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Furniture Management System

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All organizations rely on computer and information technology to conduct business and operate more efficiently. The rapid spread of technology across all industries has generated a need for highly trained workers to help organizations incorporate new technologies. The tasks performed by workers known as computer systems analysts evolve rapidly, reflecting new areas of specialization or changes in technology, as well as the preferences and practices of employers. Computer systems analysts solve computer problems and apply computer technology to meet the individual needs of an organization. They help an organization to realize the maximum benefit from its investment in equipment, personnel, and business processes. Systems analysts may plan and develop new computer systems or devise ways to apply existing systems resources to additional operations. Systems analysts discussed the systems problems with managers and users to determine its exact nature. Defining the goals of the system and dividing the solutions into individual steps and separate procedures, systems analysts use techniques such as structured analysis, data modeling, sampling, and cost accounting to plan the system. They specify the inputs to be accessed by the system, design the processing steps, and format the output to meet users needs. They also may prepare cost-benefit and return-oninvestment analyses to help management decide whether implementing the proposed technology will be financially feasible.

It might be possible that it should be called Small Industry Management Software instead of Free Accounting! As a business owner or manager you know how complex managing small Industry can be and you know how important Industry management is. Proper Inventory Management is the key to running a successful business. In most case s of small Industries run by a small management team and highly influenced by the founder. Who dreamed to make his Industry into Corparate.To achieve global standard quality and production. The Industry management functionality starts with the ability to define and nest product groups. Properly defining your Industry Departments items relationships in your Industry Management Software allows you to better track and control related your Industry functions. FEATURES Office Management: You can create Billing, Quotation, Employee Salary Details. You can get any information in particular date,bill,Quotation,Employee Details in from the record. Production: You can create give the daily production details and record maintain. From these one we can get the decisions to improve the production and high quality achievements. Store Management: You can create Inventory control and avoid unnecessary deal investment and maintain vendor list to get need quality and quantity wise.

ADDITIONAL FEATURES: Design, Rearch and Development Keeping inventory costs down is crucial to competitive advantage. And since inventory features are integrated with the sales department, sales team and customers can view real-time inventory and pricing. Marketing: When creating new inventory items, you can define their Web characteristics, such as pricing, captions, images and more. Sales representatives and partners have full views into inventory levels. Plus, orders from the Web, retail or sales organization, will automatically be reflected in inventory levels. Sales Management: It has been manage the entire selling process, including sales order entry, postsale follow-up, as well as upselling opportunities. Unlike its competitors, HashIMS Small Business provides complete customer purchase histories, which enable your sales representatives to serve your customers better. Order Management: Sales representatives can turn sales estimates into orders with just one click. They can spend more time selling products and services, and less time shuffling papers

2.1 EXISTING SYSTEM The existing system is a manual processing system, which is even though best very difficult to maintain in all situations. In the manufacturing company so many things are there to do like Office Management of raw material, production, maintain the goods into stock department, Marketing, Designing new Product. Store Raw material is the primary needs for all the production company. Purchase of raw material from supplier and maintain the information about supplier, purchase return and other works related with purchase company have to maintain for future purpose. The all above information in the company were maintained manually as a paper work. To maintain this only on department we need more manual power, particularly if we make it computerized we need only less manpower. Production This is the company work of converting raw material into finished goods. To produce goods we need machineries, manpower and other infrastructure then company has to maintain all the details regarding production like, machineries information, man power information, cost of production. To maintain this only on department we need more manual power, if we make it computerized we need only less manpower. Marketing Marketing the product is the main work of the production company. Maintain the stock details are difficult work by manual. If we maintain the stock properly then only we can achieve company target within the scheduled time. To maintain this only on department need more manual power, if we make it computerized we need only less manpower.

Service Service department in the company any fault in the pruduct after sales and analysis the repaire and correct and send to the customer through the register. The feed back from the customer and taken necessary action.


The proposed system is trying to cover all the problems of existing system by means of computerizing the entire work. The proposed system is the implementation of VB.NET and SQL SERVER with many advanced features. VB.NET and SQL SERVER are used to validate and connect the database. To reduce the efforts and pains for the users and global accessing of data and data source with the security system for the administrator and the organization planned to computerize these overall activities. The proposed system will give flexible and user-friendly solution for maintaining all the details of production,R and D,Store,Marketing. This system will reduce the time consumption and the use of more manpower. It will maintain all datas properly and it can be useful to achieve global standard quality and production in a user-friendly manner. This system simplifies the task of the user by performing calculations automatically. Sales information, report and personnel information are handled efficiently by this system.

