PWR Test 02

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L J Institute of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Test 2 (During Lab Session Only)
Subject Code: 171002 Name: Questions: Q-1 Power Electronics Roll No: Date: Enrollment No: Time: 2 hours


(i) Explain di/dt protection circuit for SCR. (ii) Draw and explain single phase full wave controlled rectifier in mid-point configuration with required waveforms and also derive the equations for its average load voltage, average load current and RMS load voltage. Draw and explain single phase half-controlled bridge rectifier with R-L load in symmetrical configuration with required waveforms. Draw and explain three phase half-wave controlled rectifier with required waveforms and equations. Explain full wave RC triggering circuit. With necessary waveforms and diagram explain class B commutation circuits.

(4) (8)

(7) (7) (7) (7)

Q-3 Q-4 Q-5

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