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Unit 2 Interactive Review

Unit 2 Selection Summaries

In Unit 2, you read these selections:

Week 4 Tops & Bottoms

Bear and Hare discover how they can help each other through hard work and cooperation.

Week 1 Penguin Chick

Both mother and father penguins share in taking care of their young until the chicks can take care of themselves.

Week 5 Amazing Bird Nests

A look at the variety and complexity of nests built by birds all over the world shows the many remarkable skills of birds.

Week 2 I Wanna Iguana

Alex wants an iguana, but he needs to persuade his mother that it is a good idea. This funny story is told in a series of messages between Alex and his mom. Alex triumphs in the end.

Solving a Problem The stories in Unit 2 are about how we learn to solve problems and adapt to changes. Pick one of the stories and tell your family what you learned from that story about problem-solving skills. Find an example of how you or your family solved a problem and compare it to the problem solving in the story.

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Week 3 Prudys Problem

Prudy likes to collect things so much that she has run out of space. By building a museum, she can share her collections and have enough space for other things.

Comprehension Skills Review

These are some comprehension skills you learned about in Unit 2: The main idea is the most important idea in a story. Details are bits of information that tell more about the main idea. When you compare, you look at how things are alike. When you contrast, you look at how things are different.

Draw the Details Draw a picture that shows details from one of the stories in Unit 2. Show your drawing to a family member and explain the main idea of the story. Discuss other details from the story and compare them to the details you have drawn.

Family Times


Vocabulary Skills Review

These are some vocabulary skills you learned about in Unit 2: A synonym is a word that means almost the same thing as another word. An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. Context clues are hints in the text surrounding an unfamiliar word. These hints can help you find the meaning of the word.

Spelling Review
Here are some of the words you learned to spell in Unit 2. pilot poodle weather lemon pitcher pickle nephew tulip popcorn pupil uncle square noodle salad father blueberry athlete earring

Think of a Word Here are some words you learned in Unit 2. Read the words, one at a time, to a family member. For each word, work together to find an antonym and a synonym. Use a dictionary or thesaurus if you need help. bottom wealth cuddles clever tons frozen lazy enormous adorable

Category Play a game of category with members of your family. Write each word from the list on a card. Give each person the same number of cards. Players take turns naming one of these categoriespeople or thingsand putting out a card with a word in that category. The other players follow by putting out a card in the same category. If a player has no card in the category, he or she loses a turn. The first player to use all of his/her cards wins.

Unit Question
What are smart ways that problems are solved?
Write two Amazing Facts or Ideas that you learned in Unit 2 about how people or animals solve problems in their environments. DVD124 Family Times

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Unit 2 Week 1 Interactive Review Amazing Bird Nests

Syllable Patterns V/CV, VC/V

Directions Say the words in the box aloud. Listen to the first vowel sound. If the first vowel is long, write the word in the first column. If the first vowel is short, write the word in the second column. rapidly female Long Vowel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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column lemon

pilot even

finish relax Short Vowel 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

menu musical

Directions Read the sentences. Choose the word that best completes each sentence and has the same type of vowel sound in the first syllable as the word shown in ( ). Circle it and then write it on the line. 11. (long) We planted daffodils and marigolds pansies tulips on the lake. trailer card. cash . in front of the house.

12. (short) In the summer we go to our house cabin

13. (short) Mom paid for the gas with a credit birthday

14. (long) The sparrow caught a large black worm bug spider

Home Activity Your child identified words that have a long or short vowel sound in the first syllable. Have your child read the words on the page above, and then choose five of them to write a story.

Syllable Patterns V/CV, VC/V



Unit 2 Week 1 Interactive Review

Check the Words You Know
cuddles flippers frozen hatch pecks preen snuggles

Directions Use the words to complete the crossword puzzle. ACROSS 3. holds close and tenderly 5. to smooth or clean with the beak 6. turned to ice 7. strikes something with the beak in a short, quick motion DOWN 1. to come from an egg 2. broad, flat limbs on a penguin used for swimming 4. holds closely for warmth or protection

2. 3. 4. 5.



Home Activity Your child completed a crossword puzzle using words from Penguin Chick. Make up clues to the vocabulary words and challenge your child to identify the word.

