Sylabus Civil
Sylabus Civil
Sylabus Civil
(CIVIL) EXAMINATION APPLIED MATHAMATICS III 3CE01 Unit-I : Fourier Series : Periodic functions and their Fourier expansions, even and odd functions, change of interval, half range expansion. 06 Unit-II : Partial Differential Equations : P.D.E. of first order first degree i.e. Lagranee's form Linear homogeneous P.D. of nth order with constant co-efficients, method of separation of variables, applications to simple problems of vibration of strings and beams, elementry concept of double pourier series and their applications to simple problems of vibration of ractangular membrane. 08 Unit-III : Calculus Of Variations :Maxima and minimum of functionals, variations and its properties Eular's equations, functionals dependent on first and second order erivatives. The Rayligh-Ritz methodssimple applications. 07 Unit-IV: Matrices :Inverse of a matrix by adjoint method, Rank of matrix, consistency of system of simultaneous equations and their solutions. Inverse of a matrix by partitioning method, Linear dependence, Linear and orthogenal transformations, charaoterictic equation, eigen values and eigan vectors, reduction to diagonal form, statement, verification and use of Caylay - Hamilton Theorem, statement and use of Sylvestor's Theorem, Quadric form transformation of co-ordinates, transformation of forces and couples association of matrices with linear differential equations of 2nd order with constant coefficient 10 Unit-V Numerical Mehods :Errors in numerical calculations. Errors in series approximations. Rounding of errors solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations. Iteration method, Bisection method, False position method, Newton Raphaon's method, (and their rate of convergence) Solution of system of linear equations by Gauss Elimination mehtod. Gauss Jorden method, Gauss Seidel method , Crouts method and relaxation method, Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation by Taylor series method. Picards method, Runga Kutta methods, Modified Euler's method. Milnes predictor/corrector Method 10 Unit-VI Introduction to optimization Techniques Linear programming Simplex method.
3 CB2/3ST02
Unit-I Machanical Properties and Uniaxial Problems: Types of force distribution, concept of stress and strain, stress strain behavior of ductile and brittle material in uniaxial state of stress. Elestic, plastic and strain hardened zones stress-strain relations, elastic constants, relation between elastic constants. Uniaxial loading and deformation of simple cases of statically indeterminate problems under-axial loading, temperature change etc. Thin walled pressure vessel cylindrical and spherical subjected to internal pressure. Unit - II Axial Force, Shear Forces and Bending Moment Diagram : Concepts of free body diagrams, types of loads, determinate of axial forces, shear forces and bending moment at a sectio. Axial forces and bending moment at a section. Axial force. SF and BM diagrams in beams and simple frames, differential relations between shear force and bending moments. Relation between load and shear force. Unit-III Stresses In Beams : Bending stresses in simple beams, assumptions and derivation of simple bending theory relation between bending moment bending stress and curvature homogeneous and composite beams. Shear Stresses in simple beams, shear flow and shear stress distribution, shear stress in composite beams. Combined effect of BM and axial force. Unit-IV Torsion of Shafts : Torsion of circular sections, assumptions and derivation of relations between torsional moment, shear stress and angle of twist. Torsional stress in solid and circular sections, torsion in thin walled hollow sections closely coiled helical springs. Leaf Springs. Unit-V Deflection of Beams : Derivation of differential equation of moment curvature relation, differential equation relating deflection and moment, shear and load, Deflecting of simple beams by integration. Unit-VI State of Stress In Two Dimensions :State of stress in two dimensions, differential equation of equilibrium, transformation of stresses, principle stresses, maximum shear stresses, Mohrs circle, combined bending and torsion, combined effect of Torsion and Shear.Shear flow in thin walled sections, concept of shear center of thin walled sections, unsymmetrical bending.
Unit-I : Fluids and Their Properties : Definition of fluid, Difference between solids, liquids and gas a fluid properties mass density, specific weight and specific gravity, viscosity, netwtons quation, coefficients of dynamic and kinemetic viscosity. Rheological Diagram. Ideal and real fluids. Compressibility and bulk modulus. Surface tension capillarity, pressure inside a bulb and cylindrical jet vapour pressure and cavitation. Effect of pressure and temperature on fluid properties. Fluids Pressure and Its Measurement : Fluid pressure, law of fluid pressure, variation of fluid pressure with depth, pressure and head, Atmospheric pressure and vacuum. Gauge and absolute pressures. Pressure measurement open and differential manometers. Unit-II Hydrostatics :Total hydrostatics pressure on plans and curved surfaced. Centre of pressure. Fluids in relative equilibrium; fluid masses subjected to horizontal vertical and inclined acceleration. Buoyancy And Floatation :Buoyant force and centre of buoyancy. Archimedas principle. Metacentre, its determination by analytical and experimental methods. Statility of floating boides and three states of equilibrium. Unit-III Fundamentals of Fluid Flow-I : Kinematics of Flow :Velocity, its variation with space and time. Steady unsteady, uniform non-uniform. One two and three dimensional rotational, irrotational flow. Acceleration. of fluid particles Normal and tangential acceleration.Stream line, path line, streak line, streak line, Lagrangian and Eularian approaches in fluid flow description. Equation of continuity in cartesian co-ordinates stream functions, velocity potential and potential flow Relationship between stream function and velocity potential, flow nets, circulation, vorticity, source and sink. Free and forced vertices. Unit-IV Fundamental of Fluid Flow - II : Kinetic of Flow : Poreas influencing motion, Eulers equations of motion, Navier-stokes, Reynolds Equations. Bernoullis equation, Assumptions, derivation, limitations and application, Kinetic energy correction factor. Momentum equation, Impact or Jets, forces excerten on platespipe bends and closed conduits, momentum : Venturimeter, orifice meter and flow nozzles. Fluid Measurement-I : Velocity measurement : pitot tube, pitot-static tube and prandit tube. Discharge measurement: Venturimeter, orifice meter and flow nozzles. Unit-V Fluid Measurement-II : Orifices and Mouth pieces; Orifice: defnintion types, Hydraulic coefficients factor affecting them and their experiments determination. Large orifices and submerged orifices. Time for exptying tanks by orifices Mounthpieces : Definition and utility, External and Mounthpieces, running free and running full pressure at Vena contracta, Coefficients of discharge. Flow Measurement And Control : Notches & Weirs : Definition Types; Rectangular triangular and trapezoidal, End contraction. Coefficient of discharge and its determination. Error in measurement of head. Velocity of approach and its effects cipolletti, broad-crested and submerged weirs. Unit-VI Dimensional Analysis And Theory of Models : Dimensional Analysis; Definition and use fundaments and derived dimension. Dimensional analysis by Releighs and Buckingham Pi methods. Similitude Geometric, Kinematic and Dynamic similarities. Predominant forces, Force ratio, Dimension less numbers and their significances. Behaviour of Real Fluids : Viscous flow : Laminar and Turbulent flows, Reynolds apparatus critical velocity. Reynolds Number, simple problems on determination of Laminar and Turbulent flows in pipes.
Unit-I Introduction : Formation of soil, residual & transported soil, soil solids generally used in practice such as sand, gravel, organic silt, clay, Bentonite, Hard pan Cellche, peat; loass, black cotton soil etc. Phases of Soil : Various soil weight & volum inter-relationship. Density index, methods of determining in situ density. Unit-II Index Properties & Their Determination : Water content specific gravity sieve analysis particle size distribution curve, sedimentation analysis Differential and free swell value. Consistency of soil Atterberge limits, determination soilstructures and application. Classification of Soil : Criteria of classification particle size classification Textural classification Unified & I.S. classification system field identification Expansive solid their indentification and related problems. Unit-III Permeability :Darcys law & its validity, Discharge & seepage velocity, factors affecting permeability Determination of co-efficients of permeability by Laboratory and field methods, permeability of atratified soil. Seepage :Seepage pressure, quick condition, flownets, Laplace equation, method to draw flownets characteristics & uses of flownets characteristics & uses of flownets, Preliminary problems of discharge estimation or homogeneous soils, Effective Neural and total stresses in soil mass. Unit-IV Stress Distribution : Stress distribution in soil Mass Boussinesque, point rectangular & circular areas, Newmarks charts. load, Unifirmly loaded
Unit-V Consolidation :Compression of laterally confined soil Terzaghis 1-D consolidation theory (formation of Differential equation) determinationof coefficient of consolidation, degree of consolidation. Determination of preconsolidation pressure, settlement, rate of settlement.Compaction : Mechanics of compaction factors affecting compaction standard & modified proctot Tests OMC field compaction equipment quality control. Unit-VI Shear Strength : Introduction, Mohrs diagram, mohr Coloumbs theory, Measurement of shear strength by direct shear test, triaxial test unconfied compression testvane shear test sensitivity. Mechanical Soil Stabilization :Blending of soils, P.I. Concept.
Unit-I Indian Geology : Principles of stratigraphy & the geologic time scale, Physiographic and tantonic divisions of India, Introduction to the statigraphy of India. Geomorphology : Geomorphology processes, External and internal agents, Geological action of wind glaciars, running water and oceans and the resuiting landforms, Geomorphic forms and their consideration in engineering structures. Unit - II Structural Geology : Deformation of rocks, poldsparts of fold, nomenclature & classification, effects on outcrops, identification joints- Defination nomenclature and classification. Faults Terminology nomenclature and classification. Effect on outcrops. Recognition of faults, outliner & inlier. Problems on dip, strike thickness and depth of rock strata. Unit-III Mineralogy : Defination and classification of minerals Ismorphism, polymphism and pseudomorphism. General chemical and physical characters of the following mineral groups, Silica, Feldspar, Olivins, Pyroxene, Amphibole Mica, Peilpathoid and clay. Petrology :Rock cycle Igneous Rocks + Magma and formation of ignorous rocks Textures and structures. Forms and tabular classification of igneous rocks. Seimentary rocks : Weathering, Soils, soil profile and soil types, Erosion, Transportation and deposition of sediments, Sedimentary Environments, Classification of sedimentary rocks. Matamorphic rocks : Definations & agents of metemorghism Types of metamorphism rocks Zones & grades of metamorphism, metasomatism anataxis. Unit - IV Engineering Geology : (i) Applicationof geology to Civil Engineering projects engineering properties of rocks. Engineering considerations of structures of rocks. Rock as a construction material building stone, road metal ballest. Surface and sub-surface geotechniucal investigation Geological mapping sampling, drilling, photogeology geophysical methods. Application of geology to the location, design and construction of dams and hydraulic structures, bridges, tunnels and buildings. Unit-V General Geology : Defination and scops of Geology Earth in relation to the Universe gross features and internal structurs of the earth. Introduction to continental draft and plate tactonies. Isostasy and deastrophism. Volcanoes and their products Earthquake Engineering : Earthquake waves, Gauses and effects, magnitude and intensity earthquaks zones of India, asosmic structures. Unit-VI Geohydrology : Hydrologic cycle : Occurance and distribution of ground water, Water table and water table maps. Acqucludes, acquifuges and aoguitards confined and unconfined ground water, springs and gaymeres I,[prtamce amd grpidm water stidoes om Civil Engineering Works. Stability of slopes and Landelides, causes of lanoslides and their prevention. Environmental aspects of geology.
3CE06 / 3ST06
Unit -I Introduction : Introduction to computer flowchart, Fortran charcter, set coding format, constants and varibles, hierarchy of arithmatic operations. Arithmatic expressions and statements, relational and logical operators and expressions, Built - in- functions. Input/output : Format Statements Unit II Control Statements : Type Decleration, Subscripted variables, Dimentions, Double Precision, GOTO, IF, Do statements , PAUSE, STOP and END Statements Unit-III : Advanced Topics : Functions & Subroutines , RETURN, COMMON STATEMENTS, BLOCK DATA SUBPROGRAMS. PROGRAMMING IN C UNIT-IV Introduction : C-Fundamentals, CHARACTER SET data type contant & varibles, Declaration of constants & variables, Expression, Statements, Symbolic Constants. Operator and Expression , Arithmatic Operator Unary operator, Relational & Logical operator Assignment operators, the conditional operator, Libratary function. Data Input & output Interactive progamming preparing & running a complete simple program. Unit-V Control statements : Control statemen, THe WHILE statements, do-while, for nested loop, if-else, switch break, continue, goto statement, comma operator. Unit-VI Advance Topics : Functions, storage class, Arrays, Pointers, structures & Unions, Data files.
Unit - I Analysis of fixed and continues beams by theorem of three moments effect of sinking of support. Unit-II Analysis of continues beams and simple portals (Non sway) using Moment Distribution methods Unit-III Rolling loads on simply supported beams with concentrated and uniformly distributed loads, maximum B.M. and S.F. Influence lines for reactions, bending moments and shear forces in simply supported beams, cantilevers and beams with overhangs. Influence lines for forces in members of simple trusses and for BM and SF in panels of simple trusses. Unit-IV Strain energy method as applied to the analysis of redundant frames and redundant trusses 'up to two degrees. Determination of deflection of trusses. Willot Mohr diagram. Castiglanos theorems, Maxwells reciprocal theorem. Battis theorem. Unit-V Bucking of Columns and beams columns, Eulers and Rankines formula. Analysis of Two-Hinged arches, S.F. and normal thrust, parabolic arches. Unit-VI Slope deflection method as applied to indeterminate beams & continues beams portal frames, frame with inclined legs upto 3 degrees of freedom. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS 4CE02
Unit-I : Foundations : Necessity and types of foundations. Details shallow foundations. Bearing capacity of soils and its assessment. Preumptive bearing capacity values from codes. Loads on foundations. Causes of failures of foundations and remedial measures, Foundation on black cotton soils Setting out foundation trenches, excavation timbering of foundation trenches. Load bearing and framed structures. Unit-II Brickwork :Qualities of good bricks, classification of bricks tests on bricks as per as codes. Terms used in brickwork, commonly used types of bonds in brickwork such as header, stretcher, english and flamish bonds, principles of construction. Reinforced brickwork, brick knogging Parapets, copings, sills and corbels, brief introduction to cavity walls, load bearing and partition walls. Masonry construction using cement concrete blocks and clay walls, load bearing and partition walls. Masonry construction using cement concrete blocks and clay blocks. Precest construction;introduction to method and materials.Precast elements likes poles, cover, jallies, steps corbets, truss element etc. Unit-III: Stone Work : Stones, cutting and dressing, selection of stones types of stone masonary, principles of construction joints in masonary. Lifting heavy stones, common building stones in India. Arches and Lintels : Terminology in contraction, types chajjas and canopies, pre cast Lintels & Arches. Damp Proofing : Causes and effect of dampness. Various methods of damp proofing
Damp proofing in plinth protection, New Techniques of Damp Proofing Damp Proofing in Plinth Protection, New Techniques of Damp proofing. Epoxy etc. Unit-IV Floors And Roofs : Floors : General principals, types and method of construction upper floors finisheem quality and testing floor tiles, synthetic & Creamic Tiles. Roofs : Flat and pitches roofs, roof coverings, types AND their constructional features. Thermal Insulation. Unit-V : Stairs : Types of stairs, functional design of stairs. Doors and Windows : construction and types. Purpose materials of
Unit-VI : Plastering and Pointing : Necessity, types and methods Temporary Timbering : Centering and formwork shoring, underpining and scaffolding. Painting : White washing, colour washing and distempering new materials & Techniques. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING I 4CE03
Unit - I Introduction, Importance and necessity of water supply scheme. Water demand : types of demand, empirical formulae, factors affecting per Capita demand, variation in demand, design period and population forecasting methods & examples. (4) Sources of water rain water, Ground water-springs, infiltration galleries, Dug wells, tube wells, Surface water -stream, lake river, impounding reservoirs, ponds (2) Intake structures : Location types-river, lake, canal reservoir etc. (2) Unit II Conveyance of water: types of pipes joints, fittings, (2) Hydraulic design aspects : friction Mannings, Hazen William, Harcy Weish bach and problems Minor head losses (4) Rising main and pumps : Classification working merits and demerits selection of pumps Unit - III Water quality: General idea of water borne diseases, Physical, Chemical, & bacteriological characteristics of water,Standards of drinking water (3) Water treatment: Objective of treatment unit operations and processes, treatment flow sheet of conventional water treatment plant (3)Aeration : Purpose, types of aerators Coagulation and Flocculation : Definition, Principals, types of coagulants and reactions, coagulant doses, types of mixing and flocculation devices. (3) Unit - IV Sedimentation : Principles, types of setting basins, inlet and outletarrangements Clariflocculators : Principles and operation (1) Filtration : Mechanism of filtration, types of filters - RSF, SSF, Pressure filters, elements of filters UDS, operation and design aspects filter sand specification-ES, UC, operational problems in filtratiion Unit-V Disinfection :Purpose Mechanism, criteria for good disinfectant various disinfectants their characteristics, disinfection by chlorination using different forms of chlorine.(4) Distribution systems : Requirements for a good distribution system, methods of distribution systems and layouts of DS, appurtenances in water distribution system (3) Leakage and leak detector. Storage reservoirs for treated water : Types, capacity of reservoir, mass curve
Unit-VI Municipal solid waste management: Generation sources, composition, Quality, Methods of Collection, transportation, treatment and disposal. Recycle, Reuse, Examples on simple hydraulic design of pipes, estimatiion of population and water quality, plain sedimentation tanks, cascade aerators, filters, pumps dose of chlorine. Only simple sizing of units no detailed design. Concrete Technology 4CE04
Unit- I Main constituents of cement Hydration of cement, Water required, Physical properties and testing of cement. Effect of fineness, Initial final and false setting of cement, Soundness test, Hardening and compressive strength Grades and different types of cements. Ordinary Portland cement, Rapid Hardening Cement, G.G. Blast furnace slag cement Low heat Portlant cement, Portland pozzalan cement, Portland flyash cement. Sulphate resisting cement. Aggregates : Sources of aggregates, classification and nomenclature, Coarse and fine aggregate, normal weight (light and heavy weight aggregates). Aggregate characteristics and their significance in strength, workability, placement and compaction of concrete. Sampling. Particle shape and texture, Bond of aggregate, size & grading of aggregates strength of aggregate. Mechanical properties and test- Specific gravity, bulk density, porosity absorption of aggregates, moisture content of aggregate, bulking of sand abrasion test, impact value, Deleterious substances in aggregates, organic impurities clay and other fine material etc.Soundness of aggregate. Crushed sand. Alkali aggregate reaction. Intorduction of IS: 383 Water - Water quality for mixing and curing, acceptable water, pH value, Seawater chloride content. Provisions in IS : 456. Unit - II Fresh Concrete : Batching, Mechanical mixers, automatic batching and mixing plants. Efficiency of mixing. Workability- Measurement- Slump cone test, compacting factor test, flow table. Vee-Bee consistometer. Factor affecting workablity, setting time. Significance of w/c ratio. Segregation, bleeding, voids, permeability. Hot weather concreting. Converyence of concrete. Placing of concrete. Compaction-vibrators. Curing of concrete-Significance, methods of curing, Temperature effect on curing & strength gain. IS code on curing. Maturity of concrete. Framework for Concrete-IS Code. Unit-III Strength of concrete-Gain of strength, w-c ratio. Factor affecting compressive strength-w/c ratio, type of cement, air entrainment, aggregrate, mixing water, admixtures, curing conditions. Tensile and flexural strength. Relation between compressive and tensile strength. Failure modes in concrete, cracking in compression. Impact strength fatigue strength, shear strength, Bond between concrete & reinforcement. Modulus of elasticity, Poison's ratio. Testing of Hardened Concrete. Compression test-cube strength & cylinder strength,their relation, effect of aspect ratio on strength. Flexural strength of concrete, Determination of tensile strength, Indirect tension test. Splitting test. Abrasion resistance. Accelerated curing test. Non-destructive test-significance. Rebound hammer. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test. Unit -IV Mix Design - Process. Statisical relation between mean & characteristic strength, Variance, Standard deviation. Factor affecting mix properties. Grading of aggregate, aggregate/cement ration etc. Degree of quality control. Design mix by Road note-no. 4(BS) ACI method. Unit -V Additives & Admixures. Types of admixtures. Natural products-Diatomaceous earth, calcined clays of shales, volcanic glasses. By Products-Pozzplonas, fly ash, silica fume, rice husk ash, metakaoline, G.G> blast furnace slag. admixures-air entraining, water reducing, acceletors, retarders, plasticizers & Superplasticizers, permeability reducing, grouting agents, surface harderners.
Shrinkage-early volume changes, drying shrinkage, mechanism of shrinkage, factor affecting shrinkage. Influence of curing & Storage conditions, differential shrinkage. Carbonation Shrinkage. CreepFactors influencing .Relation between creep & time, nature of creep, effect of creep. Unit-VI Durability of concrete- significance water as an agent of deterioration. Permeability of concrete, air sulphate attack & control. Sea water attack, acid attack, Efforescence. Resistance of crosion, abrasion and cavitation. Process of rustling of steel. SURVEYING - I 4CE05
UNIT - I CLASSIFICATION OF SURVEYS: (4) a) Chain & Tape Survey, Errors & Corrections, Obstacles in chain surveying, Cross Staff surveying, b) Construction, use & testing of optical square, line ranger. COMPASS SURVEYING: (3) Prismatic & Surveyor's Compass. True & Magnetic Bearing, Local Attraction, Magnetic Declination, Compass traversing, Adjustments of traverse, UNIT - II LEVELLING: (8) a) Types of Level, Study of Dumpy Level. b) Profile Levelling: Longitudinal Section And Cross Sections, plotting L-Section and Cross section. c) Reciprocal Levelling: Curvature and Refraction Corrections, distance to the visible horizon. d) Principle Axes of Dumpy Level: Testing and adjustment of axis of bubble tube and line of collimation. Sensitivity of Bubble Tube. UNIT - III PLANE TABLE SURVEY : (5) a) Equipment required for plane table surveying and uses. Advantages, Disadvantages and limitations. b) Methods of Plane table Survey - Radiation, Intersection, Traversing and Resection methods, Errors of plane table survey. c) Two Point and Three Point problems and their solution by different methods. UNIT - IV THEODOLITE : (10) a) Introduction to 20" Vernier Theodolite ; Type of Theodolite ; Principle Axes of Theodolite. b) Use of Theodolite: Measurement of Horizontal angles, vertical angles, Magnetic Bearings, prolonging a line, lining in, measuring deflection angles, setting out angles, finding out elevation of objects (Base accessible and inaccessible) by trignometrical observations. c) Theodolite traversing: Computation of Consecutive and independent coordinates, adjustment of closed traverse, Gale's traverse table, omitted measurement, area calculation by coordinates. d) Testing and permanent of transit Theodolite
UNIT - V TACHEOMETRY - I : (3) a) Principle of stadia, Fixed hair method with vertical staff to determine horizontal distance and elevation of the point. b) Annalatic lens, Contouring (2) a) Methods, Chrecteristics, interpolation, uses, locating contours. b) Use of tacheometry in surveying, Tacheometric Contour Survey. Computation Of Areas & Volumes : (2) a) Trapezoidal, Simpson's Rule & Other methods of determining the areas & Volumes, UNIT - VI CURVES - I : (3) a) Simple Circular Curves - Element and setting out by linear and angular methods. MINOR INSTRUMENTS : (2) Study and use of Abney Level, Box sextant, Indian Pattern clinometer, Subtense bar. Use Of modern Electronic distance measuring instruments like EDM, geodimeter. HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES 4CE06
Unit- I Introduction : Hydrology , Definition , Engineering Hydrology and its importance Development of Hydrology and allied sciences, Hydrological cycle, hydrological equation and brief description of its component, The earth and its atmosphere, importance of temperature, humidity and wind in hydrological studies. Precipitation : Definition and mechanisms pf precipitation, artificial rains, types of precipitation, orthographic, conventional and cyclonic, Factors affecting precipitation with references to physiographic divisions of India. Measurement of precipitation : non-automatic and automatic rain gauges. Selection of site Density and adequance of rain gauge stations. Optimum number of rain gauges, radar measurement of rain fall, mass curves, Supplementary rain fall data missing records, Intensity- Duration-Frequency and Depth -Area-Duration analysis. (9) Unit-II Infiltration : Definition, mechanism, factors affecting infiltration, infiltration indices, measurment application on problems. Evaporation and transpiration : Definition, mechanism, Factors affecting evaporation. Evaporation estimation by pans, water budget energy budget and empirical formulae, control of evaporation. Transpiration, factors affecting, its measurement and control. Evapotranspiration and its measurements. Interception and its measurement. (8) Unit III Run Off : Sources and components of rum - off. Classification of streams, factors affecting the run off process. Estimation methods, measurement of discharge of a stream by Area-Slope and Area -Velocity methods. Hydrographies : Flood hydrgraphs, Definition. Typical Flood Hydrograph and its componumts, Base flow and base flow separation, unit hydrograph. Theory, S-Curves and its uses. Instanteeous UEG. (9)
Unit-IV Statistical Methods: Statisics in hydrological analysis, probability and probability distributions, average measures of dispresiion, co-relation. Analysis of time series, Frequency analysis. Floods : Causes and effects, Factors affecting peak flows and estimation of peak flows, low flow, Basin flood, Flood routing and Flood forecasting Economic planning for flood control. (8) Unit-V Geohydrology : Introduction, Occurrence and distribution of Groundwater, Water table and water table maps, aquifer, aquiclude, acquired and aquifuge. Groundwater xploration, electrical resistivity method, confined and Unconfined aquifers, Porosity, Permeablility, specific Yield, Specific retention, Darcy's law, introduction to hydraulics of wells, Open wells Safe yield test. Groundwater quality, Geomorphic and geological Groundwater provices of India. control on groundwater storage and movement. (8)
Unit -VI Groundwater Recharge : Concepts of recharge selection of recharge sites, Recharging methods, Spreading method, Induced recharge method, Recharge well method Sub-surface dams, waste water recharge, recharge by urban storm run - off, recharge through rain water harvesting. Project Planning for water resources : Multipurpose projects, Inter basin water transfer and inter state river disputes. Water resources planning through planning through watershed management. Economic planning for domestic and industrial water supply. (6)
UNIT I 1. Steel as a structural material, various grades of structural steel , properties, various rolled steel sections ( including cold formed sections, structural pipe (tube) sections) and their properties. Introduction to I.S. 800,808,816,875 etc. ( 8) 2. Design of axially loaded members: (a) Tension members, (b) Compression members (9) 3.Design of roof truss: Load assessment for DL, LL and WL. (6) UNIT II 4. Design of simple and builtup beams: Laterally restrained and unrestrained, (symmetrical as well as unsymmetrical section). Curtailment of flange plates. (10) SECTION-B UNIT III 5. Design of welded plate girder, concept of gantry girder. (8) 6. Design of single rolled steel section column subjected to axial load and biaxial moment including base design. (8) 7. Design of axially loaded built up columns. Laced and battened (Column bases slab base gusseted base moment resistant bases) (9)
UNIT IV 8. Structural Fasteners: A) Behaviour of bolted and welded connections (types, Designations, properties, permissible stresses), failure of bolted and welded joints. Strength of bolt and strength of weld. Efficiency of joints. Design of simple bolted and welded connections. Moment resistant bolted and welded connection.(bending and torsion) (6) B) Design of connection: Beam to beam, beam to column: framed connection. (9) Term Work Minimum two design assignments based on above topics along with the detailed structural drawings on A2 size sheets. Examination shall be based on the above Practical work.
Unit I 1. General Aspects of Enviromental Engineering - System of collection and conveyance of sewage seperate and combined systems, patterns of sewage collection systems. Quantity of storm water and sanitary waste water sewer:Types,Shapes,Hydraulic Design(Capacity, Size, Grade, etc.) (8) Unit - II 2. Construction of sewer - Shoring, Trenching and laying to grade. Sewer materials Sewer Appurtences - manhole street inlets, storm water overflows, inverted syphons, flushing and ventilation. House plumbing systems - sanitary fitting and appliances, traps, anti-syphonage, inspection chambers and intercepting traps. Sewage pumping - location of pumping station and types of pumps. Sewer testing and maintenance. (8) Unit - III 3. Physical and chemical characteristics of wastewater, significance of BOD,COD,BOD rate constant, Sewage treatment flow sheet, site selection for sewage treatment plant Preliminary and primary treatment - Screens, Grit chambers, Primary settling tank(including simple design) (8) SECTION-B Unit - IV 4. Secondary treatment - Principle of Biological Treatment Activated sludge process, trickling filter, Methods of disposal - disposal on land and in water stream, Sewage farming, self purification of stream. Sludge digestion, sludge drying beds .(8) Unit - V 5. Rural sanitation -Pit privy, aqua privy, bio-gas recovery. Septic tank including soak pit, (including design problem)Sullage collection and disposal. (5) 6. Industrial Waste Water Treatment Significance of Industrial Waste Water Treatment, important physical and chemical parameters, unit operations and treatment processes( flow equalization, neutralization, adsorption, chemical and biological treatment etc.) (5) Unit VI 7. Introduction to air pollution Sources of air pollution and its classification Ill - effects of air pollutants on man, animal & materials Meterological parameters Methods of air pollution control. ( 8)
Reference Books : 1. B.C.Punmia, " Waste Water Engineering " - Laxmi Publication 2. S.K.Garg, "Environmental Engineering" - Vol II Standard Publication. 3. G.S.Birdie, "Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering" 4. M.J.Macghee, "Water Supply & Sewage - McGraw Hill Publication 5. M.N.Rao & H.V.N.Rao, "Air Pollution" McGraw Hill publicatin 6. C.S.Rao,"Enviromental Pollution Control Engineering,
UNIT I Tacheometric Surveying (8) Classification , principal of stadia method, theory of Anallatic lens, distance and elevation formulae, tangential method, errors in stadia surveying. UNIT II Simple ,Compound, Reverse Curves, Vertical Curves. a) (8)
Simple Curves: Elements of simple curves, methods of curve ranging, obstacles in setting out curves. (4) (1) (1)
b) Compound Curves: Elements of compound Curves, setting out the curve. c) Reverse Curves: Elements of reverse Curves, setting out the curve.
d) Vertical Curves: Elements of vertical curves, types, tangent correction, location of highest or lowest point. (2) UNIT III Transition Curves (8) Elements of transition curves, superelevation, length of transition curve, Ideal transition curve, characteristics of transition curve , setting out the transition curve. SECTION-B UNIT IV Geodetic Surveying and Triangulation Adjustment (10) a) Geodatic Surveying: Classification of triangulation survey, intervisibility of stations, field work, reduction to centre, base line measurement ,corrections. (7) b) Triangulation Adjustment: Definitions,weighted observations, laws of weights, station adjustment, figure adjustment( triangle only) (3) UNIT V Photographic Surveying (8) Basic definitions, terrestrial and aerial photography,tilt and height displacements,heights from parallax measurements, flight planning, study of phototheodolite and stereoscope.
UNIT VI Astronomy, Remote Sensing ,GIS & GPS (8) Astronomy: Elements of spherical trignometry , Napiers rule of circular parts,celestial sphere, astronomical terms. (2) Remote Sensing: Introduction, definitions, Remote sensing systems, advantages over conventional system,energy interaction in the atmosphere, Indian remote sensing satellite series and their characteristics (3) GIS & GPS: Components of geographical information system (GIS),advantages, function of GIS, Raster and vector data, advantages and disadvantages, global positioning system.(GPS),Introduction, definitions,GPS receivers, antenna, advantages of GPS. (3) List of Practicals: A) PRACTICALS: Any five Practicals out of following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Determination of constants of Tacheometer. Determination of elevation of points by Tacheometric surveying. Determination of elevation of points and horizontal distance between them by Tacheometric survey. Determination of gradient of given length of road by Tacheometric survey. Setting out of simple circular curve by offsets from chord produced method Setting out of simple circular curve by Rankine method of tangential angle. Setting out of simple transition curve by tangential angle method. Study of streoscope.
B) SURVEY CAMP: On any of the following topics for minimum three days. 1. Road Project 2. Irrigation Project 3. Water Supply Project Reference Books: 1) Surveying & Levelling by B.C.Punmia (Vol 2 & Vol 3) 2) Surveying & Levelling by Kanetkar & Kulkarni (Vol 2) 3) Remote sensing & G.I.S. by Dr.M.Anji Reddy
Unit - I: 1. Development & Planning: Road transport Characteristics, Classification of roads, development plants, network patterns, data collection & surveys, principles of alignment, evaluation of plan proposals.(5) 2. Traffic Engineering: 3E`s of, traffic characteristics, Surveys, Intersection-types, layouts, design principles, Urban traffic, parking, lighting, Accidents,Traffic control Devices-marking, Signs, Signals, Regulations Motor Vehicle Act & Rule. (5)
Unit - II: 3. Geometric Design: Road, road user & road vehicle characteristics, Factors affecting design standards. Cross Section elements, stopping & overtaking sight distance overtaking zones. Horizontal alignment-Curves, design of super elevation , widening, `transition curves, vertical alignments, Design of summit & Valley Curves,I.R.C. standards for Geometric Design, Geometrics of Hill Roads (7) 4. Pavement Design: Types of pavements & characteristic,Design parameters,Axel & Wheel load,tyre pressure,ESWL for dual Wheels, repetitions,Group Index & CBR method of flexible pavement design. Analysis of load & temperature stresses of rigid pavement, joints. (5)
Unit III 5. Materials Subgrade Soil -AASHO Classification, group Index, Subgrade soil Stabilization. CBR, aggregates Physical and mechanical properties & tests - Bituminous materials classification sources properties and tests. Cutback & Emulsions, IRC/IS Standards, Introduction to Geotextiles.(5) 6. Construction & Maintenance IRC,MOST specifications for quality & quantity of materials, techniques, tools and plant, for the Earthwork, sub base, base and wearing/ surfacing course of flexible pavements with gravel, WEM, stabilized Bituminous & Concrete as Construction material, Drainage, shoulders, roboriculture maintenance & repairs, Choice of construction. (5)
SECTION-B Bridges General: Unit-IV 7. General: Components, classification and identification, Data Collection site selection. Economic Span.(3) 8. Hydrology: Estimation of flood, discharge, water way,scour depth,depth of foundation, Afflux, clearance and free board. (5)
10. Sub-Structure: (A) Types of foundations & their choice,estimation of BC of foundation strata,Open,Pile and well foundation,pneumatic Caissions,cofferdams. (6) (B) Abutment, Piers & Wingwalls Their types general design principles (empirical),Choice. (2) Unit-VI 11. Super Structure: Different structural forms culverts,causeways, minor and major bridges, suitability and choice precost post tensioned and segmental construction. Launching, operation systems, Bearings, Architecture. (4) 12. Rating and Maintenance: Methods & Techniques of rating of existing bridges Inspection, Repairs, maintenance, corrosioncauses and prevention, Aesthetics .(4) Practicals: (A) Every student must carry minimum of 10(Ten)experiments from the following: (a) Subgrade Soil: Classification,group index and rating CBR test(Vide IS:2720) (b) Aggregates:Specific Gravity Water absorption flankiness index Impact, crushing and Abrasion value tests.Petrographic identification (Vide IS:2386) (c) Bitumen: Penetration , Softening Point , flash point, Ductility, Stripping, Viscosity of Tar & Cutback. (d) Students should be familiar with relevant BIS,IRC MOSt specifications of various materials for different constructions. (B) At least one field vist & its report in journal.
1. Introduction: Importance of Building drawing as Engineer's Language in construction & costing. UNIT-II 2. Method of Drawing: Selection of scales for various drawings, Thickness of lines, Dimensioning, Combined First angle and Third angle method of projection, Abbreviations and conventional representations as per IS 1962. (i) Free hand dimensioned sketches of various building elements. Importance in Civil Engineering. (ii - a ) Developing working drawings to scale as per I.S. 962 from the given sketch design and general specifications for terraced and pitched roofs. (ii - b ) Developing submission drawings to scale with location site and block plan complete. UNIT-III 3. Designing of Buildings : Introduction : Site requirements, requirements of owner and Building byelaws. Climate and design consideration, orientation, recommendations of CBRI, Roorki and general principles of planning with emphasis on functional planning. Graph paper design (line plans) based on various requirements for residential, public, education and industrial buildings. UNIT-IV 4. Two point perspective of Residential building neglecting small elements of building such as plinth offset, chajja projections etc.
SESSIONAL WORK : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Working drawing of residential single storied building of terrace and pitched roofs with foundation plan of load bearing structure. (Two assignment) Submission drawing of single storied residential building( framed structure) with access to terrace including all details and statements as per the local bye-laws. (One assignment A1 sheet) Working drawing of multistoried Public/ Educational/ Health/ Community/ Industrial building including structural details and layout of services. (One assignment) Two point perspective of the single storied Residential building neglecting small building elements. ( Two assignment pitched & terraced roof) Minimum 30 free hand self explanatory dimensioned sketches of various building elements in sketch book. Line plans of various types of buildings e.g. public/ educational/ industrial/ hospital/ community on graph papers(04 assignments) Submission drawing of 02 storied residential building framed structure including all details and statements as per the local bye laws. One compulsory field exercise.
I. ENGINEERING ECONOMICS : UNIT - I 1. 2. 3. Nature and scope of Economics and relationship with Engineering. [3] Demand analysis : Law of demand, Elasticity of Demand, Demand Forecasting [4] Production : Meaning and Factors of Production, Law of return, economics of scale location of Industries [5]
UNIT - II 4. 5. 6. Cost analysis : Fixed and variable cost, Prime and supplementary costs, Average and marginal cost, methods of allocation of overhead costs [5] Money and banking : Functions of money, functions of Commercial and central Banks, Foreign investments. [3] Various types of Markets and price determination under these market conditions, scope of Privatisation in India. [4]
SECTION - B II. Project Planning and Management UNIT - III 1. Introduction : Project Management, Types of Projects, Various phases of Project, Project proposal, Components of planning, Objectives of planning, factors effecting planning, organisational setup, establishment of premises and site organisation programme. [2] 2. Job Planning :- Bar diagrams and bar charts, C.P.M., activity identification computation of activity time, network preparation and analysis. Logical and other constraints, project duration, floats and slacks. Ladder construction. P.E.R.T. : Event identification, event time, network preparation and analysis, precedence network, network and cost interaction. Optimisation of project cost. Cost slope concept and simple compression calculation. [5] UNIT - IV 3. 4. 5. Resource Planning, Resource Allocation, Resource leveling, Resourcebased Net work. [3] System approach, system formation, effectiveness and control, general principles of quality control measurements and achievements. [3] Planning for safety: construction hazards, safety in construction, industry and at work site. National safety council, Safety organisation, accidents, its cost, cause, types and preventions, losses, during natural calamities, floods and fire, and methods to reduce them. [3]
UNIT - V 6. 7. 8. Management Information System: System approach to management, Management and systems. Inference Techniques Use of various statistical methods and tests, graphical representation. Material Management : Functions, objectives, purchasing, procedures, records, stock taking, inventory control, ABC analysis, storing. [3] Equipment management : Classification of Construction equipments, factors effecting selection, Operation and Maintenance cost, Depreciation and Replacement cost,Economic life,down time cost,cost of owning equipment. [3]
UNIT - VI Equipments of Major Projects :- Excavating machines such as : Power shovels, Drag Line, Bulldozer, Scraper, Drilling and Blasting Equipments, Material Transporting and handling equipment such as Cranes, Hoists, conveyer belts, dumpers, cableways, rail system (Size, performance and limitations) [5] 10. Concrete equipments : Different types of mixers Vibrators, batch mixing plants, transportation of concrete, concrete pumps and placers. Guniting and its equipment. [4] SELECT REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Construction Management Peurifoy 2. CPM and PERT L. Srinath 3. Project Management- Roy Choudhary 4. Equipment Management Mahesh Verma Question paper pattern :Section A : Two questions (14 marks each )are to be solved out of three Section B : Four questions (13 marks each )are to be solved out of six 5CE07 S ITE VISITS (3P) 9.
3 Practical hours (College Assessment) Marks : Grade Students should be taken for visit to various Civil Engineering construction sites such as R.C.C. Structures, Steel Structures, Bridges, culverts, Hydraulic Structures, watertanks, Roadworks, Railways, Watersupply and Sanitary works, Geotechnical Exploration, Maintenance and Rehabilitation works, Irrigation systems, Formwork, Reconnaissance and Detailed Surveying & levelling etc. Minimum Five visits are expected. Students should submit a detailed report on the visit duly approved by the concerned teacher. The Detailed Report should mainly consist of the following: 1. Name of Construction Site with address 2. Nature of construction work and various structural components 3. Nature of ownership, executing and supervising authority 4. Architect and Structural Engineer 5. Architectural concept and Design features 6. Commencement of the work and tentative completion 7. Present Status of work 8. Estimated cost of the work ( Money spent till date) 9. Mode of availability of finance 10. Various types of manpower for the work 11. Various safety measures and amenities provided to manpower 12. Various construction equipments for the work 13. Various materials used for the work
14. CPM / PERT of the project 15. Type of inventory control 16. Resource planning implemented 17. Social benefits and implication 18. Safety measures during and posts construction 19. Post Construction Maintenance provisions 20. Effect on environmental aspect and sustainable development 21. Various of scaffolding, Formwork, lifting devices 22. Site of precast units for the work and its mode of transportation 23. Use of local available material like fly-ash, slag, silica-fumes, etc. 24. Clauses for delay / faulty construction 25. Clause for Arbitration
VI SEMESTER B.E. CIVIL 6CE01 / 6ST01 Structural Analysis- II (3L + 1T + 2P) SECTION-A UNIT-I 1. Kanis Method applied to symmetrical and unsymmetrical frames with sway (Up to single bay Two storey)
UNIT-II 2. Approximate method of Structural analysis for multi-storeyed frames with lateral loads (Portal and Cantilever method), Approximate methods for vertical loads i.e. Substitute frame method etc. (Max three bay three storey)
UNIT-III 3. Column Analogy method, Applications to beams, Calculations of Stiffness factors and carry non-prismatic method, Analysis of non-prismatic fixed beams. over factors for
SECTION-B UNIT-IV 4. a) Introduction to Flexibility Method of structural analysis, influence coefficients, Choice of base determinate structure and redundant forces, compatibility equations. Hand solution of simple beam problems. b) Moment distribution applied to frames with sway(upto single storey two bay)
UNIT-V 5. Strain energy method applied to simple composite structures (Simple problems), Introduction to basic theory of elasticity, Concept of stress, strains, strain displacement relationship, equation of equilibrium, boundary conditions, generalized Hooks low, plane stress and plane strain problems.
UNIT-VI 6. Theory of photoelasticity applicable to beams. Study of various types of strain gauges , Analysis of strains by strain Guages.
(VI-01) PRACTICALS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Minimum TEN of the following : To find the slope & deflection of continuous beam. To find the value of Flexural rigidity (EI) for a given beams & compare with theoretical value. To determine the moment required to produce a given rotation at one end of a beam when the other end is i) Pinned ii) Fixed To study the behavior of different types of struts and to calculate the Eulers Buckling load for each case. To verify the Maxwells reciprocal theorem for beam. To measure the strain in the cantilever beam with the help of acoustic strain gauge. Study of various types of strain gauges. Plotting of influence lines by making use of Muller-Breslau principle. Determination of deflection of trusses by Willot-Mohrs diagram. Determination of material fringe value. Determination of stress in beam by photoelastic method. To find horizontal thrust and to draw the influence line for horizontal thrust for two hinge arch. To calculate horizontal deflection at roller end in two hinged arch. To measure the strain in the cantilever beam with the help of electrical resistance strain gauge. To determine horizontal thrust for indeterminate portal frame Study of Poloriscope
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C K Wang, Intermediate Structural Analysis S P Timoshenko, Theory of Structure Jain, Jai krishna, Plain and Reinforced concrete Structures, Vol.-II S P Timoshenko, Theory of Elasticity Rally & Dally ,Experimental Stress Analysis
(Four question of 10 marks are to be answered out Six questions of 10 marks each to be set on Units I to IV) Unit I 1. Introduction to the Working Stress Method of RCC design. Basic concepts in design for flexure, assumptions, design constants. Analysis of the rectangular section. Balanced, under-reinforced and over-reinforced sections. Drawbacks and limitations of Working stress method. (3) 2. Prestressed Concrete : Properties of high grade materials, concepts of prestressed concrete, methods of prestressing, losses in prestressing. Various systems for prestressing with particular reference to Freyssinet, Magnel Blatton and Gifford Udall systems. Analysis of rectangular, T and I section. (3) Unit II 3. Introduction to Limit State Design: Concept of probabilistic design and limit state design. Characteristic values, partial safety factors, stress strain relationship stress block parameters, failure criteria, types and properties of reinforcement, limit state of Serviceability and limit state of collapse. Other limit states. Review of IS 456- 2000. (2) 4. Limit state of collapse in flexure: Analysis and design of singly reinforced rectangular section. Balanced failure mode, primary tension failure mode and primary compression failure mode. Unit III 6. Limit state of Collapse in Flexure: Analysis & Design of the Tee & L-beam section. (3) 7. Limit state of collapse in compression: Analysis & design of short axially loaded column. Columns subjected to uniaxial bending, use of interaction curves. (3)
Unit IV 8. Limit state of Collapse in Shear & Bond: Design of beam for shear, shear span, post cracking resistance, shear mechanism approach, shear failure modes and collapse loads, interaction of shear, flexure and axial force, Check for bond. (3) 9. Limit state of Serviceability : (i) Causes and control of cracking: Crack in plastic concrete at early age, Cracks due to temperature and shrinkage, restrain induced cracks, Cracks due to loading. Needs for crackwidth control. (ii) Moment- curvature relationship, deflection control of beams and one way slabs. (no numerical calculations) (2)
SECTION B (Two questions of 20 marks are to be answered out of Three questions of 20 marks each to be set on Units V and VI) Unit V (with WSM) 10. Design of circular water tank with roof slab/ dome resting on ground by Approximate methods/ IS code method. (4) 11. Design of rectangular water tank with one-way roof slab resting on ground by approximate method/ IS code method. (4) 12. Design of prestressed slab/ rectangular beam. (2) Unit- VI (with LSM) 13. Design of one-way, simply supported, single span and cantilever slabs, and continuos slab/ beam with IS coefficients. (4) 14. Design of rectangular pad / slopped footing for axial load. (3) 15. Design of Dog-legged and Open Well Staircases (4) PRACTICALS Practical shall consist of minimum Four design assignments with detailed drawing on A-2 size sheets and detailed calculations in journal. i) Circular water tank with roof slab/dome resting on ground. ii) Rectangular water tank with one-way roof slab resting on ground. iii) Single span prestressed concrete rectangular beam, slab. iv) One-way slab, continuous slab. v) Rectangular pad / slopped footing. vi) Dog- legged / Open well staircase. vii) One field visit and its report in the journal. 6CE03 : SECTION-A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING-II (3L+1T)
Unit-I: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION: Importance and objectives of field exploration, principal methods of subsurface exploration, open pits & shafts, types of boring, number, location and depth of boring for different structures, type of soil samples & samplers. Principles of design of samplers, collection & shipment of samples, boring and sampling record. Standard penetration test, corrections to N-values & correlation for obtaining design soil parameters. (6) Unit-II: STABILITY OF SLOPES: Causes and types of slope failure, stability analysis of infinite slopes and finite slopes ,center of critical slip circle, slices method for homogeneous c- soil slopes with pore pressure consideration. Taylors stability numbers &stability charts, methods of improving stability of slopes, types, selection and design of graded filters.(7) Unit-III: LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE: Earth pressure at rest, active & passive pressure, General & local states of plastic equilibrium in soil. Rankines and Coulombs theories for earth pressure. Effects of surcharge, submergence. Rebhanns criteria for active earth pressure. Graphical construction by Poncelet and Culman for simple cases of wall-soil system for active pressure condition. (8)
SECTION-B UNIT-IV: GROUND IMPROVEMENT: Methods of soil stabilization use of admixtures (lime, cement, flyash) in stabilization. Basic concepts of reinforced earth, use of geosynthetic materials Salient features, function and applications of various geosynthetic materials. Vibroflotation, sand drain installation, pre-loading. (5) UNIT-V SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS: Bearing capacity of soils: Terzaghis theory, its validity and limitations, bearing capacity factors, types ofshear failure in foundation soil, effect of water table on bearing capacity, correction factors for shape and depth of footings. Bearing capacity estimation from N-value, factors affecting bearing capacity, presumptive bearing capacity. Settlement of shallow foundation: causes of settlement, elastic and consolidation settlement, differential settlement, control of excessive settlement. Proportioning the footings for equal settlement. Plate load test: Procedure, interpretation for bearing capacity and settlement prediction. (8) UNIT-VI PILE FOUNDATION: Classification of piles, constructional features of cast-in-situ & pre cast concrete piles. Pile driving methods, effect of pile driving on ground. Load transfer mechanism of axially loaded piles. Pile capacity by static formula & dynamic formulae, pile load test and interpretation of data ,group action in piles, spacing of piles in groups, group efficiency, overlapping of stresses. settlement of pile group by simple approach, negative skin friction and its effect on pile capacity ,general feature of under reamed piles. _ (8) Books: 1) Arora K.R : Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering. 2) Punmia B C : Soil Mechanics & Foundations 3) Gopal Ranjan & Rao : Basic & Applied Soil Mechanics 4) P Raj : Geotechnical Engineer 6CE-04 FLUID MECHANICS-II (3L+1T+2P)
SECTION-A UNIT-I 1. 2. LAMINAR FLOW:(03) Steady uniform laminar flow in circular pipes; Velocity and shear stress distribution; Hagen-Poiseuille equation. BOUNDARY LAYER THEORY: (04) Nominal thickness, displacement thickness, momentum thickness of the boundary layer: Boundary layer along a long thin plate and its characteristics; Laminar boundary layer; turbulent boundary layer; laminar sublayer: Separation of boundary layer on plane and curved surfaces. REAL,INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW AROUND IMMERSED BODIES: (04) In general definition of drag and lift; Flow past plates, cylinders and spheres; drag on sphere, cylinder and flat plate.
UNIT-II 4. FLOW THROUGH PIPES: (10) Hydraulically smooth and rough pipes; Frictional resistance to flow of fluid in smooth and rough pipes; Nikurades experiment; Moodys chart; Darcy-Weisbach & Hazen- Williams equation for frictional head loss; Hydraulic gradient and energy gradient: Pipes in series and parallel; Branched pipes; Siphon; transmission of power through pipes; Hardy-Cross method of pipe networks; Waterhammer pressure head due to sudden closure of valve.
UNIT-III 5. FLOW THROUGH OPEN CHANNEL: (A) GENERAL: (01) Types of channel and their geometrical properties; Types of flow in open channel (B) UNIFORM FLOW: (05) Chezys and Mannings equations;Hydraulically most efficient rectangular, triangular and trapeziodal sections; Computations of normal depth of flow ,conveyance of channel,section factor for uniform flow, normal slope and normal discharge. (C) CRITICAL FLOW:(04) Specific enery and its diagram;alternate depths;Computations of critical depth, section factor for critical flow ,critical slope ;normal critical slope;Specific force and its diagram;Conditions of critical flow.
(B) GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW: (05) Dynamic equation for GVF; Classification and characteristics of surface profiles; Direct Step method of computing profile length. (C) RAPIDLY VARIED FLOW : (03) Defination of hydraulic jump; Equation of hydraulic jump in horizontal rectangular channel; Length & heigth of jump; Energy loss in jump; Classifications of jump. UNIT-V 6. HYDRAULIC MODELS: (05) Difference between model and prototype;Similitude- type of similarities; Model laws- Reynolds model law and Froude model law; Types of model- distorted, undistorted; Froudes method of determining resistance to partially submerged objects like ship. FLUID MACHINERY: (A) Impact of Jet stationary and moving curved vanes.(02) (B) TURBINES: (03) Definition: Gross and net heads; different efficiencies; Classification of turbines;component parts and working principles;selection of turbines on the basis of head and specific speed.
UNIT-VI 8. Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps (A) CENTRIFUGAL PUMP: (06) Component parts; Working principle; Static and manometric heads;different efficiencies; Specific speed; Theoretical aspects of multistage pump, pump in parallel; Priming devices; Trouble & remedies; Main & operating characteristics curves.Selection on basis of operating characteristics.
PRACTICALS: Minimum TEN practicals, from the list given below shall be performed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Study of flow around immersed bodies. Determination of Darcy-Weisbach friction factor for given pipes. Determination of Mannings or Chezys constant for an open channel. Developing specific energy diagram for a rectangular channel. Study of GVF profiles. Study of hydraulic jump in a horizontal rectangular channel. Study and performance of Francis turbine. Study and performance of Pelton Wheel turbine. Study and performance of Centrifugal pump. Study and performance of Reciprocating pump. Design problem on pipe network analysis.
Recommended books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics- Dr.Modi & Dr. Seth Fluid Mechanics-Streeter & Wylie Fluid Mechanics- Dr. A.K.Jain Fluid Mechanics through problems- Garde Theory and applications of Fluid Mechanics- K. Subramanya Foundation of Fluid Mechanics-Yuan Flow through open channel K.G.Rangaraju.
6CE05/ 6ST06 COMPUTER APPLICATION IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (3L + 1T + 4P) SECTION-A UNIT-I Introduction C-Fundamentals,CHARACTER SET data type constants and variables, Declaration of constants & variables, Expression, Statements, Symbolic constants. Operator and Expression, Arithmetic operator Unary operator, Relational and Logical operator, Assignment operators, the conditional operator, Library functions. Data Input & output Interactive programming preparing & running a complete simple program. UNIT-II Control Statements Control statement, the WHILE statements, do-while, for nested loop, if-else, switch break, continue, goto statement, comma operator. UNIT-III Advance Topics Functions, storage class, Arrays, Pointers, structures and Unions, Data files, File Handling, Link list. SECTION-B UNIT-IV 1. Fundamental of Numerical Methods, Interpolation & extrapolation. Numerical Integration (Simpsons method, Trapezoidal method, Newton Gauss quadrature method), Interactive Computer Program Development UNIT-V 2. Solution of linear Algebraic Equations, Gauss elimination, Cholesky method), solution errors. Interactive Computer Program Development UNIT-VI 3. Solution of non Linear Equations (Newton Raphson schemes), Initial & Two point boundary value problem, Euler's, Runge-kutta, Milne's etc, Interactive Computer Program Development Practical : Minimum Sixteen Computer program development min. one from each of the following field using FORTRAN-95 / C language . Atleast two programs on mixed language i.e. using both FORTRAN95 and C and four programs in any one language. It is recommended to have atleast four programs based on Numericals methods in either Fortran or C and Two assignments in application softwares such as spread sheets, database management programs etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Engineering Mechanics Strength of Material Transportation Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Hydraulic Engineering Irrigation and Water Resource Engineering Surveying Estimating and Costing Structural Analysis Structural Design Environmental Engineering Matrix algebra, Solution Techniques Numerical Integration Table generation from IS:456 Earthquake force calculation on structures as per IS:1893
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Schildt, The complete reference C Balagurusamy ,Programming with C Ramkumar ,Programming with C Gottfried,Programming with C Rajaraman ,Programming with Fortran 90/95 Digital Fortran Manual Laheys Fortran Manual TECHNICAL WRITING (3P)
6CE06 1.
Reading strategies : Practice in various reading techniques, skimming, scanning , eye reading etc. Active and passive reading and interpreting charts and diagrams - Need and role of reading in technical/Industrial organization. Return Communication : Introduction to technical writing - Discourse writing : Definition ,Description . Instructions - Summary writing - cohesive paragraphs. Business Communication : Business correspondence - format , tone and massage of business letters prospective / point of view in purposive writing - sales letters. Listening & language developments : Barriers to listening : Physical and psychological - steps to overcome them - listening with a propose - active listening and anticipating the speaker - precise in note - taking - steps to improve speaker's contribution. Successful speaking techniques : How to improve self - expression - Need for clear thinking - The speech process - Fluency and Accuracy in speech - Developing persuasive speaking skills - Goal oriented group discussion - Formal and public speaking practice.
2. 3. 4.
REFERENCES: Alan Maley and Sandra Moulding , Learning to listen - Task for developing listening skills , Cambridge University Press , 1981. 2. Deborah C. Andrews, Margaret D. Blickle, Technical writing : Principle and forms , Macmillan 1978. 3. Eric H. Glendinning and Beverly Holmstrom, Study reading - A course in reading for academic purpose, Cambridge University Press 1992. 4. John Kirkman , Good style - Writing for Science and Technology, E and FN spon , an imprint of chapman anf Hall 1992. 5. List hamplyoms , Benheasley, Study writing , Cambridge University Press , 1987. 6. Louis Trimple, English for Science and technology - A discourse approach , Cambridge University Press 1985. 7. Patric Hanks , Gim Corbett, Business listening tasks, Cambridge University Press 1986. 8. Sharon Bower, Painless/speaking, Thorsons 1990. 9. Stewart Zimmer and Camp., College English and communication , Macraw Hill, 1987. 10. Tom Hutchinson , Alan Waters , English for specific purpose, Cambridge University Press 1987. 1.
SECTION-A UNIT-I 1. Basic concept, Degree of Freedom,Basic concept of Direct Stiffness Method. Formulation of elemental/local stiffness matrix and global stiffness matrix for plain truss. Transformation Matrix, Assembly of Global / Structure stiffness matrix up to (8x8). Member load matrix, Assembly of Global / Structure load matrix ,Solution to problems with maximum degree of freedom four. UNIT-II 2. Formulation of element / local stiffness matrix and global stiffness matrix for Beam members (without axial deformations) for continuous beams,Transformation matrix Assembly of global / structure stiffness matrix, Member load matrix due to concentrated loads, uniformly distributed Loads ,Moments Assembly of global/ structure load matrix up to (8x8) Solution to problems with maximum degree of freedom four. UNIT-III 3. Formulation of element / local stiffness matrix and global stiffness matrix for Plane Frame member (With axial deformation), Transformation Matrix, Assembly of global / structure stiffness matrix, Member load matrix due to concentrated loads, uniformly distributed Loads , moments, Assembly of global/ structure load matrix. Solution to plane frame problems with maximum degree of freedom six, Inclined member problems. SECTION-B UNIT-IV 4. Formulation of element / local stiffness matrix and global stiffness matrix for Plane Grid transformation Matrix, Assembly of global / structure stiffness matrix, Member load matrix due to concentrated loads, uniformly distributed Loads , moments, Assembly of global/ structure load matrix. Solution to problems with maximum degree of freedom six. UNIT-V 5. Analysis of Member for temperature loading, initial joint displacement (sinking of support), lack of fit in trusses, trusses with inclined roller, storing of global / structure stiffness Matrix, full storage, banded storage, band Mininisation UNIT-VI 6. Introduction to finite Element method, basic concepts, discretisation of structure, Rayleigh Ritz member for bar elements (prismatic/ Non- prismatic) Displacement based Bar elements (prismatic/ Non- prismatic) and Bean elements (prismatic), Load Matrix for body forces. Note: There shall be one question with 4 DOF & rest with 3DOF. PRACTICAL: Minimum Eight Problems, on complete syllabus with hand calculations using scientific calculators and also solution to same problems by using available readymade software. (Solution is restricted to four degree of freedom problems and assembly restricted to eight degree of freedom problems) BOOKS: 1. Matrix Method of Structural Analysis - Gere and Weaver 2. Computer Analysis of Structures - Beaufait, Rowen, Headly et al 3. Computer Analysis of Structures - Flemmings 4. Computational Structural Mechanics, S Rajasekaran & G Sankarasubramanian 5. Finite Element Method R D Cook
SECTION A ( Three question of 13/14 marks are to be answered out of Five questions of 13 marks-one question of 14 marks to be set on Units I to III ) Unit I 1. Limit state of collapse in flexure : Analysis and design of doubly reinforced rectangular, Tee and Lsections. (4) 2. Limit state of collapse in torsion : Concept of interaction of torsion, shear and flexure. Analysis and design of rectangular section for torsion, shear and flexure. (3) 3. Limit state of serviceability : Deflection calculations for beams and one-way slabs. (3) Unit II 4. Analysis and design of columns subjected to biaxial moments. Design of long columns. (5) 5. Design of Isolated footing , for uniaxial and Biaxial bending. For Square , Rectangular & Circular. (5) Unit III 6. Moment redistribution :Analysis and Design of fixed beam, propped cantilever, two-span symmetric continuous beam. (10) SECTION B (Two question of 20 marks are to be answered out of Three questions of 20 marks each to be set on Units IV and V ) Unit-IV (with LSM) 7. Analysis and design of portal frames ( single bay single storey) hinged or fixed at base. Design of hinge and design of foundation. (5) 8. Design of combined footing (10) i) Rectangular footing. ii) Strap beam footing. iii) Trapezoidal footing. iv) Raft footing. Unit V ( with LSM ) 9. Design of RCC Two way slab with various end conditions using with IS Code coeff. (5) 10. Design of R.C.C. Cantilever and counterfort Retaining wall (10) PRACTICALS Practical work shall consist of 1. Design assignments with detailed drawing on A-2 size sheets and detailed calculations in journal. i) Two way slab with various end conditions. ii) Cantilever/ Counterfort retaining wall. iii) Combined footing. iv) Portal frame. 2. One field visit & its report in journal.
SECTION-A UNIT-I 1. GENERAL: (03) Necessity and importance of Irrigation Engineering;Benefits & ill effects of Irrigation;Classification of Irrigation;General principles of flow,lift,perennial, inundation Irrigation systems;Comparative study of sprinkler and drip Irrigation systems. 2. WATER REQUIREMENTOF CROPS: (07) Suitability of soils for Irrigation ;Standards of irrigation water;PET-R method of crop water requirements;Depth and frequency of irrigation;definations of field capacity,wilting point, available moisture,duty,delta,GCA,CCA,kor depth,base period,outlet factor ,capacity factor,time factor,root zone depth: Relation between duty and delta; Factors affecting duty; Principal crops in India;Crop rotation;Methods of assesssment of irrigation water . UNIT-II 3. RESERVOIR PLANNING: (06) Selection of site for Reservoirs; Enginering surveys,Geological and Hydrological Investigations;Fixing of LWL,FTL,TBL,HFL;Different storage zones in reservoir; Determination of storage capacity by mass curve method; Reservoir sedimentation; Life estimation of reservoir by Brunes method; Organisation & Administration of Irrigation projects. 4. DAMS: (A) GENERAL: (01) Classification of dams as per use , hydraulic design and materials; Factors governing selection of type of dams. UNIT-III (B) GRAVITY DAM: (06) Definition; forces acting on gravity dam; stability requirements; Theoretical & practical profile of gravity dam; Low & High dam;Galleries. (C) EARTHEN DAMS: (06) Types of earthen dam; Description of component parts of earthen dams-foundation, cut off trench,rock toe, hearting, central impervious core, pitching and chipping, turfing; Seepage through body of earthen dam and drainage arrengements; Failure Of earthen dams; Plotting of phreatic line for homogeneous earthen dams with horizontal filters ; Stability of foundation against shear. SECTION-B UNIT-IV 5. SPILLWAYS: (05) Types of spillway with their working operations; General principle of design of ogee spillway; Spillway gates- vertical lift, radial , rolling and drum; Energy dissipation methods d/s of spillways. 6. DIVERSION HEAD WORKS: (07) Component parts of diversion headworks Fish ladder ,guide wall, devide all, silt excluder and silt ejector; Causes of failure of weirs on permeable foundation; Blighs Creep theory; dr. Khoslas theory for design of wiers on permeable foundations.
