Ciri Kebahasaan Procedure Text
Ciri Kebahasaan Procedure Text
Ciri Kebahasaan Procedure Text
Mengguanakan pola kalimat imperative (Perintah), misalnya, Cut, Dont mix, dsb. 2. Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya turn, put, dont, mix, dsb. 3. Menggunakan connectives (kata penghubung) untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then, while, dsb. 4. Menggunakan adverbials (kata keterangan) untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, 2 hours, dsb. 5. Menggunakan simple present. Contoh Procedure Text Di bawah ini penulis hadirkan dua contoh dari Procedure Text, baik yang menyertakan materials atau pun yang tidak. Chech this out. 1. Planting Chilies Aim/ Goal Planting is a nice activity in our spare time. The following is guided information on how to plant a chili-plant easily. Here are the steps. Steps Firstly, dry a handful seeding under the sunlight. Secondly, put the seeding on the soil. It should be in open area Next, wait it. There will come out the sprout after that let it be bigger. Finally, put it in another big pot. It will soon grow bigger and bigger and yield us some fresh chilies soon. 2. How to Make a Cheese Omelet Aim/ Goal How to Make a Cheese Omelet Materials Ingredients 1 egg, 50 g cheese, cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking, oil, a pinch of salt and pepper. Utensils Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate. Steps 1. Crack an egg into a bowl 2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth 3. Add milk and whisk well 4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir 5. Heat the oil in a frying pan 6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan 7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns
8. Cook both sides 9. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper 10. Eat while warm.