BE - ECE - Syllabus 2012 13
BE - ECE - Syllabus 2012 13
BE - ECE - Syllabus 2012 13
(Estd. under the Panjab University Act VII of 1947-enacted by the Govt. of India)
Third Semester
Theory Paper Code Paper Title Hours/ Week L+T Credit Theory Marks Uni. Exam
Hours / Week
Credit Practical
3 4 3 3 4 3 20
50 50 50 50 50 50 300
2 -2 2 -2 8
1 -1 1 -1 4
Filters & Transmission Lines EC314 Digital Electronics AS301 Engineering Mathematics-III EC315 Object-Oriented Programming Grand Total: 800 Total Credit : 24
EC363 EC364
Fourth Semester
Theory Paper Code Paper Title Hours/ Week L+T Credit Theory Marks Uni. Exam
Communication 4+0 4 50 50 --Theory EC414 Analog Electronic 4+0 4 50 50 2 Circuits EC415 Microprocessors 4+0 4 50 50 2 EC416 Communication 4+0 4 50 50 2 Engineering EC417 Electromagnetic 4+0 4 50 50 -Theory EC418 Data Structures & 3+0 3 50 50 ---Algorithms Grand Total:750 23 23 300 300 6 Total Credit : 26 * marks refer to mid semester evaluation and end semester evaluation
-1 1 1 --3
Fifth Semester
Theory Paper Title Paper Code EC506 EC507 EC508 EC509 EC510 EC511 Integrated Circuits Microcontrollers & Interfacing VLSI Design Antennas & Wave Propagation Digital System Design Computer Networks Seminar - I Summer Training Grand Total: 800 Total Credit : 25 Theory Hours/ Credit Marks Week Theory Uni. L+T Exam 3+0 4+0 3+0 3+0 3+0 4+0 20 3 4 3 3 3 4 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 Int. Marks 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 Practical Hours Credit *Mark / Practic s Week al -2 2 -2 -4 10 -1 1 -1 -2 5 -50 50 -50 -50 200 Practical Paper Code --EC557 EC558
Sixth Semester
Theory Paper Code EC607 Paper Title Theory Hours/ Credit Marks Week Theory Uni. L+T Exam Int. Mark s Practical Hours/ Credit *Marks Week Practi cal 1 1 1 ---2 5 50 50 50 ---50 200 Practical Paper Code EC657 EC658 EC659 -----EC662
Advanced 4+0 4 50 50 2 Microprocessors EC608 Microwave Engineering 4+0 4 50 50 2 EC609 Digital Communication 4+0 4 50 50 2 EC610 Computer Architecture 3+0 3 50 50 --& Organization EC611 Control System 3+0 3 50 50 -Project-I 4 Grand Total: 700 18 18 250 250 10 Total Credit : 23 * marks refer to mid semester evaluation and end semester evaluation
Seventh Semester
Theory Theory Paper Code EC 708 EC709 EC710 Paper Title Hours/ Week 3 3 3 3 12 Marks Uni. Exam 100 100 100 100 400 Int. Marks 50 50 50 50 200 Practical Hours/ *Marks Week 2 2 2 -3 6 15 50 50 50 -100 200 50 500 Practica l Paper Code EC 758 EC759 EC760 -EC765 EC766 EC 767
EC711 Operating Systems EC712: Radar Engineering EC713: Web Technologies AS 701: Cyber Laws & IPR
Eighth Semester
OPTION -1 Theory Theory Paper Code Paper Title Hours/ Week 3 3 3 3 ----12 Marks Uni. Exam 100 100 100 100 -------400 Int. Mar ks 50 50 50 50 -----200 Practical Hours/ *Mar Practical Week ks Paper Code 2 50 Elective 2 50 Elective ------3 6 13 --100 200 400 EC865 EC866
Elective-II Elective-III Elective-IV Elective-V Seminar-III Design Lab Grand Total: 1000
Elective II and Elective III (Any Two): EC808: Digital Image Processing EC809: Advanced Digital Communication EC810: Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic EC811: Embedded System Design EC812: Solid State Devices Modeling and Simulation EC813: Analog & Mixed Signal Design
Elective-IV and Elective V (Any Two): EC814: MEMS and Microsystems EC815: Artificial Intelligence EC816: Operation Research EC817: Nano Technology EC818: Satellite Communication EC819: Research Methodology OPTION - 2 Paper code EC820 Paper title Industrial training Duration 6 Months Marks Uni. Exam 500 Int. Marks 500 Grand Total 1000
In 8th semester, student can exercise Option 1 or Option 2 according to the following conditions: A student may opt for one semester training in lieu of subject of 8th semester. The marks for six months training will be equal to the total marks of 8 th semester study. A student can opt for six months semester training under following conditions: a. The student got selected for the job in campus placement and the employer is willing to take that student for the training. b. The student got offer of pursuing training from reputed government research organization/ govt. sponsored project/govt. research institution provided that student should not be paying any money to get trained. For pursuing this training student need the prior approval from the chairperson/coordinator of the respective department/ branch. * marks refer to mid semester evaluation and end semester evaluation
Paper Title: - Semiconductor Electronics (Theory) Paper Code: EC 311 Max. Marks/ Credit: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Transistor characteristics: [10] Junction transistor, transistor current components, current gain, transistor as an amplifier, common emitter, common base, common collector configurations, Input & output characteristics in CE, CB & CC configurations, photo transistor & its characteristics, Unijunction transistor & its characteristics. Transistor at low frequencies: [07] Graphical analysis of CE configuration two port devices and hybrid model, h-parameters, Comparison of amplifier configurations of circuits Transistor biasing and Thermal stabilization: [07] Concept of biasing & biasing of BJT circuits, Operating point, bias stability, stabilization against variation in Ico, Vbe, and , thermal run away, thermal stability.
Field Effect Transistor: [10] Junction Field Effect Transistors, JFET characteristics, pinch off voltage and equivalent circuit, MOSFETs their modes of operation and characteristics, equivalent circuit, biasing of FETs. Power amplifiers: [11] Classification of amplifiers, Class A large signal amplifier, second and higher harmonic distortion, transformer coupled amplifiers, Efficiency of amplifiers, Push pull amplifiers (class A & class B).
Recommended Books:
1. Integrated Electronics, Millman & Halkias (Mc-Graw Hill) 2. Microelectronics Circuits, AS Sedra & KC Smith (OXFORD) 3. Electronics Devices & Circuit Theory, RL Boylestead & L Nashelsky (PHI) 4. Electronic Circuit Analysis & Design, Donald A. Neamen (TMH) ___________________________________________________________________________________
List of Experiments 1. To study the specifications sheet & draw the characteristics of transistor in CB or CE configuration. 2. To study the specification sheet & draw the characteristics of FET in CD or CC configuration. 3. To draw the frequency response of a single stage BJT amplifier. 4. To measure the voltage and current gain of a BJT amplifier. 5. To measure the distortion in the output of a push pull amplifier.
To simulate the following using P-spice 1. Frequency Response of a single state FET amplifier. 2. Voltage and current gain of BJT amplifier. 3. Distortion of a push pull power amplifier.
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Signals & Systems: (7) Classification of Signals, Transformations of independent variable, Elementary Signals, Continuous time and Discrete time systems, System Properties. Linear Time Invariant Systems: (7) Convolution sum and integral, Properties of LTI systems, Systems described by differential equations and difference equations. Fourier series Representation: (5) Response of LTI systems to complex exponentials, Fourier series representation of continuous time and discrete time periodic signals, Properties of continuous time Fourier series, Properties of discrete time Fourier series, Filtering. The Continuous Time Fourier Transform: (4) Fourier Transform of continuous time aperiodic signals, The Fourier transform for periodic signals, Properties of Continuous Time Fourier Transform.
The Discrete time Fourier Transform: (5) Fourier transform of discrete time aperiodic signals, The Fourier transform of periodic signals, Properties of Discrete time Fourier Transform, Duality, The magnitude-phase representation of the Fourier Transform, The magnitude-phase representation of the Frequency response of LTI systems. Sampling: The sampling Theorem, Reconstruction using Interpolation, Aliasing. (2)
The Laplace Transform: (8) Laplace Transform, ROC of Laplace Transform, The Inverse Laplace Transform, Pole-zero plot, Properties of Laplace transform, Characterization of LTI systems using Laplace Transform, Interconnection of LTI systems, The Unilateral Laplace Transform. The Z-Transform: (7) The Z-Transform, ROC of Z-transform, The Inverse Z-Transform, Pole-Zero plot, Properties of Z-Transform, Characterization of LTI systems using Z-Transform, Interconnection of LTI systems, The Unilateral ZTransform. Recommended Books: 1. Oppenheim, A. V., Willsky , A. S., Nawab ,S.H., Signals and Systems, 2e, PHI Learning, 2009 2. Haykin, S., Van Veen, B.; Signals and Systems;2e; Wiley; 2003 3. B. P. Lathi, Signal Processing & Linear Systems, Oxford University Press, 2004
4. K. Gopalan, Signals and Systems, CENGAGE Learning, 2009 5. Hsu, H.; Ranjan R; Schuams outline of Signals and Systems; Tata McGraw Hill , 2008
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Impedance Functions and Networks functions: [10] Concept of complex frequency, Transform Impedance and transform circuits, Network functions for the one port and two port, Calculation of network functions, Poles and Zeros for Network functions, Restrictions on Poles and Zeros, Locations for Driving Point and Transfer functions, Time domain behavior from Pole and Zero plot, Stability of Active networks. Filter Synthesis: [12] Classification of filters, Characteristics, impedance (input & characteristic) and propagation constant of pure reactive network, Ladder Network, T-section, -section, Pass and stop bands, Constant K low pass and high pass filters, m-derived T and - section, Design of k and m-derived filters, Band pass filters, band elimination filters, Composite filters.
Two Port Parameters: [06] Relationship of Two port variables, Short Circuit Admittance and Open circuit Impedance parameters, Transmission and hybrid parameters. Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis: Network Synthesis for two terminal network, Foster and Cauer forms. [03]
Transmission Lines: [14] Line parameters, Inductance and capacitance of a line of two parallel conductors, inductance of coaxial line, Line of Cascaded T-section, Transmission line-general solution, Physical significance of the equations,; the infinite line, wavelength, velocity of propagation, waveform distortion, distortionless line, telephone cable, Reflection on a line not terminated in Z0 , Reflection constant, Line calculation, Input and transfer impedance, open and short circuited lines, Reflection factor and reflection loss, parameters of open wire line and coaxial line at high frequencies, constants for the line of zero dissipation, Voltage and currents on dissipationless line, standing wave nodes, standing wave ratio. Input impedance of dissipationless line, power loss in unmatched lines, single stub matching and smithchart.
Recommended Books
1. Circuits and Networks (Analysis and Synthesis) by A. Sudhakar & S.P. Shyammohan, Tata McGraw Hill 1994, Edition 2ND 2. Circuit Analysis by Allan D. Krauss, West Publishing Company, Edition Latest 3. Networks, Lines and Fields by John D. Ryder, PHI, Edition 2ND 4. Engineering Circuit Analysis by Milliam H.Hayt.Jack E.Kemmerly, Edition 6TH 5. A Course in Electrical Circuits Analysis by Soni-Gupta, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Edition Latest. 6. Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits by Joseph A. Edminister, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1991, Edition 2ND.
7. Network Analysis by M.E. Van Valkenburg (PHI), Edtion 3+0RD. 8. Circuit Analysis by Allan D. Krauss (West Publishing Company), Edition Latest
List of Experiments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. To Design & implement a constant K low pass / high pass filter. To Design & implement a band pass filter. To Design & implement a m-derived low pass / high pass filter To Design & implement a composite low pass/ high pass filter. To Measure the characteristics and attenuation of a Transmission line. To Measure the input impedance of a Transmission line. To Measure phase displacement between the current and voltage at input of Transmission line. To Study the Frequency characteristics and stationary waves of a Transmission line. To Measure Signal Phase shift along the line. Fault localization within the line.