UNIT-V 7. CANALS: (A) GENERAL: (02) Types of canal; Alignments of canal; Cross section of Irrigation canals; Balancing depth; Schedule of area statistics; Losses in canals (B) CANALS IN ALLUVIAL SOILS: (05) Kennedys silt theory Design procedure ,silt supporting capacity, drawbacks; Laceys silt theoryDefinition of initial final and permenent regime channels, Laceys Regime equation, channel design procedure, drawbacks; Garrets diagram for channel design. (C) LINED CANALS: (03) Design procedure; Types of lining; relative merits and demerits of canal lining; Economics of canal lining. UNIT-VI 8. CANAL STRUCTURES: (A) CANAL REGULATION WORKS: (03) Only theoretical aspects of location, objects, classification ,components and schematic section of Head Regulator, Cross regulators, canal escapes, Canal falls and canal outlets. (B) CROSS DRAINAGE WORKS : (02) Only theoretical aspects of location , objects, classfication, components and schematic section of aqueducts, siphon aqueducts, super passege, canal siphon, inlets outlets and level crossings. 9. WATER LOGGING AND LAND DRAINAGE: (03) Causes, effects, preventive measures of water logging, Types of drains, Layout of tile drains system; flow of ground water to drains. 10. RIVER TRAINING WORKS: (02) Defination; Classification; theoretical aspects of river training works like as Guide banks, Groynes and Spurs, Bank protection. PRACTICALS: Following Designs and Drawing should be included (Minimum Five) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Reservoir Planning- Capacity of reservoir. Life of Reservoir Gravity Dam Checking of various modes. Earthen Dam Phreatic Line , checking of foundation against shear Design of canals (Lined and Unlined) Design of Lift Irrigation Scheme. Drawing of various canal structures. Site visit to irrigation project Detail report should be submitted. Recommended Books: Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures- Santosh Kumar Garg Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures- S.R. Sahastrabudhe Irrigation Engineering and Water Power Engineering- B.C. Punmia Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures- K.R.Arora Irrigation Engineering- N.N. Basak Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures-R.K.Sharma Irrigation Engineering- G.L. Asawa Water Resource Engineering Principles and Practice-C.S. Murty Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering- P.N. Modi
7CE04 MAINTENANCE AND REHABILETATION OF CIVIL ENGINEERING STRUCTURES (3L+1T) SECTION-A UNIT I 1. INTRODUCTION :Deterioration of structures. Definition of maintenance, Need for maintenance of different Civil Engineering structures. Maintenance characteristics that influence maintenance needs. A study of the cause of neglect and poor maintenance of structure. Measure of maintenance. [3] 2. CLASSIFICATION OF MAINTENANCE WORK :Servicing, rectification, replacement, planned, unplanned, preventive, corrective, predictable and avoidable maintenance works. Renovation and Rehabilitation. [3] 3. COMMON MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS :Relating to various Civil Engineering Structures and systems. Technology of maintenance. Area prone to frequent maintenance. Causes that aggravate maintenance work like high rise buildings. Special construction methods, new materials, difficult accessibility, Environment etc. [4] UNIT II 4. FACTORS AFFECTING INCIDENCE AND MAGNITUDE OF MAINTENANCE WORK :Over loading, movement of grounds, temperature variations, moisture leakages and dampness, chemical actions and corrosion, growth of trees, earthquake, flood and fire, riots and vandalism. Design defects. Defects in construction and use of materials, choice of materials for durability and maintainability. Design, expose and other factors effecting durability, precautions to increase durability. [5] 5. Inspection, Identification and diagnosis of Common defects and failures with possible causes inbuildings, Roads, Bridges, Railway Tracks, Canals and C.D.Works, Tunnels and Special Structures like Service Reservoirs, Water Supply, Sewerage, Storm water Drains, [5] UNIT III 5. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE :General - Site selection, choice of structural systems and materials, specifications & detailing. Buildings Special attention to foundations, wells, roofs, terraces, floors, doors and windows, plinth, compound walls, expansion joints stair cases to improve maintainability. Pumping and sanitary works. Termite control. External finishes. Roads Stabilization techniques, compaction and drainage, slope protection, joints in C.C. Pavements, Routine and service maintenance. Bridges and C.D. Works Repairs, strengthening and rehabilitation. Service life and expected Road carrying capacity. Service and Stability requirements.Future service requirements, loads, fatigue, creep. [10]
SECTION-B UNIT IV 6. MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES FOR MAINTENANCE :Materials for repairs like cement, cement grouts, epoxy grouts, mortars and coatings, polymer concrete composites, sealants, membrane overlays, fiber reinforcement concrete, Resin based compounds, emulsions and paints, geotextiles. Techniques like stiffening, linings, guniting, protection systems, prestressing, Post-tensioning and base isolation technology. Temporary supporting systems for Structures like timbering, shoring etc. [5] 7. ECONOMICS OF MAINTENANCE :The burden of maintenance work, complexity of the work and the conflicting interests involved. Various economic factors that affect maintenance work. Initial and user costs. Impact of inflation on maintenance. Life of structures : Structural life and economic life. Basics of life cycle costing Techniques. [5]
UNIT - V 8. MAINTENANCE PLANNING :The deeper significance of maintenance as opposed to cosmetic treatments. Broad action plan, planning, Budgeting and controlling the cost of maintenance work. Policy formulation, standards of maintenance, Controlling Cost. Planned maintenance. Inspection cycles and condition surveys. Investigations for assessing condition of structures including non-destructive evaluation techniques like proof load test, photogrammetric analysis, asets and optelectric motion analysis, bovescopes, fiber-optic probes, chain-dragging, acoustic emission and ultrasonic techniques, infrared thermography, high-speed non-contact sensors, sonar and sound penetrating radar techniques. Reliability rating. Maintenance cost records. Maintenance manuals, their function. contents and types. Difficulties in the way of planned maintenance. [10] UNIT - VI 9. MAINTENANCE ORIENTED DESIGNS :Design and its relation to maintenance. Relation ship between initial, maintenance and running costs. Cost appraisal techniques. Consideration of maintenance at design stage. Design needs. Importance of feed back. Feed back systems. Information gathering, the design data communication. Interaction amongst designers, contractors. Uses maintenance and researchers. Maintainability, role of design professional. [4] 10. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT :Need for data. Data relationship of the data base system to management process. Cost data bases and management. Uses of data base. Problems in data collection and use. Setting criteria from data collected, operational assessment. [3] 11. RESEARCH INTO MAINTENANCE :Importance of research. Areas of research including materials, techniques, field equipment and tools for investigation, repairs and monitoring non-destructive evaluation techniques.[3]
SELECT REFERENCE BOOKS:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Building maintenance by Ivor H. Seeley; The Macmillan Press Ltd. Facilities Maintenance and Repair of damaged structures by Karper. A. Compilation of technical papers issued by maharastra India Chapter of American Concrete Institute. Building Maintenance Economics and Management, Edited by Alan Speeding, E. & F. N. Spon, London. Proceeding of the All India Seminar on Maintenance of Civil Engineering Structures and systems, Nagpur. Common Building Defects, Diagnosis and Remedy, compiled by National Building Agency, Construction Press, London and New York. Learning from Failures, Deficiencies in Design. Construction and Service, by R. N. Raikar, Structural Designers and Consultants Pvt. Ltd., New Bombay I.R.C / B.I.S / C.B.R.I. Publications.
7CE05 Elective-I OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN C++ (3 L+1T) SECTION-A UNIT-I 1. Program Design Introduction to Problem Definition, Modular Program Design, Program Composition, Comments, Statements, Flow Control, Functions, Modules, Dynamic Memory Management, Program evaluation and testing, Program documentation, Object Oriented Formulations Data Types :Intrinsic Types, User Defined Data Types, Abstract Data Types. UNIT-II 2. Object Oriented Programming Concepts Introduction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism, Object Oriented Numerical Calculations, Operator Overloading Features of Programming Languages : Comments, Statements and Expressions, Flow Control, Explicit Loops, Implied Loops, Conditionals, Subprograms, Functions, Global Variables, Exception Controls. Interface Prototype. Characters and Strings, User Defined Data Types, Overloading Operators, User Defined Operators, Pointers and Targets, Pointer Type Declaration, Pointer Assignment, Using Pointers in Expressions Pointers and Linked Lists , Accessing External Source Files and Functions, Procedural Applications . UNIT-III 3. Object Oriented Methods : Inheritance and Polymorphism Introduction,, Example Applications of Inheritance, Polymorphism
SECTION-B UNIT-IV 4. OO Data Structures Data Structures , Stacks , Queues, Linked Lists, Linked Lists, File, Direct (Random) Access Files UNIT-V 5. Arrays and Matrices Subscripted Variables: Arrays , Initializing Array Elements , Intrinsic Array Functions, User Defined Operators, Computation with Matrices, multi-file programmes
Reference: Robart Lofare Object Oriented C++ Robart Lafore, OOP in Turbo C++ Balagurusamy, OOP with C++ Prata, C++ Primer Plus N Barkakati, OOP in C++ 7CE05 - Elective I Traffic Engineering
(3 L+1T) SECTION-A Unit I General Road,Road user & Road Vehicle Characteristics Traffic on Indian Roads.Traffic Surveys:Speed, journey time and delay studies, methods of measurement of spot speed headways gaps volume/ capacity surveys speed, volume- density interrelations, measurements of running and journey speeds Origin- Destination surveys necessity, survey methods sample size, data analysis & Presentation, Highway capacity, level of service concepts .(10) Unit - II Traffic Events: Statistical methods for interpretation Regression application of Binomial, Normal Poission distributions, Discrete and continuous distribution to traffic flow, Test of significance - Chisquare &`T' test. (4) Unit - III Road Geometrys: Hierarchy of urban roads and their standards Diverging, merging crossing weaving manourver`s, conflict points, types of road junctions channelization of traffic flow, traffic rotary design Grade separated inter-sections, Drive ways, design of pedestrian facilities Design criteria for separate cycle track, Exclusive Bus lane. (12) SECTION-B Unit - IV Traffic Control:Traffic signs, road markings, traffic signals, design of signalized intersections & signaling systems, queing Theory, Traffic control aids, and street furniture.(10)
Unit - V Traffic Safety:Driver error, vehicle & road surface Laws and enforcement traffic accident conditions in India Collection and interpretation of accident data and recording in Std. from skidding sped and weather effects on accidents, Analysis of Accidents. Pedestration cyclists & auto vehicle drivers safety. Traffic regulation 3R and 5E`s of traffic management. (8) Enforcement and Education: Motor Vehicle act and Rules, Education, Need and Methods, Air pollution & Noise Pollution by Traffic .(2) Unit - VI Parking:Parking surveys, on and off street parking & parking systems, parking demand, design of off-street parking lot, underground & Multistoried parking. (4) Urban Traffic:Urban transportation problems and Analysis of characteristics of mixedtraffic flow, head and administrative set up of traffic colls at various levels,co-ordination with other transport modes, traffic organisation. General principles of urban transport planning in context to India cities(specially metropolitan).(8) 7CE05 ELECTIVE I ADVANCED HYDRAULICS SECTION-A
(3L+ 1T)
UNIT-I 1. Computation of uniform flow. Computation of critical flow. (04) 2. Theory of gradually varied flow. Analysis of surface profile of gradually varied flow. (05) UNIT-II 3 Computation of gradually varied flow, Bresses method, Chews method, standard step method. Direct step method, (10)
UNIT-III 4. Theory of Hydraulic jump, Location of hydraulic jump, application of hydraulic jump in design of hydraulic jump type stilling basin with horizontal apron (10) SECTION-B UNIT-IV 5. Equation of unsteady flow in a pipe line for incompressible fluid. Time of flow establishment. Rigid water column theory of water hammer and computation of water hammer pressures. (10) UNIT-V 6.Equation describing water hammer phenomena when compressibility of fluid and elasticity of pipe is considered, computation of water hammer pressure of frictionless flow in horizontal pipe, for sudden and slow closer of valve, Application of allievis method and charts approximate pressures. Water hammer pressures in pumping systems. Method characteristics. (08) 7. Computation of water hammer pressures in branched pipe system and in devices, used for protection from water hammer pressures. UNIT-VI 8. Function of surge tank and different type of surge tanks. Equations governing the flow in the simple surge tank system. Analysis of flow in a simple surge tank system. Computation of maximum surges in a simple surge tank, study of problem of hydraulc stability in a simple surge tank system. (10). surge tank system. Various (03)
Recommended books: 1.Flow through open channels - K.G.Ranga Raju 2.Open channel hydraulics - Ven Te Chow 3.Flow in open channels - K.Subramanya 4.Fluid mechanics - Streeter & Wylie 5.Fluid mechanics for Engineers - P.N.Chatterjee 7CE05 : ELECTIVE-I: SECTION-A UNIT-I: 1. Elastic properties of soils, applicability of Hooke's law to soils, elastic constants of soil and their determination. Coefficient of elastic uniform compression and shear; cyclic plate load test. (6) UNIT-II: 2. Theory of vibration, degree of freedom, theory of free & forced vibrations, natural frequency, resonance, effect of soil inertia on forced vertical vibration of foundation, methods/approaches of determining dynamic characteristics of soil-foundation systems :empirical method, Pauw method, Balkrishna-Nagraj approach, Richert's elastic half space approach. (9) UNIT-III: 3. Strength & deformation characteristics of soil under dynamic loads, liquefaction in soil, criteria of liquefaction field and laboratory assessment of liquefaction. (6) SECTION-B UNIT-IV: 4. Residual soil settlement under dynamic loads, damping property of soil, effects of vibration on internal friction, cohesion, viscosity, prosity & permeability; vibroviscous soil resistance. (6) UNIT-V 5. Earthquakes, earthquake effects on soil-foundation system ,types of waves & their characteristics ,response spectrums, seismic forces and damage potential indices. (4) 6. Propagation of elastic waves in isotropic material, application to dynamic problems ,energy transmission from machine foundation in elastic half space. (4) UNIT-VI: 7. Machine foundation: Special features, resonant frequency of block foundation, permissible amplitudes. Analysis & design of single engine reciprocating machine foundation, methods of decreasing vibrations of foundation. (7) Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. Shamsher Prakash: Soil Dynamics. Barkan, D.D: Dynamics of Bases & Foundation Richarts,Hall & Woodes: Vibrations of soils & Foundations. Winterkom H.F. and Fang H:Foundation Engineering handbook SOIL DYNAMICS (3L+1T)
7CE05:ELECTIVE I: AIR POLLUTION AND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SECTION - A (3 L+1T) Unit - I 1. Introduction to air pollution : Definition, air pollution episodes, atmosphere and its zones. (4) 2. Classification and sources of air pollutants (2) 3. Effects of air pollutants on man, plants animal & materials (3) Unit II 4. Meteorolgy and air pollution : Primary and secondary parameters, atmospheric stability, plume behaviour. (5) 5. Air sampling and measurement: ambient air samplingand stack sampling, colllection of particulate and gaseous pollutants, methods of estimation. (6) Unit III 6. Air pollution control methods and equipments: Principle of controll methods particulates and gaseous pollutants, gravity settlers, electrostatic precipitators, bag filters cyclones, wet scrubbers (6) 7. Automobile exhaust: Pollution due to disel and petrol engines, exhaust treatment and abatement. (3 8. Noise Pollution: Sources, ill effects, control measures. (1) SECTION - B Unit IV 9. Introduction to solid waste management. (2) 10. Sources, quantity and quality: Sources of solid waste, classification physical and chemical characteristics, per capita, sampling and analysis. (8)
Unit V 11. Collection and transportation of solid waste: method of collection,equipment used for collection and transportation, transfer stations. (7) 12. Solid waste processing: methods of processing, choice of methods, merits and demerits of various methods. (3) UNIT-VI 13. Composting of waste:method of composting,factors affecting composting (4) 14. Sanitary land filling: site requirements,methods,leachate management. (4) 15. Inceneration: Principles of incineration, types of incinerators, advantages and disadvantages. (2) REFERENCE BOOKS 1. M.N.Rao & H.V.N.Rao, "Air Pollution", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 2. C.S.Rao,"Enviromental Pollution Control Engineering, Wiley Estern Ltd. New Delhi. 3. Stern A.C.,"Air pollution" Vol I to X 4. A. D.Bhide & Sunderesan B.B.,"Solid Waste Management in Developing countries, INSDOC, New Delhi. 5. Tchobanoglous, "Integrated Solid Waste Management Engineering Principle and Management Issues. 6. K.V.S.G. Murlikrishna Air Pollution JTNU, Kakinada
SECTION A Unit I 1. Design of overhead circular service reservoirs. Analysis of staging by cantilever method. Analysis and design for earthquake as per relevant IS codes. Design of foundation- Annular raft, Full raft. (10)
Unit II 2. Design of highway bridges with IRC loading and equivalent UDL. Slab type, Two/Three girder type. (10)
SECTION B Unit III 3. Design of building frames upto two bay/two storey, including design of foundation.Using Limit state Method. (10)
Unit IV 4. Design of cylindrical shells by beam theory, advantages, assumptions, ranges of validity and beam analysis. Design of shells with or without edge bems. (10)
7CE06 :
The student is expected to prepare Mini project report on the basis of data collected in summer training of 3 / 4 Weeks and submit detailed report . 7CE 07 : PROJECT AND SEMINAR (3P)
This includes preparation of preliminaries for the project work to be under taken in 8th Semester. 1. 2. 3. 4. Finalising the title of the Project . Literature Survey Collection of Datas Scope of the project
Each group shall deliver seminar on the work done during the semester. In addition student will deliver one more seminar on the topic finalised by him with the consent of his guide.
SECTION - A Unit I 1. General :Importance of the subject, purpose of quantity estimates, Mode and Unit of measurement as per I.S.1200. Methods and Stages of estimates. Item of a work and Description of an item of work, Approximate estimation of Civil Engineering Works [5] 2. Proposal and Development of Project, Nature of contract between owner and Architect / Engineer, Duties and liabilities of Architect / Engineer, Architect's / Engineer's normal professional services, Various important terminology required like Work charged establishment, muster roll, contingencies, centage charges, measurement book, overheads etc. [7] Unit II 3. Quantity and cost estimates : a) Methods of detailed estimates, forms used for detailed estimates, Working out the quantities of various materials required for construction of various Civil Engineering works, Building, Culverts, Hydraulic Structures, Water supply and Sanitary works, road works, retaining walls, water tanks etc. b) Earthwork estimates in road ( Including hill roads), canals, mass excavation, mass haul curve c) Detailed estimates of Steel in RCC works, bar bending Schedule [18] SECTION - B Unit III 4. Arranging works : P.W.D. as the construction agency, method of carrying out works, arranging contract works, pretender and contract planning, tender notice, acceptance of tender, essentials of contract, type of contracts, conditions of contract, contract documents, various schedules in the tender document, measurement and payment to contractor, indian contract law, and the [10] Unit IV 5. Specifications : Purpose and principles of specifications. Writing types of specifications, writing an developing detailed specifications of Important items. [5] 6. Cost Build up : Purpose and principles, Importance of Schedule of rates (DSR) in Cost Estimate : Factors affecting analysis of rates, information from National Building Organisation. Task work, factors afffecting task work. Markets rates, escalation. [5] Unit V 7. Valuation :- Purpose of valuation, Factors affecting value of property price and cost, marketvalue, potential value, sentimental value, scrap value, reversionary value etc. Real Estate, Guild edged securities, Net and Gross return, tenure of land, Valuation of land. Free hold and lease hold, sinking fund, depreciation, Capitalised value, methods of valuation, differed annuity. Time-cost relationship, Valuation tables, rent fixation [7] 8. Cost Accounting : Various methods, classification of cost, direct and indirect charges, distribution of overheads, M.A.S. Account, issue rates and store account. [3] REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Estimation by Dutta 2. Valuation by Roshan Namavati 3.Philosophy of Valuation. S. S. Rathore.
Question paper pattern :Section A : One compulsory question on Estimate for 25 marks and one question is to be solved out of the remaining two questions. Section B : Three questions are to be solved out of five questions PRACTICAL : Term Work : The candidate shall submit 12 experiments in the following : 1. A complete set of contract documents (Including specifications along with a building estimate. 2. Detailed estimates of the following :- (Minimum three) Load bearing Structure, R.C.C. framed structures, Hydraulic structures, steel structure, culvert, Watersupply & Sanitary work, road work,Water tank. 3. Rate analysis of 10 major items of building and 3 items of road work 4. Specification of 10 major items of building and 3 items of road work 5. Site Visit to : Study of Schedule of Rates and Comparison with market rates and report by the students. 6. Valuation and rent fixation 7. Earth work of road for 1 km length 8. Detailed estimate wood work of Doors and windows 9. Calculation of reinforcement in RCC with bar bending schedule. 10. Study of IS 1200 11. Expert lecture by legal advisor on various legal aspects of contracts and report by the students. 12. Expert lecture by accountant of Construction Department(Preferably Govt.) on various accounting methods, materials management etc. and report by the students. Practical examination shall consist of written test and viva voce based on the syllabus and sessional work. 8CE02 Transportation Engg.- II Section - A (Railways) (3L+1T)
Unit-I 1. Railways Transportation and its development, Long term operative plans for Indian Railways. Classification of Railway: lines and their track standards. Railway terminology. Railway Adminitration & Management.(2) 2. Traction and tractive Resistance, Hauling capacity and Tractive effort of locomotives, Different Types of Tractions.(2) Unit -II 3. Permanent Way: Alignment Surveys, Requirement, gaugaes, track section. Coning of wheels, Stresses in railway track. High speed track.(4) 4. Rail types and functions, selection for rails, Test on rails wear & defects, corrugations and creeps of rails. Rail joints short and long welded panels, sleepers - function, types, merits and demerits, sleeper density. Ballast cushion, Ballest section Rail fixtures and fasteners.(4) 5. Geometric design of railway track, Gauge, Gradients speed, super elevation, can deficiency Negative super elevation, curves, length of transition curves, grade compensations.(3) 6. Points of crossings: Left and right hand turnout ,design calculations for turnout & Crossover, railway track functions.(4) Unit III 7. Station and Yards : Types, functions facilities & equipment.(3) 8. Railway signaling and interlocking: Objects of signaling principles of signaling classification and types of signals,control and movement of trains, track circuiting.Necessity of interlocking & methods and mechanical devices.(4) 9. Railway track construction, Inspection & modern, techniques of maintenance.(2) 10. Modern Technology related to track & Tradition, Rolling Stock, Signaling & Controlling.(2)
Section B (Airports) Unit-IV 1. Development of Air Transportation in India : Comparison with other transportation modes. Aircraft components and characteristics, Airport site election. Modern aircrafts.(4) 2. Airport obstructions: Zoning Laws, Imaginary surfaces, Approach and Turning Zone, clear zone, vert. Clearance for Highway & Railway.(2) 3. Runway and taxiway design :Windrose, cross wind component, Runway Orientation and configuration. Basic runway length and corrections, runway geometric design standards. Taxiway Layout and geometric design standards. Exit Taxiway.(5) Unit V 4. Airport layout Airport classification: Terminal Area, Aircraft parking & parking system. Unit terminal concept, Aprons, Hangers ,International Airports layouts, phase development Helipads ,and Heliports.(3) 5. Visual Aids: Airport marking and Lighting for runway, Taxiway and other areas.(2) 6. Air traffic control: Need, Network, control aids, Instrumental landing systems ,Advances in Air- traffic control.(4) Unit- VI 7. Tunnel alignment Tunnel Surveys, Cross section of Highway & Railway.(2) 8. Tunneling methods in Hard Rock and Soft Grounds, Tunnel linning.(5) 9. Drainage, Ventilation and lighting of tunnels.(1) 10. Advances in Tunneling, Tunnel boring Mechanics, Case studies.(2) 8CE03 Elective-2 Advanced Structural Analysis (4L + 1T) SECTION-A UNIT-I 1. BEAMS ON ELASTIC FOUNDATIONS Introduction, Case studies, infinite beams on elastic foundation .Development of Computer program. 2. BEAM CURVED IN PLAN(Statically Determinate Beams Only) Introduction, circular beam loaded uniformly and supported on symmetrically placed columns, semicircular Beams,Varandah circular beams. UNIT-II 3. Advanced MATRIX METHOD OF ANALYSIS FOR PLANE Frames, Analysis of Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical plane frames, Effect of Shear deformation. Symmetry, Antisymmetry conditions for solving symmetric frames UNIT-III 4. MATRIX METHOD OF ANALYSIS FOR PLANE GRIDs Analysis of Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical plane Grids, space trusses using stiffness approach subjected to member loading (UDL, Conc. Load, Temperature etc) and Joint loads. Introduction to computer program development. Introduction to MATRIX METHOD OF ANALYSIS FOR Space Structures frames. SECTION-B UNIT-IV 5. INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS : Basic concepts, DAlemberts Principal, equation of Motion of the Basic Dynamic System, Effect of Gravitation force, Influence of Support Excitation, Analysis for Free & Forced Damped/ undamped vibrations for SDOF only, Transmissibility ratio, Response to Harmonic Loading
UNIT-V 6. Response to Periodic loading, Response ti Impulse loading, Numerical methods, Approximate methods for analysis of impulsive loading, Response to ground dynamic Loading UNIT-VI 7. Earthquake Analysis of Structures using IS:1893 : Introduction to Earthquake code, Calculations of earthquake forces on buildings, ESRS, Bridges, Chimneys, retaining Walls using codal coefficient method. Note : Solution is restricted upto three DOF problems and assembly restricted upto 8 DOF problem. BOOKS Matrix Method of Structural Analysis - Gere and Weaver Computer Analysis of Structures - Beaufait, Rowen, Headly et al Computer Analysis of Structures - Flemmings Structural Dynamics- Clough & Penzin Finite Element Method R D Cook Computational Structural Mechanics, S Rajasekaran & G Sankarasubramanian IS:1893 (Revised) 8CE03 Elective-II PAVEMENT DESIGN (4L+1T)
Unit - I 1. General: Structural action of flexible and rigid pavements. characteristics of highway anf airfield pavements. (6) 2. Design Parameters: Standard Axie load and wheel assemblies for road vehicles. under carriage system for aircraft, Type and contact pressure, contact area imprints, Computations of ESWL for flexible and rigid pavements. Load repetitions and distributions of traffic for highway and airfield pavement, airport traffic areas. (6) Unit - II 3. Materials Characteristics: AASHO subgrade soil classification. Group index, CBR, North Dakota cone bearing value, plate load test for K", Marshal`s method of Bituminous mix design, modulus of rupture and elasticity, poision`s ratio & coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete. layer equivalent concepts. (8) 4. Analysis of Flexible and Rigid Pavements: Stress, Strain deflection analysis for single, two three and multi layered flexible pavement systems. stress and deflections for rigid pavements due to load and temperature, influence Charts, ultimate load analysis joints. (10) Unit - III 5. Highway Pavement Design: (a) Flexible: North Dakota cone, Group index, CBR, IRC-37, Brumister, Triaxial(Kansas), AASHO method of design. (b) RIGID IRC-15, P.C.A., AASHO methods of design, Design of joints and reinforcement.(10) 6. Airfield Pavement Design: (a) Flexible: U.S. Corps of Engineering, CBR, FAA, Mcload(Canadian) (b) Rigid PCA,FAA &LCN, ultimate load Analysis yield lines patterns, methods. (5)
Unit -IV 7. Pavement Testing and Evaluation: Field Density, CBR,plate load Test, Condition surveys and surface evaluation for unevenness, rut depth, profilometers, Bump integrators, Benkalman Beam Deflection Study. (4) 8. Strengthening of Pavements: Design of flexible, composite and rigid overlays for flexible and rigid pavements, Repairs, Maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements. (6) 9. Specifications and Cost Estimates: Review of IRC/MOST/ICAO/IAAI specification and standards for highway and airfield constructions. Cost evaluation and comparative study.(2) 10. Pavement Systems Management: Systems management, case studies of Highway and Airfield pavement projects.(2)
UNIT-I 1. INTRODUCTION:(05) Sources of energy; Importance of water power; Estimate of water power potential; Primary & secondary power; Load factor; load curve. 2. TYPES OF HYDROPOWER PLANT:(06) Low & high head; Run-of-river plant; Valley dam; Pumped storage plant; Reservoir plant. Plants diversion channel; High head diversion pumped storage underground; General description of layout; Topographic requirements of each of above. UNIT-II 3. PENSTOCKS:(04) General classification; Design criterion; Economic diameter; Anchorages accessories. 4. WATER HAMMER:(05)Meaning; Equation for uniform diameter penstock; Use of Allievi`s chart. UNIT III 5. SURGE TANKS:(10)Types; Functions; Locations; Hydraulic design & stability of surge tanks. SECTION-B UNIT IV 6. INTAKES:(05)Types; Locations; Trash rack & other components; Control gates; Emergency gates. 7. HYDAL CHANNEL FORBAY:(05) General principles of alignment and balancing tank. UNIT- V 8. TURBINES:(10) Types; Hydraulic features; Size; General description and layouts; Specific speed; Choices; Approximate costs. UNIT-VI 9. POWER HOUSES:(04) Types; General layout and approximate dimensions. 10. NON CONVENTIONAL SOURCES OF ENERGY:(05) Tidal power; Wind power; Geothermal power; Solar power; Elementary principles & description; Application of Water power in drilling & blasting of rocks. Recommended books: 1. Water power engineering M. M. Deshmukh
8CE03 ELECTIVE-II : EARTH & EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES (4L+1T) SECTION-A UNIT-I: 1. EARTH PRESSURE ON RETAINING WALLS Rankine's & Coloumb"s earth pressure theories, Poncelet's and Culmann's graphical constructions for active and passive pressures.Effects of wall movement, wall friction, type if slip surface, wall angle,backfill slope angle, surcharge & line loads on lateral earth pressure. Direction & point of earth force application UNIT-II 2. STABILITY OF EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES: Types of walls: gravity, cantilever walls, walls with counter forts and relief shelves, their typical dimensional details. Stability requirements for overturning, sliding, bearing capacity failure; overall stability against shear failure in backfill & foundation soil; application of geosynthetics in earth retaining structures. UNIT III 3. SHEET PILE RETAINING STRUCTURES: Sheet piles walls bulk heads. Types of sheet piles, constructional features cantilever & anchored walls, their suitability . Analysis for design of cantilever walls in cohesionlesss and cohesive soils, approximate analysis, Analysis for anchored sheet pile walls with free end & fixed end support condition . Blum's citeria .Deadman and anchors : location and design principles. (8) SECTION-B UNIT-IV: 4. COMPACTED EMBANKMENTS: Compaction control in field compaction, consideration of placement moisture content during field compaction, over compaction, effects of compactive effect on compaction of clayey and sandy soil, effects of lifts in deep compaction, correction for excluded grain sizes in laboratory compaction Tests Theories of compaction: water film and lubrication concept, microstructure concept. _ _ _(8) UNIT-V: 5. STABILITY OF SLOPES: Friction circle methods, factors of safety ,stability numbers and use of stability charts, base failure ,stability of earthdam slopes, for steady seepage and sudden draw down, approximate analysis for plain slip surface, bishop's method for slope stability._ _ _(6) UNIT-VI: 6. COFFERDAMS: Types, suitability, stability analysis of cellular and diaphragm type cofferdams, TVA method , interlocked stresses. (4) 7. BRACED CUTS: Sheeting and bracing systems in shallow and deep vertical cuts in different t types of soils.Failure modes ,lateral pressure distribution on sheeting ,stability of bottom of excavation. (3)
BOOKS : 1.Arora K.R: Soil mechenic & foundation Engineering. 2. Punmia B.C.: Soil mechanics & foundation. 3. Gopal Ranjan & Rad : Basic & Apnlied mechenics. 4. Puruthottarn Raj ; Geotechnical Engineering. 5. B.M. Das: Principal of Geotechnical Engineering. 6. Winterkom H.F. & Farg H. Foundation Engineering Hard Book.
8CE03 : ELECTIVE II WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (4L+1T) SECTION - A Unit I 1. General Hydraulic Principles:Frictional head loss in pipes, different formulea, minor head loss in pipes, equivalent pipe (4) 2. Resevoir, Pumps and Valves: Impounding reservoir, Service and balancing reservoirs, Three reservoir system, Multy-reservoir system, Pumps and pump combinations, Valves-their types, analysis of reservoir system with checks valves and pressure reducing valves.(Hydraulic) (8) Unit II 3. Analysis of Water Distribution Networks: Types and parameters, Parameter relationship, Formulation of equations, Analysis of network using Hardy Cross method, Newton Raphson method and linear theory method, Introduction of gradient method, Introduction of Dynamic analysis. (13) Unit III 4. Node Flow Analysis(NFA): Difference between Node Head and Node Flow Analysis, Necessity of NFA, Bhave's approachNode classification, node category compatibility, NFA theory. Introduction to other NFA methods - Germanopolus approach, Wagner et al. approach, Gupta and Bhave's approach.(12) SECTION - B Unit IV 5. 6. Reservoir capacity: Estimation of minimum required reservoir capacitty using graphical and analitical method (7) Design of pumping main: Optimal design of pumping main considering pipe diameter as continuous and discrete variable. (6)
Unit V 7. Design of Water Distribution Networks: Design of single source branching networks using critical path method, Number of branching configuration of looped networks using Graph theory principles, selection og branching configuration using path concept and minimum spanning tree concept. Design of Single source looped networks using critical path method. (13)
Unit VI 8. Optimal Design Water Distribution Networks: Cost Head Loss Ratio(CHR) method - CHR criterion, Problem formulation, CHR methodology(for single source branching networks). Linear pogramming formulation and solution using Simplex Method. (7)
Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. Jeppaon R.W.(1977),"Analysis of Flow in Pipe Networks" Ann Arbor Science.Ann Arbor Michigan, USA Walski T.M.(1984), "Analysis of Water Distribution System" Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York, N.Y.,USA Bhave P.R. (1991), "Analysis of flow in water distribution networks" Tecnhnomic Publishing CO. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
8CE03 : ELECTIVE - I I : ADVANCE ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (4L+1T) SECTION-A Rock Mechanics Unit-I 1. Strength and failure of rocks, Crep behavior, elastic constants and rheological models.dynamic Properties of rocks. (8) Unit-II 2. Methods of rock exploration: Drilling, geophysical exploration; gravity, methods,in-situ tests, deformability,shear tests,strength tests. magnetic and seismic (8)
Geo-hydrology Unit-III 3. Groundwater and well Hydraulics - Various Field (Pumping and other) methods for determination of permeability, storage capacity, transmissivity, specific capacity, safe yield.Groundwater trends and fluctuations. (12) SECTION-B Unit-IV 4.Groundwater Modeling : Surface and sub-surface investigations of Groundwater. (Including Geological,remote sensing and geophysical methods); Artificial recharge of ground-water;Management of groundwater. (12) Environmental Geology Unit-V 5.Land use and land planning;pollution of surface and groundwater;waste disposal site location for solid and liquid wastes. (8) Unit-VI 6.Geological Hazards:With emphasis on earthquakes.Stability of slopes and landslides, prediction ,prevention and rehabilitation (8)
Text Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 8C04 : Crynine X Indd: Engineering geology H.M.Rughunath : Groundwater Hydrology K.Todd : Groundwater Hydrology T.Lundgrear : Environmental Geology ELECTIVE-III: ADVANCED STEEL DESIGN (3L+1T+2D)
SECTION-A UNIT I 1. Gantry Girders Cranes Hand operated, Electrically operated overhead ,Design considerations , Crane girder and Gantry girder design. (6) 2. Industrial building frames i. Upto two bay single storeyed, foundations, connections, detailing of steel connections. ii. North light trusses and lattice girders for industrial buildings. (9) UNIT II 3. Bridges Types of bridges foot bridge ,road bridge, railway bridge. Rolled beam bridges, plate girder bridges, trussed bridge, through type, deck type bridges. Weight of bridge truss by empirical formulae. Loading on foot ways, IRC loading, loading on railway bridges. Design of a foot bridge, design of components of railway and road bridges.(10) 4 Bearings Types of bearings, bearing pads, design of rocker and roller bearings.(5) SECTION-B UNIT III 5. Storage Vessels: General concepts, design of bunkers,Circular and rectangular, including oil tanks.(10). 6. Open web sections Introduction , design of open web sections. UNIT IV 7. Composite construction. General Concepts. Properties, steel concrete composite design of encased beams , columns, shear connectors. 8. Advance welding technique .
Practicals: Minimum two design assignments including detailed structure drawings on A-2 size sheets based on the above topics.
8C04 : ELECTIVE-III : PRESTRESSED CONCRETE (3L+1T+2D) Use of IS 1343 is expected for this course, and will be allowed in the examination SECTION-A Unit-I 1. Losses in prestress . 2. Partial prestressing 3. Analysis and design of End Blocks as per IS 1343 Method. (Only comparative study with the other methods is expected) 4. Use of untensioned reinforcement 5. Types of prestressed concrete structures- Type- I, II, and III Unit-II 6. Structural design of prestressed concrete beams by Limit state method, including Limit state design criteria for prestressed concrete members. 7. Deflections of prestressed concrete beams. 8. Behaviour of unbonded and bonded prestressed concrete beams. Unit-III 9. Shear and torsional resistance of the prestressed concrete members. 10. Composite construction of prestressed concrete structures and in-situ concrete, Differential shrinkage, deflection, flexural strength, serviceability (Limit state) of the composite sections. SECTION-B Unit-IV 11. Statically Indeterminate structures, Continuous beams, primary and secondary moment, transformation profile, concordant profile 12. Flexibility Influence coefficient, Analysis of single-storey, single-bay fixed portal frame. Unit-V 13. Analysis and design of circular water tank, fixed, hinged and sliding base at the bottom, use of IS 3370. 14. Design of prestressed concrete poles. Unit VI 15. Special problems in prestressed concrete structures like stress corrosion, fatigue, dynamic behaviour of prestressed concrete beams, behaviour of prestressed concrete structures under fire. 16. Introduction to prestressed concrete bridges, pavements, one way, two way and grid floor. 17. Practicals: A minimum of four design assignments containing the detailed calculation and structural drawings. Any four of the following: 1. Single span rectangular beam. 2. Continuous beam. 3. Circular water tank 4. Prestressed concrete pole. 5. Two way slab.
SECTION-A UNIT-I: 1. Physico- chemical properties of clays: Origin and classification of clay minerals, lattice structures and characteristics of kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite, isomorphic substitutions, specific surface, adsorption of ions & diapole water molecules on clay particles, base exchange & its engineering significance, formation & characteristics of flocculated & dispersed clay structures, sensitivity, thixotropy, thixotropic fluids Swelling - shrinking of clays, identification of clay minerals by x-ray diffraction and DTA methods. (8) UNIT-II: 2. EXPANSIVE SOILS: Mechanism of swelling, recognition & identification of expansive soil. Free swell indices, ground heave, swelling pressure & swelling potential, factors affecting expansivity and swelling pressure of soil, properties and uses of benotonite slurry, design approaches for foundations in swelling soil, introduction to CNS technique, Underreamed piles, functions construction & load capacity of single and double underreamed piles (8) UNIT-III: 3. DRAINAGE & DEWATERING: Purpose, various methods, well point systems, their suitability, flow towards slots from line source, concept of electroosmosis. (5) SECTION-B UNIT-IV: 4. CONSOLIDATION: 2-D consolidation theory, application to consolidation due to sand drains, constructional features and design of sand drain installation. Secondary consolidation, phenomenon & estimation of secondary consolidation settlement. Over consolidated soils, over consolidation ratio, Schmertmanns method for determination of Preconsolidated pressure field consolidation curve. (7) UNIT-V: 5. INTRODUCTION TO ROCK MECHANICS: Rock as engineering material, index properties of rock, RQD, point load strength, slaking & durability, sonic velocity, Rock classifications for engineering purposes rock mass rating, uniaxial strength behavior of rocks ,tensile strength test, insitu stresses in rocks ,elastic properties of rocks (7)
UNIT-VI: 6. DRILLED PIERS & CAISSONS: Uses, classification & methods of construction, safety requirements in pneumatic caissons, floating stability of box cassion Well foundation -Use & constructional features, sinking of well, tilt and shift, their rectification, depth of well ,grip length, Terzaghis method for stability analysis of well based on ultimate resistance ,principles of design of components of well (7)
Recommended Books: 1. Arora K.R.: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. 2. Punmia B.C. : Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. 3. Purushottam Raj: Geotechnical Engg. 4. Gopal Ranjan and Rao: Basic & Applied Soil Mechanics. PRACTICALS: (A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (B) 1. 2. 3. Any three of the following laboratory practicals: Determination of swelling pressure of soil . Determination of swelling potential of soil. Determination of tensile strength of rock by Brazilian test. Determination of stress -strain nature, compressive strength and elastic modulus of rock from uniaxial Compression test. Determination of consolidation property parameters. Any two design assignments: Design of sand drain installation. Design of underreamed pile foundation. Stability analysis of well foundation.
8C04 : Elective-III : COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS (3L+1T+2P) Unit-I 1. Graphical Input, and communications, Display Devices, Scan Conversion: Graphical input devices, storage devices, communication devices, display devices, scan-converting a point, straight line, a circle, an ellipse, arc, sector, a rectangle, Region filling, side effects of a scan conversion Unit-II 2. Two dimensional Graphic Transformations, View Transformation and clipping : Geometric transformation, Coordinate Transformation, Composite transformation, Instance transformation, Viewing Transformation, Clipping and shielding Unit-III 3. Three dimensional Graphic Transformation: Geometric transformation, Coordinate Transformation, Composite transformation and matrix concatenation, Instance transformation, three dimensional viewing, Clipping, view transformation Unit-IV 4. Geometric Forms and Models, Hidden Surfaces: Simple geometric forms, Wireframe models, Curved surfaces, Curve design, Transforming curves & surfaces, Hidden surfaces, Depth buffer Algorithm, Scan-line Algorithm, The painters Algorithm, Subdivision Algorithm, Hidden-line Elimination Unit-V 5. Computer Graphics applications Using OPENGL / Windows Graphic routines Unit-VI 6. Computer Graphic Applications for Civil Engineering Problems Practicals ;- Minimum TEN practicals based on syllabus. References Theory and Problems in COMPUTER GRAPHICS- Roy A Plastock, Gordon Kelly Computer Graphics- A Programming Approach by Steven Harrington Computer Graphics by Donald Hearn & M P Baker
8CE04 ELECTIVE - III WATER AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT (3L+1T+2P) SECTION - A Unit I 1. Objective of water treatment, unit operation and unit processes, treatment flow sheet, site selection for water treatment plant. (3) 2. Aeration: Objectives of aeration, types of aerators, , design of cascade aerator (5) Unit II 3. Coagulation - Flocculation: Theory of coagulation, objectives, types of rapid and slow mixing devices(hydraulic and mechanical), design of flash mixer, design of flocculator (hydraulic and mechanical), factors affecting coagulation and flocculation, nature and types of chemical coagulants used in water treatment, coagulant and flocculent aids. (6) 4. Sedimentation: Theory of sedimentation, factors affecting, types of settling, analysis of discrete and flocculent settling, design of sedimentation tank and clariflocculators. (6) Unit III 5. Filteration: Mechanism of filteration, types of filters, design ofrapid sand filters, filter media specifications, problems in filteration. (6) 6. Disinfection: Methods of disinfection, kinetics of disinfection , chlorination, method of chlorination (Breakpoint chlorination), factors affecting efficiency of chlorination. (4) 7. Recent development in water treatment. (1) SECTION B Unit IV 8. 9. Physical and chemical characteristics of waste water, DO, BOD, COD, determination of BOD rate constant. (4) Disposal of sewage by dilution and by land disposal, (6)
Unit V 11. Treatment Methods: Waste water treatment flow sheet, preliminary,primary and secondary methods of treatment, design of screen. grit chamber and primary settling tank. (10) Unit VI 12. Biological unit processes: Principle of biological treatment processes, design parameters of activated sludge process, trickling filters, aerated lagoons and stabilization ponds. (Excluding design). (5) 13. Sludge treatment, aerobic and anaerobic digestion and sludge drying beds(Excluding design). (3) 14. Recent development in waste water treatment. Practical: A) Min. 5 Experiment. 1. Determination ofVolatile fatty acids. 2. Determination of sulphates. 3. Determination of Biochemical oxygen demand. 4. Determination of Chemical oxygen demand. 5. Effective size and uniformity coefficient of filter sand. (1)
6. 7. 8.
Bacteriological test.(MPN Test) Design of individual unit of water or waste water treatment. Determination of Dissolved oxygen Compulsory.
B) Design of individual unit of water or waste water treatment with Desgn calculation & Drawings. Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. S.K. Garg Environmental Engineering Vol I & Vol II B.C. Punmia Environmental Engineering Vol I & Vol II Mtcalf & Eddy Waste Water Treatment disposal & reuse Mccarly & Swayer Chemistry for environmental Engg.
8CE04 : Elective - III : APPLID REMOTE SENSING AND GIS (3L + 1T + 2P) I. Definition and Scope of Remote Sensing: Electromagnetic Energy and its wavelengths. Remote Sensing Systems, Sensors and Scanners, Resolution of Sensors, multi-spectral, Thermal and Radar Scanners. Radiometers spectral response curve and spectral signatures. (10) Elements of Sensing Systems: Terrestrial, airborne and space borne platforms, Sun-synchronous and Geo-stationary satellites, advantages and Disadvantages. Various earth Resources satellites,Indian Remote Sensing program. Remote-Sensing Data Products and their types: Analogue and Digital Data formats. Thermal and Radar Imageries. FCC. (10) Interpretation Techniques : Elements of Interpretation and methods Interpretation key, interpretation instruments. Relief displacement and vertical exaggeration. Determination and calculation of elevation from RS data . (8) Digital Image processing: Image rectification and restoration, Image enhancements-contrast manipulations, spatial feature manipulation, multi-image maninpulation; Image classification Supervised &Unsupervised classifications, accuracy assessments and data merging. (8) Geographical Information System : Raster and Vector data, concepts and basic characteristics of vectorization, Topology generation, attribute data attachment, editing and analysis. (10)
Application: Integrated approach of RS and GIS application: Application in Geological investigations, water resources management, environmental studies-ELA based studies, Land use planning, soil studies and transportation planning. Application in Civil Engineering projects-Dams and bridges site investigations, Landslide studies. (12) List of Practical RS Data Formats and their study:Analogue and Digital Data Products 1. Digital Image Processing: Registration, Enhancements and digital Classifications 2. Case studies in Water resourse (Surface, Groundwater), environmental geology, engineering projects. 3. Calculations on RS data: Elevation, spatial attributes. 4. GIS; Vector data generation, data attachments and data analysis. 8CEO5 : PROJECT : (6P) Minimum two presentations on the work done shall be before approval of draft copy by the respective guides.
CONTENT Third Semester (Mechanical Engineering Department ) Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Subject Applied Mathematics -III Theory of Machines - I Fluid Power - I Manufacturing Process - I Engineering Metallurgy Computer Application - I Industrial Visit Fourth Semester (Mechanical Engineering Department ) Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Subject Applied Mathematics -IV Machine Design -I Engineering Thermodynamics Theory of Machine - II Fluid Power - II Manufacturing Process - II Mini - Project Page No. Page No.
Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering ) Semester Pattern III Semester B. E. (Mechanical) Subj ect Cod e Uni. Exam./College Assessment Paper Duratio n- Hrs Practical Max Passin . g 25 25 25 25 25 25 A to D 150 25 25 25 C -
Lectur e - Hrs
Tutoria ls - Hrs
Pract./D rg.-Hrs
Applied Mathematics III Theory of Machines - I Fluid Power-I Manufacturing Process - I Engineering Metallurgy** Computer Application -I Industrial Visit
Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College College
03 03 03 03 03 03 -
03 03 03 03 03 03 18
01 01 01 01 01 01 06
02 02 02 03 09
APPLIED MATHEMATICS -III Unit 1 : Laplace Transform: definition & its properties, transform of derivatives and integrals, evaluation of integrals by L. T. inverse and its properties, convolution theorem, Lapalce transform of periodic functions and unit step function, applications of Laplace transforms to soil ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. (one dimensional wave and diffusion equations) (8) Unit 2 : Z Transform: The z-transform definition and properties, inversion, relation with Laplace transform, Application -of z-transform to solve difference equations with constant coefficients. (5) Unit 3 : Fourier Transform: Definition, Fourier integral theorem, 1.., Fourier sine & cosine integrals, finite Fourier sine & I: cosine transform, Parseval's identity, convolution theorem. (5) Unit 4 : Complex Variable: Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, conjugate functions, singularities, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula (Statement only) Taylor's and Laurent's theorem (statement only) Residue theorem, contour integration, evaluation of real & complex integrals by residue theorem. Conformal mappings, mapping by Linear and inverse transformation. (10) Unit 5 : Special Funclons & Series Solution Series solution of differential equation by Frohanius method, Bessel's functions, Leg enders polynomials, Recurrence relations, Rodrigue's formula, generating functions, orthogonal properties In(x) & P n(x). (8) Unit 6 : Fourier Series & Partial Differential Equations Fourier Series: Periodic function and their Fourier series expansion, Fourier series for even and odd function, change of interval, half range expansions. Partial Differential Equation: Partial Differential Equation of first order first degree i.e. Langrange's form, Linear homogeneous equations of higher order with constant coefficient. Method of separation of variables, applications toone dimensional heat and diffusion equation, two dimensional heat equation. (only steady state) (9) Text Books: 1) Higher Engineering Mathematics: B.S. Grewal.2) Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Kreyszig Reference Books:1) Mathematics for engineers: Chandrika Prasad. 2) Advanced Mathematics for Engineers: Chandrika Prasad THEORY OF MACHINES -I Unit I : [8 Hrs.] Basic concept of mechanism, link, kinematics pairs, kinematics chain, mechanism, machine, simple & compound chain, Degree of freedom, estimation of degree of freedom of mechanism by Grubbier's criterion and other methods. Hardings notations, classification of four bar chain [class-I & Class-ii], inversion of four-bar- chain, Kutchbach theory of multiple drives, energy paths. Various types of mechanism such as Geneva wheel. Pawal and ratchet mechanism, Exact straight line mechanism, Approx. straight line mechanism, steering mechanism, Transport mechanism. Unit II : [7 Hrs.] Quantitative kinematics analysis of mechanism:-Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration analysis of planer mechanism by graphical method as well as analytical method [complex number method/matrix method], Carioles component of acceleration, Instantaneous center method, Kennedy's theorem. Unit III : [8 Hrs.] Concepts of cam mechanism, comparison of cam mechanism with linkages. Types of cams and followers and applications Synthesis of cam for different types of follower motion like constant salacity, parabolic, SHM, cyclonical etc. Analysis of follower motion for cams with specified contours like eccentric cam, tangent cam, and circular arc cam with concave and convex curvature. Pressure angle in cam, parameters affecting cam performance.
Unit IV : [7 Hrs.] Concept of motion transmission by toothed wheels, comparison with cams and linkages, various tooth profiles, their advantages and limitations, gear tooth terminologies, concept of conjugate action, law of conjugate action, kinematics of involutes gear tooth pairs during the contact duration, highlighting locus of the point of contact, arc of contact, numbers of pairs of teeth in contact, path of approach and path of excess, interference, undercutting for involutes profile teeth. Unit V : [7 Hrs.] Kinematics of helical, bevel, spiral, worm gears, rack and pinion gears, kinematics analysis, and torque analysis of simple epicyclic and double epicyclic gear trains. Unit VI : [8 Hrs.] Static force analysis: Free body diagram, condition of equilibrium. Analysis of all links of given linkage, gear mechanism and their combinations without friction. Introduction to coupler curves, Robert's of cognate linkages. Synthesis of four bar chain for gross motion, transmission angle. Frudenstein equation and its application for function generation. Tutorials 1) Drawing sheets on Inversion of i) Class I & Class II four bar chain ii) Single slider crank chain iii) Double slider crank chain 2) Problems on kinematics analysis i) Graphical method ii) Analytical method 3) Cam constructions 4) Cams with specified contour 5) Analysis of epicyclical gear train with torque analysis 6) Problems on static force analysis i) Linkages ii) Cam iii) Gear 7) Problems on synthesis i) Graphical method ii) Analytical method Recommended Books 1) Theory of mechanisms & machines by Shigley J.E. 2) Theory of Mechamsrn and Machine by Ghosh & Malik 3) Mechanism and Machine Theory by J.S. Rao & Dukki Patti . 4) Theory of Machine by Rattan. Reference Books 1 .Theory of Machine by Thoman Bevan CBS publication 2. Theory of Machine by Sandor & Erdman FLUID POWER -I Unit I : [7 Hrs.] Introduction to Fluid Mechanics: Properties of fluids, Newton's law of viscosity and its application, Dimensional analysis, Dimensional homogeneity, Buckingham's 7t & Raleigh method. Pascal's law, Basic equation of fluid statics, Fluid pressure & its measurement (Manometers & Bourdon's pressure gauge) Unit II : [8 Hrs.] Hydrostatics Pressure variations in compressible & incompressible fluids, Forces on submerged plane surfaces and curved surfaces, Buoyancy'. Stability of floating and submerged bodies, Oscillation of floating bodies. Relative Equilibrium: Pressure distribution in a liquid subjected to acceleration, Pressure distribution in a liquid subjected to rotation. Unit III : [8 Hrs.]
Kinematics Of Fluid Flow Types of flow, Stream line, t1:~ Path line, Streak line, Stream tube, Continuity equation, One and Two dimensional flow, Velocity and Acceleration at a point, Potential lines. Flow net, Stream function, Velocity potential. Circulation, Vortex motion. Dynamics Of Fluid Flow: One dimensional method for flow analysis, Euler's equation of motion, Derivation of Bernoulli's equation for incompressible flow & its applications. Unit IV : [8 Hrs.] Measurement Of Fluid Flow: Through ducts or pipes: Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Pilot tube. Through reservoirs: Orifice, Mouthpiece. Through open channels: Discharge over Notches (Triangular, Rectangular, Trapezoidal only) Rota meter, Vane Aero meter. Turbine meter. Error analysis in flow measurements. Unit V : [8 Hrs.] Viscous Flow: Introduction to laminar and turbulent flow, Reynolds number and its significance, Boundary layer 'concept, Wall shear and boundary layer thickness, Displacement thickness and Momentum thickness, Momentum integral equations forthe boundary layer (Von Karrnan), Separation, Drag and Lift on immersed bodies. Flow of viscous fluids through parallel plates, Pipes, Kinetic energy correction factor, Momentum energy correction factor. Unit VI.: [8 Hrs.] Flow Through Pipes: Equations for pipe flow, Friction charts and their uses, Losses in pipes and fittings, Hydraulic gradient lines and total energy lines, Pipes in series and parallel. Siphon, Water hammer phenomenon, Economics of pipe systems. Power Transmission Through Pipeline: Condition for maximum power transmission through a given pipeline (single pipe), Relationship of nozzle diameter to pipe diameter for maximum power transmission. Books Recommended: Fluid Machines -Frank. M. White. Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engineering -D.S. Kumar -S.K. Kataria Pub. Basic Fluid Mechanics -C.P. Kothandaram & R. Rudramoorthy -New Age Pub. Fluid Mechanics for Engineers -P.N. Chatterjee -Macmillan India Ltd. Fluid Mechanics -J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek & J.A. Swaffield .-ELBS Pub. Mechanics of Fluids -B.S. Massey -FLBS Pub. Fluid Mechanics -A.K. Mohanty -Prentice Hall Pub. Fluid Mechanics -A.K. Jain Tutorials: Applications based on fluid properties such as block sliding over an inclined plane, capillary phenomenon etc. Study of force on gates. Study of Manometers. Study of stability of floating bodies and submerged bodies Determination of coefficient of discharge of flow meters. Verification of Bernoulli's equation. Stoke's law. Case study of pipe net work. Quasi-static flow. Reynold's number and its significance. Losses in pipes (Hagen Pois. equation). MANUFACTURING PROCESS -I Unit I : [7 Hrs.] Introduction to Machining Parameters: Introduction. To machining, Tool materials, nomenclature and tool geometry of single point cutting tool, tool materials properties, classification, HSS, carbide tool, coated tools, diamond coated tool, coolant materials. Unit II : [8 Hrs.] Lathe: Introduction. type, construction of simple lathe mechanism and attachments for various operations, machine specifications, basis for selection of cutting speed. feed and depth of cut, time estimation for turning operations such as facing, step turning, taper turning, threading, knurling. Unit III : [7 Hrs.] Shaper : Introduction, type, specification, description of machines, hydraulic drives in shapers, cutting parameters. Mechanism of shaper: Quick return mechanism, Crank & slotted link mechanism, Table feed mechanism, attachments for shaper, work holding devices, shaper operations, time estimation for shaping operations. Slotter : Introduction, specifications, description, type of drives for slotter, types of slotting machines -production slotter, puncher slotter, tool room slotter, slotter tools. Planer: Introduction, specifications, description. type of planner, stanc and planner, open side planner, pit planner Mechanism for planner: Driving mechanism, feeding mechanism, planner cutting tools, cutting parameters.
Unit IV : [8 Hrs.] Milling: Introduction. specializations. types, column & knee type milling machine, fixed bed type milling machines, production milling machines, special purpose milling machines such as thread milling Machines, profile milling machine, Gear Milling/Hobbing machines. Mechanisms & Attachments for Milling. Cutting, parameters, Types of milling operations, Types of milling cutters, Tool geometry & their specifications. Indexing- simple, compound and differential. Unit V : [8 Hrs.] Grinding operations, grinding wheel, specifications & selection, cylindrical & centreless grinding operation, surface grinding, tool & cutter grinding, time estimation for grinding operations. Super finishing process: Honing, Lapping, super finishing, polishing, buffing, 'metal spraying, galvanizing and electroplating. Process parameters and attainable grades of surface finish, surface measurement. Unit VI : [7 Hrs.] Drilling: introduction, tools for drilling, classification of drills, twist cirills , drill size and specifications, tipped drills, type of drilling machines-portable drilling machine. bench drilling machine, right drilling machine, radial drilling machine, universal drilling machine, multisided drilling machine. Drilling machines operations, time estimation for drilling. Machine: Introduction, description of rearners, type of reaming operations. Boring: Introduction, types of boring machine, horizontal boring machine, vertical boring machine, jig machine, micro boring. boring operations. Broaching: Introduction, type of broaches, nomenclature of broaches. type of broaching machines. Book Recommended : 1) Manufacturing Technology (Metal Cutting & Machine Tools )-P N Rao 2) Manufacturing Science -Ghosh & Malik 3) Workshop Technology (Volume-il) -By Hajra Choudhary I" Reference Books 1) Manufacturing Engineering & Technology -S Kalpakjian & SR Schmid 2) Technology of machine Tools -Krar & Oswald 3) Manufacturing Processes -M Begman 4) Processes & Materials of Manufacture -R Lindberg 5) Production Technology -HMT 6) Workshop, Technology (Volume I & II) -By Bawa Practical 1) Study of single point cutting too 2) Tools for left hand & right hand turning 3) Tools for external & internal turning(Boring) 4) Study of cutting tool manual (anyone) , 5) Study of mechanisms in Lathe 6) Study of mechanism in drilling 7) Study of minim in shaper 8) Study of mechanism in milling 9) Practical on turning involving facing. step turning, taper turning, boring, boring with internal steps & taper, drilling (on lathe), internal & external threading 10) Practical on Shaper with exposure to auto feed 11) Practical on Milling machine-Gear Milling 12) Practical on use of drilling machines Tutorials 1) Geometry and nomenclature of various tools 2) Time estimation. for lathe, shaper and planer operations 3) Time estimation for milling, drilling and grinding operations 4) Study of cutting paramerers and their effect on machining 5) Selection of process for machine components
ENGINEERING METALLURGY Unit I : [5 Hrs.] Introduction to materials, classification of materials. Properties and applications of materials. Crystalline nature of metals, specially microscopic and macroscopic examinations of metals. Alloys and solid solutions, types and their formations, modified Gibbs's phase rule, Lever rule for phase mixtures and their application in system. Unit II : [8 Hrs.] Study of equilibrium diagrams and invariant reactions. iron-Iron carbide equilibrium diagram, critical temperatures. Microstructure of slowly cooled steels. Estimation of carbon from microstructures; structure property relationship. Classification and applications of steels. Effect of alloying elements, specifications of some commonly used steels for Engineering applications (e.g. En. AISI, ASTM, IS etc.) with examples. Unit III : [8 Hrs.] Classification and application of plain carbon steels. Examples of alloy steels such as Hatfield Manganese Steel, ball Bearing Steels, Managing Steels. Spring Steels, etc. Tool Steels- Classification, coi\position, application and commercial heat treatment practice for HSS, Secondary hardening. Stainless Steels Classification, composition, application and general heat treatment practice for Stainless Steels. Unit IV : [8 Hrs.] Heat treatment and its importance. Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening, Quench Cracks, Harden ability test. TTT diagram and its construction and related Heat Treatment Processes such as Austempering. Mar tempering, Patenting etc. Retention of Austenite, Effects and elimination of retained austenite, Tempering. Case / Surface hardening treatments such as Carburizing, Nit riding, Cyaniding, Carbonitriding, Flame and Induction hardening. Unit V : [8 Hrs.] Cast Iron -Classification, White cast Iron, Gray Cast Iron, Nodular Cast Iron, Malleable Cast Iron, Chilled and alloy Cast Iron. (Production route, Composition, Microstructure and applications) Effects of various parameters on structure and properties of Cast Iron, Alloy cast Iron such as Ni-resist, Ni-hard. Non-Ferrous Alloys -,-- Study of non-ferrous alloys s~ch as brasses (Cu-Zn diagram), Bronzes (Cu-Sn diagram), Aluminum Alloys (e.g. AI-Si & AI-Cu diagram) Bearing materials. Unit VI : [8 Hrs.] Tension Test -Engineering and True Stress Strain Curve conversion relationship. evaluation of properties. Nurnericals based on tension and compression test Types of Engineering Stress Strain Curves. Compression Test. Hardness Test -Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell Introduction to Charpy and Izod Impact Test Introduction to Non-destructive testing, Reference Books Introduction to Engineering Metallurgy -Dr, B K Agrawal Introduction to Physical Metallurgy -Avner Engineering Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment -Yu Lakhtin Metallurgy for Engineers -E C Rollason Practical A set of 10 Experiments from following list Study of Metallurgical Microscope Preparation of Specimen for metallographic examinations, Preparation of Mounted samples with the help of mounting press / cold setting resins, Study and drawing of microstructures of Steels. Study and drawing of microstructures of Cast Iron Study and drawing of microstructures of Non Ferrous Metals. Study of the effect of annealing and normalizing on properties of steels, Determination of harden ability of steels by Jorniny End Quench test. Tensile test on Mild Steel and Aluminum test specimen. Measurement of hardness of ferrous and non-ferrous materials with the help of a, Brinell b, Vickers c. Rockwell Testing Machine Study the heat treatment of high speed-steels Study the heat treatment of stainless steel.