Organization Profile: The Diamond Group Companies, our march towards the quality goal started long back and continues even today after long achieving it. We are the leaders of the Indian Furniture company today. This achievement is no doubt due to the quality we have attained in Products, Manufacture and in Service. We hold this quality objective very dear to us. Every step in our march is a firm step towards Quality, Perfection and Customer Delight culminating in the product Diamond Furniture, serving a million and more satisfied customers. A professional quality management system ensures the safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness of our products and systems. It also forms the framework of operations and ensures quality at all stages Product design Development Manufacturing Marketing Customer service

Even if the products manufactured are the highest quality, it takes an excellent sales and after sales service outlet to keep us as product leaders in the market.

Administrative Office Address:

Diamond Furniture SF No 48/2A, Vilankurichi, Coimbatore-35

4.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE 1) To computerize the jobs of the present Project 2) To computerize the general activity in a company. 3) To provide good user-interface Environment. 4) System Highly Secured. 5) To easy the employees works burden. 6) To know fletuvaation in the market,production. 4.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE The specific objective of the project is to reduce the cost incurred and the time consumed in the organization. The time is one of the considerable factors in an organization, which will be useful for developing the business. The objective is that the Top Management will come to know the activities that are happening in the Middle Managemen. Each time when a candidate walks in the messaged conveyed to them is updated, so that it will be easier for future communications and development. 4.3 METHODOLOGY A project can be managed better when segmented into a hierarchy of chunks such as phases, stages, activities, tasks and steps. In system development projects, the simplest rendition of this is called the "waterfall" methodology. The system requirement have already been defined and scrubbed exhaustively, which is probably the most important step towards project success. Nevertheless, a few critical principles of a good methodology:

Work is done in stages, Content reviews are conducted between stages, and Reviews represent quality gates and decision points for continuing.

8 The waterfall provides an orderly sequence of development steps and helps ensure the adequacy of documentation and design reviews to ensure the quality, reliability, and maintainability of the developed software. This is the final report on research intended to investigate the most effective methods for software engineering evaluation. The objective of this work is to identify and evaluate the methods used to measure the impact of changes to the software process. In particular, there is a special interest in the evaluation of benefit improvements when different process models are used. The research has pursued two types of activity. First, evaluation methods used in other disciplines have been reviewed for their utility in software engineering. The long-term goal is to produce taxonomy of methods with a suggested range of strengths for software engineers. The availability of this unified view would help analysts select the most appropriate evaluation techniques for a given class of task. The second class of activity employed small studies in which evaluation methods could be tested and/or quantifiable concepts could be modeled. Because the research goal is to provide a means to appraise alternative development paradigms, most of the effort was spent on the study of an essential software process model and the evaluation of paradigms that alter the process within the model The waterfall methodology has been used to developed the project first collected the requirements and every stages used in the same methodology.


Hardware Configuration
Hardware specification of the system that is used in this project are,

Processor Memory Cpu Clock Speed Hard disk Floppy Drive Mouse Key board Monitor 400 MHZ 80 GB 1.44MB Optical Mouse 108 Windows keyboard 17 CRT



The application program requires these following preferred system


Pentium grade PC Windows 95/98/2000 Windows NT/XP 64 MB RAM color monitor with 16-bit color display Printer, Microsoft SQL


Software Configuration
Software specification of the system that is used in this project is,

Operating System Front end Back end


Selection of appropriate software is necessary for the development of any application oriented projects. The language which has been chosen to develop the project is VB.NET as front end and Microsoft sql server as backend tool for its database.

Visual Studio: Understanding

Dig deep into Visual Studio .NET to understand how it works and how best to use it to build your next generation of applications and Web services. These resources describe topics, such as Microsoft .NET fundamentals, data access, interoperability, performance and diagnostics, security, tools, and XML.

.NET Fundamentals
Use the resources in this section to help you understand the key concepts on which the Microsoft .NET Framework is based. Learn how the concepts change the way you develop applications.

