Creditunion CB

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CREATIVE BRIEFING DOCUMENT PROJECT: Lincoln First Federal Credit Union AUTHOR: Natalie Hanson DATE: December 20,


MARKET Currently a highly competitive market amongst banks. Uncertainty of what credit unions are and what they offer is stifling the business and growth of credit unions PRODUCT Promoting a new checking account with incentives, $50 for opening a checking account OPPORTUNITY To increase awareness of the Lincoln First Federal Credit Union by promoting growth among a young adult, new family target audience to establish and maintain membership relationships. By expanding their advertising to a variety of print ads, Lincoln First Federal Credit Union will rise awareness of their company within the Lincoln community.


To establish a strategic brand identity in order to successfully integrate FLFCU into the Lincoln Community to gain memberships & improve their credibility as a leader in banking solution To promote growth, Lincoln First Federal Credit Union must expand their marketing, advertising to a larger audience in order to increase awareness and gain memberships. Young adults, new families who are just starting out, or new to the community. Typically those in need of a safe, reliable finical structure that promises functional benefits that banks cannot offer ( lower interest rates, no shareholders, etc). Nurturing, optimistic, helpful, exciting, intimate




CURRENT BELIEF People arent sure what credit unions are and who can join, general uncertainty CURRENT ACTION Searching for banks, making changes and seeking opportunistic affiliations

BRAND INSIGHT Lack of brand presence & awareness within the Lincoln & Lancaster community REASONS TO BELIEVE People dont trust big banks, FLFCU is your antibig bank banking solution

DESIRED BELIEF Better place for your money DESIRED ACTION For consumers to open checking accounts, spread word to friends about the convince and advantages of FLFCU


Online presence, social media presence, rebranding name/ logo/ tagline Traditional-print advertisements, possible web/ social media tactics

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