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Introduction To Business Business 10 Fall 2012 (Online Class)

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Introduction to Business BUSINESS 10 Fall 2012 (Online Class)

David Stringer Office Hour: By appointment only Email: [email protected] COURSE DESCRIPTION A survey course designed to introduce the student to the principles and functions of business. Business will be studied as a part of a total social, political and economic environment. The various functional areas of business will be covered: economic systems, forms of business ownership, small business, management, human resource management, marketing, accounting, finance, stock market and business law. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. To provide the student with a basic overview of the business community 2. To acquaint the student with the various functional areas of the firm and how these interact 3. To introduce the student to the concepts and terminology of business and economics 4. To provide the student with a background which will assist her/him in analyzing and studying the business environment TEXT Understanding Business, 10th edition, Nickels. Grading Quiz Discussion Questions (5) 3 Midterms Final Total Points 10 50 150 80 290 Grade Distribution A= 90% B= 80% C= 70% D= 65% F= Below 65%

BUS 10 (OL)

Dates Sept. 24-Oct. 4 Sept 30-Oct. 2 Oct. 14-16 Nov. 4 Nov. 4-6 Nov. 7 Nov 25 Nov. 25-27 Exams Begin reading chapters 1-3 Quiz 1 MIDTERM 1 1-3 16 Chapters on Exam

Extra Credit Assignment Due (not the WSJ assignment) MIDTERM 2 Completion of Discussion Questions Wall Street Journal XC Due MIDTERM 3 13-18 Comprehensive (1-20 + 7-12

Dec. 10-12 FINAL (Please note the final also includes chapters 19 and 20.) Bonus chp. A)

The left hand column shows the dates of the assignments and the dates that the exams are open. The right hand column shows the chapters to be covered on each exam. All exams must be taken during the dates listed above. Exams open at 5 P.M. on the first day of the exam period. All exams must be completed by 11 A. M. of the last day of the time period. Please check the window of time for each quiz and exam. Be sure to finish the exam with at least a couple of minutes prior to the completion time to make sure you have enough time for your exam to upload. Each exam has a time limit. Quiz one is 20 minutes in length and consists of 10 multiple-choice questions from chapters 1-3. The mid-terms are one hour and 10 minutes in length, and are made up of 50 multiple-choice questions. The final is comprehensive. It is made up of 80 multiple-choice questions and is two hours in length. Make sure that you watch the timer on the screen, as your score will result in a zero if you go over the allotted time. Please be sure to hit the SUBMIT KEY when you have completed the exam. Allow at least two minutes for your test to upload to the main frame computer. This must be completed by the end of the allotted time period. DO NOT WAIT until the last couple of hours of the time period to take the exams because technical difficulties sometimes occur. If you should have technical difficulties with one of the exams, your only alternative is to take an essay exam. Please notify your instructor within 24 hours, so that you arrangements can be made for you to take the essay exam. The makeup exam must be completed within one day of the due date. It is imperative that you log on at least once a week, and check for messages. Your activity will be monitored, and students failing to check in and perform some activity at least every seven (7) days are subject to being dropped from the course.

BUS 10 (OL)

Discussion (50 Points): Please send your responses via Catalyst. DO NOT post your responses on the discussion board. You will be graded on each topic (up to 10 points each). Be sure to answer each question thoroughly, providing support for each of your four responses. No late assignments will be accepted. Extra Credit: DUE DATE: See Assignments Page You can makeup to a maximum of ten extra credit points from the following extra credit assignment: Thinking It Over. Answer the following two questions: 1. What products have you purchased lately and what kind of promotion influenced your decision? Were you influenced by word of mouth, advertising or sales promotion? What do you feel was the greatest influence on what you bought? 2. How would you compare the influence of traditional media, such as TV advertising, to the newer media, such as Facebook, mobile marketing and Twitter? Answer the above questions and reference each question number. Your paper should be approximately two pages in length and single-spaced. Please submit this assignment via your Catalyst account as a Word document. This assignment must be turned in on either Nov. 3 or the 4th. Extra Credit, Continued: By subscribing to the Wall Street Journal for ten weeks you can earn up to 15 extra credit points. You must subscribe and begin this assignment within the first two weeks of the term. The link to subscribe to the WSJ can be found on my De Anza College website or use the following link: http://www.wsjstudent.com As a student you can purchase the WSJ at the student rate. By subscribing to the WSJ for at least one term, typing a two-page summary (single-spaced) of your opinions and thoughts of the WSJ and providing proof of payment, you can earn up to 15 points of extra credit. In addition, you will need to discuss two articles from the WSJ that were of particular interest to you and are related to the course. Due Date for the WSJ extra Credit: See Assignment page. This assignment must be turned in on either Nov. 24 or the 25th. Please note that the WSJ assignment has a later due date than the other optional extra credit assignments. One additional note: if you are taking more than one class from me during the term, you can only use the WSJ assignment in one of the courses. NOTE: The maximum number of extra credit points for the term is 25. When corresponding by e-mail, please type your FULL LEGAL NAME and the COURSE you are taking. This will assure a speedier response. Course Admission and Withdrawal: Please register for this course through De Anza College. All students must register and pay all fees within the first five days of the course or they will not receive credit for the course. A course grade will not be given to students who do not register and pay for the course at the
beginning of the term.

It is your responsibility to withdraw from the course; otherwise the appropriate grade will be assigned at the end of the term. Failure to notify the instructor could possibly result in receiving an F in the course. College catalog information about classes: Last day to add classes: Saturday, Oct. 6. Last day to drop a class with no record of grade: Sunday, Oct. 7. Last day to drop with a W: Friday Nov. 16. Sorry but there are no exceptions to these dates. 3 BUS 10 (OL)

Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability-related need for reasonable academic accommodations or services in this course, provide (name of instructor) with a Test Accommodation Verification Form (also known as a TAV form) from Disability Support Services (DSS) or the Educational Diagnostic Center (EDC). Students are expected to give five days notice of the need for accommodations. Students with disabilities can obtain a TAV form from their DSS counselor (864-8753 DSS main number) or EDC advisor (8648839 EDC main number). I hope your will greatly benefit from this course. Have an enjoyable and successful term. If at any time you have a question, please contact me via e-mail: [email protected].

David Stringer

BUS 10 (OL)

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