Paper Title:- Digital Electronics (Theory) Paper Code: EC 314 Max. Marks/ Credit: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Introduction [10] Representation of Logic, Logic Variables, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Expressions and minimization of Boolean expression using K-Map (up to five variables), Review of Logic Gates, Design & Implementation of Adder, Subtractor, Multiplexer, De-multiplexer, Encoder, Decoder, ROM, Digital Comparators, Code Converters Flip-Flops [4] A 1- bit memory cell, clocked & unclocked flip flop, S-R Flip-Flop, JK Flip-Flop, Race around Condition, Master Slave Flip-Flop, D & T type Flip-Flop, Excitation table of Flip-flops, Conversion of flip-flops Counters & Shift Registers [8] Ripple Counters, Design of Modulo-N Ripple counter, Presettable Counters, Up-Down counter, Design of synchronous counters with and without lockout conditions, design of shift registers with shift-left, shiftright & parallel load facilities, Universal shift Registers
Data Converters [6] Sample & Hold switch, D/A converters: Weighted resistor type, R-2R Ladder type, Modified weighted resistor type; A/D Converters: Flash type, Successive Approximation type, Counter-Ramp type, Dual Slope Type; Specifications of ADC & DAC Digital Logic families [8]
Characteristics of digital circuits: fan in, fan-out, power dissipation, propagation delay, Noise Margin, Transistor-transistor Logic (TTL), Types of TTL Gates (Schottky, Standard, low power, high speed), Tristate Logic & its applications, Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL), CMOS, Comparison of characteristics of TTL, ECL, and CMOS. Semiconductor Memories & Programmable Logic [9] Memory Organization, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, RAM, Static RAM, Dynamic RAM cell, Memory Cell, Reading & Writing Operation in RAM, PLA, PAL & FPGA
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. Digital Design By Morris Mano, PHI, 4th edition Digital System Principles & Applications by R J Tocci (PHI) Digital Integrated Electronics by Taub Schilling, TMH, Latest edition. Integrated Electronics by Millman & Halkias, TMH
___________________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title:- Digital Electronics (Practical) Paper Code: EC364 Credit: 1
List of Experiments
To Study the data sheets of TTL and ECL gates Implementation of Adder and Subtractor using Logic Gates. Implementation of Binary Adder/Subtractor. Implementation of BCD Adder. Design &implementation of Combinational circuits using Multiplexers Design and implement a Universal shift register having shift-right, shift-left, SISO, PIPO capabilities. Implementation of Flip-flops using Logic Gates. Implementations of Ripple counter. Implementation of Modulo-N Synchronous Counter. Implementation of Synchronous counters with unused states and/or avoiding Lock Out condition. To convert 8 bit Digital data to Analog value using DAC To convert Analog value into 8 bit Digital data using ADC To Perform Arithmetic & Logic operations on two 4-bit binary numbers using an ALU. To Transfer the Data between Three Registers through Tristate Circuit To Understand Decoder/Driver and their applications with display. To display a count from 00 to 99 with a delay of N seconds. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Sequences and Series: (08) Sequences, Limits of sequences, Infinite series, series of positive terms, Integral test, Comparison test, Ratio test, Root test. Alternating series, Absolute and Conditional Convergence, Leibnitz test. Power series: radius of convergence of power series, Taylors and Maclaurins Series, Formulae for remainder term in Taylor and Maclaurin series, Error estimates. (Scope as in Chapter 8, Sections 8.1 8.10 of Reference 2). Linear Algebra: (07) Concept of linear independence and dependence, Rank of a matrix: Row Echelon form, System of linear equations: Condition for consistency of system of linear equations, Solution by Gauss elimination method. Inverse of a matrix: Gauss Jordan elimination method (Scope as in Chapter 6, Sections 6.3 6.5, 6.7 of Reference 1). Eigen values, eigen vectors, Cayley Hamilton theorem (statement only). Similarity of matrices, Basis of eigenvectors, diagonalization (Scope as in Chapter 7, Sections 7.1, 7.5 of Reference 1). (07)
Complex Functions: (08) Definition of a Complex Function, Concept of continuity and differentiability of a complex function, Cauchy Riemann equations, necessary and sufficient conditions for differentiability (Statement only). Study of complex functions: Exponential function, Trigonometric functions, Hyperbolic functions, real and imaginary part of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, Logarithmic functions of a complex variable, complex exponents (Scope as in Chapter 12, Sections 12.3 12.4, 12.6 12.8 of Reference 1). Laurent Series of function of complex variable, Singularities and Zeros, Residues at simple poles and Residue at a pole of any order, Residue Theorem (Statement only) and its simple applications (Scope as in Chapter 15, Sections 15.1 15.3 of Reference 1). (07) Conformal Mappings, Linear Fractional Transformations (Scope as in Chapter 12, Sections 12.5, 12.9 of Reference 1). (08) References: 1. E. Kreyszig. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Eighth Edition, John Wiley. 2. G. B. Thomas, R. L. Finney: Calculus, Ninth Edition, Pearson Education. 3. Michael D. Greenberg. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Second Edition, Pearson Education. 4. R. V. Churchill, J. W. Brown. Complex Variables and Applications, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 1996. 5. Vivek Sahai, Vikas Bist. Linear Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Paper Title:- Object Oriented Programming (Theory) Paper Code: EC 315 Max. Marks/ Credit: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Principles of Objected Oriented Programming Advantages of OOP, comparison of OOP with Procedural Paradigm [3]
C++ Constructs [4] Tokens, Expressions and control structures, various data types, and data structures, Variable declarations, Dynamic Initializations, Operators and Scope of Operators, Typecasting, Unformatted and formatted console I/O Operations Functions [5] Classes and Objects: Prototyping, Referencing the variables in functions, Inline, static and friend functions. Memory allocation for classes and objects, Arrays of objects, pointers to member functions. Constructors and Destructors [5] Characteristics and its various types, Dynamic Constructors, Applications, Order of Invocation, C++ garbage collection, dynamic memory allocation. Polymorphism [5] Using function and Operator overloading, overloading using friend Functions, type conversions from basic data types to user defined and vice versa. PART B Inheritance [5] Derived classes, Types of Inheritance, Types of classes, Invocation of Constructors and Destructors in Inheritance, Aggregation, Composition, classification hierarchies, metaclass/abstract classes.
[5] Constant pointers, Use of this Pointer, Pointer to derived and base classes, virtual functions, Bindings, Pure virtual Functions and polymorphism I/O Operations and Files Classes for files, Operations on a file, file pointers [4]
Generic Programming with Templates [6] Definition of class template, Function Templates, Overloading Template Functions, Class templates and member functions templates with parameters, Standard C++ classes, persistent objects, streams and files, namespaces, exception handling, generic classes, standard template library: Library organization and containers, standard containers, algorithm and Function objects, iterators and allocators, strings, streams, manipulators, user defined manipulators and vectors Introduction to Object Oriented System, Analysis and Design [3]
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Object Oriented Programming with C++ By Bala Guruswamy, TMH, Edition 3rd C++ Primer Plus By Prata, Pearson Education, Edition 1st The C++ Programming Language By Bjarne Stroutstrup, Edition 3rd Object Oriented Programming with Ansi and Turbo C++,Kamthane, Pearson Education, Edition 1st The Complete Reference to c++ By Schildt, TMH, Edition 4th OOPs Using C++ By Sanjeev Sofat, Khanna Publishions, Edition Latest
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title:- Object Oriented Programming (Practical) Paper Code: EC 365 Credit: 1
List of Experiments 1. Implementation of Functions, Classes and Objects 2. Constructors and Destructors 3. Operator Overloading and Type Conversion 4. Inheritance and Virtual Functions 5. Files 6. Exception Handling and Generic Programming
Paper Title: Communication Theory
Paper Code: EC413 Max. Marks/ Credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lecturers of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
PART A Review of Signals & Systems [5] Review of Fourier series & Fourier transform of Continuous time signals, Delta Function, power & energy spectral densities, Sampling Theorem
Random Signal Theory [8] Sample space, Random variables-discrete & Continuous, examples of Probability Density Functions-Moments, Joint & Conditional PDF density functions of sums, Transformation, concept of correlation, auto & Cross-correlation functions, Stationary Processes, Ergodic processes, Gaussian Process. Noise & Interference [10] Classification of Noise, Sources of noises, atmospheric shots, Thermal noise, Frequency domain representation of noise, superposition of noises, AWGN, Linear filtering of noise, Quadrature components of noise, Noise spectral density, Noise calculations, Noise Figures of devices & circuits, cascaded networks, Minimum Noise Figures of networks. Noise Temperature
PART B Baseband Pulse Transmission [8] Optimum Filters-Matched filters, Error rate due to noise, Inter symbol Interference, Nyquist Criterion for distortionless baseband transmission, Corrrelative level coding.
Basic Information Theory [14] Concept Information, Entropies of Discrete Systems, Rate of transmission- Redundancy, Efficiency & Channel capacity, Source encoding including Huffmans Technique, continuous ChannelEntropy maximization, Transmission rate of Channels, capacity of Noisy channels. Discussion of Shannons Coding theorem, Comparison of Analog & Digital Communication Systems with reference to the Ideal Channel Capacity Theorem. Recommended Books
1. Principles of Communication Systems, H. Taub, D. L. Schilling, G. Saha, McGraw Hill, 2011 2. Communication Systems , S. Haykin, Wiley India Limited, 4th Edition 3. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B P Lathi, Oxford University Press. 4. An Introduction to Information Theory F M Reza, ________________________________________________________________________________
Paper Title:- Analog Electronic Circuits (Theory) Paper Code: EC 414 Max. Marks/ Credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Response of transistor Amplifier [9] Review Biasing, classification of amplifier , distortion in amplifiers , frequency & phase response of an amplifier, RC coupled amplifier , its low and high frequency responses, transistor model at high frequencies for CE and Emitter follower configuration, high frequency response of two cascaded CE transistor stages Feedback and Stability [6] Introduction to feedback, Basic-Feedback Concepts, Ideal Feedback Topologies, Voltage (Series-Shunt) Amplifiers, Current(Series-Shunt) Amplifiers, Transconductance(Series-Series) Amplifiers, Transresistance (Shunt-Shunt) Amplifiers, Operational Amplifier [10] Differential Amplifier, Block diagram representation of a typical Op-amp, Interpreting of a typical set of data sheets, ideal op-amp, equivalent circuit. of op-amp, ideal voltage transfer curve, open loop op-amp configuration, the practical op-amp, input offset voltage, input bias current, input offset current, total output offset voltage, thermal drift, noise, common mode configuration, CMRR,. Frequency Response, Frequency response of internally compensated Op-Amps, Frequency response of Non-compensated OPAmps, Open loop voltage gain as a function of frequency, Closed loop frequency response, Slew rate
Op-amp Applications [10] DC and AC Amplifiers, summing, Voltageto-current converter, current to voltage converter, the Integrator, the Differentiator, Comparator, Zero-crossing detector, Voltage to frequency and frequency to voltage converters, Clippers and Clampers, Sample and Hold Circuit, Instrumentation Amplifier. Active Filter, Oscillators & Tuned Amplifiers [10] Active filters, Essentials of Oscillator, Types of Oscillator, Sinusoidal Oscillator, Schmitt Trigger Circuits, Introduction of Tuned Amplifiers, Single & Double Tuned Amplifiers.