Study of effect of alloying elements on properties of steels: ] Study of macroscopic examinations Study of mechanisms of quenching Study of Pack carburizing of steel samples COMPUTER APPLICATIONS -I Unit I : [7-8 Hrs.] Introduction to Algorithm. Expressing algorithm, narrative description, flowchart, an algorithm language. Data, data type and primitive operations Variables and expressions. From algorithm to program. Decision structures, sub algorithms. Unit II : [7-8 Hrs.] Composite Data Structures. Arrays and vector sorting algorithms, 1 -2"'Dimensions Unit III : [7-8 Hrs.] Linear Data Structures, Linked List, Stacks, Queues, Recursion Unit IV : [7-8 Hrs.] Non-linear Data Structures, Trees, General Trees and their searching techniques. Unit V : [7-8 Hrs.] File handling -Record organization, Sequential, Index files and Random access files. Unit VI : [7-8 Hrs.] Object Modeling -Basics of OOPS, with relation to modeling of objects. Recommended Books Introduction to Computer Science: An Algorithmic Approach -J P Tremblay and R B Bunt Algorithms and Data Structures -Horonitz and Sahany Data Structures and Algorithm -A V Aho, J E Hopcioft, J D Ullman Algorithms and Data Structures -Niklaus Wirth Reference Books Data Structures and Program Design -R L Knise Object Modeling -Rambaug An Introduction to Data Structures with applications , -Tremblay and Sonerson Tutorials Programming in C / C++ or any other suitable package based on above syllabus. Two programs from each Unit are expected. Algorithm and Program Development. Programs are expected in any suitable language preferably C or C++. At least one program is expected from each topic of following list.Control Structures Arrays Sorting Techniques Searching Techniques File Handling Non Linear Data Structures Linear Data Structures Humeric Computation Recursion SOPS INDUSTRIAL VISIT Students should be taken for visit to Industries. Visits to minimum two different types of industries are expected. Students should submit a visit report in the format even below after the visit. Preferably they should make a presentation. Report should consist of 1 .Name of industry 2. Nature of ownership 3. Year of establishment 4. List of finished products 5. Annual turnover of company 6. Number of employees 7. List of departments / seconds 8. Classification of Industry a. Based on turnover b. Based on product / process 9. List of major machines / equipment 10. List of raw material used
Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering ) Semester Pattern IV Semester B. E. (Mechanical)
Subje ct Code Subject Uni. Exam./College Assessment Mark Paper DurationHrs Lecture - Hrs Tutorials - Hrs Pract./Drg. -Hrs
Max. 4ME1 Passing
Max. Passing
Applied Mathematics IV Machine Design -I Engg. Thermodynam ics Theory of Machines - II Fluid Power-II Manufacturing - II Mini Project
Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College College
80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 600 40 40 40 40 40 40 -
25 25 25 25 25 25 A to D 150 25 25 25 C 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 18 01 01 01 01 01 01 06 02 02 02 03 09
APPLIED MATHEMATICS - IV Unit 1 : Matrices Inverse of matrix byadjoint method, rank of a matrix, consistency of system of equations, Inverse of ,matrix by partitioning method. Linear dependence, Linear & orthogonal informations. Characteristics equations, exigent values and exigent vectors. Reduction to diagonal! form, statement & verification; of Clayey - Hamilton Theorem (without proof), Sylvesters theorem, solution of second order linear differential equation with constant coefficient by matrix method. Special matrices -Rotation matrix, Sparse matrix, Vander monde matrix. (10) Unit 2 : Numerical Methods: Error analysis, solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations by False position method, Newton-Rap son method, Newton Rap son method for multiple roots, solution of System of simultaneous !linear equations, Gauss elimination method, Gauss Jordan method; Gauss Seidel method, Crouts method. (8) Unit 3 : Eigen values and exigent vector by interaction method, by Jacobin method, Givens method and Householder's method. Solution of ordinary differential equation by Taylors series method, Runge Kutta 4th order method, Euler modified method: Milne's predictor corrector method. (7) Unit 4 : Random variables, distribution functions of continuous and discrete random variables, joint distributions, mathematical expectations, moment. moment generating function and characteristic function. (7) Unit 5 : Special probability distribution Geometric. Bionomial, Poisson's, Normal, Exponential, uniform and weibul probability distributions. (8) Random processes, Ensemble average and temporal average, Auto correlation and cross -correlation stationary random process power spectrum stationary processes and erotic random process. Unit 6 : Calculus of variation: Functional, externals of functional, variation principle, Euler's equation, constrained :. externals, Hamilton principle & Lagrange's equation in solid mechanics. (5) Text Books: 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics: B.S. Grewal. 2. Theory & Problems of Probability & Statistics: M.A. Spiegal (McGrawHill) Schaum Series. 3. Introductory methods of numerical analysis by.S. Sastri Reference Books: 1 .Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Kreyszig 2. Mathematics for engineers: Chandrika Prasad. 3. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers: Chandrika Prasad 4. Applied mathematics for Engineering and Physics: L.A. Pipes & Harvile. 5. Calculus of variation: Forrey MECHINE DESIGN -I Unit I : [8 Hrs.] Concept of simple stresses and strains: Introduction, '" stress, strain, types of stresses, stress -strain diagram for brittle & ductile material, elastic limit, Hooks law, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity, factor of safety, analysis of tapered rod, analysis of composite section, thermal stress and strain, thermal stresses with heat flow in cylinders and plates, Hertz's contact stresses. Longitudinal strain & stress, lateral stresses and strains, Poisson's ratio, volumetric stresses and strain with unit- axial, bi-axial & tri-axial loading. bulk modulus, relation between Young's modulus and modulus of rigidity, Poisson's ratio and bulk modulus. Principal stresses and strains:- Definition of principal planes & principal stresses, analytical method of determining stresses on oblique section when member is subjected to direct stresses in one plane in mutually perpendicular two planes, when member is subjected to shear stress and direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular planes, Mohr's circle for representation of stresses. Derivation of maximum and minimum principal stresses & maximum shear stresses when the member is subjected to different types of stresses simultaneously ( i.e. combined s:ress )
Unit II : [8 Hrs.] Shear force and bending moment:- Types of beam (cantilever beam, simply supported beam, overhung beam etc.), Types of loads (Concentrated and UDL), shear force and bending moment diagrams for different types of beams subjected to different types of loads, sign conventions for bending moment and shear force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams subjected to couple, Relation between load, shear force and bending moment. Stresses in beams:- Pure bending, theory' 0: stm pie bending with assumptions & expressions for bending stress, derivation of be ending equation, bending stresses in symmetrical sections, section indult for various shapes of beam sections. Shear stresses in beams:- Concept, derivation of shear stress distribution formula, shear stress distribution diagram for common symmetrical sections, maximum and average shear stress. Unit III : [7 Hrs.] Deflection of beams:- Derivation of differential equation of elastic curve with the assumptions made in it. Deflection & slope of cantilever, simply supported, overhung beams subjected to concentrated load, UDL, Relation between slope, deflection & radius curvature Macaulay's method, area moment method to determine deflection of beam. Unit IV : [8 Hrs.] Torsion of circular shafts: -Derivation of torsion equation with the assumptions made in it. Torsion shear stress induced in the shaft, when it is subjected to torque. Strength and riitidttv Criterion for design of shaft. Torque transmitted by solid & hollow circular shaft. Derivation of mnaxlnium. minimum principal stresses and- maximum shear stress induced in shaft when it is sub jeered to bending moment, torque & axial load. Column & Struts :- Failure of lon&t & short column, slenderness ratio, adsorptions. made in Euler's column theory, end conditions for column. Expression for crippling load for various end conditions of column. Effective length of column. limitations of Euler's formula, Rankin formula, Johnson's parabolic formula. Unit V : [7 Hrs.] Introduction to fracture mechanics: -Modes of fracture, stress intensity factors, crack propagation, Paris law, creep phenomenon, design for creep.Strain energy & impact loading Definition of strain energy stored in a body when it is subjected, to gradually applied load, suddenly applied loads & impact loads. Strain energy stored in bending & torsion. Castiflgliano's theorem. Unit VI : [7 Hrs.] Factor of safety, Statistical methods in determining factor of safety. Theories of failure, modes of failure, compound stresses, eccentric axial loading, variable stresses in machine parts, stress concentration & stress raisers, notch sensitivity, stress concentration factor, methods for reducing stress concentration. Goodmans criteria, Seidenberg criteria, Gerber's criteria, fatigue design for finite and infinite life of the parts subjected to variable loads Tutorials 1) Two problems on principle stresses 2) Two problems on Mohr's circle 3) Two problems on Thermal stresses with heat flow 1) Three problems on S.F. & B.M. diagrams 2) Two problems on Stresses in beam bending 3) Two problems on shear stresses 1) Two problems on Macaulay's methods 2) Two problems on area moment method 1) Two problems on shafts 2) Two problems on columns & struts 1) Two problems on compound loading 2) Two problems on fatigue & variable loads Books Recommended 1) Strength of Materials -Timoshenko 2) Strength of Materials by -F. L. Singer 3) Machine Design -Shigley
4) Machine Design -Black & Adams 5) Design of Machine Elements by -B. D. Shiwalkar ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Unit I : [7 Hrs.] Introduction To Thermodynamics: Basic concepts of Thermodynamics, Closed & Open Systems, Forms of energy, Properties of a system, State and Equilibrium, Processes and Cycles, Temperature and Zeros Law of Thermodynamics. Introduction to First Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Conservation of Energy), Heat and Work, Mechanical forms of work. Non-Mechanical Forms of Work (Electrical, Magnetic etc.) The Ideal Gas equation of state, Difference between Gas and Vapor. Compressibility Factor, Internal energy and specific heats of gases, Universal Gas Constants. Unit II : [7 Hrs.] First Law Of Thermodynamics: Closed Systems (Control mass systems), Work done, Change in internal enerev, Heat transferred during various thermodynamic processes, P-V diagrams. Open Systems (Control volumes stems), Thermodynamic analysis of control volumes, Conservation of energy principle, Flow work and enthalpy, The Steady flow process applied to (i) Nozzles and Diffusers (ii) Turbines and Compressors, (iii) Throttle Valves. Unsteady Flow process (simple systems like charging & discharging of tanks). Unit III : [8 Hrs.] Second Law Of Thermodynamics: Introduction (Law of degradation of energy), Thermal energy reservoirs, Kelvin- Plank & Claudius statements, Heat engines. Refrigerator and Heat pump, Perpetual match machines. Reversible and Irreversible processes Corner cycle, Thermodynamic temperature scale Entropy : The Claudius inequality. Entropy, Principle of increase of entropy, Change in entropy for Close and Steady flow open systems, Second law analysis of engineering systems: Availability, Reversible work and Irreversibility. Unit IV : [7 Hrs.] PROPERTIES OF STEAM: Critical state, Sensible heat, Latent heat, Super heat, Wet steam, Dryness fraction, Internal energy of steam, External work done during ~evaporation T-S diagram, Mollies chart. Work and Heat transfer during various thermodynamics processes with steam as working fluid Determination of dryness fraction using various calorimeters. Unit V : [7 Hrs.] Air Standard Cycles: Otto cycle, Diesel cycle. Stirling and Ericsson cycle, Brayton cycle. Vapor Cycles: Simple and Modified Rankine cycle with reheat & it:; regeneration. Unit VI : [8 Hrs.] Compressible Flow: Stagnation properties. speed of sound wave. Mach number. One dimensional isentropic flow, Stagnation properties, speed of flow through c. convergent-divergent nozzles. Normal shock Books Recommended 1 .Thermodynamics- An Engineering approach -Yunus A. Cengel. Michael A. Boles 2. Thermodynamics -C.P. Arora -Tata Mc-GrawHill publication. 3. Foniamentals of Classical Thei-modynamics -Gorden J. Van Wylen. Richard E. Sonntag, 4. Engineering Thermodynamics -P. K. Nag. 5. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics -Reiner Joel. Tutorials Problems On 1) Steady flow systems. 2) Charging & discharging of vessels. 3) Measurement of dryness fraction. 4) Clausius inequality. 5) Chocking of nozzles. 6) Study of various Air Standard cycles.
THEORY OF MACHINES -II Unit I : [8 Hrs.] Concepts in machine element dynamics. Dynamic Stresses in machine elements, various approaches for dynamic analysis-D' Alembert principle, Hamilton principle and Lagrange equation. Application of these approaches for simple two or three degree of freedom systems. Rigid body motion in space. Euler's equation of motion. simple precession and gvroscopic couple. Gyroscopic effect on airplane. ship, vehicles and grinding mills. Unit II : [7 Hrs.] Dynamic force analysis of planar linkages such as four bar chain aod reciprocating mechanism by graphical method, virtual" work method and analytical (complex number) method. Cam dynamic and jump-off phenomenon. Unit III : [7 Hrs.] Balancing in reciprocating mechanism. Turning moment Vs crank angle diagram for single- cylinder and multiple-cylinder engines, punching machines etc. Flywheel selection. Unit IV : [8 Hrs.] Static & Dynamic balancing in rotating machines. Balancing machines and field balancing by vector diagram. Speed governors, centrifugal and inertia type, Watt, Portal. Proell. Hartnell governors, operating characteristics of governors. Unit V : [8 Hrs.] Derivation of equation of motion for vibratory system. Free vibration of single-degre-of-freedorn system with and without damping. Logarithmic decrement and damping estimation. Forced vibration of singledegree-of-freedom and vibration isolation, whirling of shaft and critical speed of rotors. Unit VI : [7 Hrs.] Equation of motion tOr two-degree-of-freedom system. Natural frequencies and mode shapes vibration absorber. Torsional oscillation of two-disc and three disc rotors. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Determination of jump-of speed of a typical cam- follower system Dynamic balancing of rotating masses Balancing of reciprocating mechanism Critical speed of shafts Gyroscope Free vibration of simile DOE and two DOE spring mass system Natural frequency determination of cantilever beam Damping determination through free vibration logarithmic decay of a simile damped system Natural frequency determination of two and three rotor system Torsional vibration of briar or trifler pendulum Transmissibility of single degree of freedom system Dynamic vibration absorber Dynamic force analysis of four bar mechanisms Dynamic force analysis of slider crank mechanism Flywheel selection and parameter design for a typical multicylinder engines Performance characteristics of governors. Recommended Books 1) Theory of Machines and Mechanism -Shigley 2) Theory of Machines and Mechanism -Ghosh & Mallik 3) Theory of Mcchanism -S. S. Rattan 4) Mechanism and Machine Theory -Rao & Dukipatti 5) Theory of Vibrations -W T Thomson Reference Books 1. Thcory of Machine -Thomas Bevan 2. Theory of Machines -Sandor & Erdman
3. Mechanical vibrations -Grover FLUID POWER -II Unit I : [8 Hrs.] Impact of Jet and Jet propulsion: impact momentum principle, Dynamic action of jet on fixed & moving flat plates and curved vanes, Series of plates and vanes. Water wheels, Velocity triangles and their analysis. Introduction to jet propulsion of ships. Principles & Classification of Hydraulic Machines: Principles of fluid machineries, Classification of hydraulic machines. Theory of turbo machines and their classification. Elements of hydro-electric power plant. Impulse Turbines: Principle, Constructional features. Installation of pelt on turbine, Velocity diagram and analysis, Working proportions, Design parameters, Performance characteristics, Governing and selection criteria Unit II : [8 Hrs.] Reaction or Pressure turbine: Principles of operation. Degree of reaction, Comparison over pelt on turbine, Development of reaction turbines, Classification. Draft tubes, Cavitations in turbines. Francis turbine, Propeller turbine, Kaplan turbine: Types, Constructional features, Installatic6ns, Velocity diagram and analysis. Working proportions, Design parameters. Performance characteristics, Governor, Selection of hydraulic turbines, Bulb turbines. Unit III : [7 Hrs.] Hydrodynamic pumps: Classification and Applications. Centrifugal Pumps: Principles of operation, Classification, Components of centrifugal Pump installation. Priming methods, Fundamental equation, Various heads, Velocity triangles and their analysis. Slip factor, Effect of outlet blade angle, Vane shapes, Losses & efficiencies of pumps, Multi staging of pumps, Design considerations, Working proportions. N.P.S.H, Cavitations in pumps, Installation and operation. Performance characteristics, Pump and system matching, Introduction to axial) & mixed flow Pumps, Self priming pumps. Unit IV : [7 Hrs.] Positive displacement Pumps: Basic principle, Classification. Reciprocating Piston / Plunger Pumps: Types, Main components, Slip, Work done, Indicator diagram. Cavitations, Air vessels, Hand pumps. Rotary Displacement Pumps: introduction to gear pumps, Sliding vane pumps, Screw pumps. Unit V : [7 Hrs.] Similitude: Types of similarities, Dimensionless number and their significance, Unit and specific quantities. Model Testing: Application to hydraulic turbines and hydrodynamic pumps. Miscellaneous And Water Lifting Devices: Air lift pumps. Hydraulic ram, Vertical turbine or Bore hole pumps, Submersible pumps, Jet pumps, Regenerative pumps. Unit VI : [8 Hrs.] Essential Elements Of Hydraulic System: Flow actuators. Directional control valves, Pressure contort valves, Flow control valves, Basic hydraulic circuits, Meter in & Meter out circuit. Use of single & double acting actuators, Hydraulic accumulator and intensifier. Pneumatic Systems: Principle of pneumatics, Introduction to air compressors, Comparison with hydraulic power transmission, Air preparatory, Unit basic valves & industrial pneumatic, circuits etc. Books Recorded Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications -Daugherty & Franizin. Hydraulic Machines- Theory & Design -V. P. Vasandani.' Fluid Mechanics -A. K. Jam. Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engineering -D. S. Kumar; Fluid Mechanics & Machines -R. K. Bansal. Theory of Turbo-Machines A. T. Sayers. Industrial Hydraulics -J. J. Pippenger. Pneumatics -Gadre. Hydraulic Machines -Jagdish Lal. Hydraulics & Pneumatics -H. L. Stewart. Tutorials Selection of Turbines. Design of Centrifugal Pumps. Design of Francis Turbine. Design of Reciprocating Pumps. Governing of Turbines. Study of Hydro-Kinetic Systems. Practical (Minimum ten to be performed six experiments & four study) TO determine the Met centric Height of given Floating Vessel. To veriN' Bernoulli's theorem. To find the value of coefficient of a given venture meter fitted in a pipe. To find the value of coefficient of discharge for a given orifice meter. To find out critical velocity of flow by Reynold's experiment. Performance characteristics of Pel ton Wheel. Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine. Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine. Performance characteristics of Reciprocating Pump.
Performance characteristics of Variable speed pumps. Performance characteristics of Axial flow pump. Study experiment on Fluidic devices. Performance of Hydraulic Ram. Practical on Pneumatic Iwdraulic circuit. MANUFACTURING PROCESS -II Unit I : [8 Hrs.] Casting Process: Introduction. Pattern making: Types. materials used, Pattern making allowances, color codes Core making:- Types, core material & its properties. Maudling: Types of sand moulds, molding sand composition. mounding sand properties, mounding machines. Unit II : [9 Hrs.] Gating design -Elements of gating systems, pouring time, riser design (Analytical treatment) Melting furnaces -Types, Electric furnace, Induction furnace, Cupola-construction & operation. Cleaning, inspection & casting defects. Foundry mechanizing: Special casting processes such as investment Casting, Centrifugal Casting, Shell Maudling, CO Maudling, Slush Casting, Die Casting. Unit III : [7 Hrs.] Mechanics of forming processes (including analytical treatment), Determination of rolling pressure & roll separation force, driving force & torque, power loss in bearing. Determination of forging forces & stresses, equipment (Hammer/Press) capacity required. Rolling. Forcing. Extrusion & Wire Drawing. Unit IV : [6 Hrs.] Powder Metallurgy: Powder manufacture and Conditioning, Production of Sintered Structural Components. Self lubricating bearing, Cemented Carbides. Ceramics, Sintered Carted cutting tools. Composite Materials: Classification, Different types of composite materials and its applications. Unit V : [8 Hrs.] Joining processes: Introduction to Welding. Soldering, Brazing Processes. Types of Welding. Arc Welding & Gas Welding Processes, Defects & Inspection of Welding Joints, Electrodes, Readability of Metals, Welding equipments of Fixtures. Unit VI : [7 Hrs.] Processing of Plastics, Thermoplastic, Thermosetting plastics, general properties & applications of Thermosetting & Thermo Plastics. General Plastic Processes: Extrusion, Injection Moulding, Compression Moulding, Transfer Moulding, Blow Moulding, Calendaring, Wire Drawing, Embossing. List of Practicals : Study of Cupola Furnace Study of Moulding Techniques. Study of Casting Processes. Practice on wood pattert) making. Machining Work. : At least two Mechanical assemblies using three or more parts involving machining on lathe, drill, snapper & milling machines. It is expected that while planning practical for manufacturing process-I: the job should be designed, such that the job machined in MP-I could also be used for assembly (either few or all of them) tn MP-II with little machining (if required) 6. A Visit: A visit to a foundry shop for more understanding of the casting practices. Recommended Books: 1) Manufacturing Technology (Foundry Forming & Welding) -P N Rao 2) Manufacturing Science -Ghosh & Malik 3) Workshop Technology (Volume-I) -By Hajra Choudhary 4) Manufacturing Engineering & Technology 1 Kalpakjian & S R Schmid I Reference Books: 1) Workshop Technology Vol. I -III -By WAJ Chapman 2) Manufacturing Processes -M Begman
3) Processes & Materials of Manufacture -R Lindberg 4) Workshop Technology (Volume I & II) -By Bawa 5) Workshop Technology Vol. I & II -By B.S. Raghuvanshi MINI-PROJECT A group of students {not more than 9 $students in a group) should fabricate a working model of any mechanical or electro- mechanical system. Computer / mathematical model or simulation is not acceptable. Students should submit (at least) one page abstract and a photograph of the model.
CONTENT Fifth Semester (Mechanical Engineering Department ) Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Subject Industrial Economics Entrepreneurship Development Machine Design - II Manufacturing Process -III Heat Transfer Mechanical Measurement Production Technology - I Seminar and Page No.
Six Semester (Mechanical Engineering Department ) Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Subject Energy Conversion - I Automation Control Operation Research Technique Industrial Electronics Computer Application - II Machine Drawing Industrial Case Study Page No.
Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering ) Semester Pattern V Semester B. E. (Mechanical)
Subje ct Code Subject Uni. Exam./College Assessment Mark Paper DurationHrs Lecture - Hrs Tutorials - Hrs Pract./Drg. -Hrs
Max. Passing
Max. Passing
Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurshi p Development Machine Design - II Manufacturing Process -III Heat Transfer Mechanical Measurement Production Technology - I Seminar Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurshi p Development Machine Design - II Manufacturing Process -III Heat Transfer Mechanical Measurement Production Technology - I
Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College College
80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 600 40 40 40 40 40 40
25 25 25 25 25 25 A to D 150 25 C 03 03 18 01 06 02 03 09 25 03 03 01 02 25 03 03 01 02 03 03 01 03 03 01 03 03 01 -
INDUSTRIAL ECONOMIC AND ENTERPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT UNIT I : Industrial Economic, Basic concepts, demand analysis, type of demand. Determinants of demand methods of demand forecasting, supply, law of diminishing marginal utility, elasticity of demand. [8 Hrs.] Unit II : Factors of production, function, firm and industry. Law of return, cost, concepts, fix variable, average, marginal and total cost, break even analysis, depreciation cost, taxation system, types of taxes, cannons of taxation. [7 Hrs.] UNIT III : Optimum size of unit, optimum firm, industrial combinations, causes for the growth of combinations, forms of combinations in India, Various competitive situations, perfect, monopoly, monopolistic, oligopoly. Price determination under these situations, Pricing strategies adopted by Indian and foreign companies. Impact of globalization on Indian economy. [8 Hrs.] UNIT IV : Concept os entrepreneurship, definition, competencies of entrepreneur's, entrepreneurial functions, achievement, motivation, and type of enterprises. Policies governing to small scale industries procedure to set up small scale industrial unit, advantage and limitations of SSI. [8 Hrs.] UNIT V : Concept of entrepreneurship, definition, competencies of entrepreneur's, entrepreneurial functions, achievement, motivation, and type of enterprises. Policies governing to small scale industries, procedure to set up small scale industrial unit, advantage and limitations of SSI. [8 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Role of constancy organization, role of District industries Center, State Ind. Development Corporations, Banks and financial institutions, latest SSI intensive schemes (to be confirmed from DIC time to time). Determination of working capital requirement, Industrial overheads, determination of product sales cost. [8 Hrs.] Text Books: 1. Marginal Economics: V.N. Gupta 2. Managerial Economics: G.S. Gupta 3. Indian Industrial Economy: K. V. Sivaya, V.8.M. Das 4. Entrepreneurship Development: Khanka MACHINE DESIGN -II UNIT I : Definition of design, types of design, design process, need, defining the problem, feasibility, preliminary design alternatives, final design selection. preliminary and final plans and drawings. Failure criterion and manufacturing consideration in design, basis of goods design, failure of machine parts, deformations, wear, corrosion, manufacturing methods, machining tolerance, surface finish, cost design consideration in casting and forging. Mechanical properties. Applications and designations as per ISI and their equivalence with other standards of engineering materials, selection of material, temperature effects on material properties cast iron, plane carbon steel, alloy steels, aluminum and copper alloys, cast steel, plastics, polymers and composites and their applications. Design of cotter and knuckle joint Shrink and fit joints. [7 Hrs.] UNIT II : Riveted Joint: Reverted joint for boilers, structural works (uniform strength joint), and eccentric loaded riveted joint. Welded Joint: Design of single transverse, double transverse, parallel fillet, combination fillet butt joint, and eccentrically loaded welded joints. Bolted Joint: Design of bolted fasteners, bolts of uniform strength, bolted joints under eccentric loaded. Design of lever: Hand lever, Foot lever, and crank lever. [8 Hrs.]
UNIT III : Design of power screw: Expression for deflection and shear stress in helical spring, design of helical spring, design of leaf spring. [8 Hrs.] UNIT IV : Kinematics of friction drives such as brakes clutches design of friction clutch, single plate, Multiple plate, cone, centrifugal clutch design of brake, shoe brake, brand brake, internal expanding brake. [7 Hrs.] UNIT V : Classification of thin and thick cylindrical pressure vessel, stresses in thin and thick cylindrical pressure vessels when it is subjected to internal pressure, ~expression for longitudinal stresses, design of pressure vessel, heads and cover plate. [7 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Design of transmission shafts on the basis of strength, rigidity speed. ASME code for shaft design. Design of stepped shaft axle splinted shaft, keys. [8 Hrs.] Text Books: 1. Mechanical Design of Machine Maleev Hartman 2. Machine design P.H. Black 3. Mechanical Engg. Design J.E. Shigley 4. Design of Machine Elements B.D. Shiwalkar 5. Design of Data of Machine Elements B.D. Shiwalkar MANUFACTURING PROCESS -III UNIT I : Theory of Mental Cutting: Introduction. Orthogonal and Oblique cutting. Mechanics of Mental Cutting. Metal cutting, shear plane, Stress, Strain and cutting forces. Merchant circle, Chip formation, cutting force calculations, Desalination of Torque and power. required for tuning Drilling and Milling. Influence of tool angle, cutting fluids, cutting speed, feed and depth of cut on depth of cut on power requirement, Estimation of tool life. [8 Hrs.] UNIT II : Gear Manufacturing : Gear casting gear milling, gear shaping, gear hobbling for spur helical and bevel gear. Tooling and selection of cutting parameters. Process accuracy and quality of gears. Gear stamping process, gear drawing process, Rolling process, Gear finishing, gear shaving gear lapping, gear honing. [7 Hrs.] UNIT III : Press working: Die cutting operation, classification, types of presses, press terminology, introduction to shaping operations, bending forming and drawing. Jigs and Fixtures: Introduction, Difference between jigs and fixtures, uses, principles of jigs and fixture design. Materials, principles of location, method of location. Clamping requirement, types of clamps, jig bushes, drilling jigs, milling fixtures, classification of fixtures. [8 Hrs] UNIT IV : Mechanics of forming processes (including analytical treatment) Rolling Determination of rolling pressure and roll separation force, drivel force and torque, power loss in bearing. Forging -Determination of forging forces and stresses, Equipment (Hammer/Press) capacity required. [8 Hrs.] UNIT V : Processing of plastics: Plastic mounding methods, thermoforming, coding laminate forming, machining of plastic, reinforced plastics. [7 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Advances Welding Methods: Introduction to TIG, MIG, spot, Plasma Arc Welding Electron Beam Welding Laser Beam Welding. [7 Hrs.] Text Books: 1. Manufacturing Technology By Adithan, Gupta 2. Modern Machining Processes By Pandey, Shah 3. Production Engineering By P.C. Sharma 4. Tool Design By Donaldson
HEAT TRANSFER UNIT I : Introduction, basic model of heat transfer, conduction, convection and radiation. Laws of heat transfer and conservation of energy requirement. General heat conduction equation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates. Thermal conductivity and diffusivity. One dimensional steady state conduction equation for the plane wall, cylinder and sphere Thermal resistance of composite structures, contact resistance, overall, heat transfer co-efficient, critical thickness of insulation. [8 Hrs.] UNIT II: Conduction with internal heat generation for plane wall, cylinder and sphere. Extended surfaces types of fins. Fins of uniform cross section area, temperature distribution and heat transfer rate, fin efficiency and effectiveness. Error in temperature measurement. Unsteady state heat capacity analysis, heisted charts.. Biota Number, Fourier number and their significance. [7 Hrs.] UNIT III.: Forced convection, physical signification of non-dimensional parameters. Flow of high moderate and low print number fluid over a flat surface. Concept of velocity the thermal boundary layer thickness, local and average heat transfer co-efficient. Empirical co-relation for external, internal flow, laminar and turbulent flow through conduits [7 Hrs.] UNIT IV : Free or natural convection Grash of number, Raleigh number. Horizontal and vertical plate Empyreal co-relation for cylinders and spheres Heat transfer with phase change pool boiling curve and regimes of pool boiling. Firm and Drop wise condensation, laminar film consideration on vertical surface, film consideration on horizontal tubes, effect on super heated and non condensation gases on condensation heat transfer, Introduction to heat pipe. UNIT V : Radiation, nature of thermal radiation, black body radiation, radiation intensity, law of radiation kerchiefs, Planks, Weans displacement, Stefan Boltzmann and Lamberts Co -sme law. Eminssivity, Absorbtivity, Transitivity, Reflectivity, Radiosity, Emissive power, Irradiation. Radiation network: Radiation exhange between surfaces, idea of shape factor and reciprocity theorem, radiation between parallel plates, cylinder and spheres. Radiation shields, effect of radiation on temp measurement. [8 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Heat exchanger: Classification, overall heat transfer co- efficient, fouling factor, LMTD method .of heat exchange analysis for parallel, counter flow and across arrangement effeciviveness NTU method, design aspects of heat exchanges. Introduction on compact heat exchanges. Introduction to mass transfer. [8 Hrs.] PRACTICALS :- Minimum and experiments to be performed 1. Study of different methods of temp. measurements with special emphasis on chemo couples. 2. Study of different thermal properties of matter with special emphasis on thermal conductivity of various materials. 3. Determination of thermal conductivity of metal bar. 4. Determination of thermal conducted of insulating material in the power form. 5. Determination of thermal conductivity of liquid. 6. Determination of thermal conductivity by guarded plate heater methods. 7. Determination of temp. distribution & heat transfer plate from a fin under (a) Free convection and (b) Forced convection condition 8. Determination of forced convection heat transfer do efficient for fluid flow through a closed conduit. 9. Determination of free convection heat transfer coefficient for air flow over a vertical surface. 10. Determination of critical heat flux in saturated pool boiling. 11. Determination of condensation heat transfer in film wise & drop wise model. 12. Stud y of various types of heat exchangers. 13. Determination of emissive of non-block surfaces. 14. Determination of Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
15. Study of heat pipes. Text Books: Use of approved data in examination is recommended Introducti80n to heat transfer by Incropera & Dewitt J. Wiley Element of heat transfer by M. N. Ozisik Reference Books: 1. Heat transfer by J.P. Holman McGraw Hill 2. Heat transfer by A. P. chapman Maxwell Macmillan 3. Principles of heat transfer by Frank Kreiyth H & R 4. Heat & Mass transfer by V.M. Domkundwar Dhanpat Rai 5. Heat & Mass transfer by D.S. Kumar S.K. Kataria 6. Heat & Mass transfer by Yadav C P H MECHANICAL MEASUREMENT UNIT I : Purpose structure and elements of measurement system. Static characteristics of measurement system elements including systematic statistical characteristic generalized model of system elements and calibration. Measurement error, error probability density function, error reduction. [8 Hrs.] UNIT II : Dynamic characteristic of measurement system first and ,) second orders instruments, Transfer Function G(s), step, ramp, .- and frequency response, dynamic errors. Signals and noise in measurement system including deterministic and random signals noise sources and couplings, reduction of noise. Reliability, choice and operating cost of measurement system (no mathematical treatment) [8 Hrs.] UNIT III : Sensing elements: Resistive, capacitate, Inductive, Electromagnetic Thermoelectric Elastic, Piezoelectric, Piezoresitive and electromechanical type. Signal Conditioning elements: Bridges, Amplifiers, AC Carrier Systems, Current Transmitters. UNIT IV : Signal Processing including ADC, microcomputer system, and software Signal Processing Calculations. Data Presentation, Data acquisition and communication system. [7 Hrs.] UNIT V : Classification, Principle, Construction, Range,and working of instruments for following measurements (Analytical treatment not included) Load, Force, Torque, Power, Displacement, Speed. UNIT VI : Classification, Principle, Construction, Range and working of instruments for following measurements (Analytical treatment .not included) Temperature, Flow, Level, Pressure, Sound, Light Intensity. [7Hrs.] Practical Static characteristic of at least 5 different instruments Static calibration of at least one instrument Dynamic characteristics of at least one first order instrument. Dynamic characteristics of at least one second order instrument. Static response of minimum two sensors Data acquisition Measuring parameters by minimum 3 instruments. (In above practical experiments should be based on at least 10 different measurements) Text Books: 1. Principles of Measurements System, Johm P Bentely, Person Education Asis. 2. Beckwith Buck 3. Nakra Chaudhary 4. Doechin PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY -I UNIT I : Interpretation of production drawing, Classification of operations -basis qualifying process, critical product, critical secondary, auxiliary, supporting, break even analysis. [7 Hrs.] UNIT II : Tolerance analysis of limit and fits. Design of limit gauges, types of fits, shaft basis system, hole basis system selective assembly, allowances, IS specification process planning sheet preparation of tolerance chart (problem on tolerance chart not expected in theory examination) [8 Hrs.] UNIT III : Metrology: Standards of measurements simple gauging instruments for linear and angular measurements, compactors- Mechanical, Electrical and Pneumatic, measurement of straightness and flatness. Measurement of thread, measurements of gear tooth. [8 Hrs.]
UNIT IV : Quality control: definition, function, objective, and characteristics. Quality of design quality of conformance, process control charts and process capability. Statistical quantity control. [7 Hrs.] UNITV: Acceptance sampling techniques O.C. curves, sampling plans, inspection types and objectives. [7 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Introduction to IS09000, BIS 14000 series, TQM concepts, Quality assurance Quality audit.. Quality circles. [8 Hrs.] Practical:1. Measurement of linear dimensions 2. Measurement of angular dImension using sine bar, clino meter 3. Measurement of screw thread by floating carriage micro meter 4. Measurement of flatness and straightness 5. Steady and measurement of parameters using too)makers Microscope. 6. Calibration of Micrometer/dial gauge 7. Use of optical flat Quality control 1. Case studies on process control 2. Design of' sampling plans 3. Study of ISO 9000/BIS 14000 series 4. Study of TQM Process Planning and Tolerance chart 1. Preparation of process planning sheet and Tolerance chart (Two case studies on two different jobs) 2. Design of limit gauges 3. Problem on Tolerance Analysis (limit and fits) Tutorials 1. Study of various linear Measurements instruments 2. Study of various angular measurement instruments .3. Study of various types of comparators 4. Designator limit gauges 5. Problems of Tolerance Analysis (Limit & fits) ,6. Problems on control chart 7. Design on sampling plants 8. Preparation of process planning sheet and tolerance chart (one for circular job and one for Square rectangular jogs) Recommended Books (i) Metrology By R.K. Jain (ii) Metrology By I.C. Gupta (iii) Quality control Hardback by Juran (iv) Statically Quality control -Grant (v) Total Quality Management -Zaire (vi) Production Engg. By P.C. Shama (vii) Statistical quality control By Mahajan SEMINAR Student should collect information from library on any advance relevant technical topic Student should prepare a report on the topic studied. Stud should make at least one presentation on the matter studied. Stud should be encourage to go through Handbooks, Journals, Referee Brooks etc.
Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering ) Semester Pattern VI Semester B. E. (Mechanical)
Subje ct Code Subject Uni. Exam./College Assessment Mark Theory Max. Passing 6ME1 6ME2 6ME3 6ME4 6ME5 6ME6 6ME7 Practical Max. Passing Paper DurationHrs Lecture - Hrs Tutorials - Hrs Pract./Drg. -Hrs
Energy Conversion - I Automatic Control Operation Research Industrial Electronics Computer Application -II Machine Drawing Industrial Case Study
Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College College
80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 600
40 40 40 40 40 40 -
25 25 25 25 25 25 A to D 150
25 25 25 C -
03 03 03 03 03 03 -
03 03 03 03 03 03 18
01 01 01 01 01 01 06
02 02 02 03 09
ENERGY CONVERSION - I UNIT I : Principles of stream generation, classification of stream generators, fire tube and water tube stream generators, high- pressure stream generators. Boiler mountings and assess cries. UNIT II : Draught and its classification, chimney height, Chimney, diameter, efficiency, condition for maximum discharge. Performance of stream generators. Evaporation Capacity, Equivalent Evaporation, Factor of Evaporation, Boiler Efficiency. [8 Hrs.] UNIT III : Fluidized Bed Boiler: Bubbling Fluidized Bed Boilers, Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers (elementary treatment expected) Fuels for stream Generators, Gradation & Analysis of Coal, Coal Handling System, Ash Collection and Handling Systems.. Flue Gas Analysis Feed water supply systems. [8 Hrs.] UNIT IV : Stream Nozzles: Adiabatic Expansion in Nozzles, Maximum Discharge, Critical Pressure Ratio and Effects of Friction, Calculation of throat and exit areas, supersaturated flow, Wilson line Stream Turbines: Principles of working of steam Turbines, Classification of Steam Turbines, Comparison of Impulse and Reaction turbines, Simple and Compo and .turbines [12 Hrs.] UNIT V : Energy Losses in Steam Turbines, Flow of Steam though Turbine Blading. Idead and actual Reheat Factors, Velocity Diagrams, Grpaphical and Analytical Methods, Work Done, Thrust and power, Dimensions and Proportioning of the Blades, Steam Turbine Efficiencies. Condition for maximum efficienies, rebeat and Regenerative cycles, Governing of steam Turbines. [12 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Introduction to Simple Engine Steam Condensers and cooling Towers: Types of Condensers, Classification of Condensers, Quantity of cooling Water Required, Design Calculations for Surface Condensers, Daltons Law of Pressures, Sources of Air Leakage and Air Removal, size of wet Dry pumps, Air ejectors. Coosing Towers: Wet Cooling Towers, Dry Cooling Towers, Dry Cooling Towers Cooling Ponds. 1. Power Plant Engineering By V.M. Dhomkundwar 2. Thermal Engineering By P.L. Ballaney 3. Thermal Engineering By Mathur & Mehta 4. Thermal Engineering By Vasaudani Kumar AUTOMATIC CONTROL UNIT I : Mathematical modeling of physical systems and concept of transfer function. System representation through block diagram and signal flow graph. Transfer function through block diagram simplification and Mason's gain formula [10 Hrs.] , UNIT II : Control system components such as hydraulic actuators, servomechanism, D.C. and A.C. servomotors, stepper motor pneumatic and hydraulic controllers. Control system for liquid r level control, automatic power steering control, speed control position control and roboic manipulator etc. [10 Hrs.] UNIT III : Time domain response aQalysis under transient inputs. Steady state error analysis and error constants. PID controller and its applications. Routh criterion of stability. [10 Hrs.] UNIT IV : Root -Locus, technique, Bode plot, Gain margin and Phase margin, Transportation lag. System From Bode plot. [10 Hrs.] UNIT V : Polar plot, Nyquist and stability criterion, Introduction to control system design. Log Load compensation, feed back compensation and pole -zero placement. [10 Mrs.] UNIT VI : State variable approach and state equation. Transfer function from state methods. State transition matrix and solution of state equa- tions. Controllability and observabilioty test through test model. [1 OHrs.]
Text Books (1) Modern Control Engineering By Ogata (PHI) (2) Control System Engineering By Nise (Willey) (3) Control Systems By Nagrath & Gopal (TMH) (4) Modent Control Systems By Dort (Addision Wesley) Reference Books: Digital Control State Variable Methods By Gopal (TMH) OPERATION RESEARCH TECHNIQUE UNIT I: Introduction to OR & basic OR Models, definition, Characteristics and Limitations of OR Linear Programming: :-:". solutions of LPP by Graphical method and Simplex method, sensitivity analysis & Formulation of Dual of LPP. [8 Hrs.] UNIT II : Assignment model, Transshipment Model, Transportation model. UNIT III : Dynamic programming, structure and characteristic of dynamic programming. Application of dynamic programming to recourse allocation, inventory control, & LPP. [7 Hrs.] UNIT IV : Project management: Drawing of network, CPM & PERT, Probability of completion of project, cost analysis of project, allocation and updating of networks. [8 Hrs.] UNIT V : Replacement of model: Concept of equivalence, Interest rate, F esent Worth, Economic Evolutions of alternatives, group Repfa ~ment Models, inventory control models, analysis of single Prod ;t Deterministic Model. [8 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Waiting line Situations, Queuing theory and Models (no Derivations Expected) Simulations, concept and Applications in Waiting line situations, Inventory and networks. [7 Hrs.] Text Books:1. Operation Reserch Heera & Gupta 2. Operation Reserch J K Sharma 3. Operation Reserch Ashkhedkar & Kulkarni. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS UNIT I : Digital Logic, Number system, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Karnaugh Maps, Application of Logic Gates. Sequential Logic. UNIT II : Aficroprocessors, microcomputer Structure, Microcontroller and applications and programming. Assembly Languages. Instruction sets, Assembly Language Programmers. [7 Hrs.] UNIT III : System, interfacing, I/O ports, interface requirement, peripheral interface adapters, serial communication interface, Examples, PLC Structure, I/O Processing, Programming Mnemonics, Timers, Internal Relays and counters, Shift Registers, master & Jump control, data handling Analogue I/O, Selection of PLC. [8 Hrs.] UNIT IV : Digital Communication, Centralized, hierarchical and distributed control, network protocols, communication interfaces. Fault detection techniques, watchdog timer, parity and error coding cheeks, common hardware faults emulation and simulation. [7 Hrs.] UNIT V : Electrical Drives, advantages, parts of electrical drive, Choice of electrical drives, typesofcontrol of drives, selection of motor power rating (no mathematical treatment) [7 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Characteristics and control of various types of dc, ac induction, stepping andac/dc(no mathematical treatment) [10 Hrs.] Practical Minimum 8 Experiments to be conducted on characteristics of Electric Motors Control of Motors PLC Applications Micro controller Applications.
Text Books 1. Mechatronics by W Bolton Addison Wesley. 2. Fundamentals of Electric drives by Gopal K Dubeym, Narosa Publishing House 3. A First course on Electric Drives by S K Pillai, New Age International Publishers.
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS -II UNIT I : An introduction to DBMS Data and database, Database Systems: concepts and meaning. Disadvantages of file systems. Advantages of database approach, disadvantages of using DBMS, Database languages, database administrator & user, system structure [8 Hrs.] UNIT II : Entity Relationship Model Entities and Entity sets, Relationship and relationship sets, Mapping constraints, Keys, entity relationship diagram, reducing E-R diagrams to table Generalization, Aggregation, Design of anE-R database schema. [8 Hrs.] UNIT III : Relational database & SOL Structure of relational database, relation algebra, Basic structure of SOL, set operations, aggregate functions Nested sub queries, derives relations. Modification of the database, Joined relatiof1s, Data definition language Embedded SQL. [8 Hrs.] UNIT IV : Integrity constraints & Relational database design Domain constraints, Referential integrity, functional dependencies, Assertions, Triggers Pitfalls in rotational database, Normalization using functional dependencies, using multi -value dependencies, Domain key Normal form. [8 Hrs.] UNIT V : Indexing and Hashing Basic Indexing B* tree index files, B-tree, index files, static hashing, comparison of indexing and hashing, index definition in SQL multiple key access. l Introduction to transaction concurrency control, Recovery system, ~ Query interpretation and Query optimization. [7 Hrs.] UNIT VI : Computer Network Networking, Choplogics, Protocols, Network and model, Internet & Ecommerce B-B. [7 Hrs.] Text Books:1. An introduction to database system by C.J. Data. 2. Database f~ system concept by A Silberschatz, H F Korth, A Sudarshan. Computer Network by Stalin. 4. Computer Network by Tannmban. Practical : 1. Program for selection of machine. 2. Program for tool selection. 3. Program for material management. 4. Inventory management. 5. Optimization. 6. office automation. 7. thermodynamics problem. 8. Heat transfer problem. 9. Production planning. MACHINE DRAWING UNIT I : Drawing Standards for following .Drawing sheets Name Blocks ,Lines Sections It Dimensioning Dimensioning of Tolerances r t Standard components Standard Features Machining Symbols Welding Symbols Surface finish Symbols Heat Treatment manufacturing Instruction Allowances Materials UNIT II : Orthographic Projections of Elements Orthographic Projections Sectional view Multiple Views Missing views Profiles Cross Sections References Alignments Dimensioning UNIT III : Study, qualitative selection of type/size (excluding design calculations) and Standard practices for following elements Bolts Washers Rivets Welds Keys & Keyways Spines Couplings UNIT IV : Assembly and Dismantling Techniques Principles of assembly Fits and Tolerances (Standards, Types, Application Selection) Tolerance Charting Surfaces finish requirement for assembly. Manufacturing method Geometries suitable for assembly Assembly Dismantling Tools Beaming Assemblies Assemblies fastening
UNIT V : Assembly Drawings (Principles, Techniques and standards of drawing of following) Component Subassembly Foil assembly Exploded Views Various frames/brackets/housings/casings Study of some standard assemblies UNIT VI : Production Drawing Plates, Part list, Revisions etc. Parts/Formats required for production drawing process sheet. Practical: Practical will consist of 1 .Pencil drawings of some standard components. Two sheets 2. Pencil drawings of standard assemblies with components. Two sheets (Twodifferennt Assembles) 3. Pencil drawings of Exploded view of a small assembly one sheet 4. Computer print out of a small assembly with components assembly 5. Computer print out of a large assembly with component drawings, subassembly drawings and assembly drawings using all standard formats one assembly 6. Computer print out of production drawing and process sheet for two components. Pencil drawing should be in full imperial sheet folded to Quarter Imperial size. Computer print outs should be on a dot matrix printer inA3 size. All drawings should be submitted in one folder. Text Books: PSG DATA book CMTI Data Book INDUSTRIAL CASE STUDY Students should visit any industrial Business establishment. They should collect information from industry with the objective of studying some specific case/issue/problem. They collected data should be analyzed using one or more theories studies in the curriculum. The result should be worked out and conclusions should be worked Out and conclusions should be drawn. A group of six students should be made for one case study. A report should be submitted. The report should consist of problem/issue identified Methodology of data collection, data collected, method of analysis analysis result and conclusion. Minimum two presentation should be made.
CONTENT Seven Semester (Mechanical Engineering Department ) Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Subject Production Technology Energy Conversion -II Machine Design -III Elect - I : Industrial Robotics Elect - I :Tool Design Elect - I :Synthesis of Mechanisms Elect - I :Automobile Engineering Elect - I :Material Handling Systems Elect - I :Advanced I.C. Engines Elect - I I : Industrial Robotics Elect - I I : Management Information Systems Elect - I I : Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Elect - I I : Finite Element Method Elect - I I : Stress Analysis Eight Semester (Mechanical Engineering Department ) Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Subject Industrial Management Automation in Production Energy Conversion -III Computer Aided Design Elect - I II : Machine Enegy Systems Elect - I II : Renewable Energy Systems Elect - I II : vibrations Elect - I II : Mechatronics Elect - I II : Cryogenics Page No. Page No.
Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering ) Semester Pattern VII Semester B. E. (Mechanical)
Subje ct Code Subject Uni. Exam./College Assessment Mark Theory Max. Passing Practical Max. Passing Paper DurationHrs Lecture - Hrs Tutorials - Hrs Pract./Drg. -Hrs
Production Technology Elective - I Elective - II Energy Conversion II Machine Design -III Project Seminar
Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College College
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40 40 40 40 40 -
25 25 25 25 25 25 50 200
25 25 25 25 -
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PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY II UNIT I : Work Study: Productivity -Concept and objectives of productivity, Types of productivity, factors affecting productivity. Tools and techniques to improve productivity, Measurement of productivity. Work study and methods study: Definitions, objectives, step-in method study, process charts, string diagram, motion study, micro motion study, SIMO Chart. UNIT II : Work measurement: Objectives, definition, stop watch study, work sampling, PMTs, MTM & Work factor method Ergonomics: Objectives.. Human factors in Enggl., Man machine system, Display design, design, controls. Principles of motion economy, work place design. UNIT III : Plant layout: Objectives, Principle, Types of plant layout, Material handling, Objectives Principles and selection of material handling equipments, Unit load concept, material flow .pattern. UNIT IV : Forecasting: Need for forecasting, classification of forecasting methods, like judgmental technique, time series, analysis, least square method, moving average method, exponential -t smoothing method. UNIT V : Production planning and control: Definition, objectives i of PPC, functions of PPC, types of production Value analysis and, value Engineering Introduction, steps involved in value analysis. Applications in ~ Manufacturing UNIT VI : Maintenance : Objectives, Types of preventive, predictive, break down maintenance Reliability and maintainability analysis Failure data analysis, reliability, MTBT, MTTR, series parallel and stand by system Recommended books 1. Work study by ILO 2. Motion and Time study 3. Ergonomic -Morel 4. PPC -Jain & Agrawal 5. Industrial Engg. and Project management by Mart Telsang 6. Reliability Engg. By Balguruswami 7. Plant layout and Material Handling by James Apple. ENERGY CONVERSION -II, 7ME4 UNIT I : Positive displacement Type of Compressors Reciprocating compressors :- Parts, 'operations, Work done during isothermal, polytrophic & adiabatic compression process, Pv diagram, isothermal efficiency, Effect of clearance, volumetric efficiency, Mechanical efficiency, Multistage compressor, condition for minimum work input, capacity control, Actual indicator diagram. (8 Hrs.) UNIT II : Rotary compressors :-Root & vanes blower and screw compressor :-Principle, operation, parts, indicator diagram, work done, Roots efficiency, vanes efficiency. (No analytical treatment expected) Centrifugal compressor: Principle, operation, parts, velocity diagram, static & total head quantities, work done by impeller, isentropic efficiency of compressor. slip factor, pressure coefficient, power input factor. Axial flow compressor :Principle, operation, parts, velocity diagram, work done, Degree of reaction stage efficiency compressor characteristics, surging & chocking. Poly tropic efficiency. (8 Hrs.)
UNIT III : I.C. Engines: Air standard & fuel air cycles, parts of I.C. Engines, working of I.C. Engines, Two stroke & four stroke I.C. Engines 81 & CI engines, Introduction to combustion in 81 & CI engine, carburetion & fuel injection. (Analytical treatment not expected) (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : I.C. Engine Testing :Measurement of power indicated, friction & brake power, measurement of speed, fuel & air consumption, calculation of indicated & brake thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, mechanical efficiency, percentage of excess air, Heat balance sheet, performance characteristics & factors influencing the performance of I.C. Engines. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Gas Turbines :Ideal cycles isentropic and small stage efficiency, application of gas turbine pressure losses, effect of interfolding reheat & reverberation, fuel-air ratio combustion efficiency performance ca1cutation, open cycle & closed cycle gas turbine plants co- generations & combined power cycles. (8 Hrs.) UNIT VI : JET PROPULSION: Principles & working of turbojet, turboprop, Ramjet & pulse jet simple turbojet cycle, Thrust power propulsive power. Thermal efficiency propulsive efficiency. overall efficiency TEXTBOOKS(1) Thermal Engineering: By P.L. Ballaney (2) Thermal Engineering: By. (3) Heat power engg. : By Kuman & Vasandani, (4) IC Engine by : V. Ganeshan (5) Gas turbine & Jet Propulsion: Khajuria & Dubey REFERECE BOOK(1) Gas Turbine Theory -By Cohen & Rogers. (2) Internal Combustion Engilles -By E.O. Obvert I Practical I 'Minimum eight practical to be connected (1) Trial on steam turbine plant (2) Technical report on visit thermal plant. (3) Trial on reciprocating compressor (4) Trial on rotary compressor(5) Study of internal combustion engines (6) Study of fuel injection and ignition systems (7) Performance testing of a single cylinder 1.C. Engine. (8) Study of engine cooling and lubrication systems. (9) Trial on multicylinder Petrol Engine with energy balance sheet. (10) Heat balance on Multicylinder Diesel Engine (11) Morse test on multicylinder I.C. engine (12) Study of gas turbines (13) Study of Carburetors such as zenith, carter, soles, S.U. etc. (14) Study of cogeneration GT Plant and jet propulsion systems
MACHINE DESIGN -III 7ME5 UNIT I : Coupling: Types of shaft coupling, design of flange coupling, flexible bush coupling. Flywheel: Coefficient of fluctuation of energy and Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, energy store in flywheel, stresses in flywheel, design of flywheel. (7 Hrs.) UNIT II : Surfaceitlnish, friction wear, lubrication, oil seals, design of journal bearings for radial and thrust loads, selection of ball and roller bearing for radial and thrust loads, Failures of antifriction bearing, design of hydrostatic pocket type thrust bearing such as circular step thrust bearing, bearing housing. (7 Hrs.) UNIT III : Frat belt dive: Types of belts & belt material, analysis of belt tension, condition for transmitting maximum power, design of flat belt, flat belt pulleys belt drive: Types of V-belt, analysis of V-belt tension, design of V belt pulley. Roller change drive: Velocity ratio and length of chain, design of chain, dimensions of tooth profile, sprocket. (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Review of Kinematics of gears & terminology, interference, tooth profiles, formative number of teeth etc. Buckingham equation, design of spur gear drive, helical gear drive. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Worm gear drive: Types and proportion of worm and worm gear, force analysis, beam strength of worm great teeth, dynamic tooth load, wear load, thermal rating of worm gear, design of worm and worm gear. Bevel! gear drive: Types of bevel gear, proportions of bevel gear, force analysis of bevel gear drive design of bevel gear drive. (8 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Introduction to haulage system, design of wire rope, sheave and drums Electr.i9motor rating, types of motor like AC, CD, their Characteristics, controls, selection motors. {7 Hrs.) List of Practical Numerical problem {at least 10 problems should be included in the Journal). 1. Design of fly wheel 2. Design of coupling 3. Design of Journal Bearing 4. Design of Selection Antifriction bearing 5. Design of Belt drive 6. Design of chain drive 7. Design of wire rope 8. Design of Gear drive Each students shall submit two assembly design report along with the drawing for assembly/sub assumable for any mechanical system consisting of not less than four members included in the syllabus. TEXT BOOKS1. Mechanic' Design of Machine Maleev, Hartman 2. Machines Design P.H. Black3 Mechanical Engg. Design Shigley 4. Design Data book B.D. shiwalka 5. Design of Machine Elements V.B. Bhandari 6. Design of Machine electricts. B.D. Shiwalkar I Reference Books 1. Handbook of Machine Design -Shigky & Mischke 2. Mechanical Engineing Handbook -Kent 3. Design Data Book -PSG. Tech. Goimbatorc 4. Machine Tool Design Data Book GMTI
( Elective) INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS 7ME2 UNIT I : Automation and Robotics, Robot anatomy, configuration of robots, joint notation schemes, work volume, introduction to manipulator kinematics, position representation, forward and reverse transformations of a 2- DoF arm, a 3-DoF arm in two dimension, a 4-DoF arm in three dimension, homogeneous transformations in robot kinematics, D-H notations, solving kinematics equations, introduction to robot arm dynamics. UNIT II : Basic control system models, slew motion, joint- interpolated motion and straight line motion, controllers like on off, proportional, integral, proportional plus integral, proportional plus derivative, proportional plus integral plus derivative UNIT III : Robot actuation and feedback components, position and velocity sensors, actuators and power transmission devices, mechanical grippers,. vacuum cups, magnetic grippers, adhesive grippers, pneumatic, electric, hydraulic and mechanical methods of power and control signals to end effectors UNIT IV : General considerations in robot material handling, material transfer applications, pick and place operations, palletizing and related operations, machine loading and unloading, die casting, plastic molding, forging, machining operations, stamping press operations using robots. UNIT V : Use of robot In spot welding. continuous arc welding, spray coatings, Robots in Assembly Operations. UNIT VI : Robot cell layouts, multiple robots and machine interface, other considerations in work cell design, work cell control, Irlterlocks. error detection and recovery. worked! controller, robot cycle time analysis. ( ELECTIVE-I) TOOL DESIGN 7ME2 UNIT I : Theory of metal Cutting Introduction: Mechanics of chip formation, Cutting tool materials, Single point cutting tool. Designation of cutting tools, ASA system, Importance of Tool angles, Orthogonal rake system, Classification of cutting tools, Types of chips, determination of shear angle, velocity relationship, force relations, Merchant's Theory, Cutting power, Energy consideration in metal cutting, Tool wear, Tool life, Tol life criteria, variable affecting tool life, Machineablity (8 Hours) UNIT II : Design of single Point Cutting Tool Forln tools -Introduction, Types, design of form tools. Drill~ Introduction, Types,' Geometry, Design of drill. Milling cuters -Introduction, Types, Geometry, Design of milling cutters. Reamers, Taps & Broaches -constructional features only (7 Hours) UNIT III : Press tool Design Introduction, Press Operations -Blanking, piercing, Notching, Perforating, Trimming, Shaving, Slitting, lancing, Nibbling, Bending, Drawing, Squeezing, Press working equipment Classification, Rating of a press, Press tool equipments, arrangement of guide selection: pres~ working terminology~, Working of cutting die, Types of dies -Simple dies, Inverted die, compound dies dies, progressive dies, Transfer dies, Multiple dies Principle of metal cutting, strip layout, clearance, angular clearance, clearance after considering elastic recovery, cutting forces, method of reducing cutting forces, Die block, Die block thickness, Die opening, Fastening of die block, back up plate, Punch, Methods of holding punches, Strippers Stoppers, Stock stop, Stock guide, Knock outs, Pilots. Blanking & Piercing die design Single & progressive dies. (9 Hours) UNIT IV : Bending Forming & Drawing dies Bending methods -Bending Terminology, V-Bending, Air bending, bottoming dies, Wiping dies, spring back & it prevention, channel dies. Design Principles -Bend
radius, Bend allowance, Spanking, width of die opening, Bending pressure. Dies -Introduction, Types -solid form dies, pad type form dies, curling dies, Embossing dies, coining dies, Bulging dies, Assembly dies. Drawing Dies -Introduction, Differance between blending, forming & drawing, Metal flow during drawing, Design, Design consideration -Radius of draw die, Punch radius, Draw clearance, Drawing speed, Calculating blank size, Number of draws, Drawing pressure, Blank holding pressure. (6 Hours) UNIT V : Forging Die Design & mould Design . Forging Die Design: Introduction, Classification of forging dies. Single impression dies, Multiple Impression dies. Forging design factors -Draft, fillet & corner radios, parting line, shrinkage & die wear, mismatch, finish allowances, webs & ribs Preliminary forging op~.ration -filleting, edging, bending, drawing, flattering, blacking finishing. cutoff. Die design for machine forging determination of stock size in closed & open die forging. Tools for flash trimming &- hole piercing, material & manufacture of forging dies. .'- Mould Design: of Simple Blow Moulds for Articles such as bottles, cans Design of simple two plate injection moulds, Mould Materials (8 Hours) UNIT VI : Design of jugs & fixture: Introduction, locating & clamping ~ -principle of location, principle of pin location, locating devices radial or angular location, V-location, bush location, design ft,; principle for location purpose' .principle for claming purposes, ~ clamping devices, design principles common to Jigs & fixtures. i Drilling Jigs: Design principles, drill bushes, design principles for drill bushings, Types of drilling jigs -Template jig, plate type jig, open type jig, swinging leaf jig, Box type jig, channel type " jig. jig feet. ( Milling Fixtures : Essential features of a milling fixtures, machine vice, Design principles for milling fixtures, Indexing jig & fixtures, Automatic clamping devices. (7 Hours) Text Book 1. Production Enginering By P. C. Sharma S. Chand Publication 2. Tool Design By Donaldsn (TMH)
( ELECTIVE-I) SYNTHNESIS OF MECHANISMS 7ME2 Unit 1 : Introduction to kinematics, type of mechanics, kinematics synthesis, science of relative motion, tasks of kinematics synthesis with practical application, Degree of freedom class-I class II chain, Harding's notation, Grashof criterion, Grubler's criterion. (7 Hrs) UNIT II : Introduction to position generation problem concept of pole; two & three position generation synthesis, pole triangle, Relationship between moving & fixed pivots, Four position generation, opposite pole quadrilateral, center point & circle point Curve, Burmeses point. Matrix method for position generation problem, rotation matrix, displacement matrix. (8 Hrs.) UNIT III : Introduction to function generation problem, co-ordination of input-output link motion, relative pole technique, inversion technique, graphical synthesis of quick return mechanisms for optimum transmission angle. Types of errors, accuracy points, cheby sheers spacing, Rubensteins .equation. (7 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Introduction to path generation problem, synthesis for path generation with and without prescribed timing using graphical method. Coupler curves, cognate linkages, Robert's law of cognate linkages. Complex number method for path generation problem 3 precision points. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Synthesis for infinitesimally separated position, concept of polode and cent rod, Euler's savery equation, inflection circle, Bobbilier and Hartman's construction. (7 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Optimal synthesis of planer mechanisms, powell's search method, least square method, penalty function. Introduction to spatial mechanisms, H-H notations, introduction to kinematics analysis of robot arm. (8 Hrs.) TEXT BOOKS (1) Applied linkage synthesis -TaO D.C .(2) Advanced mechanism design -G.N. Sandor. A.G. Erdman. (3) Kinematics and mechanisms design -C.H. Suh C. W. Radchiffe. ( ELECTIVE-I) AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 7ME2 UNIT I : Introduction, 'Automobile history and development, Chassis, articulated and rigid vehicles and vehicles layout. Prime movers Engine construction -Structural components and materials Fuel supply system, cooling and lubrication systems, Filters, water pumps, radiators, Thermostats, ant freezing Compounds. (8. Hrs.) UNIT II : Clutch -Necessity, requirements of a clutch system. Types of Clutches, centrifugal clutch, single & multi plate clutch, fluid Clutch. Gear box Necessity of transmission, principle, types of transmission. .Sliding mesh, content mesh, synchromesh, Transfer gear box, Gear Selector mechanism, lubrication and control Torque Converter, Automatic Transmission. (8 Hrs.) UNIT III : Transmission system: Propeller shaft, Universal joint, constant velocity joint, Hotchkiss drive, torque tube drive. Differential -Need and types Rear Axles and Front Axles Brakes -Need, types Mechanical, hydraulic, Pneumatic barkers, Electrical Brakes, Engine Exhaust brakes, Drum and Disc brakes, Comparison. Details of components, Brake adjustment. (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Steering systems, principle of steering, center point steering, Steering linkages, steering geometry and wheel alignment.. power Steering, special steering systems. Tyros, tyros specification, factors affecting
tyre performance, Special lyres, wheel balancing, suspension systems -Function of Spring and shock absorber, conventional and Independent suspension System, Telescopic shock absorber, linked suspension systems. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Electrical systems -construction. Operation and maintenance of Batteries, Alternator working Principles and Operation of regulators, starter motor, Battery Ignition and magneto ignition systems ignition timing. Electronics ignition, lighting, Horn, side indicator wiper. Automobile air -conditioning, Panel board instruments. Maintenance, Troubleshooting and service, procedures, Overhauling, Engine tune up, Tools and equipment for repair and Overhaul. Testing equipments. (8 Hrs.) UNITVI : Recent Advances in automobiles such as ABS, Electronic Power Steering, Steer by wire, Traction control, Active suspension, Collision avoidance, intelligent lighting, Navigational aids and Intelligent vehicle highway system. (5 Hrs.) TEXT BOOK Automotive Machanics -Joseph Heitner Motor Vehicle Technology -J.A. Dolan Automotive Engines -W.H. Crouse Motor Vehicle -K.Newton and W.Seeds, T.K. Gawet Western Hand book ( ELECTIVE-I) MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEM 7ME2 UNIT I : Types of interplant transporting facility, principal groups of material handling equipments, choice of material handling equipment, hoisting equipment, screw type, hydraulic and pneumatic conveyors, general characteristics of hoisting machines, surface and overhead equipments, general characteristics of surface and overhead equipments and their applications. Introduction to control of hoisting equipments. (8 Hrs.) UNIT II : Flexible hoisting appliances like ropes and chains, welded load chains, roller chains, selection of chains, hemp rope and steel wire rope, selection of ropes, fastening of chains and ropes, different types of load suspension appliances, fixed and movable pulleys, different types of pulley systems, multiple pulley systems. Chain and rope sheaves and sprockets. (10 Hrs.) UNIT III : Load handling attachments, standard forged hook, hook weights, hook bearings, cross, piece and casing of hook, crane grab for unit and piece loads, carrier beams and clamps, load platforms and side dump buckets, electric lifting magnets, grabbing attachments for loose materials, crane attachments for handling liquid materials. (7 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Arresting gear, ratchet type arresting gear, roller ratchet, shoe brakes and its different types like electromagnetic, double shoe type, thruster operated, controlled brakes, shoe brakes, thermal calculations of shoe brakes and life of linings, safety handles, load operated constant force and variable force brakes, general theory of band brakes, its types and construction. (10 Hrs.) UNIT V : Different drives of hoisting. gears like individual and common moor drive for several mechanisms, traveling gear, traveling mechanics for moving trolleys and cranes on runway rails, mechanisms for trackless, rubber-tired and crawler crane.3 motor propelled trolley hoists and trolleys, rails and traveling wheels, slewing, jib and fluffing gears. Operation of hoisting gear during transient motion, selection the motor rating and determining braking torque for hoisting mechanisms, drive efficiency calculations, selecting the motor rating and determining braking torque for traveling mechanisms, slewing mechanisms, jib and bluff mechanisms. (Elementary treatment is expected) (8 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Cranes with rotary pillar, cranes with a fixed post, jib cranes with trolley, cranes with bluff boom, cantilever cranes, cage elevators, safety devices of elevators, belt and chain conveyors and their power calculations, vibrating and oscillating onveyors, pneumatic and hydraulic conveyors screw conveyors, hoppers, gates and feeders. Introduction to AGV's as new material handling device, use of robot for material handling. (7 Hrs.) TEXT BOOKS 1. Materials Handling Equipment-N. Rudenko, Envee Publishers, New Dehli 2. Material Handling Equipment-M.P. Alexandrov. Mir publications Maskow
(ELECTIVE-I) ADVANCED I.C. ENGINES 7ME2 UNIT I : Engines types and their operation Introduction and Historical. Perspective Engine classifications Engine Operating cycles Engine components Engine friction, lubrication and cooling, lubrication systems. Frictional losses, blow by losses, pumping loss. Factors affecting mechanical friction (8 hrs.) UNIT II : Automotive fuels S.I. ,Engine fuels characteristics C.I. Engine fuels characteristics Rating of engine fuels, I.C. engine fuels -petrol, diesel, CNG, LPG, Alcohols, Vegetable oils fuel supply system, S.I. Engine, Carburetors, modern carburetor, S.P.F.I., MPFI, direct injection. C.I. Engine: Fuel injection pump reciprocating rotary, fuel injector, High presser D.I. systems, fuel distribution systems. (7 hrs.) UNIT III : S.I. Engine Charge motion within the cylinder swirl, squish, combustion stages, flame propagation cyclic variations in combustion, ignition fundamentals, conventional ignition system, abnormal combustion, knock and surface ignition, knock fundamentals, turbo charging, supercharging and scavenging in engines.,! (7 hrs.) UNIT IV : C.. I. Engines Combustion in direct and indirect injection, fuel spray behavior, combustion in C. I. Engines, ignition delay, auto ignition. Factors affecting delay. Effects of fuel properties. Abnormal combustion, supercharging and turbo charging in engines. (7 hrs.) UNIT V : Stratified charge engine, free piston engine, adiabatic engines. Pollutant formation & Control Nature and extent of problem, Nitrogen oxides Kinetics of NO formation, formation of NO2 NO formation in S. I. Engines NOx formation in C. I. Engine Carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbon emissions in S. !. and C. I. Engines, EGR Particulate emissions, measurement technique. Catalytic converters, particulate traps. (8 hrs.) UNIT VI : Engine Design and Operating Parameters Important engine characteristics, Geometrical properties 'of Reciprocating engines, Brake, Torque & Power, Indicated work per cycle,' Mechanical efficiency, Road load power, Mean effective pressure, Specific fuel consumption and efficiency, Air/Fuel and Fuel/Air rations, Volumetric efficiency, Specific emission and emission index, Relationship between performance parameters Measurement and Testing Measurement of friction power indicated power, Brake power, Fuel consumption, Air consumption, Performance parameters and characteristics: Engine Power, Engine efficiencies, Engine performance characteristics, Variables affecting performance characteristics. (8 hrs.) TEXT BOOK Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals -Joh B. Heywood Internal Combustion Engines and Air pollution -Edward F. Obert Reference Books I Internal Combustion Engines -V. Ganesan ):",1 Internal Combustion Engines -V. M. Domkundwar Internal Combustion Engines -M. C. Mathur, R.D. Sharma. ( ELECTIVE-II) INDUSTRIAL FLUID POWER 7ME3 UNIT I : Fluid power systems: Components, advantages, applications in the field of M/c tools. material handling, hydraulic presses, mobile & stationary machines, clamping & indexing devices etc. Transmission of power at static & dynamic states. Types of Hydraulic fluid petroleum based, synthetic & water based. Preperties of fluids. Selection of fluids, additives, effect of temperature & pressure on hydraulic fluids. Seats, sealing materials, selection of seals. Filtors, strainers, sources of contamination of fluid & its control. JIC symbols/ISO Symbols for hydraulic & pneumatic circuits. (8 Hrs.)
UNIT II : PUMPS: Types, classification, principle of working & constructional details of vane pump, gear pumps, radial & axial plunger pumps, power and efficiency calculations, char, Curves, selection of pumps for hydraulic power transmission. ACCUMULATORS & INTENSIFIERS: Types & functions of accumulators, intensifiers, applications, selection & design procedure. (7 Hrs.) UNIT III : CONTROL OF FLUID POWER: Necessity of pressure control directional control, flow control valves, Principle of pressure control valves, direct operated, pilot operated, relief valves, pressure reducing valve, sequence valve & methods of actuation of valves. FLOW CONTROL VALVES: Principle of operation pressure compensated, temp. compensated flow control valves, meter in a & meter out flow control circuits, bleed off circuits. DIRECTION CONTROL VALVES: Check valves, types of D.C. ; valves: Two way two position, four way three position, four way j two position valves, open center, close center, tandem center valves, method of actuation of valves, manually operated, solenoid operated, pilot operated' etc. (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : ACTUATORS: Linear & Rotary actuators, Hydraulic motors-Types, vane, gear piston, radial piston. Methods of control '; of accelerating types of cylinder & mountings, calculations of piston j velocity, thrust under static & dynamic applications. Design consideration for cylinders. Hoses & Pipes: Types, materials, pressure drop in hoses/pipes. Hydraulic piping connections. (7 Hrs.) UNIT V : DESIGN OF HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS:* Meter in meter out circuits * Pressure control for cylinders * Flow divider circuits. Circuit illustrating use of pressure reducing valves, sequencing valve, counter balance valves, unloading valves with the use of electrical controls, accumulators etc. Maintenance, trouble shooting & safety precautions of Hy. Circuits. (7 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Pneumatics: Introduction to pneumatic power sources, e.g. reciprocating & rotary compressors, roots-blower etc. Comparison of pneumatics with Hydraulic power transmission. Air preparation units, filters, regulators & lubricators. Actuators, linear, single & double acting, rotary actuators, air motors, pressure regulating valves, Directional. control valves two way, three way & four way valves, solenoid operated, push button; & lever control valves. Flow control valves. Check valves methods of actuation, mech, pneumatic & electrical etc. Pneumatic circuits for industrial applications & automation. Eg. Feeding, clamping, indexing, picking & placing etc. (8 Hrs.) TEXT BOOKS (1) Introduction to Fluid Power By Sahashtrabudhe, Nirali Prakashan rune (2) Industrial Hydraulics By J.J. Pipenger, mcgraw Hill Co. (3) Pneumatics circuits By D.S. Mujumdar Reference Books 1) Pinches, "Industrial Fluid Power :, Prentice Hall (2) V1ckers manuals on Industrial Hydraulics (3) H.L. Stewart, "Hydraulics & Pneumatics", Industrial Press (4) Yeaple, "Fluid Power Design HandbookI Practicals I Minimum eight practicals to be conducted/studied (1) Study of JIC/ISO symbols for Hydraulics and Pneumatics (2) Study of hydraulic pumps. (3) Study of various I.!alves used in hydraulic circuits(4) Study of accumulators and Intensifiers (5) Study of different flow control methods (6) Study of various industrial hydraulic circuits applications (7) Study of various industrlal hydraulic circuits (another three to four applications) (8) Study of FRL unit and valves used in pneumatics (9) Study of industrial pneumatic circuits (three to four app.) (10) Study of hydraulic fluids and fluid seals used in hydraulic systems. ( ELECTIVE-II) MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 7ME3 UNIT I : Introduction to MIS System & Its components, System Concepts, system control, Types of systems, data & information, Nature and scope, Character function & Applications, system life cycle design. UNIT II : System Ana./ysis. : System planning, Information Gathering, Structure Analysis tools, Feasibility Study, cost-benefit analysts.
UNIT III : System Design: Stages of system Design, input out & form design, Database Design, Design Documentation Unlit JV : SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION System testing, 'Implementation Detailed evaluation, System maintenance. UNIT V : DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM' Concepts & Philosophy of DSS, Deterministic System, Artificial Intelligence (AI). knowledge Based Expert system (KBES). UNIT VI : MIS TOOLS & PACKAGES/AREAS OF MIS UNIT III : CONTROL OF FLUID POWER: Necessity of pressure control directional control, flow control valves, Principle of pressure control valves, direct operated, pilot operated, relief valves, pressure reducing valve, sequence valve & methods of actuation 1 of valves.FLOW CONTROL VALVES: Principle of operation pressure compensated, temp. compensated flow control valves, meter in a & meter out flow control circuits, bleed off circuits. DIRECTION CONTROL VALVES: Check valves, types of D.C. valves: Two way two position, four way three position, four way two position valves, open center, close center, tandem center valves, method of actuation of va1ves, manually operated, solenoid operated, pilot operated' etc. (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : ACTUATORS: Linear & Rotary actuators, Hydraulic motors-Types, vane, gear piston, radial piston. Methods of control of accelerating types of cylinder & mountings, calculations of piston velocity, thrust under static & dynamic applications. Design consideration for cylinders. Hoses & Pipes: Types, materials, pressure drop in hoses/pipes. Hydraulic piping connections. (7 Hrs.) UNIT V : DESIGN OF HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS: * Meter in meter out circuits * Pressure control for cylinders * Flow divider circuits. Circuit illustrating use of pressure reducing valves, sequencing valve, counter balance valves, unloading valves with the use of electrical controls, accumulators etc. Maintenance, trouble shooting & safety precautions of Hy. Circuits. (7 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Pneumatics: Introduction to pneumatic power sources, e.g. reciprocating & rotary compressors, roots-blower etc. Comparison of pneumatics with Hydraulic power transmission. Air preparation units, filters, regulators & lubricators. Actuators, linear, single & double acting, rotary actuators, air motors, pressure regulating valves, Directional. control valves two way, three way & four way valves, solenoid operated, push button; & lever control valves. Flow control valves. Check valves methods of actuation, mech, pneumatic & electrical etc. Pneumatic circuits for industrial applications & automation. Eg. Feeding, clamping, indexing, picking & placing etc. (8 Hrs.) TEXT BOOKS (1) Introduction to Fluid Power By Sahashtrabudhe, Nirali Prakashan Pune (2) Industrial Hydraulics By J.J. Pipenger, mcgraw (3) Pneumatics circuits By D.S. Mujumdar1) Pinches, "Industrial Fluid Power :, Prentice Hall(2) Vickers manuals on Industrial Hydraulics(3) H.L. Stewart, "Hydraulics & Pneumatics", Industrial Press (4) Yeaple, "Fluid Power Design Handbook". Minimum eight practical to be conducted/studied (1) Study of JIC/ISO symbols for Hydraulics and Pneumatics (2) Study of hydraulic pumps.(3) Study of various 'fa/ve,s used in hydraulic circuits (4) Study of accumulators and Intensifiers (5) Study of different flow control methods (6) Study of various industrial hydraulic circuits (three to four applications) (7) Study of various industl:ia! hydraulic circuits (another three to four applications) (8) Study of FRL unit. and valves used in pneumatics .(9) Study of industrial pneumatic circuits (three to four app.) (10) Study of hydraulic fluids and fluid seals used in hydraulic systems.
ELECTIVE-II) MANAGEMENT7ME3 UNIT I : Introduction to MIS: System & Its components, System Concepts, system control, Types of systems, gate & information, Nature and scope, Character function & Applications, system life cycle design. UNIT II. : System Analysis: System planning, Information Gathering, Structure Analysis toq/s, Feasibility Study, cost-benefit analysis.
UNIT III : System Design: Stages of system Design, Input/Output & form design, Database Design, Design Documentation UN1T IV : SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION System testing, 1mplementation Detailed evaluation, System maintenance. UNIT V : DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM: Concepts & Philosophy of DSS, Deterministic System, Artificial intelligence (AI). knowledge Based Expert system (KBES). UNIT VI : MIS TOOLS & PACKAGES/AREAS OF MIS ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) SCM (Supply Chain arrangement) CRM (Customer Relation argt.) Concept of data ware housing and data mining. I
PRACTICALS I Inventory control, MRP, Office Automation by using: MS-Access, Visual Basic, oracle or any other database Languages. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. MIS by WS Jawadekar 2: MIS by D.P. Goyal 3. System Analysis and Design by Elias M. Awad 4. System Analysis and Design -by Don Yeales. (ELECTIVE-II) REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING .7ME3 UNIT I : REFRIGERATION: Introduction, Definition, Applications. STUDY OF SIMPLE VAPOUR COMPRESSION REFERIGERATION SYSTEM: Analysis of simple vapour compression refrigeration system, effect of subcooling, superheating, polytropic compression & pressure drops on the performance of the system. STUDY OF VAPOUR ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM: Introduction AmmoniaWater, Lithium bromide-water systems, three fluid refrigerator. REFEGERANTS : Nomenclature of refrigerants, refrigerant properties, mixture refrigerants, global warming potential & Ozone depletion potential, Montreal & Kyoto protocol, alternate refrigerants. (8 Hrs.) UNIT II: MULTISTAGE VAPOUR COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS: Multiple compressor & multiple evaporator systems, cascade refrigeration systems. Study of equipments such as compressors, evaporators, expansion devices & controls defrosting methods (types & principle only). Testing & charging of refrigeration systems. (8 Hrs.) UNIT III : OTHER REFRIGERATION TECHNIQUES: Air cycle refrigeration, Applications in air refrigeration systems, Vortex tube, thermoelectric refrigeration. CRYOGENICS: Introduction, Application of cryogenics, Joule- Thomson coefficient, inversion curve, methods ,of liquefaction of air. (7 Hrs.) UNIT IV : PSYCHROMETRY: Introduction, psychometric properties of air, psychometric ch31 ,psychometric processes bypass factor, apparatus dew point temperature. HUMAN COMFORT: Mechanism of body heat losses, factors affecting human comfort, effective temperature, comfort chart. (7 Hrs.) UNIT V : ADVANCED PSYCHROMETRY: Application of psychometric to various air-conditioning systems. RSHF, GSHF, ESHF, air washers, air coolers HEAT LOAD CALCULATIONS: Data collection for load calculation, various components of heat load estimate, method of cooling load calculation. (8 Hrs.) UNIT VI : AIR TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION: Principle of air distribution, types of grills & diffusers & their selection criteria, air a/torsion, types of air filters, distribution of air through ducts, pressure losses in ducts, methods of duet design, duct friction chart, air conditioning controls. (7 Hrs.) [Minimum seven experiments to be performed / demonstrated / studied] 1 .Demonstration of use of various tools and equipments used by a refrigeration mechanic.2. Study of various types of compressors.3. Study of various condensers, evaporators, expansion devices used in refrigeration. systems.4. Study of demonstration of various controls used in refrigeration and air-conditionings. Study of demonstration of miscellaneous refrigeration devices such as vortex tube. Thermoelectric Cooler, Cascade Refrigeration Unit etc. 6. Study &
demonstration of window air conditioner / packaged Nc / automotive / Nc system. 7, To perform experiments on vapor compression test rig to determine COP of the system.8. To perform experiments on Airconditioning test rig.9. To perform experiments on desert cooler to evaluate its performance.10. Demonstration of charging a vapor compression refrigeration system. 11. Report on visit to air-conditioning or cold storage plant or ice liquefaction plant. 12. Study of a central Nc plant 13. StUdy of Demonstration of domestic freeze. 14. Exercises on computer assisted cooling load calculation. 115. Exercises on computer assisted duct design. TEXT BOOKS . A text book at Refrigeration & Air-conditioning by R.S. Khurmi ." & J.K. Gupta -S. Chand Pub, ii: Refrigeration & Air-conditioning by Dr.P.l_. Baliany-Khana Pub. , iii. Refrigeration & Airconditioning by Dr. C.P. Arora -TMH Pub.iv. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning by Dr. Manohar Pressed new Age Int. Pub.y. Refrigeration & Air-cor=1ditioning by S. V. Domkundwar - Dhanpat Rai & sons Pub. REFERENC.E BOOK ii. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning by Stocker & J ones 'i -McGrawi-Hill Publication.I iJii. Principle of Refrigeration & air-conditioning by Roy J.Dossat- i* Pearson Efi1u. I iii. 'Refriger~lion & Air-conditioning by Jordon & Priestar ". -PHt I~ublication. iv. Thermal" Environmental Engg. by James Throlkeld v. Modern. refrigeration Practice by Guy R King vi. Modern Air-conditioning Practice by Harris-McC1rawi-Hili Pub. vii. ASHRAF hand books -McGraw-Hill Publication. viii. Carrier's air-conditioning design data book- McGrawi-Hill Pub. IX. Air conditioning Principles & System. Energy approach by E.G. Pita-Pearson". Audels Series on Air-conditioning, Home Refrigeration & Air-conditioning and commercial Refrigeration -D.B. Taraporewala & Sons. xi. Principles of Refrigeration by Marsh Olive CES Publication. ; xii. Principle of Air-conditioning by Paul Lang -CES Publication. xiii. Basic Refrigeration & Air-conditioning by P.N. Ananthnarayanan TMH Publication. ( ELECTIVE-II) FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 7ME3 UNIT I : Fundamentals of stress & strain, stress & strain components. stress strain relationship, Elastic constants, plane stress, plane strain, differential equation of equilibrium, compatibility equation. Boundary conditions. Saint Venant's principle, Airy's stress function. (7 Hrs.) UNIT II : Fundamental concepts of FEM -Historical background, ,scope of FEM in Engg. energy, Concept of Virtual work, Raleigh-Ritz method, FEM analysis procedure. Mathematical understanding required for FEM, Matrix algebra & operations, exigent values & exigent vectors, Methods for solution of simultaneous. equations, like Gauss elimination, Matrix decomposition method. Concept of discrimination of body Into elements, degrees of freedom, bandwidth, Basic types of 2-D & 3-D elements, displacement models, convergence requirements, shape function. Commercial FE Softwares. (7 Hrs.) UNIT III : Finite element modeling & analysis using Bar & Beam element -stuffiness matrix, assembly, boundary conditions, load vector, temperature effects. Two dimensional plane truss -Local & Global coordinate system, element stiffness matrix, assembly, boundary conditions, loa9 vector, force & stress calculations. (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Two dimensional problems using CST & LST -formulation of CST & LST elements, elemental stiffness matrix, assembly, boundary conditions, load vector, stress calculation, Temperature effect. Axissymmetric solids subjected to ax i-symmetric loading -axis- symmetric formulation using CST ring element, stiffness matrix, boundary conditions, load vector calculation of stresses. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Introduction to Isoperimetric & Higher order elements. i Introduction to Numerical Integration. .; Introduction to dynamic analysis, formulation of mass matrix for I Ione-dimensional bar element, free vibration analysis using one- dimensional bar element. ~ Torsion of prismatic bars using triangular elements. (7 Hrs.) . UNIT VI : Steady state one dimensional & two dimensional heat conduction problems using 1-D and triangular elements respectively. .; Programming aspects of FEM -Algorithms for, reading Finite i Element
modeling data, formation of elernental stiffness matrix, formation of elemental load vector, assembly of individual elemental stiffness matrix into global stiffness matrix, assembly of individual elemental load vector into global load vector, application of boundary conditions, solution of equations, determination of j stresses and strains. '-' ~ Pre & Post processing in FEA (8 Hrs.) Suggested books 1. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering -T.R. Chandrupatla & A.D. Belegundu 2. Theory of Elasticity -S.P. Timoshenko 3. Concept and applications of Finite element Analysis -R.D. Cook 4. The Finite Element Method -A basic introduction for engineers -D.W. Griffiths, D.A. Nethercot -Granada Publishing List of Practical Students should use the commercial software or programmers from the text-books or self developed programs, to verify the results obtained by manual calculations. The input data and output results of the problem solved using the computer programs, should be included in the Journal.1 .Any two problem using bar element 2. Any two problems using truss element 3. Any two problems using CST element 4. Anyone problem using axisymmetric element 5. Anyone problem of free vibration analysis using bar element 6. Anyone problem of Torsion of Prismatic bars. 7. Anyone problem on Steady State Heat conduction. List of Tutorial: Two tutorials on each unit. ( ELECTIVE-II) STRESS ANALYSIS 7ME3 UNIT I : Two Dimensional Problems in Cartesian Coordinate system -Fundamentals of stress & strain, stress-strain relationship, Elastic constant, plane stress, plane strain, differential equation of equilibrium. Boundary conditions, Saint Venant's principle, compatibility equation, Airys stress function. Stress analysis of cantilever subjected to concentrated load at it's end and simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load. (8 Hrs.) UNIT II : Two dimensional problem in polar coordinate systems -General equations of equilibrium in polar coordinate, compatibility equation, stress distribution about symmetric axis, stress analysis of cylinder subjected to internal & external pressure, Pure bending of curved beams, effect of hoie on the stress distribution in plates, Stress analysis of rotating circular disk. (7 Hrs.) UNIT III : Two Dimensional Photo elasticity -Introduction to basic optics related to photo elasticity, stress optic law, plane & circular Polaris cope arrangements, effect of stressed model in plane & circular Polaris cope, Isoclinic & Is chromatic. stress trajectories, calibration of photo elastic material (determination of fringe constant), various photo elastic materials and their properties, Casting of photo elastic rrlodels, Tandys compensation technique, Separation techniques like, shear difference, oblique incidence & electrical analogy. (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Introduction to 3-D photo elasticity -Phenomenon Stress freezing, Method of stress freezing, slicing techniques, .determination of material fringe constant at critical temperature. Scaling Model Prototype relations. Birefringerent coating method -Reflection laparoscope. Introduction to fringe sharpening & fringe multiplication. (7 Hrs.) Unit V : Strain gage technique for stress & strain analysis - Introduction to electrical resistance strain gages, gage factor, bridge circuit, bridge balance, output voltage of Wheatstone bridge, balancing of bridge, temperature compensation, various bridge configurations, bounding of strain gages to the specimen, determination of principle strains & stresses using strain rosettes. Environmental effects on performance of strain gages, Strain gage response to dynamic strains, Effect of lead wires. Introduction to Strain measurement on rotating components, Static & Dynamic Strain Measurement. Introduction to semiconductor gages, high temperature strain gages & self-temperature compensated gages. Introduction to Commercial strain indicators. (8 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Grid technique for strain analysis, Brittle coating method for stress &.strait analysis, Moir 1ringe method for stress & strain analysis. (7 Hrs.)
Suggested Book 1. Theory of Elasticity -S.P. Timoshenko 2. Experimental Stress Analysis -Dally & Riley 3. Experimental Stress Analysis -T.K. Ray 4. Experimental Stress Analysis -L.S. Srinath List of Practical 1. Casting of Photo elastic Sheet 2 Preparation of Circular Disk or any model from photo elastic sheet 3. Determination of fringe constant using circular disk. 4. Determination of stresses using at least three photo elastic models. 5. Separation of Principle Stresses using any method of stress separation. 6. Stress freezing of photo elastic model 7. Fixing of strain gages to the specimen 8. Stress & strain measurement in cantile Vet beam using strain gages. 9. Study & demonstration of Reflection Polaris cope 10. Study & demonstration of Fringe sharpener & multiplier List of Tutorial: Two tutorials on each unit
Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering ) Semester Pattern VIII Semester B. E. (Mechanical)
Subje ct Code Subject Uni. Exam./College Assessment Mark Theory Max. Passing 8ME1 8ME2 8ME3 8ME4 8ME5 8ME6 Practical Max. Passing Paper DurationHrs Lecture - Hrs Tutorials - Hrs Pract./Drg. -Hrs
Industrial Management Elective - III Automation in Production Energy ConversionIII Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Design
Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College Uni. College
80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 500
40 40 40 40 40 -
25 25 25 25 25 25 75 75 300
25 25 25 75 -
03 03 03 03 03
03 03 03 03 03 -
01 01 01 01 01 5
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INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT 8ME1 UNIT I : Principles of management Concepts of management, development of scientific management., Principles of Frederick Taylor & Henry Fayol, functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, leading, motivating, communication, controlling, decision making, span of control. (8 Hours) UNIT II : Personnel Management: Meaning, functions of personnel management, manpower planning, collective bargaining, wages & salary administration, labor welfare, training, trade unions, Industrial Factories Act, Industrial Boils Act, Trade union act. (7 Hours) UNIT III : Plant Management: Plant 10cation, plant layout, types of maintenance such as break down, predictive & preventive maintenance, stores management, industrial safety, causes & cost of accidents, safety programs, production planning & control, job, batch & process type of production. (8 Hours) UNIT IV : Marketing Management: Definition & scope, selling & modem concepts of marketing, market research, new product development, product life cycle, product launching, sales promotion, prancing, channels of distribution, Advertising, market segmentation, marketing mix. (7 Hours) UNIT V : Material Management: Importance of Materials Management, Classification, Codification, Forecasting, of Inventory (8 Hours) UNIT VI : Financial Management: Sources of finance financing organizations, types of capital, elements of costs & allocations of indirect expenses, cost control, break even analysis, budgets & budgetary control, equipment replacement policy, make or buy analysis, balance sheet, ratio analysis, profit & loss statement. (7 Hours) TEXT BOOKS (1) Principles of Management: Koontz & 0 Denial (2) Industrial Organization & Engineering Economics' T. R. Banga & S. c. Sharma (3) Financial Management -Kuchal REFERENCES Principles of marketing management; Philip Kotler & William Stuaton AUTOMATION IN PRODUCTION 8ME3 UNIT I : Automation -Definition, types, reasons for automating, arguments for and against automation. Types of production, functions in manufacturing. Organization and information processing in manufacturing. Automated Flow 'Lines- Methods of work part transport, Transfer mechanisms, Buffer storage. Analysis of flow lines -General terminology and analysis, analysis of transfer lines without storage, partial automation, automated flow lines with storage buffers, manual assembly lines. Line Balancing Problem, Methods of line balancing. Automated Assembly Systems -Types, part delivery system (7 Hrs.) UNIT II : Numerical Control Production Systems -Basic concepts, coordinate system and machine motionTypes of NC systems -Point to point, straight cut and continuous path. Machine control unit and other components, Tape and tape readers. part programming -Punched tape and tape formats, NC words, method of part programming, manual part programming: APT programming, Directed numerical control. Computer numerical control. Adaptive control. Applications and economics of NC. (8 Hrs.) UNIT III : Industrial Robotics -Introduction, robot anatomy, robot control systems, accuracy and repeatability and other specifications, end effectors, sensors, introduction to robot programming, safety monitoring. Robot applications -Characteristics of robot applications, work cell layout, robot applications in material handling, processing, assembly and inspection. (7 Hrs.)
UNIT IV : Automated material handling & storage-Conveyor I systems: Roller conveyer, Skate wheel conveyer, Belt conveyers, Chain conveyers, Slat conveyers, Overhead trolley conveyers, Infloor towline conveyers, Cart on track conveyers. Automated Guided Vehicle Systems -Types: Driverless trains, AGVS pallet trucks, AGVS unit-load carriers. Vehicle guidance & Routing, Traffic control & safety, System management, Analysis of AGVS systems, AGVS applications. Automated Storage & Retrieval System Types: Unit load AS/RS, mini load AS/I {S, man on board ASRS, automated item retrieval system, deep lane AS/RS -Basic components & special features of AS/RS. Carousel storage systems, Work in process quantitative analysis. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Automated inspection & Group technology: Automated inspection principles & methods -100% automated inspection, off-line & nn -line inspection, distributed inspection & final inspection; Sensor technologies to; automated inspection, coordinate. measuring flashiness -con -tructiol1, operation & benefits Machine vision image acquisition & digitization, image processing & analysis, interpretation, machine vision applications; Oth'er optical inspection methods -Scanning laser systems, linear alla~' devices, optical triangulation techniques. Group Technology: Part families, parts classification & coding, Opitz classification systems production. flow analysis; Machine cell design -composite pat1 concept, types of cell design, best machine arrangement, benefits of group technology. (9 Hrs.) UNIT VI : 1. Computer aided manufacturing -Manufacturing planning, manufacturing control; Computer integrated manufacturing; 2. Flexible manufacturing systems -Components, Types of systems, FMS layout configuration computer functions, data files, system reports, FMS benefits. 3. Computer aided process planning : Retrieval CAPP systems, generative CAPP systems, benefits of CAPPo 4. Shop floor control. (6 Hrs.) Computer Process Control Text Books I 1. Automation, production System & CIMS : M.P, Groover PHI 2. CAD/CAM: Zimmers & Groover Pill References Books 1. Numerical Control And Computer Aided Manufacturing Kundra, Rao & T ewari TMH "2. Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems: Yoram Koren; Mcgraw Hill Practicals 1. Performance, Simulation on CNC lathe (atleast two Complex Geometric) 2. Performance, Siumulation on CNC milling (atleast two Complex Geometries) 3. Practice Programming on Manual Part Program 4. Practice Programming on APT 5. Case Study on Automated System of any Industry. 6. Performance/Practical on Robot. 7. Part Coding and Group Technology
ENERGY CONVERSION -III 8ME4 UNIT I : Refrigeration: Introduction, unit of refrigeration, simple vapour compression refrigeration system. Vapor absorption refrigeration system (concept only) refrigerants Alternative refrigerants introduction to cryogenics and application of cryogenics simple Lined Hampton system. (8 Hrs.) UNIT II : Air conditioning : Introduction, psycnromeulv and processes, human comfort and factors affecting comfort, Bypass factor, application of psychometrics to simple air conditioning systems, Typical summer and winter air conditioning system (concept only) 'Evaporative cooling, working of Air washer. (7 Hrs.) UNIT III : Principle of solar Energy collection, solar energy and sources of power generation, solar constant, Flat plate & connect rating collectors for water and air heating, solar energy storage solar pond Applications of solar energy for cooking, drying solar photovoltaic system & Its application working of wind generators & MHO generator (Theoretical treatment is expected) (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Hydraulic systems: Study of Hy. Pumps such as vane pump, gear pump, piston pump etc. Essential elements of a hydraulic system: flow Actuators, Directional control valves pressure control valves, f control valves, basic circuit, meter in & meter our circuits. Use of single, Double actuator, crane, jacks. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Pneumatic systems: Principle of pneumatics, comparison with hydraulic power transmission. Air preparatory unit, valves & Ind. Pneumatic circuits. (7 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Energy Auditing : Introduction, importance of energy audit, uses of energy audit basic terms of energy audit, types of energy audit, procedure for carrying energy audit, instruments used for energy audit, such as power analyzer, multipoint heat flow meter, Lux meter, portable infrared radiation thermometer, thermocouple based temperature indicator. Energy Conversation & Management Need & Importance of energy conservation & Management, pay- back period, return on Investment (ROI), life cycle costs, sankey diagram, specific energy consumption. (8 Hrs.) 1. Performance on vapour compression refrigeration system 2. Experiment on desert cooler 3. Study of vapour absorption refrigeration systems 4. Study & Demonstration on household refrigerator 5. Study & Demonstration on solar application 6. Study & Demonstration on hydraulic pumps & valves 7. Study & Demonstration of various Industrial hydraulic circuits 8. -Study of air preparatory unit 9. Study & Demonstration of various Industrial pneumatic circuits 10. Study on energy conservations opportunities preferably in Industries 11. Report on visit to Ice plant OR any refrigeration installation .air conditioning plant 12. Study of Instruments I equipments required for conducting energy audit TEXT BOOKS 1. Refrigeration ~ Air Conditioning by -C.P. Arora 2. Thermal Engg. by -P.L. Ballany 3. Industrial Hydraulics by -Pipenger 4. Pneumatic system by -R.S. Mujumdar 5. Energy Management by William T. Synder & Fredaric W. symords Vol. 2 6. Energy management handbook by W.C. Turker
COM POUTER AIDED DESIGN UNIT I : Definition of CAD, CAD Softwares modules (Operating System, Graphics, Applications, Programming, Communication). Pasteurization Principle, Rasterization of line, frame buffer, N-bit plane buffers, simple color frame buffer. (6 Hrs.) UNIT II : Line Generation using Bresenham's and DDA algorithms for line; circle, ellipse. Two dimensional geometric and co-ordinate transformations like scaling, translation, rotation, reflection, shear. Concept of homogeneous representation and concatenated transformations. Inverse transformations. (Enumeration of entity on graph paper) (7 Hrs.) UNIT III : Three dimensional geometric and co-ordinate transformation like scaling, translation, rotation and reflection. Bezier Curve (for 4 Control points). Introduction to surfaces and its representation using parametric equation, surface of revolution. Wire frame modeling, solid modeling of basic entities like box, cone, cylinder. CSG & B rep technique using set theory. (9 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Fundamental Concept of Finite Element Method: Plain Stress and" Strain, Compatibility condition, Minimum potential energy principle. Displacement function, snap function for linear & quadratic bar element, Stiffness matrix, Force Matrix. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Truss problems, Two dimensional problems using Constant strain triangle. Beamd and Frames (Linear Shape functions only.) (6 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Optimization : Optimal Problem Formation, Engineering optimization problems. Optimization Algorithms: Single Variable optimization algorithm using Golden search method, Bisection method. Multivariable Optimization using Simplex search method. Penalty function method. (9 Hrs.) Practical 1. Introduction to CAD softwares. 2. Program on Bresenham's Line Algorithm. 3. Program on Bresenham's Circle Algorithm 4. Program on Bresenham's Ellipse Algorithm. 5. Simple examples ot two dimensional transformations. 6. Simple examples on three dimensional transformations. 7. Program for generation of any surface. 8. Generation of at least two simple solid models showing geometric properties using any CAD software. 9. One dimensional problems of Finite Element Method. 10. Finite Element Method problems on truss. 11. Finite Element Method problems using two dimensional element. 12. Problem on anyone of optimization method. At least Eight exercises are expected in journals. It is preferred to have four exercises from 1 to 6 and remaining four from 7 to 12. TEXT BOOK 1. CAD/CAM, Theory & Practice: Ibrahim Zeid I 2. Procedural elements for computer Graphics: D Rogers 3. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering: Chandrupalla & A.D. Belegundu 4. Optimization for Engineering Design: Kalyanmoy Deb References Books I 1. Computer Graphics: D. Hearn & M.P. Baker 2. Computer Graphics: S. Harrington. Additional Readings: 1. Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics Dravid F. Rogers, J. Alan Adams .2. Schaum's Outline Series: Theory & Problems of Computer Graphics Roy A. Plastock, Gordon Kalley
( ELECTIVE-III) MACHINE TOOL DESIGN 8ME2 UNIT I : Introduction to Machine tool drives & Mechanism Working & auxiliary motions in machine tools, Parameters defining the working motions of a machine tool; Machine tool drives, Hydraulic Transmission & its elements, Transmission & its elements, General requirements of machine tool design layout of machine tool. (7 Hours) UNIT II : Regulation of speed & feed rates -Aim of speed & feed regulation, Stepped regulation of speed Various laws of stepped regulation. Selection of range ratio, Standard values of Geometric progressing Ratio & guidelines for selecting value, break up of speed steps; Structure diagrams & their analysis, Speed clla 11.Design of feed box, machine tool drives using multiple speed mothers, Special cases of gear box design speed box with overlapping speed steps, speed box with a combined structure.. speed box W/it11 broken geometric progression, General recommendation for developing the Gearing diagram, determining the Number of teethes of gears, Classification of speed & feed boxes. Electromechanical system of Regulation, Friction, Pressure and Ball Variation, Epicyclic Drive (8 Hours) UNIT III : Design-of Machine Tool Structure - Functions of machine tool structures & their requirements, Design criteria for machine tool struck 1 .es, Materials of machine tool structures, Static & Dynamic stiffness, Profiles of machine tool structures, Factors affecting stiffness of machine tool structures & methods of improving it; Basic design procedure of machine tool structures-design for strength, design for stiffness. Design of Beds, C01umn, housings, Bases & Tables, Cross Rails, Arms, Saddles, Carriges, Rams. (7 Hours) UNIT IV : Design of Guide ways & Power Screws Functions & types of guide ways, Design of Sideways Shapes/, materials, methods of adjusting clearances. Design Criteria & Calculations for sideways, Design for wear resistance, Design for stiffness. Guide ways operating under liquid friction conditions- Hydrodynamic & Hydrostatic sideways, Design of Aerostatic sideways, Design of Antifriction Guide ways, Combination guide ways, protecting devices for sideways. Design of Power Screws -Sliding friction' power screws, Rolling friction Power Screws.. (8 Hours) UNIT V : Design of Spindles & Spindle Supports Functions of spindle unit & requirements, Materials of spindles, design c31culations Of spindles -Defection of spindle axis due to bending, deflection ,of spindle, axis due to compliance of spindle support$, optimum spacing between spindle, supports deflection due to compliance of the Tapered Joint permissible deflection & design for stiffness. Antifriction bearings Preloading of antifriction bearing. Sliding bearings -Sleeve bearings, hydrodynamic journal bearing, air lubricated bearings UN1T VI : Testing & Control of Machine Tools (d) Testing: Objects and procedure for Acceptance Test, Instrumentation for acceptance, Accuracy of machine tools, accuracy of work pieces. (e) Control systems: Electrical control, push button control, directorial control relays, electrical brakes, automation in feed mechanism. (f) Hydraulic control: Positional control, power paek for lubrication system in hydraulic drive. (g) Control system for gear sliding and feed mechanism (open loop or close loop) for NC/CNC machine using stepper motor or DC motor. (8 Hours) TEXT BOOKS (1) Machine Tool Design -N.K. Mehata TMH ! (2) Principles of Machine Tools -Sen, Bhattacharya New central book agency : (3) Machine Tool Design -Basu, Pal Oxford IBH , TUTORIALS 1 .Design of working of speed gear and feed gear box. 2. Design and working drawing of 4 M/C Tool mechanism.
( ELECTIVE-III) RENEWABLE ENERGY: SYSTEMS 8ME2 UNIT I : Solar Energy: Introduction, solar constant, spectral distribution of solar radiation, beam & defuse radiation, measurement of solar radiation and measuring instruments. Solar radiation geometry, solar angles, estimation of average solar radiation, radiation as tilted surface, tilt factors. (8 hrs.) UNIT II : Solar flat plate collectors: Types of collectors liquid flat plate collectors, solar air heaters, transmissivity of glass cove (system, collector efficiency, analysis of flat plate collector, fin efficiency, collector efficiency factor and heat removal factor, selective surfaces, evacuated collectors, novel designs of collector. (7 hrs.) UNIT III : Concentrating collectors: line focusing, point focusing and non focusing 1ype, central receiver concept of power generations compound parabolic collector, comparison of flat & concentrating collectors. Applications of solar energy to water heating, space heating, space cooling, drying refrigeration" distillation, pumping. Solar furnaces, solar cookers, solar thermal electric conversion, solar photo-voltaic. (8 hrs.) Solar energy storage, sensible, latent and thermo chemical storage, solar pond UNIT IV : Biogas : Introduction, bio gas generation, fixed dome & floating drum biogas plants their constructional details, raw material for biogas production, factors affecting generation of biogas and methods of maintaining biogas, production, digester design considerations, fuel properties of biogas and utilization of biogas Bio Mass: Introduction, methods of obtaining energy from biomass, incineration, thermal gasification, classification of gasifies & constructional details chemistry of gasification fuel properties, applications of gasifies. (7 hrs.) UNIT V : Wind and Ocean energy :- Power in wind, forces on blades, wind energy: Basic principle of wind energy conversion site selection consideration wind data and energy estimation, basic components of WECS Classification of WEC systems, savonius and darrieus rotors applications of wind energy Ocean energy: Introduction: ocean thermal electric conversion open and closed cycle of OTEC, hybrid cycle, energy from tides basic principles of tidal power & components of tidal power plants, single & double basin arrangement estimation of tidal power and energy. Energy from ocean waves-energy availability, wave energy conversion devices. (8 hrs.) UNIT VI : Geothermal and MHD power generation: Geothermal energy- : Introduction, classification of geothermal systems vapour do liquid dominated system, total flow concept, petrothermal \Systems, magma resources. applications of geothermal operatioml & environmental problems. Magneto Hydro Dynamic generation: Introduction principles of MHD power generation, HD open and closed systems., power output from MHD generators, 'ensign problems of MHD generation, gas conductivity, seeding (hrs.) Text books Energy, Technology -Parulekar & Rao Non Conventional Energy Source -G D Rai Reference books (1) Solar Energy -S.P. Sukhatme (2) Solar Energy -Duffie & Beckman (3) Solar energy engg. -Jui sheng Hsieh ( ELECTIVE-III) VIBRATIONS 8ME2 UNIT I : Free body diagram, free & forced vibration, undraped and damped single degree of freedom systems subjected to harmonic and other periodic excitations. Impulse response, convolution integral and response to arbitrary excitation. Vibration isolation and transmissibility. Solution using lap lace transform, Runga kutta method, structure damping. (7 Hrs.) UNIT II : Energy method applied to multi degree freedom system. LaGranges equation. Generalized mass formulation of mass, damping and stiffness matrix and its numerical solutions. Vibration absorber, torsional vibration of two and three disc system. Geared rotor system, Influence Coefficients and flexibility matrix of bending vibration of beam and multi-disc rotor. Mode shapes and orthogonally principle. (7 Hrs.)
UNIT III : Numerical techniques for M.d.o.f. systems. Matrix iteration method. Holzer's method for torxional vibration. Dunkeleys method for critical speed determination of multi disc rolor. Rayleigh quotient sweeping matrix method for determination of all the natural frequencies and modi shapes. Raleigh rit method. Modal matrix and expansion throrem. Free and forced response by modal analysis. (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV : Vibration of continuous system. Axial vibration of rod, bending vibration of beam and torsional vibration of shaft. Hamiltons principle and derivation of equation of motion, Rayleigh quotient. Modal coordinates and modal forces. Free and forced response through modal analysis. (8 Hrs.) UNIT V : Finite element method in vibration of continuous system. Variation functional formulation for axial element and Raleigh- Ritz method. Shape function for rod ~ beam elements. Derivation of mass and stiffness matrix. Nature; frequencies and mode shape computation for simple rod and ,'oeam problem. (7 Hrs.) UNIT VI : Vibration pickup, seisty"umeters, accelerometer, proximity probe spectrum analyzer, FEr & OFT (DiscreteFT) , torsional, Vibration measurement, Digital vibration measurement, philosophy of vibration condition monitoring. (8 Hrs.) Text Books1. Theory of vibration: W. T. Thomson 2. Elements of vibration analysis: L. Meirovitch 3. Mechanical vibration: J.S. Rao & K. Gupta Reference Books 1. Advanced theory of vibration -J.S. Rao 2. Vibration condition Monitoring of Machines J.S. Rao 3. Random vibration -gandall & Mark. ( ELECTIVE-III) MECHATRONICS 8ME2 UNIT I : Need and scope of the subject, recent trend of designing machine units along with electronic circuits for operation and supervision of mechanisms. Techniques of interfacing mechanical devices with computer hardware and development of software for driving them. (7 Hrs.) UNIT II : Basic principles and specific applications of armature and field and control of D.C. Motors, Variable voltage and variable frequency control of 3 phase and single phase Induction motors, speed control of synchronous motors, Different types of stepper motors, hold on torques and position control of stepper motors .(8 Hrs.) UNIT III : Common and commercial I.Cs used for amplification, timing and digital indication. Different types of actuators, working of synchronic-transmitter and receiver set, pair of PII, Pressure to current and lIP type for pneumatic position control, Electrical and hydraulic servomotors. Design of AC and DC solenoid plungers and pressure and force amplification devices. (8 Hrs.) UNIT IV ; Adon cards for sampling and actuation, 4-20 mA ports;- AD-DA conversion, Peripheral interface organization, general layout of data bus and data transfer througn serial and paralle modes of communication, schemes of computer networking and hierarchy in supervisory control. (7 Hrs) UNIT V ; Working of integrated systems by using combined block diagrams. Study of systems used in Ink Jet Printers, Photo copying, Washing Machines, IC Engine fuel injection system etc. (8 Hrs.) UNIT. VI ; General philosophy of Artificial Neural Network simulations, Fuzzy logic for operation and control of Mechatronics systems. (7 Hrs.) Recommended Books (1) Mechatronics : W.Bolten (2) Mechatronics : H.M.T. (3) Mechatronics : Hisback (4) Industrial Electronics and Robotics: Schulter and mc name (5) Electronic Devices and circuits: Allen Molested.
( ELECTIVE-III) CRYOGENICS 8ME2 UNIT I ; Introduction to Cryogenic Systems: Definition, Cryogenic temperature scale, History of Cryogenics, Properties of materials at low temperature, Properties of Cryogenic' Fluids. (07) UNIT II ; Air and Gas Liquefaction System: Thermodynamically ideal system, Production of low temperatures. Liquefaction systems for gases other than neon, hydrogen and helium, liquefaction systems for neon hydrogen and helium Cryogenic Refrigeration Systems. (08) UNII III : Gas separation & Gas purification systems: The thermodynamically ideal separation system. Properties of mixtures, Principles of gas separation, air separation systems, Hydrogen, Argon, Helium air separation systems, Gas purification methods. (08) UNIT IV : Vacuum Techniques; Systems for production of high vacuum such as methanical, diffusion, ion and cry pumps. Cryogenics measurement systems: Temperdture pressure, flow rate, liquid level measurement, Introduction to Cry coolers. (07) UNIT V : Cryogenic fluid storage systems: Introduction, Basic storage vessels, inner vessel, outer vessel design, suspension systems, piping, access man ways, safety devices Cryogenic Insulations: Vacuum insulation, gas filled powders and fibrous materials, solid foam, selection and comparison of insulations. Cryogenic fluid transfer systems. Transfer through annulated lines, vacuum insulated lines, porous insulated lines etc. (08) UNIT VI : Advances in Cryogenics: Vortex tube and applications, Pulse tube refrigerator, Cryogenic Engine for space launch vehicles. Cryogenic Applications: Applications in gas industry cryogenic fluids, space research, Cryobiology, food processing, electronics, nuclear and high energy physics, chemical processing, metal manufacturing, cryogenic power generation, medicine, analytical and chemistry. (07) References Text book: "Cryogenic System". By A.F. Barron 2nd Edition Oxford University Press, New York, 1985 Reference Books 1. "Cryogenic Engineering" By A.B. Scott, 0 Van Nostrand Company. Inc., New Jersey 1959. "Cryogenic Process Engg" By K.D. Timmerhaus and T.M.! Flynn, Plenum press, New York, 1989. "
UNIT-1 : Laplace Transforms Laplace Transforms and their simple properties , simple applications for l laplace transforms to solve ordinary differential equations including simultaneous equations, solution of one- dimensional partial differential equations bytransform method. UNIT-2 : Complex Variables Analytic function, Cauchy- Riemann conditions, conjugate functions, singularities, cauchys integral theorem and integral formula ( statement only) , Taylors and Laurents theorem ( statement only), Residue theorem, contour integration. UNIT-3 : Calculas of variations Maxima and Minima of functionals, variation and its properties Eulers equation, functionals dependent on first and second order derivatives, simple applications. UNIT-4 : Fourier series and signal spectra Introduction, the fourier theorem, Evaluation of Fourier coefficients, considerations of symmetry,(odd , even, rotational), exponential form ; Fourier series, Fourier integral theorem , Fourier transform and continuous spectra. UNIT-5 : Partial Differential Equation. Partial Differential Equation of first order first degree i.e langrages form, linear, homogeneous partial differential equation of nth order with constant coefficient method of separation of variables. Application to transmission lines. UNIT-6 : Matrices Inverse if matrix by adjoint method and its use in solving simultaneous equations, rank of a matrix, consistency of system of equation, inverse of matrix by partitioning method . Linear dependence. Linear and orthogonal transformations , characteristics equations, eigen values and oigenvectors. Reductionto diagonal form cayley - Hamilton Theorem (without proof) statement and verification, sylyestors theorem, Association of matrices with linear differential equation of second order with constant coefficient. Determation of largest eigen value and eigen vector by iteration method.
3S-EE-02 STEAM AND HYDROTURBINES UNIT 1 :a) PROPERTIES & SYSTEMS: Intoduction, properties of thermodymanic system such as specific volume, density, temperture, pressure etc.Their units and measurements. Laws of thermodynamics . Flow process and Non Flow process. b) ANALYSIS OF SYSTEM :- Conservation of energy and mass and their application to various thermodynamics system such as steam plant, I.C. Plant, Refrigeration and all Air- conditioning plant. UNIT- 2:IDEAL GASES AND VAPOURS: Difference between gases and vapours, law of perfect gases, Heating and expansion of gases, Internal energy and specific heats of gases. Universal gas constant work done, changes in Internal energy, heat absorbed and rejected during various thermodynamic processes P.V. diagrams. UNIT-3:PROPERTIES OF STEAM: Critical state sensible heat, Latent heat and total heat of steam, Internal energy of steam, drynessfraction, steam tables and their use. Entropy concept entropy change for an ideal gas and steam. T and H charts, cannot Rankine and modified Rankine cycle, regenerative cycle. UNIT- 4:Steam Nozzles and lurbines, flow of steam through convergent divergent nozzles. UNIT- 5:General study of steam and hydro Turbines Classification. Method of reducing rotor speed, Govering of lurbines(No rigorous mathematical treatment is contemplated). UNIT-6:Condensers : Different types of condensers. Their construction and principles of working .
UNIT-1 : MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: Classification, absolute and secondary instruments,indicating and recording of circuits due to instruments . Measurement of Resistance : Classification, measurements by voltage drop method, measurement of Wheatstone Bridge. Low resistance - Kelvins Double Bridge High resistance - Ohmmeter , megger and loss of charge method. Earth resistance - Earth tester .
UNIT 2 : MEASUREMENT OF INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE General theory of AC bridges, study of maxwell, Hays, Owens, De sauty,wein, Schering bridges, detectors for AC bridges .
UNIT-3 : D. C. AND A.C. POTENIOMETERS Principle and use of D.C. Potentiometer for calibration purposes, Principle and application of A.C. Potentiometer UNIT-4 : AMMETERS, VOLTMETERS AND SPECIAL INSTRUMENTS Principle of moving coil , moving iron and Dynamometer type instruments, extension of range using series and shunts, errors due to extension of range Power factor meter, frequency meter, synchroscope, maximum demand indicator rectifier type instruments, multimeter, trivactor meter.
UNIT-5 : MEASUREMENT OF POWER/ENERGY Measurement of active and reactive power in polyphase circuits, using dynamometer type instruments, measurement of energy in single and polyphase circuits using indication type instruments, Errors in Power and energy measurements.
UNIT-6 : INSTRUMENTS TRANSFORMERS General theory , extension of range using CT and PT, Errors in instrument applications of instrument transformers for metering and protection .
UNIT 1 : Nodal and mesh basis equilibrium equations , matrix approach for complicated network , containing voltage, current sources and reactances , source transformations quality . UNIT 2:Network theorems : superposition , Reciprocity, Thevenins , Nortons maximum power transfer, compensation, lellegens thorem as applied to A.C. circuits . UNIT-3:Trignomotric and exponontial fourier scries . Discrete spectra and symmotryof wave forms, steady state response of a network to non sinusondal periodic inputs, fourier transforms and continous spectra. UNIT-4:Laplace transform and properties, partial fractions , singularity functiions, wave forms, synthesis. Analysis of RCRT and RIC network with and without initial conditions with laplace transforms, evaluation of initial condition . UNIT-5:Transuebt behaviour , concept of complex frequency, Driving points and transfer functions, poles, zeros of immittance function , their properties, sinusoidal response from Pole- zero locations, convolution theorem and integral solution. UNIT-6:Two part network parameters and inter-connections study of series and parallel resonance in a.c. Three phase unbalanced circuit and power calculations .
UNIT-1:SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES AND POWER SUPPLIED : Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors theory of PN junction , capacitance ,zener dipdes, vector diodes , Tunnel diodes, powersupplies , Half wave and ful wave Rectifiers . Voltage doublers , filters, ripple factors.Zener and Eminer follower type series regulators. UNIT-2 :JUNCTIONS TRANSISTORS : Theory of operation , static, characteristics, breakdown voltage, current voltage power limitations. Biasing of BJt different biasing aggangement. Stability factor. Thermal runway, power transistors. UNIT-3 :BJT ANALYSIS: Small signal analysis of CE, CB , CC amplifiers and comparsion. High frequency analysis , calculation of frequency response, gain bandwidth product . UNIT-4 :POWER AMPLIFIERS : Classification A,B,AB,C classes efficiency, pushpull contiguration (A, B, AB) complimentary symmetry, Distortions and cross over distortion . UNIT-5 : POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS : Feed back amplifiers, classification. Practical circuits applications, advantages, stability,oscillators, Barkhaysen Kriterion RC, IC and crystal Oscillators. UNIT-6 :FET AND ITS ANALYSIS : Field effect transistor and MOSFEL, principle of operation and characteristic, biasing arrangement , small signal analysis of CG, CS, High frequency , analysis. FOURTH SEMISTER 4S-EE-01 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS
UNIT-1: ROOT LOCUS TECHNIQUES Mathematical modelling of physical systems and its differential equations (mechancial systemsbasic translational and rotational elements , electrical systems-basis R-l-c series and parallel circuits), concept of trasferfunction, transfer function for elementry R-l-c circuits, elementry block diagram of single input single output, closed loop system and its reduction. Laplace transform of step , ramp and parabolic signals. Time response of first order and general second order systems for unit step input. Concept of characteristic equation q(s)=o.c(t), vs. time response. Root locus concept , construction of root loci (scope limited to third order systems), time constant and pole zero form of generalized characteristic equation q(s)=1+g(s)H(s)=0, construction rules ( derivations may be excluded). Determation of roots for specified open loop gain for a specified damping ratio . UNIT-2 : POLAR AND BODE PLOTS Concept of sinusoidal transfer functions, Polarplots ( scopelimited to up to third order systems) Bode
plots- basic concepts, general procedure for construction Bode plots , concept of actave and decade, determination of gain and phase cross frequencies and corresponding phase angles and log magnitude. Determination of transfer function from asymptotic Bode plots. UNIT-3 : Z- TRANSFORM Defination and properties , inversion z- transforms, z- transforms pairs, correlation with, Laplace transform, Laplace transform and z transformationpairs , z- transfer functions for linear descrete systems, linear difference equations , inverse z- transforms and response of linear discrete systems (power seriesmethod partial fraction expansion method.) UNIT-4: FUZZY SETS AND NEURAL NETWORKS Fuzzy sets and systems, crisp sets, overview of fuzzy logic and clacssical logic, fuzzy compliment fuzzy union, fuzzy intersection and combinations of these fuzzy sets operations crisp and fuzzy relations.ntroduction to neural network algorithms, back propagation and delta rule, Hebbian learing. UNIT-5: NUMERICAL METHODS FOR ALGERBRAIC AND TRANSCENDENTALEQUATIONS Solution of linear and non- linear algebraic and transcendental equations, method of false position, Newton- Raphson method , system of linear equations, Gauss elimination method, Gauss seidel method, crouts method. UNIT-6 : NUMERCIAL METHOD FOR DIFFERENT EQUATIONS Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations by Taylors series method , Runge Kutta method , modified Eular method, preditor corrector method, solution simultaneous differential equations. 4S-EE-02 ELEMENTS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS
UNIT-1 : Idea of vector & scalars, vector Algebra, veator addition vector subrication dot product, scalor product in cartesian coordinates system, conversion of variables cartesian to cylendrical system and viceversa. Sherical co- ordinates system, transformationof cartetian to spherical and vice versa . UNIT-2: Coulombs law, Electrical field intensity and electric flux density: coulombs law, electric field intensity, field of point charges, field due to continuous volume charge distribution, field of line charge, field of sheet charges concept of flux density. UNIT-3: Gausss law, Energy and potential of charge system : Gausss law, Application of Gauss law, divergence theroem, defination of potential difference and potential. Potential of a point charges , potential field of system of charge, potential gradient, Energy density in electrostatic field. UNIT-4: Conductors, Dielectric and capacitance and possons and Laplaces Equations : Current and current density , continuity of current, metallic conductors, conductor properties and Boundary conditions, Nature of Dielectric matericals capacitance and capacitances, capacitance of parallel plate capacitor, capacitance of two wire line, possions and Laplace Equations. UNIT-5: The steady Magnetic field and Magnetic forces : Biot savarts law, Amperes Circuital Law, strokes theorem, magnetic flux density scalar and vector Megnetic potentials, force on moving charge , force between differential current elements nature of Magnetical material. Magnatisation and
permiability, magnetic circuits, potential energy and forces on magnatic materials, Inductance and mutual inductances. UNIT-6 : Maxwells equations & boundary conditions. Elementry idea of Electromegnetic waves, uniform plane wave. 4S-EE-03 DIGITAL CIRCUITS UNIT-1: Analog Vs Digital systems, transistor as a switch , boolean algebra, Booleanidenntities Logic problems, Binary, Gray, Octal, Hex and ASCII codes, gates and their truth tables, D Morgans Law, sum of product and product of sums. UNIT-2: Combinational basic concepts, SSI, MSI and VLSI Circuit classification, standard TTL, CMOS characteristics , Decoders, Encoders, multi plexers, Demultiplexers, code converters, charactersistics of display devices, standard configurationof gates as SSI/MSI/LSI circuits. Arthmetic circuitsaddress, subtractors ( half and full) BCD adder/ substractor, conncept of ALU. UNIT-3: Karanaugh map, simplification of sum of products and products of sum, solution to problem using MUX as a function generator, simplification of Logical function using Ouine- Mclausky method. UNIT-4: Introduction to flip flop, latches, concept of clock , memories organisation with flip- flop as basic cell, RAM, ROM, EPROM and EEPROM an over view , master slave combination and conversion of one type to another type flip- flops, multivibrators and their design parameters. UNIT-5: Exautation tables and introduction to seguential circuits, vounters synchronous/ asynchronous, Different module counters with reset/ clear facility, Design of counters of arbitrary module with Kmaps, Lock free counters. UNIT-6: Introduction to sequential system, Design of sequential system, using moore and Miley system fundamental mode sequential circuits.
