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Anti-Islam Film And Reaction In The Muslim World
20 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2012
It is true the American regime, much less the
people, had anything to do with making of the film
and so one wonders why kill its ambassador and
consular staff or why demonstrate against America.
These demonstrations do not mean that people put
responsibility of the film on the American govern-
ment. It clearly means that they have utterly hostile
feelings towards the American domination and
repeated interference in their region. They want
America to get out of the region.
Unfortunately America does not want to learn
lessons. After Libya it rushed to the aid of rebels
not for its love of democracy in Syria but for its
hatred of an enemy, i.e., Bashar al-Assad. America
is fully aware of the fact that al-Qaeda is trying to
capture the rebel forces. But it thinks Bashar al-
Assad is much greater enemy and it can take care
of al-Qaeda later. Let America not think that the
rebels in Syria would feel grateful to America after
the success of their rebellion. These rebels too
carry anti-American feelings hidden in their hearts
and when time comes they will manifest it as it
happened in Libya.
Some moderate Muslim intellectuals are saying
that moderates should speak out against violent
demonstrations. I fully agree with this viewpoint.
We must oppose violence anywhere and in whatev-
er form. Moreover, it is not people of America who
are to be blamed for events like anti-Islamic film. It
is after all a small number of right-wingers who are
compulsive haters of Islam.
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2012 21
Book: Framed, Damned, Acquitted: Dossiers of a Very Special
Publisher: Jamia Teachers Solidarity Association (JTSA)
1st Edition, September 2012
Pages: 200 (also available in Hindi)
(Available from Pharos Media & Publishing Pvt Ltd)
Senior serving IPS officer Dr N C Asthana and his wife Dr Anjali
Nirmal (the latter holds a doctorate in Police administration) in the
preface of their latest book, Indias Internal Security: The Actual
Concern while writing about police and its modus operandi
observe: In case after case, the pattern of stupidity has been the
same. The Police claim to receive secret information from an
unnamed informer about a meeting or a suspicious character at
a certain location. They reach the spot, search the premises, find
unlawful material such as pamphlets and CDs, some easily
available weapon, some powder or liquid that is described as a
powerful explosive, on the person or persons present there, and
arrest them. All sorts of professional mistakes are committed. The
fact of having received the secret information is never recorded
anywhere. No search warrant is obtained. The fact of their leav-
ing the police station is never recorded in the General Dairy.
Search witnesses are always stock witnesses of the police, in
spite of the courts having commented adversely on the practice.
Seized material is hardly ever secured in a foolproof, tamperproof
manner. All this is done to provide scope for manipulation. And to
cap the lot, once the arrested person is in police custody, he is
miraculously stuck by remorse a few days later and volunteers
confession-never mind that they withdraw them later.
While at the face of it, despite being hundred percent true,
these observations might sound like scenes from some famous
Hindi film or pulp crime fiction but the important question here is:
Is it just stupidity and lack of professionalism or something else?
The fact is that this has become the rule of the day for police offi-
cials investigating cases of terrorism.
The book under review, Framed, Damned, Acquitted:
Dossiers of a Very Special Cell, a report brought out by civil
rights group, Jamia Teachers Solidarity Association (JTSA) pres-
ents startling facts in this regard. The report, which is entirely
based on the Court judgments and official documents clearly
brings out how these police cell officials, often considered as the
most prestigious and given unaccounted powers and money, are
involved in cases of fabrication of innocents, manufacturing evi-
dence and forging documents; and mind it, this is not because of
mere stupidity, lack of professionalism or procedural lapses but to
earn money, fame and medals--all by framing innocents all in the
name of fighting the so-called war against terror.
The present volume documents 16 such cases and the writ-
ers of the report have rightly pointed out, the cases we present
here are only the proverbial tip of the iceberg, and simply indica-
tive of the extent of the malaise affecting our policing and crimi-
nal justice system.
