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127 Memo Step Guide

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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region XII City of Koronadal

1. To

provide a standard and uniform implementation of the skills competitions for the Student Technologists and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines-Regional Skills Development and Competitions (STEP-RSDC), the Department of Education Regional Office hereby issues the Guidelines in the Conduct of STEP Skills Development and Competitions in Various Levels and Categories.

2. With the STEP rallying banner STEP: Upgrading Skills, Improving Lives, this years skills development and competitions shall follow the latest contest packages and job orders used during the STEP-NSDC held at Naga City last February , 21010.
3. To ensure a standard implementation of the skills development and

competitions, the General Guidelines, Ground Rules, Special Guidelines for technical-Vocational Category, Matrix of the Competition and Official List of Skills are attached. 4. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


Enclosure 1 to DepED Memorandum No. 127 , s. 2010 9th STUDENT TECHNOLOGIST AND ENTREPRENEURS OF THE PHILIPPINES REGIONAL- SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND COMPETITIONS Koronadal Comprehensive National High School October 27, 2010 PROCEDURE AND REMINDERS A. B. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Follow the general guidelines found at Enclosure 1 to DepED Memorandum No.348, s. 2009 GROUND RULES 1. All contestants are strictly bounded by the provisions of the contest templates. Any deviation/s thereof shall be a strong ground for disqualification/points deduction. 2. Contest administrators and Coaches are strictly not allowed to revise or change the provisions of the contest templates of a particular event. However, there are contest templates with changes/addenda supplied through memoranda. These changes/addenda are considered legal, appropriate, and applicable. 3. Contest administrators are tasked to inspect the validity of materials before the contest proper and shall determine if those qualify in the requirements set by the templates. 4. Disqualified contest proper. contestants can no longer proceed to the

5. TIME is very important factor in deciding a winner especially in breaking a tie or ties, thus, in each event, facilitators are required to record accurately the time a contestant finished his/her output/presentation. Shouting at the Contest Administrators is not an acceptable etiquette. Raising of a hand will signal the end of the contestants job in the event, thus, accurate time must be given to him/her. 6. Compatriot Judging must be observed whereby all coaches shall function as judges, too. However, they are not allowed to compare their rating with the other judges nor discuss their observation while judging is going on. Confidentiality is strictly observed. 7. Nobody has the right to contest the decision of a coachA coach-judge decision is deemed FINAL, UNQUESTIONABLE, IRREVOCABLE. 8. A Coach-Judge must review the addition of his/her given to come up with a fault-free rank. judge. and points

9. After the contest processes and judging, contest administrators shall consolidate the judges sheet to determine the winners of a particular competed skill. In case of tie, the time (duration of the process made by a particular contestant to arrive an output to be judged) shall be used to break a tie. A contestant with a shorter time will be given and declared a rank higher over the ones with the longer time. The result must be reviewed by each judge before affixing their individual signature. Judge signatures validate and finalize the result of the contest. A discontented

coach-judge could appeal for a recomputation of contestant for mathematical errors only.

the result of his/her own

10. In case of mathematical errors made by a judge which could change the ranking of winners, the Contest Administrators in the presence of all or only the affected parties are empowered to review the computation and ranking and thereby change the result with the signature of all or only the affected parties and submit the final result together and over the corrected result. The role and responsibility of the higher authorities is to facilitate the resolution of the problem but the FINAL DECISION MUST BE BORNE FROM THE COACH-JUDGES together with the Contest Coordinators. 11. Awarding of winners shall be done in the venue of a particular contest. First, Second, and Third ranks shall be determined, declared, and awarded. The First placer will represent Region XII in the national level.

C. REGISTRATION 1. Delegations are advised to register using the registration form on October 8-21, 2010 at the Regional Office, Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal. List of the participants shall be submitted personally or through email to ds_panes@yahoo.com. 2. In order to ensure the exact number of STEP members in the region each contestant is required to submit photocopy of Official Receipt of STEP membership fee paid at the division level. 3. Coordinate with the KNCHS School Principal in case delegation prefers to stay overnight. D. CONTEST PROPER 1. Orientation a. Meeting and orientation of contest administrators, facilitators, coach-judge and committees is on October 26, @ 2:00 p.m at Gymnasium of Koronadal National Comprehensive High School , City of Koronadal. 2. MR. & MS. STEP b. Pre-judging of Mr. & Ms STEP is on October 26 @ 3:00 p.m at KNCHS Gym. Candidates will be in their casual attire. c. Due to scarcity of time to finish the output of summer dress, tie dye & hat weaving competition, all candidates are advised to use the winning entry in the division level or they can purchase their own summer dress provided that the design and cut of it shall be maintained. d. Filipiniana attire for Mr. & Ms. STEP is sponsored by Mr. Ivan Raburar. 3. CONTEST PROPER a. All contestants will bring their own extension wire. b. Provide your own stove in Cake decorating, Mixed Vegetable pickle making, and Castration & Slaughtering of goat. c. Electronic poster making contest can be participated by third or fourth year student. d. Contestants for metal tool box are required to bring their own riveter. e. Contestants in Feed Formulation (Swine) shall bring all ingredients of the contest. f. Business planning contestants shall bring their own laptop. g. Contestants for Computer Assembly, Operating System Installation and Networking (Tech-Voc Category) are required to bring their own unit of computer speaker. h. For Building Wiring Installation, all supplies and materials should be made in metal.

i. j. k.


m. n.