UNIT-1 PHASE TRANSFORMER: - Transformer operation and principle, O.C. & S.C. test on three phase transformer , determination of equivalent circuit. Parameters, Regulation, Efficiency, Magnetising current and harmonics, polarity test, various connections with vector groups. UNIT-2 Three phase to two phase conversion, parallel operation of three phase transformer , methods of cooling , temperature rise test, maintenance of transformer , insulation of transformer . UNIT-3 D.C. MACHINES :- Basic principle & operation, Armature reaction & commutation, compensation winding, interpoles. Types of excitation. Characteristic of shunt, & series & compound motor and generator speed control of d.c. shunt & series motor constant horse power & constant torque drive of D.C. motor. UNIT-4 THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR :- Types of induction motor and production of torgue . Torgue slip characteristics, no load blocked rotor test, equivalent circuits & determination of equivalent circuit & determination of equivalent circuit parameners . Circle Diagram, losses, efficiency, double cage motor, operating characteristics & influence of machine parameters on the performance of motor. UNIT-5 Starting of 3 phase I.M. speed control of L.M. by pole changing frequency control, rotor resistance by varying supply voltage , braking regenerative braking, plugging , dynamic braking crawing & cogging . UNIT-6 SINGLE PHASE I.M. :- Double field- revolving and cross field theory spilt phase motor shaded pole motor, equivalent circuit, torgue-slip characteristics . 4S-EE-05 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING
UNIT-1 Introductin to computers and operating systems working with DOS WINDOWS and networking. UNIT-2:structure of C program, Data types , storage class, variables, expressions and operators. UNIT-3:Programme control statements, concept of function and Recursion, I/O through print f, scan f, file I/Oopen close read and write. UNIT-4:- Arrays, searching (Linear and Binary). Sorting (Bubble, selecting sort) File Handling. UNIT-5:- Pointers and structures, singly linked list Intersection, deletion, and updation. UNIT-6:- Introduction to C concepts.
UNIT-1 : Structure of electric power system ,brief expossed to generation transmission and distribution aspects, elementry considersation of economic bulk power supply system, use of high voltage , general system conserderation idea about substation, concept of real reactive and complex power lead and theit characteristics. Voltage and frequency dependence of loads. UNIT-2 : Representation of power system elements, modes and parameters of generator, transformer and transmission lines, per unit system representative.
UNIT-3 : Elementry distribution schemes Feeders and distributors LT and HT cables. UNIT-4 : Voltage regulation and effiency of power transmission lines using simple series euqivalent representation. T- representation and by circle diagram using generalized constant.
UNIT-5 : Interconnection of system elements to form two system of active and reactive power transmission. Introduction to load flow studies in mainbus system ( methods of solution not expected introduction of frequency and voltage as system state indicators).
UNIT-6 : Elementry concepts of generious Load sharing between generators,preliminary concepts of automatic string efficiency, type of turbine genernors load sharing between generators, preliminary concepts of automatic string effiency, type of insulator
UNIT-1 : Generalized instrumentation syst em : Active and Passive transducer, Digital and Analog mode of operation and dynamic characteristics and performance of instruments Statistical treatment of measurement errors, Gaussian error distribution, probability tables, combination of errors. UNIT-2 : Motion Measurement : Relative and absolute motion measurement measurement of velocity and accelenuon, electrical transducers for motion measurement, LVDT variable inductance transducers measurement of shaft torque and power.
UNIT-3 : Temperture measurement : Laws of thermo electric circuits, thermocouries, junction conpensation. Thermistors, radiation thermometry, Broamand narrow band radiation methods, Two colour pysometers, optical pyrometers, temperture comjpensation of temperature sensors hea flux sensors.
UNIT-4 : Miscellaneous measurements : Brief treatment of principles used in the measurement of liquid level , flow, press and pH Cathode ray oscillescope, introduction to data acquisition systems.
UNIT-5 : Method of Analog and Digital conversion : Errors in A to D conversion, application in digital volmeters, electronic frequency, time peirod measurement.
UNIT-6 : Integrated circuits in instrumentation : operational amplifiers (741), comparators (339), Timers (555), Function generators (2206), Constant current source using ICD Elementry idea of Microprocesser based Instrumentation.
5S-EE-03 UNIT-1 :
ELECTRICAL MACHINE DESIGN Review of material used in construction of electrical machines : Classification of insulating material depending upon permissible temperture rise, properties of transformer oil, standard specifications, C.M.R. and short type of machines . Heating and cooling characteristics. Transformer Design : Specific loading , equation for voltage per turn for power and distribution transformers, output equation. Principle of electric and magnetic circuit design, method of cooling and cooling circuit design Estimation of performance characteristics from the design data. Induction motor : Main dimension, output equation, loading constants estimation of axial lengths, air gap diameter, winding design. Air gap length, slot combination for stator and rotor of I. M. cage rotor and would rotor design. Calculation of no load current and other performance from characteristics for design data. Synchronous Machine : Air gap length methods of obtaining sinusoidal o/p voltage, field coil design for sailent pole machine and for turbo generator. Ventilation of synchronous generator, cooling air circuit, closed ventilation/quantity of cooling medium hydrogen and water as cooling media. MICROPROCESSORS AND INTERFACING VLSI circuit concept, Approach to integrated system design using microprocessors , Bus concepts, Address, Address Data and Control, Organisation of a computer with MPU, Bits / Byts/ Words/ Longwords their ranges accuracy and precision Memory organization Linear / absolute decoding. Introduction to Intels 8085 A Architecture description software instructions, Address modes Advantages, Timing Diagram assess, Assemblers and Dissemblers ( By Hand coding). Flag structure, concept of PSW stacks and subroutines simple and Nested PUSH, POP instructions and Call/ Return instructions. Stack manipulation, simple programmes. Interrupt Concept and structures in 8085, Interrupt service routines Advanced instructions and programming of 8085A. Methods of data transfer instructions. Timing diagrams, Buffers/ Keys/ display devices interface of 8255 and 8253 to Serial, Parallel, synchronous, asynchronous IN/OUT simple hardware interface to 8085 of standard latches/ as I/O ports. Handshaking concepts, Architecture and 8085.
UNIT-2 :
UNIT-3 :
UNIT-4 :
UNIT-5 :
UNIT-6 :
UNIT-1 :
UNIT-2 :
UNIT-3 :
UNIT-4 :
UNIT-5 :
UNIT- 6 :
Hardware considerations bus contention slow memory interfacing, complete signal description of 8085. Multiplexed Keyboard / display interface and assembler directives. General awareness about microcomputer system related products.
5S-EE-05 UNIT-1:
Three phase synchronous generators : Introduction, constructional features of cylindrical and field windings, MMF of armature and field windings,induced EMF. Steady state operation of three phase synchronous generators : Phasor diagram, regulation, steady state performance of three phase synchronous generator. Synchronous of generator with another generator : Parallel operation, experimental determination of parameters, short circuit ratio, losses and efficiency.
UNIT-2 :
UNIT-3 :
UNIT- 4 : Synchronizing machines on infinite bus : Phasor diagram, expression for torque, load/torque angles, synchronous motor operation, effects of variable excitation and power input on generator operation and effect of variable excitation and load on motor operation. UNIT-5 : Transient behavior : sudden 3- phase short circuit. Transient and sub- transient reactances and their measurements. Time constants and equivalent circuit diagram, damper windings. Introduction to special machines : Repulsion motors, AC series motors, universal motors, reductancemotor, Hysteresis motor, Schrage motor, power selsyns position selsyns (only elementary aspects of the above types are expected). ELECTRICAL WORKSHOP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Transformer winding and assembly Basic motor winding Testing of motors, terminal and phase indentification Electrical installation equipment & practices Estimates for installation Principles of factory wiring Safety devices in wiring
UNIT-6 :
SIXTH SEMISTER 6S EE 01 UNIT 1 : POWER STATION PRACTICE Sources of electric energy : Coal oil and natural gas, water power, nuclear fission and fusion their scopes and potentialities for energy conversion. Generation Different factors connected with a generating station connected load, maximum demand, demand factor, load factor, diversity factor, plant capacity and utilization factor , load curve Thermal stations : Choice of site, location , size and number of Hydro station - Hydrology, stream flow, flow duration curve, power duration curve, mass curve reservon capacity, type of hydro plant and then field use, pumped storages plant and their utility, surge tanks, governing characteristics of turbine and hydro generators. Nuclear station : Principle of Nuclear energy materials types of nuclear reactors, breeder reactors, location, material for moderator and control rods , cost economics. Voltage control of A.C. generators : Exerter instability, methods of stabilizing exicter voltage, automatic voltage regulator action Tariff different consideration of flat rate and two part economical choice. Non conventional techinques of energy production : i) Solar energy Introduction, Physical principles of conversion of solar radiation into heat, solar energy, collectors, solar energy storage, solar electrical power generation and other generation and miscellaneous applications of solar energy. ii) Wind energy - Introduction , Basic principles of wind energy conversion, wind delta, energy estimation, site selection, basic component of wind energy conversion system, wind turbines and their analysis, wind electrical generations. Stand alone and grid connected wind electrical power systems, various applications of wind energy. iii) Energy from Tides and Oceanic Waves - Introduction, Basic principles of Tidal Power, site eslection storage and plant layout for Tidal Power Plant, Introduction to wave energy and its energy plants Wave energy based power plants layout analysis of Tidal and wave energy Plants.
UNIT 2 : UNIT- 3 :
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
UNIT 1 :
Demand utility and Indefference curves, Approaches to analysis of demand , Elasticity of demand, Measures of demand elasticity, Factors of production, Advertising elasticity, Marginalism. Laws of returns and costs, price and output determination under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, Depreciation and methods for its determination.
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
Functions of central and commercial banks Inflation,Deflation, Stagflation, Direct and Indirect taxes monetary and cycles, New Economic Policy, Liberalisation, Globalisation, Privatisation, Market frfriendly state. Fiscal policy of the government, Meaning and phases of business. Defination, nature and scope of management, functionsd of management planning, organising, Directing, Dontrolling, Communication Meaning of Marketing Managements, concepts of Marketing. Marketing mix, Administrative and cost plus pricing, channel soof distribution, Advertising and sales Promotion. Meaning, nature and scope of financial management, Brief outline of profit and loss account, Balance sheet, Budgets and their importance, Ratio analysis, Principles of costing.
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
Definitions, Classification & speed torque characteristics of common drive & their characteristic under starting , running , braking & speed control. Unit 2:-Selection of motor: Power capacity for continuos and intermittent periodic duties, effect Unit 3 : PLC, its programming and its application in electric drives. Unit 4 : AC and DC contactors and relays : Lock out contactors. Magnetic structure, ,arc interruption, contactor rating, H.V. contactors, control circuits for automatic starting and braking of DC motor and three phase induction motor, panel design for MCC. Unit 5 : Traction Motors : Motor used in AC/DC traction, their performance and desirable characteristic, requirements and suitability of motor for traction duty. motor control control of DC traction motor, series parallel control with numericals. Starting and braking of traction motor. Unit 6 : Brief Idea about drives commonly used in Industries. Digital control of Electric motors. Block diagram arrangement, comparison with other methods of control.
LINEAR ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS Basic operational amplifier circuits : Differential amplifier stage, current sources, brasing level shifting techinques, common mode and difference mode gams and impedance of a differential stage Overload Protection Circuits, Frequency response and compensation characteristics of ideal and non ideal operational amplifier. Error measurement of various parameters. Simple Linear Circuirs : Inverting, noninverting, buffer amplifier, summer integrator, differentiator, log, antilog, Multiplier , divider circuits. Differential amplifier configuration, bridge amplifiers, instrumentation amplifier, grounding and shrelding problem in instrumentation amplifier. Precision rectifiers, RMS to DC conversation, constant current anmd voltage sources Sinusoidal oscillator with frequency and amplitude stabilization Elementry idea of active filter with Butterworth 2nd order filter design procedure. Applications of operational amplifier for clipping, clamping , comparator circuits with nonlinear components. Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Astable nonstable, bistable multivibrator circuits using OA sample/ Hold circuits D/A and A/D conversion circuits. Phased locked loops. Study of Linear ICS like L LM741, LM555, LM556, LM565, LM339 AND LM723.
UNIT 1 :
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
CONTROL SYSTEM. I Introduction to need for automation and automatic control. Use of feedback, board spectrum of system application. Mathematical modeling ( Electrical & Electromechanical ) diff. Equations, transfer functions, block diagram, signal flow graphs, application to elementry systems , simplifications. Effect of feedback on parameter variations, disturbance signal, servomechanism and regulators. Control system components, electrical, electromechancial, their functional analysis and input output representation Time response of system , first order and second order system, standard inputs, concepts of gain and timeconstants. Steady state error, type of control system, approximate methods for higher order system. Stability of control systems, conditions of stability, characteristics equation, Routh Hurwitz criterion, special cases for determining relative stability.
UNIT 1 :
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
Root location and its effect on time response , elementry ideaof root locus effect of addition of pole and zero on proximity of imaginary axis. Frequency response metnod of analyzing linear system, Nyquist and Bode Plot, stability and accuracy analysis from frequency response, open loop and close loop frequency response, Nyquist criterion, effect of variation of gain and addition of pole and zero on response plot, stability margin in frequency response State variable method of analysis, characteristics of system state. Choice of state variables, representation of vector matrix differential equation, standard form, relation between transfer function and state variables
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
UNIT- 1 :
Compensation : Review of performance Analysis of type O , type 1 & type 2 systems. Need for compensation, performance Analysis of compensators in time and frequency domain Bode Plots edesign of compensators is not required. Design by state variable Feed back : Review of state variables representations, Solution of state equation. Controllability & observability. Design by SVF. Optimal Control system : Performance index , desireability of single P.I. integral square error. Parameter optimization with and without constraints. Optimal control problem with T.F.approach for continuous time system only. Non Linear Control systems : Types of Non linerities, characteristics of NLCS. Inherent & intentional non - lineratities. Describing function method for Analysis Describing functions of some common non- linearities stability analysis. Limit cycles & stability of Limit cycles. Phase plane Method : Singular points, stability from nature of single points. Construction of trajectory by Isocline & Delta Method. Computation of time. Sampled Data control System : Representation of SDCS, sample & Hold circuit. Z transform , Inverse Z- transform & solution of difference equations. Z & S domain relationship. Stability by Bi-linear transformation & Jurys test. Discritization of continous time state equation.Solution of Discrete time state equations. Controllability & observability of Discrete time systems.
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT-4 :
UNIT- 5 :
UNIT- 6 :
ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM II Symmetrical component transformation . Three Phase power in unbalanced circuit in terms of symmetrical component. Sequence impedances of Generator,Transformer Transmission line & Passive Loads. Phase shift in ( Ydl, Ydll connection ). Symmetrical fault analysis without & with prefault load currents, selection of circuit Breakers ratings, current limiting reactors.
UNIT - 1 :
UNIT- 2 :
UNIT - 3 :
Unsymmetrical fault Analysis - L G, L-L-G, L-L, Openconductors faults analysis using symmetrical components. Stability of Power System - Steady state Dynamic and Transient stability defination & differensation. Dynamics of synchronous machine, swing equation, swing equation for machines swinging coherently and non- coherently. Power angle equation. Steady state stability studies. Transient stability studies : Swing curve, Equal Area criterion for transient stability, Application of equal area criterion for different disturbances. Solution of swing equation by point by point method. Methods of improving transient stability. Economic Operation of Power System : Introduction, Distribution of load between units within the Plant. Optimum generation scheduling considering transmission losses. Representation of transmission loss using loss formula co- efficient. Derivation of loss formula co-efficient, simulation of co- ordination equation on digital computer . i ) Grounding of Neutral in Power System ii ) Shunt & series compensation Generlised equation, shunt reactor compensation of very long line with intermediate switching station, series capacitor compensatiuon at line centre, shunt reactors at both ends and series capacitor in middle of line. Elementry idea of sub synchronous resonance problem and counter measures.
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
Unit 1:-
Solar radiation & its measurment:- Solar consatnts, solar radiation at earths surface, solar radiation geometry, solar radiation measurement, estimation of average solar radiation, solar radiation on tilted surfaces. Solar Energe Collectors : Physical Principles of the conversion of solar radiation into heat, flat plate collectors, transitivity of cover systems, energy balance equation and collector efficiency, concentrating collectors, comparison of concentrating and flat plate collectors, selective absorber coatings. Solar Energy Storage : Solar Energy Storage systems (Thermal, Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical), solar ponds.
Unit 2:-
Unit 3:-
Application of Solar Engergy : Solar water heating, space heating, space cooling, solar thermal heat conversion, photavoltaic solar energy conversion, solar pumping, solar coolking. WIND ENERGY : Basic principles of wind energy conversion, wind energy conversion, wind data & energy estimation, site selection considerations, basic components of wind energy conversion system (WECS), classification of WEC systems, generating system, energy storage, application of wind energy. ENERGY from OCEANS : Ocean thermal electric conversion (OTEC), Claud & Anderson cycles, evaporators. Bio fouling, Hybrid cycle. Energy from Tides : Introduction, basic principles of tidal power, components of Tidal Power Plants, operation methods of utilization of Tidal Energy, Estimation of Energy & Power in simple single basin Tidal system, Advantages & limitations of Tidal Power Generations, energy & power from wares, wave energy conversions devices, small scale hydro electric power generation.
Unit 4:-
Unit 5:-
Unit 6:-
OTHER NONCONVERTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (Brief Introduction to operating principles only): Energy from Bio Mass, Geothermal Energy, MHD power generation.
I.T. & ITS APPLICATIONS IN POWER SYSTEM CONTROL Real-time issues on signal transmission and control: Communication systems for inductrial automation : Data acquisition and Supervisory control: Control of discrete manufacturing processes: Intelligent systms for monitroing, supervision and control: Case studies of industrial control systems. Energy Auditing-Introduction, importance of Enkergy Audit, basic terms of energy audit, procedure for carrying energy audit, instruments used for energy audit such as power analyzer multipoint heat flow meter.lux meter.portable infrared radiation thermometer, thermocouple based temperature indicator. Energy Conservation & Management-Need & importance of Energy Conservation & Management payback periodreturn on investment (ROI), life cycle costs specific energy consumption. Calcultion of Energy costs of specifiecd products & simple systems.
Unit 2:-
Aaaaaaanalysis of selected energy intensive units like iron-steel, cement, petroleum refiniing etc. Unit 3:principles of multi-objective Energy management with emphasis on conservation, User friendly software development on Windows 9x, UNIX Platforms for Energy Convervation & Management Studies. Scrial date ccommunication using RS232 and RS485 based system, distributed measurement system. IEEE 488 Protocol. Local area networks Common topologies. Medium access control-round-robin, reservation and contention-based strategies. ALOHA protocol and its variants. CSMA and CSMA/CD protocols. Token-ring protocol. IEEE 802 standrads for local area networks. High speed LANs Fast and gigabit, ethernet, FDDI, wireless LANs. Internetnetworking- Repearters, bridges, routers and gateways, TCP/IP protocol suite. TCP/IP sockets, Client server computing, name Serivce, Application protocols over TCP/IP networks Security. Design of microprocessor based instrumentation system, design of interfacing circuits and data acquisition systems. FUZZY LOGGY & NEURAL NETWORK Introduction: Fuzzy sets, Approximate reasoning Representing set of rules. Fuzzy knowledge based (FKBC) parameters. Introduction rule and data base inference engine, choice of fuzzyfication and defuzzyfication processes. Nonlinear fuzzy Control: Introduction, Control problem, FKBC as nonlinear transfer element, types of FKBC adaptive Fuzzy control: Introduction, design and performance evaluation, main approach to design. 1) 2) Fundamental concept of ANN. Model of artificial Neural network (ANN). Learning & adaptation learning rules. Feed forward networks: Classification Model, features & decision, regions, Minimum distance classification, perceptron, delta learning rules for multiperceptron layer, Generalized learning rules, back propagation Algorithm, back propagation training, learning factors. Unit 5:Recurrent Networks: Mathematical foundation of discrete time & gradient type hope field networks, transient response & relaxation modeling. Associative memories & self organizing networks : Basis concept & performance analysis of recurrent associative memory, Bidirectional associative memory, Hamming net & MAXNET Unsupervised learning of clusters, counter propagation network, feature mapping, self organizing feature maps, cluster discovery network (ART 1)
Unit 4:-
Unit 5:-
Unit 6:-
Unit 2:-
Unit 3:-
Unit 4:-
Unit 6:-
FLEXIBLE AC TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS FACTS Concept and General System Consideration Transmission Interconnections, Flow of Power in an AC System, factors, affecting the Loading Capability, Power Flow and Dynamic Stability Consideration of Transmission Interconnection. Importance of controllable Parameters, FACTS Controller. Voltage-Sourced and Current-Sourced Converters Basic Concept of Voltage-Sourced Converters, Single-Phase Full-Wave Voltage Harmonices for Single Phase Bridge, Three-Phase Full-Wave Bridge Converter, Sequence of Valve Conduction Process in Each Phase-Leg, Transformer connection for 12-Pluse Operation, Three Level Voltage Sourced Convert, Pluse-Width Modulation Converter, Generalized Technique of Harmonic Elimination and Voltage Control, Basic Concepts of Current Sourced Converters. Thristor-Based Converters (With Gate TurnOn), Current Sourced Converter with Turn-Off Devices. Current Sourced Versus Voltage Sourced Converters. Static Shunt Compensators : SVC and STATCOM Objectives of series Compensation, Variable Impedance Type Series Compensators, SVC and STATCOM, Comparasion Between STATCOM and SVC, Static Var System.
Unit 2 :-
Unit 3:-
Unit 4:- Static Series Compensators : GCSC, TSSC, TCSC and SSSC Objectives of series Compensation, Variable Impedance Type Series Compensators, Switching Converter Type Series Compensators, External (System) Control for Series Reactive Compensators. Unit 5:Static Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators : TCVR and TCPAR Objectives of Voltage Phase Angle Regulators, Approaches to Thyistor-Controlled Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators (TCVR and TCPARS). Switching Converter-Based Voltage and Phase Angle regulators, Hybride Phase Angle Regulators. Combine Compensators (UPFC, IPFC) and Special Purpose FACTS Controllers. The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). Interline Power Flow Controllers, Generalized and Multifunctional FCTS Controllers, Subsynchronous Resonance, NGHSSR Damping Scheme, Thyristor-Controlled Braking Resistor (TCBR) ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION DESIGN Load forecasting, regresssion analysis, numercials based on linear and exponential trends. Electrical installation for domestic, commercial and industrial consumers, calculation of connected load, selection of transformers, switchgears, cables and wires,single line diagram, special provision for high rise buildings (IER 50 A ), earthing requirements ,megger and earth tests, use of earth lealage circuit breakers (special reference to be given to IER 2 ( I, n, o, p, v, aa, aaa, aq, aqq, ar, av) Cables - PVC and XLPE cables, their construction in brief, current ratings, specifications, derating factors, megger and continuity test. Over head distribution lines upto 33 KV, line appratus and basic construction, clearances, selection of AAC and ASCR conductors, voltage drop calculations,
Unit 6:-
7S-EE-03(5) UNIT 1 :
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
Unit 5 :
UNIT 6 :
selection of insulators, earthing requirements. ( special reference to be given to IER 77, 79, 80, 81, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92) Illumination design definations, polar curves, simple calculations, working principles of fluorscent, sodium vapour and mercury vapour lamps. Capacitors and P.F. improment Determination of rating and location of capacitors, calculation of payback peirod for additional capacitors. Substations single line diagram , plan, elevation and clearances for 11 KV plint mounted ( upto 1000 KVA and above 1000 KVA ), 33 KV ( up to 2500 KVA and about 2500 KVA) substations, Single line diagram for substation with two transformers in parallel. Specificcations of isolators, lightening arrestors, horn gap fuses, D.O. fuses, circuit breakers,instrument transformers, power transformers, LV HRC fuses, LV circuit breakers, batteries, parallel operation of transformers, various busbar systems, load transfer. ( special reference to be given to IER 31, 33, 35, 43, 44, 45A, 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 58, 64, 64A, 67, IS3043. Determination of fault levels at various locations in substation, use of current limiting reactors, philosophy of protective relaying, overcurrent, earth fault, REF protection, earth leakage protection OTI, WTI< buchholz relays. Fire fighting equipments restoration of a person effected by electric shock. Earthing - types, measurement of earth resistance. Site testing of transformers ( visual, precommissioning tests like megger, magnetic balance, turns ratio ), testing of oil , operational test for Buchholz, OTI, WTI. alarm and trip functions. HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING Breakdown mechanism in Di- electrics : Ionisation process : Townsends criterion for B.D. Breakdown in electro-negative gases, Time lag for B.D. streamer theory for B.D. in gases, Paschens Law : B.D. in non- uniform fields , corona discharges and Introduction of corona : Post B.D. phenomenon and applications, Practical considerations in using gases for insulation purpose : vaccum insulation : Liquid as insulators, conduction and B.D. in pure and commercial liquids. Intrinsic, electromechanical and thermal B.D. B.D. of solid dielectrics in practice; B.D. in composite dieelectrics Lighting and Switching over Voltages : Mechanism of Lighting , types of strokes, parameter and characteristics of lighting strokes, characteristics of switching surges; power frequency over voltages, control of O.V. due to switching . protection of lines by ground wires, protection by lightning Assester, gap type and gapless L.A. selection of L.A. ratings surge obsorbers. Travelling waves and insulation coordination : Travelling waves on transmission lines, classification of lines , attenuation and distortion of travelling waves , reflection and transmission of waves, behaviour of rectangular waves at transition points. Introduction to insulation coordination, associated terms, inpluse wave- form, introduction to BIL and SIL. Generation of High Voltage and currents : Generation of High CD voltages by rectifiers, voltage doubler and multiplier circuits ( Derivations of expression not required ). Electrostatic machines, generations of high AC voltages by cascade transformers, Resonant transformers, generation of high frequency AC high voltages. Generation of inpluse voltages :standard impluse wave shapes, analysis of model and commercial inpluse generation circuits, wave shape control, Marx circuit, tripping and control of impluse generation, generation of switching surges, generation of impluse current.
7S-EE-04 UNIT- 1 :
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
Measurement of high A.C. and DC voltages by microammeter, generating Voltmeters, Resistance and capacitance potential divider, series impedance voltmeter, CVT, Magnetic type potential transformers electrostatic voltmeter, peak reading ac voltmeters, measurement of High AC DC currents : Measurement of high frequency and impulse current by resistive shunts ( Bifiliar strip shunt only ). Non destructive and high voltage testing of electrical apparatus : Non- destructive testing : Measurement of DC Restivity, measurement of Di- electric constant and Loss- faactor ( low and power frequency only ), schering bridge for high charging circuits, for high dissipation factor, for three terminal measurements, transformer ratio arm bridges, partial discharge measurements by straight detector by balance detectors, calibration of detectors, discharge detection in power cables. High voltage testing : Testing of insulators, bushings, isolators, circuit breakers. Cables, transformers, lightning arresters and power capacitors.
POWER ELECTRONICS SCR and its characteristics, gate characteristics, SCR turn off, ratings, series and parallel connections of SCRs triac and its applications, unijunction transistors, Tiggering circuits and optocouplers. Line commutated converters : Working of single pulse converter, two pulse mid point converter and 3 phase six pulse bridge converters effect of source inductance in converters, effect of free wheeling dicode. Single phase and three phase half controlled converters, speed control of d.c.motors using line commutated converters, cycloconverters (single phase ) Static controllable switches : characteristic and working of MOSFET, gate turn off thyristor and insulated gate bipolar transistor. Protection of SCR,gate circuit protection, over voltage and over current protection, snubber circuit design, converter circuit faults and their protection. D.C. Choppers : Principles od step down chopper, step up chopper classification, Impluse commutated and resonant pulse choppers. Multiphase choppers, Application of choppers. Inverters : Basic series resonent inverter, half bridge and full bridge series resonant inverters. Single phase and three phase bridge invertors, commutation and trigger circuits for forced commutated thyrister inverters. Output voltage control, Harmonics in output voltage wave form, Harmonic attenuation by filters. Harmonic reduction by pulse width modulation techniques. Analysis for single pulse width modulation. Working of current source inverters, few applications of inverters.
UNIT 1 :
UNIT- 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
EIGHTH SEMESTER 8S-EE-01 POWER SEMICONDUCTOR BASED DRIVES UNIT 1 : Dynamics of electric drives and control of electric drives, energy conversations in electric drives . D.C. motor drives : Controlled rectifier fed D.C. drives, single and three phase rectifier control of D.C. separately excited motor. Rectifier control of D.C. series motor. Dual converter control of D.C. separately excited motor. Power factory, supply harmonics and ripple in motor current.chopper controlled of dc drives of separately excited dc motor. Chopper control of series motor, source current harmonics. Induction motor drives : Stator voltage control, variable frequency control using voltage source inverter , current sources inverter and cycloconverter. Synchronous Motor Drive : Starting , Braking of Synchronous motor. Variable frequency control, self controller synchronous motor drive employing load commutated thyrister inverter or cycloconverter, starting of large Synchronous motors. Brushless dc motor, stepper motor, switched reluctance motor drives and eddy current drives. Introduction to solar and battery powered drives. Traction drives : Conventional dc and ac traction drives, semiconductors converter controlled rives, 25KV ac traction using semiconductor, chopper controlled dc motors, polyphase AC motors for traction drives.
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
ELECTIVE II 8S-EE-02(1) EHV AC & HVDC TRANSMISSION UNIT 1 : ( i) Power Handling capacities of EHV AC transmission Lines. ( ii ) Voltage gradients : Electric field of point charge , sphere gap, line- charge, single and three phase lines, and bundled conductors. Maxwells potential coefficients, Mangolelt Formula. ( i ) Electrostatic and electromagnetic fields of EHV lines. Electric shock and threshold current : capacitance of long object ; calculation of electrostastic field of A.C. lines ( 3-ph single and double circuit lines only ) Effect of high electrostatic field, measurement of electrostatic field, induced voltages in insulated ground wires, electromagnetic interference. ( ii ) Corona : Types, critical disruptive voltages : Factors affecting corona, Methods for reducing corona power loss, corona current wave form, charge voltage diagram, audible nois and radio interference. ( i ) Comparsion of EHV AC and HVDC systems. ( ii ) Conversion from AC to DC, Rectifiers, converters conversion from DC to AC Invertors.( iii ) Kinds of DC link.
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
( iv ) Earth electrode and earth returns : Introduction objectives, location and configuration, resistance of electrodes, means of reducing earth electrode resistance, troubles caused by earth current and remedies . ( v ) Multiterminal HVDC system : Introduction, 2 pole transmission, MTDC system with series and parallel connected convertors , advantages and parallel connected converters, advantages and applications, configurations and types. UNIT 4 : ( i ) Power flow control in HVDC system : constant current, constant voltage, constant ignition and excitation angle control, control characteristics. ( ii ) Parallel operation of AC and DC links ( synchronus and Asynchronous links ). ( i ) Harmonic Filters : Introduction, Filters, surge capacitors and Damping circuits. Shunt filters, series filters , AC filters and turned filters. Double frequency and damped filters, cost considerations, Rating Harmonics on D.C. side of converters, D.C. Harmonics filters. ( ii ) Reactive power Compensation : Reactive power requirements of HVDC converters, substations, effect of delay angle and extinction angle on reactive power . ( i ) HVDC circuit breakers : Introduction , construction , principle swiching energy, interruption of DC current, application of MRTB, Types of HVDC C.B. capability and characteristics of HVDC circuit breakers. ( ii ) HVDC Substation Protection against over voltages Difference between insulation coordination of AC and DC systems. Fundamental of switching over voltages , O.V. on A.C. sides and on D.C. side, surge- Arresters protection scheme, insulation coordination and protection margine.
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT Need analysis, market survev, characteristics of market, sample survey, demand forecasting, secondary data, accuracy, confidence level, uncertainty. Technical feasibility: Process selection, level of automation, plant capacity, acquiring technology, Appropriate technology plant location, Equipment selection & procurement, Govt. polities. Economic feasibility: Cost of project, working capital analysis, fixed cost, means of finance, estimation of sales & production price analysis, Break even point, projected cash flow statements, projected balance sheet, projected profit & loss statement, projected cash flow. Rate of return. Discounted payback period, cost benefit analysis, return after taxes. Project Planning & Control : CPM, PERT, Optimum project duration, resource allocation, updating. Project report: Preparation of project report, risk analysis, sensitivity analysis, methods of raising capital. Project review: Initial review, performance analysis, ratio analysis, sickness, project revival, environmental & social aspects.
Unit 2:-
Unit 3:-
Unit 4:-
Unit 5:-
Unit 6:-
ADVANCED MICROPROCESSORS AND PERIPHERALS Introduction to 16 bit microprocessors. 8086 / 8088 CPU architecture, Memory organisation and interfacing, Addressing modes, Instruction set, examples pseudoopcodes with ASM 86 . Interfacing of peripherals 8255 and 8253 with 8086, Architecture, operation and interfacing of 8251, 8257 with 8085 and 8086/ 8088. Archirtecture operation and interfacing of 8259, with 8279 with 8085 and 8086/ 8088 . Multiprocessor system bus, 8087 coprocessor with architecture and instruction set. Organisation of PC XT / AT mother board. Introduction to 80286, 386 , 486 architecture. Concepts of cashe, associated/ virtual memory. DOS structure. Architecture of 8097 microcontroller, its important features, interface with paralled and serial I/O ( Instruction set not included ).
UNIT 1 :
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
8S-EE-02(4) UNIT 1 :
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Introduction : Human body, Physiology and subsystems, Biochemistry Measurement of Electrical Activities in human body. Electrocardiography Electro- encephalography, electromygraphy, Electro- retinography principles, specifications and interpretation of records. Measurement of non electrical quantity in human body. Measurement of blood flow, respiration rate and depth heart rate. ESR, blood pressure temperture PH, impedence of various parts GSR, mobility of internal organs. Control of body functioning : Stimulator for muscle and nervous system. Cardisc pacemaker, Blood pump respiration controller myoelectric control of paralysed muscles. Blood pump resipration controller myo electric control of paralysed muscles
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Discrete time signals & systems : Discrete time signals, Discrete time systems, Linearity, causality, stability, static/dynamic, Time Invariance/ Time variance, classification of discrete time systems, linear convolution, circular convolution, cross correlation, Autocorrelation. Linear constant coefficient difference equation, sampling theorem & sampling process, Reconstruction of sampling data, convolution. Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals and systems, Fourier transform of discrete time signals, properties of discrete time Fourier transform. The Z- transform: Definition, properties of the region of convergence for the Z-transform, Z- Transform properties, Inverse Z- transform using contour integration, complex convolution, theorem, Parsevals unilateral Z- transform, stability interpretation using Jurysarray. Transform analysis of LTI system & structures for discrete time system: Frequency response for LTI system, relationship between magnitude & phase, all pass system, minimum phase system, linear system with generalized linear phase. Block diagram representation & signal flow graph representation of linaer constant coefficient difference equation, basic structures fir IIR system, transposed forms, basic network structures fir FIR systems, lattice structures. Filter design techinques :- Design of discrete time IIR filters from continoues time filters Frequency transformation of low pass IIR filters, design of FIR filters by windowing, FIR filter design by Kasier window method, Frequency sampling method. Discrete fourier Transform:- Discrete fourier series, properties of discrete fourier series, dicsrtet fourier transform, porperties of DFt, circular convoulution using discrete fourier transform, Decimation in time FFT algorithm, decimation in frequency FFT, FFT of long sequences using overlap add& overlap save method.
Unit 2:-
Unit 3:-
Unit 4:-
Unit 5:-
Unit 6:-
SWITCH GEAR AND PROTECTION General Philosophy of Protective Relaying : Protective Zones, primary protection , Back up protection, Back up protection, Remote and locol back up. Selectivity. Medium Voltage overcurrent relays. Line Protection : Overcurrent relaying, directional
UNIT- 1 :
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
High Voltage Line Protection : Distance relays, carrier distance schemes. Unit carrier schemes. Equipment Protection : Principles of differential relaying, protection of generator , transformers and busbars by differential relaying and other relays. Protection of Induction motors against overloads, short circuits, thermal relays, miniature circuit breakers.
UNIT- 4 :
UNIT 5 :
Introduction to static relays : Comparison of static and electro mechanicalrelays, two input amplitude and phase comparators and their duality, Generation of various distance relay charasteristicsusing above comparators. Switchgear : Circuit breakers, Arc interruption theory, recovery and Restriking voltages, RRRV, breaking of inductive and capactive currents, C.B. ratings, different media of arc interruption, overview of oil circuit breakers, construction and operation of Air blast, SF6 and vacuum breakers.
UNIT 6 :
COMPUTER APPLICATION IN ELECTRICAL ENGG. Oncidence & Network Matrices : Graph incidance Matrices, premitive network, formation of network matrices by singular transformations. Algorithm for formation of Bus Impedanace and Bus Admitance matrix for system mutual coupling. Three Phase Networks : Three phase balance network elements with balanced and unbalanced excitation, incidence and network matrices for three phase element. Algorithm for formation of three phase bus impedance matrics without mutual coupling. Load Flow Studies : Power system load flow equations, solution techinque : Gauss seidal, Newton Raphson and fast decoupled techinque with and without holtage control buses. Representation of tap changing and phase shifting transformers. Elementry load flow programmes. Short Circuit Studies : Three phase network short circuit calculations using bus impendence matrix for balanced and unbalanced faults. Computer programme for short circuit studies on simple system. Transient Stability Studies : Modelling of synchronous machine, power system network for transient stability studies. Numercial of swing equation by Modified Eular and Runge Kutta 4th Order method. Elementry computer programme for the transient stability study.
UNIT 1 :
UNIT 2 :
UNIT 3 :
UNIT 4 :
UNIT 5 :
UNIT 6 :
FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B.E.) DEGREE COURSE BRANCH: COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS L:Theory T:Tutorial P:Practical IA:Internel assessment MXM: Maximum marks MNM:Minimum Marks A: Paper duration in Hours B: MXM Theory C: MXM-IA D: Total (B+C) E: MNM Passing Marks F: MXM Ext G: MXM-IA H: Total(F+G) I:MNM Passing marks
Semester :THIRD
Sr. No. SUBJEC T CODE SUBJECT TEACHING SCHEME L T P Total Hrs/We ek 5 4 7 7 7 2 32 GRAND TOTAL: EXAMINATION SCHEME THEORY A 3 3 3 3 3 -B 80 80 80 80 80 -C 20 20 20 20 20 -D 100 100 100 100 100 -500 700 PRACTICAL E 40 40 40 40 40 -F --25 25 25 -G --25 25 25 50 H --50 50 50 50 200 I --25 25 25 IA
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 3
1 1 1 1 1 -5
--2 2 2 2 8
4 4 4 -1 9
FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B.E.) DEGREE COURSE BRANCH: COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS L:Theory T:Tutorial P:Practical IA:Internel assessment MXM: Maximum marks MNM:Minimum Marks A: Paper duration in Hours B: MXM Theory C: MXM-IA D: Total (B+C) E: MNM Passing Marks F: MXM Ext G: MXM-IA H: Total(F+G) I:MNM Passing marks
Semester :FOURTH
Sr. No. SUBJECT CODE SUBJECT TEACHING SCHEME L T P Total Hrs/We ek 5 7 7 5 6 2 32 GRAND TOTAL: EXAMINATION SCHEME THEORY A 3 3 3 3 3 -B 80 80 80 80 80 -C 20 20 20 20 20 -D 100 100 100 100 100 -500 700 PRACTICAL E 40 40 40 40 40 -F -25 25 -25 -G -25 25 -25 50 H -50 50 -50 50 200 I -25 25 -25 IA
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 4
1 1 1 1 1 -5
-2 2 -2 2 8
4 4 3 -19
FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B.E.) DEGREE COURSE BRANCH: COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS L:Theory T:Tutorial P:Practical IA:Internel assesment MXM: Maximum marks MNM:Minimum Marks A: Paper duration in Hours B: MXM Theory C: MXM-IA D: Total (B+C) E: MNM Passing Marks F: MXM Ext G: MXM-IA H: Total(F+G) I:MNM Passing marks
Semester :FIFTH
Sr. No. SUBJEC T CODE SUBJECT TEACHING SCHEME L T P Total Hrs/We ek 6 6 7 4 4 4 31 GRAND TOTAL: EXAMINATION SCHEME THEORY A 3 3 3 3 3 3 B 80 80 80 80 80 80 C 20 20 20 20 20 20 D 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 750 PRACTICAL E 40 40 40 40 40 40 F 25 25 25 ---G 25 25 25 ---H 50 50 50 ---150 I 2 5 2 5 2 5 ----
1 2 3 4 5 6
3 3 4 3 3 3 19
1 1 1 1 1 1 6
2 2 2 ---6
FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B.E.) DEGREE COURSE BRANCH: COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS L:Theory T:Tutorial P:Practical IA:Internel assesment MXM: Maximum marks MNM:Minimum Marks A: Paper duration in Hours B: MXM Theory C: MXM-IA D: Total (B+C) E: MNM Passing Marks F: MXM Ext G: MXM-IA H: Total(F+G) I:MNM Passing marks
Semester :SIXTH
Sr. No. SUBJEC T CODE SUBJECT TEACHING SCHEME L T P Total Hrs/We ek 4 7 5 7 5 3 30 GRAND TOTAL: EXAMINATION SCHEME THEORY A 3 3 3 3 3 -B 80 80 80 80 80 -C 20 20 20 20 20 -D 100 100 100 100 100 -500 650 PRACTICAL E 40 40 40 40 40 -F -2 5 -2 5 -2 5 G -2 5 -2 5 -2 5 H -50 -50 -50 150 I -25 -25 -25
1 2 3 4 5 6
3 4 4 4 4 -19
1 1 1 1 1 -5
-2 -2 -3 7
FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B.E.) DEGREE COURSE BRANCH: COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS L:Theory MXM: A: Paper duration in Hours F: MXM Ext T:Tutorial Maximum B: MXM Theory G: MXM-IA P:Practical marks C: MXM-IA H: Total(F+G) IA:Internel assesment MNM:Minimu D: Total (B+C) I:MNM Passing marks m Marks E: MNM Passing Marks Semester :SEVENTH
Sr. No. SUBJEC T CODE SUBJECT TEACHING SCHEME L T P Total Hrs/Week EXAMINATION SCHEME THEORY A 3 3 3 3 3 B 80 80 80 80 80 C 20 20 20 20 20 D 100 100 100 100 100 500 GRAND TOTAL: 650 PRACTICAL E 40 40 40 40 40 F 2 5 2 5 G 25 25 50 H 50 50 50 150 I 25 25 25
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 3 7
5 7 7 5 5 3 32
0 20
FOUR YEAR BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B.E.) DEGREE COURSE BRANCH: COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS L:Theory MXM: Maximum A: Paper duration in Hours T:Tutorial marks B: MXM Theory P:Practical MNM:Minimum Marks C: MXM-IA IA:Internel assesment D: Total (B+C) E: MNM Passing Marks Semester :EIGHTH
EXAMINATION SCHEME THEORY A 3 3 3 3 B 80 80 80 80 C 20 20 20 20 D 100 100 100 100 PRACTICAL E 40 40 40 40 F 25 25 75 400 GRAND TOTAL: 650 G 25 25 75 H 25 50 150 250 I 25 25 75
1 2 3 4 5
4 4 4 4 1 6
1 1 1 1 4
2 2 6 1 0
7 7 5 5 6 30
Semester III (CT/CE/IT) APPLIED MATHEMATICS 33CT-1 Unit 1: Laplace TransformsLaplace Transforms and their simple properties,some applications of Laplace transforms to solve ordinary differential equations including simultaneous equations,Applications to one dimensional partial differential equation (10) Unit 2: Fourier and Z-transformsFourier Integral Theorem,Fourier Sine and Cosine Integrals,Fourier Transforms,Finite Fourier Sine and Cosine transform,Z-Transform definition and properties,inversion by partial fraction decomposition,relation with Laplace transforms, Applications of Z-transform to solve difference equations with constant co-efficient. (7) Unit 3: Matrices Inverse of matrix by partitioned method,Inverse of matrix by adjoint method, and its use in solving simultaneous equation,rank of matrix,Consistency of a system of equations, Linear depandence,Linear and Orthogonal transformations. (6)
Unit 4:
Matrices Characteristics equation,Eigenvalues,Eigenvectors,Reduction of diagonal forms,Statement and verification of Cayley-Hamilton theoram,Sylvesters theoram, Association of matrices with linear differential equation of second order with a constant coefficient,Determination of largest eigenvalue by iteration method. (7) Unit 5: Theory of ProbabilityAxioms and models,Conditional Probability,bayes Rule examples,Random variables-Simple examples,Discreate and continuous random variables,jointly distributed variables. (8) Unit 6: Distribution of Random Variables Examples,expectations-Moments,Conditional distributions and conditional expectations,stochastic Process-Bernouli and poisson process (7) Text Books: 1.Higher Engg. Mathematics,B.S.Grewal 2.Theory and problems of probability and statistics,M.R.Spiegal (McGRAW Hill) Schaum Series. 3.Advanced Engineering mathematics,Kreyszig Reference Books: 1. Applied Mathematics for Engineering and Physics,L.A.Pipes and Harvile 2. Mathematics for engineers,Chandrika Prasad 3. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers,Chandrika Prasad 4. Probability and statistics for Engineering 4th Ed ,Miller Freund and Johnson 5. Probability ,Statistics with reliability,Queuing and Computer Sciences Application,K.S.Trivedi
33CT-2 Unit 1:
NETWORK ANALYSIS Nodal and mesh basis equilibrium equation, Matrix approach of complicated network containing voltage and current sources and inductances,sources Transformation ,Duality Network Theorems,Super position, Reciprocatory,Thevenins,Nortans transfer,Compensation and Tellegens as applied to A.C. circuits. maximum Power
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Two port networks parameters and interconnections,Scattering parameters,Basic Ideas of network graph,Network tree ,Tie sets,Equilibrium equations on Tie set & model basis using topological method. Trignometric and Exponential Fourier Series,Discreate Spectra and Symmetry of waveforms,Steady State response of a network to non-sinusoidal periodic inputs,power factor,effective values, Fourier transforms and Continuous spectra,three phase unbalanced circuits and power calculations. Laplace Transform and properties ,partial fractions , Singularity functions and wave form synthesis ,Analysis of RC,RL and RLC network without initial conditions with laplace transforms, Evaluation of initial conditions. Transient behaviour,concept of complex frequency, Driving point transfer function, Poles and zeros of immitance functions their properties, sinusoidal response from polezero locations, Convolution theoram and integral solutions. Kelker and Pandit: Linear Network Theory,saroj Prakashan Van Valkenburg: Network Analysis ,Prentice Hall Reza and silly: Modern Network Analysis,McGraw Hill INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING Fundamentals Of Computers: Introduction,Basic Structure Of A Computer,Input Process Output System, Input/Output Devices,Memories,Hardware ,Software,System Software,Application Software,Applications Of Computers,Types Of Computers,Programming Languages,Error In Languages,Algorithms And Flowcharts. Programming Languages C Variables, Datatypes ,Declaration,Operators,Expressions, Input Output Operations, Formatted I/O, Hierarchy Of Operations,Expression Making, The While,The For, The DoWhile Loops,Nesting Of Loops,Switch ,Continue,Break Statements,Jumps In Loops,Goto Statements Defining and Using Functions,Parameter Passing,Recursion,Pointers To Functions,Global,Static,Local Variables, Command Line Arguments Array variables,syntax rules for arrays,multiple subscripts in arrays reading and writing multidimensional arrays pointers and arrays,array of pointers ,manipulation in array ,string handling. Using Structure,Structure in arrays, arrays in structure ,pointers for structures ,pointer to pointer, enumerated data type, union, preprocessor , macros, compilers,controlled directives File management ,sequential files, unformatted files,text files, Binary files, Bitwise operators. Graphic Programming: Lines, Drawing and filling images,Patterns, Drawing and Filling Shapes, pallets & colors, text in graphics. Programming in ANSI C by E. Balguruswamy The ANSI C programming by Kerninghm and Ritchie Let us C by Y.P.Kanetkar Turbo C refernce manual C in depth by Srivastava,BPB Pub C by Aitken BPB Pub.
Unit 4:
Unit 5:
Unit 6:
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Unit 5:
Unit I : Semiconductor Diodes And Power Supplies Intrinsic & Extrinsic Semiconductors,Theory Of Pn Junction Diode,Junction Capacitance,Zener Diodes,Varactor Diodes,Tunnel Diodes,Power Supplies,Half Wave And Full Wave Rectifiers,Voltage Doublers,Filters,Ripple Factors,Zener And Emitter Follower Type & Series Regulators. Unit II: Junction Transistors Theory Of Operation,Static Characteristics,Break Down Voltages,Current Voltage Power Limitataion,Biasing Of Bjt,Differenent Biasing Arrangements,Stability Factor,Thermal Runaway,Power Transistors. Unit III: BJT Analysis Small Signal Analysis Of CE,CB,CC Amplifiers And Comparision. High Frequency Analysis,Calculation Of Frequency Response,Gain Bandwidth Product. Unit IV: Power Amplifiers Classification A,B,Ab.C Classes Efficiency,Push Pull Configuration( A,B,AB) , Complimentry Symmetry, Second Harmonic And Cross Over Distortion. Unit V: Positive And Negative Feedback Amplifiers Feedback Amplifiers,Classification ,Practical Circuits, Application , Advantages. Oscillators,Stability,Barkhausen Criterion Rc,Lc And Crystal Oscillator. Unit VI: Fet & Its AnalysisField Effect Transistor And Mosfet, Principles Of Operation And Characteristics,Biasing Arrangements, Small Signal Analysis Of Cg , Cd,Cs. High Frequency Analysis. Note: Emphasis To The Given On Theoritical Aspects And Not Mathematical Aspects.
Practicals Based On Above Syllabus Text Books: 1. Integrated Electronics By Millman And Halkies 2. Electronic Devices And Circuits By Millman And Halkies Reference Books: 1. Electronic Circuits- Discrete And Integrated By Schilling & Belove 2. Micro Electronics By Millman And Gabrel 33 CT 5 Digital Electronics Unit I: Analog Vs. Digital Circuits,Transistors as Switch,Boolean Algebra, Boolean identities, Logic problems, Binary , Gray,Octal ,Hex, and ASCII Codes,Logic gates, and Truth Tables, Demorgan' s Law , Sum of Product and Product of Sum, K-Maps, Solution of problems using K-maps. Unit II: Quine McCluskey's method Unit III:Basic Combinational Circuits,Logic Operand Switch, Totem Pole output and Tri state Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers., Code converters output Decoders,
Unit IV:Introduction to Flip Flops,Latches,Concept of Clock,,memory organisation with Flip-Flop as basic cell ,RAM,ROM,EPROM, and EEPROM an overview, master Slave Combination and conversion of one type to another type flip flop. Unit V: Excitation tables and introduction to sequential Circuits, Counters Synchronous/Asynchronous , different modulo counter with Reset or Clear facility, Design of counters of Arbitrary modulo with K-maps, Lock T Counters Unit VI:Arithmatic Circuits: Adders( Half and Full ), Subtractors, (half and Full) BCD Adders or Subtractors, Carry Look ahead Adders, Concept of ALU and its Design.
Text Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 33CT-6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Digital circuits and Microprocessors by Herbert Taub An introduction to Digital Computer Design by Rajaraman and Radhakrishnan. Digital Circuits by M. Mano Digital Electronics Principles by Malvino COMPUTER WORKSHOP-I
Introduction to PC hardware Introduction to networking environment Working under DOS environment Working under Windows Environment Mini project
Set Theory: Operations on Sets , relation and functions, Partial order, Equivalence relations, Peano axioms and induction Mathematical Logic Propositions, Predicate logic, formal mathematical systems, Algebra, Homomorphism, Automorphism. Groups Elements of theory of Some algebras, semigroups, monoids, groups Rings,Fields, Lattice, Boolean Algebra Graph Theory Graphs, Hypergraphs, transitive closure, Spanning trees Combinatorics generating functions,Recurrences counting theoram and applications.
Unit II: Unit III: Unit IV: Rings Unit V: Unit VI: Text Books:
1.Discrete Mathematical structures for Computer science, Kolman and Busby(PHI) 2.Combinotirial mathematics, C.L.Liu(McGraw Hill) (COMMON TO CS/CT/CE/IT)
44CT-2 DATA STRUCTURES Unit I: Introduction to data Structures: Basic concepts of data, How to create Programmes.Arrays: Order List, Sparse matrices, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, heap sort, selection and bubble Sort, Linear Search, Binary search. Unit II: Stacks and Queues: Fundamentals , Evolution of expressions, Polish Expressions and their compilation, Application s of Stack, Multiple Stack and Queues, Priority Queues. Unit III: Linked list: Singly Linked List, Linked Stacks and Queues, Polynomial additions, Examples on linked list, Circular linked list, doubly linked list and dynamic storage management, generalized list. Unit IV: Trees : basic terminology, basic Trees, Binary Tree representation, threaded storage representation, binary tree traversal, binary search tree, applications of tree, preliminary treatment of AVL Trees, B-Trees , Tries. Unit V: Graphs: Defination and terminology, Graph representation: matrix representation of graphs, list of structures , other representation of graphs, breadth first search, depth first search,spanning trees, shortest path algorithm, topological sorting, critical path. Unit V: Files: Storagee structures on tapes and disk, sorting with Disk and tapes, Sequential files, Indexed sequential files, direct Access files, Hashing Techniques. Text Books: 1. Fundamentls of Data Structure by Horowitz and Sahani 2. Algorithms, Data Structures and Programmes by Niclaus Worth 3. Data Structures in C/C++ by Tennabaun 4. An Introduction to data Structures with applications by Trembley and Sonerson 5. Data Structure and Programme Design in C by Kruse, Leung and Tondo,(PHI) 6. Data structure and Algorithm by Lafore(BPB) 7. Data Structure through C(BPB) Note: Data Structure to be implemented in C
Unit I : Introduction to Intel's 8085 A, Architecture Description , Memory and Input or Output, Instruction set. Unit II : Addressing Modes, Timing diagrams, Assemblers and Dessemblers( by hand Coding), Flag Structure, Concept of PSW, Stacks ,Subroutine, PUSH and POP Instructions, CALL /RETURN Instruction, Stack manipulation ,Simple Programmes. Unit III: Programming Techniques, looping, Counting, Indexing, Counters and Timing Delays, Intrrupt Concepts and Structure in 8085. Interrupt Service routine. Advanced Instruction of 8085. Unit IV: Methods of data Transfer Serial , Parallel, Synchronous and Asynchronous . IN/OUT Instructrion. Timing Diagram, Simple hardware Interface to 8085 of standard latches / Buffers / keys/ Display Devices as I/O Ports. handshaking concepts. Architecture and Interface of 8155, 8255 and 8253 to 8085, Interfacing of ADC /DAC. Unit V:Hardware considerations- Bus contention, Slow Memory Interfacing, Complete Signal Description of 8085, Multiplexed Keyboard/ Display Interface and Assembler Directives. Unit VI:Introduction to 8086, Architecture of 8086 Text Books: 1. 2. 3. Microprocessors Architecture Programming and Application with 8085 by R.S. Gaonkar Microprocessor and Interfacing: D.V.Hall Microprocessors System: The 8086/8088 family: Liu Gibson
Unit I: Basic Structure of Computer Hardware and Software: Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Bus Structures,Software , Distributed Computing, Concluding remarks. addressing methods and machine program sequencing : Memory Locations , addressing and encoding of information, Main memory operation , Instructions and Instruction sequencing, addressing modes, Assembly language, Stacks, Subroutine. Unit II: Instruction Sets: Instruction Format , limitations of Shortword- length machines,High level language considerations, the IBM 37 0. Processing Unit: Some fundamental concepts, Execution of a complete instruction , Sequencing of control Signals , Concluding remarks. Unit III: Microprogrammed Control: Microinstructions, Grouping of control signals , Microprogram sequencing, Micro Instructionwith next Address field, perfecting microinstruction, Emulation, Bit Slices, Introduction to Microprogramming. Unit IV: Arithmatic: Number Representation , Addition of Positive numbers, Logic Design for fast adders, Addition and Subtraction , Arithmatic and Branching conditions, Multiplications of positive numbers, Signed- Operand multiplication, fast Multiplication, Integer Division, Floating point numbers and operations .
Unit V: The main Memory: some basic concepts , semiconductor RAM memories, Memory system consideration, semiconductor ROM memories, Multiple module memories and interleaving, CACHE Memories, Virtual memories, memory management requirements. Unit VI:Computer Peripherals: I/O Devices, Online storage, File services.processors: Families of microprocessors Chips, Introduction to RISC Processors, Array processor, Loosely Coupled, Tightly Coupled System. Text Books: Computer Organisation 3rd Edn-V.CarlHamacher, McGrawHill 1. Reference: Computer Architechture and Organisation by J.P. Hayes
44CT-5 ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND MEASUREMENTS Unit I: Measuring instruments classification: Absolute and Secondary Instruments, Indicating Instruments, general principle of working of permanent magnet Moving coil, Moving Iron, Dynamometer and induction Instruments, power and energy Instruments. Unit II:Potentiometer: D.C. and A.C. Potentiometer, Application for measurements of Voltage , Current and Power. Resistance: Inductance and capacitance, Measurement of Low , medium and High Resistance, Elementary method of measurement of inductance and capacitance, generalised theory of A.C. Bridges. Unit III:Electronics Instruments: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Digital Volt meter, Multimeter, Vacuum tube voltmeters, Transistor voltmeters( TVMS) A.C. Millivoltmeter, concepts of Instruments amplifiers, x-y recorders. Unit IV:Transformers: Single Phase and Three-Phase, effect of loading, regulation, open circuit and short circuit test, efficiency, all day efficiency, parallel operation ,auto transformers. Unit V:D.C. Generators, series, Shunt and Compound Commutator , Armature EMF, Armature reaction and Commutation. D.C. Motors: series, shunt and compound, back EMF, characteristics , starting , speed control and applications. Unit VI:Three phase Induction motor: Principle of operation, Type, Torque, and slip, equivalent circuit, no load and blocked rotar test, starting, speed control and applications. single phase motors: principles of operation of single phase induction motor, starting methods. Three phase synchronous machines: motor and generator action, synchronous impedance and excitation voltage, equivalent circuit, voltage regulation, starting of motor, effect of excitation , variation in case of motor. Text Books: 1. Electrical Machines by Nagrath and Kothari 2. Electrical measurements and measuring Instruments by Golding 3. Electric measurements and measuring instruments by Baldwin 4. Electrical technology Vol.-II by B.L. Thereja 5. Basic Electrical Engineering by Fitzerald and Grable Higginbotham
44CT-6 1. 2 3. 4.
Introduction to MS-Word,Excel and Powerpoint. .Introduction to Internet and WWW Introduction to Foxpro Mini project
OBJECT ORIENTED METHODOLOGY :Introduction to OOP methodology,Features of OOP language like data Encapsulation ,Inheritance ,Polymorphism and Late Binding. :Concept of class ,instantiating a class.Static and nonstatic members. Controlling accessibility overriding a method operator.Concept of Abstract class.Concept of interface implementing an interface. :Building of data structures like linked list satcks,queues,trees,has table :Concept of exception and exception handling mechanism in OOP.
UNIT V :Introduction of streams,use of stream classes concept of serialzation. UNIT VI :Case studies of Object Oriented Systems in C++,including introduction to Templates.
