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Padavali of Maharshi Mehi

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--- 1 ---

The Supreme Sovereign is beyond perishable and imperishable nature,

He is beyond conscious and non-conscious realms of nature,
He is beyond Qualified Manifest and Unualified Manifest,
He is beyond truth, falsehood, mind, intellect, !ords,
triad attributes of nature and five senses,
He is beyond the la!s of dynamics, variables,
He is beyond all conflicts, dualism, deceptions, and impairment,
He is beyond relativism and the mar"ed identity of "no!er, "no!n and "no!ledge,
He is above all actions, Time and the ma#e of the !orld,
He is uniue, free from disease, e$tremely pure and not reclining on any support,
The real controller, being boundless, sustains all,
He is beyond you and % and the primal &'M(,
He is beyond the state of e$istence, "no!ledge, bliss,
)eing infinite, He pervades and is all pervading,
)ut He is beyond that e$tension as !ell,
*ven the golden light that creates billions !ith their limitations,
%s smaller than the +ord of all,
The +ord of the !hole universe,
,rasping the uintessential !ord and bereft of all !rappings,
-ou come and meet Him.
Mehi prays to Sadguru for e$tending his helping hand,
So that he may, !ith his favours, cross the barriers of the !orld.
--- / ---
,reat praises to all the Saints 0
%n !hich manner !ill one pray to them 1
My mind is so very dirty and ine$perienced,
Saints being destroyers of sorro!s do a!ay !ith the !orldly traps,
They are the treasure troves of "no!ledge and meditation,
Highly proficient in the techniues of single-minded concentration
and the yoga of sound,
They propagate the same in plain language all over the !orld2
,reat are the sages and saints li"e )uddha, Shan"ar and 3amanand
for eliminating sins,
Sacrifice to the magnificent saints li"e 4abir, 5ana",
,os!ami Tulsidas 6 Tulsi Sahib,
7adu, Sundar 7as, Sur 7as, S!apach, 3avi 7as, 8ag9ivan, :altu etc.,
They are all great benefactors, delivering human beings
from the fears of the !orld,
Sadguru 7evi and other Saints are also highly adorable,
Maharshi Mehi sings their magnificence and lies prostrate
at their sacred feet !ith faith and love.
--- ; ---
% salute Sadguru again and again, !ho is the very image of generosity,
He connects me to that reservoir, !hich sustains all,
<nd is the cause of one(s !ell-being and the ine$haustible fountain of delight,
Sadguru is Shan"ar incarnate, the very ocean of "no!ledge and the cloud raining blisses,
% salute him many times, as he is more venerable than others,
Sadguru is the most compassionate one, being the eliminator of all lapses,
,ripping the lotus-feet, % bo! do!n,
<nd pray to him for his "ind attention to!ards me,
So that his one sympathetic loo", !ill fulfill all my desires,
<nd dispel my lapses and errors2
My intellect is not pure and sharp,
<nd so, % fervently appeal to him for the same,
% salute again and again his pure and uniue intelligence,
That !ill cleanse my heart,
Sadguru is )rahma incarnate2 He is the +ord of all,
He is 3ama, the most da##ling Sun,
The uprooter of illusions, dar"ness and !orldly traps2
% salute the most compassionate +ord again and again, !ho roots out all impediments,
,ives !isdom, !ordly and other !ordly "no!ledge,
<nd dispels enslaving ignorance li"e dar"ness,
% salute Sadguru, as none being eual to him2
The !ise Saints sing that Sadguru is superior even to the <bsolute.
--- = ---
>ictory to the most penetrating radiance, coming from Sadguru,
That eliminates dar"ness and delusions2
<nd delivers from all !orldly miseries,
He ma"es devotees sacred and "no!ledgeable,
>ictory to Sadguru again and again 0
He is the most "no!ledgeable and none is eual to him,
His immortal deeds are spread all over -
The land of living beings and those of gods2
Sadguru is highly magnanimous,
<nd everyone ever praises him2
May Sadguru remove my deep ignorance, lapses and pretensions 0
>ictory to Sadguru again and again !ith his e$tensive vision,
+i"e the Sun, he dispels dar"ness and ignorance of the !orld,
*ver 9oyful, he frees his devotees from !orldly fears,
?ho, e$cept him, is the most outstanding physician,
Treating !orldly diseases and shoc"s2
>ictory to the most compassionate Sadguru 0
?ho eliminates all our lapses and ignorance,
,lory to Sadguru, the most competent one,
To !hom % bo! and remember !ith great love,
>ictory to the treasure trove of devotion, meditation and
the very house of "no!ledge,
He is the demonstrator of -oga, highly conscious, and e$plains the
principles of -oga in plain language2
<nd gives uic"er perception.
>ictory to Sadguru in his !holeness 0
He teaches the techniues of self-realisation,
,ripping his lotus-feet, % pray to him again and again
for protecting me against the pitfalls 2
He e$plains the difference bet!een )ha"ti--oga and 7hyana--oga,
<nd helps visuali#e the four segments of "no!ledge vi#. auding,
thin"ing deeply, practising and e$periencing 2
He elucidates the meaning, "inds and marvels of Satsang,
Mercifully he clears every minute detail, and does not hide
anything from his devotees,
>ictory to Sadguru0 ?ho is as felicitous as "no!ledge !ith all its entirety,
+oo" at me !ith compassion, ' Sadguru 0 7estroying my unseemly posture.
--- @ ---
The <bsolute is unmanifest, !ithout any beginning or end,
%nvincible, unborn, the prime element, present from the very beginning,
The original inarticulate sound, the primal sound
emanating from super-consciousness,
That is the primal sound, the uintessential one, and &'M(,
That is e$tremely s!eet :ranav sound, the symbol of super-consciousness,
That is the resounding name of the +ord, all pervading one,
<mong the devotees, it is all embracing,
That pervading sound is called 3ama,
That is the captivating name of Hari and 4rishna, the most terrific force,
That is the synonym for Shiva or Shan"ar or Hari,
<gain it is the name of 3ama being unualified,
%t is une$pressed, immeasurable and cro!ning desires !ith fruition2
That sound is !ithout vo!els and consonants,
That being &'M( is Satnam, that(s the name of ,uru
served by the sages and saints,
3epeat &'M(, &'M(, the name of the +ord,
3epeat &'M(, &'M(, the name of Mehi.
--- A ---
1. That supreme element !hich is !ithout any beginning or end,
unlimited, unborn, invisible, pervading all and beyond all is
considered as the <lmighty and as one supporting all. The supreme
element is beyond 8ara Bnon-livingC and Dhaitanya Bconscious or livingC
:ra"riti. The !hole system of nature is !or"ing li"e a very big machine
under the dictates of the <lmighty, !ho is !ithout any beginning or end,
most po!erful, beyond time and particular location, beyond !ords,
names, mind, intelligence, senses and is uniue. ,od is neither any
individual nor the e$pressed form nor !ithout any e$tended form of
illusion and does not "eep anything outside His purvie!. He is the
most ancient and in e$istence from the very beginning. <ccording to
the saints, He is considered the highest spiritual fountain-head and
/. The individual soul is inseparable from the <lmighty.
;. 5ature, having a beginning and an end, is a created one.
=. The souls are all bound by illusions and are rotating round the great !heel
of birth and death. This state of the individual soul or souls is the root cause
of all sufferings. %n order to come out of these, the only remedy is devotion to ,od.
@. 3epeating the name in mind, concentrating upon it in mind and !ith
the help of &7rishti Sadhan( and &Surat-Sabda--oga( B-oga of soundC.
'ne has to pass or go beyond dar"ness, light and !ords to be at one
!ith Him and get &Mo"sha( or liberation.
A. <ddiction to drugs or into$icants, spea"ing lies, indulgence in
adultery, violence in any form, causing pain to living beings, eating
fish or meat and stealing are considered great sins and one should
"eep a!ay from all these.
E. Having unflinching faith in the <lmighty and full dependence
on Him and firm resolution to find Him !ithin oneself, serving
,uru selflessly, practising Satsang and 7hyana -oga all these
be considered as the real steps for getting salvation in this !orld.
--- E ---
'ne should remember the long and short of Shri Sadguru(s teachings,
<nd serve ,uru !ith reverence and love,
<ll deceptions of the !orld are li"e optical illusions or the mirage,
<nd sensualities are li"e sorro!s or afflictions,
So let Surat BconsciousnessC be !ithdra!n from all these,
<nd focused only on the <lmighty, !ho is une$pressed,
pervasive and pervading,
)ut shines beyond all,
'ne should love such unborn, endless and infinite ,od,
%ndividual souls are all parts of the supreme sovereign,
<s is the relation of the vast firmament !ith all its parts.
Ho!ever, all distinctions disappear in the dissolution of forms,
)oth conscious and non-conscious forms of nature come to e$ist,
<s a result of the sportive delight of the Supreme sovereign,
5ever say that nature is unborn and !ithout any beginning,
5o sorro! is greater than getting into the cycle of birth and death,
7evotion to ,od is a must for brea"ing this cycle.
<ll men, !ith bodies, are capable of devotion to ,od,
?ith devotion to ,od internally as !ell as e$ternally,
The doors of body easily get opened,
3epeating the name of ,uru and concentrating the mind on his
physical body,
First of all, practise the same resolutely and let 7hyana be undistracted,
The individual self is shrouded !ith the three coverings of dar"ness,
light and sound,
?ith the help of the -oga of vision and consciousness, all the coverings
are removed,
?ith the removal of the coverings, Maya BillusionsC !ill disappear,
<nd the individual soul is united !ith the oversoul 2
7ualism !ill not e$ist, such unsha"eable belief must remain,
+eaving selfhood and sho!manship, serve Sadguru !ith pure heart,
humility and full dedication,
7oing Satsang and practising 7hyana Bconcentration C everyday,
'ne must give up adultery, stealing, addiction to all sorts of into$icants,
violence and spea"ing lies,
These principles of Santmat have already been preached by saints.
7evotion to ,uru is the very essence of all Santmat,
Maharshi Mehi says that no spiritual benefit !ill accrue !ithout one(s
true devotion to ,uru.

--- G ---
7efinition of Santmat
1. Dalmness or stillness is called peace.
/. Those getting peace are called saints.
;. 3eligion of saints is called Santmat.
=. %t is but uite natural that men have the urge to obtain peace. %nspired
by this, the sages in ancient time sought peace and described in the
Upanishads their efforts for obtaining the same. Similar vie!s !ere also
e$pressed in %ndian, :un9abi languages for the benefit of the common
mass of people. Such vie!s are designated as Santmat. )ut the fundamentals
of Santmat seems to have been derived from the sayings of the Upanishads.
higher "no!ledge and special efforts made for achieving 5ad-7hyana or
Surati Sabda -oga are made available only in Santmat and they all glitter
on their very foundations since time immemorial. 7ue to the coming of
the saints belonging to different times and countries and different
nomenclature given to their vie!s by the follo!ers, there seems to be some
difference in their vie!s or opinions, but if their broad e$ternalities and
sectarian vie!s are ignored and only the uintessence of the vie!s of the
Saints are ta"en into account, it !ill appear that all saints have one and
the same opinion.

--- H ---
' ,uru 0 ,enerate in me the feelings of service and love to you,
% pray that you never allo! your love to cease sho!ering on me even for a moment,
Traversing through the four species of life for ages, % got variously afflicted,
)ut even today, % have not been able to secure your love and devotion,
<nd ever remained separated from you2
My mind every moment revels in many !orldly attractions and is never
detached from them,
% ever remain oblivious of the significance and the ardour of devotion,
<nd as such bear afflictions !ith pride2
' my ,uru 0 -ou have no! "indly acuainted me !ith the modes of love,
<nd a!a"ened the feelings of an unfortunate soul,
% don(t have either self-motivating force or the support of others,
So that % may strive for achieving devotion to you,
)ut if the generous ,uru helps, it is possible to get that strength,
' ,uru 0 )less me so that my vision stays on the tenth door,
<nd consciousness is fully immersed in singing of hymns,
<s it gets immersed in various attractions of the !orld2
May the light divine ever guide my soul,
<nd the divine melody become audible,
<nd remembrance may "eep ascending the s"y 0
Thus getting lost in the uintessential !ord, the soul is able to locate
the original home,
<ll imaginable traces of selfhood in mind, !ords and deeds,
May get contained !ithin you 0
<ll hopes and predicaments of the !orld, all enmities and affections of
the !orld be forgotten,
<nd only my devotion to the lotus-feet of ,uru remains,
The very rush of sensuality, anger and greed may not torment,
<nd all my attachments to people and property must !ane,
Such should be your compassion ' ,uru 0
%t !ill help abundantly,
+ying at your lotus-feet, % pray you "indly adopt me,
Flame of yourself and the symphony of tunes,
7ay and night % may !ell peruse ' ,uru 0
4indly drop your uneualled compassion.
--- 10 ---
?aving arati to the omnipotent, laying out the s"y !ithin the t!o eyebro!s,
%n this s"y are studded many heavenly stars and the Moon,
?ith e$tremely !hite, shining and spar"ling electric lights2
<t the time of arati, a very sharp light issues forth,
That light is the light of )rahma, being celestial and undefiled2
'n merging the sight !ith the luminous star, one sees the !onderful !aving of light,
?hich is visible only to the devotee !ith the divine vision,
<nd one !ith such an insight considers all material ob9ects of the !orld as despicable,
?hile !aving arati, e$tremely high pitched, sharp and multiple sounds are heard,
+istening to these sounds, Surat is e$tremely delighted,
<nd is bound up !ith the uintessential !ord,
%t rises above the physical body and the e$ternal !orld,
<nd reaches that position !hich is beyond description2
The conscious soul at this point surrenders itself before the +ord,
This results in brea"ing of bonds bet!een the individual soul and ,od,
The t!o unite and the sense of dualism disappears,
Maharshi Mehi as"s the spiritual aspirants for such !aving of light,
So that they may not have to come to the !orld again.
--- 11 ---
' Master, you are highly compassionate and so "indly sympathise,
Mehi lies deep in the !orld- li"e ocean,
Ferry him across this ocean,
The deep sea is unfathomable,
<nd the terrible !aves seem infinite,
The si$ aberrations of the mind are present are al!ays present,
Under such an influence, !isdom gets lost2
+ove, humility and chanting names are not possible,
Maharshi forgot both the +ord and his o!n self,
)ecause of these !aves of aberration,
' Master 0 Forgetting them, ho! can he get bac" his divine self,
That gives him placid contentment 1
%t is !hy driven by his self, he entreats his ,uru again and again
to ta"e him to his abode,
,ripping his arms,
Maharshi Mehi does not "no! ho! to say his prayer to the Master,
?ho "no!s that he does not have either "no!ledge or solemnity,
The master alone !ould fulfill all his desires and hopes,
5one else, e$cept the Master, is his healer,
That is !hy he prays to the Master alone.
--- 1/ ---
The +ord is undeviating, desireless, ine$pressible,
The Master of all and is all po!erful2
Unchangeable and different from conscious and non-conscious ob9ects of nature,
The very abode of pure self, e$tremely divine happiness,
<ll pervading, unborn, the highest one and beyond intelligence and human reach2
He is also called Satpurush and Satnam,
)oundless, !ithout any beginning, middle and end,
)eyond all and fulfilling all the desires of the devotees,
Dolourless, shapeless, neither the superior 4rishna, 3ama in 3aghu dynasty,
5or the 9e!el among the -aduvanshis, devoid of Sattva, 3a9a and Tama ,unas,
)eyond superior and inferior nature, invisible, uniue and !ithout any lodgement,
He is even beyond eternity, bliss, "no!ledge,
The !hole universe, entire !orld and the tiny atoms are !ithin you,
<ll things are !ithin you ' +ord 0
)ut no!here you get contained2
He is highly astounding, most divine and !ithout any comparision,
?ho can describe His congregated virtues 1
He is beyond "no!er, "no!n and "no!ledge and both happiness and sorro!s2
He is <bsolutely free from ignorance and fraudulence,
He does nothing but nothing moves !ithout His bidding2
He is the ultimate resting place for all,
His magnificence is unfathomable, infinite and indescribable,
*ven great scholars( !isdom gets strained, !hile trying to understand
His very nature and e$cellence,
' +ord, granting Mehi His permanent devotion, satisfy his inner urge.
--- 1; ---
The <lmighty is truth, peace, all pervading, unborn and matchless,
He is bodiless, devoid of pride, colourless and !ithout any design,
He is neither child nor young nor old, sans these stages of life2
He is beyond triad attributes, deeds, "no!ledge, intelligence and ego,
*ven different from pulsating nature !ithout any attribution,
%s recognisable only by the po!erful Sadguru2
Free from !ordly miseries or the cycle of birth and death,
<nd is surrounded by nothing2
He is neither big nor small and is free from all attachments,
<nd is most !onderful !ithout being !arm or cold,
' all po!erful +ord 0 % bo! to Him again and again,
4indly listen to my entreaties,
% don(t desire to have silver or gold, costly attire, golden mansions and 9e!els,
% also don(t pray for having e$tensive "ingdom,
<nd permanent, charming youth and most beautiful and good-natured !ife,
My only prayer to you is that % never remain clubbed !ith sensualities,
For ages, % have remained greatly afflicted !ith and enslaved by
birth, childhood, youth, old age and death,
That al!ays "ept me in a dar" !ell,
+i"e this terrible !orld.
<s the mon"ey in a narro!-na"ed pot does not open its fist !ith s!eets,
<nd is thus ensnared by its trapper2
Similarly due to my mind being full of sensualities,
% have been duped by the pervading illusions,
' the very centre and support of the !orld 0
4indly grant me this boon that % remain fully devoted to my Master,
?ho is the dispeller of evil thoughts2
% !ish nothing else and consider everything else uite !orthless.