Data Access
Microsoft .NET applications can connect to a variety of data sources, including SQL Server, ODBC data sources, and a variety of OLEDB providers, through the new data access technology of ADO.NET. The information in this section covers the new data access objects including the Data Set and Data Adapter classes. Using ADO.NET Accessing Data with ADO.NET ADO.NET for the ADO Programmer


Performance and Diagnostics

Get the lowdown on logging, tracing, profiling, and other diagnostic techniques for analyzing and monitoring your .NET applications. Performance Tips and Tricks in Microsoft .NET Applications Debugging .NET Applications Boosting the Performance of the Microsoft .NET Framework

The information presented here will give you a good understanding about what you can do to secure your applications.

The Microsoft .NET Framework ships with a variety of tools to enable you to work with Security Policy, import COM and ActiveX libraries, and much more.

Visual Studio: XML

XML is a core component of the .NET Framework and is involved in everything from object serialization, to Web service connectivity, to data access.

Microsoft is currently working with prominent companies in the speech technologies area on an company specification known as Speech Application Language Tags (SALT). An extension of HTML and other markup languages, SALT will help developers create speech-enabled Web applications.


Data access services in the Microsoft.

Net framework find out about the design motivations behind ado+ (now ado.net), as well as a brief introduction to the various classes in the two layers that comprise the ado+ frameworkthe connected managed providers and the disconnected dataset.

About SQL server

Enabling the information age is the slogan upon which oracle is founded, but it is more than a slogan to engineers who dedicated their knowledge and experience to the task of delivering this information with accuracy and speed. in this age of information, just getting the data is not enough. The data is so vital to business must be dependable, accurate and delivered as quickly as possible. Moreover, this is where oracle stands right. The oracle the database has a logical layer and physical layer. The physical layer consists of the files that reside on the disk; the components of the logical layer map the data to these physical components.

Data base management system

A database system is a collection of integrated data that are to be stored together in a single location. It enables the sharing of data among various users as and when required. DBMS is software with capabilities to organize, manipulate and manage the data. DBMS has evolved from hierarchical to network to relational model. Today it is most widely accepted model .The relational model has three aspects.

Structures are well-defined objects that store the data of the database. structures and the data confined with in them can be manipulated by operations. The

Operations are clearly defined actions that allow users to manipulate the data and the structures of the database. The operations on a database must adhere to a predefined set of integrity rules.


Integrity rules:
Integrity rules are the laws that govern, which operations are allowed on the data structure of the database. Integrity rules protect the data and the structure of the database. RDBMS offers benefit such asIndependence of physical data storage and logical data base structure. Easy access to all the data in the database. Complete flexibility in the database design. Reduce data storage over head and redundancy. Relational database management: The relational database management system uses only its relational capabilities to manage the informations stored in its database.

Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC)

The Open Data Base connectivity provides the connection between the application and the database. The Access that helps in connecting to a database, sending embedded Access statement to the database and processing results. The major steps invoked in the connectivity are, Establish a connection to the database using any of the Execute the statement using connection Process the result and



Technically, data is otherwise known as facts. The facts or data collected are properly recorded during the analysis phase and are further used in the project. Thus Fact-finding is the process of collecting the appropriate and needed data for the project. Fact-finding involves gathering of related information for the proposed system. In general, there are various methods used for collecting data or facts. Some of them are: Interviews with the top management, users and workers. Review of written documents. Questionnaires Study of the current Manuals Observation of the functioning of the Organization Sampling Record Searching Onsite Observation. The major work done in this project is maintaining the Personal Details like Customer Details and Supplier Details,production details.. In the General Information module there are three sub modules are in. These are namely Supplier Details, Customer Details and Party Details. The Supplier Details module all the Supplier Details like Name, Address, Company Name etc., are stored and maintained. The Customer Details module used to maintain the full information of customer like Customer Name, Address and Department Details. The Party Details Sub Module maintained the Party personal details like Name, Type, Address, phone number. The product details module maintains the product availability of the company namely product name, model and rate. The invoice details module maintains invoice details.


15 The service details module maintains the service details, problem status and representative for the corresponding services. The Sales details module maintains the Order details given by the customer and also maintained the invoice details. The delivery details module used to maintain the product delivery details and we have maintain the expenses details. The Service details like service starting date, service starting time, service complete date and time, Delivery details like delivery date, time and service details like type, nature, payment.


