Penguin Chick Vocabulary Cards

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responsibility cuddles

Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The girl cuddles the baby goat. Cuddles means lies close and comfortably, curls up. Lets say the word together: cuddles. Demonstrate The baby cuddles his stuffed monkey. The baby bird cuddles next to its mother. The puppy cuddles with me when hes tired. Apply Would you rather cuddle a koala bear or a porcupine? Why? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: cuddles.

Pencil Talk
Make a list of synonyms for the word cuddles. Use each synonym in a sentence. If you replace the synonym with the word cuddles, does the sentence still make sense? Draw a picture of two people or animals cuddling. Write a sentence to go with your picture. Use the word cuddles in your sentence. Complete this sentence frame: If I were cold, it would be nice to cuddle __________.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 1 Penguin Chick


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce A seal has flippers. Flippers are the broad, flat body parts used for swimming by animals such as seals and penguins. Lets say the word together: flippers. Demonstrate The dolphin waved its flippers. The seal walked on its flippers. A penguin steers itself underwater using its flippers. Apply How are flippers different from wings? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: flippers.

Team Talk
Talk to your partner about animals that have flippers. Make a list of as many animals as you can. Take turns completing this sentence frame: Flippers would be more useful than wings if I lived near the __________. Ask your partner if he or she has ever worn flippers when swimming. What are the flippers supposed to do? How do they feel?

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 1 Penguin Chick


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The icicles are frozen. Frozen means hardened with cold, turned into ice. Lets say the word together: frozen. Demonstrate Ice cubes are water that has frozen. In the winter, the pond is frozen. My fingers feel as if they are frozen. Apply Why might it be a good idea to keep some foods frozen? Explain your answer. Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: frozen.

Lets all imagine we are frozen solid. Keep as still as possible for as long as you can. See who can stay frozen the longest. Something has to be in the cold for a while before it is frozen. Imagine you are very cold. Show how you act. What do you do to try to stay warm?

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 1 Penguin Chick


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce It was time for the duckling to hatch. Hatch means come out of an egg. Lets say the word together: hatch. Demonstrate Baby birds hatch when they are ready. Many birds hatch in the spring. The parents stay with the eggs until they hatch. Apply Why do you think a bird sits on an egg to help it hatch? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: hatch.

All Together
I am going to name some animals. If you think they hatch when they are born, say Hatch. If you dont think they come from an egg, say Dont hatch. tiger duck eagle elephant

Hatch is a word that has more than one meaning. I am going to read you two sentences using the word hatch. If the meaning of hatch is come out of an egg, say Yes. If it is not, say No. He opened the hatch on the spaceship. He watched the chicks hatch.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 1 Penguin Chick


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce Each hen pecks at its food. Pecks means strikes with the beak. Lets say the word together: pecks. Demonstrate The parakeet pecks at the seeds. The chick pecks at the shell of the egg. The angry mother bird pecks at the snake. Apply Do you think a bird pecking you would feel good? Why or why not? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: pecks.

Pencil Talk
Look at the photograph on the front of this card. Write a sentence describing what is happening. Use the word pecks in your sentence. Complete these sentence frames: The pigeon pecks at __________. The angry crow pecks at __________. Make a list of words that are synonyms for the word pecks.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 1 Penguin Chick


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce A bird must preen itself. Preen means to smooth or arrange the feathers with the beak. Lets say the word together: preen. Demonstrate The parents preen their chicks. After swimming, the geese preen themselves. The two penguins preen one another. Apply Why do you think birds preen themselves? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: preen.

Lets imagine we are all birds. Act out how you would preen yourself. People do not have feathers. They have hair. How do you smooth, or preen, your hair? Act out what you do.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 1 Penguin Chick


Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Introduce The cub snuggles with its mother. Snuggles means lies closely and comfortable together, nestles, cuddles. Lets say the word together: snuggles. Demonstrate Jeff snuggles under the warm blanket. The baby snuggles with her teddy bear. One puppy snuggles into another puppy. Apply Why do you think an animal that sleeps outside snuggles? Display Now I will write the word on the board. Lets read the word together: snuggles.

All Together
Im going to ask you some questions. Answer yes or no. Would you snuggle with a stuffed lion? Would you snuggle with a real lion? Listen as I say a poem. Then lets say the poem together. She snuggles with a teddy bear. Its so cozy, here or there. But she wont snuggle with a snake. Its many scales dont feel so great!

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 1 Penguin Chick

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