = annual carrying charges of three conductors in place, including the neutral

The factor 2 includes the total losses on the secondary on both sides of the transformer.

Let Q 2 = D2 A

2 365rtC then the annual cost of losses 12 10 3E 2pf 2 D2 A


= Q2

and the total annual cost = k c + Q 2

3 d total annual cost D2 = k c Q2 =0 A dA


Q2 D kc

Like the size of transformers, the actual size of conductor will be the standard size equal to, or closest to, the annual cost of the conductor losses.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Other factors may (but probably will not) affect the final determination. There will be a practical minimum size of conductor because of the requirement of keeping voltage regulation (maximum and minimum values) within the prescribed limits as well as limiting in-rush currents to prevent voltage surges that may cause flicker. In the case of overhead lines, the conductor must be mechanically able to support itself. Secondary main conductors generally vary from (equivalent copper) sizes #6 to #4/0, which may be accommodated by the same structure and facilities; larger sizes may require reevaluation of the cost of conductors in place. Secondaries without branches or loops have been assumed for simplicity. Where secondary banks and networks are concerned, the same methods may be employed by dividing such meshes into a series of radial pieces, as shown in the diagrams in Figure 2-4, without introducing appreciable error. Strict determination of current and voltage distribution in such meshes may be determined by application of several methods described in Appendix A.

Figure 2-4. Division of Current in a Network (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design


In the cases described above, single phase overhead circuits were assumed, but the same general methods may be applied to three phase (3 and 4 wire) circuits. For underground systems, because of the possibility of overheating of conductors, in determining conductor sizes, their capacitance should provide comfortable margins above the value of current to be carried. In the case of network design, consideration should also be given to the cable size for its ability to bum clear faults that may occur. These qualifying limitations may modify the determination of the economic size of the facilities constituting the secondary system. This theoretical manner of determining transformer and secondary main conductor sizes is not often used in practice. The number of consumers connected to the secondary mains often is governed by the geographic arrangement of the area involved, or initially by limiting the number of consumers that would be affected by the deenergization of a transformer from whatever cause. The approximate total loads of these consumers is known and a transformer capable of serving this load is chosen. Placed in the center of the mains, the distance to the farthest consumer is known. The tolerable voltage drop to the last consumer is assumed and the resistance of the secondary main from that point back to the transformer is calculated. The conductor size matching this resistance (approximately) can be determined from tables of conductors and their characteristics. The conductor sizes are indicated in this fashion for a number of secondary mains. From an inspection, a limited number of standard sizes that satisfy the greater number of these is chosen. Where the standard is greater than required to serve the consumers on some mains, the excess capacity not only accommodates load growth, but results in better voltage regulation and, in some instances, permits the installation of a smaller size transformer. Where the standards are too small to satisfy the requirements, the secondary main may be split into two or more pieces and separate transformers installed to serve each piece. The determination of distribution transformer standard sizes is accomplished in the same manner. These procedures are economically justified from the resulting simplification of purchasing, stocking, installation, operation and maintenance practices, including the training and work practices of personnel and the selection and operation of equipment.


Power Transmission and Distribution

The primary distribution system serves the load at higher than utilization voltages from sources (generally substations) to the point where the voltage is stepped down to the values at which it is utilized by the consumer. The planning and design of primary circuits is considerably more difficult than for secondary systems as many more interrelated factors must be considered. For example, the determination of the most economical conductor size to carry a given load depends on the most economical load for a feeder, the division of loads between feeders and the most economical primary voltage. These are affected by the location and size of the supply substation, the arrangement of mains and laterals for polyphase circuits, including the selection of ungrounded, separately grounded or common grounding (with the secondary), all modified by the use of standard sizes of conductors, equipment, code and local restrictions and regulations. In the field of reliability, emergency connections with other circuits, loop circuits (open and closed), primary network, and throwover arrangements for individual consumers may be considered. Permissible voltage drop is affected by regulators (both at substations and on lines), capacitors, boosters. The choice of primary voltage is dependent not only on the availability of standard methods and equipment, but also on operating and maintenance procedures, and its impact on other utilities. And all are subject to further modification to provide for load growth and environmental requirements, and above all, for the safety of workers and the general public. In determining the most economical bases of the several factors mentioned, for the sake of simplicity, certain assumptions are made: the loads distributed uniformly along the length of the primary line can be considered as a single load at its end, or to the feed point on the distribution circuit; the total energy loss in the line will be the same as if the total load were concentrated at one-third the distance to the end of the line; and the voltage drop over the line, to the end of the line, is the same as it would be if the total load were concentrated at the midpoint. Economical Conductor Size The choice of conductor size will be such that it will carry the load, that voltage regulation will be satisfactory, and that it will be mechanically strong to support itself on overhead lines or sustain installation

Distribution System Electrical Design


stresses on underground systems. A standard operating voltage is assumed to determine the most economical size of conductor for that voltage. From Kelvins Law, the annual cost of energy loss in the conductor should equal the annual carrying charges on the installation. Hence, the annual carrying charges on poles and fixtures or ducts and manholes, as a percentage q1 of cost (k1l) for conductor size up to about #2/0; for larger sizes, where heavier overhead construction or larger ducts and manholes may be required, part of this cost may be considered proportional to the conductor size (k2 + k3)l, where A = cross section of conductor in circular mils, k1, k2 and k3 are unit construction costs, and l is the length of the line or feeder in feet; the annual carrying charge q2 on the conductor may be divided into two parts, one essentially constant for all sizes, and the other proportional to the cross sectional area; this applies to both manufacturing and installation costs: cost of wire = (k4 + k5 A)l cost of installation = (k6 + k7 A)l where k4 and k5 are unit manufacturing costs and k6 and k7 are unit installation costs. Annual cost of operation, inspections, etc., may be considered a constant independent of conductor size, and is equal to k8l. Energy costs are proportional to the square of the current carried and the resistance of the circuit:


kW 1000 for single phase E pf kW 1000 for three phase 3E pf r A

= = = = = = line current load in kilowatts circuit voltage power factor resistivity of conductor in ohms per mil-foot length of conductor from source to load



where I kW E pf r l


Power Transmission and Distribution

Load at peak = I 2R watts per conductor = I 2r kilowatts per conductor A 1000 where load, conductor material A and length are fixed

= k9

where k 9 =

I 2R 1000 k9 A 365tC

and cost of energy loss =

where C = cost of conductor loss per kilowatt-hour t = equivalent hours (see above) The cost equations q1 (k2 + k3 A)l + q2 (k4 + k5 A + k6 + k7 A)l + (k8l)
= k9 365tC A

where k8l k10 k11 k12

= = = =

cost of operation, inspection, etc. q1 k2 + q2 (k4 + k6) + k8 q1 k3 + q2 (k5 + k7) 365tCk9

and k 10 + k 11A =

k 12 A

k 12 A differentiating, to obtain minimum cost, dY = k k 12 = 0 11 dA A2 or total annual cost Y = k 10 + k 11A + A = k 12 k 11

Distribution System Electrical Design


The selection of primary conductors and the primary voltage are obviously interrelated. The final selection is determined essentially by evaluating the carrying charges and energy losses on several primary systems operating at standard voltages. The most commonly used nominal primary voltages include: System (volts) 2400 4800 7200 7620 13200 23000 34500 Y System (volts) 2400/4160 4800/8300 7200/12470 7620/13200 13200/23000 20000/34500 26000/45000

In evaluating the several primary voltage systems, factors other than conductor size must be included: substation facilities; line switches and insulators; in some cases, even pole lengths; distribution transformers and associated cutouts and surge arresters. At voltages higher than 13200 volts, operation and maintenance costs are affected as deenergization of conductors becomes necessary, or live-line methods must be employed in place of manual handling of conductors. The most economical size of conductor for a given load can be determined by the study of annual costs and energy losses, as indicated above. Economic studies can also determine the theoretical optimum economical load for a given circuit, as well as the economical division of load among several feeders. Other factors, however, may operate to modify substantially the results of these economic studies. The higher the primary voltage, the greater the load carrying ability of a particular circuit, while tolerable voltage drops are maintained. This may result in a large number of consumers supplied by a single feeder, and an undesirable number of consumers affected in the event of failure or deenergization of that feeder for whatever reason. The acceptable number of consumers that may be affected by an outage of the supply feeder is, in many cases, subject to nontechnical considerations depending on the importance of the consumers. Such limitation of the number of consumers will affect the size of conductor of the primary feeder main, generally smaller than that indicated by the original economic study. On the other hand, to improve the reliability of service in


Power Transmission and Distribution

the service area, design features will provide for sectionalizing of the primary mains and switching arrangements that permit the reenergizing of unfaulted sections of a feeder from one or more adjacent feeders. The size of conductor chosen finally for the trunk or main primary line will therefore be large enough to carry the additional loads during periods of emergency, or when parts of a circuit are deenergized for construction or maintenance purposes. For primary lines supplying one or more individual transformers, known as laterals, the size of conductor is generally dictated by the mechanical properties of the conductor; for overhead systems it must be large enough to sustain itself in the spans between poles without undue sag or breakage; for underground systems, it must be large and strong enough to withstand the stresses on the cable being installed. Voltage Regulation The whole electric system is designed to deliver electrical energy to the consumers service at a voltage that insures proper operation of all of the devices and equipment connected to that service. As the voltage will depend on the current flowing, and the value of current will vary with the consumers demand from instant to instant, it is obvious that there will be a range, or voltage spread, that will satisfy the consumers requirements. This voltage range is known as regulation and may be defined as the difference between the voltage at no load and that at full load, compared to that at full load; that is, the drop in voltage compared to that at full load. It is often expressed as a percentage. Most of the common lighting, motor, appliances, and other devices are designed to give satisfactory performance over a 10 percent range, usually 5 percent over and 5 percent under nominal rating; obviously, there are some types of service for which a closer regulation is desired and some that will tolerate a greater range. This voltage regulation at the consumers service will depend on the current flowing from the generator, through transmission lines, transformers and other substation equipment, primary circuits, distribution transformers, secondary mains and the service, Figure 2-5. Theoretically, this can be maintained by controlling the voltage at the generator terminals at the power plant. Occasionally, on a small independent system, this type regulation may be found; in practice, other means of attaining the objective are employed. Those associated with primary line voltages are described below.

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-5. Allocation of Voltage Drops on Distribution Systems (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.) Transformer Taps Satisfactory voltage regulation may be obtained by some fixed amount during both light and heavy load conditions. Taps on the distribution transformer can be changed, usually only on those on certain parts of the feeder. For example, on a feeder on which evenly distributed loads are assumed, the distribution transformers on the first third of the feeder from its source may be changed to lower the secondary voltage a fixed amount, those on the second third or middle part of the feeder may be left on their normal setting, while those on the third, farthest from the source, may have their taps changed to raise the secondary voltage a fixed amount. The effect of the tap change is to change the ratio of transformation from the normal to ratios above or below that normal, the changes usually reflecting a two- to five-percent change in the secondary voltage. The taps are usually made on the primary coil of the transformer, but may also be found on some secondary coils. Boosters-Buckers A similar effect may be obtained by the installation of a transformer that can boost or buck the line voltage a fixed amount. These are


Power Transmission and Distribution

usually employed on the laterals rather than on the trunk or main primary line. They may also be employed on the last portion of a primary circuit, farthest from the source, usually in the boosting capacity. Often, a standard distribution transformer is used for this purpose. The primary and secondary coils are connected in series, essentially operating as an autotransformer. The primary coil is connected across the incoming primary circuit in the usual manner, while the outgoing primary is connected between the terminal of the primary not connected to the secondary and the terminal of the secondary coil. The voltage of the secondary coil is either added to or subtracted from the incoming primary voltage. (Figure 2-6)

Figure 2-6. Boost-Buck Transformer Connection Voltage Regulators The voltage regulator acts very much as the booster-bucker autotransformer described above, except that the primary is wound around a steel core that can rotate with reference to the stationary secondary coil. The voltage induced in the rotating primary depends on its relative position to the secondary; the rotation in one direction causes the voltage in the secondary to be added to the primary voltage, rotation in the opposite direction subtracts the voltage. Voltage regulators are most often located at the supply substation. They may be used in two ways: individual regulators associated with individual outgoing feeders; or one, larger in size, that regulates the voltage on a bus from which two or more primary feeders are supplied. Another application places a regulator (suitably constructed) on the far end of a primary feeder to maintain satisfactory voltage regulation on the feeder beyond this point. A voltage regulator is rated according to the percentage it can add to or subtract from the applied voltage. The capacity in kVA is based on the product of full load amperes and the voltage that the regulator can

Distribution System Electrical Design


add or subtract. Regulators may be of single phase or of three phase operation; more will be discussed later under substations. Capacitors Voltage regulation may also be improved by the use of capacitors. Current flowing in the conductors of a circuit encounter not only resistance, but also the inductive reactance that is caused by the alternating magnetic fields of the conductors themselves and from those of adjacent conductors. It is measured in ohms. For sine wave alternating current, the inductive reactance may be expressed as:

ohms per 1000 feet Inductive reactance = X L = 2fL 3 per conductor 10

where f L = = frequency in cycles per second unit of inductance is the henry or millihenry (0.001 henry) and can be expressed by the equation
L = 0.1408 log 10 b + 0.0152 a

a b p steel

= = =

radius of conductor in inches distance between centers of conductors in inches permeability of materials (for copper or aluminum = 1; for steel = 13 to 16; copper or aluminum covered 4 to 26 depending on size, stranding)

The voltage drop in a conductor caused by reactance = 1 XL where I is the current flowing in the conductor. The effective voltage drop in the conductor is caused by both its resistance and reactance, but acting at right angles to each other. From the diagram, Figure 2-7, the resultant opposition to the flow of current, termed impedance (Z) can be found:


R2 + XL2

If the inductance effect can be offset by capacitive reactance, the result


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-7. Effect of Reactance on Voltage Drop of electron movement between adjacent conductors, the voltage drop can be limited (approximately) only to the IR drop
XC = 10 6 ohms per 1000 feet of conductor 2fC

where C = 0.007353 microfarads per 1000 feet of conductor log 10 b a

This capacitance effect is usually too small to overcome the inductance effect, and for practical purposes, is usually neglected. Voltage drop in an alternating current circuit depends on the resistance, reactance, current flow, and the power factor of the load on the feeder. What the capacitor does is to introduce capacitive reactance in the circuit to counter the effect of inductive reactance and have the power factor of the load on the feeder to equal or approach unity or 100 percent. The capacity of the capacitors (in kVA) and the location on the feeder where they are installed depends on how the loads are distributed on the feeder, the power factor of the loads, the feeder conductor size and spacing between conductors, and the voltage conditions along the feeder. Capacitors should be installed at or near the point where, during periods of heavy or maximum load, the voltage is at or below the minimum permissible voltage. In an inductive circuit, the voltage drop may be expressed as: v = IRR + IXXL

Distribution System Electrical Design


connecting a capacitor in shunt on the individual circuit, the voltage drop then becomes: v = IRR + IXXL ICXC where v R XL IR IX IC = = = = voltage drop resistance of the line, in ohms inductive reactance of the line, in ohms (phase to neutral) power component of current in phase with voltage, in amperes = reactive component of current lagging voltage by 90, in amperes = reactive component of current leading voltage by 90, in amperes

XL can be calculated from the equation above, or vectorially when the power flowing in a circuit is in kW and the power factor of the load is known, and the voltage. Example: Assume a 7620 single phase primary voltage. The minimum voltage at a particular consumer or point in the feeder is 105 volts. The minimum voltage desired (as a standard) is 120 volts at heavy or peak load; the minimum correction required therefore is 15 volts. The maximum voltage at the point is 126 volts at light load and the maximum voltage desired is 127 volts, Figure 2-8. Assume the reactance from the source to the capacitor point is 0.25 ohms.

I C = E = 15 = 60 amperes heavy load X L 0.25 and


1 = 4 amperes light load 0.25 1 kVA = 1000 = 0.13 amperes kVA 7620

then Capacitor kVA = 60 = 461 kVA or say 10 50 kVA 0.13

units or 20-25 kVA units or 30-15 kVA units or combinations of these approximating 460 kVA.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-8. Voltage Improvement by Capacitors At light load, the capacitors can only raise the voltage by 1 volt, then

Capacitor kVA = 4 = 31 kVA or say 215 kVA units 0.13

that need to remain connected during light load periods. As the heavy load is reduced, capacitors may be disconnected to keep service voltage within permissible limits. Shunt capacitors installed on a distribution feeder reduce the current, improve voltage regulation, and reduce energy losses in all parts of the system between the generators and capacitors, but have no effect beyond the point where they are installed. Shunt Reactor The discussion above is related to overhead systems. Where the primary circuit or feeder conductors are in a cable, the same effects take place, but because of the very close spacing of the conductors, the inductive reactance is relatively very small and is often neglected. If the cable has a metallic sheath, however, the conductors and sheath constitute a capacitor. When the cable length is comparatively long, as in the trunk or main of a primary circuit, and the primary voltage is fairly high (say 23 kV or higher), the capacitive effect is of a magnitude that the capacitive current (sometimes referred to as charging current) flowing in the conductor may be as large or larger than the current carrying capacity of the conductor. If the cable is to carry a load, not only will the conductors be overloaded, but the voltage of the circuit will be progressively

Distribution System Electrical Design


larger as the distance from the source becomes greater. To remedy this condition, shunt reactors are connected to the conductor at strategic points along the feeder to counteract the capacitance effect and maintain circuit voltages at safe values and within permissible limits. The kVA size of reactors is calculated in the same manner as that of capacitors. Only few instances of this effect on primary cable distribution circuits exist. Series Capacitors Capacitors installed in series in a primary distribution circuit also act to regulate the voltage of the circuit. The current flowing through them continually produces a capacitive effect that acts to counteract the inductive effect of the load current flowing in the feeder. Moreover, the effects vary with the load current, and hence compensation varies automatically as the current changes, eliminating the necessity to switch capacitors on and off as is the case with shunt capacitors. Further, the voltage on the load side of the series capacitor raises the voltage above the source side, and does so instantaneously, acting faster than regulators or switched shunt capacitors and without the associated control devices. A serious disadvantage, however, arises when relatively large fault currents flow through the capacitor, resulting in voltage rises that may destroy the capacitor and cause damage to adjacent facilities. It is necessary, therefore, to install automatically operated by-passes to short circuit the capacitor as quickly as possible. The potential hazard limits this type of relatively rare installation usually to large single consumers where flicker or rapid and repeated voltage fluctuations caused by frequent motor starts, welders, furnaces, and similar loads may be objectionable and intolerable (e.g., effect on computers, strobe lights, etc.). Capacitors and reactors may also be applied to secondary systems but their employment in this fashion is extremely rare. Resonance When the capacitance effect in a circuit exactly balances the inductive effect so that the net effect is zero, the only quantity left is the resistance. When this occurs, the circuit is said to be in resonance. Polyphase Primary Systems In the discussion so far, single-phase, two- and three-wire, circuits


Power Transmission and Distribution

have been used for simplification in describing the functioning of supply circuits. Single-phase circuits are adequate in supplying relatively small loads, including lighting and small or fractional horsepower motors. For larger bulk loads and the supply to larger motors, polyphase systems are more economical and provide smoother operation of motors. The polyphase systems may be two-phase systems (that are becoming rapidly obsolete, although some will continue to exist) and three-phase systems that are almost universally employed in transmission and distribution systems. For purposes of comparison, the single-phase system will be used for reference. Comparison of the characteristics of such systems is shown in Appendix D. Single-Phase System The two-wire system, Figure 2-9, consists of a two-conductor circuit with constant voltage maintained between the conductors, the load being connected in parallel across the circuit. For low-voltage lines, one conductor is usually grounded. The grounding of one conductor, usually called the neutral, is a safety measure. Should the live conductor accidentally come in contact with the neutral conductor, the electrical pressure or voltage of the live conductor will be dissipated over a relatively large body of the earth and thereby rendered harmless. In figuring power loss (I2R) and voltage drop (IZ), the resistance and reactance, or impedance, of both conductors must be considered.

Figure 2-9. Alternating Current, Single-Phase, Two-Wire System (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.) The three-wire system, Figure 2-10, is the equivalent of two twowire systems combined so that a single wire serves as one wire of each of the two systems, the neutral. At a given instant, if one outer wire is E volts (e.g., 120 volts) above the neutral, the other will be E volts (also 120 volts) below the neutral, and the voltage between outside wires will be 2E (or 240 volts).

Distribution System Electrical Design


If the load is balanced between the two systems, the neutral conductor will carry no current and the system acts as a two-wire system at twice the voltage of the component system with each unit of load (such as a lamp) of one component system in series with a similar unit of the other system. If the load is not balanced, the neutral conductor will carry a current equal to the difference between the currents in the outside conductors. For low voltage lines, the neutral is usually grounded. For a balanced system, power, power loss and voltage drop, are determined in the same way as for a two-wire circuit consisting of the outside wires; the neutral is neglected.

Figure 2-10. A-C Single-Phase, Three-Wire System (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.) An unbalanced condition in the three-wire circuit is indicated in Figure 2-11. Let the distance between the broken line represent the voltage. There will be a drop in voltage toward the neutral in both conductors I and 2. The neutral conductor now carries the difference in currents, that is, 12 11 = In; this current in the neutral will produce a voltage drop in the neutral, as shown in the figure. The result will be a much larger drop in voltage between conductor 2 and neutral than between conductor 1 and neutral. If the unbalance is large, In being greater than I1, ER1 will be greater than ES1 or there will be a rise in voltage across that side. The limiting case zoccurs when I1 = 0 and In = I2. In that case all the load is carried on side 2; the rise in voltage on side I will be half as much as the drop in voltage on the loaded side. If an equal load is now added on side 1, the load being balanced, In = 0 and the drop in voltage between 2 and neutral is only half that obtained with load on side 2 only,


Power Transmission and Distribution

although the total load is now doubled. In all of the discussion, it has been assumed that the size of the neutral conductor is the same as the outside conductors. Two-Phase Polyphase System The four-wire system, shown in Figure 2-12, consists of two singlephase, two-wire systems in which the voltage in one system is 90 out of phase with the voltage on the other system, both being supplied from the same source. In determining values of power, power loss, and voltage drop in such a system, the values are calculated as two separate single-phase, two-wire systems.

Figure 2-11. Unbalanced Load, Single-Phase, Three-Wire System (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Figure 2-12. A-C, Two-Phase, Four-Wire Systemand Vector Diagram (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design


The three-wire system, shown in Figure 2-13, is equivalent to a four-wire two-phase system with one wire made common on both phases. The current in the outside or phase wires is the same as in the four-wire system; the current in the common wire is the vector sum of these currents but opposite in phase. When the load is exactly balanced on the two phases, these two currents are equal and 90 out of phase with each other, and the resultant neutral current is equal to 2 or 1.41 times the phase current. The voltage between phase wire and common wire is the normal phase voltage, the same as in the four-wire system. The voltage between phase wires is equal to 2 or 1.41 times that voltage. The power transmitted is equal to the sum of the power transmitted by each phase. The power loss is equal to the sum of the power losses in each of the three wires. The voltage drop is affected by the distortion of the phase relation caused by the larger current in the third or common wire. In Figure 213, if E1 and E2 are the phase voltages at the source and I1 and I2 the corresponding phase currents (assumed balanced loading), I3 is the current in the common wire. The impedance drop over each conductor (IZ) subtracted from the voltages shown give the resultant voltages at the receiver of AB for phase 1 and AC for phase 2. It is apparent that these voltage drops are unequal and that the action of the current in the common wire is to distort the relations between voltages and currents, although the effect shown in the figure is exaggerated. The five-wire system, shown in Figure 2-14, is equivalent to a twophase four-wire system with the middle point of each phase brought out

Figure 2-13. A-C, Two-Phase, Three-Wire Systemand Vector Diagram. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

and joined in a fifth wire or common wire. This value may be in the nature of 120 volts and may be used for lighting and small power loads, while the voltage between the pairs of phase wires, E, may be 240 volts and used for larger loads. If the load is exactly balanced on all four phase wires, the common wire or neutral carries no current. If not balanced, the neutral carries the vector sum of the unbalanced currents in the two phases. Three-Phase Polyphase System The four-wire system, Figure 2-15, is equivalent to three singlephase systems supplied from the same generator, the voltage in each phase being 120 out of phase with the other two phases. One conductor is used as a common conductor for all three systems. The current in that common or neutral conductor is equal to the vector sum of the currents in the three phases but in opposite phase, In in the figure. If these currents are nearly equal, the neutral current will be small since these phase currents are 120 out of phase with each other. Usually, the neutral is grounded. Single-phase load is usually connected between one phase and the neutral, but may be connected between phase wires if desired. In this latter case, the voltage is 3 or 1.732 times the line to neutral (E) voltage. The separate phases of a three-phase load may similarly be connected either way. Power transmitted is equal to the sum of the power in each of the three phases. Power loss is equal to the sum of the losses in all four wires. When there is a neutral current, the voltage drop is affected by the distortion of the phase relations due to the voltage drop in the neutral conductor. When the neutral conductor is grounded at both the sending

Figure 2-14. A-C, Two-Phase, Five-Wire System (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-15. Voltage Drop in Three-Phase, Four-Wire System (Courtesy Long island Lighting Co.) and receiving ends, the neutral drop is theoretically zero, the current returning through ground. The voltage drop may be obtained graphically, as shown in Figure 2-15, by applying the impedance drop of each phase to its voltage. The neutral point is shifted from 0 to A by the voltage drop in the neutral conductor and the resulting voltages at the receiver are as shown by E1 R, E2 R and E3 R. The voltage drops in each phase are numerically equal to the difference in length between E1 S and E1 R, E2 S and E2 R, and E3 S and E3 R. In the three-wire system, Figure 2-16, if the load is equally balanced on the three phases of a four-wire system, the neutral carries no current and could be removed, making a three-wire system. It is not necessary, however, that the load be exactly balanced on a three-wire system. Considering balanced loads on a three-wire system, three-phase loads may be connected with each phase connected between two phase wires in a delta


Power Transmission and Distribution

() connection, or with each phase between one phase wire and a common point in a star or Y connection, as shown in the figure. The voltage between line wires is the delta voltage, E, while the line current is the Y currently. The relations in magnitude and phase between the various delta and Y voltages and currents for the same load is shown in the figure. For delta connection, lY is equal to the vector difference between the adjacent delta currents, hence: IY = 3 or 1.732I and E = 3 or 1.732EY

Figure 2-16. A-C, Three-Phase, Three-Wire System (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design


Power transmitted, when balanced loads are considered, is equal to three times the power transmitted by any one phase. Power loss is equal to the sum of the losses in each phase, or when balanced conditions exist, to three times the power loss in any one phase. Voltage drop in each phase, referred to Y voltages, may be determined by adding the impedance drop in one conductor vectorially to EY, when balanced loads are considered. The same thing is done in determining voltages when unbalanced loads are considered. If ES is the voltage between phases at the source, EYS the phase to neutral voltage, the IZ drop is subtracted vectorially from EYS for each of the three phases and the resulting voltages between phases at the receiving end (ER) obtained. Transformer Connections Before discussing the several types of connection of distribution transformers, it is desirable that the subject of transformer polarity be understood. Polarity The relative direction in which primary and secondary windings of a transformer are wound around the core determines the relative direction of the voltages across the windings. The direction of the winding depends on which end is used as the starting point. For a single-phase transformer, if the direction of the applied voltage at any instant is assumed as from a to b in Figure 2-17, the direction of the voltage across the secondary circuit will be either from c to d, or from d to c, depending on the relative direction of the windings. Since it is essential, if two transformers are to be paralleled, to know the relative direction of the voltages of the two transformers, certain conventions have been established for designating the polarity of a transformer. The designation of polarity may be illustrated by the figure, if one high-voltage load is connected to the adjacent opposite low-voltage terminal, (say) a to c, the voltage across the two remaining terminals, b and d, is either the sum or difference of the primary and secondary voltages, depending on the relative directions of the windings. If the voltage b to d is the sum, the transformer is said to have additive polarity; if it is the difference, the transformer is said to have negative polarity. If the vectors Eab and Ecd are in phase, the polarity is subtractive; if they are in phase opposition, the polarity is additive. To indicate


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-17. Polarity of a Transformer (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.) whether the transformer is of additive or subtractive polarity, the terminals are marked as shown in Figure 2-18. To connect two secondaries in parallel, similarly marked terminals are connected together irrespective of the polarity, provided similarly marked primary terminals have been connected together. In general, standard distribution transformers usually are of additive polarity, while substation transformers are of subtractive polarity. Single-Phase Transformer Connections A typical arrangement of the method of bringing the terminals of the primary and secondary coils out through the tank of a single-phase distribution transformer is shown in Figure 2-19. To provide for flexibility of connection, the primary and secondary coils are usually each ar-

Figure 2-18. Polarity Markings of Single-Phase Transformer (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design


ranged in two sections, each section of a coil having the same number of turns and, consequently, generating the same voltage. The two primary sections are usually connected together inside the tank and only two primary terminals are brought out from one side of the tank through bushings which insulate them from the tank casing. Four secondary leads are similarly brought out through insulating bushings from the opposite side of the tank, two terminals are brought out from each half of the secondary coil. The two inner connections from this secondary are transposed before being brought out through the casing. A schematic diagram of this arrangement is shown in the figure. Three different methods of connecting such a transformer for operation are shown in Figures 2-19a, b, c. In Figure 2-19a, the two sections of the secondary coil are connected in parallel to supply a two-wire 120volt secondary circuit. In Figure 2-19b, the two sections are connected in series to supply a 240-volt circuit. The connection in Figure 2-19c is that to supply a three-wire 120/240-volt circuit; the third wire is connected to the midpoint of the secondary coils, permitting 120- and 240-volt apparatus to be supplied. Two-Phase Transformer Connections Two-phase transformation of power is usually made with two single-phase transformers connected as shown in Figures 2-20a, b, and c for three-, four-, and five-wire secondary circuits, respectively. Three-Phase Transformer Connections Three-phase transformations may be accomplished by means of three single-phase transformers or by a three-phase transformer. The methods of connecting the coils for three-phase transformation are the same whether the three coils of one three-phase transformer or the three coils of three separate single-phase transformers are used. The most commonly used connections are the delta and the star or Y connection, explained earlier. With these two types of connections, four combinations are available: 1. Primary connected in Y 2. 3. 4. Y Secondary connected in Y Figure 2-21 Y Figure 2-22 Figure 2-23 Figure 2-24

48 Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-19. Single-Phase Transformer Connections

Distribution System Electrical Design

Figure 2-20. Connections for Two-Phase Transformers



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Y- Y Connection With the Y-Y connection, the secondary circuit is in phase with the primary circuit and the ratio of primary to secondary voltage is the same as the ratio of turns in the phases. The secondary may be either threewire or four-wire as desired. Unbalanced currents on the secondary circuit are transmitted through the transformers to the primary unchanged in phase relation, although reduced in magnitude according to the ratio of the windings. Delta-Delta Connection The delta-delta connection does not cause any phase angle shift between primary and secondary, nor does the ratio of transformation of the bank differ from the turn ratio of the windings. The phase voltage is 1.73 times the line to neutral voltage of the Y-Y bank and each phase requires more turns on the winding than the Y-Y bank. The phase current under balanced load is only 0.57 times the line current. Unbalanced loads tend to divide more evenly among the phases than with a Y-Y bank. With a single-phase load, for example, the current divides among the windings according to the relative impedance of each path, twothirds on the nearest phase and one-third on the others, if the phases have the same impedance. Figure 2-25a shows the effect of a single-phase load on a Y-Y bank and Figure 2-25b shows the same load on a delta-delta bank. For convenience only one set of windings is shown and the delta is opened up to show the currents more clearly. In Figure 2-25a, it will be noted that the current from a single-phase line-to-line load has its phase angle lag reduced by 30 in phase A and increased by 30 in phase B. In the delta in Figure 2-25b, phase A has two-thirds of the current at normal power factor, while in phase B the angle of lag of the current is increased by 60, and in phase C it is reduced by 60 and is actually leading. With this connection, there is also an advantage in case of damage to one of the transformers, the bank can be operated with only two of the transformers as an emergency condition. Y-Delta Connection In the Y-delta connection, there is a 30 phase angle shift between primary and secondary. This phase angle difference can be made either leading or lagging, depending on the external connections of the transformer bank. The relation between the high voltage and low voltage

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-21. Three-Phase Transformation; Wye-Wye Connection

Figure 2-22. Three-Phase Transformation; Delta-Delta Connection

Figure 2-23. Three-Phase Transformation; Y-Delta Connection

Figure 2-24. Three-Phase Transformation; Delta-Y Connection

(All figures courtesy of Long Island Lighting Co.) sides is shown in Figure 2-26. The phase rotation may be either way, the diagram merely shows the phase position of the windings with respect to each other. In a Y-delta vector diagram, the phase vectors of primary and secondary must be drawn parallel to each other. With balanced load the power factor of the primary circuit is the same as the power factor of the secondary circuit. The transformation

52 Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-25. Vector Diagram for Single-Phase Load on Wye-Wye Bank or Delta-Delta Bank. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design


ratio, however, is not the same as the ratio of turns of the phases. For example, three 2400/240-volt transformers connected in Y on the primary side and delta on the secondary side give a transformation ratio of 4160/240 volt or 1.73 to 1, although the transformers are themselves 10 to I in ratio. At the same time, the secondary line current is 17.3 times the primary current. Under unbalanced loads, the current and power factor in each phase of the primary is different from the corresponding relation in the secondary circuit. The determining factor is that with the primary neutral floating, that is, there is no outlet for the neutral current, the primary phase currents must add up to zero. The single-phase load in Figure 2-26 divides so that B phase carries two-thirds of the current, while A and C phases carry one-third. The volt-ampere capacity required in the transformer and the primary feeder is therefore four-thirds the actual load in volt-amperes. If a second single-phase load is connected to another leg of the delta, the corresponding load in the primary phases may be independently determined, and the resultant primary currents vectorially combined with the preceding results to give the answer for both loads. Delta- Y Connection The same discussion applying to the Y-delta connection applies also to this connection, the positions of primary and secondary being reversed.

Figure 2-26. Vector Diagram for Single-Phase Load on Wye-Delta Bank. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

Polarity of Three-Phase Transformers Figure 2-27 shows the order of bringing out and marking transformer terminals in a three-phase transformer. In the determination of the polarity of three-phase transformers, consideration of phase rotation, marking of terminals, and types of internal connection are involved. Considering first the delta-delta or Y-Y connections: For these two connections, the corresponding line voltages may have either a 0 or 180 displacement. With 0 displacement, if the two corresponding terminals are connected together (say) H1 and X1, then H1 H2 is in phase with X1 X2, and H2 H3 with X2 X3, etc. With 180 displacement, on the other hand, H1 H2 will be in phase opposition to X1 X2, etc. The vector diagrams for 0 and 180 displacement are shown in Figure 2-28. In the case of Y-delta connection, when two corresponding terminals of the high and low side are connected together, the other corresponding voltages H1 H2 and X1 X2, H2 H3 and X2 X3, H3 H1 and X3 X1, may be 30 leading or lagging from each other. The vector diagrams for Y-delta or delta-Y connections, for this condition, are shown in Figure 229a. In Figure 2-29b is shown the vector diagram for a 30 lag of Y side to delta side. It will be noted in Figure 2-29a, if X1 is placed on H1 the voltages X1 X2, X2 X3, and X3 X1 will lead H1 H2, H2 H3, and H3 H1 by 30 for a delta-Y connection and lag 30 for the Y-delta connection. The reverse is true for Figure 2-29b. Making Delta Connection In completing the delta connection, precautions should be taken that the third transformer is connected so that its voltage will have the proper phase relation to the other two, otherwise a dangerously high

Figure 2-27. Arrangement of Loads on a Three-Phase Transformer (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design

Figure 2-28. Polarity of Three-Phase Transformer Showing Phase Displacement. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)



Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-29. Arrangement of Terminals in Y-Delta Connection (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Figure 2-30. Correct and Incorrect Method of Making Delta Connection (Courtesy of Long Island Lighting Co.)

voltage may be obtained across this phase. This condition is indicated in Figure 2-30. Before points a and f are connected together, a test should be made by voltmeter or equivalent apparatus to be sure that the voltage between points a and f is very close to zero. Potential transformers may be necessary for this test.

Distribution System Electrical Design


Other Three-Phase Connections Open Delta Connection. The open delta connection is the result of omitting one transformer from a closed delta connection. Referring to Figure 2-31, if one of the transformers is removed, the other two would still maintain the correct voltage and phase relations on the secondary. But, in a closed delta connection, each transformer carries 1/3 I2 current at EL volts. If one transformer is disconnected, the current in each of the remaining two transformers would be I2 amperes instead of 1/3 IL. Since the line current must not exceed the rated current of a transformer if it is not to be overloaded, the load must be reduced. Thus, there is not only a reduction to 66-2/3 percent of the original closed delta transformer capacity, but also a reduction of
1 3

or 57.7 percent of the line current to prevent damage to the transformer windings. Since the line current and the coil current in an open delta connection are the same, then:
57.7% current = 86.6% rating 66.7% transformer capacity

which means that when two transformers are connected in open delta, they must operate at 86.6 percent of their rating if they are not to be overloaded. Open Y-Open Delta Connection. To avoid the case of three transformers for small three-phase loads, this connection is used. The diagram of connections and associated vector diagrams are given in Figure 2-32.

Voltage and Phase Transformations Three-Phase Primary to Two-Phase Secondary The transformation from three phase to two phase is accomplished by using one Y-type and one delta-type transformer, as shown in Figure 2-33; that includes 4160 volt and 2400 volt transformers as an example. The 4160 volt transformer connected between lines A and B, and the 2400 volt transformer connected between line C and neutral. These con-


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-31. Open Delta Connection (Courtesy of Long Island Lighting Co.) nections give a 900 displacement between the two phases, as shown in the vector diagram. Scott or T Connection A distribution transformer having a standard 86.6 percent tap may be connected with one having a 50 percent tap as shown in the diagram of Figure 2-34 to obtain a two-phase supply from a three-phase source, or vice versa. The associated vector diagram is also included in the figure. Autotransformer Connection An autotransformer may also be used to provide a two-phase supply from a three-phase source; the connections and vector diagram are shown in Figure 2-35. Primary Circuit Reliability The radial-type primary circuit is the most frequently employed in electric distribution systems. A radial circuit, so named because it radiates from its substation source and traverses the area to be supplied. Transformers may be connected to the feeder main along the trunk route and laterals, both single- and three-phase, may be tapped off of the feeder main to supply loads not adjacent to the main. More often, the

Distribution System Electrical Design

Figure 2-32. Open-Wye Open-Delta Connection (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)



Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-33. Three-Phase Four-Wire Primary to Two-Phase Four-Wire Secondary. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Figure 2-34. Scott or T Connection (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-35. Three-Phase or Two-Phase Using a Six Lead or Four-Lead Autotransformer. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting CO-) total area to be supplied may be divided into three separate phase areas in which all the single-phase loads are supplied from the same phase. The areas are so selected that the loads on each phase are about the same in order that loads (and voltages) be balanced on the three-phase circuit. As modification of this feeder design, a super main runs untapped directly from the source to the load center of the area served, from which point (three phase) mains radiate in all directions. The load capacity of such a circuit may be several times greater than the simple radial circuit described above. The size of the conductor of the mains radiating from the load center may be smaller because of the much lower load density. Both circuit arrangements are designed so that, in the event of fault, the circuit can be sectionalized allowing the unfaulted parts of the circuit to be energized from alternate sources, usually adjacent circuits.


Power Transmission and Distribution

To permit this type of operation, the initial loading of each circuit (at peak) should be limited to approximately two-thirds of the potential capacity of each circuit. Consumers, usually large, requiring a better reliability, are also provided with an alternate source. Primary lines from two separate feeders are brought to a throw-over device that permits selection of service from either source; the throw-over arrangement may be operated manually or automatically. Another design, usually employed on long and widely extended circuits, calls for reclosers to be installed on one or more branches of a circuit so that a fault on the branches need not affect the entire circuit. Temporary faults, such as a tree limb falling on a line, will not cause a lengthy outage to service on the branch, but only a momentary interruption. (Figure 2-36)

Figure 2-36. Radial Primary Feeder with Protective and Sectionalized Devices.

