Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0
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Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 C000 Win32 x86 WITH WORKING CRACK-iVAN
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Link Building Service Rank High in Google. Ethical SEO Firm Offers Link Building. Honest Pay - Honest Work Serious? Hungry? Of Legal Age? Yes to All Three and You're Qualified. Possible Passwords mopar lfm Comments ivanstankovic (Reputation: 2) 2 years ago Read "HOW TO.txt" ivanstankovic (Reputation: 2) 2 years ago
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1.Insert the Pro/Engineer Disk 1 CD. 2.Autorun will open CD if not click Setup.exe 3.Take a look on the left corner in the bottom, that is your actual "HostID",remmember that number or write somewhere on paper. 4.In a "CRACK folder find file "ptc_li-4.0.dat" and copy somewhere on your HD. 5.Open "ptc_li-4.0.dat" with Notepad" and replace every occurance of HOSTID with your "HostID" shown in the bottom left corner of the ProEngineer setup.The best an the fastest way is like this: 1a) Open "ptc_li-4.0.dat" with Notepad" 2a) In Notepad" klick "Edit" and "Replace" (Ctrl+H) 3a) in a "Find what:" paste HOSTID ,Replace with:" paste your "HostID" shown in the bottom left corner of the ProEngineer setup. 4a) Klick "Replace All"
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4/23/2010 9:45 PM
Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 C000 Win32 x86 WITH WORKING CRACK-iV Torrent - btjunkie AN
5a) Klick "File" and "Save" 6a) Exit "Notepad" 6) Click "Next" 7) Check "I Accept the Agreement Terms and Conditions" 8) Click "Next" 9) Click "Pro/Engineer Pro/Engineer Mechanica" 10) Change the Destination Folder to "C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0" 11) change the red X to Install this feature for the following: 1b) Pro/Engineer Mechanica (If you want this with Pro/Engineer,if you dont want do not change) 12) Expand the "Options" feature change the red X to Install this feature for the following: 1c) 2c) 3c) 4c) J2RE 1.4.1 Mold Component Catalog Pro/Plastic Advisor VERICUT (R) for Pro/ENGINEER
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not install the "J2RE 1.4.1" option if you already have a newer version installed on your system. 13) Click "Next" 14) Click "Add" 15) On license-config screen select "Locked license file (no server running)" and point to edit ptc_li-4.0.dat 16) Click "Next" 17) "Shortcut Location(s)",check "Desktop" and "Program Folder",change the Startup Directory to "C:tempProE" (this step is optional) 18) Click "Next" 19) On this screan is more optional configuration, make sure all boxes remain un-checked 20) Click "Install" 21) The installation process will begin.. 22) When ask you remove Disk 1 and insert Disk 2. 23) Click OK 24) The installation process will continue. 25) Remove Disk 2 and insert Disk 3 26) Click OK 27) The installation process will continue. 28) Remove Disk 3 and insert Disk 1 29) The installation process will continue automatically 30) When the installation is complete, click Next. 31) If anyone want to install and PTC Distributed Services" follow this steps: (this step is optional) 1d) After Installation is finished, click Next 2d) Click "Other Products" and than click PTC Distributed Services" 3d) Check "I Accept the Agreement Terms and Conditions" 4d) Change the Destination Folder to "C:Program Filesptc_distributed_services" 5d) Click "Next" 6d) On license-config screen select "Locked license file (no server running)" and point to edit ptc_li-4.0.dat 7d) Click "Next" 8d) "Shortcut Location(s)",check "Desktop" and "Program Folder",change the Startup Directory to "C:tempDistr" (this step is optional) 9d) Click "Install" 10d) The installation process will begin.. 11d) When ask you remove Disk 1 and insert Disk 2. 12d) Click OK 13d) The installation process will continue. 14d) Remove Disk 2 and insert Disk 3 15d) Click OK 16d) The installation process will continue. 17d) Remove Disk 3 and insert Disk 1
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4/23/2010 9:45 PM
Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 C000 Win32 x86 WITH WORKING CRACK-iV Torrent - btjunkie AN
18d) The installation process will continue automatically 19d) When the installation is complete, click Next. 20d) Click Exit Next Steps for CRACKING: For ProEngineer: 1) Go to: C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0i486_ntobj and there copy and run "pro engineer.wildfire.4.0.generic-patch.exe" If "Patch" ask you to search file click "NO,dont worry for missed files,wait little,when you see "Patch complete" exit "Patch". 