Axial Current and Noether Charge

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Axial Current and Noether Charge

Prasanta Mahato

Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah, West Bengal, India 711 101 [email protected]

Abstract A decade ago, a Lagrangian density has been proposed by the author where only the local symmetries of the Lorentz subgroup of (A)ds group is retained. This formalism has been found to produce some results encompassing that of standard Einstein-Hilbert formalism. In the present article, the conserved axial vector matter currents, constructed in some earlier paper, have been found to be a result of Noethers theorem. PACS: 04.20.Fy, 04.20.Cv, 11.40.-q Keywords: Torsion, Axial Current, Noethers Theorem


Kibble[1] and Sciama[2] have pointed out that the Poincar group, which is e the semi-direct product of translation and Lorentz rotation, is the underlying gauge group of gravity and found the so-called Einstein-Cartan theory where mass-energy of matter is related to the curvature and spin of matter is related to the torsion of space-time. From geometrical point of view there is an important connection between the de Sitter group and the Poincar e group. It is a well known fact that the Poincar group can be obtained e from the de Sitter group by an appropriate Inn-Wigner contraction[3, o u 4]. In the late 1970s, MacDowell and Mansouri[5] have introduced a new approach of gravity, based on broken symmetry in a type of gauge theory.


Macdowell-Mansouri gravity is based on the (A)dS group which retains only the local symmetries of the Lorentz subgroup. Even at the level of the action, the exact local (A)dS symmetry is clearly broken, whereas local Lorentz symmetry is retained. A decade ago, a gravitaty Lagrangian has been proposed[6] where a Lorentz invariant part of the de Sitter Pontryagin density has been treated as the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian. In this approach the role of torsion in the underlying manifold is multiplicative rather than additive one and the Lagrangian looks like torsion curvature. This indicates that torsion is uniformly nonzero everywhere. In the geometrical sense, this implies that microlocal space-time is such that at every point there is a direction vector (vortex line) attached to it. This eectively corresponds to the non commutative geometry having the manifold M4 Z2 , where the discrete space Z2 is just not the two point space[7], but appears as an attached direction vector. Considering torsion and torsion-less connection as independent elds[8], it has been found that of Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian, appears as an integration constant in such a way that it is linked with the topological Nieh-Yan density of U4 space. If we consider axial vector torsion together with a scalar eld connected to a local scale factor[9], then the Euler-Lagrange equations not only give the constancy of the gravitational constant but they also link, in laboratory scale, the mass of the scalar eld with the NiehYan density and, in cosmic scale of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker(FRW) cosmology, they predict only three kinds of the phenomenological energy density representing mass, radiation and cosmological constant. In another paper[10], it has been shown that this scalar eld may also be interpreted to be linked with the dark matter and dark radiation. Also it has been shown that, using eld equations of all elds except the frame eld, the starting Lagrangian reduces to a generic f (R) gravity Lagrangian which, for FRW metric, gives standard FRW cosmology[11]. Here R is the Ricci scalar of the Riemann curvature tensor. But for non-FRW metric, in particular of reference[12], with some particular choice of the functions of the scalar eld 2 one gets f (R) = f0 R1+vtg , where vtg is the constant tangential velocity of the stars and gas clouds in circular orbits in the outskirts of spiral galaxies. With this choice of functions of no dark matter is required to explain at galactic rotation curves. This does not contradict with other f (R) type gravity theories, which in general generate bifurcations[13] and anisotropy of the universe[14]. In a recent paper[15], we see that variation of torsion in the action gives us the axial vector 1-form j5 = 5 to be an exact form. If we consider FRW geometry to be in the background then the FRW postulate[15], makes it possible to dene an axial vector current 3-form A A J1 as a product of torsion and matter current j5 . J1 is conserved and as well as gauge invariant. In manifolds having arbitrary background geometry


the product of j5 and an exact 2-form F gives us another gauge invariant A conserved current J2 . These conserved axial currents implies pseudoscalar conserved charges. In this article we are going to study the possible A connection of the conserved current J2 with a Noether symmetry in the presence of an electro-magnetic eld or a Killing vector eld. In the following section we intend to show that the conserved A axial vector matter current J2 of reference[15] is a consequence of Noethers theorem. The last section contains discussion.