Inaccurate input data are the most common cause of errors in data processing. Errors entered by the data entry operators can be controlled by input design. Hence the input design is the process of converting user- oriented inputs to a computer-based format. So input interface design takes an important role in controlling errors. Therefore, the input interface design should be made in such a way that it is easily understandable to the data entry operators by using meaningful and appropriate words. When the user of each module wants to enter into their department page through the login page using the user id and password .If the user gives the wrong password or user id then the information is provided to the user like you must enter use rid and password. If the users enter the wrong password then an alert message is display like Password is wrong try again. The input for Software Solution for Small scale Furniture Industry is an input screens by V.B Dot Net. All the input data is accepted via keyboard. Validations are provided at each and every stage. In case of errors, provisions are made to correct the errors at that point of time itself. Users can proceed to enter further only if the existing errors have been removed or corrected. Thus the integrity of database is ensured. There are many input modules in the system. Some are used for master data entry others are used for transaction entry. In both the cases the necessary validation checking are provided. The designs of input screen are carried out using V.B Dot Net forms mainly. The input screens are depicted in the report section.



The output design has been done in this project by screen or by hard copies. Output design aims at communicating the results of the processing to the users. So that the results of the processing should be communicated to the users in a clean form. Effective output design will improve the clarity and performance of output. The reports are generated to suit the needs of the users. The reports have to be generated with appropriate labels. Report generation is a heavy work in the manual system. With the help of Access report writing tasks is made easy. Sample reports are shown in appendix. The output generation is aesthetic looking and presented in a clear manner. This allows to analyses all or at least a large number of related data at the same time. All the reports of the system were designed in a way which provides information in more clear and next format. The designs of the reports were done as suggested by the users. Further value was added to it whenever happens requires. Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user. Output design shows all information of the data after processing the input data. Efficient intelligible output design should improve the systems relationship with the user and helps in decision-making.

The following various criteria that were considered while designing the reports. This also includes the end users suggestion. All the reports should be in a prescribed format as suggested by the user. There should be a provision to view the report on the screen before the final and copy of the report is taken. This eliminates the wastage of stationary. Records should be listed in ascending order based in the important fields of the report. It should be listed out in such a way, that the location of a particular record should be easily identifiable.

17 Output design plays a vital role the software project. The present project output design includes the following. 1) Customer Details 2) Supplier Details 3) Product Details 4) Invoice Details 5) Sales Details 6) Invoice Details 7) Purchase Details 8) Production Details 9) Employee Details 10) Salary Details


Screen are created in such a way that it supports task oriented and need to jump subtasks whenever necessary. The interaction between the user and the machine is critical. The design of the input and query screen should be user interactive. The use of icon and graphical interfaces will play an important role as well. The screen must reflect the way the work is actually done. Shortcut key helps to jump to the particular form directly by monitoring in the menu with specific key. The current trend in software company is to develop the package with at most user friendly and user flexibility. The two main factors contributing towards this are: Menus. Screens. Thus menus play an important role while developing the software. Instead of remembering what to enter, the user chooses from a list of options and types the option letter associated with it. Using menu is one of the fastest methods for data entry. Pulls down menus are special kind of menus, which will help the user to input the data at high speed.

18 Navigation of item inside the screen can be done through tab keys or the mouse. Pointer shapes changes automatically according to the operation. Shortcut keys facilitates access of options available. Toolbars with tool tips make an attractive alternative for menu options.scrollbars are placed vertically and horizontally for easy movement of the screen. The system contains the following items in the menu: Product Details Customer Details Supplier Details Delivery Invoice Exit


The Internal Documentation of the Source Code beings with the selection of identifies names, continues with placement and composition of commenting and concludes with the visual organization of the program. Unnecessarily long identifiers provide a potential for error, hence they are avoided. In the system design phase, code design has an important role. Each data item must have a unique identity and must be related to other items of the same data type. The code design offers Uniqueness Expansibility Conciseness Simplicity Versatility Portability

19 The code design makes corresponding input data into specify tables, with required fields to it. The tables are viewed in the way of queries. The fields are set to the corresponding area of the form. Every machine code and its activity are retrieved from table. The code and the activity of the machine are differing from each machine. At the run time code and activity are loaded with corresponding values.