2) Start "Notepad",in notepad click "File" and than "Open" in this newley open window change "Files of type to "All Files" and then go to "C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0bin in this folder find file named "proev.bat" and open with notepad.Now you have a text file of .bat process.In the bottom of this text file find the string: %start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%binjavaw" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xms24m -Xmx128m -Xss6m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr% and add PTC_KEY=0 at the end,like this: %start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%binjavaw" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xms24m -Xmx128m -Xss6m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr% PTC_KEY=0 Klick "File" in the notepad and then " Save",Exit notepad ("proev.bat") For Pro/Engineer Mechanica: (if you dont install "Pro/Engineer Mechanica" skip this step) 1) Go to: C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0mechi486_ntbin C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0mechi486_ntptc C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0i486_ntobj and there copy and run " mechanica.wildfire.4.0.generic-patch.exe" For ProDistributed Services: (if you dont install "ProDistributed Services" skip this step) 1) Go to: C:Program Filesptc_distributed_servicesi486_ntobj and there copy and run "" Thats it!Enjoy iVAN
0 votes
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4/23/2010 9:45 PM
Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 C000 Win32 x86 WITH WORKING CRACK-iV Torrent - btjunkie AN
I was tested,Pro Engineer works great,ProMechanica said some memory problems,Distributed Services said no license server.I think that the PTC was changed some files in installation and this cracks is for earlier version.BUT ProEngineer work! engeltud (Reputation: 0) 2 years ago Thanks. All works. engeltud (Reputation: 0) 2 years ago Thanks. All works. james91h (Reputation: 2) 2 years ago
2 votes 0 votes 0 votes
Hello Ivanstankovic, I cant seem to get this to work I followed your guide carefully, once i downloaded this am i supposed to extract? I used winrar? Also am I supposed to coppy some files to cd and use the CDs to install? as i didnt do this i just used the files? Could you give send me your email/msn so we can talk? On my desktop the pro e icons dont show the pro e icon, which means i havent installed properly? Many Thanks I really want to get this sorted, Thankyou so much for putting it on here its going to be so usefull once it works! Thanks again kennykcheng (Reputation: 0) 2 years ago
0 votes
Ivanstankovic I finally got the program and burn it to ISO disc and everything seems to be well. I follow your guide step by step and it is very easy. However, when disc one is completed and ask for disc 2. I removed disc 1 and placed disc 2, pro-e freezed and does not responds. I tried these 3-4 times and got the same result, Freezing and Not Responds. Any suggestions? I even tried to install from my harddrive but it wouldnt let me. MarkoMilanovic (Reputation: 0) 2 years ago Ivane, ne mogu naci "proev.bat" file u folderu "C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0bin". Imas li kakav prijedlog? I cant find the "proev.bat" file in folder "C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0bin". Any suggestions? eareseeyou (Reputation: 0) 2 years ago thx for help I can#8216;t find the "proev.bat" file in folder "C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0bin". seanzzie (Reputation: 2) 2 years ago Hey Ivan, I cant seem to find the files cgtech.dll or proev.bat Have you heard of that before? Any ideas on what I might have done wrong? Thx a million, Sean Songokan (Reputation: 0) 1 year ago
0 votes 2 votes 0 votes 0 votes
Hej, I have 2 problems: 1. The file proev.bat isnt exist and i dont now where I must change this thing "PTC_KEY=0 " 2. How I must change the HostId? I must write number host with like this: "OSTID=PTC_HOSTID=xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx" or "OSTID=PTC_HOSTID=xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx" ?? jelenamuncan (Reputation: 0) 1 year ago
0 votes
I had the same problem with finding proev.bat and here is what Ive done wrong. In a first place, I was replacing HOSTID with my ID number in a ptc_li-4.0.dat. Here is what you should do instead : 1a) Open "ptc_li-4.0.dat" with Notepad" 2a) In Notepad" klick "Edit" and "Replace" (Ctrl+H) 3a) in a "Find what:" type HOSTID ,Replace with:" paste your "HostID" shown in the bottom left corner of the ProEngineer setup. 4a) Klick "Replace All" 5a) Klick "File" and "Save" 6a) Exit "Notepad" Second, in a step 11 of "how to.txt", you MUST expand ALL options by clicking "+" on the left side of the option you
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Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 C000 Win32 x86 WITH WORKING CRACK-iV Torrent - btjunkie AN
need to install. Only then you will install all the necessary components. These solutions above helped me to install Proe properly, and now everything works just fine. Thank you Ivan! Good luck to everyone! jelenamuncan (Reputation: 0) 1 year ago 3a) in a "find what" HOSTID must be inside the brackets "HOSTID" kujirasan (Reputation: 4) 1 year ago
1 votes 0 votes
The proev file tend to be a bit elusive! I installed on one computers and only turned up on one of them! As well the patches didt work on the first one as well, I tried to install on another HD one the same computer , in the second time it did not show proev, note the second HD is identical to the first one, I use several HD on a sme computer! kammy1 (Reputation: 4) 1 year ago i followed every instruction but when i start pro e a message displays. Licence request failed for feature PROE_DDiTy:-8 Invalid(inconsistent)licence key displaying status for ptc_li-4.0.dat bla bla bla...........
