Bankruptcy Delaware: The Untted States Court The District
Bankruptcy Delaware: The Untted States Court The District
Bankruptcy Delaware: The Untted States Court The District
Chapter 1l
Case No. 08-11586 (KG) Jointly Administered
MERVYN'S LLC, Plaintiff,
is A. Monaco, Jr.
Womble Carlyle Sa dge & Rice, PLLC 222Delaware Avenue, l5th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 T: (302) 252-4340
Dkt. No.
WCSR 4226661v1
Sate Filed
0q/v)*: (T 0811586091026000000000008
District Court.
OTTERBOURG, STEINDLER, HOUSTON & ROSEN, P.C. 230 Park Avenue New York, NY 10169 Telephone: (2 I 2) 66 l-9 I 00 Facsimile: (212\ 682-6104
Court Judge
WCSR 4226661v1