Spinorial Matter and Axial Noether Current

We may dene an axial vector current 3-form[15], given by


A JEM (5 F )

where F = dA is the electro-magnetic or any U (1) eld strength. In A reference[15] we have seen that the current JEM is conserved. Now we investigate the symmetry involved, if any, with this conserved current. Here we consider only the globally invariant kinetic part of the spinor in the Lagrangian LD from reference[10] in curved space, given by


i LD = { d + d } 2

It can be veried that under global SL(2, C) transformation on the spinor eld and gamma matrices, given by,


= S, = S 1 and = SS 1 ,

i where S = exp( 4 ab ab ), LD is an invariant when ab are constant numbers. i Now imposing local invariance in the tangent space where S = exp( 4 ab ab ) i ), are arbitrary innetesimal tensor-indexed variables, we = exp( 4 ab

4 see that


i 0 = LD = { d + d } 2 i { d + d }, 2 i { S 1 (dS) + (dS 1 )S }, = 2 1 = { d( ) d( ) }, 8 (neglecting higher order terms of ) 1 = [ {( ) + D( )} 8 {( ) + D( )} ], 1 = [ ( ) ( ) ], 8 1 = ( ) ( + ) 8 1 = + ), ( )( 8 i i = 5 ) = ( )( 5 ), ( )( 4 4 i i = d (5 ) = [d{ (5 )} d(5 )] 4 4 Here the covariant derivative and the matrix valued covariant derivative D have already been dened to be torsionless. Both act upon external and internal indices such that ea = 0 and D = 0. This gives D = 0 and ( ) = ( ) . Then arbitrariness of the 2-form implies 5 to be a closed 1-form. From reference[15] we know that this 1-form is also exact. Being not a 3-form 5 is not a physical conserved current. But we can introduce an innitesimal local gauge transformation mediated by the background U (1) eld F , given by (4) (5) = F

where is an arbitrary innitesimal scalar eld. With this assumption, equation (4) reduces to (6) 0 = d{ F (5 )} d(F 5 )

A and then arbitrariness of implies JEM , a physical conserved current 3-form, to be a Noether current1 .
1 We known that The Noether theorem relates symmetries and conserved currents. In the last term of (4), the arbitrariness of the 2-form = 1 dx dx = 1 ab ea eb gives 2 2


We know the following theorem, [21, 22]: Let (M, g ) be a spacetime associated with a gravity-matter system. Let, furthermore, I be an initial hypersurface within an appropriate initial value problem. Then there exists a non-trivial Killing vector eld and a gauge potential A so that the Lie derivative A = 0 in a neighbourhood O of I, if and only if there exists a non-trivial initial data set [ ], satisfying = R , so that [ g ] and [ A ] vanish identically on . Owing to this existence theorem of the Killing vector eld there exists, [23, 24], a Noether current 3-form J and surface density 2-form Q, given by (7) (8) J = dQ Q = d.

