A Study of Mobile Services From Customer'S Perspective
A Study of Mobile Services From Customer'S Perspective
A Study of Mobile Services From Customer'S Perspective
Thesis Title
The degree of PhD. In Computer Management Under the Faculty of Management, University of Pune
1. Introduction
The booming revolution in Information Technology sector has pushed the Indias telecom market significantly. India has shown tremendous growth in past few years in terms of cellular services. Since past few years consumers prefer wireless mode of telephone services to wire line services. As per the survey report conducted by voice & Data by the end of Feb 2008 the mobile subscribers number has reached to 246.6 mn compared to wire line services, which is only 40 mn. in number1. Cell phones are a vast improvement over the telecommunications technology of the past, and now become an important asset in todays busy life. Cell phones have become the necessity in todays competitive environment to meet the emerging global economy.
3. Literature Survey
Despite of several service quality standards to improve the service quality & raise the customer satisfaction level, customer is not getting the desired service. There exist the gap between service delivered & service received. The prime need is to understand the basic customer requirements. Customers often do not know, or cannot communicate effectively, their actual needs and requirements. This is one of the major challenges which Service Industries facing today. This needs the more creative methods for understanding customer requirements effectively. Voice of the customer (VOC) is such a technique to find the customers need effectively. VOC is a term used in business to 3
describe the process of capturing a customer's requirements. The Voice of the Customer is a market research technique that produces a detailed set of customer wants and needs7 In meeting customers requirements and measuring customer satisfaction indexes, customer perception should be a key consideration. As per the report released by TRAI Telecom Regularity Authority of India, Quality of Service is the main indicator of the performance of mobile services. TRAI has recommended in its report that a subscribers perception of the Quality of Service (QoS) should also be considered while determining the overall quality of service provided by a broadband service provider. Since the customer perception with respect to different mobile services may differ from person to person & so needs to be measured through survey corresponding to different service quality parameters. The key parameters upon which customer satisfaction is measured through this survey are: 1) Billing performance 2) Help services Customer Care 3) Network Connectivity & Coverage, Call drop 4) Customer satisfaction with offered supplementary services (Value Added Services) 5) Overall customer satisfaction Benchmarking is a continuous, systematic process for evaluating the products, services and work processes for the purpose of improvement. TRAI has set up certain benchmarks against these parameters6: 1. Percentage satisfied with the billing performance >90% 2. Percentage satisfied with the help services >90% 3. Percentage satisfied with the network performance>95% 4 Percentage satisfied with the offered supplementary services (VAS)>95% 5 Percentage satisfied with the Overall quality of service >95%
In this study, the researcher has found that there is a huge gap between the set benchmarks for different parameters & actually what customer receives.
Objective of the study Main Objective To find the impact of customer service parameters on customer satisfaction. To Develope a Customer Service Metric based Customer Satisfaction Index. Sub Objectives To find out the association of network coverage on customer satisfaction To find out the association of Billing services on customer satisfaction To find out the association of customer care on customer satisfaction To find out the association of call drop on customer satisfaction To find out the association of value added services on customer satisfaction To get the Customer Satisfaction Index for mobile services
Main hypothesis of study H : There is a positive association between the Quality-of-Service parameters and customer satisfaction . Sub hypothesis are : H1 : There is a positive association of Network Coverage with Customer Satisfaction . H2 : There is a positive association of Billing Services of mobile with the customer satisfaction . 5
H3 : There is a positive association of Customer Care of mobile services with customer satisfaction . H4 : There is a negative association of call drop with customer satisfaction. H5 : Value Added services has a neutral association with customer satisfaction. The researcher has got satisfaction ratings after analyzing the customer voice & they are compared with the set benchmark as given by the TRAI. A customer satisfaction metrics has also been designed after understanding & incorporating the Customer responses. This will help the service provider to understand the real pain areas i.e. the major areas where they have to improve in order to raise the overall Customer Satisfaction Index.
Multiple regression analysis is the best way for assessing the quality of predictions of dependent variable with reference to independent variables. It gives the proportion of variance of dependent variable against independent variables. Multiple regression analysis is done with customer satisfaction as dependent variable and major factors i.e: Network coverage, Billing service, Customer Care, Call Drop & Value Added Service as independent variables to understand the correlation between satisfaction & factors. Chi square test method is used to test the hypothesis, as the sample size was large.
Source of Data In order to have an accurate data, this study has gathered data though Primary & secondary sources of data. Primary Source : Data was gathered by researcher using questionnaire and by interviewing variety of customer directly. This direct input in form of customer voice has brought in the conceptual clarity. Secondary Source : Secondary source of data used by researcher includes : published articles, research papers, published books, different research work done previously , relevant papers or journals, magazine etc. Researcher had discussions on various discussion forums, and also used other different types of reports from Internet sites and blogs etc. Benchmark values are collected from several circulars issued by TRAI. Microsoft Excel & SPSS is used as statistical software tools for data analysis. Process Flow contains : o Data is gathered, coded. Positive & Negative questions are identified & accordingly Weightage is assigned to every response as given by respondent. o Normality test is done. o Factor analysis is done on different questions to get the major factors. Which gives Network coverage, Billing, After Sales Service, Value Added Services & call drop as five major factors affecting service quality. o Using multiple regression base model the Index is calculated. o Chi square test is used for hypothesis testing.
