Fpga Based 32 Bit Risc Processor Design
Fpga Based 32 Bit Risc Processor Design
Fpga Based 32 Bit Risc Processor Design
Presented By
Nilesh Kulkarni Suraj Wagaskar Achit Yadav
G.H.Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pune 412207 (Affiliated to University of Pune) Department of Electronics Engineering
This is to certify that the seminar project report entitled FPGA Based implementation of 32-bit RISC processor being submitted by Mr. Nilesh Kulkarni Mr. Suraj Wagaskar Mr. Achit Yadav
in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in ELECTRONICS to the G.H.Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pune is a record of Bonafied work Carried out by him under my guidance and supervision. This results embodied in this project have not been submitted to any other University or institute for the award of any degree or Diploma for the academic year 2012-2013.
Chapter.1 Acknowledgements Chapter.2 Abstract Chapter.3 Introduction Chapter.4 Block Diagram of the RISC Processor Chapter.6 Explanation & Description Chapter.7 Design Methodology Chapter.8 FPGA Architecture Chapter.9 FPGA Implementation Advantages Chapter.10 References
I take my opportunity to complete the thesis of this project and have allowed me to extend my knowledge and skills. I would like to thank everyone who has been involved with allowing this to happen, and who assisted me during the course of My work. In particular:
Prof.N.B.Hulle, Assistant Professor, Electronics Engineering Department, G.H.Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pune.
History has marked a large number of man endeavors towards building machines that are capable of performing arithmetic operations more efficiently than he can do himself. These started with very primitive instruments but evolved over the course of time due to the accumulative knowledge of mankind. In the recent decades, many computer architectures exhibiting various design methodologies and computation models have been developed. One of the most widely accepted of which is von-Neumann architecture. This thesis introduces Micro6, A microprocessor that adopts vonNeumann architecture and will be implemented on FPGA. In addition to that, the thesis presents a software development environment for Micro6. In this way we are designing a 32 bit RISC Processor core and implementing in hardware on Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA. The design has been achieving using VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language).
As the high capacity ,low cost FPGA devices train continues its revolutionary journey through the electronics design Landscape, an ever-increasing number of design landscape, an ever-increasing number of designers are jumping on board trading their traditional hardware-based systems for the attractive ness of the FPGAs soft programmability.
Creation of soft processor based systems, destined to run within a chosen Target FPGA device, becomes second nature utilizing one of the many supported flavors of 32 bit RISC processor, wired up to access peripheral I/O and memory over a standard bus interface. Soft processors are processors that are defined as part of the FPGA design that is programmed into the physical FPGA device, rather than physical, discrete devices connected to the FPGA, or processors that are immersed as part of the physical FPGAs makeup. Such processors are typically 32-bit and have simple, RISC architectures. Embedded software refers to the code the software smarts that gets downloaded to the physical FPGA device and which will run on a soft processor defined within the FPGA design. The beauty of using soft processors in FPGA designs are that you are not locked to a physical device. We can change processor or modify the code running on it simply by reprogramming the physical FPGA device with a modified hardware design or updated embedded code leading to true field upgradeable hard ware and software.
RP is a 32-bit processor which contains a data memory, a program memory, an ALU, registers, and a controller, as shown in Figure 1. Its features include a Harvard architecture which permits simultaneous data and program memory accesses in each instruction cycle, a large register address space which allows fast register-to-register access for more operands, & special purpose registers which enhance array data transfer both to and from the data memory. The RP also provides a simple hardware mechanism for automatic loopback at the end of an inner loop based on loop length and loop count. The register space (RS) of RP contains 256 32-bit registers, divided into two blocks of 128 registers each.
The first block, called data registers, consists of vector access registers (VARs), accumulators, and registers for temporary operand storage. The second RS block, called the interface registers, consists of less frequently used control and I/O registers. The memory space (MS) of RP contains internal and external memory. Internal memory includes program memory and data memory. In our model, external memory is restricted to data RAM, though it can be extended to include program memory as well. The internal data memory and the external data memory share the same address space, and they are accessed via the same address and data buses. The ALU performs arithmetic, logic, and bit-manipulation operations. It is supplied with two operands from RS and, depending on the instruction, the operands are directed to the adder-shifter or multiply-accumulate unit. The result of the operation is returned to RS .The controller generates signals to initiate transfer of data via the buses, control the operation of ALU, and store data into registers or memories, according to the instruction currently stored in the instruction register (IR) as well as the status word.
