Marine Engg

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SEMESTER V (Applicable to the students admitted from the Academic year 20082009 onwards) CODE NO. THEORY MV51 MV52 MV53 MV54 MV55 MV56 PRACTICAL MV57 MV58 MV59 HS510 COURSE TITLE Marine Auxiliary Machinery I Marine Diesel Engine II Stability of Ships Ship Construction Mechanics of Machines II Marine Boilers and Steam Engineering Computer Aided Marine Engineering Design Lab Electrical Engg., Electronics & Microprocessor Lab Measurement, Instrumentation & Refrigeration lab English Language Laboratory - Cumulative Skills - I L 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 T 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 3 C 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2

Note:- * This course and syllabi are prescribed as per directions of the Director General of Shipping, Government of India.


SEMESTER VI CODE NO. PRACTICAL MV61 COURSE TITLE Marine Workshop Practical and afloat training L T P C

8hrs per day 6 days a week, 26 weeks, 500 Marks. Seasonal Marks 200 Report + Viva 300



SEMESTER VII COURSE TITLE Marine System and Machinery design Marine Electrical Technology Marine Vehicles Performance Marine Auxiliary Machinery II Ships Fire Prevention and Control Elective I Elective II Fire Fighting, Controls and Simulator Lab Marine Propulsion and Auxiliary Machineries Overhauling Lab English Language Laboratory - Cumulative Skills - II SEMESTER VIII

L 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 0

T 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 3

C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2



COURSE TITLE Environmental Science and Engineering Ship Operational Management and IMO Requirements Marine Control Engineering and Automation Safety Precautions and Watch Keeping Elective III Elective IV Comprehension Test Project work, Technical Paper and Viva Voce

L 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 12

C 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 6



ELECTIVES VII SEMESTER ELECTIVES I CODE NO. GE71 GE606 COURSE TITLE Total Quality Management Professional Ethics In Engineering L 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3

MV701 MV702

Double Hull Tankers Maritime Economics & Insurance

ELECTIVES II CODE NO. MV 703 MV 704 MV 705 MV 706 COURSE TITLE Finite Element Techniques Advanced Marine Heat Engines Renewable Energy sources and Applications Ship safety and environmental protection L 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3

VIII SEMESTER ELECTIVES III CODE NO. COURSE TITLE MV 801 Ship Recycling MV 802 Marine corrosion and prevention MV 803 Tribology and maintenance Engineering MV 804 Marine system modelling and simulation

L 3 3 3 3

T 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0

C 3 3 3 3

ELECTIVES IV CODE NO. MV 805 ME 706 COURSE TITLE Supercharging and scavenging in Marine Diesel Engines Computational Fluid Dynamics L 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3

MV 806
MV 807

Special duty vessels and type of operation

Marine Propellers and Propulsion




AIM: To impart Knowledge on Ships Auxiliary Machines. OBJECTIVES: On completion of the course the students will acquire knowledge of Ships Engine Room Layout, Piping systems and fittings. Various types of Pumps and its applications. Ships steering systems. UNIT I 12 Engine Room Layout: Layout of main and auxiliary machinery in Engine Rooms in different ships. Engine Room Piping Arrangements & Fittings: Steam and condensate system, water hammering in pipes, Expansion joints in pipelines, Bilge ballast, fuel oil bunkering and transfer system, bunkering procedure, precautions taken, fuel oil service system to main and auxiliary engines, lubricating oil and Engine cooling system to main and auxiliary engines, central cooling and central priming systems, control and service air system, domestic fresh water and sea water (Hydrophore) service system, drinking water system, fire main system. UNIT II 10 Valves and cocks: Straight way cocks, right angled cock, T cock, spherical cock, Boiler gauge glass cock (cylindrical cock). Valves: Globe valves, SDNR valve, swing check valve (storm valve), gate valves, butterfly valves, relief valves, quick closing valves, pressure reducing valves, control valves, change over valve chests, fuel oil transfer chest, valve actuators, steam traps. Jointings: Packings, Insulation of materials, Types,- Various applications. Seals purpose of bearing seal, description and application of non rubbing seals and rubbing seals, simple felt seal, seals suitable for various peripheral speeds, V-ring seals, Lip seals. Filters and strainers: Filtration, filter elements basket strainers, duplex strainers, edge type strainers, auto-kleen strainers, back flushing strainers, magnetic filter, rotary filters, fine filters. UNIT III 12 Pumps: Types of pumps for various requirements their characteristics, performance and application in ships centrifugal pumps gear pumps screw pumps and reciprocating pumps care and maintenance of pumps.


UNIT IV 12 Heat Exchangers, Evaporators and Distillers: Principle of surface heat transfer description, contact heat transfer, construction of shell and tube type flat plate type, single and double pass lubricating oil coolers, fuel-oil heaters, fresh water coolers, compressed air coolers, Main Engine charge air cooler, Fresh water heaters, steam condensers, evaporators and condensers in refrigeration system materials used in all the above heat exchangers, expansion allowance temperature controls effect of air in the system maintenance. Evaporators and Distillers: Distillation of water, distilling equipment, problem of scale formation and method of controlling, methods of distillation, single effect and double effect shell type evaporator, low pressure vacuum type evaporator, flash evaporators, salt water leaks and detection, reverse osmosis desalination plant, membranes, drinking water and treatment. UNIT V 14 Steering system: Hydraulic Telemotor system (Transmitter and receiver), Bypass valve charging system, hydraulic power unit hunting gear heleshaw pump principle, construction and operation pawl and ratchet mechanism, 2-ram and 4-ram steering gear All-electric steering gear, principle and operation Hunting gear and emergency steering gear. Electro-hydraulic steering gear, Raphson and slide Actuators, Rotary vane steering gear principle construction operation safety features, relief, isolating and bypass valves, steering system regulations and testing trouble shooting rectification maintenance. Navigational safety of a ship case history, cause and /or errors how to avoid rudder restraining, general requirements requirements for large tankers and gas carrier, additional requirements (electrical) definitions controls automatic system, general arrangement rudder and pintle, rudder wear down rudder carrier. Total: 45 Periods TEXT BOOKS: 1. D.W. Smith, Marine Auxillary Machinery, 6th Edition, Butter worths, London, 1987. 2. H.D. McGeorge, Marine Auxillary Machinery, 7th Edition, Butter worth, London, 2001. REFERENCES: 1. H.D. McGeorge, General Engineering Knowledge, 3rd edition, Butter worth Heineman, London, 1991.




AIM: To make the students learn the concept and working of Marine Diesel Engines. OBJECTIVES: At the completion of the course the students will have knowledge of, Marine fuel injection pumps and its applications. Manouvering systems of various marine diesel engines. Forces and stresses in slow speed and medium speed engines. Construction and operation of various Marine slow speed engines. UNIT I 14 Fuel pumps and metering devices: Jerk and common rail systems, fuel injection systems helical groove and spill valve type fuel pumps, system for burning heavy oil in slow and medium speed Marine engines, V.I.T. & Electronic injection systems. Effects of viscosity on liquid fuel combustion. Measuring equipment and its working principle. Necessity of variable fuel injection system. Procedure of application on modern slow speed long stroke engine. Necessity for adoption of fuel quality setting system. Incorporation of FQSL along with the V.I.T. system on the engine. UNIT II 14 Manouvering Systems: Starting and reversing systems of different Marine diesel engines with safety provisions. Indicator diagrams and Power Calculations: Constructional details of indicator instrument, significance of diagram, power Calculations, fault detection, simple draw cards and out of phase diagrams, power balancing, performance characteristic curves, test bed and sea trials of diesel engines. UNIT III 10 Medium Speed Engines: Different types of medium speed marine diesel engines, couplings and reduction gear used in conjunction with medium speed engine, development in exhaust valve design, V-type engine details. UNIT IV 8 Forces and stresses: Balancing, overloading, different types of vibration & its effects, forces and stresses acting on various components of I.C. Engine parts. UNIT V 14 Type of Engines :Construction and Operation of Sulzer, B&W, MAN, Piel-stick, Doxford, Main Propulsion diesel engines - Latest development in marine diesel engines camless concept, improvement in design for increased TBO


U.M.S. Operation of ships. Total: 45 Periods TEXT BOOKS: 1. C.C Pounder, Marine Diesel Engines, 6th Edition, Butter worth Heinemann, Scotland, 1995. 2. D.A. Taylor, Introduction to Marine Engineering, 2nd Edition, Butter worth Heinemann, London, 1996. REFERENCES: 1. S. H. Henshall, Medium and High Speed Diesel Engines for Marine Use, 1st Edition, Institute of Marine Engineers, Mumbai, 1996. 2. A.B. Kane, Marine Internal Combustion Engines, 1st Edition, Shroff Publishers & Distributors, Mumbai, 1984. 3. D.K. Sanyal, Principle & Practice of Marine Diesel Engines, 2nd Edition, Bhandarkar Publicatiion, Mumbai, 1998. 4. VL Maleev, Internal Combustion Engines, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill book co., Singapore, 1987. 5. Christen Knak, Diesel Motor Ships Engines and Machinery, 1st Edition, Marine Management Ltd., London, 1990. 6. John Lamb, Marine Diesel Engines, 8th Edition, Butter worth Heinemann, London, 1990. 7. Wood yard, Doug, Pounders Marine Diesel Engines, 7th Edition, Butter Worth Heinemann Publishing, London, 2001. MV53 STABILITY OF SHIPS LTPC 3104 AIM: To impart the Knowledge on the Basic Hydrostatics and Stability Calculations of Ships OBJECTIVES: At the End of the Course the Students will > have the knowledge of Basic hydrostatics , Geometry of Ships Have the know how of Calculations Viz. various coefficients, Have the Knowledge of calculating the Area of wetted Surface , Volume etc., Have the Knowledge on Transverse Stability and Heel etc., UNIT I HYDROSTATICS 9+3 Density , relative density, pressure exerted by a liquid on an immersed plane, centre of pressure, load on immersed plane, load diagram, shearing forces on bulk head stiffeners problems.


UNIT II GEOMETRY AND SHIP FORM CALCULATION 9+3 Archimedes principle, displacement, tonne per cm immersion. Coefficients of form, wetted surface area, similar figures, shearing force and bending moment problems. UNIT III CALCULATION OF AREA, VOLUME, FIRST AND SECOND MOMENTS 9+3 Simpsons first rule and second rule, application to area and volume, use of intermediate ordinate rule, trapezoidal rule, mean and mid ordinate rule, application of simpson rule to first and second moments of area Centre of gravity, effect of addition of mass, effect of movement of mass, effect of suspended mass problems. UNIT IV TRANSVERSE STABILITY AND HEEL 9+3 Static stability at small angles of heel, calculation of BM and meta centric height, meta centric diagram, inclining experiment, free surface effect, stability at large angles of heel, curves of static stability, dynamic stability, angle of loll, stability of a wall sided ship problems. UNIT V LONGITUDINAL STABILITY 9+3 Longitudinal BM MCT1 cm Change of trim, change of LCB with change of trim, alteration of trim by adding or removing weights, mean draft, change in mean and end draft due to density and bilging flooding calculation floodable length factor of sub division loss of stability due to grounding - problems L: 45, T: 15, Total = 60 Periods TEXT BOOKS: 1. Stokoe, E.A., Reeds Naval Architecture for Marine Engineers, 2nd Edition, Thomas Reed Publications, London, 1982. 2. K.J. Rawson and E.C Tupper Basic ship theory volume I & II 5th edition butterworth and heine mann, London , 2001. REFERENCES: 1. Rawson, K.J.Tupper E.C, Basic Ship theory, 5th Edition, Butter worth Heinemann, London, 2001. 2. G.N.Hatch, Creative Naval Architecture, 1st Edition, Thomas Reed Publications, London, 1971.




AIM: To impart knowledge to the students on Construction of ships. OBJECTIVES: At the completion of the course the students are expected to have learnt, Ships terms and stresses in ships. Primary and Secondary girders used in ships. Fore-end and After-end arrangements. UNIT I 12 Ship Terms: Various terms used in ship construction with reference to ships parameter e.g. L.B.P. - Moulded Depth - Moulded draught etc. - General classification of ships. Stresses in Ships structure: Hogging Sagging Racking Pounding Panting etc., and Strength members to counteract the same. Sections and materials use: Type of sections like angles Bulb plates flanged beams used in ship construction Riveting & Welding testing of welds Fabricated components. UNIT II 11 Bottom & Side Framing: Double bottoms, watertight floors solid and bracket floors Longitudinal framing keels side framing like tank side brackets Beam knee Web frame etc., Shell & Decks: Plating systems for shells Deck plating & Deck Girders discontinuities like hatches and other openings supporting & closing arrangements mid-ship section of ships. Bulk heads & Deep Tanks: water tight bulkheads Arrangement of platings and stiffeners water tight sliding doors Water tight openings through bulkheads for electric cables pipes and shafting Deep tank for oil fuel or oil cargo corrugated bulk heads. UNIT III 14 Fore & Aft End Arrangements: Fore end arrangement, arrangements to resist pounding bulbous bow Types of sterns stern frame and rudder Types of rudder Supporting of rudder Locking pintle Bearing pintle Pallister bearing shaft tunnel Tunnel bearings. UNIT IV 11 Free board and tonnage: Significance and details of markings various international Regulations. Shipyard Practice: layout of a shipyard Mould loft Optical marking Automatic plate cutting, Fabrication and assembly etc.,


Ship Types: Tankers Bulk Carriers Container ships L.N.G., L.P.G., and Chemical carriers Lash ships Passenger ships Dredgers Tugs etc., - Constructional details and requirements. UNIT V 12 Offshore Technology: Drilling ships and Platforms Supply vessels fire fighting arrangement Pipe laying ships special auxiliary service ships. Ship Surveys: Survey rules Functions of ship classification Societies Surveys during construction Periodical surveys for retention of class. Total: 45 Periods TEXT BOOKS: 1. D.J. Eyres, Ship Construction, 4th Edition, Butter worth Heinemann, Oxford, 1994. 2. E.A. Stokoe, Reeds Ship Construction for Marine Engineers, 1st Edition, Thomas Reed Publication, London, 2000. REFERENCES: 1. A.J. Young, Ship Construction sketch & Notes, 1st Edition, Butter worth Heinemann, London,1980. 2. H.J. Pursey, Merchant Ship Construction, 7th Edition, Brown Son & Ferguson Ltd. GlasGow Great Britain, 1994.