In the 2005 case of State vs. Saqib Rehman, Bashir Ahmed
Shah, Nazir Ahmed Sofi, Haji Gulam Moinuddin Dar, Abdul Majid
Bhat, Abdul Qayoom Khan and Birender Kumar Singh, Judge
Virender Bhat, Additional Sessions Judge at Dwarka Courts, New
Delhi while acquitting the accused year later in 2011, writes:
They [accused] are totally innocent and have been framed in this
case by the aforesaid four police officers in order to achieve their
personal gains and/or to settle petty personal scores, be that at
the behest of one Major Sharma, whose attempts to persuade
accused Gulam Moinuddin Dar to work for him in getting the mil-
itants surrendered in Kashmir were spurned by him (Gulam
Moinuddin Dar) or to earn undue honours or awards for them-
selves. The judge further noted, Viewed from any angle, the
encounter alleged to have been taken place on the night interven-
ing between 01.7.05 and 02.7.05, did not take place at all and an
absolutely fake encounter has been projected. The story of the
encounter was carefully scripted in the office of Special Staff,
Delhi Police, Dhaula Kuan, by its main author SI Ravinder Tyagi
with the assistance of SI Nirakar, SI Charan Singh and SI
Mahender Singh. All these four police officers have acted in
advancement of their self-interests in total disregard to the
demands of their solemn duty. These four police officers, whose
duty was to protect and safeguard the citizens, have turned per-
secutors and tormentors.
The judge did not stop there in his judgment delivered on
2 February 2011. He went on to write: These four police officers
have brought utter shame and disrepute to the whole Delhi Police
force. In my opinion, there cannot be any more serious or grave
crime than a police officer framing an innocent citizen in a false
criminal case. Such tendency in the police officers should not be
viewed or dealt with lightly but needs to be curbed with a stern
hand. I, therefore, direct the Commissioner of Police, Delhi, to ini-
tiate appropriate enquiry against the four police officers
S I Ravinder Tyagi, SI Nirakar, SI Charan Singh and SI Mahender
Singh [who by now may have been promoted to the post of
Inspector] for the misuse and abuse of their powers as a police
officer, as detailed herein-above. The enquiry shall be completed
within three months from today, and report be submitted to this
Court on the next date of hearing. The SHO, Police Station
Kapasahera is also directed to register an FIR against the afore-
said four police officers u/s. 167 IPC and forward the same to the
Addl. Commissioner of Police (South/West) who shall conduct
investigation which shall be completed within three months from
today and a report be submitted to this Court on the next date of
hearing. A copy of the FIR shall be sent to this Court within one
month from today. What is important to note here is that, till date,
no such action has been taken. These officers are not only enjoy-
ing all the benefits of their service, including promotion, but have
also been entrusted to investigate new cases. When asked under
RTI, what has been done following the court judgment, the
Special Cell replied that they have challenged the judgment in the
higher court. That too at the cost of public money!
And what was the case against these innocents, who had to
spend six years of their life in jail and are now forced to live a life
with the terror tag, for no crime? According to the prosecution,
on 27 June 2005 a secret informer apprised Ravinder Tyagi - then
posted as SI in Special Branch of Dhaula Kuan - of the nefarious
designs of two Kashmiri terrorists, Masood and Zahid. Tyagi
asked his source to develop this information further and on 1 July
2005, the secret informer resurfaced with the valuable news that
the two terrorists along with two associates, ferrying a huge con-
signment of arms and ammunition, were headed into Delhi from
Jaipur in a blue Tata Indica (HR26S0440). Tyagi led a police party
and sat waiting on the national highway. On 2 July 2005, in the
early hours, the police party spotted a blue Tata Indica coming
towards Delhi. After a chase-involving cross firing and hurling of
hand grenades, the terrorists were apprehended, and a terrorist
attack was successfully averted. Zahid was revealed to be
Moinuddin Dar. However, in the court, during cross examination
the deposition of the star witness Ravinder Tyagi crumbled under
the scrutiny of the judge. Tyagi could not reveal to the court the
identity of his secret informer. Nor could he reply as to why he felt
no urgency to inform the IB or his seniors about the impending
terror strike. The Court firmly held that no one could be convicted
on the basis of secret information which could not be tested on
the touchstone of the cross examination by the accused.