DVD126 Vocabulary

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Unit 2 Week 1 Interactive Review

Read the story. Then follow the directions and answer the questions. Can This Bird Fly? Have you ever watched a penguin walk? Penguins have a funny, wobbly walk. Their legs are short and they slowly waddle across the ice. You might ask how these strange-looking birds get anywhere. Some people wonder why penguins are even called birds. Penguins have wings, but they cannot fly. Its short wings cannot lift a penguins heavy body off the ground. Penguins also have heavy bones. Most birds have hollow bones that help make their bodies light. A penguin has slick feathers that lie flat on its body. Most birds have fluffy feathers that help catch the wind. Penguins dont seem to have anything birds should have! When a penguin gets into the water, though, this clumsy bird turns into a fast swimmer. It can dive and catch many fish. Under the water, the penguin moves like a dancer. Think about the things that keep the penguin from flying. These same things help the bird swim well. The penguins wings work like swimming flippers. The penguins heavy bones help it sink deep in the water. The slick feathers also help trap heat so the penguins heavy body stays warm in the cold water.

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Unit 2 Week 1 Interactive Review

Even though they spend so much time underwater, penguins are still birds. They have to breathe air. But penguins can hold their breath for a long time. They will flip up out of the water to get a quick breath. For a minute, the penguin looks like it might take off and fly! But back it goes to the water where the penguin feels most at home. It is true that penguins cannot fly in the air. If you want to see a penguin fly, you have to look underwater. Then you will see the most graceful bird in the world. 1. What is the main idea of the selection?

2. Look at the second paragraph. Underline words that give details about the main idea. 3. What things help the penguin swim well?
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Home Activity Your child identified main idea and details. Write a story with your child about an unusual animal or bird that you know about. Then ask your child to tell the main idea of the story and some details.

DVD128 Comprehension


Unit 2 Week 2 Interactive Review Amazing Bird Nests

Final Syllable -le

Directions Read the story. Draw a line under each word that ends with a consonant and le. Then write the words on the lines below, showing the two syllables that make up the words. Lisa was sitting at the table in the kitchen. She was working hard on a jigsaw puzzle, but she was having trouble. It was not a simple one. There were a lot of little pieces. At last she put in the final piece, a piece shaped like a turtle. The picture was complete! It showed a bald eagle flying over a castle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Directions Choose the word in the box that matches each picture. Write the word on the line. Then draw a mark (/) to divide the word into syllables
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Home Activity Your child identified and wrote words that end with the final syllable sound heard in handle. Work with your child to list other words that end with consonant + le. Then have your child write a story using some of the words.

Final Syllable -le



Unit 2 Week 2 Interactive Review

Directions Match the word with its meaning. mention trophies exactly iguana adorable compassionate mature to talk briefly about someone or something feeling sympathy; wanting to help fully grown; adult precisely awards lizard cute and lovable Check the Words You Know
adorable compassionate exactly iguana mature mention trophies

Directions Fill in the blanks in Alexs letter to his mother with words from the box. Dear Mom, I have always wanted a pet. I saw a picture of a big lizard. It is awesome. There are many kinds of lizards. This lizard is called an about all the possible pets there are. This is you, but I want to though. A fully grown, cute. Please think about it, Mom. Love, Alex . Ive thought
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what I want. I

know I talked with you about this before. I dont want to seem like Im bugging it again. I know that puppies and kittens are . They are really cute and playful. I dont want a cute pet, lizard is great-looking even if it isnt

Home Activity Your child defined and used vocabulary words from I Wanna Iguana. Have your child use each word in his or her own sentence.

DVD130 Vocabulary


Unit 2 Week 2 Interactive Review

Read the story. Answer the questions. Which Pet to Get? 60144_042e the Adrian and Keisha were brother and sister. They lived in Hamblin same house, with the same mom, dad, and baby sister. They liked the same breakfast cereal and the same TV shows, but thats about all they had in common. In every other way, they couldnt have been more different. First of all, Keisha was a girl and Adrian was a boy. Adrian was younger and Keisha was older. Keisha loved to talk, but her brother was more of a listener. Keisha was good at all sports except swimming, but Adrian was the best swimmer on his team. Adrian liked big crowds, but Keisha preferred being with just her best friend. Keisha and Adrian were very different, but having a pet is one thing that they could agree about. Adrian and I are old enough to take care of a pet, Keisha told her mom one evening after dinner. Keisha and I really, really want a pet, Adrian told his dad. Well, said Dad, what kind of pet do you want? We want a cat! said Keisha, looking at Adrian. No, we want a dog! said Adrian, looking at Keisha. Their mom and dad looked at each other and sighed. Here we go again, they thought. You two may have a dog OR a cat, but not both, said Mom firmly. Dad agreed.