AIM: To develop the theoretical skill of students in Mechanics of Machines II. OBJECTIVES: At the completion of the course the students are expected to have knowledge of, Force analysis of Mechanisms and Balancing. Free and Forced Vibration of Single degree of freedom systems. Two and Multi Degree Freedom Systems. UNIT I FORCE ANALYSIS OF MECHANISMS 9+3 Static, Inertia and combined force analysis graphical and analytical method slider crank mechanism and four bar mechanism, turning moment diagram and flywheel applications in engine, punching presses. UNIT II BALANCING 7+3 Static and dynamic balancing balancing of rotating masses balancing of several masses in different planes balancing of rotors, balancing machine, unbalance due to reciprocating parts balancing of inline engines firing order balancing of V and W engines balancing of radial engines Lanchester technique of engine balancing. UNIT III FREE VIBRATION OF SINGLE DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEMS 9+3 Periodic motion non harmonic periodic motion Fourier analysis undamped free vibration linear and torsion solution natural frequency of single degree freedom system Bifilar, Trifler suspensions Free vibrations with viscous damping of single degree freedom system and solution logarithmic decrement. UNIT IV FORCED VIBRATION OF SINGLE DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEMS 9+3 Forced vibration of single degree freedom system with damping reciprocating and rotating unbalance vibration isolation and transmissibility base excitation self excited vibrations with examples. UNIT V MULTI DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEMS FOR MARINE COMPONENTS 11+3 System with two degrees of freedom shaft with two rotors, vehicle suspension vibration absorber torsion vibration dampers, system with many degrees of freedom Holzers analysis of free torsion vibrations with multi rotor systems three rotor system geared system method of influence coefficients, continuous system Rayleighs method & Dunkerleys method for lateral and torsional vibration of major components in Ships - problems.


(NB: Using method of influence coefficients (not for Exam) student may be asked to write computer programs for a few problems e.g. 3 mass 3 spring system, beam with 3 lumped masses natural frequencies and mode shapes may be determined. Internal marks can be awarded for the work). Total: 45 Periods TEXT BOOKS: 1. Grover.G.K., Mechanical vibrations, 7th Edition, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, India, 2001. 2. Thomson, W.T. Theory of Vibration with Applications, 3rd Edition, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2002. REFERENCES: 1. Shingley, J.E. & John Joseph Uivker, Jr., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill International Editions, London, 1981. 2. Ghosh A. and Malik, A.M. Theory of Mechanisms and machines, 2nd edition, Affiliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1988. 3. Francis. TSE. Ivan E-Morse Rolland T. Hinkle, Mechanical Vibrations, 2nd edition, CBS Publishers and Distributed, India, 1983. 4. Rao, J.S., and Dukkipatti, R.V., Mechanism and machinery theory, 2nd Edition, New age international, Mumbai, 1992. 5. Thomson,W.T. and Dahleh,M.D., Theory Of Vibration with Applications 5th Edition, PearsonEducation( Singapore0 Pvt., Ltd., Indian branch, Delhi,2005 MV56 MARINE BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES LTPC 3 0 0 3 AIM: To provide knowledge to the students about Marine Boilers and Steam Engines. OBJECTIVE: At the end of the course the students are expected to have learnt, Waste heat boilers and boiler mountings. Operation and Maintenance of boilers. Construction of steam turbines and steam engines. How Lubrication of turbines carried out. Operation and maintenance of steam turbines. UNIT I MARINE BOILERS & BOILER MOUNTINGS 12 Scotch Boiler, Cochran, Spanner, Clarkson thimble tube, Waste heat recovery calculation, Lamont exhaust gas boiler, Composite boilers, Water tube boilers Babcock Wilcox, Foster Wheeler D-type, Double evaporation boilers.


Boiler Mountings: Safety Valves Improved High Lift, Full lift and full Bore type: Gauge glass Ordinary plate type and remote Indicator; Automatic feed regulator, three element High & Low water level alarms, Main Steam stop valve, Retractable type Soot blower etc. UNIT II OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF BOILERS 12

Pre-commissioning procedures, Hydraulic tests, steam raising and Operating procedures, Action in the event of shortage of water. Blowing down of boiler, Laying up a boiler; general maintenance, External and internal tube cleaning. Tube renewals, etc., maintenance, inspection and survey of boilers. Refractory: Purposes of refractory, types of refractory and reasons for failure. Oil burning: Procedure of Liquid fuel burning in open furnace, Various types of atomizer, Furnace arrangement for oil burning, Boiler Control System i.e. master control, fuel control, air control and viscosity control, Introduction to Automation. UNIT III MARINE STEAM PLANTS 14 Reciprocating/Steam Engines: History of multiple expansion marine reciprocating engines &steam turbines. Description of different types of steam turbines. Layout of Plant: General layout of plant & description of a modern geared steam turbine installation including auxiliaries in modern use, open and closed feed system. Condensers: Types of condensers, constructional details, location & working principles, contraction and expansion allowances, leak test. Effect of change of temperature, circulating water quantity, change of main engine power, condenser surface.



Lubrication: Suitable oils and their properties, lubrication of main bearings, thrust bearings and gears. Gravity and pressure lubrication-oil system and emergency lubrication arrangement. UNIT V 12

Operation and Maintenance of Turbines: Turbine drain system, turbine gland system, warming through a turbine plant, control of speed and power of propulsion, throttle valve control and nozzle control, emergency controls, emergency operation of turbines, vibration in marine steam turbine, steam turbine losses. Breakdown and faultfinding. Selection of materials: Materials used in various components like blades, rotors, casings, sealing glands, gears etc &their justification. Total: 45 Periods


TEXT BOOKS: 1. J.H. Milton & R.M. Leach, Marine Steam Boilers, 4th Edition, Butter worth, London, 1980 2. C. McBirnie, Marine Steam Engines and Turbines, 4th Edition, Butter worth, London 1980. REFERENCES: 1. GTH. Flanagan, Marine Boilers 3rd Edition, Butter worth, London, 2001. 2. K.M.B. Donald, Marine Steam Turbines, 1st Edition, Institute of Marine Engineers, London, 1977. 3. L. Jackson & T.D. Morton, General Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers, 4th Edition, Thomas Reeds Publication, United Kingdom, 1986. 4. Thomas D. Morton, Steam Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers, 3rd Edition, Thomas Reed Publications, London 1979.

MV57 COMPUTER AIDED MARINE ENGINEERING DESIGN AND ANALYSIS LAB LTPC 2 0 3 3 AIM: To impart practical knowledge to the students about Computer Aided Design and Drawing of Marine Machine Elements. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course the students are expected to have been taught, Design concept, selection of materials and manufacturing considerations in design. Computer Aided Design concepts and applications Design and Drawing of Fasteners and connection and Power transmission elements. Design and Drawing of Friction clutches and Brakes. UNIT I 10 + 5

Engineering Design and Computer Aided Design: The design process, concept, analysis, feasibility, Selection of materials and manufacturing considerations in design, Design with reference to repairs and reconditioning, specifically for working out at sea with its restrictions and limitations. Role of computers - Computer Aided Engineering - Computer Aided Design - Design for Manufacturability Computer Aided Manufacturing - Benefits of CAD.



6 + 15

Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis : Creation of Graphic Primitives - Graphical input techniques - Display transformation in 2-D and 3-D Viewing transformation - Clipping - hidden line elimination - Mathematical formulation for graphics - Curve generation techniques - Geometric Modeling - Wire frame, Surface and Solid models - CSG and B-REP Techniques - Features of Solid Modeling Packages Parametric and features - Interfaces to drafting, Design Analysis - Exposure to FEA packages. UNIT III 6 + 14

Types of Loading and Design Criteria: static loads, impact loads, repeated loads, variable and cyclic loads, combined and reversible loads. Stress concentration and design factors, fatigue strength, modes of failure, design stresses, factor of safety, theories of failure, wear, corrosion, design criteria, S-N curve Goodman and Soderberg equations. UNIT IV 6 + 10 Joints, Shafts and Couplings: Design of cotter joints, knuckle joints, bolted joints, welded joints, riveted joints. Design of shafts and couplings Drafting using CAD packages UNIT V 6 + 12 Belts, Friction clutches and Brakes: Design of Belt drives and hoists (Wire ropes), Multiple plate clutches, cone clutch, centrifugal clutch block brakes, internally expanding shoe brakes, external band brakes, differential band brakes - Solid modelling using CAD packages. Total: 45 Periods TEXT BOOKS: 1. Goutam Prohit and Goutam Ghosh,Machine Drawing with AutoCAD, 1st Impression, Dorling Kindersley(India) Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi,2007ist J.E.Shigley, Mechanical Engineering Design, 1st metric edition, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1986. 2. R.S.Khurmi and J.K.Gupta, Machine Design, 5th Edition, Eurasia publishing, New Delhi, 2005. 3. Sadhu Singh, " Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing ", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1998. REFERENCES: 1. Abdulla Sharif, Machine Design, 3rd Edition, Dhanpat Roy & Sons, New Delhi, 1995. 2. Pandya & Shaw, Elements Of Machine Design, 1st Edition, Charotar Publishing, Mumbai, 1997.



Groover and Zimmers, " CAD / CAM : Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing ",Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.

LIST OF EQUIPMENTS MV 57 Computer Aided Marine Engineering Design and Analysis Laboratory (Requirement for a batch of 30 students)


Description of Equipment Desktop computers with following configuration CPU (High End), Main Memory (1GB), HDD 80 GB and above, High Resolution SVGA Graphics interface, 17 or 19 Monitor, Ethernet Card Licensed Operating System Licensed Application Software with 15 and above seats Softwares like AutoCAD, ProEngineer, CATIA etc., A4/A3 Printer

Quantity Quantity Required available

Deficiency in %


30 Nos.


Adequate 15 seats & above 1 No.




7.5/10 KVA online UPS

1 unit



Load Test on D.C. Shunt Motor Load Test on D.C.Series Motor O.C.C. & load characteristic of self/separately excited D.C.Generator. Parallel operation of D.C.Shunt Generator Speed control of D.C.Shunt Motor. Load O.C. & S.C. test on single-phase transformer. Parallel operation of single-phase transformers. To connect similar single-phase transformers in the following ways. Y-Y, A-A, A-Y and Y-A. Pole changing motor for various speeds. Determination of characteristics of an A/C brush less generator. Synchronization of 3-phase alternator. Trouble shooting in Electric Motors and Transformers. Exercises in Power Wiring and earthing. (B) ELECTRONICS / MICROPROCESSOR LABORATORY 30

To study the volt-ampere characteristics of a high current semi conductor diode. To study the volt-ampere characteristics of a diode and Zener diode. To study the half wave and full wave rectification circuit without and with filter circuit. To study the volt-ampere characteristics of a Transistor. To study the volt-ampere characteristics of Field Effect Transistor. To study the characteristics of Silicon Control Rectifier. To study the Transistor Feed Back Amplifier. To study the Integrated Circuit operational amplifier. To study the logic training board. To study the speed control of D.C. motor using Thyristor. Arithmetic operations using 8085 Logical operations using 8085 Array operations using 8085 Speed & Direction Control of Stepper motor using 8085. Total: 45 Periods


LIST OF EQUIPMENTS (for a batch of 30 students)

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. LAB Sl.No 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10 Name of the Equipment D. C. Motor Generator Set D.C. Compound Motor Single Phase Transformer Three Phase Induction Motor Single Phase Induction Motor Three Phase Alternator Set Ammeter A.C and D.C Voltmeters A.C and D.C Watt meters LPF and UPF Resistors & Breadboards Qty. 02 04 04 02 02 02 20 20 12 1 set

ELECTRONICS / MICROPROCESSOR LAB Sl.No . 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10 Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes Dual Regulated power supplies A.C. Signal Generators 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kits Voltmeters D.C. Ammeters D.C. Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes Transistors (BJT, JFET), SCR, Logic Gates Stepper Motor, Interface Card and Power Supply Breadboards, Probes 04 06 04 10 10 10 1 set 1 set 01 1 set Name of the Equipment Qty.