Moreover, regarding the Army uniform seized from the terrorists
at the time of the arrest, the witness turned out to be a stock wit-
ness of the police. The witness, a tailor from the Gopinath Bazar
in Delhi Cantonment area, told the court that he operated his
shop from a pavement which left him at the mercy of the police
and MCD officials, and false testimonies were his way of paying
hafta to the police. He was summoned to the Dhaula Kuan Police
station where the accused was shown to him and asked to
depose against him in the court. Similarly, the prosecution
claimed to recover a sketch of Palam Airport from the pocket of
the accused. But this also turned a desperate attempt to manu-
facture evidence. The court observed, For the sketch to be kept
in the pocket, it would have to be folded more than twice. The fact
that there was a single fold longitudinally with no creases sug-
gested that the sketch had been planted as an afterthought. Also,
the police, upon recovering the sketch, made no attempt to either
corroborate the handwriting on the sketch, nor to inform the
Palam airport authorities about a possible terror attack.
This report is full of such revealing facts, one after another,
ripping apart the tall claims made by the prosecution in what are
called cases of national importance and bearing international
Look at the case of State vs. Moarif Qamar and Mohammad
Irshad Ali. A somewhat similar story follows: On 9 February 2006,
around 4 pm, SI Vinay Tygai received secret information that two
militants of Al-Badr outfit, namely Moarif Qamar and Mohammad
Irshad Ali would be arriving in Delhi by a J&K State Road
Transport Corporation (JKSRTC) bus bearing registration num-
ber JK 02Y 0299. The officer was also told that the alleged mili-
tants would disembark at Mukarba Chowk, near the G. T. Karnal
Road in north Delhi, and that they would be carrying on them a
huge cach of arms and explosives. Upon the receipt of this infor-
mation, a police team was constituted to act upon this informa-
tion. The police team reached Mukarba Chowk around 5.30 pm,
where two of its members, namely Inspector Sanjay Dutt and SI
Vinay Tyagi met their (police) informer. They asked about half a
dozen people to join the raiding police team as witnesses, but all
excused themselves. Failing to enlist public witness, the police
team, SI Subhash Vats and SI Ravinder Tyagi, were asked to
become witnesses of the police teams proceedings. As the police
team waited for the accused to arrive, it was divided in two cor-
dons (inner and outer). At around 7.35 pm a JKSRTC bus bear-
ing the mentioned registration number arrived at Mukarba
Chowk. As the bus stopped, the police informer accompanying
the police team identified Moarif Qamar and Mohammad Irshad
Ali, from among the passengers alighting from the bus. When the
accused were about to cross the road, they were intercepted by
members of the police team and apprehended. However, the
truth is that both the accused named in this case, Moarif Qamar
and Mohammad Irshad Ali, were shown arrested by the police
from a place and on a date that were far removed from the date
and place from where they were actually picked up or rather kid-
napped by the Special Cell personnel in Delhi, way back in
December 2005.
In this regard, a CBI investigation revealed that both the
accused after being picked up by the police in December 2005
were kept in illegal detention till 9 February 2006 when they
were shown arrested as alleged terrorists. The CBI observed that
on 9 February 2006, the recovery and seizure of arms and
ammunitions from Moarif Qamar and Mohammad Irshad Ali by SI
Vinay Tyagi and claimed to have been witnessed by SI Subhash
Vats and Ravinder Tyagi, is false and that false evidence/record
has been fabricated to implicate Irshad Ali and Moarif Qamar for
an oblique motive. The CBI s Closure Report submitted in the
court of the Additional Session Judge, S. S. Mohi, on
11 November 2008 categorically stated that far from being Al-
Badr terrorists, as alleged by the Special Cell, the accused were
innocent men, framed and falsely implicated in the entire case by
the Special Cell, which had planted fabricated evidence on these
men. The CBI further recommended legal action against SIs
Vinay Tyagi, Subhash Vats and Ravinder Tyagi for commission
of offences u/s 120-B r/w 193, 195 and substantive offences
thereof as per provisions of Section 195(1) (b) (i) Cr. P.C. Which
simply means: these officers must be prosecuted for fabricating
cases and planting incriminating evidence. But here too, nothing
has been done against these officers to date.