--- 1= ---
% bo! again and again to the embodiment of unending devotion, "indliness,
The store-house of divine "no!ledge beyond !orldly !isdom2
<nd the treasure-house of splendid thoughts,
*$tremely forgiving, forbearing, profound in "no!ledge,
Firmly upholding the a$le of righteousness,
<nd maintaining the euipoise of mind during conflict and confusion,
7elivering the !orld from fears and profusely destroying sins,
The very life-force of devotees, giving them endless sympathy,
% bo! to Sadguru, giving "no!ledge and is the magnificent +ord2
% bo! to him, % bo! to him, % bo! to him, % bo! to him2
3emoving illusions, errors and cramping the very root of sins,
Donstructing the bridge of devotion and eliminating all afflictions,
*liminating !orldly catastrophes, turmoil, and the ma#e of mundane deeds2
Shattering all earthly aspirations and disseminating deep "no!ledge,
,ranting the t!in gems called perseverance and doing good to others2
Symapathising !ith devotees more than one(s mother,
<nd offering them the immortal eli$ir2
% bo! to Sadguru, the desireless one and ever respected by all2
% bo! to him, % bo! to him, % bo! to him, % bo! to him2
The besto!er of all successes and the +ord of orphans,
)esto!ing on everybody virtues and "no!ledge,
5arrating tales of !isdom, he gives the <bsolute peace2
Highly honoured among the ,urus,
He is the one !ho helps see the inner light divine,
*$tremely accommodating and indifferent to sensualities,
Free from mental abnormalities and en9oying <bsolute peace2
% bo! again and again to the uintessential one, the +ord,
Donverting disciples to His nature,
7emolishing sensualities, anger and greed,
*$tracting the poison of sensualities from the mind,
<nd suc"ing out the strong currents of the !ater of greed,
Sadguru is the treasure house of highest bliss, granting contentment and peace,
)esto!ing all the virtues and destroying the great fears and delusions,
<s he assumes the magnetic human personality2
% bo! to Sadguru, the very embodiment of truth and righteousness,
The five sense organs are the dangerous venom of the congregated sna"es,
Sadguru dra!s out the venom from the minds of his disciples,
His !ords are li"e the rays of the Sun ,od, dispelling the deep dar"ness,
Sadguru, the 4ing of 4ings, fulfils the !ishes of his disciples,
Maharshi Mehi salutes Sadguru again and again.
--- 1@ ---
% repeatedly bo! to Sadguru, the incarnation of truth and "no!ledge,
He is altogether veracious and 9oyful,
<nd li"e midday Sun removing deep dar"ness of ignorance2
Himself fully emancipated from this !orld,
<nd delivering others from the !orld, he is !ithout ego2
<nd free from the body sense, living in e$ultation in fleshly attire,
Unaffected by triad attributes, most sacred, the store-house of virtues,
<nd beyond the !orld and free from conflicts bet!een pain and pleasure2
He is li"e the compassionate physician, eliminating diseases and shoc"s,
<nd 9oining the commissionerating +ord, he himself becomes the <bsolute2
Highly considerate, euitable, and uiet,
+i"e the s!ift !ind scatters a!ay the blac" cloud li"e 4amadeva,
< -ogi !ith high attainments and uiet mind,
He is unsha"eable, both in gain and loss,
Has inviolable conduct and indomitable courage in controlling his senses,
)ereft of attachments, anger and the aberrations of mind,
:lacid and incomparably cool, li"e the Moon of a full-Moon day,
Sadguru is beyond old age, birth, death etc.,
<nd living in heaven considers all creatures as his o!n,
<nd his o!n heart is free from desires,
His greatness lies in converting disciples to his o!n nature,
% bo! to that Sadguru again and again,
Sadguru, the savior of the !orld, eliminates human bondage,
,ranting deliverance, he brea"s the very cycle of birth and death,
<nd fate begins shining brilliantly,
Mehi is not desirous of performing sacrifices,
counting beads and doing penance2
<nd getting fruits of these actions,
He only !ants to bo! at his ,uru(s feet repeatedly.
--- 1A ---
>ictory to Sadguru 0 >ictory to the elegantly-bodied Sadguru 0
?ho assumes the role of a highly esteemed :andit2
He ma"es devotees highly "no!ledgeable by his !ise counsel,
<nd destroys the assemblage of sins,
Highly conscious and free from all the
!orldly attachments throughout his life,
He treats everyone !ith humility and compassion2
>ictory to Sadguru 0 >ictory to Sadguru 0
My +ord0 Ma"e me your slave,
' Sadguru, you al!ays spea" the plain truth, >ictory to you 0
*liminating my evil thoughts and falsities, ma"e me
inclined to!ards only good thoughts and conduct,
<ll physical, mental and spiritual ailments are born of ignorance,
Such sufferings, li"e painful and perple$ing darts, have tormented me2
5o! ma"e me free from all these, ' +ord,
as they persecuted me in crores of births,
% !as hopeful of escaping such torments in this birth,
)ut unfortunately, % got trapped again and again in the uagmire2
' Sadguru0 ?ho can escape these in the three ?orlds
and Times !ithout your grace 1
' +ord 0 -ou are uite a help to the devotees in peril,
So your slave has come to your shelter.
--- 1E ---
Sadguru is the ocean of happiness, treasure-house of
high virtues and superb "no!ledge,
Follo!ing the dictates of his inner vision and remaining free from all sensualities,
He is omniscent, above triad attributes and beyond !ords,
*n9oying eli$ir divine and !atching the celestial light and music,
He is beyond all shoc"s and bereavements2
Quiet in all circumstances, fully mature, concentrating on the uintessential one,
Mehi says, Sadguru has caught the primal sound in his Surat 7hyana.
--- 1G ---
% call out ,uru, ,uru,
' Sadguru 0 +isten to my entreaties,
)eing the eliminator of sins, vices and sorro!s,
-ou are highly magnanimous2
3ealising your o!n nature, you ferry me across sea-li"e !orld,
% am very lo!, deficient and naive,
' my +ord 0 -ou are unfathomably and eternally "ind2
% am ignorant and there is no trace of purity in me,
% al!ays remain in evil companionship,
My body, mind and senses have been imprisoned,
% en9oy to my fill poison-li"e sensualities2
' +ord 0 Under the influence of the five gross elements
and their t!enty-five variants,
% act as per their !ishes2
Sensuality, anger, egoism, greed, attachment,
Sleep, hunger, la#iness, physical vagaries,
Harshness, intolerance, useless thin"ing,
)rea"ing promises etc., spell only disaster,
<nd the balance is not at all maintainable,
:rompted by my nature, nothing tangible accrues to me,
<bandoning you, my +ord 0 5o help is forthcoming,
Donsidering this, ' my +ord 0 -ou sho!er upon me your blessings2
<nd give domain of your lotus-feet to me2
<ll deterrents to stability are easily overcome by the support of your lotus-feet,
Thus !inning and getting stabili#ed, % fully concentrate on your lotus-feet.
<s % concentrate, % escape from the clutches of -ama Bthe messenger of deathC,
--- 1H ---
' ,urudevaa 0 -ou are highly magnanimous and a deliverer from sea-li"e !orld,
Fulfilling all my !ishes, you "indly help me see your visage2
My mind, immersed in sensualities is running a!ay from Satsanga,
Ma"e me so fortunate, that % get firmly associated !ith Satsanga,
?hile counting beads, let my concentration be total,
+eaving all other thoughts, let my mind be all intense2
>ision may pierce the space bet!een the t!o eyebro!s,
<nd the mind may get enthralled in singing panegyric2
?ithout any attraction for colourful elements, let me concentrate fully on
the luminous stars,
%f my consciousness ascends higher on a lotus !ith a hundred petals or
Tri"uti Mahat,
-ou bound up my vision !ith the luminous star2
% may not see anything else e$cept the luminous star,
May not loo" for successes, and my consciousness may shrin"2
+et there be no ringing of bells, blo!ing of conch shells or beating of drums,
'r melodious tunes from the flute or *"tara2
+et my self be lost in the multiple tunes,
Such be your grace ' Master 0,
+et the sound be !ithout any impairment and constantly be found in every pot,
+et my consciousness 9oin up !ith the uintessential sound,
That has no !orldly touch and is free from sensualities2
?hich remains uniform under all circumstances,
-ou let me revel in such a delight2
% am in your shelter, so do !hatever you !ant to do,
% pin my faith on you, deliver me from the traps of the !orld2
% am deficient in all !ays, ' my ,uru 0
5othing is hidden from you2 blast all my vices,
<lthough % am crafty and having bad conduct,
-et % am being called as your son2
% am the sheltered one, so do unto me as you !ould li"e to do.
--- /I ---
' ,uru 0 -ou let my consciousness ascend the s"y2
<nd "indly let me catch the current of seven melodies that is the uintessential one,
<fter allo!ing me to catch the support of your radiant being,
+et me have a glimpse of your highly resplendent visage,
There is none li"e me so depleted in means and repeating names,
' +ord 0 -ou "indly do a!ay !ith this !ea"ness,
My sins are accumulating birth after birth,
4indly eliminate them, granting pardon2
-our magnificence lies in delivering sinners,
4eeping your praises intact, you sustain Mehi.
--- /1 ---
' ,uru 0 )olt the stone-door in front of my closed eyes,
This caged body is li"e the prison-house and the tormenting annoying fort2
Here the fire of anguish is burning all the time,
My self, caged in this body, has been suffering for ages,
% !ish to have your "ind support to counteract it2
,ive your compassionate loo" and open the door, leading me to truth, 9oy and
consciousness forever,
% have come to your shelter,
+isten to the appeal of an aggrieved one,
)eing surrounded by poverty and sorro!s,
5o! you put a stop to all my sufferings2
Maharshi Mehi passionately pleads for opening the door of the luminous point,
To have rich e$periences of spiritual a!a"enings.
--- // ---
,uru 0 4indly get me through sea-li"e !orld,
-ou are my +ord and highly compassionate,
<ssociated !ith the nine doors of body and the fourteen sense organs,
% am undergoing endless miseries,
' my +ord 0 5ot being able to ta"e shelter under your lotus-feet,
% have had to suffer in endless births and death2
Trapped in various attachments to this body, !ealth and family,
<nd see"ing honour, % forgot the uintessential one2
My mind is so very perple$ing and terrible
That it does not abandon its sensualities and aberrations,
My mind does not fully surrender at the lotus-feet of the +ord,
<nd % am unable to control it2
% have been in this frame of mind for ages2
5o! ' ,uru 0 -ou "indly emancipate,
The +ord, gods, forefathers cannot do this,
Maharshi Mehi says that only Sadguru is capable of granting this favour,
<s his magnificence is uite !ell "no!n.
--- /; ---
,ive me devotion as a gift, ' Sadguru, the magnanimous one,
Surrounded from all the ten sides by the net!or" of sensualities,
%gnorance does not leave me2
% am drifting in the strong currents of deep ignorance,
% don(t have faith in my o!n !isdom and strength,
' ,urudevaa 0 % have full trust in you only and nobody else,
% have tested all my relatives in the !orld,
5o one, e$cept you is a great benefactor2
,ranting devotion, e$ternal and internal as !ell,
-ou grant self-"no!ledge and lift me out of the sense of dualism,
<nd this is my only prayer to you.
--- /= ---
Sadguru is the incarnation of "indliness and love,
4indly listen to my prayer2
+et myself be "no!n as one having an evil mind,
<s % am fallen, sensual and full of vices2
%t is devotees( nature to be sorry at those in sorro!,
<nd again, he is happy to see others living gleefully,
% don(t feel so even in dreams2 % only cause sorro!s to the !orld2
7evotees never eye on someone(s !ife and !ealth,
)ut my mind al!ays deflects to!ards these, though % am surrounded by crores
of people2
:ardoning all and full of sympathy, the devotees al!ays remain cool,
)ut myself, devoid of "indness and being stony,
% am al!ays burning li"e fire,
Ho! far shall % narrate various aberrations of my mind 1
' +ord 0 4indly listen to my various modes of thin"ing2
% don(t try for disciplining my mind even in the little,
So that % may concentrate my mind on your lotus-feet2
?hat !ould give me Satsanga, teach me that,
% may follo! the same path as follo!ed by the devotees2
%f you don(t teach me that, % shall be burning !ith triad tribulations,
<s those !ithout Sadguru have been burning2
Mind does not leave its ma"e-up,
So % am really afraid, ' ,uru 0
Sometimes % e$hort my mind, but it is of no avail2
% am tired of my mind and so praying to you in the aggrieved tone,
' Sadguru, you are friend of the poor and most bountiful,
4indly do so as !ill help me grip your lotus-feet,
*ntire solar system is your sacred feet,
% am lying in the dar" !ell and so no! % call out, saying &protect, protect,(
' ,uru 0 +ift me up to that glorious symmetry,
?hich you had as"ed me to ascend through the tenth door containing the
luminous star,
)ut that path is not at all visible2
' ,urudevaa 0 ,ripping, you ta"e me above dar"ness and the luminous star,
<nd lead me to the gala$y of stars,
<nd then further on to the lotus !ith a thousand petals,
?here the flame of divinity ever glitters and the Moon too is visible2
' ,urudevaa 0 Sho! me all the mysteries of the solar set-up,
Tri"uti, the point of Sattva, 3a9as and Tamo gunas,
?here the <bsolute )rahma resides2
,ripping your lotus-feet, % pray to you,
So that % may be able to reach Tri"uti,
<nd ta"e me beyond Tri"uti, !here the pure )rahma stays2
This this place is shining as Shunya 7esh B*mpty 3egionC,
-ou ta"e me along to the middle of this region called Mansarovar,
<nd lodge me at the abode of the +ord2
Full of the nectar of bliss, !here desires are cro!ned !ith fruition,
This is the uintessence of the !hole universe,
,ive me courage again to mount up the empty region,
<nd going beyond it, % be lifted up above Supra-causal realm B)hambara
?here you ma"e me pure, driving off triad gunas and removing false
<nd then ta"e me to the nameless land !hich is beyond all !ords,
Thus bringing me to the nameless abode, you drop upon me your
e$ceptional grace.
--- /@ ---
' Sadguru 0 The very embodiment of love, teach me ho! to love2
My mind is enamoured of men and !omen of the !orld,
Snap my bond !ith them2
Such !orldly scenes dra! me close,
These obstruct the flo! of unceasing love to!ards you2
So disengage my mind from such !orldly scenes2
<s % practise 7rishti -oga B-oga of visionC, % see four-armed, eight-armed
'r many-armed !onderful accumulations of various bla#es of gods,
-ou !ithdra! my consciousness from these2
)esides, taste, !ord, smell, touch etc. allure me,
Sho!ering your love on me, you get your mind freed from such entanglements,
<ll 9oys are dualistic in nature, e$cept one coming from the soul,
' Sadguru 0 Segregate my soul from all its illusions, as duality is full of traps2
The soul is artless, indivisible, impenetrable,
5ameless, non-dualistic and free from afflictions,
)eyond all incomparable ones and thus get my consciousness enmeshed there2
% should "no! this nature of yours and mine too,
*liminating both you and %, let there be only one.
--- /A ---
% pray to my +ord ,uru repeatedly,
' ,uru 0 ,ive me a "ind loo", so that my mind may concentrate on your
' 0 *$ceedingly compassionate ,uru, you listen to me,
My condition is muc"y2 none in the !orld is so full of faults and sorro!s as %
)eing ignorant, % variously !avered round the four compartments of life2
<nd had to suffer immeasurably !ithout "no!ing you,
5o! be merciful, ' bountiful ,uru 0
<nd grant me human body2
*ven today remaining forgetful, % have been treading only the paths of Time2
+isten to me fully, ' Sadguru, there is no one li"e you,
Snatching me a!ay from the path of time,
3emove me from being engrossed in vain pursuits,
)lindfolded, % falter into the traps of sensualities,
That "eep me a!ay from the right path2
)urning constantly in the fire of anger, % care t!o hoots for anger,
*ven % don(t heed the !ords of my parents and !ell-!ishers,
+ying in the abyss of greed, % variously act2
%t has made me sinful and % am not at all inspired to do virtuous deeds,
' Sadguru 0 The magnanimous, no! listen to me,
)eing blind, % bore many hardships, so no! brighten my vision2
Saints unanimously declare that no one is so bountiful as you are,
,rant me the right vision to dispel my dar"ness,
<nd hear my endless tales of sinful deeds,
Under the spell of !hich % don(t see" your shelter steadfastly,
*ven not in dreams do % strut out from the fort of attachments,
Donseuently, % suffer immeasurably and for me there is no !ay out2
' my bountiful ,uru 0 Have mercy on me as you are the deliverer,
,et me freed from all "inds of bondage, % variously entreat2
Highly buc"ed up by my o!n egoism, % tal" only of myself,
Thus captivated by self-pride % don(t have regard for anyone2
:ractising many deceptions ' +ord 0 Ho! much shall % describe 1
% have totally forgotten various modes of serving you,
% am not able to evaluate my o!n deficiencies,
-ou, my ,uru 0 )eing omniscient, you "no! all about the happenings of
different places,
4no!ing all my sins, you "indly root them out,
' destroyer of sins 0 Sympathise and destroy all my sins2
The burden of sins is over my head and % find it difficult to balance,
5o! % am dying under its !eight !ithout your aid2
% am helpless !ithout you, +isten to me, ' Sadguru 0
4ic" the burden of vices over my head,
My mind has become dirty, being full of sins and faults2
Donsidering me deficient, ' my +ord 0 4indly sympathise2
7ropping your bliss, you ma"e me all pure,
)esto!ing grace, ma"e me true as love is,
+ove is another name for Satnam2
8oin me !ith its e$cellence.
--- /E ---
' my +ord Sadguru 0 4indly give me your devotion,
% have been !andering in this !orld for ages,
5o! ta"e me out of the !orld2
% have travelled in many species of lives,
Such as animals, birds, !orms etc,
5o! "indly invest me !ith human body and deliver,
7ispelling !ordly sorro!s, give me undying happiness,
' the besto!er of all and the most competent one 0
?hatever you !ish it comes to pass2 so everything is in your hands2
5o! sho!er your blessings, ' +ord 0 My love,
-ou are the element and myself only a constituent of it,
-ou are the Sun and myself your ray,
-ou are the progenitor and % am your offspring,
' +ord 0 There is only one difference bet!een you and %2
<nd that difference is the root of all !orldly sorro!s,
)e "ind and do a!ay !ith this difference,
<nd be e$tremely favorable to me2
Hopes, sorro!s, fears are feelings being generated in mind,
They create in mind only the net!or" of apprehensions,
<ll constrictions should gather at your feet,
This is the only prayer of Mehi.
