Operation Manual: Advanced Guitar Effects Processor
Operation Manual: Advanced Guitar Effects Processor
Operation Manual: Advanced Guitar Effects Processor
Major features Hardware Software Precautions Controls and Display Controls LCD w i n d i Connection Examples Effects and Parameters Guitar amp effects Mbddation effects -Delay effects Special effects User Programs and Preset Programs -. About the banks User banks Preset banks Operation Basic o ~ e r a t i o n Editing Other Functions Tuning mode Metronome mode Remote control Specifications
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Congratulations and thank you for choosing the Zoom 9002PRO.For long-term reliability and optirnum performance, please read this manual carefully before use.
Major Features
Hard ware
Analog and digital circuitry
Besides advanced digital signal processing, special analog circuitry is used for distortion and compression effects which are so important to electric guitar sound.
The 9002PRO accepts normal monaural input from your guitar. Chorus, delay, and reverb effects are output in stereo.
Large, easv viewing LCD display window
This customized LCD shows selected effects, parameters, and other information in a large (60 x 30rnin) window designed for high readability.
T h e effect chain has six stages: Compressor, Distortion, Equalizer, Modulation group, Delay, Reverb group. Special effects (SFX) can also be selected.
Easy operation
Sliding faders make adjusting parameter values quick and easy, with a familiar "analog" feel that is rare in digital equipment.
9002PRO has ten "user" memory banks and ten pre-programmed factory "preset" memory banks. Each bank holds four patches. "User" memory banks are pre-loaded with the patches created by world top guitarists and created by ZOOM'S voicing expert with their advice and sound simulation. Your original patches and the edited patches can be stored in the 40 user patch memory locations.
Power supply
To avoid the possibility of damagrt, do not use any AC adaptor other than the supplied AC adaptor. Be sure to use only the supplied rechargeable battery or specified equivalent. To recharge, plug the supplied AC adaptor into the .4C adaptor jack. Or use the specified optional recharger. The use of other rechargers is dangerous because they may cause battery leakage or other damage. The supplied batlery is rated at 400 charge cycles before needing replacement. Five hours is the standard recharging time, giving about t w o a n d half hours hours of use, It is dangerous to recharge continuously for 48 or more hours. The LCD display will blink to indicate that you should recharge or replace the battery right away or use the A C adaptor to avoid the unit shutting off while playing.
Place ofuse
Like other digital devices, the 9002PRO may cause interference if used too close to radios, TVs, or some other electrical appliances. Avoid use in very hot, cold, humid, or d u s t y environments; damage may result.
Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe off the 9 0 0 2 when necessary. Never use paint thinner, alcohol, o r other solvents which may damage the surface or warp the case.
Handle with care. Do not apply excessive force to the controls. Do not open the case or attempt repairs or modifications yourself; to do so will void the warranty.
Connection/disconnection procedure
Power should be turned off or volume turned down before making connections to amps or other equipment. Sudden large signals may cause speaker damage.
Consult with your local Zoom dealer if the 9002 does not operate properly.
POWER switch
AC adaptor jack REMOTE jack
N0TE:The connection cable without built-in resistor should be used for proper mixing level.
For connection to guitar a m p , etc. Can also be connected directly to a mixing console, multi-track recorder, or radio/cassette recorder. Built-in amp simulator prevents "thin" no-amp sound.
jacks Two sets of stereo headphones can be connected for private listening or jamming with a friend.
Adjusts total output signal volume.
( 9 ) VOLUME control
b5 L
( l o ) LCD display
Liquid crystal display shows bank, parameter, and othcr data.
(11) BANK keys For selection of preset and user banks. (12) PATCH keys For selection of patches. (13) PATCH LEDs Lit LED indicates selected patch. Flashing LED indicates patch selected for user bank storage. (14) CURSOK keys For selecting individual effects, metronome tempo, and tuning reference frequency. (15) BYPASS key
For all effects off. In edit mode, each effect can be turned onloff individually. In tuning mode, tuning standard tone can be turned onloff.
(16) PARAMETER controls
For adjustment of parameter valuse, effect output level, and noise redvction ettect Value is confirmed by LCD bars under sliders and by numeric readout.
(17) STORE key Allows you to store original or edited patches i n the user bank area. (18) CANCEL key Cancels STORE key operation. LYhen editing, this shifts yo11 to the next parameter name.
(19) METRO
Turns on metronome function. Use CURSOR keys to adjust tempo between 40 a n d 250bpm (bcats per minute). Volume is not adjustable.