A database should provide integration, Integrity and a data independence table in a database contains information pertaining to a specific entity. To maintain the tables in an effective way, It should be normalized to ensure that the number of tables does no exceed the optimum level unless it is mandatory. To prevent unauthorized access, security measures have been provided. This may prevent unauthorized persons using data that is private. The normalization techniques have been used to design the table such that the use of all the tables is made easy. The various relations between different tables, the number of fields in each table and the type, width of each field were analyses. The names of the fields and tables where so chosen that the users would not face any problem in identifying the table structure. The various relations between different tables, the number of fields in each table and the type, width of each field were analyses. The names of the fields and tables where so chosen that the users would not face any problem in identifying the table structure. A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective of database design is to make the data access easy, inexpensive and flexible to the user Database design is a process of modeling an enterprise in the real world. In fact, a database itself is a model of the real world that contains selected information needed by the enterprise. Many models and languagessome formally and mathematically defined, some informal and intuitiveare used by designers. Here are the ones that we present in this tutorial:

20 The Unified Modeling Language(UML) was designed for software engineering of large systems using object-oriented (OO) programming languages. UML is a very large language; we will use only a small portion of it here, to model those portions of an enterprise that will be represented in the database. It is our tool for communicating with the client in terms that are used in the enterprise. The Enity Relationship(ER) model is used in many database development systems. There are many different graphic standards that can represent the ER model. Some of the most modern of these look very similar to the UML class diagram, but may also include elements of the relational model. The Relation Model (RM) is the formal model of a database that was developed for IBM in the early 1970s by Dr. E.F. Codd. It is largely based on set theory, which makes it both powerful and easy to implement in computers. All modern relational databases are based on this model. We will use it to represent information that does not (and should not) appear in the UML model but is needed for us to build functioning databases. The tabel model is an informal set of terms for relational model objects. These are the terms used most often by database developers. The Structured Query Language (SQL, pronounced sequel or ess-que-ell) is used to build and manipulate relational databases. It is based on relational algebra, but provides additional capabilities that are needed in commercial systems. It is a declarative, rather than a procedural, programming language. There is a standard for this language, but products vary in how closely they implement it


Validation check is an important process in software development. All the necessary fields are to be validated. Validation testing provides the final assurance that the software meets all functional behavior and performance requirements. The software once validated must be combined with other system elements. The input data are validated to minimized errors in the data entry. Help messages are provided whenever the user a new field. The validation check helps in avoiding the wrong values to be entered and stored in the database.



System development is done in many different ways. It forms the basis of all methodologies. The approach that is being implemented for this project is structured approach. Structured programming, structured analysis, structured design are the technique for structured approach. This is implemented for this system development. Structured programming is one that begins with one beginning and one ending, and each step in the program execution consists of one of the three programming constructs. One of the concepts of structured programming is implemented in this project. (i.e.) top down approach is implemented. Through this complex programming is divided into hierarchy of modules. Two main principles of structured design are the program module should be designed so they are loosely coupled or highly cohesive out of which highly cohesive is being used. Structured analysis defines system-processing requirements by identifying by all of the events that will cause a system to react in someway. Each event leads to a different system activity. These activities are then taken and data flow diagram is created showing the processing details including inputs and outputs. The most important development activity is preparation of computer program needed for the system. The system flowcharts, input charts, output charts, are transferred into program. In each stage of preparation, the program has been tested and errors are corrected if any. All accuracy measures falls into account while testing the program. While preparing the program, to avoid the error message, if one button is functioning for particular record might be formatted, as other has been enabled. The change over method is the process where the existing manual system is to be replaced by the new computerized system. The following changes are made during the change over plan, Change over plan has to be made carefully, so as to minimize the problem that may arise from human errors. The activities to be performed during the change over plan have to be identified and the responsibilities should be assigned to individuals in the organizations.


Software testing is the last phase of the software development cycle. Testing is very important for the success of a system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all parts of the system are correct, then the goal has been achieved. The testing should be done at the end of all development steps. Even though the final testing and verification are inevitable for better life and functionality of the software. The major phases in testing are design of test plan, setting up test case and test candidate and test procedure, testing and correction. This is a cycle process and the software will circulate through all the steps till it attains the required quality. The testing is carried in the following steps, 1. Unit Testing 2. Validation Testing 3. System Testing 4. Acceptance Testing 5. 6. Regression Testing Database Testing

1. Unit Testing Unit testing refers testing of all the individual programs. This is sometimes called as program testing. This test should be carried out during programming stage in order to find the errors in coding and logic for each program in each module. Unit test focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design module. In this project, the user must fill each field otherwise the user to enter values. 2. Validation Testing Valid and invalid data should be created and the program should be made to process this data to catch errors.When the user of each module wants to enter into the page by the login page using the use rid and password .If the user gives the wrong password or use rid then the information is provided to the user like you must enter user id and password. Here the inputs given by the user are validated. That is password validation, format of date are correct, textbox validation. Changes that need to be done after result of this testing.