Use of precision measuring instruments like micrometer, vernier, height and depth gauges, surface plate, etc. Checking dimensions of a part using slip gauge. Use of sine bar for measuring angles and tapers. Measurement of tooth thickness by gear tooth vernier. Calibration of dial gauge. Taper and bore measurement-using spheres. Fundamental dimension of a gear using contour projector. Testing squareness of a try square using slip gauges. Checking straightness of a surface plate using autocollimator. Measurement of angles between centre lines of holes drilled radially on a shaft. Measurements of thread parameters using floating carriage micrometer. Use of pneumatic comparator and mechanical comparator. (B) INSTRUMENTATION LAB. 20

Pressure measuring devices-pressure and vacuum gauge calibration. Temperature measuring devices like Platinum resistance thermometer, thermocouple, radiation pyrometer, etc. Flow measuring devices like orifice meter, rotameter, etc. Speed measuring devices like tachometer, stroboscope, etc. Force measuring devices, load cells and proving rings. Torque measuring devices Power measurement using rope, prony brake, mechanical, hydraulic and electrical dynamometers. Study and use of strain, displacement devices-strain gauge indicator, LVDT. 9. Study and use of velocity and acceleration-accelerometer. 10. Study and use of vibration devices-vibrometer. (C) 1. 2. 3. REFRIGERATION LABORATORY 15 Watch keeping: Parameters to be monitored during running of refrigeration unit. Various cut-outs, viz, pressure, temperature Determination of actual COP, theoretical COP and Carnot COP. Total: 45 Periods


LIST OF EQUIPMENTS (for a batch of 30 students) MEASUREMENT LABORATORY S.No. 01. 02. 05. 06. 07. 08. 10 11 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 Description of Equipment Slip Gauge and Dial gauge. Sine Bar. Four sphere & Two sphere height gauge Bore Dial gauge. Sphere Vernier calliper Profile projector. Tri-square. Bevel protractor. Floating carriage Micrometer Pneumatic comparator. Optical flat interferometer. Gear tester. Auto collimator Tool Makers Microscope Surface test 301 Qty 6 set 2 nos 2 nos. 1 2 12 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY S.No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. Description of Equipment 1. Dead weight type pressure gauge 0-2kgf/cm 2. Bourdon type Pressure gauge 0-400kgf/cm2 Vacuum pressure gauge McLeod gauge. Thermocouple Resistance Temperature Detector Proving ring mechanical type Speed stroboscope Strain gauge. Linear Variable differential transformer 20mm Static torque meters Piezoelectric sensor analog Piezoelectric Crystal Sensor Orifice meter, Venturimeter, Rotameter.

Qty 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 3


MARINE AC & REFRIGERATION LABORATORY Sl.No . 01. 02. Description Marine Refrigeration Plant (10 ton capacity) Marine Air Conditioning Plant (10 ton capacity) Qty. 01 01


English Language Laboratory - Cumulative Skills - I

Fifth Semester Regulations 2008 (Common to all B.E / B.Tech.)

003 2 (To be conducted as a Practical Paper by the Department of English for 3 hrs per week) OBJECTIVES To help the learners improve their communicative skill To facilitate the learners to improve the pronunciation of words with proper stress To help the learners acquire the skills related to Group Discussion and Interview To inculcate the habit of reading among the learners To equip the learners face the linguistic demands by spotting out errors in sentences To improve the active vocabulary of the learners


A) Interview B) Pronunciation - Stress Shift C) Group Discussion D) Reading Comprehension, Error Correction, Vocabulary Target words

(5 hrs) (5 hrs) (15hrs)


(1500 words)

(20 hrs)

RECORD LAY OUT Every student has to maintain a record in which he / she has to incorporate the following details. A. Hard copy of the application letter and resume B. Group Discussion Grouping (each group consisting of 10 members) Topics* (15 topics 3 topics to be selected by each group - to be practiced in cycles) Pre performance preparation Performance They have to collect materials related to topics given for Group Discussion

*GD Topics 1. Advertising is a legalized form of lying- Discuss. 2. Impact of the media and internet on modern youth. 3. Communicative competency in English is the golden key for success in the Global arena. 4. Is EQ more important than IQ? 5. Attitude decides ones altitude in life. 6. Should an aspiring student go for a course which is in demand or for a course which he/she likes? 7. Is westernization a cultural degradation or enrichment? 8. Is coalition government sustainable? 9. Should there be a ban on fashion show? 10. No two generations see eye to eye- Discuss. 11. Is scientific advancement a boon or a bane? 12. Should brain drain be banned? 13. Cyber crimes and steps to prevent and control. 14. Is the press in India really free? 15. Does ragging develop friendship? C. Reading Comprehension 10 passages


D. Error correction - 10 sentences for each section a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. concord words followed by prepositions (list to be provided) conjunctions structure usage use of pronouns-antecedent adverbs placement particles use of tenses

E. Use of Vocabulary 10 assignments (each 20 words) using the target words in sentences of their own. Separate word lists to be allotted to students so that all the words in the target vocabulary are covered Assignments to be written in the record notebook only after the approval of the Course Teacher VOCABULARY LIST The colleges are requested to train the third year B.E./B.Tech. students in the use of following words as part of the syllabus for Cumulative Skill Lab - I and it will be tested for 20 marks during the practical examinations. (Words from Barrons GRE Test Abase to Dermatologist- 1500 words V Semester)

(Words from D+ to Z from Barrons GRE Test will be added in the syllabus for the practical examination in the VI semester)



accident accidental argument argumentative advice advise assimilate assimilation associate association astronaut astronomy benefit beneficial Biology biological bomb bombard bureaucrat bureaucracy calculate calculation capable capability category catagorical certify certificate collect collection commerce commercial communicate communication compete competition complicate complication conserve conservation controversy controversial credible credibility cultivate cultivation gymnast habit harmony hero history hostile humanise hypocrite ideal identify incident Individual industry influence injury irony labour legal luxury gymnastic habitual harmonious heroic historical hostility humanity hypocrisy idealogy identification incidental individuality industrial influential injurious ironic laborious legality luxurious

democracy demonstrate determine different diplomat dogma durable dynamic edit educate element energy equal error feasible fertile francise frequent(adj) futile generalise generous global grammar officer opposite origin palace paralyse photograph possible problem record(n) remedy scholar scientist theme technical volume

democratic demonstration determination differential diplomatic dogmatic durability dynamism edition education elemental energetic equality erratic feasibility fertility francisee frequent(v) futility generalisation generosity globalisation grammatical official opposition originate palatial paralysis photographer possibility problematic record(v) remedial scholastic scientific thematic technology voluminous


magnet manifest microscope migrant mystery necessary neglect object(n)

magnetic manifestation microscopic migrate mysterious neccessity negligence object(v)

MODE OF EVALUATION INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 1. Interview skill 2. Pronunciation skill (100 Marks to be converted to 20) (10 marks) (10 marks)

3. Group discussion (20 for materials collection and 20 for performance) (40 marks) 4. Test in Reading Comprehension and Error Correction EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT 1. Stress shift -10 2. Group discussion -30 3. Vocabulary -20 4. Reading comprehension -30 5. Error correction -10 (40 marks)

(100 Marks to be converted to 80)

Part A
1. Reading Comprehension

(40 minutes for the entire group)

(30 marks)

Two separate passages on scientific/technical themes to be given. There will be 5 testing items (either MCQs or T/F or Cloze type) under each text. (5x 2 = 10 testing items each carrying 3 marks)


6 such sets will be sent to the respective colleges during the practical. Alternate sets to be allotted to students during testing. (10 marks)

2. Error correction 10 items ,covering all the specified areas, will be given

Sentences will have five segments (A,B,C,D,E) with E necessarily standing for NO Error

Alternate sets to be allotted to students during testing.

3. Vocabulary Testing

(20 marks)

10 words to be tested The most exact synonym to be selected out of the five given alternatives. Each item carries 2 marks Alternate sets to be allotted to students during testing.

PART B 1. Stress shift

(10 Marks)

While testing the students proficiency in the use of stress shift each student should be tested with a different question paper (one out of the 10 sets to be given).

2. Group discussion

The students in the section should be put into a group of 10 each .Before the start of group discussion the group leaders should select the topic at random from the given topics. Marks should be allotted individually according to the following criteria. A. Relevance of content B. The use of Language and power of argument C. Soft skills /social skills (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 marks)


NB: The responses for the use of vocabulary, error correction, reading comprehension should be entered in the response coding sheet using black or blue ball point pen .Over writing should be marked wrong.


The students are required to undergo Marine Workshop Training in DG Shipping approved Marine Engineering Workshop for a duration of 6 months. The training should be as per the Merchant Shipping (Standard of Training Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers) Rule 1998. Competency on use of hand tools used for marine equipments for dismantling, maintenance, repair and reassembly of shipboard equipments. 100 hrs.

Competency on use of hand tools used for electrical and electronic equipments, measuring and test equipments for locating and repairing faults and malfunctions. 100 hrs. Competency on control systems. hrs. Competency on 90 hrs. Competency on 100 hrs. Competency on 20 hrs. Operating alternators , generators & control systems. Operating pumping systems & associated control systems. Operation of Main and Auxillary machinery and associated 30

- Maintaining alternators, generators and Control systems.


Competency on systems

Maintaining Marine Engineering system including control

(overhauling and maintenance of Marine Diesel Engines, air compressors, heat exchangers, oil separators etc.,) 700 hrs. Competency on 6 hrs. Competency on 6 hrs. ----------Total hrs. of Training: 1152 hrs. -----------The competency of the students are evaluated by the Marine Engineering Workshop and a report is sent to the college. During the training the students have to maintain a work dairy. After completion of this training the students will be examined as follows: a) b)* Assessment on work diary (Internal) (i) Written test for 1 hour. 10 questions (ii) Viva voce Total * Valuation by both Internal and External Examiners. One Professor has to constantly monitor the progress of the Workshop training. SEMESTER VII MV71 MARINE SYSTEM AND MACHINERY DESIGN AIM 2 2 0 3 200 Marks. 10 X 10 = 100 Marks 200 Marks -------------500 Marks -------------Controlling and fighting fire onboard.

Operation of life saving appliances.

To impart training and knowledge to the students about Marine Machinery system and Design. OBJECTIVE At the completion of the course the students are expected to have knowledge of, Different types of Bearings. Design of IC Engine parts and gears. Design of Marine Machinery systems.


UNIT I 11+3 Sliding contact bearings: Journal bearings, thrust bearings, friction in journal bearings, bearing loads, bearing design using various equations. Thermal Equilibrium. Rolling Contact Bearings: Load ratings, types of radial ball bearings, selection of bearings, lubrication of ball and roller bearings, methods of failure. UNIT II 9+3 Spur and Helical Gears: Basic design principles of spur gears, helical gears, dynamic tooth loads, design for strength and wear. Lewis and Buckingham equations. Bevel and Worm Gears: Basic design principles of bevel gears and worm gears, Lewis formula, thermal rating of worm gears. UNIT III 7+3 IC engine parts: Piston, connecting rod with bearings, crankshaft, flywheel and rocker arms. UNIT IV

7+3 Valves & Lifting Devices :valves, safety valves and reducing valves - crane hooks, lifting chains, chain blocks, E.O.T.Crane. UNIT V 11+3 Design criteria for Marine systems: Water cooling systems for diesel engines and steam plants. Lubricating oil systems for propulsion and auxiliary engines. Electro hydraulic steering gear system including rudder, rudderstock, tiller, rams. Marine Diesel Engine air starting system including air receiver, compressors and air starting valves. Marine Diesel Engine Scavenge and Exhaust systems. Marine diesel Engine fuel injection system including fuel pumps and fuel injectors. Power transmission system including thrust blocks, intermediate shaft and tail end shaft. Steam turbine plants. Gas turbine plants. TUTORIAL 15 TOTAL : 60


TEXT BOOKS 1. Pandya & Shah, Machine Design, 13th Edition, Charotar Publishing House, Gujarath, 1997. 2. Sam Had Dad, Neil Watson, Design and Application in Diesel Engines, 1st Edition, Ellis Horwood Limited, London, 1984. 3. khurmi,R.S. and Gupta,J.K., REFERENCES 1. Indian Register of Shipping Part 1 to Part 7, Rules and Regulations & Classification of steel ships 1st Edition, Mumbai, 1999. 2. PSG College of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Design Data, 2nd Edition, M/s DPU printer, Coimbatore, 1978. MV72 MARINE ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY 3 AIM The aim of the course is to develop skills of students in Marine Electrical Technology. The students will be imparted training in handling various electrical instruments to find out faults on various electrical equipments onboard ships and rectify such faults. 3 0 0

OBJECTIVES On completion of the course the students are expected to Know the regulations observed onboard ships regarding electrical equipments wherever applicable. Know the use of electrical instruments, to find out and rectify various kinds of faults onboard ships. UNIT I POWER DISTRIBUTION AND REGULATIONS 14 The marine environment effects of inclination Generators Power supply commonly available main switchboard motor controls emergency services emergency stop panel ships auxillary services load analysis electrical diagrams inherent dangers and avoidance of disastrous consequences active and passive safety measures Dos and Donts Electric shock first aid conditions of shock risk selection of AC and DC generators for use on ships merits and demerits location and Installation of generator sets.