(20) METRO LED The LED flashas with the tempo. (21) TUNE key Generates refw-ence pitch for "A". CURSOR keys set frequency at 440Nz, 441Hz, or 4421-I~. effects turn off and only the dircc:t s o u n d comes All through.
LCD Window
Bank number
COMP - DIST - E Q - PITC - DELI - DEL2 PHA REV' Reverb Group Modulation Group REV2 FLA CHO SFX - Special effects can be combined with any other effects except for modulation group effects.
Effect marks Dots indicate individual effects in use, A flashing dot indicates the effect being edited. Effect onloff mark Shows effect on/off status.
(,)-.a. I 1 ...I1 BANK Parameter USER names PRESET -/-(l) Indicates para- . metersthatmay1(3)-@,@l@l* a/@* , @ I @ @ I @ ~ 2 1 SFX be adjusted in I (2)-COMP(DISTJ EQ ~PITC~PHFLA ICHO IDELI 1 ~ ~REVIIREV~~ I selected effect. I
1 1
I 1 1 7 7
1 1
Parameter value Readout shows precise parameter value. Changes as you adjust PARAMETER control. Parameter bars Bars give general indication of parameter value. Changes as you adjust PARAMETER control. Metronome mark Appears when metronome is on.
Tuning mark Appears when tuning reference pitch is on.
Connection Examples
The 9002PRO has stereo output so you can connect the left and right channels separately to two amplifiers. This increases the spaciousness of the stereo
You can connect a CD player or tape player to the MIX input, and play along while listening on amp/headphones. The MIX input sound can not be effected by the effects.
, i
CD player
M I S Ih:
IN w
The 9002PRO has a built-in amp simulator so you can connect. directly to your recording equipment or mixing console. For stereo output, use a standard 6.3m.m or 1/4"stereo plug to two mono plag converter cable.
Multi-track recorder
Cassette recorder
Guitar a m p effects
Use DEPTH (range of 0-12) parameter to adjust sustain level. Sustains notes without adding distortion. A clean sound that keeps the signal level consistent. This provides studio quality analog compression effects.
Use DEPTH (0-12) parameter to adjust the amount of distortion. The PATTERN(1 or 2) switches guitar amp simulator on/off(l;off, 2;on). To use amp simulator without distortion, t u n on DIST and set DEPTH at 0.
First, select one of the two patterns, then use the DEPTH and FINE parameters to adjust the effect. Use the PATTERN (1 or 2 ) parameter to select which pattern you want. PATTERN 1 : High Boost. Low Cut EQ DEPTH (0-10) controls low range boost or attenuation and FINE (0-10) controls high range boost or attenuation.Use with plenty of distortion to produce a heavy metal sound. Also adjustable for a restrained sound. This is a high-low shelving effect. PA TTERN 2: Exciter DEPTH (0-1 0) and FINE (0-10). A bright tube a m p tone using an exciter effect where DEPTH controls enhance level and FINE controls frequency.
Modulation effects
(PITC, PI-lA , F'LA , CHO) One from this group can be used ut a time (but not 1,i'ith S F X ) .
Use PITCH (-12-0-+12 range) to shift pitch in semitone steps up to one octave higher or lower. Use FINE (-10-0-+90) for fine atljustment above or below PITCH setting. Use BALANCE (0-10) to adjust between shifted and direct sound. This is used for harmonies, doubling, and thickening effects. First adjust PITCH. then FINE. Try creating unison, fifths, and non-cyclic chorus-like effects.
Use DEPTH (0-10) to adjust amount of modulation. Use FREQ (0-50) to adjust modulation speed. Use PEAK (0-10) to adjust strength of the resonance peak. Flanging prociuces peaks that are harmonically related, unlike simple phasing. At high peak levels i t produces almost metallic ringing sounds.
Use DEPTH (0-10) to adjust the amount of modulation. Use FREQ (0-10) to adjust modulation speed. Use PATTERN (1 or 2) to select mono or slereo. Like flanging, chorus depends on the interaction between delayed and non-delayed signal components. Like phasing, it can help create a fullbodied sound.
Delay effects
DELI Delay 1
Use DECAY (0-10) to adjust the number of cchoes (0 is single). Use TIME (1-100) to adjust the delay time from 1/100 of a second to 1 second in ten millisecond increments. Use BALANCE (0-10) to adjust balance between direct (01and delay (10). This is used for echo effects.