---- /G ---
Sagduru, the bountiful, Sagduru, the boutiful, Sadguru, the bountiful,
' my love, listen to my compassionate urge2
' Sadguru, the bountiful, you are my father2
' the most sympathetic and bountiful ,uru,
-ou are the besto!er of great happiness2
7estroyer of sins and full of endless "indness,
% have been lying in sorro! in this !orld for ages,
Forgetting myself, % am being duped by my senses,
Under their dictates, % al!ays remain !ithin the bond of the messenger of
)eing al!ays harassed by sensuality, anger, pride and greed,
% am not able to restrain my mind and senses2
3esolving to get happiness, !herever % run,
Terrible fire of sorro!s burns me there,
<s the deer vainly runs after mirage created by the rays of the Sun,
Similarly happiness of the !orld drops me to the !ater-hole2
)eing highly maimed, % am lying midst sorro!s,
5ot able to describe my sorro!s to !hich % am constantly put,
5ot finding light, % grope in the dar"ness only2
% don(t "no! the place from !here light issues forth,
' highly bountiful 0 -ou are highly omniscent2
' friend of the poor 0 -ou are !ell a!are of my ache,
,ive me your "indness, % shoutingly call out for help2
)eing friend and benefactor of the poor, you are the sea of happiness,
Trampling, blighting and destroying the net!or" of the messenger of death,
' friend of the poor 0 ?ith your compassionate heart,
7rop blessings from above,
Ta"ing me immediately out of the traps of the messenger of death,
-ou "eep up your promises2
7ragging me out of the dar" !ell,
)ring me to light,
,iving the strength of your comforting !ords, you ma"e me sit by your side,
<dopting thus, get me delivered from the net!or" of the messenger of
)eing e$tremely aggrieved, % !ail before you,
5one e$cept you, is there to listen to my !ail,
' bountiful Sadguru 0 -ou are the only one to destroy the messenger of
*veryday % repeat your name,
' +ord 0 )eing pleased, you give me the domain of your lotus-feet.
--- /H ---
Sadguru has come and !ill oblige by his darshan,
%t !ill add to my fortune2
<nd give everyone 9oy and grace,
There is an aroma of delight every!here2
<ssemblage of sins disappears at the very sight of Sadguru,
,ood thoughts pervade all trac"s2
Today there is great enthusiasm !itnessed among mates2
+et us pray Sadguru(s lotus-feet2
Surrendering mind, body and !ealth at his lotus-feet,
Mehi(s soul is delivered.
--- ;I ---
' mind 0 3ehearse the name of Sadguru,
?ho cautions 8hiva and helps the soul cross sea-li"e !orld,
<nd eliminates the fears of the !orld,
)rea"s off illusions, he faces dar"ness and grants "no!ledge,
*volving one(s heart, Sadguru e$plains thoughts about self and non-self,
+oo"ing so !onderful in appearance,
He considers both ualified and un-ualified as being non-self,
The <bsolute, according to him, is beyond self2
Sadguru frees Surat from filth and non-self,
<nd firmly establishes service to ,uru and Satsanga,
He brings out the difference bet!een the body and the universe,
<nd liberates Surat completely2
Firmly establishing service to ,uru and Satsanga,
He eliminates sins altogether2
Sadguru sho!s Surat the !ay to !ordlessness,
Thus, all impediments cropping up in the !ay are rooted out2
He grants "no!ledge and the sense of dispassion and discrimination,
<nd gives the 9oy of listening to the multiple sounds,
,ranting unceasing and pure devotion,
Sadguru is a super-scientist2
' ,iver of love 0 ,rant !orship as your alms,
+et my love for you be forever,
% pray to Sadguru !ith folded and unsullied hands,
To open the doors of my inner body.
--- ;1 ---
My prayer to Sadguru isJ
That % am poor, dirty and deceitful,
<nd carrying a heavy burden of sins2
That % am sensual, angry, e$tremely perverse,
<nd fully immersed in evil deeds,
<nd no one is a greater evil than %2
Hearing that it is difficult for the sinners to be delivered,
% am mortally sha"en !ith fears2
3oaming, % often as"ed as to !ho is one, !ho delivers the sinners,
% heard your 5ame as one !ho delivers the sinners,
That is !hy % have been beseeching you2
So listen to me, ', one being the destroyer of sins 0
Mehi lies everytime prostrate at the feet of Sadguru 7evi Sahib,
<nd prays to him for deliverance from sins2
Mehi !ill sacrifice everything at his feet.
--- ;/ ---
,reat praises to Sadguru 7evi Sahib 0
This !orld, li"e a dar" !ell is terrific2
Dentre of the body, too, is full of dar"ness,
+ying midst dar"ness, the individual self,
Forgetting its home and spiritual self, is variously afflicted,
%n absence of Sadguru the individual self is e$tremely tortured,
There is no one, e$cept Sadguru, !ho !ill be able to solve the pu##le2
<nd clear the deep dar"ness and help the individual self to cross sea-li"e
<nd reach his home !here this <bsolute happiness is2
Sadguru e$horts all present there in clear voice,
That the !ay to one(s o!n home is entirely different from the e$ternal !orld,
That road is neither in !ater nor among the stones nor in the universe,
%t is located in the body of the individual self,
Maharshi Mehi says that )aba 7evi Sahib is a real Sadguru,
'ne !ishing to reach one(s home should see" Sadguru(s shelter
That !ill help pursue the path!ays, leading to one(s home.
--- ;; ---
:ractise )indu-7hyana everyday li"e a Dhata" bird,
,limpsing the luminous symmetry of ,od uninterruptedly,
*nter into the solar sphere immediately2
The uintessential one "no!n as 3amnaam is the true voice,
%t emanates from its place of origin and flo!s do!n the universe and the
solid mass2
Merging Surat !ith the uintessential one, meet your +ord,
<nd eliminate the cycle of birth and death2
?ithout devotion to one(s ,uru and service to the sages, nothing fructifies2
So al!ays repeat the name of ,uru and concentrate on his lotus-feet,
?ith concentration on )indu, the luminous star emerges,
<nd then the Sun and the Moon appear,
<long !ith these the currents !ithout being impaired sound are heard,
The sounds gather all that is contracted at a point bet!een the t!o
<nd at this point only, the spiritual aspirant !itnesses and hears all the
<ll praises to Sadguru, !ho has acuainted Mehi !ith these applications,
-ou are magnificent, ' my competent ,uru 0
% see" your shelter day and night, says Mehi.
--- ;= ---
-ou are the apple of everyone(s eye, granting vision to all,
?hy can(t you be seen 1
-ou are investing the individual self !ith consciousness,
?hy don(t you get caught !ith the senses 1
From top to toe, you are present in every atom of the human body,
5ot only that, you are also present in each atom of the e$ternal !orld,
*ven then !hy can(t % recogni#e you 1
-ou are manifest in all e$pressed forms, being all pervasive,
)ut in reality, you are !ithout any form2
?hy can(t you be perceived by the mind and intelligence 1
-ou are subtler than the organs of action and "no!ledge2
<s every atom inside and outside the pot, is pervaded by the s"y,
Similarly you permeate inside and outside this body,
Then !hy do you not materiali#e your self 1
'ne, !ho eliminates the difference bet!een you and %,
That one and Mehi are the same2
<nd that is !hy no uestion is being posed.
--- ;@ ---
The <lmighty is beyond speech, !ords and all these,
He lords over all2
He is above all senses and the three ,unas,
<nd is also above both living and non-living nature,
:ervading all spheres of nature, the <lmighty is called 3ama,
)eing different from all, the une$pressed and unseen <lmighty,
%s beyond destructible and indestructible nature,
His lotus-feet are gripped by the saints,
He is the most ancient, endless and the most loving +ord2
<nd is pervading all the places,
He belongs to all the countries and beyond them,
<nd is even beyond the permeable one,
?ith folded hands, Mehi repeats His name,
3epeating His name, individual souls cross sea-li"e !orld.
--- ;A ---
,od is beyond description,
He is beyond !ords, yet present in all2
:ervading each atom, each particle,
<nd each small and big living beings, in the same manner,
<s the s"y is present in the seen and unseen !orlds,
<long !ith the living and non-living nature,
They are all contained !ithin the <lmighty,
)ut they cannot accommodate Him,
He is !ithout any beginning or end,
<nd pervading all !holly2
%s indestructible, invincible and e$tremely dense,
5ot visible to the senses,
)ut perceived by the soul only and the most subtle one,
Maharshi Mehi says, see"ing clues from Sadguru,
<nd accordingly plunging into devotion,
+iberation is attained.
--- ;E ---
The <bsolute )rahma is not describable and is beyond !ords,
)eyond aberrations and is the +ord of all2
He is above all senses, triad attributes,
<nd beyond destructible and indestructible nature,
He is beyond cessation2 His lotus-feet being gripped by the saints2
He is above attributes and even !ithout them,
<nd beyond nature, truth and falsehood2
He is infinite, endless and the uintessential one,
?orshipping Him, the individual soul gets delivered,
?ith folded hands, Mehi beseeches Him to deliver.
--- ;G ---
'ne !ithout colour and s"etch,
5ot even seen by the spiritual vision,
5ot trapped even by the fourteen senses,
<nd not tied by any bondage2
That <bsolute one is the basis or the sustainer of all2
That +ord is the darling of all2
5ot incriminated in the three unsusceptible !rappings and five cells,
5either long nor !ide nor t!isted nor straight,
5or stationary nor moving,
5or called either ignorant or !ise,
That one is the basis of all,
The darling of all2
'ne !ho does not have any colour or design,
'ne !hich is not being apprehended even by the third eye2
'ne !hich is not being trapped by the fourteen senses2
<nd one !hich is not being tied by any "ind of bondage2
He has neither beginning, nor middle nor any end,
5or covered by the illusions,
5ot comparable !ith the )rahma,
*ven 5irguna or Saguna is not fit to ualify Him,
That <bsolute )rahma is the basis of all,
That one is the darling of all2
<ll things of the !orld are full of His essence2
)ut He does not ta"e after anyone of them,
5irguna or Saguna )rahma is ine$tricably bound up !ith Him,
)ut nothing can eual Him2
That <bsolute )rahma is the basis and darling of all2
)rahma has seven "inds of variations
vi#. Satchidanand )rahma, >asnatma" )rahma, Manomay )rahma, ,yanmay
)rahma, :ranatma" )rahma, 'm"arsabda )rahma and >ish!arupi )rahma2
<ll these variations of )rahma combined together eual the <bsolute2
The <bsolute )rahma is the basis and darling of all,
He is unborn, undying, never incarnated ten times or t!enty times,
That <bsolute )rahma is the basis and darling of all,
5o e$ternal or internal Sun or any material ob9ect,
Dan ma"e Him appear by its light2
*ven :ra"riti also cannot limit Him,
He can(t be e$perienced by the mind, intelligence and !ords,
?hom the great sage >ad!a describes as one being silent,
That <bsolute )rahma is the very basis and darling of all.
Maharshi Mehi says that the <lmighty is as it is from the very beginning,
<nd is the most ancient one and the incomparable one,
*veryone has a beginning e$cept Him,
'nly the <bsolute is !ithout any beginning,
That <bsolute is the basis and darling of all.
--- ;H ---
' +ord 0 Ho! shall % be able to see you 1
-ou are beyond all illusions,
)ut remaining in body and guided by my senses,
% al!ays remain deluded2
My intelligence, mind and other senses catch only illusions,
<nd thus % remain totally immersed in them,
% can(t step-for!ard, forsa"ing these illusions,
4indly sho!er your grace and deliver me from their captivating influences,
So that % may go beyond non-living nature2
Mehi prays to the +ord for dropping His grace,
So that he may visuali#e Him and get a surfeit of happiness.
--- =I ---
<s eyes see eyes,
<nd s"in derives pleasure from s"in,
+i"e!ise the soul glimpses the oversoul,
<nd their union gives contentment2
This vision or closeness is e$ceedingly difficult,
%t is beyond intelligence and mind,
Those meditating, practising hard and resolutely follo!ing the discipline
'f body and mind,
,et the most unachievable one,
<ccordingly to Mehi, such devotees don(t come and !ander in the !orld.
--- =1 ---
%ntelligence and mind together facilitate vision,
%ntelligence and mind together bring closeness2
>ision is granted by the spiritual eyes,
Dloseness is brought about by togetherness2
)oth vision and closeness are full of illusions,
' the see"ers of truth 0 >ision and closeness are not the oversoul,
The oversoul is beyond nature, mind and intelligence,
%t is beyond all !rappings of the non-living !orld,
7ue to the grace of ,uru, the mind goes across all spheres,
Such a devotee sees the very image of the +ord, devoid of all illusions.
--- =/ ---
The Soul
'ne that is not in soil, !ater, fire, air and s"y,
'ne that is not to be found in the five sensory perceptions that delude2
'ne that is not among triad attributes and fourteen senses,
That is called une$pressed, unfathomable and being Mula :ra"riti,
That is beyond all these and the very manifestation of the prime reality,
That is the very nature of self2 That is the very nature of self,
That is not born of soil, !armth, perspiration and dirt,
'r human body or that is not born of the !orld,
That is also not born of >ishnu, Shan"ar or )rahma,
That is not in the very nature of solid or liuid,
>apour or dar"ness or light or !ords,
5othing stic"s on it and there is no fle$ibility or compression or vibration in
There is no conductivity or e$pansion in it,
That does not contain either particle or atom, line, signature or dot,
That is neither gross nor subtle, nor cause nor e$pression,
5either is that dull nor conscious nor body nor universe,
%t is beyond all and yet the prime reality2
%t is on land and in !ater, but is neither land nor !ater,
%t is neither in the air nor fire, but not the air or fire,
%t is in the triad elements of the s"y, but is not being any one of them,
%t is present in senses, but does not resemble them,
%t is totally immersed in Mula Maya from all sides,
That is uintessential and non-moving2
That undying soul is filled !ith Mula Maya, but is not Mula Maya,
That is in )rahma, the great >ishnu, Hari, Shan"ar,
<ll gods, demons, men, cobras and "innars,
<nd all non-moving and moving creatures of the !orld2
)ut that is not li"e them and that is beyond them and is the incarnation of
That is the in the nature of self2 that is in the nature of self,
That is one !hich does not get "illed or cut,
That is on !hich does not get putrefied or burnt,
That is one !hich does not get soa"ed or shifted,
That is beyond all and is in the nature of prime reality,
That is in the nature of self2 that is in the nature of self,
That one !hich is not born or dead,
<nd does not have childhood, youth and old age,
That one is neither !a"eful nor dreaming nor sleepy nor in the four in the
states of the soul,
That one is not among the four castes,
That one never comes and goes and spea"s or hears,
That one never acts or is called a doer,
)ut !ithout !hom nothing gets e$tinguished,
That one is !ithout attributes or !ith attributes,
That one in not truth, falsehood, dead or immortal,
That one does cover and does not cover,
That one is neither one that en9oys or is a -ogini,
5either is that one a help or a dishelp,
That one is neither "no!er, nor "no!n nor "no!ledge,
That one never uses any relative language,
That one is beyond the primal &'M( sound,
That one is beyond impairment or !ith impairment,
Though living among the bended ones that one does not bend,
<nd though living among ones that does not get straightened,
Though present among the living ones, that one is not called living,
<nd though living among the dead ones that one is not called dead,
<s the pots filled by the s"y move in the s"y,
Similarly all filled by that one move only in that one,
That one has neither any beginning nor any middle nor any end
There is no such place that can "eep that perfectly in itself,
The supreme element beyond all these is ,od,
The s"y !ithin the pot, the s"y !ithin the house,
The s"y !ithin the ma"eshift cloth-house,
<ll the three remain unalterably the same,
+i"e!ise the souls of countless moving and stationary creatures,
Though living in different bodies, yet they are the same,
The +ord being infinite remains unfragmented in all bodies,
He also remains uniform in all conditions,
?hen Time !as not there ,od !as there,
There !ould not be such time !hen ,od !ould not be present,
Time must have a stop but ,od !ill al!ays e$ist,
'nly he !ill understand !ho gets Sadguru in his life,
Sadguru is beyond prime reality,
Mehi says that even the best among men cannot understand the prime
Ho! !ill Mehi be able to describe the unfathomable1
Ho! !ould the dealer in pebbles tell about the ualities of the precious
--- =; ---
The +ord is beyond destructible and indestructible ones,
Moulding your mind subtly !ith inner perception,
7evote yourself to the +ord day and night2
3ip open the luminous point !ith the sharp vision of age,
<nd hear only the repetitive inner voice,
<nd fi$ your ga#e on the Sun, the Moon and the stars,
<s the flo!ing river merges !ith other rivers,
So do the devotees move !ith the very speed of the birds2
<nd s!itch over to the movement of the fish,
They grasp the central sound of the lo!er realms,
<nd are progressively dra!n up!ards to the sounds of the higher realms,
Thereafter they attain the ultimate state ie. the state beyond the sound,
This is the subtle !ay of the saints and Mehi as"s devotees to listen to it
This is "no!n as the highest devotion and highly acclaimed one,
)earing this in mind, one should practise 7hyana -oga.
--- == ---
4no!ledge gained by the saints is being imparted to the spiritual aspirants
for their benefit,
<ril verse is pieced together to communicate the same and it grants good
These are all priceless and not even a !ord of it can be measured in terms of
Mehi, nodding his head in approval, says that if he !ished to spea" them out,
He !ould, first of all, have to bo! do!n at the lotus-feet of the saints2
<fter serving the saints, one should al!ays do Satsang !ith them,
<ttentively listening to their nectar-li"e !ords and bear them in one(s heart2
%f one fails to understand their !ords, get those !ords e$plained by them,
,aining real "no!ledge from them, let one(s living be as per their norms,
See" Sadguru after Satsang and get the blessings of your Sadguru,
4no!ledge !ithout Sadguru is li"e treading the !rong path2
Mehi gives the profile of a true ,uru in 4undalia rhyme,
%f heaven !ills and you get the real Sagduru in your life,
Serve him, abandoning pride from your mind.
'ne !ho "no!s the path to deliverance,
<nd regularly practises 7hyana -oga,
<nd lives in this !orld !ith pure heart,
7ay by day he gro!s dispassionate,
<nd does Satsang !ith great delight,
,ives compact "no!ledge and dispels all follies,
Suspicions are cast a!ay,
<nd the vie!s of saints gain ground,
'ne possessing such ualities, Mehi calls him a pure-hearted ,uru.