The other cases, documented in the report are no different
from these samples. In almost every case, the courts have
observed that the prosecution has failed to prove its case (and
produce any substantial) evidence beyond reasonable doubt.
The present report ably brings out the fact of how media
houses and journalists are working as faithful stenographers of
the Police, not only presuming the accused guilty much before a
court of law gives its verdict but also in ruining the lives of inno-
cents by reckless reportage, reproducing press handouts provid-
ed by the Police. Hence, it must be noted that, in this business of
framing innocent citizens and manufacturing terrorists, the media
considered to be the fourth pillar of democracy is as responsible
as the criminals in khaki themselves. Because, it is the media
who gives them legitimacy by not only hiding crimes but also part-
nering in their crimes by failing to ask basic questions and,
instead, succumbing to the police versions.
The report is an eye-opener and demands urgent action
against the real criminals in khaki. It must be circulated on a
large-scale and treated with all seriousness, if we are really inter-
ested in solving the problem of Terrorism in India.
(Mahtab Alam is a Delhi-based Civil Rights Activist
and Journalist.
To order, see page 24
Dossiers of a Very Special Cell
Sachar Committee Report
English Rs 1000
Hindi Rs 1000
Urdu Rs 1000
Ordering details on page 19
The present report ably brings out the fact of how
media houses and journalists are working as faithful ste-
nographers of the Police, not only presuming the accused
guilty much before a court of law gives its verdict but also
in ruining the lives of innocents by reckless reportage,
reproducing press handouts provided by the Police.
Hence, it must be noted that, in this business of framing
innocent citizens and manufacturing terrorists, the media
considered to be the fourth pillar of democracy is as
responsible as the criminals in khaki themselves. Because,
it is the media who gives them legitimacy by not only hid-
ing crimes but also partnering in their crimes by failing to
ask basic questions and, instead, succumbing to the police
Framed, Damned and Acquitted:
Dossiers of a Very Special Cell
A report by Jamia Teachers' Solidarity Association
22 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2012
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The Saudi Connection
JazakAllah khairan for the great article.. to be honest with you I did
not know some of the points raised in the article, not to mention that
you are well-versed in Arabic.
Dr. Saleh M. Sbenaty, Murfreesboro, USA
[email protected]
MG Editor: Indian Muslims for the last ten years at least are
subject to a well- planned conspiracy by highly biased
Intelligence and police elements here who are implicating our
youth in terror cases. In the beginning, our elders thought that
it is possible that some of our youth were involved in some stu-
pid plots to avenge injustices like demolition of the Babri
mosque or the Gujarat pogroms, but now after hundreds of
acquittals in courts and emergence of reams of evidence it is
clear that this is all pre-planned to implicate our youth in order
to retard our progress, give bad name to our community. This
serves the long term agenda of the ultra nationalist Hindus
(RSS etc). We were already victims of discrimination since
Independence in 1947, but the opening of the Gulf and Saudi
route in early 1970s offered our youth a venue to work and
progress, thereby improving the lot of their families. Now, they
are trying to close even that route. It is upto the Gulf Arabs to
understand the designs of the ultra nationalists in India. It is
not correct that the whole government of India is involved in
this conspiracy but certainly some biased sections of our gov-
ernment are involved. Now we are saying this openly here.
