Putting People in Their Place
Putting People in Their Place
Putting People in Their Place
You cant expect everyone to be nice. Every now and then, you run into a mean individual. You want to tell them off, to put them in their place. Its so tempting to fight back, but you know that you were raised better than that. You dont have to be cruel to put mean people in their place. Theyre all accountable for their actions, and its only when they realize that can they really change. Yes, youre no saint either, but you also know when to draw the line. So, the next time you want to tell someone off, you dont have to curse them or throw insults that make you look just as crass. Its all about using the right words. Keep in mind that youre an educated person and that youre goal is to never make the lives of other people miserable. You have bigger things to worry about than exacting revenge.
The next time you come across a person whos hurled a few insults your way, a simple question would catch them off-guard: why do you have to be so mean? Youre not insulting them as a person. Rather, youre simply curious as to why they act in a certain way. Youre actually asking them to declare a moment theyre least proud of. Try it because youre going to get a much better reaction than when you have to resort to the usual name-calling. Thats because while they may become defensive, youre not exactly starting a fist fight here. Youre just asking for their side and to deal with the situation best, they have to come up with a viable answer. More importantly, the question has a potent power that stays in their subconscious for a longer period of time.
The word mean may not be the most powerful, and you might not leave with a big bang once
you do get to ask it. Still, theres something so childlike and innocent about it that those who hear it wont assume that youre the cruel and abrasive one. In fact, someone might just want to give you a hug and stand by your side as the perpetrator tries to spew the excuses. Theyll be the bully in the playground while youre the poor, hapless victim that didnt do anything but show up in the wrong place at the wrong time. More importantly, no one likes a bully. If you know that you really didnt do anything, let them know that what theyre doing is uncalled for while avoiding a really big scene altogether.
Still, you can achieve so much more if you confront them privately. You put someone on the defensive when you set them out for embarrassment. If you do things in the middle of a very public place or surrounded by a very large crowd, things wont turn out well. When someone is taking a shot at you and making you feel small, try to get them alone. If you need support, you dont have to drag everyone else during your talk. Have a friend behind you, but dont ask them to fight your battle. And lastly, just remember that mean people are unhappy about something, which is why they need to let all that frustration out.
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