Recommended Books
1. Electronics Circuit Analysis and Design by Donald A. Neamen, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Op-Amps and Liner integrated Circuits by Ramakant A. Gayakward, 4th edition, Pearson Education Asia Low price Edition 3. Integrated electronics by Millman & Halkias, TMH, Latest Edition _________________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title:- Analog Electronic Circuits (Practical) Paper Code: EC 464 Credit: 1
List of Experiments
To study the Pspice Simulation software Design fabrication & testing of Differentiator Circuits using Op-Amp & simulate using P-spice Design fabrication & testing of Integrator Circuits using Op-Amp & simulate using P-spice Design fabrication & testing of adder/Subtractor Circuits using Op-Amp & simulate using Pspice 5. Design fabrication & testing of Clippers and Clampers Circuits using Op-Amp & simulate using P-spice 6. Design fabrication & testing of Universal Active filter & simulate using P-spice 7. To study the frequency response of OP-Amp & simulate using P-spice 8. To design Butter worth Low pass filter & simulate using P-spice 9. To design Butter worth High pass filter & simulate using P-spice 10. To design Butter worth Band pass filter & simulate using P-spice 11. To design Monostable & Free running Multivibrator using 555 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title:- Microprocessors (Theory) Paper Code: EC 415 Max. Marks/ Credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours 1. 2. 3. 4.
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Microprocessor Architecture and Microcomputer Systems: [4] Microprocessor Architecture Memory, Input and Output Devices, The 8085 MPU, Example of an 8085Based Microcomputer, Memory Interfacing, The SDK-85 Memory System. Interfacing I/O Devices: [6] Basic Interfacing Concepts, Interfacing Output Displays, Interfacing Input Devices, Memory- Mapped I/O, Testing and Troubleshooting, I/O Interfacing Circuits. Programming the 8085: [8] Introduction to 8085 Assembly Language Programming, 8085 Programming Model, Instruction Classification, Instruction Format, Data Transfer (Copy) Operations, Arithmetic Operations, Logic Operations, Branch Operations, Writing Assembly Language Programs.
[5] Programming Techniques Looping, Counting and Indexing, Additional Data Transfer and 16-Bit Arithmetic Instructions, Arithmetic Operations Related to Memory, Logic Operations.
Counters and Time Delays: [4] Counters and Time Delays, Hexadecimal Counter, Modulo Ten, Counter, Generating Pulse Waveforms, Debugging Counter and Time-Delay Programs Stack and Subroutines: Stack, Subroutine, Conditional Call and Return Instructions. Interrupts : The 8085 Interrupt, 8085 Vectored interrupts. Interfacing Data Converters: Digital- to- Analog (D/A) Converters, Analog- to-Digital (A/D) Converters. General Purpose Programmable Peripheral Devices: [3] [3] [4] [8]
The 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface, Illustration: Interfacing Keyboard and Seven- Segment Display, Illustration : Bi- directional Data Transfer between Two Microcomputers, The 8254 Programmable Interval Timer, The 8259 A Programmable Interrupt Controller, Direct Memory Access (DMA) and the 8257 DMA Controller, serial communication, Programmable communications interface 8251
Recommended Books
1. Ramesh S.Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, Penram International, Edition 3rd . 2. Badri Ram, Advanced Microprocessors & Interfacing , Tata MC Graw Hill, Edition 1st 3. Charles M. Gilmore, Microprocessor Principles and Applications, TMH Edition 1997. Edition 2nd 4. Douglas V. Hall , Microprocessors and Interfacing programming and Hardware, Edition 2nd Paper Title:- Microprocessors (Practical) Paper Code: EC 465 Credit: 1
List of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Familiarization of 8085 kits. Verification of arithmetic and logic operations using above kits.(At least 5 programs) Development of interfacing circuits of various control applications based on 8085. Application of assembly language using 8085 instructions set to develop various programs. Applications of data movement instructions to develop relevant programs. ______________________________________________________________________________
Paper Title:- Communication Engineering Paper Code: EC 416 Max. Marks/Credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lecturers of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Amplitude Modulation Systems [11] Concept of Modulation, Principle and generation of AM, DSB/SC, SSB signal, Balanced modulator, AM Transmitter, Detection of AM, DSB/SC, and SSB signals, Noise in AM, DSB-SC, and SSB systems, Super heterodyne Receiver, Communication Radio Receivers, SSB receiver, Diversity reception. Angle Modulation [11] Principles and generation of FM and PM signals, Reactance Modulator method, Armstrong Method, Detection of FM and PM signals, Slope Detectors, Foster Discriminator, Ratio detector, PLL detector, PLL and its characteristics, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis, Noise consideration in FM and PM system, Block diagrams of FM Transmitter & FM receiver, Nonlinear effects in FM systems. PART B Pulse Modulation & Demodulation 17 [12]
Review of sampling Principles, Generation and Detection of PAM, PWM, PPM, Quantization, Companding, Encoding, PCM, bandwidth-noise tradeoff, Linear Prediction, Differential PCM, Adaptive Differential PCM, Delta modulation, Adaptive Delta modulation systems, Noise in PCM and DM systems, TDM & FDM. Baseband Pulse Transmission [11] Matched Filter, Inter-symbol Interference, Baseband M-ary PAM transmission, Optimum linear receiver, Adaptive Equalization, Geometric representation of signals, Likelihood functions, Coherent detection: Maximum likelihood decoding, Correlation receiver, Probability of error. Recommended Books 1. Communication Systems by Simon Haykin, Wiley India Ltd. 2. Electronic Communication Systems by G. Kennedy ,Pub: Mc Graw Hill, Edition 4th 3. Principles of Communication Systems by Taub and Schilling, Edition 2nd 4. Electronic Principles by Dennis Roddy & John Coolin, Pub:PHI, Edition Latest
Paper Title:- Communication Engineering (Practical) Paper Code: EC 466 List of experiments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. To measure the modulation index of AM signals using the trapezoidal method To study DSB/ SC AM signal and its demodulation using product Detector Circuit. To study the voltages and waveforms of various stages of super-heterodyne receiver To measure the sensitivity and selectivity of a super heterodyne radio receiver To study the voltages and waveforms of various stages of FM Receiver To study the pulse code modulation and de-modulation circuit To study the Time division multiplexing and de-multiplexing circuits. To study delta modulation and demodulation circuits. To study sigma delta modulation and demodulation circuits. To study Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, and Pulse Position Modulation. Study of modulation techniques on MATLAB
Credit : 1
Paper Title:- Electromagnetic Theory (Theory) Paper Code: EC 417 Max. Marks/ Credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Maxwells equation: [8] Maxwells equations in their integral and differential forms, Maxwells equations in free space and in harmonically varying fields, Physical Interpretation and Boundary Conditions. Plane waves in Dielectric and Conducting Media: [16]
Conductors and Dielectrics, Wave equations in conducting and dielectric media its solution, Skin effect, relaxation time, impedance of the conducting medium. Reflection and transmission of the wave at a boundary, Poynting Vector: application to energy radiation, Velocities of propagation: group velocity, phase velocity, wave polarization.
Guided Waves: [9] Waves between parallel planes, TEM waves, Field analysis of T.M. & T.E. wave, Characteristics of T.M. & T.E. Waves. Wave Guides: [12] Rectangular and Circular waveguides: T.M. & T.E. Modes, Wave impedance and characteristic impedances, Attenuation factor and Q of waveguides.
Recommended Books:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electromagnetic Waves & Radiation System by E.C. Jordan & K. G. Balmain, Prentice Hall India. Electromagnetics by Krauss, Mc Graw Hill, Edition 5TH . Antennas and Wave Propagation by G S N Raju, Pearson publications, Edition 1ST Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation by K D Prasad Satya Prakashan, Edition Latest Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation, Collin R.E., Mc-Graw Hill, Edition Latest
Paper Title:- Data Structures & Algorithms (Theory) Paper Code: EC 418 Max. Marks/ Credit: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Introduction: Introduction to data structures, Introduction to Algorithms Complexity. [2]
Arrays, Stacks & Queues: [8] Concepts; Basic operations & their algorithms: Transverse, Insert, Delete, Sorting of data in these data structures; Prefix, Infix, Postfix Notations. Lists: [11] Concepts of Link List and their representation; Two way lists; Circular link list; Basic operations & their algorithms: Transverse, Insert, Delete, Searching and Sorting of data in List; Storage Allocation & Garbage Collection; Linked stack and queues; Generalized List; sparse matrix representation using generalized list structure.
Trees: [8] Binary Trees and their representation using arrays and linked lists, Trees and their applications, Binary tree transversal, Inserting, deleting and searching in binary trees, Heap & Heap Sort, General Trees, Thread binary tree, Height balance Tree (AVL), B-Tree. Graphs and their applications: [8]
Graphs, Linked Representation of Graphs, Graph Traversal and spanning forests, Depth first search, Breadth first search. Sorting & Searching: [8] Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merging, Merge sort, Radix sort, Sequential & Binary Search, Indexed Search, Hashing schemes, Binary search Tree.
Recommended Books
1. Data Structure Using C and C++ by A. Tenenbaum, Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein (PHI),Edition 2nd 2. Theory and problems of Data Structures Seymour Lipschutz (McGraw Hill), Edition 1st 3. Data Structures & Program Design Robert L. Kruse (PHI) , Edition 3rd
Paper Title: Integrated Circuits (Theory)
Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Introduction: General classification of Integrated Circuits, advantages of ICs over Discrete Components. Thick Film and Thin Film Hybrid ICs: Features of Hybrid IC technology, Thick Film technology, Thick film processing, Thick Film design, guidelines and applications of thick film hybrids. Thin film technology, Thin film processing, Thin film design, guidelines, advantage and applications of Thin film hybrids. Monolithic IC Processes: Refining, and growth of silicon crystals, Si-Wafer preparation, Diffusion of dopant impurities, Defication systems, Ion implantation, Thermal oxidation, Photolithography, Fine Line lithography, Relative Plasma etching, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD), Metallization, Packaging. PART B
Monolithic Components:
Epitaxial devices and their characteristics, Bipolar IC process, P-N junction Isolation, Monolithic Bipolar transistor constructions, Dielectric isolation, Isoplaner and other IC structures, Monolithic Diodes, Monolithic Junction FETS, MOSFET technology, Short channel MOS structures, Typical NMOSIC technologies for VLSI chips, Complementary Symmetry MOSFET technologies, Monolithic resistors, Monolithic capacitors, IC crossover, Process Monitoring.
