Fedecares 2012

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IMO Group Office

Weststrasse 51
0-1-11570 Weinfelden
Fon 141 (0) 71 6260626
Fax +41 (0) 71 6260623
[email protected]
C/Manzana C. No.3, Villa Fundaci6n. San Crist6bal
Republica Dominicana
The Institute for Marketecology (IMO) hereby confirms that the above mentioned operation has been
inspected and certified according to the procedures as outlined in the USDA, AMS 7 CFR Part 205,
National Organic Program. Final Rule and that the activities and products listed hereafter were found
to be in compliance with the production rules defined in said Regulation. It is the certificate holder who
is responsible for permanent compliance with the applicable requirements.
Por medio del presents documento, ellnstituto de Ecomercado (IMO) certifica que el Operador antes
mencionado ha sido controlado y certificado conforme a los procedimientos de control determinados
segun el reglamento de \a USDA. AMS 7 CFR Part 205, National Organic Program, Final Rule, y que
las actividades y productos abajo indicados guardan conformidad con las normaS de produccl6n
establecidas en clicho Reglamento. EI Operador que detenta este certificado tiene plena
responsabilidad de cumplir permanentemente con los requisitos correspondientes.
Certified Activity Marketing of Organic Products
Actlvidll(t certificada
Quality &Product
100% Organic
Green coffee
Cafe verde
Validity This certificate needs to be updated annually. The certification remains valid until
surrendered. suspended or revoked.
Este certlficado debe de ser sctualizado anualmente. La certificaci6n sa mantiena valida hasts flU
entfega. suspensi6n 0 revocaci6n.
Date of first certification
Fecha efeclilla de la primers cartificaci6n
22.03.2006 Issue date
Weinfelden, 06.01.2012
Date of lnspection(s): September 30th 2011
Fecha de inspeccion(es):
Institut fOr MarktokQlogi
Instltuto de Eoomercado (fMO)

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