(DEL2, REV1, REG'2) Onefrom this group can be used at a time.
DELZ Delay 2
Use DECAY (0-10) to adjust the number of repeats. (For mono output. the repeats will be half the tempo of the stereo repeats.) Use TIME (1-90) to adjust delay time from 1/100 of a second to 9/10 of a second in ten millisecond increments. Use BALANCE (0-10) to adjust the level of the delayed sound. Delay 2 is a stereo ping-pong delay where the sound echoes from the left to the right channel (if reproduced in stereo).
the reverb of a small room. The conventional 9002 and 9002PRO have the Reverb 2 configuration. Previously, the harmonics of the guitar amplifier have been simulated, but the PRO has added an amplifier simulator to the DIST PATTERN, so that the amplifier simulator is not included in Reverb 2. When using the PRO, set DIST on, DEPTH to 0 and PATTERN to 2 if you want to get the equivalent 9002 setting of Reverb 2 with DIST off.
Special effects
lJse PATTERN ( 1 . 2 . 3 ) to select STEP, CRY, or METALLIC effects.
P A TTEIIN 1 :STEP Use DEPTH (0-10) to adjust a ~ n o ~of nlodulation. ~nt Use FREQ (0-50) to acliust ~nodulation spccd. This givt?s random, stepped sample&hold for sequencer a n d arpeggio type effects.
PA TTERiZ: 2: CR I' Use DEPTH (0-10) t o adjust a r n o ~ ~oftmodulation. n Llse FREQ (1 or 2 ) to select 1: Voice type cffect: or 2: Fast attack and sweep down. This givw dynamic pick tvah a n d talking box typct cffects.
P A TTERN 3 : AIETA LLIC Uso DEPTH (0- 10) to adjust amount of modulation. L-se FREQ (0-50) to adjust 1nodu1;ition speed. This gives ring mocli~lator type effccts.
REV 1 (etc.)
The user banks are set u p in the same way. However, you can actually change what is stored in the user bank patches. [The factor?; preset bank patches always come up sounding the same. each time you select them,)
To recover factory preset data in user banks To input the factory preset data into the user banks again, turn the power off, then hold the STORE key down and turn the power on again. All 40 user patches will now contain the factory preset palches. When all 40 patches are initialized, any patches that you have stored will be lost. If any of that patch data is necessary, keep a memo of it.
User banks
User banks
Ten "user" memory banks (0 through 9), each bank holds four patches, are preloaded with the patches created by world top guitarists and created by ZOOM'S voicing expert with their advice and sound simulation. Your original patches and the edited patches can be stored in the 40 user patch memory locations,
Preset banks
The ten(0 through 9)preset banks contain pre-programmed patches that are ready to use for a wide variety of musical applications. You can adjust the parameter values of individual effects within each patch as you like. Then you can store the results in patches in the user banks.
Basic operation
Turn on POWER switch.
The B A N K part of the display will show l J S E R 0 , and the PATCli LED 1 will light. The Parameter Value display area will show the output level This means that the currently selected patch is the first (of four) patches in user bank 0.
( I )Press either of the BANK kegs several times and notice how the BANK
part of the display indicates each of the USER (0-9) and PRESET (0-9)
banks. Try selting it to PRESET 1. The bank number will flash. (2) Nexi, select your desired patch number by pressing one of the four PATCH keys (located below the BANK keys). Press the PATCH 2 key so that its LED lights. The bank number will stop flashing. You have now selected preset bank 1 , patch 2.
Each patch is a chain of individual effects. You can select which individual effects to use in a patch. And you can adjust the parameters of each
effect. You can also adjust the signal output level and noise reduction level of the total patch.
(such as "time" in a delay effect). Each effect has different adjustable parameters. Refer to the "Effects and Parameters" section of this manual. Edited patches can be stored in user banks for later use. To edit and store a patch, you follow these steps:
(1)Select bank and patch to start from (Preset 2, patch 3, for example)
(3)Adjust effect parameters (DEPTH and PEAK, for example) (4)Adjust output level (To compensate for increased or decreased total volume resulting from change i n effects used and/or their readjusted parameter values)
effect on/off mark turns on.) One of the parameter names will be flashing. Adjust the PARAMETER control above the flashing name, As you slide the control u p or down, the parameter bars (below the parameter name) and the parameter value readout in the display will change to indicate the current value (within the possible range).
Let's try editing the DELI effect in our previously selected patch (preset 1, patch 1).
