NFPA 285 Fire Testing For Exterior Walls: Code Requirements and Design Challenges
NFPA 285 Fire Testing For Exterior Walls: Code Requirements and Design Challenges
NFPA 285 Fire Testing For Exterior Walls: Code Requirements and Design Challenges
NFPA 285 Fire Testing for Exterior Walls: Code Requirements and Design Challenges
Presented by Brian D. Kuhn, Jr., P.E. Brian D. Kuhn, Jr., P.E., is with the fire and life safety group at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. (SGH). He works with architects, structural engineers, and building scientists on a variety of fire and life safety building performance issues Mr. Kuhn will present on NFPA 285 fire testing requirements for combustible exterior wall materials as found in the International Building Code. There is currently a lack of consistent interpretation, enforcement, and understanding of such requirements among designers and code enforcement bodies. This presentation is intended to summarize the relevant language of the building code, the nature of the referenced test standards, and the challenges of incorporating tested assemblies into typical exterior wall design.
Learning Objectives:
Identify exterior wall materials and systems that require fire propagation testing. Distinguish between the NFPA 285 test and other test methods. Interpret product literature and reports of tested wall components and assemblies. Incorporate compliant materials and systems into exterior wall design.
*AIA approved for 1 LU