Text Books : 1. 2. Object Oriented Programming : An Evolutionary Approach Brad Cox :Ad Wesley Mastering C++ Ravishanker ,Venugopal,TMH
UNIT II : AM modulation ,series plate modulated class C amplifierand power calculation,SSb modulation SSB-SC modulation.A.M. Demodulators, ,square law detector,diodes peak detector.envelop detecter,detecters for SSB and SSB-SC A.M. signals,A.M. using transistors. UNIT III: Angle modulation , Frequency modulation,spectrum,Reactance tube and FET modulators,Armstrong method,F.M. transmitters,frequency, stabilization methods,FM descriminator,Foster Seely,PLL detectors,stereophonic FM. . UNIT IV Pulse modulation: Pulse Amplitude modulation,(PAM), Pulse Width modulation,(P.W.M), Pulse Position,(P.P.M),Pulse Code Modulation(P.C.M),Delta modulation(DM).. UNIT V : Radio Receiver and its measurements:TRE receiver,superheterodyne Receiver,Detailed study of block schematic and circuits of mixture,RF- Stage,I.F. stage,detector,Automatic Grain Control(AGC),FM Radio receiver. UNIT VI: Line Telephony:Elemental phone system,central switching system,simple exchange, two and four wire connections,time division multiplexing, time division switching ,Time slot interchanging,space array for Digital signals,combined space time switching. Text Books 1. Electron Tube Circuits Seely. 2. Communication Electronics ; Kennedy Practical Based on above syllabus.
55CT-3 UNIT I :
ADVANCED MICROPROCESSORS Architecture of 8086,Physical address formation ,addressing modes, Instruction set & programming. segmentation of memory,
Different input/output techniques,Interfacing with latches, buffers, interfacing of keyboard matrix,seven segment display,DAC,ADC,interfacing of 8253. Interrupts of 8086 ,Interfacing with PIC (8259A) ,CRT controller 6845,Floppy disc controller 8272 and hard disk controller. Maximum mode of 8086,co-processing and multiprocessing ,I/O processing .numerical data processor 8087 architecture ,interfacing with 8086,instruction set and programming ,PDMAC 8237,interfacing with 8086,8279A,interfacing with 8086. Introduction to 8 bit microcontroller 8051,architecture ,instruction set and programming. 80386 microprocessor ,addressing modes, instruction set ,real mode, protected mode.
Text books: 1. Microprocessor and interfacing : Douglas Hall. 2. Microprocessor and Architecture ,programming abd application : Ramesh Gaonkar. 3. Microprocessor System : The 8086/8000 family :Liu Gibson. 55CT-4 UNIT I: SYSTEM PROGRAMMING Background Machine Structure ,Assemblers ,Loaders,Macros,Compilers,Formal system ,Operating system User viewpoint :Functions,operating system viewpoint :Batch control language ,operating system user viewpoints :Facilities. Machine structure ,Machine Language and assembly language general Machine structure ,General approach to a new machine ,Machine Structure : IBM 360/370,Architecture of 68000 (Motorola) Assemblers general Design Procedure ,Design of Assembler ,Macro language and the macro processor ,Macro instructions ,features of macro facility ,macro instruction arguments,Conditional Macro Expansion ,Macro Calls Within Macros ,Macros Instructions Defining Macros ,Implementation of a restricted facility of two pass algorithm , a single pass algorithm ,Implementation of macro calls within macros ,Implementation within assembler. Loaders schemes ,compile and go loaders,general loader scheme ,absolute loaders,subroutine linkages ,relocating loaders,direct linking loaders,Other loaders schemes-binders,linking loaders,overlays ,Dynamic Binders,Design of absolute loaders,Design of a direct linking loaders. Introduction to device drivers :Accessing drivers,interface with kernel ,Study of mouse drivers,Analog to digital interface ,low level device controller consideration. Lexical analysis : Role of lexical analysis ,recognition of tokens,study of tools like lex.
Text Books : 1. System Programming by Leland Beck,Pearson Ed. 2. Units Unix device drives by George Pajani ,Pearson Ed. 3. Device drives for Windows by Norton ,Add Wesley. 4. Assembly & Assemblers by Gorshine ,Prentice Hall
55CT-5 UNIT I :
THEORY OF COMPUTATION Strings ,Alphabet ,Language ,Operations, Finite state machine ,definitions .Finite automation model ,acceptance of strings and languages .Non Determinstic Finite Automation , Determinstic Finite Automation ,Equivalence between NFA and DFA ,Conversion of NFA into DFA, Minimization of FSM ,Equivalence between two FSMs Moore and Mealy Machines.
Regular sets ,Regular expressions ,Identity rules ,Manipulation of regular expressions ,Equivalence between RE and FA. Inter conversion ,Pumping, Lemma, closure properties of regular sets ( Proofs not required),Regular grammars, Right linear and left linear grammars,Equivalence between regular linera grammer and F.A. interconversion between RE and RG. Context free grammar ,Derivation trees,Chomsky Normal form ,Greibach normal form ,push down automata ,definition ,model ,acceptance of CFL ,equivalence CFL and PDA ,Interconversion ,enumeration of properties of CFL(Proofs ommited) Turing machine ,Definition ,Model to TM, Computable functions,Recursive ensumerable language ,Churchs hypothesis, Counter machine,Types of TMs (Proof not required) Chomsky hierarchy of language , Linear bounded automata and context sensitive language ,introduction of DCFL and DPDA,LR(0),grammar ,decidability of problems. Undecidability ,Properties of recursive & non-recursive ensumarable language ,universal turing machine ,post correspondence problem. Recursive function Theory Basis functions and operations on them .Bounded minimalization preemptive recursive function unbounded minimalization and recrsivefunction .Equivalence of turing computable function and recursive function.
Text books : 1. Introduction to Automata Theory Languages and computation by Hopcroft H.E. and Ullman 2. Introduction to languages and the Theory of Automata by John C.Martin 55CT 6 UNIT I : CONTROL SYSTEM Introduction to need for automation and automatic control, use of feedback, broad spectrum of system application .Mathematical modeling, diff equations ,transfer function ,block diagram, signal flow graphs, application to elementary feedback on parameter variations ,disturbance signal ,servomechanism and regulators. Control system components , electrical, electromechanical , their functional analysis and input output representation . Time response of system .First order and second order system ,standard inputs ,concept of gain and time constants .Steady state error ,type of control system ,approximate methods for higher order system. Stability of control systems ,conditions of stability ,characteristics equation .Routh Hurwitz criterion ,special cases for determining relative stability. Root location and its effect on time response , elementary idea of root locus ,effect of addition of pole and zero on proximity of imaginary axis.
Frequency response method of analyzing linear system. Nyquist and Bode plot , Stability and accuracy analysis from frequency response ,open loop and close loop frequency response. Nyquist criterion . Effect of variation of gain and addition of pole and zero on response plot , stability margin in frequency response. State variable method of analysis , characteristics of system state .choice of state ,representation of vector matrix differential equation ,Standard form relation between transfer function and state variables.
Books : 1. Automatic control system by B.C.Kuo (P.H.I) 2. Control system analysis by Nagrath/Gopal 3. Linear system analysis by Dazzo and Houpis (M.H) Reference : 1. Control Systems ,Principles and design by M.Gopal by TMH.
66CT-1 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT / ECONOMICS UNIT I Micro and Macro economics: law of demand ,price ,income and substitution elasticity.Supply elascity ,demand forecasting methods,advertising elasticity and practical uses , cost and production functions,COBB-Douglus production function. UNIT II Money: Constituents of money supply M1,M2,M3 etc as used by RBI,Demand for money ,LM-curve.Inflaction ,Deflaction ,Stackflaction ,Commercial Banking ,central banking ,methods of credit control ,fiscl ,measures,and price stability.Trade bills ,RBI .Credit policies in recent years . UNIT III Concept of national income: Methods of calculating GDP,GNP,NNP etc as factor cost ,at market prices etc Numerical problems on national income,capital formation ,saving and investment relationship ,economic growth,economic and population growth rates,and their estimation.Indian economic growth in recent years,Saving investment equilaty,LM,IS-curves. UNIT IV Definations,Nature and Scope of management,Functions of Management,Planing,Decision Making ,organising ,controling ,Communicating. UNIT V Defination ,nature and scope of marketing management ,concept of marketing ,pricing of products ,advertising and sales promotion. UNIT VI Definition ,nature and scope of financial management ,balance sheet ,profit and lost account ,principles of costing ,diff budgets, Text Books and Reference Books: 1. Micro economics by M.L Seth 2. Macro economics by M.L Seth 3. Business organization and management by S.A SHERLEKR 4. Industrial management by I.K CHOPDE,A.M SHEIKH 5. Marketing management by PHILIP KOTLER. 6. National income and Accounting 7. Financial management by K.C KUCHHAL
66CT-2 Unit I
Software: Characteristics, Components, and Applications. Software Engineering- A layered Technology, The Software process, Software Process models, Linear Sequential Model, Prototyping Model, RAD Model and Evolutionary Software Models. Software Process & Project Metrics: metrics in Project & Process Domains, Software Measurement, and Metrics for Software Quality. Project Planning Objectives: Software Scope, resources, Software Project Estimation, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical estimation Models, make-Buy decision. Risk Management: Software risks, Risk Identification, Projection. Defining Task set for software Project, selecting Software Engineering Tasks, Scheduling and Project Plan. Software Quality Assurance, Software reviews, Formal approach to SQA, Software Reliability, The SQA plan. Conventional Methods for Software Engg: System Engg., Product Engg., Modeling the System Architecture, System specifications. Analysis Concepts & Principles, Software prototyping, Specifications, Analysis Modeling. Design Concepts, Principles & Methods, design for Real-Time System. Software Testing Methods. Object oriented Software Engineering, Object oriented Analysis, Object Oriented Design & Testing. Advanced Topics in Software Engg: Software Reuse, Reengineering, Client/Server Software Engg and Computer Aided Software Engg.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V Unit VI
Text Book: Software Engineering-A Practitioners Approach (Fourth Edition) By Roger S. Pressman McGraw Hill
66CT-3 Unit I
ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS Mathematical foundations, summation of arithmetic and geometric series, n, n2, bounding summations using integration, recurrence relations, solutions of recurrence relations using technique of characteristic equation and generating functions. Asymptotic notations of analysis of algorithms, analyzing control structures, worst case and average case analysis, amortised analysis, sorting algorithms such as selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, heap sort, lower bound proof, elementary and advanced data structures with operations on them and their time complexity. Divide and conquer basic strategy, binary search, quick sort, merge sort, Fast Fourier Transform etc. Greedy method basic strategy, application to job sequencing with deadlines problem, minimum cost spanning trees, single source shortest path etc. Dynamic Programming basic strategy, multistage graphs, all pair shortest path, single source shortest paths, optimal binary search trees, traveling salesman problem. Basic Traversal and Search Techniques, breadth first search, connected components, Backtracking basic strategy, 8 Queens problem, graph colouring, Hamiltonian cycles etc. NP-hard and NP-complete problems, basic concepts, non deterministic algorithms, NP-hard and NPcomplete, Cooks Theorem, decision and optimization problems, polynomial reduction.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Books : 1. Thomas H. Cormen Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India. 2. Horowitz, Sahani, Rajsekharan, Computer Algorithms, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd. 3. Brassard, Bratley, Fundamentals of Algorithms, Prentice Hall.
66CT-4 DATA PROCESSING & FILE SYSTEMS Unit I File Characteristics: File Functions, File & File Record, File Record and Its contents, File & File Volume, File & Device records : Blocking & deblocking, Buffering for sequential Files, File Protection, Errors in File processing. File Organization and Access methods: Sequential File Organization, Indexed File Organization, Relative File Organization, Comparison of File Organization Methods, Selection of File Organization. Elements of Cobol: Structure of Cobol Programs, Cobol Coding Rules, Identification & Environment division of Cobol. Data Division Features of Cobol: Picture, Blank when Zero, currency and decimal points, synchronized justified clause, multiple data records, redefine, rename, value clauses. Procedure Division Features: Input/output File and Data oriented, Data movement, Arithmetic operations, statements for control of execution flow. Arrays and Occurs Clause, Condition Names, Perform statement, Subroutine call Functions. Sequential File Handling in Cobol, Indexed and Relative File Handling in Cobol, Creation., Maintenance and Handling of Master and Transaction files. Sorting and Merging in Cobol. Applications of Cobol with Different Examples
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV Unit V
Unit VI
Practicals Based on Above Syllabus Text Books: 1. Cobol Programming with Business Applications : N L Sarda 2. Cobol Programming : Roy & Dastidar 3. Structured Cobol Programming : Stern & Stern
66CT-5 DESIGN PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Unit I Language Design Issues:- Why Study Programming Language, role of Programming Languages, Programming Environment. Impact of Machine Architectures: Operations of a Computer, Virtual Computers and binding times. Language Translation Issues: - Programming Language Syntax, Stages in translation, Formal Translation Models. Modeling language Properties: Formal Properties of languages, Language semantics. Elementary Data Types:- Properties of Types & objects, Scalar data Types, Composite Data Types. Encapsulation:- Structured data types, Abstract data types, Encapsulation by subprograms, Type definition. Inheritance, Polymorphism. Sequence Control :- Implicit and Explicit Sequence control, Sequencing with arithmetic expressions, Sequence control between statements, Sequencing with non arithmetic statements. Subprogram Control :Subprogram Sequence control, Attributes of data control, parameters transmission. Storage Management: Elements requiring storage, programs & system controlled storage, static storage management. Distributed Processing:- Variations in subprogram control, Parallel programming. Programming Languages Design and Implementation by Terrence Pratt, Marvin Zelkowitz :- Pearson Education Asia. Programming Languages: Programs & Paradigms By Appleby, TMH.
Unit II
Unit V
Unit VI
UNIT I Introduction, evolution of OS, basic hardware support necessary for modern operating system,services provided by OS, system class, introduction to distributed OS. UNIT II File systems-introduction ,disk sapce management and space allocation startegies,directory structures,disk caching,file system com\nsistency and log structured file system ,disk arm scheduling startegies:FCFS,SSTF,SCAN,CSACN,LOOK,CLOOK,Selecting a disk scheduling algorithm,sector queuing. UNIT III Process management-introduction ,process control block ,process states,process context swaitch ,threads: user level and kernel level,CPU scheduling,goals of scheduling,CPU scheduling in barch OS,Interactive OS and real time OS ,algorithm evaluation. UNIT IV Interprocess communication : process cooperation and synchronization ,race condition ,critical region, mutual exclusive and implementation,semaphores,conditional critical regions and monitors, classical inter-process communiction problems,message passing. UNIT V Memeory management techniques-continuos and non-continuos,paging and segmentation,translation look aside buffer(TLB) and overheads, virtual memory and demand paging , page faults and intruction restart,problems of large address spaces ,page replacement algorithms and working sets. UNIT VI Deadlocks: necessary conditions, deadlock avoidence, deadlock prevention,recovery from deadlock. Protection and security: Goal of protection,Mechanism and policies, Domain of protection,access list Capability list access matrix and its implementation ,dynamic protection structures,revocation. Text Books: 1. Modern operating systems-A.S. Tanenbaum,Pearson Edu 2nd edn 2. Operating system concepts-Silberchatz & galvin,Addison Wesley, 5th Edu Reference Books: 3. Operating system concepts- By Milan MilenKovic(THM)
77CT-2 Unit I
DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Drawback of general file processing system, data processing through COBOL, Basic concept of a database system, Architecture of a Database system, Data Structures and Corresponding Operators. The Hierarchical Approach to DBMS: Architecture to IMS, IMS data Structure, External Level to IMS, IMS, Data manipulation, defining PCB, DL/1, Operations, Construction SSA and SSA Command Codes, Internal level of IMS, HISAM, HDAM, Secondary data set groups. Entity-Relationship Model: Entities and Entity Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Attributes, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity Relationship Diagram, Reducing E-R Diagrams to Tables, Generalisation, Aggregation, Design of an E-R Database Scheme. Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, The Relational Algebra, The Tuple Relational Calculus, The domain Relational Calculus, Modifying the database, Views. Relational Commercial Languages: SQL, Query-by-Example, QUEL, Summary. Integrity Constraints: Domain Constraints, Referential Integrity, Functional Dependencies, Assertions and Triggers. Relational Database Design: Pitfalls in Relational Database Design, Normalisation using Functional Dependencies, Normalisation using Multivalued Dependencies, Normalisation Using Join Dependencies, Domain-Key Normal Form, Alternative Approaches to Database design. File and System Structure: Overall System Structure, Physical Storage Media, File Organisation, Organisation of Records into Blocks, Sequential files, Mapping Relational Data To Files, Data Dictionary Storage, Buffer Management. Indexing and Hashing: Basic Concepts, Indexing, B+ Tree Index Files, B- Index Files, Static Hash Functions, Comparison of Indexing and Hashing, Index Definition in SQL, Multiple-Key Access. Query Processing: Query Interpretation, Equivalence of Expressions, Estimation of Query Processing Cost, Estimation of Costs of Access using Indices, Join Strategies, Join Strategies for Parallel Processors, Structure of a Query Optimiser. Crash Recovery: Failure Classification, The Storage Hierarchy, Transaction Model, Log Based Recovery, Buffer Management, Checkpoints, Shadow Paging, Failure With Loss of non-volatile Storage, Stable Storage Implementation. Concurrency Control: Schedules, Testing of Serializability, Lock-based Protocols, TimeStamp Based Protocols, Validation Techniques, Multiple Granularity, Multiversion Schemes, Insert and Delete Operations. Mapping, Definitions, Data Independence, IMS logical Data Bases, database descriptions. THE NETWORK APPROACH TO DBMS: Architecture to DBTG Systems, DBTG data structures, Hierarchical and Network Set constructs, Singular Sets, Membership Classes and set selections. The External level to DBTG differences between Subscheme and Scheme, DBTG Data Manipulation concurrency and Exception handling and various Data constructs provided.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Books Recommended: 1. Database System Concepts: Korth, Silberschatz:: Mcgraw-Hill 2. Database Management System: Majumdar& Bhattacharya 3. Principles Of Databases: Jeffrey D. Ullman 4. An Introduction To Database Systems: C.J. Date(Adison Wesley-Nerosa)
77CT-3 COMPUTER NETWORKS Unit I Introduction: The use of Computer Network-Network Goals, The OSI Reference Model, Network Standardization-whos who in the telecommunication world, whos who in the standardization of the OSI model. Example network-Public network. The Physical Layer: The theoretical basis of data communication-Fourier Analysis, Bandwidth-limited signals. The maximum data rate of a channel. Transmission Media-magnetic media, Twisted-pair, Baseband Coaxial Cable, Broad-band coaxial cable, fibre optics, Line of Sight transmission, Communication satellites, Analog Transmission, tree Telephone System, Modems, RS-232C & RS-449. The Medium Access Sublayer: Local and Metropolitan Areas Networks Static Channel allocation in LANs and MANs Dynamic channel allocation in LANs and MANs Network Protocols-persistent and Non Persistent CSMA, CSMA with collision detection, Collision free protocol. BRAP- Broadcast Recognition with alternating priorities. MLMA-The Multi-level Multi-access protocol, binary countdown, Limited-connection protocol. The adaptive tree walk protocol. IEEE standard 802 for local area network-IEEE standard 802.3 and Ethernet, IEEE standard 802.4 token bus, IEEE standard 802.5t token ring, comparison of local area networks, FDDI, Wireless LAN. The Data Link Layer :data link layer issues-services provided to the network Layer, Framing Error Control, Flow Control, Link Management, error detection and Correction-Error-Correcting Codes, errordetecting codes, Elementary data link protocols-An Unrestricted simplex, Protocol, A simple stop and wait protocol, A simplex protocol for a noisy channel, Sliding window protocols- A one bit sliding window protocol, A protocol using Go Back N, A protocol using selective repeat Protocol performanceperformance of the sop and wait protocol, Performance of the sliding window protocol, Example of the data link layer- the data layer in public networks-the data link layer in the ARPANET, MAP and TOP. The Network Layer: Network Layer design issues-services provided to the transport layer, Internal organization of the network layer, Routing Congestion, Internetworking, Routing Algorithms, Congestion-Control algorithms, Preallocation of buffers, Packet discarding, Isarithmic, Congestion control, flow control, Choke packets, deadlocks, Examples of the network layer- The network layer in public networks, The network layer in the ARPANET, MAP & TOP, Internet Protocol (IP).
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
The Transport Layer: Transport layer design issues-services provided to the session layer, quality of services, the OSI transport service primitives, transport protocol, elements of transport protocols, transmission Control Protocol TCP). The Presentation Layer: Presentation layer design issues-Data representation, text Compression, Network security and privacy, The OSI presentation, Service primitives, Substitution Ciphers, Transposition Ciphers, Public Key Encryption, Secrecy and Digital Signature with Public Key encryption.
Unit VI
Text Books: 1. Computer Networks By Tenanbaun 2. Data & Computer Communication Stallings.
UNIT I Fundamentals: technology and computer usage trends, cost, performance measurements, quantitative principles of computer design, concepts of memory hierarchy , intruction set architectures, memory addressing, operations in the intruction set encoding ,role of compilers DLX architecture. UNIT II Pipelining : basic pipeline for DLX, various hazards: pipeline, data, control hazards. implementation issues. multicycle operations. crsscutting issues.intruction set design and pipelining UNIT III Advanced pipelining and intruction-level parallelism: concepts and challenges,overcoming data hazards with dynamic scheduling, Dynamic hardware prediction, compilers support for ILP, hardware support for parallelism,studies of ILP. UNIT IV Memeory-hierarchy design: basics of caches, reducing cache miss and hit time, main memeory, virtual memeory. protectiona and eamples of virtual memeory, issues in the design of memeory hierarchies. UNIT V Storage systems: types of storage devices, buses and their types, I/O performance measures, readability, availability and RAID, interfaceing to an operating system, designing an I/O system, unix file system performance. UNIT VI Interconnection networks: Introduction and basic concepts, Computer connection to interconnection network , interconnection network media, practical issues, examples of interconnection networks, issues for interconnection networks, inetrnet working, an ATM network of workstation.
Text Book: Hennessy J.L & Patterson D.A Computer Architecture : A quantitative approach 2/e Refenrence books: 1. Hayes J.P introduction to computer architecture(McGraw Hill) 2. Hamacher V.C Computer Organization (McGraw Hill)
UNIT I Introduction : definations of embeded system, real time operating systems and embeded computing platform. applications of embedded system. debugging tools: use of assemblers, debugger kernels. difference between compiler ,interpreter and macros. UNIT II Study and use of simulators, embedded system design: hardware and software design, codesign , I/O interface co-design for distributed systes. EPROM emulator: a Micro controller architecture. UNIT III Real time environment: real time I/O, R/T multitasking and multithreding, processs, O/S, real time scheduling policies, Events, memeory management. UNIT IV Embedded software development tools and debugging technologies, Host and target machines, linker/loader for embedded software, getting embedded software into target system.
UNIT V Architecture of micro controller 8051: introduction, architecture, memory organization,pin defination and functions ,timing , parallel ports, timers/counters, serial port interrupt system. UNIT VI Interfacing 8051 with analog circuits, digital circuits and personal computer, intruction set and programming 8051. networking :Routing interfacing with OS. wireless coomminication protocols, queuing model for networking traffic management, ruoting methodologies.
Text books: 1. An Embeded software primer by david E. Simon(Pearson Edu. Asia) 2. Embedded system design with 8051 micro controller by Zdravko Karakehayov & Winther 3. Computera as components: principles Embedded computing system design by W Wolf Refernce books: 1. Real time system: design principles for distributed embedded application by H.Kopetz. Embedded system design by krishna & Shinn. 77CT-4(ELECTIVE-I) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
UNIT I Introduction to AI: Defination of AI ,early work in AI, the importance of AI,AI and related fields,task domain of AI,physical symbol system and its hypothesis,AI technique,turing test,knowlwgde and knowlegde based systems. UNIT II Problems,problem spaces and serches: defining the problem on a state space search , production systems and control startegies,depth first and breadth first search,backtracking,problem characterictics,issues in the design of search programs. Heuristic search techniques: generate and test ,hill climbing,best-first search,problem reduction,constraint satisfaction,means-ends analysis. UNIT III Knowlegde representation: issues,representation and mapping approaches,introduction to proposition logic,knowlegde representation using predicated logic ,unification and resolution. Representation knowledge using rules,procedural Vs declarative knowlegde,logic programming,forward Vs backward reasoning,matching,control knowlegde. UNIT IV Knowledge representation using semantic nets,frame ,conceptual depebdency and scripts Statistical reasoning: probability and bayes theorem,certainity factors and rule based system,introduction to Fuzzy logic. UNIT V Learning: general learning model,types of learning ,rote learning, learning by taking advice, learning by analogy, induction learning ,learning by observation and discovery. Expert System : Rule based system architectures ,non-production system architectures,expert system shell,knowlgede acquisition and validation, knowledge system building tools. UNIT VI Natural languages processing: overview of linguistics,syntactic processing,semantic analysis,discourse and processing. Game Playing: the manimax search procedure,adding alpha-beta cut-offs. Text Books: 1. Artificial Intelligence by E.Rich and K.Knight Reference Books: 1. Introduction To Artificial Intelligence and Expert System By D.W Patterson (PHI)Principles of Artificial Intelligence by N.J Nilsson (Narosa).
77CT-5(ELECTIVE-II) NEURAL NETWORK AND FUZZY SYSTEM UNIT I Fundamentals concepts and models of artificial neural systems: Bilogical neurons and their artificial models, models of artificial neural networks, learning and adaption, neural network learning rules, overview of neural networks.
UNIT II Single-layer perceptron classifiers: Discriminant functions, linear machine and minimum distance classification, training and clasification using the discrete perceptron: algorithm and example, single layer continuos perceptron networks for linearly separable classification.
UNIT III Multilayer feedback networks : linearly non-separable pattern classification, delta learning rule. Feedforward recall and error back-propagation training, learning factors ,classifying and expert layered networks , functional link networks.
UNIT IV From classical(CRISP) sets to fuzzy sets: introduction, crisp sets: an overview, fuzzy stes: basic types, fuzzy sets: basic concepts, characteristics and significant of the paradigm shift. Fuzzy sets versus crisp sets: Additional properties of alpha cuts, representation of fuzzy stes, extension principles for fuzzy sets.
UNIT V Operations on fuzzy sets: types of operations,fuzzy complements, fuzzy intersection:t-norms, fuzzy unions: t-Conorms, Combinations of Operations, Aggregation operations.
UNIT VI Fuzzy Arithmatic: fuzzy numbers, Linguistics variables, arithmatic operations on intervals, and arithmatic operations on fuzzy numbers, lattice fuzzy numbers, and Fuzzy equations. Text Books: 1. J.M Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural system ,Jaico Publishing House, India. 2. George J. Klir and Bo Yaun,Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy logic, Theaory and Applications,Prentice Hall of India Pvt ltd1997.
UNIT I Introduction: Digital Image Procesing: Problems and applications image representation and modeling, Image Enhancement, Image restoration. UNIT II Image Perception: Light Luminanace,brightness and Contrast, simultaneous contrast, colour ,vision model , temoral properties of vision. UNIT III Image sampling and quantization: Introduction, Two dimensional sampling theory, practical limitation in sampling and reconstruction, image quantisation. UNIT IV Image Transformers: Two Dimensional orthogonal and unitary transforms, properties of unitary transform , the one dimensional DFT. The Cosine transform, the Sine transform, the Handamard transform.
UNIT V Image Enhancemant: Point operation, Histogram Modelling, spatial operations, transform operations, multispecial image enhancement, false colour and pseudocolour, colour image enhancement. UNIT VI Image filtering and restoration: Image observation models, Inverse and Wiener filtering, finite impulse response(FIR) Wiener filters, other domain filters, filtering using image transforms. Text Books: 1. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, by Anil K. Jain,P.H.I pvt. Ltd, 1989. 2. Digital Image Processing by R.C Gonzalez, R.E Woods(Addison Wesley Pub) Reference: 1. Fundamental of Electronics Image Processing by A.R. Weeks.
88CT-1 COMPUTER GRAPHICS Unit I Introduction: Introduction to Computer Graphics & its application -> Origin of Computer Graphics, interactive computer graphics. Overview of Graphics System. Graphics Input Devices, Graphics Output Devices, Display Devices: Common display devices, CRT Technology, storage Tube, Calligraphic, Raster refresh display. Basic Concept: Refresh, Flicker, Scan Rate, Screen Size, Aspect Ratio, Interlacing and Non-Interlacing techniques, Raster color graphics, Frame Buffer, Addressing a Raster. Adapters: Basic Function, Video BIOS, Video RAM, operating Modes, Introduction to real time scan conversion, cell and runlength encoding, Introduction & basic function of MGA, CGA, VGA, EGA, SVGA. Point Pixel Plotting. Line Generation Algorithms: DDA, Bresenhams Algorithm, Bresenhams Parallel Line generation algo. For multi-processor system, thick line generation, dotted & dashed line generation algo. Circle Generation: Bresenhams Algorithm, Trigonometric method. Aliasing & Antialiasing techniques. Polygons, Polygon representation, Polygon Filling: Simple ordered edge list algorithm, Edge fill algorithm, Edge flag algo, seed fill algo. Graphics Primitives: Display devices, primitive operations, the display file interpreter, Normalized device coordinates, display files structure. Segments: The segment table, segment creation, closing a segment, detecting a segment, renaming a segment, visibility, image transformation, saving and showing segments, other display file structures, some master techniques. Transformation 2-Dimension Transformation: Basic Transformation: Scaling, Rotation, Translation, Matrix representation, Homogeneous Coordinates & Composite transformations, rotation about an arbitrary point, Other transformation: Reflection Shear. Windowing & Clipping: The viewing transformations. Line Clipping: Sutherland-Cohen algo, Midpoint Subdivision algo, Cyrus Beck algo. Polygon Clipping: Sutherland-Hodgman algo. 3-Dimension Transformation 3D geometry, 3D primitives, Scaling, Translating, Rotation about an arbitrary axis, parallel Projection, Viewing Parameters, Special Projections. Curves: Bezier & B-spline Curves.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Reference books : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Computer Graphics 2nd edition : Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Beker, Prentice Hall of India Computer Graphics A programming approach : Steven Harrignton,Mc Graw Hill, International student edition. Principles of Interactive Graphics : Newman Sproull, Mc Graw Hill, International Student Publication. IBM PC and PS/2 Graphics Hand Book : E. Keja & Johns, Asian Edition. Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics : David F. Rogers, Mc Graw Hill. Micro Computer Hardware Design : D. Protopapus, Prentice Hall Editions.
88CT-2 COMPILER CONSTRUCTION Unit I Compilers & Translators, Structure of Compiler, Phases of Compiler, Compiler writing tools. Programming Languages: Lexical & Syntactic structure of a Language, Data elements, Data structures, Operators, Assignments, Program Units, Data environments, Parameter transmission, Storage Management. Syntax Analysis: The role of Parser, Context Free Grammars, Writing a Grammar, Top-down Parsing, Predictive Parsers. Bottom-up Parsing, LR Parsers (SLR, CLR & LALR), Implementation of LR Parsers. Syntax Directed Translation: Intermediate Code, Postfix notation, Parse tree and Syntax Trees, Three address codes, quadruples, triples, Translation of Assignment statements, Boolean expressions, statements that alter the flow of control. Array references in arithmetic expressions, Procedure Calls, Declarations, Case Statements. Symbol Tables: Contents, Data structures for symbol tables, representing scope information. Error detection and Recovery: Error handling, Lexical-phase, Syntactic phase and semantic phase. Code Optimization: The principle sources of optimization, Loop optimization, The DAG representation, Data Flow analysis, Dominators, reducible flow graphs, Depth First Search, Loop-invariant computations, Induction variable elimination. Code Generation: Object programs, Problems in Code Generation, Register allocation and assignment, Code generation from DAG, Peehole optimization.
Unit II
Unit V
Unit VI
Practicals based on the above syllabus Text Books: 1. Principles of Compiler Design : Aho & Ullman 2. Compilers Principles, Techniques & Tools : Aho, Ullman & Sethi
UNIT I Internetworking- Concepts, architecture and Protocol Internet Protocol (Ipv.4)- IP addresses, IP datagrams, IP datagram Forwarding. Internet Protocol (Ipv.6)-Characteristics of features , datagram frame format, base address format, addressing, internet control message protocol(ICMP). UNIT II TCP: realiable transport service, client-server interaction, the socket interface, example of a cleint and server. UNIT III Naming with the domain name system, electronic mail representation and transfer, file transfer and resmote file aacess. UNIT IV World Wide Web pages and browsing, Technolgy for dynamic web documents java technology for active web documents. UNIT V RPC AND MIDDLEWARE:Introduction , Programming cleints and servers, remote procedure call paradigm, RPC Paradigm, Communication Stubs, External Data Representation Middleware and Object Oriented Middleware. MULTIMEDIA: Introduction to Digital audio, audio compression, Streaming Audio, Internet Radio, Voice over IP, Introduction to Voice, Video Compression , Video on Demand
UNIT VI Network Security CRYPTOGRAPHY : Introduction ,Substitution Transposition ciphers, one time pads ,two fundamental crptography principles. Symmetric Key Algorithm: DES,AES, cipher modes , other ciphers, cryptanalysis. Public Key Algorithms: RSA, other public key algorithms. Digital Signatures:Symmetric Key Signatures, Public Signature, Message digests, the birthday attacks. Communication Security: IP sec, Firewalss, Virtaul private networks,wireless security E-mail security:PGP,PEM,S I MIME WEB SECURITY: Threats, Secure naming SSL, Mobile code security. Text Books: 1. Computer networks and internet by Douglas E. Comer,2/e,perason edu asia. 2. Computer networks by Andrew S.Tanenbuam, Fourth Edition,PHI 3. TCP/IP Protocol suite by Behrouz A. Forouzan , tata Mc Graw Hill 88CT-3(ELECTIVE-III) NETWORK SECURITY
UNIT I Introduction- attacks services , mechanisms, security attacks, security services , model for internet work security, conventional encrption- classical techniques- encrption model, stenography, classical encrption techniques, modem techniques-simplifeid DES, differential and linear crptanalysis, block cipher design principles, model of operation. UNIT II Conventional encrption-algorithm, triple DES, international data encrption algorithm, Blowfish,RC5 CAST,RC2,characteristics of advanced symmetric block cipher, confidentiality using conventional encrption- placement of encrption function, traffic confidentiality, key distribution, random number genmeration. UNIT III Public key encryption- principle of public key crptosystems, the RSA algorithm, key management,Diffie- Hellman key exchange ,Ellipse Curve Crptography, Introduction to number theory prime and relatively prime numbers, modular arithmatic, Fermats and Eulers theorems ,testing of primality, Eucids algorithm.The Chinese remainder theorem, discrete algorithms. UNIT IV Message authentication and hash functions- authentication requirements,functions, codes, hash functions, security of hash functions and MACs ,MD5 message digest algorithm,SHA-1,RIPEMD-160 HMAC, digital signatures, authentication protocols, digital signature standard. UNIT V Authentication applications-Kerberos,X.509 Directory authentication service, E-mail security-preety good privacy,S/MIME,IP security-overview,architecture,authentication header,encapsulating security pay load,combining security associations ,key management. UNIT VI Web security-requirements,secure sockets layer and transport layer security, secure electronics transaction, network management security-SNMP,SNMPv1 Community facility,SNMPv3, System security-intruders, viruses and related threats, firewall-design principles, trusted systems. Text Books: 1. Crptography and network security principles and practices 2/e, by William stallings(Pearson Edu Asia) 2. 3. Networks Security Essentials, applications and standards by William Stalling (Pearson Edu) Crptography in C and C++ by Michael Welschenbach( IDG India).
Introduction to E-Commerce: Overview, Traditional vs. Electronic Business Transactions, Benefit of Electronic Commerce, Information Technology and Business, Internet structure and growth, Network infrastructure, other Networks. EDI to E-Commerce: Electronic Data Interchange, The UN/EDIFACT Standard, The Internet and Extranet for E-Commerce, Identification and Tracking tools for Electronic Commerce. Transactions on the Internet, requirements of payment system, Types of electronic payment, Tools for implementation. Security and E-Commerce: The benefit of Cryptography, The process of Encryption, The working of Public-key Cryptography, The importance of digital Certificates, The Comparison of encryption methods, An overview of Internet Security Systems. Consumer and Business Markets: Consumer Demographics, Loyalty and Acceptance, Value chain and the market place, Business evaluation on the internet. Electronic Customer Support: The web response system and PPI, security and software modules, Submitting and tracking Online Problems, Dividing process to protect corporate Information. The Beginnings of a Virtual Factory: Virtual Co-ordination, Implementation CITIS operations Controlling Access to shared Data and applications, Entrusting access to an intermediatory.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Text Books : 3. Bajaj & Nag E-Commerce the cutting edge of business. 4. David Kosiur Understanding electgronics Commerce.
88CT-5 Unit I
Elective-IV Multimedia and Web Designing Introduction To Multimedia: Media and Data Streams Medium: The Perception Medium. The representation medium, The presentation Medium, The storage Medium, The transmission medium, The Information Exchange Medium, Representation values and representation spaces, Representation dimensions Main Properties of Multimedia System: Multimedia System Definition, Combination of Media, Independence, Computer Supported Integration, Communication Systems Traditional Data Streams characteristics: Asynchronous Transmission mode, Synchronous Transmission mode, Isochronous Transmission mode Sound / Audio / Images and Graphics: Basic Sound Concepts, Computer Representation of sound, Audio formats Music: MIDI Basic Concepts, MIDI Devices, MIDI Messages, MIDI and SMPTE Timing Standards, MIDI Software Speech: Speech Generation, Speech Analysis, Speech Transmission Images and Graphics: Basic Concepts, Digital Image Representation, Image format, Graphics format. Computer Image Processing, Image Synthesis, Image analysis, Image transmission Video and Animation: Video Signal Representation, Computer Video Format, Television Conventional System, Enhanced Definition Systems, High Definition Systems, Transmission. Computer Based Animation, Animation Language, Methods of controlling Animation, Display of Animation, Transmission of Animation Data Compression: Storage space, Coding requirements, Source, Entropy and Hybrid Techniques JPEG Image preparation, Lossy Sequential DCT -based Mode, Expanded Lossy DCT -based Mode Lossless Mode, Hierarchical Mode H.261 (px64) Image preparation, Coding Algorithms, Data Streams MPEG Video encoding, Audio Encoding, Data stream DVI Audio and Still Image Encoding, Video Encoding, Data stream Multimedia Operating System Introduction: Real Time and multimedia Resource management, Resources, Requirement, Component and phases, Allocation scheme, Continuous media Resource model
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Process Management Real Time Process Management in Conventional operating system Real Time Processing requirement, Traditional Real Time Scheduling, Traditional Real Time Scheduling: System model Earliest Deadline First Algorithm Rate Monotonic Algorithm EDF and Rate Monotonic: Context switches, EDF and Rate Monotonic: Processor Utilizations Extension to Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Other approaches for In -Time Scheduling, Preemptive versus Non-preemptive Task Scheduling, File Systems, Additional Operating System Issue, System Architecture Unit VI Multimedia Communication Systems and Database Systems Application Subsystem Collaborative Computing, Session Management Transport Subsystem: Requirements, Transport Layer, Network layer Quality of Service and Resource Management Basic concepts, Establishment and closing of the Multimedia Call Management Resources during Multimedia Transmission, Architectural Issue Multimedia Database Management System, Characteristics of an MDBMS, Data analysis, Operation on Data, Integration in a database Model.
Reference Book : Multimedia: Computing, Communications & Applications by Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt
Data Mining & Data Warehousing : Introduction to data mining, data warehousing, Introduction to KDD process, classifications and algorithms, Data mining tasks, machine learning-Basic concept, Data warehouse Architecture, Data modeling. Data Marts & OLAP: Data mart designing, data mart builder, Data Mart discovery, On-line analytical processing, OLTP VS. DW Environment. Relationship of Data mining and Data Warehousing: Application of Data Mining, Application of Data Warehousing, A relationship between data mining and data warehousing according to need of business. Statistical Analysis And Cluster Analysis: What is Statistics? Difference between statistics and data mining, Histograms, Statistic for predictions, clustering for clarity, Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical clusters, Choosing Classics. Neural Networks & Mining Complex: What are Neural Networks? Where to use these Networks? Benefits and features of networks, Rule Induction, various mining complexities. Next Generation of Information Mining & Knowledge Discovery: Business-Intelligence and Information Mining, Text Mining, Knowledge Management, Benefits and products of Text Mining, Customer Relationship Management in the e-Business World.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Text Books : 5. Data Mining By Pieter Adrians. 6. Data Mining Technology for Marketing, Sales and Customer Support By Michel Berry. 7. Data Warehousing & Data Mining for telecommunication By Rob Mattison. 8. Distributed Data Warehousing using Web Technology By R. A. Moeller. 9. Building Data Mining Applications for CRM By Alex Berson, Stephen Smith. 10. Data Warehousing With Oracle By Sima Yazdani & Shirley Wong.
88CT-4(ELECTIVE-IV) COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN/CAM UNIT I Introduction-CAD/CAM defined, product cycle and CAD/CAM ,automation on CAD/CAM.Fundamentals of CAD-design process application of the computer for design, creating and manufacturing database ,benefits of CAD. UNIT II Hardware in CAD,design workstation ,the graphics terminal ,operator input devices, plotters their output devices,CPU,Secondary Storage.Computer graphics software and Database-the software configuration of a graphics system.Functions of a graphics package,constructing the geometry, transformations,database structure contents. UNIT III Conventional Numerical Control: Fundamentals od CAM ,NC concepts,basic components of NC System,the NC procedure,NC College-ordinate sytem ,NC Motion control system,application of NC,economics of NC. UNIT IV NC part programming- the punched tape in the NC coding and format ,manual art programming,computer assisted part programming,art language,MACRO statement,NC programming with interactive graphics,voice NC programming,MDT UNIT V Computer controls in NC-problems with conventional NC,CNC,DNC combined NC/CNC system ,adative control machineing system. UNIT VI Robot technology and applications.production planning and process interfacing and process control.
Text Books: 1. CAD/CAM by P.Grover,Emory W.Zimmers Jr(Mcgraw Hill Pub) Reference Book: 1. CAD/CAM: Theory and practice by I.Zeid (TMH) 2. Computer aided design: Software and analytical Design tools by Rajiv S. Krihnamurthy (Narosa Publication). 3. CAD/CAM by P. RadhaKrishnamurthy and Subramaniam (Wiley Eastern Pub).
Semester: THIRD
Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Board L T P Tot al Ho urs per we ek 4 7 Maxi. Marks Paper/Practical Mini. Marks for Passin g 100 100 50 40 40 25 Pape r dur. In Hrs. 3 3 2 Same as: 3ET-2, 3DT2, 3PE-2, 3IE-2, 3IN2, 33CT-4, 3IT-17, 3Eeo-5, 3CS-4. Same as: 3ET-3, 3DT3, 3PE-3, 3IE3, 3IN-3. Same as: 3ET-4, 3DT4, 3PE-4 3IN-4, 3IE4, 33CT-2, 33CT-2. Same as: 3ET-5, 3DT5, 3PE-5, 3IE-5, and 3IN-5. Remarks
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ASH Electronics
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3 2
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Applied Mathematics-III (EN/EDT/ET/INSTRU ENGG/IND ELECTRO) UNIT 1: LAPALACE TRANSFORMS: Laplace transform and their simple properties, simple application for laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equation including simultaneous equations, solution of one dimensional partial difference equations by transform method. UNIT 2:COMPLEX VARIABLES: Analytic function, cauchy-Riemann condition, conjugate functions, singularities, cauchys intregal theorems and intregal formula, Taylors and Laurents theorem, Residue theorem, contour UNIT 3:CALCULAS OF VARIATRIONS: Maxima and minima of functions, variation and its properties, Eulers equation, function dependant on first and second order derivative, simple applications. UNIT4: FOURIER SERIES AND SINGAL SPECTRA: Introduction, the Fourier theorm, evaluation of Fourier coefficients, consideration of symmetry, exponential form: Fourier series, Fourier integral theorm, Fourier transform and continuous spectra. UNIT 5:PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUARTION: Partial differential equation of first order degree, langrages form, linear, homogenous partial differential equation of nth order with constant coefficient, method of separation of variables, application to transmission lines. UNIT 6:MATRICES: Inverse of matrices by adjoint method and its use in solving simultaneous equations, rank of matrices, consistency of system of equation, inverse of matrix by partitioning method, linear dependence, linear and orthogonal transforms, characteristic equation s, eigen values and eigen vectors. Reduction to diagonal form, cayley hamiltone theorm, statement and verification, sylvestors theorm, association of matrices with linear differential equation of second order with constant coefficient. Difermination of largest Eigen value and Eigen vector by iteration method. 1.Advance engineering mathematics: krevszig 2.Higher engineering mathematics: b. s. Grawal. 3.Linear network theory by kelker, Pandit. Reference Books: 1. Mathematics for engineer: chandraika prasad 2. Applied mathematics for engineers : l. a. pipes and harville 3. A text book of applied mathematics: p.n. and j. n. Wartikar. Textbooks: -
3U-2, 3ET-2, 3DT-2, 3IE-2, 3IN-2, 3CT-4, 3IT-17, 3EE 05,3CS-4 ELECTRONICS DEVICES AND CIRCUITS UNIT-1: Semiconductor Diodes and Power supplies P-N junction diode, open circuited junction, Forward and reverse bias, V-I characteristics, dynamic resistance, temperature dependence, Avalanche and Zener breakdown, Schottkey diode, Photo diode, LED, LCD, Varactor diode, tunnel diode. Power supplies, Half wave & Full wave Rectifiers, voltage doublers, Filters ripple factor. Zener and voltage follower type and series regulators. UNIT 2: Junction transistors: Theory of operation, static characteristics, break down voltages, current voltage power limitations, Biasing of BJT, different biasing arrangements, stability factor. Thermal runaway, power transistors.
UNIT 3: BJT Analysis Small signal analysis CE, CB, CC amplifiers and comparison. High frequency analysis calculation of frequency response, gain bandwidth product. UNIT 4: Power Amplifiers Classification A, B, AB, C classes efficiency, push pull configuration (A, B, AB) complementary symmetry, second harmonic and crossover distortion. UNIT 5: Positive and Negative feedback amplifiers Feedback amplifiers, classification, practical circuit applications, advantages. Oscillators, stability, Barkhausans criterion. RC, LC and crystal Oscillator. UNIT 6: FET and its analysis Field effect Transistor and MOSFET, principle of operation and characteristics, Biasing arrangement, small signal analysis of CG, CD, CS. High frequency analysis. Practical based on above syllabus: 1. Diode characteristics. 2. CE amplifier characteristics. 3. FET and MOSFET characteristics. 4. Half wave , Full wave Rectifier with and without filter. 5. EF Type regulator 6. Push Pull amplifier. 7. RC phase shift oscillator. 8. Voltage series feedback amplifier frequency response. 9. Voltage doubler. 10. Zener regulator. BOOKS: 1. Milman and Halkias: Integrated Electronics ,McGraw Hill. 2. Milman and Halkias : Electronic Devices and Circuit,McGraw Hill. REF: 1. Schilling and Beloove: Electronic Circuits-Discrete and Integrated, McGraw Hill. 2. Bapat:Theory and problems in ckt, analysis (McGraw Hill) 3. Carr: Electronic devices (Tata McGraw Hill)
3U-3, 3ET-3, 3DT-3, 3PE-3, 3IE-3, 3IN-3 ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT UNIT 1 : Statistical analysis of measurement of errors, accuracy, Persian, types of error, fundamental and derive unit, conversion of units. Classification of standards, standards for mass length, time, volume, frequency, temperature light intensity, and electrical properties. UNIT2 : PMMC galvanometer, DC voltmeter, ammeter, multimeter watt-hour meter, three phase watt meter, power factor meter, instrument transformer. Measurement of low, medium and high resistance. UNIT3 : Bridges: Whetstone, Kelvin ,max-well, Hay, Schering , Wein bridge. Potentiometers, measurement of inductance, capacitance using A.C. Bridges. UNIT4 : Amplified DC meters, AC voltmeter using rectifiers True/RMS Voltmeters Electronic multimeter, Digital voltmeter, component measuring instrument, Q meter, RF power and Voltage measurement. UNIT 5 : Oscilloscopes: Block diagram, CRT, deflection system, delay line, UNIT 6 Frequency, Time and power measurement signal analysis. Practical based on above syllabus: BOOKS: 1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement techniques by Cooper and Helfrick, PHI publication. Reference: 1. Electronic Instrumentation by Terman and Petil 2. Electronic Instumention by Kalsi (TMH Pub.) 3. Electronic Measurement and instrumentation by Oliver(TMH Pub.) 4. Measurement analysis by Barnest Frank. 5. Electric Measurement and measuring Instrument by Dradate and Jolley. 6. Electric and Electronic Measurement and Measuring Instrument by Rama Bhadra.(Khanna Pub.) 3U-4, 3ET-4, 3DT-4, 3IE-4, 3IN-4 NETWORK THEORY UNIT 1: Nodal and mesh basis equilibrium equation, Matrix approach for complicated network containing voltage current sources and reactance sources transformation, Duality, Mesh basis equation for coupled circuits. UNIT 2 : Network Theorems: Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenins, Nortons, Maximum power transfer, compensation, Tellggens theorem as applied to AC circuits.
UNIT 3: Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series, Discrete spectra and symmetry of waveforms, steady state response of a network to non-sinusoidal periodic inputs. Power factor, errective values for Fourier Transform and continuous spectra, three-phase unbalance ckt. And power calculations. UNIT 4: Laplace Transform and properties, Partial fraction, singularity function, waveform synthesis, analysis of RC, LC and RLC network with and without initial conditions with laplace transforms, Evaluation of initial conditions. UNIT 5: Transient behavior, concept of complex frequency, Driving point and transfer function, poles and zeros of Impedance functions, their properties, sinusoidal response from pole-zero locations, convolution. Theorem and integral solutions. UNIT 6: Two port network parameters and inter-connection, behavior of series and parallel resonant circuits. Introduction to band pass, low pass, high pass and band reject filters. BOOKS: 1. Network analysis: Van Velkenburg. 2. Linear Network Theory: Kelkar and Pandit. REF: 1. Network and system: D.P.ROY CHOUDHARY. 2. Network Analysis: G.K.Mittal. 3. Electrical Circuits: Del tore, Prentice Hall 4. Modern Network Analysis by Reza and Seely, McGraw Hills.
3U-5 3ET-5, 3DT-5, 3PE-5, 3IE-5, 3IN-5 C AND DATA STRUCTURE UNIT 1: Structures of C program: - Data types storage classes, scope of variables, expression and operations. UNIT 2: Program control statements: - for, if, while, switch concept of function and recursion UNIT 3: I/O through printf, scanf function, file I/O open, close, read and writes UNIT 4: Arrays searching (linear and binary) sorting (bubble, selection sort) UNIT 5: Pointers and structure, signally link list insertion, deletion, updation UNIT 6: Study of following numerical methods with reference and algorithm development and error analysis Newton rapson method Gauss seidal method Runga Kutta method (second order)
Practical:BaseD on above syllabus BOOKS:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C Programming Language ANSI C By kernighan and Rietohe. A text book on Programming Language C and C++ by Kakde and deshpande. Introduction to numerical method: S.S.Shastri PHL. Venugopal : Pascal and C Programming (Tata McGraw Hill) Dale, Lilly: Pascal Plus data structure (T MH). Gottfried(Schayam series) Computer Programming with C (MGM) Computer Algorithms: Rajaraman. The C Programming Language - Kerningham Let Us C - Yashavant P.Kanetkar.
1. 2.
4U-1 4U-2
3 ASH 4 Electronics
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2 7
4 Electronics
Paper Coll. Ass. Paper Coll. Ass. Pract. Coll. Ass. Paper Coll. Ass.
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Electromagneti c Fields.
4 Electronics
80 20
4 Electrical
2 7
80 20 25 25 600
100 50
40 25
3 2
Same as: 4ET-2, 4DT2,4PE-2, 4IE2,4IN-2 Same as:4ET-3, 4DT-3, 4PE-3, 4IE-3, 4IN-3. Same as: 4ET-4, 4DT-4, 4PE-4, 4IE-4, and 4IN-4. Same as: 4ET-5, 4DT-5, 4PE-5, 4IE-5, 4IN-5.
Total load
4 28
APPLIED MATHEMATICS IV L:3 H; T:1 H; per week UNIT-1: Numerical Methods Error Analysis, solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations, method of false position, Newton-Raphson method and their convergence. System of linear equations, Gauss elimination method, gauss-seidel method, Crouts method. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation by, Taylors series method , runga Kutta methods, Euler modified method; Milnes predictor corrector method. (9) UNIT- 2 : The Z- Transform Z-Transform , inverse Z- transform, relationship of the Fourier transform to z- transform, properties of Z transform, Convolution of two sequence, Poles and Zeros, the inverse Z- transform by power series expansion, the inverse Ztransform by partial fraction expansion, The inverse Z-transform by partial fraction expansion, The one sided Ztransform : Definition and properties, Solution of difference equation. (10) UNIT-3:Random variable and probability distribution Random variable: discrete and continuous; probability density function; probability distribution function for discrete and continuous random variable, joint distribution (6) UNIT 4 : Mathematical expectation Definition of mathematical expectation, functions of random variable, The variance and standard deviations, moment generating function other measures of central random dispersion, skewness and Kurtosis. (6) UNIT 5: Probability distributions Bernoulli distribution, Poisson distribution, relation between Bernoulli and Poisson distribution, normal distribution, relation between binomial and normal distribution, the central limit theorem, exponential distribution. (5) UNIT- 6: Special functions and series solution Series solution of differential equation by: frobanius method, bessels fuctiontions, legendres polynomial, recurrence relations, rodrigues formula, generating functions, orthogonal properties Jn(x) and Pn(x) . TEXT BOOKS: 1. Introductory methods of numerical analysis, S.S. Sastre 2. Digital signal processing principle, algoritm and application, 2nd Edition, John P. Goakes, D. G. Manolakis. For Z-Transform. 3. Theory and problems of probability and statistics R. S. Soiogal (McGraw Hill) Schaum Series. 4. Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B. S. Grewal. 4U-2, 4E-2, 4DT-2, 4PE-2, 4IE-2, 4IN-2 DIGITAL CIRCUITS UNIT I: Analog v/s digital systems, transistor as a switch, Boolean algebra, Boolean identities, logic problems, logic problems, binary, gray, octal, hex & ASCII codes, gates and their truth tables, DMorgans laws, sum of products, product of sums. Logic families: TTL, ECL, CMOS, etc, Fan-in, Fan out, propagation delay. UNIT II: Combinational logic: concepts, SSI, MSI, VLSI circuits, classification, standard TTL, CMOS characteristics, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, code converters, characteristics of display devices, standard configuration of gates as SSI/MSI/LSI circuits. UNIT III: Karnaugh map, simplification of sum of products and products of sum, solution to problems, MUX/DEMUX.
UNIT IV: Introduction to FLIP-FLOPS, latches, concept of clock memories, organization with flip-flop as basic cell, RAM, ROM, EPROM & EEPROM an overview. Master salve combination and conversion of one type to another type flipflops. UNIT V: Excitation tables & introduction to sequential circuits, counters, synchronous/ asynchronous. Different modulo counters with respect to reset/clear facility. Design of counters of arbitrary modulo with k-maps, lock free counters. UNIT VI: ARITHMETIS CIRCUITS: -adders, substractors, (half & full), BCD, adder/substractor, concept of ALU & its design, integrated circuits, version of mulitvibrators and their design parameters. BOOKS: 1. Digital logic and computer design: Mano(PHI) 2. Digital integrated electronics-herbert taub Mcgraw Hill 3. Digital electronic principles-Malvino PHI. 4. Palmer:introduction to digital system(Tata Mc-Graw Hill) 5. Ryan: digital electronics (Mc-Graw Hill) practical based on above syllabus. 6. Digital circuits and microprocessors: Herbert taub, McGraw Hill. 4U-3, 4ET-3, 4DT-3, 4PE-3, 4IE-3, 4IN-3 ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS UNIT I: Dielectric, properties of insulators in static fields, polarization, dielectric constant, dielectric behavior of monatomic & polyatomic gases, liquids & solids, polar & nonpolar dielectrics, clausius Masotti equation, ferroelectric, piezo electric & pyroelectric materials. UNIT II: Dielectric properties of insulators in alternating fields, complex, dielectric constant, dipolar relaxation, dielectric loss, loss tangent, dielectric breakdown, fixed and variable capacitors, electrolytic, paper, plastic, ceramic, mica capacitors used in electronic circuits, dielectrics used in cables & transformers. UNIT III: Conductivity of pure metals & alloys, temperature coefficient of resistively, high Conductivity materials, high resistively materials, heating elements, fuses, contact materials, connectors, switches, heat sinks, solders, fixed & variable resistors, non linear resistors, resistors used in electronic circuits super Conductivity type I and type II materials, high temperature, super Conductivity, applications of super Conductivity. UNIT IV: Spin & orbital magnet dipole moment of electric, dia, para ferro ferri & anti ferromagnetism, soft & hard magnet materials, ferrite, magnetic cores of conductors, transformers, relays, electric machines & memory elements, magnetic resistors magnetic tapes UNIT V: Semiconductors, bandgap, electron & hole motility, purification & doping of semiconductor materials, characteristics of semiconductor devices, diodes, zener & breakdown diodes, tunnel diodes, varactors, transistors (BJT, FET, MOSFET, UJT), diac, SCR, triac, Hall effect devices. UNIT V: Fabrication of linear & digital ICs LSI, VLSI, CMOS devices, opto electronic devices, LCD, LED, phototransistors, optical couplers, detectors, optical fibers, lasers. TEXT BOOKS: 1. a course in electrical engineering materials S.P.seth, A.V.Gupta, Dhanpatrai & sons,New Delhi-6 2. Electronic components & materials M.A.Joshi, A.H.Wheeler ECO, Allahabd 211001 REFERENCES: 1. Discrete electronic components. F.F.MAZDA, Cambridge univ, press, Newyork 2. Elect. Engg. Materials A.J.Dekker.
4U-4 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS UNIT 1: Gradient, divergent and curl of vectors and their physical interpretation, divergence and stokes theorm, their proof and validity for vector fields, irrotational and solenoidal fields, the uniqueness and helmnoltz theorems. UNIT 2: Electrostatic fields, coulombs law, electric field for different charge distributions, gauss law and its applications, electric potential for different charge distributions, Poissons and laplace equations. UNIT 3: Magnetic fields, Lorenz law, bio-savert law, magnetic field due to different current distributions, gauss law, amperes law, magnetic vector potential and magnetic flux, magnetic vector potential for different current distributions. Lenzs and faradays laws, energy stored in a magnetic field. UNIT 4: Electric scalar potential, solution of lapalace equation in two dimensions using method of separation of variables, displacement current, Maxwells equations for time varying fields and their physical significance, boundary conditions of the vector fields. UNIT 5: Poynting vectors theorm and its proof, uniform plane wave, wave equation and its solution in free space, relation between E and H vectors, intrinsic impedance, wave equations and their solutions and conducting and dielectric media. UNIT 6: Plane waves, normal and oblique incidence on a perfect conductor and dielectric, reflection and refraction, snells law, Brewster angle polarization, linear, circular and elliptical. Text books:1. Electromagnetic wave and radiating systems by E.C. Jordan and KG Balmann 2. Principles and application of electromagnetic fields by Pionsey and collins 3. Electromagnetic fields by hayt 4. Masar: 2000 solved problem in electromagnetic BASIC ELECTRICAL MACHINES 4U-5, 4ET-5, 4DT-5, 4PE-5, 4IE-5, 4IN-5 UNIT I: Transformer Singe phase and three phase, effect of loading, regulation, open circuit and short-circuit tests, efficiency, parallel operation. Auto transformer. UNIT II D.C. Generators, series, shunt and compound, commutator, armature EMF, armature reaction and commutation, equivalent circuit, characteristics, parallel operation, application UNIT III: D.C. Motor Series, shunt and compound, Back emf, characteristics, starting, speed control, applications. UNIT IV: Three phase Induction motor Principle of operation, type torque and slip equivalent circuit. No load and Blocked rotor test, starting speed control and applications.
UNIT V: Single phase motors Principle of operation of singes phase induction motor, starting methods, principle of A.C. series motor, Universal motor. UNIT VI: Three phase synchronous Machines Motor and Generator action, synchronous impedance and excitation. Equivalent circuit, voltage regulation, starting of motor, effect of excitation, variation in case of motor. BOOKS: 1. Electrical Machinery : Nagarath Kothari (TATA- McGraw Hill) 2. Electrical Machinery: Kingsley. 3. EMEC Devices : Deltrod (McGraw Hill) 4. Electrical machines : Dr. P.K. Mukherjee and S. Chakravarti (Dhanpatrai)
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(5U-1, 5ET-1, 5IE-1, 5DT-1, 4PTU-1, 5IN-1) ENGINEERING ECONOMICS & INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT-1: Demand utility and Indifference curves, Approach to analysis of demand, Elasticity and demand, Measure of demand elasticity, Factors of production, Advertising elasticity, Marginalism. UNIT-2: Laws of returns and costs, Price and output determination under perfect competation, Monopoly, Monopolistic computation, Oligopoly, Depreciation and method for its determination. UNIT-3: Functions of central and commercial banks Inflation, Deflation, Stagflation, Direct and Indirect taxes, Monetary and cycles, New Economic Policy, Liberalisation, Globalisation, Privatisation, Market friendly states, Fiscal policy of the government, Meaning and phases of business. UNIT-4: Definition, Nature and scope of management, Functions of management- planning, Organization, Directing, Controlling Communicating. UNIT- 5: Meaning of Marketing managements, Concepts of Marketing, Marketing Mix, Administration and cost plus pricing, Channels off distribution, Advertising and sales promotion. UNIT- 6: Meaning, Nature and scope of financial management, Brief outline of profit and loss account, Balance sheet, Budgets and their importance, Ratio analysis, Principles of costing TEXT/ REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Modern Economics by H.L. Ahuja. 2. Modern Economics Theory by K. K. Dewett. 3. Monetary economics, by M.L. Seth. 4. Industrial Management, by I.K.Chopde, A.M. Sheikh. 5. Business Organization and management, By S.A. Sherlekar. 6. Managerial economics by Joel dean. 7. Managerial Economics by Pylee. 8. Economics by Samuelson. 5U-2, 5ET-2, 5PE-2, 5IE-2, 5DT-2, 5IN-2, 3PTU-4 LINEAR ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS UNIT-I : Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits:-Differential amplifier stages, Current source biasing, level shifting techniques, common mode and differential mode gains and impedance of a differential stage. UNIT-II: Overload protection circuits, Frequency response and compensation characteristics of ideal and non-ideal operational amplifiers, error measurement of various parameters. UNIT-III: Simple circuits like inverting, non-inverting, buffer amplifiers, summers, integrators and differerntiator, log, antilog, Multiplier, divider circuits, Differential Amplifier configurations, bridge amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, grounding and shielding problem in instrumentation amplifier. UNIT-IV: Precision rectifiers, RMS to DC conversion, constant current and voltage sources sinusoidal oscillators, with frequency and amplitude stabilization, Elementary idea of active filter, second order Butterworth chesysher filter.