(1)IJse the CURSOR keys to move the flashing offect mark to DELI. Parameter namt:s DECAY, TIME: and BALANCE will appear on the display.
( 2 ) Of tho Ihrot! names, DECAY is flashing. I-Iowever, l(?l'sadjust the TIME pararnetcr first. Gradually raise or lower the position o f t h e control over the TIME indication \ I ntil TlME starts flashing. (Or press the CANCEL key to move to the n e s t adjusta1)le parameter.)
( 3 ) After TIME starts flashing, movemcni nf the conLr.01 will affect the value of the TIME parameter, a s shown by thc parameter bars and the parameter value readout. Slide it i l l 1 the w a y dolvn to minirnize the delay time. Slide it all the waJr u p to si?t d d a y lime to the maximum length of one second.
After storing, the data has been rew~itten the original data cannot so be recalled. However, you can return all 40 user patches to the factory preset date. For details, see page 1 5 "To recover factory preset data in user banks" .
(4) Next, move the control above the BALANCE parameter name. Slide it all the way down to get the direct sound only. At the top position you get just the delay sound.
(5) Finally. adjust the control above the DECAY parameter name. This sets the amount of feedback (number of repeats or echoes). At the bottom position you hear a single repeat. At the top position you get the maximum number of repeats.
(6) Now, use the CURSOR keys to select other effects, and adjust them in the same way.
To return a patch to its original value, simply select a different patch and then return to the one that you wanted to reset to ils original value. In other words, if you switch to another patch without storing the previous one, any adjustments that you made on the previous one will be cancelled.
Output level adjustment
After adjusting the parameters of individual effects, you can adjust the
output level of the selected patch. This may be necessary to compensatc: for changes in total outpul level rtsulting from your parameter settings. This gives you control over changes in output level that may occur whcn vou switch patches tvhile performing.
(1)Use the CURSOR keys to move the effect mark all the way to the right of SFX or to the left of'COMP. The bars undcr the PEAKIBALANCEIPATTERN display section ~ v i l show output level, as will the readout. Or you l can go directly to the output level adjustment mode by pressing the currently selected PATCH key again. ( 2 ) Ad just the control above t hc PEAK/BALANCG/PATTERN display section. Output level is adjustable over n range of 10 to 99. as shown in the parameter \.slue readout. Noise reduction(NR) adjustment Finally, adjust the noise reduction. NR lowers the noise during standby. it can be adjusted and stored for each patch. (1)NR is adjustable over a range of 0 to 7, as shown in the parameter value readout, with the data slider on the left. Raise the sliderhalue until the noise lowers to acceptable level.
(31 At [his point you can still press the CANCEL key to cancel the storage mode and rcturn to the state that existed before you pressed the STORE key. If you do not wish to cancel, go on to step 4, below.
( 4 ) Press the STORE key again and the BANK n u m b e r and patch LED will stop flashing and remain lit. This confirms storage. Pre-loaded patch data recall rn To load the factory pre-load data into the user banks again, t ~ ~ the power off, then hold the STORE key down and turn the power on again, All 40 factory pre-load data will be loaded into the user patch memories. N0TE:With this operation, all patches you have stored will be lost. Necessary patch data should be kept with a memo in the blank patch chart.
Other Functions
Tuning mode
Press the TUNE key once ancl the tuning fork mark will appear on the display. The 9002PRO will emit a pitch of 440Hz. Tune your A string to this
pitch. If you want a slightly higher reference pitch, use the CURSOR keys
to change to 441 Hz or 442Hz. In the tuning mode all effects turn off and parameter names and indications are not displayed. To return to normal use. press the TUNE key again,
The pitch can be turned on and off with the BYPASS key,
Metronome mode
Press the METRO key once and the "METRO" mark will appear on the display. The metronome LED will flash in time \vith the beat which is adjustable over a range of 40 to 2 5 0 beats per minute, using the CURSOR keys. In the metronome mode, effects remain o n and you can change patches, but parameter names ancl indications turn off. To turn off the metronome, press the METRO key again. For live performance, you may want just the metronome LED indication and not the audible beat: from the power-off condition, while holding down the METRO key, turn on the POWER switch.
Remote control
IB) With the optional remote controller 9002R, 9002F, or FC02, you can conveniently select patches and banks from any location.
Effect Programs:
Compressor, Distortion, EQ, Pitch Shifter, Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, Delay1 , Delay2, Reverb1 , Reverb2, SFX (6 effects can be used at once)
A/D DIA Converter:
Inputs: Outputs: