This document is a motion and order for admission pro hac vice. The motion requests that Richard M. Seltzer of Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP be admitted pro hac vice to represent TNA TINC in a bankruptcy case. The certification attached confirms Mr. Seltzer is eligible for admission and is familiar with the local rules. The order grants the motion for pro hac vice admission.
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In The United States Bankruptcy Court For The District of Delaware
This document is a motion and order for admission pro hac vice. The motion requests that Richard M. Seltzer of Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP be admitted pro hac vice to represent TNA TINC in a bankruptcy case. The certification attached confirms Mr. Seltzer is eligible for admission and is familiar with the local rules. The order grants the motion for pro hac vice admission.
This document is a motion and order for admission pro hac vice. The motion requests that Richard M. Seltzer of Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP be admitted pro hac vice to represent TNA TINC in a bankruptcy case. The certification attached confirms Mr. Seltzer is eligible for admission and is familiar with the local rules. The order grants the motion for pro hac vice admission.
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In The United States Bankruptcy Court For The District of Delaware
This document is a motion and order for admission pro hac vice. The motion requests that Richard M. Seltzer of Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP be admitted pro hac vice to represent TNA TINC in a bankruptcy case. The certification attached confirms Mr. Seltzer is eligible for admission and is familiar with the local rules. The order grants the motion for pro hac vice admission.
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In re:
FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE Chapter I I ALLIED SYSTEMS HOLDINGS, et al, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 12-11564 (CSS) Jointly Administered Debtor{s). MOTION AND ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE Pursuant to Local Rule 90 I 0- I and the attached certification, counsel moves the admission pro hac vice of Richard M. Seltzer, Esquire, of Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP, 330 West 42"d Street, New York, NY I 0036, to represent the Teamsters National Automobile Transporters Industry Negotiating Committee (''TNA TINC") in this action. Dated: September 27, 2012 lsi Susan E. Kaufman Susan E. Kaufinan, (DSB#3381) Cooch and Taylor, P.A. 1000 West Street, lOth Floor The Brandywine Building Wilmington, DE 19899 (302) 984-3820 I (302) 984-3939 Fax [email protected] DKT. NO. ___.:.q.,..:..7 <-1.,..:... -:--- DT. FilED qJ;n 1 I ~ CERTIFICATION BY COUNSEL TO BE ADMITTED PRO HAC VICE Pursuant to Local Rule 9010-1, I certifY that I am eligible for admission to this Court, am admitted, practicing and in good standing as a member of the Bar ofNew York and also the SDNY, EDNY, 2d, 3d, 5 111 , 6 111 , 9 111 , 10 111 Circuits and the United States Supreme Court and submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of this Court for any alleged misconduct which occurs in the preparation or course of this action. I also certifY that I am generally familiar with this Court's Local Rules and with Standing Order for District Court Fund effective 111105. I further certifY that the annual fee of $25.00 has been paid to the Clerk of Court for District Court.
Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP 330 West 42nd Street, New York, NY I 0036 (212) 563-4100 I Fax: (212) 239-9012 ORDER GRANTING MOTION IT IS HEREBY ORDERED counsel's motion for admission pro hac vice is granted. Date: The Honorable Christopher S. Sontchi United States Bankruptcy Judge