Recommended Books 1. Integrated circuits by K.R. Botkar, Khanna Publishers 2. Principles of Microelectronics Technology by D. Nagchoudhuri, A H Wheele 3. VLSI Technology by Simon Sze, Tata Mc Grawhill
Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
The 8051 Architecture:- Overview of Microprocessor and Microcontroller, 8051 Architecture, Pin diagram, I/O port structure, Memory Organization, Specific Function Registers, Memory, Reset operation. Instruction Set Summary:- Addressing modes, Instruction types. Timer Operation:- Timer mode register, Timer Control Register, Timer modes and overflow flag, Clocking sources, Starting Stopping, and controlling the timers, Intializing and accessing timer registers, short intervals and long intervals, Baud rate generation, Serial Port Operation:- Serial port control register, Modes of operation, Intializing and accessing serial port registers, Multiprocessor communications, Serial port baud rates [23]
Interrupts:-Interrupt Organization, Processing Interrupts, Program Design using Interrupts, Serial port Interrupts, External Interrupts, Interrupt Timings , 8051 Assembly Language Programming:- Assembler operation, Assembly language program format, Assembler time expression evaluation, Assembler directives, Assembler controls, Linker operation, Macros, Program structure and design, Real World Interfacing Interfacing of 8051 to LCD, ADC, DAC, Sensors, Stepper Motor, Keyboard. Interfacing to External Memory, Interfacing to the 8255. [22]
Recommended Books
1. I. Scott Mackenzie, The 8051 Microcontroller, Prentice Hall. 2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, J.G. Mazidi, Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson Education Asia. 3. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller- Architecture, Programming and Apllications, Penram International. 4. Sanjay Attri, Microcontrollers and PLCs, Dhanpat Rai and Sons. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Paper Title: Microcontrollers and Interfacing (Practical) Paper Code: EC 557 List of Experiments
1. Write programs for Data Moving Instructions, Byte Level and Bit Level Logical Operations, Rotate and Swap operations, Arithmetic Operations, Jump and Call Instructions, Calls and Subroutines, Interrupts and returns as follows: 2. Write a program to compute sum of N natural numbers. 3. Write a program to find the smallest element of an array of N integers. 4. Write a program to perform BINARY SEARCH on an array that is sorted in ascending order. 5. Write a program to compute the sum of odd elements of an array of 8-bit integers. 6. Compute the address of the elements of 5 x 5 matrix 7. Multiply two 2 x 2 matrices. Try to make it generalized. 8. Write programs for Timer Interrupts, Serial port Interrupts. 9. Write programs for Interfacing of 8051 to LCD, ADC, DAC, Sensors, Stepper Motor, keyboard, Interfacing to External Memory, Interfacing to the 8255.
Credit: 1
Paper Title:- VLSI Design (Theory) Paper Code: EC 508 Max. Marks/Credit: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Introduction to MOS Technology Basic MOS transistors, Enhancement and Depletion mode transistors, nMOS fabrication. (5)
MOS Circuits (7) Parameters, Pass Transistor, nMOS inverter, CMOS inverter, MOS transistor circuit model, Latch up in CMOS circuits, Basic gates, depletion and enhance mode pull ups. MOS circuit Design Processes (10) MOS layers, Stick Diagrams, nMOS design style, CMOS design style, Design rules and layout, Lambda based design rules, contact cuts, Double Metal MOS process rules, CMOS lambda-based design rules,.
Circuit Characterization (8) Resistance estimation, Capacitance Estimation, Power dissipation, Inverter delays, super buffers, propagation delays, Charge sharing. CMOS Design Methods and Testing (10) Design strategies, CMOS chip design options, the need for testing, Design strategies for test, Chip-level test techniques VLSI Tools (5) Role of CAD tools in VLSI design process, Hierarchy of simulation tools, tanner tool, CMOS Layout tool: Microwind
Recommended Books
1. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design- Neil H.E. Weste and Kamran Eshraghian, Addison-Wesley. 2. CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits- Sung- Mo (Steve) Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, Mc-graw Hill 3. Basic VLSI Design-Douglas- A. Pucknell, PHI 4. VLSI technology-S.M. SZE, Mc Graw Hill. ______________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title:-VLSI Design (Practical) Paper code: EC 558 Credit: 1
List of Experiments (T-SPICE) 1. Introduction to Tanner tool. 2. Transient analysis of Digital Inverter. 3. Transient analysis of NOR, OR. 4. Transient analysis of NAND, AND. 5. DC and AC analysis of Inverter. 6. DC and AC analysis of Common source amplifier configuration. 7. DC and AC analysis of basic MOS based current mirror.
1. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits- Behzad Razavi, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. 2. SPICE for circuits and electronics using PSPICE- Muhammad H. Rashid, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. _____________________________________________________________________________
Paper Title: Antennas & Wave Propagation (Theory) Paper Code: EC 509 Max Marks/credit: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Antenna Radiation [15] Antenna Parameters: Antenna impedance, Directional patterns, Effective length, Radiation Intensity, Directivity, Power gain, Efficiency, Effective area, Equivalent circuit, Front to back ratio, polarization and antenna temperature, Radiation field, Radiation power, Radiation resistance, Directivity and gain of an alternating current element, half wave dipole and quarter wave monopole, Effect of earth on patterns. Antenna Arrays: [10] Multiplication of patterns, one dimensional broadside and endfire arrays, Feed network for arrays: series, shunt, delta matching, Impedance matching: Folded dipole, BALUNS and stubs, Yagi Uda array, log-periodic arrays, Dolph-Techebysheff arrays. PART B Practical Antennas: [8] Top loading and tuning, rhombic antennas, ferrite rod, whip antennas, Receiving antennas, frequency independent antennas. Wave Propagation: [12] Modes of Propagation: Surface Wave Propagation, Sky Wave (Ionospheric) Propagation- Virtual height, Maximum usable Frequency, Skip Distance, Optimum working frequency, Space Wave (Tropospheric) Propagation- line of sight distance.
Recommended Books 1. Antennas and Wave Propagation by G S N Raju, Pearson publications 2. Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation by K D Prasad Satya Prakashan 3. Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation by Collin R.E. Mc-Graw Hill. 4. Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation by Krauss, TMH 5. Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation by Ballanis, john Wiley & Sons
Paper Title: Digital System Design (Theory) Paper Code: EC 510 Max Marks/Credits: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Course Duration: 45 lectures of one hour each. Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Combinational Circuits: [20] Review of switching algebra: Definitions, Theorems, Functions of n variable, Logic Detailed Diagram and Symbols minimization, Minimization Techniques: optimal combinations with K-map and tabular methods, simplification & minimization, complimentary approach with map method, map method for multi-output functions, Tabular and Iterative consensus method for obtaining prime implicants for single and multioutput functions. Error Correction and Detection: Error detection and correction techniques, Single error detection, Single error correction with double error Fault detection and Location in combinational circuits: Different methods of detecting and locating Faults in combinational circuits.
Sequential Circuits [25] Synchronous circuits: Concept of state diagram and state table, state assignment, Analysis and synthesis of sequential circuits, designs of Next state decoder and output decoder, state reduction, Machine minimization of completely and incompletely specified machines. Asynchronous Circuits: Analysis and Synthesis of Asynchronous circuits, Races and Cycles, hazards in asynchronous circuits. Sequential Machine Flow Charts, synthesis using sequential machine flow charts. Fault detection and Location in sequential circuits.
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Switching and Finite Automata Theory by Kohavi, TMH. Switching Theory & Logic Design by Rao, Pearson Ed. Digital circuits and Logic Design By Lee, PHI. Computer Logic Design, Morris Mano, PHI Switching circuits for Engineers, Marcus, PHI Introduction to Digital systems, James Palmier, David Perlman
Paper Title: Digital System Design (Practical) Paper Code: EC 560 List of Experiments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. To Design and test the minimized circuit of Full Adder. To Design and test the minimized circuit of BCD to Binary Converter Implement decade counter using minimum number of gates To test the minimized circuit of Decimal to BCD Encoder Design and test hexadecimal to binary Encoder Implement and test BCD to 7-Segment decoder Design a sequence detector to detect a given sequence Design and test twisted type ring counter Implement the minimized circuit of Modulo-6 counter To design, implement and test a 16 :4 multiplexer using logic gates. To design, implement and test a 4:16 demultiplexer using logic gates. Design & test Johnson Counter.
Credit: 1
Paper title: Computer Networks (Theory) Paper Code: EC511 Max Marks/credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Introduction: [5] Computer Networks, Network Hardware, Network Software, OSI & TCP/IP Reference models, ARPANET, Frame Relay, Introduction to Internet, ATM, Network devices: Hub, Bridge, Switch (Layer 2 & Layer 3), Router & Gateway, Addressing: Physical addresses, Logical addresses, Port Addresses. Physical Layer: [5] Data Communication concepts, Wired and Wireless transmission media, Transmission Impairments and Performance, Parallel and Serial Transmission, Switching, Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, and Virtual Circuit Switching, Introduction to PSTN. Data Link Layer [6] Data link layer Design Issues, Framing, Error Detection and Correction, Flow Control, Sliding Window Protocols, HDLC, SLIP, and PPP. Medium Access Control Sublayer [6] Channel Allocation, ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, IEEE LAN Standards: Ethernet (802.3), Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless LAN (802.11), Broadband Wireless (802.16), Bluetooth.
Network Layer: [12] Network layer Design Issues, IPv4 and IPv6 Structure and addresses, Routing algorithms Shortest path, Flooding, Distance Vector Routing and Link State Routing; General principles of Congestion Control, Congestion Control in Datagram and Virtual Circuit Subnets, Brief idea of Quality of Service, Internetworking, IP protocol, IP Addresses, Internet Control Protocols, Subnetting and Supernetting, ARP, NAT, DHCP. Transport Layer: The Transport Service, Elements of Transport Protocols, TCP & UDP Protocols [5]
Application Layer: [6] Domain Name System, SMTP, FTP, TELNET, HTTP, WWW, SNMP, Multimedia, and Cryptography.
Recommended Books
1. A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4th Edition, PHI, 2004 2. B. A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, TMH, 1st ed, 2000. 3. William Stallings, Data & Computer Communication, PHI, 6th Edition, 2002. 4. S. Keshav, An Engineering approach to Computer Networking, Addison Wesley, 1999 _________________________________________________________________________________
Paper title: Advanced Microprocessors (Theory) Max Marks/credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
8086 Architecture: [4] CPU Architecture, Internal operation, addressing modes, instructions formats, Instruction execution timing. Assembly Language Programming: [7] Assembler Instruction formats, Data Transfer, Arithmetic, Branch, loop, machine control, logical, Shift and rotate instructions, Directives and operators. Modular Programming: Linking & relocation, stacks, procedures, Interrupt and routines. Byte And String Manipulation: String instruction, prefix, text editor, number format conversion. I/O Programming: Fundamental I/O consideration programmed I/O, Interrupt I/O, Block Transfer and DMA. [4] [4] [3]
System Bus Structure: Minimum mode, Maximum mode system bus timing and bus standard. Numeric Data Processor: 8087, NOP data types, Processor architecture [5] [8]
Intel 386 And 486 Microprocessors: [10] Intel 386 Microprocessor, Intel 486 Microprocessor, 486DX Architecture, Register Organisation of 486 Microprocessor, memory organization, Virtual Memory, Memory Management Unit(MMU), Interrupts and Exceptions, Addressing Modes of 80486.
Recommended Books
1. Microcomputer Systems 8086/8088 Family Yu Cheng Liu and G.A.Gibson, PHI 2. Intel's Microcontroller Handbook
________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title: Advanced Microprocessors (Practical) Paper Code: EC 657 List of Experiments
1. Write a program to load register A, B, C and D with same constant (e.g.A1). Try to optimize your program in such a way that you use the smallest number of program bytes. Test your program in single step mode.
