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oBorn in 1724 oConsidered one of the greatest German philosophers Major works include: Critique of Pure Reason Prolegomena What Is Enlightenment? Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals Critique of Practical Reason Critique of Judgement Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason


Kants notion of freedom

Transcendental freedom Vs Practical freedom Freedom of will

Acting according to pleasures and desires- acting according to a determination given outside of us.Sprite Obey your thirst.

Kant the Retributivist

Retributivism: The belief that people deserve whatever they get for their wrong-doing. They had the will to commit the crime 2. Had the will to accept the penalty 3. Therefore, it would be morally wrong not to penalize the criminal.

Kants notion of freedom

Freedom of thought

Certainly one may say, Freedom to speak or write can be taken from us by a superior power, but never the freedom to think! But how much, and how correctly, would we think if we did not think, as it were, in common with others, with whom we mutually communicate!

Kingdom of Ends
Man is capable of self-legislation we are able to give laws to ourselves

and also follow them.

We are not subjected to natural laws , but to practical laws of freedom.

This freedom from natural laws in the human being must be preserved.

Humans can only be subject to practical laws. of human freedom.

If practical laws are fashioned as natural laws it indicates a violation

Humans must never be deprived of their freedom to make rational

decisions. They must always be treated as ends, and we must legislate as if we all belonged to a Kingdom of Ends, transcends the bounds of possible experience

There can be no scientific proof of this deduction, because it

Be open to ideas

Give independence to think

Encourage out of the box thinking Appropriate punishments for mistakes

Rules should not be binding in nature, but flexible


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