Spea" the truth !ith love that !ould have its appeal,
+eave stealing, ta"ing of drugs, adultery and violence2
:ractise concentration as per instructions of ,uru,
Mehi as"s devotees to listen to the !ords of ,uru attentively,
5o! that he starts e$plaining the teachings of ,uru to them,
)ody, nec" and head should be held erect in a straight line,
Seated comfortably in :admasana, eyes and mouth be closed,
<nd bo!ing !ith love and reverence !ill purify the mind,
7uring practise if the mind !anders, let it be instantly !ithdra!n,
<nd get it fi$ed on the ob9ective, !ithdra!ing the mind again and again2
Mehi advises to proceed further !ith the ob9ective,
:ursuing the currents of inner lights and sound2
Soon trying to catch the currents of the uintessential one,
?ith the help of the -oga of vision,
?atch the acts of )rahma in the universe,
Uniting the rays of both the eyes and holding them on the focus,
,a#e it !ith a steady mind,
,et your mind stabili#ed and through the tenth door climb over the ladder of
the sounds,
<s the arro! gets stabili#ed !hile hitting its target,
Similarly 9ourneying through the sphere of light one !ill also 9ourney through
different spheres of sound2
,limpsing the shining bla#es of the sphere of light,
+oo" intensely at the luminous point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s2
This is li"e electric light and the eyes do not remain fi$ed,
Donsciousness remains vibrating and under such a circumstance ho! !ill
the eyes catch a glimpse of that light 1
<s one practises 7rishti -oga, tenaciously vibrations are stopped,
<nd consciousness becomes full gro!n,
The doors of the luminous star are opened due to the intensified ga#e,
Mehi says that the ga#e becomes so po!erful !ith efforts and !ild efforts2
Dlosing mouth, eyes and ears one sees, hears and bears the music in one(s
<nd gets dra!n to!ards sounds in different pitches2
Hedge-cric"ets sing and the bees hum and the sound of the bell, conch shell,
clarionet etc. are heard,
Many stars are seen together !ith different sounds,
The earthern lamp burns and the s"y is visible,
)ecause of the !onderful light of the rays of the Moon2
Ho! !ill the ama#ing Moon together !ith the sounds loo" li"e 1
Those e$periencing it are supposed to be the !ise ones,
The brave get fully immersed into such endeavors,
Fully plunged into such strivings one becomes e$tremely cool and calm,
<nd forgets all about one(s gross body2
:aramhans says such introvert aspirants remain completely una!are of
morning, day and night.
<nd are effortless as if dead from outside,
The Sun outside compared to one inside is dar" enough,
That splendourous Sun is beyond the boundary of the Moon,
+ouder sounds highly repetitive inside are not discernible enough,
:aramhans says, sounds li"e the beating of drums and roaring of clouds are
heard in the universe,
<bove Tri"uti, are colourless, shapeless compartments,
?here there are only resounding sounds2
The true spiritual aspirant remains in 7hyana -oga,
<nd !ith -oga of sound reaches the highest realm2
%n such a shapeless universe, he hears e$tremely s!eet sound of a flute,
-oga of sounds cause such !onderful e$periences2
'n getting such a perceptive ,uru, one "no!s ho! to do 5ad 7hyana,
That matchless sound !hich never changes is the uintessential one,
<nd that uintessential sound is finally changed into the soundless one.
Saints describe such a !ord as soundless, nameless or !ordless,
The uintessential one along !ith Surat at the final stage disappears,
The very stage of soundlessness, !ordlessness or namelessness is entirely
<ccording to Mehi that stage is devoid of dualism,
Surat, merging !ith the <bsolute, never returns to the physical !orld.
--- =@ ---
' devotees0 5o! % !ould li"e to describe the final central 5aubat sounds,
The first 5aubat resonates at the meeting point of the gross and subtle
The second 5aubat reverberates at the meeting points of the subtle and
causal spheres,
The third 5aubat is heard every moment at the meeting point of the causal
and supra-causal spheres,
The meeting point of the supra-causal sphere and 4aivalya, is the Mool
<nd is the sphere of pure consciousness2
<fter proper consideration, Maharshi calls the sound of this sphere as the
fourth 5aubat2
<bove the very centre of the sphere of pure consciousness lies the soundless
realm of the <bsolute2
Here is located the centre of living nature as far as the mind can imagine,
From here does resound the fifth 5aubat, as being the most !onderful and
incomparable sound,
Those, !ho plunge Surat into the fifth 5aubat, are delivered from captivity.
--- =A ---
,entlemen 0 Dreation has five centres of the five spheres,
From these centres, emanate the five different tunes,
These tunes, li"e the tunes of 5aubat, are very s!eet2
These central 5aubat sounds resound every moment in si$ tunes and thirty-
si$ musical notes2
Those going inside have a taste of these tunes and are highly delighted,
+iving and non-living nature each one has a centre,
'ne that is the sphere of pure consciousness is the sphere of living nature
and also 4aivalya,
<nd the Mool :ra"riti is called supra-causal and the une$pressed2
:erversion of supra-causal is the causal one,
Maharshi as"s the devotees to recognise these in their o!n bodies.
--- =E ---
' hear0 <ll those living in the !orld, this !orld is transient,
<nd bound to be destroyed2
%t is all pomp and sho! and a great deceit,
<ll ta"e it to be ephemeral but you clutch it as an aid,
%ts happiness is li"e the !ater of mirage,
Finding the deer alone your greed is stimulated2
7ue to this greed, you have to bear the terrible miseries of the !orld,
?ithout Sadguru, !ho !ill come to your help1
5ot even one being is yours in this rest-house,
Son, father, mother, !ife, etc., !ho among them is yours 1
)rothers, friends, relatives, family, the 4ing are all false,
3esidents of the seven heavens, beautiful gods are all endlessly delighted,
5one is immobile, all moving and only truth and peace being stationary.
The <lmighty is peace incarnate and saints say He is beyond !ords,
He is beyond destructible and indestructible nature,
<nd also above one !ith attributes or !ithout attributes and loving all2
He is unseen, unfathomable, nameless, ine$pressible and beyond the abode
of happiness,
Such different ad9ectives are given to the <lmighty !ho is above the sphere
of mind2
Those having doubts remain in great afflictions,
' brotherss0 %f the +ord is yours, you can get help from any!here2
,etting clues from Sadguru, remain fully devoted to Him,
There is no difference bet!een Sadguru and the <lmighty,
So !ith this faith you remain loyal to your ,uru2
Serving and !orshipping ,uru do not "eep any nuisance in your mind,
' brotherss0 3emaining detatched in the !orld, subdue your senses, causing
<bandon sensuality, anger, egoism, attatchments etc.,
<nd remain attached to ,uru !ithout avarice, craft and pride and various
"inds of allurements2
+eave them slo!ly and then only you can thin" of your !elfare,
)ear the !ords of ,uru in mind, leaving aside all conflicts,
Seducing other !omen, telling lies, into$ication, violence and stealing,
<ll these five big sins are to be given up as they tend to destroy you,
They are the strong aids to illusions and bind you to the circle of birth and
?ine, bhang, opium, toddy, moda", cocaine, tobacco, etc.,
<ll such into$icants are fit to be given up, and so give up,
< meal of meat and fish be given up and Sattva ,una be cultivated in food
and drin"2
Firstly, correct your food habit and then slo!ly do a!ay !ith other
<l!ays do Satsanga, !hich being both e$ternal and internal2
3eading religious stories is e$ternal Satsang and internal Satsang is
unbro"en 7hyana2
Dlosing eyes is one of the means of 7hyana,
<s one sits erect on Su"hasana repeating ,uru(s name and concentrating on
To some e$tent, this helps to concentrate and thereafter, do 7rishti -oga,
Datch the luminous point !ith the help of 7rishti -oga,
<nd get Surat freed from the *arth2
Thus pursuing the luminous sounds, listen to the repetitive sounds again and
+istening to these sounds, Surat goes on climbing, and finally the inner
!rappings that cause pain are destroyed2
+eaving the sphere of dar"ness, Surat goes on to the subtle sphere,
<t the middle of the subtle sphere, Surat catches the central sound,
<nd enters the sphere of !ords only riding over the universe,
%n the sphere of !ords by listening to !ords only Surat is fully satisfied,
This tune is li"e singing of the name of 3ama,
?hich is called the uintessential one by the saints,
This is !ithout attributes, pure and fully conscious2
Surat catches the uintessential sound and being attracted to!ards it,
+eaves the sphere of consciousness,
This sound is lost in soundlessness, !hich is beyond the stage of 5irguna,
?hen the sphere of !ords is left behind, Surat reaches the stage of
This soundlessness or !ordlessness is considered as the <lmighty,
This is the final goal of all human beings,
Those, attaining this stage, are called saints2
Such delivered souls caution the !orld,
<nd e$plain, singing the secrets of Santmat2
Those !ho "no! them practise different disciplines of the mind,
<nd purifying their minds, they live in the !orld2
3emaining dispassionate, they adhere to simplicity,
<nd very much love to attend Satsanga and impart real "no!ledge,
<nd solve all the riddles of the !orld2
'nly such ones be accepted as ,urus,
Donsidering them as saints, serve them2
5ever play fraud !ith your ,uru and taste his nectar-li"e love2
Spea" affectionately !ith him as egoism !ill spoil everything,
5ever be impertinent to him, other!ise you !ill remain caged in the !orld.
--- =G ---
Sadguru !ould tell you about the !ays of the internal s"y,
Through the centre of the dar"ness caused by the closed eyes,
Surat, climbing on the chariot of the -oga of vision,
<nd passing through the tenth door,
)eing subtler than the front of the needle,
*nters the internal s"y2
Surat leaves the sphere of light and plunges into !ords,
Drossing the sphere of !ords !ith the help of -oga of sound,
Surat reaches the final goal, ie., fi$ed and not destroyable,
Mehi is dependent on his Sadguru and al!ays bo!ing at the feet.
--- =H ---
' brotherss0 )e ,uru-sheltered, !ithout see"ing his shelter, dar"ness
5othing significant is visible, so be ,uru-sheltered2
' brothers0 Serving ,uru, "no! the secrets from him,
-our gross body is full of dar"ness,
<fter dar"ness is the light of )rahma,
Drossing !hich the lotus !ith a hundred petals shines !ith a glitter,
<nd the rising Sun in the subtle sphere is visible2
+eaving the sphere of light, catch the uintessential one,
<nd !ith it cross the spheres of causal realm, supra-causal realm and the
cave of )rahma,
Thus plunging Surat into the central !orld, cross the universe or the egg of
3emaining immersed in Truth, you don(t get trapped in the !orld again2
' brotherss0 The secrets got from ,uru are highly concealed,
Mehi says those pursuing the right path, are the only recipients of ,od(s
grace and none else.
--- @I ---
,o to the shelter of ,uru and sing his praises,
+et your Surat be fi$ed at the point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s2
,a#e intensely at the central point of the space bet!een the t!o eyebro!s,
<s you do so, the point glitters and the five colours also become visible2
+ightning stri"es !ith its rapidity and its flash penetrates the lotus !ith a
hundred petals,
The earthen lamp burns giving light and the stars t!in"le,
The full Moon is seen radiating its light and giving immense 9oy,
Surat ascends the subtle sphere and !atches the Sun ,od halting there,
)rahma +o" is e$traordinary but leaving this tenth door, Surat ascends
,oing up above the subtle sphere and entering the sphere of !ords,
%t gets rid of the false notes and colours,
<s it gets fully immersed in the uintessential one,
<ll miseries and dualism get fully eliminated,
Maharshi Mehi says that )aba 7evi Sahib delivers the souls in bondage,
*$plaining and propagating the true means of devotion to ,od,
Mehi, !ith folded hands, and head bo!ing, praises his compassionate ,uru,
?ho gave him the secrets of devotion to ,od.
--- @1 ---
' traveller0 See" the path that lies !ithin you,
-ou and your beloved also are in the same body2
' traveller0 %f you !ant to go to your beloved,
Then you see" the path inside your body and do not delay2
The four spheres of dar"ness, light, !ord and !ordlessness
<re lying !ithin the fort of your body2
-ou stepped do!n to the dar"ness, but your beloved is in the !ordless
Trapped in dar"ness, you are far a!ay from your beloved,
5o! again to meet your beloved,
-ou begin your 9ourney of the !orldless sphere2
-our +ord is found at all places but is not perceptible,
%f you 9ourney across the !ordless sphere, you may apprehend Him2
?ithin the dar" body loo" for Sushumna,
'n finding the central-point !ithin the t!o eyebro!s,
:ursue the path ahead,
'pening the door of the sphere of light !ith the -oga of vision,
<nd singing panegyric, immediately enter the very sphere of light2
Datching the cord of the central sound of the subtler sphere,
*nter the !ordless sphere !ith the help of Surat2
<nd burn the bundles of triad attributes to reach your +ord,
?here both , Saguna and 5irguna, are fully relinuished2
Maharshi Mehi says, 7evi Sahib(s instructions are highly beneficial,
Mehi sacrifices all at His feet.
--- @/ ---
' traveller0 See" the path that lies !ithin you,
-ou and your beloved are in the same body2
-our beloved is pervading every!here, but not being perceived,
Those initiated by ,uru are able to recogni#e Him !ithin their bodies,
' traveller0 %f you !ish to go alone on the path of the +ord,
-ou loo" for the path !ithin and do not delay2
The four spheres of dar"ness, light, !ord and !ordlessness
They all lie !ithin the fort of your body,
-ou stepped do!n to the dar"ness, but your beloved is in the sphere of
5o! you again go bac" to the sphere of !ordlessness through the tenth
:ursuing the inner light and practising the yoga of sound,
+isten to the orchestration of sounds and closely !atch the da##ling light,
<nd go along the path !here the five 5aubats resonate,
Mount up as you get dra!n to!ards them2
5ever thin" that there are other means of going to the sphere of
?ithout the -oga of vision and the -oga of sound.
Mehi says, that going along this lone path,
%s the secret path to divinity, as sho!n by the saints,
Datching the most subtle one amidst different sounds,
,o along the solitary path, lying !ithin your body.
--- @; ---
Free from sensualities, en9oyments and desirous of attaining ,od,
3emaining prepared for all out efforts !ith the help of the -oga of vision,
8oin the currents of light of both the eyes at the central point bet!een the
Dhanging attitudes of the mind and leaving all hopes and disappointments,
Datch the light and repetitive sounds !ithin,
Tearing all !rappings and moving your Surat to meet the +ord2
)ut before this, abandon falsehood, thieving, into$ication and rape,
,iving up these unrighteousness repeat ,uru mantra in your mind,
<nd also imagine his physical presence in your mind and do Satsanga,
Thus brea"ing off your illusions lead self dependent life,
Mehi says that these are the imperatives given by our saints,
+eaving craft, they are to be e$ecuted faithfully.
--- @= ---
' ,entlemen 0 See" ,od !ithin your o!n body and not in the e$ternal !orld,
Hari is in one(s o!n body and so search !ithin,
8oining the currents of light in both your eyes at the tenth door,
+et the luminous point be raised and then,
+oo"ing at the point and trying to catch repeatedly the central !ords,
<mong the repetitive sounds !ithin, see" ,od,
<nd bring your Surat near the tenth door,
?atching and listening to various tunes, see" Him as your Surat ascends,
The five 5aubats ring, catching each one successfully,
<nd !ith its help, ascend each, one by one, and see" your ,od2
Mehi says the uintessential one, that is, the fifth 5aubat,
%s ringing from its o!n house of !ordlessness, !here ,od resides,
?ith ,uru(s grace see" Him as you reach there.
The +ord resides beyond the !rappings of your body,
%f you !ish to meet him, you soon see" the company of saints2
?ith the means sho!n by ,uru, eliminate pride and pleasures that beget all
The real ,uru(s instruction is to loo" !ithin one(s heart !ithout losing any
Dlose your eyelids and do a!ay !ith the caprice of the mind,
%n the middle of the t!o eyebro!s is the visible point,
From there, chart out the route, ' traveller0,
This one is the real path, going beyond the three !rappings of one(s body,
<s one pursues this path of light 6 sound, illusions are bro"en off,
Dontracting your Surat closely, !al" along these roads,
<nd crossing this sphere too, attain the highest stage of the <bsolute2
Maharshi Mehi e$horts the virtuous ones to follo! 7evi )aba(s instructions,
Follo!ing the same you get both peace and happiness,
<nd cross the barriers of the !orld.
---@@ ---
-our +ord lives beyond the three coverings of your body,
%f you !ish to meet Him, stri"e your bond !ith the saints and sages2
)anish your egoism and self-praise !ith the help of ,uru-mantra,
The secret of ,uru is to loo" !ithin yourself immediately,
Dlosing both the eyes and 9oining their currents at the tenth door,
?ill put a stop to your caprice of the mind and the da##ling star !ill appear2
From here you visuali#e your paths of light and sound,
They are the actual paths to go beyond the three coverings of your body2
The saints declare pursuing the above t!o paths help men being freed from
the illusions,
?ithdra!ing your Surat from all trappings, cross the spheres of dar"ness and
<nd enter immediately the sphere of sound,
<gain moving from the sphere of sound to the sphere of soundlessness
!here the <lmighty resides,
' the virtuous ones 0 )ear in mind the instructions of )aba Sahib says Mehi
Then alone you !ill have peace and happiness and you !ill be freed from the
>ery cycle of birth and death.
--- @A ---
%nside one(s body, one !itnesses uniue and most delightful performances,
%n the centre of the eyebro!s, you fi$-up firmly your Surat,
?atch the !onderful light inside your body,
<s you see that light try to e$perience it2
%t is difficult to "no! its reality by describing or hearing it2
%t is to be sought inside one(s o!n body only.
?ithin the body itself is Sagun, 5irgun and the abode of the +ord2
%f you do not believe, you serve Sadguru, abandoning your pride,
*ven no! is alive in the !orld )aba 7evi Sahib, the light of "no!ledge,
?ho specifically teaches the means of inner !orship2
Mehi says, one going to his shelter, gets ine$plicable 9oy inside one(s body.
--- @E ---
' devout0 There is a !onderful display !ithin this body,
%n the dar"ness of this body is the s"y studded !ith the stars, the Moon and
the Sun,
There is the subtle body !ithin the gross one and in that subtle body is the
causal one,
<nd yet there is the fourth one, that is, the supra-causal body,
The fifth body, that is, 4aivalya BonenessC is !ithout attributes and full of
Mehi says, the uintessential !ord along !ith the <bsolute, is present in
one(s body.