Credit: 1
Assume that 4 bytes of data restored at consecutive locations of the data memory starting at location X. Write a program that loads register E with(X) i.e. With data contained at memory location X, D with (X+1), C with (X+2) and B with (X+3+0) (a) Use direct addressing mode (LDA) (b) User register indirect addressing mode (M) Test your program in single step mode. (a) Write a program which tests the zero condition of data byte specified at data memory location X. If it is zero, a 00 should be stored at location X+1, otherwise FF. (b) Write a program which tests the allonecondition of data byte specified at date memory location X. If all the bytes are 1, store 01 at location X+1, otherwise 00. Four bytes of data are specified at consecutive data memory locations starting X. Write a program which increments the value of 4 bytes by 1. Two unsigned binary numbers are stored at consecutive data memory locations, X+1. Write a program for computing (X+1)-(X). The magnitude of the result should be stored at Y and the sign 00 if positive and 01 if negative at Y+1. (a) A double precision number, i.e. a 16 bit unsigned number, is stored X and X+1, with low order byte at X. Another double precision number is stored at Y and Y+1. Add the two numbers and store the result a W and W+1. (b) Same as (a). Subtract the two numbers and store the result at W and W+1. A code word is stored at memory location X. Write a program fro testing whether the code word belongs to 2/5 code, and set the location Y to FF if yes 00 if no. The code word is valid if three MSBs are zero and if the number if 1s in the remaining 5 bits is 2 (2/5 Code). A counter is defined as register (e.g. B) which gets decremented till zero. Define such a counter as subroutine. Write a program, which consist of two counters, You must implement the following steps 1. Set initial value of counter to 1. 2. Call counter subroutine. 3. Set initial value of counter to 2. 4. Call counter subroutine. 5. Go back to step 1. (a) N binary numbers are stored at consecutive data memory locations, starting at x, where N is defined at data member location NUMBER. Find the largest number and display it in the data field. (b) N binary numbers are started consecutive data member locations starting at X. Rearrange the numbers in ascending order. A binary number is stored at data member locations X. Multiply the number by 10 and display the result in the address field (Hint: bx10=bx2 +bx8, a multiplication by 2 corresponds to a shift left on a bit). An 8 bit binary number is stored at data memory locations. Y. Convert the decimal (BCD) and display the result in the address field. Given 2 digit decimal number at data memory location X and X+1. Find the product using binary multiplications and display the result in address field.
Write a program for moving a data block starting address X to address Y. The addresses X, Y, as well as the block length are specified at some suitable data memory locations. Write a program for moving a data block starting address X to address Y. The addresses X, Y as well as the block length are specified at some suitable data memory locations. A two digit BCD number is stored at memory location X. Convert the number into binary and display the result in data field. Divide a 16 bit number by a 8 bit number and display the result in data field. Write a program for display of decimal umbers 00-99 in sequence with a delay of 15 seconds between any two consecutive numbers.
16. 17.
___________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title: Microwave Engineering (Theory) Paper Code: EC608 Max Marks/Credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Waveguide Components: [12] Transitions, Discontinuities, Matched loads, Shorts, Flanges, Bends & Twists, Attenuator & phase shifters, Microwave Hybrid Circuits: Waveguide Tees, Magic (Hybrid) Tees, Scattering matrix of tees, Hybrid Rings (Rat-Race Circuits), Directional Couplers: Two Hole Directional Couplers, Scattering matrix of a directional coupler, Hybrid Couplers, Multi-hole couplers. Propagation in ferrites, Faraday rotation, Microwave Circulators: 3 port circulators and Isolators, YIG filter rectangular, Microwave cavities: Rectangular, Cylindrical Cavity Resonators, Q-factor of cavity resonator, aperture coupled cavity. Measurements: [4] Slotted waveguide, Swept Frequency Technique Detectors, Power & Impedance measurement. Solid State Sources I: [8] Microwave BJTs, Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) and Tunnel Diodes, Metal-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MESFET), High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT), Transferred Electron Devices (TEDs): GUNN Diode, LSA Diodes. PART B Solid State Sources II: [4]
Avalanche Transit Time Devices: IMPATT Diodes, TRAPATT, BARITT Diodes and Parametric Devices. Microwave Tubes: [12] Microwave Linear Beam Tubes: Klystron, Multicavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Helix Traveling-Wave Tubes (TWT), Coupled Cavity Travelling-Wave Tubes, Microwave Crossed-Field Tubes: Cylindrical Magnetron. Microwave Transmission Lines: [5]
Strip Lines: Introduction, Microstrip Lines, Parallel Strip Lines, Coplanar Strip Lines and Shielded Strip Lines
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Microwave Devices & Circuits---S Y LIAO, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition Microwave---K. C. Gupta, New Age , Edition 2nd Microwave Engineering---Special topics--- R. Chatterjee, East-West Press Foundations of Microwave Engineering---R.E. Collin, Wiley, 2nd Edition Elements of Microwave Engineering--- R. Chatterjee, East-West Press
Credit: 1
List of Experiments
1. Measurement of impedance. 2. Measurement of (i) Insertion loss & (ii) Isolation of a circulator. 3. Measurement of S parameters of a Hybrid Tee. 4. Measurement of SWR. 5. Reflex klystron mode curves. 6. Antenna radiation pattern. 7. Verification of Diode law. 8. Gunn Oscillator characteristics. 9. Directivity & Coupling of a directional coupler 10. To verify the waveguide law. _________________________________________________________________________________
Paper title: Digital Communication (Theory) Paper Code: EC 609 Max Marks/credit: 50/4 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Signal Space Analysis: Geometric Representation of Signals, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure.
Digital modulation techniques: [8] PSK, FSK, MSK, QAM. Error calculations for PSK, FSK, MSK, QAM, Shannons limit, Signal to Noise Ratio Calculations in PCM and DM systems. Information theory and coding: [10] Entropy, Capacity of a Gaussian Channel. Block codes, Convolution coding and decoding, Soft and Hard decision decoding, State & Trellis diagrams, Viterbi Algorithm, Trellis decoded modulation. PART B Multiplexing and Multiple Access: [8]
Allocation of communication Resources, FDM/FDMA, TDM/TDMA, CDMA, SDMA, Multiple Access Communications and Architecture, Access Algorithms. Spread Spectrum Techniques: [8] Spread Spectrum Overview, Pseudonoise Sequences, Direct Sequence and Frequency Hopped Systems, Synchronization of DS and FH systems, Jamming Considerations, Commercial Applications. Signal design for band-limited channels for No Inter Symbol Interference: [7] Pulse shaping to Reduce ISI, types of error-performance degradation, demodulation/detection of shaped pulses.
Recommended Books 1. Digital Communications by Bernard Sklar , PHI 2. Principles of Communication Systems Taub and Schilling (Tata McGraw Hill) 3. Communication Signals and Systems S. Haykins (Wiley) 4. Principles of Digital Communication by J. Das, S.K. Mullick, P.K. Chatterjee, New Age International
Paper title: Digital Communication (Practical) Paper Code: EC 659 List of Experiments
1. Design and practical implementation of ASK systems 2. Design and practical implementation of PSK systems 3. Design and practical implementation of QPSK systems 4. Design and practical implementation of FSK systems 5. To study the application of CDMA in voice communications 6. To practically compare the noise in PCM and DM systems 7. To practically study Frequency Division Multiplexing. 8. To practically study Time Division Multiplexing. 9. Implementation of Viterbi algorithm using C-language ________________________________________________________________________________
Credit: 1
Paper Title: Computer Architecture & Organization (Theory) Paper code: EC 610 Max Marks/credit: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Register Transfer and Micro-Operations [6] Register Transfer Language, Inter Register Transfer Arithmetic, Complements, fixed and floating point Representation, Micro-Operations, Shift Micro-Operations and Control Operations. Basic Computer Origination and design [6]
Instruction Codes, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Execution of Instructions, Input, Output and interrupt, Design of Computer. Computer Software [7] Programming Language, Assembly Language, The Assembler, Program Loops, Programming Arithmetic and Logic Operations, Subroutines, Input-Output Programming. Control Processor Organization [7] Processor Bus Organization, ALU stack Organization, General Register Organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control, Microprocessor Organization, Pipelining, Parallel Processing.
Micro program Control Organization [6] Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro program Sequences, Microinstruction Formats, and Software Aids. Arithmetic Processor Design [6] Comparison and Subtraction of unsigned Binary Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Algorithm, Processor configuration and control Input-Output & Memory Organization [7] Input-Output interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, DMA, Priority Interrupt, I/O Processor, Virtual Memory, Cache Memory, Associative memory, Memory Management Hardware.
Recommended Books
1. M. Morris Mano, Computer system & Architecture, Pearson Education 2. Hayes .J.P, Computer architecture and organization, Narosa Publications 3. M. Morris and Charles R. Kinre, Logic and computer design Fundamentals, Pearson Education _______________________________________________________________________________
Paper Title: Control Systems Paper Code: EC611 Max Marks/credit: 50/3 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Introduction: [6] History of automatic control, servomechanism, regulating systems, open loop , closed loop control systems, feedback , effect of feed back, linear and non linear control systems, block diagrams , Examples: speed control system, robot control system., temperature controls system traffic control system , business control systems etc. Modeling: [7] Differential equations of physical systems, electrical, mechanical, translational, rational, gear systems, thermal systems. Electrical, mechanical analogies, Laplace transforms, transfer function. Block diagram algebra, signal flow graphs, characteristic equation, Control system components: Error detectors potentiometer, synchros, stepper motor, ac and dc techogenenrators.
Time Domain Analysis: [4] Typical test input signals, Transient response of the first order, second order system, Time domain specifications Dominant closed loop poles of higher order systems, Steady state error and error coefficients. Stability: Concepts of absolute and relative stability pole zero location, Routh-Hurwitz criteria. Root Locus Technique: Introduction, Root Locus Concept, Construction Root Loci, Stability analysis. PART B FREQUENCY RESPONSE: [8] [2]
Introduction, bode diagram, polar plots, log magnitude vs. phase plot, nyquist stability criterion, stability analysis, relative stability, Gain margin & Phase margin close loop frequency response. INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN:
Necessity of compensation, lag and lead compensation, design of PID Controller. STATE SPACE ANALYSIS: [9] Concept of State, state variable and state vector, state space modeling of continuous time and discrete time systems, solution of state equation, concepts of controllability and observability, pole-placement design. [5]
Recommended Books
1. I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, Control Systems Engineering, Wiley Easter 2. R. T. Stefani et al, Design of feedback Control Systems, Oxford University Press 3. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, PHI
Paper Title:-Optical Communication (Theory) Paper code: EC 708 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Overview of Optical Fibre Communication: [03] Elements of basic communication system, communication system architecture, advantages of optical communication, Definition of dB and dBm. Optical Fibre Wave Guides: [06] Ray Theory of Transmission: Total Internal reflection, Acceptance Angle, Numerical Aperture, Electromagnetic mode theory for optical communication of both types of fibers viz step index fiber and graded index fibres. Signal Degradation in Optical Fibres: [10] Attenuation, Material absorption losses, linear and non linear scattering losses, fiber bend loss, dispersion viz intermodal dispersion and intramodal dispersion, overall fiber dispersion and polarization mode dispersion, Introduction to nonlinear effects: Self phase modulation, cross phase modulation, Stimulated Brillion and Raman scattering, Four Wave Mixing. PART B Optical Sources and Detectors: [10] Sources: Basic principle of surface emitter LED and edge emitter LED- material used, structure, internal quantum efficiency and characteristics, LASER Diode - material used, structure, internal quantum efficiency and characteristics, working Principle and characteristics of Distributed feedback (DFB) laser. Detectors: PIN photodiode - material used, working principle & characteristics, Avalanche Photodiode: material used, working principle and characteristics. Digital and Analog Transmission System: [12] Overview of Analog Links, Carrier to Noise Ratio, Multichannel Amplitude &Frequency Modulation. Point to point Digital links, link power budget, Rise time budget, Introduction to Principle of WDM, Basic Application and types of Optical Amplifiers, Semiconductor Optical Amplifier, Eribum doped fiber amplifiers, Amplifier Noise. Optical Fiber Measurements: [04] Optical Power Meter, optical attenuator, Attenuation Measurements: Cutback technique, Insertion losses Method, Optical Time domain Reflectometer (OTDR), OTDR Trace, Eye Patterns.
