Data Structure and C++ Lab Manual
Data Structure and C++ Lab Manual
Data Structure and C++ Lab Manual
(Owned by R.S.Trust)
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University
No 42, Alamathi Road, Near Avadi Chennai 600 062
Prepared by
1. Basic Programs for C++ concepts 2. Array Implementation of List Abstract Data Type(ADT) 3. Linked List Implementation of List ADT 4. Cursor Implementation of List ADT 5. Stack ADT Array and Linked List Implementation The next two exercises are to be done by implementing the following source files (a) program Source Files for Stack application1 (b) Array Implementation of Stack ADT (c) Linked List Implementation of Stack ADT (d) Program Source Files for Stack Application 2 An Appropriate header file for the Stack ADT should be included in (a) and (d). 6. Implement any Stack Application using the array implementation of Stack ADT(by implementing files (a) and (b) given above) and then using Linked List implementation of Stack ADT ( by using files (a) and implementing file (c)) 7. Queue ADT Array and Linked List Implementation 8. Search Tree ADT Binary Search Tree 9. Heap Sort 10. Quick Sort
S.No Name of the Equipments /Components 1 2 P IV Computer Variable DC Power Supply C and C++ Compiler
S.NO 1.(a) 1.(b) 1.(c) 1.(d) 1.(e) 1.(f) 1.(g) 1.(h) 1.(i) 1.(j) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
EXPERIMENT NAME Basic Programs For C++ Concepts Using Simple Class Function Overloading Constructors Friend Function Virtual Function Dynamic Constructors Single Inheritance Multilevel Inheritance Multiple Inheritance Hierarchical Inheritance Array implementation of List Abstract Data Type(ADT) Linked List Implementation of List ADT Cursor implementation of List ADT Array implementation of Stack ADT Linked List implementation of Stack ADT Evaluation of Postfix expressions Array Implementation of Queue ADT Linked List Implementation of Queue ADT Implementation of Binary Search Tree ADT Implementation of Binary Search Implementation of Heap Sort Implementation of Quick Sort