A@b9b9QRQRA@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@A@ A@SfA@T?A
A@A@A@A@A@Z+ A@A@A@A@A@Z+ A@
AGrepetitive sounds2
Doncentrate upon the uintessential one among the multiple sounds,
These are the !ays to cross the barriers of the sea-li"e !orld.
---- @H ----
The glittering point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s is visible,
' brotherss0 Dlosing your eyelids, try to see,
+et the t!o currents of light converge at the central point of the eyebro!s,
Fi$ your ga#e and cross your bodily sphere and enter the egg of the
The s"y, studded !ith stars, loo"s so !onderful,
+ight, li"e the earthern lamp, is visible that eliminates the dar"ness of the
closed eyes,
The incomparable Moonlight, uniue in itself is spread in all corners2
<nd the light of the young Sun also radiates beautifully,
Surat, !ith its spiritual vision, catches the multiple sounds !ithout being
' individual souls0 Datching these sounds !ith Surat-li"e rope,
?al" along the final abode, !hich is the real home2
Mehi has revealed this mystery, the uintessential one,
'ne, !ho serves ,uru !ithout any craft, has no difficulty in reaching the real
--- AI ---
?ithout ga#ing do!n!ard, up!ard, left!ard, right!ard or bac"!ard,
+oo" ahead, closing both your eyes and 9oining the t!o currents e$actly in
the middle of the t!o eyes,
%mmersing yourself in the bla#e of the shining star and !atching the scenes
of the sphere of light,
Fly in the inner firmament li"e a bird, and perching there on the luminous
Datch the uintessential sound among the multiple sounds and glide li"e a
' mind0 Flying li"e the bird and s!imming li"e the fish,
-our mind is absorbed in its o!n sphere,
Surat alone mounts on the egg of )rahma,
Finally, catching the ceaseless primal &'M( sound, Surat listens to it,
The sound of creation in !rapping is so very intense,
Mehi says, !ith the help of the central sound B5aadC in the lo!er sphere,
Datch the central sounds of the higher spheres and finally grip the
uintessential one,
Thus grasping the &'M( sound, that is, the uintessential one, cross this sea-
li"e !orld.
--- A1 ---
See" the light !ithin,
<ny devotee !ith the inner vision has seen that light,
'ne must "no! the secrets from ,uru, serving his lotus-feet,
7ay and night, "eeping one(s consciousness focused at the point bet!een
the t!o eyebro!s,
The dar"ness is gone and there comes in front of the eyes
Dolours li"e yello!, blue, red, !hite and blac"2
+ightning flashes !ith their flic"ers and the morning star is seen,
The Moon rises and the Sun too climbs up,
<nd thus the uintessential one is perceived2
<t the feet of the <bsolute and ,uru,
The devotee comes to "no! all about these secrets,
>arious "inds of deeds in the !orld entrap this life2
)aba 7evi Sahib has revealed to Mehi that only ,od and ,uru deliver souls
+iving in bondage in this !orld.
--- A/ ---
My eyes got fi$ed at the central point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s,
They do not glance side!ays and are fi$ed at the point in front2
The light of )rahma appears !ithin and dar"ness of the night vanishes,
The Sun, !ith its e$traordinary rays, ascends !ith so many spar"les,
Donsciousness finally gets immersed in the uintessential !ord,
)aba Sahib tells Mehi to remain absorbed day and night in such applications.
--- A; ---
'n eyes being stationary at the tenth door, the luminous point of the third
star becomes visible,
The flashlight of )rahma !ithin one(s body glitters and spar"les,
+ight li"e pearls, diamonds and the fi$ed star come to the vie!,
There is a glimmer of the lightning and many shining lamps burn2
?ithout being impaired the multiple sounds are heard !ithout musical
instruments and tunes,
Donsciousness, visuali#ing the inner light and hearing the sound !ithin,
%s filled !ith 9oy and hurries dancing to!ards ,od2
Thus the true devotees, "no!ing these secrets, move internally and
traversing the distance,
Datch the uintessential one,
<nd are thus able to get their sorro!s eliminated2
5othing else, save the uintessential !ord, 9oins one !ith the +ord,
Mehi is repeating the !ords of saints and none of his o!n.
--- A= ---
Durrents of nectar are flo!ing do!n from the lo!er body,
From the subtle openings of the tenth door,
<s the fish mounts up from the flo! of currents to the opposite of the flo!,
+i"e!ise Surat moves up from the egg of the universe
To the lo!er body through the subtle openings,
<nd Surat again ascends from lo! to high over the currents of sound and
3epeating the mantra given by ,uru and concentrating on his physical body,
Serve him !ith love and obey his commands, ' dear ones 0,
,uru !ill tell you about the subtle capillary tubes of the tenth door2
%n the middle of the t!o eyes and in front of the nose if you find the point
being subtler than the front part of the needle,
-our dar"ness !ill disappear and then you soar up gleefully
%n the inner s"y, full of light2
,etting the uintessential one among the multiple sounds,
*nter into the final stage that !ill efface all your physical tortures,
Mehi says, it is possible only !hen you serve your ,uru everyday,
5othing !ill accrue !ithout service to ,uru, as told by the saints.
--- A@ ---
3ight and left of the vertebral column are ,anga 6 -amuna,
The t!o live currents are flo!ing and in the middle of them,
<nd the vertebral column, flo!s the live current of Saras!ati2
Unfortunate is the man !ho cannot learn the techniue of purifying himself
at the point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s.
4abir and 5ana" said [<s the :inda BbodyC, so is )rahmand B*gg of the
There is no difference as such bet!een the t!o,
'n the right side of the vertebral column are :ingla, ,anga and the Sun,
'n the left are %ra, Dhandra and -amuna2
Surat gets easily purified as it concentrates on the physical form of ,uru,
+oo"ing at the lighted point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s, Surat goes ahead,
%t seems as if it !ere bathed in the river Saras!ati2
'ver the tenth door and !hile crossing the lotus !ith a hundred petals and
!atching the e$traordinary light of Tri"uti,
Surat enters the empty space2
%n the middle of the empty space Surat catches the uintessential one and
proceeds on,
%n this manner Surat reaches the abode of truth,
Drossing MahaSunya and )rahmar cave2
<gain it merges !ith the final position called unseen, unfathomable,
nameless and the abode of peace,
' brotherss 0 The saints say that, Surat merging !ith the final stage, attains
Thus Surat gets freed forever from the !orld of illusions.
,etting secrets from 7evi Sahib, Mehi by his grace has Sung about these
secrets in the verse.
--- AA ---
<t the very 9unction of ,anga, -amuna 6 Saras!ati,
'ffer prayer to the +ord every evening,
?ith both the eyes at a distance of t!enty-t!o fingers,
Fi$ your ga#e resolutely at the tenth door,
This !ill stop your breath and the mind too,
?ill get rid of capriciousness,
*ntering the tenth door and 9oining Surat !ith the lighted point,
Hear !ith rapt attention, ceaseless ,ayatri Mantra, giving happiness,
?hosoever, concentrates on the repetitive ,ayatri Mantra,
Mehi says, all his torments get destroyed,
<nd he moves to!ards the path of deliverance.
--- AE ----
%n front of the nose and the centre of the t!o eyes is located the tenth door,
The lighted point appears to be glittering there2
Fi$ing your ga#e at that point, eliminate the capriciousness of the mind,
Saints have said this to be the real path of peace,
Those, !ho !ant peace, should relinuish the impetuosity that misleads,
This is "no!n to someone !ho has gone to ,uru(s shelter,
*$cept ,uru, none else can teach to eliminate one(s egoism and self pride.
--- AG ---
These means !ill help me cross the barriers of the !orld,
My ,uru has revealed to me this mystery2
Dlosing both the eyes and 9oining the t!o currents of vision,
% !ill fi$ my ga#e at the tenth door, and see the !onderful colours and
<s the dar"ness approaches the five colours !ill appear,
+ightning !ill come flashing and so !ill the stars appear2
Surat, mounting up, !ill loo" at the Moon and glimpse the beauty of the Sun
Surat again !ill immerse itself in the sphere of !ords,
?ord !ill reach the highest stage and merge in it,
These means remained concealed for so long,
Mehi says, that these means got spread in the !orld by his ,uru, 7evi Sahib.
--- AH ---
Surat, going to glimpse the <bsolute, concentrates through its ga#e at the
tenth door,
?atching the luminous point, the pole star, the Moon and the Sun,
Surat hears different multiple s!eet tunes of the five spheres2
Mehi says, this is the uintessence of Santmat2
<nd he has only repeated the !ords of the saints,
He has understood and got some of them fully tested,
They are so very true and are of great benefit to all.
--- EI ---
' brothers0 The central point of the tenth door is invested !ith the !hite
7uring 7risti yoga e$ercises, it loo"s so da##ling2
'ne, !ho tries to converge the currents of the vision of the t!o eyes,
<nd ga#es at the illuminated point, enters into it2
There one listens to the multiple repetitive sounds,
<mong these sounds, Surat tries to catch the uintessential one2
Finally, one reaches the highest stage, i.e one(s home,
3eaching one(s home one meets the +ord and is highly delighted,
<nd gets freed from the fears of the messenger of death.
--- E1---
Dlosing the door of the glass house, let(s go to the tenth door,
%f your ga#e remains fi$ed at the door, dar"ness !ill disappear2
The path of the s"y !ill finally open,
%llusions !ill finally get bro"en off2
Then soon you !ill enter the sphere of light and !itness the e$traordinary
<gain among the multiple sounds, you !ill catch the uintessential one,
?ith its help, you !ill reach the highest stage.
Thus you !ill be able to eliminate forever the cycle of birth and death,
Mehi says that these secrets of the saints lay concealed under various
e$ternalities and illusions,
7ue to 7evi Sahib(s grace, all these got fully revealed.
--- E/---
Dome, ' valorous0 5o! be man,
-ou have to leave the prison-house2
%n the battle field of disciplining your mind,
-ou have to remain unfa#ed in the front2
,ripping the lotus-feet of ,uru and concentrating there,
' gallants0 Fi$ your ga#e at the tenth door,
Forcibly protecting yourself everytime
From all your caprice of the mind
' courageous ones0 There is no time to !aste,
Sleeping uite inattentively2
Doming out of the tenth door, ' brave ones0
-ou have to cross the sphere of dar"ness,
<mid flic"ers of lightning and Moonshine2
<nd the Sun heating itself in the sphere of light,
-ou have to go beyond this sphere, ' dashing ones0
+earning secrets from your ,uru,
Datch the uintessential sound in the sphere of sounds,
?ith these means, Mehi e$horting the devotees,
To leave this prison-li"e !orld.
--- E;---
%t is evening, so ' brothers0 3emember ,uru,
Fi$ing Surat at the point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s
' ,uru, "indly allo! Surat to fi$ its ga#e at the tenth door,
Fi$ing Surat at the tenth door, shut your mouth and remember ,uru2
Dlose all the e$ternal doors of your body,
<nd open the e$its of the internal body, ' brothers0
)ring both the Sun and the Moon in the same house,
Fi$ing your ga#e at the tenth door,
<s the light of )rahma shines, dar"ness is gone2
+et the subtle Surat cross the tenth door through the !ords,
<nd settle itself do!n there resolutely2
<nd catch the uintessential sound2
<ll sorts of bondage in the !orld get blasted,
Mehi as"s his devotees to remain absorbed in the service of ,uru,
' brothers 0 'nly then it !ould be possible for you to reach the highest point
)eyond intelligence, thin"ing as the same being unfathomable and
--- E= ---
' my mind 0 ?hile a!a"e you reside in the third eye,
?ith the help of 7rishti -oga, you leave that place,
<nd soar up in the internal s"y2
The t!o currents of vision of the physical eyes including your o!n self,
<re to be 9oined in front of the dar"ness of your eyes, that is, the point
bet!een the t!o eyebro!s,
<t this point the t!o currents are to be strongly fi$ed,
Thus entering into the tenth door, fly in the internal firmament,
Mehi says !ith the help of 7rishti -oga,
+eave your body,
Fly li"e a bird and catch the live currents of both light and sound.
--- E@ ---
3eside at the centre of the space bet!een the t!o eyebro!s,
?here the subtle sound in the form of a command,
%s coming do!n the egg of the universe2
This point is also "no!n as the tenth door,
The star !indo! and Sushman,
>aliantly entering that, cross the limits of your body and the sphere of
Dlosing mouth, eyes and both the ears,
+eaving all resolutions and alternatives,
Stay, fi$ing your ga#e in the front !ith love and piety,
<nd pursue the paths of light and sound, moving in the internal s"y,
The egg of )rahma da##les and is full of multiple sounds,
<nd the musical note of divinity is heard there all the time,
Hearing these sounds, ascend and catch the uintessential one,
Mehi says, this is ho! you accomplish your spiritual goal.
--- EA ---
The central point of the t!o eyebro!s, the seat of )rahma, the ocean of
%s a !indo! e$traordinarily matchless in all respects 2
%mpure vision, ho!soever subtle, cannot cross that,
'nly Surat, totally immersed in mind(s live currents, can enter there,
*ntering through the !indo!, Surat is freed from physical body,
<nd catches reverberations of eternity,
8ourneying through non-living, living, destructible, indestructible,
5ature !ith attributes and !ithout attributes,
Surat perceives the very nature of the <bsolute,
This eliminates the cycle of birth and death of the individual self,
*ntering through the tenth door, Surat hears the multiple sounds !ithout
being impaired,
The tenth door is also "no!n as the !indo! of sounds,
Mehi says, the devotee raises the luminous point, 9oining the t!o currents of
<nd ga#es at it li"e a rash-ga#er2
<s a sort of practise,
Such a devotees resides as the tenth door and is the recipient of the divine
--- EE ---
3epeat Satnam, Satnam, Satnam, ' brothers 0,
Satnam is the only base and the !orld being !ell-buttressed by it,
This is the opinion e$pressed by the saints,
Satnam is the prime flo! of uintessential sound,
The energy of creation,
<nd is present in all bodies, and only those catch it,
?ho piercing all unsubstantial elements, get it2
That sound, !ithout being impaired, is !ildly spread and is in the very nature
of the <bsolute,
Satnam is the uintessential sound in all bodies,
%t is offered as ,uru(s divine grace.
--- EG ---
Satnam, Satnam, Satnam, repeat Satnam,
' brothers 0 3epeat Satnam, the fruition of all desires2
Satsang, the uintessential one, is also called the magnetic sound,
My salutations to that Satnam, !hich fulfills all !ishes,
Satnam is pervading all bodies and so called by the name of 3ama,
Satnam is neither :ara nor :ashyanti nor Madhyama nor )ai"hri2
%t fulfills all one(s !ants,
%t is indestructible, repetitive, multiple,
<nd !ithout being impaired, it fulfills all aspirations2
%t is ravishing, most beautiful, attractive and great,
%t is highly subtle, e$ceedingly s!eet and incomparable2
%t grants deliverance2 %t is the paradise of bliss and divine contentment,
Those getting it haven(t to come to the !orld again,
Those being introverts mount upon the egg of the universe,
They receive Satnam that fulfills all their desires,
Those, serving ,uru !ith alacrity, get this, says Mehi,
<nd nobody else can.
--- EH ---
>ictory to 3ama, victory to 3ama, victory to 3ama,
Say victory to 3ama, ' brothers 0 <nd this name is e$traordinary,
He alone permeates all bodies, ' brothers 0
Say 3ama, say 3ama, say 3ama,
<s redness is in myrtle, butter in mil", scent in flo!ers,
So ,od is pervading all,
The +ord is neither in the sensuality of physical beauty,
5or in the taste of the lusty palate, nor in the stimulating aroma,
5or in the gentle caress, nor in the titillating music of !ords,
' brothers 0 Say 3ama, 3ama, 3ama,
He is desireless, faceless, nameless, unborn, une$pressed, ' brothers 0,
He is not to be e$perienced by the mind, intelligence and the senses,
)ut only by the conscious soul, that is, 3ama, ' brothers 0
That one is concealed in the body as !ell as the universe,
3ama is inimitable,
He is present beyond body and the universe2
He is at the highest point, being the ultimate one,
' brothers, serve ,uru and get the secrets of !orship from him,
?orship and repeat ,uru(s name, says Mehi,
<nd attain 3ama ' brothers 0
>ictory to 3ama, say 3ama,
Say 3ama, say 3ama, say 3ama, ' dear ones 0,
,od is present beyond the sphere of light,
<nd over Tri"uti, that is, the subtle sphere,
He is une$pressed, invisible and stealing all tortures of the !orld2
3ama is !ithout conflicts and dualism,
:ervasive 3ama is present at the end of all !rappings,
Surat, on reaching there, finds Him,
:ractising -oga of sound, ascend the unfathomable position of !ordlessness,
)eyond intelligence and !ithin oneself !orship 3ama2
Mehi says, remaining slave to Sadguru, get yourself fully liberated.
--- G1 ---
5ame of 3ama being immortal, repeat it ' brothers 0,
That divine tune is heard in all bodies2
5either it is :ara nor :ashyanti nor Maghi nor )ai"hri,
%t is neither descriptive nor the impaired one,
The name !ithout being impaired helps reach the supreme position,
3eaching there, there is no !orld again2
)earing in mind the secrets of ,uru, get the divine vision,
Dlosing eyes, ears and mind, repeat that name,
Mehi says, hearing the inner voice, let Surat remain gratified,
)eing fully sheltered in ,uru.
--- G/ ---
'nly the name of the +ord removes fears of the !orld,
<nd blasts all our sins2
The name effaces the dar"ness of ignorance, brea"ing all traps,
<nd destroying the sorro!ful sensualities2
The divine tune !ithout being impaired, is present in all bodies,
That name is the uintessential one2
That name is indestructible, beyond all !ords,
)eing the ocean of blissfulness, it grants liberation, ' brothers 0,
The saints call this tune as one being the real truth,
That being so e$uisite, so s!eet a !ord is "no!n only to the saints2
Hearing, the conscious soul is able to comfort itself,
' mind 0 Mounting through the tenth door,
3each the invisible mansion of !orldlessness, and there catch the name of
the +ord,
That !ord being most subtle and highly disciplined,
7evotees only recogni#e it as the true name of the +ord,
Mehi says that !ord is sounded uniformly every moment,
3epeat this name.