d(5 ) = 0 i.e. the 1-form 5 is a closed form. In four dimension only closed 3forms correspond to conserved charges. We know that the axial current j5 is proportional to the spin current of a fermion[16] and then, considering arbitrariness of the tangent space indexed variables ab , we can get from the same term 0 = [ea eb d(5 )] = [ea eb (5 )] = i [( ab + ab )]. Hence dening J ab 1 ea eb (5 ), 2 2 we may interpret that the 3-form J ab is the matters angular momentum current in the absence of contribution from the orbital part or it is the matters spin angular momentum current when the corresponding orbital current is separately conserved. This also requires matters energy momentum stress tensor to be symmetric[17]. It is to be remarked that, by Gerochs theorem[18], spinors are dened in the local Minkowski space and tetrads are required to dene the local tangent space. So these two elds are intimately bonded and spinorial matter part of the Lagrangian remains invariant under Lorentz transformation. Here ab are Lorentz transformation parameters in the local tangent space (at Minkowski space). Since the origin of the inertial frame may be assumed to be attached to the spacetime point, we assume the local inertial frame to be the rest frame of the matter eld attached to this point s.t. the spin angular momentum is the total angular momentum of the spinor eld[19]. Our calculation does show the nonappearance of orbital angular momentum in the angular mementum current J ab . Here J ab is covariantly conserved and the corresponding conserved charge, bearing local (internal) indices a, b, has little physical signicances. It is to be noted that, although there are several promising and useful suggestions, we not only have no ultimate, generally accepted expression for the energy-momentum and especially for the angular momentum, but there is not even a consensus in the relativity community on general questions or on the list of the criteria of reasonableness of such expressions[20]. In view of this it would be better to ponder on some other possible signicances connected to the current 3-form J ab or the 1-form j5 . In this paper we have tried to nd a conserved charge, from the axial 1-form j5 , bearing no internal (local) index by assuming a background physical electromagnetic eld F = dA. Since F is a background eld it is not arbitrary, its eld equations are to be derived by introducing standard terms in the Lagrangian. Arbitrariness of the parameter originates from the scalar parameter and then = F is arbitrary with one degree A of freedome. Hence the derivation of the conserved 1-component current JEM doesnt contradict Noethers theorem.


Then we can introduce an expression for black hole entropy, [23, 24], given by (9) SN oether N =



here = 2 , 0 is the surface gravity of the black hole horizion and C is 0 an asymptotically at hypersurface with interior boundary C. Now we introduce the local SL(2, C) gauge transformation on the spinor eld and gamma matrices, mediated by the surface charge two form d, where is given by (10) Then equation (4) reduces to (11) 0 = d{ d (5 )} d(d 5 ) establishes
A JKV d 5 ,

= d.

and arbitrariness of (12)

a physical current 3-form, to be a Noether current.


By Gerochs theorem[18] we know that - the existence of the spinor structure is equivalent to the existence of a global eld of orthonormal tetrads on the space and time orientable manifold. This requires spinors to be soldered with the tetrads at each space-time point and it justies the introduction of in references[8, 9, 10, 15] as a frame dependant gauge eld. By this way we may assert that spinors dont loose their character in the o-shell also. And thus , being not a frame independant gauge eld, corresponds to Noetherian conserved currents (1) or (12) which are dierent from that of standard metric-ane approach2 [25]. Therefore, we see that, in manifolds having arbitrary background geometry the exterior product of j5 and an A U (1) eld strength F gives us a gauge invariant conserved current JEM . Also, following the existance of a Killing vector eld , there exists another A conserved current JKV . Unlike conserved electric charge in standard model, where the vector current is given by J d F , conserved charge in the current
Here we may compare the currents with equations (5.2.17) and (5.2.19) of [25]. Moreover (12) doesnt contradict Trautmans formula (5.7.10) given in [25]. It can be easily veried that Trautmans formula, in our present approach, is a sum of two conserved currents.


A JEM j5 F is associated with the magnetic part of F .3 In a similar A manner the current JKV is associated with the magnetic part of d where as Noetherian entropy is connected to its electric part[23, 24, 27]. In this A A sense, the conserved charges of JEM and JKV are connected to monopole charges. Further study is in progress to explore other signicances, more specic in nature, which are to be borne by these conserved currents.

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A It may be veried that JEM = j5 F = Fab J ab gives the conserved charge QA = EM ab Fab J = A j5 where is a spacelike 3-dimensional hypersurface and is its

2-dimensional boundary. QA exists nitely if the dominating terms of the transverse EM (non-radial) skew-symmetric product of A and j5 behave as r2 at spacial innity. Considering the anomalous magnatic moment of a massive spinor[26], the conserved charge QA may be associated with the energy current of the spin-magnet in the magnetic eld. EM


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