23 Input Testing Here system is tested with all variable combination of inputs. User may type data in situations like entering password, numerical details etc. The system is tested with all the cases and it responded with appropriate error messages. Output Testing Here the output is tested to view whether that the screen is what which is desired. It is also checked whether it is to the satisfaction of the user. Changes that need to be done can be done after the result is seen. 3. System Testing System testing is used to test the entire system (Integration of all the modules). It also tests to find the discrepancies between the system and the original objective, current specification and system documentation. The entire system is checked to correct deviation to achieve correctness. 4. Acceptance Teasing Acceptance testing is performed on a collection of business functions in a production environment and after the completion of functional testing. This is the final stage in the testing process before the system is accepted for operational use. This testing should be done with original data and with the presence of the users. This test confirms the system ready for production. 5. Regression Testing Regression testing refers to the retesting components / functionality of the system to ensure that they function properly even after and change has been made to parts of the system. As detects are discovered in a component, modification are made to correct them. 6. Database Testing The purpose of database testing is to determine how well the databases are meets requirements. This is an ongoing process because no database is static. When table is created, a mirror of the same should be created and stored. The original one should be left alone and its mirror images go through the various tests. This process continues until changes can be implemented in the original table.


Implementation is the phase where the developed component is installed in the working place. The operation of the software was monitored and the results were recorded. Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. This involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constrains on implementation, design of methods to achieve the change over and evaluation of change over methods. The problems encountered are converting files training users, creating accurate files and verifying print outs for integrity. The objective is to put the tested system into operation while holding costs, risks and personnel irritation to a minimum. It involves creating computer compactable files, training the operational staff and installing terminals and hardware. Maintenance activities begin where conversion leaves off. Maintenance is handled by the same planning and control used in a project. Maintenance can be classified as corrective, adaptive or perceptive. Corrective measures means repairing process of performance failures or making changes because of previously in corrected problems or false assumption. Adaptive Maintenance means changing the program functions. Perceptive Maintenance means enhancing the performance or modifying the programs to respond to the users addition or changing needs. The implementation view of software requirements presents the real world manifestation of processing functions and information structures. In some cases, physical representation is developed as the first step in software design. The analyst must recognize the constraints imposed by the pre defined system elements and consider the implementation view of the function and information when such view is appropriate.


The Software Solution for Small scale Furniture Industry is successfully designed and developed to fulfilling the necessary requirements, as identified in the requirements analysis phase, such as the system is very much user friendly, form level validation and field level validation are performing very efficiently. The new computerized system was found to be much faster and reliable and user friendly then the existing system, the system has been designed and developed step by step and tested successfully. It eliminates the human error that are likely to creep in the kind of working in which a bulk quantity of data and calculations as to be processed. The system results in quick retrieval of information that is very vital for the progress any organization. Cost is minimized in case of stationary. Burden of manual work is reduced as whenever transaction takes place, there is a no need to record it in many places manually.



The software has been developed in such a way that it can accept modifications and further changes. The software is very user friendly and future any changes can be done easily. Software restructuring is carried out. Software restructuring modifies source code in an effort to make it amenable to future changes. In general, restructuring does not modify the over all program architecture. It tends to focus on the design details of individual modules and on local data structure defined within modules. Every system should allow scope for further development or enhancement. The system can be adapted for any further development. The system is so flexible to allow any modification need for the further functioning of programs.

Since the objectives may be brought broad in future, the system can be easily modified accordingly, as the system has been modularized. The future expansion can be done in a concise manner in order to improve the efficiently of the system.


1. HAROLD DAVIS, VB DOT NET COMDEX publishers Programming secrets 2. JEFFERY, Database access B.P.B publication 3. EVANGELOS, V.B DOT NET COMDEX publishers 4. FRED BARWELL, VB.NET 2EDITION from Shroff publishers Limited. 5. RICHARDCASE, Introduction to Visual Basic.NET & .NET Framework. 6. RICHARD E. Fairly, software Company Limited, New Delhi,1982. Engineering , Tata McGraw Hill publishing Private Company

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