Requirements & Regulations safe electrical equipments for hazardous areas American safety standards common definitions British and European standards tanker installations Installations Ashore Indian Standards. Systems of AC distribution general concept single, two and three phase systems with 2,3 and 4 wires power distribution general Distribution scheme specific systems for ships service tankers schemes primary power bus need for emergency power supply method of supply passenger and cargo vessels requirements shore supply precautions to be taken while consuming shore supply arrangement to ensure proper phase supply remote switches to ventilating fans fuel pumps lubricating oil pumps and purifiers. UNIT II INSTRUMENTATION AND SWITCHGEAR 10 Insulated & Earthed neutral systems introduction circuit faults causes prevention earth fault indicators detection and clearance alternators. AVR: excitation systems carbon pile regulator vibrating contact and static automatic regulator transient voltage dip and alternator response effect of kW and kVAR Loading. Panel Instrumentation: Introduction system terminology phase sequence indicators. Paralleling of Alternators: Manual and auto synchronizing lamps parallel operation excitation and throttle control load sharing kW, kVAR and Manual. Switchboards & Switchgear: Main and sub switchboard-Rating and Characteristics of Main switchboards group starter boards distribution Fuse boards bus bars instrumentation & controls circuit breakers alternator CBs MCCBs miniature CBs-RCCBs arc fault Current Interrupts fused Isolators fault protection devices introduction over-voltage-surge-transients ripple spikes DC generator protection alternator and system protection protection through fuses protection Discrimination Motor Protection. UNIT III CABLES AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS 10 Electrical Cables: Cables- conductors Wire Sizes-Current Rating testing-codesPractical tips. Insulation protection and temperature ratings insulation classes A, B, E, F,HInsulation for High temperatures Insulating Materials Cable insulation & Sheath Formation of polymers, classification, Polymerization mechanisms filters Cross linking Cable gland Degrees of Protection Temperature Ratings Temperature Rise Determination of hot temperature. Lighting Systems: Introduction Incandescent Lamps Discharge lamps HCLPMF lamps High pressure Mercury Fluorescent lamps High and Low pressure sodium vapour lamps Lamp caps Effect of voltage on lamp performance Navigation &


signal lights Signals for a power driven ship under way (At night) Emergency lighting Requirement of lighting of Deck and pump house of oil tankers. Alarm Indication Systems: Fire alarms and Detection Heat detectors Smoke detectors Combustion detectors Miscellaneous alarm indicator systems Scanning type system Sequential starting and cut outs for an automatic fired boiler incorporating safety devices and combustion control equipments incinerators Sewage plants Bilge oil separators. UNIT IV PROPULSION AND STEERING SYSTEMS 12 Propulsion Systems: Auxiliary propulsion systems Layout and Optimizing storage space Electrical Propulsion Advantages & Disadvantages DC constant current systems DC motor supplied from alternators Turbo electric propulsion AC single speed and Induction motor drives Fixed speed alternators Cycloconverter deviceDiesel Electric propulsion Thruster and Water jet propulsion. Steering Systems & Gyrocompasses: Fundamentals Auto Navy steering Systems Type P Electro hydraulic Steering Control systems-Typical system configurationComponents-Auto Steer-Types, Structure Gyroscopes Compass Considerations. Deck Machinery & Cargo Equipment: Anchor Windlass Cargo winches Hydra lift Marine cranes-Maritime GMC A.S.-Hagglunds Drives & H.W. Carlsen AB-Magnetic disc brakes. Automation of Air Compressors: Selection Choice of a correct machine-Oil-free and non-oil free air Instrument air Air Vs Water cooled- Reciprocating CompressorsStarting & control-Safety protection Equipment Automatic Operation. UNIT V AUXILLARIES AND MAINTENANCE 14 Batteries & Battery charging: Battery supplies Lead-acid batteries Electrical Characteristics Nickel Cadmium batteries Sealed Ni-Cd batteries Battery charging Charging from AC and DC mains Standby Emergency batteries Voltage Regulators Battery insulation & safety measures First Aid treatment Rotary generators. Gas analysers: Combustible gas indicator Portable oxygen analyzer CO2 Analysis Tank scope Fixed oxygen Analyser. Miscellaneous Systems: Cathodic protection system-Crankcase oil mist detector Air drier Dynic Water purity meter Salinometer Electric Tachometer Rudder position Indicator Ships roll stabilizer Galley Equipment Laundry Equipment Refrigerating Machinery Temperature monitoring for R & AC systems.


Maintenance & Troubleshooting: Introduction Planned Preventive Maintenance Life, Breakdown and Condition maintenance, Troubleshooting, Maintenance of specific equipments Recommended list of spares, tools & Accessories. TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. BOWIC C.T., Marine Electrical Practice, 5th Edition, Butter Worth, London, 1981. 2. LAW S.W., Electricity applied to Marine Engineering, 4th Edition, The Institute of Marine Engineers, London, 1998. REFERENCES 1. Elstan.A. Fernandez., Marine Electrical Technology, 1st Edition, Sterling Book House, Mumbai, 2002.

MV73 MARINE VEHICLES PERFORMANCE 2 2 0 3 AIM; To impart Knowledge to students about Marine Vehicle Performance while sailing OBJECTIVES: On Completion of Course the Students are expected to have knowledge about, Ships Models and the Sea Trials Various types of Propellers and Rudders Wave motions and the Ships Vibration s UNIT I 14 Resistance: Types of resistance, frictional, residuary and total resistance, air, appendage, wave making, eddy and form resistances, model testing, propeller tests in open water, admiralty coefficient, fuel coefficient and consumption, sea trials Problems. UNIT II 12 Propeller Theory : types of propellers, apparent slip, real slip, wake, thrust, relation between powers and relation between mean problem and speed, measurement of pitch, cavitations, built and solid propellers, interaction between the ship and propeller, hull efficiency over all propulsive efficiency problems.


UNIT III 10 Rudder theory types of rudders, model experiments and turning trials, area and shape of rudder, position of rudder, bow rudders vs stern rudder, forces on rudder, torque on stock, angle of heel, due to force on rudder and angle of heel when turning problems.

UNIT IV 12 Wave theory: Theory of waves, trochoidal waves, relationship between line of orbit centres and the undisturbed surface, sinusoidal wave, Irregular wave pattern, wave spectra, wave amplitudes, rolling in unresisting media, rolling in resisting media, practical aspects of rolling, Anti rolling devices, forces caused by rolling, pitching, heaving and yawing. UNIT V 12 Ship vibration & noise : Hull vibration, Engine vibration, vibration of shafting system, balancing of engine. TEXT BOOKS 1. K.J. Rawson and E.C. Tupper, Basic Ship Theory (Vol. II), 5th Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, London, 2001. 2. Eric C.Tupper, Introduction to Naval Architecture, 3rd Edition, Butter worth Heinemann, London, 2001. REFERENCES 1. Principles of Naval Architecture,SNAME Publication 2. R. Battaharjee, Dynamics of Marine vehicles SNAME Publication


30 0 3

To impart knowledge on the Working Principle of Marine Auxiliary Machineries OBJECTIVES


At The end of the course the students are expected to have the knowledge on > The Construction, operation, maintenance of incinerator.,and sewage plant. > The Construction, operation, maintenance of Oily water Seperator and Purifiers > The Construction operation, maintenance of sewage plant. UNIT I 12 Operation & Maintenance - Prevention of oil, garbage, sewage, air pollution and IMO requirement as per MARPOL act. Operation, construction, maintenance of oil water separator both manual and automatic versions.Construction, operation, maintenance of incinerator and the of sewage plant. UNIT II 12 Theory of oil purification - Construction, operation, maintenance of fuel oil and lub oil purifiers, clarifiers together with self de sludge operation. Theory of air compression and uses of compressed air on board. Construction, operation, maintenance of main air compress and emergency air compressors. Types of bow thrusters, operation, maintenance of the same and Deck machinery, operation, maintenance of cargo winches, windless mooring winches. UNIT III 12 Methods of shaft alignment - Construction, operation, maintenance of - thrust block. intermediate shaft. Construction, operation, maintenance stern tube and stern tube bearing both water cooled and oil cooled together with sealing glands .Stresses in shafting, i.e. intermediate shaft, thrust shaft and screw shaft. UNIT IV 12

Dry docking - Preparation and procedure to dry docking vessel. Maintenance of hull, underwater fittings and machine maintenance and repairs during dry dock Removal and maintenance of rudder and propeller. Removal and maintenance of tail shaft and stern tube bearing. UNIT V 12 Line Systems - Piping diagrams - Drawing and working principle of the line diagram of Bilge-Ballast-Fuel oil transfer- Fuel oil Service- . Cooling Water Lubricating oil Compressed Air - Steam Line Exhaust Gas - Feed Water. Total : 60 Text Books


1. DW Smith Marine Auxiliary Worths,London,1987. 2. HDMcGeorge,MarineAuxiliary Worths,London,2001.




Butter Butter


Reference Books 1. D.K. Sanyal, Principle and practices of Marine Diesel Engine 2 nd Edition, Bhandarkar Publication, Mumbai, 1998 2. MARPOL 73/78, IMO Publications , 2001. 3. Wood Yard , Doug, Pounders Marine Diesel Engine 7thedition, Butter Worths Heinemann Publications ,London 2001 4. Pumping and Piping Diagram, IME publication

MV75 3 0 0 3


AIM To provide knowledge an understanding of advanced Fire Prevention and Control to the students. OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students will have learnt about, Fire protection, Detection and Safety systems in ships. Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Fixed and portable Fire Extinguishers in ships. Fire prevention and control in oil tankers LPG / LNG carriers Chemical tankers oil rigs supply vessels Fire fighting ships operation. UNIT I 14 Fire protection built in Ships: SOLAS convention, requirements in respect of materials of construction and design of ships, (class A, B, type BHDS), fire detection and extinction systems, fire test, escape means, electrical installations, ventilation system and venting system for tankers. Statutory requirements for fire fighting systems and equipments on different vessels, fire doors & fire zones.



Detection and Safety Systems: Fire safety precautions on cargo ships, tankers and passenger ships during working. Types of detectors, selection of fire detectors and alarm systems and their operational limits. Commissioning and periodic testing of sensors and detection system. Description of various systems fitted on ships. UNIT III 14 Fire Fighting Equipment: Fire pumps, hydrants and hoses, couplings, nozzles and international shore connection, construction, operation and merits of different types of portable, non-portable and fixed fire extinguishers installations for ships, properties of chemicals used, water-mist fire suppression system. Advantages of various fire extinguishing agents including vaporizing fluids and their suitability for ships use. control of class A,B,C & class D fires, Combustion products & their effects on life safety. UNIT IV 12 Fire Control: Action required and practical techniques adopted for extinguishing fires in accommodation, machinery spaces, boiler rooms, cargo holds, galley, etc. Fire fighting in port and dry dock. Procedure for re-entry after putting off fire, Rescue operations from affected compartments. First aid, fire organization on ships, shipboard organization for fire and emergencies. Combustion products and their effects on life safety, fire signal and muster. Fire drill. Leadership and duties, Fire control plan, human behaviour. UNIT V 10 Safety Measures - Special safety measures for preventing, fighting fire in tankers, chemical carriers, oil rigs, supply vessels, and fire fighting ships - Safe working practice with respect to fire on board ships and first aid for hazards arising from fire in ships. TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Frank Rush Brook, Fire Aboard, 3rd Edition, Brown, son & ferguson Ltd., Glassgow 1988. E.A. Stokoe, Reeds Ship Construction for Marine Students, Vol.5, 5th edition, Thomas Reed Publications, Great Britain 1999.

REFERENCES 1. M.G. Stavitsky, V.I. Vostryakov, M.F.Kortunov, V.I. Martynenko & V.M. Sidoryok., Fire Fighting Aboard ships, Vol. I & Vol. II, Structural Design and Fire Extinguishing System, 1st edition, published by Gulf publishing company, Houston, London, 1983. D.G. Shipping, Fire Fighting Appliances Rules (1969/1990), 3rd edition published by Bhandarkar Publications, Mumbai, 1996



3. 4.

IMO, SOLAS (Safety of Life At Sea) 3rd Edition, International Maritime Organization, London, UK, 2001. Leslie Jackson, Reeds General Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers Vol.8, 4th Edition, Thomas Reed publication, Great Britain, 1986.