White Paper on Terrorism
Your plan to publish a white paper about the excesses and injustices
upon Ummah through security agencies using TADA, POTA,
MACOCA, fake encounters, illegal arrests, police-manufactured sto-
ries, closing of riots-related cases, etc. Certainly it is a monumental
task and needs huge funds. We wish May Allah give a great suc-
S. Haque, Patna
Islam-bashing: Wests hobby-horse
The west seems to have its favourite pastime: Islam-bashing. A
derogatory movie on Muhammad followed by cartoons in a French
weekly indicate that the entire wests only objective is to instigate
Muslims by caricaturing its holy book and figures. This is not free-
dom of speech and expression. This is misuse, nay abuse, of this
freedom. I ask those miscreants, whore trying to besmirch the
image of Islam and denigrate its sacred characters, howll they react
if Biblical figures are condemned, though a true Muslim will never
insult Jesus and his mother Mary as both are revered in Quran?
Even if youre an atheist, it doesnt mean you go on sullying those,
whore held in high esteem by the followers of a particular faith. Ive
never had faith in any god or religion. I spare none. Yet, I see to it
that my attacks arent flagrantly full-frontal as to disturb the mental
equilibrium of those whove faith and who cannot live sans a reli-
gious anchorage. Even in criticism, one shouldnt lose ones mar-
bles and start abusing randomly. Were living in religiously danger-
ous times and people have become all the more sensitive when it
comes to their faith. Its, therefore, imperative to exercise utmost
restraint not to resort to anything that may snowball into a conflagra-
Dr. Sumit S. Paul, Pune
Death of Chris Stevens is sad. Unconcerned people should not have
been killed. A brief news item says: India has strongly condemned
the violent act.... The condemnation is well-placed and rightful. This
gesture could have been saner and more rightful if the statement
could, at the same time condemned strongly the film insulting the
Prophet of Islam who was Mercy unto, and benefactor of the entire
Humankind, and not the prophet for the Muslims only. This is out-
right wrong to view such misadventures (this film, Rushdies book,
and Denmark cartoons, etc.) in a Muslim versus non-Muslim per-
spective. This is rather a matter of universal human moral values.
Z. A Mansoorie, New Delhi 110025
[email protected]
Freedom of speech should have a limit. It cannot be used to hurt the
religious sentiments of a community. I strongly condemn the
attempts by certain anti-peace and anti-social elements of making a
film Innocence of Muslims. This film has hurt the sentiments of
Muslim Community world over. with regards
Abdul Hafiz Gandhi, New Delhi
[email protected]
The filthy American/Zionist documentary is a new scheme to keep
Muslims engaged in a reactive manner, and to sow new seeds of
violence. The best strategy is to simply ignore this filth. All that these
heinous minds want is violent protests and new excuses to oppress
Muslims. The history and legacy of the Prophet is not something that
would melt away in the wake of a repulsive design like this. The
prophet as a human being has been humanitys blessing. No dirt
can ever stain his legacy. The Prophet himself had faced unimagin-
able levels of humiliation and insults from the forces of tyranny. His
followers had to go on exile in Ethopia, he himself had to go away
to Madina whose civilised people made him their leader. The
Prophets message is patience and tolerance.
[email protected]
The violence throughout the world over the blasphemous film
Innocence of Muslims is not justified in the least as Islam advo-
cates for peace. However, we must also denounce the inflammato-
ry film. Freedom of expression cannot be absolute. Just like free-
dom of action is not a free licence to kick everyone you want, free-
dom of expression does not mean you go on hurting people emo-
tionally. Ridiculing any religion or personalities related to it should be
excluded from the ambit of freedom of expression. It is illogical that
you outrage someone and then expect him to always behave in a
sensible and peaceful way.