The I/O features of RP include a serial receiver/transmitter port (SRT interface), and an 8-bit parallel port (host interface).
The host interface consists of a 32-word 8-bit circular buffer. The circular buffer can be simultaneously accessed by RP and the host device. Typically, while one Device is writing to the circular buffer the other could be reading from it. The SRT interface consists of a controller, a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter and the receiver both contain a 16-bit buffer. The transmitter can be transmitting data to the peripheral device while the receiver is receiving data.
In addition, clock divider and timer units are provided. The clock divider generates pulses by dividing the frequency of the original RP clock according to a user-specified parameter. The timer counts clock pulses and sends an interrupt signal to the controller when a pre-specified number is reached
Design Methodology
Design Methodology:
The basic idea of our modeling technique is to iteratively refine a high-level design description down to the layout level by systematically developing a hierarchy of VHDL models. The modeling hierarchy is illustrated in figure.
Initially, the system specification is captured in a high-level description called the specification level model". The designer then refines this model by adding architectural details until the design consists of functional blocks and interconnections. The resulting model is called the functional level model". Functional blocks can be further refined to produce a register-transfer level (RTL) model, from which the layout may be synthesized
The specification level model (SLM) is a coarse-grain model of the system. At this stage of the design process, the modeler may have very little information about architectural details such as the number and width of internal buses, the number of ports on the memory, the number of pipeline stages etc. Since these details are unavailable, it is not possible to Incorporate timing (such as functional unit delays, propagation delays on buses, memory access times etc.) in the model. It should be noted that the SLM may be rewritten several times if simulation reveals improper functionality. However, modeling time for SLM is typically a small percentage of the entire design cycle.
The SLM test environment must be developed together with test vectors to provide a mechanism for simulating and monitoring the unit under design. The same test vectors can be used to verify models at successive levels of refinement in the design process. In the RP example, the initial specification consists of the instruction set and a set of protocols that define communication between the processor and its peripherals: host processor, external memory, and the serial receiver and transmitter.
In a functional level model (FLM), the design is modeled as a set of functional blocks, such as ALU, register files, or memory, that communicate via signals and buses. The main purpose of FLM is to verify timing and balance delay paths in the design. This cannot be done effectively with the SLM, which models the design as an abstract process with no architectural details. It is to be noted that a detailed timing description, including propagation delays for functional units and setup and hold time for storage elements, can be incorporated into FLM.
In order to increase the data transfer rate we decided to use hardware interfaces for the communication. The RP controls the interfaces by issuing instructions to set, reset or monitor interface signals. Thus the instruction set must be modified. Some instructions used to control or monitor the communication signals between the RP and the peripherals are removed, and instructions used to control the interfaces are added. The communication protocols are also changed.
In this section, we discuss the basic modeling strategy for specification level and functional level models in VHDL. VHDL was selected as our modeling language because it allows simulation over many different levels of abstraction and is widely accepted as a standard for modeling hardware. In all our models, we follow the VHDL modeling conventions listed below.
1. High-level behaviors are modeled as processes or sets of communicating processes. 2. All the registers or buffers are modeled as variables within processes. 3. Processes communicate with each other using global signals. 4. Separate processes must be used to model different concurrent behaviors.
VHDL Terms:
Entity: The entity is the building blocks of the model design. Architecture: All entities after the simulation and compilation consist of architectural description. Configuration: By using the configuration statement, all components are tied to entity architecture. Package: It is a set of data types and subprograms that are commonly used in the design. Driver: It is the drive signal. Bus: As the name indicates it brings all the bunch of signal together to communicate inside the hardware. Attributes: it is the data that are added to the VHDL objects. Generic: It passes data to the entity. Process: it is the fundamental unit of execution in VHDL.
4) FPGA is more flexible than dedicated chipsets due to its general purpose architecture.
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