MARINE ENGINEERING FIRE FIGHTING LABORATORY 25 1. Fire hazard aboard ships inflammability, fire extinguishing use. Control of class A, B & C fires. Fire protection built in ships, extinction systems, and escape means. System for tankers, statutory requirements for fire fighting systems and equipments on different vessels. Fire fighting equipment: fire pumps, hydrants and hoses, couplings, nozzles and International shore connection, Construction, Operation and merits of different types of portable extinguishers. Non-portable and fixed fire extinguishers, installation for ships. Properties of chemical used, bulk cabon-di-oxide, and inert gas systems. Firemen outfit its use and care, maintenance, testing and recharging of appliances, preparation, and fire appliance survey. Fire Control: Action required and practical techniques adopted for extinguishing fires in accommodation, machinery spaces, boiler rooms, Cargo holds, galley etc., Fire fighting in port and dry dock. Procedure for re-entry after putting off fire, rescue operations from affected compartments. First aid, Fire organisation on ships. Fire signal and muster. Fire drill. REFERENCE Laboratory Manual. CONTROLS LAB.EXPERIMENTS 15 1. Operation of Automatic Viscosity Controller and maintaining a specific viscosity of a given fuel. 2. Operation of an Automatic flow controller and measuring the flow from a given pipe. 3. Operation and utility of a 3 Term (P+I+D) Pneumatic controller. 4. To study the functioning of a Mist Detector and checking the alarm when the Pre-set value is exceeded. 5. Study the operation of fire detection unit using Ionization chamber type detector. 6. CNC & VMC machines, microprocessor controlled DC & AC machines, SCADA. SIMULATOR LAB. EXPERIMENTS 20 1. Description of basic engine functions and their simulation. 2. Manual Method of operation of engine from engine room station. 3. Engine operation from Remote stations i.e. engine control room and Navigation Bridge. 4. Safety and interlocks in UMS ships and effect of malfunction of main engine auxiliaries. 5. Electronic logic circuits in remote control stations.


6. 7. 8. 9.

Simulation of engine functions in logic circuits. Study and adjustments of Logic circuits for remote control operation of main engine and troubleshooting. Interfacing Input/output and pneumatic interfacing in the systems. Role of classification societies with reference to UMS ships. TOTAL : 60 LIST OF EQUIPMENTS for a batch of 30 students

MARINE FIRE FIGHTING LABORATORY Sl.No Description of Equipment . 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Fixed CO2 fire fighting system Smoke Detection Unit Fire main system Fire call point & Gong Bell Portable extinguishers (Water, CO2, dry powder, mechanical type extinguishers) Non-Portable Extinguisher Mechanical Extinguisher Smoke & Heat detectors C.A.B.A Bellow type foot pump First aid kit and stretcher


01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

MARINE CONTROLS LABORATORY Sl.No Description of Equipment . 01. Transparent Hydraulic Trainer 02. Transparent Pneumatic Trainer 03. Electro Hydraulic and Pneumatic Trainer 04. PID Trainer Hydraulic 05. PID Trainer Pneumatic 06. PC Interface 07. ELGI Air Compressor

Qty. 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

MARINE SIMULATOR LABORATORY Sl.No Description of Equipment . 01. Engine Room Simulation Master Panel

Qty. 01



Engine Room Simulation Trainee Panels


MV77 MARINE PROPULSION AND AUXILIARY MACHINERIES OVERHAULING LABORATORY 0032 MAINE ENGINE Study of Lubricating oil cooler Study of Jacket water cooler Study of Scavenge Air cooler Study of crank case inspection and bearing clearances Fuel injection valve and pump starting air valve cylinder relief valve and indicator cock AUXILIARY ENGINE Study of Turbo charger Study of Cylinder Head and fittings Study of Fuel Injection pump AUXILIARY MACHINES Study of Lubricating oil screw pump Study of S.W. Centrifugal pump Reciprocating Bilge pump Study of Boiler safety valve and water level gauge glass Study of 2 RAM hydraulic steering gear TOTAL : 90 LIST OF EQUIPMENTS (for a batch of 30 students) MARINE PROPULSION LABORATORY Sl. No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. Fuel Oil Separator Lub Oil Separator Bilge Pump Ballast Pump 130 cu.m/hr. Main Engine Sea Water Pump Sludge Pump Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Ballast Pump 65 cu.m /hr. Lub Oil Filter Fuel Oil Filter Lub Oil Cooler Sea Water Cooler 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Description of Equipment Qty. 50 HRS

40 HRS


13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Main Engine Air Compressor with bottle Main Engine Lub Oil Pump Portable Compressor Diesel Generator 300 KW

01 01 01 01 01

MARINE AUXILIARY MACHINERY LABORATORY Sl. Description of Equipment No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Air Compressor Heat Exchanger Incinerator Oily Water Separator Steering Gear Cargo Turbine Oil Pump Cargo Winch Governor Thermostat Crankshaft


01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

MARINE DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLING LABORATORY Sl.No Description of Equipment . 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Heleshaw Pump Piston Pump Centrifugal Pump Gear Pump Fire & G.S Pump Screw Displacement pump Sewage Treatment Plant Cargo Oil Pump Different types of valves (quick closing valve, non-return valve, butterfly valve) Water gauge glass


01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Each 01





01. 02.

Auxillary Water Tube Boiler Fresh Water Generator

01 01


English Language Laboratory - Cumulative Skills - II

Semester VI Regulations 2008 (Common to all B.E. / B.Tech.)

(To be conducted as a Practical Paper by the Department of English for 3 hrs per week)

OBJECTIVES To equip the learners face the linguistic demands of post-degree entrance examinations To improve the IV level active vocabulary To reactivate and reinforce the language functions introduced in earlier papers To help the learner infer message from non-verbal cues and speak fluently on them To help the learners inculcate the micro skills of debating on a subject To motivate the learners read English dailies and react critically to news items To help the learners acquire the skills related to organization of thoughts while writing articles. COURSE CONTENT A) Target words ((Words D+ to Z from Barrons GRE Test) B) Writing articles on media-based themes C) Debate (10 hrs) (8 hrs) (20 hrs)


D) Channel conversion (Speaking on Non-Verbal representations) RECORD LAY OUT

(7 hrs)

Every student has to maintain record in which he/she has to incorporate the following details. Part I: Use of Vocabulary 10 assignments (each 20 words) using the target words in sentences of their own. Separate word lists to be allotted to students so that all the words in the target vocabulary are covered. Assignments to be written in the record notebook only after the approval of the professor in charge. Part II: Article based on newspaper reading One article (750 words) based on any theme emerging out of the news items. (According to the methodology suggested) It should be written only on the odd pages. News items (at least 5) should be collected from English dailies and pasted on the even pages. Part III: Internal Question Papers on Target Vocabulary Testing & Coding sheets Six Question papers to be pasted ( 2 for synonyms, 2 for antonyms and 2 for sentence completion) The corrected coding sheets (6) to be pasted.

The record should be duly signed by the Course Teacher and submitted to the External Examiner for verification during the semester practical. MODE OF EVALUATION


Internal Assessment (20 marks) (10 marks for the Record and 10 marks for the six tests on Target Vocabulary) External Assessment (100 marks-to be converted to 80 marks)

The external practical * will consist of two segments (a) Written Test and (b) Testing Speaking

Written Test (1 hr) a) Testing Target Vocabulary (40 objective type items 15 synonyms, 15 antonyms and 10 sentence completion) (40 marks)

b) Writing articles on the theme emerging from the given newspaper, items given (5 newspaper items based on a single theme will be given) Testing Speaking (3 + 3 minutes) a) Debate (Each student will be required to speak for three minutes for or against a given topic) b) Speaking on the given diagram / chart / table (20 marks) (20 marks) (20 marks)

(*Every learner will be assessed with a different set of question which he / she will choose a random)



Components Water, air and land Inter-relationship between components Subcomponents; Ecosystem Structure and functional components of ecosystem Development and evolution of ecosystem Energy flow and material cycling in ecosystem Natural and man made impacts on water, air and land; Environment and development Concept of sustainable development. 2. SCIENCE OF ENVIRONMENT 9 Chemistry, Physics and biology of water, air and land; Stress on the Chemistry, Physics and Biology of water, air and land owing to the impacts; Environmental quality objective and goles policies on development projects and their impacts, with emphasis on the branch of engineering of the student. 3. 9 Current Environmental issues at country level management of municipal sewage, municipal solid waste, Hazardous waste and Bio-medical waste Air pollution due to industries and vehicles; Global issues Biodiversity, Climate change, Ozone layer depletion. 4. ENGINEERING INTERVENTIONS TO REDUCE THE ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSES 9 Minimisation of Stress Principles of Physics, chemistry and biology in engineering interventions such as waste treatment Flow sheets of engineering interventions relevant to the Engineering discipline of the student Waste minimization techniques Clean technology options Standards of performance of the interventions. 5. (A) TOOLS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 9 Environmental impact assessment; Precautionary Principle and Polluter Pays Principle; Constitutional provisions, Legal and economic instruments in Environmental Management; Role of Non-government organisations Community participation environmental management works; International conventions and protocols; Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Acts. (B) FIELD STUDY In-depth study of environmental issues at least one environmentally sensitive site relevant to the discipline of the student and preparation of a report thereupon. CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES


Total No. of periods: Text Books: 1. G.M. Master, Introduction to Environmental Engineering & Science, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1997. 2. J.G. Henry and G.W. Heike, Environmental Science & Engineering, Prentice Hall International Inc., New Jersy, 1996. References:


1. S.K. Dhameja, Environmental Engineering and Management, S. K. Kataria and Sons, New Delhi, 1999. 2. State of Indias Environment A Citizens Report, Centre for Science and Environment and others, 1999. 3. Shyam Divan and Armin Rosancranz, Environmental Law and Policy in India, Cases, Materials and Statutes, Oxford University Press, 2001.


AIM To teach the students about management of ships and impart knowledge on statutory regulations. OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students would have learnt about, Structure and functioning of a shipping company. Planning and estimating of a voyage besides executing the same. Marine Insurance as applicable to ship, cargo and crew. Statutory regulations applicable to shipping industry. Manning of ships, STCW and Port state control. UNIT I 12 Structure of a shipping company: Structure of a shipping company and functioning of its various departments, financing, economics of new and second hand tonnage, subsidies, ownership of vessels, registration of ships, flags of convenience, IMO identification number.


UNIT II 14 Commercial shipping practice: Planning sailing schedules and voyage estimates, liner and tramp shipping services, conference systems, chartering and charter parties, ships papers for arrival and departure, port procedures, role of agents, theory of freight rates, bills of lading, pilotage, cargo surveys and note of protests, carriage of goods by sea act. UNIT III 10 Marine Insurance: Underwriting and loss adjusting principles applied to Marine cargo insurance, hull / machinery policy, particular average, general average, P & I Clubs making claims.


UNIT IV 12 Statutory Regulations: IMO Conventions, legislations, MARPOL acts and conventions, annexes I to VI, SOLAS 1974 and amendments, main objectives, overview of all chapters and articles with an emphasis on ISM and ISPS codes, OPA 90, ballast water management. UNIT V 12 STCW: International convention on STCW for seafarers 1978 with 1995 amendments, an overview of all sections, manning of ships, engagement and discharge of ships crew, ships articles, Merchant shipping act, Port state control, PSC mandatory certificate check list, grounds for PSC inspection criteria for detention, case studies. TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. E.F. Stevens & C.S.J. Butterfield Shipping Practice 11th Edition, Sterling Book House, Mumbai, 1999. 2. John.M.Downard, Ship Management Series - Managing Ships, I Edition, Fairplay Publications, Coulsdon, Surrey - 1990. 3. Capt.Dara E.Driver, Advanced Shipboard Management, I Edition, Rumar Publications, Mumbai, 1985. REFERENCES 1. Nilima, M.Chanidiramani, Carriage of goods by Sea and Multimodal Transport, 1st Edition, Saptarang Publication, Mumbai, 1996. 2. SOLAS 1974 - International Maritime Organisation Publications 3. MARPOL 1973/78 - International Maritime Organisation Publications 4. STCW -1978/95 - International Maritime Organisation Publications 5. G.Raghuram, Shipping Management, 1st Edition, Vasant J.Sheth Memorial Foundation, Delhi, 1992 6. Merchant Shipping Act, Govt. of India - 1958.

MV82 0 3 AIM


3 0

To provide knowledge about Automation and Control Engineering in ships. OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students would have learnt,


Introduction of control systems. Graphical representation of signals. Electrical, Electronics, Pneumatic and Hydraulic control systems. Application of controls in ships.


UNIT I 12 Control system: Introduction to control terms, Block diagrams for control systems, Block diagram reduction, open loop and closed feed back control, comparison of closed and open loop, feed forward control. Feed forward modification. Regulators, Proportional plus integral plus derivative controls. Use of various control modes. Mathematical Model : Developing Mathematical Models For Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Thermal, Electrical and Electro mechanical Systems UNIT II 12 Graphical representation of signals: Inputs of step, Ramp, Sinusoid, Pulse and Impulse, Exponential Function etc Error Detector, Controller output elements. Dynamics of a simple servomechanism for Angular position Control: Torque Proportional to error, Different responses of servomechanism. Frequency response test. Series compensation using Nyquist Diagram UNIT III 12 Process control systems: Automatic closed loop process. Control system Dynamic characteristics of processes. Dynamic characteristics of controllers. Electronic Instrumentation for measurement and control analog computing and simulation: Introduction, Basic concepts. Analog computers. Simulation. The use of Digital computer in the simulation of control system. Hybrid computers. UNIT IV 12 Transmission: Pneumatic and electric transmission, suitability for marine use. Pneumatic and types of controllers hydraulic, electric and electronic controllers for generation of control action Time function controllers. Correcting Units: Diaphragm actuators, Valve positioners, piston actuators, and Electro pneumatic transducers. Electro- hydraulic actuators and Electric actuator control valves. UNIT V 12 Application of controls on ships: Marine Boiler - Automatic Combustion control, Air Fuel ratio control, feed water control single, two and three-element type, steam pressure control. Combustion chamber pressure control, fuel oil temperature control, Control in Main Machinery units for temperature of lubricating oil, jacket cooling water, fuel valve cooling water, piston cooling water and scavenge air, fuel oil viscosity control. Bridge control of main machinery, Instruments for UMS classification. TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS


1. 2.