1 votes
please help as i have installed it 9 times believing that it may work but it didnt. kammy1 (Reputation: 4) 1 year ago
1 votes
1.Mount the Pro/Engineer Disk 1 CD. 2.Autorun will open CD if not click Setup.exe 3.Take a look on the left corner in the bottom, that is your actual "HostID",remmember that number or write somewhere on paper. 4.In a "CRACK folder find file "ptc_li-4.0.dat" and copy somewhere on your HD. 5.Open "ptc_li-4.0.dat" with Notepad" and replace every occurance of HOSTID with your "HostID" shown in the bottom left corner of the ProEngineer setup.The best an the fastest way is like this: 1a) Open "ptc_li-4.0.dat" with Notepad" 2a) In Notepad" klick "Edit" and "Replace" (Ctrl+H) 3a) in a "Find what:" paste HOSTID ,Replace with:" paste your "HostID"(eg.00-00-00-00-00) shown in the bottom left corner of the ProEngineer setup. 4a) Klick "Replace All" 5a) Klick "File" and "Save" 6a) Exit "Notepad" 6) Click "Next" 7) Check "I Accept the Agreement Terms and Conditions" 8) Click "Next" 9) Click "Pro/Engineer Pro/Engineer Mechanica" 10) Change the Destination Folder to "C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0" 11) change the red X to Install this feature for the following: 11) Expand the "Options" feature change the red X to Install this feature for the following: 1c) 2c) 3c) 4c) J2RE 1.4.1 Mold Component Catalog Pro/Plastic Advisor VERICUT (R) for Pro/ENGINEER
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not install the "J2RE 1.4.1" option if you already have a newer version installed on your system. 13) 14) 15) 16) Click "Next" Click "Add" On license-config screen select "Locked license file (no server running)" and point to edit ptc_li-4.0.dat Click "Next"
19) On this screan is more optional configuration, make sure all boxes remain un-checked
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4/23/2010 9:45 PM
Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 C000 Win32 x86 WITH WORKING CRACK-iV Torrent - btjunkie AN
20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30)
Click "Install" The installation process will begin.. When ask you remove Disk 1 and insert Disk 2. Click OK The installation process will continue. Remove Disk 2 and insert Disk 3 Click OK The installation process will continue. Remove Disk 3 and insert Disk 1 The installation process will continue automatically When the installation is complete, click Next.
16d) The installation process will continue. Next Steps for CRACKING: For ProEngineer: 1) Go to: C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0/i486_nt/obj and there copy wait for a minute and run "pro engineer.wildfire.4.0.generic-patch.exe" If "Patch" ask you to search file click "NO,dont worry for missed files,wait little,when you see "Patch complete" exit "Patch". 2) Start "Notepad",in notepad click "File" and than "Open" in this newley open window change "Files of type to "All Files" and then go to "C:Program FilesproeWildfire 4.0bin in this folder find file named "proev.bat" and open with notepad.Now you have a text file of .bat process.In the bottom of this text file find the string: %start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%binjavaw" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xms24m -Xmx128m -Xss6m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr% and add PTC_KEY=0 at the end,like this: %start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%binjavaw" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xms24m -Xmx128m -Xss6m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr% PTC_KEY=0" Klick "File" in the notepad and then " Save",Exit notepad ("proev.bat")
iVAN copied from ivan but used some personal changes which made it possible to run pro e and now its running. note- dont delete modified ptc_li.dat file just change its properties to hidden and keep it on your hard disk where it was copied otherwise it may cause some problems. THANKS to ivan. 37 More Comments >> Login or register to submit a comment. 8 files in torrent: 01. [18KB] 02. engineer.wildfire.4.0.generic-patch.exe [19KB]
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4/23/2010 9:45 PM
Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 C000 Win32 x86 WITH WORKING CRACK-iV Torrent - btjunkie AN
03. mechanica.wildfire.4.0.generic-patch.exe [19KB] 04. ptc_li-4.0.dat [21KB] 05. HOW TO.txt [2KB] 06. PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 CD1.iso [662MB] 07. PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 CD2.iso [599MB] 08. PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 CD3.iso [365MB]
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