Distribution System Electrical Design


Loop Primary Circuits A high degree of service continuity may be realized making use of the alternate feed principle with so-called loop systems. Here, the circuit, as its name implies, forms a loop, starting at one source and returning to the same or other source, with sectionalizing devices installed on both sides of a single transformer location or on both sides of a group of transformers; approximately midway, or at one end, of the loop, another sectionalizing device, usually a circuit breaker, is installed. The sectionalizing devices may be manually operated switches, or more expensive automatically operated circuit breakers, or a combination of the two. Such systems essentially provide a two-way primary feed to the high reliability consumer. A fault on any part of this circuit will deenergize the entire circuit until the sectionalizing switches between the fault and the station breaker can be opened (possibly by automation); the circuit breaker at the station will reclose (if programmed to do so) and service restored to those consumers from the point of fault back to the station on the remaining part of the loop. The process is repeated after the fault is cleared; the entire circuit is again deenergized by the station breaker until the open sectionalizing switches are closed, then the station breaker is closed, restoring service to the entire circuit. In Figure 2-37b, the switches are replaced with the much more expensive circuit breakers and associated relaying. Since all the switching necessary to clear the fault is done automatically, any interruption may only be momentary. While this closed loop arrangement appears to be very reliable, there is danger that the fault may be so located that the fault current flowing in one branch of the circuit from the fault may not be great enough to operate the isolating breaker in that branch of the loop. By operating the loop in two sections, that is, as an open loop, total fault current will flow to the fault located between the open (loop) circuit breaker and the station, assuring the operation of the circuit breaker nearest the fault between the fault and the station. Meanwhile, the open circuit breaker (0 in the diagram) sensing one side is now deenergized, will close automatically, restoring the open loop and service to all the consumers on the circuit, except those connected to the isolated section on which the fault is located. In Figure 2-37c, the two generators may represent two separate generating stations distanced apart, then the loop represents a tie be-


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tween the two generators One of the breakers may operate normally open. Should it be found desirable to operate with it closed, precautions should be taken to synchronize the two generators before closing the circuit breaker. Should a fault develop on this now tie circuit, fault current would flow from each of the generators in proportion to the distance each is from the fault. This could result in slowing down the unit supplying most of the fault and load current, and a relative speeding up of the unit furthest from the fault. The result would be a continuous rocking motion between the two generators, accelerating, so that ultimately one would have its circuit breaker open from overload, and subsequently the other would also have its circuit breaker open, resulting in this part of the system to shut down. The same effect would take place with a number of generators similarly distanced and connected together. The result would be that each generator would have its circuit breaker open, cas-

Figure 2-37(a). Primary Loop Systems

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-37(b). Radial type circuits showing several methods of sectionalizing.

Figure 2-27(c). Loop type circuit showing methods of sectionalizing. One circuit breaker scheme as shown in Figure 2-37(b) also applies. cading one after the other, until the entire system is shut down (blackout). To obviate this occurrence, it is imperative that the circuit breakers nearest the fault open as fast as possible, clearing the fault from the circuit and stopping the rocking motion described above from continu-


Power Transmission and Distribution

ing. This activity is often referred to as the stability of the system. Primary Network Systems In some instances where high reliability is desired, the primary network may prove less expensive than variations of the radial and loop systems. Similar to the secondary network, the primary mains of radial systems are connected together to form a network or grid. The grid is supplied from a number of power transformers or substations, supplied in turn at higher voltages from subtransmission or transmission lines. Circuit breakers between the transformer and grid are designed to open to protect the network from faults that may occur on the incoming high voltage lines, Figure 2-38. Faults on sections of the primary lines comprising the network are isolated by fuses and circuit breakers. This type of system may be supplied from transformers located at conventional type substations and from smaller unit substations that are self-contained units including transformer, circuit breaker or breakers, relays, and other associated devices and equipment. They require less space and are strategically placed throughout the network, although obtaining sites in the midst of built-up areas may be more difficult. Moreover, some difficulty may be experienced in maintaining satisfactory operation of the voltage regulators on those interconnected feeders in the network on which regulators exist. While the primary network has excellent voltage regulation and provides for load growth by simply adding substation capacity at or near the area of growth, proper operation of the network is difficult to attain. The loading of the feeders interconnected in the network must have sufficient reserve, sometimes not available, to enable the load to be carried by the remaining feeders when one (or more) becomes deenergized. Settings of relays associated with the feeder circuit breakers is also very difficult. DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATIONS Distribution substations serve as the source for primary distribution feeders. They receive bulk electric power at high voltages and reduce the voltage to distribution primary values. Associated with the transformation are provisions for protection from faults, from the elements and from overloads, for maintaining good voltage regulation, for obtaining data for monitoring the operations of the transmission and

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Figure 2-38. Typical Primary-Network Arrangement Using Breakers at Each End of Each Tie Feeder. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) distribution lines. The location of a distribution substation is of great importance. While it should be situated as close to the load center as practical, this is not always readily obtainable for both economical and environmental reasons. The distance between substations, a product of site availability, is also an important consideration in the design of a distribution system. Both of these factors affect the size or capacity not only of the substation, but of the area load to be served. They influence largely the selection of the primary voltage of the circuits and, to a lesser extent, the type of primary and secondary mains employed in serving consumers. In some instances, they affect the decision concerning overhead vs. underground construction. In short, the location of the distribution substation is an integral part of the design of a distribution system.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Distribution substations may be of the outdoor type, completely enclosed in an indoor type, or a combination of the two. The final selection depending not only on economic factors, and future load growth, but on environmental, legal, and public relations factors. The principal equipment generally installed in a distribution substation, together with auxiliary devices and apparatus are: power transformers, oil or air circuit breakers, voltage regulators, protective relays, air break and disconnecting switches, surge arresters, measuring instruments; in some instances, storage batteries, capacitors and street lighting equipment. This equipment is electrically and physically arranged for simplicity in construction and maintenance, including provisions for installing additional equipment to accommodate future load growth, with minimum disturbance of existing equipment. It is placed and interconnected in various arrangements by means of buses or cables to insure safety for workers and reliability of operation. Power Transformers Power transformers are larger in size than distribution transformers and may have auxiliary means for cooling. The latter may include fins on radiators attached to the tanks, fans blowing on the units, circulation of oil from the tank to external heat exchangers and back to the tank. Auxiliary tanks, mounted on top of the transformers, permit the oil to expand and contract without the hot oil making contact with the cool atmosphere, preventing condensation and sludge from contaminating the oil; these are sometimes referred to as conservators, Figure 2-39. The units may be single phase or three phase, and are provided with taps. While the line distribution transformers may be of either negative or positive polarity (although standards call for positive polarity), station power transformers are usually of negative polarity in accordance with ASA (American Standards Association) standards; the nameplate on the transformer usually identifies its polarity. The transformers may be connected in delta and Y combinations, similar to those described for line transformers. Circuit Breakers Circuit breakers are generally installed on both the incoming supply lines and the outgoing distribution feeders to protect the circuits in the event of fault, in addition to the job of energizing and deenergizing the circuits under normal conditions, including the maintenance of

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Figure 2-39. Diagram Showing Main Features of a Conservator (Courtesy General Electric Co.). equipment and sectionalizing of lines. When a fault occurs on a feeder, extraordinary large currents will flow that the circuit breaker is called upon to interrupt. For example, assume a fault on a 7620-volt primary circuit just outside the substation, with a line impedance of (say) 0.2 ohms from the source to the fault. Then, by Ohms Law, the current flowing would be:

I = E = 7620 = 38100 amperes 0.2 Z

Such a large current will produce an alternating magnetic field about the conducting parts of the circuit breaker of such magnitude as to be destructive if allowed to flow for any relatively long period of time. Hence, the circuit breaker is designed to operate as quickly as possible and the arc that forms between opening contacts be quenched as rapidly as possible. In the first instance, the circuit breaker is made to open by the release of a spring; when the breaker is closed, by means of a coil (solenoid), the spring is wound and ready for the next operation. Both opening and closing are rapid operations consuming only a few cycles or less to open and several cycles or less to close. Several schemes are employed to quench the arc, under oil, as quickly as possible; one employs the explosive action of the arc to blow itself out; another has the current in the arc produce a circulating magnetic field which also tends to blow out the arc quickly; still another,


Power Transmission and Distribution

termed de-ion, has the arc travel over a series of closely spaced metal spacers, splitting the arc into a number of smaller ones more readily extinguished by the rapidly circulating magnetic field. Air Circuit Breakers Air circuit breakers may be used when fault currents are relatively small. They are of simple construction, low cost and low maintenance. Here, the insulating medium is air and easily ionized resulting in a severe and persistent arc. The current flows through coils creating a magnetic field that tends to force the arc from more rugged auxiliary contacts into ceramic chutes that stretch the arc, sometimes with the aid of compressed air, into extinction. Meanwhile, the main contacts open with little or no arcing. Vacuum Circuit Breakers Vacuum circuit breakers have the advantage of size and simplicity of construction, but maintenance is more complex and costly. Their interrupting rating, however, is higher than air circuit breakers but lower than oil circuit breakers. Here, the contacts open in a vacuum that, theoretically, cannot sustain an arc, but since no vacuum is perfect, a relatively small arc of short duration is produced; the heat generated is not easily dissipated. Each of these types of circuit breakers may be single phase or three phase with all three phases contained in one tank but separated by partitions of material having high insulation value and laminated for greater strength. Special attention is given to the insulation of the circuit breaker parts, discussed under Insulation Coordination. Voltage Regulators Voltage regulators may be of two types, the induction regulator and the tap changing under load transformer (TCUL). Both types raise or lower the voltage from the substation power transformers, both work on the principle of the autotransformer. The induction regulator has a primary coil connected across the circuit to be regulated and is wound on a steel core capable of rotating on the axis of the secondary. The secondary coil is stationary and is wound on a steel core; the cores of both coils constituting the magnetic circuit. The voltage induced in the secondary depends on the relative position of the two coils, adding when the primary coil rotates in one

Distribution System Electrical Design


direction and subtracting when it rotates in the opposite direction. The reactance of the secondary coil causes a large voltage drop while the primary coil is rotating. A third coil, short circuited on itself, is mounted on the movable coil at right angles to the primary coil, acts to reduce this reactance. This type regulator, because of the difficulty with high voltage insulation on a moving coil, is generally limited to primary circuits of 5 kV and below. Figure 2-40. The TCUL type changes the voltage in the outgoing primary feeder by varying the ratio of transformation, accomplished by means of taps

Figure 2-40. Single-Phase Induction Regulator (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

on the primary coil that can be changed while the autotransformer is energized, Figure 2-41. Small autotransformers connected between successive taps prevent the transformer from being disconnected from the line while taps are being changed. The regulated line is connected to the midpoint of these small autotransformers, the two ends of which are connected to the taps through transfer switches. A voltage from one tap is added to or subtracted from the primary voltage with one of the transfer switches closed and the other open; another voltage is added to or subtracted from the primary voltage when both transfer switches are closed; a third voltage is added to or subtracted from the primary voltage when the second transfer switch is closed and the first open, Table 2-1. This type regulator is used when high voltage and relatively large loads are to be regulated. A single-phase regulator adds or subtracts a voltage very nearly in phase with the line voltage, Figure 2-42a. This voltage changes in value with the position of the regulator, but does not change its phase relation. A three-phase regulator adds or subtracts a voltage of constant value to the voltage across each phase, regardless of the position of the regulator. That voltage is not in phase with the line voltage, except at maximum and minimum, boost or buck, positions, Figure 2-42b. In the intermediate positions, the voltage increment is out of phase with the line voltage, except at 900 when no voltage is added or subtracted; that is, the system is in neutral. The three-phase increments rotate the line voltages out of their original phase positions. Care should be taken in paralleling three-phase regulators because of the out-of-phase resultant voltages; it may prove desirable to use two or three single phase regulators instead, Figure 2-42c. Both types of regulators are controlled by means of a voltage sensitive relay, called a contact-making voltmeter, connected to the output side of the primary circuit. To control the voltage regulation at some point near the load center of the primary feeder, a line-drop compensator is introduced into the contact-making voltmeter circuit. The linedrop compensator contains a resister and reactor whose values represent in miniature the resistance reactance of the primary circuit to the point of regulation, Figure 2-43. The miniature values depend on the ratios of transformation of the instrument transformers on the primary circuit that connect to the contact-making voltmeter. Both the resistance and reactance elements may be varied in value.

Distribution System Electrical Design


Table 2-1. Sequence of Operation of TCUL Regulator Switches

Switch Position 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9

Transfer switch A B C Selector switch I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.

Figure 2-41. Step Type Regulator (TCUL) (Courtesy Westinghouse Electrical Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-42a. Vector Diagram for Single-Phase Induction Regulator

Figure 2-42b. Vector Diagram of Three-Phase Induction Regulator

Figure 2-42c. Regulation of Three-Phase Systems by Single-Phase Regulators

Figure 2-42. (Courtesy General Electric Co.) Surge or Lightning Arresters Surge arresters are installed on each conductor of the incoming supply feeders (subtransmission or transmission) and on those of the outgoing distribution feeders, as well as on other equipment that may be subject to voltage surges caused by lightning or switching. They usually consist of an air gap in series with some material having the characteristic of being an insulator at normal voltages but changing to a conductor when higher voltages are imposed on it, but returning to its

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-43. Schematic Diagram of Line-Drop Compensator and Contact-Making Voltmeter. (Courtesy General Electric Co.) insulating condition when the high voltage is removed. The arresters are connected between the energized line or equipment and ground, and should be located as close as practical to the line or equipment to be protected. The ground resistance should be maintained as low as possible or the arrester will be ineffective. A surge wave traveling over a conductor of a circuit may change its characteristics when it encounters a point of discontinuity, such as an open switch, a transformer, a change from overhead to underground, etc. At such points, the surge voltage wave may be reflected back on the conductor and the reflected voltage wave may add to or subtract from the original surge wave. The result is a crest voltage of double the original value or one that may tend to cancel the voltage of the surge wave, Figure 2-44. In order for the arrester to fulfill its function to prevent excessive voltage stress from damaging the insulation of the protected line or equipment, it is essential that the characteristics of the insulation of the line or equipment be coordinated with the protective characteristics of the arrester. As there are many other devices for the protection of lines and equipment, such as circuit breakers, reclosers, fuses, etc., all of them must have their characteristics coordinated so that each of them may operate properly to provide protection, that is, protection of their insulation against failure. Insulation failure may result from deterioration or puncture caused by prolonged overheating which, in turn, may depend on the duration and magnitude of the current flowing in the conductors. These may be greater than the design values of insulation, including factors of safety


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-44. Reflection of Waves from Open Circuit End of Line (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) and manufacturers tolerances. Lightning and switching surges cause very high heat to be generated by the high voltages and currents but of short duration. Basic Insulation Level (BIL) Insulation levels are designed to withstand surge voltages, rather than only normal operating voltages. Since the insulation lines and equipment is protected by arresters draining the surges rapidly before the insulation is damaged, the arrester must operate below the minimum insulation level that must withstand the surges. An example is shown in Figure 2-45a. The minimum level is known as the Basic Insulation Level (BIL) that must be that of all of the components of a system.

Distribution System Electrical Design


Insulation values above this level for the lines and equipment in the system must be so coordinated that specific protective devices operate satisfactorily below that minimum level. In the design of lines and equipment considering the minimum level of insulation required, it is necessary to define surge voltage in terms of its peak value and return to lower values in terms of time or duration. Although the peak voltage may be considerably higher than normal voltage, the stress in the insulation may exist for only a very short period of time. For purposes of design, the voltage surge is defined as one that peaks in 1.5 microseconds and falls to one-half that value in 40 microseconds (thousandths of a second). It is referred to as a 1.5/40 wave, the steep rising portion is called the wave front and the receding portion the wave tail, Figure 2-46. Insulation levels recommended for a number of voltage classes are listed in Table 2-2. As the operating voltages become higher, the effect of a surge voltage becomes less; hence, the ratio of the BIL to the voltage class decreases as the latter increases. Distribution class BIL is less than that for power class substation and transmission lines as well as consumers equipment, so that should a surge result in failure, it will be on the utilitys distribution system where interruptions to consumers are limited and the utility better equipped to handle such failures. The line and equipment insulation characteristics must be at a higher voltage level than that at which the protecting arrester begins to spark over to ground, and a sufficient voltage difference between the two must exist. The characteristics of the several type arresters are shown in the curves of Figure 2-47. The impulse level of lines and equipment must be high enough for the arresters to provide protection but low enough to be economically practical. Surges, on occasion, may damage the insulation of the protective device; hence, insulation coordination should include that of the protective devices. As there are a number of protective devices, mentioned earlier, each having characteristics of its own, the characteristics of all of these must be coordinated for proper operation and protection. These are discussed in Chapter 5. Before leaving the subject of insulation coordination, such coordination also applies within a piece of equipment itself. The insulation associated with the several parts of the equipment must not only withstand the normal operating voltage, but also the higher surge voltage that may find its way into the equipment. So, while the insulation of the


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-45

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-46. Surge Voltage 1.5 by 4.0 Wave Table 2-2. Typical Basic Insulation Levels Basic insulation level, kV (standard 1.5- 40-s wave) Voltage Distribution Power class (station, class, kV class transmission lines) 1.2 30 45 2.5 45 60 5.0 60 75 8.7 75 95 15 95 110 23 110 150 34.5 150 200 46 200 250 69 250 350
*For current industry recommended values, refer to the latest revision of the National Electric Safety Code.

several parts is kept nearly equal, that of certain parts is deliberately made lower than others; usually this means the bushing. Since the bushing is usually protected by an air gap or arrester whose insulation under surge is lower than its own, flashover will occur across the bushing and the grounded tank. The weakest insulation should be weaker by a sufficient margin than that of the principal equipment it is protecting; such


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-47. (a) Sparkover Characteristics of Distribution Value Arresters; (b) Sparkover Characteristics of Expulsion Arresters. (Courtesy McGraw Edison Co.) coordinated arrangement restricts damage not only to the main parts of the equipment, but less so to parts more easily accessible for repair or replacement. The insulation of all parts of the equipment should exceed the basic insulation level (BIL). Figure 2-45b. Other Substation Equipment Other equipment that may be found in a distribution substation include switches, instrument transformers, measuring instruments, protective relays, and in some instances, capacitors, reactors, street lighting equipment, and storage batteries. Switches Switches may be of several types, the common characteristic is that none are designed to interrupt fault currents and the insulation or insulators associated with them must coordinate with the rest of the system and a BIL capable of withstanding voltage surges. In general, they consist of a conducting blade, hinged at one end, and a stationary contact on the other, both terminals mounted on suitable insulators that conform to the common insulator requirements of BIL coordination.

Distribution System Electrical Design


Almost every major line or equipment in a substation has associated with it a means of completely isolating it from other energized elements as a prudent means of insuring safety by preventing accidental energization. These simple switches, called disconnects, or disconnecting switches, are usually installed on both sides of the equipment or line upon which work is to be done. They should not be operated while the circuit in which they are connected is energized, but only after the circuit is deenergized. As a further precaution, they may be opened by means of an insulated stick that helps the operator keep a distance from the switch. Locking devices are sometimes provided to keep the disconnects from being opened accidentally or from being blown open during periods of heavy fault currents passing through them. Although not designed to be closed to energize the line or equipment with which they are associated, in certain circumstances they may be closed, using special care to close them firmly and rapidly. Disconnects may be singleblade units or multiple units operated together. Air break switches have characteristics similar to disconnects, but have the stationary contacts equipped with arc suppressing devices that enable them to be opened while energized, but recognizing a limitation as to the current that may be safely interrupted. The device may be a simple arcing horn which stretches the arc that may form until it cannot sustain itself. Another type has a flexible whip attached to the stationary contact that continues the contact with the moving blade until a point is reached at which the whip snaps open very rapidly extinguishing any arc that may form. Still another has an interrupting unit mounted at the free end of the switch blade and which suppresses the arc within the unit as the switch opens; the interrupting unit may contain a vacuum chamber, or a series of grids which cause the arc to break up into smaller ones and are more readily extinguished. Both types function similarly as larger units do in circuit breakers. Oil switches have the blade open from its contact under oil which suppresses any arc that may form. They have higher current breaking capacity than air break switches and are particularly suited for underground systems or where moisture or pollution make air switches impractical. However, they are more expensive at first cost, to operate and to maintain. Instrument Transformers Instrument transformers are used in substations because of the


Power Transmission and Distribution

impracticability of measuring values of current and voltage with ordinary meters, not only because they may be beyond the range of these instruments, but because the insulating problems make their direct use impractical. Instrument transformers act in the same way as distribution transformers, but have a much greater accuracy in their ratios of transformation. Both current transformers (CT) and potential transformers (PT) are insulated to withstand the voltage of the circuits with which they are associated, and also conform to the BIL and insulation coordination of the systems of which they are a part. Current transformers usually have a secondary rating of 5 amperes and potential transformers a secondary rating of 150 or 300 volts, and sometimes ratings of 250 and 500 volts. Both instrument transformers also isolate the meters and relay circuits from the high voltages of the incoming and outgoing feeders. They are rated in volt-amperes, and the load they carry is referred to as their burden. The turn ratios of the current transformer usually results in stepping up the voltage in its secondary. This voltage is reduced considerably by the impedance of the instrument or device connected across the terminals of the secondary; if the secondary is left open with nothing connected to it, the voltage developed may be so high as to be unsafe and the secondary of the current transformer is provided with a short circuit device when opened. Current transformers are also provided with polarity marks to aid in their proper connection when paralleled with other current transformers. Relays and Meters The operation of protective relays is discussed in a separate chapter on protection. It is assumed the reader is familiar with the operation of meters that indicate and record data desired for observing the operation of substations, including both incoming and outgoing feeders. Capacitors Capacitors for regulating bus voltage by correction of power factor may also be installed at distribution substations. This mode of operation has been described earlier. Provision is made for switching some of the units in the capacitor bank off and on as required to maintain voltage regulation. Capacitors are connected to the bus through fuses that serve to clear a faulted capacitor unit so that other energized elements in the substation are not affected.

Distribution System Electrical Design


Reactors Reactors may be connected in series with the line or equipment to limit the flow of fault current that may flow through them. They may also be connected in series with a transformer that may be paralleled with one of dissimilar characteristics in order to obtain an equitable balance of loads between them. Where distribution feeders are cables with metallic sheaths and operate at relatively high voltages, reactors may be installed to counter some of the cables capacitance effect. Street Lighting Equipment Street lighting equipment supplying series street may sometimes be found in distribution substations. Details of equipment and mode of operation are contained in Appendix E. Storage Batteries Storage batteries may be found in some distribution substations, usually the larger and more important ones. Ordinarily, circuit breakers, indicating lamps, and other devices are operated by alternating current from a transformer at the substation assigned to this purpose. When operation of these devices, including the reclosing of circuit breaker mechanisms, is of special importance, they are supplied from a direct current source from a bank of storage batteries. Operation may be at nominal voltages of 6, 12, 24, 48 or 120 volts, although 24, 48 and 120 volt systems are preferred as possible voltage drop from poor connections will still leave sufficient voltage for proper operation of relays, breakers, and auxiliaries. The batteries are kept charged continuously, being connected to a 120-volt alternating-current supply through rectifiers. Lead cell batteries must be ventilated as they give off hydrogen and oxygen gases, a potentially explosive mixture. Batteries are rated in ampere-hours. Fuses Fuses provide protection by the melting of a fusible link when current exceeding their rating flows through them, Figure 2-48a, b, c. They come in a variety of types and ratings for both voltage and current values. From the relatively low voltage line fuse associated with distribution transformers to those on high voltage transmission lines, they all operate on the same principle and each has its own time-clearing characteristic which must be considered with the characteristics of other


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-48 (Courtesy McGraw Edison Co.)

Distribution System Electrical Design


protective devices on the system (see Chapter 5). The insulation of their mountings; must also subscribe to the BIL and coordinate with the system insulation. Distribution Substation Bus Arrangement Bus arrangements provide for varying degrees of reliability on both input and output sides. On the incoming subtransmission or transmission supply feeders, the arrangements may vary from one feeder to a multiplicity of feeders and the disconnecting facilities from an airbreak switch to a multiplicity of more expensive circuit breakers, Figure 2-49. Each additional circuit breaker provides greater flexibility in arranging the supply feeders so that a higher degree of reliability can be maintained should one (or more) of the supply feeders be out of service from fault condition or for maintenance. The same advantages also exist for similar conditions on the high voltage bus arrangement. On the low voltage outgoing primary bus arrangement, a similar variation from an air-break switch to a multiplicity of circuit breakers provide flexibility in maintaining the bus energized during fault or maintenance occurrences; again, the greater the number of circuit breakers, the greater the cost. Another variation in the arrangements associated with individual distribution primary feeders employs a varying number of circuit breakers, Figure 2-50. Even greater reliability may be achieved through the flexibility of arrangements by a combination of all or some of the buses described. The insulation of all of the buses, switches, circuit breakers, etc., of the several arrangements must also conform to BIL and coordination requirements described earlier. Conversion of Primary Circuits to Higher Voltages Load density increases in particular areas are often taken care of by increasing the voltage of the existing primary circuit. This frequently involves changing the delta connection to a Y connection of lines and transformers at both the substation and on the feeder (e.g. 2400 delta to 4160Y; 7620 delta to 13200Y; etc.). In such instances, practically all of the facilities, including poles, conductors, insulators, transformers, cutouts, surge arresters, are adequate to operate at the higher nominal voltage. If a secondary neutral conductor does not exist, it should be installed to act as a common ground or neutral for the higher Y voltage circuit.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 2-49. Incoming and Outgoing Feeder Circuit Breaker Arrangements. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) The changeover is accomplished principally with the aid of one or more transformers having an input of the lower voltage and an output at the higher voltage. These can be single-phase or three-phase units. They can be pole-mounted or mobile, sometimes mounted on a platform on a truck. The general method is to use these transformers to pick up

Distribution System Electrical Design


Figure 2-50(a). Arrangement of Distribution Feeder Buses at Substations. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Figure 2-50(b). Distribution substation with high-voltage double bus and low-voltage auxiliary bus and individual transformation in each primary feeder resulting in relatively low interrupting duty on feeder breakers. small sections of the feeder at a time, the three-phase units picking up part of the feeder main or trunk and the single-phase the laterals. The details depend on: the amount of load limited by the capacity of the transformers; the practical points of connection, preferably at sectionalizing points utilizing the switches at these points; the availability of adjacent feeders to pick up parts of the circuit being worked on;


Power Transmission and Distribution

the availability of manpower to determine how much work of reconnection may be done during periods of light load; in the substation, whether the load of the feeders on one bank can be picked by other available banks, allowing time for one bank to have its connections changed from delta to Y on the outgoing primary supply. The timing of the reconnection of the transformers at tile substation depends on whether the field conversion is to start at the near end or the far end of the feeder, or the laterals of the feeder under consideration. In some instances, after a portion of the circuit has been converted, it may be practical and economical to leave the temporary conversion transformers in place on the feeder for a longer permanent period of time. In general, whatever outages that may be necessary to permit reconnection of line transformers, laterals, etc., to be done safely, should be kept to a minimum. When conversion to a higher voltage is not based on reconnection of delta to Y circuits, utilizing most of the facilities in place, much preparatory work will need to be done. Generally, existing poles and conductors will be adequate. Insulators may need to be changed, higher primary voltage transformers and their accessories will need to be replaced (fused cutouts and arresters), new units installed a pole or one span away from the existing facilities. When all of the preparatory work is completed, the conversion in the field will follow the same general procedure as described above. Replacement of transformers, circuit breakers, and revamping of buses at the substation may require building of temporary by-passes while the work is being done; employment of a mobile transformer or substation may simplify and expedite the work. In some instances, where the incoming transmission supply voltage is also being changed, the work may become more involved; more temporary work may be necessary and, again, a mobile substation may prove helpful. When the conversion involves changes to a relatively higher voltage (say) 2400/4160-volt system to a 7620/13200-volt distribution system, close attention should be given to make sure of proper clearances between conductors, between conductors and nearby structures, adequate tree trimming, etc., based on the requirements of the NESC as a minimum, and other safety and local regulations. For the higher voltage, more outages of greater duration, or recourse to live-line procedures, or both, may be necessary, as well as the erection of temporary bypasses.

Distribution System Electrical Design


While these add to the cost of the conversion, safety should never be sacrificed; these additional costs should be included in the economic studies comparing this method of serving increases in area load densities against other alternatives, such as adding additional substations. Such conversions to higher distribution voltages for underground systems rarely follow the methods described above for overhead systems. Generally, it is necessary to provide for either a complete reconstruction, essentially installing a new system, or the addition of new facilities at existing voltages, but changing radial systems to networks. Parenthetically, similar methods may be used in the conversion of two-phase circuits to three-phase operation. In place of the transformers that change one primary voltage to another, transformers connected in the Scott connection or Y to three-phase connection are employed. Individual two-phase loads may still be served by similar phase transformation connected small transformers with secondary voltage values.

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Subtransmission System Electrical Design


Chapter 3

Subtransmission System Electrical Design

Subtransmission lines serve as incoming supply lines to distribution substations. They usually operate at nominal voltages of 23, 45, 69 and 138 kV, voltages between distribution and transmission line values, although some systems employ the same distribution as well. Subtransmission circuits may be arranged in a simple radial pattern, or in open or closed loops that may, in some instances, emanate from or act as ties between two or more bulk power sources. Both radial and loop systems exhibit somewhat the same characteristics as primary distribution circuits. Where a distribution substation is supplied by two or more subtransmission feeders or two or more sections of a loop feeder, the several feeders or sections of feeders may be routed along separate rights-of-way for greater reliability. Figures 3-1, 3-2, 3-3. Subtransmission feeders may also be connected in a grid or network manner, but the number of circuit breakers involved and the complexity of protective relay schemes limit their use to relatively few areas where a very high degree of reliability may not be achieved more economically with other types of systems. Where the grid subtransmission system interconnects two or more power sources, greater reliability may be achieved, but system protective relay problems become even more complex. Figure 3-4.

SUBTRANSMISSION SUBSTATIONS Subtransmission substations typically supply several distribution substations. Where subtransmission feeders are ties between two or more subtransmission substations, they may also serve to equalize loads on the incoming supply transmission feeders. Because of the considerably greater loads carried by subtransmission substations, continuity of 91


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 3-1. Simple Form of Radial Type Subtransmission Circuit. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Figure 3-2. Improved Form of Radial Type Subtransmission Circuits (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Subtransmission System Electrical Design


Figure 3-3. A Parallel or Loop Circuit Subtransmission Layout (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) service receives greater consideration in their designs than for distribution substations. In general, subtransmission substation bus and equipment arrangements are similar to those found in the distribution substation designed for greater service reliability: buses sectionalized, main and transfer buses, ring buses, and a greater use of circuit breakers for ties and load transfers. Some of the subtransmission substation arrangements, are shown in the one-line diagrams of Figure 3-5, and refer to the busing and switching at the subtransmission voltage level. Starting with the simplest arrangement, the arrangements become more complex as the degree of continuity and reliability become greater. The possible exception is the ring bus arrangement which requires only one circuit breaker for incoming or outgoing circuits; moreover, each outgoing circuit has, in effect, two sources of supply. With fewer circuit breakers than other arrangements, it provides relatively good service reliability; any circuit breaker in the ring may be taken out of service for maintenance or other work without disrupting the remainder of the system. It must be remembered that the normal load capacity and the short circuit duty imposed on the circuit breakers in subtransmission substations are higher than those imposed on those in distribution substations and are more


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 3-4. Network or Grid Form of Subtransmission (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) costly. The higher voltages involve higher insulation requirements with their separate BIL and coordination requirements. Hence, the number of circuit breakers involved in any arrangement should be held to as few as is consistent with the continuity and reliability of service desired.

SUBTRANSMISSION SYSTEM CAPABILITY In many subtransmission circuit arrangements, power flow from the subtransmission substation or substations to the distribution substations may be from two or more directions. Subtransmission systems usually have more flexibility than transmission systems. Transmission lines are designed to meet power flow conditions between generating stations, system interchange points, or transmission substations. Subtransmission systems are designed to provide supply to one or more distribution substations and for possible additions. The capability requirements are based on the ultimate number, the kVA rating and distance between distribution substations. The kVA rat-

Subtransmission System Electrical Design


Figure 3-5. Incoming Feeder Circuit Breaker Arrangements (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) ing of a distribution substation, in turn, is based on the area it serves, involving load density, and the voltage, number and allowable loading of the primary feeder. As the subtransmission feeders are electrically (and physically) interconnected with the distribution substation, the same factors should be taken into account in the planning and design of


Power Transmission and Distribution

subtransmission feeders. Various combinations of these factors are investigated to determine the optimum economic design of the various components of a subtransmission system, including limits set by permissible 12R losses and voltage drop. Factors that affect the cost of subtransmission systems include: 1. 2. Arrangement of subtransmission circuits (radial, loop, grid) Arrangement of distribution substations (radial, primary network, low voltage secondary network, duplicate service, etc.) Load density Distribution primary feeder voltage Distribution substation rating Subtransmission voltage Subtransmission substation rating

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Transmission voltage influences the cost of subtransmission substation transformers, high voltage busing and switching. The cost analysis is made of various combinations of these factors to determine the most economical design. Chapters 2 and 4 include data on the several elements of the subtransmission system that are common to the distribution and transmission systems.

Transmission System Electrical Design


Chapter 4

Transmission System Electrical Design

The functions of a transmission system are: 1. To transport electric power from a generating source to a central point (a transmission substation) from which it may be transported to other central points, Figure 4-1. To transport power in bulk quantities from a central point (transmission substation) to wholesale delivery points (subtransmission substations). To act as tie points with interconnecting transmission lines from other power systems for emergency or economic reasons.



SELECTION OF VOLTAGE Like the selection of subtransmission and distribution voltages, the selection of transmission voltages generally follow the same procedures. Several likely standard voltages are studied and the cost of losses and the carrying charges on the overall investment for each are compared; those approximating each other most closely determine, in conformity with Kelvins Law, the selection. Included in the study, therefore, should be some voltage that, under normal circumstances, may appear uneconomical, but whose consideration of capacitors to increase the line capacity would increase the economic limit of power transmission. At higher voltages, however, the increase in reactance of the terminal transformers tend to offset the gain obtained from the capacitors. Other factors, as in the case of subtransmission and distribution systems, may outweigh the economic selection; e.g., the desirability of 97


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 4-1(a). Fundamental Schemes of Transmission (a) FullySectionalized Supply, (b) Looped-in Supply, (c) Bussed Supply. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Transmission System Electrical Design


Figure 4-1(b) Comparison of power-carrying capabilities and operating voltages.

Standard Transmission Voltages

13,800 230,000 23,000 354,000 34,500 500,000 46,000 765,000 69,000 1,000,000 115,000 1,500,000 138,000

interconnecting with other systems in a pool or grid, would give preference to the voltage common to the grid.

SELECTION OF CONDUCTOR Closely associated with the choice of voltage is the choice of conductor which, in turn, is affected by the spacing of the conductors as well as the effects of lightning and switching surges. Depending on the reliability sought, some additional spacing may be considered beyond that required for normal voltage requirements. In determining the reactance of a transmission line, the equivalent spacing as well as the number of suspension insulators used in a string are factors to be considered. Equivalent spacing is that spacing that would give the same


Power Transmission and Distribution

inductance and capacitance values as if an equilateral triangle arrangement of conductors is used. It is usually impractical to use the equilateral conductor arrangement for design purposes. Equivalent spacing may be obtained from the formula:


where A, B, and C are the actual distances between conductors. In general, the same observations apply to cables. The equivalent spacing is referred to as the Geometric Mean Distance (GMD). Cables come in so many sizes, types, insulation, conductor shapes, sheaths, etc., that for reactance and capacitance factors, constants, etc., reference should be made to the manufacturers data.

REGULATION AND LOSSES IN A TRANSMISSION LINE Ordinarily, the conductor size required to transmit a given current varies inversely as the square of the voltage. The saving in conductor size for a given loss becomes less as the voltage becomes higher. This is because of greater leakage over insulators and corona (energy escaping from the conductor) losses become significant. In addition to these two losses, the charging current, which increases as the transmission voltage goes higher, may either increase or decrease the current in the circuit, depending on the power factor of the load current and the relative amount of the leading and lagging components of the current in the circuit. Any change in the current of the circuit will therefore be accompanied by a corresponding change in the I2R loss. Indeed, these sources of additional loss may, in some cases of long circuit extensive systems, contribute materially toward limiting the transmission voltage. Because of the greater capacitance effect, voltage regulation and line losses for short transmission lines and long ones will be different. In the analysis that follows, all line voltages are line to neutral voltages unless denoted by the subscript L. For line to line voltage, the impedance drop should be multiplied by 2 for single-phase lines or by 3 for three-phase lines. For practical purposes, in transmission lines of some 30 miles in

Transmission System Electrical Design


length and of voltages under 40 kV, the capacitance effect can be safely neglected. For longer lines, the distributed capacitance and its charging current assumes greater importance. No definite length, however, can be assigned as the dividing point between short and long transmission lines. Where capacitance can be neglected, a transmission line can be viewed as a concentrated impedance: Z= R + jX or 2s = rs + jxs where s r x s = = = = series impedance of one conductor, in ohms per mile resistance of one conductor, in ohms per mile inductive reactance of one conductor, in ohms per mile length of line, in miles

a The equivalent single-phase current is given in Figure 4-2, together with the vector diagram showing the relation between the line current and line to neutral voltage at both ends of the line. This relationship in analytic terms is indicated by the equation: ES = ER + IZ The following symbols are used in the accompanying discussion

E and I are vector quantities E and I are absolute magnitudes of the quantity E and I are conjugates of the vector quantities.
In the analyses of long transmission lines, it is necessary to consider that the charging current of the line varies directly with the voltage of the line and inversely with the load current. Such a line can be considered as an infinite number of series impedances and shunt capacitors connected as shown in Figure 4-3. The current IR is unequal to IS in both magnitude and phase position because some current is shunted through the capacitance between phase and neutral. The relationship between ES and ER for a long line is different from that for a short line because of


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 4-2. Equivalent Transmission CircuitLine to NeutralFor Short Lines

Figure 4-3. Equivalent Transmission Circuit Line to NeutralFor Long Line the progressive change in the current due to the shunt capacitance. If ES and ER are the phase to neutral voltages and IS and IR are the phase currents, the equations relating the sending end voltages and currents to the receiving end quantities are:
2 Zt 2 Zt

E S = E R cosh S

+ IR

2Z t sinh S


1 sinh S 2Z t

2 Zt

+ I R cosh S

2 Zt


Zt is the shunt impedance of the line in ohms per mile Xt is the capacitance reactance in megohms per mile

Transmission System Electrical Design


These equations can be more conveniently written in terms of the so-called ABCD constants: ES = AER + BIR ER = AES + BIS and and IS = CER + DIR IR = -CES + DIS

where the transmission line is symmetrical, D = A and AD BC = 1. The Equivalent Circuit Referring to Figure 4-4, the equivalent impedance Zeq:

I R' =

ER Z' eq Z eq Z' eq

I S' =

ES Z' eq

ES = ER 1 + IS = ER

+ I RZ eq

2 + Z eq + I 1 + Z eq R Z' eq Z' eq Z' eq2 Z eq Z' eq

Equating ES = ER 1 + + I RZ eq = AE R + BI R and A=1+ Z eq Z' eq

Z eq = B from which Z' eq = B . A1

The Equivalent T Circuit Referring to Figure 4 5, the equivalent impedances are: A1 ZT = and Z' T = 1 C C

Voltage Regulation on Short Lines(from Receiver) In the following equation, the size of the power factor angle depends on whether the current is lagging or leading. For lagging power factor and sin are negative; for a leading power factor, and sin are positive. The cos is positive for either lagging or leading current. Figure 4-6a.


Power Transmission and Distribution

E R = E R = reference I = Icos R + jIsin R Z = R + jX = rs + jxs E s = E R + IZ or E S = E R + IR cos R IX sin R + j IX cos R + IRsin R . If the IR and IZ drops are relatively small say 10% of E R, E S can be determined for normal power factors say 80% by neglecting its quadrature component: E S = E R + IR cos R IX sin R and the voltage regulation of a line is usually the percent drop with reference to E R.