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Unit 2 Week 2 Interactive Review

Keisha and Adrian looked at each other. For once, Keisha didnt know what to say. How could she and her brother solve this problem? They decided to visit the homes of people they knew who had either a dog or a cat. First they went to Marcos house to play with his boxer puppy. It was fun, but the puppy was a little rough. The next day, they went to their aunts house to play with her new kitten. That was fun, too. However, on the way home that afternoon, Adrian started to feel funny. His eyes teared up and he kept sneezing. Keisha was worried about him. Mom met them at the front door. How did you like the kitten? she asked. Then she noticed Adrians puffy eyes and red face. Uh-oh, she said. I think we have a problem here. It looks as if Adrian may be allergic to cats. Keisha nodded unhappily. She felt very bad, but she knew what she had to do. I was afraid of that, she said. I was the one who wanted a cat, but if cats make Adrian sick, then a cat is not the right pet for us. Problem solved! 1. What are two ways that Keisha and Adrian were the same?

2. Underline three ways that Keisha and Adrian were different. 3. How did the family decide which pet was right for them?

Home Activity Your child compared and contrasted two characters in a story. Find two foods, clothing items, tools, or toys in your home. With your child, take turns telling how they are the same and how they are different.

DVD132 Comprehension

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Unit 2 Week 3 Interactive Review Amazing Bird Nests

Compound Words
A compound word is two words joined together to make one word.

Directions Read the two small words. Then write the two words as a compound word. 1. news + paper 2. sun + burn 3. bed + spread 4. honey + comb 5. wood + shed 6. corn + meal 7. snow + storm 8. lawn + mower
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= = = = = = = = = =

9. rail + road 10. play + ground

Directions Use one of the compound words you made above to complete each sentence. Make sure the word makes sense in the sentence. 11. Rosa mixed the eggs and to make corn muffins.

12. By August we had moved all the firewood from the yard into the . .

13. Krista has very fair skin, so she has to be careful not to get a 14. When she checked the hive, Mrs. Hodges was surprised at how busy the bees had beenthe 15. My favorite thing on the was nearly full. is the long slide.

Home Activity Your child wrote compound words and used them to complete sentences. Play a game with your child using the words sun, snow, ball, and light. Take turns to see how many compound words you can make using one of the words.

Compound Words



Unit 2 Week 3 Interactive Review

Check the Words You Know
butterflies collection enormous scattered shoelaces strain

Directions Find the word above that answers the riddle. Write it on the line. 1. I am something long and thin. I hold your shoes together. 2. You could use this word to describe an elephant. 3. I am something you keep. I might be stamps, or shells, or baseball cards. 4. We are what caterpillars grow up to be. 5. If you put too many clothes in your suitcase and cant close it, this word tells what
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you will do to the suitcase. You will 6. I am a word that tells what the wind did to the dry leaves.


Directions Write the words from the box to complete the story. All my friends have hobbies. Kim has a garden. She takes photos of the that visit her flowers. Barry loves baseball, so he collects baseball cards. He has an collects dolls. Her collection of almost one thousand cards. Kathy includes dolls from Switzerland and China.

Rodney collects rocks and minerals. He used to just leave them around everywhere. When that put a dad built him shelves to display them.
Home Activity Your child answered riddles using the words from Prudys Problem. Review the words with your child, and have him or her write a story using as many of the words as possible.

on his mothers patience, his

DVD134 Vocabulary


Unit 2 Week 3 Interactive Review

Read the story. Answer the questions. Down on the Farm Im bored, Joe said for the fifth time that day. Grandpa Paul said, I grew up on this farm. There were always plenty of different things to do. If you want, I can get you started on some chores right now. That wasnt what Joe wanted to hear, but luckily Grandma Ruth called them to lunch. At least the food was good on the farm! After lunch Joe wandered into a back pasture. Off in one corner was an old shed. Joe had never noticed it before. He went up to the door and pushed it open. It made a loud, long creak. When Joe stepped inside the shed, the old door slammed shut! He heard loud noises and felt the shed rumble all around him. Joe was frightened. Whats going on? he wondered. Then it got very quiet. When Joe opened the door, it didnt creak. When he looked outside, he couldnt believe his eyes. The old barn now looked too new. The empty corral now held many horses. There were cows and sheep in the pasture. What happened when I was in the shed? he thought. Just then, a boy wearing overalls ran past him. Hey, can you give me a hand? he called out. Who, me? Joe asked. The boy kept running, so Joe followed him. Some horses had escaped from the corral. The boy showed Joe how to run alongside a horse and grab its bridle. Together, the two boys caught all of the horses.
Home Activity Your child drew conclusions using details from a story. Act out a story or a familiar activity and have your child guess what it is by drawing a conclusion. Then invite your child to pantomime something for you to guess.

