11 November 2011
11 November 2011
11 November 2011
Attending the meeting: Michael Olmstead, president, Lorna Hammock, Vice President, Cheryl Liniger, Treasurer, Edd Liniger, Neighborhood Watch, Beverly Petitt, Secretary, Judy Herndon, Clubhouse, Melissa Wittmer, Pool Coordinator, Susie and Dale Brothers, Architectural. There were residents from the village present: Ramon and Cheryl Shane, Mark Lanois, Larry Lillich, and Dave Fulton. Another visitor from the City of Springeld was Paula Brookshire. Paula Brookshire, from the City for Springeld, was present to get feedback from the board about the trafc from the AG building. Larry Lillich and Susie said there was problems with the stop light by the Empire Bank. Paula said this will be looked into by the city. Paula also stated that Bill Ruach had retired, so Casey Kellner will be the person from the City of Springeld. The minutes were read. Judy made a motion to approve and Cheryl seconded. The nancial report was read. Bev made a motion to approve and Judy seconded. Melissa was getting help on the Neighborwood Committee. ! Ray Shane ! Dave Fulton ! Steve Webb Ray had questions about the tree removal planting phase slated for 2012. Any questions can be email to Casey. Larry questioned the kind of trees to be planted. Ray said this had been tried by the city and did not work. He was worried about the loop holes for the cutting and planting of trees. The mulch around the trees is laid wrong. So hopefully this problem can be xed during the Spring Clean Up, with the help from helpers from The Summit. Melissa said everyone had a good time at the Halloween Party. For the Christmas time, there will be Christmas caroling on December 11th. Another event in the planning would be a Neighborhood Progressive Dinner Party. Melissa had checked with the police about be on the Neighborhood Watch List. A police ofcer will attend our annual December meeting. The home with the Direct TV problem is being sold. The board wants to thank Edd for painting the light and street posts. Next meeting will be December 5th. ANNUAL MEETING