Figure 4-4. Equivalent 7r Circuit - Long Transinission Lines

Figure 4-5. Equivalent T Circuit - Long Transmission Lines

Transmission System Electrical Design


Figure 4-6. Vector Diagram for Determining Voltage Regulation of Short Lines. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

% Regulation =

ES ER 100 ER IS r cos R x sin R 100 ER 3E RI 3E LI = where E L is the line voltage at 1000 1000

at receiving end kVA = the receiving end; then % Regulation =

1000 kVAs r cos R x sin R 100 EL2


Power Transmission and Distribution

Using the regulation calculated from these equations, the receiving end voltage determined will be reasonably accurate, provided the resistance and reactance drops are not excessive (say less than 10%). The percent variation from its own correct value, however, may be great depending on its actual magnitude, hence such equations are not sufficiently accurate for determining load limits for fixed voltage regulation. It will also be observed that the amount of load that can be transmitted over a given line at a fixed regulation varies inversely with the load. Voltage Regulation for Short Line (from Sending End) From known sending end conditions, the receiving end voltage, ES, is used as the reference vector as shown in Figure 4-6b:

E S = E S = reference E R = E S IZ and E R = E S IR cos S + IX sin S j IXcos S + IRsin S Neglecting the quadrature component of E R: E R = E S IRcox S + IXsin ?
Resistance Losses of Short Line Total I2R loss of a three-phase line is three times the product of the total resistance of one conductor and the square of its current

Loss = 3I 2R watts in percent of desired kW load % Loss = 1.73Irs 100 E Lcos R

where it is desired to determine the amount of power that can be delivered without exceeding a given percent loss:

kW =

% Loss E L 2 cos 2R 1000rs 100

Transmission System Electrical Design


It may be observed that the amount of power that can be transmitted for a given percent loss varies inversely with the length of line and directly with the loss. Regulation of Long Lines (from Receiving End) The effect of charging current on the regulation of transmission lines may be determined from the equivalent circuit; the vector diagrams for the known load conditions are shown in Figure 4-7a. The voltage drop in the series impedance Zeq is produced by the load current IR plus the charging current ER/Zeq flowing through the shunt impedance at the receiver end of the line. For a given line, this latter current is dependent only on the receiver voltage ER. In considering the charging current, one method is to determine first the net current E I' eq = I R + R Z' eq that flows through Zeq together with its power factor angleeq. Using the equivalent series impedance Zeq and the current instead of the load current, all of the analytic expressions developed for short lines are applicable:

I' eq = I R +

ER Z' eq ER I Rsin R Z' eq

= I Rcos R + j

= I eqcos eq jI eqsin eq E S = E R + I eqZ eq

The equivalent terminal conditions are shown in Figure 4-7a. Regulation of Long Lines (from Sending End) In this instance, the equivalent current flowing through Zeq may be determined as the difference between IS and IS, the current in the shunt reactance at the sending end of the equivalent circuit:


Power Transmission and Distribution

I eq = I S

ES Z' eq ES I Ssin S Z' eq

= I Scos S + j

= I eqcos eq jI eqsin eq E R = E S I eqE eq

The vector diagrams are shown in Figure 4-7b. Resistance Losses on Long Lines The effect of charging current on line losses can be treated as it was for Regulation of Long Lines (from Receiver End) above. Referring to Figure 4-7, the losses can be considered to be due to the current IS: Ieq = IR + IR = IS - IS flowing through the equivalent resistance, Req. Thus in terms of load current: Loss for lagging power factor = 3Req (IR + IR)2 watts
= 3R eq I 2 R 2I RE R E2 sin R + R watts Z' eq Z' 2 eq 2I RE R E2 sin R + R watts Z' eq Z' 2 eq

Loss for leading power factor: = 3R eq I 2 R

Circle and Loss Diagrams Equations for line currents, power, and resistance losses can be expressed as functions of the terminal voltages and system constants.

Transmission System Electrical Design


Figure 4-7. Vector Diagrams for Determining Voltage Regulation of Long Lines. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) Such equations and graphical representation of these are found convenient for the more common types of performance problems. The graphic form of the power and current equations are very similar and are known as circle diagrams. Vector Equations for Power The vector expressions for power, the product of the current and the conjugate of the voltage may be written:
P + jQ = EI

and from the vector diagram of Figure 4-8


Power Transmission and Distribution

E = Ecos e + jEsin e E = Ecos e jEsin e I = Icos i + jIsin i EI = E cos e jsin e I cos i + jsin i = EI cos ecos i + sin esin i + j cos esin i sin ecos i
Since cos e i = cos ecos i + sin esin i and sin e i = sin ecos i cos esin i then EI = EIcos e i + jEIsin e i if = e i, then for lagging power factor is positive, and P + jQ = EI= EIcos + jEIsin

and for leading power factor is negative and the imaginary component is negative. The Circle Diagram (Short Lines) From the above, the power (per phase) at either end of a line is the product of line current and the conjugate of the voltage at the particular end. Let IS be positive for the current flowing into the line, then the positive sending end power indicates power delivered to the line; and IR be positive for current flowing out of the line, then positive receiving end power indicates power flowing out of the line.

Figure 4-8. Diagram for Determining the Vector Equation for Power

Transmission System Electrical Design IS = IR = I



PS + jQ S = E SI PR + jQ R = E RI
Expressing current in terms of the terminal voltage:


ES ER Z E SE S E RE S PS + jQ S = Z E RE S + E SE R PR + jQ R = Z I=

In polar coordinate terms, the vectors become:

E S = E Se j S E R = E Re j S

E S = E Se j S E R = E Re j S

Z = R + jX = Ze jY where tan Y = X R

1 = 1 = e jY Z Z Ze jY PS + jQ S = E S 2 jY E SE R jY j S R e e e Z Z E R 2 jY E SE R jY j e + e e S R Z Z

PR + jQ R =

Since only (S R) appear in the equation, let = S = R and expressing separately the real and imaginary parts of the power equation:

PS =

ES2 E E cos Y S R cos Y + Z Z E S 2R E S 2R = Rcos Xsin Z2 Z2


Power Transmission and Distribution

PR =

E E ER2 cos Y + S R cos Y Z Z E R 2R E SE R = Rcos + Xsin Z2 Z2

QS =

ES2 E E sin Y + S R sin Y + Z Z E S 2X E SE R = + Rsin + Xcos Z2 Z2

E E ER2 sin Y S R sin Y Z Z 2 E X E E = R 2 + S 2 R Rsin + Xcos Z Z

QR =

The equation above for PR indicates the maximum load that may be delivered at the receiving end will be maximum when cos(Y ) = 1, that is, when Y = . The equation then becomes:
E E E E ER2 E 2 cos Y + S R = R2 R + S R Z Z Z Z

PR max =

In the equation for PS + jQS and PR + jQR, when ES and ER are fixed in magnitude, the angle is the only variable. The first term of each of the equations is a fixed vector. The second term, added to the first, is fixed in magnitude but variable in phase. Plotted graphically, the expression P + jQ (total) will thus describe a circle about the terminus of the fixed vector P as a center. These equations are shown graphically in Figure 4-9, where the real power is represented by the abscissa and reactive power by the ordinate of the coordinates. The center of the sending end circle may be located by laying off the two components

ES2 Z2

R and j

ES2 Z2

in their proper direction. The end of the fixed vector determines the center of the sending end circle, which has the radius

Transmission System Electrical Design


E SE R E E . When = 0, the vector S R e jYe e j is parallel, but in Z Z ES2 opposite direction to e jY the fixed vector the angle is Z measured from the fixed vector as shown in Figure 4 9.
The operating condition indicated by the given angle 0, the point A of the diagram shows the value of PS and QS being delivered to the line at the sending end and the point B the value of PR and QR delivered to the line at the receiving end. The difference between PS and PR is the I2R loss of the line itself. At each end, the value of Q is the reactive power that must be supplied to the line at the sending end or drawn from the line at the

Figure 4-9. Power Circle Diagram for Short Lines. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

receiving end to maintain the desired terminal voltages. At the receiving end the reactive power drawn by the load at a particular power factor may not be equal to that needed to maintain the desired voltage. Some capacitance at the receiving end must be supplied to maintain the voltage. For instance, if the load PL, indicated by point L in the figure, is to be supplied at the lagging power factor (shown by L, then the inductive reactance volt-amperes indicated by QC must be supplied by capacitance. It is to be noted that for a given circuit and desired voltage at both ends, there is a definite limit to the amount of power that may be transmitted; the critical value was shown above to be = Y. The power limit may be increased (for the same current) by increasing the voltage at either or both ends. Increasing the voltage at one end increases the radius of both circles in direct proportion and moves the center only at that end away the origin along a line connecting the original center to the origin proportional to the square of the voltage at that end. Changes in the circuit will also change the power limit. A decrease in the magnitude of Z will result in an increase in the power that may be transmitted. Any change which decreases the series impedance will increase the power limit. Circle Diagrams for Long Lines The long line equivalent circuit may be represented by modifying the form of the short line equivalent circuit by the addition of the shunt capacitive reactance at each end.

Z' eq = Z' eqe j90 = jX' eq

The equations for the terminal currents then have an additional term, as shown in the vector diagram of Figure 4-6 above.

IS =

ES ER E + S Z' eq Z eq ES ER E + S Z eq Z eq

IR =

The equation for sending end power:

Transmission System Electrical Design


PS + jQ S =

E SE Re j ES2 ES2 + Z eq Z' eq Z eq

and for the receiving end power: E RE Se j ER2 ER2 + Z eq Z' eq Z eq

PR + jQ R =

A comparison with similar equations for short lines shows them to be of the same form consisting of a fixed vector and a second vector, constant in magnitude but variable in phase, added to it. The power circle diagram can be plotted as shown in Figure 4-10. In the above equation, the terms
ES2 Z' eq and ER2 Z' eq

are not a function of the angle and, hence, add directly to the short line fixed vector so that the effect is to shift the center of the power circles in the direction of volt-amperes only. The existence of the shunt reactances decreases the amount of positive reactive volt-amperes placed into the sending end of the line for a given amount of real power and increases the positive volt-amperes delivered at the receiving end. This decreases the amount of leading capacitive reactive volt-amperes that have to be supplied for a given load. It does not affect the real power conditions for a given operating angle or the load limit of the line. These factors are entirely determined by the series impedance of the line. If the radius of the receiving end circle for = 0 was plotted with the origin as the center, the vector would be at an angle Y with the real power axis. The angle shown in Figure 4-10 is therefore equal to Y, the angle of the equivalent series impedance. When Y the maximum real power that can be delivered over the line. The diagram for the sending end current is obtained from the power circle of the sending end and is referred to the vector of the sending end voltage. The diagram for the receiving end current is obtained from the power circle of the receiving end and is referred to the receiving end voltage.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 4-10. Power Circle Diagram for Long Lines (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) Loss Diagram The resistance loss can be obtained from the power circle diagram, but more readily from the Loss Diagram. Loss = PS PR Where the transmission line alone is under consideration:


= +

ES2 Z ER2 Z2



Rcos Xsin Rcos Xsin

E E = E S 2 + E R 2 R2 2 S 2 R Rcos Z Z

Transmission System Electrical Design Figure 4-11 shows this relationship graphically. For the general equivalent circuit:



= ES2 + ER2 ER2 ZS


R eq Z eq 2

ES2 Z S' 2

R S'

R R' 2

E SE R R eqcos Z eq

This is equivalent to the formula (Figure 4-11) for the loss on the transmission line alone except for the terms which represent the losses in the resistance component of the shunt impedances ZS and ZR:
ER2 ZS2 R R' and ER2 ZS2 R R'


Power Transmission and Distribution

On the assumption of equal sending and receiving voltages, an equation for the load which can be delivered at a given permitted line loss. When loss is expressed as a percentage of PR the equation is:

PR =

% :pss 100 + % Loss X eq Z eq


E R 2X eq 2 R eqZ eq 2 % Loss 1 X' eq 100


QR = ER2


From the above equations, PR is independent of the load power factor and the required amount of capacitance to maintain equal sending and receiving voltages for the delivered load PR can be obtained by substituting the reactive kVA of the load from QR.

TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION ARRANGEMENTS The arrangement of transformers, circuit breakers and buses for transmission substations are generally similar to those for subtransmission and distribution substations, and for the same reasons of flexibility of operation and reliability of service. Some typical arrangements are shown in the one-line diagrams of Figures 4-1 and 4-12. The choice depending on the requirements of service continuity, the importance of which depends on the multiplicity of sources of supply and the type of load. The busarrangement of Figure 4-13 is designed so that each incoming circuit supplies a fixed number of outgoing circuits, each independent of the other. Here a fault on one outgoing circuit does not interrupt service on the others, and likewise, a fault on one of the incoming circuits interrupts service on only the outgoing circuits it supplies. Nowhere are the incoming circuits connected in a grid. Here, interruption of supply from any one circuit will not communicate to another on both the incoming and outgoing sides; there will be no possible overloading of one circuit from attempting to pick up load supplied by the inter-

Transmission System Electrical Design


Figure 4-12. Fundamental Schemes of Supply at Higher Than Generated Voltage. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) rupted circuit, and hence, no cascading into total blackout. Obviously, there will be interruption of service to a given area, the load of which may or may not be picked up by other circuits at the command of the system operator, depending on the available spare capacity of the non-interrupted circuits that may be variable depending on the time of


Power Transmission and Distribution

Incoming transmission lines

High voltage ring bus

Low voltage ring bus


Distribution loop circuits

Switches normally open

Emergency ties

Figure 4-13. Substation Ring Bus Arrangement. day. While reliability is thus affected, it limits the operations of the saboteur or vandalthe price in reliability paid for a higher degree of security. Buses should be physically separated a sufficient distance so that failure of one with possible attendant explosion and fire, does not communicate to the others buses on other vital equipment. Similarly, circuit breakers and transformers should follow the same separation principle,

Sectionalizing switches

Transmission System Electrical Design


Figure 4-14. General Structure of the Western U.S. Power System. (Courtesy Bonneville Power Administration)

achieved with steel reinforced explosion and fire proof barriers between them (Figure 4-15 ) (that may also act as sound barriers) and sump pits dug beneath each of these units sufficient to contain the oil in that unit even if aflame. All equipment in the substation should be connected through air switches for safety reasons Figure 4-16). Whether for routine maintenance or emergencies, the worker must be able to see an opening in the circuit on both sides of the equipment on which he or she may be working.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 4-15. Substation Power Transformer with Barriers.

Like the other lines and equipment, the insulation requirements must take into account the basic insulation levels and coordination of insulation values. Interconnection tie lines, part of a multi-company grid or pool, are treated as other sources or outgoing transmission lines.

POWER POOLS OR GRIDS Transmission lines may provide interconnections for the transfer of power between two or more utilities for economic and emergency purposes. Sometimes referred to as integrated systems, they are commonly referred to as pools or grids, the interchange of power between utilities is to their mutual advantage. Example is shown in Figure 4-14. Power interchange may take place not only between contiguous utilities, but even between utilities remotely situated from each other but part of the same pool or grid. Here, power is transmitted between the remote utilities using the facilities of other utilities between them. This is referred to as wheeling or wheel-barrowing of power. The intervening utilities are compensated for the use of their facilities with terms usually included as part of the contractual arrangements entered into when attaining membership in the pool or grid.

Transmission System Electrical Design


Figure 4.16. Air-break Switches Mounted on a Substation Rack.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Prudence would suggest new transmission lines built during the period of national emergency not be tower lines as they are too obvious a target for saboteurs, not only from their exposure, but also because of their large capacity whose removal would have a marked effect on the available capacity in the chain of supply. Construction would be limited to low profile wood structures capable of rapid repair and replacement. While temporary bypasses would be constructed to reenergize the high voltage tower lines, the conductors achieving the necessary code clearances horizontally, the acquisition and maintenance of such a wide swatch of right-of-way for any length would make it economically and environmentally preferable to repair and restore the tower line to its original condition; in some rare cases, it might be worth living with this temporary bypass until the national emergency is over. The new low profile wood structures would impact on the voltage of the new lines and their capacity to meet Code clearances, the maximum height of the structure would be in the nature of some 70 feet, limiting voltage of the line to approximately 200 kV. This limitation also coincidentally applies to solid insulation cables that may in some instances be employed in place of or in extension of the main line. The 70 foot height also is in line with the range of bucket vehicle operation. The capacity of existing transmission lines may be increased substantially by either raising the line voltage or by adding a second conductor to each phase of the circuit. These may be accomplished if the structures supporting the lines can retain code clearances by changing insulators or adding units to suspension strings; or the additional conductors producing additional ice and wind loadings do not overstress the conductor supports, Figure 4-19.

Transmission System Electrical Design


Figure 4-17. Insulated Bucket Vehicle.

Figure 4-18. Barbed Wire Fence.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 4-19. Line installation in open, flat terrain.

Electrical Protection


Chapter 5

Electrical Protection
The protection of the several elements of a utility system is of paramount importance. Indeed, such protection is an integral part of the design of an electric system. In the design procedure, provision is made, as practical as possible, to prevent faults from happening, to limit the effects of a fault not only in avoiding or restricting damage it may cause, but also limiting the extent of the electric system that may be deenergized, and finally, to permit restoration of the affected elements as quickly as possible. This is generally accomplished by the installation of devices such as surge arresters, fuses, circuit breakers, corona and insulation guards, ground wires and grounds, and in particular instances, specification of the size and type of conductor to enable fault currents to burn it clear. These applications provide electrical protection and are in addition to the mechanical protection provided by good construction and maintenance of lines and equipment, selection of good equipment, protective devices designed for particular installations, and such mundane items as locks and interlocks, fences and barriers, alarm systems, protective lighting, etc. Protective relays play an important part in the operation of a transmission system. They initiate the opening of the breaker that may take only a fraction of a second to complete. The relay may take even less time to function, making the length of the circuit from the relay to the mechanism operating the breaker a factor to be considered. Where the coordination of operation of several breakers is involved, the relaying circuitry may be complex and prone to malfunctioning. In this case, redundant relaying should be considered. Where the breakers involved are distant from each other, communication between relays associated with them is necessary, and this may be accomplished by pilot wire, leased telephone wire, wireless, and, of recent usage, fiber optic conductors, may be considered. Electronic relays are much faster than the older electromagnetic type and retrofitting of such older relays is recom127


Power Transmission and Distribution

mended. In planning the circuitry of transmission systems, the associated relaying required to accomplish the desired results must always be taken into account. Sometimes, it may be the determining factor in the circuitry chosen. The principle of the sectionalized open loop circuit is applicable to both transmission and distribution lines, the moveable open point allows transfer s of loads in both normal and emergency situations, limits service interruptions only to the section on which the fault occurs; the only time the loop is closed is momentary during switching times. The loop may originate and end at the same station, or may constitute an open tie between two stations. The opening in the circuit prevents disturbances (e.g. overloads, stability) from being communicated to other stations. Accomplishing this at stations by means of buses is detailed in Chapter 4, Transmission System Electrical Design.

THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Distribution Transformers Starting with the distribution transformer on a radial primary feeder, the transformer is protected by a surge arrester and a fused cutout. The surge arrester protects the transformer and line from surges caused by lightning or switching. The fuse protects them from overloads (as well as surge currents) and fault currents as a result of faults on the secondary or in the transformer. The surge arrester and fuses are coordinated so that the arrester operates to drain the voltage surge before it can send sufficient current through the transformer. Both are coordinated with the insulation of the line and transformer, but principally with the latter. In the special case of the so-called completely self-protected (CSP) transformer, the surge arrester performs the same function as above. The weak link within the transformer tank protects the unit from surge and fault currents, but not necessarily from overloads; circuit breakers on the secondary side are provided for this purpose, their opening coordinated with the weak link and surge arrester. When distribution transformers are banked and their secondaries connected together through fuses, the fuses are meant to take care of overloads, although obviously the fuses would blow should fault cur-

Electrical Protection


rent flow through them. The bank fuses are coordinated to blow before the fuses in the primary fused cutout meant to protect the transformer. In the case of low voltage networks, there are fuses on the secondary mains known as limiters, and these are not meant to operate during overloads but to blow on fault current to limit the extent and severity of faults on the secondary mains designed to burn themselves clear. Fuses on the secondary side of the network transformer are there principally to blow when the protector fails to open when its primary feeder is deenergized; that is, to clear large currents not necessarily caused by faults. Their ratings, however, are not in the nature of other fuses designed for clearing faults. Where fuses exist on the primary side of the transformer, they serve to protect the transformer from the primary feeder should a fault occur in the transformer. All of these fuses are coordinated with the insulation values of the mains and equipment with which they are associated. Fuses designed to blow on fault currents, but not on overloads, are sometimes referred to as current limiting fuses. Primary Radial Feeders Protection on a primary feeder includes fuses on laterals, and fuses, reclosers and circuit breakers on the main trunk and main branches. Fuses on the laterals must coordinate with those associated with distribution transformers and the devices associated with the primary main. The lateral fuse must blow after those of the distribution transformers and before the protective devices on the primary main operate. Refer to Figure 5-1. On the main, the fuses, reclosers and circuit breakers must coordinate with each other. Those farthest from the source operate first and those next farthest operate next, and so on, to the circuit breaker at the substation. All of these operate on overloads, but obviously will also operate on fault current; they also coordinate with insulation values of the line and equipment. The recloser and circuit breaker are activated by overcurrent relays that usually include accessories that permit them to reclose automatically after an opening operation. Should the fault or overload be of a temporary nature (such as a limb or squirrel making temporary contact to ground or other energized conductors), the reclosing will reenergize the faulted circuit; typical settings include a first reclosure immediately, perhaps a cycle or less, that is, no intentional time delay; a second operation after a time interval of perhaps one or


Power Transmission and Distribution

two seconds; and a third and final lock out of the recloser. Reclosers are actually circuit breakers of lower interrupting duty than those found in substations. Often, when fuses are placed in the main trunk or branch to sectionalize a primary feeder, a three-shot fuse is used. Three fuses are mounted together, but only one is connected to the line. When it blows, a mechanism (including a time delay, if desired) operates to connect the second fuse to the line. Should this fuse blow, the operation is repeated, connecting the third fuse to the line. Should this fuse also blow, the line remains deenergized. Throw-Over Supply When two (or more) feeders are employed in a service to a consumer, a throw-over switch enables the transferring of the load to a second supply feeder should the first (or normal) supply feeder become deenergized for any reason; switching may include even a third supply feeder, if desirable. This may be done manually or automatically.

Figure 5-1. Radial Primary Feeder with Protective and Sectionalized Devices

Electrical Protection


Loop Primary Feeder Open loop primary feeders are essentially radial feeders with a switching arrangement, usually a circuit breaker, at each end of the loop installed at the source substation or substations, or a circuit breaker on the line between the two ends of the loop. The breakers usually are operated after the fault is isolated by sectionalizing the branches of the loop employing disconnects normally manually operated. The closed loop may employ additional circuit breakers to sectionalize the loop to isolate the fault. These breakers may be operated manually or automatically or automatically by relays that operate through pilot wires, to identify the direction of the fault current in the loop, the change in direction in adjacent circuit breakers indicating the location of the fault. Primary Network Here, the primary feeders forming the network are protected by circuit breakers installed at the several substations constituting the network. This system of protection coordination may also be employed on the entire electric system back to the generating station, as shown in Figures 5-2 and 5-3. Protection schemes for substations and transmission lines, however, are somewhat different, and are treated separately. Distribution Substation Protective devices and equipment at the substation differ somewhat from those employed on the associated distribution feeders. For

Figure 5 -2. Coordination of Overcurrent Protection on a Radial Power System. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 5-3. Composite Power System Illustrating Typical Protective Problems and Their Solution. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) the outgoing distribution feeders, circuit breakers are installed that operate to open under overload and fault conditions. The associated relays, in general, provide overcurrent protection, whose settings must coordinate with the other protective devices on the associated primary feeder. The protection of the buses, the transformer, the circuit breakers on the incoming subtransmission or transmission feeders involve more complex types of relaying. These will be discussed before describing the protection to the several elements in the substation. The protective relay receives data from the line or equipment it is protecting in small manageable quantities directly proportional to the actual quantities involved. These are generally values of current and voltage transmitted through current and potential instrument transformers. The relays receive continuous information of the conditions prevailing in the line or circuit with which they are associated. When abnormal conditions are sensed, the relays operate closing (or opening) contacts which complete (or interrupt) a circuit that, in turn, actuates machinery

Electrical Protection


that operates (open or close) circuit breakers or other apparatus. They are low-powered devices used to activate high-powered ones. Practically all of the relays depend on the magnitude and direction of the currents and voltages involved. Mechanically, the relay contacts that are made or broken may be accomplished by plunger type, inductance type, or electronic type, described below. The most common and simplest of the protective relays is the overcurrent relay, in which, at a predetermined value of current flowing in the line or equipment, the contacts close to activate the devices to operate the associated circuit breaker or other equipment. The basic overcurrent relay simply operates to close or open its contacts as quickly as possible, that is, instantly, with no intentional delay, but experiencing some delay because of the time it takes for the device itself to operate mechanically, curve a in Figure 5-4. This may take from one-half to twenty cycles, and may result in actual settings higher than desirable to prevent frequent relay operations caused by

Figure 5-4. A Collection of Time Curves. These are representative of the various types of time curves which are used on overcurrent relays. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

transient nonpersistent conditions, Figure 5-5. By modifying the elements of the instantaneous relay, including the restraint on the movable element, the time-current characteristic of the relay may be changed so that the greater the current, the shorter the time of operation of the relay. This is known as the inverse-time overcurrent relay, Figure 5-4 curves b and c, and provides greater flexibility in coordinating with fuses that may be in series with the breakers associated with the relay, Figure 5-6.

Figure 5-5. Overcurrent Relay Time-Current Curves, 50-60 Cycles (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Electrical Protection


Figure 5-6. Coordination of Fuse and Relay Characteristics (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) To obtain greater selectivity, a definite time delay is introduced, Figure 5-4 curve d. This prevents abnormal currents of any value from operating the relay until after a definite time has elapsed. This is often combined with the inverse-time characteristic to obtain an inverse definite minimum time overcurrent relay. The flat part of this characteristic results in only a small increase in relay time for smaller fault currents, but simplifies greatly the coordination of relays. The construction of the relays plays an important part in the operation. These may be classified as electromechanical or plunger induction or disc type, and electronic type. A brief description may prove useful in understanding their operation. As the name implies, the plunger type consists of a steel plunger within a coil or solenoid, Figure 5-7. The current in the coil pulls up the plunger that causes contacts to be made or unmade: the greater the current the greater the speed of the plunger movement. The relay may be set to raise the plunger at any predetermined value by changing the position of the plunger and by taps on the coil. Inverse time delay is


Power Transmission and Distribution

obtained by an oil-filled dashpot whose piston is attached to the plunger, the delay being governed by the size of the opening that permits oil to flow from one side to the other of the piston. Although the accuracy of this type is adequate, it is not as good as the later developed induction type. It is obsolete, but many exist. The induction type is essentially a simple induction motor whose rotor is a metallic disc that rotates to close or open contacts, Figure 5-8. The torque that tends to turn the disc depends on the current flowing in the static coils; the tendency to turn is balanced against a spring which keeps it from turning until the current meets or exceeds predetermined limits. This type relay has an instantaneous characteristic. A reactor placed in the circuit of the relay introduces a time delay, giving the relay an inverse definite-minimum time characteristic. Settings may be changed by varying the distance the disc travels to close or open contacts, by changing the tension of the associated spring, and by taps on the relay coil. This type relay constitutes the greatest number in operation.

Figure 5-7. Overcurrent Relay - Plunger Type (Courtesy General Electric Co.)

Electrical Protection


Figure 5-8. An Elementary Induction Type Relay (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) Electronic type relays use the solid-state control element as a switch that operates to energize circuits that activate the circuit breaker actuating devices. Relay contacts are not necessary which enables a more rapid response that, together with the greater accuracy obtainable, results in greater flexibility and selectivity in the protection systems. Time delay is achieved by controlling the charging and discharging of a capacitor through a resistor, resulting in the relay having the same characteristics as the induction type. The speed of operation of this type relay is greater than other types; moreover, it is possible for response of this relay to open the circuit breaker at a time when the fault current is at or near its minimum value in the cycle. (Both of these affect the short circuit duty of the circuit breaker.) The use of this type relay is expanding but economics prevents wholesale replacement of the inductive type relays in operation. Some basic electronic relay circuits are shown in Figure 5-9. Returning to the protection of the elements making up the distribution substation, these may be classified into the protection of the transformers, the high-voltage bus (if any), the low-voltage bus, and the incoming and outgoing lines.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 5-9. Basic Electronic Time-Delay Relay Circuit Using Resistance-Capacitance Combination. (Courtesy General Electric Co.) Transformers Transformer protection is accomplished in two ways: thermally and electrically. Thermal relays installed in the tank to measure the temperature of the conductors and of the surrounding oil give warning of impending failure. Through transducers, the temperature values are transmitted electrically to a control center where their supervision may include an auditory and visual alarm system. Electrically, the transformer is protected by a comparison of the input currents to the output currents: these two currents (taking into account the transformer ratio) should be equal (except for exciting current) in the transformer. These two currents are transmitted (through suitable current transformers) to two essentially overcurrent relays mounted together in one unit. Adjusted for the synchronizing current, these two relays buck each other so that no operation of the relay takes place under normal conditions. A failure within the transformer unbalances the currents transmitted to the relay causing it to operate to open the circuit breakers on both sides of the transformer, isolating it electrically. The relay action is called differential relaying, Figure 5-10, and the relay is called a differential relay. Bus Protection Bus protection is difficult to attain by relay action. Such a bus in a distribution substation has one or more incoming high voltage supply feeders and a number of (perhaps as many as eight) outgoing primary distribution feeders. On the high voltage side, circuit breakers may exist on one or both sides of the supply transformer; on the low voltage side,

Electrical Protection


Figure 5-10. The Basic Differential Connection (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

each of the primary distribution feeders may have a circuit breaker associated with it. To protect such a bus by differential relaying, involving the paralleling of current transformer secondaries on both sides of the bus is not very practical if a large number of feeders is involved; not only is it uneconomical, but the distortions that result may affect the accuracy of operation of the relay. Other schemes involving the measurement of bus impedances, or the direct current component of the fault current are, in general, also impractical. Where the bus may be divided into two or more sections, with or without a circuit breaker tie between sections, differential relaying becomes practical. In any event, a fault on a bus or section of the bus, an interruption to a number of distribution feeders will occur. The installation of a trouble bus to which the distribution feeders may be automatically switched when a fault occurs on the main bus provides a better solution to the problem of bus protection. The relaying involved would include a simple throwover arrangement. (See Figure 2-50.) Primary Distribution Feeder In almost all instances, primary distribution feeders are connected to the supply bus through circuit breakers. A fault on a feeder actuates an overcurrent relay that acts to open the associated circuit breaker.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Surge Arrester Outdoor feeder exits, buses between transformers, circuit breakers, are particularly susceptible to voltage surges from lightning or switching, and arresters installed at strategic points are imperative. The characteristics of the arresters must be coordinated with those of the lines and equipment, both on the subtransmission and distribution sides, including the basic insulation levels. Connections to ground from the arresters, as well as those from metallic structures, for safety reasons are extremely important. Not only must the electrical connections be mechanically continuous and sound, but the ground to which they are connected must be of sufficiently low resistance so that the surge voltage and associated energy be quickly and safely dissipated. Often, this may include a mesh of conductors buried one or more feet below the surface of the area in which the equipment is located, together with a multiplicity of ground rods interconnected with the mesh.

SUBTRANSMISSION CIRCUITS, SUBSTATION Subtransmission circuits may be radial, parallel or loop circuits, or so interconnected to form a grid. These are similar to distribution type circuits and, for this discussion, their protection may be referred to that for distribution circuits. The same observation may be made for protection of the elements at the subtransmission substation. Some of their characteristics, however, are similar to those of transmission circuits and substations, and are discussed below.

TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS The protection of transmission lines presents some special problems. The lines assumed are very long, perhaps 50 to over 100 miles, operating at voltages of 69 kV and above. In shorter circuits, protection may be achieved by overcurrent relays at each end of the lines. A fault on a line will operate the directional element at one end and the overcurrent element at the other end of the line, no matter the location of the fault, to deenergize the line. On a long transmission line, generally radiating from a generating

Electrical Protection


source, the use of timed overcurrent relays (see Figure 5-4) as the means of obtaining selectivity results in the undesirable feature that the relays closest to the generating source have the largest time setting, although the clearing time should be as low as possible. To overcome this condition, the impedance or distance relay was developed. Essentially, the impedance element is a voltage restrained overcurrent relay which can be adjusted over a wide range to provide various time-distance characteristics. The time of operation of the relay is determined by the magnitude of the current and voltage applied to the relay. The higher the voltage, the greater the distance the current element must travel to overcome the restraining torque of the voltage element. In this way, the relay operates very fast for a close in fault since the voltage in the relay is nearly zero. Conversely, for a remote fault, the voltage will be higher and the current usually lower, so that a larger time is required for the relay contacts to close. On long lines, a fault near one end of the line will operate the relay close to the fault first but, because of the relatively large impedance of the long line, there may not be sufficient fault current flow from the far end to operate the relay quickly to open the circuit breaker to disconnect the faulted feeder from the source. As mentioned, this is because the relay time setting at the relay of the transmission line closest to the generating source is made deliberately high to insure the proper operation of the other relays in succession back to the distribution substation. Often, the use of impedance relays is found to be unsatisfactory. The ideal relay protection for transmission lines is the opening simultaneously at both ends of a line experiencing a fault. Distance relays, as outlined above, do not meet this criterion. One solution is to provide differential protection to the lines. This may be accomplished by the use of pilot wires or other communication channels. The differential relaying can be accomplished via pilot wire channel as well as by carrier and microwave pilot channels. Protection zones, utilizing differential relaying, from the generating source to distribution substations, are shown in Figure 5-11; of particular interest are the transmission lines. Pilot Wire Protection Several methods of employing pilot wires are shown in Figure 512. The several schemes employ from two to six wires. Schemes employing current transformers at each end are shown in Figure 5-12, a, b, c, d


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 5 -11. Typical System Showing Protective Zones -Generation and Transmission. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) and f. A scheme employing differential relays atone end is shown in Figure 5-12 d, e. One scheme employing only two pilot wires, polyphase directional relays at each end, and a direct current source, is shown in Figure 5-12e. Another scheme, shown in Figure 5-12f, a simplified circuit that requires only two pilot wires, an alternating current source and special type relays that combine the currents in each of the current transformers into a single-phase voltage, is compared to a similar quantity from the opposite end of the line. Disadvantages of pilot wire include the over-burdening of current transformers, costs of leasing or installation of such systems, and more importantly, the practical limit of effective and positive operation of only some ten miles. For longer lines, carrier pilot relaying and microwave relaying schemes are employed. Carrier Pilot Protection In place of pilot wires, the inputs to the differential relays may be transmitted by a high-frequency current (50 to 200 kilocycles per second) superimposed on the conductors of the transmission line itself. The carrier signal normally operates the relays to keep the circuit breakers closed; if a fault occurs on the transmission line, the carrier signal is interrupted and the system fails safe with the opening of the circuit

Electrical Protection


Figure 5-12a. Circulating Current Pilot Wire Scheme Load currents and through fault currents circulate over the pilot wires. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Figure 5-12b. Balanced Voltage Pilot Wire Scheme Load currents and through fault currents produce equal opposing voltages of the line terminals to prevent current flow in the relays and pilot circuit. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 5-12c. Circulating Current Pilot Wire Scheme Using Current Balance Relays Secondary currents must be kept low to keep the burden low. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Figure 5-12d. Pilot wire Scheme Using Percentage Differential Relays. Note the similarity in the connections compared to apparatus protection using differential relays. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Electrical Protection


Figure 5-12e. The Directional Comparison Pilot Wire Scheme Direct current is used over a pair of wires. The alternating current connections are omitted for simplicity. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Figure 5-12f. Alternating Current Pilot Wire Scheme Using Sequence Relays Only two pilot wires are needed. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) breakers. A simplified diagram is shown in Figure 5-13. Carrier systems operate effectively and positively over several hundred miles. Moreover, the channel can be used for other purposes: telemetry, supervisory controls, telephone communication, and other related purposes. Microwave Pilot Protection In this wireless system, the pilot protection includes transmission of the associated signals over microwave radio channels. Such systems


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 5-13. Carrier Current Relay System Including Relays, Carrier Current Transmitter-Receivers, Coupling Capacitors, and Chokes. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.) are not affected by faults in the transmission line, and are capable of accommodating other separate functions. However, microwave radio is limited to line of sight transmission and changes in direction of the transmission line requires intermediate units to receive and retransmit the signals to the next unit, sometimes referred to as microwave relay stations. Generally, all of the pilot schemes are designed to fail safe as described above. Ground Relay One other simple, protective relay is particularly adapted to threephase systems. The currents flowing in each of the three energized conductors generally are fairly well balanced in magnitude so that there is little or no current in the return or ground, or neutral, conductor. Measuring the current in each energized conductor and determining the resultant (vectorially) difference, or measuring the ground or return

Electrical Protection


current directly, this ground current can be made to operate a relay when it exceeds a predetermined value. A ground relay detecting faults is shown in Figure 5-14. This protection scheme is able to discriminate between load current and fault current. Other protective schemes generally employ one or more of the systems described above. While the relays described above are based on induction type relays, electronically operated relays, some with no moving parts, accomplish the same purposes.

FAULT CURRENT CALCULATION Faults on three-phase transmission lines often do not occur on all three phases simultaneously. Many times, the fault occurs on one phase to ground, or between two of the phases, between two phases and ground, and even the three-phase faults may or may not be to ground. Solutions and calculations may be determined by the method of symmetrical components, detailed in Appendix B.

STABILITY When transmission lines are connected in a pool or grid served from two or more sources, loads may be apportioned among them according to a schedule that may take into account economics as well as reserves for contingencies (service reliability). When a fault on one of the

Figure 5-14. Ground Relay. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

lines occurs, the normal flow of current in each of the feeders will be disturbed and the current flow to the fault (fault current) will be proportioned among all the feeders depending on the impedance of the circuits between the sources of supply (generators) and the fault. The generators closest to the fault electrically will attempt to pick up the greater part of the fault current over the lines to the fault and affect the flow of current in the other feeders connected in the grid. As these currents (load and fault) are imposed on the several generators, it will cause the generators then to slow down, but not an equal amount, the one supplying the greatest share of the current will slow down the most, while others may slow down proportionately and hence may no longer remain in step. The generator that slows down the least will attempt to pick up the greatest share of the load and fault current which will cause it to slow down, while the others, thus relieved, may tend to regain speed and again pick up more of the current flow. The net effect is for these generators to slow down and then speed up, creating a rocking motion. If the governors on the generators do not respond quickly enough, this rocking motion will tend to become aggravated. Unless the rocking motion is dampened, one of the generators may speed up (in relation to the others) to attempt to pick up so much more of the current flow that its protective overcurrent relays operate to trip one or more of the feeders it supplies. The loss of one transmission line will cause the others to pick up the load and fault current it has dropped, and may cause other lines to become overloaded and trip from relay action. The cascading that results will eventually cause all of the transmission lines in the grid to open and the grid to shut down into a blackout. Settings on the protective relays and devices are so designed to permit additional loads to be carried by the feeders for planned contingencies (sometimes to account for two feeders out of service at the same time) but to segregate the faulted feeder as rapidly as possible, causing the affected generators to return to normal.