---- G; ---
?orship the lotus-feet of ,uru, eliminating illusions and fears of the !orld,
,uru removes venomous poison of the dreadful messenger of death-li"e
Friend of the poor, the ocean of love and !earing the s!ord of "no!ledge2
,uru destroys highly illusive ignorance, sensualities, anger and avarice,
He is the incarnation of <lmighty ,od and liberates devotees,
Sadguru Mehi says, the name of ,uru tames the turbulent mind,
<nd so repeat his name, repeat his name.
--- G= ---
' mind0 3epeat the name of Sadguru , the most compassionate one,
He chops the net!or" of the messenger of death2
Maintaining the sheltered ones, he is highly bountiful2
He is the immeasurable tan" of pure love2
He eliminates all traps and conflicts,
<nd is tenaciously controlling senses,
<nd obeying the principles of -ama and orderliness2
He "ills the five sinful demons2
<nd is inimical to the five aberrations of mind2
<nd blasts all the five "oshas,
<nd is li"e nec"lace to the devotees2
*vading the drag-net of repentance, illusions, separatism and Time,
,uru is ferocious to the messenger of death, protecting his devotees,
Mehi says, ' the sympathetic one0 -ou provide shelter to your devotees.
---- G@---
' mind0 3epeat the name of Sadguru the bountiful
The position of ,uru is highly elevated and magnificient,
He dispels all the tortures of his devotees2
His influence being such that
*ven the most terrible monster li"e time shivers,
&,uru, ,uru( is the most happy repetition of the name2
'ne repeating his name has his !oes eliminated,
,uru himself is full of blissfulness and endless virtues,
&,uru, ,uru( is the most effective repetition of the name,
%t gives incomparable peace and the highest truth2
His name, being e$traordinary, gives the four fruits of life,
' dear ones0 3epeat ,uru(s name, the most bountiful of all names,
Mehi says, he bears in his heart ,uru(s name day and night.
--- GA ---
' mind0 3epeat the name of ,uru, the bountiful,
His name helps cross the unchartered !orld li"e ocean
He is "no!ledgeable, highly perceptive and meditative,
?ith his heart full of love, he doesn(t have any desire for honour,
He is the mine of blissfulness and is al!ays serving the +ord2
He daily does Satsanga !herever he may live,
He has love for those !ho are good and pious,
He holds the cord of the uintessential one,
That ta"es him beyond the destructible and indestructible nature2
His mind is immersed in full devotion to the +ord,
His Surat too is fully dipped in the divine tune of 3ama,
He 9ourneys through the !orld, being fully immersed in love,
<nd liberates people every no! and then2
He has no rest even for a !in" and is busy in Satsanga day and night,
,iving peace and happiness to the entire !orld2
He delivers his devotees, being the very foundation of the !orld2
Mehi says, there is no substance in this !orld,
?ithout ,uru, all is dar"ness,
Though the Moon, the Sun and the stars may light the !orld.
--- GE ---
' dear ones0 3epeat the name of ,uru,
3epeat the name of ,uru2
)ody, !ealth, !ife etc are all li"e dreams,
They are of no use at the end2
There is deep dar"ness in your body,
That is the garb of illusions2
?atching the feet, nails and the central point of the t!o eyebro!s,
<bandon the sphere of dar"ness, ' dear ones0
%nside the body is the !onderful light of ,uru,
?atching the same, catch the uintessential one,
The very tune, sounding the name of ,uru, is the essence of 3ama,
The name of ,uru fulfils all desires2
Mehi says, recogni#ing this sanctified name !ith the help of Surat,
,et permanent peace inside.
--- GG ---
' brothers0 3epeat the name of ,uru and get peace of mind,
?ithout repeating ,uru(s name, peace !ill elude you,
3epeat his name2 3epeat his name2
?orshipping ,uru(s feet, your efforts are cro!ned !ith fruition2
3ama, the earlier incarnation, including gods, saints, sages etc,
+eaving their pride, served and concentrated on the lotus-feet of their ,urus2
%n the dar"ness of body individual self has been deluded for ages,
,etting the secrets from ,uru, you go and pierce the dar"ness2
Thereafter, loo" at ,uru(s lotus-feet and nails !ith your fi$ed ga#e,
That point is the star or til and also called the tenth door2
<nd the same is da##ling li"e a 9e!el and is the very image of ,uru,
There the soul of ,uru !atches the incomparable light of the full Moon,
He is highly gratified and the eyes of his soul feed upon the e$traordinary
'ver the lotus !ith a hundred petals is the very mansion of Tri"uti the fort of
?here the Sun )rahma, assuming the body of ,uru, sends forth the ama#ing
Up above Tri"uti are shunya and mahashunya,
3eaching there, mount up the )h3amar caves,
?here you catch the uintessential one, the very current of divine sound,
?ith the help of Surat, you catch the uintessential sound and merge !ith
the <bsolute.
,uru(s original incomparable self is unseen, fathomless, imperishable,
7esireless, beyond !ords and description.
--- GH ---
' brothers0 3epeat the name of ,uru, the sage,
,uru, the most bountiful one, chops the net!or" of -ama,
Ma"ing one pure and blissful !ithin the fraction of a second2
,uru says the true "no!ledge removes one(s ignorance and gives immense
4no!ledge of ,uru is li"e the Sun and its bla#e being e$traordinary,
%t fully obliterates the dar"ness of one(s mind2
,uru opens the door of the illuminated star that spreads in the !hole of the
<nd one sees the limitless spar"s of that bla#e2
,iving secrets of Surat-Sabda--oga,
,uru eliminates !orldly sorro!s of his devotees,
So pin your hope on Sadguru alone.
---- HI ---

3epeat the name of Sadguru, Sadguru, Sadguru, ' brothers0
,uru spea"s of the true "no!ledge after due consideration,
That roots out all suspicions2
Spreading all its illusions, the unsubstantial !orld binds,
)ut ,uru delivers you2
,uru calls the en9oyment of all senses as a "ind of disease,
He causes detachment from such attractions2
%n the gross body are ten doors, full of dar"ness,
Surat is trapped among them2
?hen ,uru gives the secrets of 7rishti--oga,
The closed tenth door of the devotee is automatically opened ,
<nd he enters the egg of the universe2
)ody thus gets freed from the dar"ness and !onderful light is seen all
This benefit accrues all due to the compassionate ,uru2
Telling all about the secrets of the uintessential one,
,uru eliminates devotees( sorro!s of the !orld forever,
Drossing the sphere of light, catch the uintessential one in the sphere of
Mehi says, concentrating on the uintessential one,
<ll the saints have reached the very stage of !ordlessness2
This stage is the very stage of deliverance.
--- H1 ---
' dear brothers 0 Say ' ,uru, protect, ' ,uru, protect,
Surrender your body and mind at the lotus-feet of ,uru2
)oth the body and the mind are full of afflictions,
+eaving all your afflictions at ,uru(s feet, see" the real "no!ledge from him,
,uru is li"e the radiant Sun,
+et the Sun rise up in your inner s"y2
%t destroys the dar"ness of all "inds of attachments,
<nd one attains blissfulness of being liberated,
Maharshi Mehi says, if ,uru ever resides in one(s mind, deliverance is a
<ll our saints unanimously say so.
--- H/ ---
' brothers 0 3epeat the name of ,urudevaa,
Surrendering mind, !ealth, body and all at his feet,
?ithout serving ,uru, it is not possible to get )rahma, >ishnu and Mahesh,
,uru alone is competent enough to ferry across the terrible sea-li"e !orld2
Ta"ing devotees into his boat of devotion, he ta"es them across sea-li"e
<long !ith the trinity of ,ods, are thirty-three crore gods also,
?hoever serves ,uru, 3ama, 4rishna, etc. being incarnations, served ,uru
abandoning pride2
Mehi says, even service to ,ods, :itars, including full )rahma, and
unfathomable, nameless ,od,
%s not deemed being euivalent to the service being rendered to ,uru.
--- H; ---
' ,uru, protect 0 ' ,uru, protect 0 ' ,uru, protect 0,
Saying this, al!ays remember ,uru,
<midst this unsubstantial !orld, there are innumerable sorro!s,
Thus see"ing his shelter, cross sea-li"e false !orld2
<fflictions !ould not be removed !ithout ,uru(s grace,
' brothers 0 His grace eliminates all sorro!s,
<ll the traps of gross, subtle and causal bodies drop off2
Maharshi Mehi is uite sure that no one can realise ,od !ithout ,uru(s
--- H= ---
>ictory to the name of ,uru, the name of ,uru, the name of ,uru,
3epeat the name of ,uru that fulfils desires2
?hen pure thoughts are in one(s mind and Surat is immersed in the
uintessential !ord,
Unfathomable "no!ledge of ,uru s!itches the light on,
-ou reach your original home2
<nd your desires are fulfilled,
The secrets given by Sadguru easily help Surat go up the inner s"y,
<nd fulfills all ambitions2
Mentally repeat the name of ,uru and concentrate on his physical body,
8oin the t!o currents of the eyes in front of the nose, and the centre of the
t!o eyebro!s,
The lighted point is seen there,
<s the ga#e is intensified, the tenth door opens,
<nd the light of )rahma issues forth2
:ractising Surat -oga, Surat merges !ith the uintessential one,
Thus, becoming one !ith it, you reach your permanent home,
,uru reveals the secrets of the unfathomable one,
5o one, li"e ,uru, according to Mehi, fulfills one(s desires.
--- H@ ---
,uru is great, ,uru is great, bountiful and sympathetic,
4ind-hearted, stealing vices and eliminating the !oes of the !orld2
,uru is great, ,uru is great, bountiful and sympathetic,
He clears stumblings of many births and grants blissfulness,
,uru is great, ,uru is great, bountiful and sympathetic,
He clearly e$plains the concept of "no!ledge, 7hyana--oga and Surat,
,uru is great, ,uru is great, bountiful and sympathetic,
His magnificence is so great, that even ,od is not found !ithout him,
,uru is great, ,uru is great, bountiful and sympathetic,
,od is concealed, ,uru is apparent and the only one !ho is so "ind,
,uru is great, ,uru is great, bountiful and sympathetic,
,od is !ithout the attributes in the guise of ,uru,
?hereas ,uru appears in all his attributes and grants favours and gratifies
,uru is great, ,uru is great, bountiful and sympathetic,
<ll of you together repeat the mantra given by him and remain cheerful,
7o not be indolent and repeat the mantra given by him,
*ven the messenger of death !ould not dare touch you.
--- HA ---
,uru is "ind to the poor and ma"es everyone happy,
Sho!ering his grace and fulfilling the desires of his devotees,
,uru is "ind to everyone and his name destroys !oes of the !orld,
<nd gives self-contentment and peace,
He is devoid of all attachments and egoism,
<nd is fully absorbed in the divine music2
<nd he resides permanently in the abode of the +ord.
He is the treasure trove of virtues and reveals divine "no!ledge2
<ll his actions are directed to!ards good to others,
He delivers his devotees from the sea-li"e !orld and thus they are freed from
the cycle of birth and death.
He is found busy, rehearsing the 5ame every moment,
+oving the uintessential name, he lives above body sense,
<nd fully and freely distributes the 5ame,
,uru e$plains his treasure of "no!ledge and the secrets of 7hyana -oga,
Mehi says, one should al!ays repeat the name of ,uru.
--- HE ---
*$tremely sacred is ,uru mantra2
3epeat it in your mind,
)ear in your mind the image of helpful ,uru2
,oddess, ,od, full )rahma and the supreme +ord
They all reside in ,uru as said by our saints2
,uru is greater than ,od,
This being famous in the !orld,
,od is difficult to get !ithout ,uru though He resides in one(s body,
,od is lying concealed in the heart, full of dar"ness,
,uru, practising the secrets, has divine inner light,
Though ,od is present in every heart, yet the sorro!s of the !orld do not get
,uru eliminates all the !oes of the !orld and so is hailed by everyone,
<nd surrendering your body, mind and !ealth at his lotus-feet, serve him,
'beying him, cross the terrible !orld-li"e sea.
--- HG ---
Sadguru 0 ,urudevaa, ,uru help devotees cross sea-li"e !orld,
They are all uniue bla#es of light,
7a##ling in devotees hearts2
They are the centres of the light of )rahma,
That blast the five messengers of illusions2
,uru controls all the fourteen senses,
<nd remain unvarying both in sorro!s and happiness,
He is !ind-li"e dispersing the clouds of dualism2
,uru is li"e )rahma, >ishnu and Mahesh,
He gives the secrets of devotion,
%s highly respected and governs the mind,
To Mehi, ,uru is li"e 4alpaturu, fulfilling all desires,
So al!ays repeat his name2
3epeating ,uru mantra is the real penance,
%t accomplishes all.
--- HH ---
My ,uru gives me the true "no!ledge,
% love his lotus-feet2
% am the dust of his lotus-feet2
He demolishes the net!or" of physical and mental sins,
<nd eliminates suspicion, shoc"s and !oes2
,uru(s virtues are endless,
<nd everyone tal"s about them precisely,
Sadguru, the +ord, destroys all diseases of the !orld,
So, % salute him again and again,
He removes all "inds of evil, foolishness and !ea"nesses,
He destroys sensualities, anger, egoism and greed,
Telling about the !ays to live !ith euanimity,
%n both profit and loss, sorro!s and happiness,
,uru dispels both the 9oys and despondencies eually2
The +ord ,uru is shining li"e the cro!n on every head,
<nd giving unfathomable "no!ledge, he grants blissfulness,
,uru delivers from the cycle of birth and death,
>ictory to ,uru, victory to ,uru, !ho is the giver of all happiness,
His fame is unsullied and !isdom profound and he is so great in his
He carries across the sea-li"e !orld and is the cause of deliverance,
He sho!s the path of true and plain devotion,
He is highly proficient in -ama and 5iyama,
' Mind 0 >ictory to Sadguru, the "ing of "ings.
Sadguru is the incarnation of truth and is the highest benefactor,
He is highly bountiful, and is the very embodiment of sympathy,
He delivers the disgraced ones and is the very source of nectar2
His !ords are instilling faith,
They are a constant help to others2
He is the ocean of "no!ledge and is all pure2
Service to him !ea"ens all other attractions of the !orld,
%t also !ea"ens all our senses,
+ord Sadguru al!ays holds the a$le of righteousness,
He is the supporter of the religion of truth and Santmat,
The secrets of Surat Sabda--oga are so blissful and comforting,
Sadguru "eeps telling all about this path,
He e$plains the concept of bondage and salvation,
<nd the nature of self and non-self,
He gets one detached from all "inds of sensualities and en9oyments,
<nd saves one from being dro!ned in sea-li"e !orld,
5one is so bountiful as Sadguru is,
' Mind 0 -ou ever remain fully absorbed in service to his lotus-feet,
Sadguru is great, Sadguru is great,
<nd Sadguru is highly blissful,
His magnificence is beyond description2
%f % say something it is his grace alone and nothing else comes to my mind.
--- 1I1 ---
Sadguru, at the end of my deep search for him, !as found in the to!n of
He propagated the secrets of the -oga of sound from <tai Mohalla,
:eople !ere highly afflicted due to their deep ignorance,
<fter getting "no!ledge, the dar"ness got removed,
Sadguru 7evi Sahib is fully conversant !ith the secrets of devotion,
<nd his fame spread far and !ide in the !orld,
He !as highly sympathetic even to those !ho didn(t love him,
Maharshi Mehi al!ays praises )aba Sahib, his ,uru time and again.
--- 1I/ ---
,uru )aba Sahib propagated the secrets of Santmat,
?e !ere all marching ahead in dar"ness,
5ot being acuainted !ith the inner secrets of Santmat,
,uru )aba Sahib e$plained to us all about these secrets,
First of all, he as"ed me to close the eyelids and further advised not to allo!
the mind to !ander outside,
He directly helped me catch the star, lying in front of my nose and bet!een
the t!o eyebro!s,
The sound !aves rose up in the very house of Sushumna,
<nd Surat mounted up !ith the help of 7rishti -oga,
Datching !ith the help of Surat the uintessential sound among the multiple
?ith the help of Surat-Sabda--oga, the devotee ascends,
+eaving the intricacies of the multiple sounds,
That "eeps him engrossed in deep illusions2
,uru has given the secrets of the yoga of sound and Surat-Sabda--oga,
His secrets are so very deep, says Mehi, that they !ere not "no!n to the
Ho!ever, ,uru )aba Sahib "indly made these secrets public for the benefits
of all.
--- 1I; ---
3emaining true to themselves,
The saints have proclaimed that the "ey to deliverance lies inside one(s
The !orld is shivering due to triad tribulations,
The deluded souls are all gasping for breath2
Donsoling them and trying to ma"e them understand,
The saints have advised them to remember ,uru,
Doncentrating on ,uru in one(s mind and intensely ga#ing at the tenth door,
%mmerse your Surat in the currents of sounds consecutively,
<s these efforts are discussed by the great saints,
7ifferent sounds are heard from the five centres of the five spheres2
<nd the multiple spar"s of light also bla#e,
<nd inside one(s body many sounds are heard by Surat,
The great saints have given out these means,
They really banish the traps of the !orld2
Mehi has absolutely no doubt about it,
<nd so, he says, the saints have given us these secrets.
--- 1I= ---
'ne should al!ays chant Sadguru, Sadguru2
%t diminishes the agglomeration of sins,
)earing the image of Sadguru in one(s heart,
Sensuality, anger, pride and greed are s!ept a!ay2
?atching the matchless countenance of ,uru, the mind is filled !ith
<nd Surat 9ourneys across the egg of the universe,
%n every body is the strong bond of Sadguru(s lotus-feet,
Datching hold of the same, one(s body goes across the egg of the universe2
That is !hy Mehi calls everyone to grip Sadguru(s lotus-feet,
'ne, doing so, !ill easily cross the barriers of the !orld.
--- 1I@ ---
The very fruit of this human life is to serve the lotus-feet of Sadguru,
Sleeping consumes most of the time in this !orld for ages,
Sadguru has "indly a!a"ened us, ' brothers 0
5othing !as visible to the blind eyes and so one lay unconscious and blind2
,uru "indly gave the secrets and the vision !as restored and the mind !o"e
up from its deep slumber,
?ith the coming of light, the dar"ness vanished altogether,
Donseuently it made one immensely happy,
'ne cannot repay the price of ,uru(s grace,
His grace eliminates the cycle of birth and death and eighty-four la"h species
of !ombs2
,reat praises to Sadguru, )aba 7evi Sahib,
?ho delivered us from this chain,
Mehi says that no one has so bountifully revealed such secrets.