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. Optical Fiber Communication by Gerd Keiser, Mc Graw Hill International Publications. Optical Fiber Communication Principles & Practice by John M.Senior,PHI Publication Optical Communication Systems by John Gowar, PHI Publications. Fundamentals of Fibre Optics in Telecommunication and sensor systmes by Bishnu P.Pal, New Age International (P) Ltd. 5. G.P Agrawal, Fiber Optic Communication Wiley Publisher 6. D.F Mynbacv and L. Scheiner, Fiber optic communication technology, Pearson Education. 7. Ghatak and K. Thyangarajan, Int. to fiber optics Cambridge University press, 1998. ___________________________________________________________________________
Max. Marks: 50
To study the propagation loss and bending loss in optical fiber. To set up a fiber optic analog link. To set up a digital fiber optic link. Study of intensity modulation technique using analog and digital input signal. To study the frequency modulation and demonstrate voice transmission through optic fiber using FM. Measurement of optical power and propagation loss using optical power meter. To determine the bit rate supported by the fiber optic link. To study the characteristics of PIN diode. To demonstrate the concept of WDM system. __________________________________________________________________________
Paper Title:-Digital Signal Processing Paper code: EC 709 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Introduction: (6) Classification of Discrete-time Signals & Systems, The Sampling Theorem, Stability and Causality, Convolution of Discrete-time signals, Correlation of Discrete time signals, Analysis of Discrete-time LTI systems, Solution of Linear constant coefficient difference equations, Frequency domain representation of discrete time system, System function. Review of Transforms: (6) Review of Fourier series and Fourier Transform for continuous-time and discrete-time signals, Reconstruction using Interpolation filter, Aliasing, Z-Transform and its properties, Inverse Z transform. Frequency Domain Representation of Signals & Systems: (11) Discrete Fourier Transform and its properties, Divide and Conquer approach to computation of DFT, Filtering of long data sequences, Fast Fourier Transform, Decimation in time and Decimation in frequency algorithms, Discrete Cosine Transform, Wavelet Transform.
Digital Filters: (11) Ideal Filter vs Practical Filters, General Specifications and Design Steps, Comparison of FIR & IIR Filters, Design of FIR Filters using Window technique, Frequency sampling technique, Design of IIR Filters using Impulse Invariance technique, Bilinear Transformation, Design of IIR Filters using Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic filter, Digital frequency transformation.
Implementation of Discrete Time Systems: (8) Block diagrams and signal flow graphs for FIR and IIR systems, Direct form, Cascade form, Frequency Sampling Structures, and Lattice structures for FIR systems, Direct form, Cascade form, Parallel form, and Lattice and Lattice-Ladder Structures for IIR systems, Representation fixed point and floating point numbers, Finite word length effects, Arithmetic operations. Multirate Signal Processing: (5) Basic Sampling rate alteration devices, Multirate structures, Multistage design, Polyphase decomposition, Introduction to digital filter banks.
Recommended Books
1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications Fourth Edition by Proakis & Manolakis, Pearson Education Ltd. 2. Digital Signal Processing by E C Ifeacher and B W Jervis, Pearson 3. Digital Signal Processing by A.V Oppenheim and R.W.Schafer, Pearson Education Ltd. 4. Digital Signal Processing by Sanjit and Mitra. Tata Mcgraw Hill. 5. Digital Signal Processing by S Salivahanan, A Vallavraj, C Gnanapriya. Tata Mcgraw Hill. _______________________________________________________________________________
Max. Marks: 50
List of Experiments: 1. Introduction to MATLAB. 2. Generating & Plotting Discrete time signals. 3. Study the effect of noise on signals in MATLAB. 4. Inverse Z Transform. 5. Convolution of Causal & Non Causal sequences in MATLAB. 6. Auto & Cross-Correlation in MATLAB. 7. Detection of Signals buried in Noise. 8. System Response to Arbitrary Inputs. 9. DFT & IDFT of two sequences. 10. FFT of two Sequences. 11. Circular Convolution. 12. Convolution using ovelap-add method and overlap-save methods. 13. FIR Filter Design using Window Method in MATLAB. 14. IIR Filter Design using Bilinear Transformation in MATLAB. 15. IIR Filter Design using Impulse Invariance in MATLAB. 16. Butterworth and Chebyshev Digital IIR Filters in MATLAB. 17. Implementation of Filter Structures. 18. Interpolation and Decimation of sequences. 19. Implementation of digital filter banks. 20. Study of DSP kits. 21. System Design based on DSP kits.
Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Introduction [12] Evolution of Mobile Communication Systems, Paging systems, cordless telephone systems, cellular telephone systems, comparison of common wireless communication systems, 2G cellular networks, 2.5 G wireless network, HSCSD, GPRS, EDGE technology, 3G wireless network, UMTS, 3G CDMA2000, 3G TDSCDMA, Wireless Local Loop, Blue tooth and Personal Area Networks. System Design Fundamentals [9] Frequency reuse, Channel alignment strategies, handoff strategies, interference and system capacity, improving coverage and capacity in cellular systems, parameters for mobile multipath channel, Small scale fading.
Modulation Techniques [10] Amplitude modulation, Angle Modulation, Digital Modulation, Linear modulation techniques, Constant envelope modulation, spread spectrum modulation techniques, Equalization, Equalizers in communication receiver, Diversity techniques, RAKE receiver, Fundamentals of channel coding Multiple Access Techniques FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, SDMA [3]
Wireless Networking [4] Difference between wireless and fixed telephone networks, development of wireless networks, ISDN Wireless Systems GSM, GSM Architecture, CDMA digital cellular standard, IS-95 system. [7]
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. Wireless Communications Principles and practice by Theodore S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall India Modern Wireless Communications by Simon Haykin , Michael Moher , PHI Wireless Communication and Networking By Jon W Mark, PHI _____________________________________________________________________________
Max. Marks: 50
Note: Students are required to perform experiments from any six blocks by selecting at least two from each sub-block.
List of Practicals
1. Equipment orientation a. Familiarisation with spectrum analyser , simulation softwares, various kits to be used in the laboratory. b. Review of working of function generator , CRO , multimeter & other instruments. 2. Simulation and implementation of baseband digital signals a. Types of baseband signals: unipolar, polar, bipolar, RZ, NRZ, etc. b. Distortion and noise. Eye diagram. 3. Simulation and implementation of modulated digital signals a. PSK, ASK and FSK modulations. b. Demodulation with envelope detection and synchronous. c. PSK differential modulation. d. Quadrature modulations (QASK and QPSK). e. QAM modulation. 4. Global System for Mobiles (GSM) a. Cellular telephony. GSM Architecture. b. Radiofrequency. Traffic and control channels. Frames. c. AT Commands d. Working of GSM mobile station. 5. Multiple Access a. Time division multiple Access b. Frequency division multiple access 6. Spread Spectrum communication systems a. Pseudo-noise coders b. Direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems c. Frequency hopped spread spectrum communication systems d. CDMA wireless computer communication systems 7. Channel Characteristics a. Multipath channel propagation characteristics a. Bit-error rate measurement 8. Wireless Networks a. Bluetooth wireless network. b. Wi-Fi c. Wi-Max ________________________________________________________________________________
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Basic Functions and Concepts of Operating Systems: [5] Concept of an operating systems, batch system, Multi-programmed, Time sharing, Personal Computer System, Parallel system, Real time system, General system Architecture. Features and Objectives of Operating Systems: [11] System components, operating system services, System calls, System Programs, System Structure, System design and implementation. Concept of process, process states, process state transition, process control block, operations of processes, concurrent processes, deadlocks, scheduling algorithms, scheduling criteria, Process Synchronization.
Memory Management: [6] Logical and physical address space, storage allocation and management techniques, swapping, concepts of multi programming, paging, segmentation, virtual storage management strategies, Demand Paging, Page Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing. PART B Information Management: [6] File concept, Access method, Directory structure, Protection File system structure, Allocation methods, Free space management, Directory implementation, Disk structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk management, Swap space management. Distributed-System Structures: [6] Network operating system, Distributed operating systems, Remote services, Robustness, Design Issues. Distributed file systems and Distributed Coordination: [6] Naming and Transparency, Remote file Access, Stateful versus stateless service, File replication, Event ordering, Mutual Exclusion, Atomicity, Concurrency control, Deadlock Handling, Election Algorithms, Reaching Agreement. Case Studies: [5] Unix O.S. Architecture, Operating system services, user perspective, representation of files in Unix system processes and their structure, Input-output system, Memory management, Unix shell, history and evolution of Unix system.
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. Operating Systems by Galvin & Silberschatz Addison Wesley Publishing Ltd. 5th Edition. An Introduction to Operating System by Harvey M. Deitel , Narosa Publishing House, Latest Edition. Operating Systems: Design and implementation by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, PHI, 2nd Edition. Operating system, by Millan Milankovic, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition.
Paper Title: RADAR ENGINEERING (Theory) Paper code: EC 712 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Radar Fundamentals [7] Radar Principles, Target Information Extraction, Radar Equation, Signals & Signal Processing: An Introduction, Types of Radars & Radar Functions. Radar Signal Processing: Moving Target Indicators & Doppler Processing [7] Doppler & Moving Target Indicator(MTI) Fundamentals, MTI Principles & Methods, Blind Doppler Shifts & PRF Stagger, CW, High PRF, & Medium PRF Doppler Processing. The Radar Equation [10] Radar Equation Introduction, Points Targets in Noise, Radar Equation with Pulse Compression, Search Radars, Tracking Radars, CW & Pulse Doppler Radar, Area Targets & Clutter, Volume Targets & Clutter, Self-
Protection Jamming, Stando Jamming, Augmentation, Bistatic Radar Equation, including Missile Illumination, Losses in Radar Equation.
Targets & Interfering Signals [7] Radar cross-section (RCS), Definition & Fundamentals, RCS Fluctuations, Target Fluctuation Models. Target Echo Information Extraction [7] Ranging, Target Velocity (Doppler Shift), Range & Velocity with CW & Pulse Doppler Waveforms, Radar height-finding. Radar Antennas [7] Antenna Principles, Array of Discrete Elements-Principles, Radar Antenna Configurations, Sidelobe Suppression Techniques, Reflector Antennas.
Recommended Books 1. Radar: Principles, Technology, Applications by Byron Edde (Pearson Education) 2. Introduction to Radar Systems by Skolnik ( Mc Graw Hill) 3. Microwave and Radar Engg by M. Kulkarni, Umesh Publications
________________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title: Web Technologies (Theory) Paper Code: EC 713 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Internet and World Wide Web: [6] Introduction, Internet Addressing, ISP, types of Internet Connections, Introduction to WWW, WEB Browsers, WEB Servers, URLS, http, WEB applications, Tools for website creation. HTML: [5] Introduction to HTML, Lists, adding graphics to HTML page, creating tables, linking documents, frames, HTML and Style sheets Java Script: [11] Introduction, programming constructs: variables, operators and expressions, conditional checking, functions and dialog boxes, JavaScript DOM, creating forms, introduction to Cookies.
Java: [16] Introduction to java objects and classes, control statements, arrays, inheritance, polymorphism, Exception handling, Multithreading, Building the Java Applets, Boxes, Radio Button, Managing Multiple controls, Scrollbars, Choice controls, Scrolling lists, Windows, Menu and Dialog Boxes, Pop up Windows, Graphics in Java, Mouse events, Drawing Objects, Fonts, Canvases, Images, Image maps, Graphics, Animation. XML: [7] Why XML, XML syntax rules, XML elements, XML attributes, XML DTD displaying XML with CSS.
Recommended Books: 1. Java, How to Program, 6th edition, H.M. Deitel, P,J. Deitel, PHI 40
2. Java 2: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition, Patrick Naughton, TMH 3. Web Enabled Commercial Application Development, by Ivan Bayross, BPB. 4. Learning XML by Eric T.Ray, Second edition, O Reilly and Associates
Paper Title: Cyber Laws & IPR Paper Code: AS 701 Max Marks: 100 Time : 3Hrs
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Basics of Computer & Internet Technology [8] Internet, ISP & domain name; Network Security; Encryption Techniques and Algorithms; Digital Signatures Introduction to Cyber World [3] Introduction to Cyberspace and Cyber Law; Different Components of cyber Laws; Cyber Law and Netizens E-Commerce [8] Introduction to E-Commerce; Different E-Commerce Models; E-Commerce Trends and Prospects; ECommerce and Taxation; Legal Aspects of E-Commerce.