Direct Current Transmission


Chapter 6

Direct Current Transmission

Although there are relatively few direct current transmission lines in operation mainly because of the high cost of transforming alternating current into direct current at one end of the line and then back again to alternating current at the other end, and in a process that allows this to happen when current is flowing in either direction. However, it has so many other advantages, compared to alternating current, that it becomes affordable in certain instances. One of the chief advantages is that one conductor may take the place of three in a-c conductors in a circuit. The return path for such a d-c circuit can be the ground, aided by the grounds associated with the lightning protection of the line, namely, the overhead ground wire and the underground counterpoises, some of which may involve a continuous path between structures (Figure 6-1). Crossing bodies of water, particularly sea water, the sea provides the return conductor. Other important advantages stem from the fact that d-c circuits do not have alternating magnetic and electrostatic fields about them, hence no problems with inductive and capacitive reactances with their effects on voltage and power losses that may seriously reduce the active power transmission capability, requiring the use of corrective reactors. For the same voltage rating as a comparative a-c circuit, the d-c circuit requires only some 70 percent of the insulation (Figure 6-2) or, expressed differently, the same insulation as the a-c circuit can accommodate a voltage some 30 percent higher with an increase of the capability of the d-c circuit to deliver some 30 percent more power. In connecting two d-c circuits of the same voltage rating, there is no need for synchronization; in similar a-c situations, where the a-c circuits are of different frequencies (e.g. 50 and 60 cycle), conversion to d-c- makes their connection feasible. All of which make the control of d-c circuits simpler than its a-c counterpart. 149


Power Transmission and Distribution

Care, however, should be taken in energizing and deenergizing dc circuits as the rise and collapse of its associated magnetic fields may induce unwanted voltages in the conductor itself and in surrounding conductors. An automatic placing of temporary grounds on the switches during this part of their operation is usually provided to insure the safety of the workers. Care should also be taken not to have the d-ccircuit in close proximity to an energized a-c circuit as the a-c voltages induced in the d-c circuit may have some influence on the d-c wave and the existence of the a-c voltage will produce circulating currents that will only serve to heat the conductor and reduce the circuit capability; a-c filters are available that drain these unwanted circulating currents to ground. A simplified schematic diagram of a typical d-c transmission line is shown in Figure 6-3. The a-c to d-c voltage rectifiers are usually thyrite units that are capable of rectifying a-c to d-c and, as inverters, converting the d-c back to a-c. The losses involved in their operation are relatively low and their maintenance (by replacing of worn out units) is also relatively low. Figure 6-4 shows a typical wave-form that is an example of change from maximum positive a-c voltage to d-c voltages. Some idea of the size of the banks of thyrite rectifier-inverters for a 345 kV circuit is shown in Figure 6-5. Clearly, what is needed is a d-c transformer that approximates the simplicity and efficiency of the a-c transformer.

Figure 6-1. DC transmission used over very long distances. The two AC buses may be hundreds of miles apart and do not have to be synchronized, or in phase, to permit power to flow between systems.

Direct Current Transmission


Figure 6-2. AC vs. DC power transmission. In AC, the peak voltage must be used in calculating the insulation required from conductor to grounded supporting structure. This value is higher than the effective value of the DC system shown at the bottom. The DC system utilizes the maximum voltage to ground to transmit power.

Figure 6-3. Simplified schematic diagram of a high voltage DC transmission line.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 6-4. Six-phase rectification with twelve half cycles.

Direct Current Transmission


Figure 6-5.

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Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Chapter 7

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction

The design and construction of overhead lines, and their several parts, must be such that, in addition to normal stresses and strains, they sustain safely abnormal conditions caused by nature and people. Supports for conductors and equipment must withstand the forces imposed on them, and the conductors themselves must be strong enough to support the forces imposed on them, including their own weight. National minimum standards for the design of overhead systems are established in the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). These standards conform with those of other national bodies, including the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the American Standards Association (ASA), the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), among others. The NESC standards have received acceptance by the utilities and other groups in the United States and elsewhere. Generally, the NESC specifies: 1. Minimum separation or clearances not only between conductors, but also between conductors and surrounding structures for different operating voltages and under varying local load conditions. Minimum strength of materials and safety factors used in the design and construction of proposed structures. Loadings imposed by ice and wind on conductors and structures because of probable adverse climatic conditions, roughly defined by geographic areas. 155




Power Transmission and Distribution

The geographic areas designated by NESC are shown in Figure 71, dividing the country into light, medium and heavy districts; Hawaii and Alaska are assigned to the light and heavy districts respectively. The loading conditions are included in Table 7-1. The loading districts are only approximate and values for design purposes should be modified by other practical considerations such as local codes and regulations, environmental requirements, public relations, and other deviations based on experience.

Figure 7-1. Loading Districts - NESC

STRUCTURES The structures that support the conductors and equipment of an overhead system consist almost entirely of poles and towers. These structures are subject to vertical loading from the weight they must carry, that is, the conductors, crossarms, insulators, equipment and associated hardware, and ice that may form about them. But, more importantly, they are subject to horizontal forces applied near the top of the structure as a result of the pressure of the wind blowing against the ice covered conductors and equipment, from offsets in the line, and from uneven spans. Figure 7-2a, 7-2b, 7-2c. The vertical loading represents dead weight of the items described above and exerts a compressive stress that may be considered uniformly distributed over the cross section of the pole or among the metallic

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Table 7-1. Ice and Wind Loadings on Overhead Systems - NESC Radial Wind Load on Thickness Projected Area Type of of Ice of Conductors Temperature 2 2 Loading in. cm lb/ft kg/m F C Light 0.00 0.00 9 44 +30 - 1.1 Medium 0.25 0.63 4 20 +15 - 9.4 Heavy 0.50 1.27 4 20 0 -18.0 (steel) members of the tower. The horizontal loading requirements are generally so much greater that the vertical loading requirements are more than met by the mechanical requirements of the horizontal loading and usually are not given further attention. Overhead distribution systems supporting structures consist almost entirely of poles (wood, metal, concrete) while transmission structures may be made of wood or steel, as are also substation structures.

Figure 7-2a. Typical configurations of woodpole lines.

Figure 7-2b. Typical configurations of steel-tower lines.

158 Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 7-2c. Typical transmission structure and counterpoise configurations.

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Poles A pole is essentially a cantilever beam attached at one end and a load applied at the other end constituting the horizontal loading. The analysis for such a beam applies: The bending moment causes stresses in the material (wood), tensile on the side opposite to that on which the load is pulling and compressive on the other side, shown in Figure 7-3. Bending Moment (M) = Ph Maximum Fiber Stress at any cross section

f = Mc I
where P h is is the applied horizontal force the perpendicular distance to the point where failure may occur, usually the ground line

Figure 7-3. Pole Stresses and Configuration

160 c I d then c is is is =

Power Transmission and Distribution the distance from the extreme fibers of cross section to the neutral axis the moment of inertia of the cross section the diameter for a circular cross section 1/2 d

and and

d 4 = 0.0491 d 4 64 M f= 0.0982 d 3 3 f d 3 c = 32 = 0.0982 d the section modulus I=

Wind Pressure In determining the total bending moment on the pole, the pressure P on the length of the conductor with its coating of ice and its distance from the ground (at which the circular cross section is -to be determined) must be considered. The total moment is the sum of the moments of the several conductors plus the moment of the pole itself. The projected area of the pole may be resolved into a rectangle and a triangle: The pressure on the rectangle = p1d2h1 where p1 is the wind pressure in lbs/in2.

The moment about the base = p 1d 2

h1 2 h 12 6

The pressure on the triangle = p 1 d 1 d 2 its moment about the base = p 1 d 1 d 2

h1 2

Total pressure = p 1h 1

d1 + d2 2

Total moment due to wind = p 1h 1 2 = p 1h 1 2

d2 d1 d2 + 2 6 6 d2 d1 + inch pounds 3 6

The weakest section of a pole of uniform taper and unit strength, theoretically, is at the point where the resultant load is applied, that is,

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


the total moment divided by the total load above the ground. Referring to Figure 7-3 P = total load applied where diameter is d2 d = diameter of weak section at distance x from P

d1 d2 d d2 = x h1 Bending stress at d the weak section Px fd = 0.0982 d 2 + tx t = taper of pole =

For a maximum value of fdthe first derivative df = 0 dx

df = d + tx 3tx = d 2tx = 0 2 2 dx d 2 = 2tx = 2 d d 2 d = 3d2 2 that is, the weakest cross section occurs at a point above the ground where the diameter is 1-1/2 times the diameter where the resultant load is applied. The stress at that point is:
Px 3 0.0982 d 0.0982 3 d 2 2 d d2 d2 x= h = h d1 d2 1 2 d1 d2 1 fd =


Substituting and expressing x in terms of h1

fd = =

Pd 2h 1 3 d 3 2 d d 0.0982 1 2 2 2 Ph 1 0.662 d 1 d 2 d x 2

The maximum unit stress at the weakest point is given in terms of diameter at the point of application of resultant load, diameter at base, and total moment at base.


Power Transmission and Distribution

The above is true only when the weak section is above the ground line. If the weak section is assumed at the ground line, the stress is:
fd = Ph 1 0.0982d 1 3 = Mt 0.0982d 3

where Mt is the total moment at the ground line, and is equal to the sum of the moments of the wind loads on all conductors and on the pole itself plus any other wind loads on equipment, etc., that may be present. For practical purposes, the assumption that the ground line is the weakest section is sufficiently accurate for design purposes, as poles are not exactly uniform in taper, cross section, and strength. Where the loading is due to tension in conductors rather than wind loading, the same principles in obtaining moments apply, using tensions rather than wind pressures for loads due to the conductors. To care for unknown or unforeseen conditions that may create stresses greater than the worst probable stresses determined, as described above, factors of safety are applied and are included in the NESC, Table 7-2. Various grades of construction are specified depending on field conditions that include the voltage of the lines, their proximity to other structures and communication lines, crossings of railroads, and main and secondary roads, urban or rural districts, etc. The NESC calls for varying safety factors, not only for poles at the time of initial installation, but at replacement. The latest revision of the NESC should be consulted before designs become final. Table 7-2. Ultimate Bearing Strength of Wood, lb/in.2 End-grain Cross-grain Wood bearing bearing Long-leaf yellow pine 5000 1000 Douglas fir 4500 800 Western red cedar 3500 700 Cypress 3500 700 Redwood 3500 700 Northern white cedar 3000 700

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Pole Stability The stability of poles, in large part, depends on the depth of their setting. Certain minimum depths are essential if the poles are to develop their full strength. NESC and ASA recommendations are listed in Tables 7-3a and 7-3b. Deeper settings, however, should be used where poles may be under extra heavy stress, such as at corners, than for poles in a straight line. Concrete Poles Concrete poles have received wide acceptance, mainly because of appearance, including the installation of electrical risers within the hollow structure out of sight and not accessible to the public. With few solid exceptions, concrete poles are of hollow construction, in round, square, and polygon shapes. While the concrete is being poured, the forms are spun, forcing the concrete to the outside around the steel reinforcement, producing a highly uniform, compact, prestressed concrete of high strength and texture. Although heavier than wood, improved field methods have simplified their installation. Their stresses are determined in a similar manner as for wood poles, and they are set in the same manner. Their characteristics are shown in Tables 7-4a and 7-4b. They are used on both transmission and distribution lines, similar to wood pole lines. Table 7-3a. Pole Setting Depths in Soil and Rock (NESC) Length of Setting Depth Setting Depth Pole in Feet in Soil in Feet in Rock in Feet 20 5 3 25 5 3.5 30 5.5 3.5 35 6 4 40 6 4 45 6.5 4.5 50 7 4.5 55 7 5 60 7.5 5 65 8 6 70 8 6 75 8.5 6 80 9 6.5


Power Transmission and Distribution

Table 7-3b. ASA Standard Pole Dimensions and Depth Settings

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Table 7-4a. Dimensions and StrengthsRound Hollow Concrete Poles

Table 7-4b. Dimensions and StrengthsSquare Hollow Concrete Poles (Courtesy Centrecon, Inc.)

166 Power Transmission and Distribution

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Metal Poles Similar to concrete poles, metal poles of steel and aluminum are made in round, square and polygon shapes. They may also be formed from angles, channels or tees, and sometimes are laced together for greater strength. They may be set directly in the ground or, for larger sizes, bolted to a concrete base. Because of their appearance, they are installed in special instances in distribution systems and more widely used in transmission systems in place of steel towers and wood structures, particularly where the width of the right-of-way may be limited. Towers Steel towers are made up of angles and other shapes bolted or riveted together to form a rigid, strong and self-supporting structure. As such, they may be considered as another form of steel pole. The stresses imposed on them are determined in the same manner as for wood poles previously described. The towers are usually very tall as the conductors they support consist of long spans. The long spans impose the additional problems of relatively large stresses that may be imposed on a tower from broken conductors and from vibrations resulting from galloping (or dancing) conductors caused by wind, sleet and ice. In determining the stresses associated with the several members of the steel structure, not only are the tension and compressive yield point values to be considered, but also the shear and bearing values of the bolts and rivets involved. The working load stresses used in the design of the towers may be a percentage of the yield values determined above, the percentage depending on the importance and type of the line. For economic reasons, most towers are designed to support two or four circuits, one or two on each side, spaced far enough apart so that the conductors (in a long span) do not hit each other in a wind or when galloping, and more especially if one or more conductors break; crossarms must be designed to accommodate the conductors. The factors that affect the design of towers, their shape and strength include: type of tower, single or double circuit; height of tower (fixed by the sag, span, length of insulator string and distance between conductors and the ground); permissible distance between phases; permissible distance between circuits; minimum distance between conductors and members of the tower structure. This last may be the length from point of support equal to the length of the insulator string, swung at the angle of maximum transverse deflection.


Power Transmission and Distribution

The conductor size is usually selected to meet electrical requirements economically. The maximum stress in the conductor can, however, be controlled by the tension at which the conductor is strung. The span length is determined generally by economic considerations in which insulator costs may play an important part. The type of tower (Figure 7-4a, b, and c), whether so-called line or suspension type, or dead-end tower, depends on the straightness of the line. For straight portions of the line, or where only relatively small angles (say to 20) exist, the spans on both sides of the insulator string tend to balance each other, so that the conductors are attached to a string of insulators that hangs essentially perpendicularly. For greater angles or for dead-end towers, the conductor may be supported by one or more strings (in parallel) of insulators that hang more or less horizontally. In this instance, when a conductor breaks, the insulator strings swing into a catenary, increasing its length, greatly reducing the tension in the span adjacent to the break; the reduction may be as great as 25 to 40 percent. Generally, dead-end towers are designed to resist all conductors broken at maximum stress in the conductor. To protect a long line from the domino effect of broken conductors or tower failure, dead-end towers (and poles) are inserted strategically in points along the straight line. Transpositions of conductors of a circuit are made to reduce the overall inductive effect between conductors of the same circuit, adjacent circuits and communication lines. Transpositions are made on structures with special attachments or on structures specially built for that purpose. Like pole lines, where the stress on the structure exceeds the ability to withstand them, guying is employed to furnish the additional strength needed. Tower construction must provide protection from lightning. As described earlier, a ground or shield wire installed above the transmission circuit is effective if placed to provide a 30 angle of shielding over the conductor, Figure 7-4d. While this can be attained in the case of single-circuit towers and steel-pole lines, it is easier of attainment for double-circuit towers to provide for two shield or ground wires, each placed approximately over a circuit. This may necessitate a crossarm to be constructed at the top of the tower. Coupled with the ground wire is the grounding of the tower footings, for a low resistance ground is essential to the effectiveness of the shield wire. Ordinarily, the tower footings are grounded by connection to a number of ground rods driven into

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


the earth. When the ground resistance is high, it may be necessary to bury conductors radiating out from the tower footings. A buried conductor constitutes a counterpoise. Other counterpoises may be more elaborate and may be a combination of the various schemes, Figure 7-6. In addition to the metal poles and towers for supporting the conductors, there are other types of structures, named appropriately after their shapes and appearance, Figure 7-5. They are referred to as A frames, H frames, V frames, and Y frames; the first three may be constructed of wood or metal (steel or aluminum), the last or Y is usually only made of steel. Practically all of these structures require guying for stability and to achieve their strength. Also, the crossarms must be such as to accommodate the string insulator configuration to prevent contact between conductors or between conductors and the structure during periods of maximum sway.

Figure 7-4c. Dead-end tower.

170 Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 7-4a. Tangent or suspension tower constructions.

Figure 7-4b. Angle or corner tower.

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Figure 7-4d. Overhead Ground or Static Wire to Protect Transmission Line

Figure 7-5. Transmission Line Supporting Structures

Figure 7-6. Arrangements of Counterpoise (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

Ground resistance may be measured between the tower or structure connected to the counterpoise and electrodes driven into the earth a known distance away, Figure 7-7. The measurements may vary with moisture, temperature, season of the year, earth composition and pollution, as well as the depth and diameter of the electrodes employed. Ground resistance may be reduced by installation and connection of additional ground rods, by adding conductors to the counterpoise, or both. Some soil resistivity values are indicated in Table 7-5. Similar

Figure 7-7. Measuring Ground Resistance Methods (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction methods may also be applied to substation structures.


Table 7-5. Typical Values of Soil Resistivity* (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.) Soil Resistivity Range Clay, moist 14-30 Swampy ground 10-100 Humus and loam 30-50 Sand below ground water level 60-130 Sandstone 120-70,000 Broken stone mixed with loam 200-350 Limestone 200-4,000 Dry earth 1,000-4,000 Denserock 5,000-10,000 Chemically pure water 250,000 Tap water 1,000-12,000 Rain water 800 Sea water 0.01-1.0 Polluted river water 1-5 *In ohms per cubic meter.

RIGHTS-OF-WAY Generally speaking, poles require less width of right-of-way than do tower lines, and towers require less than the A, H, V and Y structures. All, however, are subject to NESC recommendations and local and environmental requirements. Overhead transmission lines are particularly suited for open country areas where the line may be reasonably straight and amply wide rights-of-way are not only available, but relatively easy to acquire; further, appearances in such cases are not always important. National and local safety code clearances for the voltage ranges involved make such open country installations economically and environmentally acceptable. Where transmission lines must pass through populated urban and suburban areas, relatively narrow streets and back alleys furnish the


Power Transmission and Distribution

rights-of-way. Here, the tall metal poles, usually carrying a single circuit are employed with span lengths limited to a city block or less. Guying, tree conditions and other factors must conform to acceptable appearance standards. Included also may be limited access in which materiel may have to be carried by hand and limits placed on working hours. Clearing of trees, brush and other growth from rights-of-way must be maintained so that future growth will not interfere with operation of the lines. In wooded areas, trees must be cleared or topped far enough from the right-of-way so that falling trees will not inflict damage to the lines. Typical specifications are illustrated in Figure 7-8. Access roads must be provided for initial construction and future inspections, patrols, etc.; these and the right-of-way must be cleared so that vehicles may travel unimpeded. In some instances, helicopters may be employed to deliver personnel and material, sometimes preassembled, to the job site for construction and maintenance. Utilization of railroad right-of-way may provide a desirable location for transmission lines, especially as the railroads serve population and industrial centers that also constitute electrical load centers. There are some drawbacks, however. Soot and smoke from coal- and oil-fired locomotives accumulate on the surface of insulators that must be periodically cleaned to prevent flashover, and protracted delays may be experienced in scheduling work to comply with railroad operations. Further, the high voltage of the line may cause interference in communication circuits that often occupy the same right-of-way.

Figure 7-8. Clearing of Right-of-Way

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION


The effect on human, animal and plant life of the magnetic fields from high voltage transmission lines in their vicinity is the subject of continuing research. Fundamentally, when a moving magnetic field and a conductor cross each other, a voltage is induced in the conductor depending in part on the strength of the magnetic field. People, animals and plants are conductors and the voltage induced in them causes eddy currents to flow within them, between them and the ground, and between them and other objects with which they may come into contact. Although the effect of such currents on the biological, and especially on the nervous system appears minimal, the duration of the exposure may play some part. Meanwhile some utilities and government agencies have developed tentative and precautionary codes for minimum width of right-of-way of some 350 feet or 170 meters with additional width required to maintain a maximum magnetic field strength of 1.6 kV per meter from conductor to the area or structure in the vicinity applied to the shortest distance between them. These are minimum specifications and may be modified to meet local and particular situations. They apply to both alternating and direct current high voltage transmission line rights-of-way.

CROSSARMS Crossarms are generally used to carry polyphase circuits. They are also used where lines cross each other or make sharp turns at large angles to each other. Alley or side arms are used in narrow rights-ofway, the greater part of the arm extending out on one side of the pole. Where appearance is important, other means may be employed in place of the crossarm. The crossarm is essentially a beam supported at the point of attachment to the pole, Figure 7-9 It must support the vertical loadings from the weight of ice-covered conductors and, for safety reasons, the weight of workers, some 200 to 250 pounds. It is also subject to horizontal loadings of winds, tension in conductors where those on each side of the crossarm do not balance each other (unlike spans or conductors, deadend, bends, offsets, etc.) and from possible conductor breakage.


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Figure 7-9. Bending Moments on Crossarm Stresses In determining stresses, the same principles for determining beam stresses are employed as in the case of poles, previously described. The total bending moment M is equal to the sum of all the individual loads multiplied by their distances from the cross section under consideration. The weakest section usually should be at the center of the crossarm where it is attached to the pole. The cross section at the pin holes, however, is reduced and may be the weakest point in the crossarm. The determination can be made by calculating unit fiber stress at the pin location:
f= M Ic


f = maximum unit fiber stress at extreme edge of the crossarm, in lbs/in.2 M = total bending moment, in inch-pounds I = moment of inertia of cross section c = distance from neutral axis to extreme edge, in inches

The moment of inertia for a rectangular cross section is:

I = 1 bd 2 12 and the section modulus: I c=

and 1 bd 2 6

c= d 2

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


where the neutral axis is parallel to side d (Figure 7-10c). Where the cross section is lessened by the pin hole in the crossarm, the section modulus becomes:

I = 1d b2 a3 c 6 b
where a is the diameter of the hole. Where stresses on a crossarm approach or exceed safe values (depending on the kind of wood), resort is had to double arms, that is, a second crossarm is mounted on the other side of the pole and bound together by bolts and spacers of wood or steel. Each crossarm is usually fastened to the pole and steadied in position by flat braces, usually of steel but sometimes of wood. Where these measures are still insufficient, preformed steel angles are employed, and if still greater strength is required, the crossarms are guyed to adjacent poles, Figure 7-11. The strength and stability of the crossarm are also dependent on

Figure 7-10. Cross Sections of Crossarms (From Overhead Systems Reference Book)


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the bolt through which the stresses are transferred to the pole. The pressure on the bolt in the crossarm is:

PA = W b Ad
and that on the pole is:
Pp = W b pd

Figure 7-11. Arm Guys (From Overhead Systems Reference Book)

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction where W bA bp d is is is is the weight of the load on the crossarm the width of the crossarm the diameter of the pole the diameter of the bolt



The maximum unit pressure must not exceed the bearing value of the wood or distortion takes place. As the ultimate strength is approached, the bolt tends to bend and the fibers of the wood begin to give way, Figure 7-12.

Figure 7-12. Action on Bolt Holding Crossarm to Pole m is Point of Maximum Shear Stress (From Overhead Systems Reference Book) Steel Crossarms Where stresses exceed even the double-arm capability, steel crossarms may be used. Stresses are computed in much the same way as for wood. The steel crossarm does not have the insulating value of a wood crossarm and is much heavier to handle.

PINS Pins support the conductors with their ice coatings and are subject to both vertical and horizontal loadings from dead weight and wind pressure, and tensions, similar to pole loadings. Under vertical load, the pin acts as a column transmitting its load to the crossarm and pole. Compared to the horizontal loading, this value is small and usually neglected. The horizontal loading acts on it as a beam, Figure 7-13, and the bending moment M is: M = Ph


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where P is the load on the pin and h the distance from the conductor to the base of the pin. The maximum fiber stress is usually where the shoulder of the pin contacts the crossarm. Its unit value in pounds per square inch is:


Ph 0.0982d 3

where d is the diameter of the shank of the pin. Like poles, the weak point is about one-third of the distance down from the conductor.

Figure 7-13. Loading on Pins (From Overhead Systems Reference Book) Where stresses are great, as with crossarms, double pins are employed, one on each of the double arms. With improvement in materials and work methods, together with more emphasis on appearance, so-called armless construction is used. Here, steel pins mounted directly on the pole take the place of crossarms and pins, as shown in Figure 7-14. Vertical and horizontal loadings are as indicated in the diagram. Stresses on the pin are calculated in the same manner as for crossarms and pins.

Figure 7-14. Pins in Lieu of Crossarm Construction. (a) Use of Long Steel Pins. (b) Stresses on Long Steel Pins. (Courtesy Ohio Brass Co.)

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


For higher distribution voltages (up to 45 kV) and lower transmission voltages (69 kV and below), similar construction is employed for polyphase circuits using post-type insulators mounted at right angles to the pole, either all on one side or alternating on both sides of the pole. Secondary mains (and services) employing cabled conductors are mounted directly to the pole using clamps supporting the neutral conductor around which the conductors are cabled. The vertical and horizontal loadings are transmitted to the pole by the bolts that attach the clamps to the pole. Secondary mains in a great number of installations are attached to the pole by means of secondary racks. The conductors are attached to spool-type insulators on a common shaft, the whole attached to a steel backing bolted to the pole. Vertical and horizontal stresses are determined in a manner similar to that for poles, crossarms, etc.

INSULATORS Insulators are most commonly made of porcelain, although glass insulators exist in relatively great numbers on the older 2.4/4.16 kV primary and 120/240 volt secondary lines. Porcelain has little tensile strength but great compressive strength (as does glass) and, hence, lines are so designed that insulators will be in compression in carrying the mechanical loads imposed on them. Several types of insulators are described below. Pin Type The strength of pin type in compression is usually greater than of the pin upon which it is mounted. The physical dimensions of the insulators necessary to meet the mechanical requirements are usually sufficient in meeting the electrical requirements when wet, including surge voltages. Post Type Post-type insulators are essentially pin-type insulators that incorporate their own steel pins. As mentioned earlier, this type insulator may be installed in a vertical, or near vertical position as well as horizontally, or nearly so, in place of crossarms to carry the conductors of a polyphase circuit. The horizontal loadings create stresses of compression


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on one side of the pole and tension on the other, both transmitted to the pole through the steel pin. The vertical loadings result in a stress of compression in the porcelain between the conductor and the steel pin, the latter transmitting the stress to the pole. Where the post insulator is mounted at an angle to the pole, the stress will consist of the component of the horizontal and vertical forces acting on the pin and the porcelain. Suspension or Strain Type These are also referred to as disc or string insulators and are almost exclusively used on transmission lines where stresses are usually greater than those associated with distribution systems. The number of discs strung together depend on the operating voltage of the line. Strain or Ball Type This type has been used to dead-end lower voltage primary and secondary conductors, and as insulators in guy wires in older installations, many of which still exist. Here, the porcelain is in compression between the stresses imposed by the forces acting in the guy wire. Spool Type These are almost always used only with secondary racks. The compressive strength of the porcelain here is usually greater than the strength of the other parts of the rack. Other Types Insulators of the knob type are sometimes used for services and on secondary mains. Other types include bushings and bus supports.

GUYS AND ANCHORS Where horizontal loads are imposed on poles and crossarms, guys are used to take up the horizontal stress and transmit it to other poles, crossarms, or into the ground. The various types of guys are illustrated in Figure 7-15. Where guys cannot be installed because of space limitations, crib bracing is used to provide additional holding power, but does not add to the strength of the pole. On long straight lines, with few side taps, guys are installed at right angles to the line at strategic locations. Their purpose is to mini-

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Figure 7-15 Pole Guys (From Overhead Systems Reference Book) mize damage caused by severe storms or accidents that can result in a domino effect of collapsing pole line. They are sometimes referred to as storm guys. Loading Guys have loads imposed on them from tension in the conductors and the angle between adjacent conductor spans. The magnitude of the tension is based on the conductor sizes, including ice and wind loads,


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and the sag in the span. Design limits are based on the elastic limits of the conductors, usually 50 to 60 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor metal. As the design limits are based on the worst loading conditions that happen occasionally, the usual stress is generally less than 50 to 60 percent of the elastic limit. Poles at an angle in the line undergo stresses also due to the tension in the conductors, but the guy handles only a component of that tension, the amount depending on the angle in the line, Figure 7-16. If T is the sum of all the tensions caused by the conductors and the angle of the line is a, the component of T in line with the guy is:
Ta = T sin a 2
and the total stress the guy handles is twice that:

Tguy = 2T sin a 2
The stress handled by the guy will be the vector sum of the tensions in the two spans that are not balanced. If the angle between spans is relatively large, usually more than 60, the load on the guy that bisects the angle will be greater than the dead-end loading of the line and, if practical, two dead-end guys are preferable. As near as practical, the guy should be attached to the center of loading of the loads it supports. When the loads are at different points on the pole, they should be converted into a single equivalent load at the point of attachment. If Tp is the loading at height hp Ts is the loading at height hs Pw is the wind pressure on the pole concentrated at hw LH is the horizontal equivalent loading
LH = Tph p + Tsh s + Pwh w h


As generally the guy is not horizontal, the actual tension in it will be greater than LH. If b is the angle the guy makes with the horizontal, then

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Figure 7-16. Loading on Guys. (a) Guys at Angles (b) Guys Loading. (From overhead Systems Reference Book) the loading in the guy becomes:

LG =
and the vertical component is:

LH cos b

LV = LH tan b or LV + LG sin b and is an additional vertical load on the pole. If the guy is attached too far from the center of the load the pole


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section above that point acts as a beam, and the moment then will be: M = Tp(hp h) + Ts(hs h) Pw(h hw) and the fiber stress at the point of attachment will be:


M 0.0982 d 3

where d is the diameter of the pole at that point. The guy should be so attached as near as practical at the center of the load so that it takes the entire horizontal load with the pole acting as a strut. Guy wires come in many sizes but, for practical purposes, they may be limited to four sizes, whose characteristics are given in Table 76. If stresses exceed the maximum strength of one of the wire sizes, the next larger size or two guys should be used. Guy wires are attached to poles and crossarms by eye bolts, clamps, thimbles, clips and plates, and by special eye-shaped ends bent at an angle to accommodate the guy wire.

Table 7-6. Guy Wire Characteristics (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.) Elastic Ultimate strength, limit 2 Wire Class lb/in lb/in2 Standard 47,000 24,000 Regular 75,000 38,000 High-strength 125,000 69,000 Extra high-strength 187,000 112,000
Weight of steel wire: 0.002671 lb/in3 Modulus of elasticity: 29 106 Coefficient of linear expansion: 11.8 106/C; 6.62 106/F Within the 1/4- to 1-2-inch range, for the four classes of wire, ultimate strengths vary from a minimum of 1900 lb to a maximum of 27,000 lb.

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Push Braces Push braces are sometimes installed where guys are impractical to install. They are essentially compression type guys where the brace pole takes the place of the guy wire. Stresses are determined in the same manner as for wire guys. Anchors Obviously, the holding power of the anchor should match the strength of the associated guy wire. In general, the holding power depends on the area the anchor offers the soil and the depth at which it is buried and the nature of the soil, that is, the weight of the soil constituting the resisting force. Types of anchors, classification of soils and the selection of anchors are shown in Figure 7-17 and Tables 7-7 and 7-8.

CONDUCTORS Tensions and Sag In addition to the problems of ice and wind affecting the stringing of conductors, there is the problem of how tight the conductors should be strung. If stretched too tightly, the stresses imposed on the pole and its appurtenances (crossarms, pins, insulators, racks, and hardware) would be so great as to make the arrangement impractical. The stresses on the conductors themselves may cause them to exceed their elastic limits, should the structure move even slightly. The resulting elongation may become permanent with a reduction in the cross section of the conductor, leading to possible failure. If the conductor is stretched too loosely, the resulting increase in sag would affect the swaying of conductors that might necessitate wider spacing in both the horizontal and vertical planes. Proper sagging of the conductor would eliminate both of these possibilities. The tension in a conductor is determined by the sag, being inversely proportional to the sag. In determining the final sag, not only are loading conditions considered, but also the probable temperature variations and local physical conditions as well as regulations and code restrictions. In determining tensions and sags in a conductor, it should be assumed that the loading is uniformly applied over its length with the conductor freely shaping itself into a catenary. For relatively short spans,


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Types of Anchors. Anchors come in many shapes and types. They may be classified into four general types: 1. Buried logs, planks, or plates attached to the end of a rod. 2. Screw anchors, screwed into the soil at varying depths. A very large screw anchor, known as the swamp anchor, is used in swampy areas. 3. Expanding anchors, in which a plate in sections is folded into a small diameter, the unit set into a small-diameter hole (or at the bottom of a pole), and the anchor rod screwed or pounded into it so that the sections spread out, biting into the adjacent soil. If the expanding anchor plate is divided into eight sections, for example, the anchor is known as an eight-way expanding anchor. 4. Rock anchors, which are merely rods driven into the rock, hard shale, or hardpan, at approximately right angles to the guy wire. The depth at which they are installed will vary with the strength required and the character of the rock.

Figure 7-17. Types of Anchors (From Overhead Systems Reference Book)

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Table 7-7. Classification of Soils Class Description 1 Hard rock: solid. 2 Shale, sandstone: solid or in adjacent layers. 3 Hard, dry: hardpan, usually found under class 4 strata. 4 Crumbly, damp: clay usually predominating. Insufficiently moist to pack into a ball when squeezed by hand. 5 Firm, moist: clay usually predominating with other soils commonly present. Sufficiently moist to pack into a firm ball when squeezed by hand (most soils in well-drained areas fall into this classification). 6 Plastic, wet: clay usually predominating as in class 5, but because of unfavorable moisture conditions, such as in areas subjected to seasonally heavy rainfall, sufficient water is present to penetrate the soil to appreciable depths and, though the area be fairly well drained, the soil becomes plastic during such seasons, and when squeezed will readily assume any shape (a soil not uncommon in fairly flat areas). 7a Loose, dry: found in arid regions, sand or gravel usually predominating (filled-in or built-up areas in dry regions fall into this class, and as the name implies, there is very little bond to hold the particles together). 7b Loose, wet: same as loose, dry for holding power; high in sand, gravel or loam content. Holding power in some seasons is good, but during rainy seasons soil absorbs excessive moisture readily with resultant loss of holding power, especially in poorly drained areas. This class also includes soft wet clay. 8 Swamps and marshes. Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.

Table 7-8. Selection of Anchors-Approximate Holding Power, lb

Diameter of Screw or Expanded Anchor Plate; Diameter and Length of Rod

Type of anchor and rod size Screw* Expanding Swamp** Eight-way Eight-way Four-way Soil 8-in 8-in 10-in 12-in 13-in 15-in class 1 in 5.5 ft 3/4 in 8 ft 1 in 10 ft 1-1/4 in 10 ft 11 2-in pipe 2-in pipe 1*** NR NR NR NR NR NR 2*** NR NR NR NR NR NR 3 NR 26,500 31,000 40,000 NR NR 4 11,000 22,000 26,500 34,000 NR NR 5 8,000 18,500 21,000 26,500 NR NR 6 6,500 15,000 16,500 21,500 NR NR 7 3,500 10,000 12,000 16,000 NR NR 8 NR NR NR NR 12,000 15,000
*Screw anchors are used especially in temporary installations because of easy removal. **At least one 10-ft length of 2-in pipe should be installed; additional lengths should be installed until pipe can no longer be turned (say, by four workers operating the wrenches). ***Special rock anchors of varying holding power should be used. NRNot recommended Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.

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Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


as in distribution systems, the error is small and within practical field construction practices and may be neglected. For parabolas, the relation between sag or deflection (d), tension (T) and span length (L) is, Figure 7-18.


wL 2 8T

where d and L are in feet, T in pounds, and w the resultant load (conductor, ice, etc.) in pounds per foot.

Figure 7-18. Loading on a Conductor For long spans, the horizontal component H of the tension in the conductor is (by right-angle triangle relation): H2 = T2 (wx)2 where x is one-half the length of the conductor in the span, or of the span itself. The conductor at the support where the tension T is maximum, is at an angle tan1 (wx/H) to the horizontal. Its length l compared to the span length L is:


8d 2 3L

where d is the sag in feet. With temperature increase, the conductor expands in length, the sag increases and the tension in the conductor decreases. The elongation from the change (t) in temperature also depends on the coefficient of

192 expansion (e) and its length (l):

Power Transmission and Distribution

Elongation = l et The elongation of a conductor decreases when the tension is decreased. If the loading on the conductor is increased, the tension and accompanying elongation are increased, in turn increasing the sag and decreasing the tension. The elongation or change length becomes:
Ts aE

Change in length =

where T1 T2 is the change in tension, a the cross section area, and E the modulus of elasticity. For longer transmission spans, the difference may be significant and mathematical methods of calculating catenaries may be used. This discussion may be omitted, if desired. The Catenary The load of the conductor with a coating of ice is assumed to be uniformly distributed along its entire length; refer to Figure 7-19. Let w = the load per unit along the conductor l = the length of the conductor between supports wl = the total load on the entire conductor A portion of the conductor from the lowest point 0 to any other point B, is shown in Figure 7-19.

