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Kevin Fries Period 1 Page 288 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.

a. Industrial Revolution: The greatly increased output of machine-made goods that began in England in the middle 1700s. b. Enclosure: Landowners experimented with more productive seeding and harvesting methods to boost crop yields. c. Crop Rotation: One of the best developments by the scientific farmers. The process improved upon older methods of crop rotation, such as the medieval three-field system. d. Industrialization: The process of developing machine production of goods. e. Factors of Production: The resources needed to produce goods and services that Industrial Revolution required. f. Factory: A place where textile machine were located. g. Entrepreneur: A person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business. 2. Which of the events listed do you think was the most important? Explain. a. I think that the Industrial Revolution was the most important out of the listed events. The Industrial Revolution caused a movement of machinery, allowing faster process of manufacturing goods. 3. What were four factors that contributed to industrialization in Britain? a. Water power and coal to fuel the new machines b. Iron ore to construct machines, tools, and buildings c. Rivers for inland transportation d. Harbors from which merchant ships set sail 4. How did rising population help the Industrial Revolution? a. Because of demand and supply. 5. What American invention aided the British textile industry? a. Flying shuttle. 6. Was the revolution in agriculture necessary to the Industrial Revolution? Explain. a. Not necessarily. The agriculture revolution was more pointed towards crops, and such of that matter, rather than machinery, where the Industrial Revolution came into play. 7. What effect did entrepreneurs have upon Industrial Revolution? a. Because they wanted a railroad line to connect the port of Liverpool. 8. Do you agree with that statement that the steam engine was the greatest invention of the Industrial Revolution? Why? a. Yes, completely. The steam engine led to many other inventions that would not be possible without first inventing the steam engine.

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