--- 1IA
5o one is as beneficent as ,uru, Sadguru,
Serve him everyday,
,uru protects one(s body, mind and soul,
His name only is to be repeated2
He loves more than one(s mother,
<nd benefits more than one(s father2
He is more bountiful that the <lmighty,
5o one is a better aid than him,
Surrender your body, mind and soul at the feet of ,uru,
There is no better e$ample of giving benefit, as one given by him,
3emain al!ays in the shelter of his lotus-feet,
There being no other remedy in this !orld2
%f ,uru ta"es a little care,
<ll your sorro!s and pain !ould be eliminated2
There is no +ord better than ,uru,
So ' Man 0 <l!ays repeat the name of ,uru,
7o not bring anyone else to your heart, abandoning him,
Mehi says, !ith folded hands, continue repeating his name,
Surrendering yourself at the lotus-feet of ,uru.
--- 1IE ---
' brothers 0 +et us go uic"ly and grip ,uru(s lotus-feet,
)e firm and ardent devotees, renouncing all your illusions,
Happiness of one(s body, mind and senses are illusory,
<bandon all sensualities, the root cause of all your sorro!s,
There are nine doors in the body, all being so very dirty,
Forsa"ing, mount up from the tenth door and be happy, ' brothers 0
3epeat the name of ,uru and concentrate on his physical image,
?atch the star in front of you !ith a fi$ed ga#e and e$perience the 9oy
There is no "no!ledge and 7hyana !ithout ,uru,
Mehi says, there is no one so beneficent as one(s ,uru.
--- 1IG ---
' friends 0 3emember ,uru, !hy do you !aste your opportunity 1
The !orld is full of miseries,
%f you do not remember him, you !ould be !eeping for ages2
%n four species of life, human body being a scarce one,
<ssuming that body, try hard for your emancipation2
'nly through human body, deliverance is possible,
So !ith the help of this body, try to get your liberation.
Start trying hard for it immediately, do not delay,
Human body is transitory and so ever remain vigilant,
This body gets !ea"ened every moment,
%t is ever debilitating2
Suddenly this body may drop dead on the earth and get !asted,
3emember ,uru, ' brothers 0 <nd get your deliverance,
4no! the !ays of rememberance and !inning ,uru(s love,
Dlosing the doors outside, open your inner doors inside,
<nd immerse Surat in the very sphere of !ordlessness2
<ttaching Surat li"e this, remember ,uru everyday2
)earing 7evi Sahib(s instructions in mind,
Mehi says, remaining slave to the lotus-feet !ith folded hands,
<nd brea"ing relations from all sides, remain fully enthralled in ,uru(s
--- 1IH ---
Serving Sadguru is service to your ,uru as !ell,
%t eliminates all one(s !oes and stumblings2
This !orld is one(s temporary accommodation for only four days,
Here, there is nothing li"e mine or thine2
Mine or thine, both are the hands of the messenger of death,
Datching the individual souls !ith these hands,
The messenger of death has detained them,
This !orld is the dungeon of the messenger of death,
%t surrounds the individual souls from all sides2
?ithout Sadguru, no one is capable of brea"ing the circle of the messenger
of death,
So get up, see" Sadguru and serve him variously2
Surrendering your body, mind, !ealth and soul at his feet,
Save yourself from being trapped by the messenger of death,
Sadguru is alive and a!a"ened in the !orld,
*veryone is !orshipful to him2
Mehi says that he is )aba 7evi Sahib(s slave to his lotus-feet.
--- 11I ---
?ithout ,uru, it is difficult to get the lotus-feet of Sadguru,
Having resolute faith in ,uru, ever serve him2
?henever ,uru tells about the path of deliverance,
Surat should pursue it, filled !ith happiness2
The individual soul, practising 7hyana -oga and serving ,uru,
?al"s along the road to salvation2
?al"ing along that road, he atleast meets Sadguru,
That eliminates all the !oes of the !orld2
So leave deceit and egoism and !orship the lotus-feet of ,uru,
5o one else !ill help cross the terrible !oes of sea-li"e !orld,
To !hom ,uru being only beneficent and fatherly,
<nd to !hom ,uru being so very "ind,
Mehi considers such an individual as the most fortunate one,
<s he gets delivered from the !orld so easily.
--- 111 ---
?ithout ,uru(s grace, !elfare of the individual souls is not possible,
<ll souls come from the highest position of !ordlessness,
)ut they are entrapped in the cycle of birth and death,
They easily get oblivious of their original homes2
Thus they have become the residents of the !orld full of sorro!s,
%t is difficult to come out of such a !orld,
,uru gives the secrets of his o!n and sho!s Surat the right path,
,uru comes to the !orld for the sa"e of liberating his devotees,
He is the benefactor, father and friend of the individual souls,
5o one else liberates the individual souls li"e ,uru,
*ver !orship ,uru, as no one else is li"e him,
To Mehi, ,uru alone is the only support.
--- 11/ ---
' brothers 0 Serve the lotus-feet of ,uru,
-our mind easily gets infatuated,
Doveting the ob9ects of sensuality,
<nd finally, you have to satisfy the appetite of the messenger of death,
Mother, father, !ife, son, friend, relative none !ill serve you,
5ot to spea" of !ealth, even your o!n body !ill not come to your help2
The individual soul !ill depart from the !orld all alone,
So no! on!ards, become conscious and serve Sadguru,
His help !ould be forthcoming variously,
He !ill give you the secrets of mounting up on the egg of the universe,
Those initiated by ,uru, ascend higher and higher,
<scending higher up, they cross all the s"ies2
<nd climb the highest pea", !here the <bsolute +ord resides,
7evi Sahib is the perfect Sadguru,
5o one is so fully conversant !ith the secrets of devotion,
Mehi says, day and night, lying prostrate at his feet,
<bandon your ego and !orship him.
--- 11; ---
' mothers 0 +et us together serve Sadguru,
This is the only means to succeed in human life2
' mothers 0 5o one is such a benefactor as Sadguru is,
5ot even mother, father or brother2
<ll imaginings of ,uru terminate your afflictions and sorro!s and the tortures
of the !orld get eliminated,
' mothers 0 +et us together search Sadguru,
The individual souls are lying in the deep and dar" !ell of sea-li"e !orld,
The true paths of light and sound are not visible to them,
?ithout Sadguru, 8hivas are being blasted in the fire of -ama,
' mothers 0 5o one is such a benefactor as Sadguru is,
Sadguru is so benevolent that he al!ays ta"es care of the !ishes and
happiness of 8hivas,
He come to this !orld as one being highly bountiful,
<nd gives the inner light of happiness,
>igilant Sadguru is present in the !orld,
*liminating life(s sorro!s and sufferings,
Mehi says )aba Sahib is our Sadguru in this !orld,
He is e$tremely "ind to Mehi.
--- 11= ---
*uality, self-restraint, -ama and 5iyama, each being ten,
These get adopted by the mind slo!ly and by Sadguru(s grace,
,uru destroys the physical and mental afflictions and removes one(s
ignorance and dar"ness,
His association clips the traps of the triad attributes2
3ehearsing ,uru(s mantra, the devotees become highly virtuous,
They perform virtuous deeds and the religious stories appeal to them,
%n company of ,uru, his attachments and egoism are !ithdra!n,
Hopes die out and both one(s sorro!s and happiness appear to be the same,
,uru(s support does a!ay !ith all his deficiencies,
<ll his !ishes are fulfilled and no desire remains to be satiated,
,uru never causes any loss and one is al!ays benefited,
He gives immense 9oy and frees one from attachments and enmities,
He saves from the tortures of -ama and e$ecutes all !or"s,
>ictory to such a +ord and ,uru,
4innar, man, gods, demons and others sing his praise and celebrate his
,uru frees one from the cycle of birth and death and one becomes immortal,
<l!ays say, victory to ,uru and repeat his name,
?hatever ,uru commands, do it unfailingly,
Then alone !ill you perfect yourself,
<nd "no! the la!s of -ama, euality and self-respect.
--- 11@ ---
%f one(s living is not in the centre of the t!o eyebro!s,
?hat benefit does it accrue, living in one(s body 1
%f one does not "no! the true and easy secrets of -oga,
?hat good !ill it do possessing something else 1
%f one does not have any hope of getting Sadguru(s grace,
?hat does it matter, if one nurtures other "inds of hopes 1
%f one does not al!ays practise the true and easy secrets of -oga,
?hat good !ill it fetch if one has simply faith in them 1
%f there is no inner light, !hat help !ill it give having light outside 1
%f the uintessential !ord is not the ob9ective, !hat good is it going to do1
%f good conduct is not enforced, !hat !ill the e$ternal sanctity do 1
%f there is no love at the lotus-feet of ,uru and Hari,
?hat !ill mere abstruse "no!ledge do 1
--- 11A ---
%f one-pointedness becomes microscopic,
!hat need is there to have a microscope1
%f the egg of )rahma is visible in one(s body,
!hy should one !ander outside 1
'ne !ho hears vibrations !ithin,
?hy !ill one listen to the sounds of musical instruments outside 1
'ne, !ho has e$perienced !ithin him the sound of )rahma,
?hy !ill he concentrate on anything else 1
%f one "no!s the secrets of Surat-Sabda--oga,
?hy does one need other "inds of -oga to attain the supreme position 1
%f one(s aim is realised through 7hyana -oga alone,
?hy !ill one adopt difficult -oga 1
Mehi says, if Sadguru(s grace is available,
?hat else is left to be obtained 1
%f one is fully dependent on ,uru,
?hat can the torments of the !orld do 1
--- 11E
<t the innermost layer of the interior !orld is ,uru,
The mind cannot fathom it2
%n both the eyeballs is his splendour and grace, but they are not visible2
Though ,uru al!ays resides in one(s body, yet it never appears to be so,
Many people try to search the <lmighty from place to place in the !orld,
)ut no one, !ithout entering into the sphere of !ordlessness, can get Him,
?ithout the grace of the saints, it !ill never happen,
%t is neither possible no! nor going to happen in the future as !ell.
--- 11G ---
+et the living currents in body and senses be gathered at a point bet!een
the t!o eyebro!s,
<nd help Surat mount up on the egg of the universe and ga#e at the bla#ing
The stars t!in"le in the universe !ithin and lightning flashes and earthern
lamps too burn2
)esides, the rays of the Moon and the Sun also appear !ithin,
<nd you e$perience yourself, practising -oga of light and sound,
Separating yourself from the five elements, three attributes and mind,
Merge your Surat !ith the uintessential sound2
This is the means of getting peace as Sung by our saints,
7evi Sahib propagates this and the same being narrated by Mehi in his
--- 11H
There is a deep dar"ness in the body and self-consciousness is fully
Donsciousness is enveloped in Tamoguna, as ,uru tells about the same,
<nd telling about the techniue of 7rishti -oga, the lighted star appears
removing dar"ness !ithin,
<t the tenth door one sees the shining star,
<nd then, !atching the lotus !ith a hundred petals, the soul enters Tri"uti,
There glimpsing the Sun ,od, Surat enters the sphere of sound,
<nd merging !ith the uintessential sound, it reaches the final position,
Mehi declares that 7evi Sahib is the representative of ,od,
<nd he propagates the secrets of devotion2
Mehi has sought his shelter.
--- 1/I---
<!a"e 0 <!a"e 0 ' my mind,
?hy do you sleep in utter neglect 1
<t the end of your 9ourney, no one !ill accompany you,
<ll your !ealth, house, relatives and members of the family are self-see"ers,
Happiness of mind and body is not the true happiness,
'nly happiness of self is your happiness2
Since you consider happiness of your body and mind as your o!n,
-ou easily fall a prey to the messenger of death2
Sadguru says, !ith full faith, love your ,uru and see" Satsanga(s shelter2
'nly then, the traps of the !orld, !ill be eliminated,
Mehi says, "eep this uppermost in your mind.
--- 1/1]
' dear ones0 7on(t remain attached to the !orld, an alien land,
Here there is no happiness at all2
This alien land is in the very guise of the messenger of death,
?hoever comes here gets only sorro!s2
' dear ones0 3emember your o!n country !here there is no misery,
%n the fort of ones o!n body is the mansion of glass,
That leads you to your real home2
?al" along this road, driving your chariot of vision as sho!n by your
%f it does not help, grip the lotus-feet of Sadguru,
)aba Sahib is no! the living Sadguru,
<t !hose feet Mehi sacrifices all.
--- 1// ---
5ever have any attachment to the !orld,
The !orld is fathomless and li"e a terrible ocean,
?here every conduct brings only afflictions2
Here all lapses beget only blemishes and ignorance2
%t is difficult to understand the underlined practises,
?here immorality overshado!s all2
This moment it blooms and that moment it !ithers,
The very mode of the !orld is li"e that of a tree2
Happiness and sorro!s are the true fruits it bears,
%ts branches and leaves are of strange types2
Those adoring this tree are !on by -ama2
4no!ing the !ays of the !orld means that one !ould be full of sorro!s,
Saints mercifully give true "no!ledge to the individual souls,
They say that the !orld is li"e the !all of illusions,
<bandoning this, sorro!s get eliminated2
Mehi says, )aba Sahib pleads that everyone should "no! ho! to remove the
!rappings of one(s body,
<nd let even -ama be !on.
--- 1/; ---
Time spent does not return2 you act fast,
?hat time got spent, is finished2
So even no! repeat the name of ,uru,
There is no liberation of soul !ithout adopting santmat ,
-ou all listen to it attentively2
%f you !ish to be delivered,
-ou all become the children of the saints,
Mehi has praised profound "no!ledge of the saints in his verses,
5o! he remains tongue-tied.
--- 1/=---
' men0 <ssuming this human body, cultivate love for ,od2
)lasting all your actions and virtuous deeds to ashes,
The lord !ill get you delivered from sea li"e !orld 2
-ou go to that place !here the lord is present,
Then alone you !ill "no! that you have love for Him2
?ithout love there is no devotion,
<nd so let there be true love2
Through the central point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s, enter inside your body,
,oing beyond gross, subtle, causal, supra causal spheres,
<nd finally reaching the very seat of 4aivalya,
,et detached from all these five !rappings of your body,
See"ing help of the light and sound of )rahma and the uintessential !ord ,
Merge yourself !ith the uintessential one to be at one !ith the lord2
Mehi says, your efforts inside your body !ill ma"e you so subtle,
That you !ill be able to go beyond these five bodies,
This is called the real devotion, !hich you must bear in mind.
--- 1/@ ---
Time is passing fast a!ay and so does the span of life,
3epeat the name of ,od2
<ll your !ealth, son, !ife and other relatives !ill not be of any use,
-our o!n body !ill become lifeless and of no use,
The !orld is the abode of sorro!s2
<ll sensualities in the !orld lie scattered2
They "eep you engaged, as being various traps,
There is no peace in them,
The +ord is only eternal2
<ll others being ephemeral,
3epeat the name of ,od every three hour2
:ursuing the paths, set inside, attain ,od,
There is no peace !ithout Him2
Mehi says, ta"ing secrets from Sadguru open the tenth door,
<nd reach ,od, practising the 5aad--oga.
--- 1/A ---
Time is spent up every second,
%t is difficult to get bac" human body2
?ealth, family and one(s o!n body all !ill leave and !ill not be of any use
at the end2
Human body being scarce, rehearse the name of ,uru,
?ithout ta"ing His name, life gets ruined all in vain2
3epeat the name of ,uru and concentrate on his physical form,
3emaining uiet in ones mind,
,a#e at the illuminated point of his feet and nails,
There one sees the face of ,uru, full of splendour of the Sun, the Moon and
the stars2
Doncentrating thus, the devotees gain !hat is called one-pointedness,
,uru teaching Surat-Sabda--oga, !ill help recogni#e the uintessential !ord,
That uintessential !ord is ,uru himself, giving uniue peace.
--- 1/E ---
' devotees0 +et your devotion be the enduring one,
%f it is unsubstantial, you !ander in the !orld,
<nd the labour of your devotion becomes fruitless2
So ' devotees0 +eave the child(s game of 9ourneying outside2
Ta"e plunge !ithin your body, ' devotees0
,od is to be found in all bodies2
)ut dar"ness light and sound !rap Him up,
<nd so the +ord appears to be far from you2
3emove the three !rappings !ith the help of ,uru(s secrets2
' devotees0 ,od is to be found in body itself,
There is no need to !ander outside2
,od is not found in !anderings2 it adds only to the !orldly !oes2
' devotees0 ,od !ith t!o, four, eight or infinite hands may appear,
%t may appear in blac" or !hite or the assemblage of splendour,
)ut all such colours are only illusory2
' devotees0 ,od is in the very nature of one(s self,
,ross or subtle, or causal in attributes,
)ut all these are shaped by illusions2
,od is beyond nature2 you enter the very end of your last !rapping,
Then, you !ill reach the "ingdom of ,od says Mehi.
--- 1/G ---
' devotees0 +ove only ,od2 !ithout Him you have to bear only !oes,
4eep !andering in the !orld but love only ,od2
3enounce your love for the !orld,
%f you love the !orld, happiness to one(s self gets destroyed2
+ove to ,od is !hat gives one deliverance2
' devotees0 Thin" deeply that body, !ealth, family,
Senses outside and inside and heaven-all being false2
<bandon all your attachments and illusions,
'ne(s body and the universe are the stages, on !hich plays are being
<nd all the spheres of nature are perishable2
<bove the spheres of nature is the only being une$pressed and unseen,
' devotees0 ,od is perceivable by the individual soul,
Forsa"e sensualities from the mind and rehearse the name of ,od,
<nd get from your ,uru the secrets of yoga, says Mehi.