A. Hameed Yousuf, Ulsoor, Bangalore
[email protected]
I earnestly appeal my Muslim brethren not to get provocated on
every filthy move aimed to sacrilege our religion or the revered per-
sons .It has now become an easy but effective tactics for some mis-
chievous elements to put us on psychological toes, these con-
demnable things will get cropped up time and again, shall we have
to protest always. I think it is not advisable to respond to these
unscrupulous and devil elements by protesting and agitating. Let us
not give any attention to these filthy actions, the strange thing about
our reactions to such heinous moves is that for a short span of time
we get spontaneously united vowing to crush such elements and
few abuses here and there including US and its allies. We should
instead focus on certain basic issues confronting ummah. Do we
really have any concern about our unity? Do we have any realiza-
tion of our untapped resources being at the disposal of Muslim
countries? Do we have any say in the global polity? Do we have any
regulating power on the economic issues? How much mastery do
we have on issues pertaining to science and technology? Have we
created any international fund to promote quality research in Muslim
Nasir Hussain Peerzada, Srinagar, JK
[email protected]
This is with reference to the fantastic article published in MG 1-15
Sept 2012 Fall of the fanatic; is Advani the new Rakhi Sawant of
Indian politics? is a mind blowing article by Samar Narayan, which
has presented the true face of Advani, who is compared to Rakhi
Sawant is very interesting and informative. Mr. Advani is really a
defeated man defeated by none but by his own self goals. His
dream of becoming PM is an illusion. A man of long political tenure
should respect the democracy, but he made a mockery of it, and is
now reaping the fruits of his misdeeds. I congratulate the editor for
publishing this article for the readers in a bold venture.
Muhammad Azam, Karimnager, AP
[email protected]
S M Krishna Yatra
S M Krishna, the Indian Foreign Minister, paid a visit to Data Durbar,
Lahore, and left without making even a token donation! And then
India talks of improving the relations between the two countries!
Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd), Rawalpindi
[email protected]
Real and image Congress and BJP
Every BJP leader blames Congress as Gandhi Parivar Party but
Congress shies to call BJP Sangh Parivaar party. BJP blames
Congress for 1.86 lakh crore coal scam and Congress blames BJP-
ruled CMs responsible for coal scam. Congress targets Modi for
sponsored riot as Modi asked police top brass not to act and let
Hindus vent their anger for three days. Congress Assam CM and
central Congress leaders stage-managed drama not to take action
to control riots in Assam for at least three days. CM blamed Centre
for not sending army in time and defence minister apologised for the
delay in sending the army to Assam. Muslims should compare the
similarities between Congress and BJP. Many decades earlier Dalit
leaders recognised Congress as Naag Naathand BJP as Saanp
S. Haque, Patna
Communal organization involved in terrorist activities
As a result of investigations of anti-terrorists squads and other
investigating agencies it has been proved that Hindu communal
organizations namely Bajrang Dal, VHP, Sanatan Sanstha, Ram
Sena and RSS were involved in highly deplorable terrorist actions at
Ajmer, Malegaon, Mander and Macca Masjid Hyderabad and highly
explosive materials had been found both at the offices of these
organizations and residences of activists of these organizations.
Arrests of Col Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya collaborates the existence
of a conspiracy engineered by these organizations. Mot only this,
VHP and Bajrang Dal had also tried to convert Orissa into another
Gujarat by killing Christians and damaging their churches white Shiv
Sena had launched an intense hate campaign against north Indians
in Mumbai. A prominent leaders of RSS has also been accused of
participating in these activities by anti-terrorist squad. AICC at its
recent session severely condemned the involvement of these
organizations in terrorist activities. The Union Govt should immedi-
ately ban these organizations for their involvement in terrorist activ-
ities and this decidedly will be a fatal blow to terrorism.
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex-M. P., Mayur Vihar - New Delhi
Open Letters to Modi and Kodnani
This is with reference to the fantastic items published in MG 16-30
Sept Sanjiv Bhatts Open Letters to Modi and Kodnani. These let-
ters are an eye-opener not only to Modi & Co, but to all the Saffron
brigade. Sanjiv Bhatt should be congratulated for his boldness. He
challenged Modi for his multiple communal misdeeds. Now it is the
time for Modi to reply to the allegations made in the open letter.