6. Sampling
A sample is a set or a group of population under study. Sampling is the process of selecting such set or group from bigger population, with which study can be performed. The sample size was calculated after performing a pilot survey. A Pilot survey was conducted on 200 customers to get the value of standard deviation . With 95% accuracy level the required sample size was 560. Total 575 samples were gathered. Out of which 568 valid samples were taken for data analysis. Random sampling technique is used for survey.
7.1.1 Association of Network Coverage with Customer Satisfaction Table : overall service of SP * rating to connectivity Crosstabulation
Overall service of SP Very good Good Average Poor Total 35 Rating to connectivity H. Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied H. Satisfied Dissatisfied 24 66 6 2 1 10 1 239 45 3 353 57 68 4 135 12 21 5 40 1 2 1 5 Total
Chi-Square Test
Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 200.575 170.704 124.885 568 df 12 12 1 Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000
Table shows the probability value is less than 0.05 and so null hypothesis can be rejected & alternate hypothesis is accepted. This results to : Positive association of Network coverage with customer satisfaction.
7.1.2 Association of Billing services with Customer Satisfaction Table : Overall service of SP * billing service Cross tabulation
overall service of SP Very good Good Average Poor Total 28 Billing service Total H. Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied H. Satisfied Dissatisfied 16 48 23 11 1 99 9 3 166 53 4 271 88 44 3 158 52 35 6 104 7 4 2 319 137 13 568
Chi-Square Tests
Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 50.282 41.240 25.617 568 df 12 12 1 Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000
Here the calculated value of Chi square is greater than the table value for 12 degree of freedom and so null hypothesis is rejected & alternate hypothesis is accepted. This results to : Positive association of Billing services with customer satisfaction.
7.1.3 Association of After Sales Services (Customer Care) with Customer Satisfaction Table : overall service of SP * after sales service Cross tabulation
overall service of SP very good Good Average Poor Total After sales service Total H. Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied H. Dissatisfied 14 52 22 10 1 99 5 1 1 21 156 34 2 244 113 74 5 214 41 27 5 83 6 4 1 319 137 13 568
Chi-Square Tests
Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 80.835 71.960 38.907 568 df 12 12 1 Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000
Here the calculated value of Chi Square is greater than the table value for 12 degree of freedom and so null hypothesis is rejected & alternate hypothesis is accepted. This results to : Positive associations of Customer care with customer satisfaction.
Table : Any call drop * overall service of SP Crosstabulation Any call Overall service of SP drop Very good good Average Poor
Yes No Total 26 73 99 123 196 319 62 75 137 12 1 13
Total V. Poor
0 0 0 223 345 568
Chi-Square Tests
Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio 24.485 25.889 df 3 3 1 Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000
Here the calculated value of Chi square is greater than the table value for 3 degree of freedom and so null hypothesis is rejected & alternate hypothesis is accepted. This results to : Negative association of call drop with customer satisfaction.
7.1.5 Association of Value Added Services with Customer Satisfaction Table : Satisfaction with VAS * overall serviceof SP Crosstabulation
overall serviceof SP Satisfaction with VAS Very good Good Average Poor Very good Good Average Poor Total 99 0 0 0 99 3 316 0 0 319 2 0 135 0 137 0 1 1 11 13 104 317 136 11 568 Total
Chi-Square Tests
Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Df Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000
1570.556 9 1129.693 9 1
Here the calculated value of Chi square is greater than the table value for 9 degree of freedom and so null hypothesis is rejected & alternate hypothesis is accepted. This results to : Positive association of Value Added service with customer
Since there exists the positive association of four major parameters on overall satisfaction & so we can conclude by saying that there exists a positive association between service quality parameters & customer satisfaction. Hence hypothesis H is proved.