UNIT-V: Non-linear OP-AMP circuits for clipping, clamping and comparator circuits with nonlinear components, multiplexers and demultiplexers, bistable, monostable, astable multivibrator circuits using OP-AMP, Sample /Hold circuits, D/A & A/D conversion circuits, Phase Locked Loops. UNIT-VI: Applications of Linear ICs like LM741 (Industrial OP-AMP IC), LM555 (industrial timer IC), LM565, (VCO) LM565 (PLL) LM339 (Comparator), LM723 (Voltage Regulator), Regulator IC series 78xx, 799xx, switch mode power supply. (Practicals as per above syllabus) Text Books: 1. Operational Amplifier Design and Applications Tobey, Graham, Huelsman McGraw Hill. 2. Operational Amplifier and Applications: R. Gayakwad. Ref Books: 1. Linear Integrated Circuits Mannal I, II, and III: National Semiconductor. 2. Linear Applications Handbook National Semiconductors. 3. Dailey: Operational Amplifier (Tata McGraw Hill). 4. Wait: Introduction to Operational Amplifier (McGraw Hill). 5. Franco: Designing with Op-Amps (McGraw Hill). 6. Tobey: Operational Amplifier.
5U-3, 5ET-3, 3PTU-3 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS UNIT - I: Spectral analysis, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Dirac Delta function, Fourier transform of periodic signals, Spectral density, Auto sorelation and Cross Corelation, Transmission of signals through linear systems, ideal L.P.E. preenvelope, band pass signals & systems, phase and group delay. UNIT II: Random process, probability, random variables, processes stationary, mean correlation covariance functions, time averages and ergodicity, transmission of random process through a linear filter, spectral density, gaussian process, noise, narrow band noise, envelope of sine wave pulse narrow band noise. UNIT - III: Elementary theory of SSB, DSB & Noise calculation, Noise calculations in SSBSC, DSB with carrier, square law demodulation, envelope demodulator, Noise in FM reception, effect of transmitter noise, FM threshold effect. UNIT IV: Bandwidth and rate of pulse transmission pulse spreading & interference, PSD of digital signals line coding, signaling schemes like on-off, polar and bipolar signaling, Control of PSD by pulse shaping, Nyquist first & second criteria. UNIT - V: Digital Carrier Systems: Matched filter detection of binary signals, decision, threshold, error probability, Salient features of ASK, FSK & PSK systems, DPSK systems including Mary Communication Systems. UNIT - VI: Information theory, information measures, entropy, channel capacity of discrete and continuos channels, error control coding concept of hamming distance and hamming codes, convolution codes, comparison of codes and uncoded systems. BOOKS: 1. Communication system: B.P.Lathi. 2. Modern digital & Analog Communication system: B.P.Lathi. 3. Communication systems: A.B.Carlson.
5U-4, 5ET-4, 5IE-4, 4PTU-3, 5IN-4, 5DT-4 POWER ELECTRONICS UNIT I: Semiconductor devices used in power electronics: Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR), Asymmetrical SCR (ASCR), Reverse conduction thyristor (RCT), Light Activated SCR (LASCR), Filed controlled thyristor (FCT), TRIAC, monolithic Darlington (MD), Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), Power MOSFET, GTO. Triggering Devices: UJT, PUT, SLAC, GOS, SCS, and SBU. Device treatment should deal with construction characteristics, ratings, Application. Thermal equivalent circuit, Heat sink calculation, protection requirements and methods. UNIT II: Thyristor as power Controller: Phase angle control, Extinction angle control, Symmetrical angle control, time ratio control, pulse width modulation, Burst-Integral cycle, Turn on Systems: Requirements: methods circuit, r, re, ujt, msi (Medium Scale Integrated circuits) for single phase line communicated converter single phase converter, single phase inverter, digital inverter, Digital methods, Turn off (commutation) systems: Requirements: Methods (circuits) types A, B, C, D, E & F UNIT III : Uncontrolled Rectifiers: Single Phase: Mid point two pulse (M2), Bridge two phase (B2) for resistive, inductive and motor loads, Three phase: Mid point three pulses (MS), Midpoint six pulse (M-6), Bridge three pulse (B-3), Bridge six pulse (B-6) for resistive, inductive and motor loads, Filter C input, L input LC. Analysis of waveforms, Fourier. UNIT IV: Single phase/three phase half Control (one quadrant operation) : Single phase, Midpoint two pulse, Bridge two pulse of resistive, inductive and motor loads. Three phases: Midpoint three pulse, midpoint six pulse, bridge three pulse, and bridge six pulse for resistive, inductive and motor loads. Full control (two quadrant operation): Single phase-Midpoint two pulse, Bridge two pulse, for resistive, inductive and motor loads. Three phase-Midpoint three pulses, Midpoint six pulse, Bridge six pulse for resistive, inductive and motor loads. Dual converter for quadrant operation: Single phase bridge, three-phase bridge, circulating, and non-circulating. UNIT V : Inverters: Types-Series, parallel, bridge, FWM voltage source inverter (CSI), Current source inverters (CSI), Filters types and calculations. Commutation methods: Auxiliary, complementary, transistorized power controllers, circuits (treatments for inverters should consist of circuits, wave forms and analysis). UNIT VI : Choppers: Types A, B, C, D, E, Multiphase, line filter one, two and four quadrant operations of choppers, commutation methods: Voltage current, load (Treatments for inverters should consist of circuits, wave forms and analysis). AC Regulator: Single phase and three phase, manual, auto, solid state, servo control, uninterrupted power supply (UPS), Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS). BOOKS: 1. Power electronics : P.S.Sen 2. Thyristorised Power Controllers: Joshi, Dubey, Doradla, and Sinha. 3. Thirstier and their Applications by Ram Moorty 4. GEC Manual 5. Power Electronics : Cyril W. Landet 6. Power Electronics: Kjeld Thorborg 7. Power Semiconductor Devices and Applications by Rasid NOTE: Experiments based on the above syllabus.
5U-5, 5ET-5, 5PE-5, 5IE-5 , 5DT-5, 4PTU-2 MICROPROSESSORS AND INTERFACING UNIT I: Approach to integrated system design using Microprocessors, Bus concept, Address Data & control, Organization of a computer with MPU. Bits /Bytes / Words / Long words their ranges accuracy &precision. Memory Organization, Linear / Absolute decoding. UNIT II: Introduction to Intels 8085 Architecture- description, Software Instruction, Addressing Modes-Timing diagrams, Assemblers &Dissemblers (by hand coding). UNIT III: Flag structure, concept of psw stacks & subroutines simple & Nested, PUSH, POP instructions & CALL/RETURN instruction. Simple programs. UNIT IV: Interrupts-Concepts and structure in 8085. Interrupt service routine, Advanced instructions & programming of 8085. UNIT V: Methods of data transfer- Serial, parallel, synchronous & asynchronous. IN/OUT instructions. Timing diagrams. Simple Hardware interface to 8085 of standard latches/Buffers/Keys/display devices as I/O ports. Handshaking concepts. Architecture and interface of 8255 & 8085. Interfacing of ADC & DAC. Stepper Motor Interface with 8085. UNIT VI: Hardware consideration-bus contention, slow memory interfacing, complete signal description of 8085. Multiplexed Keyboard/Display interface and assembler directives. General awareness about microcomputer system related products. BOOKS: 1. Programming and interfacing 8085 A, Wiety Eastern Gaonkar 2. Programming of 8085, McGraw Hill, D. V. Hall
Field and radiating system. 1. 6U-1 Control Engineering (Th. +P) System
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Same as: 6ET1,6DT-1. Same as: 6ET-2, 6DT-2, and 6PE-2. Same as: 6DT-3, 6PE3. Same as: 6ET-4, 6DT-4. Same as: 6ET-5, 6DT-5, and 6PE-5. Same as: 6ET-6.
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6U-1, 6ET-1, 6DT-1, 5PTU-1 FIELDS AND RADIATING SYSTEMS UNIT 1: Guided Waves Waves between parallel planes, TE, TM TEM Waves their characteristics, Attenuation in Parallel plane guides, wave impedance. UNIT 2: Rectangular Waveguides TM, TE Waves in rectangular guides and their characteristics, wave velocity, guide wavelength, wave impedance, and field configurations. UNIT 3: Transmission Lines: Transmission line equation and their solution Transmission line parameters. Characteristic impedance, propagation constant, attenuation constant and phase constant, waveform distortion, Distortionless transmission lines. Loading of transmission lines, reflection coefficient and VSWR. Equivalent circuits of transmission lines. Transmission at radio frequency. Open and short-circuited lines. Smith chart, stub matching. UNIT 4: Scalar and Vector potentials, retarded potentials, field due to a current elements, power radiated and radiation resistance for field due to dipole, power radiated and radiation resistance, Reciprocity theorem applied to antennas gain and aperture of an antenna, Radiation intensity, Directivity and Antenna gain. UNIT 5: Two element arrays and their directional characteristics, Linear array analysis, Broadside and end fire arrays, pattern multiplication, Binomial arrays, Design of broadest array for a specific pattern. UNIT 6: Basic principles of parabolic reflector, analysis and power pattern, Lens antenna, Folded dipole, Turnstile and Yaggi antenna, Log- Periodic antennas, Horn antennas. Travelling waves antennas, Casegrain antennas. BOOKS: 1. Electromagnetic waves and Radiating system.:Edward c.Jovdan and Keith g. Balmain. 2. Antennas: Krauas. 6U-2, 6ET-2, 6DT-2, 6PE-2, 6IE-2, 6IN-2, 5PTU-2 CONTROL SYSTEM ENGINEERING UNIT- I: Introduction to need for automation and automatic control, use of feedback, Broad spectrum of system application. Mathematical modeling, Diff. Equations, transfer functions, block diagram, signal flow graphs, Application to elementary system simplifications, Effect of feedback on parameter variation, disturbance signal, servomechanism and regulators. Control system components, Electrical, Electro mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic and other components. Their functional analysis and input output representation. UNIT II: Time response of system, First order and second order system, (Standard input) concepts of gain and time constants, Steady state error, type of control system, approximate methods for higher order system. UNIT III: Root location and its effects on time response, Elementary idea of Root Locus, effect of adding pole and zero and proximity of imaginary axis. UNIT IV: Stability of control systems, conditions of stability characteristic equation, Routh Hurwitz criterion, special cases for determining relative stability.
UNIT V: Frequency response methods of analysing linear system, Nyquist and Bode plot, stability and accuracy analysis from frequency response, open loop and close Loop frequency response. Nyquist criteria, Effect of variation of gain and addition of pole and zeros on response plot, stability margins in frequency response. UNIT VI: State variable methods of analysis, characteristics of system state choice of state representation of vector matrix different equation, standard form relation between transfer function and state variable. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Control System Analysis : Nagrath and Gopal 2. Linear System Analysis : D. Azzo & Honpis, 1975 NOTE: Practical based on the above syllabus. 6U-3, 6DT-3, 6PE-3, 6IE-3, 5PTU-4 ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION UNIT 1: Generalized instrumentation systems, Active and Passive Transducers, Digital and Analog mode of operation, static and dynamic characteristic and performance of instrument. Statistically treatment of measurement errors, gaussian error distributions, probability tables, combination of errors. UNIT 2: Study of transducers and measuring system for the following motion measurement. Relative & absolute motion measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration, calibration of accelerometer, electrical transducer for motion measurement, LVDT, Piezoelectric transducer, variable inductance and measurement of shaft torque and power. UNIT 3: Temperature: Law of thermoelectric ckts. , Thermocouple, cold junction compensation, Thermistors, active- temp, sensors, radiation, thermometry, broad band and narrow band radiation methods, two color pyrometer, optical pyrometer, temperature measurement of flowing liquids, dynamic response and compensation temperature sensor, heat flux sensor. UNIT 4: STRAIN: Bonded & unbonded electrical strain gauges, gauge factor, temperature compensation methods, problems in biaxial strains fields, Error in the measurements of biaxial strains Miscellaneous measurements: measurement of liquid level, flow, pressures an pH. UNIT 5: Signal conditioning techniques used in various transducers, linearization, gain clipping, filtering, differential amplification, shielding techniques, various standards for signal transmission like 4-20 mA current loop converter etc. UNIT 6: Recording of data CRD, data acquisition system, IEEE 4888 bus, Principle of operation, protocols etc, test equpiments like multimeter, signal generator, signal analyzer. BOOKS: 1. Measurement system, application and Design: E.D.Doeblin, Mc-Graw Hill, Kogalcusha. 2. Circuit Design for electronics Instrumentation: Wob shell. 3. Instrumentation, Measurement and Feedback: B.E. Jones, Mc-Graw Hill.
6U-4, 6ET-4, 6DT-4, 6IE-4, 5PTU-3 COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS UNIT 1: Frequency spectrum of electromagnetic waves, their properties, wave propagation etc. Tuned Amplifiers, gain and bandwidth, neutralization, Noise, types, source, noise figure calculation. UNIT 2: A.M. Modulators, series plate modulated class C amplifier, efficiency and power calculations, and SSB modulation SSBSC modulation. A.M. Demodulators square law detector, diode peak detector, and envelope detector, detectors for SSB and SSB-SC A.B Signals, AM using transistor. UNIT 3: Angle modulation, Frequency modulation, spectrum, Reactance tube and FET modulators, Armstrong method, FM transmitters, frequency stabilization methods, FM discriminator, Foster Selly, PLL detectors, stereophonic FM. UNIT 4: Pulse Modulation; Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Delta Modulation (DM). UNIT 5: Radio Receivers and its measurements: TRE receiver, Superhetrodyne receiver, Detailed study of block schematic and circuits of Mixer, RF- stage, I.F. stage, detector, Automatic Gain control (AGC) , FM Radio receivers. Receiver Measurements: Sensitivity, Selectivity, image frequency rejection etc. Communication Receiver, Block schematic and its special features. UNIT 6: Line Telephony: Elemental phone system, central switching, simple exchange, Two-and- Four wire connections, Time division multiplexing, Analog Time-division switching Time slot Interchanging (TSI), Space array for digital signals, combined space time switching. TEXT BOOKS: Communication Electronics: Kennedy, TM REFERENCE: 1. Communication Electronics 2. Radio Communication 3. Electron table Circuits 4. Principle of Communication System 5. Communication Electronics 6. Communication Electronics : Forest Barker, IBT. : Miller. : Seely. : Taub & Shilliery, TMH. : Roddy and Coolen, PHI. : Deshpande, TMH.
6U-5, 6ET-5, 6DT-5, 6PE-5, 6IE-5, 6PTU-1 COMPUTER ORGANISATION UNIT 1: Register Level Design -General Characteristics, Description Languages, Combinational and Sequential Components, Design methods. Processors Level Design-Components, Design techniques. UNIT 2: Processor Design - Processor Organization, information representation, number formats. Instruction Sets - Instruction Formats, instruction types, multiplication and division ALU design, Floating Point arithmetic, IEEE 754 floating point formats. UNIT 3: Control Design - Instruction sequencing, interpretation, Hard wired control- Design methods, multiplier and CPU control Unit.
Microprogrammed Control Basic concept, minimizing microinstruction size, multiplier control unit. Microprogrammed Computers CPU Control Unit. A Conventional and inconventional Computers. UNIT 4: Memory Organisation Device characteristic, RAM, Serial access memories, Virtual memories, concept of cache & associative memories. UNIT 5: System Organisation Local and Long distance communication. Input & Output system, Interrupt, DMA, Introduction to parallel processing. UNIT 6: Concepts of parallel processing, pipelining, vector processors. Introduction of RISE architecture, Data flow architecture. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Carl Harmmacher-- Computer Organisation .(Third edition) Reference Books: 1. A.S.Tanen Baum Structured Computer Organization Third Edition.(PHI) 2. Y.Chui. 11 Computer Organisation and Microprogramming, prentice Hall, Englewood Chiffs. N.J. 3. M.M. Mano. Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall, Englewood chiffs. N.J. 4. C.W.Gear, computer Organization & programming McGraw Hill , N.V. 5. Computer Architecture & Organisation.: J.P. Hayes, second edition. PAI.
6U-6, 6ET-6, 6IE-6, 4PTU-4 ELECTRONIC WORKSHOP Fabrication and testing of small electronics circuit, PCB Design and technical report presentation. Study of Indian standards in Electronic Industry. Manufacturing Practices in Electronic Industry. REFRENCE MATERIAL: 1. 2. PCB Design : Boshar (TMH Publication) Elliot: Integrated circuit Fabrication Technology (TMH )
LIST OF ELECTIVE-I : i) Switching Theory ii) Fuzzy Logic & Neural N/W iii) CMOS VLSI Design
7U-1 / 8ET-1 / 8DT-1 ELECTRONICS SYSTEM DESIGN UNIT 1 : Designs of power supply system: Unregulated D.C. power supply system with rectifier and filter. Design of emitter follower regulator, series regulators, overload protection circuits for regulators. Design of SMPS: Step up and step down. (15) UNIT 2: Design of class A small signal amplifier: Emitter follower, Darlington pair amplifiers with and without Bootstrapping, Two stage direct coupled amplifier. Design of class A, class AB, audio power amplifier with drivers. (15) UNIT 3: Design of sinusoidal oscillators: OPAMP based Wein bridge and Phase shift oscillators with AGC circuits. Transistor based Hartley, Colpits and Crystal oscillators, Evaluation of figure of merit for all above oscillator circuits. (15) UNIT 4: Design of constant current sources, Design of function generators, Design of tuned amplifiers. Design of Butterworth, Chebyshev filters upto sixth order with VCVS and IGMF configuration. (15) BOOKS: 1. Regulated power supply Handbook. Texas Instruments. 2. Electronics: BJT's, FET's and Microcircuits-Anielo. 3. Monograph on Electronic circuit Design: Goyal & Khetan. PRACTICALS: Practicals based on above syllabus. Note: 50% Practicals should be based on SPICE simulation
7 U-2 / 8 ET-2 UHF AND MICROWAVE UNIT I: Causes of failure of conventional tubes at high frequency. Two cavity klystron amplifier, Reflex klystron oscillator. (10) UNIT 2: Travelling wave tube, Slow wave structure. Backward wave architecture (Carcinotron) Magnetron: cylindrical magnetron, parallel plate magnetron, voltage tunable magnetron. (10) UNIT 3: Microwave components: Attenuators, Tees, Directional couplers, Circulators, Isolators, Gyrators, Phase shifter, Cavity resonator, Transmission line resonator. (10) UNIT 4: Scattering matrices: Scattering matrices of transmission lines microwave junction and tees, directional coupler, circulator. (10) UNIT 5: Microwave filters: Design of microwave filters by Image parameter method; Insertion loss method. (10) Microwave measurement: Microwave power measurement - Bolometer method and Calorimeter method. VSWR measurement, Attenuation measurement, Impedance and Q factor measurement.
UNIT 6: Microwave solid state devices: GaAs oscillator, Parametric amplifier, PIN diode, Detector diode, MASER, Strip lines, Microstrip lines, coplanar, shielded, parallel strip lines. (10) PRACTICALS: Practicals based on above syllabus. Text Books: 1. Microwave device and circuits : Samuel Y. Lio 2. Foundations of microwave engineering: R.E. Collins. 3. Microwave engineering: R. Chatterjee. Reference Books : 1. Microwave communication : Hund 2. Microwave theory and measurement: G.Lance. 7U-3/7ET-3/7DT-3/8PE5(ii) DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING
UNIT 1: Discrete time signals and systems, discrete time signal, discrete time systems, Linearity, Time invariance/variance, static/dynamic, Stability classification of discrete time system, linear convolution, circular convolution cross correlation, autocorrelation. Linear constant coefficient difference equation, Sampling theorem and sampling process Reconstruction of sampling data, Convolution. (10) UNIT 2: Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals & system, Fourier transform of discrete time signals and Properties of Discrete time, Fourier transform. (10) UNIT 3: The Z-transform, Properties of ROCs for the Z-transform, Z-transform properties inverse z-transform using contour integration, complex convolution theorem, parsevals unilateral z-transform, and stability interpretation using Jurys array. (10) UNIT 4: Transformation of LTI systems and structure for discrete time signals: Frequency response of LTI systems, relationship between magnitude and phase, all pass systems, minimum phase system, linear system with generalize linear phase. (05) Block diagram representation and signal flow graph representation of linear constants coefficient and difference equation, basic structure of IIR systems, transposed forms, basic network structures for FIR systems, lattice structure. (05) UNIT 5: Filter design technique: design of discrete time IIR filter from continuous time filters, frequency transformation of low pass IIR filter design of FIR filters by windowing, FIR filter by Kaiser window method, frequency sampling method. (10)
UNIT 6: Discrete Fourier transforms - Discrete Fourier series and properties, Discrete Fourier transform, properties of DFT, circular convolution using DFT. Decimation in time: FFT algorithm, decimation in frequency FFT, FFT of long sequences using overlap add and overlap save method. (10) Books: 1. 2. Digital Signal Processing (PHI Pub.) - Alan V. Oppenheim & R.W.Schaffer. Digital Signal Processing: - computer based approach by Sanjiv Mitra.
References:1. Digital Signal processing theory and application Proakis and Manolakis- 3rd addition PHI Ltd.
PRACTICALS:Digital signal processing: suggested experiments are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Signal generation and sampling principals. Convolution. LTI system characteristics. DTFT and property. Z-transform and application, solution of difference equation. DFT, FFT and circular and linear convolution. Design of IIR filter. Design of FIR filter. Window method. Kaiser window method.
Note: at least one experiment with C and at least one with MATLAB. Optional: with DSP kit and Excel
7U-4/7ET 4/ 7DT5(I) DIGITAL COMMUNICATION UNIT 1: Digital modulation: PCM systems, Channel capacity, Delta modulation, Adaptive digital waveform coding schemes, matched filter receiver. Coherent Binary: PSK, FSK, QPSK, MSK, DPSK. (10) UNIT 2: Source coding methods - review of information theory, Huffman and L-Z encoding algorithm. Rate distortion theory for optimum quantization, scalar and vector quantization. (10) UNIT 3: Waveform coding methods, ADPCM, Adaptive sub-band and transform coding, model based speech coding like LP coding, CELP coding.Introduction to Image compression, Review of techniques used in JPEG and MPEG standards. (10) UNIT 4: Advanced modulation methods - The signal space concept, Gram-Smith procedure, Signal space representation of modulated signals, nonlinear modulation methods with memory, Error probability and optimum receivers for AWGN channels. (10)
UNIT 5: Advanced transmission methods: Review of channel coding, convolution, encoding and decoding, distance properties, Viterbi algorithm and Fano algorithm, Trellis coded modulation methods. (10) UNIT 6: Spread - Spectrum methods - Study of PN sequence, direct sequence methods, Frequency hop methods, digital spread spectrum, slow and fast frequency hop, performance analysis, synchronization methods for spread spectrum, Application of spread spectrum, CDMA. (10) BOOKS: 1. Digital communications: John G Prokis (TMG) 2. Digital Communications: Simon Haykin (WEP) REFERENCE: 1) Modern communication systems (Principles and application) Leon W. Couch II (PHI) 2) Digital communication: Shanmugh. 7U-5(1) / 7 DT 5 (iii) SWITCHING THEORY UNIT 1: Switching algebra and functions, Boolean Algebra, Boolean functions, Minimization of Boolean functions using Tabulation methods, sets, Relations and Lattices, Venn diagram. (10)
UNIT 2: Design of combinational Logic circuits, contact Network, Functional Decomposition and symmetric functions. (10) UNIT 3: Threshold Logic, threshold elements, capabilities and limitations of threshold logic, elementary properties, linear reparability, unate functions, synthesis of threshold functions, cascading of threshold elements. (10) UNIT 4: Reliable design and fault Diagnosis, Fault Detection in combinational circuits, Fault location experiments, Fault Detection by Boolean Differences, Path, sensitizing method, multiple fault detections using map method, failure- Tolerant design. (10) UNIT 5: Finite state Machine: Mealy and Moore synchronous sequential circuits, Design Capabilities, Minimization and Transformation of sequential Machine, Design of fundamental Mode and pulse Mode circuits. (10) UNIT 6: Structure of sequential machines, lattice of closed partitions, state assignment using partitions, Reduction of output dependency, Input independence and autonomous clock. Homing sequence, synchronizing sequence, adaptive distinguishing experiment. (10) BOOKS : 1. Switching and finite Automata Theory by Zvi Kohavi 2. Modem switching Theory by S.C. Lee
7U-5(ii) / 8 ET 5 (iii) / 7DT 5 (iv) FUZZY LOGIC & NEURAL NETWORK UNIT 1: Introduction 1. Fuzzy sets, relations, approximate reasoning, representing, set of rules. 2. Fuzzy knowledge based (FKBC) parameters introduction rule and data base, inference engine choice of fuzzification and defuzzification processes. (10) UNIT 2: Non linear Fuzzy Control Introduction, Control Problem, FKBC as nonlinear transfer element, Types of FKBC. UNIT 3: Adaptive Fuzzy Control Introduction, design and performance evaluation, mains approach to design. UNIT 4: Fundamental concept of ANN Model of artificial Neural Network (ANN) Learning and adaptation learning rules. (10) (08) (05)
Feed Forward Networks Classification Model, features and decision, regions, Minimum distance classification, perception, Delta learning rules for multiperceptron layer, Generalized learning rules, back propagation Algorithm, back propagation training, learning factors. (07) UNIT 5: Recurrent Networks Mathematical foundation of discrete time and gradient type hopefield networks, Transient response and relaxation modeling. (08) UNIT 6: Associative Memories and self organizing Networks Basic concepts and performance analysis of recurrent associative memory, Bi-directional associates memory. Hamming net and MAXNET, Unsupervised learning of clusters, counter propagation network, feature mapping, self-organizing feature maps, cluster discovery network (ART 1). (12) BOOKS: 1. Introduction of Artificial Neural Networks, Jacek Zurada (JPH) 2. Neural Network and Fuzzy Systems, Bart Kosko (PHI) 3. Neural Network A comprehensive foundation, Simon Haykin (Maxwell) Macmillan Canada Inc.) 4. An introduction to Fuzzy Control, D Driankov, Norsa. 5. Fuzzy sets Uncertainty & information Klir and Folger (PHI) 6. Digital Image Processing (AWPC) By Gonzalez.
7U-5(iii)/7 DT-4 CMOS VLSI DESIGN UNIT 1: MOS transistors: - nMOS enhancement and pMOS enhancement transistor, threshold voltage, body effect, MOS effect, MOS device equations, small signal model for MOS transistor. (10) UNIT 2: CMOS inverter: - principal of operation, dc characteristics, transient characteristics, n/p ration, noise margin, static load MOS inverter, transmission gate, introduction to BiCMOS inverter. (10) UNIT 3: Study of CMOS logic: - combinational logic, gates, compound gates, multiplexers, and memory elements. (10) UNIT 4: Circuit characterization and performance estimation. Resistance and capacitance estimation, switching characteristics, power dissipation, charge sharing. (10) UNIT 5: CMOS processing technology: - basic CMOS technology, layout design rules, and stick diagram representation latch up. (10) UNIT 6: CMOS circuits and logic design: - transistor sizing, fan-in, fan-out, and physical design of simple logic gates, CMOS logic structures, and clocking strategies. (10) Text Books: 4. Principal of CMOS VLSI design By Neil H. E. Weste, K. Eshraghian. Addison Wesley VLSI Series. 5. Digital Interrogated circuits, A Design Perspective by J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, and B. Nikolic. PHI 6. CMOS VLSI Design By Pucknell, K. Eshraghain
Advance Microprocessor & Micro controllers (Th.+ P) Computer Comm. Network Optical Communication Elective-II
LIST OF ELECTIVE-I i) Satellite Comm. (Any one of the above) ii) Mobile Comm. iii) Digital Image Processing iv) Embedded System
UNIT I: Introduction to VHDL, design units, data objects, signal drivers, internal and transport delays, delta delay, VHDL data types, concurrent and sequential systems. (10) UNIT 2: Subprograms-Functions, Procedures, attributes, generic, generates, package, IEEE STD. Logic library, file I/O, test bench, Component declaration, instantiation, configuration. (10) UNIT 3: Combinational logic circuit design and VHDL implementation of following circuits- fast multiplier, divider, Hamming code encoder and correction circuits. (10) UNIT 4: Synchronous sequential circuit design Finite state machines, Mealy and Moore, state assignments, design and VHDL implementation of FSMs, Linear feedback, shift register (pseudorandom and CRC). (10) UNIT 5: Asynchronous Sequential Circuit Design Primitive flow table, concept of race, critical race and hazards, design issues like metastability, synchronizers, clock skew and timing considerations. (10) UNIT 6: Introduction to place &route process, Introduction to ROM, PLA, PAL, Architecture of CPLD (Xilinx / Altera), FPGA architecture (Xilinx / Altara). (10) BOOKS: 1. VHDL 3rd Edition-Douglas Perry-TMH 2. Fundamental Of Digital Logic With VHDL design Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic-TMH 3. Digital Design Principles-Fletcher 4. VHDL synthesis-J. Bhasker 5. VHDL primer- J. Bhasker-Pearson Education REFERENCE: 1. Digital system design using VHDL Chales H. Roth. 2. Digital System Design John Wakerley. 3. VHDL Zainalabedin Navabbi. 4. VHDL D. Smith. PRACTICAL: Practicals based on above syllabus.
8U-2 / 7 ET 2 / 7 DT 1 ADVANCE MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS UNIT I: Introduction to 16 bit microprocessors, 8086/8088 CPU architecture, memory Organization, interfacing addressing modes. Instruction set, programming examples, pseudo opcodes, and assembler directives. UNIT 2: Interfacing of peripherals 8255,8253 & 8251. Interfacing of ADC &DAC, stepper motor, serial communication standards RS232, I2 CBUS. UNIT 3: Architecture, Organization operation & interfacing of 8259, ICWs, OCWS, Cascading 8279- keyboard display mode, sensor matrx mode, command words and programming DTMF transreciver (Mittel 8880), real time clock; DS1307, EEPROM. UNIT 4: 8086/88 maximum mode, 8087 architecture, 80386 architecture, real and protected mode, 8237 DMA controller, Organization, control words. UNIT 5: Introduction to 8051 family architecture, pin diagram, operation, ports, addressing modes, internal & external memory, SFR, FLAGS, Organization, counters and timers, serial communication. UNIT 6: 8051 Instruction set, interrupts, programming exercises for interfacing with keyword, LED matrix, time delays, and serial communications. BOOKS: 1. Programming and interfacing of 8086/8088, D.V.Hall, TMH. 2. Intel Reference Manuals, Microprocessors & Microcontrollers: Intel. 3. Microcontrollers Peatman, McGraw Hill. 4. Microcontrollers Ayla (TMH). Reference Books: 1. Advanced Microprocessor & Peripherals, A.K.Ray (TMH). 2. Microprocessor 8086/88 Family Programme Interfacing: Liu &Gibson. PRACTICAL: Practical based on above syllabus.
8U-3/ 8DT 3 / 8 ET 5 (II) COMPUTER COMMUNICATION NETWORK UNIT I: Network and Services Communication Network: approaches to network Design, types of Network, Two stage, Three stage Network, Time Division Switching, Time Multiplexed Switching. Time Multiplexed Time Switching. (10) UNIT II: LAN Network & Medium Access Layer LAN Structure, random accesses multiple access protocol, IEEE standard 802 for LAN & MAN. High speed LANs, FDDI, and Fast Ethernet. (10) UNIT III: Application & Layered Architecture OSI Reference models, TCP/IP Architecture, TCP/IP Protocol, IP Packets, IP addressing, subnet addressing, address resolution & reverse resolution, TCP/IP utilities. (10) UNIT IV: Physical Layer and Data Link Layer Transmission media, wireless transmission, X25 network, Narrow band & Broadband ISDN, ATM Data link Layer design, Error detection & correction elementary data link protocols, sliding window protocols. (10) UNIT V: Network Layer & Transport Layer Network Layer design, Routing, congestion, Internetworking Transport layer design issues, Transport services primitives, Internet transport protocol, wireless TCP and UDP. (10) UNIT VI: Application Layer Network Security, Cryptography, Secret key, Public- Key, digital signature, Domain Name system, Electronic Mail System, Multimedia, Real Time Transport Protocol. (10) BOOKS: 1. Telecommunication Switching System & Networks by Vishwanathan. 2. Communication Networks by Leon-Gracia, Indra Widjaja 3. Computer Communication by W. Stalling. 4. Computer Networks by Tanenbaum. 8U - 4 / 8 ET 4/ 7 DT 5(ii) OPTICAL COMMUNICATION UNIT 1: Principle of optical communication - Attribute and structures of various fibers such as step index, graded index mode and multi mode fibers. Propagation in fibers -Ray mode, Numerical aperture and Multipath dispersion in step index and graded index fibers. Material dispersion and frequency response. (10) UNIT 2: Electromagnetic wave equation in step index and graded index fibers modes and power flow in fibers.Manufacture of fibers and cables, fiber joints, splices and connectors. (10) UNIT 3: Signal degradation in fibers - Attenuation, material dispersion, waveguide dispersion, pulse broadening, mode coupling. (10) UNIT 4: Optical sources - LED and LASER structures and properties Source launching and coupling. (10) UNIT 5: Photo detector - Pin and Avalanche - Photo detectors Structures and Properties. Optical receiver- Operation and Performance. (10)
UNIT 6: Transmission link - Point to point links, WDM Data buses, star and T- Coupler, NRZ, RZ and block codes. Measurement in optical fibers - Attenuation, dispersion, refractive index profile and optical source characteristic measurements. (10) BOOKS: 1. Optical fiber communication, principle and practice : John M. Senior (PH International Service) 2. Optical Fiber Communication :B. Kaiser (McGrew Hills) 3. Optical communication system : J. Gower ( Prentice Hall of India) 4. Optical Fiber System : Rao ( Tata McGrew Hills) 8U-5(I)/7 ET-5(II) SATELLITE COMMUNICATION UNIT 1: Introduction: Origin of satellite communication, current state of satellite communication. Orbital aspect of satellite communication:- orbital mechanism, equation of orbit, locating satellite in orbit, orbital elements, orbital perturbation. Space craft subsystem: - attitude and orbit control system, telemetry tracking and command power system, communication subsystem. (10) UNIT 2: Satellite link design: - system noise temperature and G/T ratio, down link design, domestic satellite system, uplink design, design of satellite link for specified(C/N) (10) UNIT 3: Multiple access technique: - FDMA, FDM/FM/FDMA, effect of intermodulation, compended FDM/FM/FDMA, TDMA, TDMA frame structure and design, TDMA synchronization and timing, code division multiple access, SS transmission and reception, applicability of CDMA to commercial system, multiple assess on board processing, SCPS system, digital speech interpolation system, DAMA. (10) UNIT 4: Propagation on satellite: - earths path propagation effect, atmospheric absorption, scintillation effects, land and sea Multipath, rain and ice effect, rain drop distribution, calculation of attenuation, rain effect on antenna noise temperature Eliminating propagation effects: - Attenuation, Site diversity, Depolarisation. (10) UNIT 5: Encoding and forward error correction:- error detection and correction, channel capacity, error detecting codes, linear block code , error correction with linear block codes, performance of block error correction codes, convolution codes, cyclic codes, BCH and codes, error detection on satellite links. (10) UNIT 6: Earth station technology:- earth station design, antenna tracking, LNA, HPA, AF multiplexing factors affecting orbit utilization. Tracking, equipment for earth stations. (10) Text Books : 1. Satellite communication by T. Pratt 2. Satellite communication by D. C. Agrawal 3. Satellite communication by Dennis Roddy 4. Satellite communication by T. T. Hai.
8U-5(ii)/ 8 ET 3/8 DT 5 (i) MOBILE COMMUNICATION UNIT-1: The cellular concept: Evaluation of mobile radio communication, cellular telephone system, frequency reuse, channel assignment and handoff strategies, interference and system capacity, trunking and grade of service improving capacity in cellular system. (10) UNIT 2 : The mobile radio environment: causes of propagation path loss, causes of fading- long term and short term, definition of sample average, statistical average, probability density function, cumulative probability distribution, level crossing rate and average duration of fade, delay spread coherence bandwidth, intersymbol interference. (10) UNIT-3: Modulation technique for mobile communication: BPSK, QPSK, transmission and detection technique, 4 QPSK transmission and detection technique, QAM, GMSK. (10) UNIT-4: Equalization, diversity and channel coding:- fundamentals of equalization, space polarization, frequency and time diversity technique, space diversity, polarization diversity frequency and time diversity, fundamentals of channel coding. (10) UNIT-5: Multiple access technique: Introduction to multiple access, FDMA, TDMA, Spread spectrum multiple access, frequency hopped multiple access (FHMA), code division multiple access (CDMA) space division multiple access (SDMA). (10) UNIT-6: GSM- global system for mobile: service and features, GSM system architecture, GSM radio subsystem, GSM channel types, GSM frame structure, signal processing in GSM, introduction to CDMA digital cellular standard. (10) TEXT BOOKS: 1. Wireless Communication Principal & practice by T.S.Rappaport(PHI) 2. mobile Communication design fundamentals by William C.Y. Lee(John Willey) REFERNCEBOOK: 1. Wireless digital communication by Kamilo Feher (PHI). 2. Mobile Cellular Communication by W.C.Y.Lee (Mc.Graw.Hall). 3. The Mobile radio Propagation channel by J.D.Parson.
8 U - 5 (iv) / 8 DT 5 (iii) EMBEDDED SYSTEMS UNIT 1: Introducing the 68HC12, Subroutines and Stacks, 68HC12 Arithmetic. UNIT 2: WHYP - An extensible Language, Branching and Looping, Interrupts, Parallel Interfacing. UNIT 3: The serial peripheral interface (SPI) UNIT 4: Analog to digital converter, timer. UNIT 5: The serial communication interface (SCI) UNIT 6: Strings and numbers conversions, program control and data structures. BOOKS: 1. Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12/11 Microcontrollers, Richard E. Haskell, Prentice Hall 2. Morton, Todd Embedded Microcontrollers. Prentice Hall 2001 3. Valvano, Jonathan W. Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing. Brooks/Cole 2000.
NAGPUR UNIVERSITY Scheme of Examination for the B.E four year course in Information Technology (Semester Pattern,III-Semester) No Subjects Paper Max Practical Marks College Assesment Min Duration of Marks paper in hours L T P Total
3IT15 3IT16
Applied mathematics Programming Language C (TH+P) Electronic Devices and Circuits (TH+P) Electrical Science (TH) Digital Electronics and design (TH+P) Managerial Economics and Accountancy (TH) Computer Workshop
Paper Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical College Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Assee Practical Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Asse.
80 20
40 40 25 40 25 40
33 33 3 3
1 1 3 3
4 4 2 2 4 2 4
1 1 2 -
80 100 20 25 50 25 80 20 100
40 25 40
3 3
2 2
1 1
2 -
3 2 3
25 50 25 800
- -
6 8
NAGPUR UNIVERSITY Scheme of Examination for the B.E four year course in Information Technology(Semester Pattern,IV-Semester) No Subjects Paper Max Min Duration of Practical Marks Marks paper College in hours Assessment Paper Coll.Asse 80 100 20 40 3 L T P Total
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory (TH) Algorithm and data Structure (TH+P)
40 25 40 25
3 3 -
3 2 -
1 1 -
2 2
4 2 3 2
Communication Paper Electronics Coll.Asse. zation Practical (TH+P) Coll.Asse. Data Processing and File organiza tion (TH+P) Theory Of Computation (TH) Computer Architecture and Organization (TH) Computer Workshop Paper Coll.Asse. Practical Coll.Asse Paper Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical Coll.Asse. Total
40 25
3 -
2 -
1 -
3 2
NAGPUR UNIVERSITY Scheme of Examination for the B.E four year course in Information Technology(Semester Pattern,V-Semester) No Subjects Paper Max Practical Marks College Assesment Paper Coll.Asse Practical College Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical College Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Min Marks Duration of L paper in hours 3 3 1 T P Total
Information Theory and Data Communication (TH+P) Discrete and Integrated Circuits (TH+P) Object Oriented Methodologies (TH+P)
40 25 -
4 2 2
40 25 40 25
3 3 -
3 2 -
1 1 -
2 2
4 2 4 2
80 100 20 25 50 25
40 25
3 -
3 -
1 -
4 2
80 20 800
6 8
NAGPUR UNIVERSITY Scheme of Examination for the B.E four year course in Information Technology(Semester Pattern,VI-Semester) No Subjects Paper Max Practical Marks College Assessment Paper Coll.Asse 25 50 College Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical College Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical Coll.Asse. Min Marks Duration of L paper in hours 3 3 2 T P Total
80 100 20 25 25 80 20 25 25 100 50
40 -
1 2
Visual Techniques (TH+P) Database Management System (TH+P) Java Programming (TH)
40 25 40 25
3 3 -
2 3 -
1 1 -
2 2
3 2 4 2
80 100 20 25 50 25 80 100 20 25 50 25
40 25
3 -
3 -
1 -
4 2
Paper Coll.Asse.
80 100 20
Paper Coll.Asse.
80 20
6 8
NAGPUR UNIVERSITY Scheme of Examination for the B.E four year course in Information Technology(Semester Pattern,VII-Semester) No Subjects Paper Max Practical Marks College Assessment Paper Coll.Asse Practical College Asse. Paper Practical College Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Min Marks Duration of L paper in hours 3 3 T P Total
40 25
1 -
4 2
Digital Signal Processing (TH+P) Computer System Security (TH) Elective-I (TH) Elective-II (TH) Mini Project
40 20 25 40
3 3
3 3
1 1
2 -
4 2 4
7IT44 7IT45
40 40
3 3
3 3
1 1
4 4
- -
Elective-II(7IT44) 1.Fuzzy System and Neural Network 2.Multimedia System 3.Digital Image Processing 4.CAD\CAM 5.Management Information System Note: As and when changes in technology occurs new elective subjects will be introduced.
NAGPUR UNIVERSITY Scheme of Examination for the B.E four year course in Information Technology(Semester Pattern,VIII-Semester) No Subjects Paper Max Min Duration of L Practical Marks Marks paper College in hours Assesment Paper Coll.Asse Practical College Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Practical College Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Paper Coll.Asse. Coll.Asse. Viva Voce Total Elective-I(8IT50) 1.Enterprise Resource Planning 2.Fibre Optical Communication 3.Modelling and Simulation 4.Real Time System Elective-II(8IT50) 1.Mobile Communication 2.Pattern Communication 3.Advenced Microprocessor 4.Parallel Processing Note: As and when changes in technology occurs new elective subjects will be introduced. 20 80 100 20 80 100 20 75 75 150 40 40 3 3 3 3 1 1 4 4 80 100 20 25 50 25 80 20 25 25 80 100 50 100 40 25 40 25 40 3 3 3 T P Total
Distributed Data Base and Object Oriented Database (TH+P) Web Technology (TH+P) E-Commerce (TH) Elective-I (TH) Elective-II (TH) Project
3 2 2 2
1 2 1 1
2 -
3 2 3
8IT50 8IT51
UNIT-I: Integral Transforms: Fourier Integral Theorem, Fourier and Laplace Transforms and their simple properties, Simple applications of laplace transforms to solve ordinary differential equation including simultaneous equations, Solution of one dimensional diffusion and wave equation by transform method. UNIT-II: Z-Transform definition and properties ,Inversion, Relation with Laplace Transform, Application of Z-Transform to solve difference equation with constant coefficients. UNIT-III: Matrices: Inverse of a matrix by adjoining method and its use in solving simultaneous equations, Rank of Matrix, Consistency of a system of equation ,Eigen values, Eigen Vector, Reduction of a diagonal form, Statement and verification of Cauchy-Hamilton Theoram, Determination of a roots of algebraic equation by matrix method, Sylvesters Theorem, Association of Matrices with linear equation of second order with a constant coefficient. UNIT-IV: Theory of Probability: Axioms and Models, Conditional Probability, Bayes Rule examples, Random Variable-Simple examples, Discrete and continuous random variable, Jointly distributed random variables. UNIT-V: Distribution of random variable-examples, expectation-Moments, Conditional distribution and conditional Expectations, Stochastic Process-Bernoulli and poison processes. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Mathematics for engineers by Chandrika Prasad 2.Advanced Mathematics for engineers by Chandrika Prasad. 3.matrix methods for engineering by L.A.Pipes. 4.Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S Grewal 5.Probability,Statics with Reliability,Queing and Computer Science Applications by K.S Trivedi. REFRENCES: 1.Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physics by L.A.Pipes and Harvile, 2.Probablity Theory by Spiegel Murrey,Scham Series. 3,Probablity and Statistics for engineers 4th ed,by Miller,Freunda and Johonsan
UNIT-I: Algorithm, Flowchart ,program Development Steps, Basic Structure Of C Language, C tokens, Data Types, Declaration of Variables, Assigning values, Arithmetic, relational operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Control operators, Expressions, Evaluation ,I/O operations, IF and Switch Statements, While Do While and for statements, Programming examples. UNIT-II: One and Two Dimensional arrays, Initializations String Variable, Declaration, Reading, Writing, String Handling Functions, User defined functions, Variable and Storage Classes, Recursion, Preprocessor, Structure Definition, Initializing. Assigning Values, Passing of Structures as arguments, Union, Programming examples
UNIT-III: Declaration and Initializing Pointers, Pointer based expressions, Arrays, Strings, Functions and Structures, C program examples, File management in c, Opening and Closing, I/O operations on files, Programming Examples.
UNIT-IV: Enumerated data types, Renaming data types with typedef(),Type casting, Bit Wise Operators and Bit Manipulation, pointer to Pointer, Pointer to Function, Functions Returning Pointers, Functions with variable number of arguments, Dynamic Memory Allocation ,Programming examples. UNIT-V: Drawing lines, Circle, rectangle, ellipse, arc using standard library functions, line drawing using DDA algorithm, Displaying text in various styles and fonts, drawing and filling shapes, pallets and colors, Programming examples. PRACTICAL based on above syllabus TEXT BOOKS: 1.Programming in ANCI C by Balguruswami 2.The C Programming Language by Kerningham 3.LET US C by Y.C.Kanetkar.
*UNIT-I: Theory of PN junction diode, junction capacitance, Breakdown, Zener Diodes, Varactor Diodes, Tunnel Diode, Power Supplies: Half Wave and Full Wave, Voltage doublers, Filter types L and PI Regulation, Ripple Factors, Voltage Stabilizers *UNIT-II: Junction Transistor: Theory of operation, Static characteristics, Breakdown voltages, current, voltage and power limitation, Phototransistors
*UNIT-III: Biasing arrangements, Voltage gain, current gain, input and output impedance for CS,CG and CD,FET amplifiers ,Brief discussion about UJT and SCR applications. UNIT-IV: Biasing of BJT: Different biasing arrangements and stability factors, Thermal runway in power transistors, voltage ,current, power gain, Input and Output impedances in CE and CS amplifiers and comparison,
UNIT-V: Feedback amplifier, Oscillators using BJT ,Barkhausens creation, RC phase shift, wein bridge ,LC oscillators, Crystal oscillators, Frequency stability. Power amplifiers: Classification, A ,B and C classes, efficiency. Pushpull class: A, B, All complimentary symmetric, Distortion and its calculations PRACTICAL based on above syllabus TEXT BOOKS: 1Integrated Electronics by Millman and Halkias. 2.Electonic Devices and Circuits by Millman and Hallkis 3.Electonic Circuits-Discrete and Integrated by Schilling belov 4.Micro Electonics Millman and Garbie
UNIT-I: Network Theorems: Superposition, Reciprocity Thevenins, Nortons, Maximum power transfer for AC circuits, Two port network parameter and interconnections. UNIT-II: Nodal and Mesh analysis, Source Transformation, Duality. UNIT-III: Measurements of Inductance, Resistance and Capacitance, Measurements of low, medium and high resistance, Elementary method of measurements of Inductance and Capacitance,Generalised theory of AC brideges,Their uses for Measurements of Inductance and Capacitance UNIT-IV: Measuring Instruments: Classification, Absolute and secondary instruments, Electronics instruments(VTVM, CRO, DVM etc), Synchroscope
TEXT BOOKS: 1.Electrical Technology by B.L.Thereja. 2.Electrical and Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation by A.K.Sawney. 3Control System Engineering by Nagrath and Gopal.
UNIT-I: Analog Vs Digital Systems, Transistor as a switch, Boolean Algebra, Boolean identities, Logic problems, Binary, Gray, Octal,Hex and ASCII codes, Gates and their truth tables, DeMorgans Law, Sum of Product and Product of Sums. Combination Logic : Concepts, SSI, MSI & VLSI circuit classification, Standard TTL, CMOS characteristics, Karnaugh map, Simplification of sum product of sum, Solution to problem using K-maps. UNIT-II: Deciders, N Coaders, Multiplexes, D Multiplexes, code converters, Characteristics of display devices, Standard configuration of gates as SSI / MSI / LSI circuits, conversion of decoders / MUX into one another, use of MUX as a function generator. UNIT-III: Introduction to flip flop, latches, Concept of clock, Memory origination with flip flop as basic cell, RAM, ROM, EPROM & EEPROM - An overview, Master slave combination and conversion of one type to another type Flip flops UNIT-IV: Excitation tables and introduction to sequential circuits, Counters synchronous / asynchronous, different modulo counters with reset / clear facility, Design of counters of arbitary modulo with K- maps, Lock free counters UNIT-V: Arithmetic circuits Adders, Subtractors ( Half and full), BCD adder / subtractor. Concept of ALU and its design, Integrated circuit versions of multivibrators and their design parameters. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Digital design by M.N. Mano 2. Digital electronic principals by Malvino 3. Digital integrated Electronics by Herbert Taub 4. Digital Circuits & Microprocessors by Herbert Taub 5. Introduction to Digital System by Ralmer 6. Digital Electronics by Ryan
UNIT-I: Meanin, Nature and Scope of Managerial economics, Concepts used in Management economics such as incremental concepts, Tinen perspective, Discounting for time, Opportunity cost equimarginlism, Law of diminishing marginal utility, Methodology of managerial economics, Simulation. UNIT-II: Demand Analysis : Types of demand, Consumers and producers, Goods perishable and durable goods, Determinants of demand, price, income and cross elasticity of demand. Methods of demand forecasting. UNIT-III: Theory of production, roduction function, Firm and Industry, Laws of return, Input, Output analysis, Break even analysis, Cost concepts, Fix variable average marginal and total cost, depreciation cost. UNIT-IV: New economic policy liberalization, Globalization with respect to current Indian economic scenario, International trade balance of trade and payments. Price and Output determination under perfect competition, monopoly monopolistic competition, Oligopoly, Pricing strategies adopted by the Indian and foreign companies. UNIT-V: Accounting: evaluation of accounting, definition of accounting and book keeping, Accounting as an Information system, Users of accounting information, Financial and Managerial accounting, Accounting principles. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Managerial Economic by O.P.Chopra. 2.Managerial Economic by G.S.Gupta. 3.Managerial Economic by D.N.dwivedi
REFRENCES: 1.Managerial Economic by P.N. Reedy. 2. Managerial Accounting by S.P.Gupta. 3.Managerial Economic by K.C.Shankarnarayan.
2.Working under DOS Operating Environment. 3.Working Under WINDOWS Operating Enviroment. 4.Multimedia,IT in business.
UNIT-I: Mathematical Logic and Set Theory: Statement and Notation, Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, Tautologies, Truth tables, basic concepts of set theory, Inclusion and equality of sets, The power set, Ordered pair and n-Tuples. UNIT-II: Relation and Functions :Relation and Ordering, Properties of Binary relation in a set Relation, Matrix and the Graph Relation, Partition and covering of the set. Equivalence Relation, Partial Ordering, Partially Ordered set, Functions(defination and examples), Composition of function, Inverse functions, Characteristic function of a set. UNIT-III: Group Theory : Semigroup and Monoids(defination and examples), Homomorphism of Semigroups and Monoids, Subsemi groups and Homomorphisms, cosets and Lagranges theorm, Normal subgroups, Codes and Group codes. UNIT-IV: Rings(defination and examples) : Integral domains ring homomorphisms,ideas of Ring polynomial. UNIT-V: Graph Theory : Basic concepts of Graph theory, basic definations, Paths and circuits.Reachability and connectedness, Matrix representation of graphs, Trees and their representation and their operations, Rooted trees,Path length in rooted trees,Multigraphs and Weighted graphs,Shortest paths in weighted graphs. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Discrete mathematics Structure with application to computer Science by J.P.Treamblay & R.Manohar. 2.Discrete Maths for Computer Scientists & Mathmaticians(chapter 2, 5, 7) by .L.Mott,A,Kandel,T.P.Baker. REFRENCES: 1.Elements of Discrete Mathematics by C.L.Liu. 2.Discrete Mathematics by Lipschutz. 3.discrete Mathematics by R.Johnsonbaugh
UNIT I: Introduction to algorithm :analysis of algorithms, the asymptotic notations, features of structured program,recursion,top down ,bottom up programming techniques ,divide & quauquer strategy. Stacks & queues: fundamentals ,evaluation of expression, polish expressions and their compilation, application of stacks ,multiple stacks & queues, priority queues. UNITII: LINKED LIST, Single linked list, linked stacks and queues, the polynomial addition, examples on link list, evaluation relation, circular link list, doubly link list, generalized link list. UNIT III: SORTING methods, internal & external sort, bubble sort, exchange sort,insertion,selection,merge,heap,radix,quick sort, comparison with respect to their efficiency. searching methods:sequential,binary,indexed search, hashing techniques and collision handling mechanism UNIT IV: Trees: definitions and terminology,representations,tree traversal examples on trees, threaded trees, binary tree, search tree, operation on multiways trees,B trees and B+trees. UNIT V: Graph and their applications: computer representations of graphs, traversal techniques like breadth first search, depth first search, greedy algorithms ,study with respect to shortest path, minimum cost spanning tree. Practicals based on above syllabus. TEXT BOOKS: 1.An introduction to data structures with applications by Trembley J.P.& Sorenson P.G 2.Algorithm data structures & programs by Niclaus worth. structures using C/C++ by Tenanbaun.
UNIT I: analog systems: frequency spectrum of electromagnetic waves, their properties ,properties of Fourier transform, convolution in time & frequency domain, sampling theorem, noise types, sources. UNIT II: Mechanism of amplitude modulation & detection ,SSB,SSB-SC,DSB,various techniques of generation and detection of FM,comparison of various system based on SNR. UNIT III: Digital systems: bandwidth and rate of pulse transmission ,pulse spreading and interference,PSD of digital signals. UNIT IV: Pulse modulation:PAM,PWM,PCM and PPM systems,quantisation and noise ,delta modulation. UNIT V: Digital carrier system:ASK,PSK,FSK,DPSK systems,M-ary communication system PRACTICALS based on above syllabus. TEXT BOOKS:
1.Modern digital & analog communication system by B.P.Lathi 2.Communication system by B.P.Lathi 3.Digital communication by Proakis REFERENCES: 1.Communication systems by A.B.Carlson 2.Principle of communication system by Taub & Schgilling 3.Communication Electronics by Kennedy
UNIT I: Structure organization of COBOL,characterset ,words ,sentences ,identification ,division, environment division, data division, data types-numerical, alphabetical & alphanumeric, input output sections, working storage sections PROCEDURE division features ACCEPT, DISPLAY, MOVE, arithmetic & COMPUTE verbs, sample programs, PERFORM & GOTO verbs, STRING UNSTRING ,INSPECT & COPY verbs ,sample programs using perform, miscellaneous COBOL statements UNIT II: Conditional statements & table handling :relation conditions, nested conditions, class conditions, condition-name conditions, structured programming forms of program structure, structural flow charts,subscripting,OCCURS clause,multidimensional tables,table handling with PERFORM verb. UNIT III: Business files: operation on files, master files, transaction files, report file, batch line-line processing, case studies, sequential access files, principles of magnetic storage & accessing blocking,inter record gap,label records,COBOL language instructions for sequential files. UNIT IV: Direct access flies: characteristics of disk storage & timing index, indexed sequencing flies, COBOL instruction for indexed sequential file, relative file organization, division-reminder method, digit-analysis method, COBOL instructions for handling relative files. UNIT V: SORTING,SEARCHING & MERGING: linear search sort, chained record sort, linear search, binary search, file sorting & merging sequential files. Report generation :output layout design, handling date & detailed summaries, control breraks,language specifications for COBOL report writing. PRACTICALS based on above syllabus. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Information system through COBOL by S.Philiphakis,Leenard J. 2.COBOL programming by M.K.Roy,D.Ghosh Dastidar.
UNIT I: strings,alphabet,language operations, finite state machine definitions,finite automation model, acceptance of strings and language, on deterministic finite automation, deterministic finite automation, equivalence between NFA and DFA,conversion of NFA into DFA,minimization of FSM,equivalence between two FSMs Moore and Mealy machines UNIT II: regular sets ,regular expressions, identity rules, manipulation rules, manipulation of regular expressions, equivalence between RE and fa, inter conversion, pumping lemma, closure properties of regular sets(proofs not required),regular grammars,righjt linear and left linear grammars, equivalence between regular linear programming and FA inter conversion between RE and RG. UNIT III: context free grammer,derivation trees,chomsky normal form,greibach normal form, push down automata,definition,model acceptance of cfl,equivalence of CFL and pda,interconversion ,enumeration of properties of CFL (proofs omitted) UNIT IV: Turing machine definition model, design of TM, computable functions, recursive enumerable language, churchs hypothesis, counter machine, types of TMs (proofs not required),chomsky hierarchy of languages, linear bounded automata and context sensitive langugage,introduction of DFCL and DPDA,LR(O),grammar ,decidability of problems. UNIT V: Undecidability :properties of recursive & non-recursive enumerable languages, universal Turing machine,postcorrospondence problem,intreoduction it recursive function theory. TEXT BOOKS: 1.introduction to automata theory ,languages and COMPUTATION by hopcraft H.E. & ullman introduction to formal languages and automata by peter linz(chapter 1 to 12 except 6.3 and 6.4) REFERENCES: 1.introduction to languages and the theory of automata by john c martin 2.elements of theory of computation by lewis H.P and papadimition C.H 3.theory of computation by mishra & chandrashekharan.
UNIT I: Basic structure of computer hardware & software, functional unit, basic operational concepts, bus structures, software performance, distributed computing, addressing methods & machine programsequencing:memory locations, addresses & encoding of information ,main memory operations, instructions & instruction sequencing, addressing modes, assembly language, basic input-output operations,stacks,subroutines. UNIT II: The 68000example :registers & addressing,instructions,assembly language program control ,sorting example, logic instructions, program controlled I/O subroutines. Power PC examples: basic power PC organization ,load & sorting instructions, arithmetic & logic instructions, flow control instructions, compare instructions, subroutines. UNIT III: The processing unit: some fundamental concepts, execution of complete instruction, hardware control, performance considerations,microprogrammed control input-output organization,accessing I/O devices, interrupts ,DMA. UNIT IV: Arithmetic: number representations, additions of positive numbers, logic design of fast adders, addition & substraction,arithmetic & branching conditions, multiplication of positive numbers, signed operand multiplication, fast multiplication, integer division. UNIT V: The main memory: some basic concepts, semiconductors RAM memories, memory system considerations, semiconductor ROM memories, multiple-module memories and interleaving, cache memories, virtual memories, memory management requirements. Pipelining: basic concepts, instruction queue, branching data dependency, influence of pipelining on instruction set design, multiple execution units, performance considerations, examples of CISC,RISC & stack processors. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Computer organization & architecture by V.C.Hamacher,Z.G.Vranesic and S.G.Zaky. REFERENCES: 1. Computer organization & architecture by William Stalling 2. Computer organization & architecture by J.P.Hayes,Third Ed,McGraw Hill Publ
1.Introduction to networking accessories 2.Introduction to UNIX operating system 3.introduction to MS-WORD & POWER POINT 4.Familiaritywithinternet&worldwideweb.
UNIT-I Digital communications: Introduction, digital ratio, digital amplitude modulation, frequency shift keying, phase shift keying, quadrature amplitude modulation, bandwidth efficiency, carrier recovery.
*UNIT-II Probability random variable and stochastic processes, review of probability theory, random variable, probability density and distribution function, random process, periodic processes, stationary processes, auto correlation cross correlation application to signal analysis. *UNIT-III Data communications: history and communications, circuits, data communications, error control, synchronization, data communication, hardware, Data communication protocol and Network configuration: Open system interconnection, synchronous protocol *UNIT-IV Digital transmission: PCM, Differential pulse code modulation, pulse transmission, signal power in binary digital signal. Multiplexing: time division multiplexing, TI digital carrier system, CCITT time-division multiplexed carrier system. UNIT-V Shenon limit for information theory, channel capacity and discrete and continuous channels, error control coding, Hamming distance, linear block codes, CRC, convolutional codes PRACTICAL BASED ON ABOVE SYLLABUS TEXT BOOKS: 1.Advanced Electronic Communication System by Wayne Tomasi 2.Communication System Analog, Digital by R.P.Singh., S.D.Sapre. 3.Modern digital and Analog communication System by B.P.Lathi. 4.Digital communication by Simon Haykin
UNIT-I Linear waveshapping: RC, RL and RLC circuits, High pass, low pass circuits, response to step, ramp and exponential input, compensated attenuator.
*UNIT-II Clipping and Clamping circuits: Diode clippers, Zener diode, clipper compensation for temp, changes in diodes, Clamping operation with and without source and diodes, Clamping operation with and without source and diode resistance Clamping circuit theorem effect of diode characteristics UNIT-III Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits: Differential amplifier stages, current source, biasing, level shifting techniques, common mode and differential mode gains and impedance of a differential stage, over load protection circuits, frequency response and compensation.
*UNIT-IV Comparator, sample and hold circuit of bistable, monostable, astable multivibrator using OP-AMP.