Mohd. Azam, Karimnager, AP
[email protected]
Three CS - greatest menace to the Indian democracy
Three Cs, i.e., Communalism, Corruption and casteism not only
pose menace to the very existence of Indian democracy which is the
largest parliamentary democracy of the world and the integrity of the
country, Indian parliamentary system, Indian nationalism and our
precious national composite culture will become a thing of the past.
The need of the hour is that the Congress through whose efforts the
country got freedom alone is capable of defeating these forces i. e.
communalism, casteism and corruption by lunching a vigorous cam-
paign against them.
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex-M.P., Delhi
Why India still follows British laws?
If one has to find a reason as to why independent India has still on
its law books, a bulk of penal laws, from the old colonial British rule,
one may have to do some comparison between the British rule and
the present Brahmin rule. Both British as well as Brahmins were and
are a minority. Both ruled India with cunning and manipulations.
India is hailed as being freed from the British rule, but unfortunately
it fell into the grip of another minority, which though proclaiming
independence, democracy and secularism, is still a oligarchic minor-
ity that has enslaved India. The Brahmin minority is treating rest of
the people as their slaves and is mortally afraid of a 1857 like peo-
ples revolt. It has therefore preserved all draconian laws that British
colonials had devised to keep the Indians in bondage. The clever-
ness of Brahmins is that they have been successfully convincing the
rest of the people that they are Indians and therefore their rule is
the rule of the natives. However, it is the same kind of ruse that
Communists imposed on their people by calling their autocratic rule
as peoples and workers rule, while a brutal oligarchy in fact ruled
the Communist countries. Unless we the people wake up to the
fraud that has been imposed on us and realize that the Brahmin Raj
is a continuation of the colonial British Raj, we will never achieve
true freedom from our bondage. It is time for a wake up call.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
[email protected]
What has Namaaz to do with a political move?
If, indeed, Mamta Bannerji has used the words after the namaz to
announce the time of her ministers resignation, the statement is
highly communal and smacks of warped secularism. The intention
to appease one community, Muslims, was obvious and unshamed.
The Muslim community should refuse to be swayed by any sort of
hollow appeasement and make known their displeasure at such
Dr Mookhi Amir Ali, Santacruz West, Mumbai 400054
Why media silent on S. S.-BJP relation
Once shiv sena mouthpiece displayed bad taste poetry about Bihari
ek bihari 100 bimari. Now SS 2nd top leader Udhav Thakarey
raised issuing permit to Biharis. The media made some hue and cry
but not a single media or a journalist asked BJP leaders particular-
ly BJP leaders from Bihar about S. S. venom spitting against Biharis
and BJP-SS relation and why BJP leaders continue relation with SS
etc. The answer will expose medias saffron mentality.
S. Haque, Patna
This word is used to mean different things. A sports commentary
said, The Valencia team imposes its pragmatism in El Sadar,
meaning that it applied every effective means to achieve a positive
result. In this sense, pragmatism could be understood as the ten-
dency to adjust to actual circumstances. We could distinguish two
sides to this term-a philosophical pragmatism and a relativistic, or
vulgar, pragmatism. The philosophical type has been developed by
Charles S. Peirce, William James and John Dewey, among others.
It acknowledges the validity of traditional issues concerning the truth
of cognitive practices, and it seeks to reconstruct philosophy on that
basis, starting from the notions of objectivity and truth. Relativistic or
vulgar pragmatism is connected with a lack of principles, shrewd-
ness, cynicism, and mere material efficiency. It seems to be quite
frequent among certain businessmen and politicians. Manipulative
advertising, deprived of any moral considerations, can obtain busi-
ness benefits, even if this means deceiving consumers or creating
artificial needs. For some politicians all opinions are worth the same,
that is, nothing and truths do not exist as such. Their worth is mere-
ly based on the votes they help get. This is why, whenever a politi-
cian is asked about a particular fact, he typically does not reply to
what is being asked, but rather answers with one or several well-
built phrases aimed at creating a good image for himself or his party
without stopping to think whether what is said is true or not. It is not
the reality of facts that is sought, but rather to make a good impres-
sion on the audience and to secure their votes. Talking about this
with a friend of mine who is a politician, he told me that at their sum-
mer schools they were taught the techniques for replying to mass
media with arguments favoring their party and public performance,
without taking into account whether their speech was true to the
facts or not. This relativistic pragmatism bases social relationships
on lies and creates a radical distrust in politicians, which is among
the worst-rated collectives in many surveys. There is a clear need to
base politics and human relationships on reality, and to always tell
the truth about what we think and feel.
