Purple Book
Purple Book
Purple Book
Design Guide to Separating Distances for Timber Frame Buildings during Construction
Category B
Category C
Fire protection
Categories B & C
The following general materials have been shown, through testing, to demonstrate enhanced resistance to fire during construction. To be included in Category B or C product/system manufacturers MUST test the chosen wall and floor configurations to the UKTFAs test programme guidelines.
Brief Description External Walls FR Build timber frame and FR build sheathing OR sheathing of limited combustibility or better FI Build Pre-insulated wall frames with FR Build sheathing OR boards of limited combustibility or better Standard timber frame with noncombustible sheathing OR FR Build timber frame with sheathing of limited combustibility or better OR FR Build frames internally faced with boards of limited combustibility & FR Build sheathing externally or better As C1 but no openings and external sheathing to be at least sheathing of limited combustibility Load Bearing Internal Walls Compartment Walls Floors/Flat Roofs Pitched Roofs
Sheathed walls - FR Build studs and FR Build sheathing or sheathing of limited combustibility or better OR Non-FR Build studs with sheathing of limited combustibility or better on both sides Un-sheathed walls FR Build studs
FR Build timber frame and FR Build sheathing plus Party wall Cavity insulation or sheathing of limited combustibility or better or Non-FR Build studs with sheathing of limited combustibility on room side Max centres 20m
FR Build joists and FR Build decking boards or boards of limited combustibility or better
Notes: 1. FR Build is a classification of flame retardants acceptable to the UKTFA based on the Wood Protection Association (WPA) benchmark audit scheme and approvals. EN or BS reaction to fire or fire test data is not acceptable 2. Non-combustible boards will be products complying with BS 476 - part 4 or BS EN ISO 1182 euro class A1 3. Boards of limited combustibility shall be products that comply with BS 476 part 6/7 - class 0 or BS EN ISO 13823 euro class B 4. Standard timber frame - typically combustible materials, not treated with flame retardants 5. FI Build - is a classification of appropriate insulation material acceptable to the UKTFA, i.e. insulation products suitable for off-site installation
The information above has been reproduced from Part 3 of the guidelines with kind permission of the UKTFA
01592 630774
IWS-FR studs and IWSFR plywood sheathing IWS-FR studs and IWS-FR plywood sheathing IWS-FR studs IWS Single Leaf Separating Wall Party wall/Cavity wall insulation - Max centres 20m Either timber trusses or flat roof types of timber based joists and timber based floor decking board
Category C1 - Fire Spread Resistant Frames Category C2 - Fire Spread Resistant Frames No Openings
IWS-FR Build timber frame or untreated timber frame and noncom Sheathing board (IWS-FASTBoard)
C1 with no openings
Milner Associates can consult on fire mitigation measures to optimise your project specification (0117 945 3260)
Typical Example of Category C Under Intense Fire Source Shows No Spread of Flame
Category C IWS-FR treated studs, non-com sheathing and IWS-FR treated floors No spread of flame and potential to self-extinguish
FR Buildnsidera-
FR Build
To make sure that specifiers, constructors and checking authorities have confidence in selecting appropriate flame retardants for timber frame during construction the UKTFA has established an auditable and tested FR classification called FR Build.
2. User information 2.1 FR Build chemicals should be supplied with Material Safety Data Sheets 2.2 Users of FR Build treated timber should be supplied with information on safe storage and handling. 3. Marking 3.1 FR Build treated timber must be: Traceable to treatment plant records at pack level. Marked to identify them as FR Build 4. FR Build Product Characteristics 4.1 Build phase exposure. FR Build treated wood must comply with the UKTFA Build Phase Exposure Test, 4 week average rainfall standard. 4.2 Metal components of panels and other timber frame elements must be compatible with FR Build treated wood and wood-based materials. 5. Fire Performance 5.1 Test data Treatment provider/manufacturer must be able to demonstrate all performance claims through tests carried out to the UKTFA product performance guide.