UNIT-V Characteristics of ideal and non-ideal operational amplifier, error in measurement of various parameters, Integrator and Differentiator, Instrumentation amplifier, bridge amplifier, Introduction to 555,565 and 723 ICs
TEXT BOOKS: 1.Microelectronics: Jacob Millam,McGraw Hill Book 2.Operational Amplifier and Applications by R.Gaikwad. 3.Op.Amp.Design and application by Tobey, Gramme and Huelsoman, McGraw Hill, Kogakusha. 4.Operational amplifier by Roy & Choudhary. 5.Pulse,Digital and Switching Waveform by Millman and Taub. PRACTICALS based on above syllabus.
5 IT 31
UNIT I: Introduction ,object oriented development ,object oriented Terms, object module, object & classes link and associations,generalization,grouping constructs, a sample object module ,advanced object modeling, aggregation, abstract classes, multiple inheritance,metadata,candidate keys, constraints UNIT II: Dynamic modeling events & states, nested state diagrams, concurrency advanced dynamic modeling concepts, a sample dynamic module, relation of objects & dynamic module, functional models, data flow diagrams,specufying operations,constraints,a sample functional module. UNIT III: Design methodology, overview of analysis, problem statement, TM network, object modeling, various phases, dynamic modeling, various phases, adding operations, refining the object model, system design, overview ,sub systems, allocating subsystems, management of data stores,choosing software control,implementation,handling boundary conditions, trade offs. UNIT IV: Object design, overview ,designing algorithms, design optimization ,optimization of control, adjustment of inheritance, design of associations, object representations, physical packaging,documenting,design decisions. UNIT V: Comparison of methodologies ,information modeling ,notations, implementations ,programming languages ,data base systems ,object oriented reusability ,extensibility ,robustness. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Object oriented modeling and design by James Rumbaugh,Michal Blaha,Williams premeriani,frwderick Eddy,William Lorenson FHL1997. PRACTICALS based on above syllabus. 5IT32 SYSTEMS SOFTWARE
UNIT I: Evaluation of components of programming system e. g .assemblers ,loaders ,macros,compilers,evaluation of operating system, functions of batch control language,facilities,machibe structure, machine language, assembly language UNIT II: Design of assemblers:pass1,pass 2 algorithms,symbol table construction & processing searching & sorting. UNIT III: Microinstructions, features of macro facility, implementation of single & two pass algorithms, macro calls within macros. UNIT IV: Loaders: loader schemes, general absolute, subroutine linkages, relocating loaders,design of absolute and direct linking loaders, programming languages: functional modularity, asynchronous operation, multitasking UNIT V: Feature of HLL:functional modularity, asynchronous operation,multitasking,compiler,general model of a compiler, phases of the compiler. TEXT BOOKS: 1.System programming by J.J.Donovan 3. System programming by D.M.Dhamdhare
5 IT 32
UNIT I: Evaluation of components of programming system e. g .assemblers ,loaders ,macros,compilers,evaluation of operating system, functions of batch control language,facilities,machibe structure, machine language, assembly language UNIT II: Design of assemblers:pass1,pass 2 algorithms,symbol table construction & processing searching & sorting. UNIT III: Microinstructions, features of macro facility, implementation of single & two pass algorithms, macro calls within macros. UNIT IV: Loaders: loader schemes, general absolute, subroutine linkages, relocating loaders,design of absolute and direct linking loaders, programming languages: functional modularity, asynchronous operation, multitasking UNIT V: Feature of HLL: functional modularity, asynchronous operation,multitasking,compiler,general model of a compiler, phases of the compiler. TEXT BOOKS: 1.System programming by J.J.Donovan 2. System programming by D.M.Dhamdhare 5IT33 COMPUTER GRAPHICS
UNIT I: Geometry and line generation:points,lines,planes,pixels and frames buffers, types of display devices,DDA and bresenhams algorithms, bresenhams algorithms for circle generation, algorithm for ellipse generation..aliasing and antialiasing UNIT II: Graphics primitives: display files, algorithms for polygon generation, polygon filling algorithms,NDC (normalized device co-ordinates),pattern filling,2D transformations:scaling,rotation,translation about arbitrary point reflections, zooming. UNIT III: Segment tables, operations on segments ,data structures for segments and display files, windowing and clipping:window,viewport,viewing transformations ,clipping line and polygon clipping. UNIT IV: 3d Graphics:3D primitives,projections,parallel,perspective,isometric,viewing transformations, hidden surfaces and line removal,painters algorithm,Z-buffers,warnocks algorithm UNIT V: Curves and surfaces:Beziere and B-spline ,sweeping method of interpolation, raster graphics architecture: simple rasterdisplay system, display processor system, standard graphics pipeline. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Procedural elements for computer graphics by David F. Rogers,Mc Graw Hill. graphics principles and practice by foley ,Vandam,Feiner & Huges-Addison Wesley 3.Principles of interactive computer graphics by Newman & Sproul. 4.mathematical elements for computer graphics by David Rogers and Adams.
5 IT 34 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT UNIT I: Concept of management & administration, management process, management as a profession, task and responsibilities for a professional manager and managerial skill required for a professional manager, modern approach . UNIT II: Function of management: outline and significance of planning, decision making, direct motivation, coordination, communication, time management UNIT III: Financial management financial statement ,ratio analysis, budgets, organization and working of Indian market. UNIT IV: Meaning , nature and scope of HRM human resource planning, procurement and development of human resources(HR),organization, behavior, organizational change and development, quality of working life, management of stream, conflict, counseling. UNIT V: Materials management :meaning, nature, scope of materials management,inventory control-E.O.Q.and ABC analysis, store keeping and purchasing, outline of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000. UNIT VI: Marketing management and scope of marketing management , marketing concepts, market research , market segmentation, consumer behavior and advertisements. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Principles of management by Kuntooz o.donnell. 2.Principles of management by P.C.Tripathi & P.N. Reddy,TMH pub. management by chandra 4.human resource development management by M.Sheikh 5.Integrated material management by A.K.Mitra 6.Marketing management by Philipkatkar,Ramaswamy
UNIT I: 8085 microprocessor architecture, instruction set. addressing modes, memory organization & interfacing. UNIT II: Assembly language programming, using 8085,8085 interrupts,8255 PPI and its organization UNIT III: 8254 programmable timer, organization & interfacing with 8085,8279 keyboard & display controller, organization &interfacing with 8085,analog & digital interfacing using 8255,keyboard/display interfacing using 8255 & 8279. UNIT IV: Serial data transmission,USART 8251 & its organization & interfacing with 8085,8259 ,interrupts,controller,its organization & interfacing with 8085 ,DMA controller 8257 & its organization. UNIT V: 8086/8088 microprocessor ,architecture, instruction set,addressing modes,simple programs,memory organization and interfacing. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Microprocessor architecture programming & application with 8080/8085 by Ramesh S.Gaonkar 2. 16 bit microprocessor by Triebel and A.Singh 3. 16 bit microprocessor by Liu and Gibson REFERENCES: 1.Micrpprocessors and digital systems by D.V.Hall. PRACTICALS based on above syllabus.
6 IT 36
UNIT I: Understanding user interface, basic considerations in designing a proper interface consistency, robustness of user friendliness, feedback, providing default values. UNIT II: Identifying user tasks, methods of accomplishing tasks, necessity of performing tasks ,event driven programming, traditional programming, advantages of event driven interfaces, types of events in windows. UNIT III: Menus, file menu, edit menu, menu structures, examples ,undo and redo features, graying a menu entry ,TEXT buttons, graphics buttons, examples. UNIT IV: Principles of good dialog box design, rules of thumb for dialog box design, kinds of dialog boxes, handling controls and radio buttons using radio buttons check boxes. UNIT V: Use of list boxes and combo boxes, rules of thumb in setting list boxes and combo boxes, varieties of list & combo boxes, examples.
6IT-37 UNIT I :
Introduction to database systems:overview,file systems vs. DBMS,various data models, levels of abstraction,stuctures of DBMS,relational model, relations and integrity constraints, relational algebra and calculus. SQL-basic,SQL query, nested queries, aggregate operations, Embedded SQL,dynamic SQL, , views. UNIT II: File organisation:storage media, buffer management, record and page rmats, file organisation,various kinds of indexes and external sorting. UNIT III: Query optimization and evaluation: introduction to query processing, selection Operation, projection operation, join operation, set operation and aggregate operation, relational query optimization, translating SQL queries,mho algebra, estimating the cost, relational algebra equivalence. UNIT IV: Database design: overview of data base design,ER model, features of ER model, conceptual design using ER model, scheme refinement and normal forms, scheme refinement, use of decompositions, functional dependencies, normal forms,muti valued dependencies. UNIT V: Concurrency control and recovery: concepts of transactioi,transactions and schedules,lock based concurrency control, lock management, specialized locking tecniques,concurrency control without locking, crash recovery, introduction to cash recovery, log recovery, check pointing, media recovery.
TEXTBOOKS: 1.Database management systems by Raghu Rama Krishnan,MGH,1999 2. Database systems concepts by Henry Korth and others. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Database management and design by G.W.Hansen and J.V.pansen,PHI,1999. 2.An introduction to database system by C.Desai,Galgotia pub,1998. PRACTICAL based on above syllabus using ORACLE. 6IT-38 JAVA PROGRAMMING
Datatypes,variables,arrays,integers,floating point types,characters,Boolean,literal.operators:Arithmetic operators,bitwise operators,relational,boolean,logical,assignment,the ?operators precedence,use of parentheses,control statements:IF,switch,DO-WHILE,WHILE,FOR,Nested loop,break,continue return classes:fundamentals of classes, declaring objects, assigning objects, reference variables,methods,constucter,variable handling and garbage collectionMethods and classes: Overloading methods, using objectsasparameters,arguments passing,returing objects,recursion,access control,undersranding static, introducing final, nested inner classes, storage classes, command line arguments. Packages and Interface:packages,access protection, importing packages, interfaces. Exception handling: Fundamentals exception trypes,uncaught exception, trycatch, displaying description of an exception, multiple catch clauses, nested tri statements,throw,throws,finally,built in exceptions, creating own exception subclasses. Multithreaded programming: JAVA thread model, thread priorities,synchronization,messaging,the thread class,runnable interface, creating Thread, creating multiple thread, using is Alive(),join(),thread Priority, synchronization, Inter Thread, communication, suspending, resuming, stopping threads, using multithreading. UNIT III : I/O Applets : I/O stream, bytes stream, character stream, pre-define stream, reading console input, reading character, reading string, writing console output, the print write class, reading & writing files, applets fundamentals, transient and volatile modifiers, using instants of, strictfp, native methods. UNIT IV : String handling : string constructor, special string operator, character extraction, string comparison, searching string, modifying string, data conversion using value of (), changing case of characters within a string, string buffer. UNIT V : Networking : Networking basic socket overview, client/ server, reserved socket, proxy server, internet addressing , networking classes and interfaces, Factory method and instants methods TCP/IP client socket, URL, URL connections, TCP/IP server sockets, datagrams. TEXT BOOKS: 1. The complete References JAVA 2-3rd Ed. By Patrick Naughton, TMH Pub. PRACTICAL based on above syllabus
6IT-39 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Unit I: Software and software engineering. The importance of software, software software myths, software engineering paradigms, generic view of software engg,software matrices, measures and metrics,estimation,risk analysis,scheduling,size oriented metrices,function oriented metrices,metrices of software quality UNIT II: Software project estimation and planning, decomposition techniques, LOC and FP estimation, effect ,estimation risk analysis,identification,projection,assessment,management and monitoring, software reengineering, requirement analysis tasks,analyst,software prototyping, specification principles, representation and the software requirements specification. UNIT III: Object oriented analysis and data modelling,object oriented concepts, identifying objects, specifying attributes, definingoperations,inter object communication, finalizing object definition, object oriented analysis modelling,data modelling,data objects, attributes and relationships, entity relationship diagrams, alternative analysis techniques, requirement analysis methods, data structure oriented methods, data structured system dedevelopmentarner diagrams and the DSSD approach ,jackson system development. UNITIV: UNIT IV: Software design fundamentals,The design process,designfundamentals,effective modular,design dataflow oriented design,object oriented design concepts ,object oriented design methods,refining operations,program components & interfaces, implementation detail design, user interface design, human factors, human computer interface design, interface design guidelines, interface standards. UNIT V: UNIT V: Software quality assurance, software quality factors, quality assurance, quality metrices,Halsteads S/W science, software testing techniques/W testing fundamentals, white box testing,blackbox testing, validation testing, system testing, debugging software maintenance maintability,maintenance tasks, reverse engineering and re-engineering. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Software Engineering by Roger S.Pressman,McGraw Hill,Second Ed 2.Software Engineering by D. Bell, I.Morrey-PHI pub
UNIT I: Introduction: Whats an operating system,multiprogramming,time sharing real time systems,mutiprocessor system, operating system services: types of the services, the user view, the operating system view. File System: File concept, file support, access methods. allocation methods ,directory system, file protection, implementation issues. UNIT II: CPU Scheduling: Review of mutiprogramming,concept,scheduling concept, scheduling algorithms, algorithm evaluation,mutiple processor scheduling Disk and drum scheduling: physical characteristics, first come first serve scheduling, shortest seek time first scheduling, SCAN ,selecting a disk scheduling algorithm, sector queuing. UNIT III: Memory Management:Preliminaries:Bare machine, resident monitor,swapping,multiple partition,paging,segmentations,combined systems. Virtual memory:Overlays,demand paging, performance of demand paging, page replacement, virtual memory concepts, page replacement algorithms, allocation algorithm,thrashimng,other considerations UNIT IV: Deadlocks: The deadlock problem, deadlock characterrization,deadlock presentation, deadlock avoidance, combined approach to deadlock handling. Concurrent processes: precedence graph,speccification,review of process concept, hierarchy of process, the critical section problem,semaphores,classical process coordination problem,interprocess communication UNIT V: Protection: goal of protection, mechanism & policies, domain of protection, access matrix. implementation of access matrix, dynamic protection structures,rtevocation,Existing systems,language based protection, protection problems security. TEXT BOOKS 1.Operating system concepts by J.L.Peterson & Siliberschatz. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Operating System by Concept & Design by Milan Milenkovic 2.Operating system by Madnick & Donovan 3.An introduction to Operating Systems by H.M.Dietel
UNIT I : Introduction: The use of computer networks, networks for computers, network for people social issues, network hardware.LANs,MANs,WANs.wireless networks, internet networks network software, protocol hierarchies, design issues for layers, interfaces and services, connection oriented and connectionless servicews,service premitives,relationship of services to protocols. the OSI reference model. TCP/IP reference model,Comparision of OSI & TCP/IP reference model ,critique of OSI model & protocols, critique of TCP/IP reference model. Example networks-novell netware,APRANET,NSFNET,THE INTERNET,smds,x.25 network, frame relay, network standardization-whos who in the telecommunication world, whos who in the international standards world. UNIT II : Physical Layer The theoretical basis for data communication-Fourier analysis, bandwidth-limited signals, maximum data rate of channel, transmission media- magnetic media, twisted pair coaxial cable, fiber optics, wireless transmission, microwave transmission, infrared and millimeter waves,lightwave transmission. Telephone system-structure, politics of telephones, local loop,trunnks and multiplexing,switchoing,narrowband ISDN-services,architecture,interface,perspective on N_ISDN,broad band ISDN & ATM-virtual circuits versus circuit switching, transmission in ATM networks, TM switches UNIT III: Data link layer-design issues-services provided to the network Layer,framing,error contrtol,flow control,error correcting & detecting codes,elementary data link protocols, simplex stop and wait simplex protocol for noisy channel, sliding window protocols, simplex stop and wait simplex protocol for noisy channel,slidingbwindow protocols-one bit protocol, go back protocol, selective repeat protocol, the medium access sub layer static and dynamic channel allocation in LANs and MANs, Multiple access protocol ALOHA, CSMA, collision free protocol, limited contention protocol, wavelength division multiple access protocols, wireless LAN protocol, IEEE Standard 802 for LAN and MANs 802.3 & Ethernet, token bus. Token ring, comparison 802.6, 802.2 UNIT IV : The network Layer Design issues, services provided to the transport layer, internal organization, comparison of virtual circuit and datagram subnets, routing algorithms, optimality principle, shortest path routing, flooding, flow-based routing, distance vector routing, link state routing, hierarchical routing, broadcast & multicast routing, congestion control algorithms, general principles, prevention policies, traffic shaping, flow specifications, congestion control in virtual circuit subnets, choke packets, load shedding, jitter control, congestion control in multicasting, Internetworking how networks differ, concatenates Virtual circuits ,connectionless internetworking, tunneling internetwork routing, fragmentation, firewalls, the Network layer in the internet IP protocol, IP address, subnets, internet control protocol, OSPF, BGP, internet multicasting. UNIT V: Transport and Application Layer services provided to the upper layer, Quality of service transport service primitives, elements of transport protocols, addressing, establishment a connection, releasing a connection, flow control & buffering, multiplexing, crash recovery, network security traditional cryptography, fundamental principles, secret-key algorithms, public key algorithms, authentication protocols, digital signatures, social issues. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Computer Networks Third Edition by Andrew Tanenbanum (PHI Pub.) REFERENCES: 1. Data & Computer Communications, 5th Ed. By william Stallings (PHI Pub.) 2. Data & Network Communications by Michael A. Miler 3. Computer Networks & E-commerce by Parag Diwan (Pentagaon Pub.) PRACTICALS based on above syallabus.
UNIT I: Discrete time signals and systems, linearity, time variance, causality, stability properties of LTI casual system, response of LTI system to various input, convolutions, Sampling theorem. UNIT II : Frequency Domain description of signals & systems, Fourier Transform of Discrete time signal, Properties of DFT, DFTs of typical discrete time signals. UNIT III : The Z-Transform properties, ROCs relation with Fourier Transform, System function, Inverse Z-Transform, solution of difference equation using unilateral Z-transform. UNIT IV : Digital filter design techniques : Design of FIR Filters based on Windows, Design of IIR digital filters from analog filters. UNIT V : Introduction to FET algorithms : Decimation in time- FET algorithms, decimation in frequency FET algorithms, DCT. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Digital Signal Processing: Alen V. Oppenheim, W. Schaffer(PHI Pub.) 2. Digital Signal Processing: Proskias & Monalkies (PHI Pub.) REFERENCE: 1. Theory & Application of Signal Processing by Rabiner & Gold (PHI Pub.) 2. Digital Filter Design & Analysis by Andreas Antoniou (TMH Pub.) PRACTICALS based on above syllabus using MATLAB & TMS C320 C50
UNIT I: Introduction : Attacks, services, mechanisms, security attacks, security services, a model for internet work security, encryption model, stenography, classical encryption techniques, modern techniques - simplified DES, block cipher principles, data encryption standard, strength of DES, differential and linear cryptanalysis, block cipher design principles, block cipher modes of operation, algorithm triple DES, international data encryption algorithm, blow fish, RC5, CAST, RC2, characteristics of advance symmetric block ciphers. UNIT II : Confidentiality using conventional encryption : placement of encryption function, traffic confidentiality, key distribution, random number generation, public key cryptography: principles, RSA algorithm, key management, Diffie Hellman key exchange, Elliptic curve remainder theorem, discrete logarithms. UNIT III : Message authentication and Hash functions : Authentication requirements, functions, codes, Hash function, security of Hash functions and MACs. Hash and Mac algorithms : MD5 message digest algorithm, secure hash algorithm (SHA-1), RIPEMD- 160,HMAC digital signatures and authentication protocols : Digital signatures, Authentication protocols, digital signature standard. UNIT IV : Network security practice : Authentication applications Kerberos, X.509 directory authentication service, Kerberos encryption techniques, email security : Pretty good privacy, S/MIME, data compression using ZIP Radix-64 conversion, PGP random number generation, IP security : Overview, Architecture, authentication header, encapsulating security payload, combining security, associations, key management. UNIT V : Web security : Requirements, secure sockets layer and transport layer security, secure electronic transaction, networks management security : basic concepts of SNMP, SNMPv1 community facility, SNMPv3. System security : Intruders, viruses and worms introders, viruses and related threats, Fire walls : design principles, trusted system. TEXT BOOKS: 1. cryptography and networks security principles and practice 2/e by William Stalings (Pearson Education Prentice Hall) 2. Network security Essentials Applications & Standard by William Staling ( pearson Education, LPF) REFERENCE: 1. cryptography in C and C++ by Michael Welschenbach (A press IDG Books India) 2. Introduction to data compression 2/e by Khalid Sayood (Morgan
7IT44/2 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT I Introduction : AL Problems, AI technique, defining problems as a state space representation, problem characteristics, production system characteristics, Heuristic search techniques : generate and test, hill climbing, best-first search, problem reduction, constant satisfaction, means-ends analysis. UNIT II Knowledge Representation : Issues, predicate & proposition resolution, representing knowledge using rules, frames & scripts, semantic networks, conceptual dependency, truth maintenance system. UNIT III Reasoning techniques : Elementary search techniques depth first search, breadth first search, forward & backward reasoning, winding, unwinding, recursive & backtracking algorithm, Uncertainty Reasoning probability theory, Bayerian networks, certainty factors methods, basics of fuzzy logic, nonmonotonics systems. UNIT IV Game playing : Minimax search, alpha-beta cutoffs, planning block world problems, STRIPS, hierarchical planning, nonlinear planning, Natural Language Processing Grammer & Language. Chomsky hierarchy, transformational grammar, case grammar, systemic grammar, semantic grammar, basic parsing technique, transition networks RTN, ATN, semantic analysis & representation structures, natural language generation. UNIT V Learning : Block architecture of learning system, types of learning rote learning, learning by taking advice, learning from example, learning by analogy. Expert System rule base architecture, non production system architectures, expert system shell, knowledge acquisition, knowledge system building tools. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Artificial Intelligence by E. Rich & K. Knight (TMH Pub.) Reference Books: 1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert System by D.W. Patterson (PHI Pub.) 2. Principles of Artificial Intelligence by Nilsson N.J. (Narosa Pub.)
7IT44/1 OPERATIONS RESEARCH UNIT I : Definitions, characteristics and limitations of O.R., phases of O.R., modeling in O.R., tools and techniques of O.R., linear programming, formulation, solution of L.P.P., graphical method, simplex method, duality in L.P.P. UNIT II : Allocation models Assignment models multiple optima, prohibited assignment, transport model, prohibited and preferred routes, degeneracy. UNIT III: Network analysis: Basic concept of network diagram, network construction,CPM,PERT,floats in network analysis, cast analysis of project. UNIT IV: Queuing theory:Queing process, components of queuing system,M/M/I(OO/FIFO) model,simulation,monte carlo simulation,comncept and application in various areas such as queuing system,network UNIT V: Maintaince and replacement problems: Models for routine maintained and preventive maintenance decision replacement models that deteriorate with time and those fail completely. TEXT BOOKS:1. Problems in Operation Research by P.K.Gupta & Man Mohan(Khanna Pub.) 1.Mathematical Models in Operation Research by J.K.Sharma(Macmillan Pub.) Reference Books: 1. Introduction to Operation research by Hiller & Liberman(Holden Day Inc. Sanfransisco) 2. Operation Research by Kantiswaroop & Gupta(S.Chand Pub.) 3. Principles of Operation Research by Wagner (PHI Pub.) 4. Operation Research by Dr.B.S.Goel & S.K.Mittal(Pragati Prakashan
7IT44/2 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT I Introduction : AL Problems, AI technique, defining problems as a state space representation, problem characteristics, production system characteristics, Heuristic search techniques : generate and test, hill climbing, best-first search, problem reduction, constant satisfaction, means-ends analysis. UNIT II Knowledge Representation : Issues, predicate & proposition resolution, representing knowledge using rules, frames & scripts, semantic networks, conceptual dependency, truth maintenance system. UNIT III Reasoning techniques : Elementary search techniques depth first search, breadth first search, forward & backward reasoning, winding, unwinding, recursive & backtracking algorithm, Uncertainty Reasoning probability theory, Bayerian networks, certainty factors methods, basics of fuzzy logic, nonmonotonics systems. UNIT IV Game playing : Minimax search, alpha-beta cutoffs, planning block world problems, STRIPS, hierarchical planning, nonlinear planning, Natural Language Processing Grammer & Language. Chomsky hierarchy, transformational grammar, case grammar, systemic grammar, semantic grammar, basic parsing technique, transition networks RTN, ATN, semantic analysis & representation structures, natural language generation. UNIT V Learning : Block architecture of learning system, types of learning rote learning, learning by taking advice, learning from example, learning by analogy. Expert System rule base architecture, non production system architectures, expert system shell, knowledge acquisition, knowledge system building tools. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Artificial Intelligence by E. Rich & K. Knight (TMH Pub.) Reference Books: 1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert System by D.W. Patterson (PHI Pub.) 2. Principles of Artificial Intelligence by Nilsson N.J. (Narosa Pub.)
UNIT I Switching algebra theorems,simplification of boolean functions using Karnaugh maps of combinational logic circuits,fault detection and location in two level circuits ,clock concept in flipflops,shift registers. UNIT II Introduction to CMOS circuit,MOS Transistory theory,CMOS processing technology,circuit characterization and performance estimation,CMOS circuit and logic design. UNIT III: Design of synchronous sequential machines usingh Mealy and Moore principles,minimization of state machines and their standard for ms FPGA,PLA,PLG UNIT IV: Introductory concepts of VHDL and Verilog language,HDL decoder,encoder,mutiplexer,counters,flipflops and finite state machines. based programs for
UNIT V: Architecture of 8 bit and 16 bit processor namely 8085,8086 concepts of increasing the speed of processor,architecture of other advanced processor,memory management ,memory controllers,Introductory concepts of USB AND PCI buses. TEXTBOOKS: 1.Principles of CMOS VLSI Design by Weste and Eshraghian(Addison-Wesley pub) Reference BOOKS: 1.Digital logic computer Design by Morris Mano (PHI pub) 2.A VHDL Primer by Dr.Bhasker (Addison Welsey Longman pub) 3.Verilog by palnitkar 4.VHDL by Nawabi (McGraw Hill pub) 5.VHDL by perry 6.Microprocessor Architecture programming annd Applications with 8080/8085 by R.S.Gaonkar(Wiley Eastern pub) 5.VHDL by Perry 6.Microprocessor and Digital Systems by D.V.Hall(TMH pub)
UNIT-I: Basics of Artificial Neural Networks, characteristics of neural networks, historical development of neural network principles, model of neuron, basic learning in ANN:-supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforced learning ,competitive learning, the delta rule, gradient descent rule,Hebbian learning, parameters of ANN.ANN TopologiesModeling ANNs,ANN learning & program, learning algorithms.Discrimination ability-Learning separable ANNs,multilinear ANNs,and nonlinear separable ANNs. UNIT II: McCulloch-Pitts model, perception-Original perceptron ,perceptron learning procedure,logic operations with simple layer perceptron,delta learning procedure,logic operations with simple layer perceptron,delta learning algorithms.ADALINE,MADALINE models,Winner-Takes-All learning algorithm,Backpropogation learning algorithmmathematical analysis,application and criticism. UNIT III: Hopfield model-Mathematical analysis,Hopfield learning algorithm,discete time ,Hopfield net and competitive learning model. Simulated annealing,Boltzman machine. UNIT IV: Fuzzy logic-prepositional logic, membership function, fuzzy logic ,fuzzy rule generation, defuzzification of fuzzy logic, time dependent fuzzy logic, Temporal Fuzzy Logic(TFL)-time invariant membership function, time variant membership function,intervals,semilarge intervals, internal operators, temporal fuzzy logic syntax,defuzzification of temporal fuzzy logic. UNIT V: Fuzzy Neural networks(FANN)-Fuzzy neural example,Neuro fuzzy control-traditional control,neural control,fuzzy control,fuzzy neural control,applications. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Understanding Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Basic concepts and applications. 2.Fuzzy sets uncertainty and information by George Klir(PHI pub) 3.Neural Networks and fuzzy system by B. Kosko (PHI pub) REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Neural Networks, algorithms, application and programming techniques by J.P. Freeman & David M. Skapura(Perarson Education pub.) 2.Fuzzy neural control , principles, algorithms and applications by Junhong Nie and Derek Linkens (PHI pub)
UNIT I: Multimedia- definations, CD-ROM and the multimedia highways, uses of multimedia introduction to making multimedia, the stages of projects, requirements to make good multimedia, multimedia skills and training, the multimedia tea, training opportunities in multimedia. UNIT II Multimedia hardware, Macintosh and windows production platforms, hardware peripherals connections, memory and storage devices, input devices output hardware, communication devices, media software, basic tools, making instant multimedia authoring tools. UNIT III: Multimedia building blocks- text, sound, images animations, video. UNIT IV: Assembling and delivering a project, planning and costing, designing and producing content and talent, delivering, CD-ROM technology, DVD Tech. UNIT V: Multimedia and Internet- History, web servers, web browsers, VRML, working on the web: text, animation, images and sound for the web, multimedia applications, media communication, media consumption, media entertainment and multimedia games. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Multimedia Making Work- by Tay Vaughan (TMH), 3rd Ed. REFERENCE: 1. Multimedia systems design by K.Andleigh, K. Thakkar (PHI Pub.) 2. Multimedia: Computing Communications & Applications By Ralf Stein and Klara Nahrstedt. 3. Advanced Multimedia Programming by Steve Rimmer (McGraw Hill Pub.) 4. Multimedia Literacy by Fred T. Hoftstetter(McGraw Hil Pub.)
UNIT I: Monochrome image representation and processing system (Block diagram), Basic relationship between pixels, neighbors of pixels, connectivity, labeling of connected components, Relation equivalent and transitive closure, distance measure, arithmetic and logical operation, application of image processing. UNIT II: Image Enhancement : point operation, histogram modeling, spatial operation, transform operation, multi-spectral image enhancement, color image processing and enhancement, DFT, DCT. UNIT III: Image Compression : Compression fundamentals, error free compression, variable length coding, bit plane coding, run line coding, entropy coding, loss less predictive coding, Huffmans coding, lossy compression, lossy predictive coding, transform coding. UNIT IV: Image Restoration : Degradation model, diagonalization of circulant and block circulant matrices, algebraic approach to restoration, inverse filtering, weiner filtering restoration, interactive restoration, restoration in spatial domain, coordinate transformation and geometric correction. UNIT V: Image segmentation and representation : Detection of discontinuities, point detection, line detection, edge detection, image thresholding, role of illumination, global thresholding, region oriented segmentation, basic formulation, region growing by pixel aggregation, region splitting and merging, image representation, chain codes. TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. REFERENCE: 1. 7IT45/4 Fundamentals of Electronics Image Processing by A. R. Weeks. CAD/CAM Digital Image Processing by R.C.Gonzalez, R.E.Woods (Addision Wesley Pub.) Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by A.K.Jain (PHI Pub.)
UNIT I: Introduction CAD/CAM define, product cycle & CAD/CAM automation & CAD/CAM. Fundamental of CAD/CAM design process, Application of the computer for design, creating and manufacturing database benefits of CAD. UNIT II: Hardware in CAD design workstation, the graphics terminal, operator, input devices plotter & other output devices, CPU secondary storage, Computer graphics software and database, the software confirmation of a graphics system, function of a graphics package constructing the geometry, transformation database structure. UNIT III: Conventional numerical control, fundamental of CAM, NC concepts basic components of NC systems. The NC procedure NC coordinate systems, NC motion control systems application of NC economics of NC. UNIT IV: NC part programming the punched tape in NC tape coding and format manual part programming computer assisted part programming, Art Language NC programming with interactive voice NV programming. UNIT V: Computer control NC problem with conventional NV, CNC, DNC, combined DNC systems, adaptive control machine systems, production planning and control.
TEXT BOOK : 1. CAD/CAM by P. Grover, Emory W. Zimmers Jr. (McGraw Hill Pub.)
REFERENCE : 1. 2. 3. CAD/CAM Theory & practice by I.Zeid (TMH Pub.) Computer Aided Design : Software and Analytical Tools by Rajiv S. Krishnamurthy C.S. (Narosa Pub.) CAD/CAM by P. Radhakrishnamurthy and Subramanyam (Wiley Eastern Pub.)
UNIT I: Meaning, nature and scope of MIS, decision support, systems approach, the system view of business, MIS organization with in industrial and business unit, managers views of information system, development of management organizational theory, management and organization, behavior, information, data. UNIT II: Planning with MIS, need for planning, characteristic of plan, strategy & development of plan, role of MIS in strategy development & strategy planning decision, from strategic plans to short range plans. UNIT III: Meaning, nature & feature of organization, organization and information system structure, management & decision making and MIS, MIS as a technique for mailing programmed decision & non-programmed decision assisting information system. UNIT IV: Nature of conceptual design of an MIS. Preparing member of the organization for change, studying, managerial and functional process systems, determining information needs, determining information sources, outlining general information flow and database system, hardware and software configuration, documenting the conceptual design. UNIT V: Organization for implementation, planning the implementation, organization training and development, acquisition, conversion, testing, operation, evaluation and maintenances. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Management Information Systems Concepts & Design by Robert G. Murdic (PHI Pub.) REFERENCE: 1. Management Information Systems by S. Sadagopan (PHI Pub.) 2. Management Information Systems by James A. Obrien (Galgotia Pub.) 3. Management Information Systems the Managers View by Robert Schultueis and Mary Sumnanov. 4. Management Information Systems by A. K. Gupta (S.Chand Pub.)
UNIT I: Distributed database features distributed database management systems- review of databases and computer networks, levels of distribution transparency, references architecture, type of data fragmentation, distribution transparency for read only applications and update applications, distributed database access primitives and integrity constraints. UNIT II: Distributed database design, a frame work for distributed database design, the design of database fragmentation, the allocation of fragments, translation global queries to fragment queries, equivalence transformation for queries, transforming global queries into fragment queries, distributed grouping and aggregate function evaluation, parameter queries. UNIT III: Query optimization, problem in query optimization, objectives in query process optimization, simpler representation of queries, model for query optimization, join query, general queries, concept of two phase commit, resolving distributed transaction, concept of replication, snapshot on replication and multimaster replication, conflict resolution in multimaster replication concurrency control and database recovery in distributed database. UNIT IV: The evolution of object oriented concepts, object-oriented concepts, characteristics of an object-oriented data model, object schemas, class-subclass relationship, interobject relationships, late and early binding, support for versioning, Similaries & differences between OODM and other data models, features of an object-oriented databases management system, OODBMS architectural approaches-extended relational model approach, semantic databases approach, object oriented databases programming language extension approach, DBMS generator approach, object definition language and object query language. UNIT V: OODBMS architectures, performances issues in OODBMS, application selection for OODBMS, database design for an object relational database management system (ORDBMS), structured types & ADTs object identity, extending ER model, using nested collections, storage and access methods, query processing, query optimization, design and architecture of POSTGRES, distributed computing in CORBA and EJB. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Distributed data bases principle and systems by Ceri & Pelagatti (McGraw Hill Pub.) 2. Fundamental of Databases System by Elmisky & Navathe (3rd Ed. Addison Welsey) 3. Object Oriented Databases System Approaches & Architectures by C.S.R. Prabhu (PHI Pub.) REFERENCES: 1.Databases System Design Implementation & Management by Peter rob & Carlos Coronel. (Course Tech.) 2.Databases Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan & Johannes Gehrke. (McGraw Pub.) 3.Oracle 8I Distributed Databases Replication Manual PRACTICALS based on above syllabus.
8IT48 UNIT I :
Basic tools of internet access, email, ftp, news, www, anarchie, introduction to internet programming, sockets : connections, attributes domains, types and protocols (sockets). Creating and closing sockets, socket communication, client server application using C on Linux platform. UNIT II : Standard use for www documents on internet, HTTP, MIME, SGML, DTD, MTNL, URL, URL, HTML tags, special characters, images, tables, forms, the hyperlinks, HTML URLs serving HTML pages. UNIT III : CGI : CGI programming using C. UNIT IV : XML basics, understanding markup languages, structures and syntax, valid Vr. Well formed XML, DTD (document type Definitions) classes. UNIT V : Scripting XML, XML processor, parent child relationship, XML as a data, data type in XML, XML namespaces, linking with XML, simple link, the HTML way, XSL : XML with style, style sheet basics, XSL style sheets. TEXT BOOKS : 1. XML in action web technology by William J. Pardi (PHI Pub.) Reference Books : 1. 2. Step by Step XML by Michael J. Young (PHI Pub.) Designing Interactive Web sites by James I. Mohler & John M. Duff (Thomson Learning)
PRACTICALS based on above syllabus. 1. 2. Socket programming and CGI using C on Linux platform HTML, XML web page designing.
UNIT I : Introduction to electronics-commerce : The scope of E-COM, E-COM and trade cycle, electronic market, electronic data interchange, internet commerce, E-Commerce in perspective, the value chain, supply chains, Electronics Commerce Software : What kind of software solutions Do you need ? marketing smarts, hosting services, basic packages, midrange package, enterprise solutions for large firms. UNIT II : Business to Business Electronics-commerce : Inter-organizational transactions, electronics, electronics markets, electronics data interchange (EDI), EDI-technology, EDI and business, inter organizational e-com. UNIT III : Business to consumer electronic commerce : consumer trade transactions, the elements of e-commerce elements, evisibility, the e-shop, online payment, delivering the goods, after sales service, internet e-com security, a website evolution mode. e-business : Internet book shops, grocery supplier, software supplies and support, electronic newspaper, internet banking, virtual auctions, on-line share-dealing, e-diversity. UNIT-IV: Security threats to E-Commerce : Security overview, intellectual property threats, electronics commerce threats, CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) Implementing security for E-COM : protecting E-COM assets, protecting intellectual property, protecting client computers, protecting E-COM channels, ensuring transaction integrity, protecting the commerce software. UNIT V: Electronics payment system : The basics of electronics payment systems. Electronics cash, electronics wallets, smart cards, credit and charge cards. The environment of electronic commerce : international legal, ethical and tax issues : International nature of electronics commerce, the legal environment of electronics commerce, taxation and E-COM, business plans for implementing E-COM : Planning the E-Commerce project, managing electronic commerce implementation. TEXT BOOKS : 1. e-Commerce by David Whiteley (McGrew Hill Pub.) 2. Electronics-Commerce by Gary P. Schneider & James T. Perry. (COURSE TECHNOLOGY Thomson Learning) REFERENCE: 1. Business on the net by K.N.Agarwal, A.Lal, Deekjha Agarwal (Macmillan Pub.)
UNIT I: INTRODUCTION : Business needs and ERP, ERP as an overview, entries as an overview, Benefits of ERP, ERP and related technologies, ERP architecture, business process reengineering, data warehousing, data mining, on line analytical processing supply choice management. UNIT II: ERP IMPLEMENTATION :Client server architecture and ERP, ERP implementation life cycle, implementation methodologies, ERP implementation The hidden cost, organizing implementation, vendors, consultants and users, contracts with vendors, consultants and employees, project management and monitoring. After ERP implementation. UNIT III THE BUSINESS MODULE : Business models in an ERP packets, finance, manufacturing human resource, plant maintenance, materials management, quality management sales and distribution. UNIT IV Selection of ERP, SWOT analysis of various ERP products supply chain enabled ERP. UNIT V ERP and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) integration, ERP in manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries. TEXT BOOKS: 1. ERP Demystified by Aleris Leon (TMH Pub.) 2. Enterprise Resource Planning by Parag Diwan and Sunil Sharma (Pentagoan Pren.) 8IT50/2 FIBRE OPTICAL COMMUNICATION
UNIT I Fiber optic communication system : Principles of optical communication attributes & structures of various fibers, propagation in fibers, ray model, numerical aperture and multipath despersion in SI & GI fiber, modes and power flow in fibers. UNIT-II Manufacture of fiber & cables, fiber joints, splices and connectors, distribution networks & components, switches, fiber optic isolator, repeaters. UNIT-III Signal degradation in fibers, optical sources, P-I-N & avalanche photo detector, operation & performance, optical receiveroperation & performance. UNIT-IV Transmission link-point to point links, WDM, data buses, star, directional & T-coupler, NRZ, RZ & block codes, optical networks. UNIT-V Measurements in OF-attenuation, dispresion, RI profile, optical source character tics, monomode fiber characteristic measurements, Ete pattern technique, system design, analog system & digital system. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Optical Fiber Communication by G. Keiser, McGraw Hill. 2. Fiber Optic Communication by Joseph C. Palais (PHI, 3rd Ed.) Reference: 1. Optical Fiber Communication Principles and Practice by john Senior (PHP International) 2. Optical Communication System by J. Gower (PHI).
UNTI-I System Models : concepts of a system, system environment, stochastic activities continuous & discrete systems, system modeling, types of models static physical models, dynamic physical models, static & dynamic mathematical models, principles used in modeling. System Studies : Subsystems, a corporate model, environment segment, production segment, management segment, the full corporate model, types of system study, system analysis design & postulation. UNIT-II System simulation :the technique of simulation, the montecarlo method, comparison of simulation and analytical methods, experimental nature of simulation, types of system simulation numerical computation technique for continues & discrete models, distributed lag models, cobweb models. Continuous System Simulation continuous system models, differential equation, analog computers, analog methods, hybrid computer, digital-analog simulators, CSSLS, CSMP-III, hybrid simulation, feedback systems, simulation of an autopilot, interactive systems, real-time simulation. UNIT-III System Dynamics- Historical background, exponential growth models & decay models, modified exponential growth models, logistic cures, generalization of growth models, system dynamics diagrams, multi-segments models, time delay, feedback in socio-economic systems, biological example, world models, the dynamo language. Probability Concepts in Simulation Stochastic variables, discrete probability functions, continuous probability functions, measures of probability functions, continuous uniformly distributed random numbers, computer generation of random nos., a uniform random number generator, generating discrete distributions, non-uniform continuously distributed random numbers, the rejection methods. UNIT-IV Arrival Pattern & Service Times : Congestion in system, arrival patterns, poison arrival pattern, exponential distribution, coeffient of variation, Erlang distribution, hyper-exponential distribution, service times, normal distribution, queuing discipline, measures of queues, mathematical solutions of queuing problems, utilization as design factor, grade of service. UNIT-V Discrete System Simulation : discrete events, representation of time, generation of arrival patterns, simulation of telephone system, delayed calls, simulation programming tasks. Introduction to GPSS : GPSS programs, general description, action times, succession of events, choice of paths, simulation of manufacturing shop, facilities & storage, gathering statistics, conditional transfers, program control statements priorities & parameters, standard numerical attributes, functions, simulation of a super market, GPSS model, of simple telephone system. TEXT BOOKS: 1. System Simulation second Edition by Geoffrey Gordon (PHI Pub.) 2. System Simulation with Digital Computer by Narsingh Deo (PHI Pub.) Reference: 1. System Simulation the Art & Science by Shannon R.E. (PHI Pub.) 2. The Application of GPSS to Discrete System Simulation by Gorden, Englewood Cliffs (PHI)
UNIT-I Typical real time application : Digital control, high-level controls, signal processing other applications. Hard versus soft time system: Jobs & processors, release times, deadlines, timing, constraint, Hard & Soft timing constraint, Hard real time systems : soft real time systems : A Reference model of Real-time systems, processors and resources, temporal parameters of real-time workload, periodic Task model, precedence constraint & data dependencies other types of dependencies, functional parameters, resource parameter of Jobs & parameters of resources, scheduling Hierarchy. UNIT-II Approach to real time scheduling : Clock-driven approach, weighted round-robin approach, priority-driven approach, dynamic versus static systems, effective release times and deadlines, optimality of EDF & LST algorithms, nonoptimality of the EDF & LST, challenges in validating timing constraints in priority-driven systems, off line versus on-line scheduling, clock driven scheduling, notation & assumptions, static timer-driven scheduler, general structure of cyclic schedules, cyclic executives, improving the average response time of a periodic jobs, scheduling sporadic jobs, practical consideration and generalizations, algorithms for constructing static schedules, pros-cons of clock-driven scheduling. UNIT-III Priority-driven scheduling of periodic tasks: Static assumptions fixed-priority versus dynamics priority algorithms, maximum schedulable utilization, optimality of the RM & DM algorithms, a schedulableility test for fixed priority tasks with short response times & with arbitrary response times, sufficient schedulability conditions for the RM & DM algorithms, practical factors, scheduling a periodic & sporadic jobs in priority-driven sysetms: assumptions & approaches, deferrable servers, sporadic servers, constant utilization, total bandwidth and weighted fair-queuing servers, slack stealing in dead-line driven systems, slack stealing in fixed-priority systems, scheduling of sporadic jobs, real time performance for jobs with soft timing constraints, a two level scheme for integrated scheduling. UNIT-IV Resources and resource access control : assumption on resources and their usage, effects of resource contention & resource access control, non preemptive critical sections, basic priority-inheritance protocol, basic priority-ceiling protocol, stackbased priority ceiling protocol, use of priority-ceiling protocol in dynamic-priority systems, preemption-ceiling protocol, controlling accesses to multiple-unit resources, controlling concurrent accesses to data object., multiprocessor scheduling, resource access control and synchronization : model of multiprocessor & distributed systems, task assignment, multiprocessor priority-celing elements of scheduling algorithms for end-to end tasks in heterogeneous systems, predictability and validation of dynamic multiprocessor system flexible applications, tasks with temporal distance constraints. UNIT-V Real-time Communication: model of real time communication, priority-based service discipline for switched networks, weighted round-robin service discipline, medium-access control protocols of broadcast network and resource reservation protocols, real-time protocol, communication in multicomputer systems. Operating systems : Overview time services & scheduling mechanisms, other basic. OS functions, processor reserves and resource kernel, open system architecture, capability of commercial Real-time OS, predictability of general purpose operating systems. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Real time Systems by Jane W.S. Lin (Pearson Education Asia Pub.)
UNIT I: Introduction to wireless communication, introduction to cellular system, wireless transmission: frequencies for radio transmission, signal prorogation UNIT II: Introduction to medium access control:TDMA,CDMA GSM:System architecture[rotocols,localization and calling ,handover UNIT III: Modulation Tecniques:QPSK transmission and detection techniques,quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM),transmitter & receiver. Spread spectrum: direct sequence and frequency hoping UNIT IV: Wireless LAN:IEEE 802.11Wireless ATM:Services, Systems:GEO,LEO,MEO<routing, localization and handover reference model, functionsSatellite
UNIT V: Mobile network Layer: Mobile IP,dynamic host,configuration proitocol,adhoe networks. Mobile transport layer: traditional TCP,indirrect TCP & mobile TCP, Architecture of wireless Application protocol (WAP) TEXTBOOKS: 1.Mobile communication by Jochen Schiller(Addison Wesley pub) 2.Wireless Communication principles & Practice by T.S.Rappaport(PHI pub) REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Mobile communications Design Fundamentals by William C.Y.Lee(john Wiley & Sons pub)
UNIT I: Statistical Decision Theory,Probability-probilities of events, random variables, joint distribution & densities, moments of random variables, estimation of parameters from samples, minimum risk estimators. UNIT II: Statistical Decision Theory ,probability-probabilities of events, random variables, joint distribution & densities ,moments of random variables, estimation of parameters. UNIT III: Non parametric decision Making-Histograms,kernel and window estimators, nearest neighbor classification techniques, adaptive decision boundries,adaptive discriminate functions, minimum squared error estimation functions, choosing a decision making technique. UNIT IV: Clustering-Introduction ,hierarchical clustering,partitional clustering UNIT V: Processing of waveforms and images-Gray level TEXT BOOKS: 1. Pattern recognition & Image Processing by Ealr Gose, Richard Johnsondaugh & Steve Jost. (PHI Pub.) Reference: 1. Fundamentals of digital signal processing by A.K. Jain
UNIT-I Memory organization & interfacing of 8086, interfacing of peripherals PPI 8255, PTI 8254, PIC 8259 with 8086. UNIT-II Interfacing of DMAC 8257, CRT controller 6845, USART 8251 with 8086. 8087 Numerical Data processor, its architecture & programming. UNIT-III 80386 Processor-its architecture, pin functions, addressing modes, instruction set, simple assembly programming, assembler directives. UNIT-IV Real & protected modes of 80386, memory management, multitasking, segmentation, paging, cache & virtual memory. UNIT-V Pentium Microprocessor-introduction, register organization, memory management, Pentium instructions. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Programming and Interfacing of 8086/8088, by D.V.Hall, Lui Gibson 2.The Intel Microprocessor, 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286/80386, 80486, Pentium pro processor Architecture, programming and interfacing by Barry B. Brey (4th edition)(PHI Pub.) Reference: 1. 2. Advanced Microprocessor by A.K.Roy & Bhurchandi (TMH Pub.) The 8086/8088 family, Design programming and interfacing by John Uffenbeck (PHI Pub.)
UNIT-I Introduction to parallel processing : memories and IO subsystem : Evolution of computer system, parallelism in uniprocessor system, parallel computer structure, architecture classification schemes, parallel processing application, Hierarchical memory structure, virtual memory system, memory allocation and , management, I/O subsystem. UNIT-II Pipelining and vector processing : Pipeline, overlapped pipelining, instruction and arithmetic pipelining, pipelined processor, vector processing, vector processor, architecture of cray-1, parallel memory organization. UNIT-III Array Processor : SIMD array processor, (organization and inter connection networks), Parallel algorithms for array processor, SIMD matrix multiplication, parallel sorting on array processor, associative array processing, associative memory organization associative processors. UNIT-IV SIMD Computer and Multiprocessor Architecture : III iac-IV System architecture and its applications, performance enhancement methods, parallel memory allocation, array processing, languages, multiprocessors, loosely and tightly coupled multiprocessor, time shared and crossbar interconnection networks, parallel memory organization, interleaved memory configuration. UNIT-V Multiprocessing control and Data Flow Computers : Interprocesscommunication mechanisms system deadlocks and protection parallel algorithms for multiprocessors, classifications of parallel algorithms data driven computing, data flow computer architecture. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing by Hwang & Briggs (Mc-Graw Hill Pub.) Reference: 1. Advanced Computer Architecture by Kai Hwang (McGraw Hill Pub.)
Unit 1: Quantum Mechanics Wave- particle duality, de-Broglie wavelength, Davisson- Germer expt.Compton scattering, Heisenbergs uncertainty principle, Thought expt.on single slit electron diffraction, concept of a wave packet, wave function & probability interpretation, Schrodingers equation, Infinite potential well, qualitative nature of the wave function for finite potential Well tunneling. Unit 2: Semiconductor Physics Qualitative ideas on formation of electron energy bands in solids, band-theory based on classification of solids into insulators, semiconductor & insulators, Intrinsic semiconductors, germanium & silicon. Typical energy band diagram of an intrinsic semiconductors, Fermi energy, Doping & extrinsic semiconductors, dependence of Fermi energy on temperature & doping concentration, current conduction in semiconductors, p-n junction diode, diode rectifier equation, Transistoraction, Hall- Effect. Unit 3: Wave Optics Light as an electromagnetic wave, wave characteristics of light, Interference, review of double slit interference,interference in thin films, anti-reflection coating, Polarisation, Linear, circular, elliptical polarization by reflection, polarization by scattering, optic axis, ordinary & extraordinary waves, positive & negative crystal, double refraction in a quartz prism, polariser, analyzer, Malus law, quarter & half wave plates. Unit 4: Laser & Optical Fibers Spatial & Temporal coherence of light wave, Principle of laser, laser characteristics, components of a laser, optical fibers, structure & classification, option of propagation in fiber, attenuation & distortion, acceptance angle & numerical & detectors, Application sensors. Unit 5: Crystal structure Crystal structure, lattice, basis & unit cell, cubic crystal structure, Tetrahedral & octahedral voids. In FCC, Miller Indices, Braggs law of X- ray diffraction. Unit 6: Electron Ballistics Lorentz force: Motion of charged particle in uniform electric & magnetic field, Thomsons Method op determination of e/m of an electron, Electron optics: Bethes law, electric & magnetic focusing, Devices; CRT, CRO, Bainbridge mass spectrograph, Cyclotron. CHEMISTRY : APPLIED CHEMISTRY (THEORY) Unit I : Water Treatment Hardness of water and types of hardness, Brief discussion of chemistry involved in the process of sedimentation, coagulation, filtration and sterilization using, UV, ozone chlorine, Break point chlorination, softening of water, Line-soda process and its principle, Zeolite process, demineralization by synthetic ion-exchange, resins, comparison between limeSoda, Zeolite and ion=exchange process, problem based on I) Lime-Soda calculation ii) Zeolite softener, Boiler Troubles, Carry over priming foaming, Scale and sludge caustic embitterment : Boiler corrosion causes, Effect on boiler operation and methods of prevention, Internal conditioning-phosphate, carbonate and calgon conditioning, Desalination of sea water. Unit-II : Corrosion of Metals and Alloys. Electrochemical corrosion-general revision of concept of electrode potential, galvanic cells, conc. Cell; Electrochemical and galvanic series, Causes of corrosion, Mechanism of direct chemical attack, Pilling-Bedworth rule; Differential aeration
theory of corrosion, Types of corrosion; Pitting corrosion ; Inter granular, Stress, Waterline and Microbial corrosion; Corrosion prevention a) Design and material selection, b) Cathodic and anodic protection c) Protective surface coatingtinning galvanizing band power coating. Unit III-Cement Manufacture of Portland cement-Raw materials, chemical composition, cement moduli i.e. lime saturation factor, silica modulus and alumni modulus, Dry and wt process of manufacture, proportions and role of microscope constituents, Setting and hardening of cement; Types of cement Pozzolonic, White, High alumina, rapid hardening, Low heat cement, Additives, accelerators, retarders, air entrainment agents, Water repellants and their properties, Use of fly ash as cementing materials. Environmental Chemistry and control of Environmental Pollution Air Pollution : Natural and man made pollutants : (CO2, NO, HC, SO2, SPM) Acid rain, Ozone depletion and effect on humans, General idea of pollution control techniques, including catalytic converters. Water pollution : Classification of pollutants (organic, inorganic and sediments) and their effect on humans, Methods for waste water treatment-Only general ideas about preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment techniques, Solid waste management. Unit IV : Fuels. Introduction, Calorific value, higher and lower calorific value, Determination of calorific value by Bomb calorimeter and Boys calorimeter, Ultimate analysis of coals, Its significance, Advantages of pulverization and combustion of coal; Liquid fuels, Mining and fractional distillation of crude petroleum (boiling point wise separation only), Use of gasoline and diesel in internal combustion engine, Knocking and chemical constitution of fuel, Octane number, Cetane number, Doping agents, Fisher-tropsch process for manufacture of synthetic gasoline, Thermal and catalytic cracking of petroleum. Aviation Petrol : Diesohol; Gashol, Biodiesel. Study of CNG, Non-Conventional energy sources, Wind energy, Solar Energy, tidal waves energy, geothermal, energy, Fuel cell. Unit V : Lubricants and Combustion Calculations. Introduction; Lubrication mechanism, Hydrodynamic, Boundary and extreme pressure lubrication, Classification of lubricants-solid, semisolid and liquid lubricants, Blended oils with additives I) Anti oxidants ii) Corrosion inhibiters iii) Extreme pressure additives; Synthetic lubricants 1) Dibasic acid esters ii) Silicate esters iii) Silicones; Lubricating emulsions, Properties of greases, Drop test and constituency test, Properties of Lubricants with more stress on flash point, viscosity and viscosity index, Aniline point, Cloud and Pour point ; Criteria for selection of lubricants for specific purpose such and IC engines, cutting tools, under heavy load, significance of flue gas analysis by Orsat apparatus, Combustion calculations. Unit VI : Chemistry of Engineering Materials. Properties and applications of glass, ceramics, conducting polymers, co-polymers, carbides fiber glass and composite materials, LDC polymers, Magnetic materials, Magnetic types. APPLIED CHEMISTRY PRACTICALS SYLLABUS The chemistry lab syllabus shall contain 15 experiments of which a minimum TEN should be performed. Six should be performed from Group I and four from Group II, In addition to these experiments, DEMONSTRATION should be carried out of following experiment. 1. Determination of calorific value of a solid fuel using Bomb Calorimeter. 2. Gas analysis using Orsat Apparatus. 3. In addition to the above two experiments, demonstration of at least one of the following experiments may be undertaken.
1. Determination of pH of water sample of pH meter. 2. Determination of conductivity and conductometric titration. 3. Determination of Iron by calorimeter. 4. Potentiometeric titration. GROUP I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To estimate the amount of ferrous and ferric ions present in the given solution or from ore. Determination of hardness of water by complexometry method. Determination of Copper by Iodometry. To estimate the amount of N1 + ions in a given solution by complexometric method. Estimation of free chlorine in water by iodometry. Type and extent of alkalinity by Warders method. Estimation of dissolved oxygen in a water sample. Determination of capacity of Ion-Exchange Resin. Determination of COD in waste water.
GROUP- II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Determination of viscosity of lubricating oil at different temperatures by Redwood Viscometer No. 1 or No. 2. Determination of flashpoint of lubricating oil by two different flash point apparatus close cup or by open cap. Proximate analysis of coal. Determination of AL 2 O3 and Fe 2 O3 ratio of cement. Saponification number of animal/vegetable oil. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscosity measurement. Determination of carbon residue of lubricating oil by Conradsons Apparatus. Determination of Neutralization value of lubricating oil.
SYLLABUS OF HUMANITIES ENGLISH 1. Composition a ) Essay Writing b ) Letter Writing & Business Correspondence c ) Technical Report writing Grammar a ) Correction of Common Errors b ) Exercise on rewrite as directed c ) Correct use of words , Idoms , Phrases , Proposition etc.
3. Principles of Public Speaking. 4. Text Book Prose for Pleasure & Profit By R. N. Roy
SOCIAL SCIENCE Unit I Evolution & Growth of Civilization i ) Concept of Culture & Civilization ii ) Social Science & its utility Applied Humanities &Social Engineering iii ) Development of Human Civilization with specific reference to monumental studies of Engineering Skill. iv ) Ancient Indian Civilizations.
Unit II Industrial Psychology i ) Meaning & Scope of Industrial Psychology. ii ) Figure in Industry. iii ) Environment in Industry : Internal & External iv ) Selection & Training of workers. v ) Motives for work. Unit III The Study in Political Orientations i ) Indian Constitution & Federal system. ii ) Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles. iii ) Role of Sureaucracy in Modern Society. iv ) Concept of Industrial democracy. v ) Legislative Measures for worker welfare. Unit IV The Study of Industrial Society i ) Meaning & Scope of Industrial Sociology. ii ) Works Organization : Power , Authority & Status system Formal & Informal Industrial Organization. iii ) Emerging Industrial Culture in India. iv ) Industrialization & Urbanization : Study of Slumps. v ) Organizational Behavioural Dynamics : Leadership in Industry.
Unit1: 1. Use of various drawing instrument, lettering and I.S.I. Standards for drafting. 2. Paine Geometry: Construction and use of various scales, construction of drawing curves such as parabola, eilipse, hyperbola, involute, cycloids, spiral and helix, Locil of points on links of simple mechanisms. Unit2: 3. Solid Geometry. Methods of orthograpjic projections, projections on auxiliary planes. Projection of points, lines and plane. Unit 3: Projections of simple solids, such as cylinders, cones, prisms and Pyramids with varying position of axes and ground lines. Unit 4: Section of solids. Development of plane and curved surfaces. Unit 5: Interpenetration of solids such as cylinders, cones and prisms. Unit 6: Itroduction to isometric projections.
SECTION A Unit I 1.Important vector quantities : Position vector , moment of a force about an axis , couples , couples moment as a free vector . 2. Equivalent Force system : Resultant of a two dimensional distributed loads and three dimensional general force system wrench. Unit II 3. Equations of equilibrium : Free body diagrams , eq. Of equilibrium complanar concurrent and Non- concurrent system , general spatial force system , simple machines ( Differential axle and wheel , single and double purchases crab ) Velocity , Ratio , Mechanical advantages , efficiency etc. Unit III 4. Application of graphic statics to reations of simple supported beams and trusses. Analysis of simple pin jointed frames by method of joint method of sections and graphical methods. 5. Friction forces : Law of coulomb friction , problems involving dry friction , simple applications like wedges and band breaks . Unit IV 1. Centriods and Moments of Inertia : Second moment and products of inertia of plane area , moment of inertia of masses. Transfer theorems of moment of inertia and product of inertia , Polar moment of inertia , axes , Mohrs circle of inertia. 2. Introduction of Virtual Work Theorem : Principal of virtual work applied to equilibrium of mechanisms , simple beam , pin jointed frames. 1. Dynamics of Pargicle :
Unit V Rectiliuear motion of a particle with constant and variable acceleration. Rectangular component of curvilinear motion radial and tangential components of acceleration . Kinetics of particle and several interconnected particle. Translation of bodies force Inertia method , D Alamberts Principles , work energy method ( Expressions based on center of mass ) 2. Methods of momentum
Unit VI Linear Impulse momentum , considerations for a system of particles. Coneration of linear momentum , Elastic impact of two bodies , central impact.
UNIT I Electric circuits:Circuit elements (R,L,C), Kirchhoffs laws, Superposition theorem, voltage source(definition, characteristics of practical source, equivalent current source), Star-delta transformation. Magnetic circuits:Flux, MMF, Reluctance, Analogous electric circuits, simple calculation for composite magnetic circuits.
UNIT II A.C Circuits:Periodic functions, average and RMS values, Steady state behavior with sinusoidal excitations, phasor representation, reactances and impedances, series and parallel a.c circuits, resonance, power in a.c circuits, power factor , principle of generation of single phase and three phase voltages,, power in balanced three phase a.c. systems. UNIT III Electrical measurement:Definitions of indicating, integrating and recording instruments. Deflecting, controlling and damping mechanisms. Ammeters and voltmeters of permanent magnet moving coil type, moving iron type, electrodynamometer type, wattmeter: Induction type single phase. UNIT IV Single phase transformer:Introduction, basic principle, construction, phasor diagram for transformer under no load, Transformer on load, balance of m.m.f on two sides, phasor diagram, equivalent circuit, losses, efficiency, regulation, open circuit and short circuit tests. UNIT V Rotating Electrical Machines:D.C Machines. Introduction, construction, emf and torque equation, classification, self excitation of d.c shunt generators, emf voltage, current relations in generator and motor, characteristics, starting and speed control of d.c motors. UNIT VI Three phase Induction Motor:Construction, rotating field , synchronous speed, rotor current, torque and slip, principle of single phase capacitor start motor.
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