Subject: Letter of Leave Application
Subject: Letter of Leave Application
Subject: Letter of Leave Application
From: Joseph Harvey, Sales Department. Everstrong Industries, 73, Rainbow Street, San Jose, California To: Mr. Ben Gracie, Human Resource Department, Everstrong Industries, 73, Rainbow Street, San Jose, California 24 April 2010. Dear Sir, SUBJECT: LETTER OF LEAVE APPLICATION I would like to apply for a 12-day leave from work because I am suffering from Dengue fever which necessitates me to take some rest. I have already seen a physician and I was advised to take a rest for a minimum of one week so that my body can cope up with the disease and to keep my immune system at an optimal level. I hope that this letter will serve its purpose. I promise to be back as soon as I have recovered from this illness. I am counting on your prayers for my speedy recovery. Thank you so much for your understanding. Yours faithfully, Joseph Harvey, Sales Officer.
From : Tariq Shah, H#317/A Doctors Colony, Hirabad Hyderabad To: The Respected Principal The Guardian School Hirabad, Hyderabad 3rd October 2012. Dear Sir, Subject: LETTER OF LEAVE APPLICATION As my sisters Umme kulsoom(grade 5) and Mariam(grade 5) were suffering from fever so they couldnt attend any classes from 1st oct to 3rd Oct Hence i request you to treat her absense as leave only.They
suffered from dengue fever which necessites them to take some rest.They had already been to physician and were advised to take a rest of minimum of one week so that their body could cope up with the disease and to keep their immune system to an optimal level. I hope that this letter will serve its purpose.I promise that they will be back as soon as they recover from this illness.I am counting on your prayers for their speedy recovery. Thank you so much for your understanding.