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Unit 2 Week 3 Interactive Review

Youre really good with horses, Joe told the strange boy. Joe thought he looked like someone he knew, only younger. Joe and the boy rode in a hay wagon and picked up hay bales. When they took a break from their work, they drank lemonade on the same porch where Joe had eaten his lunch. Say, whats your name? Joe asked the boy. Paul, said the boy with a grin. This is my familys farm. Joe stared. I should get back now, he finally said. Joe ran to the shed and went inside. He heard the same noises and felt the same rumblings. When it got quiet in the shed, Joe opened the door. It creaked this time! He ran to find Grandpa Paul on the porch, taking a nap in his chair. Grandpa! Joe cried. Im so glad youre here! Im so glad Im here, too! I think Im ready to do some chores now! 1. What do you think happened when Joe went in the shed? 2. List two details from the story that support your conclusion.
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3. Who was the strange boy? 4. List two details from the story that support your conclusion.

DVD136 Comprehension


Unit 2 Week 4 Interactive Review Amazing Bird Nests

Consonant Blends
Directions Say the name of the picture. Write spl, thr, squ, or str to complete the word.









Directions Read each word and listen for the three-letter blend. Then write two more words that begin with the same blend. 5. stripe 6. squirrel 7. three
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8. split 9. straw 10. through Directions Draw a picture of something that begins with the letters shown below. Write the picture name on the line. 11. squ 12. thr

Home Activity Your child wrote words beginning with the blends spl (split), thr (throw), squ (squash), and str (street). Challenge your child to name more words that begin with the same blends.

Consonant Blends



Unit 2 Week 4 Interactive Review

Directions Draw lines to match the words with their meanings. bottom cheated clever crops lazy partners wealth not willing to work or move fast riches tricked someone; acted in a way that is not honest the lowest part members of a company who share the risks and profits of business plants grown for food bright; intelligent Check the Words You Know
bottom cheated clever crops lazy partners wealth

Directions Read the pairs of sentences. Choose a word from the box to fill in the blank in each pair of sentences. 1. Hare worked very hard. Bear, however, was rather 2. Sheila and Marcia worked hard at their tag sale. They were 3. Ms. Adams worked very hard all her life. She managed to gain a lot of . . .
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4. Farmer Frost planted corn, oats, and turnips. He knew these grew well in his soil. 5. The hare thought he was much smarter and faster than the tortoise. The tortoise proved the hare was not as as he thought. .

6. We didnt think Ted played fairly. In fact, we were sure he 7. Tall Tim kept his things on the top shelf. Short Sammy kept his on the shelf.

Home Activity Your child identified and used words from Tops & Bottoms to complete sentences. Review the words with your child. Challenge your child to write riddles for the words.

DVD138 Vocabulary


Unit 2 Week 4 Interactive Review

Read the story. Answer the questions. Groucho and Rudy Groucho was a big orange cat who lived with his human owners, Jan and Ray. Jan and Ray took great care of Groucho. He ate the best canned cat food and he slept on a soft pillow. Groucho had a good life, but it was about to change. Jan and Ray came home with another animal. It was a little dog. What is this? Groucho howled when they came through the door. He arched his back and hissed. Theres no room in this house for another animal, especially a smelly, slobbery one! Jan looked upset. Im sorry, Groucho, she said. I know youre used to being the king around here. Ray said, It will be okay. Theyll get used to each other. Groucho, meet Rudy. Hes just a pup, so be gentle with him, please. Hi, hi, hi, said Rudy. Glad to meet you! Groucho gave a big swipe with his paw, almost hitting Rudy in the head. Then he hissed again and walked off. Maybe we should take the dog into the back room for now, Jan said nervously. Maybe you should take him back to where you found him! Groucho snarled. Then he plopped on the living room couch. This was HIS house. He was going to make that dogs life miserable. Every day, it was the same thing. Hi, hi, hi, Groucho, Rudy said. Want to play?

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Unit 2 Week 4 Interactive Review

Groucho always growled and snapped at Rudy until he ran off to hide. The cat made sure he was still king of the house. Then one day. Groucho woke up from a long nap. There was Rudy, sleeping right next to him. Groucho was ready to give that dog a bite. But he still felt so sleepy. And it was a cool day. Rudy felt warm and cozy. Groucho drifted off to sleep again. After that, Groucho decided he could stand Rudy. Sometimes the little guy was kind of sweet. And Rudy worshipped his cat friend. Groucho and Rudy found a way to share the house. The cat would perch on the windowsill and Rudy had his dog rug by the door. The two friends sat together, watching the world go by. 1. Did the author write this story to entertain, to explain, or to persuade? 2. Why did the author make Groucho such a grouchy cat?
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3. How can you tell that this is a make-believe story?