--- 1/H ---
' the "no!ledgeable ones0 3epeat the name of the +ord,
?ho is "no!ledge and virtue incarnate2
Sensualities are spread all over and they being unsubstantial and full of
' the "no!ledgeable ones0 )ody, !ealth and family2
<ll are but a dream,
5othing is one(s o!n and so see" your o!n self,
' the "no!ledgeable ones0 See" your o!n elements,
That are above three attributes and three bodies,
<nd beyond mind, intelligence, art, ego and both "inds of nature2
' the "no!ledgeable ones0 The very nature of self is beyond individual self
and )rahma,
There is nothing li"e it and that you soon e$perience it for yourself,
' "no!ledgeable ones0 -ou and the +ord are the same,
?ithout dualism, undivided and fully self-satisfied,
' the "no!ledgeable ones0 The +ord is neither gross, subtle nor causal,
He pervades all of these and is present even out of them, unrestrained,
' the "no!ledgeable ones0 7o Satsanga everyday, listen to the teachings,
<nd try to understand,
Doncentrate fully and abandon all your sins,
' the "no!ledgeable ones0 Serve your Sadguru daily and practise Surat-
Dontrol your body and mind and e$perience it yourself,
Maharshi says, this is ho! you realise ,od,
?ithout self-realisation, everything else is illusory,
--- 1;I ---
7evoid of 7hyana and !ithout repeating the name,
-ou !ill not be able to realise ,od2
3eading religious boo"s and singing of hymns on the musical instruments,
7o not ma"e one a true devotee,
The mind is too capricious and al!ays immersed in sensualities,
Unless spiritual efforts are made !ith full devotion,
%t is not possible to get strength in one(s prayer2
?hile rehearsing the name and concentrating your mind,
Try to discipline the mind every moment,
<nd let your love for ,uru gro! more and more2
Datching the name of 3ama and its melodious tune of the subtle !ave,
,et your love for the +ord firmly established.
Thus, the !oes of the !orld are eliminated, rehearsing the name,
*veryday doing meditation and secret practises,
Mehi says, both these !ill do good to you2
?ith the cheerful mind, concentrate deeply,
'ne, not !atching !ith the third eye open, !ould not "no!2
%f you loo" !ith your third eye and !ith the secrets given to you by ,uru,
-ou !ill be able to realise Him.
--- 1;1 ---
The path to be pursued by one going to meet the +ord,
%s to be found in the body itself, according to the saints2
' dear devotees 0 Trac"ing that path, let us go to meet the +ord at once2
The saints have already gone along this path fearlessly,
This path is through dar"ness, light and sound,
?hich are the three !rappings of the human body2
This path, full of light and sound, is found at the tenth door,
' devotees 0 Trying !hole-heartedly, get hold of it,
Maharshi Mehi says that the tenth door is subtler than the tip of the hair,
The saints, entering through that door, pursue that path fearlessly.
--- 1;/ ---
%f you !ant to live !holly !ithin yourself,
-ou must al!ays safeguard yourself against the five sins2
The first is falsehood, and the second being into$ication,
The third one is co-habitation !ith someone(s spouse,
<nd the fourth one is stealing and the fifth called violence2
+et all these be thro!n aside by all means in one(s po!er,
Mehi says, one, freed from all these, serves the lotus-feet of ,uru everyday.
--- 1;; ---
The !ay inside is !onderful,
:ursuing !hich one meets the +ord,
)ountiful Sadguru is so great that he sho!s the path,
<s one goes along that path, one e$periences the highest delight,
%nside, there is a uniue flood of light, raining,
<long !ith the multiple sounds, magnificent 5aubat sound is also heard.
They are high enough !ith the melodious tunes,
'nly the fortunate ones are able to hear this sound,
Maharshi Mehi says, as one goes along this path,
?atching and hearing, one gets e$traordinary delight2
<nd at the end of one(s 9ourney, one meets the +ord.
--- 1;= ---
7o Satsanga everyday, ' dear ones0
-ou !ill certainly succeed in getting all your !or"s done,
7eciding to get the blessings of the +ord,
Try hard to catch the living currents inside2
<t the tenth door and above the gross body,
Datch the living currents and go across your inner body2
-ou !ill see the light !ithin,
Ta"ing its help, the central sound !ill give you e$treme delight,
Maharshi Mehi says, shutting your eyes, ears and mouth,
<nd loo"ing at the illumined star at the tenth door,
Try to hear the central sound, called )rahma 5aad,
Thus inside the body itself, meet the +ord !ith the help of )rahma 5aad.
--- 1;@ ---
The saints say, ' the individual souls0 3ecogni#e your supreme father,
-ou are dro!ning yourself in sea-li"e !orld, full of contradictions,
<nd bearing e$treme hardships2
3emaining ignorant of your body, mind and senses,
-ou are being variously tortured2
?ith the secrets given to you by ,uru, enter the tenth door,
:ursuing the paths of )rahma 8yoti and )rahma 5aad inside, come out of all
the !rappings2
Mehi says, self-"no!ledge is possible beyond dualism, mind, body and
-ou !ill then recogni#e your supreme father and all your !oes !ill vanish.
--- 1;A ---
%f love is there at the lotus-feet of ,uru and Hari,
?hat can the characteristic mar" of the age do1
%f your ga#e is li"e that of a tortoise,
?hat can the ma#e of the !orld do1
%f one "no!s that the physical !orld !ould be destroyed,
?hat e$pectations are there to be fulfilled1
%f rehearsing the name resolutely be the only !ealth,
?hat !ill the various tortures of the !orld do1
%f the spiritual practises are full of dispassion,
?hat disappointments are there to deter anyone1
%f one daily resides in the fort of Satsanga,
?hat can the fetters of the !orld do1
%f one does a!ay !ith the five sins,
?hat destruction !ill the sins cause1
%f the self is doing only virtuous deeds,
?hat !ill any cursing do1
%f ,uru be !ith you, both physically and mentally,
?hat !ill 4amadeva do to unravel his design1
Mehi says, if "no!ledge is based on e$perience,
?hat !ill mere suppositions do1
--- 1;E ---
The month of 'ctober B<sh!inC,
' those living in the !orld 0 )ring a!areness in your heart,
?hy are you so unmindful as numbered are the days in the !orld2
The !orld never became one(s o!n, ho!soever hard one tried,
So renouncing it, !hile ma"ing efforts,
,et peace and happiness2
The month of 5ovember B4arti"aC,
This body is so dirty and destructible,
Made of only a urine, drop of semen,
%ts interior is so full of filth that one cannot even count,
' foolish and ignorant ones 0 +iving !ith such a body, !hat ma"es you
3ehearse the 5ame and abandon pride,
<s the body is transitory2
The month of 7ecember B<gahanC,
'ne impetuous to get the !oeful !orldly happiness,
,ets only afflictions, and is never free from them2
Finally, one becomes indifferent to all these,
Donsidering the !orldly happiness as being the root cause of all sorro!s,
<nd "no!ing this, shrin" a!ay from it,
Serving ,uru, doing Satsanga and 7hyana -oga,
3emain day and night engrossed in them2
The month of 8anuary B:usaC,
+eave stealing, falsehood, rape, into$ication, violence, etc.
4ings and beggars renouncing these, get delivered from sea-li"e !orld,
)rahmins, s!eepers, illiterates, literates abandoning them are all delivered
!ithout any doubt2
The month of February BMaghC
' the mad ones 0 -ou are living in the mouth of the hungry tigers,
7o not delay and be vigilant,
<nd !ith the "no!ledge of the secrets of 7hyana -oga, run a!ay,
%f you lose this opportunity, you !ill have to !eep and !himper.
The month of March B:halgunaC,
'n being highly enthused, you try to have many facilities for being happy,
Such as the high-built mansions, studded !ith precious 9e!els,
*ven then, you cannot have real peace,
-ou may have been born in a good familiy,
<nd blessed !ith e$cellent loo" and a good !ife,
)ut happiness !ill elude you.
*ven in dreams !ithout 7hyana,
The month of <pril BDhaityaC,
%f you !ish to get the true happiness, discard many blac" deeds of the !orld,
3emaining fully absorbed in 7hyana, love the lotus-feet of ,uru,
7ifferent "inds of spiritual discipline, such as rehearsing the name,
:enance, pilgrimage, observing vo!s, sacrifices and alms,
5one among these !ill ever eual meditation for a moment,
%n the month of May B)aisa"haC,
'ne may "no! all about many boo"s, but cannot get peace !ithout 7hyana,
Stirring out in all sides of the !orld and lecturing people,
'ne !ill not get peace !ithout 7hyana, though surrounded by people.
The month of 8une B8yesthaC,
Scaling do!n from the position of !ordlessness,
Surat lodges itself in the body,
Forgetting all about the original home,
Surat is too much !ith the !orld,
' Surat 0 ?a"e up and leave being lethargic, as you are the resident of the
highest pea",
7o not get immersed in illusion, as it is a terrible e$ecutioner2
The month of 8uly B<shadaC,
' Surat 0 -ou are deep do!n the dar"ness and lying at the depth of
,etting ,uru(s grace, you try for your deliverance,
<nd ma"e efforts to see the luminous point, the pro9ection of the +ord2
,a#e in front of the t!o eyes and bet!een them,
The luminous point !ill da##le2
-ou drop your eyelids and "eep on ga#ing at the luminous point,
The month of <ugust BSravanaC,
Drossing step by step all the spheres inside,
Mount up on the e$ceedingly beautiful pea",
?atching the stars, the full Moon and the Sun,
+eave the sphere of light,
<nd entering the sphere of sound,
)e at one !ith the uintessential sound2
The sound, being endless and unfathomable, is heard in every body,
The month of September B)hadraC,
The name of the +ord, so !ell defined as 3ama,
%s the very basis of all,
Ma"ing this uintessential name as your prop,
,et yourself delivered from the !oes of the !orld forever2
)ut !ithout Surat-Sabda--oga, no one !ill be able to recogni#e it,
<nd !ithout realising it, no one !ill be imposing self-restraint upon oneself,
7evi Sahib as"s Mehi to listen to him !ith rapt attention,
%t is difficult to succeed !ithout devotion to ,uru, say all our saints.
--- 1;G---
Daptivate and prepare your mind to be more polite and humble,
<bandoning your desire to get respect and become the egotist,
Serving the lotus-feet of ,uru, cross sea-li"e terrible !orld,
The body is full of deep dar"ness,
?here there are endless sorro!s2
,etting the secrets from ,uru and his grace, brea" off your ignorance,
<nd get all your !oes eliminated2
8oining the t!o currents of your eyes, bring it to the centre of your t!o
?here every moment you see the da##ling star,
?ith the help of 7rishti -oga, set the vibrations of your Surat,
<nd uietening your Surat, raise the illuminated star2
)eing delivered from your gross body and the !orld,
<scend higher and s"ip the sphere of light and enter the sphere of sound2
Searching the uintessential !ord, get immersed in it,
<nd sing continuously the magnificence of the +ord.
--- 1;H ---
7o <rati to this body, as you do in the temple,
8oining the t!o currents of both the eyes at the centre of the t!o eyebro!s,
The subtle point is raised and it shines so brilliantly,
Have a close loo" at the )rahma 8yoti, being incomparable2
The !hole egg of the universe is so very glittering,
,lancing at those brilliant flashes, leave them,
:ractising easier Surat-Sabda--oga, catch the uintessential !ord,
?ith the help of the secrets given by ,uru,
<bandon the fort of your body,
7estroying all your illusions, duality and all the rubbish of the !orld,
<rati !ill brea" off the illusions of the !orld,
Mehi says, after doing this "ind of <rati,
7rin" the nectar of blissfulness.
--- 1=I ---
7o <rati to the <bsolute in this manner,
,ive Him a seat in your clear and uiet mind2
%n temple-li"e body, the heart is the elevated seat,
+et that seat be studded !ith the luminous pearls,
,ive ceaseless and unyielding love as your offering to the +ord,
<nd place a dish, containing your aches of separation from Him,
:resenting Him again and again the garland of flo!ers,
?ith a sense of sacrifice, truthfulness and spiritual discipline,
Daptivate Him and ma"e the <bsolute favorable to yourself,
:lacing the incense of desirelessness and the fire of your inner light,
7o <rati on the carrier of contentment,
<nd again do <rati !ith the stars, the Moon and the Sun,
'n the very dish of your inner s"y,
%n the middle of the carrier of <rati,
+et the flame of camphor be placed in the middle of <rati,
,et your Surat absorbed in the music of the uintessential !ord,
7o such an <rati after serving your Sadguru,
?ho destroys all your conflicts, dualism, illusions and variations.
--- 1=1 ---
7o <rati to the <bsolute, !ho is fathomless and not being perceived by the
The +ord is !ithout any beginning or end, and is above filth, transparency,
happiness, sorro!, coldness, !armth and such varying conflicts2
The +ord is administering all, indestructible, unborn and omniscient,
He is beyond mind, intelligence, emotions and egoism2
He is all pervading, e$traordinary and uite different from any form, smell,
taste, sound and touch,
<nd above inferior, superior nature,
<nd beyond all unsubstantial elements,
7evoid of triad attributes, beyond the ten senses of action and "no!ledge,
Highly indestructible, most bountiful, greater than the living and non-living
*$ceedingly beneficent, beyond )rahma and Maha"aal,
Highly astonishing, incomparable, the uintessential one, indescribable,
+ac"ing in speech, !ordless, desireless, the highest +ord,
:rotector of devotees and the deliverer,
Ma"ing the !hole universe as the temple inside one(s heart, !here the +ord
+et self-"no!ledge be the uniue light guiding your !ay,
<nd the practise of 7hyana -oga as the e$traordinary dish,
The saints, according to Mehi, have such a spiritual techniue of doing <rati,
?aving light li"e this, afflictions of your mind and body !ill be eliminated,
<nd finally you get yourself delivered.
--- 1=/ ---
?ave <rati to the supreme consciousness, !ho is greater than )rahma,
He is uniue, unborn and is pervading the !hole universe and is present
outside the universe as !ell2
He is !ithout any colour, emblem and design,
<ll bodies and every point are filled !ith Him,
He is !ithout any beginning and is neither close nor far,
He is neither in the gaseous state, nor in the liuid state nor in the form of
He is fully "no!ledgeable, superior, most !onderful and pervades all2
He is unmoving, uniue and remaining uniform in all conditions,
He is neither special, nor does he get diminished,
He is neither dar"ness nor light nor !ord,
:erceived only by the soul, he is beyond destructible and indestructible
He is neither e$pressed nor une$pressed,
%ntelligence and imagination cannot grasp his very nature,
He is beyond perception and his magnificence not comprehensible,
That supreme conscious is indescribable and nothing definite can be said
about Him,
He does not do anything, but nothing is done !ithout Him,
Those realising Him, say He is the basis of all,
%n every body that supreme consciousness is present in the form of love,
He is the +ord of all and everyone being born of Him2
That element of nectar is in the indestructible form,
3emoving the !rappings of the inner body, obtain His love2
%n the room, full of light, the door of dar"ness is fi$ed,
<nd the central point bet!een the t!o eyebro!s acts as a loc",
?ith the intense ga#e as the "ey, open the door and the bright polestar rises
<nd the subtle s"y li"e a big dish becomes full of light,
The devotee, separated from the +ord and indifferent to the !orldly
)eautifully designs the dish !ith the light and pearls seen in the inner s"y,
-ello!, red, blac", blue and !hite add to the beauty of this dish2
Serving Sadguru li"e this, devotees !ave their <rati.
?onderful light of the earthen lamp da##les in the same dish,
4eeping the countless stars, the Moon on the same dish,
:lay upon different musical instruments and get the multiple tunes,
<nd the uintessential sound,
%n this "ind of spiritual !aving of the <rati, the mind and senses get
The strong scent spreads in all corners and you offer your highest devotion
and love,
?aving light to the +ord in this fashion, one goes up to the sphere of
3eaching that final position, no one returns to the !orld2
Mehi says, the saints have done such a !aving of <rati,
Those doing such a !aving do not have to enter again the circle of birth and
---1=; ---
Dleaning the heart !ith love and affection and placing the seat of !orship
)ring ,uru from the path of love and ma"e him sit there,
Fetching a pot, full of the !ater of love, !ash ,uru(s lotus-feet
7rin"ing nectar out of his feet, purify your Surat,
-our full fortune is thus aroused in this birth itself,
)ring before ,uru, the dish of food and feed him !ith carefulness,
<fter that, do <rati and let him retire to his bed,
Mehi says, he al!ays brings his Sadguru )aba Sahib in his mind !ith love,
<nd rehearses his name !ith full devotion.
--- 1==---
,etting the secrets from ,uru, remove the !rappings of your inner body,
*ntering the sphere of !ordlessness inside your body,
Surrender your mind and body at ,uru( s feet,
For !aving <rati to the supreme consciousness,
Ma"e the space bet!een the t!o eyebro!s, as if it !ere a dish,
<rrange to light the lamp of )rahma 8yoti and give yourself as the offering
and sing the tune of the uintessential !ord,
<nd ring the bell and blo! the conch shell to get the multiple sounds,
Thus !aving <rati, merge yourself !ith the ultimate,
'n attaining the +ord, sense of 8hiva and dualism get eliminated.
----1=@ ---
<rati by Tulsi Sahib
7o <rati !ith Sadguru and visuali#e the light flashing !ithin you,
%gniting the five elements of body, light the lamp to get brightness2
The Sun and the Moon are li"e fruits and flo!ers "ept on a dish-li"e
<s one starts !orshipping, pieces of camphor are burnt and a "alash is
%n the inner s"y, the stars li"e pearls and the bro"en rice are visible,
?eaving the garland of flo!ers, put it into your nec",
<nd offer beetel-leaves, s!eet, incense, sandal, earthen lamp, etc.
%n such a light, the accompaniment of various musical sounds of cymbals,
ma9ira and drum are heard,
Scent-li"e currents of consciousness are spread all over the body and float
up in the s"y,
<nd in that sphere, consciousness li"e the bee, feels highly content,
+istening to the multiple sounds,
:ure light is burning inside and as one sees it, all one(s lapses are eliminated
%n the inner s"y, nectar gets s!ept a!ay and the devotees are fully
7rin"ing that ambrosia, consciousness is fully a!a"ened and ma"ing fresh
endeavors to climb,
)eauty li"e crores of shining Suns is so very illuminating,
<nd there, glimpsing the <bsolute, beyond the uintessential one,
-ou stri"e your bond !ith the supreme sovereign or pure consciousness2
*very moment, "eeping consciousness alive in your inner s"y,
Suc" out the mil" of paradise by the grace of ,uru,
Tulsi Sahib says, the abode of ,uru is all illuminating and the loud musical
note is heard,
+et your consciousness li"e <lal-bird overturn,
Sha"ing off the !rappings of the body.


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