Instrument of Trust

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INSTRUMENT OF TRUST (Registered Under Trust Act of 1882) WHEREAS the authors of this Trust Deed (..

) herein after called the settlers have the earnest desire to promote education & research in the soecity. Whereas the settlers are desirous of creating a trust initially with an amount of Rs. 5,000 (Rupees five thousand only) for the objects hereinafter mentioned in this deed. Now, therefore, this deed witnesses as under: Name of the Trust 1. The trust will be called as (also called as ..). This instrument/Deed of trust is made this .. day of 2010 by . At present residing House 104, Street 10, Gulshan-e-Khudadad, E-11/1, Islamabad. The Objects of the Trust 2. To establish, operate or help to establish and generate Islamic teaching & Training Institutions and programmes. 3. To promote, encourage or undertake organized research and to procure to be written, print, publish, issue and circulate gratuitously or otherwise periodical, books, reports or other documents. 4. To procure, arrange and provide for or join in arranging and providing for the holding of meetings, lectures, classes and exhibitions. 5. To provide and gratuitously or otherwise scholarships deserving students and research scholars and masters of all kind 6. To do all acts and things which are necessary . It is Solemnly Declared 7. That the settlers hereby make a settlement by way of trust initially for a sum of Rs. 5,000 (Rupees five thousand only) described in the schedule which amount would be increased added by the donations, gifts, contributions by the individuals, agencies and by profits and dividends, etc.

Presented for registration this deed of Trust by . At present residing .


(name) NIC No.

EXECUTANT (2) (name) NIC No.

Execution & completion of this deed by the said .. who subscribed and abide by all the terms set forth in the body of this deed.

They have been identified by: 1.____________________________ 2.____________________________ The witnesses are relied upon: EXECUTANT (1) _______ EXECUTANT (2)__________


1. ___________________

2. ____________________________

8. That the trust shall be managed by a board of trustees and described below: a) The settlers hereby appoint and constitute themselves as the sole trustee of the Board of Trustees having absolute control which will include the power to make an amendment in the trust deed and such amendments would form part of the trust deed. b) That in case of death or resignation of the settlers-trustees the following surviving persons or their nominee would constitute the board of trustee: c) (i)

(ii) . 9. That the board of trustees will have the full power to manage and have full control over the trust for the purposes of trust including the acquiring, hiring, selling, purchasing and investing of the property and also to hire the staff required for running the affairs of the trust. Powers of the Board of Trustees 10.The board of trustees shall have full power and authority to do all lawful things and take all measures as may be necessary and expedient for the purpose of administering, preserving and managing the affairs and properties of the trust and for putting into effective operation of the provision of the board. 11.In addition to the general power of absolute management and control, the board of trustees shall have the following powers namely: a) To invest and spend funds in profitable ventures. b) To enter into contract of all the types including sale or purchase on behalf of the trust. c) To acquire, build upon, pull down, rebuild and to alter, repair, improve, sell or dispose off or otherwise deal with any land building or premises for the use of the trust. d) To receive donations, presents or gift and legacies. e) To operate band accounts and give instructions for the said purpose. f) To delegate any of their functions and powers to such officer or persons as they deem fit and at any time to revoke such delegations. g) To make rules and regulations for running the affairs of the trust. h) To appoint, suspend and dismiss the employs and to decide their terms and condition of the service. 12.A Trustee shall not be precluded from receiving any pay or facility like housing, transport, servant, staff or telephone etc. that may be prescribed to him by the board of the trustees for his services rendered or devoting time for the cause of the trust. 13.The trustees shall elect a chairman from among themselves for a period prescribed by them. Dissolution and Disposal of Assets

14.In the event of dissolution of Trust, its assets left after meeting its liabilities, if any, shall be dealt with as provided under the rules and regulations framed by the Board of Trustees. 15.The settlers hereby reserves the right to revoke the trust and any time of by assigning the reason in writing and in case of revocation, he shall have the description/discretion to shift the funds and property of the trust to some other charitable or welfare institutions.

IN WITHNESS WHEREOF the settlers have signed this deed on this .. day of 2010 before the witness.



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