Arturo Ramo, DO-Teruel (Spain)
[email protected]
Commercialization of Education
All countrymen have to lament that education in the country has now
become a thriving industry. Admissions to technical institutions and
to institutions imparting education in professional courses are given
on the basis of donations exceeding six figures. In flagrant violation
of Indian constitution which provides for free and compulsory edu-
cation to students up to the age of 14, public schools are charging
excessive amount of thousands of rupees from the parents and
guardians of students not once but after every three months during
one academic session. These public schools are public only in
name but are really centres of worst kind of exploitation which is the
norm of private sector or privatization. One has to pay for admission
forms of universities not on payment or paltry amount. Mr. Kapil
Sibal, the energetic H. K. D. Minister will really do a national service
by adopting strong preventive measures to totally stop commercial-
ization of education i. e. the conversions of education into a thriving
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex-MP, Mayur Vihar - Delhi-110091
Have Muslim leaders sold self-respect?
Janta Party leader Subramaniam Swamy wrote an article in Pioneer
(14 July 2012) exposing the conspiracy of Hashimpura killings. He
wrote that the then minister of state for home P. Chidambaram air-
surveyed the riot-hit Meerut areas and told the local authorities:
Teach Muslims a lesson as we taught Sikhs. He had a meeting
with PAC top brass where Mohsina Kidwai was not invited. Rather,
she was virtually locked in the Dak bunglow. Mohsina Kidwai must
answer the questions raised by Subramaniam Swamy and why she
kept mum over the killing of 69 innocent Muslims?
S. Haque, Patna
Path of peace and progress
It is need of the hour to inculcate values of tolerance, brother hood,
non-violence amongst our countrymen. Hatred, violence, intoler-
ance etc are harmful to the development and progress of our moth-
erland. It is elementary that with out peace, tolerance, unity, and rule
of law no progress is possible. How the country can proceed on the
path of progress when shops and houses are burnt, places of wor-
ship desecrated and demolished , property looted and innocent citi-
zens are killed. Terrorism , communal and caste riots, bunds, bomb-
blasts, naxalism, violent agitations etc retard all kinds of develop-
ment and progress. There is no place for terrorism, violence, hatred
linguism, intolerance etc in a secular democratic country like ours.
We should adopt the peaceful and democratic methods of mutual
understanding and discussions to achieve our objectives. The sprit
of brotherhood, love, tolerance, co-operation, communal, regional
and racial harmony and peaceful coexistence are essential for
national unity, communal harmony and progress . We should launch
a crusade against hatred, intolerance, linguism, regionalism, terror-
ism, intolerance, and violence prevailing in our country.
G. Hasnain Kaif, Bhandara, Maharashtra 441904
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2012 23
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DNA Replication within wombs revealed in Quran
With best compliments from
Kaleem Kawaja , Washington DC
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Editor: Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan
Just Published
Framed, Damned, Acquitted:
Dossiers of a Very Special Cell
Publisher: Jamia Teachers Solidarity Association (JTSA) , New Delhi
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Framed, Damned and Acquitted:
Dossiers of a Very Special Cell
A report by Jamia Teachers' Solidarity Association
Framed, Damned and Acquitted:
Dossiers of a Very Special Cell
A report by Jamia Teachers' Solidarity Association