Description: Tags: DLB0226A
Description: Tags: DLB0226A
Description: Tags: DLB0226A
School Name:
Telephone #/E-mail:
I am certifying that my school’s internal cash balance is $0 for the Program Year referenced
above. This is in agreement with the Department’s official ending cash balance reflected in
my school’s most recent 732-LOS report. My school has no outstanding issues for this
program year. I understand that by submitting this request, I authorize the Department of
Education to take the following actions for the Program Year listed above:
I understand that these measures are being taken to protect my school from further changes to
my Ending Cash Balance. If I should need to submit data for this year at a future time, I
should contact Loan Origination Center (LOC) at 1-800-848-0978.