Figure 7-19. Catenary

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction and s P0 P ws = = = = length of the portion of the conductor tensile force at point 0, in equilibrium tensile force at point B load of the portion of the conductor



Fx = 0 or Px P0 = 0 and Px = P0 Fx = 0 or Py ws = 0 and Py = Ws
tan = Py Px = ws P0

Since P is tangent to the curve at point B

tan = dy dx and dy dx = ws P0

(calculus) dividing by dy2

ds2 = dx2 + dy2

ds dy substituting

= ds dy 2 ds = P0 ws dy



dy = w

s ds P0 + w 2s 2
2 s


s ds P0 2 + w 2s 2


P0 2 + w 2s 2 P0 w w

that is, the sag at point B. Going back to equation ds2 = dx2 + dy2


Power Transmission and Distribution

ds dy substituting

= ds dy 2 ds = P0 ws dy




dx = P0

ds P0 2 + w 2s 2

x = P0

ds P0 + w 2s 2

P0 x = w log e ws + P0 2 + w 2s 2 log eP0

wx = log ws + e P0 e wx P0 = ws + P0 2 + w 2s 2 P0 P0 2 + w 2s 2 P0


P0 wx P 0 e wx P 0 e 2w

substituting this value of s in the equation for y above

P0 y = w 1 e wx P0 + e wx P0 1 2
Tension at Lowest Point Referring to Figure 7-19a, the quantities b/2 and h are the coordinates at point of support A. Substituting x = b/2 and y = h in the above equation for y:
P0 h = w 1 e wb 2P 0 + e wb 2P 0 1 2

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction Tension at Any Point From Figure 7-19b:
Px 2 + Py 2



Substituting the values of Px and Py from the equation above,


Px 2 + w 2s 2

Substituting the value of s from the equation above, P = P0 1 + 1 4 e wx P0 e wx P0


Substituting the value of s from the equation above, tan = 1 2 e wx P0 e wx P0

Maximum Tension in the Conductor From the above equation, P is a maximum when x is a maximum. The maximum value of b/2, indicating that the tension is greatest at the point of support, PA. Substituting x = b/2 in the equation above:

PA = P0 and

1 + 1 4 e wb 2P 0 e wb 2P 0

tan A = 1 2 e wb 2P 0 e wb P0

Length of Conductor (l) Substituting x = b/2 in the equation above and multiplying by 2:

P0 l = w e wb 2P 0 e wb 2P 0
The quantities involved in the several formulas above do not lend themselves readily to algebraic methods of solution. For practical pur-


Power Transmission and Distribution

poses, trial methods in which various values are substituted for the unknown quantities can be used until a value is found that closely satisfies the equation. Logarithmic tables simplify the procedures. The above formulas may be expressed and calculations expedited by the use of hyperbolic functions. The expression 1/2(ex ex) is the hyperbolic sine of x and is written sinh x; 1/2(ex + ex) is the hyperbolic cosine of x and is written cosh x. Hence the expression 1/2 (ewx/P0 + ewx/P0) may be written cosh wx/P0. The relation cosh2 x sinh2 x = 1 simplifies some of the formulas; the value of e is 2.7183. Summarizing:


P0 y = w cosh wx 1 P0 P0 h = w cosh wb 1 2P 0 P = P0cosh wx P0 tan = sinh wx P0

Tension at lowest point Tension at any point

Maximum tension in conductor PA = P0cosh wb 2P 0 tan A = sinh wb 2P 0 Length of conductor l 2P = w0 sinh wb 2P 0

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Various diagrams and curves have been devised to simplify the solution to the problems outlined above. These, and the tables of hyperbolic functions may be found in analyses that explore more extensively the application of mechanics to wires in suspension. Spans Between Different Elevations Spans between different elevations must be sagged so that the low point of the spans are below the elevations of the lower supports. If the low point of a span is higher, there will be an uplift at the lower elevation support. As loadings and temperatures change, the low point will move along the span in a horizontal line. For design purposes, however, this low point may be assumed to be fixed. From Figure 7-20, the approximate location of the low point may be determined:

x 1 = S + ht = S 2 Sw

d dh + d

x2 = S x1 = S 1 h 2 4d 1 and d2 = d1 1 h 4d 1

The horizontal components of the tension t1 = t2 and the vertical component at the upper support must be greater, that is, t1 T2 and T1 = T2 -+ wh

Figure 7-20. Span with Supports at Different Elevations


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where w is the weight per foot of the conductor. For practical purposes, in sagging the conductor in the field, it may be convenient to determine the sag as the vertical deflection from a line through the points of support. The sag may be computed as if the supports were at the same elevation and S the span length and measured as the vertical distance d2 from the line through the points of support. Conductor Materials Overhead conductors must have low electrical resistance yet be economical; they must be strong so that mechanical failure be minimized as much as possible yet be workable; they should have a relatively small sag yet, because sag is approximately inverse to the tension, a large sag is desirable to hold stress as low as practical. This condition may best be met by conductors made of copper or aluminum, or in combination with steel, and a sag that will stress the conductor nearly to its elastic limit under the heaviest loading it may have to carry. Copper wire is manufactured in three kinds: hard drawn, medium hard drawn, and soft drawn (annealed). Hard drawn is the strongest but least flexible that makes it relatively difficult to handle, while soft drawn is the weakest but easy to work with; medium hard drawn lies in between these two both in strength and ease in handling. The first is generally used for long transmission spans and some of the longer distribution feeder spans. The last, soft drawn, is usually limited to short distribution spans, services, and tying conductors to pin-type insulators. Medium hard drawn is used almost exclusively for relatively long spans in general use on distribution circuits. Aluminum competes economically with copper for electrical conductors, even though its conductivity is only 63 percent as great; this is offset by its lighter weight, about one-third that of copper. For conductors of the same conductivity, aluminum is about half as heavy although of somewhat larger diameter. Aluminum is relatively low in tensile strength, being about two-thirds that of soft drawn copper, but because of the equivalent larger diameter, their tensile strengths are about the same. The larger diameter, in turn, results in greater ice and wind loads imposed on aluminum conductors. Data on these conductors are given in Tables 7-9 and 7-10. To remedy these deficiencies, aluminum conductors are wrapped around or clad around steel wires: the aluminum gives the conductor its conductivity and the steel its mechanical strength. It is, therefore, consid-

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


erably stronger than even hard drawn copper wire of equivalent conductivity. When strands of aluminum are wrapped around strands of steel, the conductor is referred to as Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced, or ACSR. Sag for ACSR For ACSR, the stresses on the steel and aluminum strands produce different results, each calculated in the same manner described earlier for conductors of a single material. For larger loads, the aluminum and steel act essentially as a single conductor. For lower value tensions, the strands tend to separate and the steel strands carry all of the load. The same action essentially results with temperature changes. The coefficient of expansion may be found, for practical purposes, from the coefficient of expansion a and the modulus of elasticity E and the percent area H for each of the metals involved:

E AS = E AH A + E SH S and a AS = E AH A E AS + aS E SH S E AS

As solid conductors become larger, their rigidity increases and they are harder to handle. To remedy this condition, larger size conductors are usually stranded. Steel wire is rarely used alone, usually for very long spans (such as river crossings), because of its 3 to 5 times greater strength, even though its conductivity is only one-tenth that of copper. Its tendency to rust may be counteracted by galvanizing or coating it with zinc. Aluminum clad, as well as copper clad, steel wire is not only economical, but may be used as an electrical conductor where loads are relatively light, as in rural lines, and mechanically as guy wire. Special precautions should be taken when conductors of copper and aluminum are connected together. Aluminum connectors with copper bushings are sometimes employed for this purpose. Copper conductors on distribution circuits are sometimes covered with insulation of polyethylene (PE) or polyvinylchloride (PVC). This allows for spans to be closer together (for polyphase lines) and greater sag with lower tension in conductors. Should they sway together, con-

Table 7-9. Characteristics of Conductor Materials (Commercial Grades)

Temperature coefficient of linear expansion Modulus per degree ( 106) of elasticity 6 ( 10 ) *C *F 12 14 16 9 29 16 to 20 16 to 20 17.1 17.1 17.1 23.0 19.1 11.9 13.0 13.0 9.5 9.5 9.5 12.8 10.6 6.6 7.2 7.2



Weight Conductivity, % lb/1000 ft 2 (pure Cu = 100%) lb/in per 1000 cmil 0.320 0.320 0.320 0.0967 0.147 0.283 0.298 0.298 3.027 3.027 3.027 0.920 1.390 2.671 2.810 2.810

Ultimate strength, lb/in2 ( 1000) to 40 to 60 to 67 to 27 44 45 to 189 60 to 100 60 to 100 36 42 49 23

Elastic limit lb/in2 ( 1000) to 20 to 33 to 35 to 16 31 23 to 112 18 23 30 14

CopperSD 99-100 MHD 98.5-99.5 HD 97-99 Aluminum, plain 61 Aluminum, steel-reinforced 61 Steel 8.7 Copper-clad steel30% 29.25 40% 39 To convert to metric system: lb/in3 0.0277 = kg/cm3 lb/1000 ft x 0.1488 = kg/km lb/in2 0.0703 = kg/cm2

Power Transmission and Distribution

Courtesy The Anaconda Co., Wire and Cable Div.

Table 7-10. Characteristics of Solid and Stranded Conductors

cmil in

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction

Both solid and stranded conductors Weight, lb/1000ft*

Cross section

1,000,000 750,000 500,000 350,000 250.000 211,600 167,772 133,079 105,625 83,694 66,388 52,624 41,738 33,088 26,244 20,822 16.512 0.7854 0.5891 0.3927 3026.9 2270.2 1513.5 921.6 691.2 460.8 0.010 0.014 0.021 0.017 0.022 0.034 61 0.128 61 0.111 37 0.116 1.150 0.998 0.813





Resistance, /1000 ft at 20C


Solid conductor diameter, in

Number and diameter of strands, in Diameter, in

Stranded conductor

4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0,2749 0.1964 0.1662 0.1318 0.1045 0.0830 0.0657 0.0521 0,0413 0.0328 0.0260 0.0206 0.0164 0.0130

1059.4 756.7 640.5 507.9 402.8 319.5 253.3 200.9 159.3 126.4 100.2 79.5 63.0 50.0

322.5 230A 195.0 153.6 122.0 97.0 76.9 61.0 48.4 38.4 30.4 24.1 19.1 15.2

0.030 0.041 0.049 0.063 0.078 0.098 0.124 0.156 0.197 0.249 0.313 0.395 0.498 0.628

0.048 0.068 0.080 0.102 0.128 0.161 0.203 0.256 0.323 0.408 0.514 0.648 0.817 1.030

0.4600 0.4096 0.3648 0.3250 0.2893 0.2576 0.2294 0.2043 0.1819 0.1620 0.1443 0.1285

37 0.097 { 19 0.136

0.681 0.678 0.575 0.573 0.528 0.522 0.470 0.464 0.4:8 0.4 4 0.373 0.368 0.322 0.328 0.292 0.260 0.232 0.207 0.184 0.167 0.154

{ 37 0.082 19 0.115
0.106 { 19 0.174 7 0.094 { 19 0.155 7 0.084 { 19 0.138 7 0.075 { 19 0.123 7 0.066 { 19 0.109 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0.097 0,087 0.077 0.069 0,061 0.053 0.047

*For PE- and PVC-insulated conductors, add 550 lb per square inch of cross section for every 1000 ft. To convert to metric system: in2 645 = mm2 in 2.54 = cm Courtesy The Anaconda Co., Wire & Cable Div.



Power Transmission and Distribution

tact will not result in conductors burning down. Aluminum conductors steel reinforced are widely used for transmission lines; for long spans and high voltages, it is almost exclusively used. Such lines are subject to phenomena not usually experienced on shorter lines at lower voltages (including distribution circuits). Skin Effect In a conductor (of any material) carrying an alternating current, the self-inductance is more pronounced at the center of the conductor. Hence, the current flowing in the conductors will tend to flow more easily and a greater part near the surface of the conductor. This skin effect becomes even more pronounced at the higher voltages. For most conductors with comparatively small diameters, this effect is small and may be neglected. For transmission line conductors operating at high voltages and whose diameters are large, this skin effect becomes appreciable. To accommodate this phenomenon, expanded conductors have been developed having hollow or partially hollow cores, eliminating the center part of the conductor not fully used in carrying current, Figure 721. While the greater overall diameter will expose the conductor to greater ice and wind loads, the advantage of the better current carrying ability and the lessened weight (compared to a non-hollow conductor of the same rating) partially compensates for the loading disadvantage.

Figure 7-21. Conductors to Counter Skin Effect (Courtesy Anaconda Co. -Wire & Cable Division)

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Corona In addition to the magnetic field about a conductor carrying an alternating current, there is also an electrostatic field. Such fields generally form in uniform patterns around a straight conductor and are also conductors of electricity. These patterns tend to concentrate and their conductivity ability at points where the conductor presents a sharp point, bend or comer. When the voltage exceeds a critical value, an energy discharge to the atmosphere takes place producing a luminous halo-like glow, known as corona, on the surface of the conductor. The diameter of the conductor, the conducting condition of the adjacent atmosphere, the condition of the conductor surface (such as roughness and dirt), and the presence of nearby conductors, all contribute to this effect. If the distance between the conductor and nearby conductors or structures is comparatively small, a sparkover may occur causing a short circuit and outage, and possible damage to the line. Corona discharges may be greater in rain, the drops clinging to the conductor change its shape encouraging corona where the drops act as sharp pips on the conductor. The hollow conductors of large diameter lessen not only the skin effect but that of corona as well. As corona flashover may damage insulators to which conductors may be attached, particularly during rain, shields are provided at both the conductor and the supporting end of the insulator to furnish a path for the flashover away from the insulator, Figure 7-22. One means of increasing the capacity of a transmission line, while at the same time minimizing corona losses is to replace the conductor with a larger one, or to add other conductors, in a bundle of two or more conductors on each phase held in place by spacers and suspended from each other a suitable distance, up to about 18 inches. Lower cost conductors may be used with this type construction, although greater ice and wind loads may be experienced and greater sag for a given space may result. Figure 7-25.

Figure 7-22. Arcing Rings or Horns to Keep Flash Away from Insulators. (From Overhead Systems Reference Book)


Power Transmission and Distribution

Galloping or Dancing Conductors Conductors of overhead transmission lines where span lengths are relatively long and exposed in open country are subject to vibration and movement produced by wind. One effect, known as aeolian vibrations, caused by wind eddies behind a conductor produces a regular high frequency oscillation of the conductor, whose frequency depends on the size of the conductor and the velocity of the wind. Masses of metal, known as dampers, are installed on the conductors at estimated node points to lessen the effects of these vibrations, Figure 7-23. The node points are impossible to determine precisely because the factors producing the vibrations are many and varying. The dampers, however, are placed near the towers within reach at points estimated to produce as much damping as practical. Armor rods are installed on aluminum conductors at the insulator clamps to reduce the wearing effect of the vibrations on the conductor. To reduce the effects of aeolian vibrations, a self-damping type of conductor has been developed, Figure 7-24. By making the shapes of the conductor strands different, the outer strands trapezoidal while the inner ones are round, and relatively large clearances between them, the motion of the different strands tend to break up the vibrations. Appropriate splicing and terminating connectors and terminals are necessary. A much more severe type of vibration, known as galloping or dancing conductors, is known to be caused by wind, but the mechanics are not always clear. One theory proposed that ice forming on the conductor approximates an airfoil and the wind blowing on it causes it to be lifted appreciably until a point where the conductor falls abruptly from the weight imposed on it, or is blown downward by the wind. The

Figure 7-23. Dampers on a Conductor (Courtesy A. B. Chance Co.)

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


Figure 7-24. (a) Conventional ACSR; and (b) the Self-Damping Conductor. (Courtesy Aluminum Co. of America) changing sag from the ice load coupled with the erratic nonrhythmic swaying may cause flashovers from conductors whipping together that may result in the burndown of conductors. The galloping of the conductors also causes extreme stress on both the conductors and supporting structures that may cause them to fail. Although rare, unfortunately little can be done to remedy this condition except to attempt to melt the ice from the conductors. Resort is had to overloading the conductors temporarily by means of a phantom load connected to the circuit at the receiving end, or by transferring to it loads from other circuits, causing the conductors to become hot. Even the melting of ice on a portion of a span may cause the galloping to be interrupted. When possible, the circuit is taken out of service, allowing conductors to whip together without danger of damage or destruction. Elastic Limit The maximum stress to which conductors should be subjected is known as its elastic limit. It is a point at which the conductor can be stressed without permanent deformation, that is, the conductor returns to its original condition after being stressed. It is a point at which the conductor begins to elongate rapidly to failure. Elongation, even in a small percentage, results in comparatively large increase in sag. Sag is inversely proportional to tension, so that as the sag increases, the stress or tension in the conductor decreases. Hence, elongation is taken into account in determining allowable sag. For copper and aluminum, the elastic limit is reached at fairly low stress. The elastic limit of copper is


Power Transmission and Distribution

generally from 50 to 60 percent of its ultimate breaking strength for medium hard drawn and hard drawn copper; for soft drawn, the elastic limit is very indefinite, but for practical purposes, is taken at about 50 percent of ultimate. For aluminum, the elastic limit is also indefinite, but is taken at 50 to 60 percent of the ultimate strength. For ACSR, the elastic limit is a combination of the two metals. On initial stress, the two components will elongate equally and so will divide the stress in proportion to their cross sectional areas and their individual stress-strain characteristics. When a certain stress is reached, the aluminum portion will exceed its elastic limit and will elongate more rapidly in proportion to the increase in stress. The steel, having a higher elastic limit, will assume an increasingly proportion of the load until its elastic limit is reached. The elastic limit of the aluminum strands determine that for the complete conductor. If the steel strands are stressed beyond this point, the aluminum strands will loosen somewhat because of the increased length and will be on the road to failure. Modulus of Elasticity The modulus of elasticity is a measure of the way a conductor will sag under loading. A low modulus indicates a relatively large sag when the conductor is loaded, a high modulus indicates a comparatively small increase in sag between the highly loaded and fully loaded condition. Aluminum has a much lower modulus than copper and will show a greater sag when loaded with ice and subjected to wind. As line designs are usually based on ground clearances and 60 temperature, this factor should be taken into account. Temperature Coefficient of Expansion This characteristic is a measure of the change in length of a conductor with temperature. It is of great importance in determining the sag of a conductor at temperatures other than that in which it is strung. A high coefficient means a relatively large increase in length and sag; a high summer temperature may result in a greater sag of a conductor than under heavy ice loading. The coefficient of expansion of aluminum is greater than that of copper. Connectors and Splices Mechanical connectors and splices are almost universally used in connecting together of conductors. These not only insure good electrical conductivity, but also a uniformity in workmanship and mechanical

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


strength. Some types are shown in Figure 7-25. These may consist of sleeves or yokes which are bolted, holding conductors together. Compression type connectors have the conductors inserted in a sleeve and the sleeve crimped by hydraulically made indentations. For ACSR conductors, two sleeves are used, an inner steel sleeve fitting over the steel core only, and an outer aluminum sleeve fitting over the entire conductor. In some instances, for ACSR conductors, only one outer sleeve is used and the indentations grip both the steel and aluminum conductors. The indentations on a connector are often filled with solder and the whole splice polished to reduce the tendency for corona to form.

JOINT CONSTRUCTION The use of a common pole for both power and communication lines is often done as a matter of economy and for better appearance.

Figure 7-25. Mechanical Connectors (Courtesy Bundy Corp.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

The greatest use of this type construction is on the distribution system where poles may be shared with other users, telephone (the largest), telegraph, cable TV, traffic and lighting controls, fire and police alarms, etc. In rural areas where appearance may not be important, where long spans and lower clearances are permitted, and where services are relatively few, joint construction may not prove practical. Generally, this type of construction may be desirable in those areas where facilities are located in streets and alleys, or on rear lot lines and easements from which services to consumers are extended. Such construction may result in heavier loading on poles, use of higher poles, a greater grade of construction, additional guying, more complex maintenance and coordination procedures between the users. Clearances between facilities and grades of construction, often greater than those recommended in the NESC are considered in the determination of space allotment and distribution of costs and savings. The stresses imposed on the pole from all of the users must be taken into consideration. Some typical wind loadings for several telephone cables, with half-inch ice covering and a wind loading of four pounds per square foot are shown in Table 7-11. Tension acts on the pole from the messenger only.

Table 7-11. Loadings on Telephone Cables Telephone cable sizes Gauge (Cu) Wind loading, lb/ft 50-pair including messenger 24 1.02 22 1.03 200-pair, including messenger 24 1.23 22 1.27 600-pair, including messenger 24 1.53 22 1.54 Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.

The space allocated for each purpose should be carefully defined. Communication circuits usually take up the lowest place on a pole and their sags taken into account in determining minimum ground clearance

Overhead Mechanical Design and Construction


at the center of the span. Other communication circuits follow above with a neutral zone between these and the power circuit or circuits at the upper part of the pole. Although the neutral space is usually greater than that called for in the NESC for circuits of the voltages involved, a minimum of 40 inches is generally specified by telephone designers. The division of space on a pole is usually based on the needs of each user of the pole. One method employs a standard pole in which the division of space is detailed, Figure 7-26. Since ground clearance is not the same for all locations, more space may be allotted to communication circuits than may be required. If more space is required by the power conductors, a higher pole may be required unless agreement can be reached lowering the communication allotment. The division of costs may be more complex. Two methods are commonly used: the pole may be jointly owned, each user owning a share of the pole; or, the pole owned entirely by one user and space rented to the others. Such divisions appear equitable and easily accepted, but other factors serve to complicate the process. In practice, power and telephone companies set, inspect and replace poles. Often, only the power company has the equipment to handle poles longer than 40 feet and is the only utility stocking them. In cases of emergency, the power utility must respond as quickly as possible while the other users can defer their work until after the power company completes its work. Poles on which power circuits operate at 5 kV or greater are handled by the power company; in replacement of such poles, the power company often cuts the old pole below the lowest

Figure 7-25. Allotment of Pole Space, on Standard Pole (From Overhead Systems Reference Book)


Power Transmission and Distribution

power facility, allowing other users to relocate their facilities to the new pole, removing the stub of the old pole without coming near the power lines. Also, tree trimming costs are almost always assumed by the power company, although all users benefit. Power lines at the top of the pole provide lightning protection for all the facilities farther down. Usually, one of the two major utilities obtains rights-of-way, permits, franchises, etc. On the other hand, power lines may cause interference with the operation of other users and may cause dangerous and widespread damage should they fall on the facilities of others. In event of injury or damage to workers and the public, each user must determine its financial liability. It is evident that agreements between the users for fair and equitable division acceptable to all is difficult of solution. Although communication circuits on separate poles sometimes parallel transmission lines, they are seldom found on the same structures. They are sometimes installed on lower voltage transmission lines, but are sufficiently spaced from the power lines to avoid interference from the high voltage magnetic fields. It is difficult, if not impossible, to deter the determined saboteur from plying his trade, particularly on the miles of exposed transmission lines. Some things can be done to make his task more difficult, to slow him down, and perhaps even catch him in the act. High fences with barbed wire tops and bottoms, Figure 4-18, no gates, access by bucket vehicles only, accompanied by battery operated sensors of intrusion, radioing back to the system operator and law enforcement agencies, and even electrifying the fences surrounding the bases of the structures supporting the lines may be more psychological than real deterrents, but might be worth employment. Other schemes and devices may come to mind. But the transmission lines are vulnerable from a distance. The solution appears to lie in the limiting of damage and the rapid restoration of facilities. Here, preplanned procedures, kept up to date should speed restoration.

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


Chapter 8

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction

Underground systems generally fall into two categories: facilities buried directly in the ground and those installed in ducts, manholes and vaults. Direct burial usually is employed in urban and suburban residential areas, while duct systems are confined to areas of high load density and areas where safety and environmental requirements make it desirable, if not essential. Application of these types of construction pertain to both transmission and distribution systems.

UNDERGROUND RESIDENTIAL DISTRIBUTION (URD) The success of this type system is based on the development of plastics which are suitable for both conductor insulation and for the mechanical protection of cables. Coupled with improved plowing and trenching equipment and methods, this type construction is economically competitive with overhead systems. Design In areas employing this type of electrical supply, radial type distribution is usually specified. One pattern calls for a transformer to supply a number of consumers from secondary mains, Figure 8-1, while another calls for small transformers each supplying a single consumer, Figure 82. The first takes advantage of diversity between consumers maximum demands, while the latter, usually requiring a greater total capacity of transformers to be installed, does away with secondary mains. A third pattern, somewhat of a compromise, calls for services only, two or more in number, to be supplied from one transformer without need of secondary mains. 211


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Obviously, the number of consumers affected with the failure or de-energization of a transformer is different for each pattern. The choice of design will depend on safety, economy, service reliability and future requirements. In any of these designs, street lighting and other public parking, traffic lights, etc. are served much like other services. It cannot be sufficiently emphasized that, while underground systems are less vulnerable to the vagaries of nature and humankind, when a fault develops on a cable under the ground, finding the fault and repairing it are more difficult and time consuming than similar faults on overhead systems. The possible exception occurs when a fault is readily apparent, such as one caused by a worker digging damaging a cable; but even here, repairs may be time consuming.

Figure 8-1. Underground Residential Layout Using an Area Transformer (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


Like the overhead system, to maintain as high a degree of service reliability as practical, resort is had to duplicate supply, loop circuits, both open and closed. The primary circuits are therefore designed to provide tic points between circuits and sectionalizing facilities for isolating the faulted section and restoring service to the rest of the unfaulted circuit. While these essentially involve the same practices as are employed on overhead systems, the number of such ties and switching points is much greater, essentially one on each side of a distribution transformer. Moreover, the switching devices are more complex and expensive, and are not generally as easily accessible as those on overhead systems. Where service reliability is of great importance in areas where such

Figure 8-2. Underground Residential Layout Using Individual Transformers. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

URD systems are installed (such as hospitals), duplicate supply generally is employed; networks, whether secondary or primary, are rarely considered. Conductors Conductors for URD systems are relatively simple in design usually consisting of a stranded conductor insulated by several forms of plastics, including cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) and high molecular weight polyethylene (HMWP), sometimes also called high-density track resistant polyethylene (HDPE) for primary voltages and ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) for secondary voltages. These materials are generally used both as insulation and as protective sheathing. Earlier neoprene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene (PE) sheaths gave way to the plastics mentioned, but many installations using these materials still exist. Primary cables may have a layer of semiconducting material placed around the insulation to act as an electrostatic shield that tends to distribute electrostatic stresses in the insulation more uniformly. A plastic protective jacket is placed around the semiconducting layer to protect it from abrasion during handling and installation. Both primary and secondary multiconductors are each incorporated into single cables that, mechanically, are usually easier to handle, Figure 8-3a, b. A neutral conductor, which may consist of a bare circular or flat strap-shaped wire or ribbon is wrapped concentrically around the plastic cable and is an integral part of the cable. Electrically, the conductor and neutral arrangement results in reduced reactance and, hence, in a reduced voltage drop; the neutral also contributes to the electrostatic shield distributing such stresses in the insulation and reducing or eliminating this effect generally at bends that may cause insulation failure. The concentric neutral conductor also acts as mechanical protection during installation and for identification; round wires on secondary cables, flat shapes on primary cables. Both primary and secondary cables are spliced in the same manner, Figure 8-3c. The conductors are connected together by an aluminum or copper sleeve which is then crimped. Insulation of the same material as that of the cable, preformed, of specified thickness, is placed around the connector; the insulation around the connector may also be built up by insulating tape of the same material to a specified thickness. The preformed insulation or the tape also acts as the protective sheath, except that in the case of primary cables, a semiconductor tape or preformed

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


shape is placed between the insulation and the protective plastic sheath. The concentric neutrals are bundled together on one side and mechanically connected together and placed alongside the splice of the other conductors; they are then covered by plastic tape to protect them from corrosion and electrolytic action. In some cases, the cables are connected to a completely insulated terminal block containing a number of stud connectors, Figure 8-4. The conductor is connected to one of the studs and the insulation and protective covering are taped to the insulation and molded covering of the terminal block. The terminal may also be made up of molded insulated load-break elbows and bushings. The conductor is connected to an insulated stud that fits into an insulated receptacle to make the connection. The conductor may be safely disconnected from the energized receptacle by means of an insulated hook stick. The molded terminal may also be

Figure 8-3. (a) Primary Concentric Neutral Underground Cable. (b) Secondary Concentric Twin Underground Cable. (c) Typical SingleConductor-Cable Splice. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

combined with similar type terminals on a transformer or switch. As mentioned earlier, they may serve as test points on loop circuits in restoring service after an interruption; they may also be used to rearrange, energize or de-energize primary circuits.

Figure 8-4. Load-Break Elbow-Type Cable Tap Assembly (Courtesy Long island Lighting Co.)

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


Risers Connection to overhead system with this type of cable is made by a clamp mounted on the end of the cabled conductor and the end taped with insulating tape of the same material used in the cable. Rain shields, shaped like cones, may be installed at the point where the conductor is attached to the clamp. The clamp may be operated from a live-line stick for connection to or removal from the energized overhead conductors, Figure 8-5. Transformers Transformers for the URD system are hermetically sealed against moisture including the terminals and bushings. The terminals may contain insulated disconnecting elbows providing a simple and flexible means of sectionalizing the primary circuit or disconnecting the transformer. See Figure 8-4 above. The transformer may be installed on ground level pads of concrete, partially below ground in low profile semi-buried enclosures, or buried directly in the ground. Those on ground level or partially below ground sometimes have their connections made behind a protective panel with only the disconnecting elbow handles protruding so that no energized parts are exposed when the enclosure is opened; these are known as dead-front transformers. Figures 8-6 and 8-7. Transformers may be of the so-called conventional type with associated fuse cutout or switches, or of the so-called completely self-protected (CSP) type described earlier. The units may have taps similar to overhead transformers. In rare cases, the underground transformers may

Figure 8-5. Live-line Or Hot-fine Clamp (Courtesy A. B. Chance Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

require protection from lightning and surge arresters mounted on a pole or structure connected to the transformer terminals by way of a riser. Transformer tanks and metal parts of the enclosures are usually connected to the system neutral conductor and serve as grounds for safety reasons. Often, separate connection to other ground is made to insure safety should the tank somehow become energized and the con-

Figure 8-6. (a) Pad-mounted Transformer. (b) Typical Underground Installation. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


Figure 8-7. URD Underground Transformer Installations. (a) Padmount Transformer. (b) Three-phase, 4-kV Dead-front Metal-clad Transformer. (Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

nection to the neutral become open or defective. In cases where the transformer is exposed to corrosion or may be so situated that a connection to the system neutral cannot be made, a separate bypass shunt is connected between the tank and the neutral. Corrosion Tanks of transformers, neutral conductors, and other metallic parts are subject to corrosion from chemicals and stray currents in the soil. This is especially true of equipment and cables buried in the ground, but also affects metallic items in duct and manhole type installations. Transformer tanks may be painted or coated with plastic to inhibit corrosion from chemical and electrolytic action. Where these measures are ineffective, so-called sacrificial anodes connected to the tank and buried in the ground deliberately create an electrolytic action that causes currents to flow to the tank, rather than away from it, thus preventing a flow of metal ions away from the tank, the usual action of corrosion leading to the destruction of the metal. In doing so, the anode consumes itself and requires periodic inspection and replacement when necessary. Stray currents may result from returns of direct current circuits (such as railroads), from galvanic action that takes place between dissimilar metals, especially in wet or moist soil or environment, from bacteria, or other causes. Two or more metallic objects, reasonably close together, immersed in chemical solution or vapor that may be present in soil or environment, will have an electric direct current flow between them. This current carries a flow of ions (molecules carrying an electric charge) from one to the other, a phenomenon known as galvanic action or electrolysis. Metal will then flow away from one metallic object and deposit itself on the adjacent metallic object. The direction of this flow of metallic ions depends on the relative voltages between the two (or more) objects, the flow being from the one of higher voltage to that of lower voltage. Typical voltages for different materials are shown in Table 8-1. The deterioration of metal or corrosion that occurs from electrolytic action depends on: the direction, magnitude and duration of the current flow; the density of the current in the area in which the flow takes place; the moisture content of the earth or atmosphere with which the objects are in contact; and the chemical properties of the solutions or vapors through which the current flows.

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


Table 8-1. Galvanic Series Approximate potential with respect to a saturated Material Cu-CuSO4 electrode, V* Commercially pure magnesium -1.75 Magnesium alloy (6% Al, 3% Zn, 0.1% Mn) -1.6 Zinc - 1.1 Aluminum alloy (5% Zn) -1.0 Commercially pure aluminum -0.8 Cadmium -0.8 Mild steel (clean and shiny) - 0.5 to - 0.8 Mild steel (rusted) -0.2 to -0.5 Cast iron (not graphitized) -0.5 Lead -0.5 Tin -0.5 Stainless steel, type 304 (active state) -0.5 Copper, brass, bronze -0.2 Mild steel (in concrete) -0.2 Titanium -0.2 High-silicon cast iron -0.2 Nickel +0.1 to -0.25 Monel -0.15 Silver solder (40% Ag) -0.1 Stainless steel, type 304 (passive state) +0.1 Carbon, graphite, coke +0.3
*These values are representative of the potentials normally observed in soils and waters which are neither markedly acid nor alkaline. From EEI Underground System Reference Book.

The rate of penetration of a metal or metallic corrosion is roughly inversely proportional to the area from which the current discharge takes place, assuming the current is constant. The rate of corrosion, therefore, varies with the intensity of the current discharge. Theoretical rates of corrosion for some metals, in inches per year, are given in Table 8-2.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Table 8-2. Typical Rates of Metallic Corrosion Penetration (in/yr) Density, caused by discharge of 1 mA/in2 Anode metal lbs/in3 Magnesium 0.063 0.139 Zinc 0.258 0.091 Aluminum 0.098 0.065 Steel 0.284 0.071 Lead 0.409 0.182 Copper 0.323 0.142 From EEI Underground System Reference Book.

Where dissimilar metals are involved, a large anode should be connected to the metal of higher galvanic voltage (the emitting source) and a smaller cathode to the metal of lower galvanic voltage (the receiving metallic object). When insulating coatings are used to inhibit electrolytic action caused by dissimilar metals, preference is usually given to coating of the cathode rather than the anode. The discussion on corrosion applies equally to URD systems where facilities may be buried directly in the ground and those where facilities are installed in ducts, manholes and vaults.

DUCT AND MANHOLE SYSTEMS In areas of high load density where a multitude of large size conductors make overhead construction impractical, and in areas where the vulnerability of such facilities or where environmental reasons (trees, appearances, paved streets, etc.) also make such type systems undesirable, resort is made to underground distribution and transmission systems. Further, construction restraints, maintenance requirements, and, in some instances, economic considerations, make impractical the URD type of construction and operation. Here, cables are placed in ducts (or conduits), spliced in manholes and service boxes, and transformers and equipment installed in manholes and vaults.

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


The facilities installed depend not only on their function, but on the nature of the soil and terrain as well as subsoil obstructions, including the facilities of other utilities (gas, telephone, water, sewer, etc.). The ducts and manholes are generally made of reinforced concrete and may be prefabricated or constructed at the site, all in compliance with the NESC and other regional codes and regulations. Ducts Ducts are made of iron or steel pipe, fiber, tile, concrete, or other compounds, including plastics. Their usual diameters vary from 3 to 5 inches; some are encased in concrete, while others may be placed in well tamped sand or soil. They may be installed singly, but more often in duct banks of varying numbers and shapes determined by present and future requirements. The arrangement of the ducts in the bank may be affected by the space available and economics, but generally takes into consideration the dissipation of heat from the cables they enclose. Poor heat radiation, heat from too many cables in a duct bank, or from the character of the adjacent soil may actually limit the current carrying capacity of the cables to below their normal ratings. In general, the load carrying ability of cables, that is, the safe maximum operating temperature, will depend on their position in the duct bank. The relative advantages and disadvantages of some typical duct bank arrangements are indicated in Figure 8-8. The depth to which ducts are to be placed should, if possible, be below the frost line to prevent dislocation from severe temperature changes. They should have a minimum depth to avoid possible damage from accidental bull points. While following the natural or established grade of the street, they should be so installed that accumulated moisture drains toward the manholes. The degree of curvature in duct banks should be kept as low as possible. In general, radii of curvature greater than about 300 feet and with ample clearance between the cable and duct, the cable pulling tension should not exceed acceptable limits, Figure 8-9. The bending radius depends on the maximum bending radius of the largest cable to be installed and should be from 7 to 20 times the radius of that cable, depending on its characteristics, that is, size, voltage classification, insulation, sheath, and other characteristics. The bends should preferably be located near the manholes as each bend will increase the pulling tension on the cable and thus reduce the maximum length or distance between man-


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 8-8. Comparative Duct Characteristics (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book) holes. Reverse curves, especially as long duct runs, should be avoided wherever possible. Where too many ducts enter a manhole, the congestion of cables may be intolerable and it may be desirable to build separate duct lines with separate manholes. For the safety of the worker, as well as for their efficiency, sufficient space must be provided for them. Service Boxes Ducts buried in relatively shallow depths terminate in service boxes and are usually located so as to accommodate secondary mains and the largest number of services without overcrowding the service box and without having too many bends in the service conduits. Usually constructed of precast reinforced concrete, they may be standardized in size, usually about four feet square and four feet deep. The entrance to them is usually quite large and square approximating the dimensions of the box, providing ample room for the worker to be able to stand erect

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


Figure 8-9. Effect of Radius of Curvature of Conduit on Pulling Tension (Applicable to a Conduit Consisting of One Continuous Curved Section). (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book) with the upper part of the body above ground, or to work from the ground level. Steel covers, with inner locked cover, keep out dirt and unauthorized persons. Manholes Larger than service boxes, cable manholes come in many sizes and shapes, some of which may be standardized, but generally shaped to accommodate the number and direction of the cables entering therein. Headroom of some six feet or more provides space for the worker to work safely and efficiently. They may accommodate secondary cables as well as primary and transmission cables; the latter proceeding from manhole to manhole bypassing service boxes, the ducts or conduits sometimes referred to as trunks. Some typical shapes are shown in Figure 8-10. The various shapes take into account the training, splicing and racking of cables, the essential difference being the number of ducts entering the manhole and the angle at which they enter. The manholes are made of reinforced concrete, prefabricated or constructed in the field, and contain facilities for installing hangers to support cables and splices along the walls. The entrance, or throat or chimney, is generally wide enough to allow the entrance of workers and materials, and may be round or square, with similar shaped steel covers. The manholes are spaced as far apart as required or as may be


Power Transmission and Distribution

practical to hold down the number of cable splices. Location of the manholes should be such as to reduce to a minimum the number and radii of the bends in the duct system. Generally, it is desired to keep the earth fill above the manhole at a minimum, not only for economic reasons, but to facilitate the installation of local services and to make more practical connections to street and traffic lights. Other subsurface structures and local regulations may sometimes dictate the actual depth at which the manhole roof may be located. As water may accumulate at the bottom of manholes, some form of drainage needs to be provided. Where sewer connections exist, they are utilized. Where the bottom of the manhole may be below the natural water table, or where the earth may not support the manhole structure on the wall footings alone, means are provided to drain off water that may accumulate, in some cases by providing a dry well as part of the

Figure 8-10. Typical Shapes of Cable Manholes (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book)

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


bottom of the manhole, or by means of a sump and pump automatically operated. Manholes are made as waterproof as practical, sometimes constructed of waterproof concrete, and painted with waterproof paint as added precaution. Transformer Manholes The dimensions of such manholes depend on the transformer and equipment they may contain, as well as their location. Like cable manholes, they may be standardized and prefabricated or constructed in the field. The dimensions should provide space, including sufficient headroom, for workers to be able to operate and maintain switches on both the primary and secondary facilities associated with the transformer. Features associated with cable manholes also generally apply to transformers; however, more often two openings or entrances to the manhole are provided, one at each end for ventilation in dissipating the heat from the transformer, with grates replacing the covers to the entrances of the manhole, Figure 8-11.

Figure 8-11. Transformer Manhole Under Roadway, with Removable Roof Slab. (Adapted from EEI Underground Systems Reference Book)


Power Transmission and Distribution

Manhole Design The design of manholes follows design procedures usual for structures employing steel reinforced concrete. The methods described below incorporate data from several sources associated with typical manholes for electric systems. In designing a specific manhole at a specific location for a specific purpose, other local data, local rules and codes, local economics that include material and labor availability should be considered in any first design. Reinforced Concrete Design As the main parts of a manhole are made of reinforced concrete that reacts to stresses as rectangular beams, a review of the mechanics of beams may be useful. The design of beams must insure against failure by compression, longitudinal tension and diagonal tension. Compression reinforcement is necessary where the dimensions of the members are limited. Longitudinal tension reinforcement is always required. Diagonal tension reinforcement, when necessary, may consist of steel stirrups, bent-up bars, or a combination of both. Beam formulas are based on the assumption that concrete has no tensile resistance in flexure, that concrete is bonded completely to the reinforcing steel, and that no initial stresses exist. Resisting Moments (Refer to Figure 8-12) The resisting moment for tension, in terms of steel stress, is: Ms = Asfsjd and the resisting moment for compression, in terms of concrete stress is:

Mc =
and for balanced design:

fckjbd 2 2

MS = Mc = Rbd2 where As = area of longitudinal reinforcement fs = tensile unit stress in steel

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Figure 8-12. Distribution of Stress in Reinforced Concrete Beam (From EEI Reference Book) fc jd b d = = = = compression unit stress in concrete arm of resisting couple width of beam effective depth of beam, from compression face to centroid of steel


R = fspj = k=

fckj 2 2pn + pn 2 pn =

1 1 + fs nfc


j=1 k 3
p = steel ratio As/bd n = ratio of modules of elasticity of steel to that of concrete

For fiber stresses:

fs = M = M 2 and fc = 2M 3 A s jd pjbd jkbd

For balanced reinforcement:
p= 1 2f sfc fs nfc + 1

In a rectangular beam or slab, the shearing unit stress v is:


Power Transmission and Distribution

and the bonding stress is:

Vc 0 jd Vc 0 jd


Vc = the total vertical shear in concrete 0 = the sum of perimeters of all longitudinal bars at a section

Web ReinforcementStirrups Where the reinforcing bars are anchored at the ends, and the shearing stress exceeds 0.02fc1 or 0.03 fc1 when the reinforcement spacing s is:


afs jd V

where a = area of stirrup steel in one plane fc1 = compression unit stress in concrete at stirrup V1 = total vertical stress at stirrup When the stirrups are inclined 45, s may be multiplied by 2 or 1.41. Design Procedure for Rectangular Beams 1. Determine the appropriate ratio b/d to be used. This may vary from 0.66 to 0.5 and may be less for longer beams. Determine the area bd required by the shearing stress v. Select b and d from above. 2. From the equation for steel fiber stress fs determine As and p. From the equation for steel ratio, for balanced reinforcement, determine the value of p. If the first value of p is equal or less than the second value of p, the tensile resisting moment governs and the depth d is satisfactory. If the first value of p exceeds the second value, increase d or provide compression reinforcement. Determine the bar sizes to provide the area of longitudinal reinforcement As and check that the width b will permit proper bar spacing. Bar spacing should be at least 2-1/2 diameters for round


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bars; clear spacing between bars should be at least 1-1/2 times the maximum width of the aggregate particles used. 4. Determine the shear and bond stresses to check that they are within the allowable values for the rectangular beam of the size selected.

Design Loading of Manhole Live Load Criteria The loading on the several parts of a manhole depends on the maximum load imposed on the street surface. The live load on the surface affects both the roof slab and the walls. Wheel loads of 21,000 lbs and impacts of 50 percent are standard for heavily traveled streets, and for conservative values, wheel areas of 6 by 12 inches or a surface area of 0.5 sq ft are considered. The concentrated load may then be:

Concentrated load =

wheel load 1 + %impact + 100 wheel area 21000 1 + 0.5 = 63000 lbs sq ft 0.5

The pavement, nature of the soil beneath, and the thickness (depth) of the soil above the roof of the manhole all serve to mitigate the actual effect of the concentrated load. The effective pressure is reduced at different depths below the surface, and these are shown in Figure 8-13 and Tables 8-3 and 8-4; these are based on a wheel load spread at a 45 angle for pavement and 30 for soil, the angles from the vertical in all directions. The wheel load area as a function of depth is for a 9-inch pavement. Dead Loads Typical unit weights for determining dead load are: Soil - 100 lbs/cubic ft wet soil weight Soil - 65 lbs/cubic ft submerged soil weight Pavement (plain concrete or asphalt)144 lbs/cubic ft Reinforced concrete - 150 lbs/cubic ft


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Figure 8-13. Diagram Showing Area of Spread of Wheel Loads (a) Based on 1:1 Spread and (b) Based on 1-3/4:1 Spread. (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book)

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Table 8-3. Pressure Calculations Based on a 21,000-lb Wheel Load1:1 Wheel Spread
Depth Area of spread from surface, Length Width ft L, ft W, ft 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.67 1.67 2.67 3.67 4.67 5.67 6.67 7.67 1.67 2.67 3.67 4.67 5.67 6.67 7.67 8.67 Area, ft2 1.12 4.46 9.80 17.10 26.50 37.80 51.10 66.50 Live-load pressure on cover* 18,500 4,710 2,140 1,230 790 560 410 320 Pressure on roof Live load** Surcharge Total 5200 2100 1310 960 750 620 520 450 0 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 5200 2250 1560 1310 1200 1170 1170 1200

*Average pressure Pav that might be imposed on cover by maximum concentrated load, or (21,000 lb)/area. **The surface concentrated load uniformly distributed over the width of the manhole, or PavW/6. From EEI Underground System Reference Book.

Table 8-4. Pressure Calculations Based on a 21,000-lb Wheel Load1-3/4:1 Wheel Spread
Depth Area of spread from surface, Length Width ft L, ft W, ft 0 1 2 3 4 0.67 2.42 4.17 5.92 7.67 1.67 3.42 5.17 6.92 8.67 Area, ft2 1.12 8.27 21.5 41.0 66.5 Live-load pressure on cover* 18,500 2,500 970 510 315 Pressure on roof Live load** Surcharge Total 5200 1430 840 590 450 0 150 250 350 450 5200 1580 1090 940 900

*Average pressure Pav that might be imposed on cover by maximum concentrated load, or (21,000 lb)/area. **The surface concentrated load uniformly distributed over the width of the manhole, or PavW/6. From EEI Underground System Reference Book.


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Allowable Stress Bases 1. Allowable Stresses - Concrete Type of Concrete n fc1 fc Vc Precast plant 8.5 3500 1575 118 Precast plant 7.0 5000 2250 141 Field placed 8.5 3500 1100 85 2. Reinforcing Steel For ASTM A615: grade 40 deformed-billet bars fs = 20000 lb/sq in.; for grade 60 fs = 24000 lb/sq in.


Structural Steel All solid steel covers, gratings, and other structural elements subjected to repeated traffic loading, design in accordance with American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Requirements for Design of Repeated Loads for 500,000 cycles of load, and with the latest revision of ATSC Manual of Steel Construction. 4. Soil Bearing Pressure A conservative value of 1.5 tons/sq ft may be used unless organic clays or silts are involved. If a manhole or vault is to be installed on clay, claying soils, or organic material, careful evaluation should be made of the potential for settlement. Use of crushed-stone base or piles may be required and soil bearings may be necessary. Wall Design Manhole wall designs are based on the longitudinal component of the effect of both live and dead loads acting on the walls. The horizontal forces will depend on the surface, the angle of repose of the soil, and the effect of the water table. At depths below about 5 feet (as shown in Table 8-3 for the spread of wheel loads), the weight of the earth above the manhole predominates. Here, the average of the live-load effects approximate 450 lb/sq ft and appears to be constant for lower depths. The dead loads at the various depths and various horizontal pressures as a percentage of the vertical pressure are shown in Table 8-5, which extends the tabulation associated with Figure 8-13 and Table 8-5

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also serves as a guide in determining the horizontal pressures with various headrooms and depths for the several corresponding angles of repose of the soil and pressures from the hydrostatic head of the water table. Table 8-5. Horizontal Earth Pressures at Various Depths
No live load Horizontal pressure, lb/ft2 Dead load 25% 30% 35% 0 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 38 63 88 113 137 162 187 212 237 263 288 312 338 352 387 45 75 105 135 165 195 225 255 285 315 345 375 405 435 465 53 88 123 158 193 228 262 298 333 367 402 438 472 507 542 Live and dead loads Horizontal pressure, Total lb/ft2 Live load live and 1-3/4:1 dead load 25% 30% 35% 5200 1430 840 590 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 5200 1580 1090 940 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 395 273 235 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 474 327 282 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 600 553 382 329 315 350 385 420 455 490 525 560 595 630 665 700

Depth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

From EEI Underground System Reference Book.

Rigid Horizontally Reinforced Frame The wall loading for lateral earth pressures from live load and dead loads may be taken from the chart in Figure 8-14. The frame may be analyzed using conventional intermediate structural techniques. Midspan moments and corner moments may be calculated from the formulas noted earlier, or by using the coefficients for each moment given in Figures 8-15, 8-16, and 8-17.


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Figure 8-14. Design Chart-Lateral Pressures on Walls (Courtesy Consolidated Edison Co.)

Simple Vertically Reinforced Structure The wall loading for lateral earth pressures due to live and dead loads may be taken from the chart in Figure 8-14. The wall may be analyzed as a simply supported strip with a height equal to the headroom of the manhole plus one-half the sum of the floor and roof thickness. This method should be used with field-poured manholes only and requires a field-poured roof connected to the walls and able to carry the wall reaction. Combination of Horizontally Rigid Frame and Vertically Reinforced Design A combination of the two methods described above may be used when conditions indicate there are areas where the reinforcing for both the vertical and longitudinal methods is severely interrupted by openings.

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Figure 8-15. Long-Span Moment Coefficient (Courtesy Consolidated Edison Co.)

Partition Walls in Vaults Partition walls in field-poured vaults that house oil-type transformers inside consumers property may be designed for an internal blast load of 600 lb/sq ft. Other Requirements All field-poured, vertically-reinforced manholes and vaults should have a minimum thickness of 6 inches; field-poured, horizontally-reinforced rigid frame type manholes and vaults should have a minimum thickness of 8 inches. Where watertight construction is required, the walls may be monolithically poured with the flow a minimum distance of 12 inches above the top of the floor level. A water stop should be inserted at this location, as shown in Figure 8-18. A minimum wall of 10 inches is required for vault construction under those conditions, and 5000 lb/sq in. concrete may be used.


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Figure 8-16. Corner Moment Coefficient (Courtesy Consolidated Edison Co.)

Figure 8-17. ShortSpan Moment Coefficient (Courtesy Consolidated Edison Co.)

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Figure 8-18. Water Stop Detail; Water Stop to Be Lap-Spliced 4 in. on Each Side of Vertical Joints and Continuous Around All Corners. (Courtesy Consolidated Edison Co.) Roof Design Manhole roofs may be designed as a series of structural steel beams or rails, or reinforced concrete with extra-heavy steel reinforcement or structural steel to support the manhole frame. Where installed in sidewalks or other areas not subjected to heavy vehicular traffic, roof designs may take into account the lighter loading. If there is any question of loadings, the heavier loading design should be used. Live Loads Roof structures for manholes or vaults may be designed to carry the live loads specified above. Wheel-Load Area The wheel-load design may be taken acting on areas that may be determined using the method of spreading a concentrated load defined above under Wheel-Load Distribution. Field-Poured Manholes Field-poured manhole roofs may be designed using structural steel sections around the roof opening to support the manhole frame. Precast Manholes Precast manhole roofs may be designed using a simply supported reinforced concrete beam around the opening to support the manhole frame.


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Roof Slabs Roof slabs may be designed as one-way or two-way reinforced concrete slabs; where the ratio of short span to long span exceeds 0.5, a one-way slab design may be used. One-way SlabThe design moment may be determined using a simply supported beam loaded with the effective live-load intensity and uniform dead load. Design moments as a function of depth are given in Table 8-6. Table 8-6. Simple Support Roof Slab Moment, ft-lb (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book) Design span Design depth, ft 4ft 5ft 6ft 7ft 8ft 0.75 to 1.75 5,500 7,860 10,270 12,740 15,260 1.75 to 5.0 2,860 4,690 6,330 8,130 10,460 Two-way SlabThe design moment may be determined using Table 8-7 for a one-way stab and proportioning the one-way slab design moments for the short-direction and long-direction.

Table 8-7. Conversion Factors for Two-Way Slab Moments (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book) Long-span moment Short-span moment factor K3 Ratio of clear spans factor Kl 1.0 0.500 0.500 0.9 0,396 0.604 0.8 0.295 0.709 0.7 0.194 0.806 0.6 0.114 0.886 0.5 0.059 0.940 Short-span moment M3 = K3 simple-span moment Long-span moment Ml = Kl simple-span moment

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Above Grade Vault Roofs Above grade vault roofs may be designed for a uniform dead load plus a live load of 30 lb/sq in. of projected area plus internal blast load. Other Requirements The minimum thickness of a precast roof should be 6 inches, and 8 inches for a field-poured roof. Floor Design In the design of manhole floors, the load-bearing power of the soil and the height of the water table play an important part. The soil must support the weight of the manhole structure, its contents, and any imposed surface live loads. In firm soils, the earth is capable of supporting the structure and any additional weight. The floor, therefore, is often poured after the walls are in place, adding to the strength of the walls. Floor walls may be 4 to 6 inches thick. Where the earth is not capable of supporting the loading of the walls, the floor is used as a means of spreading the load. Here, the floor is poured before the walls are installed. Similar measures are employed in areas of high water table. Such floors are usually made of reinforced concrete, a minimum thickness of 6 inches, and are constructed with a keyway for the walls. Where the hydrostatic pressure may be high, an additional pour of 2 to 4 inches of concrete is added on top of the floor. Prefabricated manholes may be completely precast in one piece, or in a caisson type in which the roof and floor are separate. The caisson walls may be sunk in place, the precast floor may be placed within it (or a floor may be poured), and a precast roof installed in keys in the walls provided for that purpose (such roofs may also be installed in other types of manhole construction). Small manholes or service boxes may also be completely precast or formed from precast pieces. Frames and Cover Design Frames and covers may be made of cast iron, malleable iron, or steel, and designed to withstand the loadings described earlier, and covers infrequently used may be made of reinforced concrete. Depending on the area over which the load may be applied, frames and covers may have to withstand wheel loads from 50,000 to 200,000 pounds, although sidewalk covers may be designed for lowered loadings. Covers may be square or round, but the latter is preferred to insure against their


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falling into the manhole when being replaced. Frames and covers for transformer manholes may be of the completely prefabricated grating type, or of the combination type, a part solid and a part grating, that may be specified for roadway use, but may be of lower loading rating. Transformer manholes are usually built with a removable roof slab covering an opening capable of admitting large distribution units and other equipment. The manholes are of reinforced concrete with slabs sealed and made watertight, the pavement being replaced after the transformer and equipment are installed. The pavement is removed and the slab removed when transformer replacements are required. When the transformer manhole is located under the sidewalk, the roof slabs are flush and made part of the sidewalk surface, and are readily removed when necessary. Prefabricated manholes may be completely precast or formed from precast individual walls, roofs and floors. Transformer Vaults Where transformers are to be installed inside a building, or sometimes under a sidewalk, vaults are constructed. They are usually of reinforced concrete, the dimensions of which depend on the transformer and equipment to be installed, the space available, and its location, the adjacent structures and substructures, and the applicable codes and local ordinance requirements. Access for both equipment and personnel from the outside is usually provided, but adequate internal access may be provided instead. In very tall buildings, such vaults may be located on upper floors as well as in the basement. The method of supply is sometimes known as vertical distribution. Ventilation requirements are the same as for transformer manholes. Vault ceilings or roofs should be designed to take care of possible fire and explosion from transformer failure or other causes. Ventilation The main source of heat in a transformer manhole stems from the losses in the core and windings of the transformer, losses that can be calculated or included in manufacturers specifications. The dissipation of heat is generally based on the area of the enclosing walls and the nature of the adjoining soil conditions. For proper operation of transformers, the manhole should have sufficient volume, or cubic content, supplemented with natural ventilation, to keep the transformer within prescribed temperature limits. Air temperature in the manhole should

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not exceed 40C, generally occurring at periods of maximum load. The appropriate number of cubic feet per minute of air to dissipate the heat may be found in the curve of Figure 8-19. When such limits cannot be attained by normal circulation of air from the two gratings of the transformer manhole, it may be necessary to provide some means of forced ventilation, usually in the form of fans or blowers. The same ventilation and ventvolume requirements apply to transformer vaults as for transformer manholes. Summary Design drawings and stress diagrams for a typical manhole are described and shown in Figure 8-20.

DISTRIBUTION CABLES Conductors for use in underground systems must be provided not only with insulation sufficient to withstand the voltages at which they operate, but with some kind of protective sheath; this combination or assembly is generally referred to as a cable. Practically all cables consist of a copper or aluminum conductor surrounded by a plastic material which serves for both insulation and protective sheath, a type of cable used for both primary and secondary circuits and was described earlier in connection with URD systems. Figures 8-21 a and b.

Figure 8-19. Airflow Requirements for Limiting Temperature Rise in Transformer Vaults. (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book)


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Figure 8-20. Sample Design Problem. (a) Assumed manhole design and properties of the concrete. (b) Assumed manhole roof design and loading. (c) Diagram showing assumed load spread through casting at top of manhole collar. (d) Design showing dead loads imposed on manhole roof. (e) Assumed roof slab design showing steel beam and reinforcing rods. (f) Approximate wall dimensions and assumed lateral pressures on walls. (g) Assumed reinforcing rod cover for 8-in. concrete beam. (h) Assumed manhole floor design and reaction areas. (i) Diagram showing moments acting on manhole floor. (j) Assumed reinforcing requirements for 8-in. floor slab. (Courtesy Consolidated Edison Co.)

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Figure 8-21 a. Cross Section of Typical Cables (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book)


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Figure 8-21b. Cable Conductors (a) Standard concentric stranded (e) Annular stranded (rope core) (b) Compact round (f) Segmental (c) Non-compact sector (g) Rope stranded (d) Compact sector (h) Hollow core Photographs in this figure furnished by the Okonite-Callender Cable Company (From EEI Underground Systems Reference Book)

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For many years prior to the introduction of the plastic insulated and sheathed type cable, insulation of rubber, varnished cambric, and oil impregnated paper were used in cables with a sheath of lead. Many of such cable installations exist and will continue to exist for many years to come. In some circumstances, cables of this type may be replaced with similar cables. Rubber insulation is almost exclusively confined to consumer service and secondary mains of voltages of 600 volts or less, and to some primary cable applications of voltages of 5 kV and below. Because rubber insulation sometimes contains sulfur compounds (to extend its usefulness) that react destructively with copper, the strands are often tin-plated, adding to the complexity and cost of rubber-insulated cables. Varnished cambric is used as insulation for primary and subtransmission cables for voltages up to about 45 kV. Introduced when primary distribution voltages of the 15 kV class were adopted, this insulation gave way to oil-impregnated paper cables which were not only adaptable to higher voltages, but easier to handle and less costly. Single conductor cables are more flexible and generally easy to handle than multiconductor cables. Hence, they are used for secondary mains and services, for primary line branches (spurs or laterals), street lighting, and other purposes where many branch joints or splices are required, or when the size of conductor is so large as to make multiconductor cable impractical. Multiconductor cables of two, three, and four conductors are used in the main portion or trunk of primary feeders where relatively few branch connections are required, and more generally used for two- and three-wire services. Multiconductor cables are more economical from material and labor standpoints than a number of single conductor cables. In some instances, lead sheathed cables may be buried directly in the ground or placed under water in submarine installations. Here, the cable may be covered with jute or tar and armor wires of steel wound around the whole to protect the cable from mechanical injury. When the cables are installed in ducts or conduits, a sufficient clearance must be provided between the walls of the duct and the cable or cables. The minimum clearance depends on the length of the duct run, the diameter of the duct, the number and curvature of duct bends, and the quality and alignment of the duct sections. In general, the duct diameter should be at least a half-inch larger than the cable, or the


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(imaginary) circle enclosing several cables where such are installed. In some cases (such as a single cable installed in a straight, clear, duct), a lower clearance may be acceptable provided the pulling stresses do not approach values that will damage the cable. A single cable in a duct requires less tension, weight for weight, than several cables in a duct, particularly when they are of large size and heavy weight. In some special instances, cables may be placed in troughs located under sidewalks. Sidewalk slabs act as covers for the precast reinforced concrete troughs. Joints or Splices Sections of cables installed in underground ducts are connected in the manhole to form a continuous length; the connection is called a joint or splice. It is possible to connect more than two cables together, and these are referred to as three-way, four-way, etc. splices. Joints or splices in cables with nonplastic insulation and metallic (usually lead) sheaths are more complex and require more time and greater skills to make them than the plastic types described earlier. The conductor connection is a tube usually made of copper or aluminum matching the conductor material. The tube is crimped on to the ends of the two conductors to be joined. Some of the older connectors used split sleeves with the conductors squeezed into the ends and the horizontal split filled with solder, covering the conductors; this type is obsolete, but many still exist. A lead cylinder is slipped over the connections after they are made and the two ends of the cylinder are wiped to the sheaths of the two cables being spliced. Two holes in the sleeve allow molten insulating compound to be poured into the assembly, one hole allows air to escape. The whole completed joint may be covered with a fireproofing material, usually a mixture of sand and cement. This is known as arcproofing, to prevent the spread of fire or explosion should a splice or cable fail. A drain or ground wire is sometimes wound around the joint before arc-proofing and connected to an electric ground. A typical splice of this type is shown in Figure 8-22. As the cable expands and contracts with cycles of load, the sheath may crack and connectors loosen. So that this movement may take place safely, the cables are racked along the walls of the manhole. A large reverse curve is made in the cable passing through the manhole. The large radius 90 bends enable the cable to take up the expansion movements taking the stresses off of the splice. Splices are supported on racks

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Figure 8-22. Straight Joint for Three-Conductor Shielded Paper or Varnished-Cambric-Insulated Lead-Covered Cable, 15 to 35 kV. (From EEI Underground systems Reference Book) mounted on the walls again taking stresses from the splice. Cables and joints mounted on the walls prevent damage from materials that may fall into the manhole when covers are removed. Finally, the cable at the splice should bear some identifying mark, usually a tag indicating the feeder designation, size, voltage, etc., tied to the splice. Underground to Overhead Connection In many instances, underground cables are connected to overhead lines through a riser. This consists of leading the cable through a curved length of pipe fastened to the side of the pole. For plastic-insulated cables, the end of the cable conductors are wrapped in plastic insulation tape and the conductors terminated in clamps that fasten on to the overhead conductors; this was described earlier in connection with URD systems.


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When the insulation of cables is not a plastic, as in older installations, the cable is terminated in potheads for primary cables and weather-heads for secondary cables, Figure 8-23. Cable sheaths are attached to potheads by clamping devices, or by wiped joints. The conductor or conductors of the cable are connected to terminals inside the pothead which are brought outside of the pothead through bushing type terminals. The pothead body is filled with a liquid insulating compound that cools into a solid. The overhead wires are connected to the female end of the terminal, enclosed in an insulating cap. This type pothead is known as a disconnecting pothead to distinguish it from an ordinary pothead where the connections are made di-

Figure 8-23a. Makeup of One Type of Vertical Pothead for 4,800 Volt or 6,000 Volt Service. (Courtesy G. & W. Electric Specialty Co.)

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rectly to the terminals extending from the pothead case. A simpler device is used in the case of secondary cables of 500 volts or less rating. The underground cable conduits are brought out through a preformed insulator, usually of porcelain, in an assembly that inverts the leads to prevent rain entering the cable or riser. This device is known as a weatherhead and connection to the overhead conductors is made with ordinary connectors of several types described earlier. TRANSMISSION CABLES Underground transmission cables may be buried directly in the ground, may be installed in ducts, or may be contained in pipes buried

Figure 8-23b. Outdoor Terminals (Potheads) for 13 kV Cables.


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Figure 8-23c. Indoor Terminal for 13 kV Cable.

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in the ground. The kind of installation depends on the voltage and type of cable as well as the area in which it is located. Transmission cables may range in voltage from 33 kV to 500 kV, the lower voltages generally applying to subtransmission circuits. Insulation for cable rated to about 138 kV may be of the solid type, using oil-impregnated paper insulation on older types to 46 kV and cross-linked polyethylene to 138 kV on newer installations. Above the 138 kV level, cable insulation consists generally of oil-impregnated paper under oil or gas pressure in so-called hollow-type cables; in older installations, the hollow-type included cables rated from 69 kV and higher. Generally, cables of 33 kV and 45 kV rating, containing three conductors and lead sheathing, were constructed with an outside diameter that permitted their installation in a duct. Cables rated to 138 kV, single conductor, of the hollow type, could also be installed in ducts. Above these ratings, three single conductor, oil-impregnated paper insulated cables, are installed in pipes of larger diameter, with usually longer sections between manholes. All of these, however, may be buried directly in the ground, with steel armor or some kind of protection on the cable or pipe. Transmission cable insulations present particular problems because of the electrostatic stresses imposed on them by the high operating voltages. Because of the mechanical stresses that may be created not only from the installation process, but also from the expansion and contraction of the cable (and insulation) caused by the cycles of load, minute voids are formed in the insulation. This is further aggravated by the skin-effect of the conductor in which the greater part of the current flowing tends to flow near its surface producing heat that may have additional destructive effect. Under the high voltage, the voids or air pockets tend to ionize and become conductors of electricity; the associated corona effect carbonizes the insulation, resulting in tracking or progressive breakdown of the insulation and ultimate failure of the cable. To overcome this destructive effect, the higher voltage cables maintain the insulation under insulating oil or gas pressure that fill the voids, preventing ionization from occurring and restoring the insulation to its former high value. The gas employed is usually nitrogen, but may be sulfur hexafluoride. The oil or gas pressure may be applied to the cable insulation in one of two ways. The first (and original) method, the cable has a hollow core formed by the conductor strands wrapped around a helical ribbon,


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the hollow core containing the oil or gas under pressure. In the second method, the cable with solid insulation is installed in a pipe filled with oil or gas under pressure, Figure 8-24a, b, c. Where parallel circuits exist, the oil or gas may be circulated between the two circuits and through heat exchangers situated at each end, cooling the conductors and increasing their current carrying capability. The installation and maintenance costs of the hollow core type cable may be greater than those of the pipe type cable, but the hollow

(a) A 120-kV single-conductor oilfilled cable has a stranded-copper conductor surrounding a spiral-steel open core. Oil passes through the open core to permeate the cable at 10 to 20 psig pressure. (Courtesy Pirelli Cable Corp.)

(b) Section through high-pressure gas-filled pipe cable for 115 M Each conductor has skid wire wrapped around it. Nitrogen at 200 psig fills the pipe interior. (Courtesy General Cable Company)

(c) Three-conductor gas-filled cable for 69 M (Courtesy General Electric Co.)

Figure 8-24.

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type cable takes advantage of the skin effect in the conductors carrying alternating current, particularly at high voltages. In addition, the cooling effect of the oil or gas in contact with the conductors in hollow type cables, compared to that of the pipe type cable in which the oil or gas is in contact with the insulation, further increases its current carrying capacity. Because of the type of construction, the hollow core cable may be installed in a duct of a duct bank, whereas the pipe type cable requires the construction of a separate pipe line. Both types may be buried directly in the ground; the hollow core cable may require armor and waterproof covering while the pipe has a fibrous covering to prevent corrosion and electrolytic action. Care should be taken when pulling the cable into ducts, pipes or trenches not to impose stresses that may damage the cable; dynamometers should be used to ascertain that allowable pulling stresses are not exceeded. Since the soil in which the cables or pipes may be buried may not provide adequate heat dissipation, soil adequate for this purpose may need to be placed surrounding the cable or pipe where hot spots are likely, in order not to affect the current carrying capacity of the cable. There are thermal sands available for this purpose. Cables of this type have been used in circuits operating at 69 kV to 500 kV. Special accessories and auxiliary equipment to handle the oil or gas is necessary with such cables. Joints Cables of both the hollow core and pipe type may be spliced in a manner similar to those made on solid type cables. Where such installations are long, an oil or gas leak could result in long and costly repairs if it became necessary to decontaminate the oil or gas of the entire length of the circuit. To obviate this possibility, the length of the circuit may be sectionalized by means of joints designed for that purpose called stop joints and semi-stop joints. The number and type of such joints depends in large part on the length and importance of the circuit. Stop joints sectionalize both the conductors and the oil or gas flow by means of a physical barrier. The sectionalizing enables both the conductor and oil or gas systems to be repaired without affecting the entire line. The semi-stop joint does not sectionalize the conductor of the cable but provides a physical barrier to the flow of oil or gas. Typical joints are shown in Figure 8-25a, b, c, and d. In the repair of any part of such cables, only the oil or gas in the

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Figure 8-25a. Simplified Diagram Showing Methods of Isolating Oil-Cable Sections Using Semi-Stop and Stop Joints (Courtesy Pirelli Cable Corp.)

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Figure 8-25b. Straight Joint for Gas-Filled Three-Conductor 45 kV Cable. (From EEI Underground Reference Book)

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Figure 8-25c. 69 kV Semi-Stop Joint - Welded Casing (From EEI Underground Reference Book)

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Figure 8-25d. Section of Single Conductor 138 kV Stop Joint (From EEI Underground Reference Book)



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affected section needs to be completely replaced, holding down the time for the repair as well as the cost. When only a minor repair on an oil-filled cable is required, such as a small oil leak, it may be more expeditious to seal off the small section on which work is to be performed. This may be done by freezing an oil slug from outside the cable or pipe by pouring liquid nitrogen on both sides of the section until the flow of oil is completely stopped. The low temperatures may be maintained by continuing the dripping of liquid nitrogen on ice in a casing placed around the cable or pipe. The cable may then be repaired, pieced out, replaced or rerouted; in the case of pipe cables, the pipe assembly is welded together again. Only the oil in the affected section need be replaced, but it is necessary to ascertain that the oil in the system is free of air, moisture and other contaminants, a long and expensive process. Protective coverings are then reestablished. Repair or replacement of gas-filled cables is simpler since the gas may be valved off at stop joints or semi-stop joints on both sides of the affected section. The gas in the section between the stop joints or semistop joints at which the gas was valved off, is replaced, with the same precautions against moisture and contamination taken for oil, mentioned above. Extra High Voltage Cable Transmission voltages above 500 kV are classified as extra high voltage transmission systems. Underground lines of these voltages are usually of the pipe type and the insulation is usually paper impregnated with oil with and in an atmosphere of sulfurhexafluoride gas under pressures of 50 lb/sq in. or higher. Such insulation is capable of withstanding the high voltage electrostatic stresses of such high values under varying temperature and current loading conditions. The high pressure of the gas increases the probability of leakage and intensifies the problems associated with repairs. Underground installations of transmission lines operating at this voltage are generally limited to special circumstances where economics may not be of primary importance. Superconductors Conductors whose current-carrying capabilities may be increased substantially by special means are associated with hollow core and pipe type cable installations. Liquefied gas, such as nitrogen, is circulated within the conductors or pipes to maintain an extremely low tempera-

Underground Mechanical Design and Construction


ture (cryogenics) which reduces the resistance of the conductors to very low values, decreasing the voltage (IR) drop in it as well as the power loss (I2R). Aluminum, a common conductor material, if cooled to the temperature of liquid nitrogen (320F), has its resistance reduced some 90 percent to approximately one-tenth of its value at normal temperatures, but suffers severe changes in its mechanical properties, losing much of its tensile strength and tending to become brittle. The necessity to maintain the liquidity of the gas for continual removal of heat requires refrigeration and associated equipment of special manufacture and use of certain materials, resulting in extremely expensive installations. A few comparatively rare metals, Niobium for example, if cooled to temperatures approaching that of liquid helium (425F), may lose practically all of its resistance to the flow of direct current. Such conductors are termed superconductors in contrast to the cryogenic conductor mentioned above, the difference being in the materials and temperatures employed. Despite the difficulties mentioned, economics indicate that cables containing such conductors under the conditions described, may be practical, offering possibilities of substantial economy in the high power capability, but in a (present) range of some 5,000 mVA and above.

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Associated Operations


Chapter 9

Associated Operations
There are other operations and procedures associated with the transmission and distribution systems that impact on the quality of service rendered the consumer and the economics of electrical design and the efficiency of operations of utility systems.

NON-MANUAL SWITCHING Earlier the design of transmission and distribution facilities were described that involved the switching of lines to restore service on a faulted circuit by isolating faults and reenergizing the unfaulted parts of the circuit; to transfer loads between circuits or between phases to improve voltage and relieve overloads and potential overloads; to switch on and off capacitors, street lighting and other equipment; to permit deenergization of portions of circuits for construction and maintenance purposes without disturbing the remainder of the circuit; and to perform other operations controlled manually. With the development of so-called electronic systems for communication and control purposes, coupled with their miniaturization, many of the manual operations may be performed almost instantly by automatic devices actuated by electronic relaying and circuitry. A bit slower, the devices may be operated by radio, controlled from a supervisory source, both with a significant savings in time.

LOAD SHEDDING The need for load shedding generally arises from unforeseen causes, lack of sufficient power supply from deficiencies in generating, transmission and distribution capabilities. These conditions may stem from unusually higher than foreseen demands that may be due to un263


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usual seasonal changes, special events that may cause loss of diversity, and failure or overload of some elements in the facilities making up the supply system. Occasionally, these conditions may also occur in local areas from load growth unaccompanied with construction of new facilities. The remedy to these situations is to reduce the demand on the supply bus to match the incoming power available. For relatively small deficiencies, resort may be had to the reduction of voltage on the supply bus. This is because a great part of the demand may consist of lighting (unity power factor) load whose power requirements diminish almost directly with the lowering of the applied voltage; motor power requirements are essentially not affected by the voltage at their terminals. Another means of lowering the demand on the supply bus is the periodic disconnecting of feeders for relatively short periods of time on a predetermined schedule. This is sometimes referred to as a brownout. Sometimes both these methods may be employed and, if the condition deteriorates, entire substations may be taken out of service temporarily. If conditions continue to worsen where the overloading of vital facilities may cause them to be endangered, an entire area may necessitate a shutdown of the system involved, an operation referred to as blackout. Voltage reduction is usually accomplished by controlling the regulators on individual feeders or, as the case may be, on the bus voltage regulator. Voltage may also be reduced by controlling regulators at subtransmission and transmission substations where they may exist; in this case, the regulators on individual feeders or on the distribution substation buses are locked in place to prevent their negating the effect of the voltage reduction on the incoming supply. Voltage reduction is usually accomplished in steps but may be selfdefeating as the light output of lamps may decrease to the point where additional lamps may be turned on; on the other hand, motors may draw more current but continue to operate satisfactorily until the voltage may become too low, torque decreases, they become overheated, and eventually stall. Care must be exercised in lowering the voltage on feeders supplying low voltage networks. Operation of their regulators must be coordinated so that the load shed by one feeder may not be picked up by the other supply feeders. If not done as simultaneously as possible, the load thus picked up by the feeders whose voltage may not be lowered may

Associated Operations


cause network protectors to open on the feeder with lowered voltage, and may cause the other feeders to trip from overload, resulting in a cascading effect in which all of the supply feeders may trip, shutting down the network. In some cases, it may be necessary to block the overcurrent relays to prevent the feeders tripping until all of the regulators have been adjusted and locked at the desired voltage level. Should the network shut down, its re-energization may be accomplished by blocking the overcurrent relays and closing the circuit breakers of the supply feeders as simultaneously as possible; batteries operating the closing mechanisms should be checked to ascertain sufficient output is available for satisfactory operation of the circuit breakers simultaneously. If the network is shut down for any length of time and diversity is lost, it may be necessary to cut the network physically into smaller pieces, blocking open the network protectors on the transformers of pieces of the network so they do not pick up load, picking up a piece of the network at a time. After one piece has been energized, restoring diversity, it may be necessary to open all of the supply feeders, unblock the network protectors on the same feeder in another piece of the network, then reclosing the feeders to pick up the two pieces. The operation may be repeated until all of the pieces are reenergized; the pieces can then be reconnected.

DEMAND CONTROL OR PEAK SUPPRESSION Economics indicates the desirability of holding down maximum demands or peak loads on the generation, transmission and distribution parts of the electric system. The results include the reduction of investment in plant as well as in operating costs, mainly in fuel, because of reduced I2R losses. One form, of a temporary nature, is the load shedding procedures described above. Demand control applies to the reduction of maximum demands as a normal ongoing operation. From an investment point of view, the most effective use of facilities is their operation at maximum loading throughout their lifetime. This would imply their load factors would be 100 percent; this is not always practical, but the higher this value approaches that mark, the better the utilization of the investment and the lower the unit price of the product.


Power Transmission and Distribution

In the supply of a given load, the load factor applies not only to the individual consumer, but to the entire utility. Typical load factors for consumers may vary from 20 percent for some residential consumers to over 90 percent for some round-the-clock large manufacturing or processing plants; office buildings may have load factors of 20 to 30 percent, and smaller, one shift, industrial and commercial consumers load factors of from 20 to 70 percent. By reducing the losses substantially, reflected in lower fuel consumption, demand control becomes a conservation measure that may reduce the call upon the resources of the nation-and the consumers bill. While the consumers total overall consumption may remain the same, the reduction of demands will reduce the maximum current flow, even though the reduced current flow may continue for longer periods of time. As I2R losses vary as the square of the current, substantial energy savings result. Moreover, experience has shown that measures for reducing demand often reveal the elimination of some unnecessary operations and better methods of operation of equipment, resulting in improved efficiencies and lowered energy costs. To reduce the demand on its facilities, the utility seeks to reduce individual consumers demands, but to achieve maximum coincident demand reduction, it is necessary to coordinate the individual consumer demands. This is usually done through rate incentives that specify times of optimum rates for usage at specified off-peak hours. For small residential consumers, resort has been made to radio-controlled devices that meter consumption during peak-load periods for higher rate applications. For large consumers, however, metering to record not only peak demands, but power factor as well, provide incentives for better and overall reduced demands. Indeed, the impulses from the demand meters themselves are used to hold demands on individual pieces of equipment to predetermined values. In reducing the overall demand, analysis of the essentiality of loads is often undertaken and may be categorized as follows: 1. 2. Essential loads that are necessary for safety and operational reasons. Loads that may be curtailed or turned off for short predetermined periods of time, sometimes sequentially, without impairing safety or production. Loads which can be deferred to off-peak times.


Associated Operations


In general, load cycling involves the turning on and off of individual loads at predetermined times and often staggered to achieve the smallest maximum demand. Automatic devices have been developed to achieve this result, all based on the consumers actual consumption and demand, and compared to some predetermined ideal rate of consumption. The different methods employed and their accuracy are not further detailed as they are not within the scope of this work.

LOAD MANAGEMENT CONTROL Some utilities, in agreement with usually large consumers, have assumed control over devices that automatically switch off and on some of the consumers loads when undesirable levels are being reached. Noncritical loads, under agreed upon constraints as to the maximum times they may be switched off, are placed under the control of the utility. This may be done by signals transmitted by carrier, radio or telephone. Such interruptible load agreements are coupled with favorable rate schedules. Costs for such demand control equipment are sometimes shared with the consumer where the same equipment may be used to control the consumers maximum demand. Continuous review is usually done with the consumer so that the target values of both parties do not conflict with each other.

UTILITY SUPPLY AND DEMAND PROBLEMS Distribution, transmission and generation facilities must be provided to meet daily and seasonal load peaks, maximum demands of relatively short duration. Solutions to these problems are generally based on economics commensurate with service reliability.

DISTRIBUTION Problems arise as to the loading of conductors, transformers and associated equipment (fuses, switches, regulators, etc.). Although these are nominally rated on current carrying capabilities, actually their limits are based on the allowable temperature at which insulation is safe from


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failure. The temperature that may pertain does not only result from the heat generated by the losses (copper, iron), but also from the duration of these losses in the unit. The temperature of the ambient also plays a part in the total heat that may affect the condition of the insulation. While the control of demands on the distribution system may reduce the heat generated by the load, the duration of this demand may reduce the thermal margin. The overall effect may be affected appreciably by prolonged ambient temperatures. The units so affected should be closely monitored. The control may, therefore, defer the addition of facilities, not only on the distribution system, but on other facilities back to the generating stations or power sources. TRANSMISSION The same observations concerning distribution facilities also apply to transmission circuits. Controlling the demand on these facilities will not only lower the I2R losses, but also defer, if not obviate, new construction or revamping of transmission lines and equipment. As bulk carriers of electrical energy, transmission lines are, investment-wise, in the same category as generating plants.

GENERATION Generators on a power system may be classified into three categories: the newest and most efficient base-load units, and usually the most expensive; the most recent of older generators, less efficient but oftenoperated units; and the least efficient units operated as peak units, generally the oldest requiring much maintenance and including new expensive units specifically designed for short-term peak operations (often gasoline fueled). Controlling system demands results in a lessened need to operate the lesser efficient and the more costly units, and may defer the installation of the most costly newest units. COGENERATION AND DISTRIBUTED GENERATION Changing economic and conservation conditions have made feasible the interconnection of consumer-operated generating facilities to

Associated Operations


those of the utility through transmission and distribution systems. Indeed, in some areas (e.g., Texas) this has been mandated by law. Large users of steam and hot water who formerly produced their requirements from boilers have found it economically advantageous to generate electricity and use the waste heat for their steam and hot water needs and sell the by-product electricity to the local utility, almost always at a profitable rate. Regulatory bodies have favored attractive rates as an inducement to the cogenerators; the rate paid for power purchased by the utility (the avoidable cost to produce power) to be based on the cost of the utilitys least efficient generating source, as compared to the cost of power to the utility consumer based on the average cost of power from all the supply sources. Connecting the cogenerators generating facilities to the utilitys transmission and distribution system requires protective equipment be provided by the cogenerator in accordance with the utilitys minimum requirements. The protection includes, but is not limited to, equipment devices that: 1. Synchronize the generator to the utility system automatically, including protection from connecting the cogeneration to the utility system before it can be synchronized. Opens the circuit breaker to disconnect the cogeneration on loss of power in the utility system or when a fault occurs on the utility system tie. Also to provide protection for generator overloading, phase current unbalance, reverse power flow, under and over frequency limits, and under and over voltage limits. Control of the engine governor to regulate speed, loading and phase relationship with the utility system.



The one-line diagram illustrates the electrical connection and the protection involved in the basic, or minimum, requirement for a cogeneration system, Figure 9-1. The relationship between the utility and cogenerator parallels largely that between utilities participating in a power grid or pool; indeed, cogenerators are essentially other utilities with the same conditions applying, including wheel-barrowing of power and control from a central source (usually the system operator).


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure 9-1. One-Line Diagram of Minimum Protective Relaying for Consumer Cogeneration and Distributed Generation Installations

The wide variations in voltage and current distribution in the transmission and distribution circuits to which the cogenerator may be connected may require changes in that circuit configuration to maintain standards of safety and power supply acceptable to the utility. This may require additional facilities to provide adequate sectionalizing and reenergization of circuits, preferably by automatic means. Close coordination of control between the operating groups that control power sources of supply (generation and transmission) and those that control the distribution system, where such separate groups exist, is essential to prevent difficulties from arising.

Associated Operations


A smaller version of cogeneration, known as distributed generation is designed to be connected to the distribution system at strategic points. They are used where, for economic or other reasons, they supply loads that would otherwise require additional generating or transmission facilities. They usually consist of small units generally driven by small gas turbines, but may include wind, solar, geothermal, fuel cells and other type units. These may be both utility and consumer owned. These units, and some cogeneration units, are not usually competitive with utility owned larger units that have the advantage of scale. Some distributed generation (and cogeneration) units may impact negatively on the safety of operations. Although standards for the selection, installation and maintenance of equipment to connect and disconnect these units from the systems to which they supply electric energy, Figure 9-1, are furnished the consumer by the utility, these standards are not always followed, particularly those related to maintenance. This constitutes a hazard to persons who may be working on the systems, believing them to be de-energized, they may be the victims of improper, unannounced connections, energizing the systems to which they are connected. Similarly, should a fault develop on the utility systems to which they are connected, and the equipment fail to disconnect their generation from the system, overloads, fires and explosions may occur. Further, while they are under the supervision of the system operator, they tend to dilute his attention from other events.

METERING Metering in an electric utility falls into two broad categories: metering for the billing of consumers, that is, for revenue reasons, and metering for operating and monitoring the functions of the several elements of the electric system so as to achieve efficiency and economy in the costs of operation. While these two categories apply to separate and distinct functions, with the advent of digital computers, the data collected for billing purposes may be employed in furthering operating and monitoring purposes. Billing meters include watt-hour meters, wattmeters or demand meters, meters for measuring reactive power (volt amperes), and power factor for larger commercial and industrial consumers. In the case of larger consumers, the meters may be of both the indicating and record-


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ing types, and instrument transformers used to reduce the actual quantities to safe and manageable values. Schematic diagrams of different meter applications are shown in Figure 9-2. Operational and monitoring meters include, in addition to those mentioned, ammeters, voltmeters, frequency meters, thermometers, barometers, clocks, and indicators and alarm units associated with them. Here, too, metering may be of both recording and indicating types and instrument transformers are almost always employed. Where cogeneration exists, meters installed may be used for both purposes. In measuring power in a polyphase circuit, separate wattmeters or watt-hour meters may be connected in each of the phases and the values added algebraically to obtain the total demand or consumption. However, equal accuracy may be obtained by using one less of these meters, the remaining ones being connected properly among the phases of the polyphase circuit. This is known as Blondels Theorem and may be stated:

Figure 9-2. Schematic Diagrams of Meter Applications for Different Types of Distribution Systems. (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Associated Operations In any system of N conductors, the true power may be measured by connecting a wattmeter in each conductor but one (N-I wattmeters), the current coil being connected in series in the line and the potential coil connected between that line and the line that has no current coil connected in it; the total power is the algebraic sum of all the readings of the wattmeters so connected.


If the power factor of the circuit should be approximately 50 percent or less, it is probable that one of the wattmeters will register a negative value, in which case it may be necessary to reverse the connections to the terminals of the current or potential coil; should the power factor become greater than the 50 percent, it will be necessary to change back that connection.

REMOTE METER READING AND DEMAND CONTROL Electronic developments that have made e-mail (and the internet? inexpensive and universal means of communication have also made practical the remote reading of consumers meters. Periodic inquiry automatically sent to each consumer identifies the meter and records the dial consumption and other data, transmitting it to the computer center where it may be automatically processed, producing the bill sent to the consumer. In some cases, usually commercial and industrial consumers, where it is desired to hold down their demands by arranging their loads not to coincide, and where practical to be scheduled for off peak hours (usually evening and early morning hours), the same means of communication is used to operate relays and switches to accomplish this purpose, often employing the same reading facilities.

TRANSFORMER LOAD MONITORING The same computer that translates meter readings into consumers bills may also be programmed to make selected summaries of such data, simultaneously converting consumption into loads and demands on the


Power Transmission and Distribution

several elements of the electric system, but principally on the distribution system. The grid coordinate system of mapping, described in Appendix G, facilitates this collection and conversion of data. The computer totals the consumption of all of the consumers supplied from one distribution transformer over the billing period of time; factors are applied to these totals to convert them into demands in kW or kVA. Conversion factors are derived and updated periodically by sampling methods. In like manner, the consumption of the transformers on each phase of a distribution circuit may be summarized to determine the maximum demand of the circuit. Applying the same method, the demands on the substation bus and supply transformers may be closely approximated, as well as losses on each feeder. Such data may be used for balancing loads on phases of a circuit, between circuits, and even between substations. The computer may also be programmed to determine changes in the average demand per consumer, identifying transformers and other elements of the electric system that exceed predetermined values uncovering overloads and potential failures. Hence, damage or destruction of facilities may be averted, improving the reliability of service to consumers and permitting better and more economic planning and design of transmission and distribution systems.

POWER FACTOR CORRECTION At some large consumers, along with the kilowatt-hour consumption, the reactive kilovolt-ampere hours load is measured (by inserting a reactor, shifting the voltage by 90'), and by properly interrelating these quantities, the average power factor of a consumer over a billing period of time may be determined. Rate schedules may provide rewards or penalties reflecting the consumers power factor. Correction measures may then be applied, if desirable.

DEMAND CONTROL This subject has been discussed earlier. The data supplied to the relays or computer supervised machines may be derived from the same meters used for billing purposes.

Associated Operations


One, so-called Ideal Rate, method is illustrated in Figure 9-3. This method depends on the establishment of an ideal rate curve with two offset lines: one to establish a load shed point before the ideal rate is exceeded, and one which allows loads to be restored. Separation between these lines can be adjusted to meet local requirements such as minimum off-on times for equipment. It should be noted that the ideal rate curve does not begin at zero at the start of the demand interval as the instantaneous rate curve does. Rather, it starts from an established offset point that takes into account nondiscretionary loads. If this were not done, the lower shed line would keep all equipment off at the beginning of each interval. The slope of the ideal rate curve is then defined by the offset established for the shed line and the chosen demand set point. The main advantages of the ideal rate method controllers are the ease with which operational modifications can be made to optimize their use (e.g., changing offsets), and their low costs due to restricted computational requirements. The main disadvantage is that this type of controller must be synchronized with the utilitys demand meter to make sure it is controlling over the same interval that the utility is averaging demand. Some utilities may be unwilling to provide the end of interval timing pulse that is required to establish this synchronization.

Figure 9-3. Ideal Rate Method of Demand Control (Courtesy McQuay-Perfex Inc.)


Power Transmission and Distribution

Demand control has also been attempted through a myriad of rates designed to manipulate unit rates depending on a variety of situations: time of year (seasonal); availability of supply, present and proposed (excess or deficiency of capacity, both in generation and transmission as well as capital availability); attraction of industry to area; and other individual or particular situations. For example, in addition to general service rates, there are multiple fuel rates, single fuel rates, primary service rates, block rates, interruptible service rates, and fuel charges, power factor clauses, etc., etc. In this authors opinion, only consumption of kVA hours should be metered universally. Three simple rates may encompass all the goals presently sought: a promotional rate to encourage greater use; a regular rate to provide for normal growth; and a conservational rate to discourage use and to encourage decrease in peak loads. The first two have been and are in use for the purposes mentioned; it is the third that may be innovative. This would simply call for a reversal of the rates provided for promotional purposes; that is, the greater the consumption, the greater the unit cost. The rationale for this reverts to the efficiency of the sources of supply. The generators and transmission lines of greatest efficiency serve base load: divide this capacity in kVA by the total number of consumers, or each consumer (of all kinds) is entitled to one share of the most efficient source at its rate of production; the same method then be applied to the next level of source efficiency, dividing only by the number of consumers whose consumption is above that value established for the most efficient source; a third application applied to the least efficient source of supply, using the same method described above. This third rate base could include a possible fourth, one that includes special sources, such as cogeneration, combustion engine-driven peaking units, etc., at the highest rate. The demands for all levels includes the total number of consumers, but the last three levels, divided by only the number of consumers whose consumption is above the levels indicated. This should substantially encourage all to lower their consumption, improve power factor, suppress peaks, etc. Present kW-hour meters may be converted to kVA-hour meters by connecting a suitable reactor in series with the voltage coil; replacement of meters in the high use consumers may be done first. Some interim measures may be devised for correction and uniformity of billing until all meters are converted.

Associated Operations


TYPES OF METERS Simplified wiring diagrams for basic watt-hour meters for use on different types of single and polyphase systems are shown in Figure 9-2. Electric meters have been developed that measure the quantities discussed earlier with great accuracy and a minimum of maintenance. Adding memory and microcircuitry to the registers enables the simultaneous measurement of several different quantities, such as real and reactive power, peaks, average demands, power factor as well as energy consumption. Also calendar information and complex rate schedules may be introduced. Such systems may also facilitate the remote reading of consumers meters and instantaneous billing.

TRANSDUCERS Transducers generally convert nonelectrical quantities into electrical quantities, although they also may reverse this process by converting electrical quantities into nonelectrical ones. Thermocouples, photocells, microphones are examples of devices that convert heat, light and sound into electrical quantities that are utilized in several ways to control or accomplish purposes for which they are intended. Phonographs, telephones, heaters convert electrical quantities into sound, and heat, etc. Other devices convert pressures or differences in pressure into variations of electrical quantities which, in turn, serve to inform or control the condition of equipment with which they may be associated.

NONTECHNICAL FACTORS In addition to the technical and economic considerations concerning transmission and distribution systems that have been discussed, there are a number of nontechnical (nonelectrical and mechanical) that have a serious impact on the design, construction, maintenance and operation of these facilities. The foremost consideration is that of safety of employees and the public. Included are the accessibility and nonaccessibility of energized lines and equipment. While electric lines and equipment must


Power Transmission and Distribution

be so designed and situated that workers may have safe access to them, they should not interfere with pedestrian and vehicular traffic, nor intrude on such areas where their presence may constitute a particular hazard (e.g., playgrounds, proximity to antennas, flag poles, etc.). Methods, including tools and equipment must provide for safety at all times to the employee and others who may be working on or near energized facilities. Manual or automatic de-energization and grounding of lines and equipment should be considered wherever practical. Clearances, both horizontal and vertical, between energized facilities and adjacent structures should, as a minimum, conform to the NESC. In the design and construction of lines and equipment, provisions for their replacement, repair, revamping, or adjustment should be included. While de-energization of facilities is recommended, there are occasions where keeping them energized may be required to maintain safety and avoidance of life-threatening situations, so-called live-line and bare-hand methods and procedures may be employed. Environmental considerations are also of paramount importance. Trees are a particular source of concern. In heavily treed areas, continuity of service may be affected and the proper solution might well be the placing of facilities underground. The same solution may apply where consumers prize the aesthetic value of trees, good community relations may dictate underground construction, particularly if the consumers or public bodies in the area may be willing to share expenses. For appearance sake, overhead lines are routed along rear lot lines, resort is made to armless type construction, substations are landscaped or camouflaged to conform to the environment. In areas of severe rain, wind, lightning and other natural hazards, facilities may be relocated or placed underground. The same solutions may apply to areas of severe pollution, such as concentrations of salt from spray and chemical contamination. The proximity of airports and military bases may be sources of potential hazard with severe repercussions that relocation or undergrounding may be justified. In certain cases of community pride, governmental structures, parks, civic centers, historical structures and landmarks, the existence of visible electrical facilities may clash with the environmental spirit intended, and the placing of utility facilities out of sight conforms to the wishes of the community.

Associated Operations


Economic considerations must, of course, receive the greatest attention, if the enterprise is to be successful. In addition to the application of Kelvins Law in the design of transmission and distribution facilities, other factors may be included. Standardization of materials and equipment permits substantial economies to be realized both in their purchase and inventory. It makes for interchangeability and leads to standardization of construction, maintenance and operation practices. In turn, these make employee training more effective as concentration is placed on fewer and repetitive tasks that contribute to the safety and productivity of the work force. In instances where civic improvement, such as widening of roads, construction or replacement of water and sewer systems, etc., where overhead construction may be normally employed, underground construction may be justified if the costs of relocating facilities, of excavation and restoration, are borne or shared with governmental or other agencies. To the improvement in tools, equipment, work methods and new techniques in providing facilities to meet the demands of consumers, not only for an ample supply of electricity, but its reliability, must be added provisions for safe and rapid restoration of service in event supply is disturbed or completely cut off. Restoration activities may be expedited, generally by the reduction in elapsed time to remedy the contingency, by improvement in communication, transportation and strategy. Communication improvement has been rather obvious. Mail, messenger, and telegraph communications have been replaced by telephone and radio, including two-way mobile radio for rapid communication with personnel and crews in the field, and, more recently, the installation of television CRTs (cathode ray tubes) in both field vehicles and operating offices, thus making data in computers rapidly available. Transportation has progressed from horse-drawn ordinary cargo vehicles to specially designed trucks with hydraulically lifted insulated buckets, making the workers lot easier and safer, and more rapid the completion of restoration work. Vibrating plows and horizontal boring machines replace manual efforts, making practical relatively deep burial of cables, sometimes accomplished by one unit in one operation. Inspection of lines and delivery of personnel and material to transmission job sites for construction and maintenance is speeded by the use of helicopters.


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Strategy in the form of prewritten, well thought out procedures, has replaced the unorganized random choice of personnel and equipment. Procedures are periodically revised and updated to reflect trained personnel, new methods and equipment available. Restoration procedures for major contingencies mobilize the resources of not only the utility involved, but other cooperating utilities, contractors, governmental agencies, and others, including public information groups.

Appendix ACircuit Analysis


Appendix A

Circuit Analysis
INTRODUCTION In the analysis of circuits to determine current distribution and voltage drops in the individual parts of the circuits, several basic principles are employed. These call for the reduction of the circuitry into successively simpler forms until a single loop circuit results. Computation of current and voltage values can then be made, essentially reversing the order of simplification, until all the individual parts of the circuit have been analyzed. These procedures are especially applicable to network-type circuit. Kirchhoff s Laws Kirchhoffs laws encompass two fundamental simple laws which apply to both dc and ac circuits, no matter how complex they may be: 1. The current flowing away from a point in the circuit (where three or more branches come together) is equal to the amount flowing to that point. Expressed another way, the vector or algebraic sum of all the currents entering (and leaving, a negative entry) a point is zero. The voltage acting between two points in a circuit acts equally on all the paths connected between the two points. Expressed another way, the vector or algebraic sum of all the voltage drops (or rises, negative drops) around a closed loop is zero.


Applying Kirchhoffs laws to the parts of a circuit, a number of equations between the unknowns can be drawn. The number of independent equations which can be written from the first law is 1 less than the number of junction points; from the second law, the number is equal 281


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to the number of branches less the number of junction point equations. The equations can be algebraically solved for all the unknowns. In practice, however, these laws are more often used to check results obtained by other means.

CIRCUIT TRANSFORMATIONS Wye to Delta Refer to Figure A-1. Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 Ia = IB IC Ib = IC IA Ic = IA IB = ZaZb + ZbZc + ZcZa and

Z bZ c ZA = = Zb + Zc + Za Za

Z cZ a ZB = = Zc + Za + Zb Zb

Z aZ b Zc = = Za + Zb + Zc Zc
Delta to Wye Refer to Figure A-1.

IA =

I cZ B I b Z C ZA + ZB + ZC I a Z C I cZ A ZA + ZB + ZC I bZ A I a Z B ZA + ZB + ZC

I cZ c I b Z b Z a ' I a Z a I cZ c Z b ' I bZ b I a Z a Z c i

ZA =


IB =

Zb =

IA =

ZC =

Appendix ACircuit Analysis


Figure A-1. Delta-Wye Transformations where = ZAZB + ZBZC + ZCZA. Changing Bases To convert Z in ohms at a voltage E to Z, the equivalent value on a voltage base E,
Z' = A E' E

To convert Z in percent on a kVA base U to Z, the equivalent value on a kVA base U,

Z' = Z U' U
To convert Zp in percent on a kVA base U to Z, in ohms on a voltage base E,

Zz =
and, conversely

3Z pE 2 U 10 5 U 10 5 3E 2

Zp =

where E = line-to-neutral voltage and U total three-phase kVA.

284 Paralleling Two Impedances Refer to Figure A-2.

Power Transmission and Distribution


Z aZ b Za + Zb

where Z in the equivalent impedance: and

Ia = I

Zb Za + Zb

Ib = I

Za Za + Zb

SUPERPOSITION THEOREM In a network containing several voltage sources, the current in the several branches may be found by replacing all but one of the voltage sources by their particular resistances (dc) or impedances (ac) and determining the current contributed by the one source in each of the branches. The process is repeated with each of the other voltage sources, and separate current distribution in the several branches from each of the voltage sources is again determined, The vector or algebraic sum of all of the currents in each branch (as determined above) gives the value of the current in that branch with all of the voltage sources in place.


Ia Zb

Ib Figure A-2. Paralleling Two Impedances

Appendix ACircuit Analysis


Thevenins TheoremThe current in any terminating impedance ZT connected to any network is the same as if ZR were connected to a generator whose voltage is the open circuit voltage of the network, and whose internal impedance ZR is the impedance looking back from the terminals of ZT, with all generators replaced by impedances equal to the internal impedance of these generators.



Figure A-3. Thevenins Theorem Nortons TheoremThe current in any terminating impedance ZT connected to any network is the same as if ZT were connected to the parallel combination of a current generator whose current is equal to that delivered by the actual network to a short circuit connection across the terminals ZT and an impedance of ZR which is the impedance looking back from the terminals of ZT with all the generators replaced by impedances equal to the internal impedance of these generators.



Figure A-4. Nortons Theorem

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Appendix BSymmetrical Components


Appendix B*

Symmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



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Appendix BSymmetrical Components



Power Transmission and Distribution

Appendix BSymmetrical Components



Power Transmission and Distribution

Appendix BSymmetrical Components



Power Transmission and Distribution

Appendix CReview of Complex Numbers


Appendix C

Review of Complex Numbers



Power Transmission and Distribution

Appendix DTransmission and Distribution


Appendix D

Transmission and Distribution Delivery Systems Efficiencies



Power Transmission and Distribution

Appendix DTransmission and Distribution



Power Transmission and Distribution

Appendix EStreet LightingConstant Current Circuitry


Appendix E

Street Lighting Constant Current Circuitry

Strictly speaking, street lighting is part of the distribution system. Some aspects, however, make it worthy of separate consideration. At one time these facilities were owned, installed, operated and maintained by the utility supplying electricity in the particular area. Municipalities now own the facilities, renting space on the utility pole, and employing independent contractors for maintenance. Paralleling these changes, the method of supply has also undergone change. The early arc lights gave way to incandescent lamps connected in series, the 6.6 ampere rating being a carryover from the preceding arc lamps. The relatively long distance between street lights and the original limited development of the commercial distribution system made such systems practically ideal and universal, with the associated equipment and controls conveniently located in the area substation. With the growth of the distribution systems, street lights, connected in multiple and served from extensions of the commercial distribution system replaced the series system, employing a pilot wire controlled from the substation to operate the new street lights. Later, the pilot was controlled from photoelectric cells or time switches, and ultimately control of individual street lights from individual associated photoelectric relays proved economically feasible, and generally became the standard method of street light control. A great number of series street lighting systems exist and will for some time to come; hence, they warrant further discussion. Diagrams illustrating a typical arrangement of a series street lighting circuit and the film disc cutout are shown in Figures E-1 and E-2. Since the electric supply source is the primary voltage of a (practically) constant value, a device is needed to convert the supply to a constant current output for the series circuit. The constant current transformer has two coils, a primary that is a stationary constant voltage coil, and a movable constant current variable voltage coil. To maintain a constant current in the secondary coil, the voltage induced in it must 349


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure E-1. Typical Series Street Lighting Circuit. (Courtesy General Electric Co.)

Figure E-2. Film Disc Cutout Schematic Diagram. (Courtesy General Electric Co.) increase or decrease depending on the load, that is, the number of lamps in operation. The voltage variation is achieved by changing the position of the movable coil so that the coils operate closer or farther apart from one another. The position of the movable coil depends on three things: 1. 2. Force of gravity on the movable coil Force of attached weights countering the force of gravity on the movable coil Force of magnetic repulsion between the coils


The force of repulsion is due to the interaction of the magnetic fields set up in the coils. The magnitude of this force varies, depending on the amount of current flowing in the coils. A large current would

Appendix EStreet LightingConstant Current Circuitry


exert a greater force tending to push the coils farther apart, than would a small current. As the coils are separated farther and farther apart, less and less of the magnetic field cuts through the secondary coil and hence less voltage is generated in it. The counterweight changes or affects the force of gravity on the movable coil. By adding or subtracting weights from the counterweight, the balance can be regulated and the transformer made to operate at any desired current value over a limited range. The current regulation of a constant current transformer is very accurate. This type of transformer cannot be overloaded because the secondary current will decrease if the load capacity of the unit is exceeded. The no-load condition corresponds to a short circuit on the secondary terminals and, hence, the movable coil approaches maximum separation. At full load, the coils attempt to separate further, but cannot because of the transformer construction. Beyond this point, any increase in load will result in a decrease in the secondary current. Operation of the constant current transformer is illustrated in Figure E-3, together with associated vector diagram. Because of the constant current transformer characteristics, the I2R loss remains constant for all load values. Stray losses increase with a decrease in load. The total loss increases with decrease in load and is maximum at no load. The operating temperature, therefore, is lower at full load than when operating at only a part of full-load rating. Constant current transformers may have taps in the primary windings and sometimes on the secondary windings. They are constructed for both indoor or station operation as well as in tanks for outdoor and underground installation. They are rated in kVA.

PROTECTION In a series circuit, should a film disc cutout fail to breakdown upon lamp failure or conductor break, the open circuit voltage established across the lamp terminals or open break in the conductor is proportional to the constant current or kW rating and is very high. For safety reasons, it is desirable that the circuit be deenergized, and this is done by means of an essentially high voltage relay incorporated as part of the remote control switch that deenergizes the primary supply to the constant current transformer.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure E-3. (a) Movable-Coil Constant-Current Transformer. (b) Vector Diagram of Relation Between Primary and Secondary Voltage, Current, and Magnetic Flux. (Courtesy General Electric Co.)

Appendix EStreet LightingConstant Current Circuitry


Constant current transformers, both indoor and outdoor installations, are protected on both sides by surge arresters; those applied to the output or secondary side are based on open circuit voltage values. Where the lines may not be protected by shielding from conductors above them or by other structures, surge arresters may also be installed. Since the current in a series circuit is limited in value, grounding conductors are not subject to severe current flow. The importance of good grounds, however, should not be overlooked. Film Disc Cutout This is a disc that fits between the prongs of the socket that holds the lamp; they are the lamp terminals. Should the lamp fail, an open circuit is established between the terminals and a high voltage will appear. The film in the cutout is a special paper insulation that breaks down under this high voltage, causing a short circuit between the lamp terminals, which restores the continuity of the series circuit. IL and SL Transformers Because the voltage may be high at the socket of a series lamp. it is sometimes desirable to supply the lamp through a transformer that may reduce the voltage to safe values. The transformer is small and known as an isolating or incandescent lamp insulating transformer. The ratio of transformation is usually 1:1, although ratios may be different when supplying 15 or 20 ampere lamps. When this type transformer feeds several lamps in series, it is referred to as an SL transformer. Series Circuit Control This series street lighting circuit may be controlled directly at the substation by a time controlled switch, or may be controlled by pilot wire controlled by a switch operated by a time clock or a photoelectric relay; these are shown in Figures E-4 and E-5. Other pole type constant current transformers, usually of smaller ratings, may be cascaded from the circuit emanating from the substation, and may be controlled from the same control circuit.

LAMPS In addition to the series and multiple type incandescent lamps, other types are also employed.


Power Transmission and Distribution

Luminous gas tubes, sometimes referred to as neon lights require voltages higher than secondary distribution voltages and are essentially constant current devices. The impedance of the tube increases as the length increases and inversely as the diameter of the tube. Autotransformers or two winding transformers, generally contained in the lamp fixture, are used to supply the necessary voltages. Fluorescent lamps operate essentially in the same fashion as the gas tubes. The nominal secondary distribution supply voltage is raised to the lamp voltage by means of a ballast or small autotransformer incorporated in the lamp fixture. High intensity lighting employs mercury, sodium or halogen lamps. In this type lamp, the material is vaporized into ionized gas that gives off colored light, different colors for the different materials. They are more efficient than incandescent lamps and give off less heat. Autotransformers are incorporated in each unit to supply the higher starting voltage (usually 600 volts) required. These lamps may be controlled individually by individual relay or by a controlled circuit that supplies them. These lamps, sometimes referred to as discharge type lamps are usually designed for multiple circuit operation. Diagrams of photoelectric controlled circuitry are shown in Figure E-4. Using solid-state circuitry, these are incorporated in small individual relays that usually control an individual lamp.

ACCESSORIES Although not a part of this work, a general description of major accessories may be in order. Street lights, without any accessories, in general emit light in all directions. If not directed, much of the light may not only be wasted, but may be a source of annoyance. To direct the light where it is needed and to employ it to maximum efficiency, its distribution is modified by the use of three general classes of accessories: reflectors, refractors, and diffusing glassware or other material. Lamps may be equipped with reflectors only, refractors only or diffusing globes only, or a combination of any of the three, Sometimes, the three are incorporated into one unit. Street light fixtures may be mounted on poles with other distribution facilities, on separate poles of metal or concrete. They may be sup-

Appendix EStreet LightingConstant Current Circuitry


plied from overhead or underground distribution lines. The fixtures come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Figure 64. One-Line Diagram Series-Multiple and Multiple-Series Controlled Street Lighting. (Courtesy General Electric Co.)

Figure E-5. Photoelectric Relay for Individual Lamp Control

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Appendix FEconomic Studies


Appendix F

Economic Studies*
INTRODUCTION Purpose Economic studies are the means of evaluating the economic consequences of a particular proposal or of a number of alternate proposals for meeting a problem. Basic questions which continually face the management of any business are: 1. Will a venture be sufficiently profitable to justify the risk assumed in its undertaking? Which of several ways of undertaking the venture will maximize the profits?


Scope Economic studies may range from the extremely simple to the extremely complicated. In some cases, they may appear to be no more than the application of good common sense. The most important thing is the orientation which motivates a person to apply common sense or perform a more complicated evaluation of a situation. Characteristics No matter how complicated, economic studies all have certain definite characteristics. 1. Money to carry out every plan represents either:

*Reprinted from Anthony J. Pansini, PE, Maximizing Management Effectiveness. Copyright by Greenvale Press, Greenvale, NY, 1977. Al) rights reserved.



Power Transmission and Distribution a. Annual Expense- Obtained from operating revenue; or b. Capital Expenditure -Obtained from financing, reinvested depreciation reserve, reinvested earnings. In general, capital costs represent the initial purchase price of installed plant; or c. Both annual expense and capital expenditure.

2. 3.

Capital expenditures incur future annual expense. The source usually available to a company to meet its annual expenses of operation, including taxes and obligations on its securities, is the revenue it receives from its consumers. Mathematically, therefore, the most economical of a number of plans (the one which will maximize profits) is the one which will require the minimum amount of additional revenue. A convenient way to conduct an economic study is to evaluate the effect of alternate proposals on the revenue requirements of the company. Expenditures may take place (and thus affect revenue requirements) at different intervals over a period of time. The economic study must compare such expenditures on a consistent common basis. The economics of alternate plans will generally be only one factor, although a major one, in the final selection of the most advantageous plan. Any differences in the nontangible items of comparison, however, must be recognized and considered with economic differentials among the several plans. The assignment of a value for the effect of inflation may be arbitrary and best omitted from the calculations and considered a judgmental factor in the final recommendations. (The effects of inflation at several rates are contained in Table F-1; other rates may be interpolated.) The differences in the various plans should be pointed out so that the phases of each alternative may be fully evaluated.



ANNUAL CHARGES The overall revenue requirement of a project, or the cost of doing business, is the sum of annual charges for:

Appendix FEconomic Studies


Table F-1. Inflation Factors (Compound Interest) (I + I)n Inflation ratei in Percent
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2 1.020 1.040 1.061 1.082 1.104 1.126 1.149 1.172 1.195 1.219 1.243 1.268 1.294 1.319 1.346 1.373 1.400 1.428 1.457 1.486 1.516 1.546 1.577 1.608 1.641 1.673 1.707 1.741 1.776 1.811 1.848 1.885 1.922 1.961 2.000 3 1.030 1.061 1.093 1.126 1.159 1.194 1.230 1.267 1.305 1.344 1.384 1.426 1.469 1.513 1.558 1.605 1.653 1.702 1.754 1.806 1.860 1.916 1.974 2.033 2.094 2.157 2.221 2.288 2.357 2.427 2.500 2.575 2.652 2.732 2.814 4 1.040 1.082 1.125 1.170 1.217 1.265 1.316 1.369 1.423 1.480 1.539 1.601 1.665 1.732 1.801 1.973 1.948 2.026 2.107 2.191 2.279 2.370 2.465 2.563 2.666 2.772 2.883 2.999 3.119 3.243 3.373 3.508 3.648 3.794 3.946 5 1.050 1.103 1.158 1.216 1.276 1.340 1.407 1.477 1.551 1.629 1.710 1.796 1.886 1.980 2.079 2.183 2.292 2.407 2.527 2.653 2.786 2.925 3.072 3.225 3.386 3.556 3.733 3.920 4.116 4.322 4.538 4.765 5.003 5.253 5.516 6 7 8 1.080 1.166 1.260 1.360 1.469 1.587 1.714 1.851 1.999 2.159 2.332 2.518 2.720 2.937 3.172 3.451 3.727 4.026 4.348 4.635 5.071 5.477 5.915 6.388 6.899 7.451 8.047 8.691 9.386 10.14 10.95 11.82 12.77 13.79 14.90 9 1.090 1.188 1.295 1.412 1.539 1.677 1.828 1.993 2.172 2.367 2.580 2.813 3.066 3.342 3.612 3.970 4.328 4.717 5.142 5.604 6.109 6.659 7.258 7.911 8.623 9.399 M.25 11.17 12.17 13.27 14.46 15.76 17.18 18.73 20.41 10 1.100 1.210 1.331 1.461 1.611 1.772 1.949 2.144 2.358 2.594 2.853 3.138 3.452 3.797 4.177 4.595 5.054 5.560 6.116 6.727 7.400 8.140 8.954 9.850 10.83 11.92 13.11 14.42 15.86 17.45 19.19 21.11 23.23 25.55 28.10

1.060 1.070 1.124 1.145 1.191 1.225 1.262 1.311 1.338 1.403 1.419 1.501 1.504 1.606 1.594 1.718 1.689 1.839 1.791 1.967 1.898 2.105 2.012 2.252 2.133 2.410 2.261 2.579 2.397 2.759 2.540 2.952 2.693 3.159 2.854 3.380 3.026 3.617 3.207 3.870 3.400 4.141 3.604 4.430 3.820 4.741 4.049 5.072 4.292 5.427 4.549 5.807 4.822 6.214 5.112 6.649 5.418 7.114 5.743 7.612 6.088 8.145 6.453 8.715 6.841 9.325 7.251 9.9 7 8 7.686 10.68

360 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Power Transmission and Distribution Return on investment (stockholder, bondholder, etc.) Depreciation (sinking fund, etc.) Insurance expense Property tax expense Income tax expense Operating and maintenance expense Other taxes (e.g., on gross revenue)

The first five of these charges can usually, for convenience, be estimated as a percentage of original investment. The operating and maintenance charges should be separately estimated for each project. The tax (if any) on gross revenue must be calculated after all other charges are determined. Return on Investment A growing company must continually provide money for capital construction. In many cases, a large proportion of such funds are realized by sale of securities, bonds, debentures and stocks. These securities are purchased by people who believe that the future earnings of the company will provide a return on their investment commensurate with the hazards of the business and the nature of the security purchased. If the return provided is not sufficient to meet the expectations of investors when they analyze the risk involved, they will not invest in that firm. It is axiomatic then, that if a company is to be able to attract the necessary capital for continued expansion, it must maintain an adequate return on its invested capital. Depreciation The purpose of a depreciation allowance is to set aside a sufficient amount periodically (usually each year) to accumulate, over the life of the equipment, the original capital investment less net salvage. There are a number of ways of taking account of depreciation; among the many types are two aptly named Straight Line Depreciation and Annuity Depreciation. Straight Line DepreciationThe straight line method of calculating depreciation means that a fixed percentage is applied to surviving plant each year (usually monthly) to determine the accrual. The accrual rate is determined from the reciprocal of the average service life adjusted for

Appendix FEconomic Studies salvage. This may be expressed by the equation:


D = 1 1 SAL S
where D S SAL = straight line depreciation rate = average service life = salvage ratio

Annuity DepreciationIt is also possible to express the annual charge for depreciation as an equivalent uniform annual charge. In cases where there is no salvage or dispersion (Iowa SQ dispersion), the annuity may be found in the future worth-to-annuity column in the compound interest table. This factor is determined from the equation:

AA =

i n 1+i 1

AA annuity depreciation rate i return as a percent of investment n number of years

Dispersion is a factor to be considered in depreciable plant accounts. From actuarial studies, the nearest (Iowa) dispersion curve for each plant account has been previously determined. Thus to determine the annuity depreciation for a dispersed plant, the above equation is modified:

AA =


Rn 1+i

1 1 SAL

where, in addition to above: m = maximum or total life Rn = mean annual survivor ratio SAL = salvage ratio


Power Transmission and Distribution

The annuity depreciation factors for a dispersed plant have been calculated for every (Iowa) curve; please refer to Figure F-1. An elementary treatment of Depreciation, for illustrative purposes, is given in Table F-2. There are many other ways of considering depreciation, and reference should be made to appropriate treatises on this subject. Insurance Unless specifically known, a value of 0. 1% of original investment generally is sufficient to be used for insurance. The four major forms of insurance carried to provide protection against damage to property are: 1. 2. Fire insurance. Boiler and machinery insurance covering accidental damage to such objects. Coverage against damages due to motor vehicle collision, falling aircraft, storms, etc. Insurance for general liability in excess of some value (e.g., $50,000).



The premium expense of such insurance, expressed as a percentage of total investment, is usually very small, and the value of 0.1% as an average annual charge adequately covers premiums on the insurance carried. In any special case where items of insurance make up a substantial portion of operating expense, they should be considered separately in the estimation of operating expense. Property Taxes Taxes on property fall into two classes: special franchise or business taxes (applied to facilities on public property and to certain businesses); and, real estate taxes (applied to facilities on private property). Plant property classified as Land Rights (easements) or Personal Property such as tools, furniture and vehicles is not usually taxable. Depreciation is theoretically allowed on property, but in practice it is often not considered in computing taxes.

Appendix FEconomic Studies


Figure F-1. Equivalent Annual Charges as a Percentage of Original Investment, Assuming No Salvage on Project and 7 Percent Return on Investment


Power Transmission and Distribution

Table F-2. Treatment of Depreciation $1000 Capital Investment - 5 Year Life

Investment at beginning 7% return Total annual cost Present worth Factor Amount



A. Straight line depreciation

1 2 3 4 5 $1,000 800 600 400 200 $200 200 200 200 200 $70 56 42 28 14 $270 256 242 228 214 0.935 0.873 0.816 0.763 0.713 $252 224 198 174 152 1000

B. Very slow depreciation 1 2 3 4 5 $1,0(0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 1000 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 1070 0.935 0.873 0.816 0.763 0.713 65 61 57 54 763 1000

C. Very fast depreciation 1 2 3 4 5 $1,000 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 1070 0 0 0 0 0.953 0.873 0.816 0.763 0.713 1000 0 0 0 0 1000

D. Sinking fund depreciation (sinking fund factor from interest table) 1 2 3 4 5 $1000 174 174 174 174 174 70 70 70 70 70 244 244 244 244 244 0.935 0.873 0.816 0.763 0.713 228 213 199 186 174 1000

Appendix FEconomic Studies


Federal Income Tax Federal income taxes are levied on taxable income as defined in applicable laws. The relationship of taxable income to revenue and to return on investment is illustrated by Figure F-2 (a) and (b). Since rate of return on a project is the ratio of income available from the project to the net (depreciated) investment in the project, income tax must be calculated on the same basis of income or return. Operating and Maintenance Expenses Operating and maintenance expenses are constituent parts of the total annual charge. As a general rule, operating and maintenance expenses cannot be expressed as a percent of the plant or unit of property investment since they do not vary directly with the investment cost. Expenses must be specifically estimated based on the individual project and must include applicable loadings as well as direct charges. In the comparison of alternate plans, costs common to the plans in the same year may be eliminated since their difference will be zero. Large nonrecurring expenses must be evaluated on a present worth basis in the year of their occurrence. Gross Earnings Tax Some states (e.g., New York) levy taxes which are based on gross revenues. In evaluating alternate plans, the variation in this charge among plans will not affect the relative conclusions, and its consideration may be omitted unless total revenue requirements are desired.

BROAD ANNUAL CHARGE For a complete study, it is necessary to evaluate the annual charges as discussed above applicable to a particular project. For many comparisons, enough accuracy can be obtained by using a more practical method employing broad annual charges. When the average service life exceeds 25 years, a broad annual charge of 15% of original investment may be used as a rough estimate of all charges exclusive of operating and maintenance expenses and gross earnings taxes. Figure F-1 shows the variation in total annual charge with service life and indicates the approximate basis for the 15% value. This overall charge of 15% of original investment should not be


Power Transmission and Distribution

Figure F-2

Appendix FEconomic Studies


applied to projects with a service life of less than 25 years. The annual charges on projects with a service life of less than 25 years increase rapidly as service life shortens, as shown in Figure F-1. For such projects, a value determined from the upper curve of Figure F1 for the service life of the particular project will provide a reasonable first approximation of the annual charge.

TIME VALUE OF MONEY Earning Power Money has earning power. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar a year from now because of this earning power available through investment. The precise value of todays dollar in the future will depend upon the rate of interest earned on the invested dollar. Thus, one dollar today, invested at a 7% interest rate, will be worth $1.07 one year in the future. Conversely, $1.07 available a year from now has a present worth of $1.00. By using this concept, that money has an increasing value over a period of time, any expenditure in the future may be expressed in its equivalent present worth today. This principle is used to convert expenditures made at varying times to an equivalent value at any one given instant. Conversions Such conversions may be made by converting values to: 1. 2. 3. Present worth-the value today. Future worth-value at any specified time in the future. Annuity-a uniform series of payments over a period of time.

The result of spending capital money is a series of annual charges extending over the service life of the property in which the capital is invested. Some of these annual charges will be uniform every year and may be considered an annuity. Other annual charges will vary from year to year resulting in a nonuniform series; these can be converted to a uniform series. Conversion factors at 7% interest for all these manipulations are provided in Table F-3. There are a number of different ways of developing the conversion


Power Transmission and Distribution

factors. The convention used in Table F-3 is that annuity payments and future worth values are evaluated at the end of periods (years) and present worth values are evaluated at the beginning of periods. Developed in this way, Table F-3 is in its most directly usable form since all payments are assumed to be made at the end of a year (December 3 1) throughout this study.

EXAMPLES Eight conversions cover all cases and are summarized and illustrated in the following examples and worth-time diagrams.* F-1. Present worth to future worth (single amount at any date to single amount at any subsequent date) You have just won $5,000, tax free. How much money will you have at the end of 10 years, if you invest it at 7% compounded annually? Solution: See Figure F-3 (a). The $5,000 is a present worth, the value 10 years hence is a future worth. The future worth is obtained by multiplying the present worth by the conversion factor Present Worth to Future Worth for 10 years from Table F-3. Future worth in 10 years = $5,000 1.967 = $9,835 EXAMPLE F-2. Future worth to present worth (single amount at any date to single amount at any previous date) You have estimated that 10 years from now the unpaid mortgage on your house will be $9,835. How much money do you have to invest today at 7% interest to just accumulate $9,83 5 in 10 years? Solution. The $9,835 is a future worth; the present worth of that amount is desired. From Table F-3, the conversion factor is 0.5083:
*Courtesy Long Island Lighting Co.

Appendix FEconomic Studies


Table F-3. Compound Interest Table i= 7%

Lumpsum Future Present worth to worth to present future worth, worth, 1 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (1 + i)n 1.070 1.145 1.225 1.311 1.403 1.501 1.606 1.718 1.838 1.967 2.105 2.252 2.410 2.579 2.759 2.952 3.159 3.380 3.617 3.870 4.141 4.430 4.741 5.072 5.427 5.807 6.214 6.649 7.114 7.612 (1 + i)n 0.9346 0.8734 0.8163 0.7629 0.7130 0.6663 0.6227 0.5820 0.5439 0.5083 0.4751 0.4440 0.4150 0.3878 0.3624 0.3387 0.3166 0.2959 0.2765 0.2584 0.2415 0.2257 0.2109 0.1971 0.1842 0.1722 0.1609 0.1504 0.1406 0.1314

Annuity to future worth (1 + i)n 1 i 1.000 2.070 3.215 4.440 5.751 7.153 8.654 10.260 11.978 13.816 15.784 17.888 20.1.11 22.550 25.129 27.888 30.840 33.999 37.379 40.995 44.865 49.006 53.436 58.177 63.249 68.676 74.484 80.698 87.347 94.461 Future worth to annuity i Annuity to present worth (1 + i)n 1 Present worth to annuity i(1 + i)n

Uniform annual series

(1 + i)n 1

i(1 + i)n (1 + i)n 1

1.00000 0.48309 0.31105 0.22523 0.17389 0.13980 0.11555 0.09747 0.083.19 0.07238 0.06336 0.05590 0.04965 0.04134 0.03979 0.03586 0.03243 0.02941 0.02675 0.02439 0.02229 0.02041 0.01871 0.01719 0.01581 0.01456 0.01343 0.01239 0.01145 0.01059 0.935 1.808 2.624 3.387 4.100 4.767 5.389 5.971 6.515 7.024 7.499 7.943 8.358 8.745 9.108 9.447 9.763 10.059 10.336 10.594 10.836 11.061 11.272 11.469 11.654 11.826 11.987 12.137 12.278 12.409 1.07000 0.55309 0.38105 0.29523 0.24389 0.20980 0.18555 0.16747 0.15319 0.11238 0.13336 0.12590 0.11965 0.11434 0.10979 0.10586 0.10243 0.09941 0.09675 0.09139 0.09229 0.09041 0.08871 0.08719 0.08581 0.08456 0.08313 0.08239 0.08115 0.08059


Power Transmission and Distribution Present worth = $9,835 0.5083 = $5,000 This is the reverse of Example F-1. The conversion factor for future worth to present worth is simply the reciprocal of the present worth to future worth factor. The worth-time-diagram is the same as for Example F-1. EXAMPLE F-3. Annuity to future worth (annuity over any period to single amount at end of period) You plan to save $500 of your earnings each year for the next 10 years. How much money will you have at the end of the 10th year if you invest your savings at 7% per year?

Figure F-3. (a) Illustrating Present Worth to Future Worth. (b) Illustrating Annuity to Future Worth. (c) Illustrating Future Worth to Annuity. (d) Illustrating Present Worth to Annuity. (e) Illustrating Nonuniform Expense. (f) Illustrating Uniform Annual Charge. (g) Illustrating Present Worth, Years Hence vs Today.

Appendix FEconomic Studies


Solution. The $500 each year is an annuity since it is a uniform amount each year. You wish to know the future worth. From Table F-3, the annuity to future worth factor, 10 years, is 13.816: Future worth of the annuity = $500 13.816 = $6,908 Note from Figure F-3 (b) that annuity payments are assumed to be made at the end of each time period. The conversion factor evaluates future worth at the same time that the last annuity payment is made. EXAMPLE F-4. Future worth to annuity (single amount at any given date to annuity over any previous period ending at the given date) If the unpaid mortgage on your house in 10 years will be $9,835, how much money do you have to invest annually at 7% interest to have just this amount on hand at the end of the 10th year? Solution. See Figure F-3 (c). The $9,835 is a future worth; the uniform amount (annuity to set aside annually) is desired. From Table F-3, the future worth to annuity factor, 10 years, is 0.07238: Annuity = $9,835 0.07328 = $712 EXAMPLE F-5. Present worth to annuity (single amount at any given date) You hold an endowment type insurance policy which will pay you a lump sum of $20,000 when you reach age 65. If you invest this money at 7% interest, how much money can you withdraw from your account each year so that at the end of 10 years, there will be nothing left? Solution. See Figure F-3 (d). The $20,000 can be considered the present worth at the end of the 10th year. From Table F-3, the present worth to annuity factor, 10 years, is 0. 1423 8:


Power Transmission and Distribution Annuity which may be withdrawn for 10 years = S 20,000 0.14238 = $2,848 Note that direct use of the conversion factor assumes the first withdrawal to take place one period after the lump sum of $20,000 is received. EXAMPLE F-6. Annuity to present worth (annuity over any period to single amount at start of the period) You have estimated that for the first 10 years after you retire you will require an annual income of $2,848. How much money must you have invested at 7% at age 65 to realize just this annual income? Solution. The present worth of an annuity for 10 years is desired. From Table F-3, the annuity to present worth factor, 10 years, is 7.024: Present worth = $2,848 7.024 = $20,000 The worth-time diagram is the same as for Example F-5. EXAMPLE F-7. Present worth nonuniform expenses to equivalent uniform annual charge The maintenance expenses for the next 10 years on a piece of equipment are estimated as follows: Year 3 5 8 10 Amount $1,000 1,500 2,300 2,500

What is the present worth of these expenses? What is the uniform annual payment for 10 years equivalent to this nonuniform series? What does this mean?

Appendix FEconomic Studies


Solution. See Figure F-3 (e). The expense amounts are future worths in the year indicated. The present worth is desired. Future worth to present worth factors from Table F-3: Factor future worth Present Year Amount to present worth worth 3 $1,000 0.8163 $ 816 5 1,500 0.7130 1,070 8 2,300 0.5820 1,339 10 2,500 0.5083 1,271 Total $4,496 The total present worth of these nonuniform series of expenses is $4,496. The equivalent uniform annual series is obtained by applying the present worth to annuity factor for 10 years to the present worth. From Table F-3, present worth to annuity factor, 10 years, is 0. 1423 8: Equivalent uniform annual charge = $4,496 0.14238 = $640 (See Figure F-3 (f). This means that if you had $4,496 and invested it at 7%, you could withdraw the required amounts to meet exactly either the nonuniform series of expenses or pay out an equivalent amount of $640. EXAMPLE F-8. Present worth some years hence to present worth today Assume the expenses given in Example F-7 were to be associated with a piece of equipment to be installed 5 years from now. What is the present worth of the nonuniform expenses in that case? Solution. See Figure F-3 (g). The present worth previously obtained was the present worth for the expenses incurred in the 10 years following installation of the project. This is a present worth 5 years from now. In terms of todays present worth, it is a future worth 5


Power Transmission and Distribution years away. The present worth today is obtained simply by converting the future worth in 5 years to a present worth. From Table F-3, the future worth to present worth factor, 5 years, is 0.7130: Present worth today = $4,496 0.7130 = $3,206

PROCEDURE FOR ECONOMIC STUDIES The procedures for commencing an Economic Study may be laid out in a sequence of steps: 1. The facts concerning the different plans that could be used to meet the requirements of the problem should be set down. The plans should be made as comparable as possible. The capital expenditures which will be incurred under each of the plans and the timing of these expenditures should be determined. The amounts and timing of operating and maintenance expenses must be estimated; allocations of cost to capital and expense must be adhered to. A study period must be selected during which the revenue requirements incurred by the plans will be evaluated. In economic studies, it is seldom possible to find a study period which will precisely reflect the timing inherent in each of the plans under study. It will often be helpful to draw a diagram of the timing of capital and expense dollars for each of the plans in determining the study period. The study period chosen must be one determined on the basis of judgment. In every case, it must be sufficiently long to approximate the overall effects, over a long period of time, of the money reasonably to be spent for both capital and operating expenses. The annual charges resulting from the capital expenditures in each phase must be calculated if broad annual charges cannot be applied. In considering alternate plans, items common to the several plans may be omitted from the calculations. The effect of temporary installations, salvage, and of the removal of equipment which




Appendix FEconomic Studies


can be used elsewhere on the system must be taken into account. 5. When annual revenue requirements are nonuniform, the present worth of the revenue requirements for each plan must be calculated. The most economical plan will have the lowest present worth of revenue requirements. In the case where annual revenue requirements are uniform throughout the study period, the plan with the lowest annual requirements will be the most economical. The comparison of the economic differences among the plans may be made on the dollar differences among the present worths of the revenue requirements. If percentage difference is considered, the dollar differences may be misleading as, in conducting the study, charges which are the same in the several plans are generally omitted; this will distort the base upon which a percentage difference is derived. A recommendation of the most advantageous plan must be made. The plan with the minimum revenue requirements would be recommended from an economic point of view. Other considerations may indicate the recommendation of one of the other plans despite higher revenue requirements.



CONCLUSION Economic studies constitute perhaps the most important ingredient in the implementation of a project. In sum, the consideration of any undertaking must answer satisfactorily three basic requirements or questions: 1. 2. 3. Why do it at all? Why do it now? Why do it this way?

The answers to these questions can, in large part, be supplied by the results of economic studies.

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Appendix GThe Grid Coordinate System


Appendix G

The Grid Coordinate System: Tying Maps to Computers*

Anthony J. Pansini, E.E., P.E.

INTRODUCTION The grid coordinate system is the key that ties together two important tools, maps and computers. Maps are a necessity for the better operation of many enterprises, especially of utility systems. Their effectiveness can be increased many fold by adding to their information data contained in other files. Much of the latter data are now organized and stored in computer-oriented files-on punched cards and on magnetic tapes, drums, disks, and cells. Generally, these data can be retrieved almost instantly by CRTs (cathode ray tubes) or printouts. The link that makes the correlation of data contained on the maps and in the files practical is the grid coordinate system. Essentially, the grid coordinate system divides any particular area served into any number of small areas in a grid pattern. By superimposing on a map a system of grid lines, and assigning numbers to each of the vertical and horizontal spacings, it is possible to define any of the small areas by two simple numbers. These numbers are not selected at random, but have some meaning. Like any graph, these two coordinates represent measurements from a reference point; in this respect they are similar to navigations latitude and longitude measurements. Further subdivision of the basic grid areas into a series of smaller grids is possible, each having a decimal relation with the previous one
*Reprinted (with modifications) from Consulting Engineer, January 1975, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 51-55. by Technical Publishing, a company of the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, 1975. All rights reserved.



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(i.e., by dividing each horizontal and vertical space into tenths, each resultant area will be one-hundredth of the area considered). By using more detailed maps of smaller scale, it is possible to define smaller and smaller areas simply by carrying out the coordinate numbers to further decimals. For practical purposes, each of these grid areas should measure perhaps not more than 25 ft by 25 ft (preferably less, say 10 ft by 10 ft) and should be identified by a numeral of some 6 to 12 digits. For example, by dividing by 10, an area of 1,000,000 ft by 1,000,000 ft (equivalent to some 190 miles square) can be divided into 10 smaller areas of 100,000 ft by 100,000 ft each, identified by two digits, one horizontal and one vertical. This smaller area can again be subdivided into 10 smaller areas of 10,000 ft by 10,000 ft each, identified by two more digits, or a total of four with reference to the basic 1,000,000-ft square area. Breaking down further into 1000- by 1000-ft squares and repeating the process allows these new grids to be identified by two more digits, or a total of six. Again dividing by 10 into units of 100 ft by 100 ft, and adding two more digits, produces a total of eight digits to identify this grid size. One more division produces grids of 10 ft by 10 ft and two more digits in the identifying number-for a total of 10 digits, not an excessive number to be handled for the grid size under consideration; see Figure G-1. This process may be carried further where applications requiring smaller areas are desirable; however, each further breakdown not only reduces the accuracy of the measurements, but also adds to the number of digits, which soon becomes unmanageable. Experience indicates that a comfortable system should contain 10 digits or fewer for normal usages. While the decimal relation has been mentioned, other relations can be used, such as sixths, eighths, etc., or combinations, such as eighths and tenths, and others. Standard References To give these numerals some actual physical or geographical significance, they may be tied in with existing local maps. U.S. Geological Survey maps, coast and geodetic survey maps, state plane coordinate systems, standard metropolitan statistical areas, or latitude and longitude bearings. They may also be tied in with maps independent of all of these. While reference to state and federal government systems ]ends

Appendix GThe Grid Coordinate System


Figure G-1. Development of Grid Coordinate System


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some geographical significance, it produces identifying grid numbers with several additional digits. It is not necessary for any grid coordinate system to have this reference to a government system, but if it is desired, it is a relatively simple procedure to develop a computerized look-up program that can translate such coordinates. Basic grid coordinate maps may be developed from the conversion of existing maps to a usable scale, if such maps are reasonably accurate and complete, both as to their geography and content. They may also be developed from exact land surveys, from aerial surveys, or from combinations of all of these. Excellent maps are also available for most of the country. U.S. Geological Survey maps show latitude and longitude lines every few miles; they also show numerous triangulation stations with the latitude and longitude for each station determined to an extreme degree of accuracy. Further, detail maps are available for practically every city and township, showing streets, houses, and lots. Despite the fine degree of accuracy of these maps, minor inaccuracies and discrepancies are bound to occur. Earths Curvature. Errors occur in mapping the earths curved surface on a flat map; see Figure G-2. For example, in the case of the approximate 190-mi square mentioned previously, in the continental United States, the error introduced by this curvature, measuring from the center (95 mi in the longitudinal, or north-south direction) would probably not exceed 2 percent, a tolerable error. These errors need not be of great import, except in establishing match lines between maps. No gaps or overlaps should appear between adjacent maps, or between property or lot lines within a map. Tolerances of a few percent ordinarily are acceptable.

GRID COORDINATE MAPS A grid coordinate map system should meet the following requirements: 1. It should include a simple and easily understood system of numerals for locating the data under consideration (numerals only; the x and y coordinates).

Appendix GThe Grid Coordinate System


Figure G-2. Error Introduced in Grid Coordinate System By Earth Curvature


The grid areas should be small enough to be consistent with the purposes for which they are to be used (25 ft or less). The number of digits in the grid number should be held to a practical number so as not to become cumbersome and unwieldy (normally not more than about 10). It should be designed to allow for expansion so that it will not have to be radically revised if unforeseeable expansion should occur. It must provide reasonable accuracy (tolerances of a few percent), and it may or may not be tied in with some government or other established coordinate system. Map sizes should be manageable (say, 24- or 36-in. square).





382 7.

Power Transmission and Distribution Maps of different scales should be included in the system to accommodate different kinds of data (for circuit data, say 1000 or 500 ft; for details of facilities, say, 100 ft for overhead and 50 or 25 ft for underground). A key map must show the entire grid area. Optional is a grid atlas showing street locations with grid overlay.

8. 9.

In attempting to design a grid coordinate system for a very large area, it may be difficult to meet these requirements. In such instances it may be desirable and practical to divide the entire area into two or more convenient districts, establishing a separate grid coordinate system in each district and tying the separate systems together with match lines at the borders. A prefix letter or number may be used to identify districts, though this may not prove necessary in actual operation. The size of individual maps should be large enough to encompass an area suitable for the purpose but small enough not to be unwieldy; sizes 24- or 26-in. square have proven practical. Maps of different scales are used for different purposes; for example, a 50- or 100-ft scale is used for dense or crowded areas; 300- or 500-ft for less dense or rural areas; and 500- or 1000-ft or even larger for district or overall area viewing. The series of scales used should be such that the larger-scale maps fit into those of smaller scale completely and evenly. Match lines of each sheet should fall on corresponding match lines of adjacent sheets. The grid pattern applicable to each of the several scale maps may be printed directly on each map as light background lines, perhaps even in a different color, or printed on the back of the maps when they are reproduced. Alternately, a grid overlay can be applied to each map to be used when it is necessary to determine a grid coordinate for an item on the map. The actual grid number need not be printed on every item on every map unless desired. Such numbers assigned to key locations on each map normally suffice; the others may be determined from the grid background or overlay. To maintain their permanence and to minimize distortion from expansion and contraction because of changing humidity and temperature, the maps should be printed on a material such as Mylar, a translucent polyesterbase plastic film; this is especially true of the base maps from which others of different scales and purposes are derived.

Appendix GThe Grid Coordinate System


As much as practical, the data on the maps should be uncluttered and as legible as possible. It may be desirable in some instances to provide two or more maps (of the same scale) for several purposes; marks for coordinating these several maps, should it be necessary, may be included on each of the maps. Maps may be further uncluttered by deliberately removing as much of the information on them as appears desirable and practical and consigning such information to files readily accessible by computer. In many instances, this information already is included or duplicated in such files, but may need to be labeled with the appropriate grid coordinate number. The use of CRTs and printouts makes this information available at will. Application of Grid Coordinate Numbers The grid coordinate number may be applied to each item of information contained in the computer-operated files by location. This may be done in several ways: manually, by machine, or a combination of the two. The manual method is to superimpose or overlay the grid pattern on existing maps and manually assign numbers to each item to be processed. As mentioned previously, the grid pattern may be transferred to the master or original maps, and reproduced (or microfilmed) on the maps for the user; here numbers can be assigned directly from the map. The machine method of grid number assignment employs an electronic scanning device called a digitizer. This machine includes a drafting table for map display and a cursor or pointer. The postal address and other fixed data are inserted on a punch card. For a particular map, the grid numbers of the map are set on the digitizer console. The digitizer assigns the x and y coordinates when the cursor is placed on a selected point and activated. These data are fed to a keypunch, which produces a punched card. In this method of producing the grid coordinate numbers, the digitizer enables additional refinement to be achieved, producing additional decimal numbers for the x and y coordinates. Hence, the ultimate grid area that can be measured can be one-tenth or one-hundredth, etc., of the basic unit area (1 by 1 ft, or 0. 1 ft by 0. 1 ft, for a 10by 10-ft base area). When numbers are assigned manually from maps, this degree of accuracy is not possible, nor is it necessary if the principal purpose of the grid coordinate system is to identify an item rather than a precise


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point. While the actual accuracy of such additional digits can be questioned, they provide a method of further subdividing a map for closer location of an item, but more important, they make possible a system of automatic mapping using the computer. The grid coordinate number corresponding to the location of an item in question is added to its record and now becomes its computer address. In assigning these numbers to existing files, the digitizer generally can property identify the location from a suitable map. As a practical matter, however, there will be some locations or descriptions that cannot be identified using the digitizer, and these may require manual processing and actual checking in the field; fortunately these usually constitute only a small percentage of the total records. In the maintenance of such files, the grid coordinate numbers associated with changes in, or with the introduction of new items into, the records can be assigned manually by the originator of the record.

COORDINATE DATA HANDLING As implied earlier, the grid coordinate system provides an easy and simple but, more important, a very rapid means of obtaining data from files through the use of the computer. In some respects, it assigns addresses to data in the same way as the ZIP code system in use by the postal service. The manner in which the grid number may be used is illustrated in the following examples; for convenience they refer to electric utility systems, although obviously they apply equally well to other endeavors employing maps and records. Data contained on maps and records generally apply to the consumers served and the facilities installed to serve them. While maps depict (by area) the geographic and functional (electrical) interrelationship between these several components, the records supply a continuing history (by location) of each component item (consumers and facilities). In the case of consumers, such data may include, in addition to the grid coordinate number, the name and post office address. Also a history of electric consumption (and demand where applicable), billing, and other pertinent data over a continuing period, usually 18 or 24 months. There may also be data on the consumers major appliances; also the data and work order number of original connection and subsequent changes. The grid coordinate number of the transformer from which the

Appendix GThe Grid Coordinate System


consumer is supplied is included, as well as that for the pole or underground facility from which the service to the consumer is taken. Sometimes interruption data may be included. Other data may include telephone number, tax district, access details, hazards (including animals), dates of connection or reconnection, insurance claims, casements, meter data, meter reading route, test data, credit rating, and other pertinent information. Only a small portion of these data are shown on maps, usually in the form of symbols or code letters and numerals. In the case of facilities, such data may include, in addition to the grid coordinate number, location information, size and kind of facility (e.g., pole, wire, transformer, etc.), date installed or changed, repairs or replacements made (including reason therefor, usually coded), original cost, work order numbers, crew or personnel doing work, construction standard reference, accident reports, insurance claims, operating record, test data, tax district, and other pertinent information. Similarly, only a small portion of these data are shown on maps, usually in the form of symbols or code letters and numerals. Data from other sources also may be filed by grid number for correlation with consumer and facility information for a variety of purposes. Such data may include government census data; police records of crime, accidents, and vandalism; fire and health records; pollution measurements; public planning; construction and rehabilitation plans; zoning restrictions; rights-of-way and easement locations; legal data; plat and survey data; tax district; and much other information that may affect or be useful in carrying out utility operations. Obviously, all these data, whether pertaining to the consumer or to the utilitys facilities, are not necessarily contained on one map or in one record only; indeed, there may be several maps and records involved, each containing certain amounts of specialized or functionally related data. All, however, may be correlated through the grid coordinate system. Data Retrieval Data contained in the files may be retrieved by means of the computer and may be presented visually by means of CRTs for one-time instant use, or by printouts and automatic plotting for repeated use over time. Data presented may be the exact original data as contained in one or more files, or extracted data obtained as a result of correlating data residing in one or more files, or a combination of both; such extracted data may or may not be retained in separate files for future use.


Power Transmission and Distribution

These data may be retrieved for an individual consumer or an individual item of plant facilities, or may be other data for a particular area, small or large. The various specific purposes determine what data are to be retrieved and how they are to be presented. They also determine the programs and equipment required. Data thus retrieved then are used with data contained on the map to help in forming the decisions required. The decisions may include new data that can be reentered in the files as updating material, that can be plotted or printed for exhibit purposes, or that can be reentered on maps for updating or expanding the material thereon; all of these may be done by means of the computer. The grid coordinate number is applied to utility facilities for case of location and positive identification in the field. In the case of electric utilities, these may include services, meters, poles, towers, manholes, pull boxes, transformers, transformer enclosures, switches, disconnects, fuses, lightning arresters, capacitors, regulators, boosters, streetlights, air pollution analyzers, and other equipment and apparatus; also the location of laterals on transmission and distribution circuits.

OTHER APPLICATIONS Similarly, for gas utilities, the applications of grid coordinate numbers may include mains, services, meters, regulators, valves, sumps, test pits, and other equipment; also the location of boosters, laterals, and nodes on the gas systems. For water systems, they may include mains, services, meters, valves, dams, weirs, pumps, irrigation channels, and other facilities. For telephone and telegraph communication systems, including CATV circuits, they may include mains, services, terminals, repeaters, microwave reflectors, and other items including poles, manholes, and special items. Grid coordinate numbers also may find application in many other lines of endeavor: highway systems, railway systems, oil fields, social surveys (police, health, income, population distribution, etc.), market surveys (banks and industries), municipal planning and land use studies, nonclassical archeology, geophysical studies, and others where such means of location identification may prove practical. The use of grid coordinates facilitates positive identification in the field; the numbers are posted systematically on facilities, such as streetlight or traffic standards, poles, and structures, and at corners or

Appendix GThe Grid Coordinate System


other prominent locations. An atlas, consisting of a grid overlay on a geographical map, aids the field forces in locating consumers and plant facilities and provides a common basis for communication between office and field operating personnel. The grid pattern permits the classical manipulation of data by individual grid sections or areas comprising several grid sections. In addition to the sample presentation of such data by means of CRT displays and typed printouts, data may be presented in the form of plotting in various graphical forms, in patterns indicating the distribution of data, the density of particular data, the accumulation of data within fixed boundaries, the determination of area boundaries for predetermined data content (the analysis of data within a given polygon), the calculation of lengths and distances between grid locations, and the mapping of facilities in acceptable detail-and all of these operations may be performed automatically by means of the computer. Further, summaries and analyses employing the grid coordinate system may be more readily made and are susceptible to combination and consolidation, resulting in perhaps fewer and more comprehensive reports (eliminating the duplication of much needless data and the presentation of more complete and meaningful conclusions in one place). In all of the foregoing discussion, the point must be made that all of the handling of data using the grid system may also be accomplished without the use of the grid system. It is apparent, however, that this latter method will in the vast majority of cases employ more effort in terms of work hours and will be more time-consuming, so as to render many applications impractical, even though their desirability may be great; in short, the grid coordinate system enhances the economics of data handling.

ECONOMICS It is not to be denied that the introduction of the grid coordinate system will impose additional cost to the maps and records function. It is also evident that these costs will be offset by the decreased personnel requirements in the processing of data derived from the maps and records, especially when the computer may be made to take up a large part of this burden. Moreover, more refinement and a wider scope in


Power Transmission and Distribution

processing of data are attainable. The cost of implementing a grid coordinate system can be evaluated fairly accurately. Many factors will influence the final determination; these include the area of the system involved, the number of consumers and facilities, the condition of the basic and auxiliary maps and records, the number and scope of the applications desired, the extent of automation, and many other factors. A very approximate estimate may average perhaps about one days revenue per consumer. Practical considerations associated with implementation may well dictate a period of several years, perhaps 5 years or even more, over which the expenditure will have to be made to accomplish the desired goals. The offsetting savings from the introduction of a grid coordinate system, including those derived from the additional Worth of the wider utilization, are difficult to pinpoint. It should be observed that while it is probable that a single application will not justify the adoption of the grid coordinate system, except in some unusual or special set of circumstances, it is also probable that the multiplicity of practical applications indicated will justify the relatively modest expenditure necessary for the conversion of present maps and records to the grid coordinate system. The personnel requirements necessary to implement a grid coordinate system over a reasonable (short-term) period of time must be viewed together with the overall probable lessened longer-term in-house requirements. Since such a conversion is a one-time operation, it recommends itself admirably to the classical use of contractors having the special skills and experience. Further, such outside services are not apt to be diverted by crisis incidents prevalent in many enterprises. One final observation. With the national consensus apparently pointing to an ultimate metric system for the United States to conform with world standards, the adoption of a grid coordinate system provides an excellent opportunity for its introduction with a minimum of conversion effort. With the advent of the computer, it was inevitable that the grid coordinate system should be developed to provide a simple means of addressing the computer. The grid number provides the link between the map and the vast amount of data managed by the computer. This happy marriage of two powerful tools results not only in better operations but in improved economy as well. It is a must in the modernization of operations in many enterprises and especially in utility systems.

Appendix HUnited States and Metric Relationships


Appendix H

United States and Metric Relationships



Power Transmission and Distribution



A A frames 169 a-c circuit 149 access roads 174 ACSR 206, 207 aeolian vibrations 204 air break 68 air circuit breakers 68, 70 air gap 74, 79 air switches 121 air-break switch 85 alternating current 2, 3, 17, 149 circuits 9 alternating magnetic fields 33 aluminum 198, 204, 248, 261 clad 199 conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) 199 conductors 202, 243 poles 167 sleeve 214 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 155 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 155 American Standards Association (ASA) 155 anchors 182, 187, 188 types of 188 annual charges 20, 27 apparent power 10 arc 69 arc-proofing 248 armless construction 180 armor rods 204 arrester 79 ASA 163, 164 autotransformers 72 connection 58 average demand 8, 9, 277 B balance factor 11 barriers 121 basic insulation level (BIL) 76, 80, 122 batteries 265 BIL 94 blackouts xi, 65, 119, 264 Blondels Theorem 272 booster-bucker 31, 32 boosters 26 breaker 63 broken conductors 167 brownout 264 bus arrangement 85, 118 bus protection 138 bushings 47 bypasses 124 C cables 16, 25, 30, 100, 214, 243, 249 buried in the ground 253 extra high voltage 260 hollow core 253, 254, 255, 260 pipe 255 transmission 253 capacitance 4, 25, 34, 100 capacitive reactances 149 capacitors 26, 33, 34, 35, 68, 80, 82


392 carrier channels 141 carrier pilot protection 142 carrier systems 145 cascading 14, 64 effect 265 catenaries 192 Cerchi 3 charging current 18, 20, 100, 101, 107, 108 Chicago 16 chimney 225 circle and loss diagrams 108 circle diagram 109, 110, 115, 116 for long lines 114 circuit breakers 5, 20, 63, 65, 66, 68, 75, 85, 93, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 137, 139, 141, 265 circuits alternating current 4 direct current 4 circular mils 27 circulating currents 150 clamps 186 clearances 88, 278 clearing of trees 174 Cleveland 16 clips 186 closed loop 63, 131 Code 124 cogeneration xiii, 2, 271, 268, 276 cogenerator 269 coincidence or diversity factor 11 commercial 5 completely self-protected (CSP) 217 compression type connectors 207 concrete poles 163 conductors 3, 5, 6, 7, 14, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 99, 168, 187, 192, 214

Power Transmission and Distribution aluminum 198 copper 198 galloping or dancing 204 length of 195 materials 198 steel 198 steel reinforced 202 connected load 6, 7 connectors and splices 206 constructed in the field 225 consumers 5, 13, 14 characteristics 4 consumption 5, 6, 8 contact-making voltmeter 72 conversion of primary circuits to higher voltages 85 copper 198, 248 clad 199 conductor 243 sleeve 214 corona 100, 127, 203, 253 corrosion 215, 220, 255 counterpoise 169, 172 cover design 241 crib bracing 182 cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) 214 crossarms 175, 177, 179, 180, 182, 186 cryogenic conductor 261 cryogenics 261 current 9 current limiting fuses 129 current transformers 82, 142 D d-c circuit 149 d-c transmission line 150 dampers 204

Index dancing conductors 167, 204 dead loads 231 dead-front transformers 217 delta 47 connection 44 making 54 open 57 voltage 44 delta-Y connection 53 delta-delta connection 50 demand control 265, 266, 273, 274 demand factor 7, 8 demand meters 266 depth of setting 163 deregulation xi, xii Detroit 16 differential relay 138, 141, 142 direct burial 211 direct current 10, 16, 149, 261 systems 17 transmission xiii directional relays 142 disconnecting pothead 250 disconnecting switches 68, 81 disconnects 81 distance relay 141 distributed capacitance 101 distributed generation xiii, 271 distribution 3, 4 circuits 8 substations 66, 67, 68, 91, 131 system 7, 13, 14, 88 transformer 128 diversity 264 factor 7, 8, 11 domino effect 168, 183 double arms 177, 179 double pins 180 drainage 226

393 drop in voltage 5 duct and manhole systems 222 ducts 27, 211, 223 or conduits 247 duplicate supply 213 dynamometers 255 E e-mail 273 economic considerations 279 economic design 3 Edison 1 elastic limit 205, 206 electrolysis 220 electrolytic action 215, 255 electromagnetic 127 electromechanical induction 135 electronic relaying 127, 263 electronic systems 263 electronic type 133 electronically operated relays 147 electrostatic fields 149 electrostatic shield 214 electrostatic stresses 260 energy consumption 277 energy loss 5, 20, 26, 29, 36 environmental considerations 278 equivalent hours 9 equivalent spacing 99 ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) 214 expanding anchors 188 eye bolts 186 F fails safe 145 fault current 18, 127, 128, 141, 147 calculation 147 fences 210

394 Ferraris, Galileo 3 fiber optic 127 fireproofing 248 flashover 79, 205 flicker 24 floor design 241 frames 241 freezing an oil slug 260 fuel cells 271 fused cutout 128 fuses 17, 18, 75, 83, 127, 129 G galloping 205 conductors 167, 204 galvanic action 220 gas 260 turbines 271 Gaullard, Lucien 2 generation 4 generators 63 geometric mean distance (GMD) 100 geothermal 271 Gibbs, John 2 Great Barrington 3 grid 15, 66, 91, 99, 118, 122 coordinate system 274 ground level pads 217 ground or shield wire 168 ground relay 146, 147 ground resistance 169, 172 grounds 18, 127, 149, 218 guying 168, 174 guys 178, 182, 186, 187 H H frames 169 hard drawn 198

Power Transmission and Distribution copper 206 heat 6 helicopters 174, 279 high molecular 214 high-density track resistant polyethylene (HDPE) 214 hollow core 254 horizontal loading 157 hot spots 255 I I = phase 10 I2R losses 96, 265, 266, 268 ice and wind 187 loads 183 ice loadings 157 ideal rate 275 impedance 4, 15, 38, 141 relays 141 incoming circuits 118 inductance 4, 34, 133 induction motor 2 induction type relays 147 inductive 149 reactance 33 industrial 5 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 155 instrument transformers 80, 81, 82 insulation 3, 6, 77, 149, 199, 243 coordination 77 insulators 168, 181 pin type 181 post type 181 spool type 182 strain or ball type 182 suspension or strain type 182 internet 273 interruptible load 267

Index inverse definite minimum time 135 inverse-time 135 overcurrent relay 134 J joint 248 joint construction 207, 208 joints 255 or splices 248 K Kelvins Law 4, 20, 27, 97, 279 kilovolt-amperes 10 L laterals 30, 32, 129 lead sheathing 253 leased telephone wire 127 length of insulator string 167 lightning 99, 140 and surge arresters 74, 218 limiters 18, 129 line 168 losses 100 line-drop compensator 72 liquefied gas 260 liquid helium 261 liquid nitrogen 260 live loads 239 load cycling 267 load factor 8, 9, 265, 266 load management control 267 load monitoring 273 load shedding 263 location 26 lock out 130 long spans 167 long transmission lines 101

395 loop circuits xi, 26, 213 loop primary circuits 63 loop systems 91 loops open or closed 91 loss 3, 4, 6, 10, 23, 100, 106, 108 diagram 116 factor 8 low voltage networks 129 M magnetic 149 fields 175 main buses 93 manhole 27, 211, 225, 248, 249, 253 constructed in the field 227 design loading of 231 field-poured 239 live load criteria 231 precast 239 prefabricated 227 transformer 242 maximum demand 7, 8, 11, 13, 265 measuring instruments 68 medium hard drawn 198 metal poles 167 meters 82, 273 microphones 277 microwave 146 pilot channels 141 pilot protection 145 relay stations. 146 relaying 142 miniaturization 263 modulus of elasticity 206 motors 10, 17 multiconductor cables 247

396 N National Electric Safety Code (NESC) 88, 155, 156, 162, 163, 173, 208, 209, 223, 278 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 155 neoprene 214 network 17, 91 protectors 17, 18, 265 neutral conductor 38, 39, 42, 43 New York City 1, 16 Niobium 261 nitrogen 253, 260 O Ohms Law 4, 5 oil 69, 260 oil or gas 253 under pressure 254 oil-impregnated paper 247, 253 open loop 63 primary feeders 131 open Y-open delta connection 57 outgoing circuit 118 overcurrent 133 overcurrent relays 20, 133, 135, 138, 139, 265 overhead 3, 15, 16 distribution 157 ground 149 lines 24, 155 P paper impregnated with oil 260 peak loads 7, 9, 265 peak suppression 265 peak units 268 peaks 277 Philadelphia 16

Power Transmission and Distribution photocells 277 pilot wire 127, 141, 142 protection 141 pins 179, 180 type 181 pipe line 255 pipe type 260 plates 186 plunger type 133 polarity 45, 46 of three-phase transformers 54 poles 27, 29, 30, 156, 157, 162, 173, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186 stability 163 polyethylene (HMWP) 214 polyethylene (PE) 199, 214 polyphase circuitry 2 polyphase primary systems 37, 38 polyvinylchloride (PVC) 199, 214 porcelain 181 post-type insulators 181 potential instrument transformers 56, 82, 132 potheads 250 power 5, 108 factor 9, 10, 34, 35, 51, 100, 110, 118, 264, 266, 271, 273, 277 factor correction 274 loss 14, 38, 40, 41, 42, 149, 261 transformers 68 prefabricated 225 pressure 5 primary 13, 16, 17, 18, 29, 30, 32, 91 circuits 213 feeders 14, 20, 95 lines 62 loop systems 64

Index mains 30 radial feeders 129 systems 26, 66, 131 voltage 29 procedures 210, 280 protective relays 68, 91 protective sheath 243 protector 129 pulling stresses 248 push braces 187 R racks 248 radial 91 primary 128 primary feeder 62 systems 91 -type primary 58 radio-controlled devices 266 rate schedules 274 rates 276 reactance 33, 34, 38, 100 reactive power 277 reactors 19, 37, 80, 83 real power 10 reclosers 62, 75, 129, 130 rectifiers 16, 150 redundant relaying 127 regulation 30, 100, 107 of transmission 107 regulators 26, 264 reinforced concrete 225, 228 relays 82, 127, 273 and meters 82 electromechanical 135 electronic 135, 137 induction 136 plunger induction 135 reliability 5, 120

397 remote meter reading 273 residential 5 resistance 4, 33, 34, 38 losses 108 resonance 37 restoration procedures 280 rights-of-way 124, 173, 174, 210 ring bus 93 risers 217, 249 rock anchors 188 roofs 239, 240 rotary converters 16 rubber 247 S saboteurs 124, 210 safety 89, 121, 271, 277 sag 30, 184, 187, 191, 198, 205, 208 for ACSR 199 of insulator string 167 Scott or T connection 58 screw anchors 188 secondary 13, 14, 17, 20, 24 bank 15, 16, 24 banking 14 mains 15, 17, 24, 25, 129 network 16, 17 low voltage 20 systems 26, 37 sectionalized open loop circuit 128 sectionalizing facilities 213 sectionalizing switches 63 self-protected (CSP) transformer 128 semi-stop joints 255, 260 sensors 210 September 11, 2001 xi series capacitors 37 series impedances 101

398 service boxes 224 sheath of lead 247 short circuit 18 current 18 duty 93, 137 short transmission 101 shunt capacitance 102 shunt capacitors 36, 101 shunt reactances 115 shunt reactors 36, 37 single conductor cables 247 single-phase circuits 38 single-phase regulator 72 single-phase system 38 single-phase transformer connections 46 skin effect 202, 255 soft drawn 198, 206 solar 271 solid insulation 124 solid type 253 solid-state 137 span length 168, 191, 198 span of insulator string 167 spans between different elevations 197 splice 248 spot networks 19, 20 stability 66, 128, 147 standard pole 209 standardization 279 star or Y connection 44, 47 steel armor 253 steel crossarms 179 steel poles 167 steel wire 199 stirrups 230 stop joints 255, 260 storage batteries 16, 68, 80, 83

Power Transmission and Distribution storm guys 183 stray currents 220 street lighting 68 equipment 83 stresses 176 structures 156 substations 16, 26, 29, 121, 140 subtransmission 1, 264 circuits 94, 140 feeders 91, 95, 96 lines 91 substations 91 sulfur hexafluoride 253, 260 superconductors 260, 261 surge arresters 29, 68, 74, 127, 128, 140 surge voltage 75 suspension 168 insulators 99 switches 5, 80, 273 air break 81 oil 81 switching 140, 263 surges 99 synchronize 64 system operator 119, 210, 271 T temperature 6, 268 temperature coefficient of expansion 206 tension 194 tensions and sag 187 thermal sands 255 thermocouples 277 thimbles 186 three-phase connections 57 three-phase polyphase system 42 three-phase primary to two-phase

Index secondary 57 three-phase regulator 72 three-phase systems 38 three-phase transformer connections 47 three-shot fuse 130 throat 225 throw-over 130 thyrite 150 ties 91, 213 time delay 135 timed overcurrent relays 141 tower dead-end 168 suspension 168 tower lines 124 towers 156, 167, 173 tracking 253 transducers 138, 277 transfer buses 93 transfer switches 72 transformer 2, 3, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 32, 45, 46, 66 transformer connections 45 transformer manholes 227, 242 transformer taps 31 transformer vaults 242 transformers 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 30, 138, 217 transmission 1, 3, 4, 124 and distribution 2 circuits 140 lines 94 substation 97, 264 arrangements 118 system 97 voltages 97, 99 transpositions of conductors 168 troughs 248

399 tube 248 two-phase polyphase system 40 two-phase systems 38 two-phase transformer connections 47 U underground 15 counterpoises 149 residential distribution (URD) 211 systems 25, 27, 30, 211 URD 214, 217 systems 214 use factor 9 V V frames 169 vacuum circuit breakers 70 varnished cambric 247 vault roofs 241 vaults 211, 237 vector representation 4 ventilation 242 vent volume requirements 243 vertical distribution 242 vertical loading 156, 157 voltage 3, 5, 9 selection of 97 voltage (IR) drop 261 and phase transformations 57 voltage drop 14, 25, 26, 29, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 107 reduction 264 regulation 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33, 100, 103 regulators 32, 68, 70, 264 voltage surge 24, 77, 140 volume 242

400 W wall designs 234 waterproof covering 255 watt-hour meters 277 watts 10 wave-form 150 weak link 128 weather-heads 250, 251 web reinforcement 230 wheel-barrowing 122 wheel-load 239

Power Transmission and Distribution wheeling 122 wind 271 wind loadings 157 wind pressure 160 wireless 127 system 145 Y Y-delta connection 50 Y-Y connection 50

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