D.A. Taylor, Marine Control Practice, 2nd Edition, Butter worth & Co (Publishers) Ltd., London, 1987. Leslie Jackson, Instrumentation and Control Systems, 3rd Edition, Thomas Reed Publication Ltd., London, 1992. REFERENCES

1. 2.

L.F. Adams, Engineering Instrumentation and Control, 1st Edition, English Language Book Society (ELBS), Hodder, Stoughton, Great Britain, 1984. Peter Harriott, Process Control, 26th reprint, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd.,2005 MV83 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND WATCH KEEPING 3 0 0

3 AIM To impart knowledge to the students in Watch-keeping of Engine Room in various types of ships and to prepare for Class IV MOT Examinations OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students are expected to have learnt, STCW standards of training, requirements of officers and ratings. Watch-keeping in various ships. Prevention, rectification and maintenance with respect to trouble shooting of machineries in the Engine Room. UNIT I 12 SAFE WATCH KEEPING: Definition of watch, operating principles, requirements of watch keeping, requirements of certification, duties of engineer officers operation of engine room in general, log book writing watch keeping under way watch keeping at port at unsheltered anchorage, fitness for duty, preparation of Diesel Engines for a long voyage bad weather precautions, safe working practices during overhauling at port, and during bad weather, change over from diesel oil to heavy oil and vice versa. Trouble shooting during watch keeping: Emergency measures taken in case of flooding of engine room, engine room bilge fire, general fire, Incase of any system failure or breakage of pipe lines, etc. UNIT II 10 Trouble shooting in Auxiliary Machineries:


Malfunctioning, partial or total failure of auxiliary machineries such as, auxiliary engines, purifiers, heat exchangers, air compressors, reefer and air conditioning compressors and systems, boilers and accessories, fresh water generators, hydrophore tanks and systems, all pumps & systems. Repairs and maintenance of propeller, rudder, drydocking methods, drydocking inspection and repair works. UNIT III 12 Trouble shooting in Main Engine: Trouble shooting related to various types of marine diesel engines and condition monitoring causes, effects, remedies and prevention of engine not turning on Air and Fuel, knocking at TDC and BDC, black smoke in funnel, poor compression and combustion, early or advanced injection, turbocharger surging, scavenge fire, Air starting line explosion, crank case explosion, exhaust uptake fire, failure of bottom end bolts. UNIT IV 14 Maintenance of Engine components : Checking of holding down bolts, resin chocking Tie-rods tensioning, checking and tightening of 2-stroke and 4-stroke bottom end bolts. Inspection and maintenance of crankshaft and cam shaft, dismantle inspection and reassemble of main bearings, cross head bearings & bottom end bearings, connecting rod, piston and piston assembly, stuffing box, cylinder head and all mountings, governor and over speed trip checking of all clearances, adjustments, effect of improper clearances, prevention and rectification. Cylinder liner and cylinder lubrication, thrust bearing, running gears inspection, engine alignment, chains drive adjustment and tensioning. UNIT V 12 Trouble shooting and maintenance of electrical machineries: Circuit testing, shore supply arrangement, maintenance of circuit breakers, transformers, electrical motors, navigational lights, batteries, starters, electrical equipments, maintenance of switchboard. Maintenance of electrical equipments in oil tankers, LNG / LPG carriers. TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS


1. 2.

Vikram Gokhale & N.Nanda, Marine Engineering Practice and Ship safety and Environmental protection, 3rd Edition, Engee Enterprises Mumbai, 2002. Sulzer brothers, Sumitomo Sulzer Diesel Engines, Service Instruction for Sumitomo Sulzer Diesel Engines RND Sumitomo ship building & Machining co., Ltd., Japan. REFERENCES

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

IME Manuals and Ships Marine Manuals. Manual instruction for MAN Diesel Engine and spare parts, 1968. Instruction Manual for Mitsui B & W Diesel Engine data, Mitsui Engineering & Ship Building co., Mitsui B & W, 1976. Manual De Maintenance & operation MAN type K.270 120E DMR. Daihatsu Diesel Engine instruction book, Operation & maintenance manual for Daihatsu Diesel Engine Model DV26, Model 6 PKT TB-16. Diesel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan, March 1984.


Syllabus: Diesel Engines, Marine Auxiliary machineries, controls, Naval Architecture and Marine electrical machineries. After completion of 4 years training, the Marine Engineering students will be tested on the Marine Engineering knowledge acquired by way of comprehension test. Valuation is done by both Internal and External Examiners for 100 Marks.

MV86 PROJECT WORK, TECHNICAL PAPER AND VIVA VOCE 0 0 12 6 It is mandatory on the part of the students to do a project and submit a report containing not more than 100 pages. A project should be undertaken by not exceeding 4 students in a batch. The project can be of working model, PC based training module and theoretical design and analysis. This will be evaluated by both Internal and External Examiners. The projects will be done in the eighth semester and will be reviewed three times by project guide and HOD. The internal mark of 100, for this will be allotted by the guide.


The thesis work will be evaluated by both Internal and External Examiners for a maximum of 100 Marks. Total: 200


MV702 AIM:


3 0 0 3

To understand the principles of Maritime Economics. OBJECTIVES: 1. Learn about various shipping markets. 2. Learn about freight rates and financing of ships. 3. Understand Maritime trade and Economics of bulk shipping. 4. Understand General Cargo shipping and Regulating Maritime trade. 5. Understand Forecasting and Market Research in shipping. UNIT I 9 Shipping Market The Economic Organization of the Shipping market. The shipping market cycles. The four shipping markets UNIT II 9 Supply and Demand ,Financing Supply, demand and freight rates .Costs, revenue and financial performance Financing ships and shipping companies UNIT III 9 Trade and Cargo The economic principles of maritime trade. The global pattern of maritime trade Bulk cargo and the economics of bulk shipping


UNIT IV 9 Economics of Ships and Fore casting The general cargo and the economics of liner shipping. The economics of ships and ship designs The regulatory framework of maritime economics. The economics of shipbuilding and scrapping Maritime forecasting and market research. UNIT V 9 Law and Marine Insurance: Information about law, Maritime Law. Marine Insurance, Clauses, General Average Franchise, Maritime perils, Protection and Indemnity Association, Warranties. Total: 45 Text Books: 1. Martin Stopford, Maritime Economics, 2nd Edition, Routledge, London, 1997. 2. Dr. K.V. Hariharan, Containerisation & Multimodal Transport in India, 2nd Edition, Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai,1997. 3. F. N. Hepkins Business Law for the Ship Master. 4. J.Bes Chartering & Shipping Terms. Reference Books: 1. G. Raghuram & others, Shipping Management Cases and Concepts, 1st Edition, MacMillan India Ltd., Mumbai, 1998. 2. J.S. Gill, Manual of Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, 1st Edition, Bhandarkar Publications, Mumbai, 1999. 3. E.R. Hardy Ivamy, Casebook on Shipping Law, 4th Edition, Lloyds of London Press Ltd., London, 1987.

ELECTIVES II MV703 AIM : To impart knowledge to the students about Finite Element Techniques and its application to Engineering problems. OBJECTIVES : 1. To understand the basic concepts of FEM. FINITE ELEMENT TECHNIQUES 3 0 0 3


2. To learn the various FEM techniques for solving one and two dimensional problems. 3. To apply FEM techniques, to solve simple engineering problems. UNIT I: 2 INTRODUCTION - VARIATIONAL FORMULATION: General Fields problems in engineering - Modelling - Discrete and Continuous models - characteristics - difficulties involved in solution - The relevance and place of finite element method - Historical comments - Basic concept of FEM. Boundary and initial value problems - Gradient and divergence theorems - Functional Variational calculus - Variational formulation of BVPs - The method of weighted residuals - The Ritz method. UNIT II: 12 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF ONE DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: One dimensional second order equations - discretisation of domain into elements - Generalized coordinates approach - derivation of element equations - assembly of element equations - Imposition of boundary conditions - solution of equations - Cholesky method - Post processing - Extension of the method to fourth order equations and their solutions - time dependent problems and their solutions - example from heat transfer, fluid flow and solid mechanics. UNIT III 12 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS TO TWO DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: Second order equations involving a scalar valued function - Model equation - Variational formulation Finite element formulation through generalized coordinates approach - Triangular elements and quadrilateral elements - convergence criteria for chosen models Interpolation functions - Element matrices and vectors - Assembly of element matrices boundary conditions - solution techniques. UNIT IV: 12 ISOPARAMETRIC ELEMENTS OF FORMULATION: Natural coordinates in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions - Use of area coordinates for triangular elements in - 2 dimensional problems - Isoparametric elements in 1,2 and 3 dimensions - Lagrangean and serendipity elements - Formulation of element equations in one and two dimensions Numerical integration. UNIT V: 12 APPLICATIONS TO FIELD PROBLEMS IN TWO DIMENSIONS: Equations of elasticity - Plane elasticity problems - asymmetric problems in elasticity - Bending of elastic plates


- time dependent problems in elasticity - Heat transfer in two dimensions Incompressible fluid flow. INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED TOPICS: (Only preliminaries covered. Not included for examination) Three-dimensional problems - Mixed Formulation - Use of software packages. Total: 60. Text Books : 1. J.N.Reddy, Introduction to the Finite Element Method,2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, Intl., New Delhi, 1993. 2. S.S. Rao, The Finite Element Method in Engineering,3rd Edition, Butter Worth, London, 2001. Reference Books: 1. C.S. Desai and J.P. Abel, Introduction to the Finite Element, 1st Edition, Affiliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1972. 2. K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis,6th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002. 3. Segerlind, John Wiley, Finite element method, 2nd Edition MV704 AIM: ADVANCED MARINE HEAT ENGINES 3 0 0 3

To impart the knowledge of Latest Designed Marine Heat Engines

OBJECTIVES On completion of this course the students are expected to have the Knowledge on the co- generation plant engines Design concept of Turbo blowers and compressors Design Concept of Heat Exchangers Recent trends in the design changes of IC Engines and Propulsion engines Unit I Complex Heat Engine Plants:12 Combined Steam Turbine and Diesel Engine Cycles. Combined steam Turbine and Gas Turbine cycles. Combined Gas Turbine and Diesel Engine cycles/Plants. Methods of improving the overall thermal efficiency of the entire plant. Cascade Refrigeration plants. Free piston Gas Generators. Unit II Combustion and flame stabilisation:12

Combustion of liquid fuels, atomisation, mixing, combustion curve and different methods of flame stabilisation, design and combustion chamber. Spray of fuel. Premixing of gaseous fuels for combustion. Stability of the flame.


Unit III Turbo Blowers and Turbo Compressors:12 Compressor characteristics for axial flow compressors and centrifugal compressors. Stalling of compressors. Turbine characteristics. Matching of components like compressor and turbine. Performance of different units in combination in single shaft arrangement. Variable Geometry turbo charges. Unit IV Heat Exchanger Types construction design applications. Unit V Recent trends 12


Diesel Engines using LNG vapour camless intelligent Engines , CRDI, NOX and SOX control by various types Exhaust gas recirculation water injection selective cat reduction Emission variable injection timing. Total: 60 Text Book: 1.Reeds Marine Engineering Series, Heat and Heat Engines, Thomas Reed Publications Ltd., 1983






To impart knowledge on the Type of Renewable energy Sources and its application OBJECTIVES On completion of the course the students are expected to have the knowledge on the Sources of Renewable energy Method of utilisation of the above Storage methods of energy UNIT I Solar Energy : Introduction. Fundamentals. Scientific Principles of Renewable Energy. Implications. Social Implications. Solar Radiation: 14 Technical


Introduction. Extra terrestrial Solar Radiation. Components of Radiation. Geometry of Earth & Sun. Geometry of the Collector. Solar Beam - Effects of Eastern Atmosphere. Measurement - Estimation of Solar Radiation. Solar Water Heating: Introduction: Heat Balance. Unsheltered & Sheltered Heaters, Systems with separate storage. Selective surfaces. Evacuated collectors. Uses of Solar Heat. Air Heater. Space Heating & Cooling. Water desalination. Solar Ponds. Solar concentrators electrical power systems. Problems. UNIT II 12 Photo Voltaic Generation: Silicon P-N Junction. Photo absorption. Solar radiation input. Photo voltaic circuit properties & loads, limit to cell efficiency. Solar cell construction. Types & adaptation of photo voltaic. Other types of Photo voltaics & thermoelectric generation. Problems. UNIT III 12 Wind Power: Introduction. Turbine Types & Terms. Linear Momentum & Basic Theory. Dynamic Matching. Stream Tube Theory, Characteristics of the wind. Power extraction by a turbine, Electricity generation. Mechanical Power. Total systems. Problems. Wave Energy: Tidal Power: Introduction. The cause of Tides. Enhancement of Tides. Tidal Flow Power. Tidal Range Power. World Range Power sites. Problems. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: Principles. Heat Exchangers. Pumping Requirements. Other practical considerations. Problems. Hydro Power & Geothermal Energy. UNIT IV 12