Home Activity Your child identified an authors purpose for writing an animal fantasy. Take turns telling real and make-believe stories with your child. After each story, have the storyteller tell why he or she told the story.

DVD140 Comprehension


Unit 2 Week 5 Interactive Review Amazing Bird Nests

Consonant Digraphs
Directions Say the names of the pictures. Then fill in the missing letters. Use sh, th, wh, ph, ch, tch, or ng.

1. ba


2. ri





5. ma


6. wa

7. tro

8. fi

Directions Use the digraphs sh, th, wh, ph, ch, tch, or ng to finish the words in the sentences below.
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9. There are

irteen stripes on the flag of the United States. er all week. awl over her on the bea oulders. .

10. The forecast is for stormy wea 11. Aunt Laura wore a beaded 12. I collected 13. Isnt that your ells and starfi

ird piece of pie? er, and Barry was the ca er.

14. When we played ball, Melissa was the pi 15. Is that your one I hear ri ing?

16. The snow lay soft and

ite on the pa

Home Activity Your child identified words containing the digraphs sh, th, wh, ph, ch, tch, and ng and used the digraphs to complete words. Read the words on the page with your child. Ask your child to name other words that begin or end with the digraphs sh, th, wh, ph, ch, tch, and ng.

Consonant Digraphs



Unit 2 Week 5 Interactive Review

Check the Words You Know
bill goo hunters material eagle platform twigs tons hummingbird

Directions Use the words to complete the crossword puzzle.

1. 2. 4. 3.

5. 6.



ACROSS 3. units of weight equal to 2000 pounds 5. thick, sticky matter 6. people or animals that hunt 7. the hard part of a birds mouth; beak 8. what a thing is made of

DOWN 1. a tiny bird that builds a cup-shaped nest 2. a large bird that hunts 3. very small branches of a tree or bush 4. a raised level surface for people to stand on

Home Activity Your child completed a crossword puzzle using words from Amazing Bird Nests. Take turns making up riddles for the vocabulary words.

DVD142 Vocabulary

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Unit 2 Week 5 Interactive Review

Read the story. Answer the questions. The Path of the Salmon Salmon do a lot of traveling in their lives. After they are born in a stream, they travel long distances downstream to the ocean to eat and grow. When a female salmon is at the end of her life, she goes back to the stream where she was born. She lays eggs, and then dies. A salmon that wants to go home faces many obstacles. Some other animals catch salmon for food. For example, salmon are a favorite meal for bears. Bears wade into the cold water of a river and catch salmon with their paws. Even if a salmon escapes, it faces other obstacles, such as waterfalls and fallen trees. The salmons biggest problem is human beings. People sometimes change rivers or streams by building dams or bridges. Then salmon cannot swim back home to lay their eggs. Over the years, some towns have dumped waste and trash into their rivers. Dirty water makes fish sick or too weak to keep swimming. Today, oceans, rivers, and streams have far fewer salmon than they used to. People are working hard and spending money to solve the salmons problem. In some places, clubs and schools have adopted part of a river or stream. Volunteers from these groups spend their free time picking up trash along the riverbanks. Cities are building water treatment plants so that human waste does not get dumped into rivers. To trap dirty rainwater that runs off roads
Home Activity Your child identified the main idea and details in an article about salmon. Read another nonfiction article and have your child tell the main idea. Together, list details that support that main idea.

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Unit 2 Week 5 Interactive Review

1. What is the main idea of this story?

2. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? 3. List two details that support the main idea.

DVD144 Comprehension

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and highways, cities build storm drains next to the roads and highways. That keeps the dirty water out of the rivers. People clear places where a stream runs under a road. Over time, thanks to all these workers, the water in a river gets cleaner. Thats good for all of us, but especially good for the salmon! Salmon need a shallow, quiet place in the water to lay their eggs. People can plant trees along the water for shade. They can make hiding places with logs and big plants. Then the salmon have a quiet place to rest or hide. Why is it important to keep salmon healthy? First of all, many wild animals that live near rivers and streams depend on salmon for food. Second, salmon eat harmful plants and animals. Last, their habits are a special treat for people, too. Each year, thousands of fish make the long journey upstream past towns, parks, and campsites. Families enjoy watching them or trying to catch a few for dinner. These wild creatures are part of our natural world. They deserve to share our rivers and streams with us.

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