Intellectual Property Rights [11] IPR, Copyright and Patents, International Treaties and Conventions, Business Software Patents, Domain Name Disputes and Resolution. IT Act, 2000 [11] Reasons, Aims, Objectives and Applications, Regulators under IT Act, Role of Certifying Authority, Digital Signature Certificates, Duties of the Subscribers, Cyber Crimes-Offences and Contraventions, Grey Areas of IT Act. Project Work [04] Candidates will be required to work on a project. At the end of the course, students will make a presentation and submit the project report.
Recommended Books
1. A Guide to Cyber Laws & IT Act 2000 with Rules & Notification by Nandan Kamath, Edition Latest, Universal Law Publishing 2. Cyber Cops, Cyber Criminals & Internet by Keith Merill & Deepti Chopra, I K International, Edition Latest 3. Information Technology Law by Diane Row Land, Routledge-Cavendish, Edition Latest 4. Handbook of Cyber Laws by Vakul Sharma (Mc Millian), Edition Latest
Paper Title: Digital Image Processing (Theory)
Paper code: EC 808 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Introduction [4] Fundamental Steps in Image Processing, Elements of Digital Image Processing, Image Acquisition, Storage, Processing. Image Perception [8] Structure of the human eye, light, luminance, brightness, contrast, image model, sampling and quantization-uniform and non uniform, basic relationships between pixels, Imaging geometry, Camera model, Perspective Transformation, stereo imaging. Image Enhancement [10] Spatial domain methods, Enhancement by point processing, histogram processing, image subtraction, image averaging, spatial filtering, smoothing filters, sharpening filters, Enhancement in the frequency domain, Color image processing. PART B Image Transforms [11] Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Properties of the Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, Inverse FFT, Walsh Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Haar Transform, Slant Transform. Image Compression [12] Fundamentals, Coding Redundancy, Interpixel Redundancy, Psychovisual Redundancy, Fidelity Criteria, Image Compression Models, Source Encoder and Decoder, Channel Encoder and Decoder, Elements of Information Theory, Measuring Information, Information Channel, Fundamental Coding Theorems, Using Information Theory, Error-Free Compression, Variable-Length Coding, Bit-Plane Coding, Lossless Predictive Coding, Lossy Compression, Lossy Predictive Coding, Transform Coding, Image Compression Standards.
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Digital Image processing by R.C. Gonzalez and R.F.Woods (Pearson Education) Digital Image Processing by W.K.Pratt, Tata McGraw Hill Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by A.K Jain Digital Image Processing and Analysis, by B. Chandra and D. Dutta Majumder Algorithms for image Processing and Computer Vision by James R.Parker The Image Processing Handbook, Fourth Edition by John C. Ruses Digital Image Processing using MATLAB by Woods & Gonzalez (Pearson Education) ______________________________________________________________________________
Paper Title: Digital Image Processing (Practical) Paper code: EC 858 List of Experiments (Based on MATLAB)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Intensity transformation Histogram Processing. Spatial Filtering. Frequency Domain Processing. Image Restoration. Image Denoising Color Image Processing Wavelet Transform 9. Image Compression _________________________________________________________________________________Paper Paper Title: Advanced Digital Communication (Theory) Paper code: EC 809 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 50
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
[16] Digital PAM, binary PAM formats, line coding, bandlimited digital PAM systems, Nyquist pulse shaping, equalization, synchronization techniques, bit and frame synchronization. Coded pulse modulation, voice digitization rate (VDR) of PCM, DPCM, DM, ADM, CVSD, log PCM, their performance comparison, VDR reduction by speech coding, VOCODERS, noise performance of PCM and DM, Digital multiplexes. AT & T and CCITT hierarchies, quasi-synchronous multiplexes.
Matched, correlation and optimum filters and symbol error rate. [4] Access Technologies: Digital Subscriber line, Fiber, Cable, Broadband fixed wireless access. [2] PART B
Digital CW modulation, BPSK, DPSK, QPSK, Mary PSK, QASK, BFSK, Doubinary encoding, QPR coherent and non-coherent systems, error probabilities in PSK, DPSK, FSK, QPSK, 16 QAM, MSK, QPR and bit.
[12] Spread Spectrum techniques: DS, CDMA, FH, PN sequence, Power requirement, PN- sequence code, and Walshs code. [6] ISDN: ISDN structure, Basic & Primary rate access, ISDN services. Signalling: In-Channel & common channel signalling, SS7. Recommended Books
1. Digital Communication. By Haykins Mc Graw Hill Int Edition.
[3] [2]
2. 3. 4. 5.
Modern Digital & Analog Communication . By B P Lathi, Oxford University Press. Communication. Systems by A B Carlson, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2000. Digital Communications by J. G. Proakis, McGraw-Hill, 1995. Digital Communications by Ian A Glover& Peter M Grant , Pearson Education 2008. _________________________________________________________________________
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Fundamentals of Neural Networks [7] Classical AI and Neural Networks, characteristics of neural networks, Historical perspective, The biological inspiration, models of artificial neuron & activation functions, Artificial neural networks & architectures. Training of artificial neural networks. Supervised Learnin [10] Learning and memory, Representation of perceptron, Linear separability, Perceptron Learning, Training of single layer and multi-layer, back propagation training algorithm, Applications of backpropogation, Universal function approximation. Attractors Neural Networks [8] Introduction, Associative memory, Hopfield networks, Content addressable memory, Bidirectional associative memories. PART B ART Networks [7] Vector quantization & simplified ART architecture, Architectures & algorithms of ART1 & ART2 networks, Applications. Self-organizing Feature Map Introduction, Competitive learning, Maxican Hat networks, SOFM algorithm, Applications. [6]
Fuzzy Logic [7] Basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy vs Crisp set, Fuzzy uncertainty & Linguistic variables, membership functions, operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy rules for approximate reasoning, variable inference techniques, defuzzification techniques, Applications of fuzzy logic, Fuzzy system design. Recommended Books 1. Neural Networks A Classroom Approach by Satish Kumar, TMH.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Neural Networks, fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms by Rajasekaran & Vijayalakhmi Pai, PHI. Neural Network Design by Hagan, Demuth & Beale, CENGAGE Learning. Neural Networks A Comprehensive Foundation by Simon Haykin, Pearson Education. Fuzzy Logic with engineering applications by Ross, Mc-Graw Hil
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Introduction Review of Embedded Hardware [10] Memory, Microprocessors, Buses, Direct Memory Access, Interrupts, Built ins on the Microprocessor, Conventions used on Schematic, Microprocessor Architecture, Interrupt Basic, Shared Data Problems, Interrupt Latency. PIC Micro controller & Interfacing [14] Introduction, CPU Architecture, Register file structure, Instruction Set, Programs, Timers and Interrupts Interrupt Service Routine features of Interrupts Interrupt vector & Priority, Timing Generation & Measurements, Compare mode, Capture mode, Event counter, PWM, Frequency Measurement Interfacing Methods, I/O Interface, SPI, LCD interfacing, Seven segment interfacing, I2 C Bus, DAC, Serial EEPROM, ADC, UART.
Software Development & Tools: [9] Software architectures, Round Robin, Round-Robin with Interrupts, Function Queue Scheduling architecture, Introduction to assembler Compiler n Cross compilers and Integrated Development Environment IDE, Linker/ Locators, Simulators, Getting Embedded software into target System Debugging Strategies,. Introduction to Real Time Operating Systems: Task And Task States, Tasks and Data, Semaphores and shared data [5]
Operating System Services: [7] Message queues, Mailboxes and Pipes, Timer Function, Events, Memory Management, Interrupt Routines in an RTOS Environment, Basic Design Using RTOS.
Recommended Books
1. An Embedded Software Primer, by David E. Simon, Pearson Education, Latest Edition. 2. PIC Microcontroller by John B. Peatman, Pearson Education, Latest Edition. 3. D. D. Gajski, F. Vahid, S. Narayan, J. Gong, Specification and Design of Embedded Systems, Prentice Hall.
4. Steve Heath, Embedded systems design, Newnes, 1997. 5. Hardware Software Co-design of Embedded Systems, F. Balarin, Chiodo, et al., Kluwer
Academic Publishers, May 1997 Paper Title: Embedded System Design (Practical)
Paper code: EC 861
List of Experiments: based on Theory ______________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title: Solid State Devices Modeling and Simulation (Theory)
Paper Code: EC812 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART -A Properties of Semiconductor Physics- charge carriers in semiconductor, Extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductor, position of fermi level, carrier transport Phenomena, nonequilibrium excess carriers in semiconductors.P-n Junction:-Base structure of the P-n Junction, P-n Junction current, Semiconductor model, Generation and Recombination currents. Junction break down, charge storage and transients.Bipolar Transistors : BJT action, minority carrier distribution, low frequency CB current gain, equilibrium circuit Models, nonideal effects, frequency limitation. [23] PART-B Junction field effect transistor:-JFET concepts, device characteristics, nonideal effects, equivalent circuit and frequency limitation, Metal oxide Semiconductor field effect transistors:- Metal semiconductor ohmic contacts, MOS structure and operation , capacitance -voltage characteristics ,small signal equivalent circuits, nonideal effects. Hetrojunctions:-hetrojunction materials ,energy-band diagrams, current-voltage characteristics.Optical Devices :Optical absorption, solar cell , Light Emitting device. [22]
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Donald Neamen, Tata McGraw Hill. Device Electronics for Integrated circuits by Richard S.Muller Theodore I. Kamins, John Wiley and Sons, 1986. Fundamentals of Semi-Conductor Devices by Edward S. Yang. McGraw Hill, 1988. Physics of Semi Conductor Devices by S.M. Sze, 1981.