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IWS-FR Build
IWS-FR (with partners Arch Timber Protection and Glenalmond Timber Company) treatment is compliant with the UKTFA's FR Build system.
Requirement IWS Treatment Achieved
Manufacturers UKAS ISO 9001 registered Arch Timber Protection manufactures IWS-FR under UKAS ISO 9001
Treaters WPA Benchmark FR Build quality scheme and UKAS ISO 9001
Certificated firm No: 001/1111 IWS' sister company Glenalmond operates under the WPA Benchmark FR Build quality scheme and UKAS ISO 9001
Product Conformity
IWS-FR chemicals conform with the timber frame test criteria required by the UKTFA
User Information
IWS-FR Build
IWS-FR treated timber is produced in accordance Build phase exposure with UKTFA requirements for FR Build materials and the application process is quality assessed under the WPA Benchmark FR Build scheme
FR FAQsons
1) What is the IWS-FR composition? The IWS-FR treatment is a water-based blend of complimentary flame retardant ingredients which was developed specifically to provide an envelope treatment to timbers to act as a proven flame retardant but not cause any change in the timber product or require secondary drying. 2) Why is the IWS-FR suited for timber framing elements? The IWS-FR is applied through a low pressure treatment and was designed for the treatment of timber frame construction timbers and formulated for the specific fire scenarios for this end use. It is a highly concentrated liquid and requires a single double vacuum treatment only to give the desired fire properties. Furthermore, it does not need to be kiln dried after treatment 3) Is the IWS-FR treated timber classed as a hazardous material? No. IWS-FR treated timber is classified as non-hazardous. It does not contain halides (chlorides or bromides), metals, phosphates or volatile organic compounds 4) How do I recognise IWS-FR treated timber? IWS-FR treated timber is a distinct purple colour. 5) If the colour is patchy does this mean that the IWS-FR does not cover the material in its entirety? We have tested timber treated with the IWS treatments and proven that the protection is consistently present across all surfaces of the timber even if the colour is patchy. This is because colours bind to the timber very quickly and strongly and can be filtered out of packs especially of they are tightly packed. In order to get a more even colour strike we would have to include a number of different chemicals to improve the levelling. These chemicals reduce the binding of the colour so that it penetrates further. 6) Is IWS-FR non-corrosive? Yes. IWS-FR is neutral pH and non-corrosive to treatment plant components and metal fixings and fastenings. 7) Does IWS-FR provide protection on all faces? Yes as it provides impregnation on all faces. 8) Does the IWS-FR product leach? Yes. All FRs for timber frame elements will leach. However, the FR Build devised by the UKTFA assesses product leaching. IWS-FR treated timber has been assessed by this test and fully meets the requirements of this protocol. Furthermore it is available in a water repellent form which will reduce leaching. 9) Does the IWS-FR last the lifetime of the building? Yes.
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Category B
External, Internal and Compartment Walls IWS-FR studs IWS-FR plywood Floors/Flat Roofs IWS-Floor Joists IWS-FR plywood deck FR Treatment Plant
Category C
External Walls IWS-FR studs IWS-Non-Com (IWS-FASTBoard) Internal and Compartment Walls IWS-FR studs IWS-FR plywood Floors/Flat Roofs IWS-Floor Joists IWS-FR plywood deck FR Treatment Plant
0117 9453260
Compliant FR Products: FR Build sheathing FR Build studs FR Build Joist system Non-combustible boards Single leaf separating wall FR Build Rim
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01592 630774
IWS Supply
Published - 15/11/11
Reviewed by:
Intelligent Wood Systems Units 5 & 6 Bankhead Avenue Bankhead Industrial Estate Glenrothes KY7 6JG T: 01592 630774 F:01592 779012 www.intelligentwoodsystems.com
Fire protection
excellent Acoustics
0 -10 -20
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