Red-Bearded Baron Solution
Red-Bearded Baron Solution
Red-Bearded Baron Solution
Liabilities Equity
22 162
Income Statement for Ivan Expenses Fertiliser Wheat Seeds Depreciation of Ox Depreciation of plow Profit Total Bushels of Wheat 2 20 4 3 214 243 Total 243 Income Production Bushels of Wheat 243
B/S at the end for Ivan Liabilities Equity 162 Less: Drawings 20 Profit Plow makers debt Bushels of Wheat 142 214 Assets Land Oxen 40 Less: Depreciation 4 Current Assets: Wheat Total Bushels of Wheat 100 36
223 359
Liabilities Equity
Bushels of Wheat 50 40
11 101
Income Statement for Igor Expenses Fertiliser Wheat Seeds Depreciation of Ox Depreciation of plow Profit Total Bushels of Wheat 1 10 4 1 122 138 Total 138 Income Production Bushels of Wheat 138
B/S at the end for Igor Liabilities Equity 101 Less: Drawings30 Profit Bushels of Wheat 71 122 Assets Land Oxen 40 Less: Depreciation 4 Plow 3 Less: Depreciation 1 Current Assets: Wheat Total Bushels of Wheat 50 36
105 193