7.1.6 Suggestions :
o The finding reveals that the network coverage has positive association with customer satisfaction. With better quality of network coverage the overall customer satisfaction rating also increases. o o o o Customer Care is an important area and produces direct impact on customer satisfaction. Service provider should take efforts for better customer care. Billing tariff should be planed uniformly & should be reduced. By improving the number of base stations the network coverage & connectivity can be improved which may lead to lower rate of call drops. Customers are also very happy with the availability of Value Added Services along with good network coverage.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Service Satisfaction VAS Network service Network connectivity Billing charges Billing services After sales services Activation Time Suffered with call drop problem Call drop frequency Call drop within region Call drop outside region
7.77 7.81 7.45 7.31 6.58 6.74 6.67 7.93 3.21 8.35 7.32 6.78
Customer satisfaction rating to basic services provided by service provider (on 10 point)
Customer Ratings
Call drop outside region Call drop within region Call drop frequency Suffered with call drop problem Activation Time After sales services Billing services Billing charges Network connectivity Network service VAS Overall service
6.78 7.32 8.35 3.21 7.93 6.67 6.74 6.58 7.31 7.45 7.81 7.77
Using regression base model the customer satisfaction Index has been derived. The Rsquare value indicates that about 94% of the variance in overall satisfaction is explained by these independent variables. This gives the Customer Satisfaction Index as 77.03%. Regression Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error of R Square the Estimate 1 Method : Enter Method Dependent Variable : Overall satisfaction Predictors: (Constant), call drop outside region, activation time, Satisfaction with VAS, call-charges, frequency of call drop, after sales service, rating to connectivity, call drop within region, billing service, rating to network service. The overall satisfaction score of mobile phone services in & around Pune & Pimpri Chinchwad geographical area is calculated through average weighting technique. It was observed that the calculated score is below the benchmark set by the TRAI. .973 .947 .946 .1632
Chapter 1 : INTRODUCTION: The rapid growth of technology has brought many changes in technique as well as in products. With change in technology the customer perspective about the quality has also changed. The increasing number of wireless subscriber in Indian telecom Industry has raised many challenges towards mobile phone service providers. Although service providers have pulled their efforts to face this competition in order to meet the customer satisfaction challenges & to meet the Benchmarks as set by Standard Authorities of India like Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. But the quality of service of these service providers is not satisfactory from customer point of view. This chapter covers the basic introductory concepts of service quality, parameters and the set benchmarks. Researcher has aimed to incorporate the voice of mobile users in order to improve the overall service quality from mobile user satisfaction point of view.
Chapter 2 : LITRETURE REVIEW: Quality is closely associated with customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is affected by the number of errors in services assured by the service provider. Service excellence has now become a key factor for any service Industry. As per A. Pershuraman, V.A Zeithaml & C. L. Berrys service quality model highlights the customer focus 12. SERVQUAL takes into account the perceptions of customers of the relative importance of service attributes. Today the concept of quality has been changed due to the customer awareness. To satisfy such customers, service providers have to understand the customer need by incorporating the voice of customer. The Press Release of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India was considered as the main source of literature. Bench-Marks are obtained from TRAI against quality parameters under study. The information & updated news releases available on Cellular Operators Association of India was studied to obtain the status of service providers in India.
Chapter 3 : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Data has been gathered through the sources of primary & secondary data collection strategies. A survey method is used in this study, while measuring the customer
satisfaction. Questionnaire is prepared covering the five major service parameters considered by researcher in her research study. Quality of a system depends upon several parameters. This study focuses on five basic service parameters : Network connectivity, call drops, Value Added Services, Billing information & customer care. Questionnaire has been prepared covering all these parameters. Survey has been done with these questionnaires from various customers of different service providers in and around Pune & Pimpri-Chinchwad area. Likert scale is used as the measurement scale on five point ratings. For this customer survey has done on: Highly satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied, Highly dissatisfied. Positive & negative questions are categorized so that proper weights can be assigned. Using multiple regression base model the association of dependent variable with independent variables is found. Customer Service Metrics is designed after incorporating the respondents ratings. Finally the Overall Satisfaction Index is calculated.
Chapter 4 : DATA ANALYSIS: Introduction : Data has been collected through several customers belonging to Pune & PimpriChinchwad area. The data was gathered from different service providers covering Idea, AirTel, BSNL, Reliance, Hutch-Voda & Tata. The collected data has been processed & analyzed according to the outline defined in Research Methodology chapter. Hypothesis testing is done through the Chi Square testing. SPSS Package is used to perform Chi Square test & to get the cross tabulation. The collected data has been edited & then coded to get the required result. Normality test is done through SPSS to check the data accuracy. Satisfaction with the overall quality of the service is obtained through customer survey. Based on the five-point-scale the researcher has obtained the Percent of completely satisfied, partially satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, and non-satisfied customers Outcome of this study includes design of the quality metrics and calculation of the overall satisfaction index.
Chapter 5 : FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, SUGGESTIONS, AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS: This chapter provides a summary of the findings. Further relevant suggestions are conveyed in form of solution, which will be useful to government organization to set up the new service benchmark. This chapter explores in brief the result of the research study. Limitations : o This research is limited to mobile service industry but could be beneficial to other service sector to understand the customer perception wherever required. o The survey is limited with five basic parameters. o Geographical location is limited to Pune & Pimpri chinchwad area.
Conclusion : To meet the customer perception & customer expectation this research findings will provide some base to raise the customer satisfaction level by understanding the impact of basic service parameters. Service providers have to put-up extra efforts to raise the satisfaction level of users.
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