______________________________________________________________________ Paper Title: Solid State Devices Modeling and Simulation (Practical)
Paper code: EC 862
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
PART- A Theory and Design of Differential and operational Amplifier with Bipolar Technology, Analog VLSI issues in CMOS technologies, Basic MOS Models, SPICE Models and frequency dependent parameters. Single stage amplifiers:-basic concepts , common-source stage, source follower, common-gate stage. Passive and active current mirrors:-basic current mirrors, cascode current mirrors, active current mirrors. MOS Differential amplifier. CMOS op-amps:-Design of CMOS op-amp, compensation of opamp, design of two state op-amp. [23] PART- B Switched capacitor circuits:-sampling switches, switched-capacitor amplifiers, switched-capacitor integrator. Comparator Design:-characterization of comparators open loop comparator improving the performance of open loop comparators. Analog-to-Digital Converters:-serial A/D converters, Successive approximation A/D converters, Digital-to-Analog Converters:-current and voltage scaling D/A converters, Analog Multipliers [22]
Refernce Books: 1. Philip E.Allen,Douglas R.Holberg, CMOS Analog Circuit Design ,second edition, Newyork: Oxford 2006 2. B. Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, New York: McGrawHill, 2001. 3. Gray and Meyer, " Analysis and Design of Analog ICs ", Wiley International, 1996. 3. Gray, Wooley, Brodersen, " Analog MOS Integrated Circuits ", IEEE Press, 1989. 4. Kenneth R. Laker, Willy M.C. Sansen, William M.C.Sansen, " Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems ", McGraw Hill, 1994. 5. Behzad Razavi, " Principles of Data Conversion System Design ", S. Chand & Company Ltd, 2000. ______________________________________________________________________
Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
PART-A Overview of MEMS and Microsystems [6] MEMS and Microsystems, MEMS and Microsystems Products, Evolution of Microfabrication, Multidisciplinary Nature, Microsystems and Miniaturization, Application of Microsystems. Working Principles of Microsystems [6] Microsensors: Acoustic Wave Sensors, Biomedical sensors & Biosensors, Chemical Sensors, Optical Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Thermal Sensors. Microactuation: Actuation using Thermal forces, Actuation using shape-memory alloy, Actuation using Piezoelectric crystal, Actuation using Electrostatic Forces. Scaling Laws in miniaturization [6] Introduction to scaling, Scaling in Geometry, scaling in rigid body dynamics, scaling in electrostatic forces, scaling in electromagnetic forces, scaling in electricity. Materials for MEMS & Microsystems [5] Substrate & wafer, active substrate material, silicon as substrate, gallium arsenide, quartz, piezoelectric materials, polymers, packaging material. PART-B Microsystems Fabrication Processes [7] Photolithography, Ion implantation, Diffusion, Oxidation, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Physical vapor deposition, epitaxy, etching. Overview of Micromachining Bulk micromachining, surface micromachining, LGA process. [8]
Microsystems Design [7] Design Consideration, Process Design, Design of silicon die for micro manufacturing, Computer Aided Design, Introduction to Microsystems Packaging. Refernce Books: 1. MEMS & Microsystems: Design and Manufacture. Tai-Ran Hsu. Mc graw Hill. 2. MEMS, N Mahalik. Mc graw Hill. 3. MEMS and MOEMS Technology and Applications, P.Rai Choudhury. PHI. 4. Microsensors MEMS & Smart Devices, Gardner, CBS Publishers __________________________________________________________________ Paper Title: Artificial Intelligence (Theory)
Paper code: EC 815 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A
Introduction: [6] Artificial Intelligence and its applications, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Level of models, criteria of success, Intelligent Agents, Nature of Agents, Learning Agents. Problem solving techniques: [9]
State space search, control strategies, heuristic search, problem characteristics, production system characteristics., Generate and test, Hill climbing, best first search, A* search, Constraint satisfaction problem, Mean-end analysis, Min-Max Search, Alpha-Beta Pruning, Additional refinements, Iterative Deepening. Planning: [8] The Planning problem, planning with state space search, partial order planning, planning graphs, planning with propositional logic, Analysis of planning approaches, Hierarchical planning, conditional planning, Continuous and Multi Agent planning PART B Knowledge representation: [16] Mapping between facts and representations, Approaches to knowledge representation, Propositional logic, predicate logic, Resolution, Resolution in proportional logic and predicate logic, Clause form, unification algorithm, procedural vs declarative knowledge, Forward vs Backward reasoning, Matching, conflict resolution, Non-monotonic reasoning, Default reasoning, statistical reasoning, fuzzy logic Weak and Strong filler structures, semantic nets, frame, conceptual dependency, scripts. Introduction to Natural Language processing and expert system: [6] Basic Tasks of Natural Language processing, Expert systems, Expert system examples, Expert System Architectures, Rule base Expert systems, Non Monotonic Expert Systems, Decision tree base Expert Systems.
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Elaine Rich Partick Henry Winston Stuart J.Russel George Luger DAN, W. Patterson, A.J. Nillson Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill, 1993. Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley, 1990. AI: A Modern Approach, Pearson Education, Latest Edition Artificial Intelligence, Pearson Education, Latest Edition Introduction to AI and Expert Systems, PHI, latest Edition Principles of AI, Narosa publications, latest Edition
Paper Title: Operations Research Paper Code: EC-816 Max Marks: 50 Time: 3hrs.
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
Optimization Problems: Linear Programming: Graphical Method (Scope as in Chapter 1 of Reference 1), Solution of simultaneous linear equations: An overview (Scope as in Chapter 2, Sections 2.15 2.16 of Reference 1), Basic solutions, lines and hyperplanes, convex sets, extreme points, convex sets and hyperplanes (Scope as in Chapter 2,
Sections 2.19 2.21 of Reference 1), Reduction of any feasible solution to a system of equations to a basic feasible solution. Simplex Method: The simplex algorithm (Scope as in Chapter 3, 4 of Reference 1), Tableau format for simplex computations, Charnes M-method, Two phase method (Scope as in Chapter 5 of Reference 1), The revised simplex method (Scope as in Chapter 7 of Reference 1). (12 Lectures) Duality theory: Formulation of the dual problem, Theorems on duality: Weak Duality Theorem, Strong Duality Theorem, Complementary Slackness Theorem, Dual Simplex Algorithm (Scope as in Chapter 8, Sections 8.1 8.12 of Reference 1). (6 Lectures) Integer Linear Programming: Branch and Bound Algorithm, Cutting Plane Algorithm (Scope as in Chapter 9, Section 9.1 9.2 of Reference 2). (4 Lectures)
Transportation Problem: Initial solution by North-West corner rule, Row minima method, Column minima method, Matrix minima method, Vogels method. Tableau of transportation problem, u-v algorithm for solving transportation problem. Degeneracy in transportation problem. (Scope as in Chapter 9 of Reference 1). (6 Lectures) The Assignment Problem: Hungarian Method (Scope as in Chapter 5, Section 5.4 of Reference 2). (2 Lectures) Traveling Salesman Problem (Scope as in Chapter 9, Section 9.3 of Reference 2). (2 Lectures) Dynamic Programming: Shortest route problem, Knapsack Model, Workforce size model, Equipment replacement model, Investment model, Game of chance (Scope as in Chapter 10, Sections 10.1 10.3, Chapter 15, Section 15.1 15.2 of Reference 2). (6 Lectures) CPM and PERT: Network representation, Critical path computations, Construction of time schedule, Linear programming formulation of CPM, PERT networks (Scope as in Chapter 6, Section 6.6 of Reference 2). (2 Lectures) Basic Queuing Systems: Elements of a queuing model, Pure birth and pure death model, Generalized Poisson queuing model (Scope as in Chapter 17, Section 17.1 to 17.5 of Reference 2). (5 Lectures)
1. G. Hadley. Linear Programming, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Hamdy A. Taha. Operations Research, An Introduction, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2003. 3. Kanti Swaroop, P. K. Gupta, Man Mohan. Operations Research, Twelfth Edition, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2004. 4. A. M. Natarajan, P. Balasubramani, A. Tamilarasi. Operations Research, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2005. _______________________________________________________________________________
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part. PART A Introduction to Physics of the Solid State: [10]
Structure, Size dependence of properties, Crystal structures, Face-Centered cubic nanoparticles, Tetrahedrally Bonded semiconductor structures, Lattice Vibrations, Energy Bands, Insulators, Semiconductors and conductors, Resiprocal Space, Energy Bands and Gaps of Semiconductors, Effective masses, Fermi surfaces, Localized particles, Donors, Acceptors and Deep Traps, Mobility, Excitons. Properties of Individual Nanoparticles: [10] Introduction to Semiconducting Nanoparticles, Introduction to Quantum Dots, wells, wires, Preparation of Quantum Nanostructures, Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes, Fabrication, Structure, Electrical properties, Vibrational properties, Mechanical properties. Biological Materials: Biological Building Blocks, Nucleic Acids, Biological Nanostructures. PART B Tools: [10] TEM, Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, Photoemission and X-RAY spectroscopy, Electron microscopy, SPMs, AFMs, Electrostatic force Microscope, Magnetic force microscope Nanoscale Devices: [9] Introduction, Nanoscale MOSFET-planer and non planer, Resonant-tunneling diodes, Single electron transistor, Quantum-Dot, Nano-electrochemical systems, Molecular/Bimolecular electron devices, Reference Books: 1. Nanotechnology: G.Timp, Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ(Ed.) 2. Inroduction to Nanotechnology-Charless P. Poole, Wiley International 3. Nano Systems: Molecular machinery, manufactureing and computation: Eric Drexler, John wiley and sons. [6]
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
PART-A Communication Satellite: Orbit and Description A Brief history of satellite Communication, Satellite Frequency Bands, Satellite Systems, Applications, Orbital Period and Velocity, effects of Orbital Inclination, Azimuth and Elevation, Coverage angle and slant Range, Eclipse, Orbital Perturbations, Placement of a Satellite in a Geo-Stationary orbit. Satellite Sub-Systems Attitude and Orbit Control system, TT&C subsystem, Attitude Control subsystem, Power systems, Communication subsystems, Satellite Antenna Equipment. Satellite Link 51
Basic Transmission Theory, System Noise Temperature and G/T ratio, Basic Link Analysis, Interference Analysis, Design of satellite Links for a specified C/N, (With and without frequency Re-use). PART-B Propagation effects Introduction, Atmospheric Absorption, Cloud Attenuation, Tropospheric and Ionospeheric Scintillation and Low angle fading, Rain induced attenuation, rain induced cross polarization interference. GPS Principles: History of Navigation, GPS Constellation, Principle of operation, GPS Orbits, Orbital mechanics and Satellite position determination, Time reference, Various DOPs, signal structure, Code and carrier phase measurements, position estimation with pseudorage measurements. GPS applications Refernce Books: 1. Digital Satellite Communications-Tri.T.Ha, , 2nd Edition, 1990, Mc.Graw Hill. 2. Satellite Communications Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian, Jeremy Allnutt, 2nd Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Satellite Communications-Dennis Roddy, 2nd Edition, 1996, Mc-Graw Hill. _______________________________________________________________________________ Paper Title: Research Methodology (Theory)
Paper code: EC 819 Max. Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Course duration: 45 lectures of one hour duration each Note for paper setter: Total of Eight questions may be set covering the whole syllabus taking four from Part A & four from Part B. Candidates will be required to attempt any five questions taking at least two from each Part.
PART A Introduction to Educational Research [4] Concept, types basic, applied and action, Need for educational research Reviewing Literature [4] Need, Sources Primary and Secondary, Purposes of Review, Scope of Review, steps in conducting review. Identifying and Defining Research Problem [5] Locating, analyzing stating and evaluating problem. Generating different types of hypotheses and evaluating them. Methods of Research [5] Descriptive research design - survey, case study, content analysis, Ex-post Facto Research, Correlational and Experimental Research Sampling Techniques [5]
Concept of population and sample sampling techniques - simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling and cluster sampling, snow ball sampling, purposive sampling, quota sampling techniques. Determining size of sample. PART B Design and Development of Measuring Instruments [4] Tests, questionnaires, checklists, observation schedules, evaluating research instruments, selecting a standardized test. Procedure Of Data Collection [4] Aspects of data collection, coding data for analysis Statistical Methods of Analysis [5] Descriptive statistics: Meaning, graphical representations, mean, range and standard deviation, characteristics and uses of normal curve. Inferential statistics: t-test, Chi-square tests, correlation (rank difference and product moment), ANOVA (one way), Selecting appropriate methods. Procedure for Writing a Research Proposal [4] Purpose, types and components of research proposal. Procedure for Writing a Research Report [2] Audiences and types of research reports, Format of research report and journal articles. Strategies for Evaluating, Research [2] disseminating and utilizing research An Overview Recommended Books: 1. Borg, W and Gall, M. Educational Research: An Introduction, New York, Longman.2003 2. Cohen, L. Educational Research in Classrooms and Schools ! A Manual of Materials and Methods NY: Harper and Row Publishers.2000 3. CPSC: Developing Skills in Technician Education Research Modules 1 to 11 Singapore, Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education 4. Garrett, HE and Woodworth, RS. Statistics in Psychology and Education, Educational Research, Bombay: Vakils Fetter and Simons Ltd. 2003 5. Gay, LR, Educational Research, Ohio: Charles E. Merril Publishing Company2000. 6. Wiersma William Research Methods in Education An Introduction London, Allyn and Bacon, Inc.2000