For 20 Watt Amplifier, follow the contest package used by the at the latest STEP-NSDC. For Flower Arrangement each contestant will pay 700.00 for the flowers to Ms. Myrna Teruel. All coaches , whether serving as judges or not, are required to submit their respective documentary requirements as listed in the General Guidelines Section 5L, Enclosure No.1 to DepED Memorandum No. 348, s 2009. Coaches under the Technical-Vocational Category are required to submit their respective TESDA competency certification in addition to the other requirements. Only those supplies, materials and equipment listed in the contest package /job orders are allowed during the conduct of the contests within the contest venue. Cellular phones, earphones, and other gadgets and equipment are prohibited. All participants are required to wear the STEP-DSDC Tshirt using the prescribed color per division. All contest results will be given by the contest administrator to Donna S. Panes for Technical-Vocational Category; Gilda Orendain for Secondary; and Agney Taruc for the Elementary. Awarding will be done right after the competition of each skill.


1. Technical-Vocational Regional Skills Olympics (TVRSO) is open only to nine (9) Tech-Voc schools in the region. 2. Contestants must submit the following requirements: a. Certified true copy of the contestants Form 137, at least the 1st Grading grades are reflected, with recent 2x2 picture attatched to his Form 137 b. School Principals certification of the contestants enrolment (at least 2nd year) of the current school year c. Parental Consent d. Medical Certificate 3. The participants must wear their prescribed skills outfit for the whole duration of the contest. 4. Composition of judges shall have the following qualifications: a. Must be the official registered coach/judge b. Any of the following Certified TESDA Competency Assessors NC Holders TVE Teachers with CoC

5. Coaches are not allowed to communicate in any form with their own contestants during the contest. 6. Use of cell phone is strictly prohibited on the contest area. 7. The conduct of every skills contest and its mechanics shall be over-all managed by the Contest Administrator.

8. TVRSO shall adopt the deliberated judging: a. After the individual judging using the assessment guide (rubrics), judges will deliberate rating of each contestant. b. Rating of the judge/s which does not conform with the Assessment Guide will not be included in the final score. c. The result of the group deliberation , which is consolidated by the chairman is final and coaches should sign the rating sheet/s. d. The final result must be submitted to the Contest Administrator who shall submit the same to the Tabulation Committee. 9. The job orders to be competed on for Tech-Voc category are the following;

AGRICULTURE 1 Crop Production

Laying Out an Orchard Multiple Rootstock Propagation

Animal Production

Dressing and Drawing Chicken Feed Formulation Estimating Live Weight, Castration and Slaughtering (Goat) Mixed Vegetable Pickle Making and Skinless Chicken Longganisa

Food Processing

ARTS & TRADES Boys Trade 1. Automotive 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Building Construction Computer Hardware Servicing Electricity Electronics Furniture & Cabinet Making Plumbing

Auto Electrical Wiring Installation (Lighting & Horn System) Construction of Batter Boards & Squaring of Building Lines Assembly, OS Installation & Networking Building Wiring Installation Regulated Power supply Construction of Center Table Installation of Cold Water Line Groove Welding (SMAW) Facial Make-Over for Female Young Professional Hair Coloring Food for Special Occasion (Chicken Galantina) Special Veggie Pandesal making

Welding Technology Girls Trade 9. Cosmetology

10 .

Food Trades

11 Garments . Fisheries 1. Fish Culture

Ladys Blouse with Sports Collar Brackish Water Fishpond Construction (miniature) Fish Feed Formulation in Mash Form for Tilapia

2. 3.

Fish Capture Fish Processing

Fingerlings Gill Net Construction (Miniature) Smoked Deboned Bangus

10.Contestants shall bring all materials needed in every skills competition.


ELEMENTARY CATEGORY Home Economics Appliqu Fresh Fruit Shake Preparation Flower Arrangement Tie Dye Agricultural Technology Asexual Plant Propagation Industrial Arts Fabric Hand Painting Medicine Kit Shelf Making Metal Tool Box Making Simple Circuit Making Retail Trade Sales Inventory ICT Basic Encoding SECONDARY CATEGORY Home Economics Golden Wedding Cake Decorating Summer Dress Making Cocktail Mixing Hair Trimming with Facial Day Make-Up Table Skirting and Table Setting

Agricultural Technology Dish Gardening Net Weaving Industrial Arts 20-Watt Amplifier Auto Engine Tune-Up Steel Balusters Hat Weaving Knockdown Toddlers Furniture Study Table Residential Wiring Installation Miniature of Food Stall (Mock-Up Development) Entrepreneurship and ICT Electronic Bookkeeping Electronic Poster-Making Business Planning Other Contests Techno Quiz Mr. and Ms. STEP

TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL CATEGORY Agriculture Laying out of Orchard Multiple Rootstock Propagation Dressing and Drawing the Chicken Feed Formulation Estimating Live Weight, Castration and Slaughtering of Goat Mixed Vegetable Pickle-Making Arts and Trades Auto Electrical Wiring Installation and Gasoline Tune-Up Construction of Batter Boards Building Wiring Installation Regulated Power Supply and Repair of Color Television Construction of Center Table Installation of Cold Water Line Groove Welding Facial Make-Over for Female Young Professional Hair Coloring and Styling Special Veggie Pandesal-Making Pattern Drafting and Construction of Ladys Blouse Assembly, OS Installation & Networking Fisheries Brackish Water Fishpond Construction (Miniature) Fish Feed Formulation in Pellets Form for Tilapia Fingerlings Drift Gillnet Construction (Miniature) Smoked Boneless Bangus-Making

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