Bio mass: Principles of using Biomass. Availability. Economics. Anaerobic Digestion for biogas-basic process & energetic digester sizing. Working digesters. Agrochemical fuel extraction advantages & disadvantages. Bio fuels : Introduction. Bio-fuel classification, Thermo-chemical, Biochemical. Agrochemical. Biomass Production for energy farming, Energy farming-advantages & disadvantages. Geographical Distribution. Crop yield, Energy analysis. Direct combustion for heat. Domestic cooling & heating, Crop drying. Process heat and electricity. UNIT V Energy storage & Distribution: 12


Importance of Energy Storage & Distribution. Biological Storage. Chemical Storage. Heat Storage. Electrical Storage. Fuel Cells, Mechanical Storage. Distribution of Energy Problems. Reference Books : 1. G D Rai, Renewable Energy Sources, Khanna Publications 2. Sukhatme, Solar Energy, Tata Mc Graw Hill Co. MV706 AIM: To ensure awareness regarding Environmental Protection at Sea and impart commitment. OBJECTIVES: 1. Learn precautions required for oil tanker operations. 2. Learn about MARPOL 73/78 requirements and Safe Working Practices. 3. Learn Life Saving and Survival at Sea techniques. Learn about IMO, its conventions and statutory certificates of ships. To understand Personnel Management, Training and Emergency drills of ships UNIT I 10 Oil pollution prevention : Pollution of the Marine environment while bunkering, loading/discharging oil cargo tank cleaning pumping out bilges etc., - knowledge of construction and operation of oil pollution prevention equipment in engine room and on tankers. UNIT II 12 Legislations : MARPOL 73/78 and other country legislations like OPA-90 MARPOL equipment Knowledge of Codes of Safety Working practices as published Knowledge of type of information issued by D.G. Shipping with regard to safety at sea & safe working practices. UNIT III 14 Survival techniques and life saving appliances on ship: Introduction and safety Emergency situations Principles of survival Use of survival equipment Survival craft and rescue boat Methods of helicopter rescue Launching arrangements Lifeboat engine and accessories Evacuation Signalling equipment and pyrotechnics First aid Radio equipment Launching and handling survival craft in rough weather Understand practical applications of medical guides Understand process of radio SHIP SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 3 0 0 3


medical advice Demonstrate knowledge of actions to be taken in case of accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur on board ships. UNIT IV 14 Rules & Regulations : IMO & its conventions Indian Merchant Shipping Act & Rules Classification society Charterers Personal relationship onboard ship. Knowledge of the appropriate statutes of concern to marine engineer officers: The administrative duties of a Chief Engineer the organisation and training of staff for both normal and emergency duties. The various statutory certificates and documents to be carried onboard ships by all ships: Dangerous goods codes Carrying more than 2000 tonnes of oil Chemical tankers and Gas carriers. Unit V 10 Personnel Management: Principles of controlling subordinates and maintaining good relationship staff attitudes Exercise of authority Group behaviour Conditions of employment. Organisation of Staff: Manning arrangements Analysis of work Allocation of staff Organisation of safety and emergencies, staff duties, maintenances, Ships records, communication on the ship, meeting techniques. Training on board ships: Training methods Training in safety Emergency drills Training in ship operations. Total: 60 . Text Books: 1. STCW 1995 Hand Book Reference Books: 1. Bhandarkar V.K. MS & M Notices, 1st Edition, Bhandarkar Publishers, Mumbai, 1998. 2. International Maritime Organisation, SOLAS consolidated Edition 1997, 2nd Edition, Sterling Book House, Mumbai, 1997. 3. International Maritime Organisation, MARPOL 73/78 consolidated edition 1997, 2nd Edition, Sterling Book House, Mumbai, 1997. 4. R. H. B. Sturt, The Collision Regulations, 2nd Edition, Lloyds of London Press Ltd., London, 1984.



To impart knowledge on the Ship Recycling OBJECTIVES On completion of the course the students are expected to have the knowledge on the Method of preparation and breaking of the Ships Hazards involved in while breaking the ships Method of controlling the same Types of Recycling and designing the ships Regulations in force for Recycling Ship Breaking Yards in INDIA UNIT I 12 Ship Breaking Methods: Introduction on ship breaking, Afloat method, Dry dock method, type of components to be removed. Towing Beaching Preparation of diagram combustible and non-combustible - re usable materials and components, recovering metals, which are mixed with non-metal metal cutting and scraping. UNIT II 12 Ship Breaking safe practices: Objective definition of enclosed space assessment of risk authorisation authorisation of entry precautions testing of atmosphere known unsafe space additional precautions hazardous cargo fumigation example of an enclosed space entry permit potentially hazardous materials hazardous wastes and substances. UNIT III 13 Ship Recycling Downstream: Define recyclable recycled content, recycling plan, pollution prevention procedure for existing ships Green passport minimising reducing waste generation, for new ships minimising hazardous substance, designing recyclable ships minimising waste generation. UNIT IV 14 Regulation on recycling: MEPC 53, MEPC 54, MEPC 55, Basel convention, Role of Flag State, Port State recycling state ILO, London Convention 1972/ 1996 Protocol, Shipping Industry. Ship recycling industry, interested stakeholder, and operational safety hazard conventions, recommended code of practice. UNIT V 9 Ship breaking Industry: Ship breaking industry in India, present scenario, Gujarat Maritime Board, Gujarat Enviro protection and Infrastructure Ltd. Growth of Ship breaking industry Alang Ship Breaking Yard Role of pollution control board Alang Sosiya Ship breaking yard, Valanar Ship breaking yard. Hazards associated with ship breaking metallurgical & engineering consultant(India) finding. TOTAL: 60


Text Books: 1. Misra Dr.P., Ship Recycling, 1st Edition, Nanosa Publishers 2007. 2. IMO Guidelines on ship recycling MV802 AIM: MARINE CORROSION AND PREVENTION 3 0 0 3

To impart knowledge on the Type of corrosion and how this is being controlled in marine environment OBJECTIVES On completion of the course the students are expected to have the knowledge on the Causes of corrosion Method of prevention during operation and during construction Anti-corrosive paints Corrosion in BOILERS and IC ENGINES Unit I 12 Introduction Cathodic Protection Sacrificial anodes protection Impressed current system protection Bimetallic corrosion Design faults causing corrosion corrosion of metals in sea water, metallic corrosion . Unit II 12 Hull Plate Preparation - Plate preparation during building and repair periods Atmospheric corrosion Mill scale flame cleaning Acid Pickling Blast cleaning causes of paint failure shipboard preparations for painting power wire brushing power discing air hammer high pressure water blasting sand blasting shot blasting. Unit III 12 Modern paint types -Basic composition of paint Albyd bitumen or pitch chlorinated rubber coaltar epoxy Epoxy oleoresinous phenolic polyurethane primers vinyl self polrshing copolymers shipboard paint systems underwater AF paints boot top anti corrosive paints super structure paints. Unit IV 12 Corrosion in boiler : Atoms & Ions, Ph value eletrochmical corrosion, Direct chemical attack Electro chemical attack reason remedial measures. Effect of salts & Grease in feed water. Effect of corrosion while boiler not in service preservation to avoid corrosion. Corrosion in Marine Diesel Engines : Corrosive wear of cylinder liners Reasons and remedies corrosion of Main Engine Jacket cooling spaces Reasons and remedies corrosion in bearings. Unit V 12


Corrosion and its prevention : Mechanism of corrosion Chemical corrosion Electro chemical corrosion Anomic & cathodic protection forms of metallic coatings anodizing phosphating. Total:60 Text book: 1. Shipboard operations by H.I. Lavery MV803 AIM: To impart knowledge to students about friction and roll lubrication systems. OBJECTIVES: To learn about friction and its effects on wear and tear. To learn about lubrication and their behaviour in certain applications. To learn about lubrication system and its maintenance. UNIT I 9+3 Friction - Dry Friction topography of surfaces contact between surfaces sliding friction energy dissipation. Theory of molecular attraction fretting corrosion and prevention variables in dry friction present concept of friction boundary friction oiliness variables of boundary friction friction characteristics of metals and non-metal rolling friction sources of measurement of friction. UNIT II 7+3 Wear types mechanism factors affecting wear Adhesive wear abrasive wear fatigue wear corrosive wear brittle fracture wear Delamination Wear measurement. UNIT III 11+3 Viscosity and flow - Fundamentals Petroffs equation friction torque viscosity measurement factors affecting viscosity Principle of hydrostatic lubrication hydrostatic step bearing multi recess bearing design problems different types of compensation and their effect on bearing, parameters hydrostatic lift, simple problems hydrostatic journal bearing, simple problems hydrostatic squeeze films. UNIT IV 9+3 Hydrodynamic Lubrication : solution of Reynolds equation application to tilting pad thrust bearing design of hydrodynamic journal bearings force feed on oil flow with various type of grooves dynamic bearings and rotor systems brief discussion, lubrication systems, bearing materials gas bearings brief discussion elastohydro dynamic lubrication brief discussion. UNIT V 9+3 TRIBOLOGY AND MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING 3 0 0 3


Lubricants and Maintenance - Lubricants types solid and liquid properties additives testing reclamation of lubricants, surface treatment phosphating of metal surface, Teflon coating, - Predictive maintenance signature analysis and condition monitoring basic principles instrumentation. L:45 T:15 Total: 60periods. Text Books: 1. Cameron, A. Basic Lubrication Theory, 3rd Edition, Wiley Eastern, 1988. 2. Majumdar, Introduction of Tribology of bearings1st Edition, Prentice Hall international. Reference Books: 1. Hutchings. M.Tribology, Friction and wear of Engg., 1st Edition, Edward Arnold, Great Britain, 1992. 2. Bharat Bhusan & B.K.Gupta, handbook of tribology. MV804 AIM: To impart knowledge on the Modelling of Marine Systems OBJECTIVES On completion of the course the students are expected to have the knowledge on the Modelling Approach Mathematical Models Simulation of discrete systems Simulation and Modelling of important sector viz. transport, shipping economics Unit I 10 MARINE SYSTEMS MODELLING AND SIMULATION 3 0 0 3

System - Components continuous and discrete systems model of a system modelling approaches. Unit II 10

Testing Methods - Mid square method the midproduct method constant multiplier method additive congruential method linear congruential method test for random numbers the chi-square test the kolmograv Smirnov test runs test Gap test. Unit III 14 Statistical Techniques - Inverse transform technique exponential distribution Poisson distribution uniform distribution waybill distribution empirical distribution normal distribution building an empirical distribution the rejection method.


Unit IV 14 Simulation simulation of an event occurrence using random number table simulation of component failures using exponential and waybill models simulation of a single server queue and a two server queue simulation of an inventory system. Unit V 12 Simulation & Modelling Applications - Transportation and logistics, shipping economics, human resource Simulation languages TOTAL : 60 Text book: 1. Narasingh Deo, System Simulation with digital computers, PHI, 1979. 2. Dr. P. Misra, Simulation and Modelling. References: 1. Gottfried, B.S., Elements of stochastic process simulation, Prentice Hall, London, 1984. 2. Barnhs, J., and Carson, J.S., Discrete-event system simulation, Prentice Hall, London, 1984. MV701 AIM: DOUBLE HULL TANKERS 3 0 0 3

To impart knowledge on the design features and utility of Double Hull Tankers OBJECTIVES On completion of the course the students are expected to have the knowledge on the Advantages and superiority of double hull tankers Design Consideration and Storage of Oil Space Structural design of double hull and oil handling devices Economic Aspect of Double Hull tankers UNITI 12

Introduction - Origin of double hull ships, their usefulness and superiority over conventional single skin ships, use of double hull tank ships for transport of different types of commodities, prevention of oil-spill and pollution of sea, IMO requirements, schedule for phasing out single hull tank vessels of different sizes. UNITII 2 Design - main dimension, hull-weight estimate, double hull requirements, minimum depth of double bottom tank, wing tank width, clearance for inspection etc. maximum cargo tank size, capacity, effect of free surface, damage stability, hydrostatically balanced loading, sloshing loads, its elimination or minimization.


UNITIII 14 Structural Analysis - non-uniform and uniform stress distribution, unidirectional (longitudinal) structural members, elimination of transverse structural members (except transverse bulkheads), minimization of structural discontinuities and stress concentration zones, use of steel of higher strength, resistance to grounding and collision, classification society requirements, access to inside and bottom spaces. UNIT IV 12 Cargo handling system - use of submerged pumps, ordinary pumps of new independent pumps, cargo transfer system, assurance of quality of cargo oil, complete elimination of risk of admixture of different grades of oil, concealed pipelines, easy maintenance, inspection and cleaning, elimination of explosion risks. UNIT V 10 Economical Operations - Economical aspects, fast loading discharging or oil cargo, quicker cleaning, ballasting and de-ballasting, larger number of trips per year. TOTAL: 60 Text Books 1. Indian Register of Shipping Notes on Design of Double Hull Tankers 2. Lloyd Register of Shipping Notes on Design of Double Hull Tankers 3. Ship Design, SNAME


MARINE 3 0 0 3


To impart knowledge on the Propeller, Geometry, Design, Performance and defects OBJECTIVES On completion of the course the students are expected to have the knowledge on the Various types of Propulsion systems, Propeller geometry Propeller theory , propeller operating environment Interaction between hull and the propeller Performance and maintenance of proppellers Unit :I 12


Propulsion Systems and Propeller Geometry. Fixed pitch propellers, Ducted propellers, Podded and azimuthing propulsors, Contra-rotating propellers, Overlapping propellers, Tandem propellers, Controllable pitch propellers, Waterjet propulsion, Cycloidal propellers paddle wheels, Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion, Superconducting motors for marine propulsion. Frames of references, Propeller reference lines, Pitch, Rake and skew, Propeller outlines and area, Propeller drawing methods Section geometry and definition, Blade thickness distribution and thickness fraction, Blade interference limits for controllable pitch propellers, Controllable pitch propeller off-design section geometry, Miscellaneous conventional propeller geometry terminology. Unit : II Propeller Environment & performance characteristics. 12

Density of water, Salinity, Water temperature, Viscosity, Vapour pressure, Dissolved gases in sea water, Surface tension, Weather, Silt and marine organisms. Unit : III Propeller theory, Cavitation & noise. 12

Momentum theory Ranking, R.E. Froude , Blade element theory W. Froude , Propeller Theoretical development, Burrills analysis procedure, Lerbs analysis method, Eckhardt and Morgans design method, Lifting surface correction factors Morgan, Lifting surface models, Lifting-line lifting-surface hybrid models, Vortex lattice methods, Boundary element methods, Methods for specialist propulsors, Computational fluid dynamics methods. The basic physics of cavitation, Types of cavitation experienced by propellers, Cavitation considerations in design, Cavitation inception, Cavitation-induced damage, Cavitation testing of propellers, Analysis of measured pressure data from a cavitating propeller, Propeller rudder interaction. Physics of underwater sound, Nature of propeller noise, Noise scaling relationships, Noise prediction and control, Transverse propulsion unit noise, Measurement of radiated noise. Unit : IV Propeller-ship interaction, Ship resistance and Propulsion: 12

Bearing forces, Hydrodynamic interaction, Froudes analysis procedure, Components of calm water resistance, Methods of resistance evaluation, Propulsive coefficients, The influence of rough water, Restricted water effects, High-speed hull form resistance, Air resistance. Unit : V Service performance, tolerance and maintenance. 12


Effects of weather, Hull roughness and fouling, Hull drag reduction, Propeller roughness and fouling, Generalized equations for the roughness-induced power penalties in ship operation, Monitoring of ship performance. Propeller tolerances, Propeller inspection, Causes of propeller damage, Propeller repair, Welding and the extent of weld repairs, stress relief TOTAL: 60 Text Book 1. John Carlton, Marine Propellers and Propulsion, (2nd Edition) published by Elservier limited, 2007,



L T P C 3 0 0 3 9



Senses of Engineering Ethics Variety of moral issues Types of inquiry Moral dilemmas Moral Autonomy Kohlbergs theory Gilligans theory Consensus and Controversy Professions and Professionalism Professional Ideals and Virtues Uses of Ethical Theories UNIT II ENGINEERING AS SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION 9

Engineering as Experimentation Engineers as responsible Experimenters Research Ethics - Codes of Ethics Industrial Standards - A Balanced Outlook on Law The Challenger Case Study UNIT III ENGINEERS RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY 9

Safety and Risk Assessment of Safety and Risk Risk Benefit Analysis Reducing Risk The Government Regulators Approach to Risk - Chernobyl Case Studies and Bhopal UNIT IV RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS 9

Collegiality and Loyalty Respect for Authority Collective Bargaining Confidentiality Conflicts of Interest Occupational Crime Professional Rights Employee Rights Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - Discrimination UNIT V GLOBAL ISSUES 9


Multinational Corporations Business Ethics - Environmental Ethics Computer Ethics Role in Technological Development Weapons Development Engineers as Managers Consulting Engineers Engineers as Expert Witnesses and Advisors Honesty Moral Leadership Sample Code of Conduct TOTAL: 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering, McGraw Hill, New York (2005). 2. Charles E Harris, Michael S Pritchard and Michael J Rabins, Engineering Ethics Concepts and Cases, Thompson Learning, (2000). REFERENCES: 1. Charles D Fleddermann, Engineering Ethics, Prentice Hall, New Mexico, (1999). 2. John R Boatright, Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Pearson Education, (2003) 3. Edmund G Seebauer and Robert L Barry, Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers, Oxford University Press, (2001) 4. Prof. (Col) P S Bajaj and Dr. Raj Agrawal, Business Ethics An Indian Perspective, Biztantra, New Delhi, (2004) 5. David Ermann and Michele S Shauf, Computers, Ethics and Society, Oxford University Press, (2003)



Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definition of quality - Dimensions of manufacturing and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM - Definition of TQM TQM Framework - Contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby Barriers to TQM. 2. TQM PRINCIPLES 9

Leadership Strategic quality planning, Quality statements - Customer focus Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction, Customer complaints, Customer retention Employee involvement Motivation, Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal - Continuous process improvement PDSA cycle, 5s, Kaizen - Supplier partnership Partnering, Supplier selection, Supplier Rating. 3. TQM TOOLS & TECHNIQUES I 9

The seven traditional tools of quality New management tools Six-sigma: Concepts, methodology, applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT Bench marking Reason to bench mark, Bench marking process FMEA Stages, Types. 4. TQM TOOLS & TECHNIQUES II 9

Quality circles Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Taguchi quality loss function TPM Concepts, improvement needs Cost of Quality Performance measures. 5. QUALITY SYSTEMS 9

Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System Elements, Documentation, Quality auditing- QS 9000 ISO 14000 Concepts, Requirements and Benefits Case studies of TQM implementation in manufacturing and service sectors including IT. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOK 1. Dale H.Besterfiled, et at., Total Quality Management, Pearson Education Asia, Third Edition, Indian Reprint (2006). REFERENCES 1. James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, The Management and Control of Quality, (6th Edition), South-Western (Thomson Learning), 2005.


2. Oakland, J.S. TQM Text with Cases, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd., Oxford, Third Edition (2003). 3. Suganthi,L and Anand Samuel, Total Quality Management, Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2006) 4. Janakiraman,B and Gopal, R.K, Total Quality Management Text and Cases, Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2006) MV805 AIM: To impart knowledge on the Principle , Method and Design of Super charger and Scavenging devices OBJECTIVES On completion of the course the students are expected to have a knowledge on Selection of type of super chargers Method of Super charging and Scavenging Design of Port and Mufflers How to improve the performance of these systems Unit I 12 Super charging principles: Objectives, thermodynamic consideration of the mechanical super charging and turbo charging. Unit II 12 Superchargers: Types of compressors, positive displacement blowers, centrifugal compressors, characteristics, and suitability for engine application, Phenomena of surging in centrifugal compressors, matching. Unit III 12 Scavenging of two stroke engine: Peculiarities of 2S cycle engines, clarification, mixture control through port versus read value induction, charging process in a two stroke cycle engine, terminology, relation between scavenging terms, concepts of perfect mixing and perfect scavenging. Unit IV 12 Ports and muffler design : Porting, design considerations, and intake and exhaust systems turning. Unit V 12 Experimental Methods: Kadenacy System, experimental methods, and disadvantages of two stroke petrol engines steps to overcome orbital engine combustion system, sonic system. Total: 60 SUPERCHARGING AND SCAVENGING IN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES 3 0 0 3


Text Books: 1. Supercharging the I.C. Engines Vincent. 2. Turbocharging the I.C. Engine-Watsun & Junota. Reference: 1. Scavenging of two stroke cycle diesel engines Schweitzer.


ME 706 AIM:


L T P C 3 0 0 3

To impart the knowledge of numerical techniques to the solution of fluid dynamics and heat transfer problems.

OBJECTIVE: To introduce Governing Equations of vicous fluid flows To introduce numerical modeling and its role in the field of fluid flow and heat transfer To enable the students to understand the various discretization methods, solution procedures and turbulence modeling. To create confidence to solve complex problems in the field of fluid flow and heat transfer by using high speed computers.

PREREQUISITE: Fundamental Knowledge of Mechanics UNIT I partial differential equations, Heat Transfer and Fluid 8


Basics of computational fluid dynamics Governing equations of fluid dynamics Continuity, Momemtum and Energy equations Chemical species transport Physical boundary conditions Time-averaged equations for Turbulent Flow TurbulentKinetic Energy Equations Mathematical behaviour of PDEs on CFD - Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic equations. UNIT II FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD 9

Derivation of finite difference equations Simple Methods General Methods for first and second order accuracy solution methods for finite difference equations Elliptic equations Iterative solution Methods Parabolic equations Explicit and Implicit schemes Example problems on elliptic and parabolic equations. UNIT III FINITE VOLUME METHOD (FVM) FOR DIFFUSION 9

Finite volume formulation for steady state One, Two and Three -dimensional diffusion problems. One dimensional unsteady heat conduction through Explicit, Crank Nicolson and fully implicit schemes. UNIT IV FINITE VOLUME METHOD FOR CONVECTION DIFFUSION 10


Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion Central, upwind differencing schemes-properties of discretization schemes Conservativeness, Boundedness, Trasnportiveness, Hybrid, Power-law, QUICK Schemes. UNIT V CALCULATION FLOW FIELD BY FVM 9

Representation of the pressure gradient term and continuity equation Staggered grid Momentum equations Pressure and Velocity corrections Pressure Correction equation, SIMPLE algorithm and its variants. Turbulence models, mixing length model, Two equation (k-) models High and low Reynolds number models TEXT BOOKS: 1. T.J. Chung, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University, Press, 2002. 2. Versteeg, H.K., and Malalasekera, W., An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The finite volume Method, Longman, 1998. 3. Ghoshdastidar , P.S., computer Simulation of flow and heat transfer, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1998. REFERENCES: 1. Patankar, S.V. Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 2004. 2. Muralidhar, K., and Sundararajan, T., computationsl Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Narosa Publishing House, NewDelhi, 1995. 3. Ghoshdastidar P.S., Heat Transfer, Oxford Unversity Press, 2005. 4. Prodip Niyogi, Chakrabarty .S.K., Laha .M.K. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Pearson Education, 2005. 5. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics Anil W. Date Cambridge University Press, 2005.




3 0 0 3

To impart knowledge to the students about special duty ships operation and classification society regulations. Objective: After the completion of the course the students will have learnt History of trade of special duty vessels. Cargo Operations of Oil tankers. About Inert Gas Systems and Tank Washing Operations of Tankers. Cargo Operations of Chemical tankers, LPG / LNG vessels. About rules of classification societies for Cargo Ships and Tankers. Unit I 10 Introduction - Need for special duty vessels with reference to development of trade and necessities of the trade. Operation of Bulk carriers Bulk Grain and ore etc., - Banana carriers Coal Carriers Forest Products carriers Timber carriers Container vessels. Unit II 12 Oil Tanker Cargo Operations: Pipeline systems Ring main Direct Line Combined Free flow system Stripping lines. Lining up pipe lines and cargo operations loading more than one grade discharging ballasting precautions ship / shore check list safety goods sources of ignition on tankers static electricity precautions to prevent ignition due to static electricity cargo operations when not secured alongside procedure if oil spill occurs oil record books. Unit III 14 Oil tankers routine operations: Inert Gas system principle components of system, plant and distribution system uses of inert gas during tanker operating cycle. Tank washing: Procedure portable and fixed machines tank washing with water washing atmospheres crude oil washing (COW) advantages and disadvantages of COW operating and safety procedures gas freeing pressure vacuum values Load on Top system (LOT) regulations and operation Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBT). Unit IV 14 Intrinsically dangerous Cargos - Dangerous goods loaded in bulk packaging IMDG code emergency procedures MS & M notices general fire precautions,


during loading / discharging, - fire fighting and detection system. Liquefied gas cargoes regulations types of cargo and carriers LPG and LNG cargo handling equipments tank monitors and controls operational procedures loading and discharging of LPG/LNG cargoes chemical cargoes regulations, operations bulk chemical carriers tank material and coatings tank washing cargo record book equipment items precautions to be observed during cargo operations in port fire protection personnel protection. Unit V 10 Rules and Regulations - classification societies for hull, equipment and machineries of Cargo ships and oil tankers requirements of various types of surveys and certification of Merchant Ships. Total: 60 Periods. Text Books: 1. Lavery, Ship board operation, 2nd Edition, Butter Worth- Heinemann, London, 1990. 2. V.K. Bhandarkar, MS & M Notices to Mariners, 1st Edition, Bhandarkar Publications, Mumbai, 1998. 3. D.J. Eyres, Ship Construction, 4th Edition, Butter worth Heinemann, Oxford, 1994. Reference Books: 1. Indian Register of Shipping Part1 to Part7, Rules and Regulations for the construction and classification of steel ships, 1st Edition, Indian Register of Shipping, Mumbai, 1999. 2. International of Maritime Organisation, SOLAS consolidated Edition 1997, 2nd Edition, Sterling Book House, Mumbai, 1997.


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